#ugh this turned weird near the end sorry
rainybraindays · 2 months
Hi! Rainy here on her soapbox again!! Heres some things I've seen said about Eloise today
"Eloise be staying a terrible friend"
"Shes finally showng her true colors"
"This is the ultimate betrayal I don't care how mad she is I can't believe she'd do this to Penelope."
"Eloise was always a brat/bitch she deserves whatever happens to her for being friends with Cressida."
"If she was a true friend she wouldn't do this."
And lots more!
My thoughts on this? You all need to calm the fuck down oh my god.
Listen, I love Penelope, and I'm not exactly thrilled to see Eloise attaching herself to Cressida, but also you have to imagine being in her shoes.
You're 19 forced into a world and position you don't like, your reputation has been dragged through the mud, most of your acquaintances are no longer spaking to you, the first person you've had a crush on has basically said to never come around again, and you found out your best friend has been lying to you for years and using her anonymity to mock your family.
She gets to be hurt and upset. Penelope did betray her, and she may have been trying to do it to save her, but that doesn’t change that she did an it certainly doesn't change how she reacted when Eloise found her out.
We know from the live Cressida is the only person who was nice to her. Was it likely for a self serving reason? Does it likely have more to do with Eloises name than who she is as a person?
Maybe, but also, we really don't know Cressida beyond a surface level. I don’t know how to tell you his but characters can have more depth to them.
And even if she is, Eloise could also be in this friendship for self serving reasons as well.
Violet says it in Queen Charlotte, Eloise is lonely, and angry, and likely looking for a way to hurt Pen like shes been hurt. Cressida is excellent at helping her be less lonely and to also get back at someone who hurt her. In Eloises mind Cressida may be bad, but at least shes not pretending she isn't.
These girls are not done cooking, their brains are not fully developed, they are going to make impulsive, mean spirited decisions.
They shouldn't be crucified for them.
Marina lashes out at Pen for meddling, it's taken as evidence that shes actually this evil bitch. Eloise lashes out and makes friends with "the enemy?" She was never a true friend, and never actually cared about Penelope.
I love Penelope, I find her to be an interesting character with a lot of facets that can be played with, yet some how how this fandom keeps deciding she needs to always be in the victim role. Something she wouldn't agree with, seeing as sh seemingly hold some guilt about Marina, and immediately tried to run after Eloise. The things she does aren't full altruistic, to an extent they usually play in her favor. She knows shes in the wrong, why can't we as the audience accept that?
When Pen and El reunite, it shouldn't involve some huge redemption arc from Eloise for daring to befriend someone Penelope hates.
It should be genuine apologies, on both sides, because they've both said and done things to hurt each other.
Their friendship isn't going to be the same and I think thats okay honestly. They've both been self-centered in their friendship, niether really listened to each other, theres been secrets and fights that do change alter relationship. They have to rebuild, reassess and go from there.
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
Do you still accept a request? If yes. Then can you make an angsty one with Leviathan from WHB. Like Levi just actually threatens MC the whole time, so what would he react if MC really dying and almost die in the same way he's been threatens MC with.
Hey dear, sorry it took a while cuz I’ve been busy but here it is! Hope you like it (some of it was inspired by his bloodshed card)
Levi x reader (?)
Warning: angst, one sided crush, you die (wow)
Btw I didn’t proofread this. Sorry
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[—] How dare you [———]…?
“You, why are you here.” A sinister voice echoed through the huge halls. The pitch was deep and filled with menace, it got louder with each passing second. “Ask your subordinates, they were worried about you.” You replied. Soon the owner of that voice appeared, facing you with a nonchalant expression. It was dead silent, before you felt something tightening around your neck and pulling you into the air. “U-ugh, fuck!” A rope wrapped around your neck, tight enough for your air to be snapped off. You looked him dead in the eyes, it was always unpleasant meeting him. The male did a motion with his fingers, then the mysterious rope disappeared back to the ceiling. Your body hit the ground, loud pants and gasps followed.
It was awful how he seemed to do whatever he wanted, even if it was at the cost of another’s comfort. While you were slowly getting back onto your feet, leviathan smirked at you. His face showed a neutral expression with a hint of satisfaction flashing across his features. You wanted to hit him, but that would end in another near death experience so you ignored him. After standing up and fixing your attire, you turned around and said, “they want you to take a break. Do what you want I don’t care.” Levi glared at you when you started to walk away, “where do you think you are going?” Instead of stopping and answering him, you acted like you didn’t hear him and continued. You just wanted to get out of this suffocating situation as soon as possible.
The rope from before attacked you again, cutting off your air once more, “gaHhh..!” A chocked out groan left you, your throat hurt from all this bullshit. “I didn’t say you could leave did I?” It sounded like he was mocking you. Dear ancestor, fuck you. This was the second time already, in what, ten minutes? When you escaped the noose again you clenched your fists, mumbling under your breath, “one day you are going to be the death of me.” This time, he didn’t stop you again and let you disappear behind the doors. A gentle smile creeped onto his lips.
You despised him. Sure, the devils were all weird and unique but he was more than that. He was unreasonable and violent, not to mention arrogant. Just the thought that you had to stay in this god forsaken country for another week made your blood boil. Foras and a maid were coming to your direction, the female devil was pushing a cart decorated with various dishes. “How’s his majesty leviathan?” The pink haired male asked as soon as he noticed you. “As unbearable as ever.” You didn’t understand how or why they were this loyal to him, he didn’t hypnotise them did he? Foras obviously noticed your frustrated expression and asked you about it. “What could it be other than your king. Sigh I’ll leave first.” This wasn’t good for your health, being angry all the time.
After that encounter you made your way back to your bedroom, and the two devils went into Levi’s office. They placed down the plates, before their king came and sat down at the table. He chewed on his food, while foras was standing behind him. “Your majesty leviathan,” he began, “pardon my insolence, but may I know what you think of that human?” “They are Solomon’s descendant, there’s nothing else worth mentioning.” Levi responded with a serious expression. “I see.”
Even though hades wasn’t your favourite place, you couldn’t deny that there were nice things about it too. It was also very fun to mix in with the population and observe the habits of devils. The most eye catching part about them must be the noose they all wear. Each nation does have their own unique laws. “I wonder why they all wear a noose, is it their fashion?” You asked yourself, when suddenly someone answered you, “it’s to honour his majesty leviathan! This is a Symbole of our trust and loyalty!” Quickly you turned around, about to raise your fist to punch whoever was behind you. The sun shone onto his skin in a picture perfect way, it made his golden locks shine even more than normally.
“Barbatos?” “Oh did I surprise you? I saw you walking around so I came closer!” He smiled brightly, barbatos stood out a lot at the palace, because everyone was so gloomy while he was… dazzling, in a good and bad way. “Anyway, to answer your question, we all wear a noose for his majesty.” The man said. “So that he can chock you whenever?” You remarked, finding that purpose rather questionable. “Haha! That’s a nice touch, but it’s actually so that we are prepared for his majesty leviathans death.” “Prepared? What do you mean?” Barbatos grinned at you as he answered you once again, “if he dies, then we will die with him by hanging. All of us.”
Your eyes widened at that statement. Their loyalty was greater than what you initially thought. “All of them? Did Levi want this?” “No, it was what we agreed on when we decided to follow him.” Barbatos looked a little sad now, as if he was remembering the old days. “…his majesty leviathan is more than what meets the eye. There must be a reason after all why we follow him.” A small child ran past you, he also wore a noose. “Even children.” You whispered under your breath. This was unreasonable and crazy, to think all these people would die for him. It felt like a stone dropped onto your heart, weighting down on it.
You still didn’t like him. No questions asked. But you felt something else too, some form of respect or admiration. He alone had to shoulder the lives of so many people, it was a burden you would never take upon yourself. Those thoughts of understanding and pity for him were washed away as soon as you entered the palace. A noose like the ones you saw on the streets wrapped around your neck, strangling you. “Arghh! Fuck!” You cursed him in your mind, did he see you as a stress ball of some sort?
“You. how dare you leave without a notice.” The blond haired devil threatened, his gaze switched to barbatos who was standing beside you. In the blink of an eye, he was also hanging from the ceiling. Though compared to you, he seemed to enjoy it. “Ah-..! Your- majesty leviathan..!” “Silence, hang.” Barbatos’ red rope tightened again, any more and it would snap his neck in half. You struggled yourself, slowly feeling nauseous and dizzy when he still didn’t grant you permission to breath. “You-”
Before Levi could finish his sentence, the huge window behind him crashed down. The glass shattered and flew everywhere, Levi raised his arm to protect himself. One of the bigger glass shards cut through the rope by which you were hanging, coincidentally helping you escape. “Hah-haa..! Hah..” you gasped, desperately trying to fill your lungs with air. The noose was still around your neck, but you were in too much panic to get rid of the knot. Barbatos cut through his rope when he saw the window breaking. Foras and glasyalabolas stormed into the hall second after, along with other devils.
Angels. You heard one of them mumble. “Angels..?” Your mind was still dizzy from the lack of oxygen, with great difficulties you stood up. “Kill all the devils you can see! And that human too!” One of the white winged creatures yelled. Moments after a fight broke out, the two races were fighting and killing each other. Some of the demons died, and so did some of the angels. You stumbled a little, it was still difficult to breath with how tight the noose was, so you grabbed a glass shard laying on the ground and tried to cut it. Hurting your hand in the process. “Ugh.. bloody hell! The fuck is this?!” Somehow the rope didn’t want to be cut, the shard was covered in your blood before you made any progress.
Everything was happening so fast, you weren’t able to take in all the information yet. Your heart was pounding, working to its utmost to provide your body with the much needed oxygen. What should I do, what should I do? You asked yourself. Looking around to see if you could find a weapon. Maybe throw the shards after them? But what is you miss? Fuck fuck fuck. This is just the worst. Damn this brand of yours, this stupid thing Gabriel left you with.
Levi and the others were killing one angel after another, bloody feathers flew around the hall. Suddenly you saw an angel sneaking up to Levi, without thinking about it, you ran towards the creature, pushing it away. This action shocked the male. He kept a calm but furious face the entire time, but now he had a shocked expression. “What are you doing?! Get out of my way, I can handle it myself.” Wow, so much for a thanks. You were still panting, running like that with limited air was too much. “You are useless in this battle, go hide in that room, I’ll clear the way.” He shouted at you, well, he wasn’t wrong, you really couldn’t do anything. Even if it left a bitter taste admitting it.
Just as you got up and prepared to run, one of the angels grabbed the end of the noose and flew into the air. Once again you were being tossed around like some toy. “Ugh!!” Levi reached out to you, but instead you kicked him away. “You! Why did you do that you dumbass!” He took a few steps back, and a sword landed right in front of him. “Don’t you- dare die! I don’t like you Levi, but if you die, I’ll fucking hate you. I’ll curse your soul! Ughh!!” You didn’t get to talk much when an angel with a scar interrupted you, “Tsk, you annoying pest!” He was the one who threw the blade. Afterwards he screamed to his colleague, “kill that human! They have the brand of sir Gabriel!” And with that, you were hanging from the ceiling. The angel who carried you whispered, “please don’t struggle too much.. I’m not that strong.” What a dumbass, as if you’d listen. You trashed around as much as you could, the high was scaring you but angels were scarier.
Now everyone was panicking. The devils because you were on the verge of dying, the angels cuz they were losing their numbers, and you because your consciousness was fading away. Is this the end? Really? Dying in a dishonourable way like this? Suddenly you saw black, only darkness was before your eyes. Haha.. to think you will die while protecting that asshole. Fate truly is unpredictable.
“Save [——] first!” “How [———] you!” “[———] y/n!!” Seems like the battle wasn’t over yet, but you could really understand anything they were saying. Only bits of their conversation was reaching you. You wanted to yell it to him, though it was impossible in your condition. Instead of shouting you whispered with your last breath, “Levi, don’t you dare die, I’ll strangle you if you do.” “Hmm?” Your enemy listened to your words, getting distracted by them for a bit. During that short vulnerable moment, Levi attacked his wings, causing him to crash to the ground. “You worthless insect..” Foras called out to Levi right before he could kill that angel, saying, “your majesty! Solomon’s descendant.. they are dead.”
He froze. What. Dead? You humans really are weak, so breakable and weak. Dead. Dead, just to save him, again. “You! What were their last words?!” Those words were directed to the half dead thing on the ground. The devil turned his head around and stepped onto his half dead corpse. With how much blood he lost, it was only a matter of time before he finally dies. “You better open your mouth, it’s a warning.” Levi demanded, ready to heal and then torture him. “…don’t die- hu.. or they will strangle you.” That angel murmured in his last breath, then he got stabbed by glasyalabolas. The expression on Levi’s face was indescribable. Shock, anger and grief all mixed together until it was a perfect blend. What he experienced in that moment was something worse than when he escaped heaven. Once again he wasn’t strong enough to protect anyone. Once again he still needed others, who are weaker, to sacrifice their lives for him. He didn’t change, nothing changed, not in all these centuries. Was this perhaps his fate as a king? Hah… if only he wasn’t born ‘special’. It’s suffocating.
