#they just need to demolish that building already
sesshy380 · 9 months
Local paper mill is on fire...again (I swear it's an annual thing). Pretty bad this time I guess as they've enacted a Shelter in Place warning until 11:30am tomorrow due to the amount of asbestos in the air. I don't live in town, but the smoke is blowing in my direction, so still gotta be careful as far as going outside.
Go figure since all the law enforcement is busy with the fire, assholes are taking the opportunity to break into peoples houses. You'd think we were in Detroit, not some hick town way the fuck up north.
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
everyday i see clueless westerners (especially white people) peddle thinly veiled hindutva propaganda which they wouldn't know cause they know absolutely nothing about what goes on in india. so here are some signs that that the person you're talking to is a hindu nationalist:
they either do not acknowledge casteism or claim that caste is a western construct. my personal favourite however is dismissing anyone bringing up caste discrimination by saying that the indian constitution outlaws untouchability. they may also bring up the fact that the prime minister belongs to an other backwards class (obc) so clearly india has moved on from caste and hindutva isn't only for the upper castes. they possess a shallow understanding of caste
harping on about "islamic colonisation" : no, the mughals did not colonise india. when you point this out, they will immediately assume that you think muslim invaders were innocent beings who did nothing wrong, which is very much not what anyone is claiming here
while we're on the topic of "islamic colonisation" they will also refer to the demolishing of muslim sites of heritage and worship and then building hindu temples over them as "decolonisation" (cough cough ram mandir) the hindu right also goes around pretending that they're indigenous to india. this is false
along a similar vein, they will dismiss islamophobia by bringing up instances of hindu oppression in countries like pakistan and bangladesh. it is true that hindus are persecuted in these two countries, however they are used to fuel their oppression complex, that their upper caste hindu self is under attack in india of all places (think a white christian in the united states). you should be in solidarity with minorities everywhere. it is neither transactional or conditional (note: they will never bring up sri lanka. persecution of hindus exists only when the oppressors are muslim)
claiming that hindu nationalism and hindutva are not the same because hindutva means "hindu-ness". that is only the literal translation of the term. like it or not, they're the same thing
they support the indian military occupation of kashmir. they will call it an integral part of kashmir, one reason which will be "hinduism is indigenous to kashmir." they will also bring up the last maharaja of kashmir signing the instrument of accession as further proof, as if the consent of the people was taken
they're zionists. do i even need to explain this. hindutva is just zionism for hindus
they refer to buddhism and jainism (sikhism too sometimes) as branches of hinduism rather than separate, distinct religions
they condemn any resistance to the indian govt as a burden or terrorism (like calling the farmers who are currently protesting a hindrance or terrorists. funny how sikhs are the same as hindus when they support hindu causes but terrorists when they resist oppression...)
they call you a pseudo liberal or a fake leftist. i'm telling you, they don't know jackshit. they can't even tell the difference between a liberal and a leftist and call US unread lmao. bonus points if they call you a liberandu or a sickular 💀
they call india "bharat" when they talk in english. there are in fact multiple indian languages that call india bharat or bharatam, but if they say bharat while talking in english, that is absolutely a hindu nationalist no questions asked
please do your due diligence. read up on hindutva. hindu nationalists have already started making gains in the united states, thanks to rich upper caste nris. do not fall for propaganda
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risestarkiss · 4 months
Rise Ramblings #565
While watching the show, I realized that we don’t really get to see the boys’ true strength very often. Yes, we see their Ninpo at work, especially towards the end of the series, but I believe that outside of their Ninpo there is so much more to these boys than meets the eye.  
When thinking about raw strength, it’s easy to say something like “Yeah, Raph is the strongest.” And for good reason...
He is the one that works out the most.
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His build is the largest and the most intimidating.
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Often times we see him picking up, carrying, or tossing his brothers around, no problem.
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And that’s why this big guy gives the best hugs.
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But the main reason why he's seen as the strongest is because he’s the one generally seen picking up the most impossibly heavy objects.
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Although, he does have his limits.
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Yes, Raph is the strongest, but that does not negate the strength of the rest of the bros.
The physical abilities of the other three are nothing to sneeze at, especially since they were all originally created to be weapons. (See “What Was Meant To Be” for more on that subject.)
Take Mikey for instance.
Of all of the boys, you wouldn’t think of Mikey as particularly strong, but here he is shoulder pressing one of his brothers for fun.
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And flinging the boy in plum.
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What about Leo? Sure, we never really see him exert himself, especially when it comes to weightlifting or exercise, but I can’t help but notice how much he tends to carry his little brother.
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Furthermore, Leo doesn't just carry Mikey, but throws him around as well.
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But I believe the one that low key shows off his strength the most is Purple.
(It might have something to do with his overall lack of restraint, but I digress.)
He easily carries his brother when he needs to.
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And more impressively, he throws Mikey like nobody’s business using his bow staff and his own brawn.
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Speaking of his staff, if this is true:
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Then what do we make of this instance?
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Yes, the staff was already semi-broken, but does he go on to completely demolish the titanium staff in frustration with his bare hands? (Kudos to @theaphaeon for pointing this out!)
You be the judge.
Nonetheless, for me, what really proves Donatello’s strength are these scenes:
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Donnie doesn’t just carry out this feat once, but twice!
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Not only does Donnie hold up the combined weight of ALL of his brothers, but he does it via one leg. For a normal person, if all of that weight was put on one leg they would be severely injured. But for Donnie, this is just a silly mode of travel with his beloved bros. Meanwhile, his jet pack is struggling under the combined weight of all four turtles...
All-in-all, I just wanted to really highlight the turtles' physical strength and remind myself that strength is not just a Raphie thing, but something that stems across all of the turtle teens.
Do you guys have any more examples of the boys being the powerful weapons they were created to be without using their Hamato Ninpo?
All comments and reblogs are welcome! 💜
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luxaofhesperides · 6 months
Soulmate AU: First Words + End of the World ; requested by @justwannabecat!
Duke has long since accepted that he doesn’t have great luck. Most things in his life tend to go wrong very quickly, or complicate situations he was already struggling in (see: being a meta and getting his powers in the middle of a fight). Having an incomprehensible soulmark is an unpleasant discovery on the morning of his nineteenth birthday, but not entirely unexpected.
He had been hoping for something simple, a common one like hi it’s nice to meet you or sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you.
What Duke gets instead isn’t even words. 
Scrawled across his left hipbone is a string of symbols glowing a faint green. They’re not in a language he recognizes, and the symbols seem to move, shifting ever so slightly so they look different every time he blinks.
“Well,” he says after a solid five minutes of staring into the mirror, unable to rip his eyes off his soulmate’s words, “I hope theirs looks nicer than mine.”
He spends his birthday in a bit of a daze, enjoying time spent with the Waynes and his friends. It’s hard to be fully present when he’s all too aware of the soreness on his hipbone flaring up each time he moves. It’s hard to keep his mind off of it, wanting nothing more than to search for answers, unravel the mystery of his soulmate’s first words.
“Something on your mind?” Jason asks, as the attention shifts off of him for a brief moment as Harper and Cullen get ready to leave and everyone rushes to give their goodbyes,
Duke shrugs, carefully keeping his hands still so they don’t drift to where his soulmark is hidden beneath his clothes. “Yeah. Nothing you need to worry about, though.”
Jason looks him over critically, then nods. 
Duke resigns himself to being investigated by the rest of the Bats. If he’s off enough that Jason had to comment on it, then that means everyone’s noticed and are trying to figure out what’s happened. They’re not going to ask him, because they think he needs space to work through whatever’s got him so distracted, but they’re also not going to just do nothing. 
This won’t be the first time they’ve done this. Duke expects it. Frankly, it would be stranger and much more concerning if they didn’t try to dig up all his secrets the moment they caught wind of him hiding something.
He’ll tell them about getting his soulmark soon. Soulmarks can appear on any birthday between the ages of thirteen to twenty five; they might suspect he got his, but they won’t be able to confirm.
For now, Duke can keep his soulmate’s first words (whatever that gibberish means) to himself.
He makes the decision then and there, as his birthday party winds down, to tell them in a week.
And because his luck is abysmal, a world ending threat hits five days later and suddenly there is no time for soulmarks and first words.
Duke is the last to arrive at the Fortress of Solitude, hitching a ride from Superboy to get there. The biting cold and the harsh winds keep the place far from the reaches of the rest of humanity, surrounded by nothing but deadly white. 
Desolate as the landscape is, it’s still in better shape than the rest of the world.
Things would be better if it was alien invaders. It would be more bearable if some sort of cosmic colossus tried to eat their solar system. At least then there would be something physical that they could fight.
Instead, the world is breaking apart, the sky and earth both fracturing to reveal glowing green faultlines. Timelines are getting mixed up and muddled; just yesterday, Duke had to evacuate a building that had been demolished forty years ago, then stop a gang leader who wouldn’t be born for another eight years from taking over a neighborhood block and holding the residents hostage. Strange creatures are appearing out of nowhere, crawling out of shadows and tide pools and from beneath the roots of trees, all horrible, monstrous things that go after people with teeth and claws. 
The Flashes and the rest of the speedsters are nowhere to be found. The last time anyone get communication from them, it had been Impulse sending Red Robin a glitchy, barely audible video chat saying something along the lines of “trying to fix—unstable—keep us here—never been alive before.” All things that are very concerning to hear, made worse by the fact that no one had been able to contact them at all. 
The quiet loneliness of the Fortress of Solitude is a welcome change from the constant screaming, death, and destruction that’s taken over Gotham as well as the rest of the world. Last he heard, even Justice League China was at the end of their rope. 
“In here,” Superboy instructs, guiding Duke through the halls. There’s no time to look around at Superman’s secret base. All his focus is stuck on staying conscious for another few hours to see if this gathering of heroes is able to find a solution to the world breaking apart.
Batman stands besides Superman. Both nod at Duke when he enters the room. Wonder Woman is watching over John Constantine as he writes something on the floor, muttering under his breath. The rest of the Justice League lean against each other, visibly exhausted as they wait for Constantine to finish up what he’s doing. A few other heroes are here too, and Duke goes to join them where they lean against a wall, fighting to keep their eyes open.
“Hey,” he greets, voice low. “Hanging in there?”
Wonder Girl sighs. “Somehow. I don’t know how much longer we can do this. There’s just too much…”
“We’ll get through this. I mean, even without us out there, plenty of civilians have formed rescue and relief groups to help with keeping things under control,” Speedy says, gently knocking her arm against Wonder Girl’s. “We just gotta keep going. No giving up.”
“What’s this plan, anyways? I just heard that they needed me here to some attempt to fix things.”
“Well, without the speedsters, you’re kind of the only one who can help with time and power related stuff,” Speedy says.
“That’s definitely a stretch. My powers don’t really have anything to do with time. It’s all just light and shadow.”
Speedy shrugs. “Well, you’re here, aren’t you? Too late to complain about it now.”
Duke doesn’t get a chance to say anything else when a loud clap catches his attention. The entire room goes still and silent as Constantine stands up and surveys the circle and symbols he’s written, taking up an entire corner of the large room. 
“Alright,” he says. “Time to get started. Remember, let me do the talking. If you have to speak, it’s only to back me up or when a question is directed to you.”
Batman nods to the other Justice Leaguers, and suddenly everyone is falling into formation behind Constantine. Duke hurries to join them with Wonder Girl and Speedy, taking a place on the edge of the group where he’s a little closer to the circle than the others. 
Constantine begins chanting. His voice is steady though none of the sounds make any sense, refusing to form themselves into recognizable words, and the air the in the room feels heavier. The chalk circle glows a blinding white and Duke can see magic swirling through the air, his power kicking in the let him watch as reality tears and a glowing star in the shape of a boy comes out of it.
Duke blinks, forcing his power down. The hypnotic swirls of magic fade from sight, but the boy still glows, bright and terrible as he floats above the circle and surveys them all. A crown engulfed in blue flame hovers above his head and the fabric of the cosmos is draped over his shoulders as a cape. 
Just from presence alone, Duke can tell that this figure is now the strongest existence in this universe. He hopes this boy king is kind; no one, not even Superman, would be able to beat him in a fight.
The boy king opens his mouth and speaks, but it’s not words than comes out. A strange static like sound emerges, but light and almost melodic. 
His left hipbone burns.
Duke gasps, hand flying down to it, and the boy king’s gaze snaps to meet his.
The world stands still. No one moves. No one dares to breathe.
And then the boy king drops to the floor and walks out of the circle.
“I thought you said that would hold him!” Batman hisses at Constantine, who is looking more and more distressed.
“It was supposed to! I wrote it specifically to hold the King of the Infinite Realms!”
The boy king glances at Constantine. This time, when he speaks, it’s in smooth English. “Did you name the king in your circle?”
“Yeah, I named Pariah Dark… Bloody hell, you ain’t him, are ya?”
“No,” the boy king smiles, “I’m Phantom.”
The cape and crown fade away, and suddenly it’s not an all powerful, terrifying king standing before them, but a young man with white hair and green eyes who looks Duke’s age. Like he could be any other new generation hero in the room. 
“Phantom,” Duke repeats lightly, just under his breath, but it makes Phantom look at him again.
He walks forward, ignoring the other heroes’ aborted attempts to stop him, coupled with Constantine’s frantic back off motion happening behind him. Phantom leaves the circle and the Justice Leaguers behind to stand before Duke, a soft smile on his face.
“Hi,” he says softly, “I dreamed of you.”
“I dreamed of you. I have for years now. To think that being summoned was what made us meet—” Phantom breaks off into a breathless laugh.
Duke swallows, then drops his had from where it had been pressed against his hip. “So we’re really—? You have my first words too?”
In the corner of his eye, he sees Batman stiffen up. Maybe he should have just told them the day after his birthday, but in Duke’s defense, this is the definition of extenuation circumstances. 
“First words?” Phantom repeats, “Is that… Do we have different soulmate connections?”
“I think so. Here, everyone gets the first words their soulmates say to them appearing somewhere on their body.”
Phantom’s gaze darts down to Duke’s hip, then back up. “Oh. I get dreams. Where I’m from, we dream of our soulmates, and the closer we get to meeting them, the more we remember the dreams.”
“And you dreamed of me.”
“I did.”
“As touching as this is,” Constantine interrupts, and Duke gets to watch as Phantom rolls his eyes, “We summoned you here for a reason. Our world is falling apart at the seams and we need someone powerful, from the Realms, to help us fix it.”
“...What do you mean ‘okay’?”
“I’ll help,” Phantom says.
“Just like that? No deal to be made, no price to be paid?”
“Just like that. I’m not one for deals anyways. If I can help, then I will. But I do want to see what the problem is with my soulmate by my side, if you don’t mind.”
Batman steps in, fixing Duke with a steady gaze, a barely noticeable tilt of his head. “Signal?”
“Yeah I’ll go with him. Of course I will. The sooner the better, in fact, because everything’s gone to shit.” Duke turns to Phantom, taking hold of one of his hands. “It is really bad out there,” he warns, “If you need help—”
“I’ll ask for help from others in the Realms,” Phantom says. “No offense or anything, but if it’s really that bad, I doubt living mortals will be able to do much to fix things. It’s why I was summoned, right?”
“Right. Let’s get to it, then.”
There’s a flash of mischief in Phantom’s eyes, and cheeky grin stealing across his face for a moment, before he says, “Aye aye, captain!” and picks Duke up like he weighs nothing and flies up through the ceiling.
Duke is able to hear everyone’s surprised, panicked shouts before they’re outside the Fortress of Solitude and Phantom is flying them away. He only needs a few directions from Duke before he finds the first of the large fractures in the sky.
“Yikes,” is all he says, which is not a great thing to hear. “I think I know how to fix it, though. We’ll need to do a little investigating as to who, exactly, started messing around with reality, but once we find the source, it’ll be an easy fix.”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard all week.”
“Even better than meeting your soulmate?”
“I haven’t slept for more than four hours all week. Knowing there’s an end in sight beats everything else.”
Phantom laughs, throwing his head back and Duke can’t help but drink in the sight of him, so ethereal and bright and full of life. “Fair enough! Got any ideas as to where we should start?”
“I’ve got an entire crew of detective vigilantes,” Duke replies. He’s not taking any more chances. No more waiting to talk about important things; he messed up by keeping his soulmark to himself, so he needs to make sure everyone meets his soulmate before shit goes south again. 
“Let’s go find them, then!”
They take off again, soaring through the skies that are barely holding themselves together. 
The world is still ending, and every hero is being stretched thin, but held carefully in Phantom’s arms, racing head first into a solution, Duke can’t help but feel that everything’s going to be alright now. 
He’s had enough bad luck. Now, his soulmate with him, bearing the title of King with grace, things are finally starting to look up.
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occamstfs · 4 months
No Need to Pledge, Just Drink.
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Thanks for the Warm Response! Here's a shorter piece - Occam
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It’s definitely not normal that they invited me to this party. It was a direct invite too, obviously. I wouldn’t show up unless someone explicitly asked. From what I understand frat parties don’t usually have a guest list, but I am not one to just wander in. 
Judging by how unpleasant this is so far I’m starting to think I shouldn’t have accepted Derek’s invitation at all. I start to look around for the nearest exits which is when Derek finally shows his face, approaching me with two drinks in hand.
“Sup bruh! I’m so stoked you could make it! This party is gonna be absolutely killer soon so I hope you can stick around!”
“Ah, well I was-”
“I brought you a little drink broski! I know shit like this isn’t your cup of tea so I figured you’d take the assist, this stuff’ll loosen you right up.”
I take the cup from him and just avoid wretching from fumes of alcohol coming from the cup now in my hand. I assumed it was just a beer but it looks like some horrible mixed drink.
“It’s Everclear and Hawaiian Punch bro! As soon as you get past the first taste you barely notice the burn!”
He continues to stand there as I fail to brainstorm a way out of at least trying this. I see a potted plant across the room and know my next move. I’ll give the drink one chance to get Derek off my back and dump it as soon as he turns his.
It’s honestly not as bad as I thought it would be, it doesn’t even seem alcoholic actually? It’s just sweet? Almost to a sickly degree. I don’t really taste the punch either, it's just… 
I start to take another sip before noticing that impossibly, my cup is already empty. I only took a sip though? Something, something is not right. I start to freeze up before Derek starts shaking me, his hand holding a second cup of the punch high above his head shouting, “Brooo! You just demolished that! Fuck! I’ve gotta see that again!” He shoves the second cup into my hand and begins to push his way back towards the punch bowl “Everyone outta the way! This nerd has got to have more to drink!”
I watch him longer than I should have, dumbfounded holding this drink that I didn’t want. Don’t want? My vision gets blurry as I watch him maneuver his massive body through the crowd. Woah, I guess this is what alcohol does? I feel myself start to grin watching him struggle to fill a two-liter with whatever that punch is. Jungle juice? Oh Shit? Is he bringing that to me? 
The DJ switches playlists and I feel excitement quickly start to build in my chest. I fuckin’ love this song! I start to inch towards the crowd before I’m elbowed in the face and my glasses fall directly into my cup.
“Hey dude! I need those to fuc- I need those to see” I instinctively shout as I look to see my glasses just peeking out of my cup. Before picking them out though, I notice that my vision is actually better now? Which briefly starts to set my veins afire once more, why have I been going to a fucking optometrist for years I start to think, clenching my jaw before I look closer into my cup.
This alcohol must really be getting to me or Derek is pulling another prank on me or something. My hair looks so stupid up like that. I start to move my hand to fix it before seeing my arm reflected. 
Or is that even my arm? It shouldn’t be? It’s the size of my head. I shouldn't be able to life something that size if I wanted to. I need to get some fresh air, or just some quiet space. I need to get out. I need-
“Party king coming through! Sorry bro I couldn’t get the bottle to fuckin work so I hope two more cups will do” I see two cups clenched in massive hairy, may as well be, paws starting to pass back through the dance floor. My own hand flexes and I drop my drink, spilling it all over my shoes as I bolt to find a bathroom. Cheers of “Party Foul” ring out as I dash, completely ditching my glasses without a second thought.
I weasel my way through the crowd feeling less agile than usual. Finding it much easier to shove these pipsqueaks out of the way than to squeeze between them before I find peace in the second floor restroom, miraculously without a line outside. I don’t question why I suddenly know the layout of this house as I slam the door and take a deep breath. Music still comes through the door as I reach for the light and prepare to look in the mirror.
The haircut was the least of my concerns. I look like a beast as I start to hyperventilate. I feel the music outside the room quicken matching my heartbeat, my newly 20/20 eyes stare into themselves as they turn from blue to a deep brown and visibly lose acuity. I feel my biceps pressing against the sleeves of my t-shirt narrowly avoiding a deliberate flex to rip the shirt apart. 
I notice a stink other than jungle juice coming up from my feet as I feel them beginning to push against the tongue of my shoe. I collapse to the floor and quickly struggle to untie my laces before squeezing my feet out. Immediately apparent are drastically rattier socks than I remember putting on to get ready for this party. Full of holes and stains, I dread knowing whose socks these are and what is happening before recognizing them as my own. Or really they could be any of my bros socks but who cares.
As soon as this thought pushes its way into my head a pit drops into my stomach. I am an only child, I don’t have any bros, or well, I have a house full of bros now right? Getting up off the floor I again glance into the mirror. My jaw is wider, my stubble itches but just like it always does, right? I put my face in my hands creating enough strain in my small shirt to force a tear down the back. Why am I wearing such tiny tiny clothes anyway? Must be Derek hazing me again huh. I think holding in a guffaw, I wonder how he got me in these?
I tear the rest of my shirt away before doing the same to my pants which is when I learn that I have apparently been going commando this whole time. Now free of these nerdy-ass clothes I flex in the mirror. Pecs popping like always, my bros always say the hair hides my pump but who cares bro I want to look like a man. I briefly shake my cock at myself in the mirror smirking and see laid out behind me are a change of clothes that Derek must have laid out for me. 
There are a pair of slides, some athletic shorts and a massive stringer that says “Party Prince” Bro! He must have made us matching shirts! 
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I quickly start to change to match with my Bro and see cologne on the counter. I’m sure bro won't mind if I use it. Each spritz I feel myself fill out my tank even more, veins beginning to peak out down my arms and my package becomes even harder to miss in my shorts. I do a few more poses in the mirror before hearing a knock at the bathroom door.
“Bro you in there? The party’s dying without you bro!”
Hearing my big bros’ cry for help I get my head in the game. I’ve got to bring it tonight. I kick the locked door open, completely shattering the door frame as I cry out- “Who’s ready to drink tonight,” tossing the awaiting cup of jungle juice into the air over the crowd.
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cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (crack) - "where’s my super suit?”
this is very self-explanatory slight nsfw mention?? nothing smutty lmao
Brooding in his impossibly dark office, Miguel gazes at the various orange telegram screens around him. One of them catches his eye; Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie all being absolutely demolished by an anomaly. 
Each one of them is being thrown in the opposite direction, thwacking against each other or accidentally webbing the wrong person. 
Miguel’s supposed to be off duty right now, though it’s hard to believe that Miguel gets any free time at all. Giving into Lyla’s pestering, he wears normal clothes today, opting for a simple zip-up sports jacket and pants. 
But, Miguel knew he’d regret it. 
He gazes at the live footage of the kids being completely totaled by the anomaly. Something similar to sympathy growing in his chest. (He doesn’t like to admit he has a soft spot for the kids, but he does.)
Miguel closes his eyes, hunching down and pinching between his eyes. “No puedo más-” He mumbles to himself. Pressing a button on the screen, Miguel quickly finds which universe the kids are in, opting to jump in and deal with it himself. 
He’s already got his watch on, ready to step into action when he realizes...
He doesn’t have his suit on. 
“Fuck.“ He mutters, breaking into a run out of his office, and down the equally dim hallway towards his living quarters. If you’re so invested in your job, why not live there as well?
The automatic doors slide open, revealing a lifeless, bland bedroom. You bug him to make it more homey, but he hasn’t got the chance to yet. Miguel quickly rummages through his drawers in the dark, filing through another closet in search of his suit, or at least one of a duplicate. Nothing. 
Miguel starts rummaging through more clothes, and she instantly flickers by his shoulder. 
“Do you know where my suit is?“ Miguel asks. 
“I dunno.“ Lyla shrugs. “I think y/n has it. Said she wanted to keep it to make sure you wouldn’t go work today.“
Miguel sighs in annoyance, swatting Lyla away like a fly until she blinks off. He taps a few buttons on his smartwatch, hastily pressing the call button for your favorited contact. 
(it reads ”babyboo💕💞” after you changed it in his sleep lmaoo)
You answer as per usual. Miguel’s surprised you weren’t busy. 
“Honey?“ Miguel asks, double checking the clothes he threw on the floor.
“Where’s my suit?” 
