#tw; medical issues
happybird16 · 2 years
hi tay! i hope you’re having great day so far, how are things? 💗
Hi Emi!! Hope your having a good day as well!!! 💕I’m planning on taking a walk later, but also should probably get some cleaning done
I haven’t really mentioned this on here, but my health wasn’t great for a bit this last month. I’ve had some serious stomach issues for the last year-ish that flare up really bad every once and awhile. I’ve been given some new meds and hopefully some things will be figured out soon so hopefully my head will be well enough to focus and write. This last week has been a lot better!! Im mostly just tired a lot :((
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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tarnishedxknight · 10 months
Meta Topic: Noah’s Chronic Nethicite Poisoning
{out of dalmasca} I wanted to take the time to detail my interpretation of Noah with regard to the nethicite poisoning that he suffers from as a result of exposure in Landis as a youth. The majority of this information is headcanons, with a few bits of canon thrown in, but I always try to make things as realistic and believable in conjunction with canon as possible. Consider all of this information as true for Noah in his threads unless otherwise stated. Noah is... not a well man, heh. It’s actually amazing that he has been able to accomplish all that he has with the daily list of issues he faces.
Amber eyes: The most immediately visible physical sign that Noah has nethicite poisoning is the fact that the irises of his eyes are an orange/amber color and they glow slightly. His eyes were naturally blue before being poisoned, the same as Basch’s, but because of his exposure during the fall of Landis, Mist has collected in his eyes, giving the appearance of amber eye color. And Mist, the magical fog-like substance that results from nethicite combustion, glows with an orange light, so that’s where it comes from. Noah’s eyes actually do glow in the dark. Faintly, but they do. I’ll go more into the magical symptoms Noah has a bit later.
Sterility: Something else I’ll continue to discuss in the “magical” section of symptoms is the fact that nethicite poisoning (supposedly) sterilized Noah. Nethicite poisoning and the effects of Mist on the body share many symptoms with radiation poisoning, for example hair falling out, shedding skin, teeth falling out, or becoming sterile. Nethicite will actually set off a Geiger counter in modern or MCU AUs, so who’s to say it does not share some of the same properties? Not everyone has the same symptoms and it depends upon duration and acuteness of exposure, but all these symptoms are possible. Noah... believed he was sterile, for he really should have been, only to father Larsa with Amoretta Solidor. 
Organ damage: Just like the symptoms of radiation poisoning mentioned above, nethicite poisoning can also result in organ damage. At any given time, Noah could have painful digestive issues, problems with his eyesight, muscle or bone aches, or he could suffer from respiratory ailments. Noah has a chronic cough, and it is not altogether uncommon for him to cough up small amounts of blood at times. The Mist in his body is constantly working to repair the damage to his organs even as it is also simultaneously causing it, leaving his body in a constant state of cycling health issues. For the most part, however, he gets by with his lung ailments. Actually, all that coughing over the years has resulted in him having an increased lung capacity.
Slower metabolism: Nethicite poisoning dramatically slows down the body’s metabolism. Because of this, Noah has a decreased need for food and water, something that has come in very handy for him over the years while training hard to rise to the level of Judge Magister, and while fighting in numerous wars and battles. When others have to stop for hydration or nutrition, he can keep going. Noah only needs to eat one large, decent meal every 2 days or so, and to drink water maybe once a day. He can eat and drink more, but he has to be careful not to gain weight too quickly, unless he’s trying to build muscle.
Chronic fatigue: The downside of having a slower metabolism is that Noah tires very easily. He’s overcome some of this with training and learning how to push through his fatigue to find his second, third, or tenth wind, heh, but it’s still a problem. He’s gotten very good at faking not seeming exhausted, tired, sleepy, dazed, etc., but he can only pretend for so long before he needs to rest. As a result, he needs about 10-12 hours of sleep a day to be perfectly rested as opposed to most other people needing about 6-8 hours. He... rarely ever gets that much sleep, though.
Fast “healing”: Mist is a very volatile, active, and seemingly almost curiously sentient medium. Whenever Noah becomes injured, the Mist inside his body will begin to repair him. But... it is an imperfect process. Imagine trying to repair a shattered ceramic item... with masking tape. Yeah, that’s not going to work very well, heh. The result is something that might be in the same shape and might hold together for some time, but its structural integrity will suffer and it can only handle so much stress before it’ll break again. The same is true when Noah is injured. The Mist will quickly do a half-assed job of “healing” him, and that might save his life by temporarily reforming organs and stopping blood flow, but he will need to rest to heal completely naturally or he’ll need potions, spells, or some other kind of magical help to fully heal his injuries.
