#use cute stickers on his face or draw stars or hearts under his eye with eyeliner or have pink school supplies-- that type of stuff
malkaviian · 1 year
expanding on the "luca was bullied" thing, because i knew i was going to give this guy some trauma eventually
#oc talk#kinda classic but he was always a shy and soft-spoken guy- and that made him an easy target for bullies who wanted to mess with someone#i imagine it wasn't an everyday thing though; more likely they would let him 'rest' and then suddenly attack#and it could turn very severe. but he never said anything to anyone because he thought it wasn't that bad and that he could handle it#things got worse when he started to be himself though-- he didnt felt comfortable using '''girl''' clothes yet but he would like#use cute stickers on his face or draw stars or hearts under his eye with eyeliner or have pink school supplies-- that type of stuff#so they saw him as even 'weaker' and well the bullying got worse to the point one day he came back home with a bruise#because he was beaten up after school. his dad got worried and immediately talked about with the director but luca was too scared to talk#so he just said it was an one time thing and that he probably deserved it-- alongside saying his pale skin probably made the bruise#look worse than it was; alongside not really specifying who were the ones that did it. honestly the school didnt really cared that much#so they just allowed him to stay at home for a week and then come back. but he was anxious that entire week about the consequences#plus his dad asking several questions about it bc obviously he was extremely worried!! but luca just avoided them all or give vague answers#when he came back not a lot happened in a month-- but he was always on the edge and tried to be as quiet as possible#until one day after school they grabbed him and locked him the boys bathroom; although the original idea was the girls bathroom#just to add an extra. they also told him not to make any noise and he did in fact stayed silent for half an hour#until he realized he was literally all alone and locked in a bathroom stall and started to cry. no one would listen anyway.#to make it short he was about to call someone he was somewhat friends with but his dad called him first as he was getting worried#after an hour passed and he still wasnt home. luca went sometimes to a shopping mall somewhat near the school to get something to eat#but he would always tell his dad about it so he wouldnt worry. and well hearing his son cry on the other side of the screen made it worse#even more bc luca was babbling and couldnt form sentences. after he calmed down a bit though he told him what happened#luckily everything ended up alright and he didnt had to spend the whole night in there but you know. the trauma was now there#and thats why hes claustrophobic now!#bullying tw
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borhap-au · 3 years
Stargazing with Ben. 
“So what’s that one?” Ben pointed at the sky, showing you a random set of stars. It was well into the night, you were lying on a blanket, on a hill. You wanted to show him everything uncle Brian taught you about cosmos when you were a little girl.
“You’re looking at it all wrong,” you chuckled quietly, shaking your head. “Those are two different constellations. They’re called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Look, there is its head, and the rest is its body.” You got closer to him and pointed with your finger exactly where the stars were. He nodded his head, understanding more or less where they were located.
“What’s an Ursa?” he asked, looking at you. He smiled, but it was one of those smiles reserved only for people whose view makes one’s heart skip a beat. His eyes were full of love and devotion.
“It’s a Latin word for a bear. They’re basically two bears, a small one and a bigger one,” you explained and Ben looked at you shocked.
“Bears?” he asked, the way he’d normally say ‘are you joking?’ and looked at the sky once more, trying to figure it out. “They don’t have any legs!” You chuckled at his remark. He was in fact right, but it was still adorable how little he knew about the sky that he could observe every single night.
“You have to use a little imagination, Benny. They’re stars, not one of these connect the dots worksheets,” you got closer to him and rested your head on his chest. He put his arm around you and pet your back. “Plus, some people say those smaller stars can be viewed as the legs of Ursa Major. One way or another, you have to know they were named centuries ago. People used to draw a few lines on the walls of a cave and called it art. Things have changed,” you explained, moving your hand slowly on the side of his body.
“Alright, alright, I get it now,” he nodded his head. “But you have to admit, it takes a lot of faith and imagination to believe they are in fact two bears,” he chuckled and you agreed.
“Maybe it was easier for me to understand and accept it because I was a little girl then. Children have more imagination than adults, or at least they’re more skillful at using it. I just looked and believed.” You looked at his face smiling. He put his hand under his head to get it higher and see you better. Then he smiled as well.
“So Brian taught you, huh? I guess that’s like the best thing ever. Being taught about stars by an astrophysicist who’s also a rock legend,” he chuckled softly, and then he added, “second best, of course. After being taught by you.” He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead. You blushed a little and looked down, being surprised by such a sweet and unexpected compliment.
“Well, thank you, but trust me, he explained it much better. He’s the one that got me hooked on the topic. Did you know my old room had the Solar System stickers on the ceiling? They glowed in the dark. He bought me them,” you smiled under your breath remembering that. You didn’t know uncle Freddie personally and you didn’t remember uncle John. So Brian was the closest to your heart from the band, apart from your dad of course.
“That’s so cool. And now you can share your knowledge with an ignorant like me,” his smile uncovered a little embarrassment he must’ve felt because of it.
“Can you see that one? Those stars form sort of a snake, do you know which ones I mean?” You asked, trying to point him in the right direction.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I know what you mean,” he squinted his eyes, examining the sky.
“That’s called Draco. Do you know what Draco means?” You asked, kind of already expecting the answer.
“Of course I do. I grew up in the 1990s in England, everybody knows Harry Potter,” he smiled proudly. “By the end of the 90s I already knew how to read and it was my favorite book. Draco means a dragon. And these stars kinda look like one… Just slightly malnourished,” he joked and you chuckled with him.
“I just love how judgmental you are towards the people who named these constellations,” you chuckled some more.
“I can totally be judgmental, I know so much about the universe already,” it was obviously a joke, but on second thought, he was right.
“Much more than the people who named them, for sure. For example, what’s in the center of the Solar System?”
“The Sun. And the Earth circles around the Sun, not the other way around. I’m so knowledgeable I cannot deal with myself,” he laughed and then kissed your head.
“And what’s the name of the Polish astronomer who discovered that?” This question was met with silence, so you smiled under your breath and answered it yourself. “Nicolaus Copernicus. His work was titled ‘On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres.’ And you should at least know Galileo!”
“I do, I do! But I cannot sing that high, for the life of me,” his laugh once again filled up the quiet atmosphere.
“Well, can you at least sing that low?” You asked, and he, of course, had to try it. It was quite funny, hearing his attempt, but also quite cute. He tried so hard to impress you. “Very well. Almost like the original.” He smiled proudly when he heard that compliment and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he kissed your head again. Maybe he liked the smell of your shampoo.
“So, what’s our galaxy called? You know, the one Solar System is in,” you asked, not giving up on the plan to teach him about the universe. He hesitated, trying to remember.
“Bloody hell… I didn’t expect a test, I might’ve prepared better,” he smiled apologetically.
“There’s a chocolate bar named like that… It’s a very good one, and it looks completely different in the US and in the rest of the world. You probably know it in the blue version…,” you tried to direct him to the right answer.
“Milky Way! Man, I used to love them as a kid,” he smiled remembering. “I’d love to eat one now. Damn, the list is getting bigger and bigger,” he chuckled, and you looked at him curiously.
“The list? What list?” you asked him, looking him in the eyes, interested.
“Of things I dream of. Something I’d love to do, you know,” he shrugged, smiling. You raised your brow.
“So, what else do you dream of? Anything I could help with?” You asked him, smiling.
“Well… I always wanted to be kissed under the stars,” you smiled widely hearing that. “You know, I’m not very romantic, but that’s just something that seems like fun-“ he wasn’t able to finish, because before he did, you kissed him. He smiled kissing you back. Ben leaned in your direction and put his hand on your cheek. You prolonged the kiss as long as you could because secretly you dreamt of being kissed under the night sky too. Or just of being kissed by Ben. When you stopped kissing, he softly kissed your forehead.
“That was nice,” he said, smiling at you. You smiled back, as he brought you closer to himself. You rested your head on his chest. “We should do that more often,” he added.
“Yes, I also think you need many more lessons,” you smirked, looking at him.
“I meant the kissing,” he explained and winked to you.
“Oh, I know,” you muttered under your breath and looked at the sky again, being grateful for that one shooting star you made a wish to. It certainly came true that night.
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Jotaro - Kakyoin's Notebook
I'm sorry, I clickbaited y'all. The pairing in this story is not official.
As you were all about to check out of the hotel, You decided to go back to everyone's respective rooms to make sure none of you forgot anything.
The crusaders were downstairs and you came up, checking every room. Everything seemed okay, you only needed to check Kakyoin and Jotaro's room last and then go back down.
You entered their room and looked everywhere. You stumbled onto a little notebook that was halfway underneath one of the pillows right as you were about to leave.
"Huh? Oops, I nearly didn't see that!" You bent down and took the notebook in your hands. It was just about pocket-sized. "Oh I do remember Jotaro having something like that, better get it back to him!"
Out of fateful clumsiness, the notebook slipped out of your hands and fell on the ground, opening on a random page. You crouched to pick it up, but then, your gaze fell upon what was on the page.
Your breath hitched in speechless confusion at what you saw, written at the top, in big font.
Why was your name and Jotaro's on that page? Was that some kind of memo? You knew Jotaro had the habit of taking notes to remember things, but why was your name in there?
Your curiosity got the best of you and you continued to look down the page, swiping through the others. You knew it was terribly wrong and you were invading his privacy but you were just so lost. It concerned you, there was your name on it.
" 'One-shot Draft... WIP', What does that even mean? J-... Jotaro did this?" You mumbled out loud, face scrunching up in confusion and slight fear as you looked through words you couldn't understand.
" 'Soulmate AU', 'Drabble', 'NSFW'? Are those some kind of codes?"
Pages long of stories decorated the sheets, so many you couldn't read everything. There were even some sketches and drawings that you didn't have the heart to look at. You managed to read some pieces of stories that left you even more confused. You read to yourself.
' "W-wait!" Y/N said as tears prickled in her eyes, her face flushed with innocent shyness. "I-It's my first time..."
"Don't worry," Jotaro spoke, hovering above her, his voice deep and soothing. "I'll be gentle." '
...What? You don't remember ever saying anything of the sort? You couldn't comprehend what you were reading. Whatever was written in there never happened and was fictional or somesuch to you.
When it was just too much for you to handle, you closed the notebook, your face still strained with mixed feelings.
Only then did you notice that there was a cherry sticker on the back of the notebook. After looking at the first page, you saw the name of the owner.
Noriaki Kakyoin.
"K-kakyo-... Oh my gosh..."
You were shocked, but somehow relieved. It made more sense than the author being Jotaro, but it still blew you away, the fact that Kakyoin would write such things on your and Jotaro's behalf.
Suddenly, Polnareff walked by and noticed you through the open door. You flinched when he called out to you and entered the room.
"Ah there you are Y/N! We started to worry!" He approached you and he noticed what you were holding. "Oh that's Kakyoin's notebook! He can't live without it, good thing you found it! Okay, let's go now, the others are waiting. Allez, on y va!"
He guided you out of the room and you followed, clutching the notebook. Polnareff didn't have to know the weird things written on it about you and Jotaro. You had to discover what it all meant.
"That's bullshit. You don't make any sense, Y/N." Jotaro scoffed at you, a few hours after the little hotel room occurence.
"I swear on my future husband's life! I'll prove it to you, look." You turned around and looked for your red haired friend. "Kakyoin! Can I doodle something on your notebook please~?"
"Huh?" He looked at you questioningly. "Why all of a sudden?"
"Well, Mr. Joestar will take a while to come back, so might as well kill some time. I'll write a cute message for you to read on the last train home!"
The red head smiled at your goofiness and thought 'why not?'. He took out his notebook along with a pen, but instead of giving it to you, he opened it on a specific empty page.
"Here," He handed you the items. "Only draw on this page. Don't draw on the other pages."
You nodded. "Got it! Thank you Kakyoin~!"
You smiled innocently and as soon as the male turned his back to you, your expression turned dark and you instantly looked for Jotaro who was sitting nearby.
"Jojo! Here, I have it, let's do this!" You stood in front of him with the notebook in your hands and he sighed.
"Yare yare daze, I'm not betraying his trust because of your shadiness."
"It's not like that! There's-..." You cut yourself off to look behind you and check if Kakyoin was looking.
You leaned down, inching towards Jotaro's face and whispered quietly. "There are things about us in here. Last time I saw it on accident, but if Kakyoin writes stuff about us, it's our legitimate right to know!"
"Says who? Are you a lawyer or something?"
"Jojo please!!" You pleaded while gripping on the collar of his gakuran, moving the chains on it and making them clang loudly.
The sudden noise alerted the cherry-haired fellow who turned his head to look at you both from afar. His eyes instantly widened and sparkled with vicious yet happy stars.
He loved to see his two best friends interract and, he knew damn well he took half of your interractions out of context, but that's what made them so good. His imagination started running wild at the scene before him.
The way you desperately held onto Jotaro, your faces, so close to each other, your begging eyes looking at him, yearning for his lips, waiting for one thing only.
'Jojo, please!' Kakyoin muttered what he imagined you would say. 'Say yes... I've been dying to kiss you!'
Back to you two, Jotaro clicked his tongue and looked away, closing his eyes in frustration. He hated the fact that he just couldn't refuse you anything.
"Tch! You're so fucking annoying. Fine, I get it, give it to me." Jotaro grumbled and moved your hands away from him, snatching the notebook from your hand.
'Tch! You know I can't resist you. Fine, don't beg for me to stop when I start messing you up.' Kakyoin continued, imitating his friend's deep voice under his breath and being surprisingly in character, for the inappropriate things he was imagining.
Kakyoin tensed up with anticipation when Jotaro suddenly grabbed your wrists, his big strong hands overpowering your fragile ones easily. You may have made the first move, but he would take the lead.
If it wasn't for the public surrounding you, Kakyoin was sure his friend would have gotten up and slammed you against the wall, pinning your hands at your side while you whimpered his name cutely. But he had to hold back, at least for now, or so Kakyoin daydreamed.
"Hey Kakyoin, what're you looking at? Come here for a bit!"
Before Kakyoin could even see the rest of the scene, which happened to be the most interesting part, he was interrupted by Polnareff who was in dire need for help with a nearby vending machine that seemed to have eaten his money.
Kakyoin sighed a bit annoyed, but joined his French comrade, not even glancing back at you. He'd have to remember to write everything down as soon as you gave him back his notebook.
Kakyoin Noriaki was an average boy that loved action and adventures, but he secretely wasn't immune to a good sweet romance story.
When you joined the crusaders, your interactions with Jotaro seemed as platonic as with the rest of the men. But for some reason, the boy started to feel some kind of connection between you two.
He didn't know when or how it started, but he felt like something was different at a certain point.
Why was it so cute when, one day, you removed Jotaro's hat to fix the pins that were moved out of place after a fight, and he let you put it back on him, even though he never lets anybody touch it?
Or maybe it was that other time in a restaurant where, after Jotaro eyed your dessert for a while, you exchanged your cakes to let him have a taste, stealing a bite from his own in the process.
Or that day when you struggled put your earrings back on and he had to help you out, only to struggle even more, his fingers too big and clumsy to be accurate. He had to call out Star Platinum to do it while he held your hair out of the way.
Even the simplest of gestures seemed romantic and adorable to him. He was sure something was going on between you two, and yet, you were too dense to realize it. All of this fueled his inner fanboy and it prevented him from sleeping at night.
He shipped you two so goddamn much.
He was guilty, but he loved every single bit of it. Of course, no one could know. If someone knew, especially you two, that'd be the end of him.
You were all waiting for the next train to arrive, which was a big 40 minutes. Joseph and Abdul went to buy something to snack on while you waited and Polnareff went to the restroom.
Kakyoin was sitting next to you, his back resting against the wall and his eyes were closed. As you thought he had fallen asleep, you took this moment to turn the other way to talk to your nonchalant friend.
"You see?" You spoke softly, careful to not wake Kakyoin up. "I told you there were stuff about us in that notebook!"
"Shut up, there were only messages on that page, I'm sure the others were the same." He grumbled with the same low intensity as you. "And you know damn well he can be a weirdo sometimes."
"But still, I want to understand... And also, what does 'smut' even mean?"
He pretended to be asleep, but his mind was racing.
Kakyoin who wasn't quite sleeping and very much listening to whatever he could hear through the background noise of the station, flinched and started blushing.
Just, when and where did you heard that term?
" 'Smut'?" Jotaro looked at you with confused furrowed eyebrows. "Hell if I know. You speak better english than I do, shouldn't you know?"
"Well I..."
Before the conversation could go down even further, Kakyoin feigned waking up and got up from his slouched position.
You noticed and turned around, staring at him, scared that he would ask what you were talking about, as you didn't want to confront him about the weird things you saw in his notes. If he ever knew, he would finish you. But something worse happened.
