#txt w
sanstropfremir · 2 years
To add on your dancing/performing analysis list, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on yeonjun from txt. You previously spoke about txt as a whole a couple of times, and it made me think more about him, bc he's usually hailed as the best 4th gen dancer (which, kind of rude since Hwanwoong is right here, but also understandable, since the more an idol gets popular, the more their fans will swear that this idol's the best at doing X, and people who don't know any better will accept it at face value.) I find him satisfying to watch because his moves seem clean, but at the same time I don't find him interesting/entertaining and I can't pinpoint why? Maybe he's just another case of idol dancers who are good at mimicking choreography rather than embodying it? I'd like to have your opinion if you're not tired of talking about txt despite not being interested in them 😭😂
yeonjun doesn't really have a personality, that's why. technically he's very good, but he's not bringing much to the table other than 'boy', if you know what i mean. personally i do also think he's not super great at embodying choreo, but tbh the lack of personality in performance is a much bigger issue, and it's not just him that has this problem. most of the popular fourth gen male dancers are guilty of this; yeonjun, lee know, hyunjin, juyeon, even wooyoung and yunho have it to some extent as well. and i should point out that it's not just exclusive to kpop dancers - although it is significantly more prominent of an issue because of the focus on the face - but it happens amongst regular dancers too. it's pretty common for dancers to have very good technical skills but struggle to express emotion or character with their performances, and the best dancers are the ones that can do both. there's circumstances in dance where it's less of an issue, but in a performance form like kpop where the focus is so forward on the face and character of the idol, it's impossible to hide that lack. it's the reason why san, seonghwa, and hongjoong can put out much more captivating performances despite having worse technique, because they're playing to their specific strengths and they know exactly what you need in order to make a good performance in this specific form.
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intertexts · 4 months
rigging & power lines r like siblings i think.
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percabetn · 4 months
i can’t stop thinking about how annabeth e-mailed percy the photo of her at dc but this doofus decided to print it and put it in his notebook to stare at her whenever he could. talk about dedication
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deloveusion · 2 months
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opalsiren · 2 months
disabled/chronically ill people in general do not have the same number of usable hours as ableds. i can't meet my friend tomorrow because i need to wash my hair, and i can't meet them the day after because i need to do a load of laundry. i can't meet them thursday because i have an important appointment on friday, and if i overdo it on thursday i'll have to cancel friday's appointment. then i can't meet them on saturday because i'll be recovering from going out on friday, if i even manage to make it out the house. the old 'we all have the same 24 hours in the day' saying does not apply to us.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
btw most universities to my knowledge keep their reading lists behind access barriers (ie. only students enrolled at the institution on the course in question can see them) so i thought i’d just let you all know that durham university has all of its reading lists available online for free without needing student access. do with this information what you will.
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machineryangel · 2 years
she's a 10 but her social battery dies before she even goes outside
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starrover · 8 months
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Sam Sax, “Bestiary” from A Guide to Undressing Your Monsters
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dreamertrilogys · 10 months
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turning off reblogs instead of just deleting the post is a coward’s move sorry. anyway
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disgustinggf · 1 year
girl stop serving cunt or imma eat it
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butchexe · 12 days
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[Image description: A highly edited post on a gradient background reading "My page is for lesbians, fat girls, girls w weird ass gender, mspec dykes and fags, freaks, and butches & studs." End description.]
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Txt's/ new song was okay for me. I liked it and the chorus was interesting but something about it feels so forced. I feel bad cause I wanted to like them since their debut and see what the hype is about but they all come off forced and stilted to me. Not their fault completely tho. Maybe I'm not into their performing? Idk they feel like bt/s sometimes but shinier? Like how bt/s eventually became sort of soulless and corporate. I can see why txt is popular tho just not for me ig.
they don't have any personalities their production value is too high and smooth they don't have any individuality they're just doing rehashed ideas done by other groups take your pick of a reason.
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mobydyke · 2 months
[sexting] no live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.
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stuck in the permafrost, stuck in the permafrost...
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deloveusion · 3 months
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ed is absolutely panicking in 2x7 bc he’s seeing stede having the time of his life being a famous pirate and he’s genuinely happy for stede but also he wants out of this life and he’s afraid stede will choose piracy over him and so he’s leaving first before stede can leave him again, all of which is bc deep down ed still thinks he’s unlovable and he’s scared to get hurt by stede again and he’s handling everything very badly
all that being said
the fact that ed has already decided that he can’t choose piracy for stede’s sake is so important to me
piracy was slowly killing ed long before stede entered the picture. and now that ed’s decided that he wants warmth and food and orgasms and he wants to live he’s not going to force himself to do a job that makes him fucking miserable. he still might not think he’s worth love and not worth choosing, but he’s at least moved past thinking he deserves to die. he’s past making himself so miserable that he wants to die. ed still has a lot of work to do but he’s making good progress and i’m proud of him.
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