#then later said i wanted to put them in water lol
snzluv3r · 4 months
What about an allergy denial scenario?
ask and you shall receive (six months later <3)
here’s my first attempt at a proper allergy denial scenario where you gift me flowers that i insist i couldn't possibly be allergic to as i apologetically sneeze all over them, not wanting to spoil such a beautiful gesture. lots of hitching and some very harsh sneezes
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Baby Fever (Hyunjin) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Hyunjin x f reader
Genre/warnings : Just fluff! Mentions of pregnancies and giving birth (no graphic/explicit)
Summary : One of your best friends just had a baby, so you and your longtime boyfriend Hyunjin go see the new family, ending the day with unexpected plans.
Word count : 3.3 k
A/n : Damn this turned out long. I truly can't help it apologies (lol). Anyways this is something that I would've wrote regardless I think, but the inspiration definitely came from the recent video of Hyune, Felix and Innie with the baby. They got baby fever and so did I, what can I say :')
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
Part two and Three are out!
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As soon as you got the call from your best friend's husband, you were overjoyed. The couple had been married for some years by now and really wished to start a family. They encountered some issues along the way, but finally their baby boy was here!
After waiting a day for her to rest a bit, you managed to make arrangements for you and Hyunjin to go see them and the baby and make your congratulations in person. You were both so happy and excited for your friends, knowing for how long they've been wanting to have children.
Around five pm you got dressed, got into the car and headed for the hospital.
"Did you text him already?" your boyfriend asked, placing his free hand on your thigh an softly stroking the clothed skin. You smiled, looking up from your phone and then at him.
"Yes, right now. He told me the floor and room number." you replied, placing your own hand on his, intertwining your fingers. "I'm so happy for them, Hyune. They're gonna be such good parents, don't you think?" a hint of emotion in your voice.
He gazed at you for a second then went back to look at the road ahead, an endearing smile on his face.
"Yes they will. That child really got lucky, he's gonna be so loved." you couldn't help but smile wider and squeeze his hand slightly at his words.
After that, the ride remained in a comfortable silence, the radio softly playing in the background. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm but not overwhelmingly so. Just perfect.
After about fifteen minutes you reached the hospital and Hyunjin took his hand off you to put them both back on the steering wheel to park. You got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance.
You felt his hand search for yours, so you intertwined your fingers and gave him a small smile that he reciprocated. You entered the building and headed for the elevators, reaching the maternity ward in a few minutes.
"This place is a maze, gosh" you commented quietly and he hummed in agreement. Just at that moment you looked around and found the room's number.
"There it is!" you said excitedly, dragging Hyunjin's hand slightly. He chuckled at your smiley face and stood beside you as you knocked gently on the door. A couple of seconds later the door opened, revealing an older woman that you didn't recognize.
You were a bit taken aback but she quickly smiled politely and moved to the side to let you two enter the room.
"Good afternoon, ma'am" Hyunjin bowed his head respectfully and you did the same, offering a polite smile. Before you could even ask, the lady introduced herself as your friend's husband mother and let you inside, closing the door again behind you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am, congratulations" you said smiling. She nodded with a happy expression as if to accept the greeting, and then extended her arm towards the other end of the room where you saw your friend laying in bed, a glass of water in her hands.
She was looking over to the side with a smile, towards what you recognized to be her mother and her own husband, whom was gently cradling a small bundle in his arms.
"Your friends are here" the lady next to you announced, reclaiming their attention. Everyone looked in your direction, saying hi to you and Hyunjin and inviting you to come closer. You did, firstly greeting your friend's mother quickly and then bending down to give the new mom a hug.
"Congratulations, I'm so proud of you" you said softly, seeing her eyes a little glassy when you retreated from the hug.
"Thank you, honey. And stop with that face, don't make me cry now!" she exclaimed, pointing at you jokingly. You didn't quite understand which face exactly you were making, but quickly realized that you must've been a little moved too from the little sniffle that you let out. Hyunjin titled his head slightly to see your face at her words.
"Sorry!" you laughed it off casually and circled the bed, getting closer to the new dad whom just smiled as if to invite you to get closer. At the same time, you faintly heard Hyunjin greeting and congratulating your friend too.
"Can I hold him?" you asked quietly, almost timidly. The man nodded with a faint chuckle at your uncertainty and responded "Of course, come here auntie" you smiled and prepared yourself to welcome the baby in your arms as gently as possible.
As soon as he was in your arms you looked down; He was sleeping peacefully, only fussing and moving a little every now and then. The conversations were still going on in the background, but you were completely concentrated on the little guy in your arms.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, which made you look up to see Hyunjin standing behind you, towering over you both. He had a small smile and was also looking down at the baby. You didn't even notice your friend's husband moving on the other side of the room to talk with his mother.
"He has cute chubby cheeks." he commented, a hint of humor in his voice but still endeared. You let out a faint laugh, trying to not move too much. That must've woken him up though, because his little eyelids fluttered revealing his cute eyes. You both smiled at the child.
"Oh, hello there. Did you sleep well, mh?" you cooed, lulling him gently. He blinked a few times, looking curiously at the two of you that clearly weren't his mom and dad. Hyunjin raised his and and slowly extended his fingertip to touch the baby's hand.
"Hi, little one. How are you- ...oh!" he gasped softly when he wrapped his little hand around his pointer finger. You chuckled and awed at the same time, looking up at your boyfriend's face that had a cute shocked expression on his face.
"You're already friends with uncle Hyune!" you joked, smiling down at your new nephew. Hyunjin moved the finger gently up and down to make him play a bit.
"Of course we are! See, he's also smiling at her auntie y/n" he chuckled lovingly when the baby did actually smile at you. It was a shy one at first but seeing you both so excited must've convinced him to allow you a bigger one, his eyes turning into crescents.
"He's so cute!" you whined overwhelmed by the sweetness of the moment. "You want to hold him?" he looked at you, a little uncertain.
"I mean, uh..can I?" his gaze searching for one of the parents. At that point you started to feel your cheeks heat up a bit. You forgot that other people were even in the room!
"Sure, go ahead Y/n." your best friend responded with a knowing smile on her face. Still a little embarrassed for forgetting yourself, you gently passed the bundle in Hyunjin's arms. He fixed his position and put him against his chest. He was glad to be wearing a comfortable hoodie in that moment. You didn't say anything for a while, just exchanging silent looks with your boyfriend. The energy between you felt quite intense, but comfortable at the same time.
"See, you guys are already pros at this." you both turned your attention towards the voice. It was your best friend's, which currently had a pretty amused expression on her face. She sipped some juice from her straw and raised an eyebrow at you specifically. You took the hint and shrugged it off with a "Don't be silly, we've been here for five minutes and he was sleeping." you replied, choosing to keep it on the humorous side.
Hyunjin on the other hand was still happily and comfortably cradling the baby, whom seemed to have fallen back asleep in the meantime. You could tell that he started to feel an extra pair of eyes watching him so he decided that it was time to give the kid back to his own parents.
He carefully walked to the opposite end of the bed and with and awkward smile placed the baby back into his father's arms, exchanging a polite nod. He then stepped back again and joined your side, circling your waist with one hand.
"You are a very beautiful couple" one of the two older women commented, with the other jumping in quickly with "How long have you been together?" and "Are you married yet?".
You were a bit shocked at the sudden questions that the two women were throwing at you like dart to a target. You and Hyunjin exchanged a look, both unsure on how to answer. But gladly your friend's husband intervened in your place.
"Mom, stop being nosy. They've only been together for two years, they have plenty of time to think about these things, right?" you both nodded awkwardly.
"All right, all right. The grandmothers have been here all day, I think this our opportunity to say our goodbyes." one said, kissing her daughter on the head and then going towards the father and child to also plant a kiss on his cheek and the little one's head softly.
"Yes I agree, your father has already been waiting for me to get home for an hour. We'll come back tomorrow, my darling." the other lady got on her tippy toes to kiss her son and grandson on the cheek, and then quickly turning to bend down and hug the mom.
"It was a pleasure to meet you both." they got closer, jackets and handbags in hand ready to go. You and Hyunjin bowed your heads again politely. "For us too, ma'ams" your boyfriend replied, before you added a "Have a safe trip home, and good evening".
After that the two older ladies waved goodbye one more time and exited the room, closing the door behind them. You turned to your friend, slightly more comfortable now that you could talk more freely.
"How are you doing? How's the pain?" you reached the side of the bed, sitting opposite to her. She huffed and took another sip of water before replying "Well I mean, my vagina is in shambles right about now, if we want to get into the specifics" everyone laughed except Hyunjin that offered a tight lipped smile, being a little taken aback by your friend's bluntness.
"I am on good stuff now so I'm feeling pretty decently, God help me when the medication wear out though." she kept going. You laughed a bit and then looked up at her husband who was still lulling their son.
"It was worth it though, wasn't it?" you replied, more as a rethorical question than anything. She sighed deeply and reached out to hold the little baby's hand gently.
"Of course it was. He was worth everything." she said, love in her eyes and voice. She exchanged a look with her husband, whom was clearly silently agreeing. You decided to switch your own gaze to Hyunjin, leaving them their private moment.
But what you found was maybe even more intense: your boyfriend whom was now leaning against the wall opposite to you with his arms crossed, head slightly tilted to the side, and an intense expression on his face. You could never mistake the love in Hyunjin's eyes.
You felt your eyes getting teary again so you decided to stand back up and move around a bit, trying to shift the energy in the room.
"In any case, one thing is for sure, this baby boy will be his auntie's best friend. Isn't that right, sweetcheeks?" you smiled at the child that actually did smile back, and even let out a small chuckle.
"Oh wow! I fear that you may be right!" your friend joked, sending funny expressions towards her own baby. "But I don't want auntie y/n to steal you away!" she kept going, making you laugh carelessly, until she added another phrase that made you freeze.
"Hyune, when are you going to give her one of her own?" all the eyes were pointed at him. Your mouth slightly agape, not sure how to respond, but surprisingly his answer was quick and left everyone speechless for a moment.
"Whenever she wants." he replied nonchalant. After a few seconds he detached himself from the wall and calmly walked over the rest of them, caressing the baby's head one more time and then nodding in acknowledgment to both the mom and the dad. "Thank you for allowing us to meet your beautiful son, again, congrats".
He then walked over to you with a small smile,"I have to make a call now so I'll get going to the car. Y/n, you can come when you're ready." he placed a kiss on your mouth, caressed your cheek swiftly and then exited the room. A couple of moments of silence followed, everyone was speechless.
"Damn that was..." the husband began, "Hot." your friend finished the sentence. You picked up your jacket and got ready to say your goodbyes.
"Uh, I think I should go now." you said a little awkwardly, but all you got in return were amused smiles.
"Yes sure y/n, thank you for coming." the man said, leaning forward a bit to peck your cheek. You nodded in acknowledgement at him and waved a bit to the small baby. "Bye little one, let's meet soon" you cooed as he looked up at you with big eyes.
"Thank you for letting us come, and again congrats." you reached down to give your friend a quick hug.
"Yeah yeah of course. Now go to your man, he's waiting for you." then she made the phone sign mouthing at you to call her later. You rolled your eyes and said bye one more time before exiting the room and back to the path for the exit of the hospital.
Your mind was full of questions. You and Hyunjin have been together for about two years now, almost three, and yes you've had those casual questions that one usually asks in the first stages of dating. The ones that go "So are you searching for a serious commitment or do you just want to hook up for a couple of months and that's it?"
Those kind of selective, honest questions. In your case, you had both been clear from the beginning that you were searching for something important, that if evolved in the right direction may end up with some more stable future plans. But you never explicitly talked about getting married nor having a family together.
If you were to be honest, you wouldn't think about it twice. If he proposed to you tonight you would say yes, immediately. If he asked you to have a baby with him, you would immediately say yes. That's the level of love, affection and trust that you had in your relationship, you knew it and he did too. But everything always went on so...smoothly that you didn't even had to bring it up. But maybe tonight was the night.
Those were the thoughts that ran through your mind as you approached the car. Hyunjin was still outside, leaned on it and peacefully scrolling through his phone. His face illuminated by the artificial light in contrast to the reddish, pinkish and orange shades that were in the sky. The sun was setting.
As soon as he noticed your arrival he put the phone in his jeans' backpocket and offered you a sweet smile and a gentle kiss on the lips. You melted into it for a couple of seconds, when he retreated.
"Shall we go?" he asked, making you nod. Always the gentlemen, he opened the car door for you and closed it once you were inside. Then he circled the car and got into his own driver's seat. In a couple of minutes he got out of the parking lot and then started driving.
You were in a comfortable silence, as you often were, but you could feel something lingering in the air, almost as if you were both waiting for the other to speak first. In the end you decided to at least start the conversation with something random, just to break the silence.
"Can I turn on the aircon?" his head turned quickly for a second towards you, then he extended his hand himself turning on the fresh air.
"Are you feeling hot?" he asked. His hand moved to rest on your thigh. It was a habit of his when you two were in the car. You were glad that he did that, lifting a bit of pressure from the situation. Or maybe it was you? Did you read too much into what he said?
"Y/n?" his voice reclaimed your attention making you realize that you forgot to respond to him.
"Uh, sorry honey. Yes, just a little." he side eyed you, squeezing your leg just slightly.
"Is something wrong?" his tone was confused but still gentle. You shook your head, taking the hand that was on your thigh and stroking it a little to reassure him.
"No no...I was just lost in thought." you answered, waiting a couple of seconds to continue, "I was very glad to see her doing so well, And the baby, too. So cute, isn't he?" He nodded, smiling softly while keeping his eyes on the road.
"Yeah. I expected some crying though" he laughed softly and you joined him.
"Well, you were very good. He even smiled at you! You're already friends." you joked, still keeping your tone lighthearted. His smile was a bit more serious though. His gaze landed on you for a few seconds.
"You also did very well." he said with sincerity, "We'll do very well." you head snapped in his direction when he said that. He noticed for sure but chose to play it off. You didn't realize that you were already home.
"What do you mean?" you blurted out. He cleared his throat, a blush starting to creep on his cheeks. He maneuvered the car and parked in front of the building. He waited until the car was off and in place to talk. Then he finally turned his body to you,
"I just mean...you know-" he seemed to struggle a bit with his words but you waited patiently. Deep inside you, you already knew where this conversation was going but the amount of emotions that came with it weren't easy to handle.
"I mean that we would probably do a good job in a situation like this. That is of course if you'll want to be with me to experience it." he finally said, a little quickly maybe, but each and every word sank in perfectly in your mind.
"Yes" the response was immediate, "Of course I want to be with you. Of course I would love to have a family with you. I love you so much, Hyunjin. Like I've never loved anyone, ever" you were getting a little choked up, but he just smiled brightly and then leaned in to kiss you softly. Both of his hands going up to cup your cheeks.
"So, if I supposedly asked you to marry me right now..." his eyes, so sweet and hopeful, looking into yours. You smiled, laughing both in happiness and at the absolute absurdity of the situation.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" you both laughed and kissed again. His eyes were also getting shiny with emotion.
"I'm going to ask you again properly, ring and everything, I promise." he said, making you chuckle. "I just think that the moment was right." you nodded in agreement, also cupping his cheek.
"I know, I love you" Hyunjin kissed you one more time, lingering for a couple more seconds, then rested his forehead against yours.
"I love you too, so much."
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bad268 · 7 months
Hey. I love your blog. It's amazing. Is it possible for you to write about actress reader x colby brock. Like they are each others favorite and Sam and colby invite her to one of their investigations. Like in one of her interviews found out that their her favorite YouTubers and colby might ask her on a date?
Thank you so much 💗
Tweets (Colby Brock X Actor! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Sam and Colby & Co.
Requested: Clearly (I had a little too much fun with this one lol)
Warnings: none.
Pronouns: First person (I/me)
W.C. 1087
Summary: An unearthed tweet leads to shocking revelations (with a best friend's intervention).
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/Colby's insta from November 16, 2023)
It all started with a resurfaced tweet from 2015…
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I can’t say it was a lie, but it was before my big break, and I didn't have a manager running my social media accounts 24/7. I was just a normal teenager on Vine with time to kill. And now, I thought it was coming back to haunt me, pun intended.
That was until I received a DM from Colby himself asking me to be a part of their yearly tradition, Hell Week. At first, I was starstruck, but I would have been crazy to decline.
So that’s where we are now: preparing for the Conjuring House. A place of extremes. A place I told myself I would never go to because of how insane it is, yet here I am. And, of course, it’s going to be for a week. 
I was invited to Sam and Colby’s place to go over the specifics of the trip. I had just finished filming my latest movie, which was coincidentally being filmed in Las Vegas, so as soon as my scenes were wrapped up, I set off for their house.
By the time I got there, everyone else who was invited was already there. At least, I assumed with the number of cars in the driveway. I was still in stage make-up, but thankfully, I had changed into something more comfortable before I left the set. I grabbed my backpack before jumping out of my car, locking it, and walking up to the door, ringing the doorbell.
Almost immediately, the door is being opened, and I am face to face with Colby. After a beat of us just staring, speechless, at each other, I cleared my throat. I chuckled nervously before saying, “Hi, apologies for being late. Filming ran a little longer than I originally planned. I hope I didn’t hold you all up too long.”
“Nah, don’t even worry about it,” he dismissed quickly as he stepped aside and ushered me inside. “Come in, and I’ll show you where you can put your stuff. You’re staying and going with Sam, Seth, and me to Rhode Island, right?”
“If that’s still alright with you guys,” I replied, walking in step with Colby up the stairs. “I don’t want to impose on your personal spaces. I can go home, just say the word.”
“I would never kick you out,” he laughed, leading me down the hall and stopping just before the end. “Here is your room. There is a bathroom attached. It’s right next to the closet, and if you need anything, my room is right there.” He paused as he pointed to the room at the very end of the hall. “I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night. If you need anything, let me know.”
“I’ll feel bad if it’s the middle of the night, but I will keep that in mind. Thank you,” I replied as I walked in to set my bag down on the vanity. “I’m just going to take my make-up off and meet you guys downstairs if that’s alright.”
“No problem,” he said, “We’ll be in the living room and we’ll either order food later or go out. We’ll see how everyone feels.”
“Ok, cool, thank you!” I said enthusiastically as he left down the hall. I closed the door over as I walked deeper into the room. I grabbed out my micellar water, cotton pads, and hydrater before walking into the ensuite to clean my face. As I set them on the counter, I noticed a piece of paper.
It was a printed screenshot of Twitter. A specific tweet from Colby in 2016 read, “Give me a chance y/n.” The back of the paper had its own handwritten note.
“You have been Colby’s celebrity crush for years. I know you posted a tweet in 2015 asking if he was single, and I don’t know if it was a joke or not. I didn’t show him the tweet, but I can say he’s single now if that tweet is still true. Please just get him to shut up. -Sam”
I chuckled at the note before quickly cleaning my face to head downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch or on the floor facing the TV. Everyone except Colby. I glanced around the room, trying to find him, only to see him standing in the kitchen. He was looking through the fridge, so I walked up behind him.
“Can you hand me a water?” I asked, startling him in the process. He jumped up straight, sucking in a quick breath as he snapped around to look at me. “Did I scare you or is that residual energy from the Conjuring House?”
“No, I just…” he trailed off for a second. “Yeah. I wasn’t expecting you down here just yet.”
“Kinda like how you didn’t expect me to see this?” I teased as I pulled the paper out from behind my back. Colby’s eyes grew wide as his jaw dropped. He stammered, trying to come up with a reason behind it, but he could not get a cohesive thought out. “Don’t worry. I’d give you a chance.”
Colby stopped entirely. I could see the gears turning in his mind before he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes, immediately meeting mine as he reached out to take the paper from my hands, setting it on the counter. He held my hands in his as he closed the distance between us. 
“Y/n, will you go out with me?” Colby whispered as he bit his lip in nervousness.
“Of course, I will,” I whispered back as a smile spread across both of our faces. 
“How about after this meeting we get out of here and do mini golf and dinner?” He offered, leaning his head down to rest our foreheads together.
“I will take you down,” I laughed as I leaned more into his body. “Truth be told, I’m great at mini golf.”
“Okay, lovebirds, we get it,” Sam interrupted from the living room. “We get it.”
“Shush, Sam,” I quipped back as I snapped my head to look at the group on the couch, still holding Colby’s hands. “You’re the one that left the note in my bathroom.”
“Wait, there’s a note?!” Colby shouted as he immediately let go of one of my hands to flip the paper over, reading through the note. “Sam, I told you this in confidence!”
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deadghosy · 3 months
Hi so I don’t know if you’re taking requests at the moment but a couple days ago I fell onto the concrete on my way to school and both my knee and leg were bleeding and needed one of those big patch bandaids so I was wondering if you could do like the Hazbin Hotel characters when there kid falls over and gets hurt like I did only they hurt both of their knees and they try fixing it first then they go to there parent and ask for help (no I definitely don’t struggle with asking for help what are you talking about) and they need like multiple patch bandaids on both legs, sorry if I bothered you with this request have a nice day/night
OOP I HOPE YOUR KNEE HEALS LOL! And yeah I don’t like asking for help either 🦆 also sorry if some of them are short because I didn’t write in order and kept skipping to finish other scenarios.✨
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You were training to skateboard as you seen it on a dvd Alastor had for you. You seen how the human teens were skateboarding and wanted to do it as well.
And how did that go for you?
You fell with a face plant as you got up from the concrete from the pentagram city you known and hated for its crimes. You grumbled cursing yourself out as you kicked the damn skateboard as you wrench feeling a burning sensation in your knees to only look down and see them bleed.
At first you panicked like a dumb ass as you had a very shocked pikachu expression. But damn you didn’t want to ask mom….so you went to the hotel and go in your room grabbing some medical things.
You watched plenty of movies where they take the mc to the hospital…of course you can do this!
Time later, and you couldn’t get the hang of it as you actually tied your hands together with a wrapping bandage.
Charlie found you and snickers but grew concerned when she saw your knees. Good thing she was good at bandaging things.
So at the end it was a soft end as you had a cool skull bandage on both of your knees
You were supposed to be in bed, BUT NOOO YOU WANTED TO BE A BAD ASS KID AND SAY NO!
