#was debating on drawing Sasha
beetledrawz · 8 months
Day 8: Toad
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I think this one was obvious…
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evieebun125 · 1 year
*Little Cheerleading Dance* I love your drawings and artstyle! do oyu think a version of the Barbie Mugshot meme would be fun? Azu and Hamid or Sasha and Grizzop I think would be fun! (you get to decide who is who of the meme)
Thank you so much this is so sweet 😭😭😭💕💕
i really debated on who to do, but Hamid and Azu won out!
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[ID: A digital drawing of Azu and Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming in the style of the Barbie Mugshot meme. Azu is a Kenyan Half-Orc in hot pink Paladin armor, she has a shaved head and multiple facial piercings. Hamid is a Egyptian Halfling with a creme blouse and green vest, he has brass scales and wings. /End ID]
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uwu-co-in · 7 months
What majors 'Attack on Titan'characters would have in college AU (part 2):
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Source: My Majors
Word count: 1.1k
(part one)
11. Sasha: Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management
• Sasha was first admitted to a college with the major Culinary Science, along with her boyfriend, Niccolo, but left the course after a month
• I want to eat food not study it was what she retorted to everyone, but in reality, she just felt she would not be contributing enough to the community
• As the major took out for a lot of field work, she signs up for all, and even joined internships from the first year itself, regarding the same
• A procrastinator; crams on the night of the exam, while Niccolo is cooking her assortment of dishes and gets super groggy on examination mornings :')
12. Connie: Graphic Design
• His mother was extremely proud of her son getting into the college; so much that she had told every other person passing on the streets how Connie will be a genius, in whatever tech stuff he is doing
• Opted for a college far away from home, because he wanted to experience life to the fullest by living alone, and learning to fend for himself
• Teaches basic computer science to two kids, and works as a freelancer digital artist, along with juggling his classes
• Loves his subject and puts effort behind it quite regularly, but call him for a party he'd be there with two extra beer bottles, ridiculously shimmery clothes and a party popper!
13. Jean: Architecture
• Look me in the eye and tell me that Jean doesn't look like a dreamy arch student, always carrying his sketchbook along with him and sitting down to draw the building or monument designs that seem to intrigue him
• Was in eighth grade, when Mikasa told him that the way he draws the buildings are very clean. Boom, and he wants to draw them for the rest of his life
• For some reason, his mother did not approve of his subject choice, until one day she found a few building designs doodled in placards sprawled over his desk and reconsidered her opinion
• Loves a good party once in a while, but really wants to work behind the subject so sometimes, calls a rain check
14. Erwin: Intelligence
• Ever since Erwin can remember, he wanted to be in the army, fighting for his motherland. That was what he had wanted all his life, and he had every quality to enlist himself for it until he sustained incurable injuries on his right arm trying to save an elderly couple from an accident
• Intelligence major was a piece of cake for Erwin, for he was a natural leader, acing all his classes with ease. He loves spending time in the library a lot, and his favourite book is rumoured to be 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky
• He is equally loved and lusted by the women in his university, but apart from occasional casual flings, he does not want to engage in a relationship because it 'fuddles his mind'
• His room is speck clean and he likes working out regularly and eating healthy (cooks his own food and is distrustful of the canteen meals)
15. Zeke: Law
• In school, Zeke was reprimanded a lot because according to his teachers, he was 'always quipped with a brash follow-up question, with no regards to authority'. In college, he encashed it by enrolling himself in a law major programme
• He is a big believer in practical knowledge and quickly networked to find internship opportunities to practice and observe lawyers alongside his regular studies
• With an absentee father, he worked two side jobs as a cashier at Starbucks and a private tutor
• He participated a lot in debate competitions and moot courts to enhance his critical thinking and analytical skills
16. Marco: Film Studies
• Always a sweet and dreamy guy, Marco chose film studies because he passionately believes films influence people a lot
• Ask him, and he will name the most obscure movies just to seem like a film student with a mysterious air, while in reality, his favourite movie is Mean Girls
• Likes people watching and tries to do all his college work sitting in a cafe, with 'coffee, coffee, coffee!'
• Has tried making short films, and although the themes and plots have been pretty good, he is yet to get real recognition for them
17. Porco: Aviation
• Ever the cocky guy, Porco took aviation because it made him feel like he was on top of the world
• Scored average in theory but was very skilled in practical knowledge
• His professors have often recommended he enlist for the air force, but he doesn't want to; he wants a low-key life without stress (staning a king who knows the importance of mental health!)
• Flirts A LOT with his fellow classmates, and 10/10 uses his charm to get his homework and assignments done
18. Pieck: Inorganic Chemistry
• Pieck's main goal in life is to see more women in STEM, and thus, her major
• Has excellent mathematical and statistical skills and uses them efficiently to excel
• Straight A student, has the special lucky glasses that she wears while taking her exams
• Very humble and soft-spoken, she is often forced to help others even when she doesn't really want to
19. Gabi: Marketing Research
• Gabi originally wanted to become a footballer and had once run away from home because she felt her parents did not approve of her career choice
• While football is still her passion, she has a newfound love for marketing
• Immense persuasive skills and great essays make her one of the toppers of her batch
• Feels stressed trying to juggle studies and football, but she loves both and can't live life with one without the other
20. Falco: Art History Criticism and Conservation
• Falco loved visiting art museums as a kid, and this love of his followed well into adulthood
• His favourite artist is Monet, and his core memory of college is their field trip to the Sistine Chapel
• Loves art, any art in any form, and appreciates every art he sees; is passionate about learning more and has inculcated the skill of finding beauty in everything
• His dorm room is filled with paintings from roadside artisans that he fell in love with, and on Sundays, he tries painting himself (and fails miserably, but is the happiest)
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thelovelydoggycatmadi · 9 months
More McD roleswap because I’m bored
tw: angst/spoilers I guess if I this ever becomes a bigger thing?
Dante and Geoffrey are swapped so when Dante turns his back to Garroth and tries to leave the jury (or whatever you think garroth would name the jury in this universe) after helping the main cast. Garroth slices his head clean off.
lot of the elements I wanted to make for this are video game esc. So there are slime creatures in this au, that are made of the original decade bodies of the apostles (Irene’s shadow knights)
Nana’s doll magic is a lot stronger and each of her dolls has a specific roll (range, defense, melee)
Zane being a priest isn’t just for show he has turned the spiritual energy he is around into a weapon. This includes using Irene’s own magic against her. (Priest unlike witches and warlocks can only draw magic from the energy around them from spells and incantations. So a lot of there magic involves redirecting.)
