#this is CONSIDERABLY longer than i had wanted it to be. ugh
shooting-love-arrows · 6 months
could you write where darling wakes up and sees 1950s husband in the middle of his morning routine and finds out hes not as neat as they thought?
but instead of taking it badly they love him even more
Dear Anon,
Aww, that's heartwarming!
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎'𝐬! 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 and not so perfect morning
PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 x reader (gender not specified/mentioned/implied) Tw. angsty, hurt and comfort. A/N: I decided to take into consideration this question when writing this fic. So it is longer and about our dearest 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
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You were awoken by the quiet and familiar sound of the bathroom door being open. It means only one thing: your dear husband was currently in the bathroom. Like every other day during this time around.
“Ugh…” A soundless groan of misery left your mouth. Unluckily you didn't sleep well that night. Your sleep was shallow and you couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. Not to mention you woke up to every sound you could hear. And just when you were slipping into a blissful dreamland, your bathroom doors decided to prevent you from slipping further. For now, you snuggled closer to your fluffy pillow. Your thoughts began to roam freely but at some point focused on something that has been bothering you for a while. 
It was confusing. 
At the very beginning of your marriage, you found it surprising. Not many people were that determined to wake up early in the morning. After a few months, you reasoned that it was just part of his personality. Perhaps a perfectionist problem? Part of his routine he didn’t want to stray from? You didn’t know and you didn’t want to pray. Your logic was that if he wants to share it with you, he’ll do so. But after months turned into years, with you still being left in the dark, you began to feel…doubt. 
“Why does he do that?” You wondered more than once. You had no idea what was the reason why your sweetheart got up before you, shuffled around the bathroom, only to come back to bed right before your alarm clock rang, like nothing ever happened. “What does he do there? Should I ask him? Does he want me to ask him? Maybe I should wait for him to tell me himself?”
So many questions, so little answers…
You sighed heavily. It looks like you won’t be able to catch some zzz’s anymore. You were too awake, especially with your mind running miles an hour.
“What a pity…” You rolled over your back and groggily opened your eyes. You blinked a few times to adjust your eyesight. The familiar white ceiling of your cozy bedroom greeted you like an old friend. Streams of warm sunlight were shyly peaking in the room from behind the gaps of the closed curtains. Everything stood still. It was peaceful. You let yourself sink into the soft bed and strained your ears to hear your husband shuffling in the bathroom. You wanted to say you were content but… “What a pity he isn’t here with me…”
You let your eyes slide over to the other side of the bed. It tugged on your heart that it was cold and empty with a messily thrown blanket and a pillow with a dent the size of your husband's head is what has greeted you. It was a let down. You wished he was there to greet you with his brilliant smile that seemed to light up the room, whisper to you a ‘good morning, my darling’ that always caused your heart to skip a beat and let you kiss his soft lips that perfectly molded with yours. This is what you needed to start a good day. 
Involuntarily you did a big and satisfying stretch. Your body felt heavy and begged you to stay in. Just lay down…under those fluffy blankets. Let yourself relax and wait for your dearest husband to climb back beside you. Wake up to him and cherish those kisses you'll share…
“I’m spoiled fella, aren’t I?”
There was no point in dwelling about such matters this early in the morning.
With a heavy sigh, you bravely fought those demons of laziness and decided to get up. You decided to invest this energy in something productive instead. And there’s so much to do around the house! 
“Hold on a moment…isn’t my husband in the bathroom?” Your mind went blank before you eagerly jumped out of your bed. You wouldn’t miss a chance to spend more time with the love of your life. 
You shuffled towards your bathroom, barely containing your happiness. So high on positive emotions and not expecting anything unusual, you didn’t even hesitate to open the door. 
There was a beat of silence. Both of you froze for entirely different reasons. 
You stopped mid stride when entering the small space. Your jaw went slack when your eyes took a closer look at your husband. Your shoulder dropped and you took a deeper breath. His face was…bare. His glistening face seemed to be freshly washed since it was glowing in the warm light. He…he was mesmerizing. 
While you were too busy admiring the entirely new side of your husband you didn’t notice how 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 seemed to be feeling the exact opposite of you. His eyes widened till the white was showing around his irises and his stare didn’t dare to stray from you. His breathing quickened and his body began to fold, hoping to make himself smaller. 
This couldn’t be happening…it can’t be! How…why are you awake? Why are you here? You…fuck…you found him out!
“Swee — ”
“This can’t be happening…! You…no…how…?” You were cut off by your husband's quiet and wobbly muttering. Your eyebrows threw together and your body grew still. You were quick to note how your husband hid his face from you and was hunched over the sink. You heard just how heavy his breathing has become. Something was clearly wrong. 
The reality around 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 became more vivid. His senses heightened to the point he was sure he could feel his surroundings. He was sinking so deep into his headspace he began to get lost there. Everything was becoming too much. His head, his thoughts and his feelings were ripping him apart. And the reason behind it was very valid. Whatever he has built around his person, whatever worth he had in your eyes and the control were gone with the swing of those blasted doors! 
He was falling apart. 
You flinched back (but only because you didn’t expect it) when he started laughing hysterically. Your concern for your husband only grew tenfold when you saw his state worsening by every second. You wanted to help him however you didn’t understand what could be the cause of this. Was it…you?
It turns out you didn’t have more time to analyze the situation, because you had to rush over when you saw your husband crumbling to the floor. Before his body could hit the ground at full force, you caught him safely in your arms. He was hyperventilating and you feared that he would pass out from the lack of air. His body was shaking badly and muttering things under his nose like a madman. Just like you did many times before in different scenarios, you tucked his head into the crook of your neck, laid your chin on top of his head, brought him safely into your arms to hold him tightly. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 closed his eyes, brought his knees close to his chest and circled his arms around them. He curled into a tight ball, slowly rocking back and forth in your arms. 
But your heart broke when you heard the first sobs escaping his lips. 
You really wished you would know what to say or do in that situation. You wished you were more educated on that matter so you could be useful. You wished you could fulfill your role as his lifetime partner to him. Unfortunately, for now you had to rely on your instinct with a promise to be better and aid your husband in the time of need.
Starting now.
“Let it out love…let it out…” You whispered against his ear and started caressing his head. Sweet nothings began to pour out of your mouth soon after. Half of his curls were freed from the curlers and you carefully carded your fingers through them in a soothing motion. 
“Y…you…u…fo…fou…nd…out…!” He wailed in your neck after a while of intense crying. His voice held nothing but despair, pain and heartbreak. Not to mention he could barely speak with how violent his sobs were. You blinked rapidly, scrambling to understand what he meant by that. 
“What have I found out, dearest husband?” You lowered your voice.
“You…you…w…will…leave…leave…me!” He choked out those words like he didn’t hear your question. 
Your eyes widened when you heard this statement. How could he think you’ll leave him? What’s the reasoning behind this logic? Are you failing as a partner? Apparently so because otherwise, your husband shouldn’t be saying, nor even thinking, about such dark thoughts. 
Some moments passed before you opened your mouth again. 
“For better and for worse…for better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…until death do us part.” You whispered those sacred vows, engraved in your mind till the end of your time. You squeezed him tighter so your bodies were melting against each other. Your husband's eyes widened when he heard them, especially when laced with so much love and adoration just like during your wedding. His chest was heaving up and down, violent hiccups jolting his body. His face was flushed, fat tears pouring from his eyes and snot steadily coming down his nose.
He was at his worst, ugly and disgusting. And you…you dared to say those words? Why…?
“Be it whether you’re at your best, at your worst, when we’re young and when we’ll grow old, whether you wear your makeup or not. I am here for you.” You swallowed thickly and fought against your own tears. Your husband needs you and you won’t fail him ever again.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 processed your words before he let out another wail that echoed in the bathroom. You felt your husband latching onto your waist and clutching onto it tightly. He was afraid that if he won’t hold tight enough you’ll get up and leave him for good. He buried his face in your neck and continued to cry harder. He was reduced to a crying mess and shadow of the person he usually portrays himself as. 
“I will never cease to love you, the dearest love of my life.”
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
DC x DP fic idea: Cave Boy
Danny Fenton is a lot of things, but good under pressure is not one of them. He didn't mean to be stranded in an unknown universe after playing around with his parents' Specter Speeder in the Ghost Zone and losing control of it. He didn't mean to find shelter in the strange cave systems under the city Danny crashlanded in. He didn't mean to step on any bat and bird costume-wearing toes.
All he was trying to do was fix the ship he arrived in with stolen and repurposed technology from all across the city. He also didn't take anything that wasn't in a garbage can so he couldn't even be acussed of thief.
Danny barely even allowed himself to be spotted, only going out at night to avoid regular citizens. Danny was a very considerate dimensional visitor compared to the Ghosts that came to Amity Park.
He spent hours exploring the caves as a human, but whenever he felt like it was time to go back, he shifted into his ghost form and floated upwards until he was above the ground. Sometimes he find himself far away from city limits othertimes he be right under a bank or a apparement complex.
It was an exciting, if a little rough, life. He occasionally found food in the garbage, and while it was disgusting, it was better than nothing. Thankfully, his halfa status allowed him to go longer without meals, sleep, and even breathing. It's just a bit hard to keep track of time since he rarely sees the sun, and he doesn't exactly have a clock nearby, but he sure it's been at least three months when he finds the bat and bird costume wearing people.
Danny is minding his own business, having just found a primarily intact toaster that would have the perfect wiring for the Speeder's temperature-controlling unit, when he mistakenly take a right on the third turn instead of a left.
It wouldn't usually be a problem, as he could just float to the topside and find his way to his little shelter/shop, but he had unknowingly tripped motion detectors. Danny had continued on his merry way, just starting to realize he was lost, when out of the shadows a man in a gaint bat costume leaped at him.
He yelp, barely dropping out of a nasty-looking jab, bending his back from the elbow aimed at his face and only through his ghost reflexes able to jump over the leg swipe.
"Who are you!?" The man growled "how did you find this place?"
"Dude, I live here!" Danny gasped, throwing himself to the ground to avoid what he knew was a jujitsu grab. "What you doing here?!"
He doesn't get a answering seeing as a bo staff of all things slams into the back of his head. He hits the ground just as his attacker says.
"Good job Red Robbin"
"Yummmmm" Danny mutters word association too strong not to.
When he wakes, he finds himself tucked in a medical cot inside a glass cell. He is still inside the caves but somewhere he's never seen. It's filled with technological advances that has his mouth watering just looking at them.
His hands twitch with the urge to break everything apart and tinker. He's a Fenton through and through.
He would have enjoyed the scenery- especially the gaint computer that was just calling his name- except various people in costumes were standing around his cell studying him like a animal in a zoo.
"Oh, ugh, hi," Danny says to the man in the giant red helmet. He gets no response so he tries to get a reaction from the others. It yields the same results. "Okay. So ugh is this a cult thing? Cause I really don't want to be part of whatever is happening here"
"What is your name?" The man dressed like a Bat demands and well crude if this is a cult thing Danny doesn't want them knowing his name. Either as human or as a ghost.
So he thinks of the most boring name he can think of, wrestling his ghost to make his body language as human as possible as he says "my name is Bruce"
There is a sharp intake of breath to his left, which causes Danny to look at a man wearing blue. That man has his face pressed against the glass, staring at Danny with a wide, manic smile. Even though the white lens of the blue man's mask hides his eyes, he knows they are drinking in Danny's features.
"look at him! He's adorable!" The blue man gushes and the other teenagers all nod in agreement.
"Super cute," the girl in purple agrees stepping closer to peer at Danny.
"A bit odd to see so much emotion on that face but he really is cute." the one holding a bo staff adds.
"He is weak." A boy sneers, "Hardly deserving of the blood in his veins."
"Lay off Demon Brat" The guy with the red helmet says, "He's just a civilian."
Now, Danny did not like those comments.
What if this is a cult thing but not a ghost cult like he orginally thought? What if it's a creepy sex thing? Or Cannibals? Or a secret fight club where they would force him to partake in death battles?
Whatever the case may be, they could not know he's from a different dimension.
"Bruce," the man dressed as a Bat cuts into the chatter. He levels a hard stare at Danny, who flinches away from it. The man's face softens just a bit. "We know that you from a different dimension"
"We tested your blood and have means to detect travelers from alternate universes" a guy in yellow helpfully says. "We also sort of figured who you were before that"
Seriously how?
"What?" Danny asks and the man in the Bat costume removes his masks. He's left staring at someone who look oddly familar but for the life of him he can't place it.
"Bruce, I'm also Bruce Wayne and in this universe I'm Batman" He says
"We will help you get home" Bruce tells Danny unlocking his cell. "I'm sorry about the ambush"
Now, this is where Danny should come clean and tell this man the truth, but he panics because he is not good under pressure and instead says, "Okay,"
And that's how Danny is mistaken for Bruce Wayne's civilian dimension traveling counterpart. He tries to roll with it, he does, but it's a little hard to when he's surrounded by weirdos who dress up like clowns to fight crime.
What even is his life.
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urauntiefaye · 4 months
First Time with &Team Legal Line 🔞
CW: Smut, talks of massive dicks for some 
A/N: Uhh, N/A?
WC: 510
Kei- Kei is so UGH, y’all probably won’t be able to do penetration the first night I’m sorry. Kei is just so fucking big the first tries ends up with him having to size train you just so you can actually be able to take his massive cock, and when the night finally comes the he’s able to fit into you completely he has to try his hardest not to cum on the spot from how tight you are. He’s so encouraging though, he sees this as a challenge and he WILL win. 
Fuma- So so so fucking sweet, when you told him you were a virgin he just held you so gently and said that it was okay. When it comes to the time where you’re finally ready he’ll be praising you and holding your hand and just that night is allllll about you. His end goal is to make sure you cum while being as comfortable as can be. 
Nicholas- Tease #1, Nicho is such a fucking tease, he finds out your a virgin and he gets all fucking smug, probably finds it super fucking hot but in the end he will also be super gentle with you. 
Euijoo- Is also a virgin, I’m sorry but he is, y’all probably losing your virginities together, but it’s so sweet. He really wants to seem confident and doesn’t want to scare you, but baby is also a victim of big dick, and he doesn’t know how the hell he’s supposed to fit inside you but when he does OMFG, it just feels sooo good.  A lot of pecks, a lot of whimpering, and expect him to not last any longer than 5 minutes (I’m sorry Euijoo…)
Yuma- Tease #2, this little shit, he doesn’t give a fuck, like he’ll take it into consideration that you’re a virgin, but he probably has a fucking kink for that tbh. Dude will get turned on as soon as you told him, you’ll have to remind him to slow down I’m sorry
Jo- Another victim of big dick and doesn’t know how the hell he’s supposed to fit in you, probably has you riding him the first time. I think he’s had some experience but not a lot? But you also would never know that because he’s so good at what he does. 