Jotaro nudged you and tilted his head towards Kakyoin, but you quite didn't get the message.
"Oi Kakyoin, do you know what 'smut' means? You know a lot of languages, right?" Jotaro asked like it was nothing and you gasped, secretly wanting to slap Jotaro for his indiscretion.
Kakyoin looked over at him, unfazed as ever. "Smut? Hmmm I guess I can look it up later. Where did you hear that?"
Jotaro innocently signed your death warrant. "Y/N just told me."
"JOTARO!!!" You shot up from your seat and stared at him in pure disbelief and betrayal. "OH MY- ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU TRAITOR!!!"
"Oh really?" Kakyoin teased, sending you a knowing look. "What's going on with you two? Are you keeping secrets from me?"
You blushed and flinched as Kakyoin's amethyst eyes stared through your soul. Before Jotaro could say anything else, you slapped a hand over his big mouth and Kakyoin's eye glinted.
"I-I mean... No! Wait. There's something I need to tell Jojo, excuse us for a sec."
You then leaned in and cupped Jotaro's ear as you whispered. Kakyoin looked at you in pure satisfaction, trying his best to not start smiling and giggling like a goofy schoolgirl.
Oh no, he didn't need to hear the sweet nothings you were deliciously breathing on Jotaro's now tingling skin. Imagining it was more than enough.
You leaned back and softly spoke to him. "Don't ruin this for us. I'm trusting you."
"Yare Yare daze. You put me into this in the first place. Don't complain."
Kakyoin's eyes widened and he turned his head around, trying to hide his expression and pretended he totally didn't hear that. Oh how sweet the lack of context was for his little fanboy mind. He wouldn't ask too many questions since you were offering him such a good show.
On the train, you waited until Kakyoin was completely out and asleep to subdue his notebook. That would make a good reading on the 4 hours long travel.
"Yes that's it! Right on the left pocket, yeah that one!"
You guided Jotaro who was hiding not too far from Kakyoin's seat as your delinquent friend used Star Platinum to steal your cherry loving friend's notebook.
When he finally had it, Star Platinum brought it back and both you and Jotaro proceeded to read through the many drafts and stories about you two.
Getting ready for one hell of a joy ride.
Kakyoin stretched and took a deep breath of fresh air as he got off the train.
"Aah~! I slept like a log. Huh? What's wrong, why are you two so red? Did you get motion sick, maybe?"
Kakyoin commented upon seeing your and Jotaro's flushed face as you got off. Your shoulders were slumped in shame and Jotaro was hiding behind his hat like a wanted criminal.
"Uh yeah... Here Kakyoin, you dropped this..." you groaned and handed him his notebook.
He thanked you and took his due. When he was gone, you glanced at Jotaro and you both shared intense empathy and regret.
Don't steal Kakyoin's notebook.
Oh man, wouldn't it be fun and also a bit sad if after Dio was defeated, Y/N and Jotaro became a couple?
You walked by the river, holding hands with Jotaro after a long week of finals. You suddenly stopped in your tracks and looked at the water reflecting the orange sunset.
Jotaro looked at you confused, but followed your gaze, until both of you laid eyes on a young girl painting the scenery on a canvas.
"You know... He would have loved this..." You started softly, a melancholic look cast on the girl as her Stand posed on the grass like a model, thinking herself only could see it. "To see us together, I mean..."
Jotaro inspected the girl, her red curls and green uniform moving messily in the wind. "Did he ever write something about us watching him paint?"
You chuckled sadly. "Why didn't he think of that? His stories were great, but he was in none of them..."
Jotaro noticed you biting your lip as your voice wavered slightly and he squeezed your hand in reassurance. You laid your head on his arm and he responded by bringing you closer to him.
"But now he is."
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katyatalks · 4 years
Mob Psycho 100 - Kameda Yoshimichi’s Character Design Notes
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With each blu-ray/DVD volume of MP100 Character Designer Kameda Yoshimichi gives some notes regarding his process designing each character. Here are all his notes for S1 in the order they are presented, regarding; Kageyama Shigeo, Reigen Arataka, Tsubomi, Dimple, Kurata Tome, Mezato Ichi, Hanazawa Teruki, Gouda Musashi, Kageyama Ritsu, Onigawara Tenga, Koyama, Awakening Lab Five, Terada, Matsuo, Sakurai, Ishiguro, Muraki.
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With Mob-kun, the first thing I had a bit of trouble with was - do I keep his design as it is in the manga!!??? Should I make him a little prettier!!!!!??? Should I make him taller!!!!??? Those were the kinds of things I thought about. During a meeting, we didn’t reach any conclusion, so I tried out a few things!!!! ONE-san’s recent designs for Mob Psycho 100 have been amazingly good, so I scooped up the taste of those illustrations and applied them to my anime designs. The atmosphere of the manga is lost if you make these characters too beautiful or make them taller, so I made the right choice!!
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I feel I didn’t really struggle with Reigen’s anime design!!!! His suit is plain and there’s not many parts to his design, which was a little upsetting, but in terms of his character there’s no need to decorate him, so I thought that simple is fine. More than anything he pulls plenty of funny faces, so even if his design is simple he stands out as a character, so I think leaving his design as it is in the manga was the correct decision. In the manga, his tie is black, but here, to give a little extra to his design, his tie is pink - that’s a feature of the anime!!!!! Also, Something I particularly fussed over in the anime was the way he stands, with his hips cocked!!!! That’s the anime’s Reigen!!!!!
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Fans of Mob Psycho 100 probably went, “Who the hell is this”, huh. (Laughs). A discussion was had in which I said I wanted to make her more heroine-like and sparkly - in the manga, she gives off the impression that she turns a lot of heads and puts on airs, but for the anime I thought it’d be good to make her into a more traditionally coded heroine!!!!!! From a directorial perspective I wanted to give her a country-girl-kinda look, so I gave her a hairpin. Regarding the colour of her hair and eyes, there was a lot of trial and error…... well, I think the way she is now is the most heroine-ish, isn’t it!!!!! She’s voiced by Satake-san, too, which is something symbolic!!!!!
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Dimple is a character that I had a good amount of trouble figuring out how to deal with design-wise - I’ll contrast him with Mob-kun, give him a flashy colour, then should I make him luminescent?? Have him slowly sway as he floats?? You could say Dimple’s facial expressions are the greatest in Mob Psycho 100, so I tried to draw as many variations in Dimple’s reference sheet as possible. Drawing expressions for this work was really fun! When I draw, I’m aware that I give distinct facial features!!! Well, not that distinct, but (laughs). Also, Ootsuka-san lending his nice, low voice to a character like Dimple gave the character depth, in a way that makes him quite profound. That’s the power of voice acting… but it made me a little worried, as I thought, I have to make sure the art lives up to his performance!!!!
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Tome-san is a character that’s truly perfect as she is in the manga, so I tried to not ruin that! She has THE Mob Psycho face!!!! When I was choosing the colours for the school uniform, my decision was made based on how the colours suited her, Mezato and Tsubomi, but the bright blue in the uniform for some reason or another doesn’t suit Tome-san (laughs). The colour is lost a little on Tome-san. I thought Tome-san was quite a gloomy character, but her voice actress, Tanezaki-san, performs her in such a funny way that I ended up loving her! I think, out of all the characters, my view on her changed the most! “Tome Psycho 100” wouldn’t be a farfetched anime idea. 
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I drew Mezato with the intention of making her the heroine!!! When drawing character sheets I draw any particular trait the character may have and then pose them and see what I think - the moment I drew her standing with her camera, I fell in love!! (Laughs). The round head she has due to the silhouette of her short bob - I love that!!!! Her caramel coloured hair also stands out in her design!! She’s fresh!! And her eyes are big and round!! In terms of what makes up her design she’s not too different to Tome-san, but I really felt a girlishness in Mezato!!!! My heart is racing!!! But she never appears!!! Director, please include her more!!!!!!!! Let’s make “Mezato Psycho 100”!!!
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[Written in Osakan dialect that gets more intense as it goes on]
Teru-kun is a character whose appearance changes a lot - I designed 6 variations of his hair and clothes!!!!! That’s way too many!!!!! I don’t know if the number has significance but we see him in his 150% form the most, so I’ve gotten used to seeing him like that!!!! It makes me laugh so much! I wasn’t satisfied - I made his hair extend so far that you can’t even see the top of it usually! In the anime you could say his hair is at 200%!! I can’t decide between the version of him we first see, his bobbed hair version or his short hair version. How can I!!!!! Let’s bring back his 150% hair!!!!!!! Wow, I’ve gone full Osaka dialect here. The colour of his sweater was decided to my taste. Director’s sole judgement was that it’s cute and resembles pyjamas.
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As you’d expect, I really fussed over President Gouda of the Body Improvement Club as he’s a popular character!! His characteristics are his caterpillar-like sideburns and eyebrows, his soft mohican hair, and his brawny body. He’s unexpectedly hard to draw (laughs), I suppose I had trouble with him. Above all else The Body Improvement Club’s existence gives a sense of security within Mob Psycho 100 - they’re strong and brave, but it was pretty difficult trying to make sure their facial expressions weren’t too intense!!!!! Kumagawa, Sagawa, Yamamura, Shimura… these are characters who I’d love to delve deeper into!!
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I tried to make Ritsu-kun have more of an adult-like aura than Mob. He barely smiles, so he has an intense look in his eyes. I kept in mind that his eyes are only allowed to become soft when he’s with Mob. His irises are bigger than Mob’s own, so there’s a bit of a difference there. Also, he gets a mid-anime gloom story, so I decided to make his hair a little bit on the longer side. His hair is flexible - I’d make his bangs/fringe longer or shorter depending on his expression. When he’s possessed by Dimple he’s magnificent, using his powers as a weapon. His eyes become even more intense, his hair gets all ruffled up and spiky, and he’s overflowing with confidence. ONE-sensei’s manga have all become like that, too, actually!!!!! Ahahahaha!!!!!!!!
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With Onigawara and his three lackeys, I gave them baggy pants to try and up their rural-delinquent-trashiness factor. Onigawara’s anime features are his baggy pants and the tape he has on his cheek. It gives off the impression that he’s some king of the punks who’s always getting injured… but truth is, it’s probably just there to cover up a pimple (laughs). He’s in a situation where he’s bettering himself after the recorder incident, so perhaps the next time we see him he’ll have given up on those baggy pants and will wear the same clothes as everyone else!!!!!! Switching topics, what’s up with those two wrinkles he has under each eye?? Please enlighten us, ONE-sensei!!!!!!
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You know, since Mob and Reigen use flip phones I thought that was the standard for the Mob Psycho 100 universe, but then we have Koyama with his smartphone. Sakurai uses a flip phone, too. So, only Koyama has a smart phone? What videos does he watch on it? Which apps does he have installed… it’s a mystery… a mystery!!!! Please enlighten us, ONE-sensei!!!! Switching topics, I’m pleased with the unique aura that his special move, Telekinetic Helix, has. Mob, Teru, Ritsu, Claw… everyone has their own particular colours!!
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Hoshino-kun, Asahi-kun, Kurosaki-san, and the Shiratori brothers all have a sense of individuality, so I suppose it was easy to visualise what colours they might have!! For Hoshino-kun, the process was; Hoshino [star field] -> hoshi [star] -> star -> Nishikino Akira [A Japanese celebrity with a song titled ‘Passionate Star Disco’] -> white!! I thought, his clothes definitely have to be white (laughs). Kurosaki-san’s clothes are sporty but not particularly fashionable, Asahi-kun was designed with a ‘you’re almost there’ feeling, and the silent Shiratori brothers have plain clothes… it was with that that I decided the colours of these five, having them all be out of fashion. Episode 10 had Oda-san as its animation director - he drew a very good and cute Kurosaki-san!
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What stands out with Terada’s design is his T-shirt that droops below his left shoulder - is it a fashion statement, or is it simply worn out of shape? Who knows!! As something special to the anime, his middle fingers that present his special move, “air whip”, are adorned with jewelled rings! I’ll leave it up to you all to decide whether or not those rings have some hidden secret to them. Out of all the upper echelon members of Claw, Terada has the richest facial expressions -  plus, he’s voiced by Tachiki-san - so even when he’s undergoing water torture, despite the cruelty of the situation, he still comes across as good and charming!!!!!
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Matsuo is monotone-ish in the manga, but, “I could give him a magician-ish feel?”. So now he has a dark green shirt with yellow lines. The vase he carries has a bunch of colourful stickers on it, so I tried to make sure Matsuo himself wasn’t too flashy or he and his vase would clash!! Candy-chan and Cookie-chan were also fun to draw!!!! Their colours are also good!!!!
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This simple, undecorated design is rather like him. I tried to make sure it didn’t look like he was wearing mourning clothes. I included red in the handle of his katana. I intended for his hair colour to be a natural, slightly dark brown… but looking at him on TV, it ended up being more of an unexpectedly lighter brown… Not my intention, lol. His slicked back hair was pretty hard to draw!!! The atmosphere of his design changes depending on how much of a forehead he’s given, the silhouette of his slicked back hair, and the application of highlights. Ah, this is unrelated, but me and his voice actor, Hosoya-san, are from the same area! We’re also similar in age, so I kinda feel an affinity toward him!!!!! You didn’t need to know that.
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First off, I already knew that in the manga there’s an old man beneath that mask, so I gave him a hunched back! Following a request by the Director I made his boots plump, round, and cute!!!! With that, the woman’s voice that comes out of him with the mask on suits him!! You can really feel how cornered Ishiguro is during the season 1 finale, thanks to the power of his voice actor and the lead animator!!!!! It’s just, he has so many scars on his face that I felt sorry for him, so I want to find out more about him!!! I look forward to seeing him in an active role again!!!! ...Will he appear again, I wonder.
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Muraki looks more like he’s in cosplay in the anime than he does in the manga (laughs). Following an idea from the director, I gave him a cloak and a mark on his chest that’s connected to the mark on his forehead!!! He’s even wearing boots!!! His design is all put together with purple in a fashion-conscious way!!! Anyway, it seems the director’s favourite colour is purple. Muraki, purple, muraki, murasaki[purple], director, murasaki[purple], muraki, purple. Something I fussed over with his suit beneath the cloak was giving it a gleaming lustre much like latex would have… makes you unsure of whether or not it’s a high quality suit. All in all, it costs 9800 yen!! A bargain price of 9800 yen! Now then, you there, sitting in front of the TV - together with the director, Let’s Muraki!!!!
Twitter crosspost here.
Season 2 notes here.
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ikevamp-annalyne · 4 years
The truth behind Gacha Tokens
(¯`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* ♡ *.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´¯)
Genre: slice of life, crack
Characters: Leonardo, Comte, Theodorus, me (Annalyne)
Words: 1,476
Summary: This is what truly happens behind the draw of Gacha Tokens...
(¯`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* ♡ *.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´¯)
He smiled as he saw the poor girl feeling depressed -once again- because she was unable to get one of his five-stars card. He could see her sad eyes and he bet she would soon pay for more diamonds to have other chances at getting his cards. He made himself more comfortable on the sofa, spreading his legs and stretching his back like a cat while watching her checking her diamonds left. He found it so funny to tease his dear Annalyne…
“What are you smiling for, Leonardo?”
The dark-haired vampire turned around and spotted his oldest friend, Le Comte de Saint-Germain. As always, he had this classy appearance that would make people fall for him, women and men included. Leonardo stood up lazily and got closer to his friend before smirking.
“Just having fun teasing my Annalyne. You know how she is always trying to have my cards in the Gacha Tokens.”
Le Comte sighed as he passed Leonardo and poured himself a glass of whisky. He sat on his armchair and glared at the taller one:
“Are you not afraid of losing her affection because of this? You keep on teasing her like this: not dropping in her Gacha Tokens, making your stories and bonuses the most difficult to get… You will earn the reputation of a gold digger, my friend.”
“You do not get it at all.” Leonardo smiled while sitting on the floor -yes he did, hobo mode activated. “All of this is meant to keep the passion burning between us. I know she adores me and I give her reasons to do so by being the best husband possible in my stories and in the events. I am just being more desirable when I tease her on Gacha Tokens and event bonuses. Keeps the flame awake between us…” he lit his cigarillo as to punctuate his sentence.
Le Comte sighed a great deal and checked his phone. The sweet Annalyne was buying some Gacha Tokens in the hope of having a Leonardo card.
“Pauvre Chérie… She does not deserve this treatment.” He told himself.
Then an idea came into his mind. He smirked and nonchalantly tapped the buttons on his phone. By doing so, he let Annalyne win three of his cards: two of four stars and one of five stars. Upon seeing this good luck, the girl let a smile spread on her face. Le Comte smiled widely and stood up. Now planted in front of Leonardo, he showed him his phone.
