#tumblr. I’ve been here since 2020 tumblr.
sunnibits · 5 months
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this website is so fucking funny. I’ve had an account for over 3 years.
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chrollohearttags · 4 months
long winded ass post I contemplated not writing but did it anyways. read if you’d like or ignore lmao.
so I feel as though this kind of goes without saying but a lot has changed on tumblr and the vibe has shifted a lot, sadly, not for the better either :/ I thought about this for a while and although last week, I was not posting any new content due to the strike, I’ve decided to step away from writing in general after this month. I could sit here and go on a tangent about how it’s the ‘algorithm’ and ‘dying fandoms’ but to me, this boils down to the fact that I refuse to exhaust myself to be unappreciated + disrespected. That’s not to say I’m ungrateful to everyone who reblogs and comments on my works all the time because I am incredibly grateful! I love each of you and I look forward to reading your tags/thoughts. However, it’s not lost on me that the anime fandom in general is becoming shrouded in toxicity and many of us are being pushed away. We’re in an age where people are seen as content machines and not humans so others feel entitled to their art and feel no need to be kind, understanding or empathetic to that person’s feelings. I’m not wasting my time trying to teach people manners that they should’ve learned a long time ago. I refuse to share my craft with people like that. And to say the quietest part out loud: y’all don’t want black writers around, PERIOD. One scroll through the dash shows that much. As someone who’s written primarily for AOT (not changing btw) and specifically the black side of the fandom, it’s almost laughable at the extreme lengths that ppl have gone through to see it be erased. And I don’t mean getting fics hit with labels or reporting (that failed so they switched to plan B.) since I began back writing in 2020-21, it was obvious that it was the most popular among black girls and I remember ppl telling me to write for them. Hell, it’s the sole reason I even watched. Needless to say, I fell in love with the show and it holds a special place in my heart. However, I realized I didn’t need any of the original material. Not only that, in all the years I’ve been writing, it’s the first time I’ve seen so many black girls resonating and happy with a group of characters. It was the first and only time I’ve seen stories where I didn’t feel as though them being a black character was a hidden secret or toned down to appeal to others (no shade). It was in my face and proud, even if I didn’t personally resonate with the reader or concept of the story. It still felt good coming from a fandom where I was literally the ONLY black writer in it. Fast forward and I clearly see that now, it’s not welcomed. We could sit here and blame it on non-blk (yt) having the problems but that’s a load of bullshit and the only enemies we have are one another. It’s been other black writers who have littered the tags with discourse abt the same stupid topic to avoid new fics being seen. It’s been other black writers who have switched fandoms when they were no longer the ONLY ones bc coexisting is just too damn hard apparently. It’s been other black authors who have made it blatantly clear that they are only interested in seeing and creating stories that are palatable to other races so they won’t be perceived in a negative light or to be seen as one of the ‘good ones’. Even down to not using black reader tags or avoiding coded language. So much so, they are comfortable laughing at anti-black rhetoric being pushed on other apps so as long as their new favs are not the brunt of the joke.
I’m not here to tell anybody how or what to write. I’m not here to say you ONLY have to like one show but what I am saying is that i will NOT be spending hours and days agonizing over a fic for it to be minimized to a joke for a bitch on TikTok. I will not spend the little free time I have trying to crunch and finish a fic for it not do well but watch y’all pile in my mentions to argue over nonsense. And I won’t sit here and watch y’all purposely try to run other black writers away bc they don’t fit ur aesthetic. Fiction is fiction and whether you resonate with it or not, it’s expression. I’m a boring ass country bumpkin from the middle of nowhere, Florida who’s got social anxiety, chronically ill, neurodivergent and is in bed by 10:00. I don’t smoke, never had sex and I literally never leave the house unless I’m grocery shopping. I never have and never will live the life of any of my characters, even the most tame ones. But I write for EVERY black girl and want everyone of them to be seen. The one space where that seems to be allowed is obviously not welcomed anymore. Arguing and trying to defend ourselves against people who are committed to misunderstanding us is pointless. Minimizing us down to ‘baby mama’, ‘hoodrat’ fics, simply bc you no longer like certain characters (many of which you all were writing for not too long ago) is quite frankly clown and coon ass behavior. Watching y’all become enraged by tropes that are used by ever race, every fandom, etc but turning the blind eye bc it suits ur narrative is fucking hypocritical and laughable at best.
I’m not insecure in my writing. Never have been and never will be. I know I pour everything I have into creating the best work I can and it’s for that reason that I won’t allow it to be treated like trash. I have over 250 drafts in my Google docs and best believe, that’s where they’ll stay until I see fit. Although I know it’ll probably mean leaving the last place I have any sense of community and social interaction in general, it’s not worth coming on here angry everyday in defense mode. Its not worth getting out of my character over and I rather just not be around if it means I have to play mean girl. My mind may change and all of this will just have been me getting shit off my chest but as of right now, this account will be archived come February 28th. Thank you to everybody who’s supported me this far and gave me a safe space. I love all of you so very much and hope that we can enjoy the rest of this month together 🫶🏾 🤍
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bunnywabigheart · 5 months
ask and you SHALL receive
I’ve been a longtime hasanabi fan (established in 2021 🫡) and I’ve heard WAYYY too much into about this man’s sex life you’ve picked the right person lol
- you’ve known Hasan since 2020 but you two only started OFFICIALLY AND PUBLICLY dating in like march/april/may 2023
- and if you had KNOWN the dick would be THAT GOOD you DEFINITELY would’ve confessed ur feelings earlier
- you’ll be seeing sex through a WHOLE NEW LENSE
- from dating for maybe like three weeks you already know what makes Hasan “break”
- anytime yall are out with friends? teasing. IRL stream he can’t end abruptly just to fuck you? teasing. halloween? forget it you might as well just wear a bikini because we all know that costumes being ripped APART
- your lowkey obsessed with his hands oh mannn
- and bestie…if ur into cosplay better start running (I remember one time he might’ve said something abt being like addicted to roleplay??? BUT DON’T QUOTE ME ON IT)
- he is going to want to fuck u IN cosplay
- literally thinks you’re the most beautiful thing ever to exist
- tbh you blow all his ex’s AWAYYY (am I projecting…? okay fine I am a little bit lol)
- but fr you really do he looks at you like you created the universe
- and I’m not saying you’ll be “addicted” to his dick bc “addicted” is a strong word but idk
- during his streams you’ll be bursting in and being like “heyyy whatcha doing?”
- trying to watch and engage in whatever he’s watching, trying your best to tease him without getting a TOS violation or banned, etc., etc.
- him trying to shoo you away with a stunlock but then coming to see you during a “pee break”
- y’all spend at least ten minutes going at it
- chat going like “bro is taking a long ass piss 💀”
- comes back sweaty af, hair messy…yeah we all know what happened buddy you can’t fool us
A/N: I’m so sorry I couldn’t get more requests out I’ve been so busy with school and shit and haven’t been on tumblr or even watching many of Hasan’s streams lately :’( but here’s my present to u ily all see you soon!
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charmac · 23 days
just wanna say I agree wholeheartedly with your tags on that fandom post. I have been following sunny on here since 2015 and there is a constant cycle of sensitive, and frankly delusional people, who claim the show, make crazy headcanons and justifications to make it tolerable and acceptable to them before they eventually shun and condemn the show altogether. it was very bad in 2018 and made me withdraw from the fandom lmao. I remember being most annoyed with the endless woobifying of charlie and the absolute condemnation of dee above everyone else. like, they're all bad. that's the point of the show. I just don't understand how they could stomach it in the first place
You are a warrior, dude.
The reason it took me so long to join Sunnyblr in the first place was the fact that ~early 2020 I was rarely seeing anything here that was based in canon, mostly weird headcanons that made no sense to me, and Reddit genuinely seemed like a more based place to exist for this show.
