#wade ld
biggreenstache7 · 9 months
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two stupid piece of shit assholes walk into a bar (comic)
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jikomusic · 2 months
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acourtofladydeath · 14 days
WIP Game
Thank you for the tags @yanny-77 and @witch-and-her-witcher!!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have SO MANY WIPs in varying stages ranging from "ferally writing every chance i get, including in my sleep and during class" to "drowning and forgotten at the bottom of the pool while I work on everything else." Some are mostly drafted, others are outlines, and some are just ideas I've dropped into docs but all are near and dear to my little fanfic heart.
Welcome to the Family (Elain X all the Vanserras)
Sariel Sic Fic (Azris)
*ASOLB Ch3: Dare to Dream (Azris)
*RttHC Ch2: Winners & Losers (Azris X Nessian)
*TTBW Ch5: You Were Only Waiting (Nessriel)
Ch7: Reunited (Patrochilles)
UTM contact -> mating (Azris)
What Eris got Az for solstice (Azris)
Casris Hounds
Who Have We Become? (IC has to face some shit)
The Process of Progress (Azriel focused)
Carhysta Smut
A Court of Hurting and Healing (Bat Boys focused)
And So, We Danced (Nesta & Eris brotp w/ Nessian & Azris)
How Dare You (AU Azris)
Lovers Live and Die, Fortissimo (AU - Azris, Nessian, Elucien, Helion X LOA)
Lauda/Hunt F1 AU (Azriel/Cassian)
UTM Lucien/Eris fic
Patrochilles Azris
Eris shows up drunk & injured, see screenshots (Azris)
Feysand vs. Nessriel
FFF smut part 2 (Eltamcien)
ASOLB mating frenzy (Azris)
Jurian and Rhys heart-to-heart
Bat Boy reunion after UTM
*RttHC, TTBW, and ASOLB each have a doc per chapter, so they have multiple WIP docs, but I only listed the chapters I'm currently writing/working on.
Several are whump, several are feel good fun, some are more serious commentaries, and a few are straight smut. There are also MORE THAN THIS. But those ideas were either not as fleshed out or ones I wanted to keep to myself.
ANYWAY THIS IS HOW MY BRAIN WORKS. Welcome to my personal hell. ? Heaven? Unclear...
For legal reasons and my own gods damned sanity I make literally zero guarantees that you get all of these by the way. but THEY EXIST. There's also the two original fiction ideas that I have and have documents for but I'm keeping those close to the chest.
There's literally no way to tag as many people as I have fics so I'm just picking a few. I apologize if you've already been tagged and NO PRESSURE! @thelov3lybookworm, @readychilledwine, @born-to-riot, @danikamariewrites, @thelovelymadone, @theatrequeen, @nocasdatsgay
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eleftherian · 11 months
guys little dorrit is like so sapphic tho
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spokanefavs · 2 years
In case you missed our coffee talk last, watch it below! Great discussion with a variety of different viewpoints. Would you like to join the discussion? Feel free to comment on our Facebook page. Pop up Coffee Talk: Roe v Wade & Scotus – How my Faith Tells me to Respond
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Unpopular opinion: Teenagers shouldn't be in any form of "sex work".
If I could do shit my way I would make it illegal for teens(globally btw) to engage in any form of sex work as well as classify ALL teen nudity as ch❗ld cornography federally by law.
Teens being in porn is sick. Whoever allowed this should have been violently killed idc.🤮 GROSS AF
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Mutuals do you guys think a law like this would ever get past?And if so who would be more mad men or their handmaidens whores 🤔?Do you think a law being potentially passed like that would cause like-minded women to wake up?And how would the push back from men be realistically???
To answer my own question no I don't think a law like that would ever be passed not only because of how long it's been legal but also because 18 year olds are largely seen as adults sadly. As far as male vs female response it would probably be the same but expressed differently,While women would react verbally men will react verbally and violently,Because female solidarity for the most part is bullshit. Yes,but not enough to cause real change so who cares. Now as we all know when men's sexuality is threatened they go ape shit and destroy any and everything around them from...