“What? Sorry, you spazzed out a little.“
Miguel sighs, taking a deep breath on behalf of healthy marriages. 
“Where. Is. My. Spider. Suit?“ He asks, slower this time. 
“I uh- put it away.“ 
“Where?“ He asks, his voice hushed. 
You raise your eyebrow. Miguel is supposed to be off duty?
“Why do you need to know?“
“I need it!“
“Nuh uh! Don’t you dare think about zipping off to whatever fucking Earth-199 you’ve got going on! You haven’t had a break in literally 4 years!“
“The kids are in danger!“
“Your mental health is in danger!“
“Tell me where my goddamn suit is! We’re talking about the future generation!“
“The only future generation you should be worrying about are the kids you put in me last ni-“
“Oh my fucking god, just tell me! Hon-“
You hang up on him, and Miguel sighs for the 10th time today, hanging his head low in frustration. He’s surrounded by clothes he never wears, the room utterly cluttered. 
You know what, maybe someone else will deal with it? There’s thousands of spider-people in the building, it’s safe to say that they could take down at least one anomaly. 
For now, Miguel needs a break.
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© 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔.
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seeingivy · 6 months
fine line
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
content warning: mentions of SA, addiction, bad workplace environments, shitty adults - protect your peace my babies
an: one I saved sparks for the next chapter so I don't like give someone a heart attack. and brace yourself pookies. this ended up at 16k. also, lmk if the format is confusing. but any memory that's embedded between dialogue is basically being shown in the video - it just makes more sense for me to write it as a visual
songs mentioned: ever since new york by harry styles, clean by taylor swift, all of the girls you loved before by taylor swift, and fine line by harry styles
previous part linked here
Tell me something, tell me something You don't know nothing, just pretend you do I need something, so tell me something new Choose your words 'cause there's no antidote For this curse Oh, what's it waiting for? Must this hurt you just before you go?
Eren lets the video play for a whole minute before he abruptly reaches for the remote from your hand and stops the film from playing. The song is burning in his ears - the clip of him blowing out the candles at his tenth birthday party searing his eyes - and the increasing, immense pressure that’s been building, ever since you came back to set, comes to a head in that second. 
So much so, that he has to stop the video. Like fully, take the remote from your hands and pause the video. And when he realizes what he’s done, looking over to his side and finding your wide eyes staring at him, and he swallows the lump of shame that’s in his throat and makes his best attempts to back track. 
He’s already messing this up. Royally. 
“Right. I’m sorry, Y/N. Here.” he murmurs, placing the remote back in the space between the two of you, as he nervously interlocks his own fingers within each other. 
Eren’s mind is in a hundred places right now. Granted, he’s always been one to be stuck where he shouldn’t be, but the regret is scorching deep through him now. 
Maybe he should just tell you straight out. Or take you to Seattle now so that you could all talk about it in person. Or he could have asked Connie to stay, just so that he had some type of moral support instead of your big doe eyes waiting for answers, but-
“Are you okay, Eren?” you ask. 
Eren looks over, mustering his best peachy smile, as he shakes his head. 
“No. I’m fine! I just…had a muscle spasm…. You can play it, it’s just-” 
You squint your eyes in response to his shitty defense, which Eren was expecting, because you were always acutely aware of how Eren was feeling. He was almost convinced that you could read his mind at times, that maybe some part of how he grew up left that part of him underdeveloped, that made him so soulless and unaware when it came to other people. 
Or that really, some part of you still understood him in the way you always seemed to be able to. In a way that no one else really had. Because few could bear close to you - Lana and Connie, even Sukuna to some extent - but there was just something about you specifically that saw him exactly how he was. 
That you always knew his intentions, that he almost never had to say them to you. He never had to explain that big mess that was going on in his head because you were always filling the gap and settling it down before he could even get it out. Like there was some secret language being spoken between the two of you every time you made eye contact. 
He’d figure that this part of the two of you - he had all but demolished it the second he opened his mouth back in Seattle. But it remains whole and intact and is extremely bad for that flaring hopeful feeling that he gets when he’s around you again. 
That the two of you could return back to what you were before, in some shape or form. 
Eren sighs. 
“I’m sorry. I just…got overwhelmed for a second. You can play the video. I-I promise I won’t pause it this time.” 
Your eyes soften - and Eren’s heart twinges - as he musters a smile for you. 
“Are you okay to be watching this with me? I can always watch it alone, Eren.” 
“Yeah, I-” 
“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable…granted, I’m not sure exactly what it is that I’m watching, but if this…makes you anxious than I don’t want to force you to stomach it just for me.” 
Eren’s heart twinges. That you’re still the same as he left you, so loving that it’s flowing out of you. 
“It’s not just for you. Not that I’d be opposed to doing it but-” 
Eren swallows hard. 
“I should be here, Y/N.” he murmurs. 
“Okay. Well-” 
“And you’re watching a movie. A documentary feels like…the wrong word for it? But I guess that’s what it is?” Eren murmurs. 
“A documentary?” 
Eren swallows hard. 
“Do you remember that interview you did? When you became a triple threat?” Eren asks. 
You nod. 
“This is like if I did the interview. Like songs, album, the whole thing. And if other people were involved. And-” 
“Album? You made an album, Eren?” you ask, suddenly excited at the prospect of it. 
Eren was never one to push too hard into music, since he felt that his talents clearly resided in acting. The few times that he had written something was because certain things, mainly you, had left him so inspired and your little rambligns and notes had rubbed off on him. 
And when he missed you terribly, it seemed that the only thing that seemed to remedy it in some sense was writing songs about it. Granted, Lana almost kicked him out of her house for the sad piano he always seemed to be playing, which she claims wasn’t a good influence, but it made a good backtrack for the movie. 
“Yeah, well. You’re quite the inspiration.” Eren respond. 
You roll your eyes, lightly reaching over to shove his shoulder. Except he grabs your hand right before you can, his eyes fixed on his hand all but engulfing yours. 
“I’m being serious. You-you’re the only reason that I wanted to do this. That I was able to.” Eren whispers. 
You tilt your head to the side. 
“You’ve always been like this. So…adamant on the side of talking about things. About not holding it in. I remember when you did the whole “The Man” thing with Historia you literally had me scared shitless. That people were going to put your head on a stick and start coming for you.” 
“I remember. But they didn’t and-” 
“And then you did the same thing with Lana. About Ricky - and you don’t even know the half of it when it comes to that guy. You’ve proven it to me time and time again. That maybe…talking things out is the best way to do it. And granted, I’ve taken so long to get to that point but I-” 
“It’s okay. I just-” 
“It’s not okay. I want you to know that I don’t think what I did was right in any way. I literally made the wrong decision at every turn, and hurt you because of it, and I’m so sorry that I did because you have to know that you mean-” 
Eren freezes, as you wrestle your hand out of his, and place both of your hands firmly on his shoulders. 
“Eren. Just…stop panic explaining. Let me listen first.” you murmur. 
“I know. Sorry, you’re right, I just-” 
“Don’t apologize. I’m sure this is nerve wracking in ways that I can’t understand.” you respond. 
“You’ve always understood me.” Eren murmurs, immediately regretting it the second it leaves his mouth. 
Eren watches as you smile at him, soft and all the way up to your eyes, as you let go and reach for the remote. You give him a nod as you unpause the video again to a clip of Eren. 
At his tenth birthday, blowing out the candles, while he sings in the background. 
Oh, tell me something I don't already know Oh, tell me something I don't already know Oh, tell me something I don't already know Oh, tell me something I don't already know
The video starts the last place you expect it. With Zeke sitting in front of the camera, hand knotted together in the same way you’ve seen Eren’s a hundred times, as he retells the story of the day his grandmother passed away when Eren was eleven and Zeke was seventeen.  
After forty-five minutes, Eren has definitively decided that he hates hospital. The anti-septic smell seems to bite at his nose, the receptionist keeps eyeing them awkwardly over the top of her desk trying to pinpoint where it is that she knows him from, and his parents and Zeke are uncharacteristically silent. 
Eren reaches for Zeke’s wrist, which Zeke welcomes with a smile, as they both nervously eye their parents at their side. Eren’s not entirely sure why - since to his understanding, his grandmother is still alive for right now - but his mom has been crying for a better half of the past day, while his dad holds down the fort and does his best efforts to keep it together. Eren appreciates the small smiles that he spares for the two of them every now and then, as they all sit quietly in the waiting room. 
Zeke taps Eren on the shoulder, gesturing for him to follow him for a walk, which Eren is all but happy to oblige in, as the two of them quietly make their way down the ward. 
“Where are we going?” 
“Cookies. They have them out for New Year’s Day, Eren.” Zeke responds, looking down to give him a smile. 
Eren frowns, forgetting that the start of the new year was so close, as they walk into the little aisle. The room is decorated with hanging lights, left over from Christmas, as the two of them sit on the chairs and split the hard, crumbly cookies between the two of them. 
“Is grandma going to die or something?” Eren asks, swinging his legs off the tops of the tall chair as he leans back. 
“I don’t know, Eren. Maybe.” Zeke responds, swallowing hard.
“There’s no need to be sad about it before it happens. But Dad told me earlier, it would probably be today or tomorrow so…you should be aware of that.” Zeke states. 
Eren frowns. And Zeke recoils, at his rather blunt way of telling Eren the harsh news. 
“He didn’t tell me that.” Eren states. 
“Well, you’re younger, Eren.” Zeke responds. 
“That doesn’t mean I didn’t deserve to know.” 
Zeke brings his hand down on Eren’s hair, ruffling with it as he looks out the window. 
“That’s why I told you, kid.” 
Eren sighs. 
Zeke shakes his head, as he gestures for Eren to join him at looking outside. The hospital workers are taking down the tree outside, as the two of them rest their windows against the sill and watch the snow fall down. 
 “Can we have hot chocolate when we go home?” Eren asks. 
“You’re old enough to make your own hot chocolate, Eren.” Zeke deadpans. 
“But you just make it so much better. Plus, don’t you want to be a good older brother?” Eren asks, giving him his best peachy smile. 
“I am a good older brother.” 
“You know what would make you even better?” 
Zeke rolls his eyes. 
“Hot chocolate?” 
Eren fakes a gasp. 
“It’s like you’re reading my mind! That’s a great idea, Zeke.” Eren responds. 
Zeke shoves Eren as the two of them laugh, reaching for another one of the hardened cookies on the platter. And that’s when they’re met with the flash of the camera and three paparazzi standing right behind them. Zeke turns around, entirely confused, as they shove the microphone into his face. 
“Zeke. Are do you have any comments on the rumors that you’re a drug dealer?” 
“The rumors that I’m what?” Zeke asks. 
Eren looks up at Zeke, entirely floored by the question, as the bright lights shine in his face a few more times. Zeke’s standing in front of him, basically obscuring his line of vision, as he watches the confusion spread on Zeke’s face and the way his jaw is tightly held against his skull. 
“A drug dealer. Through the funds in your back accounts?” 
“That’s not what I used them for. I used them for-” 
Eren watches Zeke’s face pale, as he grabs Eren’s hand tightly by the wrist and runs back into the waiting room where their parents are sitting. Except when they reach that spot, the doctor they’d seen hours prior is standing there with them, uttering the last words that Zeke could possibly want to hear at this moment. 
“We’re so sorry for your loss but-” 
And he’s cut off abruptly, by the paparazzi, who continue to flash more pictures as the Eren takes in the words, his parents crying demeanor, and understands in full that his grandmother is gone. And looks up at Zeke, unable to recognize his older brother for the first time. So meek, so awkward unlike he’s ever seen him. 
The video cuts off of the pictures of the four of them - of their pink faces and teary eyes in that waiting room - and back to Zeke, as he continues to explain. 
“That was the first time that the rumor had come to the surface, reached me in full. I later found out that there had been multiple reports of it for three days prior, that people had been speculating for days and days, and chose to finally ask me what I had thought when I was in the most headline worthy position. A few feet away from my dead grandmother. And my beloved little brother.” Zeke adds. 
You feel Eren shift next you as the video switches, this time to Sukuna. You smile, not having seen him or heard of him in so long, sparing a good thought from the writhing in your chest at the previous story. The mere presence of him, of his voice, makes your chest rumble. 
“My name is Ryomen Sukuna. And I met Scott Clarkson for the first time when I was fifteen.” 
Sukuna tries his best to not be jealous of his brother. He’s always hated that sick, rotting feeling in his stomach, and he despises that it comes up so unexpectedly, something so negative towards someone who is so unwholly undeserving of it. 
Sukuna always thought it was quite ironic that the two of them were siblings. They were such polar opposites - Yuuji being the picture-perfect, kind, intelligent person that he was. Being those things, so good, it just came so naturally to him that he made it look effortless. 
Meanwhile, Sukuna wasn’t quite sure why he acted the way he did sometimes. Sukuna knew that he wasn’t a malicious or evil person, that deep down his intentions were always well meaning, but there was a small part of him that had always struggled with that part. He knew that he wasn’t a visicous dog, but he wasn’t sure why he bit. 
It was just so hard for Sukuna. Being kind. Effortlessly kind, compassionate, and warm. He’d always say too much, be too loud, or too rude or impolite that it made it made him feel like some part of him was defective. That unbeknownst to other people, who just assumed that Sukuna was just like this, that he was hateful at heart, there was always a withstanding weight of guilt that he held with him wherever he went.  
Until he saw an opening. At one of those god awful, stupid networking events that he was always forced to go to. 
“Are you Ryomen Sukuna?” 
He looks up to find an adult, mid-forties, looking down at him. He’s wearing a nice, pressed down suit as he joins Sukuna on the floor, where he’s been demolisihing the cookie he was given into a crumbled up, chocolate mess. 
“Yes. Who are you?” 
“My name is Scott Clarkson. I’m a producer for Stone Studios. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” 
Sukuna falls into silence, as he tries his best to awkwardly shuffle his mess to the side and be as professional as he could. 
“You have a brother, correct?” Scott asks. 
Sukuna sighs, knowing all too well what’s coming next. 
“Yes, that’s right. He’s over there, standing with the tall, black-haired kid. Kinda sea urchin-y if you ask me.” Sukuna responds, pointing over to the two of them standing by the lemonade. 
Scott shrugs, crossing his hands together in his lap. 
“Tell me about his work ethic.” Scott asks. 
“Well, he’s great. He’s basically the best person to be around - I mean he’s intelligent, smart, and talented. There’s a reason that he’s in almost every movie that you see. And on top of that, he’s extremely patient and kind too. You’d be lucky to work with him, if that’s what you’re considering.” 
Scott looks over at him, eyes narrowed. 
“That’s your mistake, kid.” Scott states, the look in his eyes cold. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You should be marketing yourself. Not your brother.” Scott asks. 
Sukuna turns his head to the side, confused. 
“What? But you asked?” 
“That’s the thing. Even if someone asks about him, you should always divert the attention. To yourself. Granted, this is the reason that he’s the one who just starred in a movie while you’re waiting during the Jujutsu Kaisen hiatus.” 
Sukuna frowns, an acidic feeling crawling down the length of his throat. 
“I’m just saying, kid. You should learn to advocate for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with pushing a few people around, because that’s kind of what this industry requires. You’ve got guts and talent, more than you’re wish washy brother I’m sure of it. I mean, the whole good boy bad boy thing has worked well for you so far, but if you want any chops at a real career, with people like I’ve worked with, you’ll have to solidify on these types of things.” Scott states. 
Sukuna looks straight across at the movie poster splayed on the wall. With “Institute Award Winning” and “Scott Clarkson” inscribed in it at the bottom. 
“Granted, you’re just a kid. You need someone to give you this kind of advice, an adult who knows their way around the industry. If you ever need my help, you know who to call. I could give you any type of role. Even one as the lead, as the hero, if you ever wanted it.” Scott states, sliding a silver business card into his hands and shuffling off the floor to walk away. 
The video cuts back to Sukuna, cracking his fingers as he talks - something you know well is a nervous tick of his. 
“The conversation seems quite ironic in hindsight. Scott Clarkson was the first adult in my life, one of many, that didn’t have my best interests at mind. And is most surely the last person you should take advice from.” Sukuna states. 
The video switches to Lana - and your heart clenches again, maybe even more than it did for Sukuna - at her long, brown hair and warm, pink cheeks smiling into the camera. You notice that she has a tattoo inscribed on her forearm now, a tiny little teddy bear just above the crease of her elbow, where you and Eren have your fish tattoos. 
“I’ve dreamt about being in love since I was a little kid. There was a part of me, that yearned so hard, wanted it so bad, that I would do anything for it. Even convince myself it was real.” 
Lana was convinced, for a fact, that because she had seen the worst of the worst, that she could only be subjected to the best of the best. 
That she had been so acutely aware, known from such a young age, all the signs of a terrible marriage, a loveless relationship. That you should always thank each other for the small actions, make time to see each other at least once a day, and that a true, earnest relationship takes honest work. Real effort. 
And she wasn’t exactly religious per say. But after the night had settled down, the screaming behind her door ceasing in full, she’d lift her head to the sky and whisper it into the air. Because if she put it out there, every night, and wanted it really badly, that it would happen. That manifestation or some higher power or some law of attraction - that saw that she had been through the bad so she deserved the good - would hear her out. 
And when she was nineteen years old staring at the two little lines on the pregnancy stick, she realized that no such thing existed. That manifestation was made up, that the higher powers didn’t exist or they hated her, or that maybe she had done something really horrible, so malicious, that she had to be tortured in this life for what she had done in the previous. 
Because, of course, she’s pregnant with the last person she’d ever want her kid to have as a father. 
There’s an incessant pounding on the door, as she wipes the tears off of her face, and hides the stick in the bowl of the toilet. 
“What the fuck is taking you so long, Lana?” 
“Nothing, Ricky. I think I might have a stomach bug or something.” she responds, swinging the door open to his unamused face. 
He looks up at her, almost sneering, before glancing at her up and down. He returns to aimlessly scrolling on his phone, before talking again. 
“Well, you’re still well enough to go out tonight, right? Because I don’t want to go to the bar alone.” 
Lana swallows hard, debating her options. 
“Um, well-” 
“Because I could easily take someone else.” Ricky states. 
“No! I’ll come, it’s just that-” 
“Perfect! You’re the best.” Ricky states, pressing a kiss to her cheek before padding out of the room. 
The video switches again, this time to Connie, slightly blurry through the tears in your eyes. You only realize you were crying because Eren’s hands are quick to swipe the tears away and hold a tissue out for you at your side.. You’re not sure what caused it exactly - the thought of Ricky or of Lana so scared alone in that bathroom by herself - but Eren keeps his hand on your shoulder, grounding you into the moment to focus on what Connie was saying. 
“When I was a kid, my mom used to kind of parrot the same stories about me as a kid to every person that she knew. I always used to make fun of her for it, claim that she harped on those four or five stories so hard because she couldn’t remember anything else substantial from my childhood, which was why she felt the need to always tell those embarrassing stories about me.” 
Connie breaks a smile, it reaching all the way to the crinkles in his eyes, as he continues. 
“But there’s one story that she told, that always used to make me a little bit happy. My heart a little warm, if you will. My mom always proudly recounted, with her hand placed over her heart, that I was the happiest baby. That my doctor had mentioned to her that it was very rare for him to see babies who smiled, so quick in their first day of life, but I had done it when he walked into the room. And since then, my mom has always lovingly called me her smiley boy.” Connie states. 
Connie drops his smile, before swallowing hard. 
“Which is how I know that I wholeheartedly broke her heart when she came to see me in rehab.” 
At the one month mark of being there, Connie was slowly but surely acclimating to the life in the rehab ward. The set routine of the place, the small activities that they did in groups, were quickly starting to grow on Connie and the physical effects of his body fighting against him lessening more every day. 
Today was a big achievement for him. He had finally made it through his first night of soundless sleep. And he was looking forward to today, which was Friday, meaning that Eren and possibly Lana would be visiting him. And they’d be so excited, so happy that it was working for him, that he wanted to tell him the second that he got there. 
So when the clock hit two o’clock, he excitedly walked in the visiting room to find Eren sitting there, with his steaming bowl of ramen that Eren had promised he would bring him next time. Connie finally understood why you fell in love with him all of those years ago. He’d marry Eren too if it meant he would cook for him all the time. 
“Hey Connie.” Eren states, sliding the bowl over to him. 
“Eren Bear-en. Where’s Lana?” he asks. 
“Right. She’s here. In the waiting room.” Eren states. 
“What the hell is she doing out there? Laying eggs?” Connie asks, splitting the chopsticks in his hand as he opens up the bowl. 
“Yes, actually. The kitchen came by and told her they were short.” 
“Don’t even joke about that because those bitches are crazy. I asked for an extra Jello and from the looks they gave me you’d think I was asking to be their…sperm donor or something.” 
Eren snickers, before getting an intense look from the guards on the wall for disrupting the silence, and looking back at Connie. 
“No. No, she’s actually keeping your mom some company.” 
Connie pales. 
“My mom is here?” he states, his voice grating in his throat. 
“Yeah, Connie. She doesn’t want to push and-and- she’s more than willing to go home if you’re not ready to see her yet, man. She just really insisted and she means so well that we just brought her along.” Eren states. 
“Have you been talking to her?” Connie asks. 
“Oh, yeah. She called us almost two days after you got here. We let her know what was happening and she comes by the house a lot. She asks about you the second we get back.” Eren responds. 
“Really?” Connie asks, warm tears filling his eyes. Of agonizing, burning regret. 
“Really. She’s been waiting till you seemed better, that you were ready to see her. And you don’t have to worry that she’s judging you or upset with you, man. She feels the same as Lana and I do, you- she shouldn’t be a reason for your stress. Or guilt.” Eren adds, emphasizing it as hard as he can so as to convince Connie to at least let her through. 
Connie pauses, the thoughts swimming to his mind. The overwhelming regret, that his mom has suffered all the way to meet him here, that she was ready to be at his side, the same way Eren and Lana had. He’s almost grateful that she hadn’t seen him at the worst of it - that he hadn’t shouted choice words at her like he had at Eren and Lana and you - but the embarrassment of having to recount all of that to her was daunting. 
But the thought of seeing her again, hearing that she was out there waiting with that heathen Lana, warmed that deep seated love for her in his stomach. That was yearning to see her, to tell her what had happened to him too. 
The latter feeling beat out the former one. Which is why he let Eren bring her in with Lana, as she took a cautious seat at his side and Lana slid into the one next to Eren. 
“Hi Connie Bear!” Lana states, reaching over to squeeze his hands. 
“Hi Lana Bear.” he respond, lifting his hand to do his little hand shake with Lana, which always earns him an eye roll from Eren. 
“Bear?” Connie’s mom asks, tilting her head to the side. 
“Ah. It’s just a little joke that we have. Eren Bear-en started it.” Connie states, giving him mom a smirk.
His mom smiles, looping her arm through Connie’s, as she lightly laughs into the quiet air. 
“Funny. So what would I be?” 
“Mama Bear. Obviously.” Connie states. 
She pauses, pressing her hand to Connie’s shoulder. 
“How are you, Connie? Really?” 
Connie smiles, leaning forward on the table and nervously fidgeting with his fingers. 
“I have some good news actually. For all of you.” Connie responds. 
“What’s that?” Eren asks. 
“I know that it doesn’t seem like a big deal and all and that people do it all the time but…today was the first night that I slept all the way through without waking up in the past month. In the past year actually.” 
Lana and Eren’s eyes immediately light up, which has Connie smiling, as the two of them run over to the side of his table and wrap his arms around him. His mom’s looped into his side, the three of them crushing him in the warmest, softest hug known to man.
“Connie! We’re- fuck. I’m literally crying. I’m so happy for you, kid.” Lana states, reaching forward to pinch the softness on his cheek. 
“Okay, you sap. It’s not all that.” Connie responds.
“No but it literally is, Connie. This is huge.” Eren responds, squeezing his shoulder hard. 
Connie turns to his mom noticing that she’s been trying her best efforts to quiet her sobs. Connie places a hand on her shoulder, burning with regret, at her downtrodden face. 
“Oh, Connie. My sweet, smiley boy. I’m so happy for you.” 
It’s enough to break his resolve, one that he’s been keeping together since he realized that he had all but gone through Jean and Mikasa’s engagement high. And cries straight into her arms, with Lana and Eren across from him, lightly tapping his feet under the table in support. 
The video switches, this time to Eren, as you prepare yourself for whatever you’re about to hear next. Because if the previous four were gut punches, you know for a fact that whatever Eren is about to say is going to ruin you. 
“Being in love is a privilege.” 
You take a sharp inhale. 
“There’s something so strange about it, when you think about it. That there can be two people, who share those feelings at the same time. That they overcame something, deeper than rejection or fear, because the feelings were so big, they were so great, that they just had to. And that the person, they really and truly reciprocated it.” 
Eren smiles, so wide that his dimples are showing. 
