#welcome home you wet cat of a man
nonovyabuisness · 7 months
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jinwoosungs · 21 days
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- when you catch them falling asleep first -
featuring: gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, okkotsu yuta
warnings: crack for gojo's, but mainly fluff for the rest :3
[ gojo satoru 🕶️ ]
don't let gojo's pretty face and seemingly perfect life fool you: this man has a sole imperfection that takes the form of his MONSTROUS snores. and you swore that these snores are loud enough to cause tremors to be felt across your shared apartment!
you came home from work a little later than usual, murmuring your greeting all while taking off your shoes in the process. as you brushed back your hair while running a hand through them, you were left frozen on your spot when you heard an almost... unnatural sound coming from within the depths of your apartment.
"h-hello? satoru? are you there?"
fear began to quickly seize at your heart, with you straining your ears as you tried to decipher the strange and almost guttural sounds. it was almost like... someone sawing a log while growling at the same time, coupled along with some other wet sounds that made you tremble in response.
grabbing a hold of one of your umbrellas settled near your shoe rack, you slowly inch closer to the source of the sound, hoping that the umbrella would be sufficient enough to use as a weapon.
you could feel the ice cold sensation of your blood rushing through your veins, filling you with anxiety and fear at what was to come. the closer to got to your bedroom, the louder those sounds became.
with your eyes clenched shut, you slam open the door while crying out "YOU STUPID CURSE...!"
only to feel your words die out the moment you turned on the lights to see your boyfriend splayed out in bed, his hair a complete mess against the plush pillows while a string of drool was seen on the corner of his lips.
yet perhaps what was most shocking was how those noises were coming from him!
now, you've been subjected to satoru's obnoxious snores before, but they had never quite sounded this... horrendous. which meant that the sorcerer was probably caught in a deep slumber right now.
allowing the relief to course through you, you toss aside your umbrella and step closer to the bed. your arms were crossed over your chest as you look down at him, reaching out a hand to pinch at his nose.
"nngh nggh ngh?!" you had to fight back a giggle upon seeing your boyfriend's eyes clenched shut in response. his arms were flailing around randomly until they suddenly managed to find you, pulling you down into bed with him as a cheshire cat grin slowly spreads across his features.
"heheh... welcome home, babe...!" his voice was still hoarse, clearly only half awake when he manages to wrap his arms tightly around your form. his rich chuckles were felt against your ear, making you giggle as you cuddled yourself even closer to him.
"you're such a dork, 'toru! do you know how much your snores absolutely terrified me when i came home from work? i genuinely thought a curse had followed you back to our apartment!"
your boyfriend rolls his eyes at you, giving you a smirk before pinching your own nose in response as your voice took on a more nasally quality.
"ngh, shtop it! i wash genunelly tewwified!"
"well that's what you get for makin' fun of me! my snores aren't that bad, okay?!"
after spending some time teasing each other, your beloved convinces you to fall asleep with him (after taking off your clothes and changing you into something more comfortable.) with a content purr, you agree to fall asleep while in his embrace, snuggling up even closer to him, ready to close your eyes-
"scccchhhhhhzzzzzz hngggg..."
only for your eyes to go wide when satoru manages to fall asleep first, practically snoring within your ear as you simply lay in bed while silently groaning to yourself.
tonight was going to be a long night for you.
[ nanami kento 🗞️ ]
the hardworking man who can never seem to catch a break. nanami will often fall asleep when you least expect it, but truly, you never had the heart to disturb him.
you were in the midst of cutting up the ingredients for tonight's dinner, and when you told your beloved kento to lay back and relax, he finally relented without any protest.
he had just gotten back from a rather long and arduous business trip the day before, and you had hoped that he would take this chance and sleep in, simply enjoying his day off. you wanted nothing more than to cook him his favorite meals consisting of chicken alfredo with a heavy helping of garlic bread.
you purposely got up early, ready to buy fresh ingredients for tonight's dinner when nanami ends up waking up with you. despite the dark circles seen beneath his eyes, he insisted on accompanying you (to make up for lost time).
even your attempts at convincing him to stay home fell on deaf ears, with your kento joining you on your errands, but not before allowing you to have breakfast with him at his favorite café where he surrounded himself with delicious coffee and all of the pastries he had been craving for.
with your day pretty much starting out like a much needed date, you finally came home around 6pm, where you were able to shoo kento away from the kitchen as you began working on making the chicken alfredo.
it was around 7:30 that you completed your dinner and called out kento's name. "ken, dinner's ready!"
you continue stirring at the pasta dish, already salivating at the scent of the white sauce along with the juicy cuts of chicken. you trail your eyes over to the large loaf of garlic bread, wishing to save heating that for last so that your kento could enjoy it freshly baked from the oven.