You laid in bed with a grumpy face “fucking bed time…fuck bed times. I go to sleep when I wanna sleep…” you say under your breath. >:(
It was basically giving Eric cartman 🦆
You got out of bed as you sneak around the palace as you held your hand out letting out soft fireworks for a light source. Like hell…you didn’t wanna get caught but shit you were actually thirsty.
You went to the dinning room and go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You flew up with your three pair of wings and grab a glass. You smirked and turned around to find Lucifer, your father in his duck pjs tapping his foot with a raised brow.
You yelp shocked as you accidentally dropped the glass making some glass shatter as you flew to get away only to run into a wall.
At the end, you scrapped your knees by the wall somehow as the kitchen walls were brick and you slide down.
Lucifer tried to help you but you ran to your room as he sighs at his stubborn child…
“What in the world was they thinking…”
You found out about your shadow like powers your father had and wanted to test it out as Alastor had his own shadow watch over you with a soft smile.
And how did that go for you?
It went kinda well you suppose as you did some shadow tricks and even shadow transportation.
He found out you were injured before you knew yourself. His shadow grabbed you into his lap as he shakes his head in disapproval at you getting yourself at how you tried to shadow transport but ending up falling on your knees first from the air.
“My sweet little doe…you must be more responsible with your powers…” Your father said as his shadow counterpart wraps your knees in a bandage wrap
You were skating around the hotel and wanted to do a 360° on the hotel stairs as you let out a gremlin laugh putting up a 🤟 as you said “YOLO!”
Cut to you on your face as your skate board is rolling away from your flat out body on the floor. Yeahh….you ate your own words as you didn’t think you would fail a sick trick.
You got up but hissed looking at your knees that has carpet burn..
“Shitttt” you said hissing still getting up as you grab a skull bandage and putting it both on your knees.
Your mom found out tho….and boy did she give you a huge lecture about skating in the hotel as you felt ashamed at making your two moms, especially the mom who is pouring peroxide on both of your knees to disinfected anything in it.
“You’re grounded from your skateboard….” “WHAT!”
“Kid the fuck happened to you…” Husk said as you had turned your back from him. Husk scoffs as his own child wasn’t responding to him. He grabbed you by the scuff of your shirt and you faced him with teary eyes.
Context: you tried to run downstairs as your favorite show was on but ended up falling down the stairs like a dumbass and slide like a cartoon character as you sobbed just laying there
Husk’s eyes soften as he sighs sitting you on the bar took grabbing a med aid kit and an alcohol wipe. Husk didn’t want to assume but he just had to say it.
“So..kid, you gettin' picked on or something?” He asked as you jolted shocked making him narrow his eyes as if it was the right answer
“What?! No! Pops I ain’t gettin picked on…”
“ then answer.” He said seriously..
You told him the truth as you promised him not to laugh at you….he laughed as you scolded him.
Let’s just say…monkey see, monkey do.
You saw your father practicing his pol dance skills as you watch clapping and appreciating skills. Your eyes shine amazed as your father left you with some leftovers from last dinner the hotel crew had with you.
You ate waiting for your father as you hum peacefully with fat nuggets by you. Your little mind wanted to learn how to pole dance elegantly like your father.
So what did you do?
You got on that damn pole and bruised the fuck out of your knees. Literally you tried to get down safe, maybe like a fireman? As you slide down you hit your knees first than your feet as fat nuggets squealed worried for you.
Your father came in tired as he sighs. But then he instantly comes over to see what was wrong as you covered your knees with a shy smile as fat nuggets poke his cute little nose to your hands covering your knees.
You didn’t want to ask him for help as you felt ashamed for doing dumb shit but Angel takes your hands off your knees and sighed again.
“Jeez kid…if you wanted to learn the sport, ask the pro next time sweetie.” Angel says kissing your head as you nod with a soft smile
You tripped on his tail falling on your two knees as the egg blitz jumped at shocked. Your father didn’t even noticed as he was just excited to make smoothies with you.
You didn’t cry…no…of course no-
You cried like a little bitch…
You held both of your knees as the egg boiz surrounded you trying to calm you down as your papa slithers by you trying to see what was wrong. One of the egg boiz named frank explained what happened. You tried to say it didn’t hurt and that you could stand up.
You stood up with wobbly bleeding knees with a weary smile as you face planted.
Yeah pentious picked you up with his tail and cried to Charlie at how he is a horrible father for harming you as you and Charlie tried to call him down.
He calmed down as Charlie helps while pentious kept asking if you were okay
You flew into a window having glass shards in both of your knees as you let out a scream.
Cut to you being escorted by angel guards to your house as Adam was pissed and tired .
“Fuck kid…just..” he rubs his eyes as he pulled your ear inside and slamming the door to the guards.
“Ow! Dad chill the fuck out old man! Ow ow ow!” You yelled as you hid your wings while Adam grumbled with an irritated expression. Adam definitely gave you a smallest lecture while cursing you out at how he is tired of having the guards come to his door.
Adam sighs looking at your knees while you huff covering them. Adam tries to pull your hands off your knees as you flinch away from him. Now Adam was serious as he pulls your hands off your knees with force. Only for his eyes widen with shock to see your knees cut with glass shards.
“Oh you gotta be fuckin' kidding me….” Adam says as he gets up and goes to get med kit. As much as an angel can self heal in heaven. You are only a kid…so it’s kinda slow unless you are a grown adult.
“You’re gonna be the death of me you little shit..”
Lute was busy training the other angels for the next extermination as you smile eating some food your mom brought you “couldn’t whine” about be hungry. As you watch your mom be a badass, you tried to mimic her moves only to bust your cheek and fall on your damn knees as if you were praying to the lord himself.
You got up and see gold blood coming out of your knees as you covered a small scream and ran out of the room your mom was in.
She definitely heard you as she side eyed the door you left out of. Her suspicions grew when she was tracks of gold blood where you were.
She just sighed as she facepalmed and told the females to halt in their training as she flew after you.
AND HER BEING YOUR MOM?! yeah fuck no…she’s immediately throwing you over her shoulder as she takes to a nurses office as you wounded yourself while she brought you to work with her….
For context, it was Bring your kid to work day…..🦆
So it kinda embarrassing having some of the angels coo at you while lute had a nonchalant face as she patches you up.
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lustspren · 7 months
P.S.T EP. 9 | Superhero (Heroes & Villains) ft Ningning.
length: 7.9k words✦
Ningning & Male Reader
genres: little bit fluffy, oral sex, daddy kink, massage, blowjob, creampie, rescue mission lol
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Nothing more than a damn punished dog. That's what you were.
As expected, things took a drastic change from the night of the incident with Giselle. To begin with, the special treatment towards you by Noze and the rest of the staff was completely revoked, you still had your room and absolutely all the benefits you had before, but it was the tasks assigned to you that changed, this of course meant that now you were much busier than before, and the time you had to talk to the girls was quite little.
Giselle took some of the blame regarding the incident, and just like you she apologized to Noze for being so reckless, but Noze's Bitch Boss meter was through the roof. She completely forbade you from speaking to each other, not even by text message, for that she made sure to pick up both of your phones and delete your respective contacts, the punishment would only be in effect until you left San Francisco, but still it didn't make you or Aeri happy at all.
Karina, Winter and Ning were not very social towards you during those days either, the group was quite busy with agendas to attend to here and there, so you very rarely met in person, of course, this was the bird cage in which they had you locked up fault, all the time sending you along with the support staff and purposely keeping you as far away from the girls as possible. Ning, however, always left you a good night message and cared about you. You were very grateful for her closeness and warmth, but she wasn't the only bright part of that ordeal.
"And why are you in the dog house?" Yeji asked you on the other side of the screen while you were on FaceTime. You were in your room, lying on the back of the bed with the blanket up to your belly.
"Well..." you couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how ridiculous it was, "It was already after midnight when I received a message from Aeri, she wanted to meet at the hotel pool," you began to tell them, watching as everyone gathered to pay attention to what you were saying, "as you can imagine, things happened and well, when I took off the bottom of her swimsuit and the buttplug I forgot to leave them on the edge of the pool to take them later, I simply left them there, floating in the water," Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna couldn't help but laugh at you.
“You men really only think with your dick sometimes, damn,” Yeji mocked you between laughs.
"Hey hey, wait a minute," Ryujin intervened, "tell the story properly, I don't have any use for 'things happened', what did you do to her?"
"Why is it important for you to know?" you asked.
"Curiosity," she said, and at that moment you saw Chaery, who looked everywhere as if wanting to flee. Poor baby.
"Well, we kissed... I rubbed her pussy, and then I went under the water to eat her ass and pussy," as you told the story Ryujin and Yuna didn't even bother to hide their arousement, taking off their cotton shorts pajamas to put a hand in her panties, "then we went to her room and I fucked her ass."
"Fuck, I miss you eating my pussy daddy," Ryujin said in a seductive tone, rubbing her pussy under her panties just like Yuna.
"Julia unnie has been helping me play with my ass, daddy," Yuna said next to her, "I can't wait for you to come back so you can test me."
"Uh... I have to take a call, sorry," Chaery said, pointing to her phone, then disappearing from the frame. You sighed, knowing she wouldn't do such a thing, she just looked for an excuse to leave.
"Wonderful, now you've made these sluts really horny," Lia said with a sigh, even though you knew she was just as turned on as the two of them. You were about to respond when you heard a couple of knocks on your door. You already recognized that form of knocking, small knocks meant small hands. Noze.
“Fuck, I have to go,” you whispered into your phone’s microphone.
"Don't worry bitches, I'll take care of you two," was the last thing you heard Yeji say to Ryujin and Yuna before you hung up the call. You quickly stood up and went to open the door, meeting the dictator herself.
"Hello..." you said, watching as she entered your room in hasty steps without even asking first.
"Look, if it were up to me I would make you wait longer so you could get what you deserve," she said, crossing her arms in front of your bed.
"You deserve a chance to redeem yourself," she said with a sigh, giving in in exchange for her pride.
"Wow... big bad bug got a bit of a soft spot huh?" you teased.
"Shut your mouth," she warned, and you smiled, going to sit on your bed, "look, the girls had dinner a few hours ago with some fashion brands representatives, you know, discussing contracts and stuff, everything was perfect with the other girls, but it happens that Ning ate something that made her very sick and now she is sick to her stomach."
“Oh, shit,” the smile faded from your face, and your protective instinct kicked in.
"I need you to go pick her up, as discreetly as you can, and bring her here without anyone noticing how bad she looks."
"How do you know she looks bad?"
"How do you look when you're sick to your stomach? Like a Prada model?" Noze raised both eyebrows.
"Fair enough," you said, letting out a breath of worry as you stood up, "and why aren't you there with them? It sounds like something you should be a part of."
"I'm just their manager, I'm in charge of their schedules and group activities, so their personal dealings don't concern me."
"Well, understood," you sighed, grabbing your wallet, your phone, and the cap you wore a few days ago, "where am I going?" you asked Noze walking towards the door.
"Write to her, she'll give you the location," she sat cross-legged on the bottom edge of the bed, "hey, I'm serious, there won't be any third chances, so don't screw this thing up... you can do it,” her tone of voice softened at the end, as if she were putting aside her bossy role and speaking to you like the Noze you had dinner with a few nights ago.
"Everything will be okay, I promise... and thank you," you nodded, with a small smile as you opened the door and prepared to leave, "Wait, wait, are you going to stay here or what?" you asked with a confused frown.
"Yep, I'll sleep naked here while you're gone, and I'll be gone before you can see me," she said with her hands resting on the mattress. You put on a poker face.
"You cannot be serious."
"It's part of your punishment, now get out and close the door."
And so you did, leaving the room with a face of disbelief and closing the door behind your back, walking down the hallway you daydreamed for a second, imagining the scene of Noze sleeping naked between your sheets. You quickly shook your head, remembering that you had a damsel in distress to rescue. You ran towards the reception.
You had to contact one of the staff members to get you the fastest car they had rented, you waited for a few minutes at the reception until the car keys were given to you. You went out to the street, and pressed a button on the key control so that this beep, the car turned out to be a sedan (a Nissan Altima, that year's version. They spared no expense, apparently) in black chrome and tinted windows, perfect for your mission.
Getting into the car and settling into the seat, you took out your phone to write to Ning.
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Seven Hills was a very famous restaurant in San Francisco, so the mission was going to be a bit complicated, but you quickly opened Maps and set the course there, driving as fast as you could within the legal limits. When you arrived you stopped on the opposite side of the street where the restaurant was, as expected, you saw people with cameras positioned at strategic points that were more than obvious to the naked eye, you couldn't just walk in. You wrote to Ning again.
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Before getting out, you made a U-turn with the car and parked right in front of the aforementioned wide alley. You turned off the car and put on your cap so that it covered your eyes and almost your nose before entering the alley. Ning wasn't completely wrong with her assumption, it wasn't a window, but a large green door that you assumed was where they took out the trash. You made sure that no one was watching you and entered, inside everything seemed calm and clear, and after searching for a few seconds you arrived at the bathrooms. You took out your phone again to let her know you were inside.
You waited for a few minutes until she finally caught up with you. She looked incredibly beautiful, with part of her hair tied up in a high bun and the rest hanging down her back; a short black dress, with prints of white circles and colored butterflies; she also wore a golden jewel necklace, and carried a handbag in her hand.
"Oh my god, thank you so much for coming," she said as soon as she saw you, going to give you a shy hug that you reciprocated.
"It's nothing, cutie," you said, separating yourself from her, looking in all directions, "do you need to use the bathroom before we go?"
"Part of maintaining my image is that I can last until we get to the hotel, so no, let's go," she said, holding onto your arm with both hands, her voice didn't sound convincing at all, and she looked dizzy too.
"I don't think that affects your image at all, you're human," you insisted, looking into her eyes.
"Honey, please just get me out of here," she asked you with desperate eyes, breathing through her mouth, a sign that she felt like throwing up.
"Alright, let's hurry," you took her hand and took the lead.
Time proved you right, because as soon as you left the alley Ning stopped dead, took a few deep breaths, and finally let go of your hand to run behind a large trash can, she fell to her knees, and vomited. You quickly knelt down next to her and made sure to gather all the hair from her face while you caressed her back.
"Fuck, this is so bad," she muttered between labored breaths, her face pale and looking down.
"You're with me, don't worry, you'll be fine," you reassured her, giving her a few small back massages with your only free hand.
You stayed watching over her for a few more long seconds, you would stay with her as long as necessary, but the sound of a shutter whipped you back to reality. You quickly turned around to see a paparazzi you hadn't seen sneak into the alley standing right in the middle of it, pointing the camera at you both and taking photo after photo. This was really bad, very bad.
You hated having to leave Ning there alone, but if you didn't do something right then and there, everything was going to go to hell. You stood up and like lightning you ran towards the paparazzi, a short man in his thirties with tan skin, greasy black hair and dressed like an NPC from GTA V.
"Oh boy, you don't know how much these photos will put a guillotine around your neck," the man said as soon as you approached, looking at the photos on his camera. His voice reminded you of Gargamel's, which made you even more disgusted, "Not only will she have her image ruined, but any intelligent person can spin enough dots and conclude that you're more than a friend." 
You clenched your fists tightly, controlling yourself not to give him the beating of his life right then and there. He wouldn't learn the hard way, his language was money.
"Listen to me, dog," you began, facing him less than a meter away, "do you know how much money is backing me?" Extreme situations required desperate measures, and that meant lying whenever necessary, "I can pay you three times what any journalist can pay you, and unless you want to get a life-ruining lawsuit, you're interested in negotiating with me."
"Then I listen to you, boy, because a juicy payment awaits me as soon as I deliver these babies," his laugh, disgusting and evil, screeched in your ears and made you snort.
"How much will they pay you for the photos?"
"Well, those are great shots and I'm the only photographer here, I'd estimate about 20 or 25k," as soon as you heard the figure your head hurt, you didn't know if he was lying to gain or what, but it was too much.
"I can offer you more than that, I assure you, I am SM's representative here in the United States."
“I don't care who you are, kid, talk to me about figures,” he seemed completely uninterested in the conversation, never looking you in the eye and always focused on something else. You took a deep breath.
"I offer you 30k."
"30k?" He laughed in disbelief, "I'm sure you in your position can offer more than that."
"Make it 60k."
“50, you son of a bitch, don't play with my patience,” you threatened, jaw clenching. The man remained silent and for the first time he looked into your eyes, seeing a threatening and extremely angry face. He thought about it for a few seconds, then finally spoke.
"Alright, 50k then," he nodded, and then took out the SD card from his camera to throw it on the ground between your feet, then he took out a card from his back pocket and handed it to you, you looked at it, seeing that it was a presentation card with his phone number and his photograph, "you have one week to fulfill the deal, otherwise you will find a leading article on the Internet about a prominent SM man who beat up a photographer so that he would not leak inappropriate things to the public."
"You're a fucking bastard," you said, holding all the rage in your chest, and then picked up the SD card from the floor. Before he left, he hit himself in the forehead with his own fist, which took you by surprise, "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"I must have insurance in case you want to scam me," he laughed, somewhere between triumphant and pained by the blow, "see you later, kiddo, take good care of that girl."
As soon as the man left you ran towards Ning, who was leaning with her back against the wall looking terrible. Her gaze was completely lost and weak.
"We're leaving, baby, come here," you wrapped one of your arms around her waist to secure her to your body and walked as fast as you could with her towards the car. You made sure no one was watching you several times and opened the passenger door, reclining the seat as much as possible so that Ning could sit relaxed and comfortable. You placed her inside the car, put the seat belt on her and you rushed inside too, you started the car, and you started driving again on the streets of San Francisco, thinking about how the hell you were going to fulfill that deal without getting into big trouble.
As soon as you arrived at the hotel, you parked the car right where you had taken it when you left, you got out and picked up Ning to take her to the entrance of the hotel that they had prepared for you in case of emergency. You were able to make her walk during that first stretch, but when you barely entered through the service entrance her legs trembled and she almost fell, you had to carry her on a piggyback ride to her room.
When you entered Ning's room you dropped her on top of the extremely messy bed, full of small mountains of clothes in every corner.
"Fuck… thank you, really," she said in a small voice, her head resting on a pile of clothes.
"You have nothing to thank me for," you began to gather up all of Ning's clothes and stuff them into your open suitcase, "I would feel terrible if something happened to you."
"I heard a camera taking pictures… did you get them?"
"Yep," you grabbed Ning's head, lifted it to remove the pile of clothes from under it and replaced it with a pillow, "It wasn't easy," you threw the clothes into the suitcase.
"Don't worry about that," you leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom, inside you opened the shower glass and turned on the water, adjusting it to a warm temperature, then you returned to her, "Come on, there's hot water waiting for you in the bathroom."
"Would you help me undress?" she asked, managing to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Uh... sure," you offered her your hands to take and help her stand up. Once she did, you closed your eyes and reached for the straps of her dress to start pulling it down in a rather clumsy way.
"May I know why you close your eyes, silly?" she asked with a weak giggle.
"You're vulnerable right now, I don't want to be a jerk and take advantage of it," you responded, managing to pull her dress down to her heels.
"You've already seen every part of my naked body, and that was consensual."
"I know, but this time you're sick," you groped her fleshy body looking for her waist, when you found the hem of her panties, you also lowered them to her heels.
"Honey, you're so cute, really, but you can see," she insisted, giving you a peck on your chin before you opened your eyes and admired her incredibly beautiful and hot body.
"God, I'm impressed by how good you look despite feeling this bad," you said, staring at her pretty round tits as you removed the rings from her fingers and the necklace from her neck.
"My legs and feet are sore from the last show," she sighed, "this was the last thing I needed."
"You'll be better soon, now go to the shower, I have to tell Noze that everything is okay," you nodded towards the bathroom, and she nodded.
"Will you come back?" She said taking small steps as she looked at you.
"Of course, I won't be long," you assured, and then turned your back on her to walk towards the door. You turned one last time, watching her beautiful figure as she went into the bathroom, then you walked out of the room to write to Noze.
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When you sent the messages you rushed to your room to go get some things you had brought on the trip in case of emergencies, massage oil, skin cream, moisturizer, and a pain relieving ointment that you personally used. You returned to Ning's room, and as you closed the door you heard that the shower was still running and that Ning was not outside the bathroom. You quickly left all the things you had gone to get from your room on the bed and ran to the bathroom, finding Ning still inside the shower, standing perfectly with her entire body wet, including her hair now loose.
"I was starting to think I'd run out of water before you got here," she said when she saw you, "would you join me?" you sighed in relief.
"I almost had a heart attack, I thought you had fainted," you said, taking off all your clothes.
"Oh come on, you're exaggerating," she said with a giggle.
"I've passed out for less," as soon as you entered the shower she turned around and carefully got on her knees, taking your flaccid cock in one hand and bringing it to her mouth, "Hey, what are you doing?" you said taking a quick step back.
"What? I already brushed my teeth and I feel better," she said, looking at you with eyes like a scolded puppy, "I wanted to reward my golden armor knight."
"It has nothing to do with your mouth or anything like that, you have nothing to reward me for darling," you took her by the arms and carefully lifted her to her feet, "the only thing I want right now is to take care of you," you said, looking into her eyes and cradling her face with both hands. Your gazes were fixed on each other's for a few long seconds until you broke the ice, "Can I… kiss you?"
"As much as you want..." she said softly, looking at your lips, and you leaned forward to kiss her. She pressed her chest against yours, and you wrapped your arms around her body to deepen the slow, loving kiss you shared at that moment. The moment she wrapped her arms around your neck and caressed the hair on the back of your neck you felt things in your stomach, strong feelings fluttering and growing gradually. A point of no turning back that would bring you more than one problem later.
"Alright... enough, princess," you murmured against her lips, and you both smiled, "turn around, please."
"Sure," she nodded before turning her back on you. It was time to bring out the skills that had put you where you were in the first place.
You put your hands on Ning's shoulders and began to apply pressure with your thumbs on her shoulder blades. She sighed in satisfaction, and you slowly moved your hands up to her neck and then back down to her shoulders. You continued lower, massaging up her ribs and down to her lower back, always with slow, nice movements for her.