“It’s a privilege to be in love. But it’s an even bigger one to be in love, to be loved, by someone like Y/N L/N.” 
Eren and Jean, with their ears all but pressed to the door, hear the three knocks and wrestle over each other to open the door. You’re standing there, sheepish and meek as you look down the hall, and Eren reaches for your bag on the floor. Jean gives the two of you a salute, which you laugh at, and which consequently has Eren smacking his hand over your mouth for, as the two of you quickly switch spots. 
WIth Jean in your room and you in his. Eren quickly shuts the door, setting your stuff down, as you two give each other excited smiles. 
“That was super sneaky, Eren. Like Bond level.” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“Right. The two feet in between our doors was so treacherous.” 
You smack his shoulder. 
“Okay, bitch. You know nothing of my perilous travels. The floorboard creaked. I could hear Levi rustling in his sheets, I swear to god.” 
Eren drags your stuff into the room, as he places your bag on the bed. 
“What do you have in here? Your entire closet? Why is this so heavy?” 
“Well, I had to bring my night time skincare. And my morning skincare. And sometimes I get snacky at night…and my blanket obviously. And my shampoos. Those are non-negoitable.” you respond. 
“Well we can’t have you getting split ends now!” Eren responds, sarcastically. 
“Don’t even sass me right now because I could go bald without that shampoo.” 
“And I have a blanket.” 
You scoff.
“I don’t want your cooties, stinky.” 
“I don’t have cooties. And mind you, you have to kiss me in a few weeks. My cooties are going to be all up in your face, Y/N.” Eren responds. 
“That sounds gross, Eren. Like you’re purposely infecting me with your disease.” 
“I’m not infecting you with anything! I don’t even have cooties, you idiot!” 
You feign hurt, frowning at him, as you fight the urge to laugh and muster the most important performance of your life yet. 
“Eren?” you whisper. 
“What?” he asks, confused. 
“Do you really think I’m an idiot?” you murmur. 
You watch Eren’s eyes go wide, almost frazzled, as he reaches forward and cups the side of your cheek, the look in his eyes so painful that you immediately feel bad. 
“Y/N. Of course, I don’t think you’re an idiot. You’re like…the smartest person I know. Really.” 
“I’m so sorry I said that. I was just kidding, but that was a really stupid joke to make. I haven’t and won’t ever think that about you. Or say it again. You’re so-” 
“And I swear, I’m not going to say anything like that ever again. I know how shitty it can be, especially coming from a guy, and you’re working so hard to be here, more than anyone else, even though your basically the best one and-” 
“Eren, oh my gosh, you’re so sweet. I was just kidding, I didn’t mean to make you so upset.” you respond, frowning at him as he looks at you, shoulders relaxing under his touch. 
His cheeks are dusted a warm pink, the color trickling down the length of his neck. 
“Oh. Wait, really?” 
“I was just trying to see what you would say. I wasn’t expecting that and now I feel really, really bad. I’m sorry, Eren.” 
Eren sighs, laughing as he reaches forward to pinch your cheek. 
“You’re evil, you know that?” 
“I didn’t mean it!” you whine, covering your eyes in embarrassment. 
“You put that stupid little cute frown on your face and make those sad eyes at me and just expect me to keep fighting with you?” 
“Well, yeah! Jean and Connie would fight with me for the rest of their life if they could.” 
Eren reaches forward, pinching your cheek once more. 
“That’s your mistake.” 
“What is?” 
“Thinking that you and I are the same as you and Connie. Or you and Jean.” 
You feel your cheeks burn, as you nod, reaching for your bag and heading straight into the bathroom to arrange everything on the counter. You start your nightly routine, braiding your hair and placing the little foam headband in your hair as you start to massage all the cleansers and serums into your skin. 
Eren pads in after a few minutes, reaching for his toothbrush, as the two of you move around each other in silence. Eren can’t help but watch you in the mirror - with all your little bottles and sweet smelling lotions, so focused as you go about it - that he can’t help but think that he could watch you forever. 
Eren immediately breaks out of his almost trance, spitting into the sink. 
“You should wear this while you brush your teeth. It’ll keep your hair out of the way.” you respond, handing him a little blue foam headband just like your pink one. 
“Well, your hairs getting kind of long. And Levi told me that he actually wants it even longer for next season a few months ago, so I ordered you one too when I got mine. I keep forgetting to give it to you.” you respond, placing it front of him. 
Eren lifts it in his hands, utterly touched at the fact that you had thought of him. 
“You- you got this for me?” 
“Well, yeah. I kept getting my bangs wet whenever I washed my face. And you basically look like a shaggy dog with that hair so I knew for a fact that you’d need one too. I’m basically the best friend ever if you think about it.” you respond, giving him a peachy smiile. 
“You are.” 
The video cuts back to Eren, a soft smile on his face as he talks. 
“People will take advantage of anything, in the name of business. It’s an easy way in once you find out how to manipulate someone, to make them do things that they would never do normally, to get the exact image that you want. The one that makes headlines, stirs up controversy, to get you trending.” 
“You find out that things function very specifically when you work at Stone Studios. And that Scott Clarkson, and his associates, make money from every aspect of the production. He makes money from the movies that he produces and more importantly, from the tabloid company that he owns.” Sukuna starts. 
Sukuna sighs, as the pictures flash on the screen. 
“Certain things are…manufactured or at least the people doing them are coerced into doing things that are lucrative. Like doctoring drama around certain movies, so that by the time the movie comes out, the drama surrounding it will drive everyone to watch it. Around relationships - because rumors regarding ex-boyfriends and problems between friends create headlines that everyone will click.” 
Sukuna’s furious. And when Hyla walks in the room - the three weeks he’s been holding onto his anger - come to a head. 
“Who did you tell?” Sukuna asks. 
She looks up at him, eyes wide in confusion, as she slouches straight into the bed and continues to scroll on her phone. He joins at her side, reaching for her phone and putting it to the side. 
“I’m being serious. Who did you tell?” he asks. 
She looks up at him, her expression bordering between bored and oblivious. 
“Who did I tell about what?” 
Sukuna sighs. Because deep down, that deep rot of feeling betrayed has been gnawing at his stomach for the past few hours. And he wants everything in him, every part of him to believe that the conversation that he had a few days ago - the first real one he’d had in a while - wasn’t just spread all over every magazine he walked past on the way home. 
“The conversation we had. About…” 
She rolls her eyes, sitting up as she crossed her legs. 
“About what? We talk about a lot of things.” she murmurs. 
“Yuuji…” he responds. 
“Oh! About how you hate him?” she asks. 
Sukuan sighs, frustrationg growing up at the premise. At the callousness in her statement. Because not only did she put up a front in the conversation they had - about how guilty Sukuna felt about harboring some negative feelings towards Yuuji since they were always in constant competition - but she was surely the one who must have whispered the story to someone who had given it to a tabloid. 
“I don’t hate him, Hyla.” 
“No, no I get it. You’re like jealous of him and stuff because he gets all these versatile roles and you basically keep getting the same asshole role. But that’s not your fault, it’s just how it goes.” she responds, shrugging. 
He clenches his jaw. 
“I get that. I just don’t get why you had to tell someone else.” 
“Well, I just told my dad. And you know how he is. If there’s something that’s going to be good for the business, he’s always been the kind of guy to go for it and do what needs to be done.” 
“What the hell is so lucrative about my relationship with my brother? We’re filming a fucking movie.” 
She sighs, cracking her knucles before she turns to him. 
“Okay, fine. I’ll tell you a secret, but only if you promise to stop being mad at me.” 
“Well, I’m not just going to stop being mad at you. I’ve never told anyone that. Let alone my own brother, whose probably finding out about it from a fucking tabloid right now. I’ve never been one - nor am I ever going to be - someone who steps on their own family members to make it in this fucking business.” he states. 
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Family is everything to you and I get that.” 
He sighs, sliding open his phone to the five unread messages from Yuuji on his screen. There a set of pictures of him in front of the headlines at the store and he’s quite literally laughing at the fact that someone could even come up with something so stupid about him. 
Because despite it all, Yuuji is exactly what Sukuna says he is. He is the better brother - by tenfold - because he sees the rumors and doesn’t even believe them the second he reads them. Even through they’re true. 
“See. He’s such a good guy, he’s not even mad! No harm done!” Hyla states, smiling to herself. 
Sukuna leans back against the headboard, fully bothered, so much so that it makes his skin itch, by Yuuji’s texts as he halfheartedly murmurs. 
“What were you going to say? Earlier?” 
“Oh. Well don’t tell anyone. Especially not the girls okay, because they’d basically kill me. But you know WBS? The tabloid company?” she asks. 
“My dad owns it. That was actually his original venture. He started it with these two music producers - Danny and Sareen - they work with that Y/N girl from Attack on Titan actually. And sometimes they just kind of….fabricate stuff for news. Whatever sells right?” 
Sukuna swallows that bitter, acidic feeling in his throat. That his feelings about his brother, that he shared in confidence, were good enough for the headline. 
Good enough to be sold out. 
The camera switches back to Sukuna, sitting in the chair. 
“I feel kind of stupid in hindsight. For actually liking her, I guess. For believing that any of them were real, earnest people. I’m embarrassed that I stayed for so long, on the premise that I was fighting for something real.” Sukuan states. 
“What made you leave?” the producer asks. 
“The last shred of self-preservationist instinct I had. I was put into a situation, multiple times, where I felt unsafe. And when it went too far, I decided that I had enough. And that I was going to go out with a bang if I had to. If they want a headline, I’ll damn well give them one.” Sukuna states, smirking. 
“You felt unsafe?” the producer clarifies. 
“Look. I don’t need to rehash the details out of what happened. I’m sure that you could even find videos of it if you wanted to. But Scott Clarkson, he’s very quick to forget the fact that he’s working with children. I may play adults in my films, but I was very much still a child.” 
You pale, the implication entirely clear. You look over at Eren, whose eyes are fixed towards the floor, as you wipe the tears from your eyes, as the video switches back to Eren and Lana who are seated at the table. 
“When Levi and Hange ventured out on their own and decided to produce their own show, they ruffled lots of feathers. That’s something I overheard on set quite often before Eren ever started on the show. They were mad, essentially, that they had circumvented the whole producing aspect of it, choosing to be in control of every aspect of the production. And honestly, that they were successful with it.” 
“Levi and Hange basically set a standard, especially for other people who were at their class the SWHA cohort. Jujutsu Kaisen basically followed suit short after - with almost all of the people in our class being funneled into either of those two shows. Which was aggravating, because it basically means that people who own the companies, like Scott Clarkson, don’t get their upcoming crop of stars to handpick form.” Eren states. 
“Unfortunately for us, that didn’t really quite stop them. It started out with a simple fact - that Scott Clarkson knew for a fact that Eren would refuse to work with him.” Lana states. 
“The first time I met Scott Clarkson he had rubbed me the wrong way. Because he refused to acknowledge that Y/N was standing right at my side.” Eren responds. 
Eren was painfully aware of the fact of how uncomfortable you were. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was - maybe the fact that you had never been here before or that you didn’t quite know anyone like he did from growing up with them - but he figured that it would be a better idea for the two of you to go outside. 
But before he could, a man stops him, tapping him on the shoulder to talk to him. You both stop in your tracks, half turning around, to look at him. He’s extremely tall, looming over the two of you, and Eren can feel you shrink at his side. He looks at Eren, a self-assured smile pressed on his face as he introduces himself. 
“Scott Clarkson. I’m a producer for Stone Studios.” 
“I’m Eren Jaeger. This is-” 
“I know who you are, Eren. I was invited to see one of the first cuts of the latest movie you just filmed and-” 
Before he can even understand what’s happening, he has his hand on Eren’s shoulder and they’re walking down the length of the hall, the end of their conversation lost to you. Eren looks back and you give him a halfhearted smile as he tries to turn back, before getting stuck in a larger group of people. 
“Do you have any projects lined up for your Attack on Titan hiatus?” Scott asks. 
“Yeah. Sukuna and I are filming the next Conjuring movie. Though if you’re looking for someone, my friend Y/N-” 
“No need. We’re here to talk about you.” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“I already have a roll. And she doesn’t. And you know how big she’s going to be - she can even sing!” Eren states. 
Scott sighs. 
“There’s a reason that I’m standing here talking to you. I’m well seasoned in these type of things - just like your parents. I promise you, with a breakout show like that, only one person can come out as the star. Don’t you want to make sure that it’s going to be you?” 
“Levi and Hange made it out together. I don’t know why we couldn’t do the same.” Eren responds. 
Luckily enough for him, his parents had arrived just at that moment and given him his much needed chance to run away. 
“I wasn’t going to sell out that fast. Especially for someone who was so quick to bad mouth my best friend, who was basically the only person that I got to consistently talk to and be with at the time, I….” 
“Eren’s very loyal. Let’s just leave it at that. And it’s precisely just because of that loyalty, especially to Hange and Levi who had thrown a wrench in every one of his profits, that they wanted Eren specifically. He has every makings of one of his stars. He has famous parents, an estranged brother, and a girl that can be thrown at the end of every headline.” Lana adds. 
Eren sighs. 
“The Attack on Titan hiatus was the perfect chance for them to get what they wanted. On one side, Danny and Sareen were building Y/N up. They were pushing her into making albums, way faster than she should have been by the way, adding more and more accolades to her name. And on the other side, they were dragging me into the mud. Purposely switching my movies at the last minute to make sure I was on the shitty one, making award show annoucers make crappy jokes about me so I’d feel like shit.” Eren responds. 
The video switches to the last award show that you and Eren had technically attended together. The one where you announced that you were coming out with your second studio album and where you had won Actress in a Lead Role. Except, the video isn’t how you remembered it. Or that this time, you’re actually aware of what had been going on in Eren’s head. 
“Here we have an international pop-star, Y/N L/N. Originally a small town girl from Canada, her soft spoken love songs, phenomenal acting, and insane dance act have left no heart untouched.” the announcer states. 
Eren looks over at you in the video, his eyes so warm and his smile so wide, as he looks at you proudly. 
“And you. What’s your name again? It’s sweet they let fans sit with stars now.” the headliner asks him, eliciting a large amount of laughter from the crowd as he walks on. 
That’s when you see it. That Eren’s face immediately dropped and was washed over in shame. And that he got up and walked away. 
And more importantly, that you hadn’t followed. 
“I later found out that joke was very deliberate. That announcer was told to make that joke about me because they were almost positive that I would leave. And when Y/N won the award - and I was moping in one of the lounges about how much of a failure I was, how she was going to leave me for someone better - Scott Clarkson approached me. In the same way that he had approached Sukuna. Promising me that he could make me a star. That I could meet Y/N where she was and be next to her too.” Eren states. 
“It was pretty easy to guess how the rest went. Y/N and Eren being in a relationship wasn’t exactly headline worthy, when they had been basically attached at the hip for years. But you know what was? The two of them breaking up.” 
“I obviously can’t speak for Y/N. I don’t know what was going through her head at that point. But from what she made it seem like….Danny and Sareen had asked her to do it. I know that they had asked her to write songs like London Boy and most of the songs on her album for that precise reason, it….doesn’t seem far off.” Eren states. 
“It seems stupid in hindsight. To take someone’s advice at the surface level like that and so blindly believe in them. But when you think of the examples that Eren and Y/N really had, people like Levi and Hange who wanted nothing but the best for them, who basically loved them like they were a second set of parents, it’s hard to believe that everyone around you doesn’t really have your best interest in mind. That and the fact that they were fucking nineteen.” Lana adds. 
“And that’s when we get to the Girlfriend incident. And more importantly, the day that Lana and I became friends.” Eren states, looking over to smile at her. 
Eren had locked the door, and pushed everyone out of the room the second they had stopped watching that stupid music video hours ago. And after the fact, he’s watched it three more times - you and Ricky dancing through the street and smiling at each other - while all he can do is drown in his despair. 
That is until he hears a soft sniffling in the hallway behind him and a hushed voice talking on the phone in the doorway. He presses his ear the door, the voice loud, as he catches the ends of the conversation, recognizing that it was Lana. 
“Can you just stay with him for a few more hours, please? I don’t think that I can leave.” 
“Please. I want to come home really badly too, but they’re already so upset with me after what I said last night that I just-” 
“Thank you so much. I really love you, you know that?” 
The phone call ends abruptly and Eren, letting his curiosity get the best of them, opens the door to find Lana sitting flat against the wall, with her head in her hands. He can tell that she must have been crying for a better part of the last hour, her hair all unruly and tangled in a way that he had never really seen it before. 
Eren shuffles into the spot next to her, against the wall, as he wipes his own red eyes. 
“Are you okay?” Eren asks. 
“Why? Trying to rub it in my face?” Lana asks, rather miserably. 
“No. I just…heard you on the phone.” Eren asks. 
Her eyes go wide, as she looks over at him rather frantically. 
“What did you hear?” she asks. 
“I mean, basically nothing.” Eren murmurs. 
The two of them sit there awkwardly, unsure of what to say to the other. That’s until Lana turns to him, a determined look on her face as she talks. 
“Are you trying to make me feel shitty because I did it to you?” Lana asks. 
“No. I’m not you, Lana.” Eren deadpans. 
“I didn’t mean-
“Didn’t mean what? To make me look like a dumbass on stage? Just tell me what the hell is wrong if you’re going to talk so loudly outside of my door.” Eren mutters, irritated. 
“Okay. We’re going to play a game, alright? Let’s pretend we’re different people.” Lana states. 
“I want to talk about something and I’m sure you do too, but it’s weird to do it like this. So we’ll pretend. I’m going to be La-La and you’re going to be Po.” she states. 
“Like the Telletubbies….?” 
“Yeah. Does that work? You can’t say anything to anyone, because….well that would just be fucking rude.” 
“Okay, Po. The thing is, I feel really bad. I did this really shitty thing to this guy who seems really nice and all. Except, I was standing on stage and they kind of asked me to do it right then and there so I kind of just went with it.” 
Oh. Eren gets it. This is her weird way of apologizing. 
“Well, why did she do it in the first place?” 
She scoffs. 
“You’re so nosy, bitch.” 
Eren laughs, which has her relaxing her shoulders, before she talks again. 
“Eren. Please don’t tell anyone, okay? This is really serious.” 
Eren breaks, the seriousness in her demeanour stoppign him. 
“I promise. What is it?” 
She sighs, holding out a picture to him on her phone. It’s a picture of her and a little boy, with short, curly brown hair. 
“This is my son. His name is Theodore, but…I call him Teddy. Like…Teddy Bear? And I feel so shitty, Eren but…they kind of hold him against me sometimes when it comes to things like this. So when they ask me to do things, I just do them.” Lana states. 
“They hold you against him?” 
“I mean….I try really hard to protect his privacy, Eren. He’s just a kid. I mean, he’s barely even two years old right now. And I know your parents, I’m sure you know that growing up in the spotlight isn’t the best place to be.” 
Eren frowns, looking down at the picture. He’s never really quite thought it before, but he thinks that Lana is really pretty. Or more appropriately, that Lana looks very pretty when she smiles. And that he’s never seen her smile like this before. 
“I get that. So what do they do? Threaten to tell?” Eren asks. 
“I mean, they usually find out where I’m keeping him. I tend to keep him moving from different houses, with security in all that, to make sure that he’s safe from that type of thing. And-” 
“Does he stay with his dad?” Eren asks. 
Lana sighs, resting her chin against her knees. 
“Eren. Ricky isn’t good news. And your little girlfriend or friend or whatever…she’s in really risky territory right now.” she states. 
“What do you mean?” Eren asks. 
She almost flinches, withholding of what it is exactly that’s on the tip of her tongue. 
“Eren. He’s just not a good guy. You should make sure that someone is with her, that she’s not ever alone with him. Just take my word for it. There’s a reason my son doesn’t get to see him, why I avoid him like the plague.” she states. 
Eren can see the tears filling in her eyes - and makes a mental note to drop the topic and relay the information to Connie or Jean later. 
“I’m not going to tell anyone, Lana.” 
“I know. That’s why I feel even worse. I’m really sorry for what I did, Eren.” 
“That’s okay. Let’s just make a deal.” 
“What’s that?” 
“I’ll help and you’ll help me. Pacts between Tellytubbies are really sacred.” Eren states, feigning seriousness. 
“You’re stupid.” 
“And you’re annoying.” he responds. 
Lana laughs, teary eyed, as she reaches forward and shakes on it. 
“I only became really aware of the problem after Lana had pointed it out to me. And became even more frustrated with them, with all of them, when I had realized what they had been saying to her. Making comments about her body to her, despite the fact that she had literally given birth, and incessantly teasing her about her son, who is basically my favorite person in the world, by the way. That they would purposely put alcohol in her drinks, when she couldn’t drink at the time.” 
The clips cut, this time to Eren and Lana, in a different mix of videos of playing with Teddy. You recongize him straight on, as the kid that you had met with Eren before the two of you had talked on the beach, and feel your heart burn at the fact that you had met Lana’s son and not known it. That Lana and Eren had to fight to make sure that he was safe, that she was doing anything for him. 
“Eren and I basically had an arrangement. We both had houses off of set in Seattle, that we should shuffle him between, along with my brother Landon. There was someone with Teddy at all times, and at that age, he wasn’t really old enough to question the fact. His mom was always there to put him to bed at night, and sometimes his best friend Eren was there to do it too, so it didn’t mean too much to him.” 
Eren sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“It all started going downhill the week that I got hurt. Because, of course, that’s when Connie arrived on set.” 
Lana wasn’t really paying attention when it had happened. Her nose was stuck in her own script, headphones over her ears, as she practiced the next scene she was going to be in. 
When she looked up, three minutes after the fact, that’s when she saw it. That Eren was tangled with the cords that were suspending him in the air and that he was hanging unconscious upside down. 
“What the hell are you doing? Take him down from there.” Lana states, incessantly shaking at Scott’s shoulder as he watched Eren in the viewfinder. 
“What the hell are you talking about, Price?” 
“He’s not fucking breathing. What the hell are you talking about?” 
“He’s acting. Did you not read your script before you got here?” he asks, annoyed as he gestures for the crew around him to continue. 
Lana looks up, every gut feeling of hers screaming in her stomach, as she runs on to the set, climbing on to the makeshift ladder and reaching for Eren stuck between the strings. 
“Eren. Eren, wake up.” 
Except he doesn’t budge in his arms, instead swinging back and forth from the way he’s precariously hanging on the strings. She presses her fingers to his neck, his pulse slightly weak under her fingers, as she can feel the tears burning in her eyes. 
“What the hell is wrong with you guys? Why can’t you just give him a break? He’s been going at it for like four hours.” 
“Price. You’re ruining the shot.” Scott states, rather irritated. 
“Take him down. Now.” 
Scott rolls his eyes, walking over to the switchbox at his side. He reaches for the lever, placing his hand on the stick, as he all but glares at Lana. 
“You want it that bad? Here.” 
And he pushes the lever all the way down, sending Eren straight to the ground on his head. Lana can feel the panic rushing through her as she basically tumbles down, turning Eren’s head over in her hands, and being met with red, warm blood on her hands. She gives a weary eye to the crew, who phone the ambulance, as she follows in her own car. 
“I think that was the first time that I realize that really, truly - these people don’t care about anything but getting the shot. I get that Eren was supposed to look like he was dead in that scene, but tiring him out to get the perfect shot was far from what he needed to do.” 
“I sustained a concussion that left me in the hospital for a week. And I had three long lacerations down the length of my back from the harnesses that we were using, that basically sliced it on impact. That I still have scars from by the way.” Eren states. 
You reach for Eren’s hand, squeezing hard on his wrist, as the video continues. 
“When we finally made it back to set, Connie was there. And it’s not that I don’t love Connie, that I wouldn’t have loved to see him there, but I already knew that it wasn’t going to go well.” Eren states. 
Eren sighs. 
“I know, logically, that you can’t really blame these things on people. That Connie wasn’t my responsibility and that addiction is a real, physical disease that he had to battle against. But I just can’t help but feel like I could have stopped him if I was there.” Eren states. 
“When I got to set, everyone around me hyped me up over the same basic thing. That Eren was out of commission, for reasons that they wouldn’t exactly tell me, and that I should take his spot as the lead. It was only a few days into shooting and that it would be an easy switch if I had just asked Scott if I could take his role.” Connie states. 
Connie sighs. 
“It was a simple thing that they were telling me. That Eren - he had gotten to be the lead role, hundreds of times over. That Levi had picked Eren out of everyone as the best, that he was extra hard on him because he knew that he could make a star. And that really, I had never gotten the same kind of exposure that Eren had, the type that comes from being a lead.” Connie states. 
The video cuts - to videos of Connie and Eren filming on the set of Attack on Titan - the two of them playing pranks on Erwin and Hange together, running around each other between scenes, and laughing at Historia and Ymir walking past. 