“See? You are on the verge of being replaced, Leonardo.”
The taller one laughed and got up, now facing his long-time friend. He was not the least shocked or scared by what Le Comte was showing. He put a hand on his shoulder and shook his hair locks in disbelief:
“You think so? I am still number one in her heart. Look, her Avatar is full of things about me: mini characters, clothes, accessories, stickers… Everything revolves around me, just like I revolve around her. I just make it more passionate this way. Try all you want, Comte, but she will never be yours. She is mine, and mine alone.”
“You think so?” Leonardo heard a voice saying from behind. “Because to me, it looks like she is tired of this little game of yours and she is now changing her Avatar for me.”
The pureblood turned around and saw Theodorus standing at the door frame; his arms were crossed on his chest and he had a triumphant smile plastered on his devilish face. He walked towards the two men and proudly showed his phone to the two others. On his screen was displayed a Gacha Token result, showing a five stars card of the Van Gogh. Leonardo opened wide eyes and snatched the electric device from his hands. A simple eye contact and he realised it was Annalyne’s draw.
“What have you done…” the Italian whispered.
“Nothing, I just drop some of my cards. In case you do not remember, I am also fond of this knabbeltje. So if you keep doing this, well I may as well try my chance with her.” Theodorus smirked while going back to the living room. “Look at her great smile; she seems happy to have my card.”
The pureblood only looked nonchalantly at him; a grin appeared on his face.
“Theodorus, Annalyne is head over heels for me. In spite of all your efforts, I know for sure she will still choose me in the end.”
“Oh really? Does not look like it, to me… Just take a look at her Avatar right now. I am pretty sure she is fed up with you right now.”
Without adding anything more, the Van Gogh bid goodbye and let Leonardo check his phone. The Italian was a bit perplexed at what Theodorus was implying. He unlocked the device, went straight to the app and saw it.
His smile faded.
Annalyne had a very upset look on her face; she had just changed her Avatar and made it completely dedicated to Theodorus. Goodbye all the Leonardo avatars, outfits, furniture, cards, stickers, mini characters. Anything related to the Renaissance man had been removed. He followed the art dealer outside, going to the living room in the process. Theodorus was totally enjoying the situation, bragging about it to all the residents -who were all miraculously gathered in the same room, something that had never happened. Everyone was either laughing or smiling or fearing Leonardo’s reaction.
Reaction that came pretty soon:
“Theodorus, for how long have you been doing this? I made it clear that Annalyne was mine.”
“You did but seeing you teasing her like this was too much. The poor hondje is always sad or upset because of you. She is trying so hard to get all of the things related to you and you make it too hard for her. So all of us here have decided to comfort her by dropping our prettiest cards.”
The poor Italian genius was dumbfounded. What?
“Wait, all of you?”
“By Jove, you have only realised it now?” Arthur grinned. “Oh boy, Annalyne is such a darling but she only has eyes for you. You keep on playing hard to get so we might as well try our chance with her!”
“Leonardo, you should see the sad look she has on her face when you do not drop your cards…” the soft-spoken angel Vincent said while putting his cup of coffee on the table. “We like her too, so…”
“Leonardo, she is only seeing you but you do not make efforts. So do not complain about us trying to comfort la pauvre chérie.” Le Comte said when sitting on a chair next to Mozart who was quietly pianoing on his phone.
"I cannot believe you guys…" the pureblood sighed.
"Believe it or not, we will continue." Mozart suddenly declared.
He stood up and muttered something about going back to his piano room. Leonardo found it suspicious and checked the app… Only to see the musician had dropped four five-stars cards in Annalyne's Gacha Tokens.
Leonardo was far from being satisfied. He did not like this at all. However, he would never say it out loud. He was a calm, composed, and mature adult… Even though his blood was boiling. He quietly left the living room, under the laughter of nearly all the residents. He went to his bedroom, collapsed on his bed and took out his phone. Checking the app again and again, only seeing the latest Gachas his Annalyne got: Comte, Mozart, Theodorus… Even Isaac and Jean! And this Shakespeare…! He tightened his fist and bit his lips. All of them were trying to get Annalyne to love them! However, she was his. He knew it. Their bond was stronger than anyone else's. Out of thousand of players, he loved her the most. He could not explain why: maybe it was her utter kindness, her silly humour, her intense fangirling, or her chubby features. Everything made him crazy for her; and he was not planning on letting her fall for anyone else.
"Even if it is part of our teasing games, I will not let you leave me. We promised each other to stay together forever."
He smiled while looking at her upset expression, her lips pursed and her cheeks puffed… The depiction of cute.
"Let's see who will give up first, Cara Mia… I will follow you, dropping cards of me that I know you love. This way, you will see I care about you and I am not willing to let you go. But for the other cards, let's see if you are really willing to ignore me, baby..."
A smirk playing on his lips, he closed his eyes while Lumiere jumped on the bed to lay beside him. It was getting interesting...
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Hey you! Ok how about Pedro’s characters and the first time they wink at you. ILY and thank you 🙈
Hey babes! I simultaneously love and hate you for this ask because jfc winking irl is so fucking skeezy but, as with a lot of things I previously thought I despised, when Pedro does it I get a little weak in the knees lol. So now I have an excuse to comb through every gif of him winking. You know. For research. For SCIENCE. (Under the cut, cause fucking HELL. This got loooooong.)
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(Gif made by @djjarindin )
Whiskey- On your very first day as a Statesman you make the dubious acquaintance of Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels. You’re standing at the window of your new office, flipping one of your knives in the air idly, when a handsome man in tight blue jeans and a black Stetson saunters in without so much as a by your leave. His grin is lazy, charming, and you acknowledge, in the deepest recesses of your hind brain, incredibly enticing.
“Well howdy there, darling,” he greets, thumbs hooked in the front of his belt, drawing your gaze to- is that a flask on his belt buckle? His mustache twitches up on one side as he notices that your eyes landed exactly where he had intended.
“Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing playing with those pig stickers? You could hurt yourself with knives like that.” He steps closer to you, one hand leaving his belt to brace against the window next to your head so he can lean further into your space.
“Probably the same thing you’re doing playing with those pistols you’ve got under your jacket or that lasso at your hip,” you reply coolly, not backing away from his intrusion into your space. His raises his and he huffs a laugh through his nose.
“Well touché, kitten.” He bends a little at his knees to catch your eyes better and suggests softly in a voice that 90% of you demands you to listen to, “How’s about you and I get outta here and I can give you a tour of the place? Maybe, show you the ropes?” And he then winks at you.
That last 10% of your willpower has something to say to his blatant attempt at getting into your pants.
You slap him.
Javier Peña- You had been warned by more than one person that feminism hadn’t really made its way to Columbia yet when you accepted the portion to field agent and transferred down to the DEA office in Bogota. It was 1990 however, and you kind of expected the Americans you worked with to at least be a little more on board with the times.
That was on you, men were men it seemed, American or Columbian.
The tall blond who introduced himself as Murphy seemed nice enough, he was friendly and a little distracted, and he sounded almost apologetic as he led you further into the office to meet the other member of your team.
“Well hello there, sugar,” a man a couple of inches shorter than Steve greeted you from where he had been leaning on a desk by the door. He stood up straight and sauntered- there was really no other word for how pants that tight made a man walk- closer to the two of you, a wide smile stretched his mustache over his handsome face and showed off the dimples in his cheeks.
Oh lord. One of those men.
“Javi this is-“ Murphy started, clearly trying to diffuse a potential situation but the man interrupted him, and his hand reached for yours, holding it a little longer than necessary.
“A girl too pretty for your married ass to be talking to, Steve.” He still had your hand in between his two large warm ones and you filed that information away for use at a later, much more solitary time. He had the audacity to wink at you and you sighed and rolled your eyes. Ah well.
“I’m your new partner.” Guess feminism still has some strides to make no matter what the nationality of idiot male.
Ezra- You had been stuck on this interminably brown moon for a week and you were going stir crazy. You and your still new partner had landed in a manner that was less than gentle or correct on this nameless rock, and not only was your landing gear bent at an angle a university mathematician would have trouble describing, Ezra couldn’t get the damn thing to start again. 
You weren’t any sort of mechanic by nature, that was one of the things he brought to the table, so until Ezra managed to repair whatever was wrong with this hunk of junk the two of you were still paying off, you were stuck sitting on your hands doing nothing. You had no particular desire to go traipsing around this rock by yourself, protection was one of the other things the man added to your partnership, as you had learned early in your mining career that that generally did not end well for people like you.
So there you sat, bored, listening to the click and clank of Ezra’s tools as he did whatever it was that you needed to do to get an impulse engine working enough to take off and dock to an FTL vessel. And listening to Ezra’s constant talking.
He was currently telling you a rather long winded, even for him and that was saying something, story about how an old partner of his woke up every morning and sanitized the floor of their pod with antibac spray before he would let any of the other four men set foot on it.
“The gentleman in question was a rather odd duck, badger,” he called out to you from half way inside the pod. “Why, in all my years and in all my travels in the black, I must avow never having seen someone so resolved on keeping the extremities of his associates so unsullied. I never cognized if his time running the stars had finally fractured his wits and this was the inevitable concomitant of a life lived as we do, or if it was a tic peculiar to him for all of his life. Still and all, one advantage I did discover at the conclusion of that particular venture: the bottoms of my socks never have been cleaner.” 
An unexpectedly loud guffaw punched its way out of your mouth and you dropped the flat rock you had been attempting to balance on a piece of the aforementioned broken landing equipment. Unfortunately, Ezra decided at that exact time to shimmy his way out from under your craft and instead of falling harmlessly back to the ground where you had found it, it bounced off of his rather distracting ass on its way down. 
He stopped moving and you were about to apologize, you really hadn’t meant to basically throw a rock at him, no matter how much he annoyed you at times, when you heard his voice float up to you again, a little amused, and a little something else that you had had occasion to notice a few times before but had never thought to classify.
“Badger, did you just take your hand to my ass?” You felt your face flush and wondered if this planet’s atmosphere wasn’t as hospitable to humans as you had thought. 
“What?!” You squeaked, voice cracking when it hit a pitch normally very much out of your range.”No! I just dropped a rock!” You heard him chuckle from your feet and refused to look at him as he shuffled all the way out from under to pod and stood to his full height in front of you. He chucked you under the chin and finally you looked up into his eyes. 
“Because darling, I strongly advocate any physical contact that you might desire to have with any part of my body you so wish, at any time of your choosing,” he told you with a wink.
Catfish- You had moved to Texas to take up residence on the ranch your grandfather had left you, not out of any real desire to take up the cowboy life. You hated how hot it was, you hated how slowly everyone talked, you hated how big the entire goddamned state was, and if one more goddamned truck managed to take up three goddamned parking spaces at the grocery store one more time you were going to throw a temper tantrum that would make all their southern asses wish they had managed to secede. 
That was how you had met Catfish (”No that isn’t my real name; no one but my mama calls me Francisco”). He had been the next asshole in a truck to take up more than what your space conscious Yankee ass had deemed his due. 
“Listen ma’am-”
“Don’t you “ma’am” me, how old are you implying I look?!”
“Sorry, miss, if you’re gonna holler at me, could we step a little further away from the truck? I just got that baby to sleep, and if she wakes up starts cryin’ again, I think I’m gonna start too.”
After a meet cute like that, it was inevitable that the two of you would hit it off as well as you did, and so a year later saw you still in a state that you were convinced was trying to kill you (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, Republicans, and rattlesnakes???), stretched out on Catfish’s beat up couch, more than a little drunk, and a lot happier than when you had left New York to come here. 
Catfish set both new bottles of beer down on the coffee table in front of you and smiled down at you with that big grin that summoned both the dimples in his cheeks and made you feel like your heart was growing four sizes larger inside your chest. He took off his ever present beat up baseball cap and tossed it on your lap. His hair was simultaneously flattened and a mess and you were sure he couldn’t look more handsome in this moment if he had an army of Hollywood stylists attack him. 
He reached down to he hem of his grey Henley and started to pull it up. 
“Whoa there cowboy!” You exclaimed with a grin, sitting up and plopping his hat onto your head for safe keeping. “I didn’t realize I was getting a show when I came over here!” He stopped with his shirt half way off his torso and looked down at you with an eyebrow cocked. 
“It’s hot as goddamned balls in here, baby, and I’m wearin’ two of these things. One of ‘em at least is comin’ off.” He pulled it off the rest of the way and straightened his first layer that had attempted to escape with its compatriot before reaching down and grabbing his hat off of your head and flopping onto the couch next to you. 
“Hey Fish, how long do you think we have before the baby wakes up?” He shrugged, his head rolling on the back of the couch o face you. 
“I dunno, darlin’, why do you ask?” You bit your lip and smiled up at him, playing with the fingers of the hand he had settled on your thigh. 
“Oh, well, you know how watching you nearly get stuck in your shirts really does it for me.” He groaned and slapped your leg lightly as you laughed. 
“I think we’ve got time for whatever you want baby. Helicopter pilots can go straight up pretty fast you know.” He told you with a wink that you were sure was supposed to be alluring. 
Oberyn Martell- The first thing you consciously noticed about Dorne was that it was hot. This was a kind of inescapable heat that permeated your entire body and made you feel like you were cooking from the inside out. You had never before given much thought to what it would feel like to be put into an oven and roasted alive, but without a doubt this is was that feeling. When you went back home to White Harbor you weren’t ever going to complain about the cold ever again.
The second thing you noticed when you put into port in Sunspear- a city quite a bit smaller than most of the cities of the upper six kingdoms the Manderlys sent your father to trade with- was that no one seemed to be wearing a lot of clothes. Which you supposed made sense because you were positively dying in yours.
You quickly changed into a pair of your brother’s breeches and a loose shirt before practically running off the ship and into the dusty warrens of the Shadow City below the walls of the Martell’s castle, eager to stretch your legs after weeks at sea and eat something other than hard tac and salted meat and fish. You figured you had at least a few hours before you would be expected to accompany your father to the castle to haggle about prices for wood and iron and silks and citrus.
The air only got hotter the further from the sea breeze you walked, and as you meandered the twisting and winding bazaars all you could smell were foreign spices and perfumes. Your head was on a swivel trying to take in the sights and sounds of a market radically different from any you had seen before when you walked into a silk covered shoulder. The shoulder belonged to a man nearly a foot taller than you and you wouldn’t have stood a chance at remaining on your feet if two strong arms hadn’t shot out and wrapped around your waist, dragging you back from your rather embarrassing descent to the dusty street and into a warm solid chest.
“I normally have to put in at least some effort in order to sweep someone off their feet, it must be my lucky day that you seem to have decided to do all the hard work for me,” an amused, accented voice said from above you. You felt every word from where your ear was plastered to the bare skin of his chest, his yellow and orange robes belted loosely enough to leave most of his golden skin exposed. You felt your face flush as you shuffled your feet, trying to get them back under you in a way that would allow you to stand and not fall on your face. The man set you back from him gently and you finally looked up
Your savior was beautiful. There wasn’t any other word to describe a face with deep set, smiling eyes that were so deep a brown you really had to look to distinguish his pupils. His nose was curved and prominent, his jaw covered with the same black hair that was cropped closer to his head than you were used to seeing in the North. And his lips were too pretty for a man. They spread into a smile as his eyes met yours, dimples appearing in his cheeks and you were smiling back before you realized it.
“Now,” he said, eyes still laughing. “You are either the worst pick pocket I’ve ever encountered or clearly too taken with the sights around you to be trusted to walk unescorted.” You hoped he never stopped speaking. His voice was deep and rich and at the same time soft and musical and no one in the woods and wilds where you had grown up spoke like he did.
“Uh, yes,” you stuttered and felt your ears burn as he smiled wider, eyebrows in danger of disappearing into his hair. “I mean, no, I’m not a pick pocket! I just, sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, my apologies.” You stuttered stepping further back from him, hoping maybe some more distance would restore your ability to not make an ass out of yourself in front of this handsome stranger. “Thanks for you know,” you featured vaguely at the ground.
“Oh, you’re very welcome for ‘you know’,” the man replied, somehow injecting a completely different meaning to your innocuous words than you had intended. Your face could have been used to light a campfire by now. You needed to get back and get changed before you did something truly stupid.
“Okay, well, um, sorry, again, for walking into you,” you said, backing away. “But uh, I’ve got to, uh, go...” You sort of waved and took off back the way you came, taking care not to run into any more handsome strangers.
You made it back to the ship in time for your father to lecture you about how dangerous it was to just run off in a “city full of wild Dornishmen! Don’t think that because you’re dressed like a man you’d be safe! That ‘sort of thing’ is common here, daughter!” while you dressed in clothes more suitable to both your station and a meeting with the ruling house of the kingdom.