I literally needed a friend to give me specific accounts to follow because the tag was (and, sorry, lowkey still is) a nightmare. (Though to be fair I’ve been in fandoms on Tumblr for over a decade and literally never liked scrolling tags.)
I got into Sunny and I fell in love with Sunny because of canon. Because it’s so fucking weird and fucked up but it’s FUNNY, and there’s genuinely nothing like it. The characters are horrible stupid terrible people but they’re actually deeply complex and rich to study, so much so that you feel extremely compelled in a multitude of ways to dedicate yourself to some part of them, or all parts of them. But.. if you strip them of those core identities, of what the characters stand for, that compulsion is gone, void, irrelevant.
Because it’s the extremely raw, almost purely acting on basic instinct, unfiltered humanity, worst parts of the self, inability to recognise or follow societal norms aspects of these characters that are relatable. It’s relatable in a way that *should* make you uncomfortable, feel unsettled, and maybe a little relieved that these parts of people can be acknowledged... That’s a unique and interesting feeling, something people engage with media like this to explore and expand upon, and it’s often something that genuinely helps or supports people who wrestle with a lot of the heavy concepts Sunny satirises (and sometimes just, shoves at you head on).
When people start to disregard all of this, for whatever reason they do, that’s when you end up with the Fandom using Sunny Characters as an “ability to project” or (much worse) a “near blank canvas to play with” (because, yeah, if you strip them of their literal reason for being created and continued existence, ofc you lose their whole identity!?)
The problem seems to be that either 1) they just don’t understand the show well enough to get that they’re disregarding this aspect of the plots and characters, and so they genuinely don’t recognise that the fandom for Sunny exists because of these terrible compulsions and insane trauma exploration and that’s why we enjoy discussing and playing with these characters or 2) they do understand this but they can’t engage with it without some kind of personal moral conundrum or extreme discomfort, so they have to sanitise or completely alter the characters to enjoy them.
The thing is, if you fall into category 2, you just don’t belong in the depths of it all, and it’s an unfortunate truth you have to face. If you cannot enjoy canon, if the actual show makes you extremely uncomfortable and you’re only here for a gay ship or to project your gender and sexuality onto one character, you need to go stan something else. I say that with the greatest intentions for you. As Anon here has stated, it’s an insane cycle in this fandom over and over, you’re just going to upset yourself and resent the show and the people here, because we like the canon and the fuckery because that’s what the show is for. That is the literal point of the show at the end of the day.
Now if you’re in category 1, I heavily encourage you to actually *talk to people about the show and the characters*, read analysis, watch the episodes with different frames of reference and in alternate states of mind. Do your own analysis or character work, try and just write out the plot of your favourite episode and put to words *why* you like it. Hell, try and write a fanfic or a spec script from the mind of one of the characters, even if you think you can’t write.
Honestly, honestly, honestly, if you genuinely like this show at face value but you’re only engaging with fanon because you feel like you ‘shouldn’t’ openly enjoy the canon because it’s seen as ‘bad,’ the best thing you can do is have a conversation with someone, or multiple people, who get the show.
That being said, I do wanna open this shell Discord I’ve made to people. For people who *enjoy* the canon, who want to discuss actual Sunny (and also have fun with it, of course!) you’re welcome to join.
A lot of you get it. I’ve made some amazing friends in this fandom and regularly have extremely stimulating and insanely throught provoking convos with the people I’ve met here. I love it, it drives my insane passion for this show and I am eternally grateful to have found people who love this show for what it is. I hope, if you’re struggling to figure out why you like this show or struggling to accept that you like media like Sunny, you reach out or join a conversation and learn to love it too. And if you don’t, if you genuinely hate the canon of this show and only like the version of Macdennis you saw in a dozen different Tiktok edits to Taylor Swift songs, I really hope you move on for your own sake.
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sutorus · 8 months
im new to jjk tumblr do you have any blog recs 😊
✩ @hannzai — hannah my beloved read her jjk stuff neow she deserves sm hype + lots of sfw works too if u ever want to just yk. chill with ur jjk faves. but do urself a favor and read this one (smut) rn it went platinum in my brain
✩ @itadorey — inez hiii <3 very active which i love <3 these ones i'm about to rec are not smut if u follow me ur prolly a horny fiend like me but please read them they're so immersive and the characters r so well written here aaand here mwah
✩ @fxshigurosbae — kristen! ooomigod so many flavors of ur jjk faves like please go through her masterlist i guarantee ur gonna fall in love with every version of every man in there so yummy
✩ @nanamibeloved — rylie aka nanami's sweetheart all her works r amaze much more polished and clever than mine sobsob but. best flavor of nanami bc she knows him intimately frfr
✩ @todorosie — FIRST OF ALL LOOK AT THE THEME. it's too good and FITTING bc sorin COOKS please go through her masterlist and enjoy mwah
UPDATING in november with more amazing blogs i’ve found mwah
♡ @todorokies
♡ @sachiyoh
♡ @rinniessance
♡ @satocidal
✩ @satoruhour — surely u know i'm a gojo hoe so here u go have some more recs hehe BTW INCREDIBLE THEME i'm obsessed anyway her gojo stuff is sooo yum
✩ @saetoru — her rich boy gojo series has truly awakened so many of us so start with those works but i recommend everything ugh so good. one of the blogs that made me start my own akshually :p
✩ @prettyboykatsuki — has a lot more than jjk and everything is so delicious i've been following for years from other blogs i couldn't recommend them enough!!
✩ @iwaasfairy — DARK CONTENT! another one i've always lurk-read since like 2020 prolly LMAO i love her haikyuu stuff so much just like fyi but the jjk stuff too is just. yum. dark content warning for u again in case that's not ur vibe!
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
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New Fanfic Launch!!!!
Infinite Possibilities
Gorgeous cover art above commissioned from @kbondoxxxxav! Check out their comm details here! (Apologies for the infamous Tumblr resizing shenanigans).
Here is the summary of my new fic :D
Infinite Possibilities will have three phases.  The first stars Eimi, the second stars Koushiro, and the third stars Hikari.  I commissioned the cover to look like a character select menu; each phase will have its own cover art with the lead front and center.
This story explores the realities, issues, and politics of digimon existing on earth, a concept I’ve been obsessed with for years.  It opens about a year and some change before Kizuna, and the events of that film will be covered, too- not so much the film itself as what comes after.
There are couples in this fic, but it isn’t a romance.  The one worth mentioning is Izumi Koushiro x Anami Eimi, as we do see them get closer and date, although that’s never the point or focus of the story.  There might be passing mentions of the two canon couples (Yamato x Sora and Ken x Miyako), and of other Chosen going on nonspecified dates, etc.
I’ve been planning this fic since 2020, and I think it’s ambitious and jam packed with interesting ideas!  How the world looks when digimon and humans come together is so interesting to me, and I’m so happy to share my ideas with you.  Thanks for being here!
Love, Hidden
I've been so hyped to share this fic since I first thought of it in 2020, after watching Kizuna. Here's a link to the bits I've shared about it, if you're interested.
Thank you all so much <3 I hope you enjoy it!
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March Creator of the Month: Bayleedraws-sometimesx
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is the lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx!  The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here. Center photo by the lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx!
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I think it was in 2018, and I first played Bloodbound 1. 
When and why did you join Choices fandom?
It was December 2020. I was really struggling at that point; my whole life had changed, and I still hadn't come to terms with it after a year. It was just an escape. 
How did you pick your blog name? 
It’s just my name and what I do. 
Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
It’s just a pfp i did over halloween. It’d me dressed like Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. 
Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I used to want to be a writer. I really love writing stories, I’ve never really written any fanfiction, but technically, I can draw and write. 
How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
It’ll be four years in December since I’ve been creating Choices-related stuff, but ever since I was a little kid, I’d get obsessed with different shows/ characters and write/ draw them. 