"Are you enjoying it?" you murmured in her ear, noticing that she had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.
"My god, yes..." she said, taking a deep breath, "You know? I've been putting others first for so long that I don't even know what it feels like to be pampered... I'd like to know what it feels like to be put first," That reminded you so much of a person that it even hurt your heart a little, but you preferred not to say anything.
"I'm putting you first right now," you said, massaging her waist.
"And I thank you for that, you really are like an angel."
"Well, I'm far from being an angel, darling, I just do what I think is right," you placed a small kiss on her neck, and continued with the massage for a while until you reached out to turn off the shower faucets, "Come on, I'll help you dry off."
"You have magic hands, you know?" She told you as you got out of the shower.
"That's just a little sample," you smiled, grabbing a towel and running it all over your body to dry it off, "go to bed and lie on your stomach, I'll be right there."
She nodded and left you alone in the bathroom, where you took advantage of the moment to wash your face thoroughly before going out to the room, where you found Ning already face down, her head resting on a pillow and her arms underneath it.
"Don't blame me if... you know, you see something wet," she said, hearing that you had left the bathroom.
"Oh don't worry, I know that's going to be my fault," you said with a smile, grabbing the pain ointment you'd brought with you to start spreading it over her feet, her calves, and her thighs as you massaged every little tense muscle. Ning's body began to relax more and more, and it was time to apply the ointment now all over her back and her arms.
The massage oil you had brought was quite light, perfect for situations where you wanted it to dry quickly and not leave the person's body oily for a long time. You began to pour it, first on her feet, massaging between her toes, sole and heel, then you went up to her calves, from where you poured long lines of oil that reached her ass, where you ended up with a couple of circles.
You massaged her calves, the back of her knees and her soft thighs, spreading all the oil very well in a delicate and silent way. When you were done there it was time to move on to what you knew would be your favorite part. You began to spread the oil over her two cute round buttocks, squeezing them every few seconds and rubbing parts of her pussy with your fingers or the backs of your hands. Her slit was visibly wet now, and you saw fit to move out of there so she wouldn't get too horny.
You now concentrated on her back, applying the same process as with the rest of her body, it was when you were massaging her shoulders that she started to fall asleep.
"Hey... can you stay the night with me?" She asked in a small, sleepy voice, as you gently worked her arms.
"Of course princess," you leaned forward, tucked her hair behind her ear and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
You continued the massage for a few minutes until she fell fast asleep, with her body now perfectly moisturized, relaxed and smelling very good. You took the things you had used and left them on the nightstand, to take your phone and lie down next to Ning and write to Noze again.
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When you finished the conversation, you left the phone next to your pillow, right on the edge of the bed, and carefully covered yourself and Ning with the blanket, to put an arm over her naked body and snuggle warmly against her. Her skin was extremely soft, and her body was like a small moldable cloud, you breathed in the smell of her hair, and when you gave her a kiss on her forehead she stirred until she lay on her side and put her face on your neck; her chest pressed against yours, and she raised one leg so that you could put yours between her, an extremely intimate position that once again revived your memories.
You tried to fall asleep, but you didn't get more than a light sleep for a very long time. All the stress of the day and the thoughts fluttering in your head like a furious wasp's nest kept you awake for hours that seemed eternal, you would fall asleep for about half an hour, and you would wake up again, when you were going for the fifth time you checked your phone, realizing that there were only two hours left until you had to be in the lobby.
You knew that you weren't going to get any more sleep than that, so you resignedly ran your fingers continuously along Ning's lower back, with your face resting on your hand and your elbow on the pillow. You admired her beauty in complete silence, watching her pretty face as she slept so peacefully that even she made you envious. She moved a little, and you stopped immediately not wanting to wake her, but when she returned to her sleep you continued running the tips of your fingers over the soft skin of her waist and her lower back under the blanket.
In one of those movements your fingers reached her ass, and there you found no turning back, beginning to trace soft circles on her buttocks before going up again to her back, where you caressed her from top to bottom with your full palm.
"Don't even bother stopping anymore..." she murmured just loud enough for you to hear, and you were surprised.
"How long have you been awake?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Since you started touching me like that..." she said with a mischievous smile, her eyes still closed.
"God, I'm sorry I woke you up," you sighed.
"You don't have to apologize at all, I like it," when she said that she put a hand on your abdomen, caressing it slowly, "go ahead, keep going."
You continued as she asked, gently caressing her back for a few seconds and purposely moving down to her butt to rub it with the palm of your hand, feeling the soft flesh of each buttock between your fingers. Ning sighed softly and began to pant, that was when she brought her hand to your cock, using her palm to rub it from your tip to your balls.
"Mmm... good morning then, I guess," you murmured, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at you with a little smile.
"Morning sweetheart," she murmured back, bringing your cock to full hardness in a matter of seconds. She wrapped her fingers around it and started moving her hand very slowly, making you gasp at how warm she felt. You unconsciously brought your hand between her buttocks, and with your fingers you began to gently rub her slit, feeling how her folds were beginning to get wetter and wetter.
"Fuck… is this what every morning is like with you?" you asked between gasps, rubbing her pussy as she slowly masturbated you.
"With you, yes," she whispered before leaning in to kiss you. Your lips were involved in a sensual and passionate dance that made Ning moan, while your hands slowly worked on each other's intimacy. You laid your head back on the pillow, and she rested half of her torso on top of yours, one of her tits pressing against your chest, "Can I suck your cock this time, sweetheart?" she asked against your lips after a while of masturbating each other.
"I'm all yours right now, so go ahead," you nodded, pulling the blanket off you with a single tug, revealing your two naked bodies.
"So all mine huh? I like the sound of that," she pulled away from you and positioned herself so that the side of her body was resting on one of your thighs, her ass facing you and her face just centimeters from your cock.
"And you? Would you be all mine?" you shot, grabbing one of her buttcheeks and caressing it gently, seeing her pretty wet pussy and her beautiful back. She looked at you over her shoulder.
"I've been yours since you looked into my eyes on that plane, you just didn't realize it."
-Oh my fucking god- you thought, completely blown away by how completely crazy about her you were becoming. Without noticing it your cheeks became hot, but you didn't have time to blush when she took your cock inside her mouth.
Her warm mouth made you moan loudly as she slowly took in every inch of your throbbing cock. You brought your hand to her waist, gripping it with your fingers and delighting in how Ning's soft lips clung just inches from your base. She began to gently suck up and down, using her tongue to swirl around your tip each time she went up and to lick the front of your shaft each time she went down.
You knew she was good at sucking cock from your episode on the plane, but there, the two of you alone, with the bright light of the California morning sun filtering through the sides of the blinds illuminating the room, and the cold temperature of the air, she turned your comfortable intimacy into confidence when it came to demonstrating her skills and pleasing you.
Her pumps sent shivers all over your body because of how good they felt, taking almost all of your cock in and out of her mouth with slow and sensual movements. You brought your hand to her ass to squeeze her buttock again, and wanting to return the favor you licked your index and middle fingers to take them directly to her wet slit, running your fingers between her folds again and again until you stopped to rub her clit in circles.
Ning began to moan softly against your cock, sending vibrations along your shaft and urging you to continue rubbing her pussy the best way you could considering what her sensitive spots seemed to be. Your fingers were soaked in a matter of seconds, and you took advantage of this to slowly introduce them into her pussy, which gave way without any complications so that your fingers could be impaled to the core.
Ning's response was to slowly take you deep into her throat, her nose resting against your pubes.
"Oh my fucking god Ning..." you said loudly, using your free hand to squeeze her butt cheek as you gently but consistently pumped your fingers in and out of her pussy.
After a few seconds, Ning coughed a few times against your cock and took you out of her mouth with a strong gasp of air. She looked at you again over her shoulder with eyes full of desire and her mouth half open, letting you see your cock soaked in saliva and how the tip connected to her lips with thin white threads. She dove back in, considerably increasing the pace of her blowjob for less than a minute until you stopped her.
She looked confused, but you subtly grabbed the back of her neck so she could bring her face closer to yours and you could kiss her. You shared a sloppy kiss for a few long seconds, your arm around Ning's waist and her hand running up and down your slick cock.
"Would you eat me, daddy?" She asked you with a low and sensual voice in the middle of a moan, while she ate your mouth.
"Why are you suddenly calling me that?" you asked back, visibly turned on by that. More kisses.
"I don't know… it just came out naturally," more kisses and more moans, "don't you like it?"
"Fuck, you drive me crazy, how can I not like it?" you squeezed her butt, "and yeah, of course I can eat you, baby."
With that you subtly moved away from her and left her with her head resting on her pillow. You settled between her legs and lay face down, with your head between her thighs and your face a few centimeters from her pussy. You dedicated yourself to first placing small kisses on her thighs, licking the inside of them while you and she looked into each other's eyes every few seconds. She bit her lower lip, and gently played with her tits, imploring you with her eyes to devour her.
You had no intention of making her wait, so after a few more kisses around her pussy you planted your tongue flat between her silky folds and licked very slowly upwards, finding your way to her clit to kiss, suck and lick it again and again. Ning's moans were your cue to know which spots to hit and which not to hit, and before long she completely melted thanks to your mouth.
You grabbed your hands on each of her thighs, putting gentle pressure on them while your tongue worked as best you could on her clit. Ning brought one hand to your head and tangled her fingers in the strands of your hair to pull it gently, her body squirming very slightly, and her other hand playing with one of her tits, then you realized that was the only part of her that you had not touched yet.
You let go of Ning's thighs and moved your hands up to rest on her pair of soft, round mounds, squeezing them like two stress balls and using your fingers to play with her hard nipples, all while attacking her pussy with the dedication and perfection that a princess like she deserved.
Ning brought her hands on top of yours as you massaged her tits, and as the pleasure built inside her body, her thighs slowly closed to the point of making a sandwich with your head in the middle. Her skin felt soft on either side of your face, like two clouds that you were more than delighted to be between.
You doubled your efforts, eating out her pussy with rapid licks and perfectly controlled sucks that drove her crazy in a matter of seconds.
"Oh god daddy!" she moaned loudly, holding onto your wrists tightly, "I'm going to cum, please don't stop!" Her pretty prayers did nothing but urge you to continue eating her pussy ferociously, and in a matter of a few seconds Ning exploded in a maelstrom of moans and spasms. Her thighs pressed on either side of your head, and you had the feeling that she was holding back with the intention of not hurting you, a detail that you found adorable.
You collected her juices and licked her with gusto throughout her orgasm, and when her body relaxed she released your head from between her thighs. You stood up and knelt between her legs.
"Did my princess like that?" you asked before leaning forward and Ning grabbed your face to kiss you between gasps.
"Fuck, I loved it," she moaned against your lips, "but I need your cock inside me, daddy," she reached between your bodies and grabbed your cock to rub it between her folds, "fuck me, I'm begging you," she continued kissing your lips, and placed small kisses on your chin.
"You don't need to beg so much, baby," you said softly, returning her kisses but all over her face, "go ahead and put it in yourself," you dove into her neck, giving her little kisses and licks. Ning obeyed your order, and guided your cock to her entrance so that you only had to push forward slightly and bury yourself completely inside her silky pussy.
"Fuuuuuuck!" Ning whimpered, desperately searching for your lips to kiss between heavy pants. You reciprocated her kiss, your senses completely overwhelmed by how soft and wet her pussy felt around your cock, completely disappeared between her folds.
You had never felt a pussy like hers, so silky, soft and wet, she already drove you crazy, but that only made you now completely obsessed and at her mercy.
Ning grabbed her legs around your torso, and you began to slowly pump back and forth, your cock sliding in and out of her pussy as if it were molded especially for you. You rested your forearms on either side of her head, and she wrapped her arms around your neck as you moaned into each other's mouths.
You gradually increased your speed, and that led to more muffled whimpers against your mouth. She caressed the hair on the back of your neck, and then moved her hands down your back to do exactly the same, other girls would have scratched you there in all the pleasure, but she made sure not to hurt you in any way, she just limited herself to press your skin with her little fingers.
You lowered your head and took one of her tits into your mouth, it didn't surprise you to realize how extremely good it felt to suck on her nipples and lick around them, at this point you knew that every corner of Ning's body was like manipulating a cloud of cotton candy.
Her moans were released into the air, loud and passionate as you fucked her at a faster and more consistent pace, without reaching the point of being harsh with her but giving her deep thrusts that she felt in every hidden corner of her body. She grabbed your head with both hands and tangled her fingers in your hair, pressing your head down to sink between her delicious tits, which you sucked and put into your mouth hungrily.
You continued thrusting in and out for about another minute until Ning gently tugged at your hair; you knew she was going to cum, so you lifted your head from her tits and dove back into her lips, lovingly cradling her face in your hands as you gave her the final thrusts. Ning soon exploded a second time, this time around your cock.
Her spasms were present once again, this time stronger, more intense and abundant, she whimpered loudly against your lips, and her legs wrapped around your torso to hold herself in place as you continued to pump slowly through her orgasm. After a few seconds, her spasms stopped, and you separated from her lips to straighten your back, she let go of your torso and opened her legs wide open, staring into her eyes with a blushing face. 
"You... you fuck me so well... and you don't treat me like I'm an object," she murmured, looking at you with bright, loving eyes, "you're so... so... god, you drive me insane," you You were holding back as best you could from running away and screaming at the sky, once again your cheeks felt hot, but this time you did blush.
"Once I cum inside you you'll feel like heaven, then," you said with a mischievous little smile, hiding your red cheeks. You pulled your cock out of her pussy, and being already quite well lubricated and slippery, you pressed it against her butthole slowly, but Ning stopped you with a hand on your abdomen.
"No, honey," she said breathlessly, "I want to give you that, but I'm not ready right now, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for, I will gladly fill that pretty pussy of mine," you leaned down to give her another small kiss on the lips before knelt up, grabbing her legs by the back of the knees and putting them together to insert yourself again inside her pussy.
"Oh yes daddy, please fill my pussy!" Ning moaned as she felt you again deep in her pussy, "your princess needs that load."
Concentrated and determined to give her what she was demanding, you began pumping in and out of her again, resuming your rapid thrusts but this time adding a bit of roughness which she received without the slightest complaint. Her tits began to bounce, and her body began to shake with each of your crashes against her.
Ning had started moaning too loudly, so she grabbed the pillow her head was resting on and used it to bite it, muffling squeals and grunts against it as you fucked her fast and hard. Your breathing was extremely agitated between your gasps and your moans, a product of how good her wet pussy was making you feel.
You put her legs over your shoulders and leaned forward, pressing her knees against her tits as you began to pump now up and down, your hands resting on the mattress on either side of her body. Ning held on tightly to the pillow, biting it and looking at you with crystallized eyes that let you know how extremely good you were making her feel.
All the pleasure she had been building in you soon took its toll, you felt a tingle in your stomach, and completely unaware of yourself, you began to fuck her now with absolutely all your strength. Ning bit the pillow again, now muffling screams against it, and a few furious thrusts were enough until with a strong thrust you began to spill your thick, hot load into Ning's pussy.
As soon as she felt your cum inside her walls, Ning had another orgasm, twice as strong and intense as the previous one, she buried her face against the pillow, and her pelvis began to shake and tremble up and down. You couldn't do anything but moan like crazy at the overwhelming sensation of cumming inside a girl you felt so attracted to.
"Do you like daddy's cum inside your pussy, princess?" you asked between gasps, moving slower as you made sure to leave absolutely every drop of your seed inside her. Ning removed the pillow from her face and threw it on the floor.
"My god, you don't know how much I love it, daddy!" she responded with a squeal, arching her back and throwing her head back.
You let her legs free and she spread them out to the sides of her so you could lean forward and kiss her, and when you stopped pumping your cock you realized how exaggeratedly wet she felt.
"Wait, you squirted?" you asked in the middle of the kiss, looking into her eyes. She looked confused.
"I don't know, I didn't even know I could do that," she replied, and you stood up again to slowly pull your cock out, letting the cum flow freely down her slit and onto the sheet.
"Well, apparently," you said with a giggle, "I'll go get you something to clean-"
"No! Wait," she said, bringing two fingers to her pussy and collecting a significant amount of thick liquid to take it to her mouth, taste it and swallow it, "give me the rest with your fingers," you were speechless for a few seconds.
"F-fuck, sure," you said, scooping up as much cum as you could with your fingers to bring it to Ning's mouth, she sucked them hard, looking into your eyes until she got them completely clean.
"I've been wanting to swallow your cum ever since that time on the plane when that bitch Jimin took what was mine," she said matter-of-factly, as if she hadn't made you rethink what the hottest thing you'd ever seen was. your life.
"The wait was worth it?"
"It was worth every second, that was amazing," she sighed with a small smile, "if I have to get sick to be pampered and feel loved, I will definitely do it more often."
"God, please don't do it," you laughed, and lay down next to her, "there's no need, believe me," she picked up the first phone she could get her hands on (yours) and checked the time.
"We still have 45 minutes before we have to leave, can you cuddle with me a little longer?" she asked you in a small, adorable voice.
"Of course, sweetie," you gently took the phone from her hand and settled a pillow behind your heads. Ning rested her head on your chest, wrapping an arm over your torso and a thigh over your abdomen to cuddle warmly against you. You hugged her with both arms, snuggling her against you to give her a small kiss on the head.
"Would you... tell me more about yourself?" she asked shyly, and you smiled.
"I'll happily do it, ask and I'll answer."
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arminsumi · 9 months
Saw this and thought... Mafia AU Gojo & Geto 👀
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Share a piece of your juicy brain thoughts please, I'm collecting all the scraps 😗
𝐆. 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 — 五条悟 ⋅ 𝐆. 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔 — 夏油傑
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NOTE: OH TO BE IN THAT CAR 🛐 anyways, these are just... messy ideas pls forgive me!! 🥲 idk how to write for mafia stuff but i adore the idea sm i wanted to say a lil smth about it
WARNINGS — fem reader, you're Toji's daughter, err mafia stuff warning idk?? implied kidnapping, implied light use of violence, Geto calling u nicknames (sweetheart, baby, etc), i made Gojo a meanie for some reason oops, some vague semblance of a plotline lol
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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Your dad is Toji Fushiguro, he sits on a big throne in this business. Everyone knows him, everyone's scared of him — why wouldn't they be? Except for these two particular men... who consider themselves the strongest 🙄 Big, big severely inflated egos they've got.
Toji hired Nanami to be the loyal bodyguard for his precious daughter. Why? Well, to put it simply — these two men are looking to take revenge on him with you as their playing card.
Geto and Gojo are on the hunt one night for you, and you fall right into their palms. Usually the black car with tinted windows has Nanami behind the wheel, ready to drive you home after a night out. But one night it's those two.
The drive is silent and uneasy. Gojo is flicking his gaze up at the rearview mirror to check you out with those piercing blue eyes of his. Geto is talking to you in a sickeningly saccharine sultry voice, nicknaming you sweetheart, princess, love, baby, etc... and trying his best to keep you calm with simple small-talk.
Gojo? He's more intimidating than his friend behind the wheel. He will not stop eyeing you out, even when you three end up in some fancy penthouse. You blink up at him innocently, it almost makes his heart lurch — he's wondering how such a pretty face came from such a bastard.
Whatever Toji did to them in the past, they were still seething over. Seems their idea of a revenge plot involved you. But you had no idea what to expect. They didn't have intent to hurt you — well, subtract Gojo pulling and pushing you around like a ragdoll when you weren't compliant enough. But Geto always scolded him.
In fact, Geto calmed the both of you so nicely. He put on water to boil and languidly stirred tea in the kitchen. It was surreal and bizarre in some way.
"Sweetheart, we're gonna be transparent with you. We're just keeping you here for a little while to get your dad's attention. You're gonna be treated like a princess, so don't you worry — " he lifted you by the chin so you had to look up at him, "A pretty thing like you isn't in trouble with us."
Gojo scoffed. He had his arms folded. Legs crossed. Spine slacked against the couch.
"Don't mind him, princess. He's just grumpy — your old man wasn't very kind to him in his youth." Geto explained super vaguely.
Gojo chuckled, "Yeah, you're damn right he wasn't kind to me. Sonofabitch wasted me."
"Well she had nothing to do with that, Satoru, so treat her good."
He grumbled in reluctant agreement. But the second Geto was out of sight, when Gojo led you to your bedroom, he entrapped you between two arms and practically pinned you to the wall.
"Listen — princess — " he mockingly impersonated Geto, "You keep those lips shut or I will shut them for you." he threatened, breathe fanning your face.
Well, it was hard to keep your lips shut. A week later, you woke up and went into the kitchen to find Gojo with a bloodstain in his white hair, Geto with a crimson splatter across his cheek, and a gun resting on the table that towered with green stacks of money. You didn't dare ask what was going on. You just looked at them until they said something from themselves.
"Don't worry." Geto's serene smile caught your worried gaze, "Just business, angel."
"What exactly-" you began, but Gojo gave you a sharp look and Geto immediately cut you off.
" — ah-ah, baby. We've already talked about this." he cooed. His smile had the vaguest sinister twist to it, "Keep that pretty mouth shut. No asking questions."
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infamous-if · 1 month
Not the same anon!! But since the last ask mentioned this, you know ngl, one of my fears for the story was romancing (or trying to lol) seven and then arriving at the fight chapter and be put off for what was said between them and mc, and since the chapter happen later on in the story (right?), it could be too late to try and switch for another RO.
I read the rewrite and I'm kinda sensing where the fight will lead and now I'm less worried about it :>
Yes! It's natural for a writer to have some blinders sometimes and the feedback I got def made me realize that it's better to offer some crumbs as the story progresses so the "coveted fight" doesn't feel like wading through murky waters with no flashlight aha. at least now you can come into it with more info and have more agency and understand MC's perspective much easier, which also makes it easier to decide how you want to approach the seven/band plot line. This is why I love feedback! I wouldn't have realized otherwise :)
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hahaha yeah, I suppose so! that's just the nature of IF sometimes...ahhh the limitations...though I do hope I can at least make sense of it no matter what kind of MC you play....in some way! we'll see! and thank you! <3
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levi501ackerman · 1 month
Object of Affection | Levi x Reader Fluff
Summary: Some may think Levi is whipped or your servant. But acts of service is how Levi shows his love
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: song correlated: Ridin' by ASAP Rocky ft. Lana Del Rey. btw whenever I say song correlated I dont mean it with the intention to offer to listen to it while reading. It was just the song that inspired the idea or that was on loop while writing. posted: 4/18/24. I'm really glad AOT has sparked me to write again. I need more practice lol. Enjoy.