*Roe vs wade controversy
*Increase in sex trafficking
*Normalization of violent porn/p🤢dophilia
*Increased sexual violence against women/girls
Sooo yeah I don't think this would be any different in fact knowing how obsessed grown adult men are with teenage girls I would say this would probably unite men across all racial borders to fight against evil old wahmen in defense of their teen virgin waifus *cringe*.Like could you imagine your father(or any male relative of your's) at the capital holding a pickit sign that displays phrases such as
"18-19 year olds are grown women"
"Older women are just jealous cause they're not hot"
"This is unconstitutional "
"your taking away their right to choose"
"Consenting adults should be allowed to have sex"
Just fucking sick all around but please I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
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autonom-us-project · 7 days
Abortion Rights in Maine
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Maine’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Maine?
Abortion is currently legal and protected in the state of Maine.
When did Maine’s current abortion legislation go into effect?
The state of Maine repealed its Pre-Roe ban in 1979, and now has express protections for abortion included in state law. As a result, abortion is legal without restriction up until the point of viability, after which medical reason is necessary. In addition, the state has gone on to put several expanded protections for abortion access in place.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any legal restrictions to abortion access in the state of Maine?
Currently, there are no restrictions to abortion access up until the point of viability, or the point at which a fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus, typically occurring at 24 weeks. 
Past this point, an abortion is allowed if a physician deems it necessary and appropriate.
What expanded protections are in place regarding abortion in the state of Maine?
Medical Funding: The state of Maine provides public funding for abortion and requires private insurances covering maternity services to cover abortion as well. 
Clinic Access: Maine protects clinic access and safety by prohibiting interference and establishing “medical safety zones” around clinic entrances. 
Provider Protections: In 2023, Maine passed legislation preventing insurance companies from discriminating against healthcare professionals who offer abortion services. This protection applies even if the provider’s license was negatively affected by a state that has banned abortion.
The specifics can be read in the following Maine Legal Codes: 22.3196, LD 1899, and LD 616
I am pregnant in the state of Maine and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Maine:
The Laura Fund at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Maine. Offers financial aid and support for abortion, emotional support, language services, judicial bypass support, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachussets [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Maine. Offers financial aid for abortion.  See their website for more information. 
SAFE Maine [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion from Maine. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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cksmart-world · 2 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
March 19, 2024
A total eclipse of the sun is coming in April and it may be a sign the end is near. There are other dark omen hiding in plain sight. That's why the staff here at Smart Bomb teamed up with clairvoyant Helga Olga Helga to enumerate those dire signs for your safety. Here they are:
10- BYU freshman will be required to read LDS Elder Holland's “musket speech,” that says members of the LGBTQ community must be shot with muskets.
9 – A majority of American Christians believe President Joe Biden is directly related to Beelzebub.
8 – South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who is auditioning to be Trump's VP, posts an infomercial video promoting a cosmetic dentistry and fanny lift practice in Texas.
7 – Salt Lake City will hold the 2034 Winter Olympic Games featuring honorary host and big game hunter Tom Welch riding a camel in the Opening Ceremony.
6 – Sen. Mike Lee calls for dismantling of the TSA, saying Americans deserve less groping at airports.
5 – Alta tells UDOT to stuff the proposed Little Cottonwood Canyon gondola.
4 – Oprah resigns from WeightsWatchers and joins the U.S. Bodybuilding Federation.
3 – Martha Stewart gives the Republican response to Biden's State of the Union address.
2 – House Republicans begin impeachment of First Lady Jill Biden.
And the number 1 sign the end could be near: The Utah Legislature is betting $900,000 of Salt Lake City taxpayer dollars that Major League Baseball is coming to Rose Park.
It will be the best thing since sliced bread. No, wait, it'll be the best thing since... The Statue of Liberty. It's “The Statue of Responsibility” and it's going to be right here in Zion nestled into the billion dollar massive high tech center in Draper to be called The Point. It will be as tall as Lady Liberty in New York Harbor and it's only going to cost $350 million — in private funds (or so they say). No Wilson, we are not making this up. It will be two gigantic arms with hands clasping the other's wrist rising 300 feet into our blue, blue sky. If that doesn't say 'responsibility,' what does. People driving along Interstate 15 at The Point of the Mountain will pass it and say, look at those big arms, maybe it has something to do with the Mormons. They could put up a big sign that says, “This is 'The Statue of Responsibility' that's like The Statue of Liberty only different.” The hope is that it will remind people, including Utah legislators, not be so righteous and try a little kindness. Right. There is an inscription on The Statue of Liberty that says: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” So they could put one on The Statue of Responsibility that says something like: “Give us your techies, land developers, your huddled capitalists yearning to get rich.” Well, maybe not.
