#tw arrows
cloud-ya · 5 months
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forehead lance
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malteselizzie · 4 months
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Much thanks to Photography by Sven Farrugia Sabrina from "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" Costume made/altered by me
Grace Willow Crafts had a video about making this costume, which inspired me to make it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVOfai8AjlE 
Crown: This is made from caper branches, which were pruned from the main plant, wrapped into shape, and secured with string and glue. I added some gold paint.
Shirt: found in a charity shop. I altered the sleeves to make them longer, removed the pockets on the front, and left gaps for the arrows to go.
Belt and skirt: sewn, based on an old Burda pattern (the skirt is a bit too big; I made it very quickly and should have really made a mockup). The belt buckle was made from an old flip flop and a chopstick.
Arrows: made front old paintbrushes and craft foam. They pass through gaps in the shirt, and are held in place with medical tape (thanks to Grace Willow for this trick!)
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serickswrites · 2 years
Round and Round VI
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: arrows, wounds, blood, hurt/comfort
Civilian was floating on a dark abyss. They were so far from the shore, they weren’t sure if they could make it back in. But it didn’t matter. The abyss was so peaceful. 
Civilian’s peace was interrupted by a burning pain in their shoulder. Hot. So hot. “ARGH!” They shouted. 
“There you are,” Villain’s voice came softly from their left. 
Civilian opened their eyes with a groan. “What?”
“Young Hero won’t be hurting you anymore,” Villain said darkly. “But I need to dress and clean the wound they inflicted on you. And then I’ll be sure to get you home safely.” Villain sounded sad at the last. 
“Why would I go home?” 
“Usually that’s what people do after a thing like this.”
“Did you kill Young Hero?”
“Would it matter to you if I did?” Villain watched Civilian carefully. 
“Course you didn’t.” Civilian, despite everything Villain had told them, still had to wrap their head around Villain’s kindness. They knew that Villain could have very easily ended Young Hero. 
“Fair Civilian, I get the impression you are judging me for it.” Villain said softly as they bandaged Civilian’s shoulder. 
“You surprise me, that’s all.” Civilian winced as Villain tied the bandage tight. 
“My apologies. I know this is discomforting. I didn’t have time to brew you something for the pain.” Villain’s hand lingered on the bandage for a moment before they busied their hands with gathering up the medical supplies. 
Civilian put their hand on Villain’s, slowing the latter’s movements. “I want to stay.”
“What?” Villain froze at Civilian’s words. 
“I want to stay here. With you.”
“For how long?” Villain’s voice was careful. 
“As long as you’ll have me.”
Tags: @but-what-if-its-whumpy @smuwfy-side-blog @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @imagination1reality0 @subval01 @prompt-sphere
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theladyeowyn · 6 months
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You shall live to see these days renewed. And no more despair.
requested by @the-mawp
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whydoihavetoart · 10 months
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mischefous · 2 months
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to suggest Sky and Warriors. Maybe in the aftermath of a battle or accidentally falling off of something tall. Whatever you think fits.
Sooo I went with the 'Aftermath of a battle' route hehe. Poor Sky! Big Brother Wars be taking good care of him though. i just hope the arrow isn't poisoned or anything :0
Thank you @gryphonlover! you have a great day💙
CW! Arrow injury, Blood, bruises
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kiwinatorwaffles · 6 months
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i've always wanted to die clean and pretty but i'd be too busy on working days so i am relieved that i left my room tidy they'll think of me kindly as they come for my things
- last words of a shooting star
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frownyalfred · 2 months
Just imagining the JL looks of confusion when Batman and Green Arrow know something very very specific drug related thing because they went to this one party together that got very very weird and very very illegal back in their late teens early 20s, just going back and forth making obscure references to this party and the others are just wtf is happening right now
And they’re so matter of fact about it too! “You can’t do coke like that” “a Bulgarian threesome always has an optional fourth partner” “actually that one is way more effective if you crush it up first and then—”
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captainclovey · 2 months
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Sooo I finally finished cotl (as of the main base game) and now I have my little immortal kitty follower :3c I doodled these just to get a feel for how I want to draw my Lamb and Narinder, more to come when I have more freetime, cos I love this dynamic SO much
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leemiya · 3 months
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#sunmirevival wk1: favorite m/v ↪ HEART BURN (2022)
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royboyfanpage · 4 months
Lian Harper has a better understanding of Snowbirds than much of the modern fanbase
I've been reading the Green Arrow 80th anniversary special and one part in particular stood out to me. One of the stories in the comic is Roy telling Lian (and Ollie) a story over the phone, specifically *Roy's* story, in the style of a Navajo story, and Ollie and Roy are called Green-Man and Autumn-Son.
