#to sum it up: it’s spectacular
peaceeandcoolestvibes · 7 months
LMFAOOOO mama ♐️ nailed it, she’s a mood
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dreamingeyes · 4 months
What if black cat (tssm and msm 2017) were to swap universes?
tssm black cat would def be more flirty because msm peter would visibly react more to it than tssm peter.
the dynamic between msm black cat and tssm peter would probably be the same as the dynamic between msm black cat and msm peter, except tssm peter would probably be smarter in avoiding her bad luck powers
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regallibellbright · 1 year
I’m rereading alongside a Tor.com reread club from back after Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen was first published.
Some excerpts as they pertain to the current book:
“In most cases where I’ve only read the book once, it’s because it hasn’t been convenient. I lost my copy, or it came out after A Civil Campaign and I was busy rereading that. Whether I’ve read the book one time or a thousand, I usually give it a thoughtful skim before embarking on the reread. This time, we’re flying blind because Mirror Dance is terrifying.” - Staring Into the Abyss of Mirror Dance
“Nothing clearly bad has happened yet. Mark gets on the Ariel and no one gets tortured or dies. That’s it. We’re OK. Everyone is OK except Mark.” - Chapters 1-2
“As of the end of chapter four, no one has been killed.” Chapters 3-4
I share Ellen Cheeseman-Meyer’s sense of looming dread. Here it comes.
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iratusmus · 2 years
what is one peice.is it like. a bathing suit. insert panel where sally acorn is cutting up film reels here
one piece is the best selling manga of all time and it damn well deserves it
#im not sure if you meant this as a dumb joke or a genuine question but im going to answer it seriously anyways#bc if you give me the chance to talk about this series i fr will never shut up about it#im going to sum it up as best as i can given that its a 1000+ chapter ongoing manga but Basically#one piece is a long running shounen manga about friendship and freedom and adventure. and also pirates#the mc is a guy named monkey d. luffy who gets rubber hose animation style powers as a kid and wants to find the One Piece#there are many very stupid and very serious shenanigans#the humor can only be described as wildly stupid but lord its so terribly funny#and the tone of the store oscillates back and forth between#''genuinely who hurt you author . why did you feel the need to rip my heart out and stomp on it and then tear it to pieces''#and#''real question wtf am i reading (but in the stupidest funniest possible way)''#but not in a way thats jarring or try hard edgy#the main cast is... spectacular. like theyre so well done and such great enjoyable characters and their dynamics are just DELIGHTFUL#the mc is probably my most favorite mc of all time#the worldbuilding is insanely good and so extremely fun and flexible#there is a massive and sprawling cast but they are juggled so well and when you stop to think abt how many moving parts there are#esp in the later arcs. its like. real question author why are you so good at this#and most shockingly of all i think. is that after 25 years there is no series decay. the most recent arc is one of my most favorites#regardless if youre interested in checking it out rn is literally the best time because we're on a month long break (2 weeks in)#if you need a site i have one. also dont watch the anime unless you really just dont like reading manga bc the pacing is ABYSMAL#ask#scatman-world#also it would be SO absurdly easy to make an archie sonic crossover with it. like. so so easy.#one day ill run into somebody who likes archie and op and then we can talk about judge and locke basically being the same guy#but until then
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“Reluctant Lazarus,” Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1976), #231.
Writer: Todd DeZago; Penciler: Sal Buscema; Inker: Al Milgrom; Colorist: Chi Wang; Letterers: Dave Sharpe, Caroline Wells, and Susan Crespi
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cat-toess · 10 months
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Summary ✄: In which, Lyney is unbelievably, heads over heels with you.
Tags ✄: fluff, strangers to lovers (soon hehe), mid-length (sort of) one-sided pinning (for now...) gn!reader (intended, I sincerely apologize if not, please message me if you find any mistakes in terms of this topic! I will do my best to improve my writing :D)
Notes ✄: Lyney come home, please. I beg of u. come home at 15 pity (on my knees sobbing and crying rocks) pspspspspspspsps
P.S: I will be revising this even after this has been published, so if you find any grammatical errors then it might be fixed the next time you check <3 might even add paragraphs- so if you want, make sure to check in regularly!
Ft Lynette, being the best wing woman in the history of teyvat.
PART 2 ✄: Lovesick pt.2
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Lynette was always supporting Lyney. Whether it was behind the scene or in front of the audience of their spectacular magic shows. Always wanting the best for her brother, silently looking out for him (although she may not show it directly on her face).
But there were some situations where she could not back up her dear brother. 
Said ‘situation’ being her brother's ridiculous one-sided crush on you, a stranger turned friend that Lynette had met while shopping for some new tea brews. You, a fellow tea enthusiast, passing by recommended her some of your favorites. Which ended in a lengthy conversation between you and her about the teas of the world. 
Now this wasn’t the usual silly crush Lyney would have that only lasted (at best) 1 week. No he was horrendously down bad. Even Lynette, who had no experience in the romance department mind you, could notice her brother's admiration to you immediately. Hell she could probably spot his stupid heart eyes all the way from Celestia. 
It was only a matter of time until the entirety of Fontaine and their grandmothers and children knew of Lyney’s infatuation with you. 
This led her to her current predicament. 
“Lynette please, do your lovely, wonderful and majestic brother one favor! Introduce me to your ethereal friend from earlier!”  Her brother dramatically whined. Clinging to his sister's leg like it was his lifeline. 
“I would if you weren’t being such a creep about them, you’ll scare them away if you meet them in such a state.” Lynette grumbled. 
Even Freminet, who usually kept to himself started to feel bad for Lyney. 
“Lynette, it wouldn’t hurt to introduce Lyney to Y/N, would it?” He asked. Looking down at Lyney who was close to tears.
“Thank you Freminet! See Freminet sides with me!”  Lyney exclaims, gesturing to Freminet, who is quietly sitting in a chair minding his own business. 
“Fine, I’m meeting them today at Café Lucerene. I’ll introduce you to them there, okay Lyney?” Lynette sighed in annoyance (though she was a little happy since she’s never seen her brother so mesmerized with someone.) As soon as she says those words, his face lights up almost immediately, the signs of sadness are long gone from his face. Lyney jumps up to Lynette to go in for a hug. A hug that she swiftly dodges with a sour expression.
“I truly owe you my beloved sister! But before that mind helping me pick out a few strategies to greet Y/N? I can’t fumble my charming first appearance with my future lover, can I?” Lyney giggles, like a young school girl in love Lynette thinks. 
“Fine…” Lynette murmurs. 
By preparing, Lynette thought her brother would only ask her opinion on how to greet you or what to compliment about you first.
She didn’t mean to agree helping out her brother immaculately plan a custom-made show for you. 
“Lynette! Which bird should I pull out of my hat? The classic magician favorite, the pigeon? Or the epitome of love, the dove? Or maybe my dearest may prefer one of those weird exotic birds from Sumeru? What were they called again?” Lyney pondered for a second before Lynette interrupted his thinking. 
“You mean the dusk bird?” Lynette quips. 
“Yes that one! Or maybe something bigger? Like a sumpter beast? Or even better a Phantasm-“ 
“Lyney! You are not summoning dangerous beasts through your hat, also what if they attack Y/N?” Lynette says as she rubs her head. Maybe Lyney's stupidity was finally starting to rub on to her.
“Hmm, you have a point a suppose, however would I marry them if they were buried 6 ft below me.” Lyney dramatically exclaims placing his hand on his forehead. 
Lynette sometimes worries about her brother these days, ever since he met you, he keeps feeding himself delusions that you two were meant to be. He even had a whole life plan for the two of you, he decided that your first child should be named Lyney/Lynette jr (depending on if they were a boy or girl, her brother had said) .
“Wait a moment… Lynette I have the most spectacular idea, listen closely.” Lyney blurted out, an imaginary light bulb appearing on his head.