Eren, Jean, and Armin were the first of your friends to be sitting at breakfast in the dining hall. Sasha was in one of the lines to get food. It was a sunny day and a few ODM drills were available for whoever wanted the practice. Some other classes were going on as well. It was a general casual day for the scouts. For some scout units, there was food preparation for future expeditions, but for you and your friends, you did not have much on the agenda. 
“I think I’m going to do some drills today,” Eren said. “Are you going to join us?” He asked Armin who usually went to Erwin’s office.
“Yeah, I can. I finished the little project with Commander Erwin.” He said then took a bite of his bread. Sasha hurried to the table to sit down. Her plate had a bigger portion than everyone else at the table. “It is a nice day outside too.”
More people started entering the dining area. The morning crowd of scouts was starting to pick up. Jean noticed you and Levi walked through the door.
“Y/N’s coming. Maybe she’ll practice with us,” Jean said. The table noticed Levi say something to you and then you smiled and started going towards them. 
“I don’t know she’s been spending a lot of time with Hange and Moblit doing research and testing theories,” Eren said. 
“Morning guys!” Sasha brightly greeted the table. The line for breakfast was moving a little slower with the incoming scouts. Everyone acknowledged Sasha.
“Sasha, are you going to do drills today? We’re all going to.” Armin asked invitingly. 
“Yeah, and I think Y/N was thinking about it too,” Sasha said. You approached the table and smiled at your friends. 
“Are you not going to eat?” Jean asked.
“Levi’s getting my food.” You said. They look over to see Levi's arms crossed standing in line with the scouts. 
“Why don’t you get your food yourself?” Eren asked
“Levi knows I don’t like standing in lines so he just said he’ll start getting my food.” You said. Jean and Eren laughed. 
“Wow if only I could have the captain serve me food.” Jean joked and you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face.
“He’s not serving me, he just knows I don’t like standing in lines so he offered to get my food from now on.”
“What if he gets you the wrong food?” Eren asked.
“Well Levi knows what I like,” you said. 
“We’re going to do drills today, you should come,” Armin said. Most of your free time has been spent with Hange and Moblit. You looked up to Hange and she liked you. You enjoyed working with her and in general learning more about the titans. 
“Yeah, I’ll come.” You said and your friends were elated you were joining them. “Ugh wait! I forgot my belt and some straps in my room.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s such a nice day out for drills too. Hopefully, it won’t get hotter.”
A few minutes later, Levi put a plate of breakfast in front of you. He softly smiled.
“Do you want water or tea?” Levi asked.
“Water please.” You said and then he walked away. 
“Yeah sounds like a server to me,” Jean said.
“Stop it, Jean. He’s not serving me. When you get a girlfriend you’ll understand that you’ll want to help her and make her feel like she doesn’t need to worry about anything.” You said back.
“I feel sorry for whoever decides to date you, Jean,” Sasha said with a full mouth and you both giggled.
“Whatever I am a catch,” Jean said. Levi came back with water for you and some tea for himself. 
“I have a meeting I’m going to go to now,” Levi said to you. The table greeted Captain Levi and he acknowledged them normally. 
“I’m going to do drills today with my friends.” You said to him. 
“Nice weather for that today.”
“Yeah, but, I left my belt in my room—”
“I can go get it.” Levi offered.
“Thank you that would be really helpful.” You said and he left for his meeting. 
“Y/N’s has him whipped,” Jean said. 
Truly you did. Levi wanted to help you in any way he could. On the last expedition, he made sure you had your own food to take of yourself. Levi always triple-checked that your gear was in top shape. If you mentioned something was sore, he would offer his best to massage you. If you mentioned anything that inconvenienced you he would do his best to find a way to fix it for you. You once mentioned that the drawer to your nightstand kept getting stuck halfway when pulling it out and you would have to tug hard to get it to keep pulling out. Later that day he took apart your nightstand to fix the sliding drawer. All of a sudden it was working and you didn’t think about it anymore. You didn’t even know Levi fixed it until a week later. 
Once, when you and Levi passed by a stationary shop, you mentioned how you have been journaling since you were young. You had eight journals and mentioned a slight fear that they would end up getting damaged or burned in a fire. You treasured your journals that were filled with your memories. He later got you a small perfect-sized fire box that you could keep your journals safe in. 
You and Sasha met up with Mikasa and decided to be grouped for the drills. It was getting a little warmer than expected. But there was still a slight breeze. You three started stretching and getting your gear together. Then you noticed Levi walking up to you with the belt and straps you needed. 
“I got the belt you needed,” Levi said and your heart fluttered. It was so sweet how helpful he’s always been. 
“Thank you,” You said. 
“You look really pretty,” He said and you blushed a little.
“I’m about to get really sweaty.” You laughed.
“It’s starting to get hotter.” He said squinting and looking up at the sky. “Show the dummy titans no mercy.” He said and you smiled while watching him walk off. 
“You two are so freaking cute!” Sasha said making you blush more. “I’m so excited for when I get a boyfriend and we can go on double dates!” That did excite you and you smiled.
“I can’t wait to meet the guy who deserves you.” You said while putting on your belt and straps. “A guy that’s sweet.”
“I think you need someone who loves meat just as much as you do,” Mikasa said. “Or someone who can cook—” Sasha squealed.
“Oh my god that would be perfect!” 
“That would be the perfect guy for you,” you said.
“You guys want to compete for the most kills?” Jean called out in the distance. Connie was now with him, Eren, and Armin. 
“Mikasa is going to win! Back out now while you can!” You yelled back. The drills began. “Mikasa you should give him a head start!” You said and Sasha laughed. Though it was spring and getting greener outside the temperature got hot while everyone was doing drills. It was an unexpected rise. You pulled at your shirt trying to get ventilation whenever you had the time to do so. The heat made everyone work harder because flying in the air gave everyone a slight breeze. After the drills, everyone was sweating. It was a good workout but people were getting tired quicker because of the heat. When walking back to your stuff Sasha was giving Jean crap about Mikasa beating him. It wasn’t a surprise but the competition did make Jean work harder. Jean was a great scout and even gave you some helpful pointers with the ODM gear. Out of everyone doing the drills, he got the second-highest kill count right behind Mikasa. As you approached your stuff you noticed three water bottles that were perspirating because of the heat. 
“Is this not where we put our stuff?” Sasha asked. But then she saw her bag and Mikasa saw her stuff. 
“Whose water bottles are these?” Mikasa asked. You noticed the drenched little note under the water bottle closest to your stuff. The note read: I noticed you guys didn’t have water. Stay hydrated. 
“They’re from Levi. He got us water because he saw we didn’t have any.” You said and Sasha started chugging hers.
“That’s considerate of him,” Mikasa said and the three of you started chugging the cold water. 
“Thanks, Levi it hit the spot!” Sasha said and crinkled her empty bottle. 
“I need to change, I’m so sweaty and probably smell bad.” You said. Many scouts who did drills all had the same idea to take cold rinse-off showers. No one was expecting a spike in the temperature. When you got back to your room with Sasha. You noticed another water bottle and a note near your bed. It was from Levi again. Come to my office for dinner. You smiled and told Sasha. Your heart fluttered because he was so sweet and no one else saw this side of him. He used to be so shy in front of you and you used to think he didn’t like you. Levi would be his normal self to everyone but then he would be quiet in front of you. It made you feel insecure until Hange exposed Levi. She and Moblit told you that Levi talked a lot about you and wanted to get to know you. Hange may have been the one to tell you that Levi thought you were pretty. Which gave you the confidence to approach him.
In the evening you went to Levi’s room, and you were ready for some alone time. When you knocked on the door, Levi opened it pretty quickly. He shut the door behind you and embraced you in a big hug. He smelled nice and then you noticed the smell of his office. 
“Sit down I made us some soup.” He said. “I saw they had that bean mixture you don’t like for dinner.” Your heart fluttered and the soup smelled good. The smell made you hungrier than you were before. “I got some bread and mashed potatoes though to fill you up more. You need the energy from being outside most of the day.” He said.
“Thank you, Levi,” You said grateful for how thoughtful he is. It was so nice how much he tried to help you or thought of ways to make your life easier. 
“Anything for you, Y/N,” He said and you two began eating. The soup was satisfying and Levi getting bread for it was a good idea. Honestly, Levi did a lot for you because he cared for you so much. He had little to no dating experience before you and he did not want to do anything to make you feel like he didn’t respect you. Levi has always been considerate of you since you started getting close and dating. He would listen you to and remember little things about you. You felt cared for and though you and Levi haven’t told one another that you loved each other. You already knew.
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burntheedges · 3 months
Maintenance Request: Chapter 12
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 8.1k
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chapter summary: it's (finally) time for your first date with Joel. a/n: thank you as always to @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta 💕  chapter tags/warnings: fluff, flirting, flirting with intent, touching, kissing, dancing, banter, drink and food mention, reader can wink (author cannot lol), semi-public canoodling, reader sits on Joel’s lap, groping
Chapter 12
Friday, October 25 Ninth week of the semester
On Friday evening you were nervous. Excited, but nervous.
“You’re going to have an amazing time, you know that. He’s so into you and we both know how much you like him.” Beth’s voice came from the shelf where you had your phone propped up with her on FaceTime. You were trying to figure out what to wear for your date. 
“I just want to find the right outfit.” You were standing in your closet in your underwear, which Beth had already teased you for. You held up your black jeans and another top. “What about this?”
“Hmm,” Beth leaned towards the camera to look at it. “That is a great color on you.”
You held it up and sighed. “I’m not feeling it, I think.” You thought for a moment. “Wait!” You dove into the back and pulled out a top you hadn’t worn in ages — you looked amazing in it, but it wasn’t really work appropriate so it had slowly gotten shuffled to the depths of your closet. 
“Yes! I forgot you had that. That’s the one.” 
You smiled, agreeing. “I forgot I had it, too. Ok, I’m going to finish getting ready.”
“Better run! It’s like 6:35.”
“Shit! Ok, love you, talk to you later.” 
You reached to end the call, and before you could, Beth said, “you better text me! If you go home with him, tell me where you are!” You said you would and hung up.
As you moved to put your phone down, you noticed you had a text from Ellie. 
Ellie (6:21 PM): don’t forget to tell him if he fucks up I’m coming for him 🔪 have a nice date 
It made you laugh, which was probably her goal. 
you (6:37 PM): ���
Ellie (6:37 PM): and take a video of you dancing 
you (6:38 PM): 🙄
You were mostly ready, just had to throw on your (finally) chosen outfit. That was why you’d called Beth in the first place — you’d almost been ready to go, and had totally stalled out in front of your closet, trying to figure out what to wear.
You stepped into your kitchen with only minutes to spare. At 6:59pm you were looking at the clock on your microwave when you heard a knock on your front door. You smiled, and grabbed your purse.
When you opened the door, Joel was waiting for you on the other side. He’d forgone another of his flannel shirts, and instead was wearing a dark green dress shirt that hugged his arms and shoulders deliciously. You found yourself slowly trailing your eyes down his torso to where he had it tucked into his dark jeans. His tight dark jeans. You swallowed and darted your gaze back to meet his eyes.
You found him checking you out in the same way, and you smiled again.
“Hey there, hot stuff.” 
His eyes snapped back to yours when you greeted him. He smirked. “You look gorgeous, darlin’.” He stepped forward and revealed a small bouquet of colorful flowers in his left hand. “For you.”
You grinned, and took the flowers from him, noting that none of them would make you sneeze. “These are lovely, thank you.” You moved to step back towards your kitchen and gestured him inside. “Come in while I put them in water.” He followed you over the threshold and you heard him walking slowly behind you as you searched for a vase.
“I like your place, darlin’.” You looked over your shoulder and found him inspecting the art and pictures hung in your entryway. “It’s very you.”
You smiled as you pulled out a vase for the flowers and arranged them inside. “Oh?” You felt more than heard him come up behind you. He touched your waist lightly with both hands and you felt his breath on the right side of your neck. You bit your lip against a grin.
“It feels warm and inviting. It’s cute. Like you.” You leaned back into him and he took it as the invitation it was, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’ll have to visit yours and see how much it looks like you.” 
He laughed, and then leaned down and kissed the spot under your ear he had mentioned in his text. Your breath caught. “Our place is mostly Sarah, I think.” His lips moved against your neck as he spoke.
“Hmm,” you tilted your head to give him easier access. “I’ll just have to judge it for myself, then.” You felt him smile into your neck and his arms hugged you tighter.
“We should get going before I decide I’d rather keep you here,” he murmured into your neck. He pressed one final kiss there before stepping away.
You turned to smile at him. “You could probably talk me into it.”
Joel closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and shaking his head at you. “No, darlin’, I’m taking you out. Been looking forward to this for weeks.” He reached down to take your hand and started walking backwards towards your front door. “No gettin’ distracted, now. We have places to be.” He winked.
You followed behind him to your front hall and out the door, turning to lock it behind you. You felt his hand slide into place on your lower back as the two of you walked out of your apartment building to his truck. He handed you into the passenger side before climbing in himself, and you were off.
You took advantage of the opportunity and watched Joel as he drove. “I’m glad we made it to date night.” 
He smiled and glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. “Me too, darlin’.” He reached over and took your hand in his, resting both on the center console. “I think you’ll like the music. The band is really great.” He squeezed your hand. 
“I’m sure I will. I am nervous about the dancing, though.” 
Joel looked at you as he slowed to a stop at a red light. “I’ll be there to guide you, darlin’. They won’t be doing anything too complicated.” You nodded, still a bit nervous, but reassured.
Over the rest of the ride, Joel filled you in on the band you’d be seeing — The Wild Strawberries — since he did know them, and had seen them perform locally many times. It sounded like they were, at the very least, friendly acquaintances. His thumb lightly stroked the back of your hand the whole way there.
The bar was downtown, somewhat close to the university, but tucked onto a side street that you knew students rarely frequented. (Which was a good thing. The last thing you wanted to do was run into your students on a date.) You could see through the front windows that the space inside was large, with a big stage near the back, a dance floor, and tables scattered throughout the room. A long bar made of dark, solid wood stretched along the entire right hand wall. It was busy, but not overcrowded. In neon letters and a fancy font the name The Tipsy Bison stretched over the front facade. 
Joel parked down the street and came around the car to open your door before handing you out of the truck. He kept hold of your hand as you turned to walk back towards the bar. “So you’ve never been to the Bison before, darlin’?” 
You shook your head. “I’ve been to a few other places on this block, but never here. I’m not often downtown in the evenings.” As you approached the door Joel transferred your right hand to his right so he could settle his left low on your back to guide you through the opening.
The Bison, as Joel called it, was warm and inviting inside. On the stage there were a couple of people setting up for the band, and the tables were about half full. You and Joel claimed a table near the dance floor where you could easily see the stage. As you sat, you heard someone call Joel’s name from behind you.
“There you are, you bastard. You said you’d come see us play months ago.” A friendly looking man in a nice button up shirt came over and clapped his hand on Joel’s shoulder. Joel rolled his eyes as the man looked over at you. “Well, hello there! I’m Frank. And who might you be?” Frank held out his hand and you shook it as you introduced yourself. A sly look came over his face when he heard your name, and he turned back to Joel. “Wait, is this the Gorgeous Prof—”
Joel rolled his eyes and sighed. “How many people did Tommy tell about that?” 
Frank laughed, and you grinned. “Wasn’t Tommy, I’m afraid. Tess sold you out this time.” Joel sighed again. 
You took pity on him and cut in, “don’t worry, he had a nickname, too. We were calling him ‘Hot Construction Asshole’ for a while there.” Frank laughed, loudly. When you caught Joel’s eye again you winked, and he gave you that half smile that you loved.
“Well!” Frank clapped his hands. “I’m glad you’re here. Finally. And it’s lovely to meet you. I’ll introduce you to my husband later, he’s not here yet but he’ll be holding down that corner booth eventually.” 
You smiled and nodded, noticing that the booth in question had a “Reserved” sign. “I’d love to meet him.”
Frank wandered off and you turned back to Joel. “So how many people did you talk to about me?” He blushed, and you grinned.
“Just Sarah, Tommy and Tess, darlin’, but Tess and Frank are thick as thieves. No telling who Tommy’s talked to.”
You shrugged. “Well, you know I talked to Beth and Ellie. And my sister, Ellie’s mom, a bit.” You didn’t really want to get into that now so you didn’t pause to let him ask any questions. “Like I said before, we just need new nicknames.” You tilted your head as you considered him. “What do you think, hot stuff?”
He smirked. “Oh, are we stickin’ with that one?”
“I was trying it out.” You smiled at him, unrepentant. “Was also thinking of calling you ‘cowboy.’ Seeing what fits.” 
He eyed you. “Well, darlin’, you can call me that if you like.” He leaned closer so he could speak lowly into your ear. “I know you like it when I call you sweet names, honey, but I’m determined to figure out which one is your favorite.” He leaned back to take in the effect his words had on you, and you assumed he wasn’t disappointed. You felt the heat in your cheeks and the hitch in your breath. Whatever was happening in your body must have been written all over your face.
“Oh?” Your voice was breathy and high pitched. 
He leaned back in to press a kiss to your cheek, soft. “I can tell you like darlin’, and honey, but we’ll just have to keep looking for the right one.”
You turned towards him, and found that your faces were just inches apart. “The right one for what?” You felt a bit dazed, and you realized you were staring at his mouth. You watched as the corners rose into a smirk again.
“The right one, baby, for later. When you let me kiss you again, like you did in your office. And maybe we find out what happens next, when we don’t get interrupted.” You bit your lip and swayed towards him, but you were startled away from his gaze by the arrival of your server.
“Evening, folks! What can I getcha?”
You felt Joel lean away from you as you both glanced down at the drink menus you hadn’t touched. But that was alright — Joel ordered a beer and you ordered your go-to drink.
As your server stepped away, you looked back at Joel and felt a bit off kilter, coming down from your intimate moment that had been interrupted. He regarded you and slid his hand over to rest next to yours. “So what do you think, darlin’? About the Bison?”
You looked around you, and then back at Joel. You slid your hand closer so your fingers were touching. “I like it, Joel. It’s right up my alley.” 
He smiled, and started playing with your fingers. “Good.”
Over drinks you talked about work a bit, and then about your friends, and Sarah and Ellie. Joel told you about Sarah’s soccer games (she was a forward) and how she was thinking about going out for the school varsity team next year.
You told him about Ellie starting the art club at her school and getting in trouble for cursing at one of her teachers, which was really par for the course. He laughed through the story, though, and summed it up with, “she sounds like a real firecracker. Sarah’d like her,” which made you smile and lace your fingers with his on the table.
“She is,” you agreed.
You ordered some food, and the band started getting in place when it arrived. You scooted a bit closer to Joel so you’d have a better angle on the stage and he set his arm along the back of your chair, turning toward you in response. You noticed Frank was holding a bass guitar. 
When the music started, Joel leaned toward you to murmur in your ear, “you want another drink, darlin’? Before we get out on the floor.” You nodded, and he squeezed your hand before standing and heading towards the bar.
Frank’s band had a bit of a folksy sound, mixed with traditional rock and country. Their first few songs were fun and upbeat and you watched as people started to move onto the dance floor. Some couples were doing what looked like a two-step to your untrained eye, while others did the more accessible sway-in-place. A large group of friends was also hovering near the front and dancing together. 
Joel returned with your drinks and pointed out what was, in fact, two people dancing a two-step and named a few of the moves for you. You started to feel overwhelmed at how much you didn’t know about dancing, while he was so knowledgeable.
Joel scooted his chair closer to yours and leaned in. You realized he must have noticed how much you liked it when he spoke right in your ear.
“What do you think, darlin’? Wanna give it a go?” He moved his arm from the back of your chair closer to you, letting his fingers brush against your arm. You shivered, and you could see that he noticed when he smirked.
“Go easy on me?” You could hear the lack of confidence in your voice. His smirk gentled into a smile.
“Darlin’, just follow me. I won’t let you stumble.” He stood and offered you his hand, which you took.
Joel led you to an empty area near the edge of the dance floor and guided you into a stance you noticed was similar to the one the other dancers were using. “Alright, look, we’ll take it slow. Start with the basics.” And he did. He guided you through a simple two-step, and before you knew it you were moving around your corner of the dance floor to the beat. Slowly, but you were doing it. You watched your feet as you tried to keep up with the step. 
Joel cleared his throat. “So? What do you think?”
Your eyes flew from your feet to meet his gaze. You smiled, hesitantly. “Am I doing it?”
He grinned at you. “You are, honey.”
You and Joel kept it up for the rest of the song, moving slowly. After a few minutes you were able to look away from your feet again. 
“How did you learn how to dance?”
He turned you as you approached the tables, to keep you on the dance floor, and you felt his hand move across your back to bring you closer to him. “My mother taught me and my brother. Our family gatherings tend to feature a lot of dancing.”
“With you and your brother?”
“Well, with the whole family. Our cousins, everybody. Sarah, too.” You realized you were a lot closer to Joel than when you started, but you were still managing not to step on his feet. You smiled. “She’s been dancing at family parties since she was just a kid. Everyone on that side loves to dance, with, ah, varying levels of skill.”
You laughed. “Sounds fun.”
“It is,” he agreed. “Never a dull moment.” The song was coming to an end, and Joel slowed you to a stop. “What do you think? Another song?” You smiled and nodded, and Joel winked at you. “Think we can speed it up?”
“Maybe just a little? Not too much?”
He nodded. “Don’t worry, darlin’, I won’t throw anything too complicated at you. We’re just getting started.”
