#uhh i think that covers the tags i was meant to use lol
uranusguided · 9 months
Hey my publisher finally got my book series, The Silent Trilogy, up on Apple Books! Check it out!!!
My publisher calls Silent Trilogy 'X-Men meets Good Omens'. That's not wrong but it is a series about abuse, colonialism and the importance of love in ways those aren't.
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In more detail: the Silent Trilogy is an urban fantasy series set primarily in Hobart, Australia. It tells the story of the dainisa, a not-so-hidden magical community, focused primarily on their non-binary Princess, Torao Yamaguchi.
Desperate for her child to have a better life than she did, the leader of dainisa Amaya Yamaguchi sparks a revolution to claim Australia as a magical continent where dainisa can live in accordance with their own laws, not those of humans. However fighting power is a complex thing in a world built to function on injustice, and a pretty siren desperate for revenge could ruin it all…
Narrated through the eyes of a human who doesn’t quite get it, the Silent Trilogy is about the narratives we build of history. It's an exploration of trauma, the ways people learn to live with it, and how bigotry works. Also there's angels and demons messing things up. More info on the website!
I finished this series a long time ago but I'm still very proud of it!! It's a niche story I had a lot of fun with. I wrote this NB protag before I even came out myself so that's always cool. And every time I have to reread a part of the series I have a really hard time stopping cos I enjoy my own work so much lmao. So hopefully you'll enjoy it too!!
(it's also on Amazon if you prefer kindle, and if you don't wanna support either, well, chuck me a couple dollars on Patreon)
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straightuppotato-art · 8 months
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Um so... a couple months ago I got tagged by @grapecaseschoices to make ocs in this picrew and I meant to and then... Forgor <3 So here they are now!!
It's my Infamous babies and uhh here's some fun facts under the cut!
She's 5'11"!! Because I wanted to dwarf Orion but that man is too tall :CCC
She's translated a few of the band's songs into Korean and she posts the covers on the official youtube channel!
She's big on TikTok (tragic) for dancing but like. She's actually good at it lmao
She's got rose tattoos on her shoulders, three stars on her left hip, and a heart on her chest, in addition to the Seven tattoo (which she doesn't cover up)!
Loves Postmodern Jukebox and posts her own old-timey covers of the band's songs occasionally!!
Knows ASL!
She's a lil pianist!!!
Always sings happy birthday if someone has a birthday sign at a concert lol
Her dream is to settle down and have a little house with a BIG garden with lots of flowers 🥺
Shortest of the bunch at 5'3"
He plays guitar (also really wants to play a lute during a concert at some point)
Ever since they've been able to choose what to dress as for Halloween, they've been a Greek mythological figure. There have been a few exceptions when Seven or the band requested matching outfits!!
Despite looking relatively identifiable, they very rarely get recognized on the street. The only difference is the glasses, but Ari has a tendency to blend in the background!
Got their nose scar because they ate concrete while skateboarding lmao
Would DIE if they ever got to meet Hozier!!!!
Won't talk to you for a week if you call him Maximilian. You can use this to your advantage.
Most tatted up the gang but idk all of them. But he does have parental advisory under his right boob, a tramp stamp (idk of what lol), and a skull on his right thigh, plus a skull over Seven's tattoo.
Another guitarist, but he learned because he thinks it makes him hotter lmao
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willowistic22 · 4 years
I saw that your requests are open so I was wondering if you might have any ideas as far as jomike and/or newsbians maybe with the group playing truth or dare.
I’m sorry this took so long hehehehe. it’s also fairly longer than my other requests (and i mean it this time) so uhh... oops? I am also trying to work on those other requests ppl don’t worry i didn’t forget them! Anyways, unpopular opinion: brotp jojo and kath pls let that sink in :) mentions of alcohol btw but it’s just them drinking and having fun and that’s abt it (i’ll still put a tw in the tags just in case) 
send in some requests!! Or not i’m not the boss of you lol
It sucks sharing an apartment with two other people and being the only single one out of the bunch. At times his roommates would schedule a date night on the same night, which would leave Jo Jo all alone. It has happened more than once, believe it or not. Well, Jo Jo isn’t exactly salty. He’s fine being single. What he doesn’t like with his situation is the part where he’s left behind in their empty apartment. 
These are one of those nights. But Jo Jo pushes through the lonely feeling and searches for company. It’s a good thing his good friends, Kathrine and Davey lives just a floor below him. They usually have movie nights together and wouldn’t mind with another friend crashing in. 
Jo Jo passes a few doors before he arrives at his destination. He knocks on the door, fully expecting Davey to be answering the door. If it’s movie night, he’s sure Kathrine is wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with no desire of moving a muscle. 
The door was answered, but not with who he initially expected. The other Jacobs sibling, Sarah, who just so happens to be Kathrine’s girlfriend. The optimism nearly fell off of Jo Jo’s face but he quickly picked it up to avoid giving the wrong impression. 
“Sarah! I didn’t know you were here!” Jo Jo tried to cover up his disappointment. 
“Well, Davey’s out so Kath invited me to join her for movie night!” 
They didn’t turn away their lonely friend. Though, third wheeling a couple was not what he was looking for. It just makes him feel more lonely. But the couch is big enough for the three of the to cuddle. The feeling of the fabric against Jo Jo’s skin is a little rough but the orange comfy cushions makes up for its roughness. 
Jo Jo bounces a bit on the couch before settling under the huge pink fluffy blanket with the couple. It’s big enough for Kathrine and Sarah to be cuddling on one side of the couch and let Jo Jo be an outcast on the other. 
He tries to ignore the fact that Kathrine has her head laid on top of Sarah’s chest. The occasional small kisses Sarah gives Kathrine and the butterflies from the pit of their stomachs they express through small giggles. The apartment is dark so the visual can be easily ignored by hyper focusing on the TV screen. Though, Jo Jo can’t shake away the feeling of its presence. 
The movie that Jo Jo can’t recognize, moved on to a passionate kissing scene. As if tormenting him with his two friends beside him is already doing the kissing themselves isn’t enough. He hadn’t realize he sighed out too loud when Kathrine sat up from where she was lying down. 
“Oh, Jo Jo, I’m so sorry! We didn’t mean to left you out of the cuddling!” 
Kathrine proceeds to shift closer to Jo Jo, wrapping her hands around his torso to give him an apology bear hug. Jo Jo didn’t turn it down and hugs her back, hearing Sarah giggling behind. 
They let go and moves a little to the center of the couch. Sarah shifts closer too so they can snuggle up with them and they concentrate back on the movie. The only things is, the movies sucks and is boring the hell out of them. 
“Why’d you even pick this movie in the first place?” Jo Jo asked after the two girls expressed their boredom. 
“I don’t know, I just picked a random movie hoping it isn’t bad” Kathrine confessed. 
“Okay... so now what?” Sarah asked the others. 
So there’s the new problem that emerged from the shadows as Kathrine turn the lights on and Jo Jo stops the movie. No other activity came to mind. Not even picking another movie since the girls already spent nearly an hour watching some lame movie. 
“I know!” Sarah suddenly chirped up after a few moments of silence. Kathrine and Jo Jo looked at her hopefully, “A game of truth or dare perhaps?” 
“I’m not interested in doing any dares right now” Jo Jo replied. 
“Then... let’s make it a game of truth or truth!” Sarah continued on. She shifts a little closer to the two but kept her gaze fixed on Jo Jo with a grin painting her face, “If you could date one of us, who would you date and why?” 
So it appears Jo Jo is up first. Not exactly sure when did they decided it though. He squints his eyes at the girl and tilts his head in confusion. 
“Ignoring the fact that we’re all gay here. Of course you wouldn’t date either of us but if you had to choose, who’d it be?” 
Since there isn’t anything else for them to do, Jo Jo plays along with this game of truth or truth. Half an hour asking others questions, real spicy ones too, they were having a blast in the end. 
Kathrine opens up the beer stash she and Davey keeps, but if they’re being real: Kath is the only one that really needs that stash. Sarah shares a bottle with Kathrine and Jo Jo passes the offer. 
“Tell me, Jo Jo: why are you still single?” it was Sarah’s turn again to ask Jo Jo a question. A fitting one as well, since the reason he came here is to not be lonely while his two roommates are out on their respective dates. 
He rolls his eyes before diverting them back to where the other two girls were, still sitting in the same position they were the whole time, “I just haven’t found the right one yet!” 
“So Mike’s not the ‘right one’ for you?” Kathrine plainly asked, as if it wasn’t suppose to be a secret he was keeping with a few other people. 
His eyes Kathrine down with silent rage. Sarah’s eyes widen and her jaws dropped to the floor. She was laughing breathlessly when she heard her friend having a crush on another friend she hadn’t expected. 
Jo Jo isn’t up to argue with her so he just slouches back in the couch with a pout and a loud sigh. Sarah’s laugh and Kathrine’s cheeky grin at him is infuriating. It’s quite hard to ignore it too since they’re both up on his face. God, he wishes he has the heart to punch the light out of them. 
The bullying only lasted for a minute or so. Sarah stops laughing as soon as she noticed the visible pout on his face. But she couldn’t hold back the grin. 
“Alright, alright, stop it you two!” Jo Jo said, before slouching again with his hands crossed. 
A few seconds of silence to wait for Sarah and Kathrine to come down from their high. Once Sarah caught up with her breath, though the excitement was still verbally there, she speaks up, “So how’s that going on?” 
“What?” Jo Jo gazed at her confused for a second. Not that he didn’t understand what it meant, but rather at the fact that she doesn’t understand the situation, “You think I’m the kind of guy that can make the first move?” 
As much as Jo Jo loves his friend, Sarah is out of her mind to think Jo Jo can make any form of progress. He doesn’t know what Mike’s reaction would be if he does. Hell, he wouldn’t even know where to start!
“I mean, easiest way to do it is by talking to him” Sarah added on, “You never know till you try!” 
“I wish this was truth or dare. I would’ve given you a dare to go talk to Mike right now” Kathrine commented. It’d be a very fitting dare since Mike lives with his twin brother Ike just a few doors down. Though, she’d expect Jo Jo to chicken out and switch to a truth. 
Regardless of the unfortunate circumstances, they keep playing. Sarah, being the only one who isn’t entirely in the know of Jo Jo’s crush, kept asking questions about it in between turns and sometimes she makes it her question to him. Kathrine already knows because Jo Jo often talks about it to her. 
If you ask him, Jo Jo doesn’t even know how he’d gotten his feelings tangled with his friend in the first place. It suddenly happened and it hasn’t left his system ever since. If he could, he’d do something about it. But Mike’s far out of his league, he’s sure of that. Plus he’s probably already busy with someone else. So what’s the point in trying? 
A knock on the door brought their laughter to a sudden stop. It couldn’t be Davey, since he’d already have the keys to enter his own apartment. As Kathrine recall, her roommate didn’t left his keys at home. Even if he did, he’d call Kathrine beforehand. 
The three observes the door quietly, bodies frozen in place and simultaneously thinking of the same thing. They exchange looks to each other before focusing back to the door. 
Jo Jo stands up from the couch and tip toes to the door. His movement are careful as he gets his hand closer to the doorknob. There was more knocks, since it’s left unanswered for quite some time, followed by a familiar voice calling from the other side with a familiar voice that makes his heart drop, “Davey? Kath? It’s Mike!” 
He could not have such bad timing than to come knocking on the door right now. What can be so important that the next morning couldn’t wait?  
Jo Jo twisted his head back to face the girls who are now smiling widely, visibly trying to hold back a laugh. They gestured him to go open door but Jo Jo refuses, frantically shaking his head with a look of horror behind his eyes. 
“Hello? You guys home?” Mike called out again with a few more knocks. 
Jo Jo starts to sweat. His legs glued to the floor, unable to escape his problem. Kathrine rolls his eyes with an annoyed sigh, getting up from her seat to get to the door. Jo Jo isn’t sure what she’s going to do but it was too late to stop her before she realizes she’s opening the door for him and proceeds to hide herself behind it. 