What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My favourite book is definitely Bloodbound. I love drawing BB related stuff because I have a slight obsession with Kamiliah 
Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was a drawing I did for @ao719. I think I would change a lot if I were to draw it now. I don’t really like it anymore, and my style has definitely changed over the years.  I find it really embarrassing looking back at old drawings. 
What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
A BB animation (I still haven't finished), but it was really fun writing the story and designing/ drawing everything. 
Do you have a creation that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I never expected any animations to do well and was very surprised when they did. I’m really sure that I would like to get more attention. 
If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I don't know. I’m moving into my own flat soon, so I’ve been drawing some scenery pieces I’m going to put up once I’m there. I find them really therapeutic to draw, so maybe that. 
Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs?
What element of art do you struggle with most?
Probably finishing the pieces off. By that point I’ve stared at it for so many hours that all I can see are  the problems with it. 
Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Absolutely, I’m going through a lot right now so there’s quite a lot of things that i really do want to finish but i just dont have the motivation. 
If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
Maybe. My big brother taught me how to draw, so occasionally, I’ll let him look at some of my drawings. 
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
I can’t think of anyone published that I looked up to or have really inspired my artwork. There’s definitely people that i know in my life that have. 
Which one of your creations would you like to see fiction written about? 
I have absolutely no idea lol 
Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Yeah, I love creating new characters and really animations doing animations of my original characters.
What other hobbies do you have?
A lot of crafty things. I was taught how to sew, knit, and crochet as a kid, and those are things I still enjoy doing now. 
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I was wondering how you think Abbacchio would react to a darling that’s in college and suffers from on and off depression? I love your work so much and this is my first request ever (crazy since I’ve been following you since 2020 or 2021 ((i can’t remember but you’re why I joined tumblr 😭))
I’m flattered you signed up to this cursed site to read my stuff. But it’s okay, we’re all mad here right? I even have crazy right in my username.
I rambled on this piece, just trying to think on him so uh don’t mind me.
Yandere! Leone Abbacchio w/ a darling who has on/off depression He’s always there for you, whether you know it or not. He’ll sigh in resignation as he pulls out a key and unlocks the door to your apartment. The slightly stale air tingles his nostrils immediately, it’s not like he could really berate you for anything you haven’t done. As the former cop has been in a sorrier state himself, something he won’t hesitate to admit. Abbacchio proceeds to close the door behind him and reaches over to crack a window some.
His eyes scan across the living room and kitchen, there were a few things scattered about disorganized. The sink had some dishes in them, yet to be washed with the pile steadily growing. He’d take care of those later, maybe even try to help you do it. Right now, however his selfish thoughts of seeing you overrode the thought of tidying up the place.
It wasn’t hard to hear footsteps outside of your room, that he knew well from the countless times he’s walked in here. He taught you to at least recognize his and Bucciarati’s footsteps, the others never really came to your place unexpectedly so there was no real need to mention theirs. Which is odd to put it lightly, but the twenty one year old couldn’t help but obsess over it. His stand wasn’t necessarily combat oriented, and of course he still had his training from his cop days instilled in his brain. It was just for safety, that was what he told himself with these precautions. The long haired male knew deep down it was sort of wrong but he kept with it anyway.
Your door wasn’t even fully shut when he approached it. It only took a small push for the door to swing wide open. Then there you were sleeping on your bed, hair disheveled and you were still in your pajamas. What time was it now? Thirteen, no wait fourteen hundred… he inwardly cursed himself for glossing over the time. Either way it was rather late for waking up. Yet you were rather mesmerizing sleeping the way you were. He could just sit there on your bed and watch you lay there for eternity.
It took all his mental strength to not silently just stand there like a creep and say your name. It was a gentle and low grumble, but it was loud enough to stir you a little bit. He waits a minute before saying your name again, the white haired male wasn’t that brazen yet. Sure he could stalk you or play you back on Moody Blues without hesitation. Yet there was something gnawing at him to not touch you being unaware right now. Like that was a good place to supposedly draw the line at. He knows he’ll cross it eventually with how much his mind goes to you.
“A…A…Abba…cchio?” You mumbled incoherently, but Abbacchio’s heart stammered immediately knowing those syllables you slogged over were that of his name.
“I just came to check in on you” He told you, although totally unannounced you took his word for it.
He already knew the issues of depression you had, and the mountain of stress that your college classes were causing. He knew the smallest of details that you never told him. From listening outside your open window or using Moody Blues while you were gone. Your eyes looked exhausted from your mental strife, it made him melt inwardly. He was filth, but he reassured himself to keep you clean even if you didn’t know it.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked as you clumsily sat yourself up.
“I don’t know…” You answered honestly “but I want to try”
He nodded solemnly asking what he could do for you, every little question thumped in his chest. The support you needed and a shadow that watched your every move. From home to classes, to shopping, or even sitting at home. Maybe you knew and despised him, he could be thrown out at anytime, disposed of like garbage. He disregarded that in his current situation, being near something he always wanted. He wasn’t ready to let you go, he’d never willingly do so but he’d help somehow even if it indulged his selfishness.
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bsd-bibliophile · 6 months
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Survey Dates: 11/15/2023 - 12/15/2023
Number of Participants: 326
Tumblr will not allow me to post pictures of all the survey results, so only part of them are included in this post. You can download and view the complete results here or view them in the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library.
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you are interested in viewing the results from past surveys, here are the results from 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
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View the complete survey results here or on the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library.
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All my favs are the ones who aren't from Japan💀
As a huge bsd fan, I admire how commited you are to the blog. Have a good day, as well as a happy new year!!!!! I´ve been filling out your annual surveys since 2020, and I´m glad that you still carry them every year. Thanks!!
BSD Bibliophile is generally such a cool and useful resource, I’ve used it both for fun as well as for school work (I didn’t have my physical copy of Akutagawa’s works with me and needed to cite “Spinning Gears”/“Cogwheels”). Thank y’all for everything you do!
BSD-Bibliophile, the website and the Tumblr posts have been invaluable to me in my literary journey. I thank you so much for your service to the community, I can't express how happy I am that the lesser known or completely unknown authors are getting more western attention. Thank you so much!!
comments on my answers: I used to own more books but when I emigrated I could bring only one. The book I brought here from Russia is Dazai’s stories collection. Since many of the books are available in Japanese for free, I also read them on aozora app.
Finding Japanese literature from these authors is actually pretty difficult in Scotland. Also, Dazai and Nakahara are such fangirl answers, but I actually adore both of their works
First of all, sorry for my horrendous English 💀 I love this page so much! I was absolutely lost as to where to read the translations of the LN, wan! And others, it had been so helpful for me when it comes to my time enjoying BSD. Also, I enjoyed a lot that one section of like fun facts of the real authors and I was so happy when I found the bunch of English translation of the real authors, it really made my day.Now when I want to read a book of the real authors, or read something BSD related I know where ti search for first! I absolutely adored all the work you put into this (or the team (?) I don't know how mane people is running the page:(), thank you for all of it, keep going! 💗
for the images included on posts; the only thing i don't like about them is that they're a bit too tall (making the post look too long as well). i think images would still be nice if they were longer width than height! also, thank you for all of the work you do running bsd bibliophile! you've put together such an amazing and invaluable resource for bsd fans and non-fans alike.
Great work!
Have a nice day!!
Hello! - princy :3
Honestly, I would read stuff by the authors but I just don't have that kind of money
hope you are having a great day!
I absolutely love BSD it made me get into japness literature, as well did Bungo To Alchemist. ALSO BSD LIGHT NOVEL ON TOP!!