Increased risk of insanity long-term: It is canon that nethicite exposure negatively affects the brain/mind. Chronic sufferers may experience altered perception, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, or a detachment from reality the longer their condition persists. I personally think that Noah was beginning to experience some of these symptoms by the end of the game.
Increased volatility and intensity of emotions: Nethicite poisoning takes emotions that are already there and amplifies them. It also causes extreme and frequent mood swings. Noah was already a very intense person to begin with, just by his own nature, and his condition doesn’t help matters any. He has the tendency to suddenly fly off the handle about something, which isn’t good in his line of work. He’s had to fight very hard to control outbursts of rage and sadness over the years. Sometimes... he’s not able to help it.
Increased aggression: One of the major symptoms of nethicite poisoning is increased aggression. This can manifest in a desire to hurt others, to break things and destroy property, or to lash out violently or verbally. Again, Noah has had to discipline himself very well to control his temper and Mist-enhanced desires to become violent outside of a battle setting.
Confusion, decreased clarity/focus, and memory loss: Sometimes Noah becomes disoriented for seemingly no reason. He might forget what he came into a room for, forget the date, repeat himself without realizing it, struggle with basic math for longer than he should, things like that. These little lapses in memory and mental clarity are due to Mist collecting in his brain. As it moves around and the distribution of it in different parts of his brain changes, it affects his cognitive abilities.
For my own personal fictional fantasy worlds that I’ve developed for my novels, the magic of sorcerers, healers, priests, etc. tends to collect in parts of the body that contain the most nerve density. In other words, the most capacity for feeling, pain, and/or pleasure. So, in the brain, the eyes, the mouth, the reproductive organs, and the hands. This is why magical is often given power and direction by speaking certain words, making hand gestures, or by having a direct line of sight between you and your intended target. This could also hold true for Noah, whose eyes are clearly a collection point for Mist within his body based on their orange glow. It makes sense, given the symptoms he suffers from, and... for another unfortunate symptom mentioned briefly above, sterility.
Noah expected himself to be sterile due to his poisoning and so did Amoretta. The fact that he isn’t, or at least that he isn’t completely or all the time, is curious. He may have been completely sterile for a number of years after his initial exposure, the Mist accumulating in his reproductive organs having been the cause. But, over time and as he continues to live with the poisoning like a chronic illness, his body seems to adapt to it in some ways. It is possible that after a while, his body began to regenerate certain capacities like fertility despite his continued poisoned state.
All of the above symptoms are true for living Noah before he dies in any way. After he dies, he will wake up again as a revenant unless his body is irrevocably destroyed via decapitation, bifurcation, or burning. Depending on how intact the body is at the time of death and the level of Mist in the body, a person may rise as if they had never died in the first place... or as a mindless ghoul. In Noah’s case, he died from a blow to the back of his head when Cid threw him against a wall at the Pharos. It likely cracked his skull and caused traumatic brain injuries, resulting in his death. However, his body was almost fully intact, and he has high levels of Mist in his body, so he woke up again pretty much like his normal self. At least... visually...
Technically, Revenant!Noah is a form of undead, meaning that he’s no longer alive in the traditional sense but he’s still walking and talking and living his life. He doesn’t need to eat or drink in this state but he often chooses to simply for pleasure. He also becomes immortal, meaning unless his body is destroyed in on of the manners I mentioned earlier, he will go on living. Well, “living.” This is how he is some 5K+ years old in MCU AUs where he has been alive the entire time Basch and/or Ashelia were in stasis.
Issues with healing magic: My version of Noah cannot successfully magically heal anyone but himself. This is because he is not naturally capable of magic like those of Dynast King lines (Ashe for example), nor has he trained or studied magic to become proficient at it in some way (like Basch). So all of his magical ability stems entirely from the Mist within his body. That is what powers his spells. When he “heals,” he uses Mist to do it. This is okay if the person already has nethicite poisoning, but if they don’t, he actually might do more harm than good by essentially pumping Mist energy into the body of a healthy person. In contrast, if he heals himself magically, all he’s doing is concentrating the Mist that’s already in his body into a certain wounded area. This will cause him fatigue, but it would also help repair his body more quickly, at least in the short term.