Mike froze for a moment, surprised to see the boy’s face, “Jo Jo? Wh-what’re you doing here?”
Jo Jo couldn’t answer quickly, his brain not being able to pull him away from the sudden act Kathrine just pulled on him, “Uhh... hi” 
A slap can be heard in the background. Jo Jo can feel the disappointment from Sarah’s distant facepalm. He hears a silent sigh from behind the door, Kathrine deciding to step in and save the day with a huge smile on display. 
“Hey, Mike! You need me to return that cooking pot?” 
“Oh, yes! I need it for tomorrow” Mike answered, moving his focus to Kathrine. 
“I’ll go fetch for you but it’s gonna take some time” Jo Jo is slowly realizing what Kath’s up to and he can’t do anything about it, “In the mean time...” 
A big shove from the back made Jo Jo’s feet obey to the movement since his brain isn’t registering to what’s happening yet. Mike, being confused as to what’s happening, didn’t move an inch which resulted into Jo Jo crashing into him. The door shuts behind them and they’re left in the front hallway of the apartment. 
Jo Jo didn’t move at first other than moving his head back to get a better look at what’s happening. His head is inches away from Mike’s, chests’ pressed up together, and limbs getting tangled. Both faces show obvious confusion and a hint of embarrassment at the situation they’ve gotten themselves. 
They stammer at their words, head scrambling all over the place as they try to figure out what’s the next move. Mike takes one step back with an awkward smile, an unnatural thing for him to do since he’s always so fun and relaxed.  
“I... wasn’t expecting to see you in there tonight” Mike tried to ease away the awkward tension. 
“Yeah, I just... I was looking for some company” Jo Jo explained. 
“Being single sucks, huh?” 
“I mean... not necessarily. I’m fine but it can get a little lonely” 
Mike nods along, returning to his easygoing demeanor, “Yeah, I get it. Ike basically leaves me stranded in our apartment when Hotshot comes to pick him up” 
Jo Jo just nods silently. 
So new information of the day: Mike is single. Jo Jo’s brain starts to get excited. But he knows better to shut that thought away with the knowledge of needing to consider in more factors. 
Mike coughs, taking this chance to look away. The moment is slowly getting awkward. The two boys not knowing what to do other than rocking themselves on their own pace to ground their nerves. 
“What’s the pot for?” Jo Jo blurted out, now fully realizing the awkwardness between them is slowly getting intolerable. 
“Oh, our parents are visiting tomorrow. We’re gonna make dinner for them” Mike answered, “And it’s Ike’s chance to introduce them to Hotshot so he wants things to go as smoothly as possible” 
Admittedly, Jo Jo has never felt the nervous feeling of introducing someone special to someone as important as parents, but he’s sort of associating it with what he’s feeling right now. The context is not the same yet he somehow understands the feeling by just standing here. 
“And... you’re not inviting anyone?” Jo Jo timidly asked, “I mean, I know you said you’re single but... there just have to be someone out there... right?” 
Mike scoffs with a smile and Jo Jo swears on his life his eyes just twinkled, “No point in asking them, we don’t even talk” 
Jo Jo laughs a little and scratches the back of his head, “I guess you’d be moving things a bit too fast if you did that” 
More awkward silence envelop the two. Jo Jo is praying for Kathrine to return with the pot. Although, he knows Kathrine is taking her time on purpose. But finally, the door opens again only Kathrine wasn’t the one walking out. 
“Eavesdropping to you two are going to be the death of me so I’m going to interrupt the conversation!” Sarah said, standing in between the two boys griping the pot with both hands. 
“Even from behind the door, I could sense the sexual tension and you guys have to do something about it or I’m about to throw hands!” Sarah continued on, “Admit it! Like literally just admit it: you like each other any dumbass can tell you that! Now kiss!” 
Sarah jots the pot in between her upper arm and her side so she can grip both of their shoulders and shoves the two forward. Somehow, they were able to capture each other’s lips perfectly. The boys’ eyes widen from the sudden act. Despite Sarah’s hand are no longer gripping their shoulders, they linger in the kiss for a few seconds because of the shock their brains are experiencing. 
The finally found the realization to pull away from each other, recollecting their scattered minds and steadying their breaths. Jo Jo is refusing to believe this is reality. He did not just kiss his crush right then and there for no reason!
“Now that we’ve established that, here’s your pot Mike!” Sarah shoves the pot towards Mike. He fumbles with the pot as he hasn’t fully has his feet back on the ground, much like Jo Jo, “Alright, see you later!” 
Sarah drags Jo Jo back in the apartment and shuts the door. She turns to a still shocked looking Jo Jo with a smile, “See? Progress right?” 
Jo Jo cocks his head to face Sarah, stuttering a few of his words before finally blurting out, “Not like that!” 
Kathrine watches the two from the couch, now occupying the newly popped popcorn, “I mean, that was kinda funny but I think you just ruined his chances now” 
“Well, I’m sorry. I just got annoyed from the pining!” Sarah exclaimed. She returns to her spot next to her girlfriend on the couch, leaving Jo Jo where he’s frozen in place and still trying to process what just happened. Sarah turns back to where Jo Jo is, “And for your information: I wasn’t lying. I know for a fact that he likes you!” 
Kathrine and Jo Jo gives her a questioning look. To which, she answers, “He admitted it himself” 
Jo Jo’s jaws drop and his eyes widen once again, tilting his head in wonderment, “WHAT?!” 
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Fragments but fluffy
This is a fluff fic (no ships, so please don’t tag as a ship) for the su episode fragments. Because fluff is my favourite thing to write haha
This is gonna be short, because I have to edit my novella and stuff, I’m just doing this to get the angst out of my system lol.
Again his fists smashed again her arms as Jasper covered her face and gem. She laughed a booming laugh, but her shaking hands gave her terror away.
“THAT’S MORE LIKE IT!” She said, excitement and fear mingling together. But Steven didn’t hear the fear slipping out as he knocked her back, and up into the sky.
Clouds masked and darkened the night sky, and the pink glow illuminated all on that overcast night. Jasper’s eyes widened, and the all consuming light sparked in them. She huddled in a tight defensive ball, trying not to think about how easily a diamond could shatter her. It was blatantly obvious he was a diamond now. His pupils where diamond shaped. His glow became more powerful by the second, as did his blows. Remorse had left his eyes, the same remorse that might have saved her.
He sent her flying to the ground, and in a matter of seconds she felt four thick shields slamming against her.
Steven let out a powerful laugh. His teeth ground together, and he shouted what she assumed would be the final words she would hear. A large spiked shield shot towards her, and she was fully aware of her fate.
She didn’t want to die.
She tried to be strong, but she couldn’t help a large tear rolling down her cheek. One fell, and then another, and then another.
A spike hurtled towards her gem. Jasper let out a shuddering breath, and accepted her fate.
And then the shield faded away. The ones that held her in place dissipated too. She fell to the floor, shaking like a leaf. She fought back tears of fear.
Steven approached her tentatively.
“Jasper, I’m-“ she noticed he was shaking too “I’m sorry”
Jasper pulled herself together, and gave a little chuckle. “You have the strength of a diamond for sure, but you’re weak willed, like a human”
Steven’s brow furrowed, but he looked at her and laughed. She nervously joined.
“Come on, that was a good rematch, let’s get some rest”
She almost tried to get him to fight her again, but looking at the diamond in front of her, she realised that may not be the best idea.
Jasper didn’t see why he stopped. It wasn’t weakness. He wasn’t weak.
She slept fitfully, nightmares about imminent death plaguing her.
The dawn was a beautiful swirl of gold and flaming red. But what woke Jasper were the loud steps and glow from outside her cave door. Bleary eyed, she stepped out the cave to greet a grinning Steven.
“What?” Her eye twitched.
“Are- huh- I- n” she looked at him, and remembered what he had almost done last night “yeah, I could use it”
“We’re doing something a little different”
They strolled towards a meadow a few miles away. It was full of dancing daisies and daffodils.
“Daisy chains.” Steven said in a firm voice.
“Huh?” Jasper grunted
“You heard me” he raised an eyebrow.
She didn’t dare argue with a diamond. She assumed it was a test of hand eye coordination.
She was clumsy, and kept on throwing the ruined chains to the ground. Steven had made five by the time she was halfway through one. She grumbled through her teeth.
She felt something and gentle being laid on her soft white hair. She snatched it off, and saw that it was one of Steven’s many crowns.
He grinned at her, healed the crushed chain, and popped it back on her head.
After a while of failing to make anything, Steven asked Jasper if she wanted to go.
“I won’t fail” she snarled.
“It’s not failing, it’s learning!” Steven smiled encouragingly.
“Pfft, NO!”
She fumbled around with the daisy chain, before it fell apart.
“Come on, at least let me help” he paused and thought, before adding “Connie helped me the first time I made them”
“Oh, that one that you fused with” she said bitterly.
“Yeah,” Steven said, drawing his legs in.
“One of your friends, I guess?”
“Uh, yeah” he slouched, but then perked up “let’s finish this!”
They wound the chain together, and Jasper held it up with pride.
“I did it!” She smirked.
“Yeah! Good job”
They walked for a bit in the kind mid day sun.
“Hm” she thought for a second “how was that training?”
Steven thought for a second of a good way to explain his thoughts.
“Well, your strength always came from physical power, yeah?”
“Yeah, what else is there?”
“Well, I always found strength in kindness?”
She didn’t even entertain it, instead laughing until she was bent double.
“You’ll see” he said
“I probably won’t” she smirked.
Days passed, and they kept up a routine of gentle sparring and helping trees regrow. They shared laughs, and it felt almost like they were friends. Jasper didn’t really know what having a friend felt like, but if this was it it felt nice
It was twilight, and a few stars had already started shining through. A question had been playing on Jasper’s mind, and so she blurted it out as they sat in front of the campfire.
“Huh, that human that you fused with, I wonder if she would make you more or less powerful now”
“Uhh, ok!” Steven pretended not to hear her. “What tree is that?”
“From what you told me, fusion only makes people stronger”
“I don’t really-“
“Huh, I wonder what it’s like to fuse with an organic life form”
“Could you STOP!”
The ground shook beneath Steven’s feet as he let out a guttural sob.
Jasper shuffled over to Steven.
“Is that why you came here?” Jasper said gravely. She’d laughed out of actual happiness the other day with Steven for the first time, and figured it was time to show the diamond the kindness he had taught.
“No. Well, a bit. I guess.” Steven muttered
Jasper thought for a second. “Did you fall out?”
Steven explained the proposal, the the growing and the glowing. He explained that his father was selfish, and his mother spoiled, and the gems used him as an emotional rock, and they never returned the favour.
Jasper was clueless. Why did someone so powerful show such weakness?
It clicked all of a sudden. His weakness was an opportunity for her to be kind; for her to be strong in his way.
She embraced him, and Steven let out a sob of relief and happiness. He rested his head on her shoulder, and they sat under the twilight sky with each other, and the glowing embers of the fire as their comfort.
Hope you liked that fluffy fragments one shot! I desperately want fluff, so I made it myself.
Sorry if this reads as being a little rushed, that’s probably because it is haha~
Btw this is not meant to read as a ship, sorry if it does, it was just meant to be them becoming less toxic friends :)
Have a lovely day, bye! :)
PS I don’t actually think Greg and Pink are selfish, it was meant to be his thoughts entirely, not mine 😅
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Ψ (`▽´ # )↝ Bounty Hunting Hell (Reaper) #01 Ψ
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Friendship, Family, Crack, Angst  
Word Count: 1,241
Pairing: OC (Alex, female) x Ben Gonzalez
World: Reaper
Author’s Note: I used to watch this show with my grandmother a long time ago and it was such an awesome show, so it has a special place in my heart. I recently rediscovered it and started watching it and, while going through episode one, I kept imagining how cool it would be to be Sam’s twin and experience things alongside him. So I decided to write this Yes, another series I started that I probably won’t finish, I have a problem okay. I mainly just wrote this because I wanted to have fun lol
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I stifled a yawn as I sat up in bed, rubbing at my eyes to get rid of the leftover sleep before grabbing my phone off the bedside table, flipping it open to check my messages. I had three unread messages from my boyfriend, Ben.