Zenix is Zane’s surrogate brother. Zenix follows Zane around like a stray dog.
Katelyn is a defense teacher that was banished from ohkasis for caring to much basically. Who she ends up with is up for debate. Sense it’s not always a one to one parallel. But I guess it makes the most sense she’s end up with Geoffrey.
gene and Laurence are swapped so Gene is actually a good brother. While Laurence is an apostle sense we meet him (and of course blames cadenza for his death. If possible though I would like to make it not as cut and dry.)
I guess Sasha and Emmalyn would be swapped? Idk I can dig an evil angel scholar.
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corner-stories · 2 months
Jeankasa 6 or 7
Physical One-Liners Part III
7. "You're being very needy today with your touches." 'k this got very long and also I'm growing fond of using my grad school AU as a default for modern AUs (ao3.)
It's that time of year where she's constantly exhausted. When she's not doing her usual TA duties, she's answering the excess of emails piling up in her inbox. When she's not doing any of that she's working at the university campus, the one that happens to be all the way across the city. The commute becomes frustrating and makes up more of her time than she expected.
Technically, it's what she signed up for. Who else applies to grad school without expecting never-ending pain?
At least her advisor is supportive, both keenly supervising her research and commending her work ethic.
But the ordeal leaves Mikasa more exhausted than usual. Outside of the walls of their Verdun apartment, Jean barely sees her. The only time he does is in the morning, where they eat breakfast or share a pot of coffee. If Jean's really lucky then it's at night, in the few minutes between her coming home late and climbing into bed.
She's certainly not defying the stereotype that McGill students never sleep.
Jean is understanding of the situation. His own studies certainly take up a lot of his time, though he's fortunate enough to either work from home or not commute all the way across the city.
Jean can't help but miss her. Things feel reminiscent of their infamous drive-by dates — a repeated occurrence when they first got together, yet lacked a certain amount of spare time. Though this time instead of briefly chatting at a cafe or the university's library, they're doing so in their own home.
Perhaps the feelings are amplified by them living together now, by the fact that he sees her stepping out the door every morning only return at 11PM.
But he finds his own ways to cope. He slaves over his drafting table more often, creating sketches and schematics like the good aspiring architect he is. He busies his thoughts with drawings of buildings he could design one day, or whatever weird reality show Connie is convincing him to binge.
Being busy keeps him at ease, even when his time with Mikasa feels scant. He has to remind himself that this too will pass, even when it feels difficult, even when the bed he shares with her feels colder than usual.
One day goes on without a hitch. He and Mikasa sit next to each other at the kitchen counter, both chatting about things that matter and things that don't. The time Connie found a raccoon in an alleyway is spoken with just as much importance as Mikasa's thesis, the one she's been working on for months. Parasitology is brought up in the same conversation as the one time Mikasa decked a drunk guy harassing her and Sasha on the metro.
Going their separate ways for the day feels like second nature to Jean. Mikasa presses a loving kiss to his forehead just before she grabs her keys and heads out the door.
His day goes on as usual, more drawing at his drafting table and attending online meetings. He fidgets with his kneaded eraser as his professors discuss an upcoming project — apparently, whether or not sleepless McGill undergrads would enjoy windows in their dorms is up for debate.
Later on Jean discovers that his favourite drafting pencil has run out of his preferred lead, so he uses it as an excuse to leave his apartment. The trip down the street becomes a reason to get some air, taking in the energy of his neighbourhood with every step. The visit to his usual art supply store is also an excuse to pick up a few extra sketchbooks, provisions that he will definitely use some time in the future. Maybe.
Around this time of year the days are shorter, so before Jean knows it the world outside is dark. Dinner is a simple occasion, as he's quite good at scrounging around his apartment in search of ingredients like a starving Victorian child. The meal he makes out of leftover frozen shrimp and pasta surprises even him, and as per usual he portions out some for Mikasa.
The rest of the evening is quiet and he doesn't mind. He goes back and forth between washing dishes and answering his chronically vibrating phone. Apparently, Connie found another woodland creature in a place where a woodland creature shouldn't be and was compelled to keep Jean updated. Most of Jean's replies are variations of "Be careful," or "No, don't," or "Fine, but I'm not taking you to the ER this time."
Sometimes Jean wonders how on earth he and Connie became friends.
He decides to retire early for the night, knowing that tomorrow will be a similar, yet even more taxing day. At least his advisor needing to meet in person is another excuse to leave the apartment.
Jean doesn't think too much about Mikasa's absence as he showers off and changes into his sleepwear.
In the bedroom he slips under the sheets, revelling in the soft sensation rubbing against his skin. He checks his phone one last time to see a handful of texts from his significant other. A photo of an bus stuck in traffic is accompanied by a handful of emojis, symbols that are best used to express frustration and anger.
Jean can't help but smirk. Mikasa's never gotten the hang of the colourful way the Quebecois love to swear, and thus utilizes the universal language of excessive knife emojis.
He puts his phone down before turning his bedside lamp off, finally succumbing to the slumber that had been tempting him all day.
But not a moment too soon he hears the door open.
By now he's already familiar with the way she moves around the apartment, having committed the sound to memory. His eyes are closed but he can see it all in his head — from the way she shuts the front door, drops her keys into the bowl, and removes her boots before tucking them away in a closet. He can even envision the way he makes sure all of her footwear is perfectly aligned.
Jean soon hears the bedroom door open. He pulls his head off of his pillow, propping himself up with his elbows to see his girlfriend shrouded in darkness.
He expects Mikasa to say something — a greeting, an acknowledgement, anything — yet she remains silent. She takes off her sweater as Jean tries to register what's going on. There's something peculiar about tonight and he's not sure why.
Before Jean knows it Mikasa is in her underclothes and already climbing onto the bed. She slips beneath the sheets to where he is, basking in his warmth and placing her head on his chest, right where his heart is.
A smirk tugs onto Jean's face as she nuzzles him, something she often does when she's excessively tired, frustrated, or a mix of both.
And he lets her nuzzle him, his hand gently caressing the back of her head as she settles into him.
"You're being very needy today with your touches," he says, holding her close.
All she lets out is a hum and on a day like this it's all that Jean needs to hear.