Forms of Noah’s magic: My version of Noah manifests his magic mainly through offensive spells in battle, with some defensive and bolstering spells that affect himself. Offensive spells are often meant to cause harm or destruction, and so he doesn’t care that he’s using Mist to cast them. Defensive and bolstering magic, however, would cause harm or illness to someone else if he tried to cast it on them. But for himself, he can throw up shields, enhance his weapons or armor, make himself faster or stronger for a time, or give himself a little boost of energy if he is feeling fatigued.
Hope for recovery or being cured: In my canon for the FFXII world, nethicite poisoning can only be healed by someone whose magic stems from the Occuria. So, one of Dynast lineage like Ashelia could be capable of it if their magic happens to take a healing form and they can become strong enough to completely cure all the poisoning in someone’s body. Ashelia happens to be very innately powerful, even when unpracticed, and her magic naturally does take a healing form (in my canon, at least, because in the game I always made her a healer, heh). She accidentally cured Basch of his nethicite poisoning when she was only ten years old because she’d been so upset at his failing health that her tiny self wished so hard, her magic misfired. She ended up passing out from the effort, but when she woke, Basch was cured. From that moment on, she studied and practiced to perfect the arts of healing. So... in any AU where Noah has access to Ashelia, it would be possible for her to cure him as well. That is not to say that in a modern or MCU AU there isn’t some cutting-edge medical treatment that might be able to also cure him or to minimize his symptoms. I’m willing to leave that open to whatever fudgery might be needed in a given thread. XD
That’s all I can think of right now, but as I detail more, I’ll add to this post! =)
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schizopositivity · 4 months
Here's a reminder to fight the internalized sanism/ableism in your head.
If you have executive dysfunction, don't compare your productivity to people who don't.
If you have anhedonia, don't compare your struggling to keep up with hobbies to someone who doesn't.
If you have paranoia, don't think of your fears as any less valid than the fears of someone who doesn't.
If your meds make you tired constantly, don't compare your energy levels to someone who doesn't take those meds.
If you have issues with concentration, then you won't be able to pay attention as well as someone who doesn't.
If you're in the deep end of a pool, then you can't compare how well you keep your head above water to someone who is standing in a kiddie pool.
Please try to think of these things when you feel "lazy" or "childish" or "a failure" compared to other people that don't struggle with the same symptoms as you. If you have a mental illness that will affect how you act in everyday situations, then it will in fact affect you in everyday situations. It's not an excuse, it's just a reality. We need to try to be kinder to ourselves.
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triptychofvoids · 1 month
How did medic end up with so many scars on his shoulders/body.
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ghostr0tz · 3 months
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bixels · 4 months
When I was getting my diagnosis, my psychiatrist told me right after giving me my prescription that I need to consider eating food a part of my medication, and that flipped a switch in my brain that oh. Maybe willingly starving myself and eating only one meal a day isn't healthy.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
What if the bats got Eddie so bad that part of his guts were damaged beyond repair and he needed to get a stoma?
TW for body issues and medical content (I guess? Please let me know if I should use another TW for that)
EDIT: I posted an extended version of this post on ao3. Thank you @spectrum-spectre for helping me get there <333
They were in Eddie's bathroom, Eddie on the stool that had been placed there for him before he got home, and Steve standing right in front of him. Eddie was still recovering, but he had finally gotten the green light to leave the hospital. He had spent the day with Wayne, who was now at his night shift, so Steve had arrived to the trailer to keep Eddie company instead. Nobody really liked the thought of Eddie being alone in the trailer, even though Eddie himself pretended like it was all fine – the guy was a terrible liar, and Steve wouldn't mind spending some time with him anyway.
At least, he had thought he wouldn't mind, before he actually got there. He had pictured them spending a couple of hours hanging out together, then helping Eddie get ready for bed, and falling asleep in Eddie's bed together at a reasonable hour because Eddie still needed his rest. What he had certainly not pictured, was Eddie practically begging him to leave him to his own devices behind a locked door in the bathroom.
'I'm not letting you do it alone,' Steve said, getting tired of Eddie's stubbornness. 'Wayne would kill me if he found out, and I only just won his trust – not worth it, man!' He hoped that throwing Wayne in his arguments would be more successful than his concerns about Eddie's health and safety, which did not seem to hit home at all.
'I can take care of myself, alright?'
'Barely,' Steve couldn't help but scoff.
'Wayne can help me with this shit in the morning!'
'I know, but he isn't always here. What if you need help when he is at work?'
