#twoey gray
tamapalace · 6 months
Toronto Tamagotchi Club Gets CBC News, and Radio Canada Coverage
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It’s almost a guarantee that if the Toronto Tamagotchi Club is having a meetup, the press is going to be there! We really love the hard work that Twoey Gray is putting in! The latest meetup was on November 12th, 2023 at Allan Gardens from 12:00-3:00PM.
The folks over at Tonronto Tamagotchi Club even made a radio appearance on CBC Toronto to advertise the meetup. The meetup had an impressive turnout that keeps increasing in headcount with each meetup. The latest meetup drew a crowd of 30 before getting kicked out for monopolizing the greenhouse.
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Both CBC News and Radio Canada made an appearance at the meetup to write articles and record footage. Be sure to check out all the love they are receiving! Keep up the good work!
Pets without the extra commitment: Toronto Tamagotchi Club revives beloved retro toy from the early 2000s (CBC News)
Le grand retour du Tamagotchi? (Radio Canada)
Toronto Tamagotchi Club builds community through the now-retro toy (CBC News)
Tamagotchis are back, in Toronto at least: Why the popular 90s virtual pet is finding new life today (CBC News)
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librarycards · 5 months
do you have any favorite books/articles/etc. on asexuality and/or aromanticism?
this is great timing, anon! @stephen-deadalus and i just recently published an article/webtext rellated to ace/aro rhetorics in a neuroqueer/transMad context. below is a link to that + another piece of mine, and some other works you should check out
First and foremost: check out Carnival of Aces and Carnival of Aros. The former was one of my main sources of info back in the day when I ID'd as ace (starting in 2012ish) and they're still going. Carnival of Aros is more recent, and their posts have been really interesting to read so far.
for articles:
[sarah] Cavar, In praise of -less: transMad shouts from absent (pl)aces (hiiiiiii)
[sarah] Cavar & ulysses c. bougie, port-man-toes: the aroace - queercrip - transmad - neuroqueer erotics of digital collaboration (hiiiiii pt. deux) [also see our references in this piece for more cites]
C. Bougie, Composing Aromanticism
Carter Vance, Unwilling Consumers: A Historical Materialist Conception of Compulsory Sexuality (h/t @queertemporality)
M. Remi Yergeau, Cassandra Isn't Doing the Robot: On Risky Rhetorics and Contagious Autism (a chapter in Yergeau's first monograph, Authoring Autism, also attends to the prefix 'demi' in compelling ways, esp. for those interested in neuroqueerness)
for books:
Twoey Gray, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. See my review in Feral Feminisms here, and the whole Ace & Aro Reviews Issue here.
Milks & Ceranowski, eds. Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives (the og one is out, but the 10th anniversary ed. is forthcoming this year....with a chapter by Ulysses and I again!)
Ela Przybylo, Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality
I haven't read the Ace anthology yet, so I rec with grains of salt included. But reviewers I respect have commented favorably on it, so I'm putting it here.
This list is pretty short, mostly because I wanted to keep the citations to those actually accessible for free online (apart from books). It is also because the most radical, interesting, and generative discourse happening on ace/aro subjectivity and community, at this time, is happening on Tumblr and other blogs. Genuinely. I recommend searching the ace/aro/loveless/lovequeer tags to get a sense of what is currently happening; these are the spaces where I get a lot of my information and citations, including for the published articles above. hope this helps get you started!
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"What if Seymour discovered different sentient plants than Twoey?": An AU dump courtesy of my Notesapp:
Piranha plant (Mario series): Since it's not trying to hide it's sentience like Audrey 2 initially was, Seymour would probably recognize it as immediately dangerous and probably not bring it back to the shop (then again, these things can behave like normal plants, as shown in Super Mario Oddessy where Peach has a bouquet of them and they don't try to bite her)
Flowey (Undertale): Flowey would never care to eat anyone, but he does still want to kill people just because he's bored and he can reset the timeline so life and death wouldn't really matter to Flowey anyway. I imagine he still would have the goal of absorbing 7 human souls in order to turn back into Asriel, but I don't know how well that would actually work without being capable of eating them.
Cow Plant (the sims): Not really all that different from twoey, the only real differences would be that it can't talk and just moos and makes gross tounge noises, and also that the deaths caused by these things probably won't reach the apocalyptic scale that the Audrey II's reach in the musical (so this AU would basically play out a little closer to the 1960 version than the musical). And as a bonus, Mushnik can also sell the Anti-Aging milk that Cow Plants produce when they eat people
Tama/Stray Cat (Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure): This one would start with Orin accidentally-on-purpose running over a stray Prussian Blue cat with his motorcycle, and I guess because he just wants to traumatize some random kids outside of just dental work, he throws the cat's body into some random park and drives off. The next day, a gray flower with eyes, a mouth, petals shaped like cat ears, and whisker-like pistons that it uses to shoot air bubbles at its enemies. Seymour finds the cat plant and decides to take it home and names it Paw-drey (a joke Audrey greatly apprecieates :D). No faustian power bargains occur here but there were probably some people who got broken fingers from Paw-drey shooting air bubbles at them. And it kinda goes without saying that it would absolutely despise Orin for, you know, killing it. I also feel like it wouldn't be too happy with Mushnik either, no real reason tho.