I appreciate the work you do! It has really expanded my taste in literature, and for that I am very grateful <3
I appreciate your work🥰😘❤
I believe that having more of a separation from the BSD characters and the real life authors in the bibliophile’s posts would be highly appreciated from a lot of other people; and not just myself
I bought Summer of the Ubume by Kyougoku Natsuhiko when it still was in print in English. I took it with me when rereading and lost my copy. I’m kicking myself years later for not buying a used copy for $50. Earlier this year I was able to borrow a copy from a library and took a picture of every page so I can keep it with me that way. I was delighted to find a scan PDF of the novel when your tumblr linked stories to read for Halloween. Thank you for sharing and thank you whomever made that scan. The BSD Gaiden novel is my favorite thing from BSD and I’m deeply thankful to the person who shared their amazing fan translation. It’s led me to buying all of the English translations of Ayatsuji’s works, plus the two volumes of the manga. I’m a newer follower of your tumblr, but have enjoyed reading each new quote and seeing ones I’ve recognized. Thank you for your work, it’ll definitely be inspiration when I want to read more Japanese literature.
I enjoy the BSD-Bibliophile page on tumblr! I like reading parts (?) of the authors' works and i've become more interested in their works. Thanks for all that you do!! :D
I have the page bookmarked in my browser so that I can check it out from time to time. Also I love Chuuya
I honestly love this website like literally. This bibliophile has helped me Soo much like finding the authors I want to read and learning more about the authors featured. Honestly, words can't describe how grateful I am that this site being created to help accessing literature more easier
I just want you to know that i adore all the effort that goes into this page and that its (In my opinion) a staple of the fandom
I look forward to the survey every year to see how far I’ve come in interacting with Japanese literature. Thanks for running the blog and library, it’s an amazing resource. Best, Comical tuber
I love BSD bibliophile so damn much, whatever BSD related author work and BSD manga (both wan and anthologies) weren't possible for me to find this easily. This website is the work of art. My favourite place
I love BSD-Bibliophile Online Library! Thank you for managing it!
I love the 'recently published' section!
I love your blog and what you do for the fandom! It really scratches the itch which is my obsession with BSD and classic/20th C literature <3
I love your site so much, it's made it so easy to get more info about Japanese authors and figure out what else I want to read. Thank you so much!i love your work!!
I personally believe that using advertisement through mangas and animes specially bsd connects me to the world of books one more time Also I’m grateful for free online websites for putting pdfs of books that I can’t easily have access in my country
I really appreciate all the information you have online here. I have learned a lot and I admire you and your passion. This might sound weird but I truly hope I can collect and read Japanese Literature and organise information as you do when I am older.
I really like your blog, keep it up :3
I really want to read Q's Dogra Magra but I think it's only been translated completely in french so far. Thank you so much for your database! It makes it so much easier to access learning.
I think it's so cool that you're doing these surveys! I think this bibliophile project is just awesome in general tho :) (also dang its hard to choose a fave char) lots of <3 <3 <3
I want to read many more books of the real authors so i cannot yet judge who my favorite will be. Dazai's works are the easiest to get access to in my country and I got Chuuya's poems as a gift so I am still hunting for more :)
I want to read some of their books but i'm to scared of telling my mom this fact ┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I wasn't sure if that question about reading Japanese lit was about reading it in Japanese or not
I will try to get more into this Library ! It's really good and good job for the the tumblr blog, i love it !
I would like if the quotes didn't repeat a lot– Like finding more than 4 posts of the same quote is weird to me at least... instead of doing the same authors in repetition, do more characters that have been published a few times in the blog 🙌🏻
I’m a BSD anime fan who would like to try some of the works by the authors the characters are based on but hasn’t gotten around to figuring out a good entry point for people who don’t usually read literature
I'm new to the fandom, but I'm looking forward to check out any translation that are available (I plan to read at least the work the ability is referring to for a start)
I'm so thankful for your website making Japanese literature available, as I live in a somewhat rural area. Keep up the good work!
I'm very grateful for the resources that had been accumulated by bsd bibliophile, really, I've only been able to nurture my interest in Japanese literature and grow to be passionate about it because I had such easy access to the translated works so thanks a lot for the work you do!
I've just decided to make use of the online library and I'm very excited! I'll check of Oda and Nikolai first because they are most interesting to me :)
i've remembered about the bibliophile purely by chance. in a span of a single night, i've read another media that draws heavy inspiration from japanese literature – ""hashihime of the old book town"". i say ""finished"", yet i'm only done with a single route of this novel. i plan on seeing it through the end. i am enamoured by this script. it's as If i've found true literature again. i truly do not know why im saying this. forgive me If my words are unclear in my ramblings. i am simply here to pick up some kyusaku. maybe then i will be able to fully unravel the fabric of this novel, thread by thread.
I've used this blog to help open myself up to more Japanese literature for years now, ever since I first got into bad, and I can't thank you enough for running this!
Just followed a little while ago so my answers probably aren't that helpful, sorry! I'm looking forward to going through your blog though! Hope you have a nice day/night! :)
Just started following the blog recently tbh, but I’m excited to check out the online library!
Keep up the good work!! :)
Keep up with the good work! I'm always happy to see your content
Love your blog and everything you do!!!
My 1st fav character is Atsushi, but Chuuya's also on top :))
My book count is prolly squewed as I had to go off of memory (since I left many behind in the US at my parents house). I counted Japanese fiction from non BSD authors but not manga and light novels. Also I used to watch & read BSD but no longer do so, but still enjoy Japanese literature.
sorry i took this for fun and wanna read a lot of multiple authors works but uh i havent come around to it yet (also money 😭)
Thank you :)
Thank you <3
Thank you for all the posts you have posted! I can find it hard at times to have the motivation to sit down and READ lol but you inspire me to read more with all the quotes you have shared with us on your blog. <3 Take care!
Thank you for all you do
Thank you for all you do <3
thank you for creating and running this beautiful blog anne♡✨.
Thank you for creating this amazing website ! :D through this website i can learn more about the authors and im happy because of it thank you once again !! <3
thank you for everything you do!
Thank you for letting me know of the library! I've been wanting to read the authors' works but couldn't find them along with money issues
Thank you for providing information that I could not find in anywhere else on the internet in English!
Thank you for the hardwork!! <3
thank you for you blog! literally my go to anytime i need any bsd related! it is literally invaluable and im so so grateful to you!
thank you for your hard work <3 i'm currently studying japanese, because i really want to read japanese literature in its original language and translate it, but until then i will continue relying on english translations - most of which i was only able to find on your site. again, i thank you and the translators from the bottom of my heart for providing us with such amazing resources and translations for free <3
Thank you for your hard work and efforts to share and compile the legally available works of the BSD authors! Your site has allowed me to appreciate BSD as well as Japanese literature itself a lot more.
Thank you for your hard work o7
Thank you for your hard work! Have a nice day:)
Thank you for your hard work! Was it not BSD-Bibliophile I'd be completely lost with researching irl authors and their art of writing. You helped me lots of times.
thank you for your hardwork! i appreciate what you do <3
Thank you for your work and your posts! :D
Thank you for your work at BSD-Bibliophile. For the research that I am conducting and for leisure purposes, the curated library is immensely helpful. I am happy to see that interest has grown in Japanese literature alongside the depth of available resources.
Thank you for your work! It’s always a bright spot in my day to see these quotes :)
Thank you for your work! Your blog has been a great source of information for me for a few years now. Sending love and hugs 🌸
Thank you for your work!!
Thank you so much for all you've done for the community!!!
Thank you!
Thanks :D
Thanks for all the work you do
Thanks for all your work! It's because of you guys that I've been able to read as much as I have (and will continue to do)!!!