"kento?" you shut off the stove just then, placing a lid over the chicken alfredo as you went into the living room to check on him. you peek your head into the living room to see nanami settled in his usual spot on the couch with what looked like an open newspaper settled across his face.
making sure that your steps were quieter, you tiptoe even closer to him, gently removing the newspaper to reveal him sleeping against the couch. you could see the way his eyelids trembled while he slept, the sight of it all being enough to make you smile in response.
letting out your own yawn, you figured that once you got hungry, you could simply reheat the food and place the garlic bread in the oven then. feeling a bit tired yourself, you settle yourself next to kento, with your head on his shoulder while cuddling against him before joining him for a peaceful slumber.
[ fushiguro megumi 🐺 ]
the type to fall asleep in front of those who is truly trusted. like a wary dog wolf, megumi is the type to stay awake and wait until he's in the safety and comfort of his own bedroom to truly sleep. but lately... this seems to be changing when it comes to you.
you had invited megumi over to your place to have a movie night and a weeklong sleepover, not wishing to spend these long nights alone as your parents went on a much needed vacation together. they promised they would return in a week's time while giving you permission to invite a friend over to stay the night with you.
and of course, megumi ended up being your first choice.
you placed a lot of trust in him, despite being your best friend who just so happened to be a guy as well. had it been any other boy, your parents would have voiced their concern and suspicions-
but when it came to megumi, they could all visibly relax.
for starters, he truly wasn't like most boys who spent their whole lives salivating at the thought of spending the night at a girl's house. he was very deadpan and serious, not ever once treating you uncomfortably while maintaining a safe distance between you and him each time you were together.
(and so what if you happened to have the BIGGEST crush on him?)
if you were given a chance to be home alone like this, then there was no one you could possibly trust more than megumi. so when he finally arrives at your place right at 4pm, (his duffel bag in hand), you immediately went to hug him tightly.
"thank you so much, 'gumi! for agreeing to come over!"
"sure, don't mention it." his smile was a rare but tiny one, an expression he seems to save just for you while teasingly messing up your hair in response. his actions end up making you smile as you lead him to your living room, already setting up a blanket fort of sorts for you and megumi to enjoy for the duration of the week.
surrounded by bags of your favorite snacks and a box of half-eaten pizza, you held on tightly to your plushie as a scary movie was playing from your television screen. as the scary monster revealed itself from the shadowy depths of the forest, you let out a tiny squeak in response, momentarily looking away from the screen as your eyes met with megumi-
who was currently sleeping with a hand over his abdomen.
seeing such a sight made you forget all about the fear you once felt due to the movie, now filled with a fascination for the sleeping boy settled before you. making sure your movements were quiet, you shut off the t.v. and settle the remote off to the side.
holding your breath, you inch closer to megumi's sleeping form, and it brought you back to a certain memory you had from last year. it was the first time megumi had spent the night at your place, and it had happened because you wanted to study with megumi a bit for an upcoming exam.
what you didn't expect was for a storm to hit, making it impossible for megumi to return back home as you eagerly suggested that he spend the night at your place. he was hesitant and tried to convince you that he could walk back to the station without an umbrella, but it was ultimately the sight of your tears that makes him relent.
you wanted to give him your bed, but megumi absolutely refused to make you sacrifice your comfort for him. so, your friend ends up remaining on your floor with some of your plush blankets used as a makeshift mattress for him. that night, you had a hard time falling asleep since you were so aware of megumi's own movements as he tossed and turned throughout the night.
"megumi...?" you gave up trying to sleep, not liking the fact that your friend was having such a hard time falling asleep, too.
you swore you could hear him stiffen in the dead of night when you called out his name. "yeah?"