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ardent-fox · 2 years
Galladads Headcanon
This was written as the result of the wonderful and talented Jessie (@metalheadmickey) leaving their complimentary tags on my last Galladrabble. Thanks for all the support, love! 🖤
Let me preface this by saying I've never posted one of these before, so I hope I possess the logical skills required to write a sensical one. Also, warning: major OC dabbling and sappiness ahead.
I've got many different headcanons regarding Ian and Mickey possibly having children, ranging from them never having them cause Mickey decides he really doesn't want them (which I think is a perfectly valid option), to them somehow managing to foster/adopt kids, to them finding a way of having biological children. Since the idea of their DNA being passed on is the most interesting option in my opinion, I started thinking about what that would entail and quickly got swept up in it, as it so often happens to me.
So, once they decide they are ready to have kids and that they'd like to ideally have two half-siblings, they set out on a search for a surrogate with the idea of each of them providing a sample when their time comes. Mickey thinks Ian should do it the first time around, still a bit apprehensive and wanting to see how the whole thing pans out before he does the same, and Ian is more than eager to do so. They end up having a gorgeous red-headed baby girl, and after they find out they can rock the parenting thing, she's joined by her dark-haired, blue-eyed sister three years later.
They give them gender-neutral names (haven't spent a lot of time on this particular detail but let's call the older one Laurie and the younger one Sasha, since both names relate to Mickey) and raise them in a completely open and honest way, lots of affection and encouraging them to be their own people, express themselves any and every way they like. Little did they know that their daughters would grow up to be two completely different, yet equally awesome people.
Laurie proves to be very gentle-mannered from day one, a sensitive soul that likes books and lives more inside her head than in the real world. Like Ian, she has a great desire to take care of people and is a very passionate person underneath it all, which pushes her past her own insecurities and has her joining things like the debate team when she gets older, as well as sports teams to release any pent-up frustrations she might not have dealt with, exploring herself further through her interests. She's often unaware of how capable she is and can be very self-critical, which is something her dads pick up on very early and try to give her extra support in that area. Besides them, she is the closest to her uncle Liam, which she sees more as a cousin since he is 12 years older than her, and often goes to him for advice. Like Liam, she ends up being the first in her family to graduate high school and finish college, making them the only two Gallaghers who have accomplished this. She's also the only heterosexual member of her family and ends up meeting a guy that Ian and Mickey are skeptical about at first, knowing how loving and eager to please she is and hoping this dude respects her. They give the guy a hard time at first, but he turns out to be a good person, and Laurie ultimately ends up in a happy marriage, working in the education system and having kids of her own, making Ian and Mickey grandparents.
Sasha is the complete opposite, a wild-card with a heart of gold. She doesn't care about school that much and is incredibly creative and outspoken with no middle ground, either drawing and creating things or running around like the hyper kid she is. Even though she is incredibly bright, her high IQ makes her bored with things quite easily, and her dads have to actively work with her to make sure she finishes her tasks and keeps certain goals in mind. Throughout her life, she has never fully seen herself as a girl and ends up connecting with cousin Franny the most because of this, who is 10 years her senior and ultimately comes out as trans. As Sasha grows older, she starts exploring androgyny and ultimately figures out that she is gender-fluid, adopting they/them pronouns and also coming out as pansexual, happy to come from a family that supports all that they are. Like Mickey, they also have a passion for tattoos as well as piercings and end up getting a job at one of the shops fresh out of high school, eventually moving out of the family home and happily living their life however the fuck they want. Despite their different demeanor, Laurie and Sasha remain close well into adulthood, balancing each other's strengths and weaknesses quite well, their conflicts not ranging further than the typical teenage drama.
Throughout their lives, the kids share some interests with their dads as well. They all like rock/punk/heavy metal music, along with some evergreens that Ian likes to play and the occasional kids' pop bop. As a result, they frequently go to concerts together as a family, and are constantly walking around the house in matching band shirts due to this, Lip often joking that they're in a cult when he comes over. Speaking of Lip and matching outfits, when the kids were little, Ian and Tami always made sure to color coordinate their outfits and snap a few photos of Laurie and Sasha with their cousins in early December, then send it to Fiona as a Christmas card when they knew she wouldn't be able to make it to them from Florida for the holidays. Even though Laurie and Sasha grow up with a lot of aunts and uncles who love them dearly, their favorite by far is aunt Mandy, who absolutely adores them and either spoils them with the best gifts when she visits, or takes them on lavish week-long trips whenever their schedules coordinate, giving Ian and Mickey some much needed alone time.
Despite all the challenges that parenting brings, having children turns out to be the right decision for Ian and Mickey, and they inevitably learn a lot about themselves and grow as people in the process. They vow to give their kids everything they lacked in their own childhood from the very start, often wondering how they themselves would have turned out if they had parents who brought out their full potential, but figuring they're both doing okay in spite of that. Mickey ends up especially surprised at how well he handles the role of a dad, finding a sense of safety in the familial dynamic he never had, enveloped in the love he now gets to revel in from not one, but three people. As their kids grow and begin to better understand their parents, they return the care right back to them, Laurie encouraging both Ian and Mickey to get their GEDs and Sasha giving Mickey that extra shove to get the piercings he always wanted, reminding them that self-improvement and self-expression never ends, much like their love for one another.
That's all I got for now, I hope you enjoyed this little sap-fest! 😅💙
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askrivetra · 1 year
Levi, Petra, which of the cadets do you find the most tolerable? The least tolerable?
(Note to the admin: If you could not bring up the drawing incident in this ask, that'd be awesome. I feel kind of embarrassed from it, now. 😭)
[Admin Note: Please don't feel embarrassed. Your drawing was a work of art, truly <3] Some days after the question was posed, Levi summons Xeno250 to his office. He pauses in his signatures on their arrival. "Your question sparked an interesting debate while I was visiting Petra. She asked me to pass on her answers." He looks down at his paperwork. "She, strangely, finds Eren the most tolerable." He purses his lips. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised. She does mother the brat but she sympathises with him and they do get on very well." "As for her least tolerable, that award goes to Sasha. Petra is sick of her trying to steal food all the time. It winds Petra up because Sasha is very capable in the field. She has good instincts. But the rest of the time, she can act irresponsibly."
"As for my own, the most tolerable of the cadets is between Mikasa, Jean and Armin. All of them have their annoying qualities. Armin panics too much. Jean gets into annoying scraps with Eren and Mikasa is way too attached to the titan brat. But Mikasa is the quietest and most efficient.. when her loyalty to Eren doesn't clash with her orders of course. She's an excellent soldier."