Now here she was, hiding at a nearby table at the Café she and you were supposed to meet. Originally you two would meet here to exchange tea brews you found over the week and have a brief talk about them. But this time it was different. 
The first part of the sibling's elaborate plan was to tell you that Lynette was sick so her brother Lyney came to pick up the tea instead. 
So here Lyney is standing near the table, patiently waiting for (his soon-to-be) love of his life to arrive. As if on cue you arrive and Lyney is already enchanted with your appearance. Ogling at you like a hopless person in love. Lynette had never cringed so hard in her life.
Lynette has to stop the insane urge to groan at her brother's antics. 
“Hi Lynette, the green tea this time is- Oh? You’re not Lynette? “ You say in confusion, staring at the young man in front of you. You had seen him before on posters and the front page of The Steambird and all that, so you were surprised at the least to see a famous face instead of Lynette (who was also famous, but that aside) 
“Greetings, exquisite friend of my sister.” Lyney bows, but as he tips his hat a swarm of doves fly out of his hat. “I am Lyney, Lynette’s brother.” He says as he magically makes a bouquet of rainbow roses appear in his hand, and gives them to you. 
Who knew Lynette's brother was such a charmer. 
“Oh hello, nice to meet you Lyney. I’m Y/N” You say politely flashing him a smile (one which made his stomach do flips) 
“No need to introduce yourself, I’ve heard so much about you from my sister.” He says, revealing a charming smirk of his own.
“ I see, if I may ask where is Lynette today?” you ask out of curiosity, looking around searching for your fellow tea lover. (sorry if you don't like tea)
“Ah, sadly my darling sister is sick today, so I have come instead of her to pick up the tea. I accepted the offer as soon as she mentioned it. Who would want to miss the opportunity to meet a person as beautiful as yourself.” He comments, gently holding your hand as he brings it up to his mouth to kiss the front of your hand.
Lynette was praying to Celestia and all the beings above that her brother would choke on his own spit.
“Why, thank you.” You say, not expecting to be drowned in compliments by this stranger. Your demeanor goes from calm to slightly flustered in a matter of minutes. (I mean who wouldn't with Lyney around, honestly)
Lynette internally wonders what could you ever possibly see in that obnoxious brother of hers? 
For a while you two engage in a friendly conversation about simple things like the weather and so on. Soon enough you two get more comfortable as Lyney starts to show you a variety of magic tricks.
"No way you're actually getting my card-"
"Is this your card?"
"You weren't joking-"
Lynette sighs as she starts preparing for phase 2. 
The second part of their scheme was to get Lynette to conjure a strong gust of wind to knock you off your feet so that Lyney could catch you and scoop you up. Like in those popular plays. 
This much should be enough. Lynette thinks to herself as she summons a gust of wind headed straight to your direction. Aimed at you of course. 
But what is this? The wind blows a little off track and hits Lyney instead. 
The next few seconds were like they were in slow motion, Lyney has a surprised expression on his face as he plummeted down to the floor. Lynette is laughing at her brother. Holding her stomach and rolling on the floor (an unusual sight for the people watching the scene unfold, only used to the cool and composed Lynette.)
That is until you grab Lyney into your arms last second and suspend him a few centimeters above the ground.
Would you look at this? Lynette thinks. 
The plan had completely backfired. 
Oh well, her brother would be delighted with the results either way. 
“Are you okay Lyney?” You ask concern lacing your voice. 
Lyney thinks his name never sounded prettier than when it came from your lips, with your voice. 
“Yeah I am, sorry about that.” The usually flirty and confident magician is nowhere to be found. His cheeks were tinted with a rosy hue of pink as his mind went in spirals. 
“No problem, it was nothing.” 
An awkward yet (sort of) romantic silence envelopes both of you. The two you staring at each other's eyes and shyly glancing at each other for a few minutes. 
Lynette was a hair away from barfing up all of her breakfast and possibly her internal organs. 
You were the first to snap out of the trance like state.
“Well, I have to go soon… I’ll see you later I guess?” You ask, waving your farewells to the blonde. Slowly heading back home.
“Yeah, see you later.”  Lyney waves back, a smile adorning his gorgeous facial features. 
Lynette pops out of her hiding spot, and takes a metal note of her brothers' expression. 
“You’re down bad, aren’t you?” 
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@cat-toess 2023 please do not plagiarize or copy on other sites <3 Reblogs are appreciated, but please give credit :D if you have feedback please refrain from being offensive <3
The amount of horrible grammatical errors I found in this is crazy- I sincerely apologize 🥲
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Some of my other posts with Lyney...
❁ Lyney Hcs
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dawndelion-winery · 4 months
L for Loser Lover
They're not normally this...pathetic. Really, it's just the way love brings out the worst in people
Ft. Alhaitham, Childe, Scaramouche (Wanderer)
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Cold, curt, and ever on top of things, he's not exactly what anyone would picture when asked to imagine a doting lover
For someone who knew over twenty languages, he sure didn't have a clue on how to use any of them
At least, that's how people would think his love life would go
So just what was that flower crown of woven roses doing atop his head?
And the funky chicken looking thing sewn onto his handkerchief???
"It's not a chicken, it's an eagle. My lover embroidered it for me earlier this year on Valentine's Day."
Wow, he sure sounded proud of that
Was that a ghost of a smile on his lips? A faint giggle?
Dear archons the world must be ending
Puppy love! Except it's more of an orange cat
Now, he wouldn't scream for attention
Actually, he just might
He's beating up some abyssal beast and suddenly he's pausing to shout for you
Y'know, just in case you weren't watching how cool he was
Some vicious weapon of war he is, slashing away at rifthounds and vishaps alike with that manic emptiness in his eyes
Which glints with a brief sparkle of excitement when he calls your name
He's disgustingly whipped and he can't even be insulted for it
Just try and point out how his eyes only light up when he talks about you, the softness in his features akin to the expression he makes when speaking of his family
"Maybe you're just seeing yourself in my eyes...you're the light of my life, after all."
Emotional constipation atop the urge to adore you isn't a good look on him
He's so clearly trying to seem unaffected by you and it's even clearer that it isn't working
You're so lovely to him it's actually disgusting and he wants to throw up
Stunning, breathtaking, spectacular, gorgeous...they don't even begin to describe you, and he starts to hate it
What do you mean you don't understand what he means when he says he can't really call you winsome or ravishing?
It's annoying to him beyond belief
"Can you sum up a sunrise with a simple "It's bewitching"? Beguiling doesn't even begin to explain the hold you have on me. Your stupid face...I don't want to look at anyone or anything else if it were an option. Your pulchritude has no comparison...so much so that even if I wanted to like it to anything to help you understand, it can't..."
Yeah, no, he's not elaborating beyond that
If you've gotten him riled up to the point of that sort of monologue...chances are you've lost your pet name privileges for at least a week
Expect terms of endearment to be replaced by "dumbass" or "idiot"
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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With the addition of Saturn, the James Webb Space Telescope has finally captured all four of our Solar System's giant worlds.
JWST's observations of the ringed planet, taken on 25 June 2023, have been cleaned up and processed, giving us a spectacular view of Saturn's glorious rings, shining golden in the darkness.
By contrast, the disk of Saturn is quite dark in the new image, lacking its characteristic bands of cloud, appearing a relatively featureless dim brown.
This is because of the wavelengths in which JWST sees the Universe – near- and mid-infrared.
These wavelengths of light are usually invisible to the naked human eye, but they can reveal a lot.
For example, thermal emission – associated with heat – is dominated by infrared wavelengths.
When you're trying to learn about what's going on inside a planet wrapped in thick, opaque clouds, studying its temperature is a valuable way to go about it.
Some elements and chemical processes emit infrared light, too. Seeing the planets of the Solar System in wavelengths outside the narrow range admitted by our vision can tell us a lot more about what they have going on.