Mendacity stinks and where there's stink there's something rotten. In the Georgia voter fraud case against Donald Trump and 18 other defendants the judge smelled a foul odor — one of the foulest smells known to man, the odor of mendacity. Judge Scott McAfee found no conflict of interest as alleged regarding a tryst between Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis and a prosecutor she hired for the voter fraud case — Nathan Wade. Nonetheless, either Willis or Wade had to leave the criminal case, the judge ordered, not because there was damning evidence but because it just didn't smell right. (Wade has resigned from the case.) The mendacity, or prevarication, or straight-up lying had to do with timing — when did Willis and Wade start “dating” and was Willis getting kickbacks from Wade? No Wilson, kickbacks is not in the Kama Sutra. And no, there was no evidence of kickbacks. Still, it was necessary to hold the two-month-long hearing because the allegation was so odiferous. Their relationship in the midst of the criminal case gave the “appearance of impropriety.” And if there's one thing judges hate almost as much as the odor of mendacity, it's the appearance of impropriety. Of course, it all has nothing to do with an organized effort to steal an election, but it was a fun distraction.
Post script — That's it for another rockin' week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of satanic cults so you don't have to. The great patriot and football coach turned U.S. senator from Alabama and instrument of all that can't be understood, Tommy Tuberville, was in Utah to warn of a satanic cult that is taking away our kids. “If we can’t get back to that (The Bible and the Constitution) and let the Democrats continue to push this cult on us and take God away from our country, we’re going to have huge problems,” Tuberville told The Salt Lake Tribune. Of course, Tuberville is an ardent supporter of that Godly former president and four times criminally indicted mastermind, Donald Trump. Bye the bye, Trump said that if he isn't elected president in November there will be a “bloodbath.” Wonder if he's talking about the blood of all those satan-worshiping Democrats. On a lighter note, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox was a featured speaker at a prestigious Washington, D.C. soiree where he told a few jokes, including this one: “It really is such an honor to be at the famed Gridiron dinner. You see, they usually don’t let farm kids like me into rooms like this … unless you count Jan. 6. And even then we had to really push and shove our way in.” BAM! POW! ZING!
Well Wilson, our old friend Satan keeps hanging around even in places he's not wanted. It's funny that people who say they hate Satan keep doing nasty stuff. Tommy Tuberville and his ilk can't just disagree with those damn Democrats, they want to burn them at the stake. So why don't you and the guys in the band play a little something for Tommy and the “Christians” like him:
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul and faith I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game I stuck around St. Petersburg When I saw it was a time for a change Killed the Tzar and his ministers Anastasia screamed in vain I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste...