Thanks for this resource, it's helpful as a Universal Literature student
the online library has really helped in finding japanese literature
The online library helped me so much in getting to know more about japanese literature thanks a lot for you ♥️
The website has been of great help to find my way around the literature! Truly a godsend! Keep up the great work
The world of literature is a big one & some of it aren't really that accessible. It's great that there are more people translating these previously untranslated works so we can see just how unique each author's style is
There were questions asking for "favorite Japanese BSD author", but those questions were very misleading. First of all, the characters in BSD aren't authors; they don't do or haven't done writing for living or anything along the lines. Secondly, said questions made it sound more like you were asking for whether I like Asagiri, Harukawa, Kanai, Hoshikawa or some other creators who are credited as authors of BSD. They are BSD authors, not the characters like you made it sound like in your questions. If you are asking about real-life authors who happen to have characters based on them in BSD, leave out BSD from the questions, or specify them with something like "Which Japanese author do you like the most, who has a character based on them in BSD?". Last I would like to suggest adding option to the question regarding BSD media, where people who are ex-BSD fans could specify that they've been previously fans, but don't consume or follow the series anymore. The option could be literally just "Previously have been BSD fan, but don't consume any of the official content anymore". I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people like me who have enjoyed BSD in the past, but now just enjoy Japanese literature alone or through some other medias that have nothing to do with BSD. Thanks for the annual survey as always. It's been interesting to see how much the fandom reads and who are the authors who people read in the first place. I wish more people would pay attention to some less popular authors, as there are plenty of hidden gems and your favorite author doesn't have to be the same as your favorite BSD character.
there's a redditor in r/templeofes who's working on translating dogra magra and they're working very hard :D
This blog is a national treasure, thank you all <3
This initiative is so beautiful, thank you for all the hard work.
This website is amazing!!!!!! It’s hard to find Japanese classics in America but this list has them all ❤️
Tumblr doesn't show me many of your posts, so I will try to interact more to see them ^.^
Very cool survey! Thanks
Well have have read many of Fyodor dostoevsky books but not any Japanese novels or poems
When I first got into bsd your online library was an invaluable resource and the only reason I have read works by bsd Japanese authors. I use it less now because my hyperfixation has waned but I still really appreciate all that you do and the resources made available to fans. Thank you!
will check the BDS-Bibliophile website <3 hope u have a nice day
yooo!! thanks for this super awesome survey!! happy easter <33 -a migrating tumblrer
You’re one of the best resources I have for BSD and JP literature. I’m eternally grateful for all the work you do
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omar-writes-stuff · 6 days
The Dr.Raspberry puzzle 🧩
Hello, it’s ya boy Omar, and as some of you may know I’ve been recently pulled back into the fandom by some of my moots from Twitt due to an insane, wild and incredible lore involving a writer I used to be obsessed with a few years back.
The following message is an ask I’ve sent RandomnessUnlimited, who i apologize since I do not know them personally but is supposedly the only person everyone mentioned to me from the doc that knows more about any of us regarding Dr.raspberry (?).
*** hi. Omar again 🌿 I was wondering, are you going to go into extreme detail and explain every single evidence of the Doc about Dr.Raspberry in your defense doc? Because now I'm getting really REALLY invested.
Ok so Dr.Raspberry joined on A03 in 2020 and immediately got to write Kaeloo bdsm porn at the age of 11. Then also made a Tumblr at the age of 11 in 2020 (even tho its against tumblr rules and verification methods) and the acc. stayed inactive for four years. Then after the drama started their first posts immediately started being all centered towards reblogging your copy pasted theories and announcements. Then they claimed that they knew the original creator of the Kaeloo server even tho you just said they were never in Stm and the creator themselves said they don't remember any 11 year olds (so someone must've told them, and who else knew of the OG creator aside from you?). Then they started defending you in every single post saying that they knew you and that they had "great experiences" with you and that you're a trustworthy and kind person. Then they made a huge announcement named "Attention Kaeloo fans" going into extreme and articulated detail about the "kretty fans" and to not engage with them even tho they were not even in the server but some friends simply kept them updated with everything (for absolutely no reason I guess? Plus why involve this poor random underage fan in private discord drama? Who was even texting this person and why???). Then their post blew up and got reblogged by you and all your friends (therefore you all agreed with this supposed 15 years old that popped out of nowhere and wasn't even involved in the server?). Then the doc came out and BAM, they're gone forever again (strange, I know). And now you're saying that you think it was a fake profile all along and that you don't know them??? After all the positive things they said about you and all the supposed "friends who kept them updated with the drama"? Now you think Dr.Raspberry is one of Jay's friends?? Just ask your sever members which one of them was it that kept Raspberry updated and involved them in the first place! Unless it was you that is…
Now here are the only two plausible options:
Raspberry was a poor elementary child deeply traumatized by pornography and that wandered through the fandom by themselves for years minding their own business until one day one of you guys from Stm approached them (fucking weird) and involved them into this crazy drama for apparently NO reason and told them every. single. detail. bout the story and always kept them updated and even exploited them by having them defend you all the time and write a huge warning paragraph about looking out for Kaetty fans and having to use IPs while it should've been YOUR responsibility as the ADULT and SERVER owner to take care of it (and possibly prevent this 15 years old to be dragged in this hell by god knows who for absolutely no reason, again, they were not part of Stm so why the hell were they even fighting so hard to protect the members and most of all, YOU). Way to go to exploit a child I guess
Raspberry was just a fake account made by a random adult who wanted to write Kaeloo porn. But then if that were the case then it would imply that they were friends with you and other members of the server who kept them updated with EVERYTHING all the time and even collaborated together to warn fans about the kretty chaos and hoe to change IPs. And you never denied any of their comments defending you or involving you. Result: you were actively friends with an adult who wrote extreme fetish Kaeloo porn for years. Or maybe it was just you all along, we don’t know.
The questions remain: who approached this person first? And why? Who kept them updated with every single detail of the drama that happened and WHY? If they were really a child not involved in the server, why put such massive responsability on their shoulders to warn fans and telling them to use fake IPs if the drama never even involved them to begin with and they didn't know all the members? Why didn't YOU do it since it was your responsibility as the owner and as an adult? And if you truly suspected it was an adult hiding behind a fake account since the beginning then why did you never publicly call them out for their porn? Why did you keep them around for so long and have them be friends with your server members (also minors)???
Can't wait to see the end result! I'm sure it's gonna be amazing, I've never been so invested in something so much before, it's very interesting ^^***
But of course, my question was deleted and left unanswered by Unlimited and i got called a “troll” for simply asking (wtf brother lol). My point is NOT to send hate or discrimination. I do NOT care about porn artists or writers, I do not care about who likes it or not, and I certainly don’t care about this fandom ever since the pandemic ended. All my autistic ass cares about is getting to the bottom of Dr.Raspberry’s identity, a cool writer that I really liked back in the day.
Now I’m sure if Unlimited is innocent and has nothing to hide they’ll have absolutely no problem in addressing all of this and answer all my questions in their “defense pages” (?). 🌿 However the answer to this dilemma is actually quite simple and easy to resolve: whoever originally approached Dr.Raspberry (supposedly a child) in the first place and decided to pull them into this drama (again, for absolutely no reason) should simply come forward and share screenshots proof of their chats or at least how they first met). If it’s true that Dr.Raspberry has been updated on every single specific and accurate detail about the server and the drama, about the original server creator (who’s name I don’t fucking remember, sorry) and even Unlimited’s personality and behavior by “some friends” (to the point of defending them in every single argument) then there should be absolutely no problem in finding those chats and sending even just one screenshot as proof.
This isn’t a good position for Unlimited, and anyone who has at least 5% of brain could easily tell that it just sounds like it was them all along, but again, it shouldn’t be right for me to point fingers unless I have even more solid proof, right?
So STM members: whoever of you has been in contact with Dr.Raspberry personally or has been updating them with the entire drama lore for the past month or has made them write warning posts and telling them about IPs (mind you, this is a 15 years old we’re talking about), please come forward and share proof of even one of your chats or how you originally met, to prove Unlimited’s innocence and and to prove that (supposedly) they are NOT the same person. Thank you all 🌿
PS. Shoutout to Dolls from Twitter and all the homies who managed to find me the lost bdsm fic on an Ao3 lost archive site. I have the pdf folder and in case anyone needs proof of the adult-like writing and I can easily link it in bio or share here (hiding it from the tag ofc).