• ‘Good morning baby girl <3’
• ‘Happy 21st birthday! I’m bringing your gift to work with me, I hope you like it :*’
• ‘I love you so much’
It brought a smile to my face, instantly brightening my day. I responded by telling him thank you, that I loved him back and would see him soon. A knock on my door told me that my brother was awake, as well, and would be waiting downstairs. I quickly hopped into the shower before getting dressed in a pair of jeans and an anime t-shirt, throwing the blue apron on top.
“Crap, where’s my name tag?” I lifted up the covers on my bed, shaking them more violently than I needed to but it did the job, the name tag flying up into the air. “Gotcha!” With a grin, I pinned it to my shirt and headed downstairs where my twin was having some weird interaction with our parents.
“Happy birthday, buddy.” Dad grinned happily, lightly jabbing Sam in the rib. When he noticed me coming down the stairs, he did the same thing to me, much to my displeasure. “Happy birthday, amigo.”
Sam sent me a look and I knew he was feeling weirded out, but what did he want me to do? I just shrugged and he rolled his eyes at my lack of assistance. “Right… well, I’m gonna go get some breakfast.” When he tried to step past mom, she grabbed him into a bone crushing hug, her voice shaky.
“Happy birthday! I love you so much!” She forced herself away from him only to grab me when I tried to sneak past, hugging me with the same amount of force. “I love you, too, Alex, so much!” With an exhale, she pulled back, only to grab each of us by the arm. “I want you both to have a wonderful day… no matter what happens!”
“O-Okay, mom.” Sam chuckled awkwardly, slowing backing away toward the kitchen. I raised a brow at her before following him. He lowered his voice, sending me a look. “I think mom’s losing it.”
“Can’t lose what you never had,” I grinned, bumping my shoulder against his as I passed him up into the kitchen, hoping that our younger brother hadn’t eaten the last of the cocoa pebbles. The little gremlin in question was sitting at the kitchen island reading the newspaper.
He glanced up when we entered the kitchen, his voice devoid of emotion. “Hey, the two zombies are up before noon.”
“Hey, you’re an idiot,” Sam replied, catching the box of cereal I tossed at him.
“Really, Sam?” I deadpanned, pulling the box of cocoa pebbles from the shelf. “That’s the best you got? Come on, bro, at least put some feeling into it.”
“Who’s side are you on?”
“My own.” I stuck my tongue out as I poured the cereal into the bowl, only to scowl when I realized there was barely two spoonfuls left. “Damn it, Kyle! I told you to stop eating my cereal.”
He rolled his eyes, “I don’t see your name on it.”
“Real mature.”
Our parents entered the kitchen then, dad looking to his youngest child. “Kyle, did you wish your brother and sister a happy birthday?”
Kyle gave him a blank look. “They’re twenty-one, still lives with their parents, and wears an apron for a living. There’s no happy in that birthday, dad.”
I scowled, tossing a cocoa pebble at him. “Gee thanks, brat.”
“Don’t tease your brother and sister, Kyle.” Mom scolded, giving me a sad smile. Seriously, what is her problem today?
I munched on my cereal, glancing at Sam. He was staring, transfixed, at the television – it was a news report of a home fire that killed a family of four. Damn, that sucks. Wait, is that… screaming? Why would they include screaming in a news broadcast? It’s so loud!
My eyes shot over to Sam who had just gotten slapped in the back of the head by Kyle. The screaming was gone, but I couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling I had lingering in the back of my mind. Sam sent me an annoyed look before turning to Kyle, who was digging around in the fridge.
“Hey, uh, was that an envelope from Stanford I saw yesterday?”
Kyle tensed up as dad quickly turned to him, “You heard from Stanford?”
Why is mom staring at us like that? It’s like she thinks she’s never going to see us again. I mean, come on, it’s not like we have anywhere else to go. We’re suddenly going to just fly the coop – that shit takes a lot of money!
Kyle squared his jaw. “It was… a rejection letter.”
“Oooh,” Sam pulled a face, clearly happy about shifting the attention off of himself.
“Kyle, how is that possible?” Dad questioned, disappointment in his tone.
“Sam and Alex didn’t even go to college!” He cried indignantly, trying to shift the attention back.
Mom, who still hadn’t stopped staring at us as if we were going to vanish from in front of her eyes, quickly snapped back at him. “Yes, they did, Kyle.”
“For a month!”
“Excuse you,” I scowled through a mouthful of cereal. “I made it a month and a half, thank you very much!”
Sam scoffed. “Showoff.”
“We’re very proud of them for trying, it’s just that… college made them sleepy.” She replied just as the kitchen door opened.
Sock, Sam’s best friend, came waltzing into the kitchen like he owned the place. “Morning, Mrs. O, Mr. O.” He threw his arms around Sam, pressing a wet kiss to the boy’s cheek that made me cringe. “Birthday boy!”
He tried to grab me but I held the spoon out at him, smacking his hand each time he tried. “You kiss me and I will skin you and put you in the living room as a rug!”
The threat meant nothing to him as he threw his arms around me, crushing me to his bear-like body. “Birthday girl!” Thankfully, he didn’t try to kiss me. He sat down beside Sam, accepting the bowl I handed him. “Hey, Kyle, guess what? Don’t sweat Stanford, man. Heard it’s only the, uhh…” He held up four fingers. “Fourth best university in the U.S. Is that right?”
“You suck!” Kyle cried before turning on his heel and storming out of the kitchen, much to Sam’s delight.
“Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed!” Sock called after him. “I almost went.”
I snorted, setting the empty bowl into the sink.
Dad clapped his hands and looked at the two. “So, big birthday plans, boys?”
“Nah, nothin’ too crazy.” Sam admitted with a mouthful of cereal.
“Oh, come on, Sam.” Dad responded, trying to express himself with his hands. “You’ve got to get out there and… cut loose! You’re only this age once, come on.”
“Dad, please.” I groaned, resisting the urge to smack my head against the counter.
“What? Am I wrong?”
“I like your thinking, dad!” Sock dropped the spoon so he could point at the older man. I just knew he was about to say something really fucking stupid. “I say we all get into the car, go get some smack, kill a hooker in Vegas.”
Mom’s face suddenly scrunched up, tears filling her eyes. With a muffled noise, she quickly turned and speed walked from the room, surprising the three of us.
Sock started to freak out, thinking he had offended her, which he probably did. “I-I-I mean, I meant patronize a hooker in Vegas! I would never kill a hooker in Vegas!” He lowered his voice, turning to his best friend for support. “I would never kill a hooker.”
I exchanged a look with Sam.
“Dad, what the hell is going on?”
“For real, dad, what’s up with mom?”
“Uh, uh…” He forced a smile, looking between the two of us. “Nothing, nothing! Um, Y-You just both have a great day, Sam, Alex. A great day!” And then he rushed out of the kitchen after his wife.
“What was that?” Sam questioned, looking between Sock and I.
I shrugged. “PMS, maybe?”
His nose scrunched up. “Gross.”
Sock looked at Sam before looking at the door they had just exited through, chewing loudly on his rice krispies. “Do you think they still do it?”
“But I’m the gross one?” I scowled.
“Yeah, they still do it.” Sock smirked, dodging the paper towel ball I threw at his head.
After dumb and dumber finished eating, we headed outside to Sam’s soccer-mom station wagon. For a moment, Sock and I paused just outside the house, staring at each other before taking off, shoving each other as we made a dash for the front seat, slamming into the side of the car at the same time.
“You got to sit up front last time!” I cried, trying to smack his hands off the door handle.
“Because I’m taller than you, shrimp.” He mocked me by putting his hand above my head.
“That has nothing to do with this!”
“It has everything to do with this!”
“It’s my birthday!”
“I wished you a happy birthday already!”
“Guys!” Sam said with a sigh of irritation. “Just play rock-paper-scissors.”
Sock nodded his head, sending him a wolfish grin. “You were always the smart twin.”
“What the hell am I? Chop liver?”
“No.” His hands found my shoulders and he sent me a serious look. “Don’t sell yourself short, Alex. You’re much better than chop liver. Like… a pickle!”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Now, let’s play!” He held out his hand, resting his fist against his palm and I mirrored the action. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He showed rock and I showed paper.
“Yes!” I reached for the handle but he smacked my hand away, wagging his finger in my face.
“Nuh-uh! Best two of three, sister.”
“Oh, come on!” I glanced at my twin, but he was already settled in the driver’s seat, paying no attention to us as he fiddled with the air conditioning. “Fine! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He chose scissors and I chose paper.
Damn, it’s 1-1.
He smirked, tilting his body from side to side. “Can you handle the pressure, Oliver?”
“Of course I can, Wysocki.” I scowled, clenching my hand just a little bit tighter. I did not want to sit in the backseat again. It was always damp and smelled like moldy french fries. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He chose rock again and I chose scissors.
“Ha, suck it loser!” Sock laughed, pulling open the passenger door before settling inside, the car shaking from the force he used.
With a groan, I begrudgingly opened the back door, scowling at the mess of fast food wrappers that littered the floor. First, mom acts all weird and now I have to sit in the back seat of this god-forsaken vehicle. Something tells me today is not going to go as well as dad hoped it would.
“Let’s roll!” Sock jabbed at the radio, cranking up the early morning rock station as Sam pulled away from the curb.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I shifted so I could pull it out, smiling at the text from Ben.
• ‘If Sock gives you too much hell, let me know.’
• ‘I’ll beat him up for you ;P’
A chuckle bubbled in my throat, unheard over the loud screeching of the guitar solo blasting throughout the car. It was both funny and precious because Ben wasn’t a violent man and, even if he wanted to be, he wasn’t very strong, so the thought that he would try to take down the bear-like Sock was quite an amusing image. I doubted he actually would try to, but it was the thought that counted.
━━━━━━༻ (`∀´)Ψ ༺━━━━━━
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
(6-17-20) You both like Politics.
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
You: What is something important to you?
Stranger: My job.
You: Mhm how so?
Stranger: Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to buy a house, save money, and have dinner every night.
You: Very reasonable
You: and grounded
Stranger: Considering that I grew up low-income, it only makes sense that I skimp and save.
You: ah yeah, that helps gives perspective for sure
Stranger: All I can really say is not having food every day isn't fun.
You: Mhm did you grow up not being able to eat every day?
Stranger: Yes.
You: What was that like?
Stranger: Hell.
You: Yeah I can imagine
Stranger: The savior was USDA subsidized cheese.
You: are you us-based?
Stranger: I was. I relocated to South Korea in 2007.
You: mhm was the food insecurity in the SU or south korea?
Stranger: The US.
You: where were you specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
Stranger: Detroit until I was 8, Denver from 8-22.
You: mhm
Stranger: You couldn't pay me to move back to the US, in spite of the fact that my parents always insisted that it was better than Korea.
You: Mhm I'd love to hear anything that you're willing to share
Stranger: Well, what do you want to hear?
You: well, everything lol
You: but I guess we don't have time lol
Stranger: What parts do you want to hear?
You: I never personally experienced food insecurity
You: or the circumstances around that
You: and what your family did
You: and I guess why you moved
Stranger: Food insecurity is hell. My parents simply lived with it and ignored it.
You: as context, I'm guessing your family were immigrants?
Stranger: I moved for job security and so I wouldn't face discrimination in the US. Yes, they immigrated from Korea.