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As we saw last week, when we clapped eyes on the raw JWST Saturn images, the observations involved filters that dimmed the light of the planet, while allowing light from the rings and moons to shine brightly.
This is so a team led by planetary scientist Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester in the UK can study the rings and moons of Saturn in more detail.
They hope to identify new ring structures and, potentially, even new moons orbiting the gas giant.
The image above shows three of Saturn's moons, Dione, Enceladus and Tethys, to the left of the planet.
Although dim, the disk of the planet also reveals information about Saturn's seasonal changes.
The northern hemisphere is reaching the end of its 7-year summer, but the polar region is dark. An unknown aerosol process could be responsible.
Meanwhile, the atmosphere around the edges of the disk appears bright, which could be the result of methane fluorescence, or the glow of trihydrogen, or both. Further analysis could tell us which.
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Jupiter was the first of the giant planets to get the JWST treatment, with images dropping in August of last year – and boy howdy were they stunning.
The spectacular detail seen in the planet's turbulent clouds and storms was perhaps not entirely surprising.
However, we also got treated to some rarely seen features: the permanent aurorae that shimmer at Jupiter's poles, invisible in optical wavelengths, and Jupiter's tenuous rings.
We also saw two of the planet's smaller, lesser-known moons, Amalthea and Adrastea, with fuzzy blobs of distant galaxies in the background.
"This one image sums up the science of our Jupiter system program, which studies the dynamics and chemistry of Jupiter itself, its rings, and its satellite system," said astronomer Thierry Fouchet of Paris Observatory in France, who co-led the observations.
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Observations of Neptune arrived in the latter half of September 2022.
Because Neptune is so very far away, it tends to get a little neglected; you're probably used to seeing, if anything, the images taken by Voyager 2 when it flew past in 1989.
JWST's observations gave us, for the first time in more than 30 years, a new look at the ice giant's dainty rings – and the first ever in infrared.
It also revealed seven of Neptune's 14 known moons, and bright spots in its atmosphere.
Most of those are storm activity, but if you look closely, you'll see a bright band circling the planet's equator.
This had never been seen before and could be, scientists say, a signature of Neptune's global atmospheric circulation.
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Uranus is also pretty far away, but it's also a huge weirdo. Although very similar to Neptune, the two planets are slightly different hues, which is something of a mystery.
Uranus is also tipped sideways, which is challenging to explain too.
JWST's observations, released in April 2023, aren't solving these conundrums.
However, they have revealed 11 of the 13 structures of the incredible Uranian ring system and an unexplained atmospheric brightening over the planet's polar cap.
JWST has a lot to say about the early Universe; but it's opening up space science close to home, too.
As its first year of operations comes to an end, we can't help but speculate what new wonders will be to come in the years ahead.
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Top: Jupiter - Neptune / Bottom: Uranus - Saturn
Credit: NASA
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sweetheart-satoru · 11 months
“i think we should break up.” and your heart absolutely drops to the floor. “what?” you whisper, snapping your head in satoru’s direction.
“i just think i can’t be there for you.” he mumbles, avoiding your eyes. you tilt your head, “because of your work?” you mumble, tears gathering in your eyes.
he just hums, getting out of bed. “i have to leave now. sorry, l/n.” satoru is back on the last name basis, which makes you want to slam his head into his stupid wall.
he expects you to argue with him like you regularly do every time he brings up the fact you two should break up.
you don’t even know how to answer. so you don’t. “sorry it has to be this way. i’ll be back around 10, we can talk later then.” and he leaves his apartment in your care even after breaking your heart. he didn’t even seem like he cared at all.
while he was gone, he thought you were going to trash his place up. which he didn’t mind as he could easily afford to redo it. but you didn’t. you left it spotless. it was quiet, too quiet.
he looks on the kitchen island to see that you left a note.
i already took everything i left here that’s mine. we don’t need to talk about anything. also, i left you your box of stuff from my apartment in your room.
have a good life.
now it’s his turn for his heart to drop. huh? you’re not gonna convince him to stay with you anymore? not give him any reasons on why you two need to be together?
he crinkles the paper and tosses it out. “have a good life?” he scoffs, walking into his room to see you did in fact bring everything that he gave you or owned.
fuck, he thinks, rubbing a hand through his hair as he goes through all the memories.
weeks later he finds out you’ve been doing great in your life, spectacular even. not months- weeks. fucking only three weeks and you’ve already moved on from him.
what a joke.
he’s learned you got a new cat, you started seeing a new guy, you started painting again and post your art and lots more.
how does he know this? from his secret account that you don’t know he has because you thought you got rid of him when you blocked him on everything.
don’t worry, you’ll become his again. just wait.
notes: hey guys it’s been awhile 😭
i’m sorta maybe not back, but i wanna write part two and turn him into a yandere or sum idk 😞 lemme know what u think 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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stoshasaurus · 2 months
right. I need to add some fucking context to this.
My current pfp in one of my discord servers is one of my recent drawings of Felwinter. I was talking about my desire to go out and get donuts this morning, particularly a banana Bismarck (basically a banana-flavored Boston cream donut, if you asked me to sum it up) from this local donut shop. I expressed that I enjoy having characters as my pfp because I imagine that they are saying my words, and it made me wonder how Felwinter would feel about donuts for breakfast, and banana bismarcks. I promised that once I had returned from my expedition to acquire said donuts, that I would write a short snippet about Felwinter eating a banana Bismarck.
So, here it is. An extremely silly, probably HIGHLY inaccurate mini-fic about Shaxx bringing Felwinter donuts for breakfast.
Disgustingly sweet (both literally and figuratively) Felshaxx fluff ahead.
Felwinter only finds himself sleeping in when he is visiting Shaxx. The Iron Lord never sleeps at all; he doesn’t need to, and there is always work to be done. He often finds himself quite busy in the evenings, scouring submind data or organizing lessons for his new student, activities that he obsesses over long after dusk, when any ordinary man would retire for the night. But endless work and looming threats be damned, Shaxx has an absurdly comfortable bed, with far too many pillows and a mattress so soft that Felwinter’s frame sinks immediately into it like a stone in a pond. He’d never known he needed a soft bed with a mountain of pillows. It has become one of the millions of little things he looks forward to when it comes to visiting his beloved in the Last Safe City of Humanity
His infrequent holiday stays in the City have been growing in length recently. In the past, he was lucky to have a single evening to himself to spend, a few scant hours spent being shown all of the spectacular things Shaxx detailed to him in his letters. Now, he is allotted more time, sometimes a week or more, once or twice a month. There was never any announcement made; Felwinter highly suspects that Radegast had been pestered into lessening the burdens of his duties by those few nosy Lords who had deciphered his unspoken relationship with Shaxx. Absolute wretches, all of them. He cannot complain.
He sleeps in more frequently now; Shaxx wakes earlier than him, often unable to step away from his post for longer than a few hours. But he never leaves without soft murmurs goodbye and a few kisses pressed to his face. Felspring teases him relentlessly when he finds himself brushing his hand over where Shaxx’s had been. He swats at her before dozing off for the next hour or so, Arc energy buzzing across his frame long after the Warlord has gone, soft flickers of static mimicking well-known, well-loved fingertips.
When he does finally wake up, it is to a still-empty house. If he makes a small noise of disappointment, he will never admit to it. He makes the bed, dresses himself, and opens the windows to let the sun and the air in, admiring the cityscape in the distance. It truly is as marvelous as Shaxx had made it out to be. A place where flowers bloom and birds sing, and Lightless people sleep without guns in their hands. Shaxx had entrusted Felwinter (and Felwinter alone. Oh, isn’t that a precious thought?) with a small, messy manuscript of hand-written poetry. Felwinter had smiled as Shaxx asked for his aid in revising it, hiding his apprehension in his hands as he wrung them, his feet as he shuffled them, his eyes as he averted them from his face. The very same manuscript lay on the kitchen counter, pockmarked with notes and bookmarks, the pages marked with fresh ink in the margins where Felwinter had endlessly praised Shaxx’s prose (in a much more legible script). Where words often failed the Iron Lord, his writing never did. He confessed his love through paragraphs of detailed interpretation and literary analysis. Poetry of his own.
