#vixx imagine
blu-joons · 2 years
When He Apologises To You After A Fight ~ Vixx Reaction
Your eyes widened as you watched Hakyeon walk through the front door, two bags in his hands. He placed them in front of you, allowing you to peek inside both of them.
“My favourites,” you commented, recognising a few of your favourite things.
Hakyeon nodded proudly as he took a seat down beside you, “I thought they might be a good start in trying to say sorry to you for the argument earlier.”
“I guess buying my favourite chocolate does sweeten me up a little bit,” you agreed, reaching in and pulling your favourite bar out to start enjoying.
“You have to listen to me though Y/N, you can’t just eat that now.”
“I can do both,” you retorted, “plus I like the chocolate more than I like you right now.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Hakyeon shrugged back across at you, “but I would like you to at least pay attention enough to know that I’m sorry for what I said to you.”
Your head nodded as you looked up in Hakyeon’s direction. “This apology better be on a par with the chocolate otherwise I won’t be listening.”
“Y/N, shh,” Hakyeon laughed, “I’m trying to be serious, stop messing around with me now.”
“Sorry, I promise I’m listening.”
A sigh came from you as you heard the door to your bedroom open, knowing that it was Taekwoon by the clearing of the throat that came from him as he approached you.
“I’m not interested,” you immediately called out, but Taekwoon didn’t listen.
Instead, he perched down on the bed just beside you. “I’m not here to cause another argument Y/N, I’m here because I want to say sorry for what happened.”
“It doesn’t change what you said earlier on,” you stubbornly replied, catching Taekwoon nodding in agreement with you out of the corner of your eye.
“Let me try and make it up to you at least, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I want to be here,” you corrected, “I’d happily be anywhere if it was away from you.”
“Y/N,” Taekwoon whispered, resting his hand against the top of your leg, “I’m trying here. I can’t say sorry enough but you can’t just ignore me forever and not talk to me.”
You shuffled slightly so that you were looking across at Taekwoon, “I’m listening,” you bluntly whispered, not letting him off quite so easily.
“Thank you,” he calmly responded. “I am really sorry for what I said, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I know you are Taek.”
The sound of a knock at the door brought your eyes up, smiling weakly as you saw Jaehwan stood in the doorway, holding up the bag that was in his hand to show you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing your laptop away.
Jaehwan took that as a sign to walk into your office, hovering beside your desk. “It’s a bit of a peace offering, a guilt lunch for causing the argument earlier.”
“You’ve brought me lunch to say sorry?” You smiled back across at him, unable to stop yourself from being touched by Jaehwan’s sweet gesture.
“I’ve not been able to stop thinking about what happened.”
“Come on,” you spoke, beckoning him over, “I can’t say no to a free lunch anyway.”
“I’ve got a few more things that I thought might make you like me again,” Jaehwan informed you as he took his seat and started to unpack the bag.”
Your eyes rolled as he did so, “no matter how much we fight Jae, it never stops me from liking you. These things just happen in relationships.”
“You’re right,” he mused, “I guess sometimes I worry that I push things a little too far with you.”
“You definitely like to test me.”
Your eyes glanced away as soon as you noticed the front door opening, hearing Wonshik walk through the house and take a seat on the sofa beside you.
“What?” You questioned, feeling his eyes staring across at you firmly.
A sigh came from Wonshik, expecting you to still be annoyed with him. “I just wanted to talk to you Y/N, try and at least explain myself a little bit.”
“What’s there to explain?” You challenged, “you made your opinions quite clear this morning about what you think of me, I’m just stupid to you, aren’t I?”
“That’s not true, I didn’t get my words right at all earlier, that’s all.”
“Is that you explaining yourself?” You groaned back at him, “blaming your words?”
“Can you just let me finish?” Wonshik asked of you, running a hand through his hair. “I’m trying to put things right, even if you’re still mad with me.”
Your head nodded as you took a moment to calm yourself back down again, “I guess I could listen to what you have to say for yourself.”
“Don’t sound too disappointed,” Wonshik joked, “don’t you want to stop arguing with me?”
“Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
A figure appearing brought a smile to Sanghyuk’s face, watching as Jaehwan peered down and took a look at what it was that he was doing on his phone during their break.
“For Y/N?” Jaehwan asked, watching as Sanghyuk browsed a selection of flowers.
His head nodded as he clicked one of the options, “I messed up pretty bad this morning, sending her a bouquet of flowers feels like the least that I could.”
“Did you really muck up that much?” Jaehwan couldn’t help but laugh, throwing his arm across Sanghyuk’s shoulders. “You don’t think just a sorry will cut it this time?”
“I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I said to her earlier on.”
A hum of surprise escaped from Jaehwan, “you better find something expensive.”
“Since when were flowers so expensive,” Sanghyuk grumbled as he clicked to check out, “I can’t dig myself that big of a hole again just for the price of the apology.”
Jaehwan’s head shook as he listened to him, “at least hopefully if you send her these you’ll get Y/N talking to you again, isn’t that what’s most important.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk agreed, “I think it might get me a few points remembering her favourites too.”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
Painful - Cha Hakyeon
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A/N: So this is a bit of a dark fic, but I wanted to get out some emotions and feelings, back in April, my back completely gave out on me, and I don’t know what had caused it, so I wrote down my own thoughts and feelings during the process... just adding another person to it also.
Warnings: Angst, reader is in pain, dark thoughts, detailed description.
W/C: 935
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You were just doing the most simplest task when you had felt a pressure starting to form in your lower back, but you didn’t think much of it, you continued on with your day, but you should have known something was wrong. He stepped into the house you both shared and paused, something was wrong, something was off, he could feel it in the air, he puts his keys down and begins removing his jacket, that’s when he heard your footsteps slowly shuffling towards the door.
“Hi, I’m Ho-” He pauses his words as he turns his head towards you, finding you leaned against the wall and sadness mixed in with panic in your eyes, you give him a small smile, it barely even showed a smile. He quickly rushes towards you and wraps his arm around your waist, making you gasp, which only causes him to take a step back. “What’s wrong?” The panic and concern in his voice made you feel so guilty and like such a burden already.
“My back…” You whisper. “I’m okay…” You try to play it off, but he knew better.
“It’s not okay, you can barely walk,” He says, he carefully wraps his arm around you and helps you towards the couch, your legs nearly buckling beneath you on the way. “What’s wrong, what happened?” He carefully sits you down on the couch before standing in front of you.
“I was just… making the bed when I felt a pain, but it wasn’t bad,” You say. “I then laid down for a minute and I moved to sit…” You sniff, the pain vivid in your memory. “It was so painful, my legs feel like they can’t support me,” Tears were brimming in your eyes as you told him. “It feels like everything in my lower back is pressing down on me, crushing everything, or it feels like it is.”
“We need to get you to the hospital,” He says, about to move away, you quickly grab his hand, wincing in pain as you do.
“No… no, it’s okay, we can go see the doctor tomorrow,” You say. “Please… we can’t make this trip tonight, it's already late,” You watch as he looks at you, unsure what to say. “Please, it’s fine, it’s okay, I can survive the night,” But mentally you weren’t, the pain was eating at you, and you were worried you would wake up, and you would never be able to walk again. “Please… let’s just go get ready for bed.”
“Y/n…” He sighs out, placing his other hand on top of yours. “You’re hurt, you don’t know how this happened?” You shake your head, feeling a lump in your throat forming.
“I don’t know… I’m sorry,” You say, he quickly leans down and carefully wraps his arms around you.
“No, no, you don’t get to say sorry for something you have no control over,” He says. “I’m sure they’ll be able to help you even if you don’t know what caused it,” His hand comfortingly rubs over your back in circles. “Let’s just go to the emergency room, I’m worried.”