You: mhm
You: I'm not really that familiar with detroit and things, but I feel like the naive question I'm sure you get is what about food banks?
You: or other stuff
Stranger: Not a thing back in 1980s/90s Detroit outside of churches, which my parents stayed away from.
You: ahh I didn't know
You: so I'm guessing subsidized school lunches probably also weren't a thing?
Stranger: Those were, but my parents didn't apply for those until we moved to Denver.
You: sounds really rough
Stranger: They didn't apply mostly for fear of deportation
You: undocumented?
Stranger: They were documented, the documentation wasn't always fully valid.
You: ah..
You: student visa?
Stranger: Green cards.
You: mhm I guess it's just so different it's hard for me to imagine
Stranger: Needless to say, people who work on private railyards don't make much.
You: my goodness
Stranger: About 50 cents an hour back in the 80s and 90s.
You: yeah... I just can't imagine
You: how did your family end up moving to denver?
Stranger: My father's job at the railyard was replaced by a sensor and they were concerned that Detroit was becoming too unsafe.
You: mhm this was the big crime era too?
Stranger: Yes. And we lived in a housing project that was effectively where you went to buy drugs or die.
You: buy drugs or die?
Stranger: Lot of dealers, criminals, and bait apartments in there.
You: okay, was just slightly confused about the wording if they made you buy or something
Stranger: The people in the apartment next to us were dealers.
You: mhm
Stranger: The Detroit PD raided the wrong unit, not theirs.
You: .......
Stranger: And that's why I don't respect the Detroit PD.
You: yeah that's terrible
Stranger: We did get money from them after it was found that they broke the most expensive thing in the apartment.
You: it's just so hard for me to imagine what your parents went through
You: coming to the US
You: and all of this
Stranger: I can provide some more insight if you'd like.
You: anything you want to share is good
Stranger: They had this twisted perspective on American customs and holidays.
You: meaning?
Stranger: They didn't get any of them per-se "right."
You: huh
Stranger: Xmas? Get up at 5 AM and eat a pack of Twinkies. "We're going to work."
Stranger: New year's? Get up at 5 AM and eat nothing. "We're going to work"
Stranger: They also told me to not get good grades, because "Americans don't"
You: huh that's unexpected to me...
Stranger: I got all A+s on the report cards, and even skipped a lot of grades after moving to Denver.
You: mhm good for you!
Stranger: They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
You: I'm trying to imagine things through their eyes
Stranger: What are you effectively seeing?
You: uhh very poor, desperate, scared
Stranger: That about summed them up.
You: yeah.
Stranger: Even now, they refuse help from me.
You: mhm... that sounds kinda vaguely asian
You: are they still in the us?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Still living in Denver, too.
You: what did they do in denver?
Stranger: My mother is a cashier at a Wal-Mart, and my father is a gun salesman, since he became a citizen in 2012.
You: mhm
Stranger: They did let me pay off their mortgage in 2011, though.
You: oh that's good
You: I can imagine your parents being very proud of you
You: are you an only child or with siblings?
Stranger: I'm an only child.
Stranger: I doubt they could ever afford a second.
You: right
Stranger: Hell, they were still paying down the bill from my birth until I was 10.
You: yeah asian-american poverty is just something I'm so removed from it's just I don't even know what to say
Stranger: That was back when Koreans were below Hispanics on the social ladder
You: right... I didn't realize detroit or denver had any kind of korean population
Stranger: Not really, they just ended up in those places because there were jobs.
You: mhm
You: so you went through school in denver, graduated, did college, and then moved to korea?
Stranger: I went through high school in Denver, graduated, college fast-tracked from age 14, medical school from 16-22. Then got the hell out of the US.
You: oh my goodness that's incredible
Stranger: I started high school at age 8 due to the district insisting on testing me.
You: yeah um I didn't even realize that kind of thing was possible
Stranger: It is, and its just not common
Stranger: I learned a lot from the books my parents had around the apartment.
You: yeah
Stranger: Since all that they had were my father's textbooks from college and a few legal help books.
Stranger: And operating manuals, and legal documentation.
You: mhm it just sounds like such a whirlwind of stuff to go through
You: anyhow what brings you to the politics tag?
Stranger: I like politics, always have.
You: on omegle? haha ^^
Stranger: I like most politics.
You: ^^ I guess I would have imagined that most ordinary ppl who like politics would be on reddit I guess or something
You: unless they have something strange going for them lol
Stranger: I have nothing going for me politics-wise.
You: hm, but other things?
You: sorry if I'm prying
Stranger: In the medical field, yes.
You: huh?
Stranger: I'm a general practitioner, and a tenured one at that, so I'm among the ~150 important people at the KCDC.
You: oh what I meant is that I'm just surprised someone like you would be on omegle that's all haha ^^
You: since we're pretty trashy here haha
Stranger: Nowhere near as trashy as other people I've encountered
You: mhm maybe
Stranger: Namely the Detroit police department SWAT team
You: >.<
You: so do you have a list of political issues you care about the most?
Stranger: Yeah, mostly not defunding the KCDC.
You: do you get a lot of koreans on omegle?
Stranger: No, I've never encountered another Korean.
You: oh okay
You: yeah I don't think I've ever run into anyone from east asia
You: many from india though
Stranger: In case you're wondering, the KCDC is basically Korea's healthcare provider, and disease/drug regulator.
You: yeah I googled it
You: I thought korea did very well with coronavirus testing
Stranger: We did.
You: why are they trying to defund you?
Stranger: Because they want to stop covering things that many Koreans rely on, such as vision coverage (I benefit from it), as well as coverage of OTC drugs in hospitals.
You: hmm how is there not popular backlash?
You: I thought there was a general political adage that it's easy to give benefits, but hard to repeal them
Stranger: They've kept it under wraps by putting funding changes in fine print.
You: funding charges as in...?
Stranger: Funneling the money into reserves.
You: oh okay, it might be a bit over my head ^^
Stranger: Basically, the KCDC is funded in USD, so we can buy equipment without exchange rate issues, and they view the USD as a finite recourse. Its not, since saving it depreciates the value for us long-term.
You: huuh I didn't know that at all
Stranger: Meanwhile, I have to fight with a government-paid vision provider to get my new glasses.
You: btw why did your parents dislike korea so much?
Stranger: Korea was different in the 70s and 80s. The leaders were totalitarians mostly installed by the US. The economy was garbage, and it was impossible to get a stable job outside of manufacturing or the armed forces.
You: ah okay, thanks for the summary
Stranger: They were middle class in Korea, too. And they left that all for the US.
You: yeah... I didn't realize the exchange rate was so steep back then too
Stranger: Most of the reason they were poor in the US was because of their limited English.
You: Ah okay
You: What kind of conversations do you normally get into here on omegle?
Stranger: Usually something that ends with "the US owns Korea."
You: what?
Stranger: The Republicans in the US have this twisted idea that America owns Korea.
You: huh
You: and you enjoy talking to people like that?
Stranger: No, but I like trying to talk sense into them.
You: ^^;; it sounds like quite an argument
Stranger: And its hilarious to me.
You: ah yeah, I guess people do like the amusement
Stranger: I have spat out coffee laughing at their stupidity.
You: I think people come from very different places ^^
Stranger: To some of them its a foreign concept that people can make more money in countries other than the US.
You: I think it depends in part on people's skill sets
Stranger: They also don't understand how foreign currency works, since, sometimes if they ask about my pay, I give it to them in KRW.
You: lol
Stranger: They think I'm lying because the number in KRW exceeds 350 billion
Stranger: KRW is counted in a strange manner.
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: 1,000 KRW= 1 USD (one cheap meal). 100 KRW= 10 cents (which is the same cost as a burger here), 10 KRW= 1 cent (half a bottle of cola).
Stranger: You have to know it to recognize it on site.
You: huh...
Stranger: We make western money but don't pay western prices.
You: I'm just slightly confused basically
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: The only things that really cost western prices are, well... western things.
You: mhm right
You: I feel like cost-of-living in different places is always a little hard for me to grasp
Stranger: I find it amazing that Coke is considered the cheap beverage here and in the US
You: I have a suspicion that in many circumstances people are just buying the bottle
Stranger: Still, I have always viewed it as expensive.
You: I mean if you look at the price of a 2L bottle versus a small bottle?
Stranger: Yes, but, still, too pricey when I was young.
You: the drink itself must be inexpensive to manufacture
You: but the retail price is elevated substantially
Stranger: My parents always viewed it as "why spend a buck on a 2L when Faygo is 75 cents, we can barely afford it as is"
Stranger: Which ingrained it as being a luxury product in my mind
You: lol
You: idk it's cheaper than milk, juice... so many things
You: I feel like it must be bad for public health
Stranger: Faygo is and always has been cheaper
Stranger: Probably because of competition
You: oh we don't have them here
Stranger: Faygo is highly regionalized to Detroit.
You: not distributed in my area
Stranger: In fairness, it helps the cost when its bottled a few blocks from the grocer.
You: I guess that's true
You: but there are always discount soft drink brands too
You: although I was never pressed enough at cash to really look very hard at the difference between a dollar or like 90 cents...
Stranger: My parents had to look carefully at those prices
You: yeah
Stranger: What would be 45 minutes in the grocer for a person who can grab-and-go items would be 1-2 hours for us.
You: mhm
Stranger: Which is why I buy the same three things at the grocer, so I don't need to price compare
You: mhm I feel spoiled because I don't really do much coupon shopping
Stranger: For what its worth, they did get the one symbol of wealth that Korean-Americans viewed as a symbol of wealth at the time.
You: which was?
Stranger: Color television set.
You: oh
You: I think you are around a decade older than me so it's hard for me to compare and contrast
Stranger: I'm 35.
You: yup
Stranger: So, I have faint memories of the 1980s.
You: I was born int he 90's
Stranger: The 90s were a good time.
You: I have faint memories of the 90's lol ^^
Stranger: That was when we got a computer
You: sounds about right
Stranger: My uncle imported KDS systems to the US, so we got that for free.
You: huh
Stranger: KDS became Emachines, a company you might have heard of
You: nope!
Stranger: Your household probably didn't have to buy whatever the cheapest system at Wal-Mart was.
You: uhh I think our first computer was some form of macintosh
Stranger: Which are systems for the wealthy next to Korean imports.
You: yeah it's really interesting to look back at this stuff
Stranger: I sometimes wish I could go back in time, but then I realize that'd effectively be starting from scratch.
You: uh yeah, that doesn't sound very fun
Stranger: There's no real reason to look back on the past for me.
You: yeah I don't really look back this far normally either
You: do you still speak much english in everyday life btw?
Stranger: Yes, on a daily basis. To the point where I still sound American when I speak it.
You: Oh I didn't know that
Stranger: I have no issues with speaking either language, luckily.
You: mhm that really helps
You: how is your social life?
Stranger: Basically zero friends in Korea.
You: aww...
You: is there like a barrier?
You: being foreign or something?
Stranger: No, since I am not foreign in the eyes of either the Korean government nor the people.
You: ah, so you're just saying it's just you? ^^
Stranger: Yes.
You: introverted?
Stranger: Yes.
You: mhm I wish you the best!
Stranger: My parents weren't too hot on the idea of me ever having friends.
You: oh...
You: you're not around them anymroe!
You: seriously, are you doing okay?
Stranger: I'm doing fine.
You: okay ^^
You: I think it's different to be happy and introverted vs. unhappy and introverted, if you know what I mean
Stranger: Not to mention, after I moved to Denver, it became harder to make friends.
You: hm, why?
Stranger: I was 8 and in high school. Take a guess.
You: ah...
You: yeah that threw me for a loop
You: ordinarily I thought most school systems didn't allow their kids to skip too far for well... I guess social reasons?
You: idk if things changed or how things happen on way or another
Stranger: And being Korean in a majority hispanic school didn't help, either.
You: mhm
Stranger: Since that was basically right after the LA riots, which made Koreans and hispanics hate each other.