Barbatos was the one to break the silence first, clearly worried for his king, “your majesty-” “and that because of the noose?” The devil with the deer horns talked to himself while leaving his subjects in confusion. “They died, by my hands.” He said sternly. “Because of me, again. Again again again. How often does fate want to repeat itself?” This time Foras opened his mouth first, “it isn’t your fault, your majesty-” horror washed over his attendants as tentacles and an ominous aura emerged from leviathan, was the palace going to break again was what they thought, but that idea quickly vanished when Levi turned around. “It feels like I just escaped that place yesterday. When I still wasn’t ‘leviathan’, but devil number 89. Ah. My eyes hurt.” It was the first time they saw their dear king cry.
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malum-forev · 1 year
Congrats on 1k followers 💓 I am so happy for you!
And can I please request the “stranded” prompt from your bingo game?
Just imagine Bucky and reader not really liking each other and being stranded somewhere after a mission. The tension, the intrigue, the fluff! Ugh I’m excited ❤️‍🔥
Much love, Meg (espinosaurusrexex) ✨
Hiii thank you thank youuu!! ❤️‍🔥 Here's the "stranded" prompt! I hope you like it <33
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Your legs felt heavy as you walked deeper into the forest. The “simple” mission Sam sent you on had taken you from morning to afternoon and now, into the night. You found yourself trying to ignore the ache enveloping your body as you dragged your exhausted body through the damp ground. Whoever said nature gives you peace and makes you feel grounded is an idiot. 
Stupid Sam, with his stupid mission, and his “You’ll be in and out in an hour, two tops.” You thought. 
On paper, it looked easy. You were supposed to go to a warehouse that was used as a training camp during the war somewhere in Vermont. There had been a couple of reports stating weird things were happening, there was talk of more super serum and information taken by Hydra being hidden there. But someone must have been tipped off because when you got there, everything was gone. Well, almost everything. Before you got to the warehouse, whoever was getting rid of the evidence clearly wanted to get rid of you too. Blinding gas tanks were detonated and they’d wired bombs to the landing strip, the quinjet completely destroyed. 
You always had a Plan B, of course. A safehouse some miles into the forest that bordered the area near Montreal. 
Your shoulders dropped as you saw caught sight of the small cabin. The sigh you let out was the first thing you’d heard in an hour, apart from the sound of two pairs of boots crunching down on the dropping leaves.
Bucky turned to look at you but you kept your gaze forward. You were in absolutely no mood to talk. It was his fault you were here but you knew he would never admit it. 
You walked up the old wooden stairs and stopped at the door.
“Are you waiting for the door to magically open?” Bucky crossed his arms over his chest.
Your hand covered your eyes. “You cannot be serious. Sam gave you the key for the safehouse in case we needed it.”
“Yeah, I know.” Bucky shrugged. “And I put it in my backpack.”
“And where’s your backpack?” You asked, annoyed. 
Bucky looked over both his shoulders and spun around once. “Does it fucking look like I have my backpack?”
“You lost the only thing you were supposed to keep track of?” You groaned. 
“Well I’m sorry, I was trying to not get killed by the fucking bombs!” Bucky rolled his eyes. 
You put your hand up, conveying a clear stop talking or I’ll kill you message, and knelt down. You took a couple of paper clips from the inside of your vest and straightened them to try and pick the lock. 
“Wouldn’t it be easier and more effective to carry a lockpick set?” Bucky asked. 
You stopped working on the lock to take a deep breath. We do not kill innocent people. You repeated in your head. Even if they’re not so innocent and they’re assholes.
You were able to get the door open after a few minutes. You took in your surroundings as you came in and turned on the lights. There was a landline phone at one end of the small cabin and a couple of medical aid kits, a couch on the other side of the four walls and a small table with two chairs next to it, but that was about it. You looked out the window and into the night, there wasn’t anything to be seen. Miles upon miles of trees, a good hour and a half away from any sort of civilization. You were truly stranded. 
“This place looks like shit.” Bucky said. 
Five words, that’s all it took to ignite the fire that had been lightly burning in your being. 
“Really? Because I think this place is incredibly charming.” You said, your words dripped sarcasm. “This was actually my idea of a perfect Friday night! Go on a mission, have you mess everything up by not checking if the place was decked out in bombs and having to walk almost two hours to a safehouse.”
“How is this my fault! You were the one who wanted to land the jet closer to the warehouse.” Bucky’s tone rose, his chest heaved. 
“Oh don’t you try and flip this situation around.” You warned. “Because the problem starts and ends with you being selfish! And because of your idiotic need for individualistic recognition and praise, we're stranded!”
Bucky was fully ready to let his wrath out on you but just as he was about to tell you why you were the problem, he saw a stain on your light grey vest. He furrowed his eyebrows at the large dark stain. 
“What happened to you?” He asked, getting closer and lightly tracing over the spot.
A painful shriek slipped out of you as you felt the pressure, Bucky stepped back. 
You grabbed one of the kits and dropped your body on one of the chairs. With a groan and a wince, you took your vest off and pulled your shirt up, tucking it under the wire of your bra. 
You teared the packaging for the antiseptic wipe and tried to clean the area. The large gash on the skin covering your ribs was still leaking blood. 
Bucky sat down on the chair next to you and pulled your chair closer to him, taking the wipe from your hands. “C’mon let me do it, I’ve got a better angle.”
You threw your head back and hissed as he pressed the wipe to your wound. 
“How’d you even get a cut like this?” Bucky asked, his usual frown softened a worried look taking its place.
You shrugged your shoulders. “What did you say earlier? I was trying to not get killed by the fucking bombs. Couldn’t really concentrate on anything else.”
The corner of Bucky’s mouth turned upwards slightly. 
You took sight of the man in front of you. The warm light cast intricate shadows on Bucky’s face. You could see his frown lines but you also took note of the small wrinkle on each side of his lips. Smile lines. You thought of the few times you’d seen him smile. You’d seen him give out his fake smile many times at press conferences or Stark events, but Buck’s true smile- the one you knew was hard to get out of him- you had only seen once or twice in passing. There was that one time when Sam finally broke him down with a cheesy joke, Bucky’s whole face would light up and an ear-to-ear smile would reveal his pearly whites. You had noticed your breath hitching when you saw him, not that you would ever admit it. 
A smile of your own threatened to appear as you saw how his tongue poked out of the side of his mouth, concentrated on treating your wound.
“Will you stop looking at me like that?” Bucky said in a soft voice. He took the needle out of the packaging, you needed at least three stitches. “It’s making me lose my focus.”
“Sorry.” You whispered.
“S’okay.” Bucky mumbled. 
You felt your mouth open without consulting with your brain. The question on the tip of your tongue. “Tell me a joke.” 
You don’t know what came over you but you asked it. Maybe it was the exhaustion or the lack of blood. You saw Bucky’s eyebrows furrow and his jaw tense. His expressive face went through all the emotions.
“A joke?” Maybe he hadn’t heard correctly, you definitely didn’t say that. How could the woman with whom he’d spent more time arguing than actually talking ask him to tell her a joke. 
“Tell me a joke.” You repeated, it was too late to back out now. 
“What’s a prize old people can win for aging?” Bucky asked, his eyes focused on finishing up your stitches but his brain was elsewhere. 
“Atrophy.” His celeste eyes looked up at yours and there it was, a smile. You knew you probably looked dumbfounded but there wasn’t any other expression you could make. Now you knew why Bucky didn’t smile as much, that man could start a war if he wanted to just by flashing a quick smile. 
You let out a light laugh. “That was a really bad joke.”
“I’m out of practice, I can’t remember the last time someone asked me for a joke.” Bucky bit his bottom lip. 
“You should smile more often.” Bucky’s eyes widened at your words. 
“I-I should?” He stuttered, quickly finishing the last stitch. Taking a bandage strip and placing it over his work. 
“You have a really nice smile.” You said and watched as his cheeks turned red. 
With a cough, he stood up from the chair. Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Thanks, it’s- been a long time since someone’s said that.”
“Am I the first person to tell you you have a nice smile in 70 years?” You asked. 
“Well- I – when you think about it-“ Bucky’s brain was frying, he had no idea what to do in this situation. He’d begged Sam not to put you two together in a mission for this exact reason. You were extremely irritating to him but at the same time he couldn’t help but want you. Want to be near you. You had the ability to make him angry in a matter of seconds but make his pants feel tight with just a couple of words. The devious smile playing on your lips only made him harder. 
“I’m gonna call Sam to see when he can pick us up.” Bucky gulped. 
Hi hiiii This is part of my 1k Celebration, if you like this please be sure to look at the Bingo Card and ask for a prompt! Love y'all <33
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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onmyyan · 1 year
scorpio anon got me feelin some tingz with that time machine ask and now im brainrotting on how our boys would be if you took their virginity so, lemme set the scene
Reader is a bad gal okay? She's not completely stupid but maybe a bit of a bimbo and word on the street is She's got good pussy. Somehow (idk how) the boys end up choosing her as their darling so ofc they need to get it in right? Ok ok anyways this is how i imagine they would be like puttining it in for the first time
Cas: im sorry but he cums before he even puts it in. Literally creams his pants when you push him down and sit on his face and then cums again once he gets his fat tip in 🤧
Gabe: mans is TOO excited, literally laying back so ready to lose his v card, maybe reader teases him a bit for being a cherry boy so he slams her on his dick (gabe no 💀) but luckily she's wet so he just bounces her like that
Ricky: babygirl is so nervous, he's got the candles and rose petals set up (something cas told him) and he's horny gripping the sheets behind your head until you sit him down and calm him down and tell him its ok before you ride him. Baby thought he needed to be the top bc he's a man 😞
Marcos: ohhhh lawd, you started it all for him. Reader is prolly his tragic backstory 💀 like she popped marcos' cherry and he was ready to get married and then she was fuckin someone else the next day so he did the same to get her attention but never got it lmao. I think he'd last surprisingly long, second only to....
Manny!!! Baby is feral and somehow never cums? Like he's the virgin but he's the one eating your ass out, eating you upside down literally doin all kinds of weird foreplay, u literally gotta tie his ass to the chair finally get him in you and then he's sooo babygirl but he's got such endurance, he'd be the best service top ugh
Ashley would be childhood sweatheart kinda beat, he would lose it in one of the fields between your two houses aftwr he fucking finally confesses to you and he goes from your shy hot best friend to daddy out of nowhere 😭 possessive fucking and telling you that youre his now, no more games (and mayhaps he knocks u up on the first try 👀)
-shamelessly gonna rip this but can i be ♌️ anon
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You are so smart,,,,,ohmygod???? The Manny one had me blushing n biting my pillow bec??? Hello??? You're so smart ??? Also Ashley absolutely the type to get you pregnant that first time just because of how damn near feral he gets also also the idea of being the woman who breaks Marcos heart initially and turning him into the slut he is?!?!?! Chefs kiss all around I love how your brain works 👩🏼‍🍳😘
♌ anon it is ❤️❤️❤️
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ququb444hm · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 23 / mistake ☆
warning(s): *REPOST!!!* i didn't like the original. profanity, possible typos
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“did that brat just hang up on me…?” tetsurou scoffed in disbelief, staring at his phone screen which displayed the words: call ended.
“so…” yn dragged the ‘o’ as she tried to peek over her brother’s shoulder to glance at his phone, “where’s koz? is he on his way?” 
“ugh. wouldn’t you like to know.” tetsurou swatted his sister’s face away, walking over to the bleachers so that he could put his phone in his bag.
yn followed in suit, one hand holding a clipboard against her chest and the other clicking away at a blue-inked pen. “well obviously, dipshit. that’s why i asked. i need to talk to him.”
zipping his bag closed, tetsurou turned to fully face his sister whose eyes kept switching from the gym doors to his own. “did something happen between you and kozume?” his brows subtly furrowed, trying to figure out the reason behind kozume’s avoidant behavior.
“what?” the sudden question took yn by surprise. she had not told tetsurou about the kiss, though she was tempted to at this very moment.
tetsurou let out a heavy sigh, dropping down to the bleachers. yn did the same, not sure that talking about the kiss could be the answer to whatever her brother was currently trying to decipher. “sorry, didn’t mean to sound like i’m accusing you or anything.”
“no, it’s fine.” yn put the clipboard and pen down beside her, arms propped up on her knees so that her full attention could be on her brother.