"are you okay? you can't sleep now, can you?" you ask him with a guilty sigh.
you remember hearing him let out a huff when he turns around to face you on the bed, "it has nothing to do with you, i'm just not used to sleeping in an unfamiliar environment. don't worry about me, just sleep like you normally do."
you rolled your eyes then, knowing that you couldn't sleep when your own crush friend was struggling to sleep. so, you joined him on the floor and kept him company throughout the night, talking about nothing and everything at the same time.
looking at him now, (seeing him in what had to be a deep sleep), you were mesmerized by how vulnerable he was. his spiked hair now remained mussed and flattened against the pillows, with his lips parted in tune to his own breathing.
reaching out a hand to brush back his hair, you sharply inhale when he opens up one eye to look at you.
"hm?" his gaze was still hazy with sleep, but you couldn't stop yourself from asking him, "you feel comfortable around me now?"
a tiny smirk paints his handsome features when he suddenly wraps his arms around your back. you let out a gasp, landing directly against megumi's chest as he brushes his lips against your hair.
"yeah, i do feel comfortable around you... something about you... makes me feel so soft... and warm."
megumi trails off just then, and judging from the way he tightens his arms around you before his breathing evens out, you had to smile and giggle a bit.
he had fallen asleep again.
not one to complain about being in megumi's arms, you let out a happy sigh before sliding your eyes shut, falling asleep within minutes as you dreamt of him...
[ okkotsu yuta 💍 ]
yuta was a notorious night owl, and most nights, you struggled to keep up with his late night binge consisting of movie marathon or shows that lasted several seasons. the only time you were able to convince yuta to sleep at a decent hour was when he was sick. and tonight was one of those nights...
your eyes were filled with concern for your boyfriend, feeling a bit panicked the moment he woke up with a fever.
his speech was slurred as he tried convincing you that he was just fine, but you did not believe him. forcing him to lay back in bed, it was now your turn to spoil him.
throughout the day, you made some soup for him while giving him his rounds of medicine with a tall glass of water to keep him hydrated. you took his temperature every couple of hours, and you were happy to see it steadily going down as the day progressed.
after caring for yuta, you spent the rest of the day tidying up your shared apartment, making sure that everything was back in its place so that once he felt better, then yuta wouldn't feel so stressed and have to worry about waking up to a messy apartment.
your last chore of the day consisted of you doing laundry, placing the newly washed clothes into the dryer before heading back to your shared bedroom with yuta.
the time read 9pm when you came back to your beloved boyfriend, letting out a sigh while stretching your body out. you already envisioned yuta scrolling through his phone after taking his medication-
so picture your surprise when you saw him still laying in bed, the damp handkerchief never leaving his forehead as his eyes were shut. his breathing was slightly labored, but not as bad as it had been this morning when the fever had first afflicted him. your heart seemed to melt at the mere sight of him, seeing his hand laying limply across your side of the bed, as if waiting for you.
"aw, my poor baby." you softly coo at him, shutting off the lights as you allowed complete darkness to settle across the room. walking to your side of the bed, you gently duck beneath the covers and slide closer to yuta, taking a hold of his hand with a bright smile on your face.
you listen as your boyfriend mumble a few words, finally adjusting his sleeping position as he turns to face you, the handkerchief now sliding completely off of his forehead in response to his movements. giggling softly, you take the damp handkerchief and remove it, placing the cloth on your nightstand instead while focusing your attention on him.
"sleep well, my love. i promise, i'll be by your side the whole time." you quietly promise him while squeezing at his hand in response.
and as you closed your own eyes, ready to join him in his land of dreams, you remain blissfully unaware of the smile that paints his features while he slept...
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a.n. - i am so sorry, it feels like it's been forever since my last jjk update! but i hope this silly little update makes up for it 🥹 this is currently unedited, but i'll make any changes once this is posted!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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ilythena · 2 months
Request: Jack and Luke go to an animal shelter to adopt a pet (cat or dog, which ever is your favorite) and Jack falls for the adoption counselor that helps them pick out the perfect pet
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★SUM after Luke begs Jack to get a dog, he ends up lucky in more ways then one.
Fem!reader, straight fluff, no warnings! Kinda short tho, tbh I got too interested in Luke begging Jack for a dog 😭 req are open so don’t be shy to send in some, almost done w a lot of them just gotta find time to post em <3
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“Can you just hear me out-“ “no.” “Please! Just one!”