“No, no, please… we can go see the doctor tomorrow and get answers,” You say. “I don’t want to go right now, please,” He slowly pulls his head back from your shoulder and looks at you, seeing your pleading eyes. “Please… I just want to go lay down and sleep,” As much as he wanted to keep arguing with you, he knew it wouldn’t help. “Please…” You whisper.
“Okay… I’ll make an appointment first thing in the morning,” He says. “Now come on, let me help you to bed,” He stands up and carefully wraps his arm around you and helps you stand again, he could feel just how unstable you were as you wobbled in his arms. Slowly you make your way to your bedroom, and he sits you down on the bed, the concern not once leaving his eyes.
Your heart was racing, it felt like your body was just betraying you, you wanted to cry, wanted to scream, but what would that help you? It wouldn’t make it better, your breathing was shallow as you tried to control your emotions.
“I’m just going to go change, I’ll be right back,” He says, you nod your head and watch as he gathers his clothes before going to the bathroom. You slowly put your feet onto the bed, wincing as you felt a painful feeling shoot up your spine. You could feel a tear slipping down your cheek as you slowly lay down on the bed, you turn onto your side, letting out a shaky breath.
He exits the bathroom and stops as he looks at you, your body was shaking slightly as you were silently sobbing, his heartbreaking at the sight, he makes his way to the bed and climbs onto it behind you, slowly wrapping his arms around you, your back was pressed to his front, and he presses his head against the spot between your shoulder blades.
“It’s okay… I’m here, I’m here,” He whispers, and that’s when you completely lost it, loud sobs rack from your body, and with each sob, your back was in pain, every movement you were making, was causing the pain to be consistent. He hated seeing you like this, seeing you in such agonising pain, and he couldn’t do anything about it. It was about to be the longest night of both of your lives, as you laid awake in pain while he was concerned about you, his mind racing and refusing to shut down.
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vixxensvoid · 2 months
HAHAHAHA “anakins twilight adventures” part 1
anakin was so bored today, it was his off day. Obi wan told him to fuck off and leave him alone 💔🤣
anakin was going thru his Netflix subscription that he actually stole from Obi wan, he’s been using his account for a year now. Obi wan always complains about the bill being so high but anakin doesn’t tell him cuz “it’s my way of having some semblance of control”. Ok shawty, whatever you say. a series anakin has never seen before catches his eyes…. “Tw- huh? Twilight???” Bro can’t read 🤦‍♀️⁉️
he clicks on it and watches a few minutes of it “yo this Edward dude is so weird… but he’s literally me…” and he starts fantasizing about life as a vampire…
Anakin becomes inspired!!! He goes on Wikipedia and learns the lore. He learns Edward’s ways…
he soon goes to wikihow and looks up “how to become a vampire”, “how to make people think you’re a vampire”, “how to scare people”. he read the step’s carefully… “learn spells???” He goes on uhh Star Wars YouTube… “galaxy tube” yeah that’s what it’s called… and searches up “at home easy quick vampire spell. REAL” and watches a galaxy tuber by the name of “jar jar binks hater 101”.
“WHATS UP GUYS?!? ITS ME JAR JAR BINKS HATER 101 BACK AGAIN THIS TIME TO TEACH YOU A NEW SPELL!!! Last week we learned the death spell and tested it out on jar jar- sadly it didn’t work!” Anakin was shocked to say the least! “Oh my god… they tried to kill jar jar… eh whatever” and he continued to watch. “THIS WEEK IMMA TEACH YOU HOW TO BECOME A VAMPIRE!” anakin watched and watched. He binged over 10 videos and went on space Amazon even tho he hates contributing to capitalism. Anyways! He bought fake blood, a cape and fake fangs. He bought teeth glue too just in case…
days pass and anakin waits eagerly to try the new spell during a full moon
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he goes to his apartment and quickly puts on his cape, glues the fangs to his teeth and puts fake blood on. He sneaks around the Jedi Temple trying to scare people. Everyone looks at him weird. “Whatever… they’re just mad they’re not off putting like I am… they’re scared of my aura…”
Then IT HITS HIM!!! WHO better to scare than the younglings 😈😈😈
@jediavengers @gallerygourmet @yyece @mortalheartbreak @mortalheartachehateaccount HELP @mortalheartache @demieyesore @rottencandyblood @wingamy24 @wildathevrt
@wingerguarantee @erosmutt @fuckmyskywalker
@real-hawkguy @r0ckstardr3amgal @yzuposts
@yourenogoodforme @obsessedwthdilfs
@anastasiaskarsgard @flannelfreak02 @karliispunk @lacebird @zapernz @xzaddyzanakinx @xstarkillerx @vibestillax
@brian-moser-my-beloved @notintattooine @nananooti @maevesversion @mitsuki91 @haydensangel @haydensprettyprincess
if you wanna be added lmk
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blu-joons · 2 years
When They Take Care Of Their Pregnant Partner ~ Vixx Reaction
Your head shook as Haknyeon walked across to you with another cushion in his hand. “I don’t need any more you know.”
He placed the cushion down beside you anyway, tucking it into your side. “It’s better to have it here just in case you start getting uncomfortable with the bump through the night.”
“I can’t move for cushions all around me Haknyeon.”
He looked around your frame, nodding in agreement with you. “Maybe I might have grabbed a couple too many cushions for you to make you cosy.”
“You think,” you chuckled, “there’s hardly any room for you too.”
“I just want to make sure that you don’t get disturbed,” Haknyeon sighed softly, dropping down beside you. “I know what you’re like, you don’t like to say when you’re struggling.”
“How about we leave them just beside the bed?” You suggested, “that way if I need one, I can just reach for it?”
“If you want one, wake me to get it,” Haknyeon corrected, “other than that, I agree with you.”
“I reckon I can work with that offer.”
Your eyes glanced back, sighing to yourself as you noticed Taekwoon just behind you. “Are you following me around?”
His head shook, although as you came face to face with Taekwoon, your head shook too. “I’m not following you, I guess I’m just making sure that you’re alright instead.”
“I’m pregnant, I can walk around just fine.”
A sigh came from Taekwoon too as he studied you closely. “I know now that you can, I just always feel better being with you, just in case anything happens.”
“Nothing will happen,” you smiled, “I’m being careful too.”
“You can never be one hundred percent certain though,” Taekwoon couldn’t help but reply, unable to shut the part of his brain down that was constantly worrying about you.
“Take a breath,” you instructed Taekwoon, “you know that if I feel like I need your help, then I’ll ask you for it too.”
“I guess I just want to be around,” he shrugged, “I always feel like I can be helpful for you.”
“And you already are too Taekwoon.”
As another groan came from you, Jaehwan stopped what he was doing and looked at you. “I’m alright,” you told him.
His head shook as he walked across to where you were laid out on the bed. “You’re obviously not alright if you’re making that noise, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“The baby is just a bit restless right now.”
Straight away, Jaehwan laid down beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. “I’ll try and get them to calm down and let you rest for a while.”
“You’re busy,” you told him. “You don’t need to do this.”
“I do if it helps you out Y/N,” Jaehwan quickly corrected, “what I’m doing isn’t really that important anyway, definitely not as important as the two of you are to me anyway.”
“Thank you,” you whispered back to Jaehwan as his hand moved around your tummy in circles to ease the pain.
“Anything,” he hummed in response, “you know that you can always count on me, don’t you?”
“Of course, you’re the best Jae.”
Your smile was wide as Wonsik got out of the bed and walked across to you. “Thank you,” you chuckled across to him.
His hands reached out and intertwined in with yours, “you’re lucky you’re pregnant otherwise I’d be so mad about you waking me up right now just to help you up.”
“It’s a hard job to do with a huge baby bump you know.”
“I know,” Wonsik agreed, counting down from three before pulling you up onto your feet so that you could get out of bed and head over to use the bathroom.