“Eren is one of my best friends. I would never want to side swipe him like that, so I decided that I was going to ask Eren for the role. And I was really self-assured that Eren would give it to me. Because he’s always been giving in that sense, he always had been with Armin and Y/N, and he would for me too.” Connie states. 
“Just to clarify, the reason that I didn’t let Connie take the role at that point was because I had quite literally sustained a concussion from doing it. I was never going to let him step into that - no matter how hard he begged me to.” Eren responds. 
“And so I got really hurt by it. And then everyone around me, they kept whispering it in my ear. That Eren couldn’t handle anyone but him being the star. That Eren thought I had no business being there, that I wasn’t made to be in a lead role. And for some reason, I don’t know fucking why, I thought that they were being honest with me. That they were being earnest. They kept bringing up the Girlfriend incident, that Eren was so quick to drag Y/N down the first chance he got, and that he would do the same to me too. I had so much trust in these people that I would do anything to stay friends with them. Because they were real. And unfortunately for me, I did. And one of the shittiest things I ever did was fight with Eren because of it.” Connie stated. 
Eren found out, three months after the fact, that Connie had been doing drugs. He had his suspicions, since Connie had been spending so much time around Myka, and acting so weird and skittish around him that something had to be up. 
So after he dropped Teddy off to Landon’s and head back to set with Lana, the two of them were prepared to talk to him about whatever it was, to clear the air. Except when they got there and knocked on Connie’s door, they found him lying face down on the desk, fast asleep with a small mound of white powder and a small trickle of blood down his nose. 
“Connie. Connie, wake up.” Eren states, rigidly shaking his entire frame. 
“Oh my gosh. Oh my god, Eren what do we do?” Lana states, her hands on his shoulder as he hears her sniffling in his ear. 
“Connie. Dude, you have to wake up now. Come on.” Eren states. 
Connie lightly shuffles in his sleep, as Eren backs up out of the way, with Lana behind him. Connie wakes up, half there, as his eyes focus in on Eren and he pales. That Connie’s giving him the most agitated, mean look that he’s ever gotten in his life. That he’s ever seen Connie sport in his life. 
“Connie. Hey, you-” 
“What do you want, Eren?” he asks. 
“We were just worried about you, dude. We haven’t talked in so long, and that’s our fault, but-” 
“I’m not good enough for you, right? You’re too big of a star to be friends with someone as low on the food chain as me right?” Connie responds, seething. 
Eren frowns. 
“Connie, hey man. What are you talking about? We’ve been like family since we were little. Why would I-” 
“Why didn’t you give me the lead role? Why the fuck are you and Lana always sneaking around behind my fucking back? Don’t play the family card in my face when you’re the one who fucking abandoned me, Eren.” 
“Connie. I’m really sorry that I-” 
That’s when Connie lifts his hand, jolting it straight across Eren’s face. He can feel the immediate, immense pressure on his nose, the bright red shooting out of his nostrils as he looks back up at Connie. 
“Connie. We can’t-” 
“We can’t what? You won’t fight me?” 
“No, Connie. I’m not going to fight you.” Eren states. 
“Why not? You’re still too good for me, aren’t you? You’re too good for Y/N, too good for me, too good for anyone who fucking got you there.” Connie states, swinging again. 
Connie’s movements are loose, uncoordinated, which is when Eren reaches for his arm, just to pin him to the ground underheath him. There’s a sweltering guilt when he does it, holds Connie down, and it only increases in magnitude when Connie cries underneath him, cursing his name. 
“Two weeks after my fight with Connie, my worst possible outcome occurred. That I have friends, who love me more than anything, and wanted to surprise me for my birthday. Y/N and Armin came to Seattle. And Y/N….she wanted to tell me that she still loved me.” Eren states. 
“That was the worst possible time that they could have shown up. Because they were this close to leaking my secret, basically telling me that it was any day now that it was going to happen, after finding out that Eren and I were planning on breaking our contracts, just to be out of the situation for good. We had even reached out to Levi and Hange about it, which they had found out about very fast.” Lana states. 
“I saw Y/N for the first time at my birthday dinner and was immediately floored at the fact that she was there. And Armin had quickly told me, when I had scurried away to the bathroom to check on her, so I knew what I had to do. I left my birthday dinner, with Hyla, to break up with her then and there. When I knew that I had a chance at getting Y/N back.” Eren states. 
“Do you want to get out of here? Just you and me?” 
Hyla gives him a giddy smile as she nods, putting her hand in his, as he drags her out, with his arm secured around his waist. And the second that he can drive them slightly out of earshot, back to the house where he can talk to her in private, there’s a weight that’s lifted off of his chest when he gets to say it. 
“I’m breaking up with you.” Eren states. 
Hyla frowns, squinting her eyes at him. 
“Okay but like…technically, we aren’t even dating. It’s just a publicity thing.” Hyla states. 
“Whatever this is. I want out. I-I’m not doing it anymore.” Eren states. 
Hyla laughs, sitting criss crossed on the couch, as she looks up at him. 
“My dad is going to be super pissed at you, Eren.” 
Eren smiles, lighter than he had been feeling in the four years that he had been stuck in this godforsaken house. Because truly, the reason that had brought him here, didn’t matter anymore. 
Levi and Hange were on his side - and they were going to help him out of this - and more importantly, you were back. The two of you were going to be together again, despite wherever the hell the two of you were going to be stuck. 
“I don’t care. My contrat is almost up anyways. And I can imagine that the same headlines get boring over time, Hyla. I think it’s time to call it quits.” 
Eren looks down at her, busily typing away on her phone, as she looks up at him. 
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Eren?” Hyla states. 
“Yeah. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” 
“Fine. You can meet with my dad tomorrow to talk about it. He’s been thinking about bringing Ricky James on for a while anyways.” Eren states. 
“Be my guest. You guys would fucking love him.” Eren states, running off. 
“I was still on Cloud Nine that night. And it was making my skin itch, knowing that Y/N was like four feet away from me and we were going to be together again. So I woke her up in the middle of the night and took her to the beach outside of one of the houses that Lana and I owned. And-” 
Eren tears up in the video, as you fight away the warm tears that are welling in your own eyes. 
“During that entire night, I-I was so fucking happy again. All of the things that seemed so consequential to me when I was seventeen, that I needed to be at the same level as Y/N to be with her - which would basically be impossible, because she was always going to be better than me - seemed so ridiculous. The two of us, we just got to be real people in the second. The way that we always got to be when we were together.” Eren states. 
“The following morning, Scott had shockingly agreed to let Eren and I be dismissed from our contracts, given that we finished off the press deals that we had going on. Which included the interview that we were going to do on the Life in Love podcast. Which should have ben our first, glaring red flag. That of course, we were never going to be let off that easy.” Lana states. 
“It was simple. I guess-I guess I was so fucking happy that I got to talk about me and Y/N, what the two of us coming back together meant to me, that I put it all out there. And the WBS paid off Life in Love and edited the version of the podcast that was released.” Eren states. 
“Granted, the part that’s always floored us that people never questioned it once. That the podcast clip that was released was barely ten minutes, when the episodes are usually an hour. That the podcaster has to ask questions to provoke the answers and that they weren’t even in the fucking video. And most of all - the fact that I didn’t even fucking talk thoughout the entirety of the interview.” Lana adds. 
“I would have told Y/N. I would have told her the full truth then and there and I know that she would have believed me. Except, the person that I least expected, came to me beforehand and stopped me from doing it.” Eren states. 
Eren’s met with an incessant pounding at his door, as he shoves all of his last belongings into his bag, ready to take off with you and Armin - and making your best efforts to drag Connie with you. 
Eren opens the door to find Myka at his door, out of breath and panting. 
“What?” Eren asks. 
“Eren. You can’t leave.” 
“Oh what the fuck do you want now? I’m taking Connie with me and that’s the fucking last of it.” Eren states. 
“No, Eren. Really. You can’t go right now.” she states, pushing into his room and fervently sliding through her phone. 
She hands him over the phone, with the email chain, as he anxiously reads through it and feels his heart drop. 
“There’s no way. They can’t do that right?” 
The email chain has the headlines - printed out and ready for distribution. Of them displaying every one of the last secrets that he wants out there front and center. About Connie being a drug addict, about Lana and Teddy, and of him and Y/N being homewreckers on the beach. 
“It’s just a headline. We’ll be fine.” 
“Eren. I read the article. They wrote about her brother’s in the article. About Lana and Ricky too - in detail.” 
“What do you mean in detail?” 
“They know everything, Eren. About every last detail of what he did to her, Eren. They’re going to put it all out there tomorrow, the second that you leave. And Y/N’s brothers…haven’t they literally been attacked before? This will be tenfold to that, Eren.” 
Eren sighs, shaking the thought from this head. 
“We’ll send them a security detail. And Lana, Connie, they’ll be-” 
“Eren. You know for a fact that Lana doesn’t want anyone to know that he even exists. And Connie’s career. He’s never going to recover from this. And it’s- Y/N won’t be happy, Eren.” She states. 
“So what the hell do you want me to do? Just stay here? Because there’s no way in hell that I’m letting Y/N stay here with me. And I know her - she’s not going to leave here without me.” 
“They have Falco and Colt’s addresses, Eren. And-and don’t tell anyone but fucking Danny and Sareen? Her producers? They’re in on it. Sareen is literally Scott’s cousin, Eren. They’re planning on taking Y/N’s music away from her, so that they can make money off if it without giving her a cut.” 
Eren pales. 
“They’re going to do that if she stays here. And you know for a fact that you can’t leave because Connie won’t go and Teddy and- Eren you have to stay. She has to leave.” 
“I can’t even fucking trust you. I don’t know what shitty game you’re trying to play here but it’s not funny.” 
“I care about you guys.” 
“Yeah right.” 
“Okay, maybe not about you. But Lana….I care about Lana. This is the last thing she would want, she literally works so hard to make sure that no one will know about him for good reason. It would kill her to see it all get leaked.” 
“Who the fuck is Lana to you? You don’t even-” 
Eren understands it all too quickly. The pained flash that overtakes her eyes, the eway she’s so incessantly pleading on Lana’s behalf. 
It’s because she’s in love with Lana. 
Eren sighs, pinching his eyes shut. 
“Do you have the article? I have to read it before I decide.” Eren states. 
She nods, as she opens up the next email chain andhands him the phone. And when he reads through it, each consecutive sentence makes his stomach hurt, making it glaringly obvious what he has to decide. 
Because the all but declare a smear chain against you and your brothers, slut shame you for what happened on he beach, drag Hange and Levi’s name to the blood, and leave no detail of Lana’s relationship with Ricky out. Things that no person should have aired out and Connie’s section nearly career ruining. 
“Fuck. So what do I do? I mean-” 
Eren can feel the tears burning in his eyes, as the leave warm, hot streaks down his skin. 
“You have to make sure she leaves, Eren. You can’t have Y/N stay here. It’ll put things back to normal.” Myka states, downtrodden. 
“She’s not going to leave. If I tell her, she’s going to want to stay with me. To be in my side during this and-” 
“Say what you have to. To make her leave.” 
“Think of the worst possible thing you could say, Eren.” 
“I did what she asked. I-I made sure that she would leave. And in hindsight, the entire situation seems so stupid that me. That there were ten other things that I could have done, but…in that moment, I did what I thought was right.” 
“It was idiotic in hindsight. Because it stopped them from running their smear campaigns on Lana and Connie, but Y/N was the one who got side sweeped in the middle of it.” Connie states. 
“That’s where I came in. Danny and Sareen had reached out to me about everything that had happened with Y/N and Eren. Told me that I needed to amke sure that she came out of this on the other side, that she couldn’t let a guy take her career away from her. And anyone who knows the half of it about me knows for a fact that it was the right thing that they needed me to say, to get her to do it. And really, they had purposely picked everyone who went to see Y/N. Jean, not Mikasa, because he had a personal interest in seeing Eren hurt, because he was hurt too. And Sukuna, who would never advise her head on, but support what she wanted to do in full.” Historia says. 
You groan, hanging your head in your knees as you know exactly what’s coming next. 
That Danny and Sareen had given Scott and his stupid tabloid company exactly what he wanted. That they were the one pushing you to sing all three songs, that each consecutive piece of information made you more irritated, more mad as you went on to perform. And worse than that - Danny and Sareen made it a point to talk to Eren before the show, just to taunt him to his face. 
“I had reached out to Levi and Hange for their help two weeks before the award show happened. And luckily enough for me, they helped us out of the situation, fast. Connie, Lana, Sukuna, and I sued Scott Clarkson for defamation of character, mistreatment of employees, and a dangerous workplace. We got to end our contracts early. And then moved forward.” Eren states. 
The video changes to different clips, each one striking deep in your heart. Of Connie blowing out the candles on his one year anniversary of being sober as Teddy blows out his birthday candles, of Eren and Zeke getting along, and of the four of them all together, laughing at stupid videos of each other. And Eren signing along with Lana, brings the tears pouring down your eyes. 
There was nothing left to do (Oh-oh, oh-oh) When the butterflies turned to dust that covered my whole room So I punched a hole in the roof (Oh-oh, oh-oh) Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you Rain came pouring down When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe And by morning Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
“Make no mistake. There was so much that was taken out of us, in the years that we spent working there at Stone Studios. In being part of an environment that was so shitty, so damaging to who we were and the mental state that we were living in, in the name of making a good movie. But there was good that came out of it too.” 
The clips switch, this time shocking you so deeply in your core that it makes your heart burn. Because the clips are of Sukuna and Lana, together. Swinging their hands together on the beach, cooking together in the kitchen, and kissing each other on the cheek. 
“I know for a fact now, that the tiny little wishes that I made against my bedroom door have come true. Because I’ve been lucky enough to be blessed with the warmest, most compassionate partner that I could have ever wanted.” 
Which is when you notice it. That in the video, Sukuna has the same little teddy bear tattoo as Lana on his forearm. And that they both have the tattoo for their son. 
Your past and mine are parallel lines Stars all aligned and they intertwined And taught you The way you call me, "Baby" Treat me like a lady All that I can say is All of the girls you loved before (ooh) Made you the one I've fallen for Every dead-end street Led you straight to me Now you're all I need I'm so thankful for All of the girls you loved before But I love you more
“Lana is the love of my life. I’m glad that every shitty thing in my life was just…preparation for me to get to her. Because every shitty betrayal, every crappy headline, every deep rooted hard feeling in my chest, she’s the person who was made to handle it. She’s gentle, she’s warm, and she’s everything I’ve ever wanted. And I’d go down this path a hundred times more if Teddy and Lana were always the ones waiting for me at the end.” Sukuna states. 
“It was a horrible situation. But it’s taught us to appreciate the very best. For me, I finally got to reconcile with my older brother, who go to tell me the real story of what happened to him as a kid. And now, I’ve gotten to rectify one of the most important relationships in my life.” Eren states. 
“I feel really shitty for how things went down, Eren.” Zeke states. 
Eren nods, hiking his knees to his chest, as he rests his chin against his legs. Hange and Levi had invited Zeke over in his little retreat in the house, as they prepared for the case at the end of the week, just to talk things out. Hange and Levi had all but forced Eren to be polite and at least hear him out. 
“I’m sure you’re too young to remember. But, that day at the hospital. They had started the rumors that I was funding drug dealers through money that I had in my back accounts.” Zeke states. 
“Well, what did you actually do with that money? Because I know for a fact that Mom and Dad had actually found money being shoveled out of your savings, Zeke.” 
He frowns. 
“You know my Mom, Eren?”
“What kind of dumbass question is that? We have the same mom, idiot.” 
“No, Eren. My biological mother.” 
“Oh, sorry. Dina, right?” 
“She’s not a good person. And I know that. But, she had reached out to me. Asking for money. She said that she needed the money for hospital bills and all that and that Dad wouldn’t return her calls. And that she feels horrible asking of this, because she knows I’m her son and she should have taken care of me, butcher really, reallyneeded it.” Zeke states. 
“And she…spent it on drugs.” Eren states. 
“Yeah. And Mom and Dad knew that, they believed me when I told them.” 
“They did?” 
“Yeah. But it was my decision to distance myself away from you guys. I wasn’t planning on doing it but…Mom lost a magazine cover, Dad lost a role, and…I knew that this was your dream. That you wanted to make it big and you couldn’t really make it big with me attached to your name.” 
“Zeke. That’s so stupid. I wouldn’t have cared about that. And I don’t care because-” 
“Eren. You don’t care now. There comes a point where everyone reaches this kind of stage. Where thje politics and the shitty tabliods, they make you realize that all of these things are really inconsequential. But at that age, this was all that you wanted. And I’d hate foryou to secretly resent me, resent my shitty decisions, becuase they were the ones that were holding you back.” 
“I’m just glad to have you back as my brother now. I know my actions don’t really make it seem that way, but you kind of meant the world to me, man.” 
The camera cuts, to a black screen with text on it, as the movie closes out. 
Eren Jaeger, Lana Price, Connie Springer, and Ryomen Sukuna sued Scott Clarkson and Stone Studios on November 6th. The four of them reached a settlement with the studio, each recieiving twenty-five millions dollars each from the Clarkson Conglomerate. 
Lana Price and Ryomen Sukuna have decided to split their settlement money two ways. Both are dedicating a half to ensure that they can continue to fund and upkeep security costs for their son, Theodore Price. And together, the two of them are donating the other half of their money to sexual assault victims, in hopes to support those who have similar experiences to the two of them. 
Connie Springer has decided to donate all of his settlement money in order to support the establishment of rehab centers in various cities throughout the country. He hopes to create an advocacy network for those who have struggled and hopes to shine a light on the problems that exist in the current, underfunded programs. 
Eren Jaeger, along with his settlement money, has asked Stone Studios for two additional items. First, he has asked for a copy of the original interview that he did for Life in Love, which he plans to return to Y/N L/N, who he claims was the only person who deserved to hear those words in the first place, the first chance he gets. 
Second, Eren Jaeger negotiated with the conglomerate for weeks for the masters to Y/N L/N’s album, The Lucky One. The negotiation was short-lived, but the Scott Conglomerate has promised to return the rights of the music to Y/N L/N. 
And third. Eren Jaeger has decided to donate his settlement money to fund arts programs throughout the Candian Provinces. Eren Jaegers album, Valedictorian, will donate all of the money produced in it’s first calendar year to the same cause. 
“Y/N has dreamed about being a triple threat since she was a kid. But the first time that she ever felt that the dream was real was when, according to her, a group of hippie dippies in her hometown had raised money and petitioned to fund the arts program at her school. Which in turn, helped her realize that this was something that she loved. More so than just something that she wanted to do as a career, but something that was so in tune with who she was as a person, that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from doing it even if she wanted to. And I’d hate for people to look at me, or at her, and be dissuaded from coming into this industry, no matter how shitty it is. There’s really depth to her art and her work that can’t and wont’ ever be diminished by any of this. Which was the point of all of this anyway.” 
The video switches, this time to different clips of you and Eren. Of the two of you at awards shows togethers, sitting in interviews together laughing, and the nearly thousands of clips that Connie has made of you two together throughout the years. 
Of the two of you in love. 
I still remember the look on your face Lit through the darkness at 1:58 The words that you whispered for just us to know You told me you loved me So why did you go away?
“Make no mistake. Y/N L/N is the love of my life. She’s everything you want in the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and more. She’s compassionate, sensitive, and always been so understanding of me. There’s never been, and going to be, someone in my life that has such a pull on me the way she does. She’s the moon, she’s the only reason that I even push and pull in the way that I do. I wouldn’t be sitting here, in this chair today, telling my truth if she hadn’t been so brave, so truthful as to do it first. And I wouldn’t be sitting here, still wholeheartedly believing in love, even though I lost it, because I know for a fact that it would be a disservice to what we shared to turn myself away from it.” 
I never thought we'd have a last kiss I never imagined we'd end like this Your name, forever the name on my lips So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are Hope it's nice where you are
“It’s always that dumb question that people ask. Would you rather love and lose it or not love at all?” 
And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed You can plan for a change in the weather and time But I never planned on you changing your mind
“The correct answer is always to chose love. And it’s an easy question when the person you’re loving is love personified.” Eren finishes. 
You turn over to Eren, teary eyed and the gaping, the burning feeling in your chest so immense that you can’t even fathom the words to say to him. So overwhelmed, so overstimulate from everything that you’ve heard - everything that you’ve felt - that you can barely keep your head on straight. The last song starts playing, which you can tell is entitled Fine Line from the credits line, as the words make the sobs wrack through you fully. 
We'll be a fine line We'll be a fine line We'll be alright We'll be alright We'll be a fine line We'll be a fine line We'll be alright (alright, alright, alright) 
You turn to him, his hands on your shoulders, as he reaches up to brush the tears off of your face. You can still feel yourself hiccuping in his touch, the look in his eyes so pained as he looks into your eyes. 
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry.” Eren whispers. 
“Eren. You- you fucking idiot. I’m going to kill you.” you whisper back, mustering your best glare as you frown at him. 
“That frown never stops being cute, you know? You have the horror appeal of a stuffed animal.” 
You shove him, in response, glaring at him as the burning in your chest slightly subsides. 
“Stop trying to lighten the mood. I’m ten different levels of mad at you right now.” 
“Okay. I’m going to say something crazy to you, but it’s just an idea, okay? We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to?” 
“What the fuck could be crazier than…oh, I told you that I didn’t care about you because I wanted to protect you? Or, oh, I sued a person who took everything away from me and instead of trying to get more money, I tried to get back the rights to your music. Or oh, THAT STUPID INTERVIEW I DID WAS FUCKING EDITED?” 
“Okay. Maybe it’s a little less crazy than that. But just hear me out okay?” 
“I can basically never hear that phrase the same from you again. The last time I didn’t hear you out, you were sitting on a butt load of fucking information. Like the fact that you took the fall for me when someone threatened my fucking family? Or oh, I was struggling for years on end but never once reached out to you or-” 
“Sweetheart. Just listen to me. Please.” 
You frown, crossing your arms as you look at him. 
“Everyone else is going to be on the press tour for another four days. And there are some people who want to see us….in Seattle.” 
“Seattle? Don’t tell me in some weird twisted way that you're friends with Hyla or something?” 
“Ew, no. Not Hyla. But your wife wistfully looks at the window everyday, wondering when you’re going to come home from war. And no I’m not being dramatic she makes that joke almost every day. And Sukuna said he has some choice words prepared for you that he’s been sitting on for a few years now. And, it’s also Teddy’s sixth birthday. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’m kind of his favorite. And I know that he would like you too.” 
“It would just be for two days. We don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but the two of them. They really love you. They want to see you and…you have a lot to talk about. With both of them.” 
“Yeah. I-I want to see Lana. And Sukuna, they…. fuck, Eren. they went through so much. You- you went through so much. I’d like to see them and- Eren, I don’t know what to say but-” you respond, the tears warm as they spread down your eyes. 
“Don’t say anything yet. Sit on it for a little. I’ll pack our things, yeah?” he states, voice warm as he smiles at you. 
“One last thing, Y/N.” 
“Eren. You’re going to give me a heart attack.” 
He rolls his eyes, as he fishes through his pocket, and places a USB in your hand. You twist it over in your fingers as you look at it and give him a confused look. 
“The interview. Unedited. I-I meant what I said. You-you should be able to hear it. Those words are meant for you and you only.
You turn it over in your hands, preshing it flesh against your hand, as you and Eren step out of the townhouse into the snow and head towards the car for the airport. 
Hand in hand.
next part linked here
an: GUYS U CANT SIMP OVER SUKUNA ANYMORE HES A FATHER. LEAVE HIM ALONE I SWEAR TO GOD. that being said sukuna and lana appearances next chapter RAAAA. and as always, someone send me an ask for the valedictorian tracklist I HAVE IT LOCKED AND LOADED
taglist: @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms @camilo-uwu @justanotherkpopstanlol @mel-star636 @fvckingeetar @ttalgi @najaemism @ilovekimchi123 @youraggedybitch @xoyumiqls @leafguitar @mrksnctzen @spiidergirlsworld @luvs4kim @levin4nami @florichun @hoonmyluv
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imbitterr · 7 months
I want to see Leon have a full breakdown.
Ugly crying, shouting, losing his shit, I don't care. I love things like the emotions they add to scenes like Krauser's death, them giving Leon a movie (and novel—the novel is much better, imo), which pretty much directly expresses his issues with alcoholism and depression, and Matthew Mercer confirming that Leon was much more severely depressed before Death Island! However, I want more. I will be the greedy little parasite that latches onto Capcom's arm like a leech and sucks all the life out of them until they give me a scene where Leon just completely loses it.
Not in the way that I want Leon to face mental challenges. He already does anyway; I don't need to wish for that. I just wish there was space for him to actually express it in a way where he's not holding back with professionalism and the bad habits he's learned over his time working for the government of sucking it all up and holding it in. It could be a nice healing moment for him.