Levi scoffs when it comes to the least tolerable. "That's easy. Connie struggles to take things seriously and even when he does, he's an idiot. Out of the cadets, he winds me up the most. When he puts his mind on the job he's not a bad soldier."
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purrblegoth · 2 years
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
i can't think abt jonsasha too much because i'm inevitably compelled to write fic for them. i'm holding on for dear life rn trying to resist I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS
#ramblings of a lunatic#PLEASE I HAVE EXAMS AND LIKE SO MANY DRAWING REQUESTS#i wanna do everything all the time but i have like. 2 weeks max#OH GOD I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED ON MY COUSINS CHRISTMAS PRESENT FUCK#OR ONE FOR MY FRIENDS#okay okay that's a scheduling thing we'll tackle that later...#anyway beloved mutual Mac once again got me thinking abt jonsasha and i got an idea for a short scene last night#essentially a season 3 post statement where jon walks in on sasha reading a statement and a conversation ensues#as an excuse for me to explore their hypothetical dynamic#i'd just include some stuff abt how i think jon and sasha would've interacted in season 2#(i.e mutually suspicous of each other/investigating each other but like. because it's mutual-#-there's less of a feeling of disrespect and betrayal. they kind of get it and both feel bad abt it knowing elias killed gertrude)#a line or two alluding too how tim would function in season 3 with a fraction more support#(tim is still depressed and sasha feels a bit caught in the feud because she just wants jon and tim to understand each other and get along-#-the relationship is a bit more strained but they're still there for each other and tim's a bit more focused on finding the circus)#and then the main point which is jon and sasha opening up on their feelings abt gertrude-#-and their insecurities regarding feeling she'd be dissapointed in them-#-and on sasha's front- feeling dissapointed that gertrude was so ruthless and uncaring for ppl around her#(in the immediate sense. ends vs means debate and all that. expendability)#plus also a line or two where i drop my hottakes on how i think sasha would get on w/ melanie and basira#(which is to say she gets along well with melanie and...butts heads a bit with basira? still doesn't trust her-#-and definitely doesn't trust the company she keeps)#(GOD i have old tags i still haven't been able to dig up on how i thought sasha would get on with basira. every day i mourn not having them)#ANYWAY simple enough outline but i still don't trust myself to make something simple. god i just. i just like thinking abt potential-#-interactions between characters its my kryptonite!!! someone save me!!!!!#the jonsasha is minimal because my opinion of them is similar to beloved mutual marina @annabelle--cane's take on jonsasha#which is you don't realise they're dating until they tell you they are and also they never agreed to dating they just had a sleepover-#-that never ended#okay okay i'm done i've got english exam prep to do
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kaseyskat · 2 years
hmm. so i've seen lots of debating and complaining about amphibia s2, s3, and the handling of the characters, and since it's nearly midnight i don't have enough self-control to stop myself from making a little post about my own feelings, if that is something y'all are interested in reading about.
so the biggest discourse that i have admittedly mainly seen on twitter is this: should marcy be mentioned more in the s3 narrative, and should we be just as salty for the way sasha was handled in the s2 narrative?
and my answer is yes... and no.
here is the thing about post s1 through s2 sasha: i think she was made to be likeable, but not inherently sympathetic. you see her primarily threatening anne's family and way of life, being manipulative, and having her worst qualities being actively encouraged. this is why, i think, her self-sacrifice in reunion WORKED: it was unexpected for sasha, a character who had tried to murder sprig not five minutes before this, to want to sacrifice herself for someone else. this was the start of sasha's development as a character that you the audience were supposed to like.
and here's the thing. we have gotten more reactions to sasha's sacrifice than marcy's. this is an indisputable fact, i think. we got anne breaking down crying about it, we got the callback in the premiere showing anne is still thinking about it and has actively chosen to compartmentalize and shove it away in a box where she isn't thinking about it, and we got marcy immediately asking about sasha's whereabouts. we got the episode where sasha's presence is felt, and though it isn't brought up much, there is still that sense of feeling like sasha is there in the text because we have the clues, we know that the girls are thinking about her.
marcy... has not gotten that yet. nobody broke down crying over her fate on screen. we have anne insisting she's alive and pretending to herself through the whole of s3a, which does set up that compartmentalizing trait that she first had in s2ep1. we have sasha bringing marcy up twice... and then never again, not even on the topic of defeating andrias. they haven't addressed that marcy's lack of presence in the group feels odd the way that anne and marcy did during sleepover, and they certainly haven't acknowledged the way that marcy was left in the hands of a tyrant.
however, that doesn't mean her presence isn't inherently felt, it is just far more indirect than sasha's was in s2. it's a lot more subtle, but especially as the season draws closer and closer to its climax, i do believe it's intentional that the writers aren't talking about marcy at all. you see, amphibia loves making conflict so very direct and pointed! anne doesn't think about sasha's betrayal on her own accord until sasha's right in front of her, and therefore it is within her character not to think about what happened with marcy until it is also in her face and impossible to ignore. i bet next episode will increase that tension of "marcy should be here but she's not and i don't like it", because that IS the intention, i do believe we the audience are supposed to be uncomfortable with this situation! because this way, it makes the devastation of what will happen when anne and sasha find out about darcy hit us just as hard as it hits them. they did this with sasha in reunion and the third temple, they did it with marcy in true colors, and it IS going to happen again.
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astridianmayfly · 2 years
why is there a SNORLAX in the ARCHIVES
Summary: Jon doesn’t know what a Pokémon is, and he’s far too busy with these damn performance reviews to find out. 
His assistants have other plans.
on AO3
15 minutes before Jon’s due to have his very first performance review with Tim, he’s crawling through WikiHow in a desperate attempt to figure out ‘how to give advice to someone older than you without sounding condescending?’ All it’s giving him, incidentally, are articles such as ‘ How to Deal with A Condescending Boss. ’ That’s concerning. He hopes Tim doesn’t share his sources.
He wouldn’t, though. Probably. Jon is a very good researcher.
Tim is too, of course. Jon’s always prided himself on his near obsessive work ethic when it came to cases–one that Tim just didn’t seem to share. Tim does normal people things, like make friends.
Once he’d expressed this to Sasha. Not that his research was objectively superior to Tim’s (Lord, she’d rat him out five seconds flat), but that “ha-ha, gotta love that #relatable moment when you focus on something so intently for six hours that you forgo all your bodily functions!” She didn’t exactly look at him blankly , but she very kindly and very gently asked him if he’d ever discussed ADHD with a doctor.