“Thank you,” you told him again, “I really appreciate it.”
“Do you need anymore help?” Wonsik asked you as you began to walk around the bedroom. “Do I need to wait in case you need some help getting back into the bed as well?”
“Getting back into bed is the fun bit,” you joked, “I can just drop down and roll onto my side and I’m tucked back in.”
“You’re impossible,” Wonsik grinned, “you’ve still got to be careful just dropping down Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, it’s all under control.”
You couldn’t help but allow your smile to grow as an arm moved around your waist. “Are you alright?” You looked to Sanghyuk.
His head nodded in reply to you as the two of you walked, “I’m just holding onto your bump, it’s a bit busy around here and I don’t want for anyone to end up knocking you.”
“I’m pretty good at moving out of the way.”
Sanghyuk carried on nodding in agreement with you, “even if you can move, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have me holding onto your bump.”
“You’re cute,” you grinned, “you care so much about us.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk smiled in reply to you, “you’re heavily pregnant, and you’ve got our baby in there too, there’s no way that I could just leave you to fend for yourself Y/N.”
“I appreciate it,” you mused back to Sanghyuk, “even though I probably like to be a bit stubborn sometimes.”
“It’s hard,” he agreed, “having to struggle and accept the help of others all of a sudden, right?”
“Exactly, it’s all so different.”
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yootaesowlwrites · 10 months
Practice Room
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A/N: This is a free choice fic. Imagine who you want to for this.
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog. Minors DNI.
W/C: 1.8K
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, mention of blowjob, masturbation, phone sex, nicknames,
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 16+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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To say you weren’t expecting a call from your boyfriend only a few hours after he had left for a late-night practice was an understatement, but the way he looked was not how you expected to see when you answered the FaceTime call. His hair was soaked with sweat and sticking to his forehead, yet some parts of it looked dishevelled, you could see his flushed skin and the way the sweat glistened in the light.
“I thought you were dancing,” You say as you sit upright in bed. You prop yourself against the headboard and lazily move one arm over your head as you lovingly stare at your phone, or more at the man on your phone screen.
“Baby…” He heavily breathes. Your eyes widen as you hear his tone, and you practically straighten up, and that’s when you pick up on how dark his eyes are, lust and need swirled in them. “Fuck, you shouldn’t have given me that blowjob earlier…” An hour or two before he had left for the studio, you were on your knees in front of him and his hands tangled into your hair as you looked up at him so sinfully as you had your mouth stuffed with his cock.
“Was it that good?” You ask, feeling a sense of pride growing inside your chest. “You really couldn’t focus on practice and thought more about your dick inside my mouth, how I looked up at you with big eyes and breathed loudly as I take more and more of you in my mouth, the head of you slipping down my th—”
“Baaabbyyy,” He whines out and leans his head against a white wall. “Fuck, I called you to help, but you’re making it worse,” He moves the camera lower, and you saw the giant tent in his sweats. “Fuck, this is your fault, you need to help take care of this,” You lick your lips and adjust yourself into a more comfortable position.
“Take your pants off,” You mumble. “Is anybody there or is anyone going to disturb you?” You watch his free hand come into view and push his pants down, along with his underwear. You push your legs together as you watch his hard cock spring free and slap against his lower stomach, leaving a smear of his arousal behind on his tanned skin, some of it getting on his happy trail.
“Nobody, it’s like a ghost town here,” He says. You nod your head, even though he was holding the camera away from his face, and you knew he wasn’t going to see. “It felt so good what you did to me earlier,” You lick your lips as you feel your own skin slowly starting to heat up with excitement.
“You really do need the help,” You whisper. “Cup yourself for me,” You watch his hand cup the underside of his cock and hear a groan from him. “Slide your hand up and down,” He does what you say, and you hear his breathing only getting louder. You weren’t completely sure where he was inside the company building, but you had a feeling it was in the dance practice room. “Wanna turn the camera towards the mirror for me?” You watch the phone lift before it freezes for a split second as he switches the camera to face the mirror. “I knew it…”
“It’s just me here…” He mutters. You could see him completely through the mirror, the way he held the phone and the way he sat against the wall across from the mirror. “It got so bad while I was dancing, I couldn’t focus at all,” You lick your lips as you let your eyes move towards his cock he was still palming.
“Can you move closer to the mirror?” You ask. You watch him pull his hand away and move himself closer to the mirror, close enough for you to see what you want and need to see. “Good boy,” He lets out a soft whimper. “Wrap your hand around yourself,” He lets out a breathy groan as his fingers wrap around the base of his length. “Fuck, watch you do this… being like this, it makes me want to come to you,” You unconsciously move one of your hands over your pyjama shorts and press your fingers down against your folds, and felt your juices moving between them. “Move your hand, slowly.”
“Oh, gawd…” He groans as he slowly slides his hand upwards to the tip of his cock. You watch as he slides the palm of his hand over the tip before moving it down his length, leaving a trail of his arousal along his cock, before his hand slid back upwards to collect more of his pre-cum onto his hand. “Fuck, so good…” You watch him rub the palm of his hand over the head of his cock in a circular motion.
“Baby…” You mumble as you press your fingers harder against your folds, pressing near your clit. “Gawd…” His breathing gets harder, and you could feel sweat forming on your skin from hearing the little whimpers and groans from his lips. “Move your hand away from the head.”
“Y/n… baby…” He whimpers. He slowly slides his hand away from the head, and you could see the red angry tip leaking more, his hand was probably coated with his arousal. “Baby…” You could see his stomach rising and falling through the mirror.
“Can you do me a favour… take off your hoodie and shirt,” You say. You almost whine as he puts the phone down and disappears from your view, you hear the sound of clothes shuffling and moments later he is back in your view, and you can see his toned arms and his toned torso clearer now. “Fuck… yes,” You slide your hand upwards and slip it between your pyjama pants and panties and cup yourself through your panties. “Take your thumb, baby…” You watch him wrap his hand around himself again and slowly move his thumb to the slit on his cock. “That’s it, play with it,” You press against your folds again, and rub up and down over the panties.
“Yyyy/nnnn…” He whines out as he circles his thumb over the slit of his cock. You could see his arousal coating his thumb, making it glisten in the light. “Fuck, fuck… I’m…” His tone sounded strained, and you had a feeling he wasn’t going to last very long.
“How long did you try and hold out, baby?” You ask in a teasing tone. “Too long?” You slide your fingers to the side of your panties and pull them aside before pressing them against your exposed folds and slowly pushing your digits past them.
“Y-yes, fu-fuck, too lo-long,” He stutters. You could see sweat rolling down his chest and over his stomach, his thigh muscles bulging in the mirror, and you could see his hand gripping the phone harder. “I’m going to…”
“Slide along it, baby,” You say. You watch him slide his thumb along his slit, and smile as you watch his body begin to shake, your view of him becomes shaky as well, and you wished you were right in front of him to experience it. “Keep going, make yourself cum on yourself,” Your eyes move to his abdomen, and you could see his muscles pulling and twitching, the sound of his groans and loud breathing was making your mind spin. “When you get home… eat me out.”
“Fuck, Y/n, you can’t say stuff like that…” He groans. His hand begins bobbing up and down around the head of his cock, while his thumb continues to slide along the slit. He could feel his balls tightening as his high was nearing, and rapidly as well.
“I mean it, eat me out, even if I’m asleep, I’ll be fucking soaked,” You say. Your eyes flash towards his throat and watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he breathes in rapidly and loudly. “Cum for me, baby, make a mess of yourself for me,” You watch him throw his head back against the wall and listen to his moans becoming louder and deeper.