⚠️ I do not believe in bullying, harassing, threatening and discriminating. Anyone who dares insult Unlimited or my friends from Twitter or the creators of the doc will be blocked instantly. I’m just a dude asking questions out of curiosity, if you believe my well-justified interest counts as a form of “trolling” or “harassment” then you’re definitely hiding something or are part of the problem. I do not hate against nsfw writers or artists, I do not reinforce the idea of shaming strangers online or judging others for their actions or beliefs. I just ask for somebody to shed light on this dilemma and help me find the real identity of a writer I used to look up to. Be free and have fun, Mashallah, goodbye ⚠️
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gf-seasons-zine · 2 months
Meet Your Mods!
We have been blown away by your responses to the contributor applications (open now here and closing May 1!) and are having a great time reviewing them- thank you! While we're doing that, we thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the Mod Team!
First, we are very pleased to introduce our Communication Mod, Abbey!
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Text from the journal and more info below the cut!
Role: Communications Mod Pronouns: She/Her Specimen Records: Hi everyone! I’m Abbey aka mercury-falls! I’ve loved Gravity Falls since it premiered and officially joined the online fandom in 2020. I'm so grateful for the supportive, creative, and kind community that the show has created! My favorite characters are Stan and Ford, but the entire Pines family means the world to me.
Abbey is our Communications Mod, which means she is the main point of contact between the mods and our contributors and buyers!
You can also find her on tumblr over at @mercury-falls BUT if you have any zine-related questions, please reach out via the gf-seasons zine socials or our retrospring ;)
Stay tuned for more mod bios! Thank you again for all of your excitement!
The GF Seasons Zine Mod Team
P.S. Interested in applying to be a contributor? Check out our applications post here- applications close May 1!
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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hi cosmo!!! how's your shifting journey going on? i saw a post where you said that you'd get into the void state. i know about the void state and have also tried to get into it (because they say it's very peaceful, no thoughts, head empty state. also because well, instant manifestations happen in the void state). so i wanted to ask have you ever successfully entered the void state? and if yes, how was your experience?
hiiii!!! :]
thank you so much for the ask, i always love answering.
first of all, just to let y’all know, i’ve been trying the loa mindset, so i do say that “i will shift” or “i’m going to enter the void” instead of “i’m going to go try to shift” and etc.
for my shifting journey: i have not successfully shifted yet, i have not minishifted yet, but i’ve been having some VERY close attempts lately (actually just last night!! i’ll update y’all about that soon!! or maybe while answering this). i started shifting around 2020 or 2021. i’m not quite sure. i didn’t do it all that much, i had very poor mindset, and i didn’t know that much about it (i used a ton of shifttok stuff). and then in 2022 to 2023 i would only do it ever so occasionally, not much at all. and now, i’ve come back to shifting almost every single night (not literally, like i said, i have not shifted yet), mostly because of the tumblr shifting community and tumblr shifting friends!
now, for the void state question. i have not entered the void state yet, but i’ve only recently actually started attempting to!! i use the wim hof breathing method, and then another random method that a shifting friend of mine sent me that was found on here (tumblr). i’ve definitely been close to entering the void state with both those methods during the couple of times that i’ve attempted to.
last night’s attempt was pretty insane. it’s a bit fuzzy now since i just woke up and it’s not so fresh in my mind, but i’ll do my best in retelling it.
so, first of all, i set an intention really quickly and sloppily (cuz i have absolutely no patience whatsoever, i’m working on that though cuz i know i’ll need it if i actually want to shift eventually).
then, i got into a comfortable position, put on some music that i like, and then put my arms to either side of me.
i moved my eyes behind my eyelids back and forth and all sorts of directions while staying completely still and just keeping my right brain awake the best that i could.
during this, i felt my arms get number and number, same with my legs. and i can’t remember if i stopped moving my eyes for a bit once i felt my limbs not so much anymore, or if i was still moving them, but for a bit, i saw this light behind my eyelids that was going around my eyes slowly, and i had the strangest feeling then about how i maybe was shifting now.
so, i started affirming that i was in the void state and that i was gonna shift.
at some points, my vision went black and i stopped hearing the music and everything, just for split seconds, but i’m not too sure if that was the void state or if i was just losing consciousness for moments there.
anyways, yeah, that’s pretty much all!! it was definitely much more amazing than i explained it, and it was probably the closest i’ve ever felt to shifting or entering the void or anything before!
i hope this was somewhat useful or worth your time, even if it wasn’t what ya came for, and that i didn’t ramble too much.
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wingzie · 2 months
Hi Lovely!
You are the G.O.A.T Jikook historian and I love, love, love your threads on Twitter. I also love your posts you’ve been doing here on your thoughts and perspectives all things Jikook, jikookers and the fandom.
I have a question. I’ve already talked about it a while ago but I wanted your take. What’s your opinion on people feeling like Jikook haven’t been the same post-2020 and the fact that EVEN MORE feel like since chapter two Jikook are not in a ‘relationship’ anymore. I use ‘relationship’ as it’s the easiest word to use for them for this ask, whatever people believe the labels for Jikook’s jikooking should be.
Do you think that:
a. There IS a difference in Jikook of the past and Jikook of now?
b. Do you think that if they once had something they no longer do?
c. Do you think that Jikook are no longer close after chapter 2.
We know Jikook are currently serving together and used the buddy system but apart from that, if you were to answer the above with evidence as the Jikook historian you are, what’s your take.
Thank you for your part in making Jikook spaces fun and informative 😉
Hello! Thank you for your kind words and for sending in the ask. Let’s get into it with some honest truths: I don’t see a difference and I don’t think anything has changed. I am very much aware of what people are saying, but this is a pattern that repeats itself every single time there is less content to “feed” those who are less patient. Or, even worse,  those who want to control Jimin and Jungkook.
On 8th March 2020, BTS were told that their April concerts in Seoul would be cancelled. As we know, this later included the cancellation of their entire tour. Both the members and entire fandom were very upset about this, but I remember very vividly reading takes on the Jikook side of Tumblr saying: "but what about our Jikook content?" When, in all honesty, that should never have been the main focus when the entire world was experiencing a pandemic. I've seen this complaint several times. This happened during their vaction in 2019 and it's even happening now whilst they are in the military. It is incredibly selfish. I may be a Jikooker, but I understand that Jimin and Jungkook are their own people.
Hindsight is also a wonderful thing. There are a lot of times that we don't know about something, until it is revealed later on. We didn't know that Jikook ate dinner together after one of their concerts until the docuseries was released. This goes for 2018 AND in 2022. There are certain things that Jikook do because it is to heavily engrained into their routine together. We just won't always witness or hear about it.
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How is this all linked though? There has been a change in content releases. We were used to Memories being released every summer and a Run episode every Tuesday. Episode 155 was the last weekly episode, released in October 2021. The last Special Episode was released in February 2023. They would have been filmed years apart, but they still show the same closeness and loving spirit. Both of these episodes also included some Jimin butt loving from Jungkook!
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When chapter 2 began, it was obvious that Jimin and Jungkook were focusing on their own things. They do not have a persona in BTS to explore with, so this was their chance to share their stories or experiment with other music. Though busy, they still supported each other massively with social media posts or hyping each other on Lives. This is another pattern which has maintained over the years.
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We also know that they have been on several trips together. They may have been on many more that we don't know of. I personally don't worry about it, I just support them as much as I can without putting any pressure on them. That would be unfair. I just think that whenever we do see anything from them, we are very lucky.