“it’s just,” tetsurou pursed his lips, unsure of whether he was overthinking the situation or not. still, if anyone were to genuinely listen to his rants about kozume, it would be his sister. “he was acting weird to me over text earlier today and then apologized?”
it was yn’s turn to furrow her brows, her head cocked to the side. “for what?”
“that’s the thing, i don’t know.” tetsurou sighed again. “like sometimes he says things i don’t get right away but when he apologized for no reason i couldn’t help but think that he did something to you. he didn’t… do anything to you right?”
“uhm well…”
tetsurou rose a brow. “well?” yn’s cheeks began warm as she thought back to when kozume had kissed her. the feeling in her heart that she felt that night began to resurface and within seconds she was unraveling the scene to her brother who listening intently. “what?! yn you have to talk to him about that! i can’t believe he actually made a move.” at his last sentence, tetsurou couldn’t help but smirk, pounding his fist to his chest, “my man! i’m so proud of him!”
yn rolled her eyes with a laugh, “okay, okay, whatever. do you think that could be why he apologized to you?”
“oh yeahh,” tetsurou hummed, deep in thought until he decided to just bring out his phone to reread the texts. “i don’t think so…he said ‘for future references’ so whatever he apologized for, i don’t think he did it yet which is what worries me. look, if anything happens, just tell me okay? i don’t want you getting hurt. i mean it, yn.” his look was stern. he was absolutely serious that if kozume made a single tear fall from either of his sister’s eyes, he would never forgive him. ever.
“i’m sure everything will be okay, tets.” yn reassured, “don’t worry so much about me.”
the moment between the kuroo siblings was rudely interrupted when a volleyball was suddenly shot at yn’s knee. “oops. sorry.” kei jogged up to the two, picking up the stray ball. “wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t slacking on the job though.”
“oh shut up. you wouldn’t have to be running here if you could actually receive the ball.” yn quipped back.
the conversation caught the attention of atsumu who was grabbing his water bottle near the three, “she got you there, four-eyes.”
kei’s eye twitched at the comment, slightly glaring at his upperclassman. “since when were you two so chummy.”
in return to the question, atsumu sarcastically gasped. his mouth agape and both hands smacked on top of his chest as if his heart had just been hit. “what are you talking about?! yn and i are literally best friends. isn’t that right, squirt?”
yn’s face churned with disgust, “oh barf. as if.”
“alright, alright.” tetsurou stood up from his seating position, turned the two players around so that they were facing the rest of the team on the court, and nudged them both to walk forward. “enough playing around. get back to practice.” mumbles of ‘whatever’ and ‘don’t touch me’ from the duo made yn laugh as she brought the clipboard and pen back in her hands, returning her attentiveness to the court.
tetsurou on the other hand was scanning the gym building for his co-captain who was currently talking to keiji, yet for some reason the setter’s attention seemed to be stuck on the team’s manager. subconscious nods to the ace’s rambling seemed to fool koutarou but not tetsurou. ‘why is keiji looking at yn like that?’ the way his eyes bore into yn without notice from her seemed to mimic kozume’s– except it was a bit different from the pure adoration and appreciation as kozume’s. keiji seemed a bit territorial. the sight began to form new clouds of worry above tetsurou’s head but he choose to let it be, ‘maybe that’s just his face…’ and called koutarou over to the bleachers.
a few minutes pass by before the missing setter finally made an appearance. “well finally!” coach ukai exclaims, eyeing kozume who passed through the gym doors. “i expect morisuke and yn to be late–”
“what the fuck.”
“yeah, yeah don’t act surprised,” keishin waved off the two’s response, continuing his talk with kozume. “but you? c’mon, get your head in the game. HA! get it,” he nudged mr. takeda who nervously laughed with him, “because- because we- we have a game coming up!”
the blond setter awkwardly smiled, “uhm yeah, sorry.” he made his way over to the rest of his teammates, careful not to make eye contact with the kuroo siblings who he swore were eyeing him like a hawk.
the team was going through their usual drills, currently practicing their spiking skills. yn was analyzing and taking notes on the current status of each member’s ability to do the specific skills on today’s agenda while tetsurou, seated next to her, was trying to come up with new game plans alongside koutarou. when they heard the gym doors open to reveal the late, disheveled blond setter, their e/c gazes followed his movements, unwavering due to unanswered questions they eagerly wished to be fulfilled.
“kozume! hi!” shoyou grinned, bouncing his way over to his friend as he just finished spiking the ball keiji set to him. “why were you late? where were you? what were you doing? did you forget about practice? oh no! were you taking a nap?”
before kozume could answer the curious sophomore, another blond cut him off. “will you shut it, short-stack?! you’re not even giving him any time to answer your questions.”
shoyou rolled his eyes, arms crossed as he glared at kei, “well at least he knows i care, mr. i’m-so-mysterious-i’m-just-gonna-stick-to-talking-to-the-voices.” 
“well maybe if you talked to them too you’d find out how less annoying they are compared to you.” kei quipped back.
“yeah okay, go back to talking to yourself,” turning his full attention to kozume, shoyou slapped his hands onto his friend’s shoulder and started to shake him violently. “i missed you! never come late ever again, kozu!”
“s–s-sh–hh-ho–y-yo! s-s-t–too-pp! s-sh–a-a-k–king-g-g! m-m-e!”
“oh, sorry.” the redhead meekly stopped his antics, allowing kozume to catch a breath before finally answering the previous questions.
“i was only a few minutes late…but i just lost track of time and maybe… yes, i almost did fall asleep.”
“after practice, you can nap!” shoyou scolded, hand on his hip and another pointing an accusing finger at the setter, “oh, also! don’t forget to talk to yn–”
“what? for what?” the immediate mention of talking to the girl who indirectly caused him to be late made his body freeze.
“for attendance, silly! you have to tell her why you were late so she can write it down remember?” after seeing kozume nod, shoyou turned once again, now bickering with kei who jabbed quick taunts back at his little squabble.
the rest of practice went on like usual, except for the awfully noticeable rigid interactions between the team's main setters. not knowing the reason behind kozume’s laconic demeanor and keiji’s stoic attitude, the co-captains decided to split the team into two groups to make the atmosphere more manageable. 
“kuroo,” tetsurou called out, motioning for his sister to join him on the court. “need you to help kou out with his side of the team, that okay?”
yn scanned the makeup of members in koutarou’s group, pinpointing the people she was more familiar with; atsumu, kei, and keiji. it’s not like she had anything against the black-haired setter. nor was it necessarily awkward between them ever since they began spending more time together during band and volleyball practices, but it was clear she would rather be on the same team as kozume, especially since she needed to talk to him about the previous night. “uhm yeah…that’s fine.” before making her way over to the ace, she looked over at kozume hoping to meet his gaze but was unsuccessful due to his back facing her. for some reason, even though they were fine this morning, ever since practice started, she began to feel that something was wrong, especially with what tetsurou told her about their texts.. her stomach began to churn, anxiety bubbling up inside her.
“hey,” it was keiji. “are you okay? you look kinda uneasy.”
yn shook her head, mumbling out a quick “i’m fine, thanks.” as she moved closer to kou to begin the remaining hours of practice.
during the breaks in between each session of skill practice, yn would try to talk to kozume, but his responses were always either too short or limited to one word. tetsurou, who was worried about his friend and the possibility of the situation somehow affecting his sister, kept a close eye on the two as well as keiji who was on the other side of the court, watching them also.
“koz, is something wrong? you seem different for some reason…” yn had followed the blond outside the building when he went to get some water at the nearby drinking fountain. jumping at the unexpected sound of her voice, kozume accidentally choked on the water, alarming yn to quickly move closer so that she could smack his back to help. “sorry! i didn’t mean to scare you. it just felt like you were avoiding me in there… so i wanted to try to talk to you alone.”  still hunched over from coughing and clearing his throat, kozume kept his eyes on the cement beneath his shoes, unable to meet the same e/c eyes he was always so drawn to. hearing no response, yn sighed, doing the only thing she thought would get the blond’s attention. she squatted down so that she would be below kozume’s head, and reached over to cup his cheek. “kozume please look at me, please?”
the desperate plea in yn’s voice made his heart sink. he didn’t want to avoid her, but maybe keiji was right. he was just the best friend. he had always been her best friend. since the second grade. “i’m sorry,” he turned his head away, rejecting yn’s soft touch. “could you… not do that?”
“excuse me?” the request caught yn by surprise, surely he didn’t mean that, right? “but you… you never had a problem with it before… how is this different from everything that’s happened before right now?”
“yn please.” it was his turn to sound desperate. he still refused to look at her, making the whole situation feel even worse for the both of them.
“please what, kozume? you were the one that kissed me remember? why are you suddenly changing your mind? why are you acting so cold towards me all of a sudden?” her voice escalated with each question that spewed out of her mouth, eyebrows furrowing deeper as seconds passed, waiting for kozume to answer her.
“it was a mistake.” his words seemed to just fall out of his mouth before he could even comprehend what he was saying. a mistake? did he really just admit to everything being a mere mistake?
mistake. the seven-letter word was something yn would use when she’d accidentally write down a different formula in her notebook than what was on her teacher’s slideshow presentation. the seven-letter word was something yn would use when she’d call mori milo or milo mori because their names were so similar. the seven-letter word was something yn would use when she’d give cheese swiss instead of cheddar for a snack.
during the time she dated keiji, she never used the word mistake.
during the time she started to develop feelings for kozume, to the very moment she stood unmoving, unresponsive, and not knowing how to react to what the blond had just said, she never would have even thought to call anything between them a mistake.
but here they were. now standing parallel to each other. both not knowing how to move past what just happened.
the burning sensation beginning to sting yn’s glossy eyes seemed to mimic her crying heart. “do you really mean that?” her voice quivered.
kozume hated himself enough for his previous statement. he didn’t want to dig a knife further down their relationship. yn was someone he held dear to his heart. so why did his lips begin to part to say, “yes..”
“look me in the eyes and tell me everything we’ve been through and everything that we are is a fucking mistake, kozume.” the use of his whole name made him wince. he knew what he was doing was going to wound the both of them beyond repair but the conversation with keiji just seemed to stick to him like gum. what could he give yn that other people couldn’t? how is he special compared to everyone else? why does she even like him? …does she even like him? like sincerely, truthfully, certainly like him?
he slowly began to trail his reddening eyes up to the familiar captivating e/c irises he seemed to be even more glued to than usual. the sight before him was heartbreaking. “yn..” for a second her eyes seemed to soften at the mention of her name coming out of his mouth. the way he said it seemed so unsure. it was filled with so much uncertainty and sorrow. yn hoped he was going to stop the nonsense and just tell her why he was throwing everything away. for her, it wasn’t too late to just apologize and work everything out together. but her hopes shattered as kozume continued his sentence, “i’m sorry…that night i was tired and i wasn't thinking straight. it really was a mistake. please.. just…forget about it.”
yn instantly regretted coming outside altogether when kozume finished his sentence. “you’re full of shit, kozume.” she spat out, tears now warming her reddening cheeks, her throat gone dry as to tell her that there was nothing else her body could muster up the strength to say to the person she’d grown to cherish deeply.
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part 22 side-hustling <- | masterlist | -> part 24 towels
note(s): sorry for such a late update T^T got into a little bit of writer's block n js didn't know how to continue it LOLS +none of the pictures used are mine!!
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ helpp ,,, idk if that's everyone who's asked recently but lmk if like...the tag doesn't work
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jewbeloved · 11 months
Tweek with a gnome s/o who steals his coffee instead of his underpants☕☕🌈💖💖
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Tweek Tweak 🌈
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Tweek was always confused and freaked out whenever he was in his room and he had to see small little gnomes come out of nowhere and open his drawers to steal his underwear.
He thought that his eyes were fooling him for a moment, until he realized they weren't. There are gnomes in his room stealing his underwears....
He tried telling his parents about it, but they didn't believe him and just told him that he maybe needed more coffee to calm down.
Telling his friends about the gnomes didn't work either since they also didn't believe him.
You always stayed behind whenever the other gnomes went to go steal his underwear, you didn't really have any interest in taking his body clothes because you didn't see the whole point of it.
You were more interested in the coffee that you see Tweek always drinking all the time.
You wanted to see why he always drinked coffee so you ended up stealing a mug full of coffee after his parents finished preparing it for him.
So Tweek ended up seeing both his coffee and his underwears going missing. This made him even more terrified.
When Tweek's parents weren't home since they were at the cafe shop, Tweek decided to take matters into his own hands and he was going to try and get rid of these gnomes so they can stop stealing his underwears and coffee.
After Tweek poured himself a cup of coffee from the machine, he turned his back away to start planting some traps.