“Yyy/nnn… fuck, yes, I’m… for you, fuck… fuck,” He groans. His movements become more rapid, and you watch his eyes fall shut, his lids move and twitch before you watch his body begin to shake with pleasure. “Y/N!” His head turns from side to side against the wall, and you lower your eyes to watch ropes of cum spilling from his cock and onto his lower stomach and onto his thighs.
“That’s it, fuck, that’s it, baby, just like that,” You say. His muscles twitch and pull as he goes through his orgasm, he was a mess, and it was all because of you. He was a mess for you.
“Y/n, fuck, baby, baby, fuck!” He moans. His hand falls to the floor, and you watch him from a different angle as he goes through his high. “FUCK, fuck, oh, my fucking…” You push your fingers against your clit, you had been too distracted watching him, you had forgotten to get yourself off. “Fuck, oh, my…” You watch his movements slowly down before his hand falls away from his cock, and he slowly opens his eyes, a dazed look in them as he stares upwards at the ceiling. A smile begins forming on his lips, and he slowly turns his head towards the phone in his hand to see you staring at him with darkened eyes. “I can’t believe I just did this here…”
“Well, believe it…” You whisper. “I apparently gave you such a good head earlier, you wanted it to happen in the practice room,” You watch him lick his lips as a chuckle escapes his lips, he was thinking about it and thinking about what he had just done. He wasn’t even sure how he was going to get himself out of the practice room and to the bathroom without getting caught by an employee who worked late hours or night shifts. “Hurry and finish practice…”
“You didn’t get to finish though…” He says. You watch as a frown forms on his face and he lifts the camera. “Let me ease you through it,” You shake your head, pressing your fingers harder against your clit.
“No, no… hurry and finish practice and then come and eat me out,” You say. “I want that, I want you to eat me out,” You watch him swallow and nod his head. “I’ll be right here, waiting for you to return,” You watch him reach for his hoodie and pull it towards himself. “And go clean yourself up,” He nods his head again.
“I think I’m done with practice, I’ll be home soon,” He says. You softly smile at him and nod your head. “Don’t get off without me seeing it, okay?” This time it was your turn to chuckle.
“Got it, I will wait for you to arrive,” You say. He waves at the camera with his cum-coated hand, and you feel your pussy twitch as you watch it glisten. “Hurry.”
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georgiebrits · 6 months
Owned - Ravi
You're standing alone in a dimly lit room, the faint scent of candles and musk filling your nostrils. Suddenly, he enters the room, his tall and muscular frame eclipsing your small size. He claims that you belong to him now, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. You can feel his gaze taking in every inch of your body, making you feel vulnerable and exposed. You realize he has full control over you, and a sense of danger and desire overtakes you. Your breath hitches, your skin tingles as his warm hand reaches out to caress your cheek. He stares at your lips for an extended moment, as if contemplating kissing you. "You're quite stunning," he says in a low growl, moving his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck. "I'll take good care of you."
He leans forward and lightly kisses your forehead. The kiss lingers on it before his lips move downwards to trace soft lines down your chin, towards your neck. Your eyes fall closed as he continues trailing kisses up your throat.
When he finally reaches your lips, his mouth meets yours tentatively, hesitantly. He whispers "You're even more beautiful up close." He deepens the kiss, his tongue daringly probing your mouth. You feel his arousal pressing against you, and a soft groan escapes his lips. Slowly pulling away, he murmurs, "We have all night. I want to explore every inch of you."
He rids himself off his shirt as you start to softly trace his tattoos. His skin is warm under your fingertips, and his breathing becomes heavier with each stroke of your fingers. The tip of your fingers trail around his pec and he hisses, the sound reverberating through his chest. You don't know why he's so sensitive there, but you continue stroking and gently sucking his nipple until he's ached with pleasure. "Fuck," he groans, his hands grabbing onto your shoulders as he succumbs to the wave of pleasure that rushes through his body. "You're going to be the death of me."
You gasp as his teeth graze your neck, the sensation sending a wave of desire through you. He playfully nips at your skin, leaving a trail of marks down your collarbone. "You're mine," he growls possessively, his hands trailing down your body to cup your ass. "And I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."
He presses a wet kiss to your hip bone, trailing kisses further down until they reach the tops of your thighs. "Mmm...this feels nice." He slowly slips one hand between your legs. "What do you think?"
He strokes your clit slowly and methodically You moan at his touch, arching your back as he strokes you. "Oh, god...yes," you pant, your hands reaching down to tangle in his hair. He continues to tease you, alternating between circling your clit and dipping his fingers inside you. "Please...I need more," you whimper, writhing beneath him.
He smirks darkly and slides two fingers deep inside you. "Yes!" You cry out, thrusting into his hand desperately. You grab his wrist and pull hard, forcing his fingers to stop their torture. "That's it....fuck me harder." Not yet," he says with a low growl. He pulls his fingers out of you, causing you to groan in frustration.
He takes a step back and watches as you obediently drop to your knees, looking up at him with desire in your eyes. "Good girl," he murmurs, his hand reaching down to stroke your hair. "Now be a good little fucktoy and suck my cock." He unzips his pants and pulls out his hard, thick member, pushing it toward your waiting mouth.
His movements are slow and deliberate. You lick and suck every part of his cock while he slowly pushes it into your mouth, the head stretching your throat until he's buried completely inside. Once satisfied, he withdraws. You whine as the intrusion causes a twinge of pain in your mouth. He laughs at your response. "You should've known better than to mess with me, little toy," he growls, pushing you down onto your back. "Now I'm going to show you what happens to those who disobey." He pins your arms above your head with one hand and slides the other down your body until it finds your hot, wet core. Without warning, he plunges two fingers deep inside, making you gasp and moan. "God, you're so fucking wet," he says, his voice low and husky.
"It's going to be very easy for us to get carried away." Don't..." you beg him, your mind beginning to become clouded with lust.
"Don't what?" he asks, smiling mischievously. He starts pumping his fingers inside of you as he talks. "Don't fuck you?" He pulls them out.
You whimper in frustration as he pulls his fingers out of you, begging him not to stop. He grins down at you, his fingers glistening with your arousal. "I think you want me to," he says, his voice low. "You want me to fuck you hard and make you come all over my cock." He pushes you further back onto the bed and positions himself between your legs. "Just say the word and I'll give you what you want." The anticipation makes your body ache with need.
You watch him raise his eyebrows and smirk as he sees you look towards him.
Your mind is still fuzzy with lust, and you almost don't realize what he's trying to tell you. As he starts slowly entering you again, you realize what he wants and try to cover your mouth, but he won't let you. He thrusts deeper inside you, relishing the sensation of your tight, wet heat. "I want to hear you scream," he says, his eyes locked on yours. "I want to hear you beg for more." With each powerful thrust, your body rocks with the force of his movements. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body tensing with pleasure. Finally, unable to contain yourself any longer, you let out a loud moan as pleasure washes over you. He chuckles, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. "That's it, baby," he says. "Give in to me."
His voice lowers into a dangerous tone. "Make this worth my while." The last word is whispered so quietly you have trouble hearing him. His fingers move faster, his hips rocking and pushing against yours. You cry out, and a few seconds later he slams into you in a violent orgasm. He holds on to your hips for several moments after, both of you gasping for air. Finally, he withdraws from you and collapses onto the bed beside you. "You're all mine," he says, his voice raspy with satisfaction. "Never forget that." You nod, feeling a mix of pleasure and fear. You're not sure what's going to happen next, but for now, you're content to bask in the afterglow, surrounded by the scent of candles and musk, and the feeling of his warmth next to you.
As you trace the intricate tattoos adorning his muscular chest, your eyelids grow heavy with sleep. You feel him shifting beside you, adjusting the blankets to cover you both. As you drift off into a peaceful slumber, you can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring. But for now, you're content to be in this dimly lit room, surrounded by the scent of candles and musk, and the warmth of the man next to you.