Whether it's breaking down in front of one of his friends (Cough, Chris) looking for support or getting triggered by someone and just exploding on them, I want it. I don't care what form it comes in either! Stick it in a CGI movie, show, game, novel, comic, manga... again, I don't care! Just please give me what I need.
I am aware that a big factor in this is me seeking more relatability out of one of my comfort characters, but I am telling you that I need to see this man break down and build back up.
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Here is a visualisation of me absolutely demolishing Capcom.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 4 months
A tobacconist's shop that turns casual visitors, passers-by and delivery men into loyal pipe and cigar smoking customers and employees?
I've heard of this place. It's that old rundown shop on the bad side of town. It looks rather unassuming, situated in the center of a long deserted storefront. Few people pass by, but the ones who do always find the smoke...
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Griffin couldn't be more proud of himself as he jogged nearby. He'd just turned fifty and had never felt healthier. Years of the same diet and exercise had kept him in fantastic shape. He still got looks from women; he knew they wanted him. He also got stares from men, who he imagined were jealous. Either way, Griffin was happy to be seen as the epitome of fitness. This was just who he was meant to be.
That's why he woke up an hour early. He wanted to run an extra mile before starting his day, so he added a detour to his normal path. He turned down a street he'd never seen before.
Something about this empty road seemed to call out to him when he saw it.
"Ignore the smell."
Griffin paused, "Hello?"
When only silence answered, he laughed at himself and picked up his pace. Before long, he caught a whiff of smoke. He ignored it, but the stench only got stronger. He was even starting to see clouds forming around him!
"Keep going!"
"What?" he looked around the deserted street, but there was no one to pin the voice to.
Griffin groaned in frustration and covered his nose with an arm. He needed to keep going and get on with his day. He wasn't going to let some smoke get in the way of him and his goals. He didn't care if the street stank. He didn't care if he was hearing things. He only cared about finishing his run.
"Stop and breathe it in!"
Griffin's legs suddenly came to a halt, and his arm instinctively dropped to his side. Before he knew it, he was doing what that voice said.
"What's happening to me?" he gasped, coughing as the smoke filled his throat.
"Turn around."
His legs obeyed the voice, spinning Griffin around. He found himself staring at an old abandoned smoke shop in between wheezes. He had no idea what was going on, but his heart was pounding with fear. Griffin hated anything unhealthy, and every breath of smoke made him feel like he was dying.
"You like the smoke!"
"What? No..." but even as he said it, something began to change inside of him. His throat stopped itching and a warmth spread from his lungs. He started to feel relaxed inside that cloud of smoke. Griffin might have even admitted that he liked it.
"Go inside."
Griffin didn't hesitate. His body marched inside that old cigar shop. That place had plans for him. After all, every store needs an employee. It also needed it's clientele, and that's what it's next plan was.
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Tyler was idling in boredom later that day. He was right outside that same shop, but the cloud of smoke had disappeared. Tyler had arrived an hour later with his construction crew. They were demolishing one of the dilapidated buildings nearby, but it wasn't anywhere near as fun as he'd thought it'd be.
Being the new guy, the only tool he got was a broom, and Tyler had already spent the entire morning pushing it up and down the street. He wondered what his girlfriend would think if she knew this is what he did all day. Would she be disappointed that her big, strong, construction working boyfriend was nothing but a glorified janitor; because he sure was.
"Walk down the street."
"The hell?" Tyler sneered, looking around for the source of the voice, "Who's there? Is this a prank?"
Tyler doubted it was a prank. His coworkers were all old, lazy, assholes he didn't vibe with. All those farts wanted to do was smoke and whine about work. He couldn't imagine one of them taking the time to play a joke on him.
"Take a break."
Tyler sighed, "No need to tell me twice," and tossed the broom aside. The rubble could wait a few minutes longer to be swept up. He wanted to take a walk down the street and check out all the old buildings. They all seemed like they could come tumbling down at any second, but one caught his eye.
"That's weird," he muttered, noticing the storefront of the tobacconist shop "I thought this whole street was closed."
"Go inside."
Tyler was genuinely curious about the one occupied building in a row of vacancies, but his feet acted before he could. It wasn't until he found his hand pulling the door open that he realized he was on his way inside. He would've been rather scared by his lack of control if it weren't for the distraction of what he found inside the shop.
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"Oh...uh...hello there," Tyler immediately said, realizing he wasn't alone in the shop
The man he was staring at looked like he'd been through some shit. His leather jacket and faded jeans looked about as old as the store, and he sucked on that cigar like it was water in the middle of a desert. A dense cloud of smoke lingered around the guy, and Tyler could practically taste the smell of tobacco in the air.
"Offer him your cigar."
"You want a smoke, boy?" the older man suddenly blurted around, staring Tyler in the eye.
"No, I'm good, man. I should be getting back to work anyway," the young construction worker answered, turning to leave.
"Take the cigar, boy," Tyler heard the man's voice deepen. He grappled with the doorknob, wishing he hadn't ever left his stupid worksite.
"Take the cigar."
Tyler let go of the door, and it swung shut. His body was acting impulsively again, but he was going the opposite way he wanted. Tyler turned back and found the leathery face of the old man inches away from his own. Before he knew it, that guy was pushing a cigar in his mouth, and his lips just opened to take it!
Tyler couldn't believe he was listening to this guy! He didn't even do what his father told him!
"Inhale it, boy," the man growled, cracking a tiny smile as he watched.
Tyler took a shaky breath in, smoking for the first time in his life. Immediately, he felt the urge to cough. His throat couldn't take it, but his body wouldn't let him. It was like his mouth just rejected the idea of relieving the itchiness of his lungs. He was left inhaling the smoke breath after painful breath until, eventually, it wasn't painful anymore.
"That's it, boy," the old guy said, pulling the new smoker into a rough embrace, "You're a smoker now. You buy from me. Remember that! You don't go to anyone else for your smokes except Griff. Got it?"
Tyler was still adjusting to his new addiction.
"Answer him."
"What? Yeah. I got it," Tyler mumbled. He didn't understand what he was agreeing to, but he didn't mind. Already, all he could think about was his next smoke break. A couple more hours of pushing that broom and he could pull out a pack of cigarettes. Tyler couldn't wait.
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As Tyler strolled back to the construction site, he sucked the rest of that cigar dry. Luckily, he'd had enough change on him to buy the pack of cigarettes. Griff had suggested he smoke a pack a day, and Tyler had a feeling he was going to do as the man said.
"Sir?" a stern voice called, pulling Tyler out of his thoughts.
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"Are you Tyler?" the cop asked, "You know your crew asked me to find you."
Tyler rolled his eyes and broke out his new pack of cigarettes open, "What they couldn't get off their asses to do it?"
"They were just worried. This isn't the best area to be wandering around in," the officer's tone hardened, "You know how bad that is for you, right?"
For a second Tyler paused. He hadn't thought about how nasty this habit actually was. Maybe he should quit while it was still new.
"Smoke in the pig's face."
The cop was confused by the sudden appearance of a disembodied voice, "Did you hear someth-"
Tyler blew out a long sigh of cigarette smoke in the policeman's face. He knew by now that he was supposed to obey that voice.
For the next few seconds, the cop cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. He hadn't expected that twerp to actually smoke in his face! When he cleared his vision, he noticed that the kid was gone.
That voice again puzzled him. There wasn't anyone nearby, and yet it sounded like a whisper. Nevertheless, it was right. He probably should investigate. That was his job after all.
It didn't take long for the cop to find the mysterious cigar shop. He was almost positive that whoever was inside wasn't supposed to be there. As far as he knew, this whole block was condemned.
"Hello! Police coming in." he announced as he pushed the door open, grimacing at the thick smell in the store "God it reeks in here."
"Explore the store."
The voice again appeared, telling him what to do. Officer Nichols figured the voice was right. He did need this godforsaken place. There was no way this place could be here legally.
As the cop passed a case with an array of cigars, his nose twitched. Something about them caught his attention. He wanted to find whoever was behind this business, but he figured he might as well explore the merchandise while he's here. It smelled expensive. It wasn't long before, he'd pulled one of the cigars and drug it under his nose to fully appreciate it's aroma.
"Like what you see?" a gravelly voice made the officer jump. Nichols turned and found Griff, propped against the wall behind the counter.
"Yeah, I..."
"You love it."
"...I love it," the cop finishes, surprised by his own words. He hadn't meant to say that. He was here to arrest whoever was behind this scheme. They were running an undocumented business out of an abandoned building!
"Actually, I'm here to...
"You're here to buy from him."
"...buy from you," Officer Nichols shakes his head. That's not what he meant to say. He needs to bring this guy in. Something in the air is clouding his judgement.
"I'm going to have to..."
"You have to keep the law away."
"...keep the law away." He couldn't believe he'd just said that. He'd just offered to aid a suspected criminal! He didn't mean that, right? The more Officer Nichols thought about it, the more he realized that he did mean it. This place needed to be free of pigs like him. Something was just telling him that this has to happen, and he was ready to lay down his career to do it.
"Yeah, I'm going to keep the precinct away from this place," the cop said confidently.
"Sounds good, man," Griff's increasingly raspy voice answered numbly, "Take a cigar for your trouble."
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Officer Nichols left the shop feeling very different than when he entered. Before, he'd been straight-laced and by the book, but now he had a new urge to get a little dirty. The cigar and leather jacket Griff had bribed him with, made him want to do something bad. Maybe he could find someone to abuse his power on. That sounded fun.
The cop sauntered down the street, ready to embrace his new personality, and the street was once again left empty and deserted.
That is until, Randy came strolling down the way. Randy was a college student, on his way home from a library date with a girl from his biology class. It'd gone well, and he was still running off the high of geeking out about comic books with a super hot chick. He couldn't believe he'd found such an awesome girl, and she seemed totally into him!
He was planning on texting the number shed given him as soon as he got back to his apartment. That was why he was taking a shortcut. He couldn't wait!
"No need to rush."
Randy slowed his pace, slightly unnerved by the voice he'd just thought he'd heard. Looking around, he noticed that he was in the middle of a seemingly empty block: a ghost town in the middle of the city. The clouds of smoke he was approaching made the scene all the more unsettling.
"Since when is this here?" he wondered aloud. That's when the smell hit him.
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"Gross," he muttered, trying his best to ignore the strong scent of secondhand smoke.
"Follow it."
Ryan found himself stepping off the sidewalk. For some reason, he was crossing the street and heading into even denser fog. His nose led the way, taking him the exact opposite direction it wanted to go. He was forced to put up with the smell, following it's trail all the way into the little store that was its source.
"This is where you want to be."
"What? No I want to go home and call that girl," Randy objected, but already she seemed a lot less exciting to him now.
"You'd rather stay here and smoke."
Randy shook his head, "I can't stand smoke. Why would I do that!"
"You don't care if you don't like it."
The young man thought for a moment. He couldn't really refute this new statement. Randy realized that he actually didn't care that he found smoke disgusting. He'd followed it here even though he hated it. It just made sense that he would start smoking it even though he hated it.
He picked up a cigar from the counter. It was already lit, waiting for someone to take it. Randy knew he wasn't going to like it, but that didn't stop him from sucking on the thing for several seconds. He was grateful when he pulled it off his lips, but he knew he was just going to have to keep taking hits.
"That's mine," a voice cut firmly through the silence.
"Oh, sorry," Randy dropped the cigar, embarrassed to be called out by this construction worker. Immediately, he found himself disliking the guy. He was close to his age, but looked like a lowlife laborer.
"Don't let it happen again," Tyler sneered, selfishly snatching the cigar away. In his mind, Randy was just another preppy snob.
"You two like each other."
Instantly, the two guys' opinions changed. It didn't make sense, but they realized they could see each other as friends.
"You two love each other."
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"Come here," Tyler barked, feeling himself get hard under his dirty work pants. For some reason, this random college kid was making him feel hornier than his girlfriend had ever been able to.
Randy let the construction worker pull him close. Somehow, he was more excited now than he'd been a few moments earlier with his library date. He eagerly accepted the new cigar, Tyler was pushing into his mouth.
It wasn't long before the new couple were making out in between puffs of their cigars. They'd completely forgotten about the girls they'd once adored, now obsessed with how masculine they each looked smoking their cigars in the middle of the dirty old tobacco shop.
Griff watched from a distance, organizing the merchandise according to the store's instructions. That disembodied voice was constantly whispering in his ear, ordering him around like a puppet with a long string of orders. Griff's principles were long since abandoned.
His only thoughts were the thoughts the voice put in there.
"Finish unloading the cigarettes, and then go upstairs. Pull out the mattresses, but don't bother cleaning anything. The construction worker and college student can be made comfortable in the dust and grime. Pull out another mattress for yourself. If the policeman comes back you will be servicing him all night as to thank him for protecting us..."
The instructions droned on and on in Griff's head, as he mindlessly followed its whim. A cigar hung from his lips, although he needed a regular reminder to smoke it.
Randy and Tyler were getting more aggressive near the counter. Their lust for the smoke and each other was only growing stronger each second.
Meanwhile, several blocks away, Officer Nichols was on his way back to the shop. The man was determined to unleash his new dark side on someone, and something told him that the clerk at the tobacconist shop would be perfect.
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reverie-verse · 11 months
Hiiii, could you possibly do a Miguel O'Hara smut with some ✨BRAT✨taming in it ( if your comfortable with it ) the plot is up to you 🫶🏾😁
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Brats Sometimes Need Taming: Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Prompt: You get hit in the face with sex pollen. Honestly it starts out that way but really it’s just luck because Miguel fucks you how you like. Hot heavy, intense.
Warning: Dudes this is straight up filth. There’s brat taming(main course), oral (F and M), edging, light very light bondage, choking maybe, pleasure Dom if you squint hard enough. Oh and Creampie
Iiiii hope this is up to your standards! This is my first smut so let me know if this is good enough to write more haha. Anyways I hope you enjoy it Anon and anyone else who reads it!
Miguel had ordered the team to complete a task in another dimension that included all of you and himself. He would lead the group into a destroyed building many stories high. The objective was to stop a rather ugly looking creature from spewing out pollutants from its body. The creature wasn’t alone. There were many of them each with a different pollutant. They had already demolished half of the city you were in. It wasn’t until the end of the battle when you fought one particular monster at the top of the building while Miguel fought at the bottom. You were striked down; then you were falling off a nearby metal support beam. A cloud of colored pollutants floated around you and in the air. It even fell gracefully with you, but you were rendered unconscious. Miguel waited for you to use your webs to save yourself but you didn’t. As if time slowed down Miguel threw himself in your direction. Using his webs he flung himself under you capturing you in time before you could go no further and no closer to the ground. You both rolled on the ground of the next level of the building. The rest of the team took care of the creature while Miguel tended to you.
Your head lulled to the side, Miguel checked your vitals frantically. You were in fact alright but something was off. Your breathing becomes faster. He could feel the heat of your skin rise instead of cooling down, your skin began to sweat. Miguel scooped you up in his arms and opened a portal back to headquarters taking straight to the med bay. Still rendered unconscious as he marched through, he yelled at everyone to leave except for the doctor. He demanded answers and a way to save you. He had know idea what that pollutant was that struck you. He was worried that you might implode on yourself. As a bit morbid as that sounds but you burned to the touch and you were sweating profusely. The doctor could offer him no information without taking tests. Miguel threw items on the floor frustrated with himself for letting you battle that creature alone. But of course the doctor was right he needed to know what was wrong. Miguel had stripped your mask off so that you could breathe better. The doctor was gone and the privacy stayed between you both.
Miguel stared at your beautiful face, caressing your hot skin, by now he had removed his own gloves. His bare skin on yours was enough to wake you. Just as the doctor arrived your whining had begun. Doctor had explained to Miguel that you were infected with a type of substance that exposed you to a sexual chemical. It ultimately triggers you into a sexual frenzy. The doctor had no idea how long it would take for it to be satiated. As the doctor continued he explained that he needed time to figure out its formula. He had no idea if this process could be handled by itself if you waited it out or if you needed an antidote. During that conversation You were already eyeing Miguel’s massive figure. The way he leaned over the side of the bed his elbows resting on the mattress as he spoke with the doctor. His muscles stretched all the way down to his back, his wide frame making you want to leave marks on his skin if he’d let you. His hair looked soft to the touch you so badly wanted to twist your hands in his hair. To watch as his head dipped between your thighs. You moaned at the thought reaching for Miguel as you lifted yourself up kissing along his back and onto his shoulder.
The doctor cleared his throat and Miguel turned his head to look at you. You looked zoned out, your mind hazy and else were, and you smelt like arousal. Miguel firmly pried off your hands. Don’t get him wrong he loves to relish in the moment and be present as he watches you squirm, and moan under him. Right now though, you were sharing sounds that he wanted no one to hear but him You were kissing his body as if it were just the two of you in the room, again those were not for the doctor to witness. Miguel gave you a look that held the meaning of. Knock it off. Miguel had moved slightly away from you so that he could focus on what the doctor was saying. It wasn’t until you moved toward Miguel again; you were pulling on his suit nipping at his clothes skin on his back. He could hear your quiet hum. This doesn’t go unnoticed by the doctor who tried his hardest not to pay attention to your actions but failed.
The doctor cleared his throat to ask if he should leave when Miguel’s stone filled expression became grave and dark. He looked pissed to be quite honest. Miguel becoming irritated by your needy behavior he turns quickly to face you and with just one hand both wrists pinned to your chest. He pushed you back down on the bed pinning you there. Your breathing became erotic, your head rolled to the side on the pillow, your legs propped up on the bed you were about to rut into the air when Miguel slammed another hand down on your hips. You were beyond turned on and burning with desire.
“ You need to wait” he warned you.
“ Miguel I-I can’t. Let’s go home!” you whined. Your body melting and folding under his touch, he was driving you insane. You just needed to feel him. He didn’t even need to do anything. Miguel rolled his eyes at you before looking at the doctor. His hands stayed where they were holding you down. He continued to listen to the doctor, completely deciding to ignore you. To be honest the doctor was the furthest thing from your mind. You could’ve sworn he wasn’t even really there. Which he only distracted you for a minute before your eyes landed back on Miguel. Oh Miguel. You bit your lip as you squeezed your legs together hoping that maybe it would ease the burning need but it doesn’t.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by Miguel. He side eyes you before heaving a sigh of his own, with a few curses. Miguel had told the Doctor to keep doing his research and look for an antidote in case you continue with this behavior. Miguel had reached for you in the hopes of picking you up bridal style but you managed to already wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his hips. Thankfully the doctor couldn’t see you, as you bit into Miguel’s ear lobe. You didn’t bite hard but you pulled on it slightly before kissing it. You could feel his clothed erection growing. It made you that much more excited. Your insides scream for him, yearning to be cock drunk and filled to the brim.
Miguel growled in your ear as he whispered “ You’re being a brat.” Miguel wasted no time as he jumped out the med bay window swinging his way back to your shared apartment. He refused to risk anyone else witnessing you in this state of mind. The doctor seeing it was enough for him. As soon as you landed in the apartment Miguel had stripped you of your suit. You had lost your balance in the same process but not before he webbed your hands together. You fell towards the floor not exactly hitting it but instead you were pulled back into his hard body. Miguel lifted a hand and gripped your jaw firmly planting a much wanted and much needed heated kiss. Your lips, tongue and teeth fought for dominance. Miguel instantly shut down the thought as he pulled away abruptly. You chased after his lips only for him to move back once again
You whined again. “ Miguel you’re being mean” you tried to wiggle out of the webbing itching to grab Miguel. He shook his head tsking at you.
��� What a shame. Hmm you being all whiny and needy in front of the doc too. You just can’t seem to control yourself” He taunts.
“ Miguel-“ you were about to begin your begging when he turned you around so your back pressed into his front. You were beginning to feel everything ten times worse, the way his tall frame curved into you, the way he was pressed against you. The way his breath fanned across your ear and cheek as his lips grazed your skin. The way his rough hands gripped and touched your body, slowly massaging each part until his hands stopped where you needed him most “Fuck, please, please”
“ Poor Y/N, look at how desperate you are. You want it so bad but you haven’t earned it” he whispers to you. He frees one hand so it slides up in between the valley of your breasts and up to your throat. He only holds it and never squeezes. Without so much of a warning his other hand dips into the place where you needed him most. You were drenched, covered in your own arousal. Miguel’s fingers glided through your sensitive folds. He had no intention of stroking that bundle of nerves or your hole just yet. Your legs buckled slightly and with your hands webbed together you couldn’t reach for Miguel. It didn’t help that he had you pressed to his chest either. His finger runs through your folds barely touching your clit, with each nudge it sends a jolt through your body. His finger inches closer to your own circling around it as he quickly inserts a finger. He leaves it there. He doesn’t move, he waits to see your reaction. He was testing you.
“Miguel you’re being mean” You hiss at him. Your body is too needy with an arousal. Your body rocks against his finger. You moan at the sensation, how good his finger feels down there. How it rubs against those spots you could never reach only Miguel. Miguel oh Miguel. He inserts another finger, adding a much needed stretch. He let you fuck yourself on his fingers. He let you enjoy it for the time being. His fingers pick up the pace, pushing deliciously hard into you hitting everything but that one spot. You began to whine, he may not have been hitting the place you wanted but you were so sensitive that it felt so good. You twist your hands in the webbing to try and break yourself free. You wanted to touch him, to feel him. Miguel had noticed and whatever orgasm you were about to feel vanished. He pulled his fingers out of you leaving you feeling empty. Your legs feeling like jelly you turned your head to look over your shoulder. Miguel with his hand on your throat he leaned down capturing your lips with his. His tongue stroked the inside of your mouth. He pulls away biting your lip with his sharp fangs before devouring your lips.
His hand that was once inserted now rubbed furiously at your clit, your whines, the back into moans. He made quick work with your clit but as your orgasm grew closer he managed to pull away just in time. Edging you every chance he could get. Honestly you wanted to cry, it felt so good and it hurt so bad. “ I told you to wait, didn't I? This is one of your punishments for being a brat-“your hips pressed into his ass rubbing against his clothed cock. He takes his finger from your cunt and shoves them in his mouth. He licks your slick clean from his fingers as he pushes you off him. He pushes you towards the couch not caring if you make it to the bedroom. He makes quick work taking off his suit. His toned body is on display for you. You were practically drooling out the mouth not to mention you were drooling elsewhere. As if you couldn’t get more turned on. Miguel grabbed ahold of your ankles pulling on them so that you neared the edge of the couch. His tall figure looming over you. He smirked as he grabbed your legs and bent them towards your chest. He slowly dropped to the floor on his knees, his own mouth watering. Your breathing picks up as you feel his breath along your hot skin. Miguel turned his head to the side and kissed your inner thighs, then your outer lips, then your folds. Not wasting any time he lapped at your folds licking long strips from your hole to your bundle of nerves. A loud pornographic moan leaves your lips. He shakes his head to the side as he licks, at one point he starts nipping at your folds pulling on them, tugging. Your hips rocked into his face, you so badly wanting to thread your hands in his hair. Your webbed hands stayed near your chest but those waves of hair were calling to you. You watched him as your mouth hung slightly open. Hisses leave your lips when his long tongue enters your hole and his nose nudges your clit. Tears began to prickle on the corner of your eyes. You wanted to reach your orgasm but the closer you got Miguel would know. He pulled away but not before giving your clit a hard suck and then a smack with his hand making your body jolt at the feeling.
Miguel leaned toward you, capturing your lips again with his. He let you taste yourself on his tongue not before pulling away from you, his hands pinched your little nubs on your breasts twisting and pulling on them. He kneaded them as he gave each one a kiss. Standing up he pushes your legs down grabbing your throat he pulls you forward so your face is in front of his dick. You bit your lip, Miguel removed his hand from your Throat reaching for your hair he held it back in a ponytail for you. His other hand lifts his cock so that its tip slaps your lips. “ Open” he demands. It was long and thick, his tip already covered in precum. You lick his cock tasting him. before you do as he says. He slips his cock into your mouth, he groans the feeling of your warmth around him. He guides your head back and forth, sucking him off. You let him abuse your mouth. You hum on his dick enjoying the taste of him, the vibrations hitting Miguel he moans.
“ My little brat likes that. So desperate for my cock” he pushes you head further on to him the sounds of his wet dick in your mouth turning obscene. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you continue to suck on him. You push back slightly going for his tip again knowing he liked when you did that. You kissed his tip as you opened your mouth letting your tongue lick it. Your lips wrap the edges sucking on it letting your tongue trace his slit. Miguel growled at the feeling and sight of it, your mouth sinked in further stroking him at a slower pace. Honestly you were driving him mad. Your mouth couldn’t fit all the way around him but you took what you could. With your hands still bound together you desperately wanted to break loose. The more you stroked him and the faster his hips snapped into your mouth you knew you were close to getting what you both craved. Though you needed a final push. You took a deep breath through your nose as you pushed him further into your mouth so that your nose hit his hip. You slowly bobbed your head, you changed the pace and movement making it difficult for Miguel to hold on to his release that he saved for later. Miguel pulled you off of his cock glaring at you as he tsks at you.