'I can teach Nancy how to do it, or Robin.'
Steve wanted to say something along the lines of 'So it’s just me who you don't trust with this?' but he knew it'd be a real dick move to make this about himself, so he decided to go for logic instead.
'Both of them will be off to college after the summer,' he pointed out. 'And I'll be right here. So why don't you teach me how to do it and let me help you?'
Eddie opened his mouth, no doubt to protest some more, but Steve was losing his patience by now.
'Look, you need a backup close to you, man,' he said. 'You want Dustin to do it?'
Eddie chuckled darkly. 'God, no,' he mumbled.
He squeezed his eyes shut – but not before Steve caught a glimpse of the tears Eddie was apparently trying so hard to hold back – and suddenly he understood that this wasn’t just Eddie being an annoying little shit. Eddie was scared. He was vulnerable. And trusting people when you were scared and vulnerable... Well, that was a goddamn scary thing, even Steve knew that.
'Hey,' Steve said, in a much softer voice than before. 'I got you, alright?' He gave a gentle squeeze to Eddie's knee, feeling the soft skin through the rips in his jeans against his fingers. 'It's okay, I really don't mind. I'm happy to help you out. And I’ll be careful, you can trust me.'
'It's not that I don’t trust you, it's...' Eddie took a deep, shaky breath and Steve could sense that something important was coming.
'It's kinda gross, you know. The whole stoma thing. And, like, extremely unsexy.'
And there was something about the combination of Eddie calling it unsexy and him preferring the help of Robin or Nancy over Steve's... Something that Steve very much could not begin to unpack right now, even though it was doing something weird to his stomach.
'It's not gross,' he protested, focusing on the other – the easier – part of Eddie's confession. 'It's just your body, man, it's part of being alive. I like that you're alive.'
'I can barely even look at it,' Eddie whispered, so softly that Steve could barely make out the words. It sounded so small, so un-Eddie-like, so fragile...
'So let me take care of it,' Steve tried. 'I'd be happy to do it for you. And I promise I won't find it gross. I mean, yeah, maybe it's not sexy, but not everything needs to be sexy at all times. Things can be neutral, right?'
'Are you sure?'
'Yeah.' He made sure to not lose eye contact with Eddie as he nodded earnestly.
'Okay. I think I can settle for neutral.'
'Can I take off your shirt?'
And somehow, that got him another chuckle.
'Sure, big boy, you can take off my shirt,' Eddie answered.
Steve felt like there was a joke in there that went over his head, but he helped Eddie pull the black fabric over his face and his curls.
There was so much more to look at than the tiny piece of intestine peeking out of Eddie's belly and the pouch filled with turbid liquid attached to it. There was also a whole maze of wounds and bruises scattered across his torso, some all-too-familiar looking bite marks that would no doubt leave scars in Eddie's sides. But none of it was gross or unsexy. Yes, maybe some of it was neutral – Steve wouldn't wish the bite marks both of them carried onto anyone – but underneath all that, there was something else: it was the fact that this was Eddie's skin, that the half-torn-apart tattoos he saw had once been selected by Eddie, that Eddie's heart was beating in that chest...
Steve quickly let his gaze travel upwards, back to the safety of Eddie’s eyes.
‘Alright, tell me what to do,’ he said.
Eddie finally gave up his protesting and guided Steve through the process of taking off the pouch, cleaning the skin underneath it, and applying a new one.
'Sorry,' Steve mumbled when he was struggling to attach it properly.
'Don’t worry. Takes a while to get the hang of it,' Eddie answered. And Steve tried not to think about how there seemed to be a promise in those words, a promise that Eddie would trust him to take care of him, now. That he'd get to do this often enough to get the hang of it. That he'd get to know all about Eddie's body.
'Thank you,' Eddie said in a soft voice when they were all done.
'You don't need to thank me for that,' Steve protested.
'No, I mean, thank you for... Not, like, flinching or, I dunno, looking disgusted or something, when you...' He stumbled his way through the words, uncharacteristically awkward, as if he felt ashamed of what he was trying to say to Steve.
'No need to thank me for that either,' Steve answered earnestly.
But Eddie still looked at him with those scared wide eyes, so he gently placed both his hands on Eddie's bare shoulders.
'You look...' He swallowed, chickened out right on the verge of saying whatever it was he was going to say. 'It's not disgusting. Not at all. It's... It's just you.'
And there was this shy smile around Eddie's lips, as if he knew exactly what Steve had almost blurted out.