A nice request from @sadfragilegirl I hope it lives up to your expectations :)
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Kinkmas - Day 11: Master/Sir W/ N
Post Date: 11th December 2022 Content: Smut - Vixx N x Reader WC: 1.1K TW?: Master/Sir kink/ Dom!Hakyeon/ SugarDaddy!Hakyeon/ Fingering
Summary: After a hard working month at work, your boss suprises you with something a little extra special, a bit more than a Christmas bonus.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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It’s that time of the year and you’re all excited to receive your Christmas bonuses, Hakeyon always has told everyone that they’ve done extremely well throughout the year and always raised their bonuses each year and was completely unbiased - until this year.
Making the rounds to each individual office, he drops off their bonuses, sending them home straight after, leaving you until last on purpose. In the last year, he’s come to really develop something for you, always struggling to hold back the lustful urges when he’s around you and hoping to try his luck. 
Everyone’s faces light up when they’re told that they can finish early to enjoy their holidays, rushing to grab their things and run past him, thanking their boss for being so gracious towards them. He really did make the office work life so much easier for them, one of the bosses in the area, and everything works so smoothly in the office because of him. 
Another few stops for him to make and the sounds of people cheering outside of your office distracts you, getting up from your chair to see what was going on. The second you open the door, you’re hit with confusion. Furrowed brows make a staple on your face as the others cheer and bellow ‘Merry Christmas’ as they exit the building completely.
There was 100% a chance of them meeting to go for a few drinks to celebrate the early holiday and you’re slightly hurt by the fact that you had no idea what was going on, thinking that they’ve completely left you out.
Just as you were about to walk back into your office, you turn back around at the calling of your name, greeted by Hakyeon standing there, hands resting on his back as he smiles at you softly. 
“What’s going on?” You ask quickly, turning your body fully to face him, hanging out of the door to look at the empty corridor and empty open-door offices before looking back at Hakyeon who’s now grinning.
“Here’s your Christmas bonus, and I need to speak to you in my office if you wouldn’t mind?” His smirk disappears, putting on a stern face as you start to panic, nodding in agreement after you put your bonus on his desk.
Following him down the corridor, you stay behind slightly, hands shaking, what could you have done wrong? Did you fill in something incorrectly? Did you say something wrong? All these thoughts race through your mind as you enter the room and the door is locked behind you.
The click of the door locking makes you panic, even more, standing in front of his desk awkwardly as you await him to take a seat himself before you take one out of respect. However, instead of that, he leans on his desk right in front of you, the smirk returning onto his face as he looks at you with lustful eyes. 
“Don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong...” He starts, standing up now and standing right in front of you, his coffee-scented breath brushing against your face as the panic slowly starts to fade. “I just wanted to tell you in private how well you’ve worked, and how much you deserve a little extra appreciation from the others”.
His face was now centimeters away from your own, eyes glued to your lips as you start to breathe at a quicker pace, unknowing of what is going to happen. The way he puts a hand on your waist makes you shiver, and you had to admit, he was so attractive like this, momentarily forgetting that he’s your boss. 
“Would you like to know what your other bonus is?” He whispers, a smirk turning into a grin when you nod slowly with anticipation and you thought your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
With that, the gap is closed, his lips molding against yours and you freeze like a statue momentarily, not expecting that in the slightest. But when he goes to pull away, lust takes over you and you pull him back in, wrapping your arms around him as you deepen the kiss. 
It literally takes no time for the kiss to go from something sweet to the both of you being hungry for each other, breathing heavily as moves slightly, sitting down in the guest chair and pulling you onto his lap so you’re straddling him. 
Your lips burned with desire for his, not letting them disconnect for a second as you slowly start to discard your underwear, luckily wearing a skirt so it made everything easier. 
His fingers tease through your folds, brushing against your sensitive clit and making you yelp in satisfaction. You’re still straddling him as he spreads his legs out, leaning you back slightly, hand supporting your back as his fingers make you whimper. 
“Does that feel good, sweet girl?” He coos seductively at you as you manage to make eye contact with him and oh, how that was the best decision you made, the way he looked at you in full lustful admiration had you burning up. 
“Yes Sir,” You cry out, biting down on your lip and whimpering when a finger is inserted into your soaking wet heat, his thumb doing wonders on your clit as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Is this the best bonus you’ve ever received?” He continues, bringing you closer to him so he could place wet and sloppy kisses up and down your neck, sucking lightly on some parts to make you writhe on him.
“Yes, Sir,” Another whimpering reply and how he was extremely turned on by you calling him ‘Sir’, the word getting to his head completely and he wants it printed in his brain. 
The way he toys with you, his fingers doing all the dirty magic work as you’re crying over them, whimpering and moaning to the point it wouldn’t be a surprise that you could be heard throughout the building if people were still in their offices. 
The peppering of kisses on your neck combined with his fingers curling against your special spot, made your legs shake with how close you were coming to your high. It felt amazing and you didn’t know how you were going to live without having this more often. 
It was like he read your mind, with the way he quickens his pace with his fingers fucking you at a quick pace, bringing your orgasm closer, he breathes against your neck, “Don’t worry sweetheart, this isn’t going to be the last time you’re getting this bonus. This is just the beginning. My favorite girl”.
Once he finishes his sentence, you’re cumming all over his fingers and it feels like you’re on cloud nine, screaming his name as your hit hard with your orgasm, his kisses on your neck and up your jawline helping to bring you down from your high.
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
Misc. groups
After school
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How they are with first gf
Gf! Nana
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Long night
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Fem! Crush coming out
4 minute
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S.o is a scorpio
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Soulmate au
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Jealousy is poison
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S.o using chopsticks for the first time
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Jealous winner
Not enough?
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S.o is a Scorpio
S.o is a leo
Nine percent
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Making s.o feel better
They pass out during practice and you find out
Stood up by crush
Cai Xukun
Let’s meet in the garden
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Gf kisses them first
Hearing their s.o’s morning voice
Crush has the same patronus as them
Cuddling with their s.o for the first time
girlfriend d.ana
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S.o is clumsy
Bf wearing feminine clothes
S.o falls asleep on their lap
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S.o shows up at fan meet
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Gf bites their neck
Crush lays their head on their lap
How B1A4 would kiss
How they are on dates
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Newly weds
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Bf! Minhyuk
Almost family
Weki Meki
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Gf! Doyeon
Single mom Au
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Bf throwing them over their shoulder
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Soulmate au
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Madly in love
Gf! Bona
Big bang
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S.o has a different religion
As types of jealous
Loving boyfriend
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witchakyeon · 2 years
Vixxtober 2022
This will be my first time participating in something like this + bc of circumstances I am starting later than most folks in other fandoms & doing things a bit differently! Translation: I apologize in advance for the person I am about to become & the mess that will ensue as I attempt to pull this off. I have a plan but I also have a life, so if you notice that I skip around or anything, no you don’t <3
Most of these works will contain smut. Please read the content warnings!
Pairings will basically be announced on an update-to-update basis. I’m not really the plan in advance type (I usually write whatever I’m in the mood for when it comes to shorter works) + if anyone else decides to do this they too can pick whatever pairings they want!