Jon had given her an out-of-character thumbs up.
Jon has no idea what ADHD is. Absolutely Delightful Human Dear? Whatever. It’s probably one of those ‘memes’ Tim was always roping everyone else into. Likely some ridiculous Twitter trend that involved hashtagging nonsensical acronyms. The other day during their lunch break, Martin announced that he was the “DUFF of the Archival Assistants” (whatever that was), and Tim and Sasha started refuting the declaration immediately.
Jon liked to watch Martin being berated as much as the next person, but he’d just retreated back into his lair the minute this debate started. See, he had very important work to catch up on. Like his personal research into red salamanders (Jon had been taking meticulous notes on the Plethodontidae family for the better part of a month now.) It was not something an ‘ADHD’ would do. Probably.
He’d been so lost in thought about salamanders that Jon notices it’s already 15:20. Shit. He hasn’t even memorized this article yet.
Tim shows up at 15:22, hand-wavingly punctual, with a bright, “How’ve you been, Boss?”
Jon puts on his glasses to disguise his unpreparedness, as if Clark Kent was also a sexy-in-a-librarian-rat kind of way. (And owned a glasses chain.) “You saw me this morning, Tim.”
Tim pulls out a chair and snorts. “Yeah, uh, that was a whole three hours ago! How could I possibly know what goes on in the secret life of Jonathan Sims?” He furrows his brow while plopping down (with the back of the chair facing Jon. Tim straddles the seat–naturally). “By the way…why did we see you running to the break room this morning?”
“Poor circulation. Now, if you’d like to get this over with?” Jon stares him down.
Tim just smiles back, amicable as ever. “Aye-aye Cap’n.”
Jon’s just about to pull up the color-coded spreadsheet he’d created so that these reviews went off without a hitch (he hadn’t started Martin’s yet, but he could probably draw it out on the extra piece of tea-stained, crumpled-up loose leaf lying under his desk) when Jon hears an unmistakable bzzt.
Tim raises his phone and immediately goes ashen. Suddenly, Tim stands up so fast that he knocks his chair down. He starts making a mad break for the door, eyes still glued to his home screen. In the process, he trips over the legs of his fallen chair. It doesn’t even slow him down–already halfway on the ground, Tim’s suddenly on all fours and bounding towards his escape like a rabid dog or wolf or something. He doesn’t even open the door with his hands, instead opting to headbutt the frosted glass with an entirely animalistic grunt.
As Tim tears out of his office, Jon doesn’t even get up from his desk. He just watches the whole scene unfold, his jaw hanging open.
The sound of laughter and screaming (???) startles Jon out of his paralysis. When he pokes his head out of his doorway, he sees that Tim is literally galloping towards the Archive bathrooms.
“Good Lord, Tim! What is the meaning of–”
Tim’s already turning the corner. “Sorry, Boss! There’s a SNORLAX! In the ARCHIVES!”
Okay. (A Snorlax?) That was…well.
Jon takes a deep breath and tries to regain his composure. Tim was guilty by reason of insanity, but…Jon stomps over to his assistant’s accomplices. Martin and Sasha are still sitting at their desks. Martin’s head is bowed–Jon can’t see his expression. Sasha looks him in the eye, face as placid as ever, but her lips are slightly pursed and her eyes are…watering?
This disrespect had gone on for far too long. “Why is there a ‘Snorlax’ in the Archives?!?!” He demands.
That’s what does it. Martin’s head falls into his keyboard, his shoulders vibrating with growing laughter. Sasha tries her best to hold it in, and fails: she lets out a loud wheeze and joins Martin in their mockery of Jon’s honor.
At that exact moment, the sound of a stampede comes from the ceiling.
There's a pause, and then the floodgates open.
Everyone, everyone, is running unencumbered into the archives. They hold their phones in front of them like beacons, a crazed, manic look in their eyes.
Jon's a little disturbed. This must be what it's like to watch himself in his element. He watches Rosie and David and Sonja and Arden and John A. John X. and John D. and John H. and Michael L. and Michael S. and Michael C. and Michael P. and a bunch of other people he doesn't know. Interrupting his workday! God forbid. They start wandering in between shelves, tripping over loose statements on the ground, and--my God, did Emma just get a staple in her foot?
Sigh...Maybe Jon's flights of fancy and general behaviors do have an affect on those who surround him. Maybe they can be as disruptive as...this.
A disembodied voice comes from the bathrooms. “Guys, guys! I caught it!!!”
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evieebun125 · 2 years
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22 | Quill
[ID: There are 3 pictures,The first is a digital drawing, the bottom two are photos of dnd dice.
The first image is a digital drawing of Oscar Wilde from rusty quill gaming, he is a white Irish man with stark white short hair holding a Transparent D20 between his right index and pointer finger, he is holding the dice up to his lips, kissing it while he winks. His pose is relaxed, he is wearing his Robe of Resplendent Thespian, a rainbow and gold embroidered waistcoat. His pants are maroon and he is wearing thigh high white wingtip-ed shoes.
Image 2 is a 7 piece dnd dice set. They are transparent resin filled with gold and red painted quills, imitation gold foil, a golden string and the numbers are painted red.
Image 3 is a close up of the D12 showing the inner image better. /End ID]
This was a long time coming, i finished these a while ago and i debated if anyone would like them but you know what, these are for me to use and to me it feels fitting
Zolf - Hamid - Sasha - Azu - Cel -  Bertie - Grizzop - Wilde - Skraak
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ezwezz · 3 years
what sort of teachers would they be..?
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includes: eren, armin, mikasa, jean, connie, sasha, hange, levi, erwin, ymir, historia, reiner, annie, bertholdt, hitch, pieck, porco, zeke, yelena, onyankopon
History teacher.
The main reason Eren like to teach history is because it involves a lot of debating which he absolutely loves.
He often plays the devil's advocate in class discussions- sometimes even going as far as to vouch and speak for the nazis when the class discuss WW2.
When he gets angry, he’ll either slam his hand on a book or a table, or he’ll just yell at everyone to shut up.
He gets very enthusiastic when teaching about his country’s liberation (he has a thing for freedom).
On the last week of term, he’ll organise a teacher’s race- just so that he has an excuse to go head to head against Jean aka: the art teacher. (Ymir usually wins by the use of foul play).
Maths teacher.