It was somehow cooler within the sandstone walls of the castle, and you amused yourself on the walk up to the raised dais by listening to the different sounds your company’s boots made on the marble floor.
There was a woman sitting on a carved wooden seat and a tall dark haired man standing behind her, leaning indolently against her chair at the top of the steps you and your father stopped at. You listened to your father make the appropriate greetings, hoping that they could come to favorable terms of trade for items and goods they all wanted. And you felt someone staring at you. You looked up at the young woman in the chair as your father introduced you and you smiled and curtsied less gracefully than your mother would have liked. Your father turned his face to the man behind the chair and began to repeat the introduction when a familiar laughing voice interurrupted,
“Oh, I believe we’ve met already, haven’t we, little pick pocket?” Your eyes snapped up from the marble floor to lock onto those dancing brown eyes from earlier this morning. You felt your jaw drop and your face turn what you were sure was a very unattractive shade of crimson as Oberyn Martell, Prince of Dorne grinned and winked at you.
Din- You had been flying with the Mandalorian and his tiny green baby for about a month when you decided that hyperspace was boring and if you wanted any amusement you would have to take a page out of the little man’s book and make your own fun. You knew that stealing pieces of the ship and hiding them would not be as cute as when the baby did it, so that was out. You weren’t a tall person, but you were still bigger than the green terror so playing hide and seek was pretty close to useless. You were grasping at straws until suddenly it hit you like one of the utensils that the tiny monster liked to levitate around the cabin.
You were going to get Mando to laugh.
You had absolutely no idea how you were going to accomplish this, or even any idea at all what a near silent warrior monk that you were still not a hundred percent convinced wasn’t a droid would find funny, so you decided to just do what you did best; you opened your mouth and let the word vomit out. 
You didn’t shut up. If you were awake and not actively hunting someone, you were talking. The baby seemed to enjoy the new amount of noise and animation, but thus far you had only gotten a few sighs and what you thought were exasperated glares from your adult companion. At least, you figured they were glares. His helmet turned to face you and frankly, you were beginning to even get on your own nerves, so he was almost definitely glaring at you under that beskar. 
This went on for four days straight until one day the three of you were sitting in the cockpit, watching the stars zip by, and you decided to narrate yourself drinking a glass of water. You had just gotten to the swallowing part and were attempting to put into words what that felt like when he turned around to face you. 
“If one more word comes out of your mouth I will cut into into small enough pieces that the baby won’t notice it’s a human that he is eating for dinner tonight.”
You choked. And you definitely spat water all over the visor of his helmet. 
You coughed and stared at him, terrified, not sure if these were going to be your last few seconds as a breathing creature, but sure that if they were you at least had the image of the Mandalorian with water and spit sliding down the front of his helmet to console you. 
All three of you sat in silence for at least a minute before he leaned forward very slowly. You leaned as far back as your seat would allow. 
“That was a joke,” he told you, voice warm despite the crackle of his modulator. “You can’t see it, but I just winked.”
Screw making him mad. You were going to kill the Mandalorian. 
Tovar- This was officially one of the worst ways that you could think of to die. You sure that if you were given a few more minutes, and a few less spears pointed in your face to distract you, you could surely come up with at least five different ways that were, in fact, worse, but right now, this seemed pretty awful and didn’t seem likely to get any better. 
“I need you to trust me,” your companion murmured in your ear, his hand on your wrist, stopping you from drawing one of your long knives. You cut your eyes quickly to his normally laughing brown eyes and then back to the soldiers in front of you. 
“That never works out well for me, Tovar,” you remind him in a quiet hiss. He moves his arm from his side to around your shoulders and draws you close and tight against his much taller body. 
“Good day, gentlemen!” He calls jovially to the five armored men blocking their way on the road. You can hear the wide grin that must be plastered on his stupidly handsome face and you send up a fast prayer to God that he doesn’t manage to get you into worse trouble than you were in already. Or that at least William can manage to get you out of it again. 
“Halt,” the spear man in the middle orders, and Tovar stops walking, forcing you to as well, still tucked into his side. His left hand strokes your arm casually (you note its not his preferred sword hand which gives you some hope that he might actually have a plan), and he leans a bit more of his weight on you than you think is really called for. Is he pretending-
“Why whatever are you fine men doing in the middle of the road? Don’t you know there’s a war on! Shouldn’t you be off fighting that fierce some mercenary army?” You want to stab him. His entire left side is open and unguarded mere inches away from your favorite knife, you could slide the blade in right there between his ribs, you could have the pleasure of puncturing his lung and watching him slowly suffocate. Maybe he would finally stop talking. 
“No one is allowed past this point,” the spear man informed you, still glaring. “Who are you and what is your business here?” The other four soldiers inched closer and you stiffen. 
“Don’t,” Tovar ordered you through his clenched teeth, smile still in place. “I can get us out of this, I just need you to play along.”
“If we get out of this I am going to personally castrate you,” you inform him, a clenched tooth smile of your own on your face.
“Anything to get your hands on my cock, eh?” You elbowed him in that unprotected side you had been eyeing before he tried to bargain with the guardians of the road.
“Oh but surely sir, you wouldn’t hinder a poor man trying to get home to his farm?”The soldier looked extremely skeptical.
“If you’re a farmer, I’m the King of England.” Tovar shrugged.
“Alright, so I’m not a farmer. This rather attractive filly is, however, only paid for for another hour, and I had meant to have my way with her at least twice before my time was up. Surely you can understand my need to make all haste now?”
Nope, not castration. Castration and then you were going to make him watch as you fed his balls to goats.
“Don’t bite me please,” was all the warning you received before Tovar looked down at you, winked, and kissed you, lips surprisingly soft, and incredibly distracting. Maybe the castration could wait for a few hours.
Max Phillips- When the higher ups bring in a handsome new manager to boost sales and productivity you aren’t entirely surprised that every employee gets called one by one into his office for a “chat”. He’s new, it tracks that he’d want to get to know everybody.
You are both anticipating and dreading your own 2:30 appointment with the new boss man, you’re positive that out of all your coworkers your performance has been the most consistently decent since you were hired two years ago, but who knows. This was a new unknown element. His goal might be to shake things up to keep people on their toes.
You hear a ‘come in’ after you knock firmly on his closed door three minutes earlier than your scheduled time, and you find him working at his computer, jacket off, a pout on his lips that were frankly too pretty to be on such a distinctively masculine face, and his shirt sleeves artfully rolled up.
He doesn’t glance at you as he waves at a chair in front of his desk. You sit as instructed, and try as you might, are unable to help staring at him as he finishes whatever it is that requires such attention. You take in the tiny tattoo on his left hand with a little surprise. And you try very hard to ignore the shift and play of the muscles of his forearms under his lightly tanned skin. This is your new boss get a grip, you scold yourself, tearing your gaze away to rest on the shelves behind his head.
He sits back with a sigh and his palms hit his desk.
“I am sorry about that. I honestly hate computers, they’re just so impersonal, don’t you think?” He asks with a winning smile, eyes and attention totally on you now. You return his grin with a small, polite twitch of your own lips and raise your eyebrows questioningly at him.
“Anyways, I just wanted to get to know everybody here, you know? Know the real person behind your employee file! Find out what makes you tick, what gets you excited!” You’re only half paying attention to his spiel, but he garners your full and complete concentration when as he utters the word “excited” and he grins salaciously and winks at you.
You’re a little taken aback. You know you should call HR. At the very least that was thoughtless and at the worst, utterly inappropriate.
You are unfortunately intrigued. You know you won’t be calling anyone about this.
Maxwell Lord- You’d been working for Lord Enterprises for about a year before you were moved up to the top floor. You liked to think you were good at your job, you were a quick typist and resourceful, and you were excited about the bump in pay that accompanied your new position.
After a week of following one of the other girls around and learning the ins and out of the executive offices, you were turned loose and given your own duties and assignments. The very first of those were to take a pile of files from the desk of the most senior of the secretaries and make sure it ended up in the possession of Maxwell Lord himself. You hadn’t heard much about the the big boss one way or another, so you squared your shoulders and after knocking firmly, opened the door and entered his office.
Lord was seated behind a dark wood desk that you thought was probably a bit bigger than strictly necessary. He was in his shirt sleeves, waistcoat stretched over a bit of middle aged spread that he nonetheless wore well. His hair was thick, blond, and immaculately styled, and he was talking animatedly on the phone, gesturing with his free hand and you could see his body vibrating slightly as he bounced his leg up and down quickly.
He was a handsome man, and a lot younger than you had expected him to be. And when he looked up at you as you walked further into his office and smiled brightly at you his attractiveness only increased. His eyes were a deep, dark brown and they shone when two dimples appeared in his cheeks with his grin.
You held up the stack of folders in your hand and raised your eyebrows in a question. He gestured to the desk in front of him and you moved closer to set them gently down in front of the man. You observed him check you out from your hair down to you shoes as you walked closer and were a little surprised when no chauvinistic comment popped out of his mouth. This might have been the 80’s, but you were a secretary and knew that women’s rights only meant that you could earn your own paycheck now.
You nodded at him as you set them down and he mouthed ‘thank you’ as he continued to listen to the droning voice you could now hear over the telephone.
And then he winked at you.
Maybe this job would turn up some opportunities for you after all.
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kykyonthemoon · 4 years
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(So I like this event so much that I wrote a fic for it uwu)
Masterlist: x
Orange Juice
One afternoon when there was a dance event at Cassell College...
“Why are you making so many bottles of orange juice, KyKy?” Cery asked her roommate – who just filled the kitchen with fresh orange fragrance.
“Well, because it’s hot, and I want something nice to drink...” KyKy tried to avoid eye contact with her friend. But Cery already knew what she was thinking.
“Oh, just that?” Cery chuckled. “It must be nice to have a bottle of juice after dancing all day in this kind of weather, don’t you think?”
“Mmh-hmm.” KyKy continue bottling the drink. She even decorated each bottle with adorable cat stickers. But there was one that had the most stickers on.
“I know who you’re making drinks for. Just admit it! You only use these cute stickers for people you like!”
A faint blush was caught on KyKy’s face. “What are you talking about? I’m making this for... my friends, of course!”
“Your friends, including me, right?”
“No, because you’re teasing me.”
“C’mon!” Cery pouted. “Just two bottles, please? I won’t tell the whole college that you made these for Chi—”
“Alright!” KyKy’s face became bright red. She quickly took two bottles of orange juice on the table and gave it to Cery. “Here. Better to drink while it’s still cool. And better to drink with someone.”
Cery held the bottles and winked, “You know me well. Thanks!” And with that, she went off to share the drink with her crush.
KyKy took the drinks she made to the campus, where the dance party was happening. It was crowded with people, dressing in nice costumes and dancing despite the hot weather. Summer was here, and everyone was in a great mood now that exams were all over.
The bag KyKy carried with her felt lighter every time a bottle was gone. She gave the drinks to her seniors and friends; Caesar, NoNo, Luminous, Finger,... Even EVA wanted one though she could not drink. Among the crowd she saw the pinkish head of her roommate Cery – standing somewhere near the lake and handing a bottle of juice to Johann.
Participating in the event at Cassell were special guests from Japan as well – Chisei and Chime Gen, and Erii Uesegi. Caesar insisted on having them for a dance off. They gathered lots of attention from the student at Cassell, of course; to the point that Caesar jokingly regretted inviting them.
Having known them from her previous missions in Japan, KyKy felt happy that they came to Cassell for the party. Erii complimented on her drink and asked if she could have another bottle. But it was harder to meet Erii’s brothers. They were always surrounded by a group of girls and KyKy found no chance to talk to them alone.
“What are you having there, KyKy?” Chisei Gen spotted her standing under a porch.
“Ah, it’s something I made for you guys.” The girl smiled at him. There were only two bottles of orange juice left in her bag. She took one out and handed it to Chisei.
“Orange juice? Just what I need right now. Thanks!”
Chisei gratefully took the bottle from KyKy’s hand. His eyes fell on the last bottle in her bag. “I assume this one was for Chime?”
KyKy hid her blush with a bright smile and a nod, though it felt quite sad saying so. “Yes. But I think he doesn’t need it anymore.”
Her gaze drifted to the open yard filled with twilight, where Chime was still standing among a group of ladies. They were talking very loudly. Some of them even gave him drinks and tissues. He took them all with a smile.
“He looks helpless there.” Chisei made a big grin. Then, he turned to KyKy and said, “Chime could never turn down his fans, you see.”
“Kazama is indeed popular.” KyKy commented. After all, he was the idol Ruri Kazama - one who was loved by many in Japan.
“You should give the drink to him by yourself, KyKy.” Chisei spoke after talking a sip of the orange juice.
“Well, I think this drink is very good. It’s different from the usual orange juice I drink. My brother would like it a lot.” Chisei grinned again.
“Thank you,” said KyKy with a sheepish smile. She started learning cooking when she came to Japan for the first time, and met a ramen master. He told her to put her heart into every dish she made. That was the best ingredient a chef could have. So she followed his advice and place her feelings into these bottles of juice as well.
“Come on. Have some confidence!” Chisei nudged her in the arm. “This morning he kept asking me if he looked good enough to see you.”
KyKy’s heart skipped a beat when hearing so. Her mind tried to deny it but her heart already believed in what Chisei had just said.
“So don’t be shy, okay? Maybe it’s your drink that he’s been waiting for.”
Chime Gen watched his brother and the girl from afar. They talked. She gave him a drink and he laughed. She seemed to be blushing. A strange emotion stirred up inside him that he could not explain.
They looked happy without him.
It felt like he was left alone among the crowd that he did not even know. Chime wanted his brother having a good time, and KyKy too. But seeing the two of them together, without him; somehow he became vexed. He could not pay attention to the conversation with the girls from Cassell anymore. His gaze kept wandering off to that porch where there were his brother and the girl whom he was looking for that whole day.
Eventually, Chime found his way out of the crowd. But both his brother and KyKy had left.
It was late afternoon and he could see the evening drawing near by the horizon. Chime sat down all alone. He enjoyed this quiet atmosphere. The crowd was gone, to another location where they would put up a big camp fire for the night. His brother and KyKy must have joined them too.
They had left without him.
This was the feeling he felt when he was a little. It was not only jealousy. It was also self-pity. Chisei was always perfect, while he was just plain. Despite being an idol, Chime still thought that he could never compare to his brother, in every way. Needless to say, KyKy would like his brother more, wouldn’t she?
“There you are.”
A soft, adorable voice that was familiar to his ears was heard. Chime turned around and to his surprise, it was the one he wanted to see the most.
“I thought you had left. To the camp fire. Lucky me, you’re still here.”
“KyKy. Why are you here?”
“I... have been looking for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes... May I sit with you?”
Chime, still in surprise, nodded and moved aside. KyKy sat down next to him. She took out something. It was a bottle of drink, but only half-filled.
“I wanted to give you some orange juice I made... But there were so many people around you... and I got shy... Then Luminous said that the vending machine in our campus was broken, again.” She suddenly lowered her voice and spoke so fast. “And-I-gave-him-the-bottle-which-was-supposed-to-be-given-to-you.”
“That’s alright.” Chime smiled at her.
“I... went back to my dorm and made another bottle for you. But I ran out of oranges... So I could only make half a bottle...”
Chime noticed how tight KyKy was holding onto the bottle of juice. He could not help but smile.
“It’s full to me.”
Chime placed a finger on the bottom half of bottle, feeling the coolness playing with his fingertip. “This part is filled with the drink.” Then his finger traced up all the way to the bottle cap. “This part is filled with your care and effort. So the bottle is full to me.”
KyKy was speechless. She blamed the summer heat that made her cheeks feel like burning. Chime found that expression of hers was cute. He struggled to hold back the sudden urge to touch her face.
“So, would you still want me to have it?”
“Of... Of course!”
KyKy beamed as she handed the bottle to Chime. He opened it and took a sip, letting the cool drink refresh his body and mind. He no longer felt so miserable like just a moment before, when she was not here.
“How is it?” KyKy asked softly.
“It’s the best drink I’ve tasted.”
“You’re teasing me again, Kazama!” KyKy turned away. It would be embarrassing to let Chime see her all fluttered because of his words.
“I’m not. I was worried that you hadn’t made one for me.”
“Oh... But I thought that you wouldn’t need my drink... Since you had so many...”
Chime’s frown soon turned into a warm smile. “So that’s why you didn’t come to see me earlier?”
KyKy nodded. “I know, it’s kinda stupid... But I was a little upset that there were so many people around you...”
Now it was Chime’s turn to blame the summer heat. His face glowed in red and he found it so hard to keep eye contact with the girl next to him. Her eyes were always like a sky of stars, especially when they gazed upon his.