Joel led you through a few more dances, and you felt more and more confident with each one. In the last one before you decided to take a break he even threw in a (successful) spin and dipped you a bit. You laughed, feeling breathless. He slowly pulled you back up, flush with his chest, and you found yourself staring into his eyes from just a few inches away. Without your conscious input your gaze dropped to his lips. He leaned in before you could and kissed you once, softly, before pulling back and resting his forehead against your own.
“I haven’t had that much fun dancing since I can remember, darlin’.” 
You chuckled. “Even though I barely know what I’m doing?”
He shook his head and kissed you again, softly. “You picked it up pretty quick, you know. But it doesn’t matter, I’d rather dance with you than do something fancy. You wanna sit down for a bit?” You nodded, and he pulled away to lead you back to your table. You realized you’d almost started making out with Joel in the middle of the dance floor, but a quick look around revealed that no one was really paying attention to you since the band was still playing.
You noticed as you sat down that Joel had pulled his chair much closer to yours. You could have put your legs over his lap without needing to move any closer. His arm came down around you with his hand at your waist, so you leaned into him to talk. “How well do you know Frank?”
You felt his thumb start to move up and down against your side as he answered. “He’s closer with Tess, but I’ve known him for about 10 years now. Sarah loves him. She would have begged to come tonight if it wasn’t a date.” 
“Oh, that’s too bad! Next time she should come.” It was out of your mouth before you thought about it, but you meant it, so you tried to look confident.
“Next time, hmm?” Joel smiled at you. “I like the sound of that.” He cleared his throat, and looked a bit hesitant. “You, uh, you would be ok with that?”
“With what, Joel?” You tilted your head as you considered him. You weren’t sure why he was suddenly hesitant, after being so confident on the dance floor.
“With Sarah, coming along with us.”
“Joel, of course! Sarah’s great, and besides, I want to date you. That means I want to get to know you. All of you. The whole package, you know? I’d love to get to know Sarah.” You felt suddenly hesitant yourself, even as you watched him relax, smile returning. “If that’s, well. If that’s alright with you. I don’t want to overstep.”
He shook his head. “No, darlin’, Sarah already likes you and I’d love for you two to get to know each other. And get to know your family, too. But I do want to take you on more dates. Just the two of us.” 
You smiled. “Let’s do both, then. I’ll bring Ellie along sometime, too.” You leaned in and let your head rest against his shoulder, despite the slight discomfort of sitting so close in two wooden chairs. “I’m having a good time, Joel, I already know I’d love to do this again.”
You felt him rest his cheek against the top of your head and smiled into his shirt. He squeezed your side with the hand that had been playing idly with your waistband. “Honey, I’d love nothin’ more.”
You sat like that through a few more songs, enjoying the feeling of being under Joel’s arm. It felt like all of your attention was taken by the hand at your waist as his thumb moved slowly back and forth in a soft caress. You closed your eyes to enjoy the sensation and tried to focus on not letting yourself get all worked up in public.
After a while, the band announced a break, and you startled and sat up a bit. The dance floor was clearing out, and you turned and looked at Joel. He was looking at you.
“What do you think, Joel? Do you want to dance some more?”
He hummed in response before pulling you close again to murmur in your ear.  “What do you think about taking this somewhere a little more quiet? Somewhere we can talk, maybe have another drink.” 
You turned your head and found yourself with your lips just inches from his own. “Talk, huh?”
He smiled a bit sheepishly, but winked. “You call the shots here, darlin’.”
“Let’s stick around for one more dance, and then go get that drink. And then maybe head home.” He looked disappointed, and tried to hide it, but you raised your eyebrows at him with a smile and he straightened, surprised. 
“Home?” He asked, with not a little hope. It made you grin. 
“Well, I never said whose home. But we can figure it out.” 
Joel’s eyes narrowed as he took in your teasing tone. “Honey, I’ll go anywhere you’d like.”
You wondered if implying you’d go home with him on the first date was too much, but you shrugged it off. You’d had lunch twice, anyway. That made this like a third date, right? You knew Joel was interested, and so were you. Clearly for more than one night. And you couldn’t stop thinking about his kiss in your office, and what it might have been like to not be interrupted. To hell with it.
“Well then, let’s go back to the dance floor, and then we can go get another drink somewhere, and then head home.” You paused and let it hold for a moment before smirking at him. “Together.” The smile that took over his face was your favorite one yet — wicked and wide.
“Baby, I like the way you think.” You eyed his smile and decided you needed to stand up before “home” became “the bathroom of the Tipsy Bison.” You shook your head and leaned back. 
“Come on, you flirt.” You nudged him with your shoulder.
“You like the way I flirt.” He nudged you right back.
You sighed. “I really, really do, Joel.” Before you could go anywhere, though, Frank reappeared at the side of your table. 
“Hello, lovebirds!” Joel groaned, but you smiled. “Told you I’d introduce my husband so I had to drag him over here. This is Bill.” Frank stepped to the side to reveal a man about his age or a little older with a beard and a stern face. You introduced yourself and noted that Bill might not have a smile for you, but he definitely had one for Frank. Bill nodded at Joel, who nodded back. Frank rolled his eyes. “These two would just sit in silence with the occasional grunts if I left them alone.” You laughed as Joel sighed and Bill just shrugged. 
You chatted with the two of them for a couple of minutes before Frank had to go back on stage, and Bill headed back to his corner booth. You turned back to Joel and smiled. “I like them.” He nodded.
“They’re good people, even if Bill is a bit grumpy.” 
“Hmm,” you tilted your head, considering his words.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “What?”
“Nothing,” you grinned. You wondered how often Joel got told he and Bill were alike. He seemed to pick up on what you were thinking and rolled his eyes before sighing and letting his head fall back. 
“Not you, too, darlin’.”
“Look, I’m just saying, I see a resemblance.” You tried not to laugh. Joel tilted his head back down and looked at you through narrowed eyes.
“Now, honey, when have I ever been grumpy with you, hmm?” He leaned closer and lifted his hand to run his thumb lightly down your jawline. You bit your lip and he tugged gently with his thumb to release it. 
“Maybe I’m just special,” you teased him. 
“You are,” he responded, completely serious. You wanted to kiss him again, but before you could, he leaned back and stood, holding out his hand to you. “Now, I believe I was promised another dance.” You laughed and stood as well. He leaned over to press a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth before leading you back onto the dance floor.
Frank’s band had just started up again, and they were playing a slower song. Joel pulled you into his arms again, with his left hand settling in the small of your back and his right holding your left. You let your right hand slide up his shoulder and brushed his neck with your fingertips. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your hairline before murmuring, “follow me, darlin’.”
Joel led you into the step he’d taught you earlier, but held you closer while he did it. You found yourself with your head resting on his shoulder as he smoothly guided you around your corner of the dance floor. You let your eyes fall closed and sank into his embrace, trusting your memory of the simple step and Joel’s skills to keep you steady.
He was warm, and broad. Whatever aftershave or cologne or maybe even soap he’d used smelled delicious, and you nuzzled into his neck before you realized what you were doing. He hummed and pulled you even closer. “I like dancin’ with you, honey.” 
You could feel his voice rumble in his chest and it made you smile. You moved your head slightly to press a kiss against his neck. He turned his head towards you but you didn’t pull back. “Me too, Joel.” 
Your arm had crept around the back of his neck, and you realized he had slowed your steps to almost just swaying in place. You were pressed against him and the awareness of his body against yours rushed through you. The knowledge that you were in public on a dance floor struck you, but all you wanted was to get as close to Joel as possible. Your breath hitched, and you felt Joel take a deep breath in response. He shifted so his right leg nudged between yours, and you closed your eyes at the sweeping feeling in your stomach — he wasn’t quite touching you there, but the suggestion was enough to send heat tingling up your spine. Almost against your will your hips moved just a little bit closer to his own. You both froze.
Suddenly he tightened his grip around your waist and spun you both around, causing you to fall into him more. “Joel!” You pulled back and found him grinning at you. The look in his eye told you he was right there with you, but you both knew you were still in public. He released your waist and spun you away from him before pulling you back in right as the music picked up.
“What do you think, gorgeous? One more dance?” You nodded, breathless. As he led you once more around your corner of the dance floor, your eyes stayed locked on his. You felt like you were in a whirlwind, but all you could see was Joel. As you danced, it was like the two of you were completely in sync — he moved his leg, and you mirrored the movement. He tightened his grip around your waist to turn you, and you followed like it was easier than breathing. Neither of you spoke as you moved together but it felt like the connection between you grew taut. You felt it pull at you, pull you closer to Joel, draw you towards him like a hook caught behind your heart.
When the music stopped, the two of you did as well, and neither of you moved as the band started to play another song. Joel was looking into your eyes, face intent. He pulled you closer and let go of your left hand, placing his right softly along your jaw. He tilted your head up towards his and pulled you into a soft kiss. 
“I could dance with you all night, gorgeous.” He spoke with his lips barely an inch from your own.
You kissed him again. “Me too, Joel.”
He smiled and used his hand to tilt your face to the side so he could kiss your neck lightly, just in front of your ear. “Should we keep dancin’, baby? Or should we go get that drink?” He punctuated his question with a kiss to the corner of your jaw, and then your cheek, and then your mouth, lingering there. It took you a moment to open your eyes again when he pulled away, and you found him looking at you with so much emotion that it took your breath away.
“Let’s get going, cowboy.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “Cowboy, hmm?”
You shrugged. “Just trying it out, like I said. Take me for a ride, cowboy.”
Joel grinned, wickedly. “Baby, it would be my pleasure.” As he said it he steered you back to your table. He quickly paid your tab — leaving a nice tip, you noticed — and then turned to usher you out the door. You watched as he waved at Frank, who nodded, and Bill, who tipped his glass towards the two of you, and then he took your hand to lead you outside.
As you stepped on to the sidewalk, Joel turned to the right to head to the corner of the block. “There’s a little tiny place right around the corner that has some of the best mixed drinks I’ve ever had,” he told you. 
You perked up. “Oh, you mean Marlene’s?” 
He smiled. “That’s the one. I take it you’ve been?”
You nodded, but added, “I have, but I love it. I think that’s the perfect place to go next.” He squeezed your hand and led you around the corner. 
Marlene’s had a narrow facade — the inside was long, but the width of the whole place was only enough for tables along one wall and the long bar along the other, until you got to the back and it opened up a bit with some larger tables and couches. It was cozy, with string lights and art all over the walls. Marlene’s was known for the cocktail menu, which featured a rotating list of hard-to-source alcohols and interesting mixers, as well as the non-alcoholic options that still tasted amazing. You and Beth often ended up here if you went out for after-work drinks. 
When you stepped inside it was a bit busy, but not so busy that you couldn’t find a table. There was one open in the back in a corner, actually one of your favorites — it was like a tiny round booth, with only enough room for two or three people. It had higher sides on the front like it was from an old saloon, so once you were inside it felt like a cozy nook. It was a bit awkward to get in and out of, though. You wondered where Marlene had found it.
You sat while Joel headed back to the bar to get your drinks — he’d mentioned getting one of the non-alcoholic ones since he would be driving you home, so you asked for the same. He was back quickly and soon the two of you were snuggled into the booth. He had his left arm around your shoulders, and your legs were draped over his left knee as you turned towards him in the small booth.
“Come here often, gorgeous?” He winked at you as he took a sip of his drink.
“Beth and I do, sometimes. I’ve always liked it.”
He nodded. “Me too. Tess and Frank love it. And Tommy, though he usually prefers the Bison.” You smiled. You were really looking forward to meeting Tommy, eventually. 
“So, Joel.” The more official tone you put on had him straightening his shoulders and you tried not to grin. “You’ve told me a bit about you — I know about Sarah, obviously, and now I know your whole — large? — family dances. I know you like live music and plaid shirts.” He smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. “And I know the way you kiss knocks the breath right out of me.” His eyebrows raised and he leaned forward a bit, but you placed a hand on his chest and laughed. “Slow down, cowboy. I have some questions.”
“Ah, darlin’—” he started, but you interrupted.
“Nothing bad, Joel. I just want to learn more about you. I want to, well,” your tone shifted and became more hesitant, but he watched you intently all the same. “I want to know you.” 
Joel lifted his right hand and cupped your cheek, gently pulling you forward into a soft kiss. “I want to know you too, honey.” He cleared his throat as he sat back, letting his right hand fall to hold your left in your lap. “Alright, then. Shoot. What do you want to know?”
“Hmmm,” you tapped the fingers of the hand he wasn’t holding against your chin in thought. “Alright, let’s start simple. And I’ll answer the same questions I ask you, ok? And you should ask some, whatever you want.” He smiled and nodded. “Ok. What’s your favorite color?”
Joel laughed and shook his head. “Well, I do like green, but Sarah says it’s blue, on account of how much of it I wear.” 
You smiled. “Those can be different things, you know. My favorite color isn’t the one I wear most often.” 
He ran his thumb over the back of your hand and hummed. “My turn? Ok, where are you from, darlin’?”
The two of you traded questions back and forth. Sometimes you got distracted — Joel mentioned being from a small town outside of Austin, and the two of you compared your hometowns for a while. Then Joel mentioned one of Tommy’s shenanigans from when they were kids, and the story had you laughing so hard you fell against Joel’s chest (but he caught you with both arms wrapped around your waist). 
You touched a bit on more serious topics, but didn’t get into too much detail. Sarah’s mom wasn’t around, but he said he’d tell you the whole story another time. You nodded. You said your sister, Ellie’s mom, had gone through a rough time a few years back, and Ellie had stayed with you for a while. That’s why Ellie was still with you so often. Your sister was doing better but she worked most weekends and a lot of nights. He nodded, understanding. You both quickly changed the subject. You had time, after all.
Joel told you about his summer vacation with Sarah and Tommy, which featured hiking and time at the beach and ended with the three of them a bit sun worn but relaxed and happy. He told you Sarah had requested visiting a city next time, though, and you laughed and told him about Ellie’s inner gremlin and her love of camping. 
Before you knew it, an hour had passed, and you felt like you knew so much more about the man in front of you. You knew his favorite color (“it’s green!” You insisted, “you said so!”), his favorite breakfast food (migas, but only how his grandma made it), how he took his coffee (black), a few of the trials and tribulations of Tommy Miller, Sarah’s soccer highlights, more about what she was doing in school (and how much she (and Joel and Tommy) hated her biology teacher), a bit more about the large extended family that liked to dance, and finally, Joel’s dream career when he was a kid (musician). 
“Wait, really? A singer?” He ducked his head, looking embarrassed, but nodded. “Joel, hey,” you reached out to tilt his chin back up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m not making fun. That’s amazing. I’d love to hear you sing.” You were leaning close as you said it, almost fully sitting in his lap at this point. He studied you, a serious look on his face. 
“I’ll sing for you whenever you want, gorgeous.” His voice was deeper than it had been even a moment before, and you took a deep breath. 
“Yeah?” He nodded. “Bet you were really something, playing shows. Young Joel Miller with a guitar? God, how many women did you sweep off their feet?” You grinned at him, teasing.
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “Not as many as you’d think.”
“Oh come on, Joel, I would have had the biggest crush on you.” 
He laughed. “Darlin’, I thought you had a crush on me now.” 
You rolled your eyes. “That is neither here nor there, Joel Miller. Ugh, I can almost picture it. Wait, do you have any pictures?” You knew you looked excited and tried to tame it a bit, but he smiled and laughed. 
“I do, but uh, I might also have a recording.”
“What! I have to see it. Please?” 
He studied you again, looking over your wide eyes and pleading smile. “Hmm on the first date?” His voice was teasing, and he pinched your side lightly, making you squirm. “Don’t you think that’s more of a second date activity?” You bit your lip, considering your next words. But you had no reason to doubt yourself, or him. You were pretty sure you were on the same page, here.
“You know, technically, we have had a couple of lunch dates.” He huffed a laugh. “But what about a morning-after activity?” You said it teasingly, but also a little breathlessly. You were sitting so close that you got to watch his reaction take over his face and it mesmerized you. His brows rose as his eyes darkened, and he gave you that wicked half smile that made you melt.
“Well, now,” he started, and his voice was deep. You felt it rumbling in his chest where your hands rested lightly against his shirt. “I reckon you’ll just have to come over and find out.” He used his left arm to pull you up so you were finally sitting fully across his lap. You met his eye and licked across your bottom lip. His own gaze dropped from yours to track the path of your tongue.
“I reckon I will, then,” you agreed. You could feel your heartbeat pick up as he squeezed your side with his left hand and brought his right up to brush his fingertips down your neck. “Can’t miss my chance to hear you sing.”
He shook his head. “Honey, I told you, I’ll sing for you whenever you want.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth, and your breath hitched. “I’d sing for you right now, if you wanted.” He pressed another kiss to your chin, and then under your jaw. You tilted your head up to give him better access. “I don’t think you realize how much I’d do for you, if you asked.” You thought of your maintenance requests, and the plants, and the coffees, and thought maybe you did have some idea.
“Joel,” you whispered, and he hummed in response. “Sing me something.” You tried to make it sound like a teasing demand, but it came out more like a plea.
He nipped your neck. “Anything, honey, or you got something in mind?”
“Whatever you want to sing to me, Joel, that’s what I want to hear.”
He pulled back suddenly and moved his hands to rearrange you on his lap. You found yourself with your back flush against his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You placed your hands on top of his. “Close your eyes, gorgeous.” You let your head fall back over his shoulder as you did as he asked.
He hummed, and moved his right hand to your thigh, where he squeezed gently. You squirmed a little in his lap and he chuckled, holding you still with his left arm around your waist. “Shh, honey, just get comfortable. Right here.”
You let yourself sink into his touch, wondering what he would sing for you. He nuzzled against your neck, maybe still deciding, and your legs fell open a bit further without your conscious input. You bit your lip and he kissed your neck as his right hand moved to grip the inside of your thigh. And then he started to sing.
“Take me now, baby, here as I am Hold me close, try and understand Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe Love is a banquet on which we feed”
You gasped at the first word. Joel’s singing voice was beautiful. It was deep and warm and a little gravely. Even as quiet as he was singing you felt like it was lifting you up, floating through the air around you. 
“Come on now try and understand The way I feel when I'm in your hands Take my hand, come undercover”
Joel hummed, maybe the next part of the song. You realized you were holding his left arm in a tight grip and tried to relax your hands. He squeezed the inside of your right thigh reassuringly, and you noticed how high his hand had drifted while he sang. You shifted your weight and let your left leg fall further to the side. His hand inched higher.
“Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to lust Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us”
You knew this song, but hearing Joel sing it was an entirely new experience. You could hardly think about anything but where he was touching you — everywhere — and feel his voice washing over you. Your senses were filled with nothing but him.
He let the last word of the chorus fade, and you came back to yourself only to realize you had started breathing faster, chest heaving with it. “You alright there, darlin’?” His low voice had intrigued you before but now it reminded you of his singing and your breath stuttered in your chest. 
“Yes, Joel, I—”
“You sure?” As he asked again, he slid his hand just a bit higher on your thigh so that his thumb rested right in the inside crease of your hip. He wasn’t quite touching you there, not really, but his proximity drew your sudden attention to how wet you were. You were soaked, just from listening to him sing. Fuck. You squirmed on his lap, but your motion accidentally drew him closer to you, and the side of his thumb brushed against the seam of your pants, right over your core. You gasped, and belatedly realized he had had the same reaction. 
“Oh, honey,” his thumb pressed down, just a little bit, just enough to make you thrust your hips forward without thinking about it. He held you in place with his left arm while running a line of kisses up your neck to your ear. “You’re soaked, honey. I can feel you, right through these pants. Jesus, you must be so fucking wet. And all for me? Goddamn,” he sounded delighted at the prospect. He pressed down again with his thumb, and the noise that came out of you could only be described as a whimper. 
“Shh, don’t worry, honey. I’ll take good care of you.” He whispered in your ear as his hand crept closer to displacing his thumb. You couldn’t catch your breath. “Give you everything you want, sweetheart. Everything.” He emphasized the last word with a sudden grip to your pussy, his whole hand moving over the seam of your pants and cupping you firmly. But in a flash, his hand was gone again, and you were left reeling, breathing hard, eyes flying open.
“Shit,” you whispered, with the belated realizations that you were still at Marlene’s fucking bar, in a booth where technically people could see you. You glanced around, but the high walls of the booth protected you, and Joel had pulled you both to the side, so you were facing away from the room on his lap. Smart.
Joel didn’t respond, and you whipped around to look at him. The hesitant look on his face told you he’d misunderstood your curse. You cursed again. “Fuck, Joel. Get me out of here.” He twitched, but didn’t move. “Joel, you need to take me home. Right now.” You were aroused and sweaty and in public and one of those things was in your power to change right at his moment. You cupped his face in your hands, still breathing hard, but you softened your voice. “Take me home, Joel, together. I want to go home with you.” He finally smiled again, reassured, and nodded. He started to maneuver both of you out of the tiny booth. 
“Well come on then, honey, we got places to be.” Before you knew it he was leading you by the hand out the door, and you barely had a minute to wonder if anyone inside Marlene’s could tell you’d just almost gotten off in that booth back there. Oh well.
Joel was walking fast, and you tugged on his arm to slow him down a bit. “Joel, hey, wait,” he stopped abruptly and turned to look at you, and you saw everything you were feeling painted across his face. You blinked and gathered yourself to keep from kissing him. “I didn’t get a chance to say, Joel, fuck, your voice.” He smiled at you and tugged you closer. “You’re so good. Do you ever– do you ever sing, anymore?” 
He shrugged, a bit sadly. “Just for Sarah, really. And now you.” You squeezed his hand. 
“Well, I loved it, so please, sing for me whenever you’d like.” He nodded, looking a bit bashful. “But, ah, maybe we try that again somewhere a little more private, next time.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Oh yeah?” 
You nodded, stiffly. “I’m just saying, if you’re going to hold me like that, and sing to me like that, I might need a little privacy.” You bit your lip as he stepped closer and leaned in to whisper in your ear. 
“Honey, if you want me to play with your pussy while I sing to you, you only have to ask.” You gasped. When he pulled back he was grinning wickedly, and you laughed. 
“You better keep that promise, Joel Miller.” He swooped in to kiss you again quickly, before pulling back to lead you down the street. 