You: right...
Stranger: I did get bullied for that.
You: :c
Stranger: Metal lunch trays don't feel too good in the back of the head
You: that's terrible
Stranger: And neither does getting tied to a chair with an extension cord
You: I just can't imagine
You: people just...
Stranger: You'd think they'd show mercy on someone effectively half their age and size.
You: yeah
You: also for some reason I thought of denver as kind of like a progressive white place
You: but idk if that's just more recently
Stranger: That's modern Denver.
You: yeah
Stranger: Back then it was a rougher place.
You: mhm
You: I think you have so much in your past
You: it's a lot
Stranger: A lot of people do.
You: mhm
Stranger: Not everyone can have a pretty story filled with bubblegum and rainbows.
You: yeah...
You: it's just sad
You: or well, so many things that America turns a blind eye too
You: even now
You: a kind of semi-willful ignorance
You: in favor of narratives I guess
Stranger: It would've been nice if I didn't have to carry a revolver everywhere.
You: huh you were licensed to carry as a kid?
Stranger: From when I was 18.
You: mhm
Stranger: My parents made me get licensed out of pure fear.
You: mhm
You: idk if it's your generation, your family's socioeconomic status, location, or all of the above, but your story is just so much more raw and dramatic than those of other asian americans I've heard
Stranger: Probably a mix.
Stranger: My experiences are in-line with your average LA Korean in the early 90s.
You: right
You: I just didn't know the differences could be so stark through one or two generations
Stranger: Well, remember, a riot happened that moved the Koreans up the ladder.
You: yeah
You: or maybe there's a rift between asian americans who were hear longer versus the large influx that came in the 90s
Stranger: Probably that, since not a lot came in the 80s.
You: yeah
Stranger: I remember the first time I visited Korea, it was like a different planet.
You: mhm
You: (not that I have any idea lol XD)
Stranger: My uncle took me to Seoul in 1995, which was when I realized that Korea wasn't what my parents made it out to be (they made it out to effectively be a 3rd world country).
You: mhm
Stranger: I'd say it was that visit that made me want to leave the US
You: you went through a lot
Stranger: I do consider some of it to be a lot.
You: have you ever thought about writing it up?
You: idk assembling it into a narrative of some kind?
Stranger: I have, but I'm not comfortable with it being on paper beyond legal documents.
You: mhm okay yeah
Stranger: For example, in the file cabinet next to me I have every single even slightly legal document from when I was born until I was 30.
You: mhm... I should do a better job of getting my paperwork together
Stranger: Just opening it, there's three folders of medical papers.
You: hospital?
Stranger: No, at home. The folders even include every payment on every medical bill from back then.
You: ah I meant, you were hospitalized often?
Stranger: No. Mostly just payments from my birth, as well as vision.
You: mhm
Stranger: The vision papers are expansive.
You: right
Stranger: Considering that I've needed to wear glasses since I was 2.
You: what??
Stranger: Effectively, my vision is garbage, and has been ever since.
You: so it's getting really late for me, but I wanted to thank you for sharing everything that you did ^^
Stranger: Have a nice night.
You: thank you!
You: best of luck with everything and I hope you're able to make more friends!
Stranger has disconnected.
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tracfone · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @emaziska
Nickname: rory is like my Name although i haven’t gotten it changed legally; online people call me snax (and sometimes server buds call me adrian ehuhuhu)
Zodiac: cancer
Height: 5′3″
Last movie I saw: i saw spiderverse for the second time with my gf
Last thing I googled:  uhhhhh [checks phone] “how does spice work”
Favorite musician: rn my favorite bands are and one, depeche mode and  Einstürzende Neubauten
Song stuck in my head: “tell me lies” - and one
Other blogs: uhh i feel weird about linking my other blogs suddenly but all the important ones are on my blog page. aside from those though i have an entire hoard of fandom-related urls i dunno what to do with (but i just think are neat!)
Do I get asks: here? hardly ever but my aa blog gets an ask or two every few days
Following: 793
Followers: 640
Amount of sleep: like anywhere between 2-8 typically but it’s almost never a solid night bc i wake up easily and multiple times during the night
Lucky number: i dunno if i’m honest
What I’m wearing: mario t-shirt and pajama bottoms
Dream job: man it used to be animation i even went through school for that but idk anymore i’m just kinda drifting sldkjflkdssd. getting paid a liveable wage for anything art-related though would be ideal; i work a side job doing some art stuff that i enjoy doing lots but it doesn’t cover my expenses well (but does help supplement)
Dream trip: i wanna go to germanyyyy. maybe take a road trip to washington/somewhere in the states
Favorite food: anything cheesy tbh u give me a bowl of mac n cheese and i’m happy
Play any instruments?: nah
Languages: english und ein bißchen Deutsch.....................nur ein bißchen 😔
Favorite songs: i don’t think i have a singular favorite song but “pollyanna” off the mother vocal ost has always been an important song in my life
Random Facts: since chari did a fact about crushes and stuff i might as well too: for the longest time i’ve had crushes on girl characters (then a couple real life girls) and just thought it meant i wasn’t interested in anyone but it kinda hit me i’ve been gay a long time and just didn’t have the awareness nor knowledge to realize it lol
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: old computer UIs/machinery, vaporwave, glitches, chromatic aberration, abandoned buildings, overcast skies in the desert
Tag 21 People: i don’t want to i’m anxious!!!!! just steal this from me tbh
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Hey guys! This is my first Starker fic, so please no hate. 🌈
@sunshine-starker hope you like it!
Tony Stark couldn't believe how lucky he was. He was probably the luckiest man in world. Why is that, you may ask. And your answer would come, very simply, because of Peter Parker.
Peter Parker, his beautiful boyfriend of 4 months and 23 days. And of course he knew the exact days! He was the luckiest man in the world! Why would he take that for granted? But we can talk about how lucky he is later, but for now we're gonna talk about how excited he is that Peter's finally back from his week long school trip.
For the past two hours he had been running through a painful cycle of pacing in front of the elevator, bouncing his leg up and down as he tried to focus on TV, and staring into the clock's artificial soul. But finally, FINALLY, it was time for Happy to bring him home. After two more walk-throughs of the Cycle of Hell, the elevator opened, revealing the oh-so amazing Spider-Man.
He looked...well, amazing! He was wearing one of his favorite outfits, his green checkered plaid with a light blue sweater, and dark jeans paired with his denim Converse, he looked incredible. His hair was slightly tousled by the wind and an excessive amount of running his hands through it, but Tony wasn't complaining. It looked adorable.
But the thing that caught Tony's attention was that Peter looked extremely nervous.
"Um, Pete? You okay?" He asked with concern. Peter looked up, his eyes filled with tears. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong baby? Come 'ere, come sit." Tony rushed to sit him down on the couch beside him. He pulled the younger boy in for a hug and played with his hair, hoping it would calm him down. Fortunately it did, and a few moments later Peter looked up, much calmer.
"Okay spider-baby what's wrong?" Tony asked him, wanting to fix whatever almost made his baby cry. Peter took a deep breath and spoke, "It- its just-" taking another deep breath he looked the other in the eye. "Well while we were all on the bus back to school, a lot of the other kids were talking about their relationships. And some of them started talking about how one of them would keep secrets, they always ended with a bad breakup. And I don't want us to break up!"
Tony was shocked, did the kid think that he was keeping secrets? "Pete, I'm not keeping any secrets. Any questions you've asked I've answered completely truthful, and I don't- " "No, no!" Peter cut him off, " I didn't mean you! I," he paused, looking extremely ashamed, "I meant me." With that reveal he broke eye contact and opted instead to watch his hands as they played with a string at the bottom of his sweater.
"What secrets?" Tony was scared of the answer. Peter rocked back and forth a little. "Just one. I was scared to tell you." Tony took his hands in his, even now reveling in the difference between them. His large, dark, callused meat paws against Peter's small, pale, delicate hands.
"You can tell me, it'll be okay." Tony told him, though he wasn't sure who he was reassuring at this point. Tears welled in Peters eyes, once again showing just how scared he was. "Will it though?" The question came so quietly Tony was sure he wasn't supposed to hear it at all, but he answered anyway, "It will, I promise."
Peter nodded and swallowed hard. "Well I think it'd be better if I showed you." With that he took one more deep breath and opened his mouth. But this time, instead of his normal teeth, there were two sets of fangs. Two small ones, and two so large he wondered how they fit it his mouth in the first place. "Uhh..." Was his ever so intelligent answer. "So now you know." Peter said, and then quieter, "I'm a monster."
Tony didn't know how to react to the fangs, but he knew one thing, "You are NOT a monster. Who would tell you such a thing?!" A single tear slipped down Peters cheek. He sniffed, "Flash. He, he saw them, I wish he hadn't but he did, and he-" He sniffed again, obviously trying his best(pacito) not to cry. "He told me that freaks like me shouldn't be allowed near normal people, and that I was the monster that parents warned their kids about at night." He started sobbing and covered his mouth with his hands, trying to muffle them.
Tony was shocked. How had he not known that this was happening? He grabbed Peter and held him close, rubbing circles into his back and whispering soft words in his ear.
He had no idea how long they sat there on that couch, but soon enough it was dark out. Peters sobs were finally calmed down and he was breathing was calm, his head propped under Tony's chin. "Thank you for telling me, love. And I promise you, you are not a monster. Those people who call out others on their differences? Those are the real monsters." Peter giggled. "Well those and the actual monsters who attack New York." Tony chuckled along with him. "Yes, and those ones. Now give us a smile." Peter smiled wide, his fangs practically gleaming in the artificial light. And Tony thought, with his ruffled hair, pinkish/red lips, scrunched up nose and, yes, his fangs that almost made him look like a saber-tooth tiger hybrid, he couldn't be more beautiful.
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This art is totally free to use if wanted, just please tag me in it so I can see your awesome work! I really hoped you liked this short fic, its the first part in an ongoing series that I write in my head lol please give feedback, and please don't repost as your own. Happy hunting! ❤
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glowrioustrash · 6 years
Prompt: “If you could make it a horror story involving Dean Ambrose and Renee Young as a couple? Along with Seth Rollins and Cathy Kelley as exes who pretend to hate each other, though it's clear they still have feelings for one another. I'm trying to think of a way the four of them can be brought together... Maybe Dean and Renee could be going on a road trip, and he invites his friend Seth, while she invites her friend Cathy. How the road trip leads to horror is completely up to you, but my friend loves horror and suspense, so make it as creepy as you want." Requested by @devilzadvokitty​ for her friend’s birthday. 
Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Renee Young, Seth Rollins x Cathy Kelley
Word Count: 6200+
Warnings: Kidnapping, blood, various (nonthreatening) injuries, mentions of a gun?, lots of swearing. It’s not a fun one lol
Author’s Note: WOWEE So this was a challenge - and I love a challenge. This was out of my comfort zone for a few different reasons, including: the genre, trying to get it done in time, I don’t typically write Renee, I’ve never written Cathy. Basically I had no damn idea what I was doing, but I hope it turned out okay! Part of me felt it was really short as I edited, but the fact that the word count is over 6000... and honestly this is kinda tame. I could have really put these four through the ringer, but again... timeline.
ANYWAY Happy birthday mystery friend!
Tagging: @castielscamander​ / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury​ / @kakakatey​ / @thirstiswet​ / @calwitch​ (I don’t have my tag list with me ATM, so if I miss anyone, sorry!)
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“All set?” Renee asked over Dean’s shoulder as he loaded the last of their bags into the trunk of the SUV.
“All set.” He confirmed, turning to lay an arm over her shoulders. “Just gotta wait for the tagalongs.”
“Don’t call them tagalongs,” Renee laughed, smacking him lightly on his chest. “That makes it sound like they weren’t invited.”
“Fine. The squatters.”
“Dean!” She laughed even harder, shaking her head. Dean grinned down at her, squeezing her shoulders.