The things from the Goosebumps episode "Stay Out Of The Basement": In this AU Seymour isn't just a florist, but also a full-on botanist who makes Hybrid his own Hybrid plants. One day Mushnik has to leave town and leaves Audrey in charge while he's gone (also, for the sake of this AU, we'll say that Audrey and Seymour are already dating and Orin doesn't have anything to do with this) Audrey has been noticing her boyfriend has been acting wierd these past few weeks, he stopped calling her by the pet name they always call each other and he keeps insisting that nobody goes in the basement. Audrey decides to see why Seymour insists she stays out of the basement, only to discover that he's got leaves growing out of his hair and his bed is full of worms. Seymour locks the basement door, but Audrey breaks in with a crowbar and finds Seymour tied up among the plants with no leaves in his hair. He explains to her that he was experimenting on some Venus fly traps when he cut himself on the slide and somehow his own DNA merged with it and became a half plant, half human copy of him. The other Seymour shows up and Audrey is prepared to shoot one of them with weed killer but she doesn't know which one is the real Seymour, that is until, the real one calls her by the nickname and she kills the plant Seymour. It ends with the reveal that one of the plants Audrey pricked her finger on in the basement has merged with her DNA and became another plant copy. TL;DR: the horror wouldn't be killing people to feed the plant, but instead, the plant commiting Identity Fraud
Venus Mcflytrap (Monster High): I mean, she's basically a human but green and with the ability to make plants grow, so I imagine she and Seymour would be beasties (Pun sort of intended). I think it would be funny if the Original Audrey 2 still exists in this universe and Venus calls it Mom, bonus points, Seymour gets called Gramps as a result even though he's probably only 3 years older than her (we don't actually know his age and it kinda varies from production to production)
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watfordwallflower · 5 years
hey everyone, twoey gray summed up a bunch of problems within the lgbt community that not a lot of ppl talk abt in less then like,,,four minutes. these are the conversations we should be having during pride month. yes, pls be happy, you deserve it, but let’s give voice to all the queers who don’t have that chance to smile yet.
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acezinearchive · 6 years
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crystal-sock · 4 years
Twoey Gray - "Lolita's Revenge"
“God you look so pretty in blue when it’s the color of your face“
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damaged-f0r-life · 7 years
Twoey Gray - "A Series Of Queer Love Notes"
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sonnet57 · 7 years
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"Maybe binaries are most useful when challenged." -Two, Twoey Gray (they/them/their)
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speaklikecalypso · 5 years
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tamapalace · 11 months
Toronto Tamagotchi Club Featured on CTV News & Global News Talk Radio
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The Tamagotchi movement continues to grow! The folks over at the Toronto Tamagotchi club, which a club within Toronto Canada that hosts local meetups for Tamagotchi fans to make meaningful connections and to make friends within the community. Love this!
CTV News is a national broadcast in Canada, so this is a big deal! The article is written by Hannah Alberga who provides details about the Toronto Tamagotchi club, and interviews Twoey Gray, who is the founder of the Toronto Tamagotchi Club.
The article details how the Toronto Tamagotchi Club was founded by Twoey Gray which all started with a post during the pandemic about their Tamagotchi being lonely. Twoey thought there must be others in Toronto that play with Tamagotchi, and they were right!
Twoey advertised a first meetup which was at Allan Gardens Conservatory in Toronto where a dozen people attended, and new friendships were made. The second meet up was in Kensington Market, and Twoey already has another event for the summer on deck.
“Being able to nerd out with people who share your experiences … is something a lot of people have been craving for a long time,” she said.”
Be sure to read the CTV News article here.
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Next up is the feature on Global News Talk Radio, which is a national talk radio station. Twoey Gray was also featured on the talk radio show where they elaborate on their love for Tamagotchi, and the creation of the Toronto Tamagotchi Club.
Twoey also spends some time explaining Tamagotchi to the talk show host, and how there is a community of Tamagotchi lovers, and the Toronto Tamagotchi Club’s goal is to bring people together. Definitely worth a listen and the audio is featured on their Instagram post here.
These features made the national news! Keep up the awesome work, Toronto Tamagotchi Club!
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librarycards · 1 year
what are some of your favorite zines (can be available online or just zines u have encountered in the flesh that left an impact!!)???
i love this question!!!
the first zine I ever fell in love with is Every Thug is a Lady: Adventures without gender by Julia Eff. It's about Eff's experience/perspective on neutrois subjectivity, and really changed my life at the time. looks like you can request to view an archived copy here, though i wish it was more readily available online!
one of my recent favorites is kitty lu bear's "(un)sane: a collective story," a superb collective & experimental autoethnography on (trans)//Madness, plurality, and the strategic refusal of sane/sanitizing narratives.
The Trans Woman Writers' Collective has also released some excellent zines, in particular my beloved friend @grimesapologist's Anorexic Becomings.
I love my friend/comrade Twoey Gray's Mad zines/poetics, and loved & got to to review her zine Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder on the pathologization of asexuality. like bear's work, it's a brilliant fusion / refusal of the binary between of the auto- and the rigorously scholarly.
Lastly, i wanted to shoutout two older zines I absolutely adore. one is, of course, Mira Bellweather (z"l)'s Fucking Trans Women, and the other is Andrea Dorea's N'Drea: One Woman's Fight to Die Her Own Way.
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dontwhisperuloveme · 7 years
Twoey Gray - "Lolita's Revenge"
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mendaci · 7 years
Of Mice and Men.
Of Mice and Men.
–sits in his lap, wondering, “Is that a penis or a pistol?” And exactly what is the difference? She screams, “Murder me. I’m telling you to murder me.” If she begged for it, is it still a crime? Can you still be blamed, Mr. Humbert? – Lolita’s Revenge, by Twoey Gray 11.12 p.m. I told myself that I would sleep early tonight. Didn’t want to give my brain reason to be picking at the seams, but I…
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oneupdateatatime · 7 years
Twoey Gray - "Two" @WANPOETRY (CUPSI 2016).
Everyone should check out her poetry. She is amazing.
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sonnet57 · 8 years
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witchycuriosity · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOudHtyjAhg)
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