Harua- Is also a virgin but he’s watched a lot of fucking porn okay, he’ll probably try to the things he saw in the pornos only to ask his Nicho Hyung what the hell he should do. When he’s fucking into you he gets so lost in the pleasure that he’s going way to fast for you that your pleas of him to slow down fall deaf to his ears
Taki- Like Kei, he sees it as a challenge and he wants to win. But he’s also super loving and soft at first, he’s a little experienced especially with foreplay. He kind of likes the idea that you have no experience at all as it’s a confidence booster for this dude. 
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layla4567 · 7 months
Awful things to you...
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Pairing: TVA!Loki x Variant!fem!reader
Summary: You are a variant and the TVA pursues you tirelessly until they find you. Loki will be in charge of interrogating you and you are not sure if that is a reward or a punishment.
Warnings: Based on episode 2 of the second season, smut, slightly dom loki, good cop and bad cop dynamic (loki is bad cop obviously), reader being a lil brat, slightly choking(?, hair pulling, fingering with clothes, sex with clothes/hook up idk.
WC: 3.4k
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You were sitting in the middle of the room in an uncomfortable, small seat that didn't even have a backrest. You looked at the ceiling bored while the warm, yellowish lights hit you squarely in the face. It seemed like you were in some kind of madhouse with a completely empty, windowless orange room with a solid oval iron door in front of you. Your clothing wasn't comfortable either, the baggy jumpsuit of a horrible beige color made you look like a prisoner (although technically you were) and that uncomfortable and annoying necklace they had put on you was starting to make you itch. You placed a finger between the skin of your neck and the material of the collar, trying in vain to push it away a little but it kept squeezing. You were just grumbling when two people entered the room. One was a man with gray hair and a mustache with an affable and good-natured appearance, his partner who was taller, had somewhat longer and black hair combed back. They both wore brown uniforms with matching ties.
"Well, well, well. Finally someone comes to visit me, I was getting bored"-you said cheekily
The gray-haired man came a little closer with an easy and graceful step towards you without stopping smiling.
"Well, sorry, we were a little busy."-He answered, laughing at his own joke.
You simply stared at him and grunted something, narrowing your eyes and nodding indifferently, the other tall man came closer to be next to his friends. An awkward silence settled between the three of you so the first man decided to break that silence.
"Oh but where are my manners? We haven't even introduced ourselves, I'm Agent Mobius and he's my partner Loki."-He said pointing to himself and then to his friend.
"And I suppose you already know my name"- you said with irritating irony.
"Yes, and that's why we're here."-said the one called Loki
"Oh so you know how to talk after all"-you pretended to be surprised
Loki sighed and was tempted to roll his eyes but he simply restrained himself, as Mobius knew that his companion was someone somewhat irascible, he continued speaking for him.
"Well there's no reason to be so rude, look we brought you here because you committed something on your sacred line that created a ramification"
You interrupted him, closing your eyes and waving a hand in front of him, fed up with his rant.
"I'm sorry but I'm not understanding you shit"
"In short, you did something you shouldn't have and we brought you here to keep you from causing more problems."
You turned laughing sarcastically to see Loki as you frowned.
"So now I'm locked up and watched by two kinds of babysitters?"
"I wouldn't say it like that-"
"This is stupid"- you exalted -"I want to leave, let me get out of here"-you demanded
You stood determined to push them out of your way and get out the door when Loki, who was considerably taller than you, stood in front of you, blocking the door and placing his hands on your shoulders, stopping you.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You sighed in annoyance, you weren't afraid of him or Mobius but you weren't stupid, they were two against one and you weren't sure if you would be able to take down Loki.
"Ugh fine, what do you want from me then?"
"We want to know what you did or rather why you did it"-Mobius said placing his hands behind his back.
"I thought you knew that, since you know me so well."-You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"We'd rather it come out of your mouth, ok?"
Loki narrowed his eyes and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye and up and down, contemplating whether to say what you know or not. After a few seconds of silence you clicked your tongue.
"Alright, how about I tell you a story, shall I? Once upon a time there was a pretty, intelligent girl who got tired of living in misery and, let's say, one day she innocently stole a diamond ring so she could sell it. Until two couple of weirdos came and captured her. The end"
"Did you like the story?"-You smiled sarcastically as you blinked your eyelashes innocently, making a kind of pout.
"I think you're a great storyteller."
Mobius always tried to make a joke with that smile on the verge of being a laugh, but you looked at him with the seriousness of a wax statue, somewhat uncomfortable, he stopped smiling and fell silent.
Loki took the lead
"The point is that now we need to know what you did with that ring, obviously you hid it because you didn't have it with you"
"Good deduction Sherlock, you surprise me."
Your poisonous sarcasm never left your throat and was beginning to make Loki impatient, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You were just having fun watching him lose his temper. Mobius, as a good-hearted man, tried to see things from all possible perspectives.
"Look y/n, I understand, okay? You must be feeling frustrated and confused, two agents take you from where you were and take you to a strange place and you don't understand what's happening! I really understand, but right now we have more urgent matters and we really need you to tell us where you hid it"
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes, trying to suppress a smile. Unfortunately, appealing to empathy is not going to make you give in. Your lips will be sealed
"I'm sorry…I think I forgot. Also, if you have more urgent matters then I would recommend that you take care of them first."
You smiled mischievously as Mobius lowered his head and sighed in defeat, Loki looked at him.
"Ok I give up, Loki it's your turn I'll go eat a pie"
Loki nodded and smiled. Now that he had his partner's approval, Loki felt freer to question you. Before Mobius left through the door, he approached Loki and whispered.
"Be gently"
After patting him on the back, he trotted off and walked out the door, looking happier. Now Loki was staring at you with hypnotizing green eyes, he had raised his chin a little and looked menacing.
"Good, how about we start on the right foot? I'm just warning you that I won't be as patient as my partner."
His guttural voice echoed in the room and its bounce off the walls reached your ears from different places, it seemed as if there was more than one Loki speaking to you, you shivered a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I already told you that I don't remember where I left the ring."
"Oh that's a pity"
To your surprise, Loki was smiling and looking down at you with his hands clasped in front of him. There was something elegant yet intimidating about him. The way he moved or the way he spoke, he did it with Shakespearean grace. Slowly he began to approach you
"You know? Maybe you don't know who I am but I am known for being the god of mischief and for having done terrible, horrible things to many people."
With each thing he said, he took a step and got closer, until he was so close to you that you had to lean back slightly until you almost fell out of your chair and looked at him completely from below with your neck tense, his haughty and threatening presence looming upon you like the shadow of the grim reaper. His head covered the light coming from the ceiling spotlight, making an interesting contrast. Now seeing him against the light, the shadows sharpened Loki's face, framing his perfect nose and jaw, the light seemed to want to stay away from him as if he were someone who belonged to the darkness. You swallowed, intimidated.
"And believe me, I will have no mercy or fear in doing all those terrible and awful things…to you"
His voice was almost a whisper, so low and sounding grave and hoarse, it made you feel things, things that were better not to say. You didn't know why, but those threats didn't provoke fear in you, but rather the opposite. It was hot. Trying to sound casual you said
"Uhh scary man.."
Your voice was almost inaudible almost like a whisper but you managed to try to smile cheekily as some kind of flirt. Loki didn't seem fazed, instead he laughed airily, widening his Cheshire cat smile. And he began to walk around you like a vulture, making his shadow grow that enveloped you like a heavenly or demonic mantle.
"You have guts, I like that. You would have been a great ally in my troops"
Now Loki's voice was close to your ear in the back, whispering to you as he didn't stop spinning.
"But be careful what you say, a slip of the tongue and it could cost you dearly"
With everything he said, added to the fact that his breath tickled your ear from behind, he made you clench your legs and make your body rigid while you held your hands to the seat.
"What's wrong? Don't tell me the cat got your tongue."
Now his laugh was tickling the right side of your cheek as you could feel his green eyes nearby penetrating your face looking into your eyes and mouth.
"Come on, let me hear your sweet voice one more time, I want to know what you have to say."-Loki said, narrowing his eyes for a second and smiling mockingly, but his words sounded like a demand.
"I…I uhm.."
"Oh so the cat did get your tongue anyway"
You cursed inside, biting your lips and frowning, you were behaving stupidly, you couldn't even say a word. Suddenly Loki grabbed your hair, intertwining his fingers and pulling it back slightly, surprised you let out a moan as you placed a hand on his trying to remove it from your hair.
"We can do this all day darling, but at some point you're going to have to start talking, don't you think?"
Loki was still behind you to have easier access to your hair, and he never let go of it. His face was close to your right side and his lips brushed the skin of your ear as he spoke. Without warning his lips collided with the top of your jaw. He wasn't leaving kisses or anything like that but the simple touch of his soft lips running over and caressing your face made you melt.
"You're not going to say anything yet, huh? Bad for you."-He said with his open mouth resting on your cheek.
Loki pulled your hair a little more and placed wet kisses on your jaw, tracing the curve of it. Loki sighed and grunted, panting lightly as if this turned him on too. You bit your lips hard, suppressing your moans.
"You have beautiful, silky skin, but this ugly necklace bothers me greatly."
Loki took something out of his pocket and pressed a button that deactivated the collar and it fell to the ground with a thud. Satisfied now Loki began to kiss and suck on your neck moving your head to the side to have more access. Loki seemed like a thirsty vampire and you his poor victim. You began to thrash as you spread your legs, placing one hand between them to grab the edge of the small seat and unconsciously grinding your hips.
"L-loki..stop..please"-moaning brokenly
"Oh now do you want me to stop? And what is that movement in your hips?"-he mocked shamelessly
You closed your eyes in shame, feeling your cheeks heat up as you tried to stop your hips and dug your nails into the seat.
"That's simple, if you want me to stop then tell me what you know"
Loki growled in your ear as his tongue probed the skin of your neck near your jaw, licking you like ice cream. At this point you could no longer control your moans and you writhed, eager to touch him, to place your hands on his hair as he did with yours.
"Are you sure you want me to stop?"
You whimpered as a plea, opening your mouth. Loki assumed you would say that so he let your hair go and stood in front of you. He easily lifted you from the seat, when you stood up your thighs were trembling and you were panting. Loki sat on the small round seat and spread his legs, patting his lap inviting you to sit on it. You blushed and couldn't move a muscle so he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to wrap your legs around his waist, sitting facing you with your eyes fixed on his. Loki placed his large hand on your cheeks, squeezing them a little until he made you pout.
"You are being very unfair to me"
Loki's hand went down to your throat and he brought his mouth close to your ear.
"Will you still not tell me where you hid it?"
Loki looked at you and tightened his fingers a little around the grip on your neck, you shook your head.
"Good"-he smiled
Loki's hand left your neck and moved down your torso slowly and painfully, he seemed to take his time on purpose. With his delicate fingers he traced waves and spirals near your chest, from time to time his palm traveled to the side of your torso near the ribs and cupping your breasts, he even allowed himself to feel your erect nipples with his thumb and squeeze them mischievously as if they were buttons
"Loki!"-you gasped shakily.
"Do you like that, pet?"
You nodded without remorse, your eyes dilating in desire as a shiver ran down your spine. Loki continued to touch you elegantly, his two hands traveled to your waist and didn't stop there. They continued down to your lower belly and your mons, that's when you let out an involuntary moan as you retracted your hips.
Loki, delighting in the noises you made, narrowed his eyes, smiling sideways and tilting his head.
"What do you think now? Will you tell me where it is?"
You shook your head again, biting your lower lip trying to suppress your smile, you felt like a naughty girl about to be punished, it amused you. And Loki seemed to be amused too.
"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you."
Loki placed one hand on your lower back, slightly pulling you towards his body while his other hand was placed on your vagina, that touch made you gasp but more so when his middle and index fingers were placed at your entrance trying to push the fabric of your beige uniform. You couldn't help but squeal like a mouse.
"Oh.. delicious"
Loki rubbed your entrance with his fingers trying to uselessly put them somewhere, even so, his fingers felt your flesh and that gesture began to make you wet. Luckily the fabric of the clothing was light and did not loosen in that area so his fingers could touch your hungry and throbbing pussy without problems.
Again you pathetically began to move your hips hoping to feel more friction while your face buried in the crook of his neck drowning out your babbling and moaning. Loki's calmness was overwhelmingly annoying. You were desperate that he had control, rubbing your back with a strange tenderness contrasted with what his other hand was doing to your core, while he repeated to you to take a deep breath as if you were about to be vaccinated. How could he be so sweet and delicate and a horny pervert at the same time?
"You're doing well, but I'd like to know where the ring is, please."-he said mocking your desperate desires
You still had your face buried in the crook of his neck, muttering and gasping incomprehensible words.
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't hear you correctly, what did you say?"-Loki said as you pressed harder and deeper into your entrance.
"I don't know!"
You moaned sharply, quickly removing your face from his shoulder while you breathed with your mouth open, trying not to succumb to your carnal impulses but you couldn't grip his shoulders tightly as if your hands were pliers.
"What a naughty girl you are. Do you really like being punished? You'll be glad to know I'm not done yet."
Loki grabbed and dug his fingers into your mules, pulling you even closer to him and forcing you to bring your pelvis together and crash against his. You were wondering what he was going to do when suddenly he raised his hips and his bulge collided with your entrance. This drew another louder moan from you. Loki stood there watching your reaction in amusement.
"What a delight to hear you like that, pet"
Another bounce of his hip and you had to close your eyes and bite your lip to keep from letting out the growl that remained locked in your throat. You were practically sitting on his cock and you felt your core throbbing harder and harder until it started to hurt acutely, this was torture, but a pleasurable one. Loki moved his pelvis upward again, holding your hips and threw your head back, releasing a pitiful moan.
"I'll ask you one more time, don't exhaust my patience. WHERE.IS.IT?"
To emphasize his words, he collided his pelvis with yours again, this time more abruptly as he wrinkled his face. You dug your nails into his back and gritted your teeth, you could feel the tears gathering in your eyes.
Loki, on the other hand, seemed happy with that answer.