Sitting on the bed in Jacks room of their shared apartment, Jack throws his head back with an irritated groan. “Luke, I’m not going to keep arguing with you about this shit. We can’t have a dog. Who’s going to watch it? And clean up after it? We’re both professional hockey players and have zero time for an animal.”
With a pout, Luke hesitates before speaking again. “I’ll clean up after them! And I’ll spend all the time with them!” “Luke no. We have a game tomorrow. Go to bed.”
“Why am I even asking! I’m a grown man. I’ll just get one and bring it home.” “I wish you fucking would.”
Luke storms out of Jacks room and heads to his own. Immediately getting on his phone and ranting to Quinn about his problems, Jack turns his body and sighs.
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“…what’s going on with the Hughes’?” “Apparently Jack said no to a dog. Luke’s not taking the rejection well.”
The two brothers glare at each other from across the locker room, Luke tightening his laces and Jack grabbing his stick. He mouths an ‘I’m not changing my mind. No dog.’ And Luke huffs before walking out.
“…..well, he’ll get over it soon.” Nico says, patting Jack on the back and he just frowns. “Why is he so insistent on a pet all of a sudden? I mean, you understand why I’m saying no right?”
“Yes, I understand. But I can also see his side. You two will come to a compromise eventually. Let’s not worry about this stuff and just focus on trying to win the game tonight, okay?” Nico says and with a nod, both boys walk out of the room and onto the ice.
Everything was going well at first, Jack had even scored a goal! But it’s like this week just wasn’t on his side. The opposing team began crushing them after the first quarter, swiftly taking out their team with a score of 3-1.
On top of the crushing loss, it was pouring rain outside. And his umbrella broke, which meant he had to walk in the rain, with his brother who’s mad at him, after he loses a game. Great.
Both boys get to the car cold and covered in water—not a word spoken between the two. Luke closes his door shortly after Jack does and it’s pure silence between the two. Jack starts the car and turns the heat up to the max before driving off and making his way home.
“Hey luke?” “…yeah?” “I’m sorry. I’ve been really stressed out and honestly I don’t think it’s good for us to be arguing over something so stupid. Maybe we should get something to eat-” bark! Jack’s eyes snap over to Luke and suddenly it feels like the car is at 100 degrees.
“What was that.” “What was what…?” Bark! Comes from Luke’s side of the car once again, this time Jack can faintly see something moving inside of his jacket.
“Luke.” “….listen! Do you see how hard and cold it it outside? Poor thing would have freezed to death out there!” “I told you no dogs!” “Look at her!”
Luke pulls the small puppy out from his jacket and you can see her shaking. Wet, cold, and obviously very lost.
“…what do we do now?” Jack whispers and Luke doesn’t answer, pulling the animal closer to his chest. After a moment of discussing what to do, the boys decide to just go home and sleep for the night.
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“Hi, welcome in… how can I help you?” “We wanna adopt this dog-“ “no we don’t.”
Jack pushes Luke behind him and gently snatches the puppy from his hands, a sharp gasp cutting through the air when Luke feels the shove.
“Oh! Where did you find them?” “On the street, my brother couldn’t help but pick them up.” You gently take the animal out of Jack’s hands and inspect them for a second before looking him in the eyes. “I’ll have to do a cleaning and a check up for them, since they’re very dirty and I want to make sure the dog is healthy before I give them to you.”
Jack glances at you and when you two make eye contact all the anger he had directed towards Luke died down immediately in his throat. He quietly nodded and in less than a second, you were gone and in the back.
Another one of your coworkers came and got their information, and Jack had sat next to Luke in the small waiting area.
“…can we please keep the dog-“ “maybe.”
After what seemed like hours, you walk out with the dog put in a small kennel, handing it to your coworker. “Good news, puppy is very healthy! Bad news, you can’t keep her because she’s microchipped, which means she does have an owner.” Luke groans in disappointment, but his eyes flicker over to another dog playing through the window in a designated play area.
Jack notices this, and after standing there for a while, he speaks. “….are any of the dogs over there up for adoption?” “Yes sir! All the animals on the right side of the building are up for adoption. Are you interested in adopting today?”