“Baby, I always keep my promises. Especially promises like that one.” He winked.
After you crossed the street, Joel turned and took both of your hands in his. “I just want to ask again, darlin’, I don’t want to assume anything.” 
You considered him and smiled. “My answer is yes, Joel.” He shook his head and laughed, lowly. 
“Humor me. Say it again?” You untangled your right hand from his and lifted it to cup his cheek. You smoothed your thumb along his cheekbone and he turned to kiss your palm.
“Yes, Joel. I want to go home with you. I’ve got a video to watch in the morning, after all.” He grinned into your hand and bit it lightly. You gasped and laughed as he reached out to pull you into another kiss. 
“Let’s get out of here, gorgeous.”
you (10:42 PM): going home with Joel 😳
bestie  (10:43 PM): GET IT!!! (10:43 PM): 🍆 (10:43 PM): and send me his address
you (10:44 PM): 🫡
a/n: see you next Friday when we finally earn that explicit rating (aka, the smut arrives) 😌😏
These are the covers of Because the Night (the song Joel sings) that inspired me: Bruce cover | Bruce live | 10,000 Maniacs cover live | and the OG prev | next
tag list: @jupiter-soups @ilovepedro @auteurdelabre @anoverwhelmingdin @myloveistoolittle @iknowisoundcrazy @beezusvreeland @screechingphantommaker @bigboiseason123 @joelalorian @untamedheart81 @ashleyfilm @jessthebaker @jeewrites @fluffygoffpanda @paleidiot
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talesofesther · 1 year
scorch marks | ch 3
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: Wednesday has been careful to keep what you two have behind closed doors and far away from labels; but when someone starts to take it — take you — away from her, she realizes how much she cares.
A/N: I'm not sure if I'm completely happy with how this turned out, but that's my life nowadays. And I wanted to post this for you guys before I leave for my little trip for new years, so I hope you enjoy it. Also, I think I ended up writing this one exclusively from Wednesday's pov lol. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 2 here
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Human emotions were a strange, bothersome thing. Love could make you kill just as much as anger; ambition could make you get down on one knee to pledge your devotion to someone just as much as love.
They can get in the way of a clear mind, making you say or do something that would come back to torture you later.
That was probably their most devious power. And they lead to feelings; that are messy and unstable.
Wednesday prided herself on having control over them, not the other way around. Or at least she did. Because recently she has been victim to so many, that she didn't have the stomach to keep count.
She remembers the coldness of the rain against her skin as she walked away from Weathervane — away from you — it was pleasant and comforting; a safe blanket as the droplets trickled down her forehead all the way to her chin and hid the few stray tears that escaped her.
Her steps had been fast in desperation to get away. Her throat closed so tightly that she thought having someone choking her would be more bearable. Her heart beating so painfully, that maybe a bullet would've been more merciful.
She walked, and walked, and walked; her feet carrying her to school without realizing it. She was soaked when she stepped into her dorm, making puddles of water with each step she took. She remembers Enid talking, but the words were blurred.
Wednesday had made a beeline to the shower, turning it on with a temperature colder than the rain she had just escaped from.
Some say the second time around is more bearable. This certainly wasn't the case for her.
It was the day Wednesday put an end to whatever was happening between you and her. The day where she hated the most that she was forced to feel her own emotions.
The week that followed wasn't an improvement either.
Your words kept replaying in Wednesday's mind like a broken record; this is not a date, and please can we talk?
What would you have said, had she cared to listen?
Wednesday sat in front of her typewriter every day, staring at the blank paper and being unable to fill it. She'd hit a stump, because maybe she'd never know what you would have said.
You passed by each other in Nevermore's hallways as if you were just two strangers in the street, never to cross paths again. When you stood on one side of the bee keeper's shed, Wednesday stayed in the far opposite one, and if she so much as tried coming closer, you'd drop whatever it was you were doing and walk away. Even if Enid asked, you didn't come to her dorm anymore, prompting the werewolf to ask questions even though she could guess the answer.
Wednesday didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much. She caught herself tracing the lines of her own palm in a motion that was yours to make, brushing the corner of her lips in the place that was yours to kiss. And as much as she hated this feeling with all her might, hated you for forcing it into her, she couldn't chase it away.
It was so sadistically ironic that Wednesday kept you at arm's length in order to avoid attachment and loss, and that's exactly what she got. Maybe this is what Goody was trying to warn her about, that no matter the road she takes, the end will always be the same.
Today was a friday, ten days and four hours since the last time Wednesday spoke with you, since she replicated a damn drama cliche with her pitiful walk in the rain. Not that she was keeping count.
She sat at one of the tables on the quad, Enid at her side talking about something she wasn't listening to. The day was gray, morbidly so as the clouds loomed above, dark and cold in a way that Wednesday would've loved if it wasn't for you.
You who sat at the other end of the quad, putting as many tables and obnoxiously loud students between you and Wednesday as you could. You who looked so undeniably beautiful under the shadows. You who was smiling, happy as you laughed with your friends and spared no glances into the crowd to look for anyone.
Were you happier without her?
Wednesday sucked in a sharp breath at the mere thought of it, her lower lip quivering slightly as she exhaled, before she averted her eyes from you with a blink.
She turned to Enid only to find the girl's bright eyes already on her, a knowing smirk on her pink lips; "I won't even ask if you were listening."
"I got bored after the word shopping," Wednesday stated, raising an eyebrow that got Enid rolling her eyes.
"And because you were stalking our resident pretty girl," Enid teased, bumping Wednesday's shoulder with hers.
It was a truth that Wednesday countered with a lie; "I only stalk people who are hiding something or who have something I want, she doesn't fit on any of those."
Enid slumped on her seat, resting her head on her hands as she looked at Wednesday, "you can't keep doing this, Wednesday."
"Doing what?"
"Pretending like you don't care," Enid says then, with the frustration of someone who's just seen their favorite couple from a tv show hit another almost.
"Why would you assume the opposite?" Wednesday asks irritatedly.
Enid gives her best friend a look that could only be read as seriously? before she sits up straighter; "you two went from hanging out in the dorm for hours and sneaking out when you think no one's watching, to staying on different sides of the school and avoiding each other like the plague. Even you have to feel that change."
But I don't want to; Wednesday thinks to herself. Her only response is to look away.
With a sigh, Enid softens; "why won't you just tell her the truth?" She asks gently. The werewolf doesn't know the full story, and when her roommate ignores her questions and neither you nor Yoko will talk, gossip can only do so much; but even a blind person can see that whatever happened, hurt both of you.
Wednesday frowns; "what truth?"
"That you have feelings for her, silly. Like, genuinely more than friends feelings." There's an excited smile on Enid's lips as she says it, eyes glinting with the prospect of a love story.
"That's a horrible idea," Wednesday's face does something complicated, as if she's sorting on how to feel about this — or tasted something sour. "Besides, you know what happened the last time I did something remotely close to that."
And just like that, the muddy waters start to clear, the fog starts to dissipate and Enid understands what is happening — if just a little better.
The blonde reaches out a hand to Wednesday's forearm, squeezing softly; "Wednesday, this is Y/N we're talking about, she's not gonna turn into a murderous monster and break your heart."
Wednesday visibly gulps, her jaw painfully clenched as she felt uncharacteristically small under Enid's gaze.
"Plus I thought you'd be into the whole potential heartbreak thing." Enid teases, fighting back a grin, to which Wednesday can only mumble back;
"Not nearly as fun as I thought it'd be."
Switching her gaze between you and the raven-haired girl by her side, Enid hums; "want my advice?"
"I'd take my chances if I were you, because I know she genuinely cares about you. A lot."
There was something about the way Wednesday dropped her shoulders slightly, about the way she stole another glance at you as if you had just bought a one-way ticket to another country. It was that bittersweet feeling of a good thing that came to its end way too early.
Enid felt like crying.
"I'm afraid I'm too late, Enid."
It wasn't until dinner time — and after much, much insistence from Enid — that Wednesday decided to try and mend her mistake.
The cafeteria was already filled with students when she arrived, in true Nevermore fashion, the place was big and ancient; a meticulously decorated stone-walled room with tables and a kitchen area. Werewolves, Enid's brothers probably, were making a scene near the kitchen; there were gorgons and sirens playing a card game on one of the tables; and you sat with the vampires, with Yoko by your side no less.
Wednesday felt curious eyes on her, undoubtedly her peers wondering why she'd been staring unmoving for so long. A deep breath passed through her lips as she begrudgingly swallowed her pride and took the first step, her boots thudding against the stone floor.
With each of her steps, she repeated the words in her head; can we talk? Do you still wish to talk? Or would it be better, I need to talk with you?
Wednesday decides that fighting a murderous monster would be infinitely easier.
Your eyes locked in on her figure before she even reached you, and Wednesday smiled, a tiny tilt of lips that only you would notice; but you looked away from her before it happened.
Did people care about each other only because they enjoyed the pain that comes with it?
Something akin to panic fluttered inside Wednesday's stomach when you got up from your seat, reaching for your backpack and muttering a few goodbyes to your friends as you walked between the tables. The Addams girl quickened her steps, almost bumping into Bianca and not bothering to turn around when the siren called her out on it.
Wednesday just about managed to stop in front of you before you left for the doors.
Is this what you felt on that day?
Your eyes closed with a sigh, your hands were buried deep in your pockets and there was a rigidness to your shoulders. You were nervous, and even if it wasn't the right time, Wednesday was proud of herself for knowing it.
But having you this close again after so long — not really, ten days aren't that long, yet Wednesday hates that it felt like ages — has its downsides.
Wednesday couldn't speak. The only thing she needed to do, and her words are stuck. Feelings are a pain in the ass to deal with.
Yoko stood by your side, arms crossed over her chest; "do you have anything to say or what?"
She's protective, Wednesday doesn't blame her for it anymore.
Yes, she should say. There's a glint of hope in your eyes when you look at her; Wednesday finds herself wanting to reach out, but she's not sure she's allowed to anymore. She wonders if you missed her as much as she misses you.
"No," is what she says, and it's quite painful.
It's well into the night when Wednesday makes her way back to her dorm, the stairs creaking under her boots, a half-moon shining high on the sky being the only source of light.
her insides are twisting with a mix of rage, frustration, self-pity, and something else that's just heavy.
She pushed open the door to her dorm only to find it empty. Enid's bed is unmade and Wednesday's typewriter still has a blank page on it.
Enid had texted Wednesday earlier, something about going out with Ajax and not coming back too soon. The solitude was well appreciated, it gave the Addams girl some much-needed peace to work on her novel. The only problem is that her mind was nowhere near peaceful.
The first thing that caught Wednesday's attention after she walked in was the potted cactus by her window, it looked a little sad, its soil all dry and the color not as green as it should be. Wednesday didn't think twice as she walked to her bathroom, filling a cup with water and gently emptying it into the plant's pot. At least of that part of you, she'd take good care of.
She took off her hoodie next, throwing it on top of her bed. It was pathetic that the simple action got her thinking of you too, of when you'd lounge on there talking nonsense with Thing while she wrote.
How could one person hold so much power over another was beyond Wednesday, especially because she didn't allow it; it just happened. It happened that she kissed you out of impulse, just because she couldn't die without knowing what your lips felt like; or that she kept calling on you more and more after that, feeling a hole in her chest whenever you were away for too long.
It just happened that she fell for you, and maybe it was inevitable, maybe you'd be her doom. But it was her choice to push you away, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't the one thing she regretted the most.
There was a knock on Wednesday's door that snapped her mind back to reality. She turned around, frowning as she stared at the dark wooden thing, wondering who would seek her out this late in the night.
Honestly? Wednesday should've seen it coming as soon as Enid suggested she should talk with you. She should've known.
She swung open the door only to reveal you on the other side, in plaid pajama pants and a white shirt, hugging yourself because of the coldness of the empty hallways.
Your posture went rigid as soon as your eyes found Wednesday's, it got her wondering if you forgot this was her dorm, if you knocked on the wrong door by accident.
"Hello," Wednesday said as she looked at you, features impassive, her hand tightening around the door handle until her knuckles turned white.
You ran your tongue over your bottom lip before you spoke; "Enid texted me, said you needed help with something. That it was an emergency," you gulped, diving into over-explanation, "and that she wasn't here, so she asked if I could…" You trailed off, your fingers nervously tapping your arm.
Oh. Maybe her roommate wasn't too far off when she said you cared. It was rare the times where anyone would be able to easily read Wednesday's emotions. This was one of them and it wasn't a surprise that you were the cause.
There was a glint to Wednesday's eyes that belonged to you, her features softened in a blink — no more creases to her eyebrows and lips parting in vain when her words got tangled on her tongue — it was the calmness after a raging storm.
Wednesday used to mock the people who spoke about soulmates, about the invisible red string that few ones were lucky enough to find the other end of. But could there ever be any other explanation for the way you set her at ease?
She nodded once, stepping aside so you could walk in.
You were hesitant in the way you did so, as if you didn't belong, and Wednesday hated it — because you did belong, right here by her side. You stood in the middle of her dorm, right between the division of colors to blankness on the round window.
The air felt electric around you. Wednesday chanced a step closer, her gaze casting over every twitch of your expressions; "I do," she started, and a beat passed as she refused to take the last chance to back down and let you go, "I do have something to say."
You scoffed, "that doesn't sound like an emergency," but there was no bite to your tone, almost as if you wanted her to object.
"It is," Wednesday told you, allowing the affection she held for you to drip from every syllable. One more chance, that's all she needed, and maybe she’d tell you just what it is that you do to her.
You had a kindness to you that she was underserving of, Wednesday thought. But maybe she could work her way to it. She raised her chin, striving to keep her heartbeat in check; "I wasn't completely fair last time we spoke, I'll measure my words better if you're willing to talk to me again."
Wednesday said the words as if they were the particularities of a contract, and not an apology to someone who held her cold heart in their hands. She realized it was the wrong thing to say as soon as your features fell.
You took on the glow of the moon effortlessly as it came through the window, it framed the lines of your jaw and cheekbone, all delicate and pretty. You ducked your head, allowing your hair to partially cover your eyes as you nodded a few times. "Great," you mumbled, before taking a few quick steps with intent to go around Wednesday and back to the lonely hallways.
She didn't let you, her cold hand closed around your own as you made to walk past her, keeping you in place in a gesture that surprised both of you.
Having your skin against hers again made Wednesday feel like coming home after a long journey. It's strange that that's what you became to her.
The hold she had on you wasn't strong, you could easily pull your hand away and leave. But you didn't.
"It was unfair of me," Wednesday started, each word tighter than the next as she forced them out. More than anything, Wednesday despised talking about her feelings, but words are all she has now, "the mistake was mine and I will accept the consequences for it. But you should have all cards on the table when making your judgment."
If there was a heaven, you already had your place on it — you turned back around to face Wednesday properly, and without letting go of her hand, you adjusted your hold so that your fingers could intertwine; your thumb tracing random patterns on her skin in a motion that you knew calmed her down. Because you knew how hard this was for her — Wednesday was sure you were an angel in your past life.
The dorm room had never felt this detached from the outside world, as it does now, holding this one moment for you and Wednesday alone.
For a split second, where she allowed herself the luxury of only existing in your presence, Wednesday wondered if this is what real love felt like. She took in a deep breath, feeling your perfume as she did so before focusing her gaze on your joined hands; they fit well together.
"I used to ask myself why I was the one who kissed you first that day." Wednesday hesitated, nagging on the inside of her cheek with her teeth, "and I realized that it's because you make me feel something I never- hardly ever feel when around other people."
Her eyes glanced up at you in a lazy motion, only to find that your eyes never left her once. There was a soft smile on your lips, overflowing adoration. Wednesday was sometimes envious of the way you wore your heart on your sleeve so effortlessly.
"It's an annoying feeling really," the raven-haired girl admitted, raising an eyebrow at you, "I wanted to rip it away from me the first time it happened." Her lips hovered open as she heard her own heartbeat, thunderous as ever, "but the one that came in your absence was much worse."
The passage of time felt equally too slow and too fast. You weren't doing anything. Did she do something wrong?
Wednesday tensed when, carefully, you raised a hand to her face. You were tender in the way that you pushed the black strands of hair behind Wednesday's ear, your fingertips lingering and tracing her cheek before you dropped your hand. As if you'd missed touching her too.
And oh you did, if Wednesday knew just how much, she'd probably be all over you already. "I feel it too," you whispered, a secret confession only for her to hear.
"I know we never talked about what we were, and I'm not asking you to," you spoke calmly, "but you really hurt me, Wednesday, at the very least I thought we were friends."
What if I'd like us to be more? What would you say, is that something you'd ever want too?
Before Wednesday could ask any of the questions she was dying to know the answer to, you asked yours first;
"Did you mean that? What you said?"
And the Addams girl figured that this was a more pressing matter anyway.
Wednesday shook her head with urgency, her hand squeezing yours to keep you in place, "it could never be true." She took a step closer, her boots bumping your sneakers, "hurting you, it's the last thing I'd ever want to do, and I apologize that it happened."
The raw honesty of Wednesday's tone was all you needed to hear to let go of her hand in order to cup her cheeks, pulling her into a kiss that spoke more than any of you ever could.
Wednesday grasped onto your waist almost desperately, her hands bunching up your shirt as she glued your body to hers in a nearly bruising grip, dying to feel the most of you that she could manage. She pressed herself into you, her nose brushing your cheek as her soft lips molded with yours; telling you she'd never miss anyone as much as she misses you, that she'd never feel so strongly for someone as she does for you; that she'd have you until death's cold embrace took her.
Your hands traveled from her jaw to the back of her neck, fingers mingling with the wisps of hair there. You pressed your lips to each corner of her mouth, bumping your noses as you did so, leaving testimonies of your affection each time your upper lip grazed hers; letting her know that she'd ruined anyone else to you, that you'd never feel for someone else, what you feel for her.
Wednesday pulled back just enough to be able to breathe, her forehead brushing yours as you felt more than heard the shape of her words; "let me make it up to you… Please."
You chuckled, tracing the outline of her lower lip with your thumb. It was reddish and just a little swollen, warm to the touch and it was your fault.
It got you smiling, because you could also feel her own smile under your digit; "gladly."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova
@justyourwritter69 @natashaxwife @fieldofsecretss @faunusrubyrose @darkblueeyedperson @jujuu23 @part-timetraveller @athenablack1959 @loki-is-loved @daddy-jareau @lordsisi08 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @simonsbluee @lovemesomemaura @whatawonderfulunsername @r4td0lll @red-havana @rob1nbuckl3ys @incrediblygay37 @panicattheeverywherekid @sometandomstuff333 @panicattheeverywherekid @sometandomstuff333 @wayvjinsol @saintnookling @awolfcsworld @georgi-salva @unforgettwble-sumii @youralphawolf72 @machinesanaloginterface @raiden88 @tani725
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Delirium Days
Pairings: Wandanat x (eventually) R
Word count: 1.1K
Summary: Wanda and Nat had wanted you to join their relationship from the beginning. But when you fall sick they can’t help but to care for you and make their feelings known.
TW: Delirium (idk if that’s a warning or not lol), one swear word
A/N Not edited.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you felt someone had replaced all the blood in your body with concrete. Your limbs hurt and they were hard to move. Your head felt like it was full of rocks and was just as heavy too. Stumbling to the bathroom, you splashed some water on your face. Of course you would wake up sick. Throwing on some makeup and taking a Panadol to stop in ache in your bones and head, you trudged downstairs looking slightly more presentable.
“Morning Y/n/n” Wanda called from where she was making pancakes. Upon hearing this Nat also looked up from where she was drowning a stack in maple syrup and ice-cream. Nat loved sweet foods.
“Morning detka.” Nat called, eyes returning to them tower.
Trying your best to keep your voice steady you bid them good morning and took a seat. Luckily they seemed to buy it. You must have zoned out because a second later Wanda was laying your own stack of pancakes in front of you and Nat looked like she was waiting for an answer to something.
“Sorry. Could you repeat the question.” You mumbled. Nat frowned and Wanda looked at you closely, making you squirm slightly in your seat.
“I asked if you wanted toppings?” She said unsurely.
“Are you feeling ok?” Wanda asked, going to lay a hand on your cheek. You dodged, putting on a weak smile.
“Just tried. I need some coffee.” You said, voice husky. You played it off as the lasting effects of sleep and got up despite your body’s protests to get coffee.
When you returned to the table, the world tilted for a second making you stumble slightly as you sat back down.
“Honey? Do you want to go back to bed?” Wanda asked, Nat eyed you closely.
Your body screamed at you to say yes but you simply shook your head. Not helping with the dizziness. You put your head down on the table. Too tired to conjure anymore of a charade for the couple. Wanda and Nat had been dating long before you joined the team. And as much as you loved both women, you didn’t want to spoil their love for each other. So you were happy to watch from afar, the twinge in your heart becoming a constant ache.
“Love?” Nat asked.
“Yeah?” You grumbled.
“She asked if you wanted anything?” Wanda frowned. Leaning forward, she brushed a hand over your head, pausing before laying the back of her hand on your forehead.
“Nat, she’s quite warm.” Wanda shot a concerned look at the other girl, who came around to feel for herself.
Upon laying her hand on your flushed cheek, Nat hissed. Her hand taking the makeup off your cheek to reveal a pink flush to your skin.
“Shes more than a little warm.” Nat agreed
“Friday?” Wanda asked, reappearing with a wash cloth to remove the makeup. She crouched down in front of you. Gently she wiped off all the concealer and set the cloth down again.
“Yes Ms. Maximoff” the AI replied
“What is Y/n’s temperature?”
“Y/n appears to be running a fever of 102.8” Friday responded.
“Shit.” Nat swore, receiving a playful slap from Wanda on the arm.
Scooping you up, Nat carried you back to Wanda and her shared room. Wanda trailed behind.
Waking up slightly, to find yourself in Nat’s strong arms, your head felt fuzzy.
“Natty?” You asked voice sounding high and slurred. Wanda shot Nat a look at the nickname.
“Yes love?” Nat cooed.
“Can you turn the sun down please.” You huffed burying your head in her armpit. She thanked god she had put on more deodorant after training.