"Whatever you want"
Now without mercy, Loki ground his hips up and down, colliding with your entrance while your hands clung to the back of his neck and you pressed your chest against his. Your face was on his shoulder looking towards the door fearing that someone would come and find you in this embarrassing situation, you had no idea how much time had passed. Loki found his own rhythm going fast and without tiring, you accompanied him bouncing up and down accompanying his hips when he went up, they seemed like a harmonious wave. But they were far from harmony, you two were panting and you were a mess since he started touching you with his manly hands. your palms were sweating and your uniform was starting to stick to your body. When you thought that nothing could be worse, Loki began to kiss your neck again, this time leaving small bites, you closed your eyes tightly and gritted your teeth, feeling like you were losing your mind. Your hand finally gripped his hair tightly and you took revenge, being able to pull him back to which he grunted. This little Eden that had settled between the two of you and the room didn't seem like enough to you. It was just a false sense of pleasure, you really needed him inside you no matter how hard his cock was or how deep you sat on it, you couldn't take this anymore unless he really fucked you properly.
"Loki… I-I give up, I'll tell you... where it is…"-you said between moans and gasps.
"But we were having fun"
He laughed shamelessly as he stopped and let you get off his lap, when you did you could barely stand. You were breathing hard and your knees were bending about to hit the floor and you were all sweaty. Loki seemed a little better than you but you still noticed that the hair on his forehead was damp. Between broken words you kept your promise and gave him the information he wanted.
"See? It was not that difficult"-He said smiling as if nothing had happened while he caressed your cheek with a finger.
At that moment Mobius entered, smiling as always and with a can in one hand. Seeing them in such a pitiful state, his corners loosened a little and confusion appeared on his face.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh nothing, the interrogation was just fruitful"-Loki said while winking at you knowingly.
Mobius and Loki said goodbye to you while you continued standing trying to catch your breath and process what had happened. When the two of them closed the door behind you you could hear Mobius' somewhat muffled voice asking Loki: "Hey, why are you so sweaty? It looks like you ran a marathon."
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goldenmeat · 13 days
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A bit of a longer story, but I had some fun with this one haha. Prompt inspirationby @bigwishes
You had a wish. One simple wish. To be bigger and beefier than anyone else. Unfortunately, your body can't seem to keep up. You've been going to the gym since new years, being a consistent as you can, curating your diet as best as your budget allowed, yet even after almost half a year, you've only gained maybe five pounds of...well you can't even be sure it's all muscle.
You sigh deeply as you wait for the train. Your apartment is about three stops away, and usually, it's a peaceful ride. But today, there's an annoying number of people here, chatting, playing loud music, dressing up... you wondered if there was a convention or concert happening today.
The train arrives, and everyone packs in, diving each other in just to fit. You squeeze in last, huddled against the door by the time they close and the train gets moving. You hadn't showered yet, so you're already a little self-conscious about how you smell, given the looks you seemed to be getting. Hopefully this ride goes by quickly.
You suddenly get a text message. You fish around your pocket and pull it up your phone. It's from a number you don't recognize. Reading it definitely made you raise an eyebrow.
"Through the eyes of those around, your desires manifest. Once agreed, this promise bound, please reply, with no or yes."
What the fuck was this? A riddle? A prank? Some new scam tactic? You scoffed as you start to block the number. But before you follow through, you pause. "My desires manifest." Being bigger, being a muscle brute, you wanted nothing more than to be so swole, no one could ignore you. You stare at the text message again, this time with serious consideration.
You shrug your shoulders. Thinking too hard about it wasn't your style. You'd reply yes, and at worst, nothing happens. You send the reply, "YES", and put your phone back in your pocket, closing your eyes as you lean against the train door.
A few minutes pass, and the overhead voice announces your arrival at the next station. You open your eyes and yawn, raising your arm over your head. This causes quite the reaction from those around you.
"Ew! What the hell!" A blonde woman clenches her nose as the doors open, allowing her to escape from you. "Ugh! This is why I hate the city..." You hear her mumbling to herself as she and a number of people walk out of the train. You wonder what the heck has her so flustered when you smell it yourself. A strong, musky odor that even catches you by surprise. You look around to see where it's coming from when you notice the glances of disgust and unease seem to all be directed towards you. You look down and immediately notice something's off.
You're much more muscular than you were previously. Your pecs are thick and defined, your shoulders and arms have mass that finally hides your bony frame, and those legs! Defined quads with a hint of veinyness. You're not sure when or how, but you've now got the body of your dreams! Maybe a little smelly, but nothing a good shower couldn't fix. There's also pressure in your stomach for some reason, but that didn't bother you much. You were too distracted by the looks of the people around you, both good and bad. You already saw the faces of disgust, but you're also seeing people looking longingly, almost salaciously at you. You could definitely get used to this.
Unfortunately, before the doors could close, a few more people squeezed in, making it a little more uncomfortable than before. Things were already pretty tight when you were just average sized, but your new hunky body actually means you're pressed up even more against a lot of bystanders.
'Two more stops and you're home free', you think to yourself. You needed some private time to really appreciate your new body after all. And to shower. Your BO really is quite pungent. It's attracting quite the attention. The more time passes, the worse it's getting it seems. Not just the stares, but the smell as well. And is it getting hotter? What was happening?
It wasn't long until you realized that your growth wasn't over. Your body was getting thicker, bulkier, and all your efforts to compact yourself were useless. You could feel your muscular body press up against everyone around you. They tell you to quit shoving, or that you're taking up too much space. You apologize, but can't seem to stop whatever was happening to you, shame welling in your gut.
Turns out, it wasn't shame in your gut, as you accidentally let out a horrific belch, just in time for the doors to open and let out more horrified passengers, complaining about you all the while. More passengers come in to replace the ones who just left, and you apologize between burps as they stuff themselves against your musky body just to fit.
Unfortunately for you, things only escalated. Your body was now ballooning is mass, your pecs becoming large shelves of flesh, stretching out your tank top. Your arms are massive cords of muscle, with a back so wide you might have struggled against the door should you exit. Your legs also push each other out, forcing a wider stance than you mean to in this already cramped environment.
Your body rubbing up against so many people also making things difficult. For whatever reason, your body was becoming more sensitive in proportion to your size. It felt...good...being squeezed and surrounded like this. Like everyone was forced to appreciate your body. That they had to experience how strong and masculine you were, whether they liked it or not.
And then the unthinkable happened. Someone in front of you really seemed to like what was happening. You looked down at the twink in front of you, eyes half lidded and mischievously grinning. His hands got a hold of your crotch, softly and expertly rubbing up and down. You almost raise your voice to get him to stop. But what comes out instead is a burp and a deep groaning.
His left hand strokes your torso, feeling up your hard abs and rubbing your still growing pecs. Your dick hardens quickly and peaks out over your shorts. Thankfully the twink seems to be blocking the view of your raging hard on to everyone else as he continues to tease you.
Long minutes pass as you moan quietly. The other passengers around you tell you to give them some room, or shove against you, with some others feeling up your tremendous backside and tree trunk legs. The attention is overwhelming, leading you to your peak much quicker than you were expecting. You wanted to hold back. You couldn't cum here in front of everyone, and yet you didn't have the willpower to stop the man in front of you from beating you off either.
The overhead voice was announcing they would be arriving at their next stop shortly. You hold your breath. You just needed to hold out just a little longer. But it couldn't be stopped. Your balls twitch and churn, as your dick pulses.
It all happens in a dreamlike instant. You see the train doors open. Just before your orgasm, you feel someone pull down your underwear and tight shorts in a flash. The hand beating you off pulls you violently, and a second hand shoves you out. You barely maintain your balance as you yelp. You then see it all in an instant; the shocked reactions, curious and engrossed glances. Everyone in the train and out now staring at you and your naked, muscular body.
The shame, lust, and excitement hit you at mach speed as an uncontrollable orgasm rips through your entire being. Your muscles contract beautifully as you roar through your orgasm. You hear shocked cries and swearing. Cheers and hollers of approval. You see people pulling out phones, leering in both lust and revulsion.
It was all so hot.
Your orgasm lasts for almost a whole minute as you dump your milky white cum on the concrete before you. You eventually calm down as you struggle to bring yourself back to lucidity. Suddenly however, you feel yourself tripping, as you feel your shorts and underwear torn from your legs. You look back in horror as you see two teenagers, laughing at you with middle fingers raised as the train door shuts. You get up and pound on the door, as the teens hysterically laugh at you from the safety of the train window as the train quickly accelerates away.
You can only look back, face beet red at the public whispering amongst each other, phones still recording the whole incident. Your apartment was a whole twenty minute walk away, ten if you ran.
It would be your most shameful run back home, with your dick hard as steel the whole way.
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Finders Keepers (Cormac McLaggen x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Eventual smut in future chapters (not this one though sorry), language, sexual themes, homophobia (kind of but it's received by reader as banter)
Summary: It's your seventh year at Hogwarts and you've finally been made Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. This year is going to be your year... if you can make it through your N.E.W.Ts without being distracted by your new Potions partner.
A/N: The content nobody asked for. But I am begging the Freddie Stroma stans to give Cormac McLaggen a chance. I PROMISE I CAN FIX HIM!!!! Reader is a bisexual 'not like other girls' type of girl but she becomes more bearable as the story goes on. Reader and McLaggen are both 18. Also I just want to say that I fucking hate JK Rowling and will be gleefully bastardising her work.
Chapter 1: Amortentia
Breakfast on the second day of term was a much more rushed experience than it had been in previous years- you barely had time to collect your timetables from Professor Flitwick, never mind eat anything. You hardly noticed the cool September sun streaming through the ceiling of the Great Hall. Gazing wistfully at the breakfast table, you listened while Flitwick reminded you of the importance of your seventh year at Hogwarts.
Marietta was taking much longer than usual to get ready these days, and so, you, her and Cho had left Ravenclaw Tower late. Ever since that Hermione Granger had cursed her, Marietta had been applying a thick layer of makeup to hide the pimples spelling ‘sneak’ across her face and you resented Granger for upsetting your dormmate- especially when that dormmate’s new skincare routine just made you miss your favourite meal of the day.
“What do you think Slughorn will be like?” asks Cho, as the three of you stand at the back of the short queue outside the Potions classroom- your first lesson of the year.
“Seems like a bit of a creep,” you shrug. “Didn’t you hear about his Slug Club? Nonce behaviour if you ask me.”
Cho chuckles half-heartedly while Marietta only deigns to give you a scandalised look. Alicia would have found it funny, you think to yourself, a knife twisting in your stomach when you’re reminded of her. 
Cho and Marietta were the closest friends you had at Hogwarts now that Alicia Spinnett had graduated and then unceremoniously dumped you immediately afterwards. Your sense of humour was a little too crude for Cho and Marietta, and this combined with your general disinterest in giggling and gossiping about the boys at Hogwarts made you the third wheel of the group.
The queue starts moving and you file into the dungeon past a cauldron, filled to the brim with what you quickly recognise from your textbook as Amortentia. The powerful love potion is supposed to smell different to each person, depending on what attracts them and you’ve always wondered what it would smell like to you. The three of you step forward - you inhale and it smells simultaneously like the leather of new Quidditch keeper gloves, buttery toast and a spicy amber and jasmine scent that you only vaguely recognise.
The class is considerably smaller than it was last year after several students found Snape’s demands of N.E.W.T level students to be too much and dropped out. Cho and Marietta, predictably sit at a table together leaving you to sit at the desk behind them next to… ugh, Cormac McLaggen. You suppose that you don’t hate McLaggen but you’ve always found him to be a typical Gryffindor- arrogant and entitled. 
You give each other a silent nod in recognition as you walk towards him. McLaggen reluctantly moves his book bag from the chair beside him as if it’s inconveniencing him to put his belongings on the floor - entitled. You sit down and have to shuffle your chair away several inches from him because his stupidly broad shoulders take up so much space. Even from the very back of the classroom, the sweet and spicy fragrance of Amortentia reaches your nostrils.
Professor Slughorn opens his arms. “Welcome, seventh-years, to the most important year of all at Hogwarts. Your N.E.W.T.s will take place in just a few short months.” You fidget with your silver cutting knife impatiently- you’ve already heard this speech. Slughorn walks over to his cauldron and continues “Today we’re going to be making something that regularly comes up in your practical exam: Amortentia. Can anyone-”
You practically hear the whoosh of four hands shooting up in the air, the Ravenclaws already desperate to prove their potions prowess to the new teacher. You roll your eyes and catch McLaggen doing the same. Ugh, you don’t want to be associated with McLaggen, who doesn’t even feel like he has to try to impress Slughorn - arrogant - so you lift your hand listlessly in the air.
“My, my!” guffaws Slughorn, observing the eager students around the room. “I see we’ve all had our breakfast today!” Your stomach grumbles. “Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?” Your half-hearted hand seems to draw his attention more than the keen, upright ones. He points at you.
“It’s the world’s most dangerous love potion, Sir.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Oh-ho! An interesting choice of words. Would you care to elaborate?”
“It causes intense feelings of infatuation, to the point of obsession. I think it should be made illegal.”
“Here we go,” mutters McLaggen and you feel the tension in the class as they brace themselves. You’re reminded by their reaction that your tendency to be hot-headed was the final straw in your breakup with Alicia. So instead, you take a deep breath and give a more measured answer than you had originally intended.
“MACUSA made Amortenia a controlled substance in 1922 and I think the Ministry of Magic should follow suit. The use of any love potion on a non-consenting person, but especially one as strong as Amortentia, is unethical, to say the least.”
Some of your fellow students shift uncomfortably. If the rumours are to be believed, many of them have used love potions before but you hold your tongue.
“I say!” says Slughorn, looking pleased with the mild discourse you’ve caused, livening up his early morning lesson. “Very well-reasoned of you. And I assume, by your impassioned stance, that it’s your desire to join the Department of Magical Law Enforcement when you leave Hogwarts?”
“Er…” You hesitate, anticipating the usually negative reaction your answer gets you. “Not really. Well, maybe if I can’t play Quidditch. Professionally.”
“Well, you may end up a tad over-qualified - there aren’t many professional Quidditch players with an N.E.W.T. in Potions, I can tell you that! But take a well-earned point for Ravenclaw for your answer.” He smiles genially. “Convictions aside, we will be brewing this very love potion today. And while they’re not illegal, they are banned at Hogwarts so I’ll be ensuring that you’ve vanished your potions at the end of class.”