Felwinter is in the process of writing more notes in the manuscript when Shaxx finally returns to the house. Felwinter turns to greet him– there is a tray of twin coffee cups in one hand and a small box cradled in the other, another bag tucked in his elbow.
Shaxx’s Ghost graciously removes the man’s helmet in time for him to press a kiss to his forehead. “Morning,” he rumbles as he deposits his goodies on the counter.
Felwinter absorbs the matching icons printed on the bag and the box. Some kind of bakery, evidently. He shuts the manuscript and sets it aside, taking one of the cups when Shaxx hands it to him. “Good morning,” he replies. “How goes the Crucible?”
“Astoundingly boring. I have no exciting clips to share.” The man sounds almost wounded. Felwinter curses whichever Guardian neglected to throw enough grenades to elicit excitement in the Crucible Handler. “The new Lights tend to try their luck during the summer months. I almost feel bad watching them get decimated by some of our veteran fireteams.”
“One would think the loss would motivate them to try harder.”
Shaxx laughs as he opens the box and examines its contents, out of Felwinter’s line of sight. “It does! That’s the thing about the newly Risen. They haven’t learned what quitting is yet.”
Felwinter does not protest when Shaxx plucks something out of the box and presses it insistently into his hand. It is a soft pastry, glazed with a sweet white frosting and sprinkled with what looks like chunks of cookies. Shaxx grabs an identical item out of the box, but his eyes are on Felwinter rather than the thing in his hand.
The Iron Lord puzzles over it, tilting it carefully so as not to spill the toppings, and stares at Shaxx. “What is this?”
“It’s a donut.” He shrugs with one shoulder. “It’s called a Bismarck. A banana Bismarck, to be exact.” He sounds overly proud of himself as he tilts his chin triumphantly. Felwinter huffs at the display.
Felspring hovers over his shoulder, studying the treat curiously. Felwinter wishes that she had a mouth so she could try it herself. In her stead, he slowly takes a bite, watching Shaxx mirror him with equal trepidation. He cranes his neck over the counter and cups his hand under the Bismarck, making sure no debris falls to the floor. The kitchen is flooded with an oddly pregnant silence as they chew thoughtfully in tandem with one another.
Felwinter signifies the end of his chewing and swallowing with “It’s good.”
“I concur,” Shaxx says. He is still chewing, and the words are muffled as he cleverly keeps his mouth as closed as possible. Crumbs speckle the corners of his lips. “Very sweet.”
“Obscenely,” he remarks. Shaxx barks a laugh.
Felwinter takes another bite. He feels like something, a loose screw, or a damaged cog, clicks back into place. He plucks a cookie off of the top of the thing and pops it into his mouth. It crunches loudly in the metal hollow of his mouth, and the sound drowns out every other thought in his head. Shaxx chuckles at him again, looking very strangely infatuated, and Felwinter cannot stop the lights that dot his chest and his neck from flickering in diffidence.
When his mouth dries up from consuming the pastry, Felwinter reaches for the coffee. It is strong, straight black just the way he likes it, and pleasantly hot rather than scalding. He drinks deeply and feels his plates thaw from the warmth of it, his mouth, his throat, his chest, and his stomach, each system absorbing it individually. The bitterness is a perfect complement to the sweetness of the Bismarck. Shaxx watches him overtly, an earnest tenderness visible in his eyes, unhurried anticipation visible in his open posture. Silently, he seeks appraisal.
“It’s very good,” Felwinter murmurs. All of the words he knows feel inadequate to describe his feelings, so he resorts to simplicity instead. “Thank you.”
Shaxx physically sags against the counter with what Felwinter assumes is relief. An uncharacteristically bashful grin pulls at the corners of his mouth. “I’m glad. I wasn’t sure you’d like it.”
The Exo’s eyes sparkle with his version of a coy smile. “Do I not strike you as the type to enjoy banana-flavored sweets, Lord Shaxx?”
“No, Fel. Not at all.”
As if to prove him wrong, he takes another bite of the Bismarck. It is so sickeningly sweet that he is afraid it will somehow rot his metal mouth.
Playing Nice has ruined my fucking life. I’m so sorry.
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someonexsomeone · 10 months
Title: Fragile
Author: SomeonexSomeone
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Summary: The Triwizard Tournament is a stupid idea...until it brings George something he didn't know he was looking for.
Authors Note: Day 6!!! Wel...okay I know this didn't go up last week. I had to take a week off because, in true fanfic author fashion, my landlord sold the house I was living in and we needed to find living asap lest we go homeless. But!! We did it!! I haven't slept and I'm so stressed I cried when we got approved for a new house, so I wrote this as a reward for myself! I hope you guys like it! I plan to get the one for this week out tomorrow so next Thursday will be back on schedule!
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Dumbledore had made many confusing choices throughout the years George went to school with him as the headmaster. Allowing teachers to pick on students was the first to come to mind, followed quickly by random last-minute points to change the winners of the house cup (Fred told him several times to let it go since they won, but there was something that always nagged George about it), but this year’s TwiWizard Tournament was, he had to admit, quickly climbing the list. His brothers never mentioned anything about it, and neither had their parents, so why suddenly bring back a death tournament when everything around them was already a reminder of the death awaiting them outside the castle walls?
“A way to bond us all together!” Dumbledore happily explained, a twinkle in his eye that George knew only from the same look Fred got when he thought he was doing something brilliant, and since Fred was typically a coin toss on whether was would be true or not, George wiggled his nose in distrust. “I want everyone to remember this is a friendly competition, no matter how serious it may get, so intermingling is highly recommended. Now, how about we give a warm welcome to the two new schools joining us this year!”
It was as full of bravado as George expected, each school expecting to out-perform the other with shows of magic and flips and who knows what else, with Hogwarts left to do nothing but a jovial karaoke of their school's anthem. And, who was George to deny the crowd the twin’s spectacular singing voices? The giggles from the people around them were expected, but some coming from the other two schools was a welcome surprise. George couldn’t help giving it that much more of a performance, just to please his adoring audience, eyeing some of the lovely students in pale blue as they huddled closer to hide their laughter from a disapproving headmistress. 
Then came the announcement of how to apply to the tournament. Fred only needed to spare his twin a glance before they nodded, each imagining the large treasure at the top of the podium. After years of selling products, snatching things here and there from Snape and Sprout and pretty much salvaging anything from anyone, there was a lump sum hiding at the bottom of Fred’s trunk, hidden cleverly in a bag disguised as a dirty pair of underwear, that would help improve their operation tenfold, but this? This would do more than they would ever imagine. How many products would they be able to make? How many ingredients they could buy to refine plans they only dared to dream of? Dare say, even turn their production into something so much more than a traveling trunk of wonder? George hadn’t hoped to dream so boldly so quickly, but this would be worth so much more than they could make for the rest of their time in school! This brain was whirling with the plans they already made, and how quickly they could be made real. And then…heartbreak.
“It’s for your safety!” he heard Fudge say, though it was nearly incomprehensible over the shouting throughout the Grand Hall, the twins louder than anyone else. Outrage! They were near enough to the age restriction, and who was some new old wizard to come in and make these decisions for them? Thus, the scheming began.
Even though he believed Dumbledore to be a bigger ditz than not, he did know his magic was stronger and more refined than the average wizard. Alright, the above-average wizard. But this was worth so much more than a little scolding, and he had seen the hint of a smile on the headmaster's face whenever the twins were on the verge of getting in trouble for their pranks. He had a soft spot for troublemakers, Fred decided early on, and it allowed them to be bolder than they would have under a more watchful eye. Jokes on him, George concluded many years later, that his more lenient attitude made him and Fred nearly overly confident in their abilities, especially their abilities to get away with things that a normal person couldn’t even think of. 