“Um, yes.” Luke’s head snaps over into Jack’s direction. “That’s great! I’ll let you two look at the animals, and let me know if you decide to adopt.”
As you walk away, Jack looks at Luke and glares. “Don’t get too happy. I’m picking the dog.”
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“Hello Mr. Hughes, how may I help you today?” “Hey. I know this is really sudden, but I think he’s sick! He’s been throwing up a lot.”
Jack drags in a golden retriever, who his brother named ‘Jett’ and he doesn’t look to well. Slouching and obviously very tired.
“Oh no! Here, follow me. I’ll get him onto the inspection table and I’ll check what’s wrong with him.” He follows you down the hallway with the puppy in his arms and sets him down gently onto the cold metal table.
Watching you take a stethoscope and check up his heartbeat and trying to listen into his stomach, his heart briefly stops when you call in your coworker to do an x-ray on the animal.
After getting sent to the waiting room and waiting an hour, his worried face shifts to confusion when Jett quickly runs out the door and in between Jack’s legs.
“So, I thought he had an infection in his stomach from some sort of food, but as soon as I officially set up the x-ray and tried to put him under it, he refused and went from looking sick to looking completely fine. My diagnosis is that he was trying to get your attention by being dramatic.”
Jack scoffs in disbelief and looks down at the golden ball of fur in between his feet, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Wow. So I brought him here for nothing?” “Pretty much.” You try to hold back a laugh but fail miserably, smiling at the animal and preparing the register for his bill.
“Well, at least he’s okay! That’s all that matters.” You say and Jack lets out a brief chuckle before looking down at the machine.
“150 dollars?!” “Unfortunately, He did waste the supplies used to prep the x-ray machine…”
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“Back again, Mr. Hughes?” “He was eating grass, I’m concerned he’s sick.” “You said that the last time you came in.”
It’s been about 4 months since Jack officially adopted Jett, and coincidentally his owners been coming into your clinic non stop for those past 4 months.
“I’m just looking out for him, what kind of owner would I be if I just let everything slide under the rug?” He grins and you scoff with a smile before leading him and his dog into a private room so you can “investigate” the problem with Jett.
The happy dog jumps up onto the table and rolls over, making a happy sort of huffing noise when you rub his stomach. After doing regular check up procedures, you can determine that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jett.
“As usual, there’s nothing wrong with your dog. Why do you keep coming in here when you know he’s fine?” Jett jumps on you and you can’t hold back a laugh when he jumps down onto the floor and stands in a playing position. You open the door to the dog play area and let him out to go socialize with the other dogs that stay in the clinic.
“Maybe I just wanna see the cute girl who works here.” “Well maybe there’s an easier way for you to do that instead of dragging him along with you and wasting your money.” Jack bites his lip into a smile and slowly walks closer to you with his hands into his pocket.
“Does that mean that maybe I can take you out on a date this weekend?” “Maybe it does.” You lean against the counter that holds all the paperwork and files in the clinic and take out a small slip of paper, writing something down on it before shoving it into his hands and walking back into a ‘staff only’ facility.
“ xxx-xxx-xxxx. I’ll see you this weekend, Hughes. ;)”
I would have added my pink banner BUT I ran out of picture space….. sorry this ended so suddenly, I was struggling w how to end it!
© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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userlando · 1 year
sleep soft — max verstappen
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max verstappen x fem!reader [4.3k] summary: the one where max comes back from canada and you can't wait for him to wake up. warnings: 18+ explicit smut, morning sex, oral sex (m receiving) a/n: I was apparently not ready to let go of max yet, so here ya go. fun fact: this idea gripped me by the throat very late at night so I had to write it all down before going to sleep. as always, don't be a ghost reader, i'd love to hear your thoughts! :) ily enjoy
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You’ve pulled your legs up to your chest, arms wrapped around them to keep yourself balanced as you gazed out the window of your apartment. It was cloudy, dark enough that you’d never tell that the clock was nearing eleven in the morning. It was humid as well, as the weather often was in Monaco during the summer but the rain was coming down in showers in an unusual display.
There was something so calming about the patter of the rain against the windows, droplets racing down the glass panes and you quietly watched them while your mind wandered.