She is strict, but not mean.
A lot of students respect her although her lessons can be extremely difficult.
She’s the teacher that won’t let you use the restroom or leave the classroom when she’s teaching.
If the class is doing silent work and she hears someone whispering, all she needs to do is glare at them, then they’ll immediately shut up.
If it’s the last few days of school, she’ll let her students play kahoot, but it’s always a boring maths themed one.
Geography teacher
he physically cannot bring himself to shout at the pupils so instead, he scares them with made up stories about past ones that misbehaved, manipulating his current students into believing they would end up on the street if they don’t shut up listen to the ‘old harry rock song’.
He’s actually quite respected by his pupils since he is probably one of the best teachers in the school.
Often gets a little too enthusiastic when teaching about beaches.
A target for most student pranks because they know he won’t get too mad afterwards.
Dance teacher.
She’s always extremely exuberant, often overwhelming people with her enthusiasm to hop around.
During her lessons, she’ll put a ‘Just dance’ video on and let the kids basically do whatever they want.
She always wears a sweatband, and a yoga suit that looks like something out of the 1980’s.
When the 20 minute video is over, she’ll just let the kids leave (mainly so that she can be early to the lunch queue).
All the kids love her since she acts more like a friend than a teacher.
Art teacher.
Jean is actually incredible at art, however, this means his standards are extremely high. If a pupil’s artwork isn’t great, he’ll simply draw a large red line across the paper and make them start again.
He hates when students constantly ask him questions so when they do, he’ll tell them to google it.
If the class get too noisy and they’re pushing his patience- he’ll put his hands over his ears and count down from ten in an extremely menacing manner.
If the class still isn’t quiet at one he’ll tell the noisy ones to get up and leave.
Most lessons he’ll set the students a hefty task that’ll take them a while. This means he doesn’t have to do anything.
Substitute teacher.
When he enters a classroom of students, everyone erupts into cheers. He appreciates it and cheers with them.
Immediately everyone switches seats as Connie skims over the work.
If he finds the work boring, he’ll ask the class if they want to watch a film instead.
No matter what they request, he’ll always put on Shrek since it’s his favourite movie.
If he’s on playground duty, he’ll sometimes jog onto the football pitch and steal the ball, knocking over a few kids as he attempts to dribble it past them.
Physics teacher.
As soon as he enters a classroom, everyone goes silent.
If a student doesn’t understand the work, he’ll most likely call them stupid before explaining it to them in an extremely patronising manner.
He’s the teacher that constantly sets ridiculous amounts of homework.
All his students complain about him to their other teachers which gives Levi a reputation in the staffroom.
Some students made a meme page of him on Instagram and somehow managed to find his Facebook page. There were photos of him at the beach in a pair of speedos wearing sunglasses with that same old sour expression on his face.
Biology teacher.
Their lessons are usually the highlight of the day.
They never come in with a plan, most of the time their lessons are wildly dangerous and break multiple health and safety violations.
Surprisingly their students get amazing results so nobody ever feels the need to intervene with the unknown taboo practises that occur within that death trap of a classroom.
When students are forced to sing in assembly, Hange’s always the teacher that hops onto a chair and belts the lyrics- enthusing the students with the urge to join in.
He’s the type of headmaster that literally cannot use technology, most of his assembly are spent trying to get the computer to work.
He thinks putting up posters that read: ‘some people are gay. Get over it!’ Are groundbreaking formulas for reducing homophobia.
When you’re sent to his office for misbehaving, I kid you not, he will give you a full-blown lecture about life. It’s enough to reduce the school’s bad behaviour into receiving an ‘outstanding’ on their inspection report.
On mufti days, without fail, he’ll wear the same dad jumper with plain beige trousers. Whereas on dress up days, he’ll go all out (with face paint and everything)
Runs the cheerleading squad. (Sue Sylvester vibes).
Often talks trash about other teachers to her cheerleaders- she’ll sometimes set them up to bully a specific one that she’s recently fallen out with (That person is usually Reiner- she’s often the cause of his mental breakdowns).
Doesn’t really care about school rules, she’ll often curse and be unnecessarily mean to her students.
She’s only nice when Ms Reiss is around.
100% the teacher that’ll make you do cross country in the snow wearing shorts and a t-shirt whilst they stand there with about 50 layers on.
English teacher.
She’s probably the kindest teacher in the school.
She’s very poetic with her teaching and loves to read into characters.
Students go to her when they’re crying or need advice- they’re usually girls from Ymir’s cheer team.
It’s very rare, but when her tempers running incredibly short and the students won’t shut up and listen, she’ll just snap, launching into a frenzy of yelling and angry pacing, eventually leaving the classroom for a breather then re entering as if nothing happened.
Students ship her with Ymir, knowing full well Historia has a husband (ugh, it pained me to type that, Yumihisu 4life). Unbeknownst to them, she’s well aware of the shippers but makes no attempt at denying the allegations.
Drama teacher.
He’s the type of drama teacher that’ll demonstrate how to play a character, but halfway through, he’ll begin improvising. Once he’s on a roll it’s impossible to stop him. He’ll get so emotionally invested in the character that he’ll begin crying naturally at the sad parts.
Whenever he does this, all the students can do is watch and pray that he doesn’t call them up to play the enemy of his character.
After his ‘demonstration’, the students will perform their own interpretation, but he’ll criticise everything they do differently to his own.
One minute he’s happy, the next, it feels like all hell has broken loose. This man changes emotions like a light switch- the source of these crisis’s mainly being the girls from Ymir’s cheer team.
He’s the teacher that always gets bullied.
Ironically, he’s always the one forced to do the anti-bullying assemblies.
He’s very feeble and has no idea how to discipline pupils.
He’ll always catch kids playing games on the computers but he never does anything about it because he’s scared of teenagers.
When the class is misbehaving, he usually gets Reiner to come in and shout at the students.
Most pupils like him a lot since he’s extremely kind.
P.E teacher.
She always seems tired and fed up, no matter the circumstances.
When children are misbehaving she’ll purposefully blow the whistle deafeningly loud leaving their ears ringing before continuing her lesson.
If a student asks to be let off P.E for an injury, she’ll request official paperwork to prove they’re not lying- even if they’ve clearly broken an arm or leg.
After every lesson, the students are always achy and exhausted since she barely lets them have rests during laborious exercises.
The extracurricular clubs she teaches e.g the netball team or the football team often go onto winning competitions since her teaching style is so brutal. If they lose, she’ll simply push them harder for next time.