“Seth’ll be here soon, then we can hit the road.” Dean told her, noticing the way she froze under his arm.
“Yeah. You told me to invite a friend.” He reminded her.
“But not Seth!”
“Who else did you think I’d invite?”
“You thought Roman would want to come to a cabin in the woods with us, for a whole week away from his wife and kids?” He asked her, skeptically.
“Well, not when you put it that way.” Renee grumbled.
“Why is this such a problem anyway?”
“Because I invited Cathy.” Renee told him.
“Ahh, shit.” Dean cursed. “This is gonna be nice and awkward.”
Seth and Cathy had been dating until a few months ago, both of them agreeing that the relationship just wasn’t working. The stress of being on the road, as well as dating a coworker, was getting to be too much and they parted ways. It had initially been a fairly civil breakup, a few words exchanged in passing and a functioning working relationship. In the past month however, the working relationship had dissolved. Now the ex-couple would ignore each other at best, snide comments and glares across the way at worst. Everyone knew it could be worse, they had seen plenty of messy break-ups in their company, but those usually ended with one of the two either quitting or getting fired. Their friends all hoped it would resolve itself before it got to that.
Dean had been right, though he wish he hadn’t. The moment Seth and Cathy saw each other, the temperature around the four of them dropped. Lucky for the married couple, it seemed that today the duo were happy to ignore each other and not get into any sort of fight. The silence in the car was stifling, Renee trying to carry the conversation for 45 minutes before she eventually gave up. She turned the radio on to try and alleviate the tension.
Three excruciating hours into the drive, Dean pulled into an old, abandoned looking gas station.
“Is this place even open?” Seth scoffed.
“Says it is.” Dean shrugged, pointing at the neon sign blinking in the window. Without that sign, there was nothing on the outside of the building that would give any hint to it being a functioning gas station. Renee shot him a look, clearly asking if he was out of his mind. He just shrugged and opened the door, stepping out of the SUV. Seth followed him from the backseat.
Renee turned to look at Cathy, who seemed to share the same sentiment.
“Stretch our legs, I guess?” Renee offered.
“Yeah, it’ll be nice that we stretched once we’ve been murdered in the middle of nowhere.” Cathy shot back, only half joking.
Renee glanced at the guys who were making their way into the building. “What’s going on with you and Seth?”
“Nothing’s going on. What do you mean, what’s going on?” Cathy answered, a shade too quickly for it to be true, prompting Renee to shoot her a look of disbelief.
“Everything was fine when you two broke it off, but lately...” Renee trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Maybe… maybe I miss him.” Cathy admitted quietly. “But maybe I’m just lonely. I don’t know. I can’t tell if I’m missing him for him or if I just miss someone being there.”
“Why don’t you say something?”
“Please. He hates me.” Cathy shook her head.
“You’d be surprised.” Renee encouraged.
“We should stretch before the guys come back.” Cathy shut the conversation down, opening the door and climbing out of the vehicle. Renee sighed and followed suit.
Inside they found the boys skeptically searching through the offered snacks. Nothing looked particularly appetizing. Most of the packages were covered in dust or had visible mold inside. Renee reminded herself to share the hand sanitizer she had in the car once they left. She glanced around, seeing Seth was out of earshot if she kept her voice down.
“Babe,” she wrapped her arm around Dean’s waist as he grimaced at the bags of chips. “Do you know if Seth still feels anything for Cathy?”
“How would I know?” He asked with a shrug, picking up a bag to inspect it.
“Don’t you guys talk?” Renee questioned.
“Why would we talk about his ex? He hasn’t brought her up and I haven’t asked.” Dean explained as he set the bag of chips back with disdain.
“Could you ask?” She prompted, giving him her best doe eyes.
“Why? What kinda trouble you tryin’ to get me into?” Dean smirked down at her.
“Cathy misses him. What if the break-up was just stress from all the travel or something? We’ve had a few drag downs on the road. It’s normal in this business.”
“Yeah, but we make up. And I do enjoy making up with you.” He growled lowly, pulling her in close, making her giggle.
Seth was a few rows down, frowning at the “food” being offered. He looked up at Renee’s giggles, wandering away from the section with a sour look on his face. He questioned why he had agree to come on this road trip at all. It would have been bad enough being the third wheel to the happy couple, but now on top of it he had to spend the time with his ex. It was a lose-lose situation.
Thinking about his ex, he couldn’t help it as his eyes locked onto her where she stood at the magazine rack, sunglasses pushed up on top of her head. She looked good in her peach coloured sundress. Before he could let his thoughts get away from him, he forced himself to look away. That’s when he noticed the large, older man standing at the cash register, waiting for them to finish their purchases. The man was being extremely obvious as he looked over Cathy, clearly appreciating her dress as well.
Seth frowned and marched over to Cathy, draping his arm over his shoulders.
“Seth!” She jumped. “What are-”
“Shh, the guy working here is eying you.” He whispered, picking up a magazine. “It was giving me the creeps.”
“Oh.” Cathy settled down, accepting Seth’s hold. She even leaned into his shoulder… just to really sell it, she told herself.
“So, where you kids headin’?” The man at the cash asked as Dean approached with a box of twinkies. They were dusty, but those things lasted forever, he reasoned with Renee.
“Uhh, just a cabin little ways from here.” Dean answered, keeping it vague.
“Nice rom’ntic get’way, huh?” He man leered, showing off his several missing teeth.
“Something like that.” Dean shrugged it off. “How much for the twinkies?”
“Sure tha’s all you want?” The man tried.
“Yeah. You know what?” He threw a five dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change.” Dean stormed out.
“Dean…” Renee started as the door to the store closed behind them.
“What? Did you want to spend anymore time in there?” He challenged, which Renee didn’t respond to. “That’s what I thought.”
He opened the box, happy to see the twinkies looked edible. He tore into a package, passing one of the two to Renee. They leaned against the car, waiting for Seth and Cathy.
The two exited shortly after, neither having bought anything. Renee saw that Seth’s arm was draped over Cathy and got excited, but Cathy shook her head subtly. Renee deflated at that.
“We set?” Seth asked.
“Yeah. Thank god we packed food.” Dean spoke around a mouthful of twinkie as he opened the door.
“Let’s get out of here.” Cathy agreed, pulling her sunglasses off her head and putting them on. The four climbed back into the car, happy to have stretched their legs. Renee and Dean noted that the climate between Seth and Cathy seemed less hostile as well, which hopefully meant the rest of the trip would go over smoothly.
Dean turned the key to start the car but the engine sputtered and failed.
“Are you serious?” Renee groaned. He huffed and tried again, only to get the same result.
“What the fuck, man?” Dean grumbled under his breath as he kept trying to get the engine to turn over. After five times he sat back with a loud groan.
“What do we do?” Cathy asked from the backseat.
“C’mon Rollins. Let’s take a look at this thing.” Dean ordered, climbing back out of the vehicle. “You two stay in here, okay?” He told Renee and Cathy before closing the door. Seth parroted the instructions for the girls to stay put before he joined Dean outside. Dean popped the hood easily, looking over the engine.
Cathy and Renee sat inside, anxiously waiting for the guys to fix the car. Neither of them liked that with the hood up, they couldn’t see the guys at all.
“I’ve got no service.” Cathy spoke, moving her phone around to try and get some reception.
“Let me check.” Renee dug her cell phone out of her pocket too, unsurprised to find that in the middle of nowhere, she wasn’t getting any reception either.
“Well, if the guys can’t get it figure out, we can go back in and ask if they have a phone.” Renee suggested.
“I really just wanna get out of here.” Cathy admitted. “I’d rather not talk to that guy again.”
“Yeah, me too... “ Renee agreed. “Not that we’re damsels in distress by any means, but we’ve got some pretty good men to take care of us while we figure it out.” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’ve got a good man.” Cathy corrected. “I’ve got… well, I don’t really have anyone.”
“Seth’s not gonna just leave you out here.” Renee argued. “No matter how he feels, those two are gonna figure this out.”
Cathy opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by a loud thumping noise and the car jerking suddenly. Both women jumped, looking to the front of the car. They heard a loud yell from Seth before a second thump was heard, paired with another jostle of the car.
“The hell was that?” Renee asked.
“Seth?!” Cathy called loudly, knowing it wasn’t easy for the men to hear them through the car.
“Dean?!” Renee tried as well. It was very quiet, not even the sound of the men speaking could be heard. The only noise the women could hear was the whistling of the wind through the car.
Renee reached for the door handle only for Cathy to stop her with a shout.
“They’re not answering. I’m not just going to sit here.” Renee argued, opening the door.
The hood slammed closed, making both women jump. The man from the register leered at them through the windshield, Dean and Seth nowhere in sight. Cathy screamed as Renee slammed the door shut again.
“What the fuck do you want?!” Renee screamed at him.
“Where are Seth and Dean!?” Cathy yelled. The man bent down, disappearing behind the front of the vehicle. He came back up, an unconscious Seth hauled over his shoulder making both women scream again.
“Seth!” They both called for him as the man turned and started walking back into the store with him over his shoulders.
“What do we do?” Cathy sobbed.
“Dean’s still out there.” Renee answered, determined as she opened the door. Cathy yelled at her to stay in the car but she was already outside, leaving the door open.
Dean was laying on the ground, barely conscious with a trickle of blood flowing from his forehead.
“‘Nee?” He groaned when he saw Renee. “Ge’ back in-”
“He took Seth. You need to get up.” Renee urged frantically and took Dean’s hand in her own, trying to pull him upright. Her tiny frame couldn’t support his dead weight, making him flop back onto the ground. “Dean, please.” She sobbed. “You have to get up. Before he comes back.”
“Renee get back!” Cathy cried for her. The outburst made Renee look up, another man appearing in the doorway of the shop. He looked like the first, but he was leaner. The same grown out beard, but this one was greying more than the other man’s.
“Dean, please!” She sobbed, trying again to pull Dean up.
“Go!” He moaned, trying to push her back. She reluctantly let go and ran around the side of the car. She was about to slam the car door shut when the man’s meaty hand grabbed a hold of it. He ripped the door back open, Renee scurrying back towards the driver’s side, kicking out at him as she went. The man stood there, not moving, but smirking at her.
“Get away!” Cathy yelled, throwing her shoe at him. The man chuckled and looked down at the door, one fat finger pressing the door unlock button.
The click of the lock was followed by the driver’s side door being wrenched open, Renee falling out into the arms of the first man. She flailed and screamed as the larger man picked her up easily, carrying her back into the store.
“No!” Dean screamed, trying to pull himself upright. For good measure, the man kicked Dean in the head on the way by, effectively knocking him out.
“Just you an’ me, princess.” The man still standing at the passenger door sneered at Cathy, barely heard over the sound of Renee’s screaming. “Where you gonna run, huh? I like to chase.”
Cathy was shaking wildly as she reached for the door handle to the backseat driver’s side, thinking it was her best bet. It was farthest away from the man. She pushed it open and ran out, stumbling to the ground in her hurry. She heard the man laugh as he rounded the car. She scurried back to her feet, ready to run.
His meaty paw closed over her arm and she swung back at him. She caught him in the jaw, but he was barely phased. He pulled her close to him, her back to his chest, and she started flailing to get loose.
His free hand came up and covered her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. Cathy grabbed his arm, scratching at him to get free. He didn’t budge as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. She tried to bite at his hand, scratch him up, kick behind her to connect with any part of him she could. She was doing everything she could to get free, but it wasn’t long before she fell limp against him.
Renee was still conscious when they threw her into the cellar beside Seth, who was out cold. A welt had popped up across his forehead, but he looked fine otherwise. The man followed down the stairs and held her down as he secured her hands behind her back. The cool metal and the clicking made her think they were handcuffs but she couldn’t be sure. He then clipped her cuffs to a chain around a pole in the center of the room so she couldn’t leave. The chain could move up and down the pole, letting her stand or sit, but she couldn’t move from the spot.