A mountain of ingredients was needed for an age-altering potion, even one as temporary as they were planning on making. Illegal? Maybe. But there were no laws against age-altering potions so long as they didn’t get in trouble while under its influence or force someone against their will to drink it. A short 5 minutes, and only a few months of aging? They had made pranks much more elaborate, and they had spent more than their fair share of time over a bubbling cauldron. All they needed was to get the ingredients and everything was as good as set, right?
The first few ingredients were the easiest. George, ever the good student, volunteered to help Professor Sprout water the plants the first years were studying. She was so frazzled, bless her, that she didn’t notice George take clippings from a select bunch of herbs on the opposite side of the greenhouse from where he was supposed to be. Fred was able to sneak a little here and there from their shared potions classroom, and they had just enough money saved up for an innocuous visit to the potion shop down in Hogsmeade. They had more than enough flasks and bottles saved up over the years to dry the needed things appropriately, and the house elves were more than happy to allow them use of a burner to bring everything to a rolling boil. Everything was set for the brewing, needing to happen on a waxing moon to ensure they wouldn’t age too much too quickly, but there was still one, tiny, pesky problem left…
“How in the bloody hell are we going to find a Lightsparrow’s Talon!” Fred was beyond frustrated, pacing the room in front of his brother. The two had commandeered their dorm room, their roommates besides Lee Jordan knowing well enough now that being around the twins while they planned would inevitably cause them to get caught in the crossfire, with papers strewn all around the room. Theories, replacements, and possible combinations filled each page, all with nearly illegible scribbles confirming their uselessness. “I should have just snuck into Snape’s cupboard during detention when I had the chance!”
“And risk trouble not even McGonnogal could talk you out of? You know he’s only locked down even more since someone else started stealing from him.” Fred huffed, finally plopping down on his bed. “Besides, we don’t even know if he has any. None of the upper-level classes are brewing potions with them, and the Matron doesn’t have any potions that require them.”
“So, what? We just give up?” George rolled his eyes. After years of failed experiments, Fred’s grouchy attitude was more than easy to ignore.
“You know that’s not what I’m saying. I just think we need to get a little more creative.”
“But we’ve tried everything! That stupid library never has anything we actually need.” George just chuckled, walking over to his brother to give him a playful pat on the shoulder.
“Why don’t I go take another look before we give up all hope?” Fred huffed again, crossing his arms and slumping his shoulders like a child. “I haven’t reached the end of the Herbology section yet, and we have enough Swindlebrine powder for another go before the final product.” Fred looked at his twin once, before huffing again. A quick flop, and he was more or less laying across his bed.
“...fine. But, after dinner, we formulate a plan to take a look around Snape’s cupboard just in case.”
“Deal.” They shared a smile, George patting Fred’s leg this time, before ducking out the door. The easiest way to deal with Fred, before food was served, was either to distract him with a problem or let him rest. Sleeping, George found, was always the easier option.
Since the new students infiltrated the school, every time of day was absolutely bustling with activity. Between the end of classes and dinner, most students preferred to hang out with friends, meaning the hallways were empty besides the random groups that walked to and fro their destinations, and teachers were either tucked away in their offices to grade work or in their private studies doing their personal projects. It was the time of day that Fred and George found it easiest to scout out prank spots, and sometimes got as lucky as setting up the bulk of it to finish after curfew. Now though? George had to spin his body in every direction to avoid the constant stream of people. His height allowed him an advantage of seeing over most heads, but it also meant people were able to get extremely close and bump into him without any warning. After years of getting away with pranking people in plain sight with the help of a crowd, he was more alert than ever.
Just up ahead, a group of Hogwarts students were loudly arguing with a group from Durmstrang. About what, George didn’t even want to know, but it was making it incredibly difficult to get past. With a huff, one that would impress even Fred, he slipped into a nearby hallway, not nearly as bad as the main corridor, but he didn’t waste much time before making a few more turns. The good part of sneaking out past curfew was the ability to explore every part of the castle without getting distracted. He and Fred nearly had the layout memorized, but the secret passages granted them much easier access. The way he was walking would take him the long way to the Library, but it was filled with empty hallways courtesy of the tens of abandoned classrooms. The further he walked, the fewer people he could see and hear around him, until he came to a pocket with absolutely no one. On either side, the roar of students was ongoing, but the reprieve did George a moment to breathe. 
If this was your school, George thought bitterly, you wouldn’t be treating everything so disrespectfully. Honestly! Who even told them that wandering around the school was a good idea?
“I’ve already told you no, Dennel.” George stopped still. Just around the corner, he could hear the shuffle of feet, almost like they were walking in circles. Vaguely, he thought he recognized the voice, but no face came to mind immediately.
“My Darling, don’t you know that saying no now will do nothing to help you later?” That voice he did know. George groaned internally. The other bad part of all the new students was the absolute influx of activity in the classroom, namely from a group of Beauxbatons boys that thought it was so fun to flaunt their power and wealth and knowledge, even if they were wrong more often than not. It was almost like having the worst combination of Hermione and Draco, multiplied by 5. The leader of their stupid clique? Luc Dennel, a prat in every meaning of the word. “My Mother has already sent the robes. Do you want to break her heart?”
“That’s why I’m giving it back. You have no right to speak for me or dictate what I wear.”
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.” George leaned around the corner, peaking out just far enough to witness the conversation. With a start, he recognized you immediately. Although you only shared a few classes, George remembered you were skilled in the subjects you did share, and even went as far as helping those around you in spite of their magical school. At one point, you had even helped with some of his wand movement. His hand tingled in reminder.
“Get your hands off of me.” Dennel had you cornered in the hallway, positioning you so your back was to the wall with little room for escape. In your white-knuckled hand was a bag, no doubt the robes his Mother supposedly sent you, but above that, Dannel had his fingers gripping your wrist so tightly there was no debate on whether it hurt or not.
“Just submit to me already.” Dennel’s words were honey, but his tone sent a shiver down George’s spine. Not from fear, no, but from disgust. “It will happen sooner than you think. Why not just do it now?”
You were shaking. George could see even from his vantage point that your legs were on the brink of giving out, the grip on the bag the only thing keeping you from collapsing. A troubling burn whirled in his chest, the unmistakable feeling of needing to help someone bubbling to the surface. He could hardly remember the last time he felt this, though vaguely the image of Ginny shivering against him when people were accusing her all throughout her First Year of being strange for being so protective of her journal. His hand gripped his wand fiercely. He could hardly watch the way Dennel’s hand raised to touch your face.
“Surely the product in your hair didn’t make you deaf, eh, Dennel?” George rounded the corner then. Both you and Dennel jumped, whipping your heads to look at the unknown spectator to your conversation. George watched your shoulders deflate, from relief or embarrassment he couldn’t tell. George didn’t even flinch at the glare Dennel sent him. “Don’t you know it’s not very polite to corner unsuspecting people in a corridor?”
“This is none of your business, Weasley.”
“Oh? Apologies, I wasn’t aware you owned the hallway.”
“No, but I do own them. So, butt out.” In a single moment, before George could even wave his wand, your fist collided with Dennel’s face, sending you both flying with the grip he still had on your arm. George rushed over, pulling you from the floor and away before Dennel could recover. Your glare was fierce, but George could feel your shaking now as your body was pressed against his.
“No one owns me,” you growled out, laughing the bag at the body on the floor. Dennel recoiled as George flinched. Sympathy pains in this case, he hated to admit, always existed man to man, no matter who they were. “Not even you.”