Music teacher.
She’ll always make the kids sing random pop songs.
When a group is performing a music piece, she’ll start dancing along- waving her hands and spinning around the room.
The students find her a little weird but they like her nonetheless.
Most of her lessons are spent with her chatting to the group of quiet kids whilst the rest do whatever they want.
She always helps to direct the school play. She also plays the piano for every song instead of using a soundtrack version.
When she’s watching the choir perform, she’ll tear up and start crying.
School nurse.
She’s always in the medical room just chilling on her phone.
If a student comes in, she’ll just hand them an ice-pack and let them sit with her for a while.
She has favourites which are mainly the students that go to the medical room just so they can be sent home. These are usually the students she gossips with and allows to skive off lessons.
He absolutely despises children and always sends them dirty looks as they walk past him in the corridors.
If he sees kids in the school after hours, he’ll force them to leave.
Students usually see him smoking round the side of the school.
If he sees a student litter, he’ll yell at them to pick it up- his yelling usually consists of curse words and unintelligible grunting.
When he sees Pieck in the corridors, his sour expression immediately disappears and he sends her a friendly wave. As soon as she’s gone however, the expression will reappear along with a random snarky comment for a nearby student.
He’s the teacher that makes jokes about how much they hate being a teacher to the point when no one knows if they’re joking or not.
Acts like his students annoy him but he actually really cares for them.
Constant sarcasm and borderline mean comments.
He gets a little too enthusiastic about making things explode into flames- probably violates multiple health and safety guidelines but he can’t pass up on the opportunity to freak the students out.
He’s the teacher that always hates on the art and English subjects- he thinks they’re completely useless and tries to talk the students out of taking them for further education.
Modern languages.
He has a very calm atmosphere in his classroom which students appreciate.
No one really misbehaves because they enjoy his lessons.
He’ll sometimes play melodic music when students are doing written work.
He has a tiktok account which is run by his students.
‘Accidentally’ teaches his pupils swear words in other languages.
His fundraiser stall is always the best and earns the most money every year without fail.
Religious studies.
She doesn’t believe in God but still acts religious because the school wouldn’t hire her if she wasn’t.
Genuinely quite scary- she can go from super nice to super nasty in a matter of seconds.
Gets students to act out biblical sacrifices.
Has a belief in a super obscure God nobody’s heard of (something like…monke jaeger…)
An advocate for bringing back the cane.
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Chapter 4 and nerfing Marcy’s eye
Just cause I am finally able to talk about this without spoiling my own fic I wanted to ramble for a minute about my decision to take out Marcy’s eye in IBYBF because it was a PROCESS, and I had been drawing little concept designs since freaking October on my post-chapter 4 Marcy. The very first one I only liked for about an hour before I changed my mind because the arm scars reminded me a little too much of something /else/ so I had to toss it out.
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What you’ll notice too is here, her eye isn’t even completely gone. At this point I was still heavily debating it in my head so I put it up to a vote among assorted irl friends and the overwhelming response was…well….bye bye eyeball (oh and Anne’s antler was planned from the very start but as you can probably guess from the chapter drawings, her initial design got scrapped in favor of a Long Boi bc i like it more shut up)
So my next move came as I was writing the chapter itself because Marcy’s eye isn’t the only thing that gets utterly destroyed during the fight. I designed a new Marcy in a new-ish fit with the idea that she gets her armor pieces from Sasha and Yunan, and she keeps her ripped cape just cause she thinks it looks cool. This is where I give her a spiffy lil eyepatch as a callback to her Leviathan design from chapter 5 of PMIT.
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Only problem is I wanted the patch to be a meaningful gift from someone and I,,,, could not for the life of me figure out who she could conceivably get it from that would reasonably own an eyepatch and also have a personal connection with her.
SO IT WAS BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD (literally!!) I wondered to myself what else she could possibly do to cover up the gaping hole in her face that would make sense for her character and also feel realistic here… at some point I did toss around the idea of giving her an orange glass eye (hahahahahahahahaha)
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But I mean obviously I wasn’t /actually/ gonna do that. So that brings us to where I’m currently at, which is FINALLY something that feels like a natural progression in my fic and also makes a reference to canon, and that is her Maddie and Marcy hairstyle!
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In addition to being fun to draw, it’s something she could feasibly pick up from Maddie considering their interactions in my fic thus far. As a bonus Maddie would be totally stoked about it because isn’t matching with a bestie just the greatest?
Finally…I can rest………..but not too much cause I still don’t have chapter 5 done *vibrates* just lots of ideas and nowhere to put them. Pray for mal 2k21
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Just a few things to talk about here: lengthy 😩
Levi being a 2 in teamwork meaning he never had chemistry while fighting alongside others, like ever. But then mikasa happened. As if isayama spelled it out for us that Levi and mikasa’s connection is so special, particularly to Levi, from the beginning. So now you realise that Levi has experiences with mikasa that he has NEVER had before with anyone, ever.
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So you have seen this picture before but I’d like to take the time to dig deep into this. It’s from erens point of view and it most likely shows how he remembers these characters to be most of the time. Connie and admin being playful with each other, Sasha laughing at them, floch and marlo talking and hitch (?) just existing there because eren prolly never interacted with her.
Hanji in the background smiling at the group and Erwin giving them a soft smile. However there’s something particular about both Levi and jean isn’t it? Yeah you guessed it, both of them are looking at mikasa’s direction. ( I saw a post where they were trying so hard to refuse the FACT that Levi was looking at mikasa, even though they acknowledged that Jean was. 🤥🤥)
And lastly mikasa softly smiling at eren. You can clearly see Jean being glaring at that and the fact that isayama drew ALL of their eyes so crystal clear EXCEPT both Levi and Jean,,,, gets me. So you’re going to draw faces of people being themselves but what purpose does it serve you to draw both Levi’s and Jean’s( Jean who is a known mikasa simp) face looking at mikasa’s direction but not draw their eyes ( pupils ) clear? Was it forshadowing their mutual feelings towards her? Since “eyes are the window to the soul” and the drawing does not allow for us to get a clear view of their eyes was isayama implying that both Levi and Jean had hid their feelings for her?
Of course jeans face has a certain darkness to it because everybody is aware of his unrequited love and isayama does little to hide that. But notice how both Levi and his faces are tilted in a way. And the most obvious connection to both Jean and Levi are the way Levi is positioned almost in a line behind Jean, which creates a vector line from their eyes leading straight to mikasa.