Professor Slughorn instructs you all to find the page on Amortentia in ‘Advanced Potion Making’ and to start brewing the potion. It’s one the most delicate potion recipes you’ve ever come across- even compared to the other N.E.W.T. level potions you made last year. 
Your cauldron needs to be as hot as possible so you set the fire underneath it and get to work, furrowing your brow and reading the steps outlined in your textbook. You add rose petals to your pestle and mortar and start grinding them into a paste.
“So, what did you smell when you walked past?” McLaggen nods to the front of the room. “The Gryffindor girls’ dorm?”
“Yeah, right, what did you smell? The seat of Harry Potter’s broomstick? Because sticking your nose there is the only way you’ll actually make the team this year.”
He laughs. “I don’t know, I fancy my chances now that a few of the old stalwarts have left. What’s Alicia up to these days, anyway?” He asks, not unpleasantly but your jaw clenches all the same as you grind your rose petals.
“We broke up at the start of summer.”
“Ah well, I’ll put a word in with Katie Bell for you when I join the team. I know how much you like those Gryffindor chasers.”
“Fuck off, McLaggen.” You realise you’ve been mashing your rose petals a bit too hard and they’ve turned to slop. Shit.
“Alright, just a joke.”
“Yeah, well don’t bother.” 
While your breakup isn’t fresh, you’re in no mood to talk about Alicia. Minutes pass as both of you stand side by side, stirring your cauldrons anti-clockwise. Your arm aches and your brow begins to sweat from the heat of the cauldron as you count to one hundred and eleven- the correct number of times you’re supposed to stir it according to ‘Advanced Potion Making’.
You stop stirring and drop a moonstone into your potion. The sweet and spicy smell coming from McLaggen’s direction is already much stronger than yours even though you’re a step further ahead of him. You peer interestedly over at his cauldron just as he holds a stone over it, ready to drop it in but your hand flies out to catch it before it can hit the liquid.
“Woah, what-?”
“That’s quartz- not moonstone,” you tut, tossing the quartz on his table.
“Shit, thanks. Good catch- you could be a seeker.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
He smirks in agreement as he chucks a moonstone into his cauldron.
“So, how’s your team looking this year?” He asks, breaking the silence as you wait for your potions to start bubbling, watching for the steam to start rising in characteristic spirals. 
“Not bad. Most of last year’s squad is still here, including Cho obviously. I just need a new Chaser to replace Davies.” The heady smell is almost overpowering now as you both lean against the table. You start chopping peppermint leaves and he does the same. “I’ve booked the pitch for try-outs this Saturday. When are Gryffindor’s?”
“No word yet. Potter’s not as organised as you.”
“Well, let me know and I might pop down to watch you embarrass yourself.” 
He laughs and scrapes his leaves into his cauldron with the edge of his knife.
“I’m hoping to catch him at Slughorn’s dinner party, see if I can butter him up a little.”
“Right, Slug Club,” you say derisively. Honestly, you’d have more respect for Potter if he made his useless friend Gryffindor keeper rather than choosing McLaggen because they’re both in Slughorn’s clique for the Howarts elite. 
You tip in your leaves and stir your cauldron counter-clockwise, waiting for the liquid to turn from sage green to pearlescent milky white. McLaggen quickly grabs your arm, his large hand encircling the entire circumference of your forearm. 
“Clockwise!” He urges, releasing you so you can start stirring in the opposite direction. 
“Fuck!” Making stupid mistakes in Potions is thus far unmarked territory for you. You’re not used to having a Potions partner who distracts you. You watch your potion as you frantically stir the other way, praying that it turns its signature mother-of-pearl sheen. It stays adamantly green.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice- I should have stopped you quicker.”
“And time’s up!” says Slughorn, clapping his hands together. 
You look up at McLaggen and he’s looking back at you apprehensively as if you might go off on one- your fiery reputation predecdes you. You take a deep breath and your nostrils fill with the amber and jasmine scent, making you instantly feel calmer. “It’s fine. My mistake. Besides, we can’t all have my reflexes.”
Slughorn walks around the room inspecting the potions and providing feedback. You feel a twinge of resentment when you see that McLaggen’s looks almost identical to the example potion.
Slughorn looks in your cauldron and gives you a small nod. “A decent effort but that should have been clockwise stirring in the final step, my dear.” You purse your lips and give him a curt jerk of the head in acknowledgement.
He positively beams when he turns to look in McLaggen’s cauldron. “Ah, excellent, excellent Cormac m’boy!” coos Slughorn, reaching up and gripping McLaggen’s shoulder congratulatorily. He gestures to the rest of the class to come over and see McLaggen’s cauldron. “Now, this is what we’re looking for. A textbook example. One drop and I daresay we’d all be besotted with you.” McLaggen looks at you intently, you suppose he’s feeling guilty for accepting Slughorn’s praise without giving you any credit. “Class dismissed. Cormac, take five points for Gryffindor and I’ll see you on Thursday night for our little get-together.”
“Yes, sir.”
You quickly vanish your potion, shove your belongings into your bookbag, and leave the classroom to catch up with Cho and Marietta in the corridor. The three of you start making your way upstairs through the throng of students to your next class but you hear a voice calling from behind you.
“Hey!” A heavy hand clasps your shoulder and you spin around. “Thanks for saving me in there,” says McLaggen. 
“Anytime,” you say, in what you hope is a casual, and not annoyed tone.
In the busy corridor, someone bumps into the heavy bag on your shoulder, knocking you off balance. McLaggen catches you before you fall, holding you tightly against him and you’re overpowered by the scent of amber and jasmine again. He helps you stand back upright and places a hand on each of your shoulders to steady you. You blink up at him, stunned, meeting his green eyes.
“There. We’re even.” He grins. “My reflexes aren’t that bad after all. Anyway, see you later.” He slaps you on the back in a sporting kind of way and heads off in the opposite direction. 
“Are you okay?” asks Cho as you stare after him, speechless, watching his broad figure, head and shoulders above most of the crowd, as he walks away. You feel your heart pounding in your chest.
He smells like Amortentia.  Or, says a small voice in your head, Amortentia smells like him.
Chapter 2: Confundo
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spxrklezz · 1 month
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୧ : content. reader wants to cut their hair off, and mizuki helps them out.
୧ : warnings. nb reader, she/they pronouns for mizuki
୧ : pairing. mizuki x reader
୧ : notes. hey everyone!! this is a silly idea i had some days ago, i hope you guys like it! <3
୧ : word count. 585
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it was just a normal day for everyone - well, except for you. you were sitting on the edge of your bed, staring at the mirror that stared back at your face in a mocking way.
you wanted to cut your hair. you wanted it to be short, something that could actually represent who you were. it sounded stupid for other people, but for you? it meant a lot. lost in thought you even forgot that your friend mizuki was coming over, if it wasn't for the doorbell.
getting up from the bed, you quickly made your way to the door, opening it and being faced with a really happy mizuki.
"hi author! sorry for taking too long, I was finishing something."
"hey mizuki. it's fine, no worries... uhm, here come in." — you stepped aside, making room for mizuki to get in your house.
you guided them to your bedroom, even if mizuki already knew where it was. sounded rude to not do it. when you opened the door, the scissors that you were trying to use was on top of the bed, which got you a bit worried.
"hey, what's that?" — mizuki asked you, taking the scissors on her hands to take a look at it.
"oh, nothing! I was just going to.." — you got more nervous as mizuki looked at your eyes without a face of 'I do not believe you', before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the bed.
"do you want to cut your hair?"
"huh? what-"
"I can do it for you! if you want to, of course, hehehe.." — oh, their laugh. so pretty and yet so contagious. wait, hair, right.
"... I want it."
"really?? alright! I'm not the best at doing this but I'm not going to make it look that bad. I hope.."
"what do you mean you hope??"
"just stay still for me, reader."
and then, she begun to cut your hair. the sound of the scissors getting you more nervous the more you heard it. maybe it was a good idea to not face the mirror.
after a considerable amount of time, mizuki was finally done with your hair. they noticed your anxious face, giggling a bit before grabbing your hand.
"you can look now." — and that was it. you turned around on the bed, now facing the mirror. and, oh, my, god. your eyes widened as you saw the reflection that looked at you. looking without the mockery from before, but with relief, happiness.
"so.. what did you think? I hope it is decent enough-" — before mizuki could even finish their sentence, you hugged them. her surprised face stayed for no longer than 2 seconds, quickly hugging you back.
"I.. thank you so much mizuki."
"it's nothing! did you like it?"
"I love it, mizuki."
you two stayed in the hug for some time before pulling away. as you did so, mizuki noticed your slightly red face, making her smile even more.
"aww, you're blushing!!"
"what? no I'm not?!" — they giggled, making you get even more red and mad. mizuki looked at you.
"uh huh, if you say so. come on, let's go eat something."
"ugh, sometimes I wonder why we're friends."
"stop being like that! here, maybe it's going to make you feel better." — before you could even realize what they meant, mizuki kissed your cheek, walking away to the kitchen.
"you're coming?" — you only nodded, putting your hand on the cheek they just kissed, getting even more red before running in their direction.
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© mizukiyss - don't translate, heavily inspire, feed my work to ai, or repost it on other platforms.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
away (ccg universe)
words: 3,539 ship: austin butler x reader summary: combination of two requests. anon requested: “first time austin leaves for work after him and ccg had luci” and @karamelcoveredolicity requested: “austin teaching his little one to make a PB&J sandwich for the first time”  warnings: none notes: thanks for the requests :)  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
You knew having Luci meant that there were going to be changes—that probably seems fairly obvious. Yet it feels different to think about it, to consider scenarios, than actually living them out.
Both you and Austin thought about having a baby for what felt like such a long time, planning it out, doing your research, preparing in all the ways for expectations that would probably be a million times different than you thought. And that, you realize, has been the truest part. No amount of planning, learning, or anticipating wins out over experience. It’s good to have these thoughts and considerations on the backburner, but that’s all they are. Living with Luci, watching her grow up, has changed so many various parts of you and Austin that you practically feel like you’ve got different DNA.  But to be clear, that’s not something you’d trade for the world.
You know how lucky you are, even when you hit bumps in the road you never saw coming.
This feels like one of them no matter how many times you’ve discussed it with your husband, attempting to plan ahead.
When Luci was born, it was a shared strategy that both you and Austin would take some time off from acting and everything that came with it to build your little family. Not completely stepping away but acclimating, figuring out how to operate with a new normal, seeing what the other needed in order to feel stable. It didn’t take too long, you both had plans for returning to work—Austin, picking up a film his agent had been filling him in on for a little over a year and for you, maybe writing another script. Possibilities were really endless, especially since neither of you were willing to trade one passion for another. You both believed that you could have successful careers and be great parents.
And it’s worked out for the most part, there have been no regrets. Luci is a bit older, two years old, and blossoming in the world around her as she figures out how everything connects. She’s been less self-aware when Austin has had work trips in the past and you feel like you’re on pins and needles as he packs his suitcase because…
It’s been difficult for you when Austin is gone, how much you miss him, how you count down the days until he’s home, and you’re a grown adult that understands the entire process. Luci? Who is definitely a daddy’s girl and so accustomed to having Austin at home? Is not going to understand why he has to leave and be away for so long, no matter how many different ways you try to explain it.
Ugh. You hate this.
You lean back against the headboard and smile a little as Luci wobbles around on the ground, running back and forth between the closet and Austin’s suitcase as she tries to help him pack. They’ve told her he’s going for a work trip, just two weeks for a table reading—it’ll be much longer next time, but you don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. She doesn’t get it…you don’t think she will until she sees Austin walk out the door.
Later that evening, in bed, you face Austin in that familiar darkness. He’s got his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close, legs laced together. You almost want to memorize how his body feels against your own, the scent of his skin mixed with cologne, the warmth of his breath as he presses kisses to your jawline and neck.
Only two weeks and yet it feels ten times longer already.
“I think Luci put sixteen pairs of mismatched socks into your suitcase.”
Austin smirks softly, “Yeah, think I saw her fold her stuffed dino in there too for safe keeping. Gonna have to take that out before I leave tomorrow.”
You rest your hand on his chest, playing with the fabric of his t-shirt between your fingers. There’s traffic driving by outside, tires on slick streets, thunder rumbling in the distance.
“I think it’s a good idea that we’re gonna do the first big goodbye here and not the airport,” You shake your head, thinking as you speak, “She’s gonna be crushed and that’s definitely going to lead to crying.” Possibly a tantrum.
You can feel Austin wince rather than see him do it, “Hate seein’ either of you upset.”
A small smile tugs the corner of your mouth, “I know, I’ll just keep having to do all of her favorite things to make her forget about you,” You start, your tone teasing, “You know—chocolate chip pancakes, cupcakes baked all the time—”
“Why you gotta start baking cupcakes after I leave?” He tries to interrupt.
“Blanket forts in the living room, copious trips to the park, even when it’s raining—”
“I’d be careful to distract her with that,” Austin laughs, “Knowin’ her, she’ll love it and then you’ll be goin’ while it’s raining all the time.”
“—sleepovers with Aunt Jillian, the works.” You grin, “Maybe I’ll even become the favorite parent while you’re gone.”
“Stop,” Austin huffs out an amused sound, rolling his body quickly to hover over top of yours. You can just barely make out the outlines of some parts of his face in the dark—the curve of his lips, the lines of his jaw and cheekbones. You reach a hand up and cup his cheek, running your thumb along the bone.
“You know she adores you.”
You hum, dipping your hand a bit to run your thumb along his lower lip, “Not as much as she adores you.” And…while it’s taken you a while to kinda get used to that, you can’t really blame her for how much she loves Austin. Definitely relatable. Besides, it’s totally normal for her to choose favorites, she’s learning boundaries and really figuring out each parent separate from the other.
Sometimes on bad days it stings for sure but on good days you know how much Luci loves you and that’s more than enough. A warm sound leaves your lips as Austin leans down to kiss you, nuzzling your noses before resting his body along yours, your legs opening a bit to accommodate him. It’s got nothing to do with sex but intimacy, the feeling of your bodies connecting, heated comfort.
“You gonna miss me?” He asks against your lips.
“Hmm—” You pretend to think about it, crinkling your nose even though he can’t see it. “I dunno.”
He laughs a little, his one hand moving to tickle your side where he knows you’re sensitive, right along your ribs. You squirm instantly, attempting to move but the weight of his body makes it difficult.
“So you’re not gonna miss me?”