(Sympathy For The Devil — The Rolling Stones)
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djmusicbest · 1 year
Weekend Picks 23
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- DATA CREATED: 11/06/2023 - QUALITY: MP3/320 kbps Tracklist FISHER (OZ), Aatig - Take It Off - Extended Mix MNDSCP - Edge of Disaster Max Chapman - Feeling Me LDS - Karplus-Funk Juan Sapia - Aura JG, Reinier Zonneveld - Music Is The Answer Cloonee - Fuego &ME, Black Coffee, Keinemusik - The Rapture Pt.III Lebedev (RU) - Territory - Re-Edit Isaiah - Infectious Eleonora, Morttagua, Ubbah - Blue Enigma Jose Bonetto - Magnetic Fields Acuna, L-Side - Heavy Drop Catz 'n Dogz, Lolita Leopard - Diva feat. Lolita Leopard - Extended Mix SARGE (PT) - New Sequence Cour T. - TRiiiBAILE Wade - Do My Thing - Extended Mix Jam Thieves - Pink Girl NoNameLeft - Supercluster Chklte - Wavy Express Quadrakey - Moreless VONDA7, Mopao Mumu - Till The Morning - Extended Mix Josh Baker - Work It Out Alex Michos - The Deep Project Piem - 4Real - Selena Faider Remix Maze 28 - Redux Ivory (IT) - Persona Pianeti Sintetici - Satellite ENERTY - Permission M-High - L.T.B.C.Y.B. Read the full article
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muznew · 1 year
Weekend Picks 23
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- DATA CREATED: 11/06/2023 - QUALITY: MP3/320 kbps Tracklist FISHER (OZ), Aatig - Take It Off - Extended Mix MNDSCP - Edge of Disaster Max Chapman - Feeling Me LDS - Karplus-Funk Juan Sapia - Aura JG, Reinier Zonneveld - Music Is The Answer Cloonee - Fuego &ME, Black Coffee, Keinemusik - The Rapture Pt.III Lebedev (RU) - Territory - Re-Edit Isaiah - Infectious Eleonora, Morttagua, Ubbah - Blue Enigma Jose Bonetto - Magnetic Fields Acuna, L-Side - Heavy Drop Catz 'n Dogz, Lolita Leopard - Diva feat. Lolita Leopard - Extended Mix SARGE (PT) - New Sequence Cour T. - TRiiiBAILE Wade - Do My Thing - Extended Mix Jam Thieves - Pink Girl NoNameLeft - Supercluster Chklte - Wavy Express Quadrakey - Moreless VONDA7, Mopao Mumu - Till The Morning - Extended Mix Josh Baker - Work It Out Alex Michos - The Deep Project Piem - 4Real - Selena Faider Remix Maze 28 - Redux Ivory (IT) - Persona Pianeti Sintetici - Satellite ENERTY - Permission M-High - L.T.B.C.Y.B. Read the full article
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biggreenstache7 · 4 months
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god giveth and god taketh away
redraw of
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mbb-project-entity · 1 year
Chapter 59
The next morning, Ben woke up alone in his bed. His head was pounding and he tried to recall some of the previous night’s events but came up blank. He rolled out of bed and got up. He waded through impractically tall high heels, overly revealing dresses, and bras that could have doubled as parachutes had they been less frilly.
He rubbed his bleary eyes and walked through the living room. It was as much of a disaster area as the bedroom. Porn DVDs and drug paraphernalia littered the room. Ben had a vague memory of coming home alone and smoking some pot while watching one of his wife’s pornos.
Today was their one year anniversary. Ben loved his wife even though she openly hated him and readily let it be known that she was only with him for the money. He felt that through perseverance she would finally come around to loving him as much as he loved her. He was hoping that today would help his cause.
The first surprise that he had planned for her was a spotless house. He hoped that he could get the place clean before she showed back up from whatever, or whoever, it was she was doing. As efficient in cleaning as he was at his job that afforded him the luxury of getting Ellen in the first place, within two hours, Ben had the entire house cleaned.
He laid out the jewelry case that contained the second part of his anniversary surprise. It was a diamond studded necklace with a bunny charm. The ears twisted off the head and had a small spoon attached to them. The head itself was hallow so Ellen could keep her coke supply around her neck and be able to take a hit whenever she wanted.
Ben showered and shaved and sat in the kitchen waiting. It was close to noon. Would she even be awake yet? He gave her cell phone a ring, but it went to her voice mail. There was something wrong with her message though. Her normal message, “Leave your number and I’ll fuck you later,” had been replaced by a sweet sounding girl who said, “Hi there. This is Ellen. I can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.”
The last five days off Ben’s life came crashing down on him. He remembered his demure wife of 20 years as she was, not as the now 20 year old whore that treated him like shit. He remembered his affairs and the changes it brought about her, making her younger and sluttier until she was nothing but a living fuck doll. He had to find her. He had to do something to save her.
Bolting from the kitchen, Ben ran out the door and flew over to his friend Jeremy’s place. Hoping that Jeremy would have some idea where Ellen had gone to after the party, he banged on the door. There was no answer. Ben banged again. He could hear the sounds of high heels on tile, then the door opened revealing a woman as fake and trashy looking as Ellen now was. Her prosthetic tits and smooth skin where hidden by a see-through teddy that went down to her pierced belly button. She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Ben somehow recognized her cosmetically enhanced face. “Amber?” he asked Jeremy’s wife.