During this, obviously, one of the major plotpoints is Roy's addiction and a retelling of Snowbirds Don't Fly from Roy's perspective, in which Roy accounts how Ollie was angry at him. Lian actually *corrects* Roy, saying that Ollie was scared
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And honestly? I think this is *how* this was meant to be interpreted when it was written. Snowbirds was never meant to show Ollie as in the right, but it was also never meant to make him the villain. Ollie is, in this story, essentially a caricature of a 70s parent's reaction to finding out their child is using drugs. Keep in mind this was written *during* the war on drugs, a time where misinformation was rampant and every parent's worst fear was finding out their child was an addict. I personally firmly believe that Ollie views Roy as his son, and vis versa, but even if you don't Ollie finding out that the kid/young adult he'd been mentoring is addicted to drugs? Terrifying. Especially since Ollie's aim had always been to teach Roy strength, and addiction was seen as the worst possible weakness, meaning Ollie had not only failed as a father but as a mentor in his eyes. Snowbirds is repeatedly used by Oliver Queen haters to demonize him, to show him as a bad father, but Snowbirds is and always has been a product of its time, not in terms of writing but culturally. Yes, Oliver *would* react like that in 1971. And so would most DC heroes. But you know what? He grew. He developed, he changed his mindset and he *listened* to Roy, and snowbirds ends with him being *proud* of Roy.
So yeah. While there were definitely aspects of his reaction that were undoubtedly angry, that was all vastly overshadowed by *fear*. Lian Harper was, as always, right.
Edit: I did a big post on Snowbirds here
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malteselizzie · 4 months
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Much thanks to Photography by Sven FarrugiaSabrina from "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"Costume made/altered by me
Grace Willow Crafts had a video about making this costume, which inspired me to make it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVOfai8AjlE 
Crown: This is made from caper branches, which were pruned from the main plant, wrapped into shape, and secured with string and glue. I added some gold paint.
Shirt: found in a charity shop. I altered the sleeves to make them longer, removed the pockets on the front, and left gaps for the arrows to go.
Belt and skirt: sewn, based on an old Burda pattern (the skirt is a bit too big; I made it very quickly and should have really made a mockup). The belt buckle was made from an old flip flop and a chopstick.
Arrows: made front old paintbrushes and craft foam. They pass through gaps in the shirt, and are held in place with medical tape (thanks to Grace Willow for this trick!)
Wig: Started as a cheap white wig. Tinted it with diluted acrylic paint (Alyson Tabbitha's method worked very well), then cut to the right length. Excess hair sewn into wefts, which I added to make the wig thicker.
Hairband, shoes, tights: purchased
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idiot-mushroom · 10 months
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‘I may have yelled a few choice words, but the sphere of silence censored them, so you will have to use your imagination’ (Lester Papadopoulos ,pg.267, ch.27, Trails of Apollo the Tyrants Tomb)
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n0tamused · 3 days
Hello there! I hope your day has been going smoothly!
As your requests are currently open (I hope I read it right), may I request Platonic!Jiyan x Sibling!Reader Angst, where reader dies not because they are a midnight ranger, but because of a chronic disease they were diagnosed with?
Reader and Jiyan can be twins, or Jiyan can be the older brother. Up to you!
I hope you have a great day!
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A/N: Not sure what to say other than that I love writing angst and that I hope you enjoy this anon, sorry for the wait :)
Contents: Familial Jiyan x Twin!Reader, GN pronouns, angst, short lol, character death
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Death crawls through the midnight blue washed streets of the Jinzhou, its flaky claws seeking and scratching. And seek out their victim it did. Found in a cozy bed that reeked of illness and herbal medicine. Ashes of incense laid on top of a long wooden tray fashioned in the looks of a dragon.
There were more dragon motifs sprawled around, in the embroidery of the blankets, on the painting, on tea cups and jewelry, but not one of those could protect the one confined within the bed and the one forever gone. Pale skin glistened with the remnants of sweat and water they were bathed in, and their hair smelled of old flowers in summer heat, and it was only going to get worse should they remain here, hand held by the person closest to them.
Jiyan. The General. The Qingloong. The medic in his youth. Their brother.
He had returned from the front lines at long last for a short reprieve, only to find his beloved sibling in a worse state than last time. It horrified him even more than the sights he encountered in war, and it shook him to the core. What’s worse, he could smell death waiting at the front door, and entering behind his heel after he went into the bedroom..
His hands gingerly held onto their cold hand, knuckles pressed against his forehead as he remains quiet, foolishly hoping warmth would spring to their skin and they’d greet him with a ruffle to his hair and call him silly for worrying so much. He swallows thickly, cheeks wet from the trail his tears left behind and he breathes out a breath so heavy, one would question how the world didn’t cave in where he sat. 
“I love you…so much..” he whispers before lifting his head up, eyes fluttering shut to spare himself the sight of their forever slumbering face, his lips lingering on their knuckles in expression of love they’d never feel again.
They didn’t share just blood, they shared their childhood years, interests, and they shared their mother’s womb together. Their bond was one closer than any other, yet it was severed all the same as any other. 
“I miss you…”
Even with all the knowledge Jiyan could’ve plucked from Jinzhou and from the outside nations, all various medical practices and all kinds of healers, Jiyan couldn’t save them.
Maybe in another life he saves them, but in this one he gets to carry their memories until his own demise, forever haunted by their absence. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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aceofwhump · 5 months
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The Silencing starring Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
For @whumpers-monthly Shot with an arrow
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daiwild · 1 year
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double redraw of:
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