You sneaked out of your hole to spot a fresh cup of coffee sitting on the kitchen counter near the machine. You have finally found out how Tweek gets his coffee.
Instead of picking up the cup, you went for the machine. It was pretty heavy to pick up and you were struggling a little due to how small you were.
You accidentally slipped off the counter along with the coffee machine falling downwards.
You closed your eyes until you fell into something warm and it broke your fall.
You opened your eyes to find that you had landed into someone's hand....a hand....?
You looked up to see the face of Tweek Tweak, and he had his other hand holding the coffee machine that fell off along with you.
You actually never got to see Tweek up close before and you had a feeling this wasn't going to end well since you saw him planting down traps to catch you and the other gnomes.
"Ack! so you have been ARGH! the one stealing all m-m-my cof-Ack!-fee!". Tweek looked at you with a slightly angry look as he twitched violently before he used his other hand to place the coffee machine back on the counter.
"I'm sorry! I was just really interested in that coffee you were drinking and I wanted to taste it myself....it tasted really good....". You paused for a sec.
"I don't have any interest in stealing your underwear like the other gnomes...I just liked the taste of the coffee you always drinked so that's why I have been stealing them behind your back...".
Tweek was surprised to hear this, he didn't think a gnome out of all the rest would want his coffee instead of his underwears.
"Please don't kill me! I'll stop stealing your coffee I promise!". You started stimming as you folded your hand to reduce the stress you were having right now by begging Tweek to not kill you.
Tweek looked at the traps he placed on the ground, it makes sense on why you begged him not to kill you.
"I-I won't ack! kill you...but don't ARGH! steal my coffee again without my permission!". Tweek placed you onto the table.
"What's your name by the way? ACK!".
"My name is (Name)....".
"My name is Tweek! but I think you already UGH! know that since you have been snooping around and stealing my GAHH! coffee..". You nodded.
Your eyes lit up in surprise and happiness when Tweek handed you the cup of coffee he poured earlier.
He had a smile on his face as he watched you drink up the coffee.
It's safe to know that you 2 might get along after all <3💛💛💛
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I ain't reading allat👹👹
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deejadabbles · 6 months
Ollo 👀👉👈
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Whatever and wherever the muses take you 💜
Only if you want to ofc 😘💜
P.S. sorry for being awkward 🤣🤣🤣
I have gotten flustered and weird and I'm sorry
Instead of proper words I made a chibi anime dragon girl ask instead 💀
One pretty boy Kix coming up, my dear! This is half inspired by the words on that sign, half inspired by the fact that I spent 15 minutes laying in bed this morning wishing I could cuddle Kix instead of going into work lmao
Pretty Mornings (Kix x Reader) fluff
Rating: gen Word Count: 887 Warning: none, besides tooth rotting fluff centered around established relationships <3 also not proof read don't lookatme
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In a perfect world, the scene would be bathed in sunlight.
You were made for it, after all. Bright and warm and comforting. Rays of sun were made to light up your face, Kix was sure of it.
Instead there was only the sterile lights of the Republic ship overhead, but that was alright. If waking up to your peaceful, gorgeous sleeping face was as close to perfect as he could get, then it was more than enough.
Kix sifted on the pillow just a little, just enough to get more comfortable, but hopefully not enough for you to notice. When you didn’t stir, he felt a smile lift his lips. He knew what you would say, if you caught him again. You’d get all flustered and cover your face, insist that drooling and snoring wasn’t cute or pretty, and he would beg to differ. 
And that was just fine too, he’d spend every morning reminding you how pretty you are, so long as he got these moments in the first place.
Of course, he couldn’t resist, couldn’t stop himself from eventually reaching out giving your cheek the lightest brush of his fingers. You did stir at that, but it was just you turning into his touch, subconsciously rising to the familiar feel of him. There was also a slight, inaudible mumble, but that just made him smile more.
Unfortunately, all good things, in other words, all near-perfect mornings, had to come to an end. He hated to wake you, hated to break the serenity of the moment, but getting reprimanded for tardiness on duty would not make the day any easier. 
After allowing himself one more long look at you, Kix leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, mesh’la, time to wake up,” he whispered against your skin. 
And of course, at first, all you did was groan and shift towards his warmth, snuggling against him. He chuckled and kissed the top of your hair, hand moving to rub your back.
“Come on, sweetheart, we need to get up,” he murmured, barely staving off the cozy haze of sleep wanting to take him over again. 
It was so easy to just fall back into the comfort of such things when you were cuddled to him. A little firmer pat to your back finally had you rustling proper. He leaned back and found one annoyed eye peeking up at him.
He laughed lightly again, “There you are.”
“Ugh, why do mornings have to be so early?” you mumbled, pulling back enough to stretch a little.
“There aren’t really mornings out here, you know. You would say that even if we were on the night shift.”
“Don’t cloud my complaining with facts.”
And there it was, another reason having you was a near perfect way to start the morning, you always made him laugh. “Trust me,” he said, “I would much rather stay here and stare at your gorgeous face all day.”
Kix really knew you too well. As predicted he saw your eyes go wide only for a moment before they were hidden by you yanking the blanket up over your head.
“Oh no you don’t,” his teasing tone matched his tickling hands as he wrestled the covers away from you, “None of that, no hiding that cute flustered face!”
You were smiling when he unearthed your head again and Kix took the chance to roll over you, effectively trapping you from hiding again. He planted a light kiss on your lips before pressing his forehead to yours and letting out a content sigh.
It was your turn to mumble against his skin, “Not fair, you know, calling me pretty when I’m barely even awake to defend myself.” With some effort, you freed your arms from the sheet prison he’d wrapped you in, and threw them around his shoulders. “Especially since I’m the one who likes to stare at your pretty face in the morning.”
That made him pause. Or, rather, made his brain stall. He blinked down at you and, if he were any less distracted, he’d praise your ability to turn the tables to fast as he felt his face heat up.
Finally, he cleared his throat. “Oh, I’m pretty, am I?”
Your lips brushed against his cheek as you whispered, “Prettiest man in the GAR.” He couldn’t know exactly what look he had on his face but, whatever it was, it didn’t hide the effect your words had on him because you hummed in appreciation. “Ooo, you like that, don’t you?” Your hand reached up to cup the back of his neck gently, “Should I remind you how pretty you are more often?”
He turned his face so his lips brushed yours, “Maybe.”
With another light kiss, you pulled him closer, embracing him wholly, encouraging him to indulge in the domesticity just a little longer. “Don’t worry, pretty boy, I'll make sure you never forget.”
The smile that came to his face as he pressed it into your neck was so easy, as natural as breathing. In a perfect world, this moment would never end. But, if the way you held him and the way you loved him was as close as he could get, then it was more than enough. You were always more than enough.
“I’d like that, mesh’la.”
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httpsv33 · 11 months
Why won't you ask me out? (Shinichiro Sano X gn reader)
So this is my first short story! I have a particular liking towards Shinichiro so I thought using him to start would be safe. Bare in mind that english is not my first language, therefore I am open to any feedback. I hope you enjoy!
Trigger warnings: MDNI, nsfw, mentions of sex, cursing, physical touch, shower sex.
Category: fluff
Others: the characters Shinichiro and Benkei belong to Ken Wakui, no proof read
You slowly fluttered your eyes open as the shifting weight on the mattress next to you pulled you out of your slumber.
"Shin?..."  You mumbled with a raspy morning voice. "Morning" he gave you a sleepy smile "did I wake you up? Sorry" he apologized as he played with your hair softly.
The clothes laying around the room helped you recall last night's events "it's okay" you stretched your limbs as you took a look at the clock on the bedside table -5.30 a.m- "gotta get to the shop early today?".
His lanky figure searched in the closet for clothes to put on after a quick shower "Yeah, Benkei asked me to take a look at his bike's carburettor" you couldn't help but admire his naked body, just like you had done for more than a couple of times now. In fact it had been going on for more than month. As much as you enjoyed the sex and all the time spent next to him, the fact that he didn't seem to have any intention to have a serious relationship with you bothered you incresingly every night that passed by.
"He said it was pretty urgent" you finally shifted your attention to his face, he still had that sleepy expression you were used to look at most mornings "I should get ready too, I have to buy groceries before my shift".
Shinichiro chuckled softly "you can jump in the shower with me then" he couldn't help but draw a snarky smirk on his face.
"Sure" despite the bitter sweet feeling the offer awoke in your chest, you managed to lift yourself up and walk toward the bathroom, knowing damn well what was about to come.
You walked out of the shower with shaky legs, holding onto Shin's arm with one hand. The man had a satisfied look on his face as he pulled you closer to him to wrap the two of you in a towel "was it too much?~" he said sheepishly "shut up" you flicked his forehead playfully as he giggled.
After you both were ready he offered you a ride home, wich you refused, you needed to clear your head. You needed some time away from his infatuating charm to finally be able to think staright. Where were you going with this? How long could you keep up with that weird situationship that never seemed to end? "Ugh" you grunted to yourself. You couldn't quite wrap your head around the fact that he had asked about 20 other women out without hesitation, and wouldn't ask you out for the world. The fact that you had been friends since highschool perhaps made things more delicate, however, ever since you first kissed him in his shop after the closing hour more than a month ago you both had been acting like a couple. Texting each other every few hours, cuddling, kissing, fucking. What upset you the most, however, was the fact that when anyone was around his arms would unwrap from your waist and he would act like a normal friend once again.
You didn't think Shin was one to play around with women, no, he wasn't that kind of guy.  Your decision was solid. That same night you would talk to him, you would ignore his lustful manner, or perhaps it was your own that you had to avoid, and you would have the serious talk you'd been practicing for weeks now.
Nearing his shop's closing hour you dropped by, breathing in deeply before pushing the door open. "Welcome, what can I do for you-" he said, still focused on the bike he was working on, before turning around to look at you "-hey 's you" he stood up with a warm smile spreading across his lips. A smile so charming that made you knees weak and so sweet that left your tongue numb.
"Hey-" you smiled softly "-you done for today?" "Nearly" he pulled you into a warm hug and pecked your head softly "how come you came by? We didn't have any plans for today, did we?".
Your hands were sweaty as you played with the rings on your fingers in an attempt to calm the anxiety that corrupted your whole body "Can we talk?".
The black haired guy looked at you surprised by your words, the seriousness on your face made him worry, fearing that you were bringing bad news with you "Of course, come, take a sit".
You sat next to him on the couch he had in the back of the shop "Are you okay?" he asked placing his hand on top of yours "Yeah... well... yeah..." The speech you had been rehersing for a while now had been completely erased from your mind by the fear of ruining your relationship with him for good.
"Hey, 's okay, talk to me" you swallowed harshly, his reasuring words helping you process your thoughts a little more clearly. "Why have you never asked me out formally?" you blurted breathlessly "you've never seemed to have a problem asking women out, so why are you doing this with me? It makes me feel like you just want something to do with me when you're needy and, fuck, Shin, I have liked you for years now and you seemed to pursue anyone but me-" your rant was cut off by the hand the guy placed on your cheek "y/n listen" he stared at you with his obsidian eyes and a serious expression as he tried to organise his thoughts "I didn't ask because I simply thought you wouldn't want something serious with me, I thought I couldn't aim higher than that"  he smiled awkwardly "you are gorgeous in every way possible, I just didn't think you could ever be into me like that".
After a few seconds of silence that felt like would never end you finally spoke "you are stupid" you tried to stay serious but you couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdness of the situation. He followed you, slightly giggling although still a bit confused about what was happening. "Well, you should try, I might say yes" you said playfully as you stood up. "Oh yeah?" he smirked following you "then I might try".
You pulled the door to exit the shop "hey, were are you going?" he held the door, confused "to enjoy my time as a single womam, hopefully it will end soon" you smirked sheepishly looking his way "good night, coward" you whispered against his lips before giving him a soft peck.
The next day you had just come out of the shower whem the sound of the doorbell echoed through the small appartment. At first you had it was your roommate, who had forgotten their key once again, however, you couldn't help but smile excitedly when you looked through the peephole. "What are you doing here?" you grinned as you opened the door for him "just closed the shop so I thought I'd  drop by" you noticed how his hands shifted behind his back "oh really? What for?".
The warm grin spreading through his face melted your heart completely, how could he be so gorgeous? "I thought maybe it was time to ask" he pulled a bouquet of red tulips from behing his back "Would you be my girlfriend?" he spoke softly as he tried to stay calm, although the both of you knew what the outcome would be, the excitement was overwhelming.
Without hesitaton you pulled him in by his collar and crushed your lips together in a sweet but eager manner "It was about time" you whispered "of course I will".