The apartment was quiet, eerily so, and you thought of the man who was currently splayed out on your bed; snoring while he caught up on some much needed sleep after the long week he’d had, smiling fondly at the memory of his slack jaw and relaxed face where you’d left him on the bed earlier.
You’d been asleep when Max came in late last night, the thud of his bag hitting the floor not even rousing you and you’d stayed asleep until he’d crawled into bed newly showered and wrapping his arms around your torso; wet hair sending shivers down your spine as it tickled your neck, smelling of sweet shampoo. Max had nuzzled your neck, whispering a quiet hi baby and you hadn’t stayed conscious long enough to welcome him back before you were pulled under yet again.
It had been a week since he left for Canada, and you didn’t realise how terribly accustomed you’d grown to his presence until he’d called when he landed in a different continent, letting you know that he’d arrived safely and was on his way to the hotel. There had been a yawning hole in your chest that only grew ten times its size as the days passed, but now he was back and you were itching to walk into the bedroom and wake him up. Your mind couldn’t quite believe that you could walk across the apartment to see his face, whereas before you’d squeeze in those late night video calls with a six hour time difference that turned out to be a bitch to work around.
You held back on waking him up though, telling yourself that he needed those extra hours of sleep and so you busied yourself with brewing coffee and feeding the cats, settling down in a kitchen chair with a notepad to jot down a grocery list. You’d made an awful habit out of ordering in when you’d been alone, but Max needed healthy and home cooked meals and you needed the refrigerator stocked for that.
Darker clouds rolled in over Monaco and it was only when it started to rumble in the distance that you decided that you’d waited long enough. Your body was yearning for warmth and comfort that only your boyfriend could provide, and you were quick and silent on your feet as you walked across the hall to the bedroom.
The first thing you did was crack open the balcony door to let some air in, enjoying the slight patter of rain water hitting your skin as a breeze blew by. You took in the hazy horizon of the city before turning around to the man on your shared bed.
Max was on his stomach, arms shoved under the pillow his head rested on and the blankets all tangled up by his legs. You took a second to admire the plane of his muscled back, tiptoeing quietly and heaving yourself up onto the mattress. It dipped as you laid down on your side, but Max didn’t even move a muscle so you took that as a sign to continue further.
You placed a hand on his back, letting your fingers draw small patterns over the moles and muscles; like you were reacquainting yourself with the dips and bumps of his body. You couldn’t see his face because he was turned the other way, but there was no mistaking the slight intake of breath when you bent down to press a kiss to his shoulder blade. There was a second where you thought that he’d woken up, but his breath was still even and quiet so you kissed the skin of his back until you heard a small inhale coming from above. His back dipped under your lips and you glanced up, trying to figure out whether he’d finally woken up and you got your answer when he suddenly made a sound in his throat.
“Wha’ are you doin’?” His words were slurred, raspy but there was a fondness in it that made you smile.
You adored the way his accent would sneak up out of nowhere in his state of confusion and sleepiness, it happened so often but it never failed to make your heart squeeze tightly in your chest.
“Good morning.” You greeted him softly, kissing up his back until you reached the slope between his shoulder blades, pulling back so you could get a look at the side of his face where it was mushed against the pillow.
His skin was sun kissed, freckles on his nose that only the sun could bring out and you couldn't help but reach out a hand to push back a few strands of his hair from his forehead. Max blinked at you, bleary eyed and oh so adorable that it made something fierce strike you in the stomach.
“Mornin’.” His eyes fluttered shut as he mumbled his quiet greeting, like sleep was threatening to overtake him and you frowned a little.
If you’d been a better person, you would’ve left him to sleep for another hour but you’d missed him and had been yearning for him in a way that you never really had for another person before. So, he couldn’t really blame you if you leaned over to press small kisses to his stubbled cheek and jawline, listening to his small moans like he was too tired to speak actual words.
He didn’t seem to mind though, tilting his head up further against your touches and that told you all you needed to know. He'd missed you as well.
“I missed you.” You murmured against his cheek, nuzzling your nose against the prickly skin and enjoying the way his lips slowly stretched into a sleepy smile.
He’d never tire of hearing it. There was something so reassuring with knowing that you missed him as much as he missed you when you were apart. People would call it dramatic, but he didn’t care. There was nothing worse than leaving you behind when work called, knowing that he’d have to endure a week where he wouldn’t wake up next to you or spot you smiling brightly from across the paddock.