'I think it's kinda metal,’ Steve added in attempt to steer things back to safer territories - and for the first time since they were in that bathroom, Eddie let out a real, actual laugh.
He playfully bumped a fist against Steve's shoulder.
'You really don't know enough about metal to decide that, big boy.'
Steve chuckled. ‘Well, I’m pretty sure Izzy would agree with me on this one.’
‘Ozzy,’ Eddie corrected him, rolling his eyes but still smiling.
Steve's hands were still resting on Eddie's shoulders, and Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's back, tugging him closer until he could rest his head in the crook of Steve's neck. Steve was sure Eddie would be able to hear how violently his heart was beating right now, but he didn’t pull back, didn’t move; he simply kept holding him, gently tracing his hand over the bare skin of Eddie’s spine.
Eddie wasn't the only one who had been damaged beyond repair, but in this moment, in the trailer's tiny bathroom, they could simply hold each other and pretend like they were both still whole.
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somethingor-other · 8 months
needed to get this scene onto tumblr somehow. still not over it, idk what will happen with this show/ship but this was wild
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talkethtothehandeth · 11 months
I started asking my ex pcp (derogatory) “Are you unable to do [insert testing/referrals that would maybe help get me closer to a stronger treatment/recovery plan], or is it your personal preference to not initiate these options?” And applying it to other doctors/medical workers and
It gets them to shut the fuck up and do their job real quick, because they don’t want the problems of me going to the Daddy Admin, and bitching about their blatant refusal to help me.
Anyway I’m getting more labs to check my levels 😛
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greyaugustuspoetry · 4 days
Young Blood
It broke through the flood gates
Bite your check and feel that pain
It builds up the damn down the way
Choke it down and shut it up
No one wants to hear your shame
It’s starting to explode?
That sucks just for you
Screw the cap back on right
Or you’ll scare away the view
Cry yourself to sleep little one
It’s the only time you can
And if that doesn’t console you
Go put your head in the sand
No one gives a fuck
Not even god
They made you this way
Didn’t they son?
Get on your knees
And start to scream
Grab at the stars
And see if they bleed
I’m sorry young blood but this is the truth of it all
So shut up and smile
Swallow all those pills
Because it tames the beast and keeps you still
Yeah no one gives a shit
Except for you and you alone
And maybe the man behind that heavy telephone
Don’t let this escape from that black hole
That lives in that malnourished gut
Everything is fine , fine, fine
That’s what you must tell them all
Because no matter if you let this go
There’s no room for it in the space outside your own
Do you think this is a game?
Because it never was to me
Life is a cycle
And we got stuck in it’s spree
There’s no space on that paper anymore
You ran out of pages
From the day you were three
That’s when the monsters started to breath
Get on your knees
And start to confide
In nothing at all
Because you know it’s all a lie
I’m sorry young blood but this is the truth of it all
So shut up and smile
Swallow all those pills
Because it tames the beast and keeps you still
-Grey Augustus
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liminalspacewizard · 1 year
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zoroshark · 2 months
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Hey! This is Zoro coming with an update about my health as quite a few things have happened the past couple of months. As some may know, I've been dealing with chronic pain and illness since February of last year as mentioned in this post here.
A quick summary of it was that I have been dealing with constant bladder and stomach problems suddenly that were disrupting day to day life as they were painful and constant. Despite the multiple hospital visits, nothing was really done and at the time I could only wait to see certain specialists (which required a lot of money to see). Recently however, I finally got an answer to what was causing me pain in one part of my stomach! The culprit was my gallbladder and it has been removed!
The rest of the post will be caught off so for those who want to read in more detail, but one issue has been solved (at least i hope so)!
I also want to note here and thank everyone who's been supportive of me during this rough patch in my life. I also want to thank those who sent money for the GoFundMe! However, due to a few circumstances which will also be explained in the read more section, I will be refunding it all to those who donated.
TLDR version of my reason is that I was advise to do so for the eligibility medical/financial benefits I've been looking into. The refunds should be sent in about a week, so keep and eye out!
TW for Medical related subjects such as surgery.
For what was causing me pain in my stomach, or at least one of the reasons:
Turns out I had gallstones that somehow CT scans and ultrasounds didn't pick up last year, despite the pain and discomfort I was in from them. It got to the point where the pain was so unbearable, I was crying for about 2-3 hours before going to the ER. They found one stone had thicken walls through the ultrasounds and my gallbladder was infected from these stones.