You laugh and force his hand away, tugging him down into a kiss instead.  
Miss him? More than you can possibly put into words.
You kinda take several breaths in once Austin puts his suitcase by the front door. There’s still a small amount of running around this morning—breakfast being made, showers taken, dressing Luci to go to the park, packing a small snack bag for her of fruit and goldfish, juice boxes…and then it starts. Luci goes to put a particular snack in for Austin, because he loves these little yogurt granola bites and you gently take her hand and squeeze it.
“Daddy’s not coming to the park with us today, remember? He’s gotta go to work.”
“Go to work,” She repeats and her eyebrows draw together, “But later?”
Austin comes into the kitchen to put his coffee mug in the sink, turning a little to look at both of you once he overhears the conversation. He chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyes fluttering to yours as he moves towards his daughter,
“I gotta go to work for a while, bug. Remember you helped pack my suitcase last night? For the airplane?” He gently tugs one of her space buns that you put into her hair this morning, waiting for her to connect the dots.
“Bye-byes?” She asks and you can hear the strain in her voice.
Austin swallows before nodding and you can see the same emotion in the blue of his eyes, that not wanting to leave her—either of you. “Just for a little while. You and mama are gonna have so much fun when I’m gone though, okay? The park and maybe the aquarium—blanket forts, cookies.”
But Luci hears none of that, all she hears is part of her world crumbling as Austin confirms he’s going ‘bye-byes’. It’s like a slow drip, it starts with her eyes widening and her lower lip wobbling and then she kinda just bursts like a dam. You’d find it startling, and yet, you’re the same way. When something overwhelms you, you try and keep it together until you just can’t. Luci’s wait time is a lot shorter, she doesn’t understand how the world works yet or why Austin’s leaving so long for work, or why he can’t just come back sooner and go to the park with them.
“Hey,” Austin says gently and that one word springboards the wailing. Luci starts crying in earnest, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks, “Hey, hey,” He picks her up into his arms, attempting to soothe her the best he can by rubbing a hand down her back.
You feel a lump form in your throat, hate seeing either of them upset. Your hand gently moves to rest along Austin’s lower back, knowing that it must kill him to see Luci crying, especially since he’s the cause, regardless of how much it’s not his fault.
“It’s okay,” You murmur, brushing some of the strands sticking out of her buns back, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“S’okay baby,” Austin whispers, gently bouncing her before closing his eyes a moment.
You press a kiss to his cheek too—this isn’t easy for either of you to witness, especially since neither of you really know what to do to soothe her. Not only is this difficult for her, as someone who doesn’t understand, both of you and Austin know the gravity of being away for work. Though it’s one thing to consider and think about it ahead of time, to try and plan make the best possible choices, it’s nothing in comparison to actually doing it. Which is what this is, seeing what happens when you decide to go through with something.
It'll get easier, with more practice and getting Luci into a routine, but that doesn’t make this one time any less difficult.
His phone pings and you know before he even looks at it that it’s his driver, ready to take him to the airport. Austin sighs, running a hand through the wide curls in the front part of his hair, “I gotta go.”
“I’ll take her,” You offer and he passes her over, having to untangle her small fists from his shirt.
You follow him to the door and Luci’s still crying, not as hard as before, but definitely still upset. She’s watching him these wide eyes and you hold onto one of her hands, pressing a kiss to it.
“I love you both so much,” Austin says as he pulls his coat on, moving to kiss you. He cups your cheek, running his thumb along your cheekbone.
“I love you too,” Humming lightly, you look over at Luci, “Wanna say bye? ‘I love you daddy’.” You try but she can’t get the words out. Probably best given how much she’s crying—if Austin had to hear that with tears wrapped around every syllable, he might not leave.
There’s comfort in the fact that it won’t be this way forever—not only will Luci eventually get distracted that her dad isn’t home, but also that in time this will become a part of her life. Maybe even when she gets older, she can travel with. But for now? Just a very bumpy spot in the road.
It takes Austin about another five minutes to leave, off and on running through his mental checklist to make sure he has everything but also pausing every so often to talk to Luci or press a kiss to her cheek. Finally, he plants one final one your cheek before heading out the door, closing it behind him.
It takes Luci ten minutes to calm down completely and by the time you set her back onto the floor, she decides she’s gonna be angry and pouty instead, which…valid. For some reason if there was any doubt that this is your daughter? Certainly wouldn’t be any more after that kind of behavior. The funny thing is, when Luci gets like this, she doesn’t throw tantrums. Instead, you and Austin have taught her to reply ‘no thank you’ to things and she adopts that phrase when she’s mad.
She’ll have this adorable grumpy pout on her face and just ‘no thank you’ to absolutely everything—doesn’t matter what you say to her.
Taking her to the park melts the ice a little, but she’s still confused when she comes home and Austin isn’t back. You remind her he’s at work, and she seems to accept that, but after a few days pass she doesn’t understand why he’s not walking through the front door. Her routines keep her distracted but you kinda get the same question often: ‘dad coming home now?’
Facetime and phone calls definitely help but it’s never going to substitute for the real thing—you know that better than anyone.
Getting the tub ready for a bath, you sit on the closed toilet seat and move your phone from one ear to another, testing the water with the inside of your wrist to make sure it’s not too hot.
“And it’s been going well for you?”
“Yeah,” Austin replies and he sounds tired but all of his texts about the table reads have been good, so you know he’s excited about the project, “Gettin’ along with everyone, think that’s all you can ask for sometimes.”
“And your co-star?” You pick up a bottle of rose-scented bubble bath, spilling a bit into the water and watching the suds start.
“She’s new so she’s a bit nervous but her first read-through went well. Lookin’ forward to seein’ what else she’s got.”
You smile a little because that’s good—in your opinion that’d definitely be a buzzkill. How can you really develop a plot or your own character if you’re delt a bad hand with casting? Especially if it’s a coin toss of someone new but, how else are you gonna know someone has something to bring to the table unless you give them a chance?
“How’s Luc doin’?”
You run a hand through your hair, pulling a basket out from underneath the sink that has all of Luci’s bath toys in it so she can pick and choose what she’d like to play with.
“Good, less pouty,” She smirks, “Still asking about you and we’ve been sleeping in our bed so she can be on your pillow.” But all and all? Not too bad given how rough it was when Austin first left. You’ll take that progress.
“And you?”
You draw in a soft sigh, “Been writing a bit but it all sounds like crap.”
You can hear the soft smile in Austin’s voice as he speaks, “Don’t say that—you’ve been distracted, just let it sit with you a bit.”
You stick your tongue out a little, shifting to turn the water off in the tub. You know he’s right, despite wanting to just delete everything as soon as you’ve typed it. You’ve been busy and it definitely impacts your creative mind but you might be able to salvage something out of it if you save things as you go.
“Ten out of ten on the husband pep talks,” You tease and he lets out a soft laugh, “Let me call in the gremlin, she’s about to get a bath.” You pull the phone away from your ear, “Luci! C’mon, bath time! Daddy’s on the phone!”
You tap your phone on speaker, listening to the patter of feet running towards the bathroom. Luci runs straight in and throws herself onto your leg, a small oof leaving her lips. You chuckle, running your hand through her wild hair from a day of playing at the park.
“Say hi.”
“Hi daddy!” She sing-songs out, sitting down onto the floor and going through her bath basket.
“Hey lil dino,” Austin says in such a fond way that it makes you miss him even more than you already do. “Wanna tell me about your day?”
And she does. She dives into an entire ten minute dissertation about everything you and her have explored today, including a new part of the park that has a pond where you can feed the ducks.
“She’s named some of them,” You tell Austin as you help Luci into the tub, “Though not as good as the names you’ve given to the pigeons outside our apartment.”
“Hidden talent,” He grins, you can hear it in his voice, which makes your stomach flutter, “What can I say?”
The conversation continues while Luci’s in the bath, mostly just you and Austin catching up, but when it’s time to hang up the call, your daughter kind of whispers her goodbye—this small bye daddy that clenches up inside your chest.
It reminds you to count down time and hold that promise close; there’s only two more full days until Austin comes home.
Austin is insisting that someone can pick him up from the airport so that you don’t have to, but at this point you’re bursting at the seams to see him that anyone else is just not gonna happen. You know he’s trying to do you a favor since you’re looking after Luci, but you can manage it. Carrying her through an entrance and lingering towards the appropriate baggage claim, you check your watch—Austin should have landed already, it’s a waiting game.
You have no idea why it feels like you’re about to see him for the first time, your stomach flipping in circles and your heart pounding in your chest. You keep a sharp eye, only setting Luci on the ground once you see him collect his bag from the assembly line and begin looking for you.
“Look,” You smile at Luci, kissing her cheek as you crouch down, “There’s daddy.”
Luci’s head turns quickly and she definitely squeals out a loud ‘daddy!’ that instantly gets Austin’s attention. When he sees her, that’s when you let her go, chuckling lightly as she takes off at a run to him. Austin drops his bag, leaning down to scoop her right into his arms as you walk towards him.
Luci squeezes him around his neck and he chuckles, his one hand rubbing up and down her back while pressing a kiss to her head, “Think you’ve gotten bigger.”
“Total possibility,” You laugh, “She’s growing like a weed.”
Austin looks over at you and smiles, something genuine and warm, an expression you’ve only ever seen given to you. He moves to wrap an arm around your shoulders, drawing you close and into his chest. You let out a soft sigh of relief as your face finds the crook of his neck, breathing him in, your one arm sliding up and underneath his coat to hold onto his body.
Home is definitely a person.
Waking up naturally the next morning, you reach your arm out across the sheets in search of Austin’s body…and come up empty. Frowning, you lift your head, squinting. But no, the bed is definitely bare next to you and the covers are cold. Letting out a soft huff, you pull yourself from bed, tugging on one of Austin’s sweatshirts and a pair of leggings. Wandering down the hall, you hear soft voices in the kitchen, the clattering of silverware and cupboard doors closing.
“Yeah, just like that.” Austin says. “Hold on,” He chuckles, “We need a layer of jelly.”
“More!” Luci exclaims, very insistent and when you come to lean against the kitchen doorway, a soft smile tugs the corners of your mouth.
Austin is at the kitchen table, hair still unkempt from being slept on…and yet he’s still so handsome it’s kind of unfair. Luci is standing on a chair, helping him at the counter make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’s got a butter knife in her hand and she’s spreading the peanut butter (very haphazardly) onto the bread.
But she’s so happy—Austin’s got this amused, proud smile on his face as he watches her, his eyes fluttering over towards you when he senses you’re there.
You smirk, “Breakfast?” You come over to the counter, leaning against it after Austin presses a kiss to your temple.
“Hope you like peanut butter.” Austin smirks because at this point it’s a peanut butter sandwich with some bread and jelly.
Chuckling, you reach out to swipe a bit of jelly off Luci’s cheek. Honestly, you can’t think of a better way to have it.
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astranne · 1 year
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FAKE DATE ME? !blue lock
mikage reo x gn!reader
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notes // honestly, blame vera for this. i'm not a reo simp, rin thoughts only but here we are... with a reo work.... ugh. as always not edited because i'm lazy and i wrote it during lessons. this completely escalated so uh, have almost 1k of reo just being a simp
wc // 911 words
tagging // for all my reo simps <3 @stellumi , @lilikags , @keqism , @wanderersbell , @venexus
Listen- it was not his fault! He was desperate, the pressure of the public and his parents heavy on his shoulders, all while he only wanted to play football with Nagi. The only reason why his dreams weren't crushed, was because of Blue Lock, as insane this project was.
It saved his life, well, more like his life as a striker and opened so many possibilities. He wanted to play football, he wanted to be the best and he was. Part of the first Blue Lock Generation and survivor of the Neo-Egoist League, he really was one of the best.
And still his parents tried to persuade to take over business, to become the head of Mikage Corporation but he didn't want to! Why was that so hard to understand? He wanted to play football, he wanted to win the World Cup again, he wanted to play against the best because he was part of the best.
In the end, no matter how many times he argued with his parents, he always ended up in one of his many fancy suits, right besides his parents, hair slicked back and a polite, cold smile on his lips. The people around him, old men with too much money to spare and their wives at the age of their own, barely adult children tittered around him, hiding insults behind admiring words and compliments.
They mocked him for his choices, all while going purple because of their jealousy. Others showered him with compliments, trying to gain any kind of favor for their own, untalented sons, or trying to push their brain-dead daughters in his direction. All of this didn't interest him, not when he played in one of the best European clubs as a regular, not when he was the next head of a rich company, not matter how much he hated it.
But he got tired of it, women trying to hang on his arm, simply because he was famous and rich. Richer than most football players. Their interest was not in him, but his fame and money, of course it bothered him and of course he didn't want to do anything with them. He gently pried their arms off, dodging their sharp nails, ready to dig into his meat to leech off and feed their greed.
All this happening to him was the reason why he was here now.
Here, standing in front of you, blurting out his proposition and watching you blush, stammer words and fumble with your hands. That is until you fall silent and agree with a silent 'yes'. How could you not? You, who had a bleeding heart and saw how your friend suffered under the attention he got, the unwanted gazes and whispers following him, while all he wanted to do was playing soccer...
He didn't announce the 'relationship' right away, fearing you would be overrun by the press, his fans and other unwanted people. But coming to sense, he knew that if the paparazzi found out, it would be much worse.
And so he posted a picture on his social media accounts, your hand in his, with a cheesy caption.
Of course, his fans went crazy, trying to find out who your new darling love was, but Reo quickly made it known that he wanted to protect you from the vultures of being famous, just a tiny bit longer.
Instantly he was portrayed as the sweetheart boyfriend, oh so considerate of his partner's feelings, trying to keep his relationship as private as he could.
He hoped that this would be enough, enough to stop his noisy parents breathing down his neck, enough to stop the touchy women on galas, enough to stop everyone.
Mikage Reo was naive. Very naive and too hopeful. Not only did his fake date gather too much attention to just split off, oh no- he also gained feelings for them, like an idiot.
His heart was beating so fast, as if he was in the middle of an intense game, the tip of his ears constantly red, always when you were near him, laughing with him, smiling at him and be his, no matter how fake it was. He was desperate, trying to get closer, reasoning with himself that this has been just so no one would find out, trying to deny that he was in love, trying-
Why was he even trying? He knew he fell for you the second you agreed to help him out, completely selfish (or so he thought). He fell for you hard and fast, with no way backing out of this and he was in a relationship with you! It was almost perfect and so he started to pretend, pretend it was actually perfection and he could call you his official and true partner.