Soon after, Cathy was brought in and thrown unceremoniously to the ground. She called for her friends, trying to get them to wake. She could see them both breathing, which was a very small comfort.
“Let us go!” She screamed when she heard the door open once more. She watched in horror as the two men threw Dean into the room, letting his body tumble down the few stairs until he crashed to the floor beside Seth.
“Dean!” She yelled, trying to run to him to make sure he was okay. The blood had smeared over his face during the fall. She couldn’t tell if he was still bleeding from the same place as earlier or if they had hurt him anymore. “What do you want, you sick fucks!?” She shouted at them. One of the men merely laughed as he closed the door. She heard the loud clicking of a lock before she was left alone with her unconcious friends.
“Dean! Jesus Dean, please wake up.” She cried, watching as Dean’s chest rose and fell as he inhaled and exhaled.
“Seth?” She called to the brunette, who was laying almost within reach of her feet. “Seth, wake up. Please!” She begged, managing to barely nudge him with the toe of her shoe.
She kept yelling, begging for one of the three to wake up. She didn’t know how long had passed when the door to the cellar opened again, one of the men descending the stairs with an old rag.
“Please, let us go.” Renee pled.
“You’re a mouthy one, ain’tcha?” The man sighed, bending down to her level.
“W-what are you-” Renee was cut off suddenly as he tied the rag around her mouth, silencing her. She gagged as the dirty rag touched her tongue. She tried not to think about where it had been before this.
“That’ll keep you quiet.” He had the nerve to smile at her. He patted her on the head like a dog, which she flinched away from violently. The act of defiance made him frown deeply, earning her a backhand across the face. Her head snapped to the side as she cried out in pain. The man chuckled at her before retreating back up the stairs.
Renee cried quietly to herself, unable to do much more until one of her friends woke up. There were no windows in the cellar, the only light coming from a flickering fluorescent bulb overhead. She had no way to tell how long she sat there, waiting. She pulled at her bonds until her wrists were raw and aching.
Seth was the first to stir, rolling onto his side with a long, drawn out groan. Renee tried to call for him around the gag in her mouth. She tried to nudge him with her foot again, but he had rolled in the opposite direction.
“The hell?” He growled, holding his head in his hands. Renee tried once more to get his attention and he finally looked over at her.
“Renee? The fuck?” He sat up quickly, a dizzy spell hitting him and he had to brace himself to avoid falling over, even from his sitting position. Once the spell passed, he slowly looked around the room.
“What the fuck is going on?” He gasped. Renee tried to motion for him to help her and he finally crawled over, pulling the rag away from her mouth.
“Seth! Thank god you’re awake.” She gushed.
“The fuck is going on? My head is killing me.” He breathed as he took in her appearance, a little confused from the blow to the head.
“That guy… the creepy one at the register. He jumped you and Dean or something. We couldn’t see, the hood of the car was up.” As she explained, Seth looked at the chain holding her to the pole, trying to get her undone. After a moment with no progress, Renee continued.
“Please go check on Dean, he was bleeding and I don’t know how bad it is.” She started crying again, the reality of the situation hitting her all over again as she had to explain it out loud.
Seth looked towards Dean, seeing the dried blood covering his face. He crawled over, rolling Dean onto his back. Renee watched with bated breath as he checked over his tag-team partner.
“I think he’s okay?” Seth told her, sounding unsure. “He’s not bleeding anymore, and he’s breathing.”
“Thank god.” Renee breathed a sigh of relief.
“Dean?” Seth gave his shoulder a shake but the man remained unresponsive.
“Cathy?” He tried, scurrying towards his ex-girlfriend. She whined in her unconscious state as Seth gave her a shake to rouse her. “She’s coming to. Do you know what he did to her?”
“No.” Renee shook her head. “They pulled me away and locked me down here. She was still in the car when he grabbed me.”
“They?” He asked, pulling Cathy up into his lap.
“Asshole has a friend.” Renee huffed as Cathy curled into Seth.
“Cathy? C’mon baby, wake up for me.” Seth urged, stroking her cheek.
“Seth?” She croaked as she woke, blinking up at him.
“Is she okay?” Renee called over, trying to see.
“I think so.” He answered, brushing Cathy’s hair out of her face.
“Renee?” Cathy asked, lifting her head to look for her friend. Once she caught sight of Renee, still tied to the pole, her eyes widened. “No. Oh god, no.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Seth tried to soothe her as she started crying. “We’re gonna get out of here. We’ll figure it out.”
“Are you okay? He just grabbed you like it was nothi-”
“I’ll be fine. Headache, but nothing I can’t handle.” He reassured her, forcing a smile.
“How are we going to get out of here?” She whimpered.
“Shhh!” Dean hissed, making the other three in the room jump.
“Dean!” Renee called for him, trying to move closer to her husband, the chain rattling as she moved.
“Tryin’ sleep.” He grumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes. His groaned in pain as his forearm flopped into his aching head.
“Dean, you gotta wake up, man.” Seth told him.
“Seth?” Dean questioned, pushing his head up to stare at his friend. “What’re ya doin’ in my bedr’m?”
“Dean, are you okay?” Renee urged.
“Wh’re we?” He slurred, sitting up while holding his head. He froze when he saw Renee. “Why ya tied up?”
“Try to help Renee, let me check on Dean.” Seth told Cathy, who nodded. She moved to stand, but cried out in pain when she tried to put weight on her ankle. Seth steadied her right away.
“I… I must have sprained it when I fell out of the car.” Cathy thought out loud, wincing as she slowly tried to set weight on her foot again.
“Oh fuck… that fuckin’ bitch ass....” Dean groaned as he started to remember what happened. Seth helped Cathy over to Renee, setting her down before he moved to Dean.
Cathy looked behind Renee’s back, seeing the padlock that was keeping her handcuffs attached to the chair. Seth meanwhile was looking at Dean’s pupils, try to tell if he had a concussion.
“Back off, Rollins.” Dean groaned irritably, pushing Seth away. “Could just ask. Yeah, feels like I got my bell rung. The fuck he do to me?”
The four of them paused when footsteps were heard overhead, all four of them holding their breath. They heard the man above them giggling, making their stomachs drop. Luckily, the footsteps moved away from them.
“Dean, think you could pick this?” Cathy asked.
“Let me take a look… prob’ly.” Dean nodded as he pulled himself up to cross the room. Seth followed, helping Dean get there without stumbling too much.
Dean pressed a kiss to Renee’s temple before examining the padlock. “Yeah, this is pretty simple. Either of ya got a bobby pin?”
Cathy pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, handing it to Dean.
“Just relax babe,” He soothed Renee as he fiddled with the padlock. “I could pick this in my sleep.”
“Then why didn’t you?” She teased back, trying to laugh but it came out more like a sob. Seth set his hand on her leg in solidarity as they waited for Dean to work.
It took him longer than he would have liked, his vision swimming every now and then, but the telltale click of the lock giving way echoed through the room.
“Thank god.” Cathy breathed.
“Bring your arms around your front now.” Seth suggested to Renee.
“He’s right. Easier to manage.” Dean nodded, letting himself give in to the spinning of his head for a moment now that the lock was undone.
“Help?” Renee asked. Seth helped her to stand, then kept her balance while she brought her hands past her feet, stepping through until they were locked in front of her. She saw that she had been right in guessing they were handcuffs.
She saw Dean still sitting on the ground, holding his head, and dropped to her knees next to him. She leaned heavily into him, nuzzling into his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She whimpered.
“I got ya.’ Dean cooed in response, wrapping an arm around her.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’ll live.” He tried to smile but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Know how to pick those cuffs?” Cathy asked.
“Yeah, just… I need a minute. Took some concentratin’...”
“Take your time.” Seth told him, trying to calm him down while eyeing the door warily.
“I was so worried when they threw you down the stairs.” Renee cried.
“Explains the pain.” Dean huffed. “C’mon now.” He gently pushed her away so he could look at the cuffs. “Sooner I get ya outta these, sooner we can prison break.”
The other three watched as Dean inspected the cuffs. He made a point of not focusing on how chaffed Renee’s wrists were from trying to get them off. He could worry about that later.
“Lock’s decent. Chain’s cheap. We might be able to break it with somethin’ heavy. Hammer or somethin’.”
Cathy had to stay sitting because of her ankle, but Renee, Seth and Dean all started looking through the cellar for a something that would work. Seth came across a small mallet when they heard the lock of the cellar door unlatch. Dean grabbed Renee and pulled her back towards Cathy, on the opposite side of the room from the door. Seth crouched down low beside the concrete stairs.
“Well, I see our guests woke up.” The second man, the one who hadn’t been inside the store, drawled as he started to descend.
“Fuck you.” Dean spat, standing in front of the women, Renee huddled next to Cathy.
“Oooh, smart mouth on the bleeder.” He laughed. “Boy when you went down. Hooo, we had a good laugh. Bled like a stuck pig ya did. Had the blonde all worried.”
“Don’t fucking look at her, fuck face.” Dean snarled, taking a step to block Renee from the guy’s view.
“Oh, you’re gonna be fun to break.” The man sneered.
“Funny. I was thinking the same about you.” Dean spat back. Seth took that as a good cue to lunge, hitting the man in the head as hard as he could with the mallet. The man crumpled to the ground in a heap, already unconscious. Dean ran forward, giving him two swift kicks to the head for good measure.
“C’mon. Let’s go.” Seth urged, nodding towards the stairs.
“My foot.” Cathy reminded him as Dean helped Renee up.
“Shit… Dean, take this.” He handed Dean the mallet. Dean took it and stood at the bottom of the stairs anxiously.
Seth scooped Cathy into his arms, carrying her easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m gonna get you out of here.” He promised.
“Stay close.” Dean warned Renee before ascending the stairs. Renee kept her hands on his lower back, both to stay close and to help steady him.
Dean stuck his head out, looking left and right. There was no sign of the other man and he crept forward, motioning for the others to follow.
“Left.” Renee whispered to him, remembering the route the men had taken to throw her into the cellar. Dean gave a short nod and turned left.
“Hold up.” Seth whispered, making the other two stop. He turned back towards the door and pulled it shut. “Babe, get the lock.” He told Cathy, who was able to snap the lock shut easier than he would have.
“Smart.” Renee nodded.
They stayed low, moving quickly and trying to stay quiet as Renee guided them through the house. She led them to a door at the end of a long hallway before she grabbed Dean’s arm, stopping him.
“I think this leads back to the store. He’s probably there.” She cautioned.
“Well he’s not gonna get the jump on us this time.” Dean growled, standing to his full height. With a loud roar he kicked the door open, charging into the room.
“For fuck’s sake!” Seth huffed, setting Cathy down next to Renee and rushing forward to be Dean’s back up. Cathy leaned against the wall, keeping her weight off her injured foot.
The women watched as the men stood back to back, much as they would if they were working together in the ring, searching for the other man.
“He’s not here.” Seth told them as Dean lowered the mallet. Cathy wrapped an arm around Renee’s shoulders and hobbled forward.
“We need a phone.” Renee told them. “The car wasn’t starting, remember?”
“Fuck!” Seth hissed, rushing towards the counter. There was an old landline next to the register but when he picked it up, there was no dial tone.
“There’s no service out here. We tried earlier.” Cathy mentioned. “What do we do?”
“We walk.” Seth sighed.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Renee pointed out.
“And I ain’t stayin’ here. Let’s go.” Dean added.
Seth crouched next to Cathy, instructing her to get on his back. The four of them left the store, seeing the men had rummaged through their vehicle. Their suitcases were spilled open all over the place, articles of clothing having blown away in the wind. The cooler Dean and Renee had packed was left open, but there was still water inside. Renee grabbed a bag, Dean helping her to fill it with the water. They had no idea how long they’d have to walk until they found help.