Because of the findings, I underwent surgery to completely remove it during my stay in the hospital. I am now close to two weeks post-op and so far it has relieved most, if not all, of the constant pain I've been in my upper right. While I still have issues elsewhere in my body, it feels nice to have one issue solved. I just hope I don't need another trip to the ER anytime soon.
As for the detailed explanation for refunding the GoFundMe donations:
A few months back I after the go found me, I was accepted in a financial assistance program that made doctor's visits way cheaper. From close to hundreds of dollars to 3 dollars, that was way more an affordable price range for me. Despite that, i kept the donations on hold just in cause anything changed or something wasn't covered by the program until now.
Along with that, I've been applying for disability as I am considered disabled by my psychiatrist due to my mental health. After talking to a few folks who knew about the system, they mentioned that the money from the fundraiser could harm the process in gaining these benefits. Their recommended course of action was to refund the money as a precaution, so I'm following their advice. After the refunds have gone through, I will be closing the fundraiser.
Again, I want to give a massive thank you everyone in general who have supported me through all this. Its been difficult, especially since I had to accommodate to the pain and changes in my body. There has been MANY ups and for sure downs, but I'm still holding on!
Thank you for reading on this update, and expect to see me slowly become active again on here! I'm still in my Zonai phase so expect more content revolving around that, along with possible Zora content. Original works not involving fandoms will also (hopefully) be posted too!
Im also thinking of opening commissions in the future! I'll need to ask about that first due to what I mentioned above, but as far as I'm aware, I should be okay to do so (but don't quote me on it). So keep an eye out!
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schizopositivity · 1 year
Why it's hard for schizophrenic people to get treatment and diagnosis for physical health problems:
• Having "schizophrenic" in our charts makes a lot of medical professionals automatically not believe us. Especially if it is a problem that they can't instantly see themselves. They may think we are either delusional or having some kind of tactile hallucinations. They could see it more as a "psychiatric problem" rather than the physical medical problem that it is.
• If you have flat or blunted affect, they may not believe you, especially if you are describing pain. They have the expectations that you would be screaming, crying, grimacing, etc. When you are straight faced and monotone and say "I am in extreme pain right now" they will likely not believe you. And this paired with medical professionals views of chronic pain just makes them not believe you even more.
• Alexithymia makes describing your symptoms very hard, and even harder to describe how the symptoms affect you. The medical professional goes off of what you tell them, if you are vague or don't have the words, they will not understand you or not believe what you are describing. Either way that will hinder your road to treatment and diagnosis.
• Having memory problems, or trouble keeping track of things can also hinder your care. If you can't remember, or even remember to write down how often a symptom occurs, how long it lasts, how it felt in the moment, and how it impacted your life at the time, they may once again not believe you. Diagnosis often requires some sort of timeline or prevalence of symptoms, and not keeping track of that could keep you from diagnosis.
• They may avoid prescribing pain killers (even if you need it) because the fact that schizophrenic people are more likely to abuse drugs than the general population. And while that fact is true, it doesn't mean that someone in extreme pain does not deserve the right to pain killers just as much as anyone else who needs them.
• Being part of a disenfranchised group while also being schizophrenic can have compounding affects on your physical health treatment. Being low-income, being a person of color, being assigned female at birth, being transgender, being intersex, any other disenfranchised group or any combination of these will impact how you are treated by the healthcare system.
• Fear of medical professionals, or fear of Dr.s offices can impact the quality of your visit. You may feel too frightened to tell them how you really feel, you may just completely avoid going into the building at all. This can happen to anyone but is especially common for schizophrenic people due to our paranoia, inability to advocate for ourselves, lack of self esteem, historical medical abuse or personal experiences with medical abuse. Plus we can have doubts about the quality of our care because of any of the other reasons listed above.
And all this occurs while we as schizophrenic people, are at higher risks of several physical health problems (you can read about it here):
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kanekoii · 6 months
ver vermillion, who shows up at the hospital right after he hears the news from you.
he doesn’t care if it’s not technically family because he’s only your boyfriend, he wants to support you and others the best he can.
ver vermillion, who will get you anything you need if you’re too worried to leave your relative’s side. he understands, this is a really serious situation.
he handles everything with grace and respect, just wanting to comfort those worried about your relative and constantly reassuring you that they’re in the best hands at the hospital.
ver vermillion, who embraces you in the tightest hug he can when he sees how the situation has weighed on you.
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