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I know this response is probably what you (and others) weren't expecting, but I think those saying these things are probably too involved in Jimin and Jungkook's lives. That also goes with the amount of leaked photos and videos lately that I have seen on all platforms. Respect goes a long way and some are abusing it. (And thank you for always showing it in your own posts!) I am working on a "Jikook during Chapter Two" post, coming soon!
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I have nowhere else to spew my politics garbage so I'm choosing tumblr as you do. Focusing on America and Britain here because that is what I know best and its what I study.
It is so so aggravating whenever I see people (specifically left wingers or left-centrists such as democrats and Labour voters) discourage people from voting third parties/candidates. A few years ago, I would have been foaming at the mouth at this statement. I remember a couple years back (when I was literally like…14) I posted on here encouraging people to vote Biden because “no one wants Trump”. But now I’m older, and Biden has been exposed as the decaying, wicked old man that he is (but my opinion on Biden is neither here nor there and has little to do with the point I want to make, so if you Biden lovers can just shut up and block me if this makes you mad please x) I’ve come to realise that voting for third candidates is an essential part of democracy.
Almost the same argument is used whenever left-wingers say they want to vote for third parties. “You’re going to divide the left. We need to get [Republicans/Conservatives] out of power. Please vote for [Democrats/Labour].” And I do agree. That voting for third parties and candidates will have consequences in dividing the left. However, voters DO NOT OWE their votes to left parties purely because they are “left wing”. Just because a candidate is “the better option” does not mean you owe them your vote.
Over the past couple of decades, I think a mindset has formed of “no matter what this party does, I’m going to vote for them because i don’t like the other option.” You don’t think politicians know this is a popular mindset? This allows them to say and do and vote for whatever they want with minimal repercussions. Just in 2024 alone, Joe Biden has become increasingly more defensive over Israel despite MANY of his 2020 voters opposing this. And fair enough. If that is what Joe Biden believes in, then I think he should freely express it. But if voters don’t want to vote for him on account of that, you cannot guilt trip them into voting for him because Donald Trump is an awful option (which he is, and obviously I don’t want him to become president, but it’s a sacrifice I think people should be willing to accept).
Sir Keir Starmer has moved the Labour Party to more centre ground ever since he came into power in 2020. Again, that’s fine. He should do what he thinks is best for the party. But if voters don’t want to vote for him on account of that, you cannot guilt trip them into voting for Labour because “conservatives are worse.”
I think America are in a much more vulnerable position than the UK. Conservatives have little to no chance at winning the next election, and I think Sunak knows this (despite what he might say). Trump stands a very good chance, and I think this is account of the split that’s originated on the left. That isn’t the voters fault. I think it can partly be attributed to Biden dividing the left, and I think it can also be attributed to the way politics works. Biden was never a strong candidate, even in 2020. The main thing he had going for him was “better than Trump.” But unfortunately, Trump is back for another round, Biden is running again, and we’re in the same position we were last year (history really does repeat itself).
I do think it’s a difficult argument and there is no one way to go about it. Like I said above; I do not want Donald Trump to become President again. I do not wish for another five years of tory rule. But I also don’t want to forget everything bad Biden has done, and I don’t want to forget the shitty, bootlicking things Starmer’s Labour has said.
At the end of the day, the message here is that voters should VOTE FOR WHO THEY WANT. If you want to vote for Biden or Labour because you don’t want the alternative in power, go ahead. The whole point of voting is to strengthen democracy. By “forcing” people to vote for “the better option, even if they’re not the best.” Instead of looking down on the people who choose not to vote for them, maybe you should look upwards and ask why those in power are not doing everything they can to attract and keep voters.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
just wondering do you have any oldd art of anyone in TPiaG?
Pretty much every piece I’ve made of the characters in TPiaG has been uploaded— it’s my youngest creative project, and therefore has very little art in the archives. I think this is the only piece that I haven’t uploaded, and that’s because it was a concept for a more elaborate illustration I have yet to make:
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However, I don’t want to send you on your way with only one drawing, so here’s some older art pieces from other stuff!
These are pages from back when I was figuring out my new persona’s design:
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These are drawings from my original project “The Creeping Chronicles” in rough chronological order of production:
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Hope this was a decent response. TPiaG had a startlingly fast production process compared to my other projects, so there’s not any art I can find that I haven’t uploaded here already, which is super disappointing to me. I’d love to break out some embarrassing baby pictures of Twig but she literally was born and raised on this blog :< These bugs, meanwhile, have been living in my brain since early 2020 and were a major obsession of mine, which means I have a lot of stuff to pull from— enough to cause Tumblr’s mobile upload limit to faint on the spot.
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munsonxmayhem · 2 years
So I hope you're still doing requests. I've been thinking about like a joe x reader where she's an actress as well and they are dating. They started going out probably around like 2020. Anyways after s4 came out they both get a ridiculous amount of media attention and from fans. Well the fans somehow managed to find readers tumblr account. At first it was innocent little things like music and aesthetic pictures etc. But then the more they scrolled they saw like a lot of nsfw quotes and gifs etc. Reader is kind of embarrassed but also like not backing down either. Joe sees her tumblr and teases her saying "I didn't know you were into this sort stuff" etc. Then he's like you wanna try it?" Ends with smut if you feel comfortable with that
Tumblr media
New Things.
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
- angst
- fluff
- smut
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t worried this would happen one day; but you still hoped it never would. Nevertheless, here you were, scrolling through the endless comments and tags about your newly discovered Tumblr account.
You’d had Tumblr since you were a teenager, loving the NSFW content that was safely hidden there. You’d done your best to keep yourself anonymous on there, especially after you’d started the acting career of your dreams. Though nothing ever seemed to stay hidden once you were put under media’s spotlight.
At first it was a few images, music recs, and quotes you’d reblogged recently, but the further their fingers scrolled they’d soon stumbled upon a plethora of NSFW content; quotes, images, gifs. Just the lot of it. You’d been embarrassed at first, but then with your friend Jamie’s help and his openness to following a BDSM account on Instagram; you’d decided to just embrace it, not caring what they’d think.
That is until you realized your boyfriend Joseph hadn’t seen that part of you yet; the part of you that liked to be spanked, choked, tied up; the side of you that does, in fact, have a mild daddy kink. After your Tumblr had surfaced, you’d made it a point for him not to look at it; only making him more curious.
Today you were sat on his couch, his head in your lap as your fingers danced lazily around the tie he’d worn to his photoshoot. It was loosened a bit, the top buttons of his shirt open to expose the small patch of hair on his chest. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t incredibly horny at the sight.
“Hey, baby?” He coos, glancing up at you with his big, brown eyes. You smile down at him, “Yeah?” He glances down at his phone again before lifting his gaze back to yours. “I love you,” He smiles and you lean down and press your lips to his. “I love you.. Now get up, I’ve gotta pee.” You tell him and he moves reluctantly, making your way to the bathroom.
When you come out, Joseph is staring wide-eyed at his phone, your body buzzing with curiosity. You walk up behind him, gasping loudly as you realize he’s on your Tumblr account, scrolling aimlessly through the NSFW content. “Joseph!” He jumps, standing up. You try your best to grab his phone, but he holds it out of your reach. “Stop! Don’t look at that!” You demand weakly, arm still reaching. He giggles, looking down at you before up at his phone screen.
“Baby, you didn’t tell me you were into.. all this.” His thumb scrolls, as a humorous smirk plays on his face. He locks his phone, bringing it down and dropping it onto the couch. You huff, arms falling down in defeat. “I-I just.. It.. Ugh!” You groan, arms flailing as you step over to the couch, plopping down dramatically.
He takes a seat next to you, hand gently on your thigh. “So when were you gonna tell me you were into that stuff?” You shrug, staring down at your legs. “I mean from I seen.. Bondage, spanking…” He trails off, clearing his throat. “Daddy kink?” He smirks and you cover the blush that covers your embarrassed face.