Max turned around, grunting at the effort it took to untwist his legs from the covers and settle on his back without jostling you too much. You were still propped up on your side, hand in your head to support its weight as you watched on silently, amusement written all over your face.
“I missed you too.” He admitted at last, when he could take a good look at your face and see the way your face turned soft, eyebrows relaxing and eyes lighting up. “You look beautiful.”
He brushed your hair from your face, crooking the strands behind your ear. You turned your head to press a kiss to his palm, noisy and a little playful and it made Max grin despite the sleep still clinging to his bones like a warm blanket.
“You’re not allowed to leave me, ever again.” You said, tone joking but there was a certain vulnerability in your voice that made Max’s heart stutter a little.
He knew how hard being away from each other could be, especially when he travelled to locations with different time zones. It was difficult when you were so far ahead and his only time to really sit down and relax was late at night on his end. There had been a few times where Max had called, completely forgetting that it was six in the morning on your end but you’d still answered his call; voice croaky and hair standing on end. He couldn’t really bring himself to feel too guilty when he got a look at your bleary eyes and smile, it acted as a cold balm on his burns whenever he’d had a particularly hard day on the track or was just feeling homesick in general.
Max opened his arms for you when you burrowed your face into his neck, fighting to not squirm when your warm gusts of breath tickled his sensitive skin. He could smell the scent of your shampoo against his nose, and the floral perfume you always wore around the house. It stirred something deep in him.
“Oh, yeah?” He laughed a little when you nodded into his neck. “I’ll just have to resize you and put you in my pocket. Carry you around everywhere.”
You pulled back to look at him, hair a little wild and so beautiful that Max couldn’t stop staring even if he tried. Not that he really tried.
“Don’t joke about that, I’ll actually do it.” You said, dead serious and Max pushed his head into the pillow to bellow out a laugh. The sound was loud, filling the apartment with life and it was such a marvellous feeling that you couldn’t help but grin.
You pushed up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, feeling your spine tingle at the feel of lips and you chased that feeling by kissing him more properly, feeling him exhale as he responded eagerly, bringing his hands up to cage your face.
He was making small noises in his throat, breath picking up when your hand brushed the hardness of his pectoral before descending down to the softness of his stomach. The hairs tickled your palm when you reached his bellybutton, and Max let out a needy sound against your lips when you slipped your fingers underneath the waistband of his underwear; not touching anything, just idling and teasing. You knew exactly what you were doing to him and he hated and loved it simultaneously.
“What are you up to?” He asked when you broke the kiss, eyes a little hazy and lips kissed raw. You blinked in mock confusion and innocence, your mouth twitching to keep the teasing smile off your face but you were doing a piss-poor job.
“I was just showing you how much I missed you,” you said, adding a dramatic sigh. “But if you’d much rather sleep, I’ll leave you to—“
You were about to pull your hand away but was stopped by Max circling his hand around your wrist, fingers digging pleasantly into your skin as his eyebrows pulled together.
“No, no.” He cut you off forcefully with a hidden laugh in his voice, grip going a little slack when you made no further move to detach yourself from him. “Show me how much you missed me.”
The smile that you’d been fighting to keep off your face broke out, heart speeding up a little when you tore your eyes away from him to look at your hand as it disappeared under the material of his underwear.
Max had managed to work himself up in the short amount of time together, finding him half-hard and warm in your hand when you gripped him. You gave an experimental and gentle pull, hearing him suck in a breath through his teeth at the roughness of your dry palm. You shot him an apologetic glance, receiving a kiss from him in acknowledgement.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you when you pulled your hand out, licking a wet stripe over your palm so casually like it didn’t make Max’s stomach completely bottom out. It felt like his guts were spilling out with how jarring the sight was, eyes widening a little when you stuck your hand inside his underwear to try again.
A throaty moan escaped him when you took a hold of him, the slickness of it surprising him that he had to lay his head back down on the pillow and take a deep breath to calm his sudden racing heart. The blood was rushing so fast to his cock that it should’ve been embarrassing, but you seemed to take great delight in with the way your eyes were wide in arousal, bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
You jerked him to hardness, swiping your thumb over the wet of his head to collect the precum there and aid you as you slipped your hand down to his base, squeezing ever so gently just to hear him whimper on a breath.