He was trying to hide it, to hide his affection, his crush, his love- and yet he clearly failed, when everyone around mentioned how good the two you were looking, finally stepping into the light of the public, together, two as one.
Whipped he was, some said. Others mentioned words such as 'being in love', 'completely besotted' or 'utterly infatued'.
It was true, how could he deny it? How could he still continue to pretend, while the whole world whispered about him being oh so in love?
He couldn't. And so he confessed, stumbling words and eyes on the floor, fearing your rejection.
But he had nothing to fear, you loved him as well.
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kitsuvil · 2 years
[Reverence] — Scaramouche SMAU
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vi. (unarchived) high all the time ft. y/n & kunikuzushi
[previous | masterlist | next]
Ring... Ring... Ring...
Caller: Divine Asshole (Kuni)
I twist and turn in my bed until I find a comfortable spot, avoiding the phone before finally succumbing to it. I know I was the one who brought up calling over the phone, but I didn't actually think about it until we ended stream. I wanted to get a proper apology from him, as well as get to know him without thousands of peoples eyes on us... But that's exactly the problem. Without anyone watching us talk, I wasn't sure how the conversation would go exactly. Was he any different off stream? The most I'd done was text him.
"Oh— Yeah, sorry, hi!"
"Did you wanna talk about anything specific?"
"I never got a genuine sorry from you, Kuni."
"I thought this was over already, come on."
"I won't actually be satisfied until you apologize and don't pull anything inconsiderate again."
"Fine, but I'm not good at this whole promise thing. I'm... Sorry, that I brought up an uncomfortable topic for you and joked about it. I'm also sorry that I acted rude with the whole sub tweet thing. Are you happy now?"
"Y/N... Ugh. Okay, I'll try my best to not do anything like that again. I'll be considerate of your feelings."
"Thank you, was that so hard?"
"Yeah. It was."
"I'm sooo sorry I had to put your through that treacherous journey."
"Cut the sarcasm."
"Fine then, what else are we supposed to talk about to get to know each other?"
"I'm quite curious about your choice of questions earlier?"
"Don't you think the chat would want the inside scoop? It'll get you plenty of reactions, it's obvious."
"Yeah but it feels a little unprofessional, at least for me, I wouldn't do something like that in my community."
"I didn't see anything wrong with that, I guess people have their differences."
"No wonder we're getting into a petty argument already."
"But we're still getting out of it, at least?"
"I would hope so, I wouldn't even allow for us to stay in the argument. I like to talk things out."
"I see..."
Both of us sit in silence for a minute or so, not sure what to bring up next. We got our questions out of the way, but then comes the hard part of actually... Talking. I knew this would feel awkward, but it's even worse than I thought.
"How has streaming been? That's something we can talk about. You're a pretty big streamer, I've seen you growing from afar for a while now."
"Stressful. I don't know how you've done this for so long. It's great being at the top of it all, but it feels repetitive and that's why I tried to take the opportunity to find new people to stream with."
"I get that, it feels more like second nature to me by now, I think. Being a bit less popular comes with it's perks. Of course, there is the money situation, I do earn less than those of you with 1 million or more subscribers. Regardless, I would say I'm satisfied with what I have now."
"You're getting pulled into more popular people now and getting more interaction now, aren't you?"
"I wonder who's fault that is... But honestly, I guess I don't mind it from the time being. It feels pretty new and makes me excited to stream."
"In that case, I'll make sure to invite you to all my upcoming collabs, help you out, like a good new friend should?"
"Kuni, please, that's... maybe a bit too far for me."
"Rejected. I see how it is."
"Don't take it like that, I'm just joking~ But really, I don't really need the sudden influx of fans."
"Yeah, yeah, have it your way. I don't need you in my streams anyway."
"I'm happy to be in your streams if that's what you really want?"
"Who said that I wanted your constant presence?"
"You did, do you not remember?"
Silence on the other end. I took the chance to get up, seeing this was going to last longer than I expected. We talked as I rummaged through the kitchen in search of the wine bottle I bought a few days ago. But upon opening it and pouring myself a glass...
"Are you drinking? Your speaker definitely picked up the noise of a wine bottle popping open, Y/N."
"It seems I've been caught red-handed, I thought I'd have a drink to accompany us and to celebrate our new friendship."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, I think I'll get myself a glass too."
"Maybe we can come up with games to play together and share our hobbies or interests in the meantime, who knows what we could have in common."
"Sigh... I would say no, but if you insist, how could I?"
"Don't try and hide it, you have to think we could have some common interests too. That's natural curiosity."
"Whatever you say, Y/N."
It seems to me that mission: fix friendship with Kuni is a success. I guess he's not as bad as I thought. Maybe we'll have less petty arguments and more getting along now, at least I hope.
summary; kunikuzushi only became a streamer to follow in his idol's footsteps. but now, he’s ahead of the person he idolized and they have no idea who they are or what they mean to him. due to his ego, instead of explaining the situation in natural ways, kuni has to show his affection with… different methods.
aka: the guide on how to romance your favorite streamer, y/n. 
please reblog, like, and comment!! thank you<3
taglist; @blurr3db3rry @snakeenthusiast @lovely-scaramouchie @yukiipc @monochromaticelliot @griseoo @zannivrs @yukkitosposts @linn-a-a @beriiov @llghtsnoww @shizunxie @meowlumi @mafukissu @mariaaagoesblank @gimenaverde @lxry-chxn @cherrybeomgyu @saoiirsee @plinkuro @kunikuzushiit @almoundtofu @skimm0nzz @dee-zbignuts @frzenhans @dandelion-star @sashiette @ei-ei-ou @l-l-u-x-x @layla240 @moon-z0ne @thenightsflower @p1utto @mammon-s-ring @cloudxemoji @r0ttenhearts @bluebelony @purpl3bo1 @lleoll @angryhope @valeriele3 @nymphsdomain @qwnelisa @elysiasbae @n3r0-1417 @cookichuu @dazaisfavgf @kairxse @kalims @scaranaris-lil-niko
a/n; this chapter was so difficult to write im sorry if the quality isnt as good as the rest 😭💔 i hope you all enjoy it regardless!!
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wraenata · 10 months
You seem to put a lot of energy into being considerate of others. I'm thankful for it but like, how? I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Hi anon! Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.
I really like being considerate of others, in fact it makes me happy. When I see someone having a down day, I just want them to know that someone saw, and wants things to get better for them. Because that's how I really feel. I love all of you in my phone and I want you to be ok. And I like leaving nice tags for people on their art, because I know how much joy that can bring.
But, ugh, yeah. I'm not going to lie, it takes a lot of energy.
I think I'll put the rest under the cut...
Ever since the months started getting warmer this year I've been having more trouble keeping up with my dash (I'm someone who needs to scroll through the whole thing). Before the wedding I was in and covid about a month ago, I was able to just barely keep up with my dash and also scrolling the rise tag. Because I didn't want to miss anything! I also was able to scroll through ao3 to see what new fics were posted and bookmark ones I wanted to read! I...haven't been able to do that anymore...and I hate it.
I'm so far behind on reading fanfics that I absolutely enjoy because I just don't have the energy for reading anything longer than 1k at a time right now. And I can't start any new ones until I catch up on the old ones. There are so many writing posts I came across on my dash that are stuck in draft jail until I have time and energy to read them. And quite a few art posts that I came across when I just didn't have time.
I try hard to keep up with my dash at work but I only have so much (extremely generous) time to do that. I'm often speed running tags when I don't have a lot of time or energy. And sometimes I can't express just how much I love your art because of that low time or energy. And I hate putting posts in drafts cause it piles up and gives me anxiety. And when I come home its just, dash, all night.
I am eternally grateful for @/teainthesnow, she keeps all the tmnt tagged posts coming onto my dash so I can still see them (if you see this tea I am so appreciative of all the work you do for the fandom, you are an amazing person and I love you/platonic).
I've already unfollowed a few blogs, and I agonized over it, for like weeks, before doing it. But it hasn't been enough. If you noticed I unfollowed you in the past 2 months, please know that it was nothing personal and I hated that I had to do it. I miss seeing your posts and how your day is going. We are mutuals in my heart forever.
In fact I wish I could follow so many more blogs but I have had to stop myself for a while now. And it really fucking sucks. I've tried filtering a bunch of tags to make it easier too but it's not enough.
The fact of the matter is, I need to unfollow more blogs. And I hate to do it. I know I need to do it. I've known for a while now. I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore, not after getting covid. I'm just so tired. All the time.
If you see that I unfollow you at some point, again, I love you and we are mutuals in my heart forever. All of my followers are my mutuals. My askbox and messages are always open. You can always tag me in posts (and oh my I'm just remembering all the of tag games I haven't had time to do) I just can't keep up with this anymore. I want to get back to reading fanfic and making the mountains of fanart I want to do for people.
I just, I love you all. But I'm so so tired. I really hope if anything comes out of this long ramble, its that I love you all. The rise fandom has given me so much and I want to return that love.
I'm sorry for the late response anon, and I'm sorry for turning your lovely ask into a bit of a vent. I've tried to put this off for as long as I could, but I just can't do it anymore.
I love you all though <3
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sunny-speaks · 11 months
Characters: Harper @campwillowpeak x reader!
Soulmate au where distinct traits appear on the other persons body, (ex. freckles, dyed hair, tattoos) but also body writing is transferred as well!
Hope you enjoy! On that 'pumping out Harper fics' grindset atm.
You never quite understood the rules of soulmates and how they worked, but that’s okay. You had already turned the age that it set in before you knew it and you were so excited to talk to your soulmate. Your closest friend Harper was turning the same age as you just in a couple of weeks!
The two of you were both seated on the bed in your room as he was the first person to see you the morning of. He had slept over that night because the two of you were too excited to see any changes.
You both waited to see if anything had already changed about you, like your hair color or any marks on your skin or even some scribbles and doodles.
But you were met with nothing.
…That was disappointing.
Harper sat on your bed, gesturing for you to sit next to him, “Maybe your soulmate’s younger than you?” God, was he hopeful it was him.
He had like the biggest crush on you, you didn’t understand… He hoped so badly that when it was his birthday that his hair burns reflected back at him on you so he could show off to others and Gavin, that he was yours and you were his.
You had always been so nice and caring to him. Even if he was considerably taller than you and you had him on a leash, you never acted condescending or mean to him. You didn’t talk to him out of fear or anything, you acted like… he was special or something.
He didn’t… Ugh, he didn’t know what to do with these feelings of his. He was your best friend, firstmost and foremost. He had seen those videos girls post about making guy friends for them to guy ‘I have something to tell you…’ and he didn’t want to disappoint you like that!!
Even if he did want something more…
You sighed, “I don’t know… I just wish I could’ve gotten a sign or something that they’re not like a decade younger than me? Or if they’re just plain…” You grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled a ‘hey :D’ onto your arm. “If I’m lucky enough, maybe they’re just in a different timezone, you know?” You tried to give him a smile but it appeared pretty weak unfortunately…
Were you a little desperate? Sure.
But maybe there was a higher force trying to help you out. Which you would greatly appreciate.
Your parents just set this… rule of no dating until you meet your soulmate because they believe that you should only ever be intimate with your soulmate, your destined one.
You weren’t sure about your stance on that to be honest…
“Yeah… maybe.” Harper tried to sound enthusiastic for you, but it was harder than he expected. He clearly adored you and didn’t understand how you didn’t notice….
But no matter! He had fended others off for you for years, he could do it for longer.
You paused before trying to crack a half-joke. “But wouldn’t it be so funny, if like… I knew my soulmate already?” You were trying to hint at… something to Harper, but he didn’t pick up on it out of sheer density. 
Harper almost choked on his saliva as he let out an awkward laugh, starting to test the waters. “I-I mean, well, uh, how would you feel about that? Like someone you’ve known as a friend was, uh… something more than that?”
You laid on your back, “I dunno man, I’ve always liked a friends to lovers trope, you know? All that romantic tension unresolved until boom! Inciting incident! But mutual pining always hits hard too…”
He laid on his back too, as both your feet dangled off the end of the bend. The two of you were both lying vertically on the bed, your head barely brushing the pillows while Harper wholeass body took up the whole length of the bed.
“Dude, why’re you so big? It, like, doesn’t make any sense…” You watched him slightly curl in on himself trying to fit on your small bed that barely accustomed his height.
Your question made him splutter, face turning bright red. “Ah- Um- Uhhh―”
You paused and started shaking uncontrollably as you lightly punched his arm, “Not like that, Harper! My god… You are just as bad as Friend sometimes, geez. I pity Sweetheart…”
Friend was Harper’s close friend and Sweetheart was Friend’s soulmate. You knew them well enough to see how happy they made each other. But also enough to know about Friend’s… unique sense of humor.
Harper coughed into his fist, “That’s supposed to be an insult, is it now, cara mio?” He let out a soft chuckle that resounded through his chest.
The two of you were face to face even if Harper had to awkwardly lay in position to meet your height. You know… if you leaned in, your lips would just barely brus—
Nuh uh.
This is not the time to begin having very romantic thoughts about your childhood crush— Agh! Childhood friend. Childhood friend, yeah…
As your eyes flickered between his lips and down to his chest nervously, Harper couldn’t help but feel a little hot under all his layers from how intensely you were staring at him.
He turned his head away from your gaze, blushing beginning to reach the base of his neck. Curious as to why the skin color changed, you brought featherlight touches to his skin.
Needless to say, his body lit on fire. Sure, just a couple seconds ago, you were just joking like friends, but now the two of you were acutely aware of the little space between you and Harper could already feel himself withering under your touch each second.
A low whine was muttered from his throat when you brushed over a certain scar, “Mgh… Not there…”
You immediately recoiled, the mere thought of him taking pleasure, indulging in your touches, maniacal, “Oh shit, my bad.” Your hand immediately flew off his neck…
Or at least it would’ve. If you know, his hand hadn’t attached itself to yours as he gently pressed it back, “No, I mean… ugh…” He got drunk on your touch way more early than he thought he would… did he have no self-preservation?
By the way he brought his head into the corner of your nape and used his other hand as a lock to your waist, he had the answer to his question.
And following that afternoon of the two of you cuddling, unfortunately or fortunately the tension between the two of you continued to grow.
You spent your breaks at work just sitting on a bench and listening to him ramble on and on and staring into those beautiful sky blue eyes of his that complimented his ink black hair with those occasional white patches from fire damage.