You stood up so that you were more or less face to chest with him. You wrapped your webbed hands and arms around his neck. Pulling him in your lips, taking his, you pressed your chest into him. As your tongue fights him for dominance. You pull back biting on his lip tugging at it then diving back into him. His hands gripped your back before sliding down and kneading on your ass. The two of you grope each other in a heated back out. In the process however you “sneakily” turned Miguel around so his legs would bump into the couch. He knew what you were doing and before you could even attempt to do anything else he pushed you off of him. You broke the webbings on your hands within mere seconds Miguel had you pinned down on your side on the couch. He turned you so that one leg rested on the couch while the other was held up by his hand. You watched him as you pressed the side of your face into the couch. You were so excited you couldn’t wait for him to get inside you. You began to whine encouraging him to enter you. You were throbbing, needy, hungry for him. He was depriving you as he watched your body beg for his.
“ Someone needs to learn patience.” He tells you as he slowly glides through your extremely wet folds slipping into your tight entrance. You both moan at the feeling, he inches himself further into you so that he bottoms out. Miguel stayed still, he hadn’t thrusted into you yet, making your body feel every curve and inch of his cock. You were beyond overstimulated and extra sensitive you mewled in protest. Then he does. Miguel pulls his cock out all the way before slamming into you hard. You both yell out a curse. He sets a pace, on that hit the one spongy spot inside you. His hips slamming into yours at an intense pace. His large hands holding your thighs open. You reached behind you to place a hand on his wrists holding him. At this point he no longer cared that you got out of your restraints. His cock was starting to kiss the tip of your cervix. Moans flew out of your mouth some lewd, some pornographic, some with all the air leaving your body. The sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed in the room, the smell of sex undeniable.
“ Miguel-“ you moaned his name like a mantra or a prayer that would set you free. The force he was putting into you made your back arch and the breath leave your lungs. Miguel pulled out for a second so that he could turn you over onto your back. As he sat on his knees, he entered back into you ramming into you harder than before. You proppeped yourself up, placing a hand on his stomach as he slammed into you repeatedly. He wasn’t letting up and he wasn't going to either. He leaned forward trapping you underneath his body. He locked your hands into your chests as he bounced downward into you. Both of your orgasms were beginning to build up and you could feel the familiar knots build in your stomach.
“ Mig-Im-close-fuuuck”
“ Come on mami, give it to me” he encouraged you as plowed into you profusely. Your orgasm came quicker than you had expected, your come flowing out of you, your body shaking, as the spots filled your vision. Your ears ringing, Miguel hadn’t finished yet he chased after his high still ramming into you. Your body began struggling to keep up. By the look on Miguel’s face he was about to reach his climax and you were about to reach your third or fourth. You weren’t sure how many times he made you come but what you did know was that you were about to do it again.
“ Fuuuck I’m about to come” Miguel’s hips sputtered as his set thrusts ram into you. You reached up caressing his face burning your hands in his hair. Your walls clenched down on him telling him to let go. With a final hard snap of his hips he releases into you a deep moan sounds from his chest. He body slows down riding out his own high before he pulls out of you. Sweat covered both of your skins. Your cream mixed with his as it trickled out of your hole. You prop yourself up on your elbows. Miguel is already eyeing your hole again. His fingers dip inside pushing your mixed back into you. You pushed on Miguel’s chest with your foot to move him away from your overly sensitive body. You were trying to regain your breathing and let your body catch up with your mind. Miguel caught your foot and pulled you towards him.
“ I can’t” you shook your head “ it’s too much”
Miguel’s eyes connected with yours “ You should’ve thought about that before you started acting up like the brat you are.” You could’ve sworn he was the one who got hit with the pollutant instead of you with the way he was acting. You’ve never seen this feral side of him before this was new territory you both were about to explore. You’d be lying to yourself about how incredibly turned on you were again. Round two was definitely underway.
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Paper Talks || Young! Coriolanus Snow X Plinth! Reader pt. 1
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TLDR: You knew that people would try to gain your attention and trust because of your families status but Coriolanus always seemed to go above and beyond the usual hallway waves. Are his feelings true and genuine or is he just as shallow as the rest?
Warnings: Capital people talk, reader is a little bratty, She/Her pronouns reader
A/N: This is part ONE of THREE planned stories. So basically I got requests for this same parring of Snow X Plinth! reader and one wanted angst the other wanted fluff so this is the set up story to those two. The story will break off and diverge from this point and you'll get to choose the ending you want. Will they fall in love or will it burn to pieces? YOU CHOOSE!
Based on THIS ask
Word Count: 2.1 k
Taglist: @simpovereveryone
The academy was rather boring most days. Constant busy work 24/7 about things I already knew just didn't ever seem to rub me the right way. What was the point in this education if it felt like you were never actually LEARNING anything? I sighed tapping my pencil ever so slightly against my desk while I listened to Highbottom ramble about whatever painfully vague topic he wanted to yap about today. That man drank so much I swear, not only could you smell the liquor off of him but you could see it, like a weird mystifying haze around him and in his eyes. He must've been mixing something in his cup because liquor doesn't do that much damage. I, honestly, needed whatever he was having to get through this lesson.
Finally, like a saving grace, the bell rang and we were excused from the lecture hall. A few people waved and smiled while I walked through the halls and I did the same back. While I was from the districts, the capital people still seemed to treat me fairly, to my face that is, because of one thing and one thing only, my last name.
We were new money and we sure had a ton of it. An ever-looming fear of mine is that people don't actually like me but just want to get closer to me so they can get a piece of my family's fortune. Easily, I can see why people would want to get closer to me. It didn't help when my last year in the academy came and my father announced there would be a "Plinth Prize", a scholarship of sorts that would help other students pay for university. My father is a very charitable man for offering up a chunk of our wealth to others but it made me a lot more paranoid at school. What if people were just trying to get closer to me so I'd put a good word into my dad? The thought caused a deep sinking feeling of anxiety to sit in the pit of my stomach. Shaking my head, I dusted away the emotions, grabbed my food and tried to find a spot to sit in the cafeteria.
Looking over the area, I saw the broad stocky build and curly brown hair of a boy sitting alone at a 4 person table. Oh, Sej... Sej is my twin brother, obviously not identical twin but he was my twin. I placed my food onto the table with a 'plop' and eagerly sat down to eat.
We both nodded and continued to eat. It was a weird sibling thing we did. Hello's get boring when you have to say them all the time so we just say each other's names then move on. I started absolutely demolishing my sandwich. Words can not describe how delicious a sandwich is after having to listen to Highbottom's intoxicated rants for hours on end. That's when I noticed something, Sej wasn't eating. His eyes were distracted, focused on something behind me. I cocked my brow up in confusion before slowly turning my head to see what he was looking at.
I don't know when he got there but the tall, lanky frame of a man clad in our school uniform was walking to where we were sat and promptly stood at the edge of our table. Curls so blond they were almost white framed his face with a smirk painted across it. His eyes switched between the two of us slowly as if they were slithering inside of his head. Coriolanus Snow. I don't think I've ever actually talked to him before but we did share a class. Sej smiled and said hi to him and he nodded back before asking,
"Is that seat taken?" his head motioned to the seats beside us and I was about to say 'yes' but I couldn't beat the enthusiastic nods and "Oh no it's absolutely free please come sit down," from my brother.
I watched dumbfounded while he reached over and slightly pulled out the chair next to him for Coriolanus. The blond man ignored this, the fabric of his sleeve touching my hair every so slightly while he slid behind to take the seat next to me. That pissed me off, just a little. I hate when people touch my hair. Spend so long to make it look presentable and then people go in and mess with it UGH. My brothers smile faded slightly before it perked back up again as he excitedly started to strike up a conversation with Coriolanus who couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of me. I felt his gaze burning my skin like thousands of little coals. Who knows what kind of comments he might have been making in his head. I looked back down at my sandwich and started to eat it again, but a lot slower.
Sejanus and Coriolanus went back and forth with some banter, clearly, Sej was a lot more interested than Coriolanus was. I felt kind of sad for my brother at times. I don't think he realized how easily people could use us. He trusted too freely and it seemed like he really liked Coriolanus. While other students would try to be kind to us to our faces, that didn't stop them from laughing at us behind our backs. I've only overheard their snickers and chuckles about how we were 'dirty district' twice but that was twice too many. Sej couldn't see through the plastic personas. He leaned over the table, directing his full energy and attention to holding this conversation with Coriolanus who wasn't even holding eye contact with him. He was cut off mid-ramble when Coriolanus spoke.
"Sejanus... you never told me you had a sister"
Oh god, I've been noticed. ABORT MISSION. ABORT MISSION.
"Actually, she's my twin sister. I assumed you would've already known she-"
"I think I have a class with her... Y/N right?"
Why were they talking about me like I wasn't right there? Sejanus was about to open his mouth again when Snow tapped my shoulder, forcing my attention to him. I got to get a better look at his face up close now and I couldn't deny the absolute gravitational pull those blue eyes had. Silently, I swam into the oceans of those blue eyes. I knew I had to get out before I drowned. I swallowed hard and nodded.
"Y/N. Y/N Plinth. And you are... Coriolanus?"
"Please, call me Corio." His smirk turned to a cheesy smile and he tipped his head slightly, extending his hand out for me to shake. I looked down at his hand and then back up at him while I nervously took it and shook it. His hands were as cold as icicles. The feeling almost made me shiver. He gave my hand a squeeze when I tried to pull away like he was trying to keep me there. I did not like that one bit. When he finally released my hand he didn't take his eyes off of me once.
"Sure, Corio..." I mumbled out before trying to return to my almost-finished sandwich. Sej took that as his opportunity to continue blabbering on to Coriolanus.
The passing days started to notice a frequently rising increase in Coriolanus Snow bombarding my days. He started to become one of those faces that would wave at me in the hallways but he always wanted to stop and talk and compliment my appearance. Just the other day he moved seats in our shared class to sit next to me, conveniently on the day we had to start a group project with our "table partner". I didn't like how he seemed to be infecting every inch of my life. Sejanus even started to invite him to the mansion so they could hang out and I'd have to see those icy blue eyes cross my vision whenever I went downstairs for a snack and of course, he had to talk to me.
A part of me wants to believe how that Corio was genuine and was trying to be our friend but I couldn't help the impending sense of doom I felt whenever I thought about opening up to him. Today was unlike the others. To start, when Sej and I walked to school together, Coriolanus crossed our path and walked with us. His body hung close to mine as he and Sejanus talked over my head. Corio kept trying to drag me into their conversation but I was trying to minimize the amount of Snow that was being left on my person. When I made it to my first class that's when I noticed a white rose placed on the side of my bag. It must've been from Corio. He must've slipped it in my bad while we were walking this morning. I'm just a girl! I couldn't help the way my face lit up bright red with a blush from this action.
Just as my face felt hot so did my temper. I couldn't let myself get distracted here. I knew what he really wanted, right? I twirled the stem of the rose between my fingers, carefully trying to avoid the thorns, and watched how pretty it looked spinning. Humming softly, I closed my eyes and watched as the rest of the day went by fast.
Corio and I sat sitting next to each other in the library trying to study for class. He started insisting on these study dates after we had that first group assignment together. I don't understand why he felt the need to sit there and explain all the questions to me. I knew what he was talking about. The fabric of our pants touched each other lightly as it was the one barrier that stopped our knees from touching. Coriolanus continued to ramble on about the question we were on and was explaining the steps to solve it for the 100th time and I was starting to get seriously bored. With a heavy sigh, I pulled my paper closer to me and started to solve the problems at a lot faster of a speed than we were going at. I had done about 4 questions by the time he was done explaining that one to me and that's when he realized, he had pretty much been talking to the air.
"Y/N? Y/N? Are you listening?"
He spoke, leaning ever so closer to me. He started snapping his fingers in from of my face and I felt this anger start to boil in me.
"Darling, I'm trying to show you how to solve this."
Finally, when he placed his hand on my thigh and I heard the word 'Darling' escape his lips did I snap. My head shot up and I looked over at him, shooting daggers in his direction. I hissed under my breath,
"Corio, do you think I'm stupid? I know what you want "Darling, " I let the darling roll off my tongue sarcastically and mockingly. "and it's not me. You're not sly Snow, I know you're flirting with me and I suggest you scurry along here before I put in a bad word to my father about how this boy in my class can't seem to leave me alone in peace to do my school work. Are we clear?"
Coriolanus took a step back, his mouth agape from the shock of what was just said to him. He took a sharp inhale before a smirk spread on his face, similar to the one he had the first day he sat next to Sejanus and I. There was a plan behind that smile I just knew it.
"That is where you're wrong I'm afraid. I love your feist though Ms. Plinth, simply another challenge, and don't forget, Snow always lands on top."
His body glided so elegantly through the air as he stood up from his seat next to me, placed his hands on my shoulders, and leaned down to look over my shoulder, leaning down so close I could feel his breath against my neck. If my heart was beating any faster it might have turned into an engine an raced out of my chest.
"By the way Y/N... the answer is 3 not 67, I can't even process how you'd make that kind of mistake but if you ever need help with math, let me know. I'm sure you would've gotten it right if you were listening."
He whispered in my ear before standing up and leaving the room. The whole interaction caused a shiver to go down my spine in shock before the anger came rushing back into my veins. Who does this man think he is? And what a cringy tag line, "Snow always lands on top"? please. We will just have to see about that one.
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 10<-
Part 11
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Pairing: Jeongin x reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!Suggestive Themes, Swearing, pet names, unprotected sex (just don‘t!), bloody nose
Word Count: 5.4k
Note: Sooo. What do you think of this part? Maybe you noticed where I got my inspiration from (M/V. Making off?) Love our baby bread who is not so baby anymore… For real have you seen the 5-Star Trailer? Uffhhgg watched it like 10000000 times
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
When you took the note off your door in the morning, you wanted to break down and cry on the spot.
But you didn't have time for that. So you stuffed the paper into your pocket and headed off to work.
Only when you got to your office you dared to take the paper out again, and you had to read it at least three times before you understood the words on the yellow background. Your hands shook and despair gripped you as soon as the word 'eviction notice' even came into the corner of your eye.
Although you tried hard to remain calm, you could feel the frantic typing as you entered the number in your phone that was at the bottom of the letter.
After endless beeping, the administration of the building complex you were currently living in finally answered. You had gotten the apartment out of luck via relationships and it was a miracle that it was affordable despite the ideal location for you.
And now you were supposed to move out within a week because the building was going to be demolished.
After several questions, the annoyed administrative worker could only confirm to you what was already on the note anyway. You had to leave your apartment by the end of the week.
With the current rent prices it was impossible to find a halfway affordable apartment within a week and the panic of being homeless until the end of the week spread more and more inside you.
But when there was a knock on your door, you furtively wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes and put on a carefree smile as soon as Chan poked his head into the room:
"Morning, babe. We're about to take off."
You had completely forgotten about that with all the stress. Quickly, you nodded:
"I'll be right there!"
Today was the teaser shoot for the music video.
You had no choice but to put on your professional mask and start working.
As you got into the car with Chan, where the guys were already waiting, you were showered with energetic vibes. They were all looking forward to the first shoot and the energy soon transferred to you as well.
Even though you couldn't completely banish the dark thoughts from your mind, you had to focus on your work when you arrived.
The film crew was getting everything ready while the guys were sent to makeup to change and get ready.
The video would be set in a sports hall and the guys would be playing basketball. There would be some sporty and handsome shots that would surely please the fans.
Han was the first to notice that something was wrong with you.
"You look tired... Are you okay?", he asked as everyone just waited for Chan and Hyunjin's hairstyles to be done.
"Yes all good, Ji. Don't worry about it", you said quickly. Too quickly and that's when the Director began to speak.
He gave the guys instructions on how they would first shoot individually or as couples and then mimic a little basketball game as a team.
You retreated to the bleachers with the film crew and when you had a few free minutes, you looked for possible apartments, but that brought you much closer to a breakdown. You couldn't afford any of them and most of them were way too far away. You would need several hours to get to work and that would not be possible with the strict schedules.
When out of nowhere you felt a hand on your leg, you flinched violently and almost threw your phone off the stand. Jeongin looked at you with wide eyes and raised his hands placatingly.
"Take it easy! It's just me."
Behind him, Felix followed, and they both looked like they could see right into your head.
"Are you guys finished yet?", you asked, trying a half-cheerful smile.
They took you in the middle and Felix didn't hesitate to pull you into his arm.
"We just have to do the group shots. Hyunjin and Changbin are on it right now."
You put your temple against his with a sigh and breathed in his sunny scent.
They all looked really really good with the school uniforms. So the video should have a nostalgic vibe and even you felt transported back to your school days when you saw the typical uniforms. But in the past, the guys at your school had never been as attractive as the ones who were now chasing the ball in the hall.
"Do you want to talk?", he asked, and he stroked your arm reassuringly.
With a quick glance at Jeongin, who gave you a sweet smile, you sighed. So Jeongin had pulled out the secret weapon to elicit the reason for your worries.
You couldn't lie to Felix. He was too kind and bright. It was impossible to hide your feelings from him.
"The building complex I live in is going to be torn down. I have until the end of the week to get out of my apartment“, you explained quietly.
But no one heard you anyway. The song played on and off while the cameramen were busy getting good shots of Hyunjin and Changbin with the basketball.
"This sucks", I.N commented and you had to laugh bitterly.
"I’m sure we‘ll find a solution“, Felix tried to cheer you up, but you could just shake your head.
"I can't afford most of the apartments and it's impossible to find something in that short time."
The guys gave each other meaningful looks, but before Felix could answer, he was called by the director. It was time for the whole group to take group shots.
It was too funny to watch the boys trying to recreate a real game. Han was so afraid of the ball that he kept running around the others, Changbin and Chan tried to shoot at the baskets, while Lee Know and Hyunjin chased each other around the court, screaming at each other.
It took forever for them to get a few scenes halfway done, but they had so much fun doing it that they infected everyone on the staff with their good humor.
You raised your eyes as Hyunjin came up to you with his camera between scenes filming the making off.
"How do you like our godlike basketball skills?", he asked, and Han latched onto his shoulder.
You raised a thumb at the camera and said:
"You guys definitely play like professionals!"
"Why don't I believe you?", laughed Hyunjin, zooming in on Han, who posed with his legs wide for the camera:
"I'm the best player, though."
"Yeah because the rest of us are extremely bad!", Hyunjin shot back and then all you saw behind him was the basketball flying and slamming hard against Jeongin's face.
Hyunjin screamed out, who happened to have the camera right on it, and Chan was already running to the youngest, who was holding his face with both hands and wincing with pain.
Before you got past the stands, the director and the cameramen were already with him and handed him a cloth, which he pressed firmly against his nose.
But it was already too late. Blood ran down his mouth and chin and dripped onto his blue jacket.
"Who threw the ball?", asked Chan sharply, looking at stunned faces. Hyunjin had lowered the camera and Changbin slowly approached.
"That was me", Lee Know came forward, sounding concerned.
He pushed past the Director who was talking at Jeongin, but gradually the white cloth ran out.
"Sorry, Innie... Shit, I didn't mean to throw so hard."
Jeongin squinted his eyes and waved it off with one hand.
"It's okay... Never mind."
You took out more wipes from your bag and handed them to him so he could press them further against his nose.
"Stuff it up your nose until it stops!", said Chan, looking like a father tending to his small child who had fallen off the swing.
Gently, you grabbed him by the arm and said through the commotion around you:
"Come on, Innie! I'll help you clean this up."
Chan nodded curtly at you and when you saw the stressed expression on his face, you wanted to take all the heavy weight off his shoulders, that he carried around all the time.
You sat down together on one of the higher benches of the stands so that the others could continue working undisturbed. You sat down opposite him, both one leg to the left and one leg to the right of the bench.
He still had his head back and tissues stuck up his nose.
"Does it hurt a lot?", you asked cautiously, glancing down the stairs where one member of the team was already joining you.
He shook his head and his voice sounded nasal, due to the blockage in his nose:
"No. It's not that bad."
He was always like that. Just not a burden to anyone and always functioning at full speed.
The director's assistant had reached you by now and handed Jeongin more cloths and a cold pack.
"Should we call a doctor to take a look at the nosebleed?"
You were about to answer in the affirmative, but Jeongin beat you to it.
"No! There's no need for that. It's already stopped bleeding."
Pressing your lips together, you looked at him questioning, but he continued to refuse.
"Maybe the nose is broken", the assistant said, to which Jeongin again shook his head vehemently.
"Y/N can palpate me, but there's nothing broken. I can keep going!"
While the assistant tried to continue talking at him, you moved closer to Jeongin.
"May I?", you asked, and he nodded.
Then you gently ran your fingers over the bridge of his nose. As you did so, his face hovered so close to yours that you inevitably saw his gaze move to your lips and how he suddenly tensed up.
Blood still stained his chin and mouth and a few drops had also landed on his jacket.
Only because of the assistant who was present were you able to tear yourself away from his engaging eyes. Like a fox, he regarded you attentively and with so much intelligence in his expression that you trembled.
"The nose isn't broken. It all feels normal", you said quickly, pulling away before the assistant noticed that crackling energy between you.
By then, there was a call for him as well, and he finally gave up.
"I'll take care of Jeongin!", you assured him, and with that he finally gave in and disappeared.
"Thank you! Really", Jeongin said, clearly relaxing. He grabbed one of your hands and unobtrusively pulled you closer again by it.
"Let me clean your face!", you said, smiling softly and taking out a couple of makeup wipes from your bag that you always carried in case you needed it. He nodded and you began to wipe the blood from his skin with concentration and careful hand movements.
While doing so, you couldn't help but inhale his cologne. He smelled like a heady mix of fresh florals, woody lime and the first rain on a sunny day.
His charisma was more than attractive and when he was that close to you, you became restless. There was something unpredictable about him, behind the politeness, the funny weirdo and the loving nature.
It was the self-confidence that lay dormant in him that regularly blew your mind. Even though he was just a few months older than you.
Bracing yourself with a hand on his shoulder, you tried not to hurt him.
"Y/N?", you heard his soft voice ask, and you felt his heartbeat quicken under your hand.
"Huh?", you hummed busy and that's when you heard Hyunjin standing next to you again, holding the camera on you.
"Since Lee Know tried to kill our Maknae. How are you I.N?"
You looked at the camera and threw away the bloody cloths.
Jeongin raised a thumb to the camera and said:
"It's all good. It's really not as bad as it looks. And Minho's throw was also too bad to really do any damage."
"Should I try it again? Maybe next time you faint", shouted Minho then, and you smirked as you felt Jeongin's knee pressed against yours.
Hyunjin laughed and Minho looked fierce but you both could see the concern in their eyes despite everything. They were family, after all and cared for each other no matter what.
Then Hyunjin was distracted by Felix who was trying to shoot baskets with Chan and went to join them. Jeongin took the scraps of cloth out of his nose and threw it all in the trash by the stairs.
"You should cool that so it doesn't swell any more", you said, already activating the cold pack by bending it.
"Does it look that bad?", he now asked again without the nasal tone.
You shook your head quickly. Once the blood was gone, the minimal swelling on the bridge of his nose didn't seem so bad either.
"No. But we don't know what it will look like tomorrow."
He nodded and closed his eyes as you held the cold pack to the bridge of his nose. A soft hiss escaped him as the cold eased the throbbing in his head, enjoying your gentle touch.
For a while, you just sat there together, enjoying each other's presence. Jeongin could have endured for hours the way your fingers stroked his face and dabbed his nose with the cold pack.
"Does it feel good?", you asked after a while, and that's when he opened his eyes again.
"You have no idea", he murmured, relaxed, and when your eyes met, you noticed the closeness between you.
His thighs were pressed tightly against yours from the outside and you could feel his breathing on your cheek as your face was only a hand's width away from his.
An embarrassed smile flitted across your lips and immediately his eyes were fixed on it. He could just look at you and your knees went weak.
You put your other hand to his cheek to hold his face tightly because you just wanted to touch him while you continued to cool his nose. Slowly he lifted his gaze and your eyes locked together. You got all excited as he licked his lower lip and all the sounds of the shoot faded into the background.
Before you could stop him, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your mouth. It only lasted a few seconds, yet your heart jumped out of your chest and you stared wide-eyed at him before looking around to see if anyone had watched you.
He too seemed surprised himself and couldn't quite believe he had actually done that without thinking. Looking down at the crew, you breathed a little sigh of relief when you saw that everyone was busy taking videos of Changbin.