“Emm... It’s not stupid at all...” He whispered, hopefully she would never find out how silly he was just that morning. He literally tried on all the outfits he brought with him and made Chisei choose the best one; because he wanted to look best when he saw her again at the event.
A moment of awkward silence fell upon the two as they both wanted to hide the fact that they were seeking for this moment of being together all day long. Then, they decided to break the silence and spoke at the same time.
“Would you make me a drink tomorrow?”
“Can I make you a drink tomorrow?”
The two stared at each other for a beat, and then they laughed. It was awkward, and silly. But they did enjoy the moment very much.
“Please do.” Chime said. “Please make drinks for me.”
“I will.”
“I want to ask you something too. There will be a dance off tomorrow. Who are you going to cheer for?”
“Your team, of course!”
KyKy gave him a firm nod; her eyes were shining when she bet on him without a moment of hesitation. And Chime thought, it was not about win or lose, it was her being there for him that all mattered.  
-The end-
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ragewerthers · 4 years
The Greatest Gift
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Summary:  Bokuto and Akaashi agree to make Christmas wish lists. The problem is that Bokuto thinks they are going to be mailing them to Santa. The last thing he wants is for Akaashi to see what he's written... but his sweet, evil Keiji has ways of getting what he wants!
A/n: This is my Squealing Santa fic for @ticklygiggles​!
Since she is kind enough to host the event I wanted to write her a fic in return! 
This is based off a super cute prompt she sent where person a writes a cute letter to santa and when person b wants to switch they absolutely refuse to do so! What ensues is tickles and much cuteness!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21765010
I hope you enjoy! :D
Word Count: 3153
Bokuto sat on the sofa, chewing on the end of his pen as he looked over his letter to Santa.  Granted, this wasn’t something most college students did, but it had been at the request of Akaashi.  Earlier in the day the former setter had mentioned that perhaps they should do something a little different for Christmas.
“Why don’t we write letters to Santa like we used to?  It might be kind of fun?”
Bokuto smiled to himself as he thought about it.  It was absolutely endearing to think that Keiji would want to do something like that.  He was always the more serious out of the two of them and so to hear him saying they should do this, obviously he was going to jump at the chance.  Heck, he’d even gone all out!  After agreeing to it he’d traveled to the campus bookstore and found some construction paper and a few other things in the art supply section.  Currently he had done his own little arts and crafts project.  If they were going to try recreating their primary school days then he was going to do it in style!
He’d taken a regular piece of red construction paper and cut it down to fit on a larger green piece giving it an awesome green trim.  Next he’d attempted to draw snowmen and snowflakes over it with some silver and gold markers, but he had never really been the artistic type.  The snowmen looked like blobs and the snowflakes looked more like stars with little smiley faces, but that was okay.  It wasn’t like anyone was ever going to see it.  This was just a fun, silly, sweet project and it really did warm his heart to do this.  
Currently he was attempting to finish up his Christmas list.  What should he ask Santa for?  He couldn’t remember a time in his life where he had been happier or when he’d felt more content.  As he sat there mulling this all over he felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips.  It finally struck him what he wanted to ask from Santa this year.  It only took another few minutes until he was finishing up his list.
Oh yes.  This was perfect.
He heard footsteps coming down the hallway toward their small living room and glanced up to see Akaashi making his way to the sofa.
“Hey, hey, hey, Akaashi!  I finished my letter!” he said gleefully, waving his piece of paper in the air and seeing that Keiji had his as well.  “So now are we going to mail them to the North Pole like we used to?  How many stamps do you think we’ll need?  Do you think he’ll accept stickers?  I... may have forgotten about stamps,” he said with a little pout as he started to fold up his Christmas list.
“What?” Keiji asked with a little chuckle, a soft smile on his lips as Bokuto burrowed underneath his arts and crafts supplies looking for the cute stickers he’d found up at the front counter of the bookstore.  There were penguins, polar bears, reindeer… how could Santa not accept a kick ass Christmas list mailed to him with a reindeer sticker?!
“Well I mean… we have to mail them so that our wishes get to Santa and he can make our lists come true, right?  So what do you think?  Reindeer sticker or penguin sticker?” he asked, holding up the little packet containing the embellishments and smiling brightly.
“Bo?  You… You know we aren’t going to be sending these right?” Akaashi said with a light smile as he stood next to his boyfriend, resting his hand on the arm of the sofa as Bokuto looked up at him owlishly
“What?” Bokuto asked, hoping against hope that Akaashi wasn’t suggesting what he thought he was suggesting.
“Well… I thought it would be sweet to write these and then exchange them.  Santa can only do so much, right?” Akaashi asked, setting his own list down in front of Bokuto on their old coffee table before taking a seat on the arm of the sofa.  “Can’t you just consider me Santa’s little helper?”
Two things occurred to Bokuto at this moment.
There was now a slight chance that Akaashi thought that he still believed in Santa and AHHHH!  That was so embarrassing!!!
There was now a slight chance that Akaashi was going to actually read his letter.  Literally take the letter from his grubby little hands and read the words he’d written that were only supposed to be seen by the big man at the North Pole or a poor homeowner who accidentally received Christmas letters!
Ab-so-lut-ley not!!!
“What?!  I mean… wouldn’t it be even cuter and more endearing for us to just… mail these away so that no one except Santa Claus sees them?  Only him?  Only him, Akaashi,” Bokuto said with wide eyes as Akaashi’s soft expression turned to one of confusion.
“Why can’t I see your list, Bo?” he asked curiously.  “Did you ask for something silly?  Did you ask for something sexy?”  A wide and teasing smile began to appear over Akaashi’s features as a blush began to spread over Bokuto’s.  Akaashi began leaning over, trying to catch sight of his partners letter.
The former Fukurodani captain shook his head wildly, clutching the Christmas wish list to his chest in a sort of death grip.
“N-No!  I… it’s not important, but it’s not supposed to be seen by mortal eyes!  Only by those of jolly old St. Nick!  So you can’t see it, Akaashi!  I’m sorry.  Those are the Christmas rules.  I don’t write’em.  I just follow’em,” he said, closing his eyes with a nod, missing the smitten look Akaashi sent his silly boyfriend.
“You know…,” the dark-haired man said with a little smile, standing up and moving to stand behind the sofa as his hands settled on the back of the cushions.  “... you not wanting me to see only makes me want to see it more, Kou.”
Bokuto could feel his heart beginning to beat wildly in his chest, his shoulders scrunching up as Akaashi stood behind him like that.  As he felt a pair of hands soothing over his shoulders he almost jumped out of his skin, but took a deep breath to calm his nerves.  “B-But… but the Christmas rules!” he weakly argued, feeling the way Akaashi’s hands were sweeping down his back as he attempted to curl forward to protect his precious letter.
“Never said I wasn’t a rule breaker,” Akaashi whispered against his ear before ten fingers dug into his ribs.
Bokuto positively shrieked, his arms snapping down against his sides even as he continued to clutch his letter to his chest.
“N-NO!  Ke-Keijihihihihihi!” he squeaked, leaning back against the sofa and trying to pin the man’s arms, sadly this only brought him closer to his evil boyfriends mouth.  As the fingers continued to skitter along his over sensitive ribs, vibrating quickly and drawing out ridiculous giggles, he soon felt Akaashi’s lips blowing little raspberries against the side of his neck.
Bokuto’s shoulders tried to scrunch up all the more and he shook his head, the giggles only intensifying at the added tickles.
“St-stahahahap!  No… no raspberries!  No rahahahaspberr-ihihihiahahas!” he cackled, stomping his socked feet on the floor as if that would help dull the ticklish shivers racing up his spine from the secondary attack.
“What’s the matter, Bo?” Akaashi cooed, his fingers wiggling lower and lower to tease and tweak the mans toned sides, eliciting a startled yelp as the poor former captain attempted to lean forward again to curl up.  “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish would you?  Oh that’s too bad!  What a weakness to have!”
Akaashi was so evil!  The man didn’t have nearly as many sensitive spots as Bokuto did and so the silver-haired man was always at a disadvantage.  As Bokuto felt the fingers nibbling against the sides of his tummy he realized just how big of a disadvantage it was.
“AH!  N-NOT THEHEHERE!” he cried out in hysterical laughter, falling to the side to try and escape as he pulled his legs up, looking like a buff hedgehog.
“Oh?  Was that a bad spot, Bo?” Akaashi purred, one hand now tickling along the length of Bokuto’s side, kneading into his hip as his other hand reached town to scribble against the bottoms of his feet now that they were in range.
“Kei-Keijihihi!  Keiji nohohoahahahaha!” Bokuto cried out as he felt the teasing fingers tickle along his arches.  His legs straightened out to try and get his feet away, but sadly, his clever, horrible boyfriend seemed to be planning this.
Without his legs pulled up to protect his poor belly, Akaashi went in for the kill.  Two hands instantly snuck under his sweater and ten teasing fingers began to wriggle, scribble and tease all along his sensitive middle.
Bokuto absolutely lost it.
“STAHAHAHAP!  AHAHGOAHAHAHAD!” he howled, trying to turn over onto his stomach to stop the attack on his worst spot, but Akaashi was having none of it.  In a flash, Bokuto soon felt his boyfriend settling over his hips to pin him on his back, having jumped over the back of the sofa to make sure he couldn’t escape.
Bokuto still had one hand clutching his letter close to his chest as the other tried to fend off the hands hovering over his poor stomach, his sweater having ridden up in his struggles and exposing it to his boyfriend.
“Keiji!  Keiji plehehease… please no tihihi… no tihihickling there!” he giggled nervously, already feeling the phantom tickles grazing over his tum.
Akaashi feinted his hands down as if to attack, making Bokuto buck and snort without even being touched yet.  “Oh, Kou… I promise I won’t… if you let me have that letter?” he teased sweetly, wiggling his fingers and watching as Bokuto’s face turned crimson even as the giggling intensified from the teasing.
“I-I can’t… I cahan’t, AkaashiHIHIHIAHAHAHA!”  Before he could react, Akaashi had caught his free hand and pinned it to the sofa beside his head, his boyfriends free hand instantly going in for the attack.
Akaashi let his fingertips swirl and trace over Bokuto’s stomach, the muscles twitching and jumping under the light contact.
Bokuto was giggling like a maniac, trying desperately to free his one hand as he refused to let go of his letter for a second!  When he felt the fingers start to tickle faster, spidering all over his stomach and tickling from one side to the other, he couldn’t keep his legs from kicking out behind the man.
“WHY-HEHEHEHEHE?!” he begged, shaking his head as Akaashi snuck his tickling hand up to lightly tickle against Bokuto’s exposed underarm, making him arch up and laugh wildly.
“Because someone is trying to get on the naughty list by not letting me see his list.  So… I have to tickle, tickle, tickle him to show him the error of his ways,” Akaashi crooned, making Bokuto whimper as he heard that horrible, teasy, tickle talk.
He was a dead man.
“I’m sahahah-rry!  I’m… god n-no mo-ahahahahare!” he squealed through high pitched giggles as Akaashi continued the light tickling against his armpit, driving him absolutely crazy at the sensation it was causing.  It tickled so bad, sending little electric zips of ticklishness all through his body, but he knew the man was only biding his time.  “Stahahahap it!  Mehehehercy?!  Chahahanage spots!  Ch-Change spo-ahahahahahats!”  He was starting to babble now, just needing a break from this slow, gentle tickling!
“Oh?  You want me to go to a different spot?” Akaashi chuckled, lifting his hand from Bokuto’s armpit and hovering it in the air.  Bokuto’s eyes blinked up at his boyfriend, clearing away the tears of mirth as he saw the evil hand turning into a claw.  A claw that he knew from experience was devastating when used against his worst spot.
“No…,” he gasped, already trying to suck in his stomach as Akaashi lowered his hand closer and closer to his favorite target.
“You know how to make me stop, Kou…. my coochie-coochie Kou,” he purred, letting his fingertips rest against the warm skin.  Bokuto’s belly trembled slightly from more nervous giggles bubbling up and the anticipation of what was to come.
“K-Keiji… Keiji ple… oh pleasepleaseple-AHAHAHAHAHA!”
His time for bartering had run out.
Akaashi was not going to show him any mercy for his apparent naughtiness.
Oh no.
Bokuto was going to have to pay for his insolence with laughter.
Much, much laughter.
Akaashi’s clawed hand finally unleashed its devastating attack, vibrating rapidly against poor Bokuto’s tum and sending the silver-haired man into hysterics he didn’t even know was possible.
Bokuto’s laughter was loud and unrestrained, his head tossing back and forth as his feet kicked against the sofa sending cushions flying as Akaashi tried to remain seated on his hips.
“N-NO MOR-AHAHAHA!  I GIHIHIVE!  I GIHIHIHIHVE!!!!” he cried out, the hand that had been clutching the letter, letting go of the precious and secret list to reach down and grab onto Akaashi’s wrist to stop him.
Akaashi was too quick for him, however.  As soon as he saw that the list was free he moved his attacking hand to Bokuto’s chest to snatch up the prize.
“Now… lets see what you were so determined not to show me,” Akaashi teased as Bokuto felt his entire body flush up with embarrassment even as he continued trying to catch his breath from the intense tickle attack.  His hands instantly came up to cover his face as he panted, wondering if the sofa would be kind enough to open up and swallow him whole?
What was Akaashi going to think of him?!
Bokuto missed the way his partner smiled down at him and it wasn’t long before the former setter began to read the note out loud.
‘Dear Santa Claus!
It’s me… Bokuto Koutarou.  
I’m the kid who asked for a puppy eight years in a row when I was little?  I’m sure you remember because you have a great memory like that!  While I am still saddened that no puppy found its way to my home I totally get it.  Some other kid probably needed the puppy more and I’m okay with that!  The puppy was a winner either way and you probably made that other kids day!  
Besides, you always got me something awesome anyway.  Remember when you got me that remote controlled race car?!  Oh man that was so cool!!!  
I apologize for driving it into the neighbors koi pond...
It was a beautiful service they held for those poor fish….’
“Oh my god, Bo!  You didn’t?” Akaashi laughed, still seated on his poor boyfriends hips.  Bokuto only shook his head, his hands still covering his face even as his ears burned scarlet, showing his embarrassment outright.
Akaashi continued to read.
‘Thank you for not giving me coal that year for doing that!  I knew we were bro’s!!!
Anyway, I promise that I’m not going to ask for a puppy this year.  Or a race car.
This year… all I want is….’
Akaashi’s eyes widened and he felt his own cheeks turning pink , glancing from the decorated list to Bokuto.  The man was so tense underneath of him, as if waiting for some sort of teasing comment or rebuttal of some kind.
Akaashi’s eyes watered slightly and he ran a hand over his face to keep himself in check as he continued to read.  His voice just a little thicker.
‘... is to have a wonderful Christmas with Akaashi.
He is better than any puppy and any race car ever.  He is sweet and nice.  He makes me happier than I’ve ever been and helps me when I’m feeling low.  He always knows how to pick me up during those moments and I’ll always be grateful for that.  He is just… the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t think there’s anything I could ever ask for that would be better than spending the rest of my life with him.
Actually, if it’s okay, can I ask for one more thing?
Whatever magic or time you were planning to spend on me, just give it to Akaashi, okay?  He deserves it.
He deserves everything.
Thank you, Santa.
Bokuto Koutarou’
Bokuto lowered his hands as he heard Akaashi finishing his note, his eyes refusing to meet his boyfriends as his face continued to feel like it was on fire from embarrassment.
“I… I know I didn’t do it right and… and you’re probably gonna teas-...,” but his words were stolen away as he felt warm lips pressing against his own and strong hands gently cradling his cheeks.  The kiss was loving and wanting, making blood rush to his ears once more for a completely different reason.  The hands on his face were the only thing keeping him grounded, but even in that small touch he felt safe and wanted.
The kiss only lasted a few more moments before Akaashi was pressing his forehead against Bokuto’s, the captain glancing up to see warm blue eyes staring back at his own and a loving, if slightly watery, smile over his boyfriends lips.
“Oh!  Akaashi!  Why are you crying?  Don’t cry, Keiji,” Bokuto murmured softly, worry in his heart once more as he brought his own hands up to gently soothe away a few tears that had made their way down the setters cheeks.
“Sorry, Kou.  I promise they’re good tears… because I have the most incredible boyfriend in the world,” he murmured, giving a small chuckle as he closed his eyes and nuzzled into Bokuto’s palm.  “What did I do to deserve you?”
Bokuto couldn’t help smiling at that, his worry and embarrassment from before being replaced with nothing but warmth and love for his sweet Akaashi.
“So… I didn’t mess up our letters, right?” he asked softly, giggling as Akaashi gave his side a soft little tickle before soothing over it.