George hurriedly pulled you along the corridor, away from his original target of the Library, to a hidden corridor. He winced once as the magical door closed behind him, hoping that after escaping that disaster you wouldn’t mind being alone in another low-lit corridor with a man just for a few moments in order to get you to safety.
“I’m sorry, I know you probably don’t want to be in this enclosed space. Just through here, though, will take you to the courtyard. We’ll be out quick, promise.” He tried to gently guide you, mindful of the painful bruise he could see already forming around your wrist, but you only managed one step before your legs gave out. George joined you on the floor quickly. “Woah! Hey, are you okay?”
He hardly knew what to do when you burst into tears, your entire body quaking with your silent sobs. His arms hovered awkwardly, too afraid to touch you but too worried to give you space. All it took was a gentle pat on your back before you turned, throwing yourself into his arms, seeking any comfort you could.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” George could barely make out the whispers between your chattering teeth.
“Oh, no, you have nothing to apologize for,” he reassured quietly. He took another moment, before wrapping his arms entirely around you, squeezing as tightly as he could to his chest. His back was aching with the effort to keep you both upright, but he tried to focus instead on quietly murmuring affirming words to you, watching as the candlelight flickered across the dirt walls in order to keep his breath deep and calming. Who knew that having a little sister that was terrified of everything would make him an expert in handling people? 
The two of you sat there until your breathing slowed to a gentle rhythm, your body almost completely still, and then some. George continued his work, moving from reassurances to mindless chatter, just filling the quiet room with something other than your stuttering gasps of air, not letting you go for a moment. He worried you fell asleep for a second, before you gingerly sat up, rubbing your red eyes to get rid of any cloudy vision.
“I don’t normally do that, I promise.” George let out a startled laugh at your admittance, breaking the gentle atmosphere. You gave him a weak smile.
“I always knew Dennel was an ass.” This time you laughed, offering your hand to help George off the floor. Without needing the words, you looked each other over, whipping a smudge of dirt and a fleck of dust to ensure you both were clean. Well, clean as you could be after proactively cuddling on the floor. Your cheeks flared when you came to the realization of what you must look like to an outsider. You met George’s eyes again when he reached over and gently pat your hair down.
“Thank you.” George just gave you a smile.
“It was no problem at all.”
“Even if it means Dennel is going to be an insufferable ass to you now?”
“He already was.” That made you laugh again. George realized he really liked making you laugh. “What’s his problem, anyway?” At this, your smile fell. George felt like kicking himself. There was an awkward beat of silence. “You don’t have to-”
“He wants my hand in marriage,” you said at the same time. That made George gape. “Well, he wants my family’s business in order to save his, so marriage is what he’s set on now.”
“But…but he’s a Seventh Year! And you’re a Fifth Year! That can’t be allowed.” You rolled your eyes.
“Weasley. Surely you know of the old pureblood traditions. Fifth Year is hardly too young to arrange a marriage.” George just continued to gape at you. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to marry him.”
“Good!” Even George winced at how loud that came out. “I mean, good. He’s a prick.”
“A massive one.” Your smile was back. “So, is there anything I can offer my knight in shining armor for the rescue?”
“Rescue?” George huffed, taken aback. “You hardly needed the help with an arm like that.”
“Yes, I will admit, the punch was all my doing.” George laughed. “But most people would just drop me off somewhere near people and hope I was okay. You’re a special breed, Weasely, to sit with someone on the floor of a dirty corridor while they went through hysterics.” You cut him off before he could rebuke. “So, anything I can help the King of Pranksters with? I am in your debt.”
“That is a dangerous thing to say to me, lovey.” George’s mischievous smirk sent a chill down your spine. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to raincheck that favor. Unless, of course, you could get me a Lightsparrow’s Talon,” George laughed.
Despite the obvious sarcasm in his voice, you still responded, “Would a liquid form work?” That stopped his humor immediately.
“Would a liquid form work? It’s the only type I have on me.” You rummaged through your pocket, producing a small bottle of…something that glimmered lightly against the candlelight. George wondered if he was going to have a jaw ache from the way it kept falling open.
“Where did you get that?!” Even as you held it out to him, he was frozen solid.
“It’s not in its purest form, but you wouldn’t need it to be anyway if you’re making a potion. If you mix in some snail secretion it should become tacky again without compromising the effects.” When he still didn’t take it from you, you waved it gently. “Well? Will it work?”
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“What? Oh, I brought it from home.” George gave you a funny look. “Liquid Lightsparrow Talon? Don’t you use it here as a cure for muscle and mental fatigue?”
“Lightsparrow Talon is extremely hard to get here!” It was your turn to look confused.
“The Talon is, yes. But if you gain their trust you can start a farm where they drop nearly all the time. The liquid form is a portion of the Talon ground down and liquified to make over a hundred doses per talon.”
“Is this common knowledge? How do you even know this?”
“The method is new, yes, but it’s been published hundreds of times over the years. The research team is based in France.” George smacked his hand against his forehead. Of course you would stop at E in the Herbology section, he thought miserably. If I had just continued for another row I would have answers for Fred by name. Your laugh pulled him from his thoughts.
“You’re pretty funny, you know that.” In a quick motion, you leaned over, tucking the bottle into his front pocket. His face flared red. “Let me know if you need anything else. The exit was this way, right…” Your voice trailed off as you made your way down the dirt path. 
George felt his heart thumping loudly in his chest. 
“Thank you, Dumbledore…”
masterlist  l What is Laufeyfest? l Laufeyfest masterlist
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cursedcola · 2 years
Synopsis: After attending NRC, our beloved characters suddenly find themselves transported to your world! The thing is, they have no idea where you are and have to make a life for themselves in the meantime. How would they adapt to life on earth? Characters: Everyone. Mix of Sentient AU! and Modern AU! Warnings: None lol. This is for my own enjoyment! Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasmonia You are here!: Scarabia! Disclaimer: I did a bit of research on brazilin culture, geography, etc. for this! I have not been to Brazil, and did my best to read up in order to develop a basic level of understanding for my writing. If anything is wrong or inaccurate, please let me know! I will likely be doing research for the rest of these posts as well.
Nothing could have prepared the students of NRC for what lied beyond the mirror. A world unlike any of them ever known with magic being virtually non-existent ( or so it appears to the general public). With nothing but the clothes on their backs, falsified basic identification, personal items, and the small bits of knowledge gathered from your vessel Yuu; these young adults have one mission-find the player and stay out of prison. It was time to split up, cover as much ground as possible, and make a life in this unknown world.
Let us see how these fresh minds conform to life on earth, yes?
Scarabia Residence: Brazil
Kalim Al-Asim
Location: Brasilia, Brasil.
Kalim is living in the lap of luxury. He owns a four-bedroom condo in the heart of Brazil's capital and it is nothing to turn a blind eye towards. Each room is decorated to the nines with each statement piece picked out by Kalim himself on whim. Some are specially imported (he has a tiny online shopping addiction) and others are items he instantly took to when shopping the street markets.
The place is decorated like an everlasting sunset. Jewel-encrusted tapestries hang from every wall, and the windows are stained-glass which carry a beautiful glow into the open-layout of the condo. It is most definetly a pent-house so the view is spectacular. He has anything one could ever want, from a velvet couch, marble fireplace, all the way to a refrigerator with more functions than you can think of. Not to mention the golden chandelier hanging in the dining area, yeesh
Now one has to wonder, where does Kalim get the money for all of this?
Occupation: Stock Trade and Entrepreneur
Kalim has succeeded in what every freshmen studying buisness has dreamed of at least once. The man has money, and he makes it in his sleep. Literally.
When Kalim arrived on earth he did so with a large sum of money in his bag. Enough to sustain himself and Jamil for three lifetimes. He wanted enough money to travel everywhere, and spoil you rotten. He was going to buy anything you could ever want, and then buy more. All to bring it back home so you will not have any reason to come back. (and if you had family? Friends? He was going to show them that you were in good care, and leave them with enough money that you won't worry about their well-being after leaving. Everything was going to be taken care of.)