Chan and Felix were listening intently to the director and Seungmin's hair was being fixed.
Only Hyunjin looked in your direction and slowly lowered the camera.
He tried not to let notice, but gave you a warning look.
This was too much and too public.
It was just too dangerous and you knew it. It had just happened and you hoped nobody saw it.
"Sorry", he whispered, seeming a bit overwhelmed.
You had to swallow hard and nodded quickly without looking at him.
"You should take off that jacket. Maybe we can get the blood stains out by the sink", you said, hoping that if you just didn't address it, it never would have happened. Together you walked down the bleachers and asked a couple of women from the staff where the nearest sink was. They sent you straight to the hallway and there you found a sink on the wall behind the next corner.
Jeongin slipped out of his jacket and watched you try to wash out the dark stains with water. But it was quite hopeless. The blood had already sunk too deep into the fabric.
"I think that's it for the uniform", Jeongin said, taking the jacket from you to hang it over the edge of the sink.
Just in the white shirt and tie made him look like the main character in a K-drama. His hair fell into his forehead and he shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he looked at you uncertainly. All this time he'd been strangely silent and you couldn't look at him any longer without staring. He looked outrageously handsome with his sleeves rolled up under which the veins on his forearms stood out.
"I'm really sorry about earlier", he finally broke the silence, and when you did look him in the eye now, you realized he was worried about you.
"I didn't mean to attack you like that. You took such care of me and you look so beautiful, I just couldn't control myself and I..."
You had to interrupt him, not being able to stand the way he was torturing himself.
He looked at you questioningly and stepped from one foot to the other.
"I didn't think it was bad."
"You didn't?", he asked uncertainly, and you immediately wanted to kiss him to exorcise all the self-doubt. He stepped closer until your hands were against his chest and he had to look down at you.
"No. I thought it was really nice, and if there hadn't been so many people there, I would have liked to kiss you too."
A relieved laugh escaped him and he took his hands out of his pockets to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"So you want me to kiss you?", he asked softly and you had to smile at his uncertainty. He wanted to make sure you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"I want you to do so much more than just kiss me“, you replied with an ambiguous undertone and immediately his cheeks turned rosy and he stroked his fingers up your neck to your chin, where he lifted it slightly and placed his lips gently but intensely on yours.
Slowly you opened your lips and returned the kiss. As if in slow motion, he pulled you to his chest and deepened the kiss. He tasted honey-sweet and touched you with so much passion that you melted right against his chest. With your eyes closed, you felt his tongue on your bottom lip before he took it between his teeth and gently pulled on it. Burying your hands in his hair, you pulled him closer so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and set off fireworks in your head.
The kiss lasted an eternity and you never wanted to stop your tongues dancing together.
His fingers stroked down your back and he kissed you so passionately that your body automatically curved into his. His hands went under your skirt, grabbed your ass and pulled you closer to him until your upper body was pressed tightly against his.
You slid your hands under his shirt and stroked his firm stomach, that's when he broke the kiss to gasp into your mouth:
"I'm already dying to take you right now. Don't tempt me, sweetheart."
"I want you... right now", you gasped, and the sizzle between you was about to explode.
"Everyone else is in the other room", he whispered in your ear and kissed your neck.
You knew that, but you also knew how wet you were by now, just at the thought of feeling him inside you.
You took his hand and slid it between your legs. With wide eyes he looked at you, but immediately stroked your covered cunt with two fingers, feeling how soaked your panties already were.
"God... You're so wet", he gasped and began to move his fingers lightly against your core. Your parted lips and your fingers digging into his chest in the process made him completely lose his mind.
He instantly got hard and you felt his cock against your lower abdomen.
"Do you like it when I touch you like that?", he asked, pushing your panties aside to rub your clit directly, eliciting a gasp from you.
"Yes. But I want all of you!“, you whispered, while stroking his bulge over his pants and grinding your hips against his fingers.
Because of the sounds of the shoot behind the wall right next to you, you realised that someone just had to come around the corner to catch you.
"Fuck it…“, he suddenly muttered then and took your hand tightly in his. As he pulled you down the long hallway, you glanced over your shoulder in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"We're leaving. You have no idea how many naughty fantasies I had about you..."
You giggled and together you ran to the exit, like little kids who had done something wrong and tried to get away with it. You felt transported back to your school days, where you secretly made out with your crush and it evoked the most exciting feeling.
In the garage, he led you to the big car.
"Do you have the key?", you asked in wonder, and when he just opened the door, you glared at him.
"We usually leave the car open. Someone always forgets something. I know it‘s irresponsible but practical.“
He opened the sliding door and let you climb in until he too came in and pulled the door shut behind you.
"This is still pretty public", he mused aloud, but you were already shoving him into the back seat, where he had been sitting between Hyunjin and Han while you had droven here, and climbing onto his lap.
Immediately he pulled you into a kiss again. Only this time he was more impetuous and you could now feel his boner clearly pressed against your cunt. Quickly you took his tie and literally ripped open his shirt to touch each of his abs one by one.
"Take off your panties! Now!", he demanded and he didn't have to tell you twice. Hastily you slipped out of your thong and at the same time Jeongin pulled down his pants and underpants.
"I want you to ride my cock. I need your pussy so bad, jagi!“
He was impatient and directly his hard length jumped out.
"Since when did you start becoming so naughty, maknae ?" you asked teasingly, climbing back onto his lap.
"Since I tasted you."
He ran both hands under your shirt and pulled it over your head. Your bra popped out and immediately he kneaded your breasts and spread kisses on them.
When he pulled back, he looked at you with a grin as you positioned yourself above him and suddenly put his hand around your neck.
With the other, he pressed you down on his length and it felt like he was splitting you into two parts. With the tight grip around your neck, you felt him fill you completely and you couldn't help but moan out loud.
"Fuck... You're gonna crush me", he growled, continuing to guide your hips until he was completely engulfed in you. You were breathing heavily as you tried to adjust to his size and he unclasped your bra and tossed it somewhere to the front of the car.
"Move!", he said and you began to roll your hips against his. His head dropped to his neck and he moaned loudly as you took him as deep as you could. Your fingernails dug into his chest as you were able to use his length the way you wanted and after a few seconds you rode him with faster and faster movements.
He held you by the hips and every gasp and moan you could elicit from him spurred you on even more. While he helped you rock back and forth on his cock, your clit was swollen and aching, begging for more. It didn't take long for your climax to grab you and you came on his dick while moaning his name. But you did not stop. You wanted to satisfy him and you felt him already twitching inside you as you tightened around him.
"God. I'm gonna cum soon, if you continue to take my cock so fucking good", he moaned and kissed your neck and even bit into it lightly, making you gasp his name.
"Come inside me! Fill me up, Innie! Please!"
Your words brought him over the edge and you felt him come and empty deep inside you with a choked gasp. You slowed down and sunk down on his cock.
"Should we stop?", you asked, breathing heavily, while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. In reply buckled his hips into you and began to push you up and down by your hips on his still hard dick.
Your clit was ridiculously sensitive from the first orgasm and you were not sure if you could handle a second one right now.
"Come around my cock again, sweetheart! Then I'm going to fuck you, like you deserve it."
His words turned you on again and you started bouncing on his throbbing cock again. You rolled your hips against his and you could tell Jeongin was holding back from bucking up into you, giving into his greedy desires.
"Shit, you're still so tight", he moaned, staring up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate on not cumming again. You knew that anyone could hear you, even through the doors of the bus, but you were just too drunk on his dick that you could care right now.
Your hands were tightly pressed to his chest, while you worked yourself to your next orgasm, which was already making your whole body tingle.
He didn't meet your gaze, instead, he watched the way his cock disappeared into your stretched hole, admiring the way your juices looked on his member.
"I love hearing you moan like this, angel", he said and guided your hips as you began to lose control due to the high that gripped you for the second time, flooding your entire body with heat. He wasted no time and while you were still working out your orgasm, he started thrusting into your cunt.
"You feel even better than the hyungs had described."
You probably would have blushed at the fact that the boys were talking about you like that, but the youngest of them was penetrating your sore pussy too much for that.
"Innie, oh god... please", you moaned and his gaze finally met yours.
"You like that? Being fucked like this?"
You might've been on top, but you were completely at his mercy by now. You were under his spell since the day you met him, hypnotized by him and his charming smile. He was tantalising you with his dark obsidian eyes. You lived for the lust-driven look in his face and his sweet groans. You bent down and cupped his face, hungrily kissing him. You kissed frantic and heated, desperate to taste each other. He licked his lips as he watched your breasts bounce with every thrust of his hips.
The filthy squelching sounds of him fucking his cum back into you filled the car and he removed his hands from your hips to reach up to cup your breasts, taking one in each hand, squeezing them.
You completely lost the sense of time, but couldn't stop urging each other to the next high. At any moment the shooting could be over and they could come back to the car.
His cock prodded against your cervix. You wondered who taught the boys how to fuck like this. Each of them fucked you in their own way and all of them were gods in this area.
Especially now you were totally addicted to the way Jeongin fucked you.
But finally you were overwhelmed by an orgasm that made you tremble. Your insides seemed to boil and as you tightened around his dick, he also came with a painful grip on your breasts.
Overwhelmed, you worked your highs out for as long as you could before you sank against his chest, breathing heavily. He ran his hand through your hair and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
"Was that good?"
You laughed lightly, with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, still dazed stroking his neck.
"That was amazing, Innie."
He breathed a sigh of relief and stroked your back until your breathing calmed down.
"Move in with us!"
You looked at him questioningly, and he knew he didn't have the right or the power to decide that, but he wanted to. You were worth it.
"We have a spare room in the new apartment. Right now it's just for storage, but you could have it."
"JYP wouldn't allow that."
"Why not? Before it takes you hours to get to work because your apartment is far away, it would be a solution. Besides, it would make our job extremely easier."
You couldn't say anything more in response, as the two of you heard muffled voices from outside, peering through the darkened windows.
"Shit! They're coming back!"
Quickly you jumped off his lap and slipped into your underpants and skirt. You felt the mixture of your juices and his cum making a mess in your panties, but you had no choice. You couldn't find your bra, and yet you saw that Chan and Seungmin had almost reached the bus.
Jeongin had already pulled his pants back up and was buttoning his shirt.
There was no more time, so you put on your shirt without a bra and just dropped into the seat next to Jeongin when the sliding door opened.
Chan poked his head in first and when he spotted you, he turned to the others.
"They're here! I told you they went ahead."
One by one, everyone got in and sat down. The driver wasn't here yet, so they looked at you curiously. Jeongin's hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed. You probably didn't look any better.
"Where were you guys?", asked Lee Know, turning around in his seat to face you.
"Y/N was helping me with that bloody nose you gave me!", he said and Lee Know raised his hands defensively.
"Hey I already apologized!"
"We tried to save the jacket, but it was for nothing", you tried to explain your absence, but it was obvious that no one believed you.
Han had his hands clasped under his chin and was looking at you with a knowing grin, and it would only be seconds before he would say something dumb.
"You certainly had to comfort him", Changbin said then with a laugh, and Jeongin immediately stared at his shoes in embarrassment.
Then Seungmin suddenly bent down and pulled something out from under his seat. Startled, you stared at your red lace bra in his hand, which he now held up.
"Did any of you lose this? Because it's not mine."
"I usually wear black lace underwear", Chan replied, clearly enjoying the whole thing. Quickly, you jumped up and snatched your bra from Seungmin's hands.
Just in time, as the driver boarded and announced the start.
With your head burning, you stuffed the bra into your pocket, feeling the entertained looks of the others on Jeongin and you. On the way back, they continued to tease you for quite a while, but that's when Jeongin started:
"What if Y/N moves in with us?"
Immediately there was confused silence. So you explained your situation to them and that's when Chan said:
"We could ask. Maybe that's really a good idea."
"Would you really want to live with us?", Felix asked over the others and now they all looked at you attentively.
Briefly you looked down at your hands and then answered:
"I think so. Yes. It would make my job a lot easier if I didn't always have to go back and forth between the dorm, work, and my apartment. Plus, I think it could be fun."
"Don't get too excited. Living with 3Racha is like living with three wild animals", Hyunjin said, making you smile and took a punch in the side from Changbin.
Back at JYP Entertainment, you were up to your neck in work, but the idea of living with Stray Kids solidified in your thoughts and you kind of liked the idea.
->Part 12
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
Taglist (closed):
@poisonivy21 @elizalabs3 @chartrucewhore @smutlemononeshot @hgema @bookwyrm28 @gemini-demon @jeongchaos @jihanlovic @comingupwithacoolnameishard @marked-unknown @yuhjoeyuh @bakedlilgoonie @itstorimf @toomuchtellyneck @ana-stasssiaaa @galaxypox @n034sy @amara-mars @purple-belle @amararosesblog @tori719 @rindomo @freakinthesheets-excelexcel @niaalove @crazyllamasurfer @luunaruwu @jenseok17 @mariegalea @kimseungminsprincess @julciaqwerty @officialshania @whore4stucky9104 @foxinnie8 @i-dont-know-me-either @sirenthalia @uno7 @jeonnginns @mixling-blog @httpsmultifandom @hyunlixwife @eastleighsblog @tzalethhwang @queenofdragons12  @fixation-dump @midsoulz @emmxxsworld @scarletrosesposts @sugahannie @jinniespuppy
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zombholic · 7 months
MY KIND OF LOVE — abby anderson
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summary — illegal boxing was never on your bucket list until your friend brought you to one.
description — poc fem!reader, illegal boxer!abby, reader has tattoos and a couple of piercings, mentions of drug usage, bidding, sexual themes, not for minors.
chapters — two, three, four, pending.
— 🥊   ◦ ✺   🚩  ⟢ —
“Jesse, I really don’t wanna see your ass get rocked by some she-hulk.” You were wiping down the bar as it was starting to close up, your annoying but dear friend for many years was indeed begging you to go to one of his also many illegal boxing matches.
“No Y/nn, listen if you go with me I swear I will fix your car for free, please I just want someone to go with me.” He clasped his hands together under his chin begging you.
“Fine, only because you’re fixing my car for free.” Rolling your eyes at the boy man.
“I’ll pick you up at 10.” He shoots you a wink before heading out the bar doors.
Sliding your arms into your sweater you turned the light off on the open sign and locked the doors, quickly getting into your tiny vehicle to speed back to your even tinier apartment.
You were quick to freshen up, only wearing basketball shorts and a black wife pleaser that showed off your tattoo pieces. You slipped on your worn out black converse and left your natural, it was an underground boxing match there was no need to dress up so you quickly shot Jesse a text that you’re ready.
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Jesse was there in ten minutes, you guys reached a very strange looking building but he had assured you it was quote on quote safe.
He took you into a supposed locker room, and started wrapping his hands in a white wrap. He was shirtless with a pair of blue shorts, Jesse wasn’t ugly of course he was very attractive and if you weren’t a raging lesbian you probably wouldn’t had sex with him already.
“I wont lie, Abby scares me with the way she fights.” Jesse admitted as he started air boxing you.
“I would be scared her too— stop you’re fucking annoying.” You slapped his fists away.
“How much is the bidding anyways?” You both started walking over to the arena, it was small with quite a handful of people that looked like they would watch illegal boxing.
The ring was used and looked very unsanitary but you stood over the edge of the bars watching Jesse enter them, rubbing his shoulders trying your best to hype him up but deep down you knew he was going to get his shit rocked.
“I think it was around two grand.” He took a chug of his water.
The arena grew louder, Abby’s name being chanted as you watched her jog down to the ring. Her hair in tight dutch braids, you could see the bandage wrapped around her chest that poked out of her white fitted tank top, her red shorts showing off her toned thighs that could actually crush you to death.
“I am not bidding on you.” You gave him a worrisome glance before jumping down and taking your place in front of some people.
“Now who’s ready to see our boy Jesse get his ass demolished by the one and only Abby Anderson!” You swore you saw this episode on spongebob and knew it was not going to end well.
“Start bidding motherfuckers! Money goes in the bucket!” A guy and a girl running around collecting money from the crowd, the howls and roars from them only getting louder.
This was not your environment.
You watched at they placed in their mouth guards, Abby slowly walking around Jesse like she was ready to rip his jugular out. She was first to hit him with a punch straight to his cheek, the blood already spewing out his mouth.
Wincing at the sight you couldn’t look away, he begged you to come here to watch his get obliterated by this woman who literally beats men for a living.
Jesse threw an uppercut under her chin she was quick to wipe the blood off her lips, her expression was deadpanned. She threw a couple more hits to his stomach, nose and his head. You watched your friend collapse to the floor his face screamed in excruciating agony.
The round was called out since he was on the floor, you ran over to him crawling under the rubber like bars making your way to him trying not to touch the blood or else you would pass out too. Grabbing his face you pushed his hair away from him seeing the bruises forming on his stupid face.
“Need your girlfriend to revive your bitchass?” Her mocking voice spoke behind you.
“I’m not his girlfriend Ms. She-Hulk, and fuck off you won stop being a bitch.” You turned your head to shoot her a glaring look.
She shot her hands up in defense, her tongue poking her cheek with the cockiest smirk plastered across her bloodied face. “Don’t start with me girl.”
“Or what?” You stood up crossing your arms over your chest as you shot deathly rays into Abby’s face.
“I wouldn’t even have to prove anything.” She twirled your hair around her finger.
You were quick to push her shoulders back, the audacity she had to touch you was beyond comprehension. She barely budged, her build so broad and strong it was a joke to have even pushed her.
I guess your joke of a statement ticked her off, she was quick to pushback on you but harder causing you to fall back on your ass.
“I could do much worse than push you on your fucking ass little girl.” All you could do was look away the crowd was quick to chatter and mumble about the situation.
— 🥊   ◦ ✺   🚩  ⟢ —
authors note — i swear guys the other parts will be better I PROMISE this is the best i could do for someone who doesn’t know shit about boxing. ask to be on the tag list!!
tag list — @atomicami @whore4abby @doepretty
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
A snippet from the Star Wars AU:
Cellbit, first off, doesn't even know what the Force is. It's an abstract concept, like childhood. Or peace. Or the moons.
Cellbit's home planet of Favela had five moons. By the time he was launched across the galaxy into the war, Favela was down to three.
Now, as Cellbit slits yet another throat under the too-warm Favela sun, there is only one moon left, and it's set to be demolished by the Empire in a week's time.
Grimacing at the smell, Cellbit powers off his knife and tucks it away. He drops the corpse unceremoniously, wrinkling his nose at the way its fingers limply cling to the front of his jacket. He brushes them off; gross.
The job was supposed to be a simple one: meet up with Forever and drop off a ROM for him to deliver to the Resistance he definitely isn't part of. From there, Cellbit would pick up Richarlyson and get him off-planet just in case the Empire's laser causes more destruction than anticipated.
But, well, news travels fast, especially when it comes to Cellbit. Because everybody on Favela's heard all about the young Jedi apprentice who went to war a child and came home a Sith Lord, and Cellbit really doesn't know how to tell them that he's never even held a lightsaber. Honestly, he doesn't know how the rumor started, but it's fucking annoying because he can't so much as breathe in his home planet's direction without getting a laser rifle pointed at his face.
Cellbit picks up the dead man's rifle off the ground and slings it over his shoulder. It's empty, but Forever's a bit of a collector; if he doesn't want it, his "friend" The Demon will.
There's a rustle from behind a nearby building. At the same time, Cellbit's comm rings.
A simple man, Cellbit opens the call in his earpiece.
"Gatinho!" he hears, and he smiles despite the gun starting to peek its way into the street aimed towards him.
Cellbit pulls his knife back out and powers it back on. It hums in his hand. His fingers start to tingle; he needs to get Mike to reseal the handle again, the laser's starting to leak through.
"Guapito," he cheerfully responds, "how are you?"
"Fine, fine, I just had a question about the flowers."
The flowers, right. For the wedding.
In two months, Cellbit is going to get married to the love of his life. He and Roier already have the venue booked, and now they're working on the rest of it. Cellbit has a suit fitting booked for a week from now, and Roier supposedly already has his picked out.
The color scheme is red and white. That being said...
"What about amaranths?" Cellbit suggests.
He ducks just as the rifle fires. Its bullet singes his hair, fucking asshole.
Scowling, Cellbit charges the bastard and swings at them with his knife. They just barely dodge out of the way. The knife cuts through their pristine white helmet, revealing a scarred smile and blank, empty eyes.
"I mean, yeah, obviously," Roier scoffs. "But what else? Roses, maybe?"
The soldier butts the end of their rifle into Cellbit's stomach and pushes him away, and then they pull their rifle back and level it at his face and they pull the trigger and-
"I don't know, aren't those kind of cliche?" Cellbit asks, tumbling to the side and just narrowly avoiding a laser to the face. He falls into a roll and ducks behind a wall. "Like, they're fine, but I think your dad would kill me if we went with something cheap."
"Roses aren't fucking cheap, man. In this economy?"
Cellbit lets out a labored breath, and it's just a bit too loud because Roier goes deathly quiet on his end of the line.
"Fine," Cellbit pants. "Roses are fine. I said they were fine."
Another volley of bullets pepper the wall behind him. A few go right through the wall and mark the building opposite with smoking black dots.
A beep from the comm marks the end of the call. Fuck.
Cellbit adjusts his grip on his knife.
"You know," he calls, hoping the Empire soldier can hear him, "you're going to want me to kill you now."
No response. Figures. It's kind of hard to speak when you were born without a mouth.
One more round of gunfire, and now they need to reload their gun and-
Cellbit leaps out from behind the wall with an animalistic snarl, pouncing upon the soldier and knocking them to the ground. They twist in his grasp, kicking and punching with the hand not holding their rifle.
He presses his knife to their throat, and they freeze.
"You know who I am," he says. "Nod for 'yes'."
The soldier nods. Good. So they can hear.
"You're one of Cucurucho's," Cellbit says. It isn't a question; he could recognize one of Cucurucho's personalized clones from a light-year away.
Another nod, this one more frantic.
"Is Cucurucho on-planet?"
A shake of the head.
"Did Cucurucho send you?"
Cellbit presses the knife in enough for it to start cutting through the soldier's armor, melting it. No response. Seems they've accepted their fate, then.
There's no higher honor for a soldier than to die in the heat of battle. Cellbit may not respect the Empire worth a damn, but he respects the art of war enough to let a soldier die the way the universe intended.
Cellbit drags his knife across the soldier's throat and watches the little life left behind drain out of their eyes. Once they're dead, he stands, and he pulls out his comm to call his fiancé back, his back turned to the dead soldier.
Roier doesn't pick up, but-
Cellbit gasps a scream as a laser shoots through his shoulder. Instinctively, he drops his knife to clutch at his arm, spinning around to face the soldier he had just killed with wide confused eyes, what the fuck?
"You're dead," he tells them. This is new. "You're- hold on."
Entirely disregarding the rifle pointed at his chest, Cellbit struggles to pull out his camera from off of his belt. He could use this! Maybe it's just a fluke, but maybe Cucurucho finally-
"Get away from my husband, you piece of shit!"
Cellbit looks up just in time to watch a red beam of light stab right through the soldier's chest. Over their shoulder, he can see the messy, annoyed face of his very handsome fiancé, who was supposed to stay on the ship to finish getting it ready for Richarlyson.
Roier pulls his lightsaber out and spins it once in his hand before powering it off and tucking it away. He spits on the soldier's corpse as it falls, and then he kicks it for good measure. His eyes almost seem to glow gold for a moment, for just a second, but then he looks up at Cellbit and his face melts into a smile.
"Gatinho!" he cheers.
He jumps over the body and tackles Cellbit in a hug, picking him up and spinning him in a circle before setting him back down and proceeding to lightly smack the back Cellbit's head with a frown.
"You said you would be fine on your own," he pouts.
"I was fine!" Cellbit protests. But he can't hide the wince as Roier's hand brushes against his shoulder, and he can't hide the scent of burning flesh.
"Uh-huh," Roier flatly says.
Cellbit rolls his eyes and shrugs his way out of his fiancé's hold. He bends down to pick his knife up and frowns at the new dent in its handle. Mike's gonna kill him...
"I guess you'll just need me to protect you from now on," Roier sighs.
"My knife..." Cellbit whines. He looks down at it sadly.
"Fuck your knife, it couldn't even kill that guy!"
"It tried its best!"
"Just get a new knife. That way you won't get shot like an idiot the next time you go out on a job by yourself."
Roier grumbles and swoops Cellbit into another hug, this time not letting go as Cellbit squirms in his arms. He mutters loving insults into Cellbit's hair and pinches his ear once before letting go and taking his hand, allowing Cellbit to put his poor dented knife away.
It's only then in that moment of quiet that Cellbit realizes something.
He looks down at Roier with a wide grin. "You called me your husband."
Roier's cheeks redden just slightly. Just slightly, barely noticeable under the red Favela sun.