“No.  Not at all.  You’ve made my Christmas a million times better with your letter, Kou.  I love you,” Akaashi murmured softly, ducking down to press another kiss to Bokuto’s lips.
Carefully, Bokuto wrapped his arms around Akaashi’s waist, the setter gently lowering himself down to rest against his larger boyfriend.  Bokuto found himself smiling more and more as they kissed, nudging their noses together gently and opening his eyes to look at his amazing boyfriend.
“I love you too, Akaashi.  And… I meant what I wrote.  You are definitely better than a puppy,” he murmured, getting a chuckle from his boyfriend.
“Always happy to hear that,” he murmured, pecking his lips once more.  “Merry Christmas, Bo.”
Bokuto felt his smile absolutely beaming as he was kissed once more, his arms wrapped comfortably around his greatest gift.
Oh yes.  Definitely better than a puppy.
“Merry Christmas, Akaashi.”
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wayverse · 4 years
Pink Pendant
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genre: soulmate!au
pairing: ten x reader
word count: 1.9k
drabble | scenario | short story | series
A/N : Hello! I’m trying to make my posts look prettier; i saw this layout and thought it would be nice to try, so let me know if this is how I should format my works or not! Let me know what you think of this work as well -- my inbox is open to constructive criticism and suggestions for drabbles or pieces! -- admin m
Everyone’s soulmate links develop the moment they’re born, and it’s different for every couple; your best friend, Hendery, for instance, has a timer on his wrist. Your other friend, Lucas, has everything that their soulmate loses turn up into his room.
You didn’t know what your link was, until you started middle school. You were in class one day, jotting down your notes, when something began to appear on your wrist. You didn’t notice at first; you didn’t feel it happening either, but soon, there were drawings of little puppies on your body, ones that you didn’t put there.
You never drew on yourself, afraid that you would get “ink poisoning” according to your mother, but your soulmate seemed to have no problem with drawing on themselves. You would get song lyrics, doodles, and the accessional shopping list popping up on your body, your soulmate acting as if their body was their own personal notebook. Once, you had woken up with what looked like marker on your face, and you guessed that your soulmate had lost a bet, or had been the first to fall asleep at a party. You had to stay in that day, as your soulmate couldn’t seem to get it off no matter how hard they tried.
You had always wanted to write back and forth with questions to your soulmate; where did they live? how old were they? What were their passions? you could tell that they were an incredible artist, as they constantly drew tiny sketches on their palms or wrists whenever they were bored.
One of them caught your eye not too long ago; it was bigger than most of the sketches he had done before, using up your entire forearm instead of just your wrist. It was a sketch of a small cat, jumping from planet to planet in a solar system. Your soulmate even colored it in, though the colors quickly rubbed away. That day, you had gotten bold; the colors were rubbing away, anyways, so you took your pink pen and drew a heart pendant on the kitty’s collar, before taking a picture of your soulmates work like you had always done.
Because of your soulmate, you began to look into art, and even went to art exhibits around your town, dragging Hendery along so you wouldn’t have to be alone. He always complained that the exhibits were too boring, and that he never understood why people would pay money to just look at a painting.
“I am NOT going to another one of those exhibits, (Y/N)” Hendery stated firmly one day, after your constant begging, “They’re so boring! I fall asleep every time I go to one.”
You and Hendery met up with Lucas and his friend Xiaojun at your favorite coffee place to talk about a project that you all would be working on together, which soon ending up being less about the project and more about plans that you all had that weekend. You had planned on going to another art exhibit, wanting to bring Hendery along, but he was currently denying your request.
“Please!” You beg, shaking Hendery’s arm softly as he attempts to bite the cookie he just bought, “Please!! There’s one I really want to go to, it’s themed ‘A Starry Night’ and I really want to see it! After this one you will never ever have to come to one ever again!”
“That’s what you said about the last one!” Hendery shook his arm away from yours, taking a bite of his cookie, “I reject your proposal, because you’re going to go back on your word again!”
“I didn’t know you liked art, (Y/N),” Lucas said, “I have plenty of fun art exhibits you could go to.”
You perked up a bit. “You do?”
“Our friend from another school is an art major,” Xiaojun began to explain, “He and his friends throw party-esque art exhibitions. Lots of food, fun music, if it’s themed then it’s usually done at a place that allows them to explore the theme.”
“We’re going to the one this weekend; the theme is a surprise, but Kun said it was a cute theme, so it should be fun.”
“Hendery,” you looked at him, batting your eyelashes as he rolled his eyes. “Please? I promise, this is the last one. If you really don’t like it when we get there, we can leave after a couple of minutes. I’ll even treat you to pizza after! Just come with me, please?”
Hendery groaned, rubbing his temples.
“Fine, but the pizza better come with garlic knots.”
The invitation Xiaojun had given you said that the attire was semi-formal, which made it easier for both you and Hendery to dress for it. You had followed the invitations directions, and were confused when they led you to what looked like a cat cafe.
“An art exhibit? Here?” you say softly, looking at the address on the invitation and back at the cafe, “But why?”
“Who knows,” Hendery mumbles, hand shoved in his pockets as he kicks a pebble along the sidewalk. “We should get inside so your fifteen minute timer can start.”
“You may have fun,” you hum, hooking your arm through his as you two begin to walk towards the entrance, “Never doubt what art can make you feel.”
“Yeah, Okay.” Hendery dismisses as he pushes the door open, the soft music of the exhibit suddenly filling your ears. You take a quick look around; everyone was dressed in semi-formal attire, putting your heart ate ease to know you didn’t over or under-dress — everyone was talking, which was a deep contrast to the more silent art exhibits you usually take Hendery to. There was a table filled with sweets in the shape of fish and other delicacies kittens would eat, while kittens were littered all all over the place. There were cats playing with toys, being pet by other attendees of the exhibition, and one even came up to you and Hendery the moment you entered.
“Hey, buddy,” Hendery immediately leaned down to scratch the kittens chin, “How are you?”
“See?” you taunted, “You already like it. Now, go pet cats while I try and find Xiaojun and Lucas.”
“Got it,” Hendery says, giving you a thumbs up as you walk away from him.
It didn’t take you too long to find Lucas and Xiaojun; both of them were adorned in kitty ears, standing in a circle of people while handing them drinks.
“Oh,” you chuckle, capturing Xiaojun’s attention as you stand behind them, “This is too precious. I have to take a pi—“
“No!” Xiaojun says, grabbing your hand as you begin to take out your phone, “No pictures. We lost a bet with Ten, so we’re servers for the exhibit.”
“This is our attire,” Lucas says, touching the ears on his head, before gesturing to the men he was talking to, “And these are the hosts of the exhibit.”
There were three of them; one of them was tall and lean, his body hugged by a white trench coat. His smile softened up his rough features, making his cheeks bunch up at the end. His name was winwin.
Another one’s name was Kun, who seemed to be the one running the exhibition; he was tall and quite friendly, even making Lucas run off to grab you a drink.
“And this is the star,” Xiaojun said, gesturing to the last man, “His name is ten. He only draws animals, so his pieces never end up in their exhibits. This whole theme was his idea.”
“It’s really cute,” you say, locking eyes with Ten. He was very pretty; his eye-shape resembled the cat that he was currently holding in his arms, and his smile was very warm and welcoming. It made your heart clench, in a way it had never done before.
“Thank you,” he said kindly, “I have a lot of pieces up today, so feel free to ask about them if you have any questions.”
“But first,” Kun said, grabbing a hold of tens arm, “We have to mingle with the other guests and try to find some buyers.”
“Right, right.” Ten nodded, smiling back at you, “It was nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
Xiaojun bumped your shoulder as the three walked away. “They’re not that scary. I think you’d like them. Here, i’ll show you some of my favorite pieces.”
As you walked around, you tried to catch a glimpse of the three artists; ten in specific. He caught your attention as soon as Xiaojun began to introduce you to them; though you weren’t very close in proximity, you could smell his sweet cologne, and it made your head spin.
“How old is ten?”
“A couple of years older than us,” Xiaojun said, taking a small platter of fish-shaped treats, “He’s really talented, in a lot of areas. Why?”
“No reason,” you dismissed his question, waving him off, “I’m going to go look at the pieces. Now go and do your job.”
Xiaojun smiled at you before leaving you to look at some of the works. It seemed that Winwin was a sculptor; His main pieces was a sculpture of a small kitten sitting inside a large cat bowl in the middle of the room. Kun’s work was hung up on almost every wall; his way of art was realistic backgrounds, with cartoon kittens doing activities within the scenery for a contrast. It was very eye catching; almost every piece of his already had a green “sold” sticker on its frame. You kept looking for tens, since he was supposed to be the star of his exhibit, but you couldn’t find any.
You circled around the exhibit once or twice, before you saw it; a large canvas that somehow blended into the feeling of the comforting cat cafe. It took up almost the entirety of one wall, which was why it blended in so perfectly. The painting on the canvas, though, had you staring utter disbelief.
Painted on the canvas was a large solar system; it was in black and white mostly, with few colors leaking out of stars or a planet, with a kitten jumping in between two planets. You felt a sense of nostalgia rush over you, your heart beginning to beat faster and faster as you came to a realization. When you looked at the kitty’s neck, you couldn’t help but gasp; there it was, the small pink pendant in the shape of a heart, made to look like it was swinging as the kitten was jumping from one planet to the next. You sat there, looking at it for what felt like minutes, when you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
“Do you like it?”
You turn around to find Ten, a small smile playing on his lips as he looks from you to his piece. “I drew it a few years ago. It started off as a small doodle, but I felt like I had to put it onto the canvas. I knew people needed to see it.”
“It means a lot to me, actually,” ten hums gently, his eyes focusing on the pendant. “It’s not totally my piece, in a sense.”
“I know.”
Tens head whipped towards you. “You know? What do you mean you know?”
You quickly take out your phone and begin searching through your photos, before handing him your phone. On the screen was the photo you had taken of your soulmates drawing on your wrist—the same drawing that is hanging on the wall as you stand next to him. Ten looks back at you, a soft smile on his face.
“It was you.”
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Under the Milky Way-- Sigma x Dr. Harold Winston
Synopsis: Harold and Siebren share a picnic and a romantic moment with each other as they gaze upon the stars.
This is for the lovely @animator-in-the-sky​ who has been making such wonderful Sigma x Harold (Sigrold?) fanart. You’ve done so much nice things for me, it’s about time I repay it back with the fluffiest of fluff. 
If you like this fic, check out my other Sigma x Harold fanfics, ‘It’s lonely at the top’ and ‘Evil actions and good intentions’. For more Sigma fics in general, check out my series ‘The Universe Sings’.
“What do you mean, you also brought a telescope?” Harold asks.
Siebren smiles sheepishly as he reveals his own telescope, large and white and pristine. In his other hand is a picnic basket, a tartan rug nestled over the lid.
Harold looks down at his own telescope, large and white and covered in stickers. In his other hand is a picnic basket, a different tartan rug nestled over the lid.
Siebren’s eyes wander between the two picnic baskets. “We should have coordinated this better,” Siebren says.
“That was my fault,” Harold sighs. “I was the one who said we should have a picnic under the stars. I should’ve told you what to bring.”
“It’s fine, mijn schatje.” He gently places the basket and rug on the grass before gently placing a soft kiss on Harold’s nose. “Better prepared than unprepared.”
Harold smiles coyly. “Did you just call me a treasure?”
Siebren chuckles. “Not to be academic, but I believe you call this a term of endearment.”
“Doesn’t sound as cute when you translate it into English,” Harold smiles.
“Well, maybe it’s because I want to hoard you all for myself.” Siebren cups Harold’s chin seductively. “And I won’t let anyone touch you, my precious treasure.”
Harold blushes furiously. “E-easy there, tiger.”
Siebren responds with an amused laugh and another soft kiss. They set up their blankets side by side, take out the stockpile of food in the picnic baskets, and bask in the glow of the stars, the chirps of the birds, and the warmth of each other’s bodies.
Though it was Harold’s suggestion that they go out that night, it was Siebren’s idea to visit Lauwersmeer Dark Sky Park. This was the first time Harold had ever visited the Netherlands, and Siebren insisted on showing him only the very best of his home country. From the way Siebren walked through the park with his head held high, you would think he was a native local of the area, but he told Harold that this was only his second time coming here. The first was back in Siebren’s youth, when he was just a baby. He doesn't remember any distinctive events, just that it was the place that sparked his love for the universe.
Seeing the dark sky open up before them, Harold can see why Siebren loves the stars so much. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor twinkle lovingly amidst the ultramarine backdrop of the night. The Milky Way streaks across the sky, prismatic colours staining the night like a kaleidoscope. He sees Delphinus, and Cassiopeia, and Perseus, and so many other constellations that look so much different from the dark lens of the moon. On the moon, they are imposing fortresses. Down on earth, they almost look fragile, like Harold could pluck them away with a sweep of his hand and hold it close to his heart. 
He glances to Siebren by his side, soft eyes staring at the night with all the affection of the cosmos, and he feels himself falling in love all over again.
Harold opens up the lid of his flask and takes a sip of hot chocolate. Siebren moves to extract plastic containers of food from their baskets but Harold wraps his arms around his waist, lips resting on his neck. Harold would never be so bold in public, but they are far from the walking tracks, the darkness shielding them away from prying eyes. In a sense, they are alone, just the two of them and the sea of stars above their heads.
Siebren chuckles lightly as he tears off a bit of a peanut butter sandwich and places it on Harold’s lips. He takes the bite offered for him, making sure his lips grazed Siebren’s fingertips. There’s the sound of a sharp inhale; a small victory.
“At this rate, I don’t think we’re going to have a chance to use the telescopes,” Siebren shudders.
“I don’t think so,” Harold grins. Why should he, when the most fascinating thing in the world is right here in front of him, to touch and taste as he pleases? Why should he, when he can finally do all the things he's only dreamt of, say the words that constantly swim in his mind?
As he takes a peanut butter sandwich from Siebren's basket, he slides over a herring sandwich he made.
“You’re sure you want me eating that?” Siebren points at the herring sandwich, its powerful stench contained within the plastic clingwrap.
“You said you were famished in the car ride here,” Harold remarks. “Besides, I’ve got breath mints. Lemon flavoured.”
“Your favourite,” Siebren smirks. “I should have figured this was all a ruse to get me alone.”
“That’s the purpose of dates, aren’t they?”
Siebren blushes. “This…this isn’t a date, is it?”
“It is now,” Harold chuckles.
“If that’s so…doesn’t that mean this is our first date?”
“I guess it does,” Harold muses. It doesn’t feel like a first date though, he doesn’t add. He’s become so comfortable with Siebren’s presence that it feels like a natural progression of events. The next step in their relationship.
Siebren uncomfortably adjusts his collar. “So…is there a protocol to follow or…?”
“You haven’t been on a date before?”
Siebren’s cheeks are as red as a tomato. Harold stifles a laugh as he takes Siebren’s face and pulls him in for a long, slow kiss. It takes Siebren a few seconds before he reacts, caressing Harold’s face softly as his lips push back gently. They breathe in the fresh air and each other’s presence, their eyelids closed and bodies relaxed as they give in to one another.
A minute passes before they release each other. Siebren’s eyes are low, the universe shimmers and refracts, constantly shifting. Harold places his hand on Siebren’s shoulder, and the universe stops spinning for a moment. “It’s easy, going on dates,” Harold says. “It’s like all the other times we’ve been alone together, just…outside."
Siebren gently takes Harold’s glasses off his face, placing it down next to the picnic baskets. He only ever does this if he plans on doing something far more intense than a kiss. His smile is coquettish, charming, mischievous. It's as faceted as the moon. 
“Is it really that simple?” He asks in a whisper. “Can I really just do all the things we do in private here?”
“Possibly,” Harold squeezes Siebren’s shoulder lightly, the spark of defiance in his eyes, “but the police might not like a few of them.”
Siebren swipes a thumb over Harold’s left dimple. “We’re really not going to do any stargazing tonight, are we.”
“No,” Siebren smiles. “I’ve got my own star right here in front of me.”
Harold is ready to tease Siebren for the cheesy pickup line, but he feels fingers pull the collar of his turtleneck down, hears his own voice suck in a breath as warm air grazes his exposed skin, and he promptly loses all vocabulary.
He’s gently led down onto his back as Siebren's hands wander over his sweater. Siebren is all about touch and texture, sounds and symphonies. He relishes in the groans that escapes Harold’s lips, shivers when cold fingertips trace down his spine. Harold almost forgets he’s old and middle-aged as warmth pools at his cheeks, his neck, his stomach—all the places that Siebren has touched him. The distance between their bodies shortens with every breath they take. Hands slide down to hips, fingers gripping in firmly.
Then the sky explodes as streaks of light cross the horizon, surrounding Siebren in an ethereal halo.