His heart fluttered as he felt your lips against his, it never failed to warm his heart like nothing else could. He was happy, the happiest he had been in years, it showed im the way his lips danced softly with yours and his free hand caressed your cheek in a loving manner.
"I love you" you muttered as you rested your forehead against his "I love you too". These words weren't unfamiliar for you both, in fact, it wasn't the first or the second time you shared them, but they now felt as truthful and caring as ever.
That was all for today, I hope you liked it as much I did writing it aaaa. Have an amazing day!
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naraven · 2 years
In Sickness and Health
The correct thing to do when you're sick is to write a sick fic with the worst ever. that wont stop me from simping over the best actor in genshin, so please enjoy this al-haitham fic i wrote while coughing up my entire left lung!
cw / sickness, i dont know what else to put let me know if i should add something
You barely hear the knocking on the door before you hear a key click it open and close, hearing the lock click back. You hear footsteps echo heavier and heavier as it approaches your door, eventually stopping and creaking open to your bedroom.
You already know who it is, there’s only three other people who know where you keep your spare key hidden and it’s your parents and your closest hoe friend, Al-Haitham. You hesitantly open your eyes, nose still stuffy and throat still sore. Your fever prevents you from sitting up, so the best you could do was tilt your neck towards the Scribe who broke into your house. 
You blink at him as he narrows his eyes, looking almost annoyed. At this point, you're not even sure what you did. It’s not like you could do anything to piss him off, you were sick in bed for the past two days.
“Are you okay?”
Hmm, or maybe he’s not annoyed. His voice is quiet, as if to prevent you from hearing his voice. You could barely hear him. You sniffle and sit up slowly, watching him take a seat at your desk. 
“What, miss me? I caught a cold but I don’t know who I got it from.”
“You weren’t at Puspa Cafe the past couple days, I got bored at lunch. I never thought eating alone would be so lonely.”
You yawn, head pounding. Oh yeah, you kind of forgot you ditched him. But it’s not like you could tell him about how you got sick. Your mother brought you some medicine, which has only been mildly helping. Your fever had gone down significantly yet your body temperature was still higher than normal. You switched out your blankets with thinner ones because you were sweating so much. 
“Honestly, I thought you had forgotten about eating lunch so I checked the library to see if you were still working. You were nowhere to be seen.”
You yawn again, pushing aside your blanket, “Well, did you not think to come to my house afterwards? Why wait another day? Besides, my parents were nice enough to bring me food the past few days."
He takes out… a drink? He hands it to you and you realize it’s your coffee order from Puspa. You retract your hand from the cup before taking it, the unexpected warmth of the coffee caught you off guard.
You take a sip, sighing after you taste the bitter drink. Yeah it’s kinda weird how he took this out from behind him but you weren’t going to question it. 
“How are you feeling now?” Al-Haitham watches as you take bigger and bigger sips. You set the coffee down on your desk. 
“Still pretty bad, I just hope I don’t miss too many classes. I’m lucky I got sick near the end of the week.” “You are very lucky. Do you need anything else? Something else other than coffee to drink?”
You think for a second. Maybe some soup would be nice? If you were going to trouble anyone you would rather it be Al-Haitham than your mother. 
“Something warm to eat? As long as it’s soft I should be able to swallow it down. Mom brought me lunch but an early dinner wouldn't hurt." Al-Haitham nods. He gets up to leave, standing up, but suddenly stops and turns to face you. You stare back confused. Al-Haitham blinks and looks down between you. You do the same and realize you grabbed the back of his robe-coat.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to.” You pull away immediately, glad that your fever would cover up any other reason for your face to blush, “I don’t know why I did that, sorry again.” Al-Haitham, unknown to you, smirks at your action. You turn around and huff.
“Ugh, you smug asshole, I know what you're thinking! Shut up, go buy some soup or something.” 
Al-Haitham could get used to sick, feverish you. You yawn again, still embarrassed by the humiliating display of clinginess you didn’t know you had in you. 
“Well, since it’s clear you want me here, I’ll stay a little bit longer. Wouldn’t want you to get so lonely without me here, right? Besides, even you said the food could wait."
“Ugh, you!” 
You hit Al-Haitham square in the chest trying to aim for his shoulder. Contact with his pectoral makes you hold your hand, why are his boobs so tough?? “Feeble Scholar” your ass, you're pretty sure he could take down a couple hilichurl camps on his own. Honestly, you're surprised he was even stopped by you grabbing his half coat. 
“Maybe we can finish our discussion before you got sick. Where were we?” He sits back down, moving his chair closer to your bed. 
“I can't quite remember. I'm not talking to you more while I'm sick, I'd rather ask you about your weird way of dressing." You sniff, laying back down, "Why on earth are you wearing those gloves? Also do you wear a coat or a robe or what? I've always wanted to ask you."
Before Al-Haitham could reply, you cough and continue, "Also for an Akademiyan Scribe why do you carry a sword everywhere? Are you always in so much trouble that you're at risk of being attacked?"
Your rant continues, “Also I hate your gloves. I need to talk about this again. Why are two and a half of both hands covered? Just wear fully covered or fingerless gloves. And your coat. Or robe. Why is it always never on? Wear it. Or don’t. It’s not like it ever gets that cold right now.”
You stop to stare at Al-Haitham. Maybe the fever is making you delirious, but right now you had questions that need answers. 
“Ok, maybe you do need more rest. Close your eyes, maybe if you stay awake enough you can hear my response to such… interesting questions.”
“No! I have to hear why, rest can wait.” “Really? Then maybe I’ll use my sword to knock you out and force you to sleep.”
“You can’t be serious.”
He pulls it out and you relent, laying back and stare at him in defiance.
“Ok fine sorry, I’ll rest. Archons, can you please put the sword away?”
It blinks and reappears on his back. You pull up your blankets, getting comfortable in your sheets.
“I wear half written gloves so I don’t smudge ink and get it on my hands. I tend to write quicker than most people, meaning ink smudges more when I write. My other two fingers are open because…”
His annoying, smug, vexing, ugly… exacerbating voice did a quick job of making you sleepy quickly. Al-Haitham watches as you fall deeper into sleep, chest rising with each slow breath in and out. He pulls the covers over a bit more to cover your body a bit more warmly. 
Hopefully the sickness doesn’t last too long. He would never outright admit it, but the past two lunches alone in Puspa Cafe have been lonely. Even lonelier than when he would be at home with Kaveh out doing whatever he does. He takes the empty cup of coffee off your desk and throws it away outside your house.
He watches the sun set slowly on the horizon. He was sure you would wake up soon to find a cooling plate of pita pockets. They didn’t look amazing, but a quick second of reheating would make it enough to eat for dinner. 
Al-Haitham returned home, Kaveh on the couch finishing the rest of the wine in a bottle. He seemed busy with… something. He wasn’t sure, but he announced his “I’m home” before Kaveh quickly turned his head to see him there. 
“Oh, you’re home. What time is it?” Kaveh squints at the clock, seeing it just hit 7 o’clock, “Also, wasn’t today your only free day of the week? Where were you this entire time?”
“Grabbing some coffee and talking to friends. Why, were you lonely without me?”
“Of course not. Like anyone would miss you.”
Al-Haitham turns his head and smirks, knowing that someone did indeed miss him.
Somewhere, you sneeze yourself awake and smell the scent of warm meat and flour.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
School Dance
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Fem Reader
Summary: Surprising all of their classmates and friends when Bakugo reveals he’s the readers date for the dance, the night goes better than the reader could ever imagine….
(Might do this with more characters because I like the concept!)
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.4k
Tag List: @writtingrose
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“Aww Y/N! You look gorgeous!”
Tonight, UA was having a school dance and that compliment from Momo, all of my other girl friends in my class cheering me on as I made way over to them near the doors had me blushing.
“Thank you,” I smiled shyly, fixing my black dress, making sure I returned the favor, “You all look beautiful. I can’t wait to have a fun time tonight.”
“All of the fun!” Uraraka cheered, jumping a little as Toru appeared next to me suddenly:
“So, who’s your date?!”
My date for the dance was exactly why I was so nervous. No one knew that I had a crush and I managed to have him come to the dance as my date.
“My date is, uh-“ I was so nervous to share this, but we all came to a halt as we heard:
“Hello, ladies!”
Of course, Minoru was already in flirt, pervy mode, fixing his bow tie as he made is way over from all of the guys in class. I don’t think I’ve seen a time where we all were so dressed up and formal. We looked amazing! Every one of us, but my eyes were locked on someone special.
A bang of fireworks went off in my head, heart rate picking up at the sight of Bakugo, in classic tuxedo and my gosh, he looked as handsome as ever. The rest of my classmates started to pair up, Deku and Uraraka, Kyoko and Denki, Mina and Kirishima, but all eyes fell on us whenever Bakugo stepped up to me.
It was as if none of them were there when my gaze locked with Bakugo’s, his eyes finding my small heels, up my black glitter dress, past my jewelry, right into my eyes. I don’t think I’ve seen a time where he was speechless, that making me more nervous as I slid a piece of hair behind my ear, holding my hands and smiling softly:
“Hey, Bakugo. You look so handsome.”
“O-Of course, I do,” My goodness, he was stuttering, the slight blush in his cheeks quite adorable, my heart fluttering more as he began to say, “You look beau-“
“Aww, Kacchan! Y/N is your date?” Deku was just trying to be happy for him, but Bakugo never tolerated a word he said, turning around and his face turning more red as he yelled:
“Shut up before I kill you, Deku!”
“I’m sorry! I was just asking, Kacchan!” Those two had a weird relationship, it was funny most of the time, getting a giggle out of that to calm my nerves some, taking Bakugo’s mind off of Deku when I softy interlocked our arms:
“Let’s not kill Deku and go have some fun?”
“If it gets me away from that nerd!” He kept his hands in his pockets as he turned along with me, but kept our arms together, actually pulling me in closer a little.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off him the entire time we made our way in and it was so weird having all eyes on us. Everyone probably expected Bakugo not to show up, let alone with me, but it felt good, smiling shyly again as our classmates followed, Momo, Mira, and Kyoko waving to me before we all split up:
“Have fun, Y/N!”
I planned on having all of the fun in the world, that was till things didn’t go according to plan. There were some activities for all of us to play around, but the one thing I wanted to do most was dance. Sadly, I ended up sitting alone while Bakugo went to get food to chow down, bummed out that he wasn’t the dancing type. I don’t know why was even surprised
“Y/N? Why the long face? Did Bakugo do something?!”
Momo was the greatest friend, spotting me and making sure I was okay, sighing deeply and mocking Bakugo as I answered her:
“I wanted to go dance but, dancing is for ‘nerds’.”
“Ugh, that Bakugo,” Her eyes rolled softly, glancing over to spot him along with Kirishima, Denki, Shoto, and Deku with all of their food, “You know what, come dance with us girls! I know Mira’s been dying to get on that dance floor.”
Dances weren’t always about your dates and her offer put a bright smile on my face, jumping up and nodding, “Me too! Let’s hit that floor, huh?”
“Let’s go!” She smiled, taking my hand and dragging me along.
I was grateful for the amazing friends I had. All of us girls got into a circle on the dance floor, dancing our souls away to all the music, there was even a dance battle! It took all of my worries away, giggling and smiling till a slow song came on, Present Mic the DJ, of course, and loudly announcing the song, which was clearly made for couples.
A wave a blue sadness fell over me as us girls parted ways, all of my friends finding their dates for the slow dance, while I went to make my way to my seat.
“Hey Y/N, why are you sitting down?”
Kosei from class 1-B? What was he doing?
“Because, I’m not dancing?” I said, confused as to what he was doing, till he offered his hand and smiled:
“Need a partner? A girl like you shouldn’t be sitting here all alone.”
I was going to kindly reject his offer, I could never do such a thing to Bakugo, but there was no time to, glancing past Kosei’s shoulder as we heard:
“Hey, nerd!”
Oh boy, Bakugo might actually blast someone to bits, now! Just the anger in his eyes was enough for fear to rattle me and break me out in goosebumps, Bakugo flinging Kosei around to face him:
“You’re trying to pick up my girl? The nerve you have!”
Wait a second, Bakugo just called me, his girl?
I was positive my heart stopped when I heard those words, hoping this wouldn’t escalate as Kosei spat back:
“Your girl? If she’s your girl, why’s she sitting here all alone and sad, huh? I was only offering her a dance!”
“Well how about you go somewhere and die!” Bakugo growled, brushing past his shoulder to meet me, taking my hand, “Because little do you know, that’s exactly what we’re about to go do!”
Was this real?! Either way, hearing that put a smile on my face, Bakugo making sure he shot another dirty look to Kosei as he turned towards the dance floor, “Let’s go, babe.”
BABE?! He was going to be the death of me!