"I was just practicing, you know?" he says. "For later."
Cellbit's heart skips a beat. He can't help it. He kisses Roier, and he laughs into Roier's mouth as Roier starts swearing at him about PDA and not kissing in front of dead bodies.
"I love you," Cellbit whispers.
Roier pulls his face free from Cellbit's and puts his lips next to Cellbit's ear: "I know."
And that's all Cellbit needs to know.
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nexo-cuffs88 · 8 months
Northwestern University Part 1
A story for @wishmaster
It's another boring day for you at your office job. You had once attended and graduated from Northwestern University, you had always been the type to focus on studying rather than sports. Why not, everyone has different talents, some are more intelligent and some are more athletic. You were given intelligence and what did it do for you? A boring office job.
While you're working, you overhear a new colleague at the company talking to someone about Northwestern University, your school. He says:
?: "Hey, have you heard that the university is going to be demolished, my father graduated there and he said it was still relatively new when he left and that was over 20 years ago. It was also recently modernized."
You pick it up and think about the time again yourself, it's been 23 years since then, you're now 45 and it seems strange to you too. The university had really been in great shape when you left. You don't know how she had changed in the years after you graduated. You realize that in all your years you have never gone to school and looked at it. You actually didn't notice anything about the renovation work, either.
?: "My father would like to go there one last time in the near future before it is finally torn down, for the sake of old times and all. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much time left for that, the demolition work is supposed to start next month."
This gives you an idea, you could actually visit the university one last time after work this evening. It was an important part of your life and now you can't leave it without a degree.
Your working day is over, it's already late and it's getting dark outside, but you still decide to go to university. You get in your car and drive to university. Once there, the sun has quickly set and the university can hardly be seen anymore. But what you notice is that a huge fence has been built around the site.
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There are signs hanging there that say: “No entry allowed. Buildings in danger of collapsing.” You think to yourself that you can’t just ignore the warnings about what if someone catches you. However, you also think about the fact that nothing happening in your life and it could be something exciting. Finally you decide to enter the area. You look around and make sure no one is around. You go to the gate and push it open. The gate isn't locked but you don't care. You walk across the grounds and see the courtyard, the school team's football field and also some of the buildings that used to be classrooms, living rooms and cafeterias. Some memories come flooding back about how much you loved watching sports teams, even if you never had the chance to play. You walk across the area and at some point you see a door to a building with a light on, it seems strange to you since the electricity should actually be turned off. Out of curiosity, you approach and finally open the door. When you did that, you just heard a crack above you and you just saw a piece of wall falling on you. Your eyes go black.
?: "Hey, are you okay?"
You open your eyes and look around frantically. You are in the hallway of a school, you see lockers, students and a person standing in front of you. It's a young handsome wrestler, he stands in front of you in full gear, with his tight singlet, his headhear and wrestling shoes. He holds out his hand to you.
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?: "Come on, take it, I want to help you, bro!"
It's not easy for you not to look at the bulge in his singlet, but you do your best and take his hand. He pulls you up. You ask:
Jon: "What happened, where am I?"
He looks at you confused:
?: "You just tripped, you're in Northwestern University. Are you okay? Normally you don't forget your school after you trip."
Jon: "Yes, it's okay, I just need to compose myself for a moment. Why are you wearing that?"
?: "Okay, is everything really okay? Funny that someone like you ask that. I just came from training and didn't have time to change since, I was just helping you, buddy. Good so you don't forget. Hi, I'm Cameron, but everyone calls me Nexo, I'm the captain of the wrestling team, I wanted to recruit you for the team but you did something different. I don't share your decision, but I don't have anything against it either. Whatever it is. I gotta go, a captain should be with his team."
He turns around and leaves, you look at his ass, which is highlighted by his singlet, he looks so hot. But you immediately organize your thoughts again. If you aren't injured, at least a stone fell on you. And Northwestern? Your old school? You're at university even though you were standing at the construction site just a few seconds ago. Are you somehow lost in time or are you in a coma? Questions you can't answer and what did he mean by your decision and "someone like you"? You decide to go to the bathroom first, some water will definitely help you. You go into the bathroom, open the tap and wash your face. You look in the mirror and you're shocked at what you see.
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You look into a face you don't know. It is the face of a young man with brown hair and beautiful eyes. You notice that you have headphones on and are wearing jogging clothes. You take your shirt off and now look at a muscular body, you have a muscular chest, great arms and a tattoo on your chest. You also notice your big ass and that you have a boner in your pants, you're not sure if it's from Nexo's ass or the sight of you.
The doorbell rang and you quickly take your shirt again. You look at your phone and want to find out where you have class now. You realize that it's history now. You also realize that it can never be time travel. You didn't have cell phones like this before and it feels too real, diffrent them a coma. But now you don't have time to think about it, you have to go to class. You quickly walk to the room that was on your phone. When you get there, you sit down and a person comes to you.
Alex: "Hey, Jon. I thought you weren't coming today, I didn't find you this morning. What was wrong?"
Jon: "Sorry, I'm off track right now, why am I so important?"
Alex: "Are you kidding? Today is training, we have to be ready for our game."
Jon: "What game?"
Alex: "Really? The football game against the Hawks. Have you forgotten that?"
Jon: "Of course not, sorry."
The bell rings and everyone goes to their places. Alex also leaves, you only see his ass which looks great in his football pants and you feel something moving in your pants again. Apparently the athletes here like to wear their sports uniforms to class.
Jon: *So football? But how can it be? It's all so real and now I'm a young jock doing the sport I've always wanted to do. What happened?*
Class begins and you continue to think about everything. Maybe you'll learn something during training.
Sequel follows...
PS: It's a little longer than expected, the second part is coming soon.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Note: I had a few requests for a Modern!Sihtric x roommate (f) fic. so here it is!
Warnings: little suggestive, mainly fluff!
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: You were desperately looking for a place to rent, but couldn't afford anything on your own. Your friend Uhtred said that his friend, Finan, recently moved in with his girlfriend and now his other friend, Sihtric, lived alone and was in need of a new roommate.
Word count: 3,8k 
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'It's a single bed for a single person, lady.'
You told Uhtred you would gladly move in with whoever Sihtric was, you just needed a place to live before your apartment building would be demolished, which was in a few weeks. Uhtred had given you his friend's number and you've been texting a little, going over some basic house rules. Once you agreed with everything, Sihtric said you could move in whenever you were ready, and you told him as soon as possible. 
So there you were, on a cold, early spring afternoon, sitting on your suitcase with a box in your lap. Waiting in front of the apartment building this Sihtric guy supposedly lived in. You were a little earlier than scheduled and it seemed he wasn't home yet. 
You watched the people on the street pass by and your eye caught a stunning man across the street, who was talking on the phone. You couldn't keep your eyes off the stranger, who's hair was braided with the sides shaved; showing off a Danish knot tattoo on his neck, which went up to above his ear. He was wearing a dark hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, so you could see his veiny arms, and he wore dark sweatpants, accompanied by black leather boots with the laces untied. He must have been the hottest guy you had ever seen and you felt yourself heat up, despite the cold. Your temperature rose even higher when the handsome man crossed the street and seemed to walk in your direction. You accidentally made eye contact and you immediately looked away. There was no way he was coming over at you. Absolutely none. But from the corner of your eye you noticed he actually was closing in on you.
Oh shit.
'Hey,' the guy smiled, who was even hotter up close, 'you're (y/n) right?'
You looked up at him, speechless, because you noticed his mismatched eyes.
'You look just like your picture,' he chuckled when he noticed you were startled, 'the one you use on the texting app I mean. I'm Sihtric.'
Sihtric smiled friendly and held his hand out to you.
'Oh,' you blurted out and shook his hand, 'S-Sihtric?'
'That's me. I don't look like my picture?' he grinned.
'N-no, you didn't have a picture,' you swallowed hard.
'I don't? Huh,' he scoffed, 'hope it's not a jumpscare for you then,' he winked and pointed at your suitcase, 'need some help with that?'
'No… yes,' you stammered.
'Which one is it, lady?' Sihtric smiled.
'B-both?' you panicked and quickly hid your face behind your box as you got up. Sihtric laughed softly and picked up your heavy suitcase, with ease.
'Alright, come in,' he said, holding the door for you, 'the left elevator goes up to our floor, which is the top floor.'
You got in the rather small elevator, standing awfully close to the madly handsome man who you were about to move in with. You felt Sihtric was looking at you and you kept your eyes fixated on the box in your arms. He was so good looking, he had to have a partner, so you already told yourself to not lure yourself into a made up romance inside your head.
'Excuse my bluntness,' Sihtric suddenly woke you from your thoughts, 'but are you single? It's none of my business, but, eh, you know… the walls inside the apartment are kinda… thin,' he grimaced, 'that's why my previous roommate moved out. Thank the gods.'
'Oh,' you chuckled with big eyes, 'eh, n-no, I mean… yes, I'm single. So… I… you won't be kept up at night.' You smiled and cleared your throat awkwardly.
'Okay, good,' Sihtric smiled, 'I'm single too, so… won't be keeping you up either.'
Oh for fuck sakes, of course he's single. 
You gave him a quick smile as you tried to not break out in a coughing fit. Your mouth was drier than the Sahara desert at noon and you nearly tripped out of the elevator in your haste attempt to get out as soon as the doors opened.
'Down the hall,' Sihtric said, 'number ninety five. Here,' he handed you his keys before he picked your suitcase up. 
You saw small, black lines tattooed on his fingers, and you wondered what it felt like if all those lines disappeared inside your wet p-
'Oops,' Sihtric laughed after he accidentally slammed your suitcase into the wall, breaking off a wheel, which woke you up from your thoughts again. 
'Sorry, lady,' he grinned, 'I'll buy you a new one.' 
He winked at you, and you wished he would slam you against a wall to be honest.
'So, if you have any questions, my door is right there,' Sihtric smiled after he had given you a tour of the apartment.
It was rather spacious. You each had your own bedroom, located next to each other, and the rest was just a shared space. Sihtric said there was no pressure to spend time together, if you wished to stay in your room all night or just listen to some music with headphones on the couch, that was totally fine. 
You felt rather at ease with him and you liked the place, but you could definitely tell a single dude lived there. When Sihtric went to take a shower, you started cleaning up the messy kitchen before you opened the fridge, and grimaced at how empty it was. Barely any food, but more than enough beer. Apparently Sihtric was a takeaway guy, but you were having none of that. 
You rolled your eyes and took whatever food you could find and you ended up being able to make a decent oven dish, which you just put in the oven as Sihtric walked back into the living room. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him walking over in just some sweatpants, his wet hair loose and a towel thrown over his broad shoulder. The man was fit as hell, and he knew it.
'You're using the oven?' he frowned, 'wait… did you clean the kitchen?'
'Yes and… yes,' you smiled sheepishly.
'Damn,' Sihtric chuckled and leaned on the dinner table, 'that's really sweet. But I hope you don't feel pressured-'
'No, absolutely not,' you smiled, 'I just… couldn't stand the sight of it.'
'That is fair,' he smiled and looked at you, licking his lips as he tilted his head slightly.
You felt flustered and tried to look away, which Sihtric thought was cute. 
You ended up having dinner together and you found out Sihtric was very funny, witty, liked to ramble and had some amusing stories about getting into bar fights when he was younger, which is how he earned a few scars. 
Sihtric thought you were really sweet, also very funny and sharp, and he liked your dark sense of humour. He helped you clean the dishes and thanked you for dinner, promising you he'd cook tomorrow. After that, you went to your room to unpack the little belongings you had, while Sihtric went to the gym.
The next few days went by fast. You and Sihtric both worked during the day and came home every time around the same time. You had dinner together every day, taking turns with cooking, and you genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Every evening, between seven and ten, Sihtric went to the gym. And each night he came back home, you were more or less asleep already, so he tried his best to be quiet. But you learned he was quite clumsy, so you often woke up anyway. 
But today was Saturday, and on the weekend Sihtric didn't work out, so it was the first time you really spent a night "together" after you had dinner together, but you didn't want to bother him so you retreated to your room.
'Hey,' Sihtric knocked at your open door after a few hours, 'do you…maybe… want to watch a movie or something?'
'Uh,' you glanced at the time, 'yeah, sure.'
'Cool,' Sihtric smiled and walked to the couch, where you joined him a few minutes later.
You both didn't know what to watch and scrolled through Netflix for nearly an hour. You started to bicker, teasingly, and you couldn't help noticing the way Sihtric glanced at you every time you made a snarky remark to which he had no come back. His gaze and his sly smile made you weak inside, but you tried to fight it. In fact, you had been ignoring the butterflies the whole week already whenever he was close to you.
After a while of arguing over movies, you pressed the 'surprise me' option on Netflix, which turned out to be a mistake, as you ended up watching some Asian horror movie that scared the crap out of you both. To make it worse, Sihtric had switched off most of the lights in the apartment. You were also both stubborn, and as neither of you wanted to be the bigger wuss by switching off the movie, you sat through the two hour long scare and gore fest. And without noticing it, you gradually moved closer to each other as the movie progressed, until your shoulders touched.
'Oh, jesus!' you screamed at yet another jumpscare and buried your face in a pillow.
Sihtric laughed, which is what he does when he is nervous, but he wouldn't admit that to you. And pretending to be absolutely fearless and "a tough guy", he wrapped his arm around your shoulder with a smirk, pulling you snug against him. You looked up at him, surprised, and he smiled while he winked, which gave you that butterfly feeling again.
'Hey!' you heard a loud thump on the wall next to your bed, 'stop tossing and turning! I'm trying to sleep!' Sihtric yelled from his room, tauntingly.
'How the… is your bed next to the same wall as mine?!' you called back in the dark.
'Yes!' Sihtric said, 'so go to sleep, lady!'
'I can't… I…. I'm scared,' you admitted.
'What?' Sihtric laughed, 'why? The movie?'
Sihtric laughed out loud. He thought you were adorable.
'Do I need to check under your bed, little girl?' he mocked, 'or check the closet?'
'Shut up!' you groaned with a smile. You switched on your light and put on a shirt.
'Hey!' Sihtric yelled, seeing your light was on as his door was slightly open, like yours, 'lights out after 10, lady!' He could barely say it without laughing.
'Oh, shut up, Sihtric,' you chuckled and got out of bed.
'Where are you going?' he could tell you opened your door further by the amount of light he saw.
'Kitchen. I'm going to get a drink, can't sleep anyway.'
You turned all the lights on before switching off your bedroom light. You grabbed some juice in the kitchen and it didn't take long before Sihtric walked out of his room. Shirtless, with messy hair, sleepy eyes and only wearing his boxers, which made you weak in the knees. He thought you were kidding about the whole too scared to sleep thing, but you weren't.
'Hey,' Sihtric said sweetly as he came closer, 'you okay?'
'Yeah,' you chuckled, 'just spooked. I'm not good with horror movies.'
'Why didn't you just say so?' Sihtric looked down in your eyes.
'Didn't want you to know what big of a wuss I am,' you mumbled.
'And now you're terrified,' Sihtric chuckled, 'you only fooled yourself here. And I'll admit, that movie was rough,' he grimaced.
'Right? What the hell was that even…' you both laughed and you finished your drink, not minding Sihtric was standing so close to you right now, that you could feel his body heat.
'Will you be okay to sleep?' 
'Probably not,' you shrugged with a smile, about to walk back to your room.
'Want to sleep in my room?' he suddenly asked.
'What?' you asked, 'no, I mean…' you thought about the movie again, 'well… m-maybe.'
Sihtric smiled softly and took your hand. Without saying another word he gently guided you to his room, into his warm, single person bed. His room was pleasantly tidy, which took you by surprise after the messy kitchen earlier that week. 
You felt nervous as you pulled his soft sheets over your bare legs while Sihtric joined in bed, climbing over you so he would not squish you against the wall at night. As his bed was not made for two people, he also didn't want to accidentally push you out. So without another word, he pulled your back firmly against his muscular chest, and snuck his strong arm around your waist, holding you tight as your bodies were pressed together under the sheets.
'Comfortable?' he whispered in your ear, making you feel lightheaded.
'Mhm,' you hummed with a shy smile.
'Good,' he smiled, and brought his free hand up to switch off the light, but before he did, he pecked your cheek, 'sweet dreams.'
'Sweet dreams,' you giggled softly.
It still took you a while to fall asleep. Not because you were still scared, but because your head was spinning. You felt Sihtric's warm breath tickling your neck while he slowly caressed your waist with his thumb as he had his arm around you. And those butterflies in your stomach went absolutely insane.
Sunday morning came and you woke up in Sihtric's bed, alone.
He had closed the door after he had snuck out of bed, and you heard the tv softly from the living room. You allowed yourself to wake up fully and got out of his bed.
'Good morning,' you said as you passed Sihtric, who was watching tv.
'Good morning,' he smiled.
You joined him on the couch with your cup of tea and both didn't mention the other night at all. You eventually went your separate ways, doing your own thing during the day, and you joined each other again in the evening for dinner. During dinner, the previous night was also never brought up, as if it never happened. 
You both went to bed around the same time, as usual before working days, sleeping in your own beds. But you both left your door open a little further this time.
You were again tossing and turning in bed. But this time not because you were scared by a movie, but because you couldn't get the feeling of sleeping in Sihtric's arms out of your head.
Sihtric also had a hard time falling asleep, as his head was filled with the same thoughts.
'Are you awake?' Sihtric suddenly called out.
You giggled softly but didn't reply.
'I hear you tossing and turning, lady,' Sihtric said, and you could hear he was smiling too.
'And what about it?' you asked.
'Nothing,' he chuckled, 'not scared anymore?'
'Not really,' you smiled and bit down on your lip at the thought of last night.
'Good,' Sihtric said, smiling too, but a little disappointed you didn't take the bait. He would've gladly invited you in his bed again, just to cuddle. 
He cleared his throat. 'Truth or dare?' he suddenly asked.
'Truth or dare?'
'Are you serious?' you snorted.
'Absolutely. Truth or dare, lady?'
'God,' you laughed, 'hmm, truth.'
'Truth,' Sihtric repeated and went quiet for a moment, 'do you like living here?'
'I do,' you said truthfully, 'it's a nice apartment, and you're easy going and fun to live with.'
'Thanks,' he chuckled, and he was happy you didn't see his flustered face.
'Truth or dare?' you asked.
You thought for a moment and then asked, 'were you in contact with other potential roommates?'
'I was,' he confessed.
'Why did you pick me?'
'Hey,' Sihtric smiled, 'only one question at a time!'
'Damnit,' you muttered, knowing he was right.
'Truth or dare?'
'Dare,' you said bravely.
'Dare?' he laughed, 'hmm… I dare you to watch another scary movie tomorrow.'
'That's not fair!' you giggled, 'you know I don't like those.'
'That's why I dare you,' he grinned, alone, in the dark.
'Why, so I'll sleep in your bed again?' you retorted.
'No, you can't ask that. You didn't ask me truth or dare.'
'Fine, truth or dare?'
'Dare,' Sihtric yelled, knowing your truth question already.
'Goddamnit!' you laughed, 'I'm done playing this stupid game.'
You bickered over the silly truth or dare game until you both fell asleep, in your own beds, with a smile on your faces.
'So which movie will it be?' Sihtric grinned the next evening.
You grimaced at the horror movie options on the tv, 'Eh…none?'
'No, you can't do that.'
'Why not?' you laughed, 'what happens if I don't complete the dare?'
Sihtric blinked at you, no thoughts, head empty. 'I actually don't know,' he said, to which you both laughed.
'Well, google it!'
'Fine,' Sihtric smiled. 
'Okay,' he said after a short moment, 'it says that if the player refuses to answer the question or do the dare, they have to complete a forfeit.'
'A forfeit?' you laughed, 'and what would that be?'
'I'll have to think about that,' he grinned.
You got up to get a drink. 'Fine,' you chuckled, 'I don't care, but I'm not watching another horror movie.'
'Okay,' Sihtric was quick to follow you, 'if you don't watch a movie with me,' he said, closing in on you, 'you'll have to sleep in my bed.'
'Oh, really?' you smiled, looking up at Sihtric as you poked his chest.
'Mhm,' he hummed, taking your hands, 'really.'
'And what if I don't complete the forfeit?' you taunted.
'No, that's not an option,' he smiled, pulling you closer.
'Is that so?' you moved your hands up his biceps as he circled his arms around your waist.
'It's the way it is, I didn't invent the rules,' he gave you a sly smile.
'Well, I refuse,' you shrugged, grinning.
'Okay. Then you'll have to kiss me,' Sihtric teased as he leaned in.
'Oh, that's also a rule?'
'I don't know,' you pushed up to your tiptoes, 'it seems like you actually are inventing rules now.'
'Maybe I am,' he brushed his lips lightly over yours as he smiled, 'you got a problem with that?'
You wrapped your arms around his neck, 'I didn't say that.'
'So,' Sihtric nuzzled your nose softly, 'what will it be? Sleep in my bed or kiss me?'
'Can't I pick both?' you giggled.
'No, you'll have to watch a movie to get both.'
'Fine,' you sighed, 'I'll sleep in your bed then.'
'Really?' he frowned, disappointed you weren't going to kiss him right now.
'Yep,' you shrugged and snuck out of his arms, grabbed your drink and headed back to the couch.
'Why is your bed so small?' you huffed an hour later.
'It's a single bed for a single person, lady,' Sihtric sighed.
'Then why do you ask me to sleep with you?' You grinned as you hoarded all the blankets.
'No, I didn't ask you,' he said and took a hold of his blankets, 'I dared you to watch a movie with me, which you refused, and then I was forced to come up with a forfeit.
'Well that's your fault then.'
'No,' Sihtric said, 'no. I thought you would watch a movie with me, and if you would have done so, then you wouldn't be here right now.'
'Sihtric,' you looked at him, tugging the blanket, 'you only dared me to watch a movie so I would end up in your bed again anyway.'
'No,' Sihtric pulled his blankets hard, which you held onto, and you accidentally ended up rolling on top of him as he yanked the blankets over to his side.
'Oh,' he said, blinking rapidly at you, and he cleared his throat, 'n-no, I merely dared you to watch a movie, hoping you'd be scared again, so I could come over to your room and sleep in your bed, which I know is bigger.'
'If you wish to sleep in bed with me, why don't you just ask?' you looked at him with big eyes.
Sihtric shrugged and smiled, tracing your lips with his fingertips. You lost all self control and suddenly pecked his lips.
 'Hey!' Sihtric said, 'no, you had to watch a movie if you wanted to sleep here and kiss me.'
'Well, fine, I guess I broke the rules then so I'll just leave,' you smiled.
You pushed yourself up but Sihtric was quick to pull you back and he flipped you over on your back, which he did surprisingly smoothly with the limited space his bed gave.
'Hey-!' you giggled.
'No, you can't leave,' he smiled, looking down at you, 'unless you wish to leave, of course.'
'... Not really.'
'Not really?' Sihtric leaned in, 'what do you want then?'
'Truth or dare?' you grinned.
'Truth,' Sihtric gave you a cheeky smile.
'Why did you pick me as a roommate?'
'Because,' he said, 'the others were all students.'
'So?' he laughed, 'they're too young.'
'Too young to lure in your bed?' 
'Lady!' Sihtric laughed, shocked, 'too young in general! There's no fun in living with a student if you're not one yourself. And also, you're the first roommate I've ever lured in my bed,' he smiled, then quickly said, 'truth or dare?'
'Truth,' you smiled.
'What did you think of me when you first saw me? Because I remember your big eyes.'
'No!' You laughed and hid your face behind your hands, but Sihtric took your hands, leaning in closer. You felt your core heat up at the pleasant weight of his body.
'Truth,' he reminded you with a mischievous chuckle.
'Fine,' you sighed, 'I thought you were really hot.'
'I knew it!' Sihtric laughed.
'Truth or dare!'
'Dare,' Sihtric shrugged.
'I dare you to take your shirt off,' you taunted.
'Fine,' he said, wasting no time to take off his shirt, and he threw it on the floor before he brought his body back on top of you.
'Truth or dare?' Sihtric smiled as he whispered.
'I dare you to take off my pants,' he grinned, one eyebrow raised.
'Fine,' you said, pushing him off you.
Sihtric got up out of bed and chuckled when you pulled his sweatpants down, and he quickly kicked them off his ankles.
'Kiss me,' you blurted out as you pulled him back in bed.
'That's not how this game works, lady,' he smiled and cupped your cheeks.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. 
'Truth or dare?' you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.
'Dare,' Sihtric's voice became raspy.
'I dare you to kiss me.'
'Hmm… what's the forfeit?' he asked with a cheeky grin.
'... You'll have to fuck me,' you giggled.
'Oh, really?' Sihtric smiled, pulling you on top of him, 'then I'll gladly complete the forfeit, lady.'
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