Siebren turns over to his back when he hears the sharp noise of a hundred cameras going off. His eyes go wide as he gazes fondly at the now-violet sky. “The Perseid meteor shower,” he gasps. “I almost forgot it was today.”
Harold picks up his glasses and adjusts them on his face. “I didn’t,” he grins. “Why do you think I wanted to go out tonight of all nights?”
Siebren chuckles. “For an astrobiologist, you can be very clever.”
“For an astrophysicist, you can be very handsome.” Harold nuzzles closer to Siebren. His head rests on Siebren’s shoulder. "Then again, I only know one astrophysicist."
They watch as the meteors light up the night sky, casting heaven-sent bolts down to the ground. They leave behind trails of green and red and every colour in between, prismatic and beautiful. The sound of cameras taking pictures disturbs the quiet, but otherwise it is calm and peaceful. In the distance, people stop and stare at the stars with childlike wonder.
It takes Harold a moment to realise that Siebren has not joined their ranks. His eyes are on Harold, gazing upon him with the fiery intensity of the sun.
“You are beautiful, Harold,” he whispers like it’s a plea. Words that cannot be contained spill eagerly from his lips.
Harold cannot concentrate on the sky anymore. Siebren draws him in, a story with the ending unread, a leaf trapped in a whirlpool. Galaxies and worlds shine in Siebren’s eyes, wide and expansive and wonderful. It’s so much more fascinating than the night.
“As beautiful as the stars?” Harold asks quietly.
Siebren grabs Harold’s hand in his and tenderly kisses his knuckles. The night sky means nothing to him anymore. “As magnificent as the universe, mijn schatje.”
Harold doesn’t need to question whether Siebren truly means it or not. He feels the thumb rub circles on the back of his hand, hears the contented hum that escapes his lips, and knows that Siebren truly loves him. In that moment, he is Siebren’s universe, just as much as Siebren is his universe.
They kiss and touch each other with the utmost reverence, a ceremonious prayer for heaven's eyes alone. The Milky Way galaxy shines above their heads, twinkling in rhythm to both the stars hovering in space and the beating of their hearts.
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yehet-me-up · 7 years
Slow Motion
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Pairing: Sehun/Oh Sehun x Reader
Word Count: 3,391
Rating: (F) for fluff
A/N: I’ve been obsessed with loving the song Chasing Highs by ALMA and wanted to write something inspired by it 💖
Who’s gonna be the first one to move?
I wanna get closer to you
I stopped counting the hours
Space between us getting smaller and smaller
The lights of the Vegas strip flash colorfully against the inky black night sky. The stars are visible way out in the distance, far past this unlikely city that thrives in the desert where nothing should.
You feel your lips tug into a smile at this observation; as you think about something equally as improbable: the fact that your best friend Sehun has been unable to stop staring at how good you look in the dress you’re wearing… for the last five minutes.
When your group of friends decided on Vegas for a trip this summer, you were thrilled. The energy in Vegas is palpable, you’d heard that there’s excitement to be found from dawn til dusk, if you know where to look. In your mind it’s the kind of place where miracles can happen.
It started out as a respectable night. The group had gone to dinner at a swanky restaurant, relishing the opportunity to dress up and celebrate the trip. The six of you had been friends since college. Baekhyun and his girlfriend Sara, Chanyeol and his girlfriend Kat, and you and Sehun – the co-fifth wheels of the group.
When you fell in love with Sehun for the first time, in your Introduction to Computer Science class freshman year, he was taken. He was still dating his high school girlfriend, but you bonded over a delightfully cheesy anime that you had a sticker of on your laptop and became friends. Your roommate Kat had listened for hours as you rambled on about how kind and cute he was, nodding along sympathetically when you told her about your feelings.
Sehun and his high school girlfriend broke up during Christmas break sophomore year; the distance had gotten too hard. Unbeknownst to you, he’d planned on confessing his feelings for you the moment he got back to campus. But when he entered the library you worked at you were smiling at one of your older co-workers, Minseok.
He’d stopped dead, seeing Minseok’s hand press briefly to your back. His heart sank as he watched him drop a quick kiss to your lips before walking off to shelve books. But your friendship came first, and he’d pasted a smile on his face and walked over to greet you. You gushed to him in a loud stage-whisper about how Minseok had asked you out during a late night shelving session over the break.
You and Minseok broke up at the end of sophomore year. He was moving abroad for a job after graduation and you still had another two years of school left. The distance just wasn’t feasible for either of you.
Sehun had held you as you cried that night, murmuring kind words in your ear and rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly. He’d fallen asleep beside you, crammed together in his small dorm bed, wishing that he could kiss you to make it better. Wishing that the timing wasn’t against him.
The next time you fell in love with Sehun was the fall of your junior year. But because fate is an ass, by the time you realize that your feelings had once again moved past friendship, he was taken yet again. 
He’d volunteered at a summer camp with a girl from the same college and they had become inseparable. For fourteen long months (not that you were counting) you had to endure them being adorable together, trying to stop yourself from feeling the way you did about him.
When he found out that she cheated on him in late October of your senior year, he was furious. He’d called you up at midnight one night, his voice rough with hurt and anger. You’d driven straight over to pick him up. After a stop at the store for a twelve pack of beer, you’d parked at the city overlook.
Way out there above the world, far away from anyone’s hearing, he’d gotten drunk and screamed his frustration out into the night. You’d listened sympathetically, handing him more beer when he asked, nearly crying at how torn up he was. 
Hours later, he thanked you, sighing and hanging his head in acceptance and you’d driven him back to his apartment. You’d always thought she didn’t deserve him, and your heart broke at seeing him so low.
The next time he fell for you was graduation day. Pride swelling up in his chest as he watched his best friend give a rousing graduation speech to your assembled class. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that you were moving onto bigger and better things. Moving in with your boyfriend of seven months, starting your new job soon.
But as long as you were in his life, as long as he always has his best friend, he told himself that he’d be fine; that it would be enough. With a rueful shake of his head he’d sighed, knowing that he was lying to himself.
But sometimes, fate decides to be slightly less of an ass. You had moved out of your boyfriend’s apartment a month ago, after realizing that things just weren’t working out.
Now here you are. A year after graduation, in Vegas. Together. Both single for the first time in your history. And you’re looking so amazing in that dress that he can hardly breathe. He runs a hand along his jaw, glancing up to see you watching him from your place at the bar with a smirk, fully aware of where his eyes had been focused.
Whatever happens in Vegas, he thinks and raises his eyebrows, taking a sip of his drink. After dinner your group starts a bar crawl along the strip and the first stop is cocktails at Mandarin Bar. You return from the bar with Kat and Sara, each carrying two drinks. In the packed bar there’s not nearly enough seats for your whole group.
After setting the drinks on the table you decide to just go for it and sit on Sehun’s lap, gathering your dress underneath you and easing onto his lap, putting an arm around his shoulder. His arm comes around your back to support you. Kat does the same to Chanyeol and Sara takes the fourth seat next to Baekhyun.
You pick up your drink in one hand and take a sip, turning to finally look at Sehun. He’s watching you with his eyebrows raised, a questioning look in his eyes. You shrug and smile at him.
He chuckles, leaning forward to grab his drink. At his closeness, you still. Awareness of him floods your senses. You notice the distinctive, woodsy cologne he wears, the heat of his hand against your hip. You’ve always wondered what kind of kisser he’d be, and with his lips so close the desire to find out is almost painful.
“Cheers,” he says, low in your ear, and clinks his glass to yours before taking a sip.
Chanyeol draws the group into a discussion about the latest Avengers movie, eager to share his theories. While the group talks, Sehun starts tracing small circles against your back. When you turn your head to look at him he meets your eyes briefly, raising his brows and giving you an innocent expression. He doesn’t stop his hand. You shake your head with a soft laugh before turning back to the group.
The next stop is the Bellagio to watch the fountain display. You grip the rail and bounce up and down from excitement. He watches you fondly for a moment before standing beside you, reaching an arm around your back to grab the railing under your arm, effectively sandwiching you in between him and the rail.
The show starts a moment later, and everyone lets out little noises of awe. While the group is distracted you lean your head back on his shoulder. His hand on the railing comes to your waist, his head resting on top of yours as you watch the display.
You’ve always been affectionate with each other. The type of friends to greet each other with a hug or to put your feet in his lap while you watch a movie. But this feels different; as if you’ve both realized how this weekend might change things between you.
Once the show finishes Baekhyun claps his hands together. “All right ladies and gentlemen, onto The Chandelier,” he says excitedly and grabs Sara’s hand, rushing off in the direction of the next destination.
Chanyeol takes Kat’s hand and dashes off after them, laughing. Sehun gives you a small smile and holds his hand out to you. You put your hand in his and he squeezes gently before tilting his head after the group. The two of you follow along at a considerably slower pace, both content to people watch the packed strip as you make your way through the crowds.
When you get to the bar he reluctantly drops your hand. You share a look for a moment before you blush and turn away, heading toward the table. After another round of cocktails you bring up an idea to the group.
“Who wants to hit up the Stratosphere?” you ask. “I’ve always wanted to ride the Big Shot.”
Chanyeol opens his mouth to undoubtedly make an inappropriate joke, but Kat gives him a knowing look and he closes it. Everyone agrees to head there. Baekhyun is especially excited since he remembers there’s an amazing diner at the base of it. You all finish your cocktails and head down to the street to find a cab since it’s way too far to walk wearing heels.
Once you find a cab Sara and Kat slide into the back, followed by Baekhyun. Chanyeol walks around to hop in the passenger seat. You and Sehun hang back. Baekhyun rolls down the window and looks between you two, a smirk coming across his lips.
“We’ll catch the next one,” Sehun says. “There’s no way I’m sitting on your lap.” He gives Baekhyun a wry smile.
“All right, we’ll see you there,” Baekhyun replies. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” he calls out the window as the cab pulls away.
You and Sehun regard each other for a beat, both on the verge of speaking. A taxi pulls up next to you a moment later and you each let out a laugh as Sehun holds open the door for you to slide in. He follows a moment later and the cab driver turns around in the seat.
“Where to folks?” he asks in a friendly voice.
“The Stratosphere, please,” you reply.
“Righto!” he says and the cab lurches as he pulls out quickly into traffic.
The motion throws you against Sehun, your hands falling to his thighs as you try to avoid a face plant. He laughs and helps you sit upright. He tucks you against his side, his arm slung low over your back to steady you against the wild motion of the cab.
“Thanks,” you say softly, turning up to look at him.
He smiles warmly. “Don’t mention it.”
The driver keeps up a running commentary as you drive, pointing out spots to eat and drink. Showing you and Sehun his favorite places.
“Ooh, if you’re still out in a few hours and want to catch the sunrise, that’s where you have to go,” he says, tilting his head forward to see something high above.
You lean over Sehun, looking up as well. It’s a new parking structure. Absolutely enormous, it looms above you. You catch the driver’s eye in the rearview mirror and raise a brow quizzically.
“Ah, you might be skeptical. But trust me, it’s worth it,” he says with a wink.
When he pulls up to the curb you see the group waiting for you. You make the journey up to the counter to buy tickets for the ride. On the long ride up to the top of the Stratosphere the group is in turns excited, nervous, and joking about how if you had to choose a place to die, a gigantic ride in Vegas would be the way to go.
When you come out onto the deck you all gasp. The view from the top is incredible, the whole strip laid out in front of you, glowing in the night. The man working the ride shows you where you can leave your things. You, Sara, and Kat have to leave your heels in the cubby so they don’t fly off on the ride.
You walk across the concrete to the ride, feeling so oddly free in the hot night without your shoes on. As they buckle you into the ride you look over at Sehun next to you, who’s distinctly less thrilled about this ride than the rest of you. You smile to yourself and hold out a hand to him. He notices it and quickly grips yours, giving it a squeeze.
You’ve always been there for each other, since that first day in class all those years ago. When you need someone to give you a hug after a shitty day, he’s the one you call. When you get good news, he’s the first one you want to share it with. When you hurt your arm and couldn’t move it for two weeks he was there everyday. Driving you back and forth to work, cooking you meals, helping around the house.
As his thumb swipes back and forth on palm and his warm brown eyes hold yours you think of how easy it would be to slip into a relationship with him. The distance between best friends and lovers seems so small from where you sit. And if the look in his eyes is any indication, his thoughts are running along the same track.
Suddenly the ride shoots up into the sky and you grip his hand tightly, closing your eyes and screaming in excitement. As it plummets back down you hear the rest of the group screaming along with you. Turning your head to Sehun you see his eyes are shut tightly. You squeeze his hand and yell over to him.
“Look at the view!” you say over the noise of everyone’s cries.
He wrenches his eyes open and they go wide with amazement as he takes in the view. From up here you see a panorama of Vegas, all the way out to the desert beyond. He grins over at you, your hair flying in all directions in the wind, your bare feet dangling below you. He thinks to himself how lucky he is to have such a wild woman for a best friend. Someone who will always push him to try new things and who always challenges him.
A fierce desire rises in him as you scream together on the ride, a flush coming to your cheeks with the wind and your laughter. Suddenly he thinks that he never wants to let go of your hand. After all these years of missing you, of this dance back and forth between friendship and something more, he feels that tonight might be the night you make a go of it. As the ride begins its slow descent down he resolves to say something when you’re finally alone.
The group gets off the ride, hugging each other and cheering that you survived. Leaning on each other as you put back on your shoes and making your way down to the diner in a loud, chaotic mess. You all eat burgers and fries, pressed up against each other in the crowded diner. Once you’re done Baekhyun loudly announces that the food has made you all entirely too sober for Vegas and you head out in search of a night club.
You stumble out into the crowd on the sidewalk, amazed at how busy it is even at almost three in the morning. Sara complains that her heels are hurting and you and Kat quickly agree, pouting at your respective partners. With a laugh and a shake of his head Sehun comes to stand in front of you, bending down.
You cheer and jump onto his back, his strong hands wrapping under your thighs to hold you up. Chanyeol and Baekhyun do the same thing and your group makes its way back down the strip searching for a good spot.
Finally you spot a club up ahead that looks promising and you all head in, reluctantly getting off Sehun’s back. It’s perfect. Dark interior, cheap drinks, endless techno tracks. For the next two hours you all get delightfully tipsy and take turns dancing ecstatically together. Heels and coat jackets are left at the table as it gets hotter in the club. You and Sehun keep finding each other, pressing close together in the crush of bodies.
Eventually Chanyeol checks his watch and sees it’s almost five in the morning. You all decide to call it a night and head out. The rest of the group piles into a taxi, yawning and blinking as they try to keep their eyes open. Sehun holds the door and puts a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder.
“We’ll be back in a bit, we’ve got one more stop to make,” he says and Baekhyun winks. Sehun shuts the door and watches as the cab drives off. You turn to him and raise a brow in question.
“We’ve got a sunrise to see,” he says with a smirk.
You snag another cab and at the mention of “a giant parking garage” the driver knows exactly what you’re talking about. He drops you off out front and you take the elevator up to the 20th floor, the very top.
The top level is completely empty of cars this early in the morning. Up ahead you can see the desert now visible past the city as the sky turns a warm purple color from the impending sunrise. The two of you walk over to the edge of the structure and lean against the smooth concrete wall on your elbows.
It’s Vegas in the summer, so it’s still quite warm, but a breeze blows in off the desert and you shiver in the pre-dawn cool. Sehun notices and shrugs out of his suit jacket before sliding it over your shoulders. You smile over at him and it turns into a grin as you take in his messy hair, the flush in his cheeks from the drinks and the dancing.
As he wraps an arm over your shoulders you marvel to yourself at how you’ve always felt like you belonged to each other. Like you’re two halves of a whole, meant to be, even if periodically other people came in between.
He turns to look down at you and his gaze becomes intent as you both realize that you’re finally alone. You turn toward each other and he slides his hands along your jaw to cup your face. Underneath his jacket you reach out your arms and hold his waist, pulling your bodies close. After all these years you hardly need words, the desire written clearly on both your faces.
He strokes your cheek with his thumb and bends down slowly, his eyes carefully watching your reaction. You suck in a breath, suddenly overcome by the fact that this is happening; by the fact that he’s feeling the same way about you.
“Are we really doing this?” you ask barely above a whisper.
“I think we are,” he says, his mouth pulling up into a lopsided smile.
“About time,” you say with a smirk.
He leans down in a rush and presses his lips to yours. You can’t keep the smiles off your faces as you move together. Your noses bump, your lips slightly off center as you kiss frantically, unable to contain your excitement.
After a minute you find your rhythm. Your bright joy at finally coming together turns deeper, the emotion rising within you. He pulls back, watching you with awe. Amazed that after all these years you’re finally in his arms, within his grasp. Now that he has you he vows never to let go.