“Bennie? Oh my god! Jeremy’s like going to be so glad you’re here. He was saying we needed another dick to shut my fucking mouth. Jeremy! Bennie’s here!”
Ben was too shocked to say anything. The Amber he remembered was a journalism professor at the university. Now she looked like she couldn’t read a newspaper even if it was a book on tape. He didn’t think he cold be anymore shocked, then the male Adonis that was Jeremy stepped into the doorway.
He was completely naked and his sweaty muscles shimmered in the light. Below his rippling six pack, his mammoth cock hung like an elephant’s trunk between his legs. “Hey! LD! What’re you doin’ here?”
Jeremy turned to his tart wife. “You don’t want this guy, you bimbo. I don’t know if you’d be able to find his little dick. That’s why we call him ‘LD’.”
“But it must be so cute! I love little things. It’d be like a mini cock.”
Ben ignored the insults. “Did you see where Ellen went after the party?”
Jeremy snapped his fingers and Amber obediently knelt down and started pleasuring Jeremy’s manhood. “Nah, the fine slut of yours was still there when I left. Ask that other geek, you know that loser you can never go with out, what’s his face…starts with an R…Ropert?”
“You mean Rodger?”
“Yeah, that queer fuck. He was still there filming shit when I left. He really seemed to have the hots for that fine piece of ass that’s waisting herself on you.”
Not bothering to close the do or to wonder what had happened to his former best friend, Ben headed over to Rodger’s place. He rang the door bell and an old lady came to the door.
“What do you want? We ain’t buying.”
“Umm, is Rodger here?”
The old woman glared at Ben. “Rodger! One of your nerdy fat friends is here.”
A couple of seconds later, a much shorter and 100 pounds heavier than Ben remembered Rodger came to the door. He was wearing a Star Wars T-shirt that stretched over his man boobs and belly. “Hey, Ben! Man, that was some party last night! I got it all on tape if you wanna come in and watch. I’m uploading it to the net now.”
The old woman who’d answered the door screamed, “Close the goddamn door, Rodger! I’m not paying to cool the fucking outside.”
“Shut up, Ma!” Rodger yelled, but stepped outside and closed the door anyway.
“Rodger, did you see my wife leave the party?”
“Aw man, you’re wife is so fucking hot! I’ve downloaded all of her movies. I can’t believed you’re married to that! Think you could arrange for me to have her again? After I did that one girl then your wife, I was so busy filming that I totally missed out on the chance of doing either of them again.”
Ben hoped Rodger wouldn’t have the chance. He wanted to get his old wife back, which would make Rodger’s request impossible. “I don’t know,” he lied,“but it’s really important that I find her. Did you see her leave?”
“Oh, yeah, she took Alex home. She was pretty pissed at you and was going on about showing that cunt of a fiance that he has what a real woman was good for.”
“Thanks,” Ben said and turned and ran off.
Alex’s place wasn’t too far from Rodger’s. He didn’t hope to find Ellen at Alex’s but he hoped he’d be able to find a clue. He knocked on the door and Soari answered it. The petite Japanese girl was wearing some loose jeans and a yellow camisole. When she saw Ben, she immediately smacked his face.
“Keep that fucking slut wife of yours away from my man.”
Ben’s eyes brightened. “She was here?”
“Yes, she brought Alex home and said she’d show me how to fuck him proper. I kicked her ass out of here and I’m going to do the same to you.”
“Did she say where she’s going? Does Alex know?”
“Alex is still passed out from whatever you asshole gave him at the party last night. Now fuck off.”
Not wanting to upset Saori any more, Ben turned and walked away. That was his last lead and he had no idea where to go. Wracking his brain for anything, he kept going back to the day in the coffee shop with the arguing couple. There was something about it that seemed important. It came to him in a flash; that man had made a bet with him.
As fast as he could, Ben drove downtown to the coffeehouse. It was pretty crowded and he had to fight his way to the counter. When he got there, he could see why. The large busted barista had her shirt open and was adding cream to coffee by milking her right tit.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a guy that was in here a few days ago.”
“What’s he look like?” the coffee girl asked without looking up.
Ben paused. He had no idea. All he could think of was it was a man. “I don’t know.”