Works will be posted on my ao3 + tagged on this post ·ᴗ·
❦ Week One (10/1-10/8)
— Overstimulation ❧ Ken, Leo, Hyuk (explicit)
— “Tuck in your shirt” ❧ Neo (general)
❦ Week Two (10/9-10/15)
— Aftercare ❧ Chabin (general)
— Creature scenario ❧ Chabin (explicit)
— “Come to bed” ❧ Kenvi (general)
— “Spread your legs, sweet thing” ❧ Chasang (explicit)
— “You have the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen” ❧ Hyuken (general)
❦ Week Three (10/16-10/22)
— Spanking ❧ Sanghyuk solo* (explicit)
— Shower sex ❧ Luck (explicit)
— “Hey, kiss me?” “You’re bleeding on my carpet” ❧ Hyuken (general)
— “Sounds like a you problem” ❧ Hyukbin (general)
❦ Week Four (10/23-10/29)
— Lingerie ❧ Keo (explicit)
— Creampie ❧ Chaken (explicit)
— Morning sex ❧
— “You know I’m not real…don’t you?” ❧
— “What are you doing to me?” ❧ Kenbin (explicit)
❦ Week Five (10/30-10/31)
— ot6; Hongbin-centric ❧ Hongbin solo* (explicit)
— “Do you believe everything you read?” ❧ Chabin (general)
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Is That The Shower Head On Your Clit?
Soul Mates? A dancer and producer?
Can I have my heart?
Stray Kids
9 or Nothing
SKZ Reaction to You Getting Your Period
SKZ Reaction to Another Member Walking in on You Kissing
Bang Chan
Lee Know
Seo Changbin
Don’t Mind Me, Just Enjoying The View
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
The Meaning of a Rose
Himchan and His Betrayer
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vixxensvoid · 2 months
I’ve done it.
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You’re welcome, Star Wars fandom. FOR HUMANITY.
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galaxymagick · 2 years
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I’m Still Here 𝒜𝓃𝒹 you are Calendar ♡ July 2022 | cr. @galaxymagick  
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Jung Taek Woon (VIXX) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Runic Tarot
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Jung Taek Woon
Stage Name: Leo
Group: VIXX
Masterpost: VIXX
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Jung Taek Woon
Leo (VIXX)
Deck: Runic Tarot
Spread: Kinky*
Position - 3 of Swords
Surprisingly enough it looks like Leo is actually more on the submissive side of a spectrum. He can actually grow sort of apathetic in the relationship, leaving everything to his partner, which can be infuriating for them. They better not try to punish Leo with silent treatment. He will indulge in it, silence isn’t a punishment, that’s when he thrives and becomes the happiest. Lol. 
Libido - XXI The World
Leo is a wholesome lover. He might be pretty ignorant about important dates like birthdays or anniversaries, he doesn’t talk much, your family and friends might think he’s your imaginary boyfriend because he always finds a good excuse not to meet them, but damn, will he make it worth it when he goes down on his lover. Leo has an exceptional intuition and will hit the right spots at first try without his partner even telling him where those sweet spots are.
Turn On - 5 of Pentacles
Leo is a good night in shining armour. He will instinctively feel attracted to damsels in despair (or blokes in trouble, if you want). He will come for a rescue, save the day, defeat the dragon and wake up the princess with a kiss. Whatever it takes. It’s funny how much activity he gives in at the meeting when he becomes passive afterwards. Maybe the fun is in the chase for him.
Kink - 7 of Pentacles
Leo is likely to have a thing for praising and he’s more likely on the receiving end. He likes to feel valued and admired but he won’t accept empty flattering on his looks. Leo wants his partner to notice his professional and personal achievements and compliment him on them. And some praising of his love making skills will also make him happy and blushing.
Dirtiest Secret* - IX The Hermit, 5 of Cups
I don’t even know how to begin here. The image I got with this one… I’m blushing. Anyway! Imagine Leo relaxing on a sofa like a lazy big cat, his eyes nearly closed but not completely, he’s gazing down, his lips slightly parted, his chest rising and sinking in increasing tempo. His lover is on their knees and paying extra attention to Leo’s manly parts. Leo is not required to do anything, only watch and indulge himself in the delightful feeling. That’s probably his favourite fantasy.
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Thank you for reading!
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
Massage - Cha Hakyeon
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A/N: For no one wondering... this my thoughts while I attended Physio during the months of April and July.
Warnings: Touching, suggestive, smut, massage, marking, nudity, explicit language, descriptive scenes, slow sensual scenes, hint of insecurities, fingering, clit stimulation, light breast play, fingering, clit stimulation, teasing, dirty talking, unprotected sex(reader is on the pill), cockwarming.
W/C: 4.2K
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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You were lying down on your side with your back facing the door, you were slowly starting to fall asleep when you heard the door open and close before hearing footsteps approaching the bed, you hear something being placed onto the nightstand before feeling the bed dip behind you and a hand sliding over your exposed hip slowly and softly at first before his fingers started digging into your skin as he pushes your shirt upwards.
“Relaxing a little?” He whispers into your ear, you could feel his breath fanning against your earlobe. You hum as a soft smile forms on your lips. “I’m going to disturb it just a little…” You feel his lips brush against the shell of your ear before feeling him pull your shirt higher, you lift your upper body slightly, allowing him to remove your top. “You were prepared for this,” He says as he discovers that you were braless.
“I was just planning to relax a little,” You mumble, blinking a few times. You hear and feel him reach for something before he moves you to lay down on your stomach before stranding the back of your thighs, pinning your legs down to the bed with his body. You hear something being opened before feeling your hair being moved out of the way, you gasp as you feel a low warmth liquid being poured onto your skin between your shoulder blades.
“I heated some coconut oil for this,” He mutters as he closes the lid of the container and places it on the bed. He leans over you and kisses the shell of your ear as his hands touch the top of your shoulders and slowly begin sliding them up and down, spearing the oil over your skin. “Relaxing some more?” His fingers were starting to press harder, and you could feel his palms also joining on, adding some pressure to the areas he was kneading.
“Hmm, ohh,” You moan out in response to how good it felt to have his hands on you, digging into your skin as he massaged you. You feel him shift slightly before feeling his hands starting to spread the oil lower. “Ohhh,” Your eyes flutter at the feeling, fuck, it felt so good, his hands felt so warm, fuck, you couldn’t even describe how good it felt. You feel his lips touch the top of your spine before kissing down until he reached between your shoulder blades, while his hands continue to move lower and lower. He sits upright, and you feel his hands dipping into your pants and begin spreading the oil over your asscheeks, kneading his fingers into them. “Ohh, that… Hak.”
“Feels good?” He asks in a soft tone. You could feel his fingers reach the bottom of your ass and press into the skin before he slides his hands over your ass, continuing to press his fingers into your skin as he does.
“Hmm, so mmh much,” You moan out. Your hands reach upwards, and you grip onto the pillow, his hands slide over to the side of your thighs before slowly sliding out your pants and over your sides. “So good, it feels so good,” His hands stop once he reaches your side boobs, and you feel his fingers softly kneading into them.
“Let me go get a towel quickly, and then I’ll turn you around,” He says. His hands disappear and so does the heat he was providing, you lift your head and turn it to look at him as you hear his footsteps fading away, you catch sight of his bare back and quickly realize he was shirtless, but how had you not felt it? How did you not notice it? Was he making you feel that good that you didn’t notice his heat radiating onto you? He reappears with a towel in his hand and moves toward the bed.
“When did you get rid of your shirt?” You ask, letting your eyes roam over his beautiful dark skin that you absolutely loved so damn much.
“When I was waiting for the oil to heat up,” He says, your eyes flicker towards the door and found his shirt hanging out the hamper near the doorway. He spreads the towel onto the bed before rolling you onto your back and onto the towel, his eyes roam over you, taking in all that is you, every part of you, the lines covering your stomach and the underside of your breasts and the ones reaching your underarms. “I still can’t believe how lucky I am,” He mutters as he picks up the coconut oil and opens it, he slowly drizzles it onto your chest before putting it down on the bedside table. “Sorry, it’s a little colder now.”
“Hmm, it’s fine… still feels nice,”  You mumble, you watch as he climbs onto the bed and moves to cup one of your breasts. “I’m the lucky one, you know…” His other hand moves to the waistband of your pants.