“You’ve never called me daddy.” He states, not even a hint of judgment in his voice. “Didn’t wanna scare you off.” You say finally, voice weak. He chuckles, “Scare me off? Never. I’m actually.. kind’ve into it..” You glance at him curiously, his brows furrowed in concentration. “Wanna try it?” You gasp at his question, never expecting that from him.
You guys had great sex, but compared to your tumblr page; it was more vanilla, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t incredible.
Your eyes are wide as he looks back up at you expectantly. “Do you?” The smirk on his face is making you wetter than you’d like to admit. You nod slowly, taking in your bottom lip. “If you want me to stop you tell me, okay?” His eyes search yours and you nod again.
He suddenly stands, making his way in front of you and placing both hands on your bare thighs, he looks up into your eyes before crashing his lips to yours. You moan into the kiss, his fingers digging into your thighs. You feel his hands reaching up, yanking down your shorts and panties, tossing them to the side. He yanks your tank top off, leaving you completely naked. You bring your hands up to cover your body, as he looks down at you. His hands take your wrists, removing your arms from blocking you. “Never hide from me, baby. You’re beautiful. Okay?”
You nod and he leaves a small, gentle smack to your jaw. “Words.” He says sternly, and the puddle grows between your legs. “Yes.” He tuts you, jaw tensing. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, daddy..”
He growls, kneeling down and yanking your legs to sit on the edge of the couch. He spreads your legs quickly, his tongue making quick work of running up and down your folds. Your hands fly to his hair as you moan loudly. He grips your hands, bringing them back to your sides. “Hands to yourself.” He growls, lips wet with your slick.
You whimper, nodding your head as he dives back in, this time bringing his fingers to your entrance and pushing two in deeply. You cry out, nails digging into the couch cushions. His other hand comes up, pinching your nipple gently as his tongue swirls around your clit. You feel the pressure building in your stomach and you cry out, his fingers curling just enough inside you to have you seeing stars.
“You wanna cum, baby?” You nod fervently, biting your bottom lip so hard you’re sure it would bleed. “Yes, daddy. Please.” He nods, “Okay, love. Give it to me, give it to daddy.” He places his tongue back on your clit, sucking and licking like it’s his job. With a final tweak of your nipple and a curl of his finger, you break. You body shakes violently as your orgasm rips through you harder than it ever has, you don’t realize your hands moving through the waves of pleasure, your hands grabbing his hair.
He stops immediately, your body twitching beneath him as he places a smack to your thigh. You whimper, his hands grabbing yours roughly. “I said.. No touching.” He growls, hands still holding your wrists. “I’m sorry, fuck, I’m sorry.” You whimper, coming to your senses slowly. He tuts, releasing your hands and yanking his tie from his neck. Your eyes widen, cunt clenching around nothing at his dominance.
“Good girls get rewarded, bad girls lose privileges.” He states, you nod. He grabs your arms, flipping you on your knees facing the couch as he tugs your arms behind your back. You feel the soft material of the tie being wrapped around your wrists, making your arms immobile. You gasp, turning your head to see him. “You like this don’t you, my dirty girl?” He says through gritted teeth, his cock straining against his pants. He yanks the button up off, buttons flying every which way before he tosses it on the floor.
You hear his belt being undone and his pants hitting the floor. You see him sit on the couch next to you, only in his boxers; his large erection straining painfully against the fabric. You could cum at the sight, but he snaps you out of his thought by grabbing your shoulders, flopping you belly first over his lap.
“W-What’re you doing?” You stutter out, feeling your slick coating your inner thighs. He smirks, hand palming your ass cheek softly. “You’ve been a bad girl, (Y/N). Not telling daddy you were into things like this.. not keeping your hands to yourself when told to.” He states, and you know what’s coming. You feel a sting as his hand makes contact with your ass, your body jolting forward.
He rubs the spot right after, shushing your whimpers. Another smack placed to the opposite cheek, tears stinging your eyes at their force. He continues this a couple more times before pulling your jaw to face him. “You crying, sweet girl? You gonna be good for me?” He coos, softly. You know he’d stop immediately if you asked him to, but that’s the last thing you want.
You feel his hand reaching between your thighs, coating his fingers in the ungodly amount of arousal that gathered. “Fuck, baby.. You really liked that, huh?” He chuckles in awe, and you nod quickly. “Yes, daddy.”
He flips you suddenly over the back of the couch, spreading your knees so you’re wide open for him. “You can’t cum until I tell you, okay?” He warns, and you feel his tip rubbing through your folds, collecting your slick. You hiss, pushing back involuntarily. He grabs your hips, pushing you harder against the couch. He tuts, “Patience. Be a good girl, yeah?” You nod, feeling a smack to your already sore ass. “Yes, daddy.” He hums in approval, his tip pushing at your entrance. It takes everything in your body not to push back against him, but you manage to do so.
He grabs your hips once more as his tip fully enters you, and with one swift snap of his hips; his cock fills you completely. You cry out at the sudden stretch, but the pain quickly turns to pleasure as he starts thrusting in, filling you completely with each thrust.
You whimper against the back of the couch, his hands gripping your hips right as he drives in relentlessly. He brings a hand to your hair, gripping it tight and pulling you up against his chest, the new angle allowing him to nudge your g-spot with each movement. “Oh, daddy! Yes! Just like that!” You scream out, body shaking.
You can feel the knot building again, and he can tell you’re close, too. “Not yet, baby. Not until I say so.” You nod, doing your best to starve off your orgasm. He picks up his pace, your body jolting with each thrust, tits bouncing against your chest. His skin slaps yours loudly as he pounds into you. He reaches down, fingers sloppily pressing to your clit. “Oh my god! I’m not going to be able to wait if you do that, daddy.” You warn him and his slops start getting sloppy.
His groans are enough to send you over the edge, but you squeeze your eyes shut to hold off. He grunts loudly as his pace loses rhythm, feeling himself getting closer. “Okay, baby. Fuck.. Cum for me, cum for me..” He urges between moans, his cock throbbing inside of your soaking walls.
You break immediately at his words, knot snapping as your orgasm flows through you roughly, your cunt clenching around him tight. He grunts out as your walls flutter around him, slamming in once more as he releases deep into you. He thrusts slowly a couple more times though your highs before slowly dropping you back down onto the couch.
You wince at the pain as he eases out, feeling his release dripping from your entrance. You’re a panting mess as he slides his boxers on, before gently untying the tie from your wrists. You bring your hands around, using them to push you onto your back on the couch. He smiles down at you, his hand gently brushing the hair from your face.
He disappears for a moment, coming out with a wet rag and clean clothes. He drops the clothes beside him as he parts your legs, you hiss between gritted teeth as he places the rag to your folds, cleaning you softly. “You okay, my love? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” His eyes are filled with worry, but he sighs in relief as you shake your head. “Not in a way that didn’t feel so good..” You smile, body buzzing with after-sex adrenaline.
He chuckles, grabbing a pair of his boxers and sliding them onto your legs. He takes your hands gently, pulling you into a sitting position as he slides one of his t-shirts on your body. You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. He looks at you with big, loving eyes as he takes in your fucked out appearance. “I wish you’d have told me sooner, we could’ve been doing that along time ago.” He giggles, and you roll your eyes humorously.
“Thank you..” You mutter, curling up against him with your legs flopped over his. He glances at you, curiously. “For what?” You smile, “Trying that out with me, I know it’s not what you’re used to.” You state and he smirks, “I’m always willing to try new things..”
“Why don’t we take a look at the rest of your likes, huh?” He half-jokes. You shrug, “Maybe.. Can we wait a bit? I’m kind of sore..” He laughs, nodding his head. “Of course, my love. Rest up, you’re gonna need it.” He winks and you know you’re in for the time of your life.
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