I didn’t realize it till we got out on the dance floor that I was shaking, the feeling of his hands on my hips helping me settle. His hands were so warm and since he was so comfortable, I rested my arms on his shoulders and around his neck, smiling up to his eyes even though he was still a bit angry:
“Just know, I’m killing any guy who ever tries to pick you up.”
He was always so angry and I just giggled, shaking my head at him softly, appreciating the feelings behind his brutal words, just smiling as we began to sway softly and dance to the music:
“Never mind them. Just remember, I’m always going to be by your side, not theres’.”
That put a small smirk on his face, making me even happier because that was the closest thing to smile I’ve seen yet, having a bit of an attitude, but deep meaning behind his next words:
“Well, they better remember that you’re my girl.”
“All yours, Bakugo,” I closed my eyes as I smiled at him, hands down the best day I’ve had at UA, going to rest my head on his chest, but as I began to move my head, I felt a softness against my lips, filling up with warmth, a swirl in my head, heart, everything.
Bakugo was kissing me?! My first kiss!
Just when I thought this night couldn’t get even better, when I opened my eyes, he was smiling, a small smile, but it was a smile! A real one!
Breathing heavy as I rested my head against his chest and he was good at reading me, rubbing my back softly, laying his head on top of mine, making me feel as if it was just the two of us, the music, and the love in my heart for him.
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lilysnzfet · 8 months
Snippet from an original m/m fic I'm currently writing
Plot : Hugo & Alexander were childhood best friends. At the end of teenage years their relation was more confused and when Hugo leaves NY to make his studies on the West Coast, they didn't talk/seen to each other in four years. They met again in the French Alps and the feEliNgs & of course sneezing is +++
in short : a sneezy m/m story based on "childhood best friends to ennemies to lovers" 🫣
Hugo snz basically bc of everything, stifling a lot if he can / Alexander have the kink
My characters are 21+. Minors DNI. Reblog on snz fet blogs only please.
Sorry for the mistakes English is not my mothertongue
“I d-uh-uhUUUSH’gnnnnsh’mm !” sneezed surprised Hugo in his sleeve.
“Hmm-when I think of all the times we crossed paths and you literally moved across sidewalks like I was the plague.” Alexander grumbled, unable to believe Hugo's attitude. Was he blaming everything on him ?
“You waited the last moment to show me your feelings towards me. I had to go. You could have done things differently“ Hugo tried to say more calmly, but his voice was shaking because of his need to sneeze.
“You could have done things differently too“ replied Alexander, trying to calming himself too, as he hard troubles to focus driving at this point. Now it wasn’t the time.
“Yes, I knuh…Uh…Hhh-hhh-hhh-hhhHHHK-shiiiiew ! Ugh, s-shit” Hugo mumbled, sniffing softly, as he didn’t succeed in stifling this one properly.
"Ugh...T-there's tissue in the backseat." eventually said Alexander in a tense tone.
“Huh...Huh...Ishhgnnishhhhm’ !” sneezed again Hugo as it was the only answer he could give to this point.
“Ugh” Alexander said half-heartedly, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel.
Hugo pinched his nose slightly and sneezed one last time, stifling it hard.
Well, almost succeed stifling it, almost as he had to let go. He shivered slightly and turned to grab the box of tissues. But his nose wasn't done apparently and he sneezed tree times very quickly, covering himself with his hands, dropping the box at his feet in the process.
“Kkkkshhhh’shuh-Issgnsssht-t’Sssshhhuh !”
"S-shut up" said Alexander, fighting a terrible feeling he hadn't felt since a long time.
Hugo bent down to pick up the box of tissues. He took one out and sneezed one last time, a big high pitched and kinda dramatic sneeze into it "IIiii-kssshUH!"
"Ugh, shut up" mocked Alexander in a weird tone, as if he didn't really mean it.
Hugo rolled his eyes. He gently blew his nose and looked out the window. For long minutes there was nothing but silence. And the icy landscape in which the car was sliding. Hugo started to sniffle. It was very discreet yet Alexander couldn't help but hear it. The cold had had an effect on his sensitive nose and Hugo hated the idea of showing that the harsh climate had an effect on him whoever he was. Yet the irrepressible urge to sneeze took precedence over the rest so he sneezed, stifling these three little sneezes you could hear still.
"Huh-gnshhh' ! Hhh-kshxx ! K'ssshuh !"
Alexander didn't say a word, trying to clear the mess of his thoughts. Yet he ran a hand over the buttons near the radio, pressing everywhere. Hugo didn't say anything - the sneezing was embarrassing enough to him but he rather didn't say anything than excusing himself - and he didn't understand what Alexander was doing before seeing him gently slide his fingers over a button. A musty smell and burnt dust could be felt before a slight warmth began to take over the car. Even if Alexander was hitting his nerves, this gesture was attentive and Hugo felt like he had to thank him but the smell of dust tickled his nostrils even more so I pinched his nose very hard. But breathing through his mouth was far from pleasant and as soon as he slightly released his nostrils the urge to sneeze took over.
"Gni-shhhhih ! Kkkksssshuh ! Huh-gnnnxxshhuh !"
Gosh that was hard to do. But at least the tickle seemed to be off for a while now.
“Getting cold huh ?” Alexander asked, half teasing, half concerned.
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dolly-polly · 8 months
✩𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕞𝕠𝕜𝕖✩
CW: Smut, Rough sex, AFAB reader implied (no pronouns), Penetration, Language, Drinking, Self-conscious reader, Smoker might be (incredibly) OOC, He also calls you 'Rookie' a lot, not proof-read. A/N: Nsfw under the cut. So minors DNI, or else I'll put sand all over of your favorite food! >:( .... Also I don't write fanfics that much, so this might be worded oddly.
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"Aw com'on. What if he actually likes it?" One of your co-workers cooed. "No, that's a dumb idea! He's a vice admiral, he doesn't have the time to deal with dumb stuff like that!" You whisper-screamed back. "Plus... Look at him." You gestured towards Smoker who was standing near the railing of the base.
"Someone who looks like that is most definitely taken. And even if he's not. There's absolutely no way that he'd be attracted to someone like me." You finished, then pointing your hand to yourself.
Your co-worker just rolled their eyes in response. Then they began to chant "Do it," over and over again. Eventually, you gave in. You let out an exasperated sigh and walked around the corner nervously. You felt the butterflies in your stomach, your heart begin to skip a few beats, and the sweat forming in your hands. Despite your anxiety. You piped up. "Um... Sir, I have something that I'd like to ask you." You said, your voice meek and somewhat difficult to hear.
Smoker turned around to face you with his signature blank stare that he always has. His sunshades covering his eyes and a cigar in his mouth as usual. Even with the clouds covering the sun, the lighting perfectly complimented his appearance. Your gaze almost fell down from his face to his exposed chest and abs, but you fought the urge and maintained eye contact. You stood there silently for a moment and took a deep breath.
"A-are you a fire? Because you're smoking hot." You flirtatiously remarked. Trying and failing at looking confident.
Smoker's eyebrows furrowed. He took off his shades, sucked his teeth, and just stared at you. Your cheeks started to feel really hot. "Really, rookie?" He asked, sounding mildly annoyed.
"I...I uh... Um... S-sorry, sir." You fumbled over your words before you turned around then hastily. Going back inside of the base and back to your post. You slapped both of your hands into your face and groaned. "Welp. He definitely doesn't like me back after that shameless display... Ugh.." You thought yourself. The rest of the day just felt, weird, for a lack of better words. Every time you nearly crossed Smokers path or saw him out of the corner of your eye. You automatically got out of sight. You couldn't bare the embarrassment. Finally. When the day came to an end, you breathed a sigh of relief. Retrograde was finally here. You could go home and take your off-time to forget that this ever happened.
By now the sun was setting, and the base was emptied out pretty completely. Or at least so you thought. Right before you walked out of the door, you were stopped by an all too familiar voice. "Hey, rookie." You quickly whirled around to see that it was, indeed, your boss.
"Oh, good evening, sir. Do you need something?" You asked.
"I was just curious. What's been up with you today? You've kind of been avoiding me like the plague right after that little pick up line of yours. Is everything alright?" He said with one of his eyebrows cocked. "Oh! No need to worry at all. Everything's just fine." You assured him.
He glared.
"Don't lie to me. With the way you've been acting all day today, I can immediately tell that, that's a load of crap. So go on. Tell me what's bugging you." He stated rather bluntly.
You felt your face heat up again. "Well... I.." You averted your eyes. "I mean... I didn't try to flirt with you for a dumb reason... I just.." You took a deep breath before you continued. "I think I might have feelings for you... But you're... You're obviously not interested so...." You finished, not looking him in the eye. Smoker took a deep drag from his cigar. "I see. So that's what this is all about? You know, you could just ask me out. There's no need for those childish pick-up lines, rookie." He said. He paused for a minute.
"Also. Who said that I wasn't interested?" He added.
Taken aback. You looked back up at him with a sparkle in your eyes. You felt your heart flutter once more.
"S-so. If I asked you to go out on a date with me. You wouldn't say 'no'?" You asked. He shrugged. "Go for it." He responded.
"Alright... If you're free this weekend. Do you wanna go out for dinner with me at The Baratie?" You offered.
"Sure. How does 6:30 Saturday sound?" He inquired.
"That's perfect!" You answered holding back some of your excitement.
"Very well. It's a date then." He said, now with a slight smile.
You nearly squeal, but you keep your mouth shut. Your lips curl into a smile.
─⋆⋅Time skip⋅⋆─
It was 6:28. You quickly gave yourself one last look in the reflection of the water as you stood at the entrance of The Baratie. Criticizing the way that you looked.
"Am I wearing too much make-up?" "Do I even look good in this?" Were all things that swirled around in your mind. Right when it turned 6:30. You were ripped out of your thoughts when you heard Smoker's voice.
"Hey, rookie." He says, causing you to look up from the water.
Your eyes widened a little when you saw him dressed up in a suit. His blazer jacket was unbuttoned, leaving his collared shirt and tie on full display. He motioned for you to follow him inside.
Once you both went inside and got seated. You both ordered your drinks. In an attempt to set a romantic mood, you ordered yourself some red wine. Smoker on the other hand, chose water. "Well. Fuck." You thought to yourself. He picked plain old water. And here you were getting alcohol. Was he only dating you out of pity?
You tried to shrug the feeling off and just talk to him a little bit as you both waited for your food. Regardless of your initial concerns. The date was going surprisingly well. The two of you both had laughs here and there, and all in all, it just felt like a good time.
Eventually the food was served. The pair of you ate your food. And short after came the bill. The uneasiness kicked back in, and so too did the alcohol. In all honesty. You weren't necessarily the type of person to drink. And with added on pressure of making this the best date ever to convince, who was essentially your own boss, to love you back. It only made your fears even worse.
"H-here!.. Let me handle it." You said, reaching into your wallet to pull out the money to cover both of your meals. Suddenly Smoker placed his hand on yours and stopped you.
"You how's about we just split the bill instead?" He suggested
"Oh, okay then." You agreed.
After the bill was paid. You stood up to see yourself out. And that's when you realized that your alcohol tolerance was far lower than you initially thought. Especially if all it took was one glass for this to happen. You didn't expect to be this dazed just by standing up. You quickly placed both of your hands on the table for stability. "You alright there, rookie?.." Smoker asked, seemingly concerned "Yeah... Just a little bit dizzy is all." You reassured. He only facepalmed in response. "You mean drunk?" He corrected. This was only met with silence on your end. It only made you even more embarrassed. He definitely wasn't going to go on a second date with you. "Tell you what. If you want me to, you can stay the night at my place, instead of trying to ride all the way back to your home in this state. What do ya say?" He offered. Reaching his hand out for you to hold. You grabbed his hand. "Yeah... That sounds better." You said.
Upon seeing his house, you quickly noted how it looked different than what you thought it would be. Not in a negative sense, you weren't judging him. You just thought that since he was a pretty high rank, he'd have something slightly gaudy.
But the more you thought about it. The more you realized that it was fitting for the type of person that Smoker was. He's critical of himself and he's a realist. You figured that since there isn't really a need for something fancy, then he wouldn't own anything fancy. Additionally. If he didn't feel as if he deserved something fancy. Then he simply wouldn't get it. You shrugged. Just an astute observation, nothing serious. Still holding your hand. He led you inside.
"If you want to, can sleep in the living room, and I'll let you sleep in my bedroom." He suggested. Unbeknownst to you. Smoker, one of the most stern and relatively level-headed people that you knew, was just as nervous as you were. This is his first ever time going out with anyone. And it was with you of all people. Someone as bright and amazing as you, finding him attractive? It was shocking and slightly nerve-wracking for him. A pleasant surprise, sure. But still, he was worried about making you feel not only welcome but comfortable as well. "No-no. You're good! Uh..." You stood there lost in thought for a bit. And after building up some courage, you proposed something else.