“Well, if you don’t know, then it’s gonna be hard for me to know who you’re talking about. What color hair did he have?”
“I don’t know.”
“What color was he?”
“I don’t know.”
“Look buddy, 99% of people in line for my homemade coffee and milk are male. If you can’t remember anything, order some coffee and tit milk or wait for me to go on break in 5 and fuck me in the ass to help get whatever stick was shoved up it out. Until then sod off and let me work.”
Ben backed away from the counter and his phone rang. His heart raced. Was it Ellen calling him back? No, it was Alex.
“Hey, Alex. What’s up?”
“Hey, Ben. Mind coming over for a bit? Saori has something she wants to tell you.”
“Does she know where Ellen is?”
“No, but come on over. It’s important.”
Ben hung up his phone and headed back to Alex’s. He rang the doorbell and the engaged couple came to the door. Gone were Saori’s shirt and jeans. She now wore a child’s size kimono. The front couldn’t properly close over the implants she didn’t have just 30 minutes ago. The kimono exposed more of her tit flesh than it hid. The bottom of it stopped just below her crotch line.
Alex was no longer the hairy, pudgy man Ben remembered. He was shirtless and his well toned body could have rivaled that of Jeremy’s. The only thing he wore was a pair of boxer-briefs that left the impression he was packing some serious meat. His bulging arms were crossed over his chest.
When she saw Ben, Saori sank to her knees and prostrated herself in front of him. The hem of the kimono rode up, exposing her pantie-less ass. “I’m so terribly sorry for how poor I treated you after how much honor you blessed on my master at your party.”
“Hey, Ben. I’m sorry, too, about how my bimbo treated you. That was a fucking awesome party. I told her no matter how geeky my friends are she’s to treat them with respect.”
“Alex? What happened?”
“Dude? You mean you don’t remember the party either? All I remember was a great time and occasionally waking up with that killer wife of yours riding my johnson every now and then. I was so hot from it that when I woke up, I took my little bimbo here and fucked her right good. Then she told me what she did to you and I just had to have her apologize.”
“Do you know where Ellen went?”
“Nah, sorry, LD. I don’t. You better keep that cash flowing though or she’s gonna dump you for a better cock or someone with the green. You’ll never be able to replace a hot piece of ass like that, especially with your little dick and balding head.”
Still in her crouched position, Saori said, “Master, do I blow him now?”
“Nah, you’re talents would be wasted on him.”
Saori stood up. The act of bowing to Ben had caused the arms of the kimono to slip down and her chest was now exposed. Alex licked his lips and started fondling his fiance. Without so much as a goodbye, he closed the door in Ben’s face.
Without any other leads or ideas, Ben headed home. He had been so cocksure that he could keep his dick out of that coed turned slut, but not only had he failed to not fuck her four times in four days, he’d fucked her six. Through the fog of alcohol from the previous night, he could remember taking her and his wife alternatively three times each.
He didn’t know what good it would do to find his wife, who he really should have been looking for was that man, but when the only thing Ben could remember about him was that he was male, it became an impossible task.
Ben wasn’t entirely surprised to come home to the sound of sex. Ellen’s skirt, if it was long enough to be called that, laid on top of a pair of sneakers. Soon after that was a light tan cardigan and the matching tan bra-shirt that Ellen would have worn underneath it. A little ways after that was a pair of large baggy jeans, an equally large T-shirt, and a pair of boxers.
Stepping into the living room, Ben found Ellen being fucked in the ass by the guy from the club. She was completely unrecognizable as the introverted shy girl he’d met and married in college twenty years ago.
First was the fact that she couldn’t have been more than twenty. The vibrancy of youth radiated under her heavily made up face. Her soft, kind eyes now had a hard predator’s look in them, as if ever man she saw was prey for her sexual appetite. Her hair, which she’d never done more than get cut, was bleached a bright blond and her roots were coming in.
The only time she’d ever worn more than sneakers was at their wedding, and even then she’d only warn one inch heels. Now her feet were encased in clear soled platform shoes with at least a seven inch heel. Her once formless legs were still in knee high stockings with a crisscrossing diamond pattern. They were toned and shaped as if she’d spent hours at the gym or dancing in clubs.