“Here.” Dean held an open water bottle up for Renee to drink from. She guzzled half of it down, he throat still raw from screaming and crying while the other three had been unconscious.
Seth crouched down, picking up a large branch that was laying on the ground. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work as a weapon if that first man made an appearance.
The quartet started walking down the road, Dean’s arm over Renee’s shoulder to help him keep walking through the dizzy spells of his concussion.
They had been walking for about 15 minutes when Dean stumbled badly, catching Renee off guard. The two fell to the ground. Renee was unable to catch herself properly with her hands cuffed and fell hard on her side.
“Shit. M’ sorry.” Dean slurred as he held his head. “Fuck, you okay?”
“You good?” Seth asked, crouching beside them.
“Head’s killin’ me. Think I’m gonna puke.” Dean admitted, leaning forward just before he started dry heaving.
“I’ll be okay.” Renee told Seth, ignoring her now aching arm. She scooted towards Dean, rubbing his back the best she could.
“We have to keep moving.” Cathy spoke up, looking back the way they came.
“Give him a minute.” Renee spoke up.
“No, she’s right.” Dean croaked, pushing himself to standing before helping Renee up. He inspected her arm, seeing she had scraped it up in her fall. He wiped the blood away with his shirt.
“Are you okay?” Renee questioned him.
“Lived through worse.” He tried to grin at her, but it was cut short as he lurched forward, dry heaving again.
“Someone’s coming!” Cathy called happily, pointing down the road where they could see a vehicle kicking up dust.
Renee guided Dean as the four of them stood off to the side of the road, out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Cathy started waving her hands  from Seth’s back, trying to flag them down. The truck stopped next to them, the person inside putting it in park but leaving the engine running as he opened the door.
“Well, well, well,” the man drawled as he stepped out of the vehicle. The man was tall and lanky, unlike the other two they had encountered. He had a thick accent like the other two, but had a noticeably nicer smile. “What do we have here?”
“Please, o-our car broke down.” Cathy started.
“Doens’t look mighty good, all this blood.” He grinned, sauntering towards the group. Renee moved closer to Dean as the man approached. “And you’re all cuffed up.”
“Long story.” Seth butted in. “Can you help us get to the nearest town?”
“Nearest town? Son, your best bet is to head back the way you was comin’ from.” The man told them. “Bet Charlie’d be real happy to see y’all again.”
Dread filled the four as the man smirked maliciously. Dean pushed Renee behind him, wobbling as he held the mallet up.
“Stay back.” He growled. Seth set Cathy down again, coming up to stand beside Dean.
“Hold on, no need for that.” The man had the audacity to laugh. “Don’t want any trouble now.”
“Oh you’ve got trouble.” Seth spat, swinging the branch to keep the man at bay.
“Fiesty ain’t’cha? I see why Charlie wanted y’all so much.” He practically giggled.
“Charlie can lick my left one. Get the fuck back.” Dean snarled.
“That’s enough outta you.” The man’s demeanor changed immediately, his smirk dropping as he reached behind him.
Seth didn’t hesitate, bolting forward and swinging the branch hard enough to knock him off his feet. Dean followed, landing a hard kick to the man’s gut.
The women hung back, knowing they couldn’t help in their current predicaments. Both of their blood ran cold when they saw the man had been reaching for a gun hanging off his belt.
The man was a blubbering, bloody mess by the time the men finished with him. Seth bent down and plucked the gun from the holster, tucking it into his waistband.
“Use one o’ those before?” Dean panted, looking pale.
“No, but I’m guessing I’m a better shot than you at this point.” He told him. Dean stumbled, Seth reaching out to steady him. “Renee, help me get him in the truck.”
Renee ran over, placing herself under Dean’s arm. The man was nearly dead weight on the other two at this point, dragging his feet.
“‘M fine.” He slurred.
“Get in the truck.” Seth told him, not wanting to argue. They managed to push him into the small backseat, Seth helping Renee to climb in with him. She laid his head in her lap, brushing his hair back.
“Tired.” Dean mumbled.
“I know, just wait til we get on the road, okay? Once we’re far away from this shit hole, you can sleep.” Renee pled.
“Killjoy.” He huffed.
Seth meanwhile rounded the truck to pick Cathy up, depositing her in the passenger seat.
“Are you okay to drive?” She asked, cupping his cheek.
“I’ll be fine.” He nodded. He started to pull away when Cathy slipped her hand around the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss.
“Get us out of here.” She whispered against his lips. Seth nodded, staring at her in surprise before he closed the door, rushing around the front of the truck. He climbed in, cursing when he noticed the truck was a stick shift.
“Can you drive stick?” Renee asked from the back, looking up from Dean.
“Yeah. Been a while though…” Seth grumbled as he situated himself. It took some thinking, especially with the headache he’d been sporting since he woke up, but within a few moments he had the truck peeling down the road.
Cathy turned to look out the rear window, making sure no one else was coming to get them, but they were alone on the road. After a few minutes, everyone felt like they could breathe easier.
“R’ly wanna sleep.” Dean mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Okay, babe. You can sleep.” Renee told him, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“Th’nk’ya.” He mumbled, reaching blindly for her hand. Once he had it in his own, his breathing evened out.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Cathy asked, looking back at the married couple.
“I hope so.” Renee breathed.
“Ambrose can handle it.” Seth told the women, hoping to alleviate their worries. “He’s had worse concussions than this.”
“Yeah, and a trainer right there to look at him.” Renee pointed out.
“He’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.” He promised, reaching over to rest his hand on Cathy’s leg. She gripped his hand tightly in her own, silence filling the car as they drove. None of them would call it a comfortable silence by any means, all three of them trying to make sense of what they had just gone through - replaying it in their heads, wondering what they could have done differently to prevent it - but as they got further away, as their aches and pains flared up as their adrenaline waned, the tension left their bodies as they realized how lucky they were to have escaped.
7 notes · View notes
Would you convert to a different religion if your fiancé/fiancée was of a different faith? No
The world is ending, and you can save one group of five people: who would be the five people that you save? Mom, dad, best friend, SO if I had one, myself. I wonder if any of them would resent me though for getting 4 people I care about while they only get me
Is happiness a delusion? Is happiness only real when shared? Why or why not? No, it’s as delusional/real as any other emotion caused by chemicals in the brain
What would the cover of your biography (presumably written by somebody else who never knew you, postmortem) look like? Probably a picture of me. Or maybe of me with like 50 guys I like
Write about a really good or creative Tumblr URL that you see frequently on your dashboard. I-run-with-scissors-to-feel-dangerous. I’ve just always thought it was funny
If swear words were not things like “shit” and “fuck” what would they be otherwise? Whatever else society thinks is taboo
Write a very vivid description of what is/would have been your most perfect way to lose your virginity. What is your exact definition of ‘losing your virginity’? Also: will you/would you have liked to save your virginity for marriage? Why or why not? It would have been more perfect I guess to lose it with someone who was also a virgin, and we both cared about each other. My definition is the first time you have penetrative sex (unless you are a lesbian in which case I don’t really know because I don’t know enough about lesbian sex). I would not want to save it for marriage because sexual compatibility is an important part of a relationship that I would not want to leave up to chance
Write a six-word fortune cookie. You will buy another fortune cookie
Why do you think eyebrows exist? Aren’t they supposed to help prevent stuff from getting down into our eyes? Just like eyelashes, even though majority of the time if I have something in my eye it’s an eyelash… but yeah. Also, eyebrows are way of like communicating or expression. Like when you raise your eyebrows out of concern or surprise, or when you scrunch them out of confusion or anger. < What that person said
If you could only have one contact on your phone, who would it be? Crap idk
Your bucket list is limited to three items. Marry someone amazing, sing a duet, win an oscar
Do you wake up first or do you open your eyes first? Uhh wake up probably?
Write a love/thank you/appreciation letter to someone you take for granted. Thank you mom and dad for everything you do which I definitely don’t reciprocate
What makes you feel infinitely sexy? Good eye makeup
Make a video and talk about something for two minutes. Anything. And don’t edit out any parts of it. Lol nah.
Write a poem you’d stick on a refrigerator. Nah. You can look at my poetry tag
Are you afraid of aging? Why? Yes because I feel like I’m not taking full advantage of my youth and it’ll only be harder as I get older. And I’m afraid of getting too old to explore things romantically and just be expected to know what I’m doing
Describe one time you basically thought you were the shit, when your self-confidence was soaring through the roof. This is meant to be a positive thing. It was pretty high the summer before junior year when I was working out more. And it was also high sometimes in grade school when I always got top grades
If there was one person you could get drunk with and kiss and then later blame it on alcohol, who would it be? My friend who I work with on film projects. I don’t like him romantically enough to risk ruining how well we work together, so I’ve never pursued anything. But this scenario would actually be kind of great
Does perfection exist? If the word perfection did not exist, what word would be in its place? What would perfection mean instead? I don’t think perfection exists. Mathematically it could but in actual physics there is always error. And other types of “perfection” are matters of opinion which are not the same for everyone. I don’t know what word would replace it
The next book you see that has over 300 pages, open up to page 136. Find a sentence you like, copy it down, and then write about it. Na I’m sitting
Who makes you laugh the most? Captain
What is one thing that you are proud of, that you think lacks praise/lacks appreciation from the people around you? It could be a simple thing; it could be a secret thing. Most things I’m proud of get adequately praised
If you could accuse somebody of being fake/a bitch and not suffer any repercussions, who would you accuse, and how would you do it? I’d tell one of my friends that their SO is awful and that the relationship is toxic
What is the funniest one-liner Tumblr text post you’ve ever read? Idk bruh 
Rewrite a verse of lyrics from your favorite song. They have to sound good when you sing it out loud along to tune of the song. I wrote an entire Let It Go parody about essay writing. I’m not gonna copy it all here though, you can find it at tagged/frozen parody
If the SATs/grades did not exist, in what way should colleges/teachers evaluate applicants? maybe through actual work? <<<<
Do you feel at home in your home? Is home a place for you? A book? A thing? A person? What would you want your home to be? Not yet. I just moved in a couple weeks ago so it doesn’t feel like home yet. My room is getting there other than when there are spiders and I get all anxious, but the common areas still feel like their space since they’ve all lived there for a year. Home is generally a place. I also have a stuffed dog that makes things feel more like a home
Write your own eulogy. She was cool
What is something you felt like you deserved or should have belonged to you, but you never got? A relationship. It’s 2017. It’s time.
Do you feel ‘connected to nature’? Do you frequent outside? Do you believe that a connection with the earth we live on is necessary in the first place? Nope. Nope. I think that we should respect it but don’t need to feel connected
Your opinion on oral sex? It’s ok. There has only been one guy who really made me enjoy receiving, and giving is ok but I kind of avoid it when I can because I kind of gag on it and if they last too long which they usually do it kills the mood for me
If one TV show could be real, which one would you want it to be? Which one would screw our world over? Not sure. I’d want Harry Potter to be real but that’s not really a show. Something like The Walking Dead would screw us over
How many kinds of love are there? “There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald
Which word needs to exist (or be used again)? If it doesn’t exist how would I know about it?
What is the absolute hardest thing about staying alive? You need food, and for food you need money, and for money you need a job
What is a book that has been recognized as ‘great literature’ that you dislike? Why? Most of the books we read in school because a lot of them are slow and boring and anything interesting about them gets ruined by having to write stupid analysis papers
What is one change that you would make/have made to your life that will make/has made it better? Exercising more 
Is everything you do for yourself? Can you truly be selfless? I’m not good at being selfless
Are you the same person you were two and a half years ago? No, but similar
Can you possibly conquer the labyrinth? If that’s that shit with the dude with the eyes on his hands then nope
As a hyper intelligent pan-dimensional being, what is the answer to the ultimate question, the life, the universe and everything? What is the ultimate question? The pretension in this question just knocked like a week off my lifespan
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