Sure, he was a pyromaniac, but he was your pyro best friend.
Sometimes, you felt the lines of ‘friend’ and ‘partner’ blur. Whether that ‘partner’ meant ‘partner in crime’ or ‘romantic partner,’ the both of you didn’t want to ask the question or risk breaking the peace.
You had taken the first initiative by kissing him on his birthday. The day he’d finally meet his soulmate.
The both of you had barely gotten any sleep the night prior, both anxiety and excitement keeping you restless.  While it hadn’t been very long since your birthday, maybe the two of you had grown to see each other in a… different light?
You weren’t sure.
All you knew now was that you liked Harper. More than a friend. Maybe you always had. You still haven't gotten any responses from a soulmate so it had to be someone younger than you.
You couldn’t bear the thought of your soulmate just ghosting you or your soulmate already dead.
That wasn’t pleasant to imagine...
The two of you laid on his huge bed in his bedroom. It was so big to barely just fit his height, which was something you joked a lot about.
With bags under your eyes, you slowly turned to Harper. “So… this is it.”
“...Yeah.” Harper was internally buzzing with excitement but all sorts of anxious thoughts returned to his head. What if it wasn’t you? He loved you more than anything, but what if he was wrong? What if it was some stranger he’d never met?!
“You’re worried?” You accurately picked up his emotions, billowing off of him in waves. He’d always worn his heart on his sleeve after all. “Bout what?”
“I don’t know. I guess I don’t really want to love a stranger.” He combed his hair through his hands, as he turned to you, worried, wide eyes. “Like, I don’t want to build a relationship with someone I don’t know just because the universe says we’re destined to be.”
“Harper…” You’d had the existential crisis before too. Why does Fate get to govern your love lives? It was so stupid sometimes. But somehow, it always worked out.
You let out a sigh of exasperation. “Well, it’d be better to get this off my chest even if your soulmate’s someone else…”
“Huh?” Harper perked up at the sheer idea of a confession.
You fidgeted around on his bed, trying to think of a way you could encapsulate how much you liked him and how that changed from friendship into a more romantic sense… but you weren’t entirely sure how.
“I… I like you, Harper. I’m not quite sure when the boundaries between ‘friends’ and ‘something more’ kinda disappeared. I don’t even know when I started liking you in a romantic light. But you’re the kindest, most beautiful, chaotic pyromaniac shit that I think I’ll ever love.”
His heart played hopscotch in its chest, running miles an hour. His bottom lip started trembling as he tried to rein in a smile.
“I know that, like, maybe I’m not your soulmate. But I think I can love you regardless of the fact we’re destined for others. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you, aha…” You awkwardly trailed off, “Y’know they say you never forget your first love? I like to think that’s been you. And maybe by some stroke of luck, we are soulmates! And wouldn’t that just be… I don’t know, perfect?” You gave him an awkward smile, “But can I do something before we check who your soulmate is?”
“Go ahead…” Harper’s backbone was like wet tissue after hearing your confession. You mean, you mean, his years of liking you back weren’t unreciprocated??? And- And you felt the same?
God, he was elated.
You leaned in, your hands around his waist as you slowly pulled yourself closer to him, letting him push you away at any moment’s notice. Harper’s body went stiff when he realized what you were doing right before his face burst out into flames.
“So… this is why you like fire so much? Cause it’s such a pretty shade.” You teased him a little with a cringey joke as he failed to reply.
You pressed your lips to his and he could feel your lips grow into a smile against his. He brought his hand to the base of your neck and pressed you closer to him. His tongue slightly prodded at your bottom lip as he tilted his head to the side for a better angle.
And that’s when you remembered… He had a gigantic tongue ! That was not going down your throat first thing in the morning!
But the both of you were interrupted by someone joining the room… It was Cucumber, Harper’s snitten, looking mildly appalled at what the two of you were doing at the asscrack of dawn.
You immediately separated, to Harper’s disappointment and your relief. Regardless of gag reflex, you still hadn’t eaten anything for breakfast. So tongue-shoving would have to wait.
“...You should probably check for your soulmate.” You paused. Well. This was it. God, if it weren’t for that kiss you just shared, you’d be a lot more anxious.
“OH yeah. Probably.” He dragged his feet to a desk away from his bed, almost pouting as he left you alone. He brought the pen to his wrist and scribbled something on it. “Anything appear on yours?”
You looked down at your wrist in relief and then in mild horror.
“...Did you just write ‘Olive Garden /neg’ as our first soulmate bond.” It wasn’t a question, more of a passive aggressive statement.
But what Harper was enamored with was that the both of you were soulmates.
He started shaking uncontrollably and picked you up off the bed and gave you a tight hug. “Cara mio, cara mio! We’re soulmates! I haven’t called you that in so long, I’ve wanted to for so long! But you would’ve felt awkward, agh- Cara mio, I’ve loved you for so long, didn’t know you liked me too!”
You raised both eyebrows in surprise, “Someone’s been dreaming of this for too long, hm?”
He gently played with strands of your hair, having calmed down a little. “...Maybe. But your hair matches mine now, cara mio. …Oh. Wait, can I call you that?”
You nodded, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips and leaving him dumbfounded, “We should go eat, let’s go break the news to your Nonna, hm?”
You headed downstairs as Harper was left to furiously blush and chase after you, “Give me a moment to react, will you, cara mio!”
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xanthiccircuitry · 1 year
From the Emotionally Intense Prompts post, here's
"How bad is it this time?"
Fandom Megaman X -> Megaman Zero; Pairing: ZeroX; Words: 2,339; Status: Complete; Happy ending tag
Summary: X wakes up, which is confusing considering he was dead. It would take time and considerable resources to resurrect him, something that he didn't think anyone would have when he died. There could really only be one reason for that.
Story under the cut!
Light flooded in, a flash of a booting screen, a quick runthrough of primary objectives, and then the view of a lab ceiling snapped into place.
X blinked– blinked.
He lifted his hands and stared for a moment. His original hands– or a replica of them. He shut his eyes again, he was awake, alive, and in a body that appeared like the one he lost. There really could only be one reason for that.
"How bad is it this time?" He spoke aloud, his voice was smooth, this was a brand-new vocalizer.
"Oh, well…good morning, X." The person sounded surprised that he wasn't more confused or asking different questions and he sat up and had a look at who'd rebuilt him.
"Good morning." He stood up out of his pod and couldn't help but take a moment to stretch. Ugh, it felt great to be in his original body. There was so much room. Before the "new" new generation of reploids after the Cyber Elf War, he wouldn't have considered himself a big reploid, but he definitely was in comparison. He settled and flicked his eyes over the person standing by a holoscreen.
While small, they seemed almost "normal", which was a bit of a shock. How long had it been? Better yet, why would they look as they had before rather than continuing along the path of refinement? He guessed they were still smaller than him, but not nearly so much.
"So? What's wrong? Why did you rebuild me?" He asked, firm and serious, he'd satisfy his curiosity later, right now he needed to focus on whatever was bad enough that someone had taken the time and considerable effort to rebuild him.
They flushed.
"Oh, um, uh…" They nervously looked down, turning a darker, hotter red, "I'm sorry– I thought you'd be less intense than Zero but you think there's something wrong and you're so serious!"
X tilted his head, he didn't quite understand what was going on but he recognized that his "mission mode" was scaring the smaller…uh, reploid (?).
"Sorry, I can be stiff at times." He put on a smile and reached out his hand, "My name is X, what's yours?"
They looked from his hand up to his face and turned an even darker red before they tentatively reached out and shook his hand.
"My name is Sakura. I'm, um, I'm part of the Legend Restoration team. There's, uh, not a crisis. Gosh, there hasn't been a crisis in… Uh, definitely longer than I've been alive.. you're back just to…be back. That's what we do, we restore old reploids and robots– mostly famous ones, like you, because it's easier to get a hold of the necessary memories to reestablish– oh, sorry, that won't make any sense to you." Sakura explained and X lifted a brow. Really? That sounded amazing, but…
"So you brought me back just so I could enjoy a peaceful world?" He asked and she brightened with a nod.
"Essentially! You're a Legend! Everyone will be so happy to be able to see you!" Sakura said brightly and X felt uneasy with the wording.
"Am I a.. showpiece?"
Sakura's mouth hung open for a moment and then shut.
"Um, no, not like that. But everyone knows the legend of X and, of course, there will be some desire for publicity… The museum has a place for you to stay and there aren't Maverick Hunters anymore so I'm sure you'd like to keep busy.." Sakura kept talking and X was somehow more and less confused as she did– but he was getting the idea that he was in fact a showpiece, or maybe an exhibit.
His powercore throbbed a bit, being a showpiece probably wouldn't be so bad, he was a public face and liaison before, the attention wouldn't particularly bother him, he didn't think. But what he really wanted to know, what he was hoping for, what would make it worth it was–
"Zero too?"
Sakura looked at him and then down and away.
"They said that you might ask about him… He's another reploid on the Legend project, yes." She said and X's brows quirked. There was something wrong.
"The soul has to be willing and he isn't?" X asked, his gut clenching, reploids having souls was a whole debate for another time but he himself had always had a desire to see peace, but he had always known Zero to reconcile his decisions before he made them, setting all conflicting feelings away– when he was ready to lay down his life, he did it while at peace.
Sakura's eyes went wide.
"Oh! No! That's not the issue! The issue is– well, I don't– we don't– uh…" She looked down,
"He's not great with waking up." She fiddled with an object she pulled from her pocket while X calmly watched.
"Can you explain?"
"Well he's been rebuilt into his "version two" body but has been known– from his legend– to wake up fighting and we–we're not, um, fighters. I don't think even our biggest security guard could do anything close to stand up to him long enough to try and calm him down. We've done everything to try and mitigate the response but the calculations still indicate that he'll wake up aggressive." Her voice was small and X couldn't help a small chuckle coming from his chest, shaking his head.
"He's been through a lot, leaping into combat mode wouldn't be a leap of logic to make– but Zero is just calm as I am." X said, "He woke up poorly once, but after that he only fought when he had to."
Sakura looked like she didn't believe him in the slightest.
"Dahte is rarely wrong." She said measuredly and X did his best to hide a pulsing desperation in his chest. He wanted Zero. He wanted him more than anything else he could think of.
"If you're concerned, I'd be glad to be there. I can handle him if he's upset, he–."
"We're trying both Iris and Ciel to see if the familiar faces will help, there's data suggesting that he had intense and possibly romantic feelings for them." Sakura said, looking at a smaller holoscreen and X strangled back a sharp reply and merely smiled.
"I've known him longer and, with all due respect, neither of them could handle if he was violent." He leaned into the fears of Zero's violence a bit, feeling hot irritation and maybe some intense prickles of jealousy flush through him.
He shouldn't be jealous, he knew what they had was strong, even if Zero forgetting he ever existed was intensely painful. Zero's memories had been a bit like when you damage a computer and salvage it back into a stable state, everything was there but the details were…lost. His strongest memories would be those of the events after he woke up in the future in his new body. But Zero had known him by the end, he was sure Zero had loved him then, too.
Zero had been the last thing on X's mind when he'd died. Unfortunately…X didn't know if he'd been the last thing on Zero's mind.
But he was sure that his relationship with Zero was deeper and longer than absolutely anyone else combined. Sakura considered him and smiled.
"Of course I want you there, you two are a 'Pair'! People will be ecstatic if they get to see the two of you together." Sakura said and X nodded.
"Let's go then, it's– I want to see him. I've missed him." X didn't mention that he also missed touching him. Not being able to do so had almost killed him before.
It didn't really matter that Zero was locked and sleeping in a pod, it still made him happy. For a moment it was like nothing had ever happened at all– well, except maybe Zero detonating himself to save him– and they could pick up where they left off back when they were just a pair of relatively low-rank Hunters.
"Oh, wow, X." X stiffened up and turned around to see Iris and Ciel.
"I've never seen you like this." Ciel remarked while Iris chuckled.
"Long time no see." Iris said and he nodded to them.
"It's nice to see you smile." Ciel said kindly and he nodded again.
"Same to you." He said, a bit stiff. He'd wanted to be alone with Zero.
"In hindsight, X, you were right. It would've been a lot easier to just go into Maverick Hunter HQ and answer questions than have the whole Repliforce be considered Maverick. …And to not fight Zero." Iris said softly, a bit of an awkward topic. Because what else did they really have to say just on sight?
"It's always easier to see mistakes after they've happened. You were distraught." X replied and she nodded.
"You always were really nice. I guess you're here to see your partner wake up, huh? They said he might be aggressive, I'll be glad to have you nearby." Iris said cheerily. She was trying to be nice but it grated against his nerves. He had to breathe out the irrational jealousy while Ciel watched the whole exchange with her large eyes.
"It's good to see Zero's sacrifice come to fruition." Ciel said, also stiff, seeming upset and X wondered what had happened to her. What had happened at all since the last time he was conscious? How'd they get here?
"Yeah." X had to say, it was a bit infuriating for everyone to gloss over the fact that he had also sacrificed himself and done a lot. It didn't really matter now. All there was now was a future where he was alive, there was peace, and he was about to have Zero again.
"Is everyone ready?" Sakura called from where she was with another person with 'Layla' picked out on her white coat. X straightened and went to Zero's side.
"I've been ready."
"Here we go!"
The pod flashed and beeped a few times before opening and revealing Zero to the open air. He glowed for a few moments before it faded and he saw Zero twitch just the slightest bit.
He opened his eyes slowly, that bright, summery blue unfocused and almost sleepy. X lifted his hand to take Zero's, opening his mouth to say something when both femmes bounced up with big smiles.
"Your eyes are so bright like this!"
The blond lifted his head and looked confused, brows pinching together as the femmes started chatting him up, both immediately regaling him with memories and cheery welcomes and how they were glad to see him. He propped up on his elbows, glancing between them and actually looking…a bit uncomfortable, his expression never shifting from his standard, stoic frown save for his brows being pinched.
X shifted to the base of the pod and Zero's attention was suddenly caught by him. He lifted his head to look at him and his brows lifted, then he smiled.
Not just any smile. The same smile he used to get when Zero was shy but happy to see him–one he hadn't seen in hundreds of years.
Zero got up, heedless of the others, and stood just a mere few inches from X.
"It's been a long time since we looked like this." Zero said, his voice low and soft. X nodded, lifting his hand, where Zero caught it and held it with a squeeze.