“How come you say that?” He says. His beautiful dark brown eyes lift from your chest to look at your face, and you could feel your skin heating up underneath his gaze. “Are you trying to tell me something?” You blink as you look at him.
“Yes,” You breathe out, feeling his fingers knead into your breast as he spreads the oil over your boob. “I’m trying to tell you that you’re handsome,” He licks his lips and pushes your waistband a little lower.
“And you’re beautiful,” He says. “Don’t you dare think less of yourself, every part of you is beautiful,” You could feel your heart swelling at his words, a warmth spreading through your heart. “I accept all of you, just like you accept all of me, no question,” You nod your head as a smile begins spreading onto your lips, his gaze moves away from your face and moments later he lowers his head and latches his lips onto your exposed hip bone and begins sucking a mark into your skin.
One of your hands moves down, and you run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back for a moment before it fell back into place, slightly dishevelled, you do it again, only stopping once your hand reaches the back of his head, and you press your fingers against his scalp. Your eyes begin fluttering as you feel him pushing your waistband lower, exposing the crease of your hip and part of your mound.
“Hmm,” You hum out and suck your bottom lip between your teeth. The tips of his fingers were rubbing over your mound as his palm rests against the crease of your hip. Your mind quickly fills with all kinds of filthy thoughts as your skin only heats up more and your breathing becomes shallower by the second. He pulls away from your hip and slides his hand on your breast over to your other, spreading the oil over your sternum before spreading it over your other breast, sliding his finger over your nipple several times and feeling it become hard as it slips underneath his finger. “Hmm, Hak…” He moves his head to the spot where he had pulled your pants lower and moved his hand away before kissing the crease of your hip. You lift your hips slightly, and he quickly pulls your pants down lower, stopping when they reached just above your knees.
“Eager, aren’t you?” He whispers, making you hum at the feeling of his hot breath hitting your skin. His hand slides over your mound, his fingers move through your hair as he slides them over to your thigh, and your grip tightens in his hair for a moment before loosening it. His hand slides from your breast, over your tummy, you could feel him spreading his fingers open over your tummy as he slides it over you. The oil slowly being spread over you.
“Ohh,” You sigh, your eyes fluttering at the warmth his hands were providing. His hand on your thigh disappears, and you feel it at the top of your chest, running it through the oil before he moves it back to your thigh and spreads the oil over the top of your thigh while his lips rest against the crease of your hip. You could feel his slow breathing against you, which spread a comforting feeling through you. “Feels so good…” You trail off. His hand slides from the top of your thigh to the inside, you visibly freeze at how close his hand was to your pussy.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He asks. His fingers knead into your thigh, and you could feel him slowly move his hand higher, stopping just before his fingers could touch your pussy lips, he slid his hand down until he reaches the fabric of your pants. You were certain he was teasing you by doing that movement.
“Hmm… all good,” You breathe out, pulling your hand away from his hair and gripping onto the sheets, earning a chuckle from him. His hand slides upwards once again, and you feel the side of his fingers brush against your pussy lips, he looks at you before pushing his finger harder against your folds and pushing past them.
“Ohh,” He moans out and rests his chin against the crease of your hip. “You’re enjoying this a little too much, aren’t you?” You could hear a squelching sound as he slowly moves his fingers through your folds, siding them against your pussy and rubbing your clit.
“Hak, oh my fuck,” You moan out, pushing your head against the pillow. You could feel your insides churning as something begins tightening in your abdomen. You feel the tips of his fingers touching your slit before they slide away and up to your clit, slowly rubbing around the nub and making you slightly lift your hips upwards. Your breathing almost sounded like a quiet whimper as you breathe out. Your fingers curl into the sheets, gripping them tightly. Your heels dig into the bed and your toes curl. “Ohh… my,” His fingers circle your clit before pressing them against the inside of your folds and sliding them down. You couldn’t think straight, not with his fingers touching you like this, and not with his breathing still against your hip. And as if he had read your mind, he lifts his head and slightly turns it, making you whimper as you feel his breathing against your mound and blowing against your hairs.
“It sounds so… delicious,” He mutters and takes in a deep breath before slowly blowing it out. “And it smells so delicious…” You let out a whimper and turn your head to the side, gasping for air. He slides his finger back up to your clit and presses down hard against the nub.
“OH!” You gasp out, feeling your muscles twitch as he pressed down on the bundle of nerves. “Hakyeon…” You swallow and turn your head back to look at him, his chin rests against your mound as he continues to slide his fingers along your pussy, spreading your arousal and pushing you closer to a release from just his touching. His fingers slide down to your slit and your jaw slacks as you feel a digit sliding into you. “Oh, oh…”
“You’re just sucking my finger right in,” He mutters, making you whimper. He slowly pushes his finger deeper into you before stopping when it was almost knuckles deep inside you. “So warm and wet, all from a massage…”
“That… massage had no innocent intentions,” You manage to say, he wiggles his finger inside you, making your legs jolt at the pleasurable feeling going through you.
“That’s a bold accusation,” He mutters before slowly pulling his finger out from you. Your hips lift off from the bed as you feel a second digit being pushed into you, stretching your walls and filling you. “You don’t have any proof.”
“Your fingers… are inside me,” You manage to breathe out. Fuck, his fingers were inside you and making you feel so good, so blissfully good. “I don’t need more… proof,” You gasp as he curls them inside you, rubbing the pads of his fingers against your walls and causing a tightening feeling to build inside you.
“Hmm… true,” He mutters before lifting his head and moving his gaze between your legs to watch his fingers. “And you’re sucking them in,” You whimper and wiggle your hips, making him smirk. “And enjoying it a lot also,” He slowly pulls them out from you before pushing them back in, making your arousal squelch at the movement. “Don’t you just love hearing that?” The sound quickly fills the room as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, your jaw clenches and loosens as you gasp for air.
“Hak… Yeon…” You moan out, your eyelids fluttering as they fight to close. You could feel the tension building and building inside you, your head was thrashing against the pillow and your hands were hurting from gripping onto the sheets. Your knees bend, and you drag your heels up until your legs were bent and your folds had spread more open for him.
“This… is in the way,” He mutters before you feel your shorts and panties being pulled down until they reached your ankles, his fingers inside you had slowed down for a moment as he focused on removing your clothes. “Better,” You hear the fabric hit the floor before feeling him completely settling between your legs and using his broad shoulders to push your legs even further apart. You could feel his warmth between your thighs, his bare skin rubbing against your bare skin. His fingers slide deeper into you, and your back arches as you feel his thumb touch just below your clit.
“Oh, oh, my, Yeon!” You moan out, your eyes closing as you feel the tension inside you close to snapping, you could see specs of dust forming behind your lids and slowly growing bigger and bigger. Your legs begin shaking as a warmth travels up them and moves towards where the tension was growing. “Oh…”
“Getting close?” He mutters, you feel his lips touch the inside of your thighs, his hair tickling your other thigh, and his thumb slides over your clit and presses down on the sensitive nub. Your toes curl into the sheets, and you feel the tension snap inside you, specs of dust quickly form into stars and your body quivers with pleasure.
“Hakyeon!” You moan out, your chest rising and falling as you come undone, your hips lifting and causing his fingers to slip deeper inside you for a second, you try and swallow the saliva building up in your mouth, and you squeeze your legs against his shoulders as you try and create more friction. His thumb circles over your clit, and his fingers slowly move in and out of you, easing you through your high. The only thing you could hear for several minutes was your own heartbeat racing and your own blood rushing through your veins. By the time you came down from your high, his fingers were no longer inside you, and he was standing at the door of the bed, his pants and boxers, gone.
“You get so lost in your own high,” He says. “It’s really a sight to see, one day… I’ll record it and show you,” He climbs onto the bed as you swallow at his words, your eyes move down, and you watch as pre-cum glistened on the head of his hard cock.