“I can’t believe it took us so long to get here,” he says with an ironic smile.
“You were definitely worth the wait,” you say, unable to contain your smile. You lean up and kiss him again, hardly noticing the glorious sunrise unfolding next to you, distracted by something much more important.
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Fic - Take a Star
So I had this cute idea for a fic, and I know I said I’d update a Strange Picnic when I was able to write again, but this idea just wouldn’t leave me alone! But yeah, I hope you enjoy it!
Tags are at the bottom - if you want taking off just let me know!
Title: Take a Star
Warnings: a little bit of self-doubt and insecurity
Pairings: Polyamsanders - written as platonic, but could be read as romantic
It began with a jar.
It once held coffee beans, but it had since been cleaned until it gleamed, the label carefully peeled off and the residual glue rubbed away, until the glass sparkled like new.
A sunny yellow sticker was stuck on the front, and across it were scribbled the words which started it all:
“Take a Star to Brighten Your Day!!!”
And it was full of small, purple paper stars.
“It’s for you!” said Patton eagerly, when Virgil walked into the kitchen for breakfast and frowned at the jar placed at his usual setting at the table.
Logan set down his cutlery, and began adjusting his glasses – a nervous tick that immediately made Virgil suspicious.
“Patton is indeed correct. It has come to our attention, Virgil, that you suffer from worrying amounts of self-doubt and insecurity, particularly regarding our appreciation for you and your contribution to Thomas’ wellbeing. While, in an ideal situation, we would like to be with you to offer support when you experience these moments of doubt, we know this may not always be possible. Therefore, we have created a method through which to show our appreciation – “
“It’s a compliment jar!” Roman interrupted, through a mouthful of pancakes.
Logan sighed, “Really, Roman? Must you interrupt me? While still eating?”
Roman rolled his eyes, “You were taking too long to explain, Brainiac!”  
Logan adjusted his glasses again, “I think you’ll find I was being perfectly succinct – “
“A what?” Virgil interrupted, before the argument could escalate further. He hesitantly took his place at the table, being careful to avoid touching the jar. It was an unknown entity, a break in routine, and he did not like change one bit.  
“It’s full of messages from us, kiddo!” Patton beamed as he handed him a fresh stack of pancakes, with syrup and blueberries on the side, just as Virgil liked them.
“Messages?” Virgil looked at the stars doubtfully.
“They’re compliments! And let it be known that it was my idea to fold them into paper stars!” Roman gestured dramatically.
Virgil looked down at his pancakes and frowned.
“I – I don’t understand. Why…?”
Logan cleared his throat, drawing Virgil’s attention. “As I was saying, before Roman’s unnecessary contribution–“
“–we have identified that you experience instances of self-doubt and insecurity, and are aware that you may find it….difficult to ask for assistance. After much deliberation and research, we have worked together to create a Compliment Jar for you.”
Virgil eyed the jar, before picking up a blueberry from his plate. He began to roll it between his fingers nervously.
“What do I do with it?”
“We envision that, whenever you are feeling strong negative emotions, you can collect a star from the jar as a reassurance that we appreciate you and…” the tips of Logan’s ears flushed red, “…to show you that we care for you and your wellbeing, Virgil.”
Virgil looked at the jar and silently counted the many, many stars. He felt his cheeks grow warm, and quickly turned away, hoping his foundation would hide his blush.
“…it’s really for me?” he mumbled quietly, almost too quiet to be heard.
There was a moment of silence, thick like the syrup on his pancakes, and then Virgil felt a warm hand carefully clasp his own.
“Of course it is.” He started at the contact, and looked up into Patton’s eyes, full of warmth and something else, something Virgil didn’t want to name, just in case he jinxed it.
“We made it especially for you Verge,” Roman piped up, his voice soft and warm.
Virgil looked at the jar, filled with bright purple stars, bright purple compliments, written just for him, and he felt the tell-tale prick of tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
He quickly looked down and pulled his hand free, but couldn’t hide the small smile lighting up his face, nor hide the blushing tips of his ears from observant eyes.
“…Thanks guys.”
The rest of breakfast passed quietly (and, if a few small happy tears were shed over syrup-covered pancakes, the other sides pretended not to notice).
 Several days passed before Virgil found himself alone in his room at 3am, his thoughts racing and chasing each other, like cats chasing their tails.
- Why are you so useless no one cares for you why do you even bother - 
He was curled up under his blanket, trying to keep his breathing steady and wishing it was daytime, because then at least the others would be awake and he could sit with Patton and let him play with his hair or do a puzzle with Logan or watch movies with Roman, but they were sleeping and he couldn’t bother them, couldn’t wake them up just because he was being a giant baby and couldn’t stop worrying and doubting and hating himself, it wasn’t fair on them and they’d hate him -
And then he remembered the jar, full to the brim with purple stars.
Virgil sat up, his thoughts suddenly fixated on the jar in the kitchen. He’d left it there, not yet brave enough to pick it up and carry it to his room with all the others watching.
…Could he get a star? Did he need a star?
He frowned and rubbed at his chest.
Maybe he didn’t need a star, but he really wanted one.
He jumped out of bed before he could change his mind, and sunk down, reappearing moments later in the kitchen. It was dark, but his eyes quickly adjusted, until he could make out the shadowy shape of the jar on the table.
He liked to think he could even see Patton’s quirky handwriting on the label in the darkness, calling out to him.  
Take a Star to Brighten Your Day!!!
Well, it wasn’t quite day yet, but it still counted right?
Hesitantly he shuffled forward and reached out a hand, until his fingers met cool glass. He took a deep breath, and before his bravery could desert him, he quickly unscrewed the lid and grabbed at the stars.
As soon as he felt the paper in the palm of his hands, he rescrewed the lid and sank back out into his bedroom, his heart racing with adrenaline and excitement, because he’d done it, he had a star!
He sat on his bed and opened his hand, and frowned.
Oh, great. He’d taken three stars by accident.
Now what? Should he take two back? But then he’d have to put them back in the jar, and they were already crumpled from his hand, and what if the others could tell he’d put them back?
What if they thought he was ungrateful, that he didn’t like them?
Could he open one and keep the other two in his room? No, that was too tempting. How could he ever sleep if he knew he had two stars, written just for him, just a few feet from his bed? He just couldn’t.
Virgil looked down at the paper stars, the same shade of purple as his jacket.
He would just have to open all of them.
With shaking hands, he reached forward and gently unfolded each star, being careful not to tear the paper. He squinted in the dark. He could barely make out the handwriting on each, so he reached for his phone, using the screen as a light.
I love your smile kiddo! – P
Your make-up looked magnificent today! – R
I enjoy our debates immensely, you are an excellent conversationalist – L
And as he read each message, each little compliment, over and over and over again, he felt his chest grow light, and his breathing grow calm and steady, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt, in that moment in the dark, that he was loved.
(And in the days after that, when he felt the self-doubt and hate and fear creeping up on him again, he would return to the kitchen and take another star - not even noticing that the jar never seemed to empty - and he would let a few kind words chase away his worry, even if it was just for a short time, and replace it with something warm, and kind, and loving).
@thegeekgirl42 @nourstudies @demonickittykat @xix-leiloves-xix@uniquelyinsane7@podcastsandcoffee @the-potterhead-phandom @waste-disposal-unit @musicphanpie-b@superwaywardangel @thebrightsilverlining@here-to-vent@elder-jeremiah @gracefullyinsanedancingunicorn@zamoradraw @reallyawkwardlyawkwardhuman @makingsunshine@virgilmood @data7-cyber29 @mintelion @colie7700 @holdnarrytight @lizziepopanime @lostgirlgwen @wammygirl 
The jar looks a bit like this btw, but the stars are big enough to open and are all purple.
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
How RFA+ bby V and Baeran spend their first anniversary with their MC! It can be as mushy as you want it to be haha ✨
This was super sweet! Somehow, this took us three hours to do…Hope you enjoy it! 
He was the King of Romance
But on your anniversary, he was the nervous King of Romance
He didn’t know what he wanted to do for you, so he made up several plans and decided to go with whatever seemed best on the day
However, he didn’t expect you to crash them
He wakes up to a delivery of those edible bouquets made out of fruit
There’s also a small bag in his mailbox with two shirts: one has two thumbs on it and says, “This guys loves his girlfriend” to which you inform him you have the matching opposite one
And the other is a really nice one suited to his tastes
You send him a text to meet you at his favorite cafe, and when he does, he finds you already bought him his favorite pastry
But he’s a step ahead of you and had picked up your favorite drink from the coffee shop
After your little breakfast, you tell him you have one surprise for him later in the evening
He takes this chance to execute one of his plans
He takes you to the beach, stopping by at home to change your clothes
You guys let loose a little and play around
You bury Zen and make draw a six pack in the sand
He clears his throat, “MC…I have an eight pack.”
You blink before drawing a weird, strange sixteen pack
He surprises you a little later by taking you out onto a boat
Not only is a lot of fun, but he stops the boat right before sunset and you two have a soft moment
Just as the sun is setting, he thanks you for your little surprises in the morning and gives you a tender kiss on the lips
You feel his hands go by your neck, and you think he’s just cupping your neck
But then he pulls away and you feel a slight weight around your neck
You look down and see a necklace with a small heart charm
It has your names engraved in it along with your anniversary date
Neither of you feel the need to say anything, so you two just hold hands and enjoy the moment together
The day before you anniversary, Yoosung tells you that he’ll be taking you somewhere in the afternoon
Sure enough, the next day he’s at your doorstep,  your favorite flowers in hand
He’s super nervous at first, giving you a compliment about your outfit
He relaxes a little once you’re driving on your way there
He takes you to a sculpture garden
You two spend a lot of time walking around pretty flowers and gardens
He’ll say super romantic things while holding your hand, or compare you to some of the flowers
But then, you two loosen up and go looking at some of the funnier sculptures
A lot of pictures for memories
There was one of those things where a person is disguised as a sculpture
Poor Yoosung was the victim and he almost went crazy because he swore someone touched his shoulder
He was a good sport about it though, once the truth was revealed
He takes you inside a little cafe/restaurant thing inside the cafe that’s italian themed
You’re too excited to give your gift to him, so he lets you
You got him a brand new tablet, because his was so old and it was starting to hurt his bad eye
You also had this long card where you give him encouragement and reaffirm your feelings for him
By the end, Yoosung feels so supported by you and falls in love with you all over again
When you’re done eating, there’s this small gazebo that you two find and you sit in it
Yoosung had this planned…and he waits for a couple to walk by
Then he brings up a conversation about love and he starts going on this speech about how much he loves you and about your future together
Then, he pulls out a small ring from his pocket with a silver ring
You’re kind of freaking out because this is going kind of fast and what is he doing?
You calm down a bit when he says it’s a promise ring
“This ring is my promise to you that I will always love you, and one day, when I can fully support you, I will marry you.”
You shed a tear because it was so sweet and full of emotion
You manage to hold in most of your  emotions until you get back to your place where you and Yoosung crash on the couch
He comes back with some snacks and sits down next to you, and you just  can’t hold it in anymore
He’s mid sentence when you just grab his face and kiss him passionately
Safe to say, your anniversary ended on a good note
She spends the whole week leading up to it overthinking everything
She wasn’t sure if you two were getting each other gifts, or if it would be too much–you hadn’t discussed anything and she was really nervous
In the end, she just decides to go ahead and get one for you
She gets a simple bracelet, but with several charms
Each one represents a memory you two had together
Besides, she thought it might be something she could add onto for you everytime you had a significant moment
Meanwhile, you got her front row tickets to a musical that she has been wanting to see for a long time but has denied herself due to either work or finances
The day comes and you two exchange gifts first thing in the morning, both of you hugging each other tightly by the end
Jaehee’s not really a spontaneous person, so she has something planned in the evening but nothing else
But you improvise and drag her out to different places
You guys explore the town together, finding new spots to try later or stop in a few shops
There’s a lot of laughing and smiling and just enjoying your time together
Then, for dinner, Jaehee treats you to your favorite restaurant
All in all, it was a lovely day
You guys have many occasions to completely go big on things, so you wanted your first anniversary together to be more subtle and intimate
So you two do some normal things
You take a walk in the park together
You got a nice–not super fancy–restaurant and eat and talk
And then you go back to his house for the evening
He says he just wanted to watch a movie with you and relax, so that was good enough for you
When you get there, he suddenly mentions that he recently installed a new bed of flowers in his garden and asked if you wanted to see
You were skeptical…since it was night time, but you agreed
When you step out into the garden, dozens of soft lights go off, there’s a fountain running nearby
Roses among other flowers are set along a path to this hammock under the open night sky
You playfully scold him since you guys were supposed to “keep it simple”
You say that it’s nothing equal to this but you got him a small gift
He’s been into a lighter clothing faze, so you gave him a shirt with sushi cats on it
His eyes light up and he thinks it’s the best thing
“MC, you got me a gift…I’m glad I got something small for you as well!”
He pulls out a small box holding  a pair of diamond Jumin this is not small
After you two exchange gifts, you go enjoy the hammock he set up
The rest of the night is just you two talking, settled in each other’s embrace under the stars 
Before he can even go to you first, you show up at his house with an envelope in hand
Inside is a note that says, “I said I wanted to kiss you in the sky, so…” and on the bottom is just an address
He doesn’t know where it goes, but you two hop in the car and he puts it in the GPS
You two arrive and it suddenly hits him what you got him: a helicopter ride
He’s so excited, he’s hugging you the whole time while walking to the helicopter
You gear up and set off on the tour
It flies over the waters and there’s a magnificent view, and you’re even allowed to open the doors at one point
And he really does kiss you in the sky
After it’s over, you two go to a cute little cafe restaurant and spend some time walking around town and talking
When it nearing dinner, you two go back to his house
He says he has a surprise for you now
He puts you in a blindfold and leads you around the bunker until finally he takes it off revealing a room completely and authentically themed country
It wasn’t cheaply done…he put a lot of thought into the detail
He even ordered authentic food and dessert so it would be the ultimate experience
After you finish eating, he pulls out two smaller gifts for you
Weeks before, you had a joke about wanting a blanket with his face on it
Well, he delivered and you had a huge fluffy blanket with the dorkiest picture of him on it…it was a joke, but you actually really liked it
The second gift was a small glass plaque with a your favorite couple pictures together engraved inside along with your anniversary date
At the end, you two relax on his couch…under the large blanket with his face on it
Neither one of you wanted to something super big or super fancy or super public
So you plan a small outing together in the city and just go with whatever you feel like doing
You two try a bunch of different foods from large waffles to those huge milkshakes or ice creams and maybe some different cultural foods
You had no idea Saeran was taking secret candid shots of you on his phone
You would catch him sometimes smiling at his phone, but he would never tell you what he was doing
You stumble across a carnival/fair going on and decide to go
You two go on the smaller rides, like the Ferris Wheel and boat rides
You drag him on those love rides for the laughs
You weren’t sure what was making you more sick…the shaky boat or the couple making out behind you
The photobooth was his favorite part
It was one of those where you can draw on faces and add stickers
He drew a heart around you two for his copy, but he wouldn’t let you see it
You somehow sneaked a view anyway
Saeran manages to win you a small panda from one of the booths
You have him hold it while you go to the bathroom, and when you come back a small bracelet is attached to it’s paw
He’s shy when you notice, so you try not make a big deal and just kiss his cheek as a thank you
You can tell he’s getting tired, so you go home and unsurprisingly he crashes and falls asleep on the couch soon after
You sneak to the kitchen and bake him some of his favorite sweets
When he comes in to take a taste, he finds your gift there as well
There’s a whole basket of nick-nacks like some books, cookie mixes, personalized mouse pad, and other smaller things that you noticed he likes
He invites you to come over late afternoon
When you get there, there’s flowers on the table while he’s cooking you a huge lunch
There’s also a small box of chocolates with your name on it
In front of you is another box with a ribbon and a small note prompting you to open it
Inside is a photobook where V had filled the whole thing with pictures of you two
Beside each one is a small note about when it was, what you did, and something he loved during the memory
You’re melting with each page, and then on the last one there’s a small slot with a locket inside
He already has your and his picture inside
Just as you’re about to call a thank you, he comes in and gives you a small peck
He brings out a full meal and you two talk and enjoy each other’s company
At the end, you bring out your gifts for him
You’d bought him brand new camera lenses to help him as he rebuilds his photography business
But he’s even more touched by the pile of letters neatly stacked in box
You had written one everytime something small, yet significant happened between you and him the past year
To end the night, you just wanted to relax together
So he sets out a blanket in the backyard, you bring some soft candles for lighting, and he also brings some snacks and wine
It was probably more romantic than any fancy dinner in your eyes
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