Wanda chuckled slightly at Nat’s thoughts, receiving a glare from the redhead in question.
“Bit delirious there sweetheart?” Wanda cooed. Stroking back your hair as Nat laid you on their bed.
“‘M not your sweetheart.” You mumbled making both girls freeze. You had never denied their names for you in the past. And they knew your fever was making you say things, but curiosity won out in the end.
“No?” Nat asked.
“ B’t I wanna be.” You smiled snuggling into Wanda’s side as she ran her hands through your hair. “One day.” You grinned.
Nat retuned a moment later with two cold wash cloths. Placing one on the back of your neck and handing Wanda another for your forehead. You wined at the coldness and Wanda shushed you, pulling you in flush to her side. Your eyes fought to stay open.
“It’s alright sweetheart, close those pretty eyes for us now.” Wanda cooed.
You feel asleep to Wanda’s nails on your scalp and Nat tracing patterns between your shoulder blades.
Next time you woke up your fever had broken and both girls were asleep beside you. Your memories were fuzzy and as your words came back to you, you shot up in bed. Accidentally waking both girls in the process.
“What’s wrong detka?” Nat asked, shooting a worried look at Wanda who laid a hand on your cheek. Blushing you stuttered out an apology.
“Now. Now. There’s no need for that sweetheart. We were happy to help.” Wanda hushed.
You flopped back onto the bed. Freezing when you felt a soft pair of lips on yours.
“Sorry.” Nat grinned sheepishly. “Couldn’t help it, your so cute when you pout.”
“‘S ok” you smiled. “I kinda liked it.”
“Then maybe I can have a turn.” Wanda grinned, pulling you into her for another kiss. Her lips were soft and tasted like honey.
Realising what was happening you panicked. “Im sorry. Im so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your relationship. Im tired and sick and I let my emotions get out of check. And-“
“Its ok.” Wanda shushed, cutting off your rambling.
“We have wanted to do that for a long time.” Nat agreed.
“Don’t think we haven’t notice you watching us.” Wanda smiled slyly.
Of course they noticed. One was a mind reader and the other a trained spy. You groaned, making both girls giggle.
“If you don’t mind we would love for you to join our little relationship.” Nat smiled, brushing the hair from your eyes. Wanda smiled at the blush that rose to your cheeks.
“Ok.” You mumbled quietly. Wanda contained a squeal at your cuteness. Both girl laid either side of you pulling your body into theirs as Wanda coaxed you back to sleep. When your eyes were finally shut, Nat whispered to Wanda.
“Can we keep her?”
“I don’t think we’ll ever be letting her go.” Wanda smiled sweetly down at your sleeping form.
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tvseries-writings · 6 months
TW: suicide attempt
Me again, about Carina and Maya. So...I've been thinking and had an idea.
How about one, where the two come back home from a hard day and just want to cuddle with R and watch some movies etc., but they can't find R anywhere. One of them enters the bedroom and sees a letter, which turns out to be a suicide note, which, obviously, scares them a lot.
So they (frantically) continue looking for R and notice that the bathroom door is closed, so they get a spear key to open it (or just kick it open lol) and see R in the bathtub, wrists c*t open and the water having turned red.
The rest is up to you (but make r survive plssss).
If that's a too much, or too graphic, I can try to come up with another idea.
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The water is turning red and the pain is slowly fading as the cold makes you shiver. 
You look up at the ceiling, releasing the smoke in small circles that expand into the bathroom.
Maya and Carina hate it when you smoke inside the house but you think it won't be a problem this time; the deep cuts on your wrists are proof of that. 
You know you should feel guilty about what you're doing, about how it will affect them...but you don't, you feel free at last; the weight on your chest that has been plaguing you for months is gone, flown away as soon as you put the blade on your wrist with the intention of not stopping. No one stays sane for long under conditions of absolute reality, and that is exactly what happened to you. Maya and Carina's love was not enough and not because of them. You didn't want to be helped; it has to be this way and you know it, just like all the lousy foster families who for fifteen years of your life told you so, over and over again until you turned eighteen and joined the Army and later the Seattle Police Department. You've seen so much horror that you're not sure you want to stay in this world and you did what had to be done. That was it.
Suicide is said to be an impulsive choice, as irrational as murder is but it is not, the carefully folded letter on the bed that you, Maya and Carina share is proof of that. No act is ever completely impulsive, there is always premeditation behind it. And yours lasted more than four months; four months of false smiles and emotionless eyes.
But now nothing matters anymore, nothing, because you are finally about to leave this shitty world but also the loves of your life. It is not true that you do not feel guilty but you are sure that they will be fine without you, they will go on as they always have and they will not have your weight on their shoulders, not anymore. That is all that matters, the only thing that matters to you. Finally, for the first time in your whole life, you will do something useful and get out of their way. They will feel bad at first but then they will live a much more peaceful and happy life, you are absolutely convinced of that. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself to get the courage to go ahead in what you're doing.
On the news, on TV, in the movies people say that suicide is an extremely selfish and cowardly act but you don't think it is, there is a deep and primal courage in doing such an extreme act; not everyone is capable of it and not because they don't want to but because they don't have the courage necessary to cross the line and not look back. It is difficult, of course, but it is worth it. At least for you.
You are so weak that you can no longer hold the cigarette, which falls into the water and goes out with a sizzle. A sigh leaves your lips as you rest your head on the edge of the tub, beginning to sink into the now warm water. When you close your eyes, your last thought goes to Maya and Carina and their smile.
"I'm tireeed."
Carina sighs, nibbling her neck with her right hand and holding Maya's hand with her left. The young firefighter picked her up as soon as she finished her shift and now they are on their way home. Both of them are very tired and the only thing they want is to lie down in your bed and cuddle with you want to choose a good movie for all three of them to watch together. "Today we had to fight with an old lady who didn't want us to use her balcony to save a boy who was going to jump and only because according to her he was an immigrant."
Maya rolled her eyes, shaking her head and huffing in exasperation. As a captain, she certainly couldn't rail against an old woman, but that afternoon, the urge had really been there.
"Sometimes I wonder why people talk without thinking, really, I had to drag Vic away from the woman before he ripped her hair out, rightly so. Luckily we saved the boy but I swear sometimes I really don't understand why I keep doing this job."
Carina smiled, leaning in to kiss his wife as the latter slipped the keys out and opened the door before stopping to return the kiss. "Because you love your job even if people are horrible, just like me and y/n do, Bella ”
Maya smiles and nods, stroking Carina's face and lingering on the hazel eyes she loves so much. "You're right Car and about our girl...have you noticed that she's been a little distant lately?"
Carina nods, getting out of the car together with the blonde and walking, hand in hand, to the building where your apartment is located.
"She's distant, I tried to ask her what was wrong but she said she was fine...I'm getting worried though, it's not like her, it's been more than four months since she's been herself, I feel like I don't see that light in her eyes anymore that she had when we first met."
Maya sighs, pressing the button for the second floor and waiting for Carina to enter the elevator as well before closing the doors. "I had the same feeling, I think we should talk to her today, maybe after dinner...what do you think?" "I think it's a good idea Bella."
The two women smile at each other and then Maya inserts the keys inside the lock and enters your apartment. The hallway lights are off, as is everyone in the house except for the one in the living room and bathroom.
"Y/n, love, we're home!"
Maya shouts, placing her keys on the cabinet at the entrance and slipping off her coat and shoes before looking for you in your bedroom.
Carina does the same, only much slower than the blonde and then sits on the couch, opening the home delivery app to choose what you will eat tonight.
It is Maya who finds the letter. She has just slipped into a sweatshirt and sweatpants when her gaze falls back to the nightstand to the left of the bed and the white, almost snow-white sheet of paper with the words "To my loves" written in your handwriting.
A terrible feeling grips her stomach. The blonde snaps forward, grabbing the letter and opening it to read the words written on it. She only needs to read the first sentence to run into the living room to Carina. 
"Maya you need to calm down, what's going on Bella?"
Carina is startled to see the blonde so agitated and then, when she sees the letter in her hands, she snatches it from her and begins to read its contents. Carina, unlike her wife, gets to the third line before she completely panics. "No no no, she couldn't have done that, she wouldn't do that...she loves us Maya, she wouldn't do that to us not."
Maya shakes her head frantically, picking up the phone and dialing your number with trembling fingers. And then, when the sound of your phone ringing echoes in your bathroom, your soulmates have no doubt that you have performed the ultimate act.
Maya screams at Carina to call an ambulance as she bursts through the door after only two shoves. The horrendous spectacle before her makes her want to vomit but she braces herself and pulls you out of the tub by resting you on the floor. She checks your pulse and when she feels nothing, her heart seems to stop.
"Carina, come here!"
Maya begins compressions; she tries to hold back tears but fails to do so. When your wife enters the bathroom, still on the phone with 911 operators, her knees give way and she falls to her knees next to your lifeless body.
“S-She has no pulse, she cut both her wrists, she should have lost more than four liters of blood from the amount I can see...How fucking fast can you get here? Fucking fuck, Bambina please don't do this to us, please."
The ambulance will arrive in five minutes, and both Maya and Carina are not sure if they can continue compressions for that long.
On the fourth round of compressions, they don't know by what miracle, your chest rises and falls. Painfully slowly but it does and your girls breathe a sigh of relief when it happens. "It's okay love, we're here, don't you dare leave us okay? Don't you dare do it y/n."
Carina bursts into tears, lowering herself onto your forehead and leaving a kiss in your wet hair. Both are pressing towels on your wrists and the Italian is carefully monitoring your pulse as Vic, Andy and Warren enter the bathroom with the stretcher and first aid kit. When they see it's you, they are breathless for a few seconds before they get to work.
"Girls, we got her. Now you have to get out though, you know, let's go." Warren, despite their protests, escorts them into the living room and sits them on the couch before returning to the bathroom to give Vic and Andy a hand.
The doctor and the fireman remain silent for more than three minutes, both letting tears line their faces, before speaking.
"I can't believe she did that."
Maya whispers, squeezing Carina's hand and seeking, in that grip, a support, a consolation, that the Italian could not offer her. "I can't believe we didn't notice how sick she was Maya, we should have done something, we-“
Their talk is interrupted by the sound of the stretcher being dragged out of the bathroom. They both stand up and come toward you; you have an oxygen mask on your face and bandages wrapped around your wrists but your skin is still extremely pale. More so than your usual.
"We're taking her to Grey's Sloan, she's stable for now but she's lost a lot of blood and needs a transfusion and then she'll have to stay in observation...well, you know. You can ride in the ambulance with us if you want."
Maya and Carina cast a glance at each other, knowing that when you wake up you will be absolutely and fortuitously angry with them for allowing them to keep you in the hospital for three whole days but they know they have no choice.
Eight endless hours pass before you wake up; the realization of your failed attempt hits you even before you open your eyes, and the heart rate monitor alerts your girls even before you can. 
The blinding whiteness of the hospital room and the smell of disinfectant hit you so hard that for a moment you close your eyes, as if to childishly make disappear what is around us and what you have tried to do. But, of course, it doesn't work, and when you open them again, the worried and tired faces of your girls are just above your face. For the first time in the six years you've been together, you can't decipher their expressions.
"You scared us y/n, really a lot." 
Maya's voice trembles thinking back to how she found you a few hours ago. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find me like this, not-"
Carina gives a nervous laugh before speaking (or rather, screaming), "better this way than dead y/n How could you think our world would be better without you? We love you, you are a part of our hearts, of our lives..without you we couldn't even breathe how can you not understand that!"
Carina screams, tears streaming down her cheeks and the only thing you want to do is to hold her in a hug and wipe away those salty water drops staining her face but you can't, you are afraid she will reject you and you know she would have every reason to do so.
"I didn't want you to find me alive, I'm sorry because once again I couldn't get one thing done right. I'm sorry because I'm still alive, that's why I'm sorry."
You whisper, shaking your head and holding back tears. You are so tired of living and right now, you really have nothing left to lose.
The two of them remain silent, shocked by what you said but also deeply hurt by Ilf noting that this is what you think of yourself. "Oh y/n, we love you and it hurts us to hear you say these things about yourself so yes, even though it goes against your wishes, we are grateful that we were able to bring you back and in time you will be too, we will help you love."
Maya sits on the bed next to you and caresses your face with such gentleness and with such love in her eyes that your heart cries a little for making them suffer.
Carina comes close and pulls you into a hug, so tight it hurts but you don't have the heart to tell her so you enjoy that squeeze, appreciating the pain of still being there with them.
"Bambina, I know you have it thinking that we would be better off without you but we are not, it will never be that way my love but I need you to know that I am very angry with you but nevertheless I love you and I will want to be by your side every second of your healing journey-"
"We both will be."
Maya nods, leaving a kiss in your hair and stroking your back.
You sigh, hiding your face in the hollow of the Italian's neck. "I love you, I love you so much but I am tired of fighting..I am losing miserably."
Carina shakes her head cn firmly, forcing you to look up and into her eyes.
"Then it means we'll fight for you, you just have to stay with us a little longer until you're better Bella but you won't be alone, not anymore.Non lasceremo che tu affronti tutto questo da sola (We don’t let you face this alone).”
"We love you y/n, you are not alone."
Maya whispers, leaving a kiss on your lips and then doing the same with Carina and then, both of them hold you in an embrace in that little hospital bed and, even though the weight on your chest is back and that feeling of freedom is gone, maybe you really are not alone and for them you could stay a little longer, just a little, for them. For their love and for the love you feel for them.
Thanks for Reading! Here is my ko-fi link and have a Great day!
Taglist: @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat  @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx@maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri@scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1  @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403
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yourfavepookiebear · 5 months
Soooo... Twst self aware... Could you maybe do them reacting to you having a cat that you talk to loudly while playing? Or more specifically this one scene maybe, basically I had just fed my cat but she kept meowing for more so, while playing, I told her to 'shut up, I just fed you!' thing is that at the part where I said 'shut up' the character on screen stopped talking. Idk it was just weird lol, obviously you don't need to do this, but it would be cool lol. Idk, anyway remember to drink water and get lots of sleep :D have a great rest of your day/night
I hope you like it, I only did a few characters lol
Self aware twisted wonderland
(warnings: none ? kinda drabble-like, very ooc, short asf, lazy, bad writing)
After you got back from work/school, you immediately went on your device, opening the game, your favorite game, "Twisted Wonderland". As always, your beloved cat sat on your lap and watched you play, and just as you had expected, grew hungry. You fed your cat, petting it gently and cooing at her, internally squealing at how cute she is, but she kept meowing for more food. You scolded her, saying "Shut up, I just fed you !"
Right as you said that, the character on the screen stopped talking.
Stares at you and your cat, blankly. No thoughts, no words, just °_°
Internally smirking and laughing his ass off,
You swear you heard him say "did you just tell a cat to shut up ?" All while chuckling..
Crosses his arms, doesn't say anything
He is...intrigued.
To say the least, (I am already saying the least lmao), he is amused and intrigued.
Idk what to put for him srry 😔
Also crosses his arms, gives you a disappointed mom look.
'That is far from elegant, [reader]. Please refrain from using such tone, no matter who it is addressed to.'
But inwardly he is amused, (he's just putting up an 'elegant' act lol)
Gives you a cheeky smirk, careful not to be too out of dialogue/plot
*Toothy/cheeky-ass grin that shows off his fangs*
Idk lmao I won't go into much detail bc I don't want it to be too ooc 😅
Idk if I'll continue this one day or not, maybe sometime later I'll add a few characters 😃
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updownlately · 6 months
you said, ‘forever’ (and i almost bought it)
| steph catley x reader | angst | 0.9k | a/n: okay so i feel like i need to put the warning that this is purely fiction here. i've got nothing against any of the people mentioned in this fic lol. in fact i love them all. but anyways, i read @reminiscingtonight's fic australia a few days ago and it just hasn't left my mind (it's a masterpiece if you ask me). and so it prompted this idea :) hopefully this is decent bc i wrote it all at 3am but yeah, happy reading amigos! 🫶
You don’t know why you did this to yourself. 
You really don’t.
All you know is that your stomach’s dropping six feet under and you have no one but yourself to blame.
Oddly enough, you shouldn’t even be feeling this.
You shouldn’t be feeling your heart break into two, chest tightening impossibly as your stomach knots and your throat closes up. 
The team’s just won the derby and you should feel elated. You should be celebrating like a maniac, probably joining Katie and Beth as they run around the field celebrating with the crowd. 
You should be joining Kyra as she goes around and sprays people with her water bottle.
You should be doing the victory lap with Viv and Cloe.
What you shouldn’t be doing is just looking towards the crowd by the bench- the friends and family section. 
You shouldn’t be staring at Steph, your hands pressed tightly to your sides in a somewhat successful attempt to hide how much they’re shaking.
You also probably shouldn’t be swallowing hard, your breath shaky as thoughts of what if run endlessly through your mind.
You want to tear your eyes away, forget the way she immediately ran to the stands to wrap her arms around someone that wasn’t you.
You want to ignore the way her hold around him is so easy, so fitting, like it was meant to be.
You desperately want to forget that she ever existed to you as anything more than a teammate
But you can’t find it in yourself to, instead choosing to let yourself suffer, lump in your throat getting bigger with each passing second.
You hate that it’s those three words that come to your mind when you see them together - ‘meant to be’- the words like poison on your tongue.
Jaw clenching as you feel your eyes burn, cheeks colouring as you anger begins to course through you, you will yourself to look away, head turning to the side as you try and focus on Victoria chasing Kyra around with her own bottle
The image of her in another’s embrace is seared into your mind though, haunting you even as you’re turned away.
There’s still a bitter taste in your mouth.
You know it’s childish, but you hate that the three words are being used for someone that isn’t you and her. 
You hate that it’s what your mind went to.
It used to be you. 
You two were meant to be. 
It’s what she said to you years ago, when the two of you were lying in your shared bedroom back in Portland. 
Back when the world felt right, with her in your arms, her little huffs of laughter at your stupid jokes filling the otherwise silent night. 
Back when love felt right- when it felt like a hug, a warm blanket tucking you in, like the warm sunshine on a cold winter night.
When love felt anything but like this- like the taste of blood from the way you were biting your cheek in an attempt to distract yourself from the cruel pain in your chest. 
Like anything but the feeling of your nails digging into your palm as you tried to direct your focus to the pitch, to the fans, to the team- anywhere really- anywhere but towards the blonde you once called yours. 
You two were meant to be, she’d said. 
Whispered into the inches of space between you as she’d looked in your eyes, moonlight making her look more angelic than ever, her hands intertwining with yours as she’d tucked herself into your side.
She’d promised you forever that night, a gentle kiss sealing the words.
‘Whatever happens, it’s you and me.’
All that only to go and break your heart months later, Arsenal contract signed easily, a shitty letter apologizing for leaving- a letter you now kept shoved in a cardboard box in the back of your closet, along with all of the other mementos from your three years together.
You two were forever, she’d sworn.
And yet, here you were, head thrown back, eyes pointing at the sky as you willed for the tears in your eyes to not fall. 
Shaking your head as you took a shuddering breath, you brought the bottom hem of your jersey to cover your face, covertly wiping the single tear that escaped you.
How was it that you’d won today and yet somehow all that you could feel was the sickening feeling of your stomach turning? 
How was it that all you could think about was what you used to have, mind wrapping around the fact that at the end of the day, win or lose against the blues, you’d already lost something greater than any derby would ever be.
Running a hand over your face, you did your best to plaster a fake smile on your face, betraying the way you wanted to curl up into a ball and just comfort your shattered heart. 
Swallowing your emotions down, you put your absolute focus on making sure you didn’t look behind you- didn’t let your heart break again.
Instead, walking up to Lia and Noelle, you let yourself fall into step with them as pieces of your broken heart trailed behind you on the pitch. 
‘Maybe’, you concluded bitterly, ‘maybe this ‘falling in love’ thing just wasn’t meant for you.’
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
(8) cql shoot “fake” moments 📼
i am picking certain contributions in this round up made by 泡沫爱恋的晴空. there are different candies in the linked source but this post i’m making are stuff that supposedly happened during filming. if like me, and stories like this are your weakness, then you will enjoy it. maybe you’ve read some of these before or not — even saw some play out in unofficial bts.
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1.) My favorite and i wanted an excuse to add an edited clip of GG singing. 🎵🎶 this may not be the actual scenario described in the fake story but fans are speculating it is.
DD's assistant would also bring DD green tea at first, but later she only brought boiled water because he wouldn't drink it. There was a quarrel between the two, gg held the green tea and drank it by himself, while dd stood by and watched Bichen. GG ignored him. dd said, "I'm thirsty.” The assistant thought that dd would be embarrassed to ask gg for green tea, so she took a cup and gave it to him. dd said it’s not green tea, gg didn’t even look at him, and dd said angrily that I don’t want to drink any more.
It's going to be swollen, and it's very embarrassing with dd's assistant next to me (xql quarrel can't help much) , gg just said that they brought it out to you and you didn’t drink it. DD was so angry that he didn’t say anything.
GG gave him the green tea and asked dd's assistant for a drink from dd's water cup. He was very helpless and said that green tea has a grudge against you. He keeps an eye on Green Tea Balabala every day. dd drank half a cup of green tea in one breath. When gg took it, he was shocked. Web, you are poisonous, you won’t give me some. dd said you drink water, zg you won't be swollen. Then the two of them reconciled inexplicably. After gg was called by the director after the show, dd asked the assistant for water. Even if I drink it, I won’t be afraid of swelling. I don’t know and I don’t dare to ask.
I tried my best to rephrase some of the words for it to make more sense but i hope you all get the gist of it. So it’s all about a quarrel they had and reconciling because of green tea. Do friends even do this kind of shit? lol. No. I’m serious. The way they fight and make up — you would think they are high school sweethearts or something. The video shared points to the time they were fighting and ignoring each other. Look at WYB completely ignoring GG while singing — and how GG was glancing at him, looking at his expression. I always thought this scene was sweet cause GG was singing that beautiful love song, now i’m seeing it in a different way. Still sweet of course, but with some edge to it. 🤍🔪
2.) The two are talking about the pokemon character grumpig, this was used by the OP as a starting point to the story but the main point is as follows: There is really too much "trash talk" between them, it's terrifying, and no one else can get in, they just understand it, and if they talk about it, they probably don't need to cut out the highlights.