But then he got word of the stock market. If there is one thing Kalim knows it is money and he easily climbed that corporate chain. At first it was for fun, but as time went on he somehow became one of the most respected people in the world. Since he started off with so much, it only grew and he began putting the assets into funding charities, research, and other causes that he believed in. Not only was he respected, but his goodhearted nature earned him many friends. Especially since he has a knack Jamil to tell if someone has good intentions or not.
Kalim took to brazilin culture very quickly. He himself is a very lively and passionate person so it was not difficult to adjust to that type of life. He often goes "under-cover," in horribly obvious disguises when there are festivals or celebrations that he wants to attend.
This sunshine can dance, let me tell ya. He can shake it 'till the crack of dawn and still keep going. Like a kid, he'll stop quickly to shovel some food down his throat (that Jamil packed for him because Kalim is Kalim) and then he'll be right back at it.
Obviously, everyone knows that it's him. A few glasses of wine and he's stripping off his disguise to have more freedom. Honestly? It gives Jamil a headache because someone out there could kidnap him and then Kalim would be screwed. Even in this life Jamil has to act as his babysitter.
Though...is it too optimistic to say that this would never happen? At least in the homely local areas that Kalim frequents? I am dead serious when I say that he'll go to the market and buy out a few stalls of their supplies that day. Or at least half of it. Just so he can contribute to the community's economy. If he doesn't need what he bought (say he purchased a ton of food) then he donates it to the homeless, etc.
He is safer in those areas than his own home and knows it. Which is probably why he's so willing to let loose.
Moving on, Kalim dresses just as extravagantly as he lives. Silk is his best friend, and he loves jewelry. Loves, loves, loves it. If it glitters, it is Kalim's.
He owns a bedazzle gun. Enough said.
He loves the sports on earth as well. Especially (soccer/football). He loves how passionate people can get over their teams, and gets absolutely hyped when throwing a viewing party. He'll invite anyone willing to come watch the game with him (and gets Jamil's seal of approval to be in their home)
The people would expect a man of this caliber to be taken, yet the media can't catch wind of a single partner. Not even a one-night stand. He never has arm-candy when attending events, and every attempt at flirting with him is a surefire failure
Why is this? Because he is looking for someone very special. He says this to the press every. single. time. and they have no choice but to believe him because there is no hidden agenda to be found
All he has is a name, and a description of emotions and memories that are too vague to put to a face. Any normal person would think him delusional-
Except for anyone that catches him off the camera. Those days when he's danced his feet into the ground, drank enough to fog his brain, and is pouring his heart out to whatever band is unfortunate enough to have been playing that night. Eventually Jamil will drag him home, and he'll go to bed crying over the mysterious person no one seems to know
Jamil Viper
Location: Brasilia, Brazil
And they were roommates
Jamil lives in Kalim's extravagant condo. Why would he go waste money renting somewhere else when he has babysitting duty 24/7? If he didn't live with Kalim, then who knows what state the place would be in. Jamil cooks, cleans, and essentially does everything for the house. He's the one stuck answering the buzzer for all of Kalim's late-night spending spree deliveries. Not only that, but he is on bouncer duty and performing background checks on everyone going in and out.
Kalim sweetie please cut this man some slack. He needs a bReAk
In all honesty, he dislikes the way Kalim has decorated the place. It is all very pretty but extremely unnecessary. He does not trust hiring a maid simply from how fragile everything is. Kalim tries often to buy Jamil decorations for his bedroom, and Jamil declines every time.
His bedroom is spacious enough to double as a living area. He also has his own personal washroom. The space is full of cool tones. Black, grey, golden yellow, and touches of burgundy. A complete contrast to the rest of the condo. He has multiple bookshelves aligning the walls, a corner dedicated to exercise equipment, a queen-sized bed with many quilts and decorative pillows, and a loveseat. There is always incense burning in his room and he has a large, "No Kalim Allowed," sign hanging outside of his door
Why? Because Jamil has taken to collecting weapons :)
He has many defense weapons hidden throughout his room. From needles, to daggers, to poisons, etc. His room is the storehouse for all of the condo's defense mechanisms. Jamil has also placed extra security cameras in the public living spaces and outside the door. Just to be safe.
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Jamil is Kalim's assistant. He handles most of the paperwork, scheduling, etc. when it comes to their little buisness. He has no reason to find work elsewhere, right?
No. Jamil actually runs a traveling food stall. Depending on where the duo is, he'll manage to obtain permission to open up a stall in the local area for the duration of their visit. He'll serve renditions of food from his homeland, as well as spins on the local cuisine. One thing Jamil loves about earth is the new flavors and spices that he gets to work with when cooking!
The stall gives him the opportunity to talk with locals, and keep an eye on Kalim while doing so. How else is he supposed to make sure Kalim makes it home while still staying productive?
He also gets to ask questions. Like a random survey, as people wait for their food to cook he'll make idle chatter about recent gossip. He'll always slip in questions that may lead to your whereabouts, asking if there are any (Y/N)'s in the area etc.
In truth, he hopes one day you'll miraculously turn up. Either recognizing him or being drawn in by the scent of his cooking.
Another thing Jamil loves is the music. If Kalim can shake his fanny, then Jamil can pick up routines as easy as breathing! He likes to get a feel for the culture, and lives a small 'double life' where he gets to have fun.
Man can Samba. His hips do not lie. Shakira, Shakira
Something screams at this man when it comes to fashion. Like Kalim, he likes to go a bit extra. He simply goes in the opposite direction of Kalim and takes to street-fashion. He picks up pieces as he sees them, and files through local businesses like it's no one's buisness.
He is also one of those people who collects sneakers. He has some for fashion, but mainly likes to have many pairs for dancing and travel. He likes to hike, and the hot weather does not bother him one bit.
When traveling, Jamil picks up two mementos from each place he visits. One is for his sister, and the other is for you. This is another reason why Kalim is not allowed in his room. He has them tucked away somewhere safe, but since he constantly lectures his friend on being more frugal it would not be good if he saw the growing stash. It started off with small trinkets here and there, but now the pile is massive.
Jamil is excited to show it to you. He wants to demonstrate just how far his search has taken him, and how much of a pain in the ass it was to find you.
Yet, his chest grows cold every time he tosses a new item in with the collection. It's a reminder of his failure, and how another day has passed without you by his side.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 3 months
WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tag @justhere4thevibez! Here's a little something from perception check, since I can't share much of my RBB, which has been taking up the most of my time, and the next chapter of Soul is untouched, editing-wise.
(To be fair, this is also untouched, editing-wise, and probably repetitive and stilted as hell, but I'm less precious about it than Soul, so... yeah!)
Chrissy fucking Cunningham, dude. Small world, and all, but of all the people he half-remembers from his stint in Hawkins, she’s solid. A real recollection. This little kid, all pigtails and ruddy cheeks, crying in the corner backstage at the worst gig Eddie’s ever played. A broken pom-pom, she’d explained when he’d asked, holding up a silvery doohickey with a broken plastic handle.  Her mother, she informed him, was gonna kill her, because the pom-poms cost ten dollars, which was a sum so staggeringly huge that it set off a fresh wave of tears. And, like, call him a softy, but crying kids and kicked dogs have always been a liability to his heartstrings, so he fixed her handle with the roll of duct tape he perpetually kept in his bag because you never knew when you might need a quick fix. A life lesson he imparted to her as he wrapped her shit up and sent her on her way.  The routine was pretty dumb, as he recalls, set to some song he hated at the time. But her pom-pom didn’t go flying into the audience, and after the show he caught her eye in the lobby and gave her a thumbs up, which she returned. And, yeah, he moved away soon after. Hadn’t thought much about her, or the incident, until last night, when he’d clocked those wide, familiar eyes and made the connection between the cute girl in front of him and the scared kid he’d helped.  Time, man. What a motherfucker. Because yeah, cute’s probably an understatement. Not the type of girl he’s usually into, to be sure, but pretty in a weird, wholesome way where she probably brushes her teeth three times a day and scrubs under her nails in the shower. He wants to take her on a date. Like, an actual date, which is something he hasn’t done in years. Not since his last girlfriend, and that relationship ended in a flame-out so spectacular on her prom night that he’s stuck to one-night stands ever since. So, he’s gonna call her. Tonight, maybe. Or, no. That’s too soon. He’ll come off like a stalker. Better to wait a couple days so he doesn’t seem too eager. Besides, she’s like… smart. College smart. Probably has homework and classes and friends and all sorts of things going on.  No boyfriend, though. Or other dates. He hopes to hell she doesn’t have other dates. 