Her once blemish-free creamy white skin was now a deep tan and covered in provocative tattoos and piercings. Her natural beauty had been replaced by a surgeon’s touch. Her lips, nose, and chin weren’t the original one’s he’d fallen in love with. And her breasts. The monstrous things that shook on her chest as the black man’s rod smoothly plunged in and out of her ass left no doubt in their artificiality.
As Ben watched the scene in horror, someone clasped him on the back. “Damn, you did one fucking bang up job on that slut wife of yours.”
Looking next to him, Ben saw a man he didn’t recognize at first. Then, that fate-less day in the coffeehouse came back to him. “Please! You’ve proven your point! Change us back.”
“Ben. It was a bet, there’s no going back. I’m just impressed you lost so miserably. I haven’t seen someone do so poorly in ages.”
“I beg you!”
The man ignored Ben. “You even got your friends caught in it. Did you notice that the guys who fucked the coed first wound up like you, small dicked nerds? You friends who fucked your wife fist came out like you used to be, well with the loose moral exception and the fact I wouldn’t really call them your friends anymore, more like jocks that use you to fuck your wife.”
“It’s not too late.”
“But it is, Ben. The four days are officially up…” The guy looked at his watch. “Now!”
“I can’t live like this.”
“But you can and you will, Ben. In fact, as a consolation prize on failing so miserably, I’ll let you be successful enough that you’ll keep just ahead of your debt that Ellen there will pile up in surgery and shopping. Until you die of old age, or she dies of an OD. Enjoy.”
The man walked away, but he might as well have disappeared, taking away Ben’s memories of the bet and his old life. All Ben remembered was this reality. This was all he knew.
Picking up the video camera off the counter, he started recording and walked around the fucking couple.
“Fuck, little dick, at least knock before you come in. Ah shit. Put that fucking camera away.”
Ben ignored her and zoomed in on the large dick stretching her back door.
“Sorry about this, the fucking perv loves to film.”
“Not a problem,” her partner said, then filled her with his load. He pulled out of her and she licked him clean.
Smacking his ass, Ellen said, “Thanks for the fuck. Tell your friends.”
“Anytime, bitch.” The black man left the married couple alone.
Ben set the video camera down but didn’t stop recording. He got up and handed Ellen the box containing her anniversary present.
“The fuck’s this?”
“Happy one year wedding anniversary!”
“You’re such a girl.”
“I was hoping that maybe we could spend a romantic night together or something.”
Ellen opened the box and looked at the necklace. She tossed it aside without comment. “I’ll tell you what. For our anniversary, you can clear the fuck out tonight. I want to have an orgy here. Oh and for your present, you can clean my ass out.”
Elated that she was allowing him to touch her for free, Ben dove in.
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stevemakesart · 4 years
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he’s trying his best
doin that “cleaning up inktober sketches” thing I did last year
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linkandorf · 5 years
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Hey I figured now would be a better time than any to toss my few contributions to the SiIvaGunner youtube channel onto this blog finally. Being a part of it’s art team didn’t end up being my thing, so I didn’t really contribute that much, but it was very unique and I don’t think I regret it. The bottom Snake drawing is unfinished and unused (drawing people is hard lol), but they did use my drawing/pose for reference in the final image so hey we take those!
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kingoftieland · 3 years
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“A movie character which is all about crude humor and satire and sarcasm... [Mormons] would see it being as precisely the opposite of the kind of characters and virtues that Jesus embodies.” - Patrick Mason, Chair of Mormon studies at Claremont Graduate University ✝️
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New York!!!! What in the actual universe!? (Yeah, I'm gonna go there)
(((Split post. Religious feelings/survivor feels & post op info)))
New York!!!!!!
NOT how you "celebrate" Roe vs. Wade.
Abortion is straight up murder- unless it is harming the mother & child (i.e.- rape).
My heart breaks for this united country.
How have we gotten here!? :'(
I get it- your body, your rules.
But that is a spirit, living soul inside of you. Moment of conception to birth.
Just my 4 AM rambling opinion.
Colonoscopy was a success. Doc pulled a few biopsies & my mom surprised me by coming down ❤
Still in & out groggy from that gooooood- whatever she gave me to sleep during my procedure. Holy bonzai. 😂
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