"I mean... If you feel alright with it. We could sleep next to each other."
"But only if you want to." You quickly added.
It was a bit bold of you to suggest such an idea. Liquid courage perhaps? Regardless. Smoker's eyes widened slightly from the idea. He looked away from you, his face turning slightly pink. He cleared his throat.
"You sure?" He asked, sounding a bit nervous.
"Mhm.." You hummed in response.
Hesitantly, he walked over to his bedroom and opened the door. He motioned for you to take a seat. You sat down on the edge of the bed still a bit woozy. He walked out and came back with a bottle of water, and handed it to you.
A little while after you finally sobered up from drinking some of the water. He inhaled deeply and averted his eyes from yours.
"Rookie." He started. "When you said that you might have some sort of crush on me, did you really mean it?." He asked, his tone sounding slightly anxious.
Realizing that you weren't alone in feeling worried. A warm smile spread across your face.
"Of course I meant it." You replied. You placed a hand on one of his shoulders to ease his nerves.
"And I'll be honest. I was really afraid that you wouldn't go out with me. That you would reject me... But I feel so good knowing that, at some point, you actually went out with me. Even if it might have been a little bit awkward. Thank you. Really." You told him.
He didn't say anything. He only got down to your level and pressed his forehead against yours.
"It's a bit ballsy to not only have feelings for your own boss and not try to get over them. And asking them out on a date even more so. But to be frank. I'm so glad that you did." He said before gently placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
The scent of cigar smoke coming from him grew stronger. However, it didn't bother you enough to pull away. Rather. You wrapped your arms around his back, pulling him in closer, and deepening the kiss. He was shocked at first but quickly melted into your touch.
The innocent little peck that was placed on your lips soon turned into a lust-filled make-out session. Your fingers and nails dug into his back ever so slightly, the fabric of his suit blazer almost ripped from your grip. His arms around your back, holding you firmly.
After a while of your tongues rubbing up against each other. You went ahead and pulled away from him for some air. Accidentally falling backwards onto the bed in the process. Smoker's body towering over yours. Your heart raced from desire.
You bucked your hips into his pants, right against his hard-on. Automatically letting him know that you were more than okay with going even further. He huffed. The growing tightness in his pants became unbearable. He quickly unzipped his pants and let his hardened member spring forth. You stared down at his hands as he pulled your panties out of the way and aligned himself with your entrance.
"You ready?" He asked.
You nodded vigorously.
Carefully and slowly. He thrusted himself into you, making sure to pay close attention to your body language. When he saw that you were comfortable he began to pump in and out of you at a steady pace.
Although it hurt a little. You couldn't help but feel overjoyed. This all felt like a dream. You took hold of one of his hands and placed it on your lower abdomen. He trailed his other hand up to your shoulder and began to pick up the pace. You shoved your head a little deeper into the mattress. Occasionally you would let out a few gasps and soft little moans.
You got a little bit impatient and started to rut into him fast. Beckoning him to really pound into you. He caught on to your silent pleas and did as directed. He pumped into you faster and harder causing you to writhe and squirm.
Nothing but the sounds of skin-against-skin filled the room. Breathless sounds of pleasure now slipped from your mouth more often. And you even heard Smoker groan a few times. You tried your hardest to maintain some form of eye contact. But you just couldn't bring yourself to. Your eyes would constantly shift from him to his cock buried inside of you, and the ceiling.
Suddenly. You felt his member rub up against something inside of you. "O-oh!.." You abruptly whimpered. Your hips jerked once more.
You closed your eyes shut and bit your lip in an effort to hold back any unnecessarily loud noises. Your hands fell beside you, and grabbed hold of the covers, clutching onto them tightly. Soon you began to squirm and tremble slightly. You stopped biting your lip, allowing your cries to come out of your mouth.
"R-right there!- Ah! Cumming!~" You whined as you began seeing stars.
You started to writhe even more than before. Your insides really clenching down on Smoker's length. Causing him to abruptly thrust into you even more hard & fast. Riding out your high in the process.
"Holy shit!- So good!" You moaned out. You moved your hips to match his rhythm and sunk your head even deeper into his bed with your eyes shut.
The sounds of pleasure that you were making were like music to his ears. The way your skin felt under his touch. The fucked out look on your face. Your everything. All of it made him lust for you even more.
Eventually, he reached his own orgasm. With one loud grunt, he swiftly moved his hand off of your lower abdomen and pulled out. Spilling his load on your stomach. You both gasped for air.
After a while of just lying there and catching your breath. You noticed that you no longer felt his presence. You, despite being in a bit of a stupor, sat up slightly and saw him return with some cleansing wipes.
After he cleaned the both of you up, and helped you finish off the rest of your water. He crawled in bed with you then settled his arm around you. Before you both drifted off to sleep. You put a kiss on his lower cheek.
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I saw a Goddess Part 3
(Ya'll remember how fukin weird Monty was when he first interacted with Earth? Cuz I don't~)
Monty couldn't breathe as 'her' fingers trailed up his neck, pulling at his skin, her blue eyes staring into his. When he talked all that came out was a muddled garbled sound and bubbles flew out of his mouth. She smiled and responded in a language he didn't understand. Suddenly the gold and orange creature was back, pulling her away from Monty, the smaller ones tail beat strongly and a net was in their hand, it wasn't until the new one turned to look at Monty did he get a good look at them, Suns white eyes and black pupils stared at him blankly.
Sun wrapped the net around him quickly, but instead of being dragged up to the boat the net pulled down, dragging Monty deeper and deeper as the two watched him. Monty struggled against the net, struggled to breathe- his limbs felt heavy and he couldn't get a good grip on the net.
Something screamed in his ear.
Monty sat up quickly, sucking in much needed gulps of air, his alarm clock screamed at him- Why the hell did she set it up for 3 in the morning?- Monty slammed their fist on it and the annoying noise stopped with a whine. The sheets clung to him, sweaty and gross, ugh she needed a shower.
Wasn't she supposed to be doing something?
Monty flung the sheets off of their body and scrambled to find new clothes for the day. They glanced at the stack of bracelets, a pink one, a yellow one, and a blue one sat innocently together. Monty sighed, she would pick after his shower.
Something about water...
How could Monty have forgotten?! Skip the shower, he could take it later. Monty quickly pulled their pants on and grabbed a tank top, snagged all three bracelets and shoved them in her pocket. they would pick later.
They had to find Earth. Monty mumbled the name, shoving his sunglasses on, the word had always felt... well, like a word. But now, it wasn't just a word, it was a name. He had a name for her now, they weren't crazy or losing it! He had a name for her. She existed.
Monty grabbed their keys and a long thin rope. Go time.
Monty swallowed thickly as the water ahead slapped against the rocks near his feet, they had tied the rope to a nearby tree and the other end of it to herself. The water lapped at his feet, dark and demanding, her stomach tied into knots and then knotted those knots. Monty started to feel sick as he stared at the offending water.
"You know, that might not be the best way to learn how to swim"
Monty jumped at the voice, and looked around for its owner, Monty inhaled sharply as he stared at Earth sitting a little ways away on a large rock, "Sorry" she said, gods above her voice was beautiful, "Its not right to stare, but I guess I couldn't help it, you look so different from what I'm used too seeing"
She looked different now, for one she had legs- Her skin was the same color as Suns, or well- colors, like Sun, she had vitiligo, halving her face almost perfectly, save for a few stray specks over darker skin. Her hair was still the same, puffy and white. She still had the same perfect sky blue eyes as before.
"Are you alright?" Earth cocked her head and her hair fell over her shoulder like a water fall. Monty mentally slapped themself and closed his mouth.
"Y-yeah... 'm fine" Smooth Montgomery, smooth. "Names M- onty" Ah yes, stumble over your words, that'll really get a girl. Relax, you're meeting a mythical creature for the first time (Second time? Did the first time count?), Sun, Moon, and Lunar are probably also said mythical creatures... What else did they keep from him?
Did they have a giant octopus dad? Ya' know what? Some questions are better left unanswered.
Earth smiled kindly at him and hopped off the rock and slid into the water, it only really went to her shins, but Monty could see specs of green crawling up her legs as she walked toward her, "my names Earth, its nice to meet you! I like your glasses"
"Huh? Oh! These things? Heh, thanks" The two stared at one another for a moment, gods this woman was tall- "I like yer hair- Momm- Earth. I like your hair, Earth"
"Oh, thank you!"
Shit- what now? Conversation starter- "Are you alright?" Earth asked again, "I know the first time we met... Sun told me that, you can't breathe under water, I'm sorry I misread the situation" Earth fidgeted with her hands, tapping her index fingers together in a way that Monty had seen on TV before.
Ah shit- "Nah Yer fine, I was uh... seeing how deep the water went" Yeah that'll work.
"Didn't you get knocked off the boat? That's what Sun said" Or not-
Monty barked a laugh, "Y- yeah well... yeah I fell off the boat, I'm all good now though" Earth smiled again and glanced at the rope.
"What was that for?" Oh yeah, tell her how you were about to go swimming to look for her like a fuckin' creep.
"I was looking for... my bracelets" Ah sure, that'll work. Monty fished their bracelets out of their pocket, "Found em" Earth didn't looked convinced.
"Did you loose them in the water?"
Shit- "Yeees?" "Wouldn't you be all wet from being in there? Besides I don't think that rope is long enough to get to where you fell in the water..." Curse her sound logic.
Monty sighed and scuffed their foot on the rocks slowly, "I- I was lookin for ya" Earth smiled kindly.
"Well, you found me"
Monty barked a laugh, "Yeah, I guess I did".
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Chapter 4 - Search Party
They had been rummaging in the cockpit for a while now, all in vain.
Emi and Leo checked the pilot's dead body while Cristiano and Neymar looked around the room. Neymar scrunched his nose in disgust and while trying to cover his nose, nudged Cristiano in the ribs.
"Ow! Are you trying to kill me or what?!"
"Stop whining. I was trying not to die from this God-awful stench."
"Speaking of which, why did it have to be us searching the dead body? Ugh!"
Emi rolled his eyes at that question.
"Would you prefer searching the back part of the plane? Or the toilets? I wouldn't mind", Emi said with a slight shrug.
"Uh, no thanks. I will continue here."
"Oh great!"
The sarcasm was lost on no one.
Neymar raised his arms in defeat and left the cockpit.
"Oi Ney! Come back here!"
"Aw hell no! I feel bad for this dude but I don't want to join him. Uh-huh. I can't deal with the stench. You guys continue. I'll drink some water and join you in a minute."
Damnit! What's wrong with these people!
Besides me, Leo dropped the pilot's arm suddenly and rushed out of the cockpit, calling Neymar loudly.
Why is everyone so weird? Like what's-
Oh shit. Neymar went to drink water! It might be poisoned!
I ran out of the cockpit as fast as I could only to see Leo slap the bottle out of Ney's hand, who didn't seem very pleased by that. Thank God!
Cristiano rushed out as well, bumping into me hard, like HARD.
"Ow! Damn Emi! What are your bones made of, stones?"
"Same thing yours are made of!" I replied while rubbing my arm. This bitch is really strong. Might've fractured my arm, this douchecanoe!
"Just because I said I'll help doesn't mean you guys could leave me all alone there!"
"Shut Up Starboy. There was an issue. Neymar was about to drink water."
"Why is Neymar drinking water an emergency? What even-"
"Oh my god! Did you forget to pack your brain among all the protein you packed?"
He just gave me a dumb look in return. ISTG...
"The water, it may be poisoned."
"Oh right!"
I slapped my forehead hard. Idiot.
Neymar threw his hands up in exasperation.
"Why did you do that amigo?"
"Sorry about that Ney, but that bottle you were about to drink from is the one we found near the dead pilot."
Neymar turned to me sharply. At first, I didn't understand but then I remembered.
I threw the bottles down. Shit.
I just gave him my best stupid smile and he shook his head in disappointment.
"Thanks, brother! I could have very well been dead by now!"
"No problem, just be careful."
"Can we go back in? We have to keep looking for the codes."
Before the others manage to find the parachutes and we have to jump out. Nope. Can't deal with heights. Na-uh.
"Sure, let's go. Ney, you coming?"
"Yeah sure."
Cristiano rolled his eyes and followed them back in. Douchebag.
Ozil and Dybala were searching the storage room for parachutes while Haaland was looking out the window. Hakimi was still on the verge of crying, just glancing at the other three men from time to time.
"This is useless, we're not gonna find anything here. I'm telling you, whoever planned this is smart enough to remove any way out."