Tagging @binickandros, @bisexualchrissycunningham, @1lostsoul0fishbowl, and @erythromanc3r for anything you're working on, not necessarily writing if that's not what you're doing most of these days!
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followcb · 2 months
Birthday Memories
going to take you
on a train to new york city
today's your birthday
and I want to make you
feel spectacular and pretty
we can walk the city's streets
stroll along the high-line
circle manhattan island
sailing upon the circle line
hop onto a helicopter ride
see skyscrapers passing by
or simply sip on zippy drinks
way up in the sky on a rooftop
witness a city that never stops
fly it until our energy drops
and your special day is done
after ridiculous sums of fun
this gift I wish to give you;
heartwarming memories
brighter than the sun
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
©️ @followcb ☆ April 15, 2024
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thequiver · 1 year
Who is...Oliver Queen | Green Arrow? - A Reading Guide
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Oliver Queen is a hero from DC comics that was first introduced in 1941. Ollie is a character based firmly in the folk hero genre with an unmistakable heavy-handed influence from the Robin Hood mythos. Ollie is best known for being canonically a socialist, befriending assassins and "villains", and for having his most common enemy be the police. He is the father of Roy Harper (Speedy, Arsenal, Red Arrow), Connor Hawke (Green Arrow), Mia Dearden (Speedy), Tim North, and Robert Queen II. He's the older brother of Emiko Queen (Red Arrow). And the long-time partner of Dinah Lance (Black Canary) and Hal Jordan (Green Lantern). Ollie is often at odds with other heroes, which makes his epitaph the most fitting way to sum up his character in that he always makes the right enemies.
A reading list with totally legal links is under the cut!
As always
Origins: these comics deal specifically with Ollie's experience on the island
Green Arrow: Year One Green Arrow: The Wonder Year Green Arrow: Stranded (non-canon but still an AMAZING look at the island)
Select Golden and Silver Age Stories: it is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to read these before reading GL/GA and particularly Snowbirds Don't Fly to get full context of the Pre-Snowbirds GA/Speedy dynamic.
More Fun Comics #78, 81-82, 89, 91-92 World’s Finest Comics #7, 57, 70 Adventure Comics #121, 133, 137, 151, 155, 164, 166, 179, 184, 189, 196 Adventure Comics #233 World’s Finest Comics #88 Adventure Comics #246, 256, 260-263 Teen Titans Vol 1 #4, 11, 19-43
Green Lantern/Green Arrow: possibly the most famous stories involving Ollie, GL/GA is a quintessential must-read for the emerald archer! As stated above, PLEASE read the Golden and Silver Age issues before reading GL (1960) #85-86.
Green Lantern (1960) #76-87, 89 The Flash (1959) #217-219 Green Lantern (1960) #90-100, 102-124
Green Arrow Titles: See parenthetical notes for specific commentary on the various series
Green Arrow (1983) Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters (this is a direct lead in to Green Arrow 1988) Green Arrow (1988) (while Chuck Dixon's run has been included for completion's sake please note that he has gone on the record saying that the hates Oliver Queen and his writing reflects this) Green Arrow (2001) (this series seriously drops in quality FAST once Judd Winick takes over and his characterization isn't even consistent with what comes before him in the 2001 series let alone in past series, Winick's GA also features significant anti-black racism) Green Arrow/Black Canary (please keep in mind that Judd Winick's characterization is still SHIT but this has been included for completion's sake) Green Arrow: Brightest Day Green Arrow (2011) #17-34
Other Titles and Storylines:
Identity Crisis Final Crisis Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular
I am not including much of N52 because it is bad. And I am not including Rebirth because it should not be included in reading lists that are meant to teach you about the character, it exists to make you question if Ben Percy has read Green Arrow comics after YOU have read the comics he supposedly drew inspiration from.
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ljf613 · 5 months
Alright, been a while since I said anything really Problematiqué on here and I'm bored, so I'm going to stick my hand in the hornet's nest and say that this so-called Barbie/Oscars "controversy" is dumb and contrived and incredibly absurd.
For those of you who've been living under a rock for the past couple of days (or just avoid listening to anything about Barbie and/or the Oscars, which is very sensible of you), here's a Twitter post that summed up the situation:
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In other words, the very fact that Ryan Gosling was nominated for Best Supporting Actor while Margo Robbie was passed over for Best Leading Actress and Greta Gerwig was passed over for Best Director is Terrible and Misogynistic and entirely the fault of the Patriarchy.
This has got to be the most absurd take I have seen this year. (Granted, "this year" has only been about four weeks, but the point stands.)
Let me explain some things to y'all:
Barbie received EIGHT Oscar nominations. (That is, in fact, a fairly impressive showing for a glorified toy commercial.)
One of those nominations was for America Ferrera as Best Supporting Actress.
Are you guys following? Eight nominations, and apparently none of it matters because the movie didn't happen to get the two specific nominations certain people wanted it to get. And not only that, but y'all want to tear down an actor who was nominated for an award that neither Greta nor Margo was even eligible for. Seriously? Don't you people have lives?
Now, I've heard that Ryan Gosling has come out and basically said that Margo should have gotten the nomination instead of him. (I haven't looked too deeply into this because I just Don't Really Care Enough.) If that's true, it's pathetic and nonsensical.
Ryan didn't take the nomination away from either of them. He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. It's not like Margo or Greta would have been nominated for that award if not for him, and I am almost certain that nobody on the nomination committee (or whoever decides these things) was sitting there saying, "Well, we gave Ryan Gosling a nomination, and therefore we shouldn't give one to Margo Robbie or Greta Gerwig." (I am so tired of the "someone else has something I don't and that's Not Fair and therefore they must be oppressing me" narrative.)
(As someone who didn't actually watch the movie or follow it all that closely, I can tell you this much: I saw lots of people talking about how hard Ryan Gosling was working to get this part right, and how well he did. I don't remember a single post saying the same thing about Margo Robbie. Maybe, just maybe, he got a nomination because he did an above-and-beyond spectacular job and deserved it-- and she didn't? Just possibly?)
Also, an actress getting passed over for a Best Leading Actress nomination CAN'T be misogynistic. You know why? Because who gets that nomination instead? That's right-- some other woman. And as for Best Director, there is a woman who's been nominated for that award (Justine Triet for "Anatomy of a Fall"), so it's not like they were deliberately trying to make sure no woman got the award-- they just didn't feel that Greta Gerwig made the cut.
And even if you pretend we're living in some imaginary universe where the nomination committee deliberately snubbed Margo and Greta while nominating Ryan for Sexist Reasons, why would they have given a nomination to America Ferrera?
In short, whatever the reasons Margo Robbie didn't get nominated for Best Leading Actress and Greta Gerwig didn't get a Best Director nomination, they do not and cannot include:
The committee hated "Barbie" for unspecified Patriarchy Reasons.
Ryan Gosling stole the nomination away from them.
The committee liked "Barbie" but hated all of the women involved (for Patriarchy Reasons).
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