LOL. There are bts content that will never see the light of day between these two because it’s either too sweet or too savage 😂😂😂😂
3.) When I was on the set before, Xiao laoshi would occasionally pout. I don’t know, maybe it was a subconscious action when he was relaxed. Then Lao Wang would say that Xiao laoshi is so cute and pout, and he would say it every time as a fake. If Xiao laoshi is tired, he will be ignored. If he is not tired, he will say something back to him.
One time I saw Teacher Xiao pouting and he took advantage of it! I drew an ugly picture, look at the picture:
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Like this, do you understand? Anyway, after pouting, you put your fingers under his lips and then move them up.
4.) One day there was a scratch on the back of his hand. He said team member asked if it was scratched by someone. He said it was not, pointing to a shallow mark — and said this was scratched by him before.
If there are really scratches on the back of my hand when it is broadcast, I am confused and I don’t know anything.
*** i think this pertains to scratches in WYB’s arms lol. we think it’s jianguo but it could be from someone else 😂😂😂
5.) This next one are bits shared by an OP who allegedly met the boys for the first time a year ago, and we were extremely busy. Allegedly this OP is someone who worked with them during CQL promotions. They said that they didn’t know anything about internal entertainment: I just felt that one person who came was not worldly, and the other person was electric. Now I sincerely wish to be with you, and always listen to my heart.
• One is reserved and mature, the other is childish.
• The venue is large, the air outlet temperature of the stage is low, and all has thick coats and it’s bitingly cold. He silently took off his coat and forced the other party to put it on. He breathed silently into his hand, held the microphone to warm it, and exchanged words. To use your description, it means there are stars in my eyes.
• There are a few lines that we hum along while waiting for the venue. It was vaguely him who taught him. I just remember that he sang a line, and my fingertips were moved by the feeling of midsummer.
• His hands were turning the pair of rings intentionally or unintentionally, taking them off, putting them on, and taking them off again. I caught a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye. As they passed by, they kissed each other.
• After the curtain call, accompanied by the deafening song and shouting, a faint sound drifted through my ears several times “Life comes and goes again... I'll be by your side”
AHHHHHH THAT’S ALL IM GONNA SAY. No wonder a lot of people who worked during CQL or interacted with them became cpfs. 👀
6.) Because two people sleep together during ttysj, the younger one is more accustomed to it, and is not so scared anymore. Later, the younger one went out to film a drama alone and slept by himself at night. He was a little scared and not used to it, so he asked Brother Zhan to call him and sing "Bao" "Baby", "My precious baby, let me give you some sweets so that you can sleep well tonight." Then the younger one will not be afraid to sleep well.
this is the song, allegedly, i mean. come on. i wanna fight yibo 😤😤😤 to have xiao zhan sing you to sleep whenever you want to!!!!!
7.) Not necessarily an incident that happened while filming CQL, but during that era in 2018. Most likely from their Bazaar shoot, there is a video of this too, ZZ playing with a dog.
One time when the two of them got together, there was a staff member backstage who brought a puppy to xx and when he was holding the puppy, the puppy licked xx. The person standing next to him looked at the puppy with cold hatred. The staff member was right. Ask xxx, do you want me to lick you too??? No more follow-up, I have other things to do and I'm going out....Don't believe it's fake...
YIBO 😂😂😂😂 I added it here cause it’s so funny! He is even jealous of a puppy!!!! my favorite is how ZZ notices it too, that means he is attuned to WYB’s emotions.
8.) Guizhou has beautiful natural scenery, but the mountain roads are rugged and there are many insects.There are many people. If you want to see the waterfalls during the wet season, you have to hike. After walking for nearly forty minutes with one foot deep and one foot shallow, I happened to hear the sound of water and called out xxx, do you have a wish? When you see the waterfall and you want your wish to come true, close your eyes. It’s fake, don’t believe it.
OP here was talking about what the two of them couldn’t agree on during this interview p1. to those familiar with it, you know what i’m talking about. One was saying there is a waterfall in Guizhou, then the other said there is but they didn’t go. We know that when stuff like this happens, one of them is covering something up. In this case it’s GG.
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The fake rumor explains that they did go, WYB asking XZ to close his eyes for a wish was a scheme for him to kiss XZ ( p2 ). He is right tho, if XZ’s wish was WYB, then if he closes his eyes and WYB kisses him— his wish will come true.
I CAN’T. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
Hello! can I request a scenario where Jade, Floyd and Riddle (Separately) are being put in an arranged marriage (since the tweels are definitely in a mafia family and riddle’s mom would do that) but they are dating/in love with the (Gender Neutral) reader, whether the ending is happy or not is up to you
~Thank you for your request!
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Arranged Marriage
Jade + Floyd + Riddle x gn!reader (all separate)
Tw: Arranged marriage, angst, suggested murder, family drama (idk if this is a proper tw but if people hate reading about family arguments or just arguing in general then here's your warning lmao), if I missed anything lemme know!
Wordcount: 1,410 + 1,503 + 1,207
Side Note: This doesn't take place in NRC so it's kind in the future I guess? Idk you'll get what I mean if you read it lol. Pretty angsty and might not be too accurate to the characters personalities but it was fun to try and write Idk if this is what you wanted lol but hopefully this turned out okay!
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~Jade Leech~
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Jade was on his way to meet up with you for the picnic date you two had planned together when he had gotten a sudden text from his parents telling him that they needed to have a long chat.
He wasn't too worried about such a text. It may be ominous to some but it was a typical text when his parents wanted to discuss their 'business' with him. They weren't going to just text him about what was actually going on. It would be quite embarrassing if someone were to look at his phone and find out about his family's business, wouldn't it?
So, he sent you a text explaining that he may be a few minutes late to your date. He smiled at your quick response. He was glad you were so kind and understanding.
Deciding to hide behind a tree a little way off the path he had been walking on, he called his parents. The conversation started normally, a casual hello and asking how they've been but he could hear the nervousness in his mother's voice.
"Mother, is something wrong?" he asked concerned. His mother was quiet for a moment before saying, "Well, me and your father have made a decision and we know you may not like it but, its for the family," she said.
"What do you mean?" Jade asked. His mother seemed to have a hard time finding the right words before she sighed and decided to be blunt about what was going on.
As her words hit his ears he froze. The words, "arranged marriage," echoed within his mind. He was frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak as his heart felt like it stopped beating.
This... This has to be a misunderstanding.
He tried to regain some composure before responding to his parents. He told them how he can't get married because he's already in a relationship. He can't just drop you and go get married to someone he doesn't even know!
Jade tried his best to remain calm, "I'm afraid I can't accept as I'm already in a relationship with a very lovely person and I have no plans on breaking up with them for someone I don't know."
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter," his father said on the line before his mother quickly interrupted, "We know that you're already in love dear and we're happy for you but sometimes things need to happen and-" Jade interrupted, "I understand. We'll talk more about it later I need to go," he said as he quickly ended the call.
He was shaking so bad he could barely stand. He tried taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. His phone suddenly vibrates and he looks down to see a text from you asking where he was. He smiled a little but as he goes to text you back, he suddenly feels something wet on his hand. Looking at his hand he sees what looks to be a droplet of water and he quickly touches his face, he's crying. He tries to quickly dry his eyes as he clears his throat to try and regain his composure.
He texts you that he's on his way and quickly heads back to the path he was walking. Eventually, he meets up with you and you both have a fun date together.
Jade won't tell you about what had happened. He tells himself that its better you don't know so that things don't get overcomplicated but in truth, it's because he's afraid of your reaction. Great Seven forbid you think he's actually in love with his wedding partner and decide to leave him. He can't let that happen. So, he keeps quiet and does what he does best. He pretends. He pretends that everything is fine and that there's absolutely nothing to worry about.
Later it would turn out that the marriage wasn't something he would be able to easily escape out of. Everything had been made official for the wedding and now all he could do was wait for the day to come. Of course, he had asked his parents why this was happening in the first place and he should've expected the answer but it still came as a surprise to him. Money and reputation. Of course, none of it had to do with love, in fact, they don't expect him to love his new partner at all. Sure, it would be great but it's not expected.
Great Seven help him. Jade understands why their doing this but even so, it still hurts. He almost feels like an object his parents are selling away.
He really tried his best to change his parents' minds but, in the end, he won't go against his parent's wishes. He won't run away from this even though he really wants to. Well, it's not like he really could. His parents and their connections would find him rather quickly either way.
While Jade wasn't certain about his future, there was one thing he was certain about. There was absolutely no way that he was going to break up with you. You've brought him so much joy and you've made him feel loved in a way no one else ever has.
The wedding date creeps nearer and while he grows nervous on the inside, he continues pretending that everything's fine. He truly hates lying to you but it was for the best. Sometimes you get very close to figuring out there's something wrong but he quickly distracts you so you won't catch on.
Eventually, he tells you that he has to go back home to visit his parents for a while. Unbeknownst to you, he's getting married.
And again, this is where Jade does what he does best. Pretending to at least like the bride is an easy feat. He has no problems dancing or even kissing them. However, that's as far as his masquerade goes. He'll pretend the reason as to why he doesn't want to get any more intimate with the bride is that he's just simply nervous and luckily, no one ever pushes him on the topic.
Overall, the wedding goes smoothly. It's a formal affair with very little excitement which leaves Jade quite bored at the end of it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, he's very good at sneaking out unnoticed. He'll play the loving husband role as long as he needs to convince his new partner to not get suspicious of him. But as soon as he can, he's getting out of there to return to you. While he can't stay too far from his new home for too long, he'll do as much as he can to see you.
Even now Jade won't tell you of his marriage and if you notice that he doesn't hang out with you as often as he used to, he'll just say that work has been keeping him busy and change the topic. If he had the choice, he'd never tell you about his arranged marriage but he knows that there might be a day where he will have to.
And if you ever find out about his arranged marriage he'll sit down with you and explain the situation to you. He's afraid of your reaction but he really doesn't like lying to you.
He's just so worried that if you ever found out he's married you'll want to leave him and he loves you far too much to let that happen.
Jade will try to communicate with his parents. Perhaps he only needs to be married to this person for a certain amount of time? That would be ideal as then all he would have to do is wait and then he can leave without too much fuss.
But, if he's meant to be permanently married to them well... He may have to make a few decisions.
Jade is not against using much more darker methods to escape this marriage he's been forced into. He knows quite a lot about plants and there's some that would be very helpful in this kind of situation. Ideally, he wouldn't have to turn to such methods but, well, sometimes things need to happen.
Once his new partner is gone, he'll return to you as quickly as possible and who knows, perhaps this event is enough to encourage him to take your relationship to the next level.
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~Floyd Leech~
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Floyd was lounging around your apartment as he waited for you to come back from work.
He laid back on the couch as the TV droned on in the background. He was incredibly bored and started to space out, getting lost within his own mind when his phone's ringtone startled him from his trance.
He clumsily grabbed the phone off the table next to him, "Who is it?" he asked irritated. His tone quickly changed from irritated to excited as he heard his parent's voice on the phone.
The conversation was typical. His parents asking him how he's been and him reassuring them, especially his mom, that he's alright. But he could tell that something was bothering them, "Hey ma, is something going on?" concern laced in his voice. His mother seemed hesitant to respond, "Well, me and your father have put a lot of thought into this decision and we know that you may not like it but we have good reason-" Floyd interrupted, "Just say it mama." His mother sighed and told him what had happened.
As much as Floyd loves unexpected surprises this was probably the worst surprise he's ever gotten in his entire life.
"What?!" he yelled into the phone as he bolted up from the couch. The words, "arranged marriage," was loud in his mind.
"You're joking right?" he asked, desperately hoping that this was some kind of weird joke but they denied that it was a joke and they were completely serious. He started to panic. He couldn't tell if he wanted to laugh, cry, or scream. He was becoming overwhelmed as the situation became more real by the minute.
He tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths as he argued with his parents. "I'm already in a relationship! I'm not just gonna drop 'em for someone I don't know or even care about," Floyd said slightly panicking.
His father spoke calmly through the phone, "Floyd, you should know that sometimes we have to do things we don't like or want to do. That's how this business works and unfortunately, we sometimes have to leave people behind."
Floyd laughed bitterly, "This is so fucking stupid. Are you seriously telling me to break up with them?"
His father responded, his tone cold, "We don't care how you do it, just get it done. We don't need to make this more complicated then it needs to be."
Floyd ran his hand through his hair in disbelief, "No, no, no, I'm not doing that."
His father's voice was stern as he responded, "It doesn't matter if you want to do it or not. It's for the business, you'll understand later."
Floyd yelled into the phone, "You're really doing this to me?!" He couldn't keep calm anymore.
His mother spoke trying to calm him down, "Floyd please-"
Floyd interrupted yelling, "SHUT UP!" as he threw his phone full force into a nearby wall making a hole and shattering the screen.
Tears streamed down his face as his heart hammered in his chest. He couldn't calm himself down, he was beyond pissed. He grabbed a nearby chair and threw it in a random direction hearing something shatter. He couldn't stop himself. He grabbed anything nearby him and either threw it or slammed it into something else. He punched, threw, and tore whatever he could as he became blinded by his anger.
He didn't realize how long he was going at it until he heard you opening the front door to your apartment. He was breathing heavily as he sat himself on the now torn up couch.
He heard your gasp of surprise but didn't look at you, instead he hid his face in his hands.
"Floyd! What the hell happened?" you asked looking around at all the broken furniture.
He kept his face hidden in his hands as he mumbled out, "I'm sorry."
You sighed and sat down next to him on your now ruined couch. "Floyd-" you began but are quickly interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug. As you awkwardly rub his back you feel something wet on your shoulder only to realize he was crying.
"What happened?" you ask him gently. He doesn't respond, instead he hugs you tighter as he silently cries into your shoulder.
After awhile, he pulls away from you rubbing his eyes, "AHHH- Shrimpy you won't belieeeeve it!" he says dramatically as he falls back on the couch, "My parents are tryin' to get me married to some idiot or whatever," he sniffles as he messes with the fabric on the couch.
"You're what?!" you yell in disbelief. "Wha- why?" Floyd shrugged, "Eh, I dunno. I'll ask em' later."
You look around at all the broken furniture, "I'm guessing that's what made you destroy my apartment?" Floyd sighed, "Yeah, I'll help fix it later."
You both fall quiet. You start to grow worried as you think about this marriage he's supposed to be in. You glance over at Floyd, "So, about that marriage thing..."
You're nervous as he sits up on the couch, "I'm not agreeing to it. It's just some stupid paper anyway. Stupid marriage keeping me trapped," Floyd grumbled out mostly to himself. You don't know why but his words made you feel a bit insecure, "Well if that's the case then in a way aren't I keeping you trapped?"
Floyd stared at you before letting out a small laugh, "Nah you ain't keeping me trapped Shrimpy. The difference between the marriage and our relationship is that I actually chose to be here with you and at least I can leave our relationship whenever I want."
"Hey!" you yelled incredulously, slapping him with a nearby pillow. Floyd laughed, "I never said I was goin' to leave!" You smiled, "Good because I don't know what I'd do without you."
Overtime, you can easily see the shift in Floyd's personality as he goes from his usual happy and cuddly self to irritable and barely seeing you at all. And when he does get the chance to see you, he cuddles you for hours on end before he disappears again.
Floyd really tried to stay with you but his parents had made their decision. He complains a lot to you about the whole situation telling you how he hates everyone and everything and how the only person he ever wants to marry is you. He guessed the money was too good to pass up and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. It made him feel like he was some object being sold and it pissed him off greatly.
Sooner than he'd like, the wedding date arrives and reluctantly he goes. He may hate his parents for this but he won't go against them. That doesn't mean he won't make things difficult for them and everyone else involved.
The wedding is a formal affair that leaves Floyd very bored. He wants nothing to do with his new partner but he can try to pretend to like them. He'll dance around with them but it's not his fault if his new bride almost gets their arm ripped out from it's socket. He'll even say his vows and kiss the bride even though it makes him want to throw up. But he'll do it for his parents and if it makes this whole event end faster then whatever, he'll do it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, Floyd will almost never be home with them and if his family or his wife's family try dragging him back, he'll fight them the whole way there. Floyd makes it very clear to his new partner that he absolutely doesn't love them. There's only one person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with and it's you.
He doesn't get why anyone, especially the bride, would care about this marriage anyway. Both their families probably set them up for money reasons so why should Floyd care about it? If he could, he'd just say he doesn't give a shit and leave.
Floyd is more likely the one who'd kill their new partner. He absolutely can't stand being trapped and if he's supposed to spend the rest of his life with this person with no way out then he's gonna get irritated really quick.
He isn't heartless however, he knows that his new partner might share his feelings of irritation and that's why he'd much rather just get a divorce than go as far as to kill them.
But, sometimes we have to do things we don't really want to do.
Floyd will find a way back to you. Whether it be with clean hands and a bouquet of flowers to apologize for his absence or with bloody bruised knuckles and skin stuck in-between his teeth, he'll come back to you.
He may even decide to marry you as soon as he comes back! How cute! Besides, his parents can't force him into another marriage if he's taken, right?
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~Riddle Rosehearts~
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Riddle had met up with you in town to take a much-needed break from his job. Getting some fresh air was nice every now and then and it was a nice impromptu date for you two!
You both walked around the town picking up a few things here and there but mostly just spent your time window shopping. Until he suddenly got a call.
Riddle looked down at his phone. It's his mother. He really didn't want to talk to her right now but when you asked who was calling, he quickly tells you it's Trey.
"He's probably just checking in on me," Riddle awkwardly laughs before telling you that he'll be right back as he sneaks off to a more secluded area.
He walked into an empty alleyway. Looking down at the phone again, he grows nervous. He's hesitant to answer but nonetheless he does.
"Hello mother," he greets her with a steady voice. The conversation starts off normal. She asks him about his job and how he's doing. He tells her he's doing great but, the conversation becomes strange as she tells him that she's found him a new partner.
"What do you mean?" Riddle asks confused. "I mean I've found you a new partner and she's far better than the one you have now. She's a very lovely young lady, far more suitable for you," she says happily, "You both will be married soon so I expect you to be here when the date arrives."
Riddle was shocked. Is... this an arranged marriage? Is he being forced into marriage? He never thought his mother would do something like this to him. Not only that but she had the gall to insult you!
His mother continues speaking but he can barely pay attention as he's begins to panic. He needs to say something! He needs to convince her to not go through with it!
His voice is shaky as he tries to reason with his mom, "Mother, I am grateful but as you know I'm already in a relationship with someone and I love them very much. Why can't I marry them instead?"
"Them?" his mother asks snidely. "We both know you can't marry them." His mother continues on telling Riddle that you're unworthy of the Rosehearts name and how Riddle should only settle for the absolute best.
His heart breaks with each reason she gives. But as his heart breaks, his anger rises. How dare she say such things about you! You were one the best things to ever appear in Riddle's life and for her to imply that you weren't the absolute best made him flush red in anger.
However, before he could give her a piece of his mind, she said something that made him pause. "Besides, the marriage has already been finalized," his mother said nonchalantly.
A- already? No wait... So that means that...
Riddle is overcome with an immense feeling of dread as the realization dawns on him. It seems no matter what he does or says, he won't be able to change her mind...
"You... YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" he yells into the phone as he starts to cry.
His mother is silent for a moment before she speaks, her tone is cold as ice and it cuts him to the core, "How dare you talk back to me. After all I've done for you," she pauses for a moment before continuing, "I expect you to be here in the upcoming months for your wedding, understood?"
He swallows thickly, whatever courage he had shatters as he responds with a solemn, "Yes mother," before ending the call.
Bitter tears stream down his face as he falls to his knees. He hates himself for not having the courage to stand his ground against his mother, especially with how much was at risk. He thinks of all the things he could've said or done to possibly change her mind perhaps if he tried harder, he could have convinced her to let him marry you instead.
Riddle suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns only to see you looking down at him concerned, "Riddle, what's wrong?" you ask as you kneel down next to him.
He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. He wants to tell you but he just- he can't.
Trying to wipe away his tears, he sniffles, "It's nothing. I just remembered something is all," he said. Riddle could tell you didn't believe him, it wasn't a good lie and he knew it but thankfully you didn't push it. Instead, you both continued on your impromptu date.
Riddle's personality change is obvious to everyone around him. He's absolutely miserable and it shows. His temper getting the better of him more often.
He really wishes he could run away from this. He wishes he had the strength to go against his mother. He wishes he was free of her control but it seems that no matter how hard he tries he can't seem to completely get rid of her.
He ends up overworking himself to distract himself from the reality he's in. He daydreams of grabbing your hand and running away from everyone and everything, far away from his mother. But he can't. He has to face reality whether he likes it or not.
Of course, you notice the way Riddle has changed and he appreciates the concern but he reassures you everything's fine, he's just been very busy.
When the date of the wedding arrives, Riddle is incredibly nervous but he won't run away. He'll try his best to like his new partner or at least pretend to. He may not genuinely love his new partner but he won't treat them harshly, they're a person too. It's only fair to treat them kindly after all, they were probably forced into this as well.
He may dance, laugh, and maybe even kiss his new partner but it doesn't feel the same as when he does those things with you. His heart belongs to you and by the end, he realizes that he misses you dearly.
Riddle will more than likely explain his situation to his new partner in hopes that they will be understanding and if they're kind enough, perhaps they'll let him stay with you.
However, if not then Riddle will try his best to see you when he can. He's not the best at sneaking out unseen but he manages.
At some point you'll figure out he's been married off or he'll go and tell you himself. He was far too afraid to tell you before, when the feelings of hurt were still fresh but while he might feel a bit better now, he's still hesitant to tell you about it. He's worried that now he's married you won't want to be with him anymore.
He hopes that one day he'll be able to get out of his marriage whether it be through divorce or by other means. He may even think of just running away and eloping with you.
Riddle swears that one day his mother will have no control over him. It may not be today or tomorrow but some day he'll run away with you and he'll never look back.
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