"Glad you decided to remember me this time." X said and Zero chuckled– a warm, beautiful sound coming from him. It made X all soft on the inside when Zero did that, rare as it was.
"If I had the choice, I'd never have forgotten." Then his hand was warm on his jaw and a familiar pair of lips slid against his own and his chest ached with love. It melted into these stars and sparklers of joy as Zero slid his arm around his waist and he wrapped his arms around the blond's neck.
He sighed out through his nose as Zero squeezed him extra close, trading soft kisses back and forth before a long, deep one that made his boot tips numb.
"Y'know, I did always think X and Zero were awfully close." Iris commented to Ciel, who nodded.
"This makes a lot of other things make a whole lot more sense."
"Oh. When they said to restore the Legend Pair X and Zero, I don't think this is what they meant." Layla said to Sakura, who hid a laugh.
"Somehow I don't think they'll mind."
They broke and pressed their crystals together, glowing warmly.
"I love you and I'm sorry." Zero murmured and X rubbed their crystals together, sharing some soft electrical pulses.
"I love you too." X replied, "We did everything we could and it worked. You don't have to apologize for that."
Zero pulled back and cupped his jaw, blue eyes sad.
"You say that, but I know what I did. And I know you were lonely for a long, long time." He murmured and X swallowed down a tidal wave of words.
"Everything is over. We've been resurrected as part of a restoration project of some kind. We're "Legends"; sounds like we're a museum exhibit." X said instead of anything else and Zero nodded, accepting it without question– or maybe he had a lot of questions but he wasn't asking X, not when he was able to hold him and not have to worry.
"Yes! (Well you're not an exhibit per se) You two are actually a "Legend Pair". There's other notable pairs that we've 'restored' already– you might know "Rock" and "Roll"– especially you, X, since you're 'Megaman' too!" Layla said excitedly.
"Mmm, yeah I don't think they're listening." Sakura said with a soft laugh at the mechs looking into one another's eyes and nothing else,
"Guess my data was wrong." Sakura hummed thoughtfully and Layla elbowed her.
"So was Dahte. He didn't even breathe aggressively." Layla grinned, "And you owe me a tea for you both being wrong."
"Fine. Rose or lavender?" Sakura sighed.
"I think we're being stared at." X said softly and Zero's lips pulled into a little smirk that he was familiar with– just from a long time ago.
"I don't care if the whole world watches." And then X was being kissed again.
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uenodivision · 2 years
Happy Halloween! 🎃
Happy All Hallow's Eve, everybody! Make sure to have a fun and safe evening as you go around getting free candy and treats! Now, without further ado, here are Sakurai Clan's Halloween costumes! Credit goes to @saitama-division for the pictures.
Aranai - Harleen Frances Quinzel a.k.a. Harley Quinn
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"What up, bitches?! It's fuckin' Dr. Harley Quinzel, at your service! If you're here for tricks, I've got plenty for you! But if you're here for treats, well... sorry, but I kinda had one, then another, then another after that, and... well you get the idea. ...Ha! You should have seen the look on your face! Chin up, kid! I got some treats for you here! Now take them and get lost! I need to meet up with Kaoru, Sumire, and the others so we can go torment that bunny bastard over in Yokohama!"
You received a treat!
Bud & Lou's Caramel Bombs. A chocolate-covered candy ball with a caramel-flavored filling that bursts inside your mouth that moment you bite down on it.
Shisuta - High Priestess of the Church
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"Oh my. This is... unexpected. When Aranai-chan told me she had a costume for me to wear, I'll admit, I was a little skeptical. But when she showed it to me, and I put it on, I then thought that it may have been too much. I... I don't really like showing my skin out in public much. I'm glad she took that into consideration. She says it's based on a character from one of her shows, but she never exactly specified which show. Oh well. ...Oh dear. I kept you longer than necessary. My apologies. Please take these treats I made. Take care, and please be safe!"
You received a treat!
Cross-Shaped Cookies. Sugar-flavored cookies with pink, blue, and chocolate icing on them in the shape of Christian crosses.
Kisouna - Cyber-Ninja
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"...How did I let Aranai and Yomi talk me into dressing in this ridiculous outfit? Thank God my staff members aren't here to see me like this. Where did she even get these swords from? No doubt from one of her miscreant friends. Ugh, I feel ridiculous. Thankfully, this is just for one night. Oh well. Before I take Yomi trick-or-treating, you can have these treats I made. Please be careful, and enjoy yourself. ...Yomi, what did I say about talking to strangers?!"
You received a treat!
Gummi Ninja Stars. Small, bite-sized, squishy gelatin-like sugar candies in the shape of shuriken (ninja stars). Some are able to be swallowed, but it's advised to chew them first.
Yomi - Queen of England
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"Hi, there! Can you guess what my costume is? I'm a queen! I wanted to be a princess, but they didn't have long dresses for me. But my mom got me this crown and this dress and she said this is what the Queen of England would usually wear! I don't exactly know where England is, but I'm still a queen! ...Oh, mommy says it's time to go! Here, have some of my treats! Hope you like them! Bye-bye!"
You received a treat!
Fruity Crown Jewels. Fruity hard candy that comes in several different flavors, such as grape, strawberry, cherry, and green apple. They can be bitten down on, but it's preferred to suck on them to get the juice and shrink them down first.
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themattress · 2 years
One Villainous Scene - Paying the Piper
Peter Pan is a character that for a long while was pepetually becoming lighter than he was when he started. J.M Barrie's original vision for the character was a demon child who kidnapped other kids and cared for nothing but himself and his own twisted whims. The Peter Pan that actually made it to stage and print was softened up considerably, still possessing dark and twisted elements to his character but made more tragic and holding a personal code of honor and the ability to feel for others - even if he admittedly doesn't use that ability often.
Only the 2003 film by P.J. Hogan faithfully adapted Peter Pan's character, IMO. Otherwise we have the even more softened up versions in works such as the Disney film, the stage musical, and the Peter Pan and the Pirates animated series, and versions that lacked any sort of edge whatsoever such as in Hook, Neverland and (ugh!) Pan. But then along came Once Upon a Time, which returned the character all the way to his conceptual roots: a narcissistic sociopath kept forever young by magic who has no lines he won't cross in seeking to get what he wants, including the kidnapping of children - which is why it was a brilliant choice to merge him with another child-napping figure: the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Rumpelstiltskin confronts Pan as he's in the midst of luring children away to join him in Neverland as his Lost Boys - Rumple's son Baelfire included. Immediately we see that Pan is able to get into Rumple's head, pyschologically dissect him and intimidate him, having been an ageless immortal for a longer period of time than Rumple has despite seeming so much younger. He makes a twisted game out of the current situation by daring Rumple to let Baelfire decide whether he wants to go back home with him or off to Neverland, and seems upset but unsurprised when Rumple cops out and just leaves with Bae via magic. The sense of both malevolence and confidence makes Pan truly chilling...and it doesn't stop there.
See, Baelfire eventually ended up in Neverland and forced to be a Lost Boy anyway. He would ultimately escape to Earth where he grew up and renamed himself Neal Cassady and had a child, Henry, with Emma Swan. 11 years later, Henry was abducted to Neverland, and both Neal and Rumple were among his attempted rescuers. The two of them seemed to save Henry but not before Pan planted the seed of distrust into Neal's head, leading him to turn on Rumple and try to take Henry back home all by himself, which resulted in Pan and the Lost Boys cornering them and this whopper of an exchange being had between Pan and Neal:
Neal: I will get my son back, no matter what it takes.
Pan: You're not getting it. That's not the problem. You got him. I got him back. It's the game. No, my boy, the real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission.
Neal: I've done it before.
Pan: Did you? Look where you are now. It's like you never left.
Neal: ......You saying you let me go?
Pan: I'm saying everyone's where I want them.
The scariest part about Pan's confidence is that it is not misplaced. When Rumple took Baelfire back, he somehow KNEW that he would get ahold of Baelfire in the end anyway. And when Baelfire left Neverland, it was only because Pan let him go, since he KNEW he would end up right back there again...and alongside him, his son Henry who is the key to Pan's entire scheme to achieve true godhood. Pan's great power is fueled by belief, and so long as he truly believes that things will go his way, then they most likely will. Putting in the work to know the psychology of all the pawns in his game also helps, as it allows him to manipulate their actions to his own benefit. Oh, and as if this whole scene couldn't get any creepier?
Pan is actually Rumple's father, Baelfire's grandfather, and Henry's great-grandfather.
Yeah, his true identity is Malcolm, a man with a harsh childhood which led him to attempt to make up for it as an adult, shirking all responsibility as a man and even as a father before reaching Neverland and making a demonic pact to become Peter Pan, abandoning his son in the process. Think Fagin from Oliver Twist if he transformed into Alex from A Clockwork Orange. Not even family is an impediment to this selfish bastard's desire to live an eternal childhood for himself. It's the most literal example of Peter Pan Syndrome there is, making him that much scarier and more reprehensible, and this scene that much more unnerving.
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cyberrat · 2 years
63rd Batch Of Fics: 4th Fill
Hanzo/Cole – Minotaur AU – Part 43 – Sleeping beauty wakes up.
Hanzo has only been back from his father for a couple hours when he notes a change in Cole. His breathing has shifted somewhat. He briefly considers letting one of the doctors come but he wants to be alone with Cole when he finally opens his eyes.
He’s been in an induced sleep for a while, though Hanzo has been waiting for a few days now for him to open his eyes. His stump is healing quite well and the works on his artificial limb are also going smoothly. He is in constant contact with the engineers responsible for the project.
He’s put on some make-up and put his hair up in the way that he knows Cole enjoys. He’s not sure what it is about his naked neck that intrigues him so, but he is more than happy to exploit it whenever possible.
He enjoys his bodyguard’s eyes on him quite a bit.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Hanzo is holding Cole’s remaining hand in his lap, feeling the weight of even this one limb as he slowly strokes his fingers along his palm again and again.
Cole truly is a massive creature, though lying there with his stump wrapped up thickly in gauze and his bovine face relaxed in repose, he looks surprisingly vulnerable. Staring into his face, willing him to finally wake up, it occurs to Hanzo just how long it has been since he heard Cole’s lovely, deep voice.
He is yearning for it.
Suddenly, Cole moves. He shifts his head slightly from left to right, mouth opening, smacking his lips and his no-doubt dry tongue.
Hanzo hurries to pour him a mug of mild tea and offers him a large straw to sip it. It takes Cole a while to get the hang of it, mostly because he probably is still too out of it to understand what is happening. Eventually he does get a few sips down, eyes opening up slowly as if in a result to it.
Hanzo’s heart is thumping fast in his chest, getting him somewhat nauseous with excitement as he leans over Cole, trying to see… anything in his dark eyes. They look clouded over with pain, every move of the lids excruciatingly slow like even that little is too exhausting. Once Hanzo puts his hand against the side of his head, though, thumb gently brushing over his cheek, he becomes more lucid.
His voice sounds shot. Hanzo can feel the rumble going through his chest. He’s never felt so… so elated. So thankful. Blinking away sudden tears that shoot into his eyes – he will not immediately ruin his perfect make-up – he lets go of Cole’s hand still in his lap and drags both his hands over his cheeks, petting him while leaning even closer to his face so he can properly see him.
“There you are. You’ve slept for so long, I was really getting worried…”
“I… slept?” Cole mutters. He had started to try and get up but now that he’s seeing Hanzo he settles back down again. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply. The breath he pushes out after a moment is warm on Hanzo’s face.
“You did.” He leans down and presses a kiss against Cole’s broad nose. “What do you remember?”
“Ugh… let’s see…”
He shifts again; moving his stump up a little, mayhaps to rub a no-longer-there hand over his face… and stops abruptly after just a few inches. Grunting and opening his eyes again, Cole’s brows shifting into a frown – or as much of a frown as his bovine face is capable of. “What is--”
Hanzo exhales roughly a breath he’s held and nods; half to himself, half to Cole.
“Let me tell you what happened in the past couple of weeks.”
Hanzo sits quietly while Cole tries to come to grips with his new bodily situation. All in all considered, Hanzo thinks that he’s taken the news of losing his hand quite well. He has struggled to sit up, something that he had needed considerable help from by Hanzo and is now just sitting there, quietly staring at his bandaged forearm lying in his lap.
Hanzo inhales a few times, almost breaking the silence to speak but holds his tongue until he can see the fatigue creeping into Cole’s face. He stands, then, putting his hand on his bodyguard’s shoulder and pushing him lightly to lie back down.
“Come… this was a lot all at once. You should sleep some more. I will be here when you next wake.”
Cole lies back with a sigh. Hanzo would… give a lot to be privy to what is going on inside his head in that moment. It is surprisingly easy to forget that Cole is not a human and his thoughts can be quite alien – a quality that he does appreciate when it comes to making decisions for the clan.
Cole closes his eyes and Hanzo waits for them to open up again but after a couple minutes he realizes that he’s fallen asleep immediately.
Well… it’s better that way, probably.
He doesn’t have to wait quite as long for Cole to wake up again. Just some five hours later when the sun is already starting to set, he starts to shift and groan.
By the time Hanzo is at his side, he’s already opened his eyes and is staring blankly at the ceiling, probably gathering himself before noting the presence at the side of his bed.
Hanzo offers him some tea again. The drinking process is a lot easier this time around. Cole is… alert which soothes a lot of anxiety that had started building in his chest.
“You said you’d be here when I wake up,” he mutters. His speech is still somewhat slurred but easy enough to make out overall. Hanzo can’t complain. He’s been waiting so long to hear his voice again, he’d take anything at this point, really. He grasps Cole’s hand and holds it against his chest.
“And here I am,” he replies gravely.
“Don’t ya have work to do?”
“Nothing that can’t be done from right here. I did not want to leave you alone for more time than absolutely necessary.”
Cole just grunts in lieu of an answer though Hanzo gets the distinct feeling that he is pleased with his reply.
“So you’ve been here the whole time? Watchin’ me sleep?”
“For most of the time, yes. I…” he stops himself from continuing, falling silent and instead looking down at the large hand he has lowered into his lap and is slowly playing with, moving and bending the thick fingers carefully one by one.
He does not want to tell him that for a while he and the doctors have thought that Cole would not make it at all.
With a series of low grunts, Cole begins to shift his body around until he finally managed to be on his side, his stump carefully placed on his waist to not aggravate any injuries while he all but curls around Hanzo, soothing his fraying nerves.
Things… would only get better from here.
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