#tw existential dread
today I had dream where I was this girl who was trying to bring her dead friend back to life and I succeeded in that and than I learned I am in a dream and I didn't want to believe it because it can't be a dream, it can't be It has to be real I spend years trying to bring my friend back, that has to be real if it was just a dream than none of my efforts would matter, they wouldn't be real I wouldn't be real, my friend wouldn't be real all I've done to bring him back would weight nothing.. It has to be real, it has to be, it has to And I started screaming at the real me to not wake up, don't wake up, please don't wake up It's real, It has to be real, Don't wake up don't wake up don't wake up, Please no and than I woke up.
anyway sorry dream person, I'll carry you on in my mind @one-time-i-dreamt
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
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“Imagine that every time you see your friends, it’s to bring a bad omen.”
“What if… What if, one day, I won’t have a reason to return?”
(Sonictober2022 Day 11: Future)
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sandswirls · 8 months
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Having an existential crisis
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irishplaguedoctor · 1 month
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Existential Crisis
Comic + OC lore dump galore
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Some Place Warm is a repurposed iterator with a superstructure twice the size of a normal one. Originally it wasn’t supposed to be this big, but after Light that Burns failed in being repurposed, the ancients decided to combine the two. Because of this, SPW’s ability to iterate is twice as potent.
Which isn’t always a good thing.
We’re talking about being able to peer into the fundamentals of time and space as well as other divergent “alternate universes.” It became such a mental degradation to her that she no longer fully utilizes her superstructure anymore; just for simple uses, construction, and repairs. She wasn’t meant to withstand that form of iterating, considering she wasn’t built to be an iterator to begin with.
She has no city on top of her, instead she has various factories and self-served construction units. Which is why she is so quick to feeling alone and a little clingy when with others.
She’s one of the few that believes that the void doesn’t provide ascension but rather a gateway to the reality inbetween worlds:
Of course she knows she would be ostracized if any knew about her beliefs so she keeps quiet.
Until she breaks and enters an episode.
Pebbles was interested in her capabilities and was able to convince her to try running her entire system again.
Expectedly, it didn’t go well.
SPW remained unresponsive for a very long time. So much so that several groups were worried and tried to contact her.
It wasn’t until the start of a new year that she finally accepted Pebbles’ call and, reluctantly, told him everything that happened.
After the event, she shut down her superstructure and put her puppet into sleep mode to repair herself. Afterwards she kept 90% of her superstructure off and remained conscious only in the puppet room.
After lots of convincing from Pebbles, and eventually, the other iterators, she woke up the rest of her can for work and repairs.
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pumpkin-magpie · 1 month
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Realm of Rest (and Rodney)
Text on the top since it’s ugly as hell:
[And the daylight burns us without mercy. Flaming. Cancerous. And the earth and the sidewalk and all made holy and by the unholy man both begin to melt under its touch. And the cicadas howl, cry, scream. And the earth becomes a hellscape I wander in search of a realm of rest.]
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lunearobservatory · 10 months
I so desperately crave poetic drama and tragedy. How mentally taxing it must be to live as long as the personifications have.
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maestro-of-clockwork · 2 months
From even before you were born, you are not only brought into this world, but you are of the Earth itself. When you die and are lain to rest, eventually your body returns to the Earth: every atom, every piece of your molecular structure meshes into the ecosystem of this planet.
Of course, you already know this, do you not? You are familiar. You are aware. Why, they teach you this in school! How wouldn't you know?
I feel as though many of you are forgetting something, though. A piece of information that too many of you overlook:
All of you were doomed to be oppressed by my influence. You owe your existence, even as a thought, to me. You can choose to ignore it to spite me, but in the most obscure corners of your consciousness, you know that I am right.
Even after your consciousness and awareness dies, I will continue to have a stranglehold on you. What separates the situation is that, while you are alive, you have the misfortune of being cognisant of this.
You have the misfortune to realise that you should be thanking me for everything you know and love...or everything you know and hate.
Isn't it wonderful to know that, beyond your surface knowledge of who I am as a person, I am in control of your lives in more ways than you could possibly fathom?
And, even if you were already aware of this, isn't it wonderful that I am generous enough to give you the reminder?
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sickness-stricken · 3 months
“Twist endings where it’s revealed everything was a dream are so lame and unrealistic” okay but have you ever had that one dream where you have a baby and raise her to be the best little girl there is but then you wake up knowing you’ll never see that shine in her eyes ever again
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citricacidprince · 4 months
Why is being a person so finicky and weird
I literally threw myself into an existential panic over my inevitable death but decided to counteract that by writing shitty poetry about it and then I immediately felt better, fuck my gay ass mental health why did that work so easily?
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Tbh i have no idea if i am happy or am i just okay, because i've felt so miserable over the years that i forgot what good even feels like. It's cool that i finally feel like a person though, and not some fucked up alien who possed the body of who i used to be. I mean, i am functional, i can do more stuff now. That's nice, but is it how happiness feels like? I don't know, it doesn't feel empty like before but it also isn't that strong of a feeling. Was it always like that.
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... What counts as real to you? Where is the line drawn at being alive? What does being alive mean? is it a feeling? an experience? How would you measure sentience of an object that gains the will of a living thing?
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baby-anonymouse · 6 months
planning life and career really irritates the constant grief over my own mortality that I wrestle with on a nearly daily basis
currently lying fetal position on the couch bc the ache requires comfort
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peanut-tyrug · 6 months
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You ever fucking see God and get your essence taken from you and combined with the Universe itself and you just go
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dianneking · 7 months
Why would you step on a beautiful flower
Why would you see a beautiful forest and set fire to it
Why can't you see beauty without wanting to destroy it
Why can't you enjoy something and let others enjoy it too
There's already so much pain
There's already so much destruction
Why do you have to make it bigger
You don't have to work for it
Why can't you see the stars without wanting to tear them down too
Why do you have to treat other humans as if they were disposable
Using them. Belittling them. Backstabbing them.
Why do you have to be cruel to the helpless
Their big eyes looking up and you step on them
Why why why do you add to the suffering
I would call it mindless destruction but you know what you are doing. You choose to. Day in and day out.
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-Memory Loading-
[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]
[ A playground is empty aside from an 15 year old sprite and beedrill, who sit, kicking their legs, occasionally stating facts or asking questions, beedrill doesn't say anything, until-
"You know, that theory- we made up- about the universe and everything- it already exists- we're not that smart."
"Do you believe in it still?"
"... I don't know. I would like to believe that I have capacity for change, but it brings me comfort in knowing- this will happen everytime."
"And we're friends everytime!!"
"... that's what I meant" ]
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I had an epiphany earlier today.
For some context, I have lately been ruminating almost constantly on how eventually we and everyone we love will inevitably die. If I am not actively doing something that requires all of my attention, my mind returns to the topic. And it always fills me with a certain amount of panic. Never enough to cause me to not be able to normally function, but a mild panic nonetheless. I find myself asking questions of how I will manage when I lose the people I love, and how will they handle when I am no longer there. It's a question mostly without answer. We all just do what we can and pretend it will never happen, but I seem incapable of living that way. It's something that has vexed me for several years now. No progress in solving the problem. No progress moving forward.
Until today.
Today I came across an answer that finally put it all to rest, at least for now.
Since I cannot choose how long my life, or the lives of those I love, will be, the only thing I can do is be as kind as I can be until that time.
All I can do is make sure those I love know I love them. And if I die before them, they will have my kindness and love to carry after I am gone. And if they die before me, then they will have died knowing that I loved them, and I get to live on knowing I did everything I could do while they were here to make sure they knew I loved them.
That's all I can do.
That's enough.
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