“Oh…” You whimper as he places it on your mound, making you feel his hot pre-cum drip onto your mound and slowly slide over it and mix with your hairs. He slowly slides it down and over your folds, making you feel how warm and sticky it was. “Hakyeeeoonnn,” You whine out and watch as he smirks.
“You’re so needy,” He whispers and pushes the head of his cock past your folds and slowly slides it along you, coating himself in your arousal. “I can’t blame you,” You let out a whine and move to sit upright, only for him to push you back down with his other hand that wasn’t wrapped around his cock. “Lay down.”
“Then put it in,” You mutter as a pout forms on your lips. He chuckles and taps the head of his cock against your clit, making your stomach muscles twitch at the feeling of your throbbing clit receiving attention. “Hakyeon!” You gasp, his hand slides to your breast, and he presses down against it, he looks between your legs, and you watch as his hair moves slightly in front of his eyes. “Oh… ohhh,” Your eyes flutter as you feel him pushing the head into you.
“Ohh… you feel so welcoming,” He groans out. He slowly pushes himself into you, making you feel every inch, even the way he was shaped and the prominent vein on his cock, he releases his cock and presses his hand against your hip bone. “Fuck… I forgot the pillow,” You quickly reach up and grab onto a pillow, pulling it down and almost tossing it against his chest. “Fuck… you’re just so eager, do you know how much I love that?” He takes the pillow, and you lift your hips, causing him to slide deeper into you.
“OH,” You moan loudly, your eyes shut for a few seconds and your muscles tensing as you feel your walls being stretched and being filled by him. “Oh, oh, my…” You feel him slip the pillow underneath your hips before you lower your hips, you open your eyes and look up at him, finding his hair damp already. “Fuck…”
“Oh, uh,” He groans, feeling your walls pulse around his cock as he bottoms out inside you. His hips against yours before he leans over, pushing his front against yours, making you feel his stomach move as his muscles twitch and tense. “Fuck…”
“Oh… oh, hmm,” You moan as you feel his warmth surrounds you. “You’re gonna be covered in oil also,” He hums and lifts his hips, slowly sliding halfway out of you before pushing back into you. You feel your breath gets caught in your throat for a moment before you take in a deep breath. “Hmm…”
“I’ll be covered in you also,” He groans out. The sound of your arousal moving quickly fills the room, and the sound of his hips hitting yours quickly joins it also. The sound of your moans and groans mixed together bounce off the walls. You reach up and grip his shoulder with one hand and slide your other hand over the back of his neck before twisting your fingers into his hair.
“Hmm…” You moan out and push your hand down on the back of his head, pulling him down for a kiss. His lips move with yours, and you swallow each other’s gasps and moans, your body felt extremely hot as his cock continues to move inside you. You break the kiss and gasp for air. “Fuck, Hakyeon…” You lift your legs and wrap them around his waist, digging your heels into his ass.
“Hmm, fuck, you want more?” He groans out, you could see droplets of sweat forming on his skin and slowly rolling over his beautiful tanned skin. You dig your heels into his ass, making him let out a grunt. You feel him lift his hips before thrusting into you with a hard thrust, causing your tits to bounce against his chest.
“Oh, oh, fuck, fuck,” You moan out, your nails digging into his skin and creating crescent moon shapes on his skin. Your fingers in his hair dig into his scalp and your hips to meet his. “Oh, fuck,” You could feel a high quickly forming inside you, and heat rushing towards the tension.
“Fuck… your walls,” He groans out, your walls were pulsing around him, milking his cock for an orgasm. “You feel so good,” His tone sounded strained as he spoke. One of his hands moves down your side and over your thighs before slipping between your bodies and slowly sliding over your mound. “You’re close. Fuck.”
“Hmm…” You whimper, and feel his fingers slide along your folds. “Hak…” His fingers swipe over your clit, causing your back to arch and your hips to lift and him to slide deeper into you. “Fuck!” You gasp out, your eyelids close, and your eyes roll to the back of your head behind them. “Fuck, fuck…” A rush of electricity goes through you, and it slams into the tension that had built inside you, causing it to come undone. “Hakyeon!” Your body trembles beneath him with pleasure as you release around his cock.
“Fuck, fuck, that’s it,” He groans out, feeling as your release spills from around him and splatters into his thighs as he thrusts harshly into you. “Fuck,” He grunts, his head drops against your shoulder as his mind begins spinning. His finger rubs your clit faster and faster as he tries to ease you through your high, while also starting to chase his own high. “Fuck.”
“HAKYEON!” You scream out. Your body shakes beneath him, your heels slide over his ass as you try to dig them into him. “Fuck, oh, my fuck, that…” You gasp as your breath gets caught in your throat, he lifts his head, and you immediately begin thrashing your head against the pillows. “Fuck, fuck,” He groans as he feels your walls squeezing him. He could feel the head of his cock starting to pulse and let out a low groan, which only caused you to squeeze him harder.
“Fuck… Oh, my fuck…” He groans, his hips stutter for a moment, and you could feel another tightening feeling building inside you, his finger not giving you any mercy as he continues to rub your clit. “Fuck…”
“Hakyeon, oh my fuck,” You babble out, your hips lift, and you meet his thrusts halfway, he lets out another low groan. Fuck, his sounds, all the sounds, everything. “Fuck!” Stars explode behind your lids again as another high hit you faster than the last one, your hands release his shoulder and his hair and grip onto the sheets beneath you. He sits upright on his knees and moves his finger away from your clit and grips onto the crease of your hips. “Hak… Yeon…” He rolls his hips harshly and hastily into yours, his movements becoming sloppy.
“Fuck…” He grunts, swallowing loudly at how your walls were making him feel. “So close… I’m gonna…” You clench around him, hearing how strained his voice sounded, fuck, it sounded so hot, and it seemed like it was all he needed for him to come undone. A low groan leaves the back of his throat, and he throws his head back, burying his cock deep inside you and coating your walls with his load. “Fuckfuckfuck,” You open your eyes as you were coming down from your high, watching as sweat droplets run down his chest, over his neck, you watch as his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows and moans and gasps for air. Fuck, he was such a sight, a sight you could never get tired of.
“Fuck…” You whisper, swallowing, you were absolutely fucked with this man above you, he had you, every part of you, and you considered yourself lucky to be able to see him in such a vulnerable state also. All of him… was yours, just like all of you were his. “Ohh, ohmm,” He lifts his head and looks down at you, his hair sticking to his forehead and looking slightly dishevelled, his skin glistened with sweat and oil.
“Was that not enough?” He mutters as he feels your walls squeeze around his softening cock. “Do you need more, you insatiable girl?”
“What can I say… my forever boyfriend is just that good-looking,” You say, stroking his ego, he smiles and softly chuckles and leans over you, his nose brushing against yours.
“You’ve got that right, I’m very good-looking, and I look even better when you’re by my side,” He whispers, before pushing his lips to yours, you unwrap your legs from around him and entangle your lower legs with his, you feel yourself being moved and when you open your eyes, you find yourself on top of him and him looking up at you. “That’s better…”
“Are you sure?” You ask, a teasing smile on your lips as you move to sit upright, whimpering at the shift of his cock inside you.
“If you want more… You’ll need to do the work,” He says, moving his hands behind his head, you watch as his muscles bulge as he does.
“Hmm… we will see how long you stick to those words…” You mutter, your focus drifting to your walls and his cock that was still inside you.
“Oh… Oh, that’s unfair,” He groans out. You giggle and place your hands on his chest before leaning over and brushing your nose against his.
“I think…” You begin, and squeeze your walls around him again, earning another groan from him. “It’s quite fair,” You finish before softly kissing him.
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