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Let's talk about this shall we? See how by placing the dark haired people on the front and centre has created a salient within this frame? Yeah the rest of the people in there are either blonde or light haired, Isayam placed each character there with a purpose. Now I'm not saying the 4 heads makes it look like a heart shape but that's excatly what I'm SEEING. maybe, just maybe this was a forshadowing of mikasa's choice, since she was placed in the middle of both Levi and Eren. Eren, whose face is not placed on the same level as Mikasa and Levi could possibly represent "dream" or a reality which would be hard for Mikasa to reach, therefore giving a hint of chapter 138 and mikasa's headache AU.
Whereas Levi, despite his height, face is on the same level as mikasa's. A form of equality, sameness, familiarity and most importantly symbolising reality.
Since he isn't hard to reach from where is Mikasa is placed. And lastly Gabi, we have all seen rivamika parental mode kicking in the recent chapters and here Gabi being in between Levi and her could possibly hint their parenthood, an option that will only be available if Mikasa choose reality: Levi. Therefore Gabi representing quiet simply Levi and mikasa's possible kid. Ackerbaby 👶
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This panel, I'm dying to talk about this.most important question: is it Levi's tears that's falling?
I have stared at this for houRS, and I still don't have an unbiased answer. Although most would discard this as spit or sweat Levi probably has from yelling, I'm not fully convinced by it. Maybe it's my desparate rivamika mind that's refusing to let it go but how would spit or sweat end up where his bandage is?
On the too right corner we see multiple drops but why would anything but a tear be where you can see that single droplet of water on his bandages? It's literally so suspicious which is why isayama makes me mad, he teases so much and so subtly. He doesn't show Levi's eyes there, he could have, to emphasize on Levi's level of worry which could have been more effective when reading his expression and yet isayama chose to show his widened mouth to showcase Levi's anxiety.
I'm still debating on this however there's no mistaking it that Levi cares for Mikasa more than anyone.
Which brings me to this:
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The similarities that I can not call parallels just yet, between erehisu and rivamika is really comforting as cruel it maybe to mikasa and historia. Levi is willing to have historia eat the beast titan without remorse, without thinking. Where as eren as we all know will do anything but sacrifice historia. Yes, anything. Even if it means putting mikasa ( and admin) on the boat as everyone else and letting them do whatever they want. In a way both of them are treating both mikasa and historia the same way.
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Note Levi’s eyes while talking about historia almost looks psychotic which is unlike Levi and his eyes while looking at mikasa.
Eren who is pressed down to one single choice which might risk mikasa’s life but he won’t sacrifices historia. Protecting her.
Levi who decides to help mikasa has made a choice without any regret, relying on her.
And as for their respective person, both eren and Levi’s gesture and behaviour changes when they are around them. As eren said historia is the girl who saved him and the same way mikasa is the who may bring meaning into Levi’s life. I feel like these two couple has always developed together, take s3 aka rivamika season 🥵
The same way rivamika found trust and a way to bond, so did eren and historia. In their own way they. It’s funny because both of their development are so weirdly ignored by the aot general fandom, gee I wonder why 😒 anyway through these similarities or whatever you may call it you can really see who they each really care for and value over the other.
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LMAO idk how much people considers pieck and Porco canon as potential lovers but this shot of porco really reminded me of Levi’s jealous look. Not to mention pieck resembled mikasa with that ponytail
Although I support jeanpiku I always had this feeling that porco and pieck might have been shipped together and they are, in this scene ( I haven’t watched the ep) I ASSUME porco is looking at her this way because of these men around looking at her and blushing, well it does resemble another grumpy old man. Anyway I’ll never shut up about that scene with both historia and Levi looking at their partners, jealous and shit 💆‍♀️💅💅💅
Okay I’m done talking for now, thank you again for reading as always idk what this post was tbh I didn’t have it planned at all I just really wanted to talk about these that’s been on mind to spark new conversations about them.
I just wanna say I wish i was part of this fandom sooner, not only does this fandom has the best theorists but also such amazing people. I hope our shitposting and analysis of rivamika will not end with chapter 139. Rivamika will always make me happy and this place will always feel like home, thank you for creating this community 😭💜💜💜💜
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cryptideye · 3 years
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the ceaseless watcher’s special  👏 little  👏 boy  👏 !!!
(more anthro tma stuff under the cut!)
ok a lot of these are taken directly from my instagram story so the cropping is Bad. sorry
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heres jon first ! i based him off of this specific image of an oriental longhair cat bc YEAH. this is exactly how i imagined him. i debating making jon some sort of corvid while martin would be a scottish fold cat but i decided on cat for jon and dog for martin.
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martin next!!!!! i based him off of some cocker spaniel / golden retriever mixes i found on google. but hes mostly spaniel.
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ummmm ok elias next! his eyes are like that because [spoilers]. debated making him a vampire bat or assassin bug but they were hard to draw so hes a fox. i feel like a fox fits his aesthetic more anyhow.
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the distortion is a cuttlefish not only for their ability to mimic other animals but simply because they are neat :) i thought their colour changing fits with the distortion well also
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tim next.... just a magpie. debating making him a fox but decided against it.
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sasha! lyrebird for their mimickry and cuckoos for a certain behaviour they exhibit regarding their young. foreshadowing? decided on a cuckoo because theyre easier to draw.
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daisy and basira! basira is a german shepherd and daisy a grey wolf. when she gives into the hunt she just goes on all fours, full wolf mode
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georgie and melanie! georgie a honey badger for their fearlessness and melanie a snow leopard because of their independence. plus snow leopards are cute and fun to look up reference photos for.
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annabelle is a pink toed tarantula bc obvious, oliver is a hyena. i wanted to doa  scavenger for oliver bc end avatar but hyenas are cute so thats what he is.
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jude is an echidna, gertrude is a blue jay (thought i should have made her a hare!!!!!! i might redo her design). echidnas do this funny thing during wildfires that made me think of jude and blue jays are sometimes known to imitate hawks...... i wanted a “looks innocent / cute but is ruthless” vibe for gertrude but WHY i didnt make her the obvious choice of a rabbit i have no idea.
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GERRY my beloved raccoon......... mary keay is a hairless dog and eric is an axolotl.
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ALSO! [redacted] is a sheep / ram :)
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here is the ref i used for jon!!!!! i should have made him more menacing but im bad at art so
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