"Dybala, please. We're trying to save our lives, there's no need to be so negative. We'll find something for sure. If there are no parachutes, then Emiliano and the others will find the codes. Don't worry."
"Sure, you waste your energy here. I'll be in my seat, waiting for the good news. Best of luck."
Haaland turned to look at the commotion just as Dybala left the room.
"Huh. Everyone is being cranky."
"Can you blame them? We might be dead any time."
"You're a really cheery guy Hakimi. Nice to meet you."
Haaland left the room, smirking. Hakimi looked at Ozil in confusion.
"Forget it. Would you like to help me find the chutes?"
"Oh sure."
They continued their search.
Haaland emerged in the main body of the plane to find Dybala sitting in his seat, seemingly unbothered. Harry, Ramos, and Di Maria were looking around and under the seats, probably looking for any clues. Meanwhile, Kylian had found a packet of nachos and was busy munching on them. Haaland looked between Dybala and Kylian and decided to sit with the latter.
"So, uh, Kylian... Hi."
"Hey man", Kylian replied with a mouth full of chips.
"Yeah, so... what are you doing?"
I cringed visibly at that sentence. Conversation starters are not my specialty after all.
Kylian didn't seem to mind, as he quickly swallowed the chips and smiled at me. Weird. I would've roasted him.
"Uh, nothing much. Just found these chips in Emi's bag. Felt hungry so I ate them. Hope he won't mind."
Good luck with that. If I had noticed anything during this painfully long flight, it was that Emi didn't seem to like Kylian very much.
"You find any chutes back there?"
"Yeah, no. That ain't happening."
"Well, shit."
"Why? It doesn't seem that bad to me. I mean, I agree with Dybala. Maybe we should run with it, you know?"
"Wow. You change fast", he said while laughing. What does he mean by that? Weird man...
"I mean, you were the one calling us out on not acting, now you're telling me you want to 'go with the flow'?"
He must've judged by my face that I didn't understand his accusation.
"I thought we could get away easily but Dybala is right. Whoever planned this is very clever. I bet they're not gonna find the codes either."
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rurousha · 2 years
You can't hold me (but I am holding you)
Day 1 prompts for the Cool for the Summer 2022 by @coldflashevents trapped together (sort of), truth spell (sort of).
During Crisis on Infinite Earths
Barry rinsed the suds off his hands and turned the water off.  Thankfully, there were paper towels to dry his hands, because he did not think he could deal with another bout of weird Time Master, Waverider, future tech like the toilet.  Any other day and he would be fascinated.  But today…
Well, today, they were in space near Earth-74, the multiverse was unraveling, and this time tomorrow, Barry would probably be dead.
Barry waved his hand over the sensor that opened the door.  Nothing happened.  He waved again.  Nothing happened.  He pressed on it, just to make sure he wasn’t using it wrong.  The door didn’t open.
Leonard Snart’s voice came over the speakers.
“This door jams sometimes.  I can get Mick over here to get it open.”
“No,” Barry groaned.  “Don’t bother.”  He tipped forward a bit until his head conked on the metal door. 
“Can’t you phase through the door?” Leonard asked.
“Yeah, I can.  I just… need a minute, okay?”
“You’re anxious, Barry.  Would you rather I got Iris?”
Something twisted in Barry’s chest.  He wanted to see Iris.  He wanted to hold her and promise that everything would be alright and they would get through this like they always did.  But he couldn’t take seeing her face, the fear and trepidation on it.  
“Leonard,” Barry snapped at the ceiling, where he imagined Leonard lived like some sort of vent gremlin, “I know you’re trying to help, but can you just not for a minute?  Just don’t, OK?”
There was no response, so Barry figured Leonard had followed orders and left him alone.
Barry turned around and slid his back down the door until he was sitting on the bathroom floor.
“Hey Leonard?  You still there?”
“I can’t not be here, Barry,” Leonard responded softly.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“I understand.”  Leonard’s voice was a smooth tenor, and Barry found himself relaxing at the familiar drawl.  “It’s the end of the world once again, and the Flash has to come to the rescue.”
“Ugh.  Can we talk about something else?”
“Of course.  Like what?”
“How about the fact that you’re a super creeper for monitoring me in the bathroom?”
Leonard laughed abruptly.  “This entire time ship is my body now, Barry.  I got over privacy real fast.”
“Yeah, how did that happen anyway?  My Leonard - my earth’s Leonard, I mean - blew up some sort of fate machine at the Vanishing Point.  No one’s completely told me the details.  Did that happen to you?”
“It did.  But the whole being dead thing just wasn’t for me.  So now I’m a ship and alive in a way I never could have predicted.  And you know how I always adapt to the unpredictable.”
“Throw away the plan.”
“That’s right.”
“Are you… happy?”
It was quiet again for a moment.  Finally, Leonard said, “There is no answer to that that makes you feel better, Barry.”
“No.  No, I guess not.  How about Mick?  On our Earth, we see him once or twice a year.  He seems better.  Happy.  He’s got his books and his friends.  He really seems like he found his place, you know?”
“No, I don’t know.  This Mick… Does he seem happy to you?” “Not really,” Barry acknowledged.
“I try to push him every now and then to reconnect with some old friends.  Move on.  But I suppose I don’t push very hard.”
“Why not?”
“Because then I would be alone.”
“Hey, you never answered me before,” Barry said.  “How did you end up as an A.I. on the Waverider?”
“When the Oculus exploded, the Waverider was able to salvage information that was left behind.  The Vanishing Point is unlike anything or anywhere else.  Time does not exist.  So the explosion both had and had not happened yet.  I was both alive and not at the same time.”
“Schrodinger’s Antihero.”
“Bite your tongue, young man.  Supervillian, please.”
Barry snorted.  “So what happened?  Parts of you were just floating in the temporal zone?”
“Not physically.  But memories.  Personality.  Enough of my… being was still there.  Gideon collected it and fused it with herself.  Now I am part Leonard Snart and part Gideon.”
“Is that… weird?”
“Sometimes.  Honesty is easier now.  Gideon hid nothing.  It wasn’t in her nature.  I hid everything, afraid it would only hurt me.  Things that seemed crippling to me before are just facts now.  I love Lisa.  I love Mick.  I wanted to love you.  Just facts now.  Facts are easy.”
Barry gasped at Leonard’s revelation, so blatantly stated.  Leonard wanted to love him.  Had Barry’s Leonard from Earth-1 also wanted to love him?  Barry won’t ever know.  The loss of that, of even the chance to find out, hit him as suddenly as Leonard’s statement.  He pressed his face into his arms and sobbed.
Leonard carried on regardless.
“Then, of course, there is Gideon’s annoying impulse to call you Father.  But mixed with my particular brand of snark, it could only come out as Daddy.”  Snart whined on the last word in a deeply sexual way.
Startled by the implication, Barry laughed uncomfortably.  Then he kept laughing until it became much more genuine, and the dark fog lifted slightly from Barry’s shoulders.
“Didn’t have you down for a daddy kink, Leonard, but hey, I don’t judge.”
“Oh, only to see that blush grace your cheeks, Scarlet.”
Barry’s humor died down, and he sagged against the door behind him again.
“I miss you, Leonard.”
“Don’t tell anyone, Barry, but I miss you too.”
“Do you think I can stay here for just a bit longer?”
“As long as you need.”
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mlplovelight · 1 year
Ch. 18 - Getaway Car
TWILIGHT SPARKLE, is this perhaps one of the most awkward moments of your whole life?
Let’s count the ways, shall we? First off, after Applejack and Pinkie Pie made these grand declarations that they would protect you and your home (which you didn’t contribute to at all, by the way), the three of you turned out to be completely helpless in battle with Cherry Spices! Without Emerald Ray, your magic is functionally worthless.
Secondly, you had to accept help from yet another stranger, who arrived out of the blue and completely showed you and Applejack and Pinkie Pie up. And when you expressed concern that her explosive methods would just cause more problems, you were quickly shown wrong. You really should’ve just kept your mouth shut!
And last but certainly not least, while riding in the stranger’s getaway vehicle, you have to squeeze into a tiny pocket car with Applejack, the two of you squished so closely together that you can practically feel her muscles on your skin, her breath on your neck, the heat radiating off of her…
As someone who doesn’t much care for physical contact with ponies, this would be agonizing under normal circumstances. But alas, there’s one more thing that makes this all the more unbearable.
Having a beautiful woman’s body pressed up against yours is just afsdgfhgkjkdshf but you don’t want to make it obvious that you’re being gay about it so you’re trying to just look in whatever random direction but every so often you steal a glance at her and holy moley she’s RIGHT THERE.
You wonder what she’s thinking during this awkward ride. Maybe she’s thinking about you the same way? No, absolutely not, no way, not a chance. She’s probably thinking about how annoying this is and how she doesn’t want to be this close to you or even anywhere near you and about how you’re disgusting and weird and she sure hopes you’re not thinking anything untoward about her.
Ugh. Will this vehicle just hurry up and park somewhere already?!
Actually, while you’re on the subject of this vehicle, it is quite an impressive display of mechanics. Despite the tight squeeze, the ride is very smooth, and it’s able to easily roll through the rough and craggy terrain of Old Equestria like it’s nothing.
This is certainly helped by its driver being quite clearly skilled at operating it, drifting around obstacles with a serene deftness, as if the vehicle is simply an extension of her body. She strikes you as a rather interesting woman.
Lucky for you, the vehicle does end up parking soon enough outside a crumbling building. The driver, Rainbow Dash, gets off the machine and makes the whole thing disappear with her magic, causing you and Applejack to fall to the ground (Pinkie Pie also falls, but she has wings to catch herself).
Applejack lands on top of you and now you’re pinned to the ground by a hot girl, which is JUST DANDY. Applejack stares into your eyes for a moment and you can feel your face turning bright red, but Applejack quickly jumps off of you and helps you up to your hooves.
“Eh, sorry, Twi,” Applejack chuckles.
“Don’t worry about it,” you say with a shrug, and internally you are hooting and hollering for yourself at how cool you managed to play that. Nicely done, Twilight Sparkle!
“Hey, are you girls okay?” Pinkie Pie asks, hovering over you and Applejack and keeping herself afloat with her wings.
This is the first time you’ve ever seen a pegasus in person, and you feel like maybe you should be more shocked or impressed, but there’s nothing unusual about them even if you personally have never seen one before. And quite frankly, you figured Pinkie Pie was hiding something under that cloak of hers.
“Yeah, we’re alright,” Applejack says with a sigh. “Aside from a couple of bruised egos, I think we’re all good.”
“I’m really sorry, I totally dropped the ball during that fight!” Pinkie says, frantically waving her forelegs. “I just got so excited to start PUNCHIN’ that I totally got tunnel vision and ran right into the tunnel. Is that like a mixed metaphor? Whatever, you get what I mean.”
“I think we all could’ve handled that situation a bit better, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack says, massively underselling your collective incompetence. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
“Aww, you think my head is pretty?” Pinkie Pie smiles and bats her eyes, and Applejack immediately darts her eyes away as you try not to chuckle at her reaction.
“Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash says, leaning against the entryway to the crumbling building, “are these gals stickin’ around?”
“For now at least, yeah,” Pinkie Pie says, and Applejack nods in confirmation. “I wanna help ‘em out, cuz I don’t think we’ve seen the last of that Cherry Spices! We gotta regroup and plan our next move!”
“I dunno what kinda moves you really need to be making,” Rainbow Dash shrugs, “that Cherry girl isn’t gonna be able to do anything without that drill, right? Wasn’t that the whole idea?”
“I hope so,” Pinkie Pie hums.
“Well, whatever,” Rainbow Dash shrugs again and trots inside the building, before sticking her head back out. “Y’all can hang out for a hot minute if you want to, help yourself to some canned raviol’.”
“Ooooo, that sounds good!” Pinkie Pie licks her lips and bounces off after Rainbow Dash.
You’re up on a pretty high hill, you can see a lot of Old Equestria from this position. It breaks your heart to think of what someone like Cherry Spices could do to it, but…
“Y’know,” Applejack walks up beside you, “if we go on this expedition, yer gonna have to leave this place.”
“Yeah, I know,” you sigh and hang your head. You decide NOT to say that someone needs to look out for this place, and that you need to be the one to do it, because you’ve used that excuse too many times to deny Emerald Ray the support she deserves in her mission to come back to life.
“For what it’s worth,” Applejack says, “if anything happens to this place, I’ll help you take it back.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that,” you say.
You take one last look at your home, sigh and hang your head. It’s time to say goodbye, and you HATE sappy goodbyes, so you just turn away from it and look toward Applejack instead.
“But for right now,” you say, forcing a slight smile to your lips, “what do you say we forget about all this stressful stuff and just enjoy some canned raviol’?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” Applejack says with a bright smile.
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