The sound was so erotic in your ears that you had to take a second to collect yourself, bringing your eyes to his face and finding him already staring at you. There was a pink flush to his cheeks that hadn’t been there before, admiring the way his eyes had gone a little glassy with arousal. It was such a pretty sight to behold. To bring a man like Max to his wits end never failed to send you into a turmoil.
“Baby...” he trailed off quietly when you edged yourself down to the foot of the bed, pushing the covers away and settling between his splayed out legs. He blinked down at you, looking a little caught off guard. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You smiled at that, crooking your fingers into the hem of his underwear before pulling them down. There was a slight struggle to get them off completely but you made a sound of triumph when you finally managed to, making Max laugh.
“Fucking finally.” You grumbled when you finally had him right there in your bed, spread out and naked.
Max raised his brows in slight amusement, shifting where he laid when your eyes drank him in, like you couldn’t believe that this was your reality and not just another one of your dreams.
“You’re in a good mood today.” Max mused, eyes shifting to your hands where they sat on his thighs.
You felt the thickness of them, trailing them up to where he was straining and hard.
“How could I not be?” You felt your cheeks warm a little, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the right side of his hip.
Max made a little sound, blowing out a breath when you slid your lips down to the base of his cock, lips ghosting over the side of it. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut, tongue sticking out to lick at the bottom of his cock and he balled his hands into fists to stop himself from grabbing at your head.
The air was heavy in the room, or maybe it was just Max feeling too turned on to take a proper deep breath, but it felt like he couldn’t breathe as you licked up from base to tip; tongue tantalising and sinful, eyes closed like you were enjoying the feel of him on your tongue.
He planted both of his elbows on the mattress, feeling it dip under the weight of him as he heaved himself up into a half-sitting position. Max’s arms shook dangerously when you licked over the head of his cock, tasting the pre on your tongue with a hum that made his stomach clench in absolute need.
“Shit, baby.” He stuttered, mouth falling open a little like he was searching for the right words to say. “You’re being so good for me. So pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
The hum you let out sent vibrations down his spine and he swore under his breath. You opened your eyes when he placed a hand on your cheek, sliding it further back so his fingers were spanning widely over your jawline and neck, and it felt like the air had been punched out of Max at the look of raw need in your eyes.
He took a mental picture of your eyes fastened on him, mouth stretched prettily around him and he filed that image away in his brain to use for whenever he’d be gone next and he found himself alone in his hotel room.
You made a noise when you took more of him in your mouth, swallowing when the thick length of him started stretching your lips. You were determined, needing to taste everything he had and he was all too happy to give you whatever you wanted. The pads of his fingers pressed down a bit on the flesh of your head the further you went down and you marvelled at the pressure, swallowing around him and making him jerk his hips up in surpris.
You gagged when he hit the back of your throat, pulling back with tears in your eyes and Max had to dig his blunt nails into his palm to stop himself from tipping over the edge at the string of saliva connecting from his cock to your slicked lips when you coughed. You swallowed the excess spit in your mouth and rubbed at your eyes to get rid of the tears and Max’s heart jumped.
“I’m sorry, you okay?” He asked, ignoring the hoarseness in his voice. He sat up but you were quick to wave him off with a dismissive noise from your throat, tongue peeking out to lick across your lips. “Took me by surprise.” The last bit was said quietly, a little embarrassed but your smile was bright enough to wipe any doubt away.
You didn’t answer him verbally, but the way you hurried to swallow him down was answer enough and Max’s arms gave out as he fell back on the bed with a moan. He could feel your giggling as you pulled back a bit, frowning a little because fuck, you were a little devil and he wanted to absolutely ruin you.
Hearing Max curse breathlessly was reward enough for you when your lips finally touched the base of his cock, tears springing to your eyes as you fought off your awful gag reflex. You held it for a few seconds until you pulled off slowly, putting a little suction that had your boyfriend’s eyes rolling in his head.
The slick sound of him falling out of your mouth and hitting the lower part of his abdomen made him blink his eyes open, glancing down at you and he nearly lost his mind at the sight of your smiling face. The wide eyed look on your face made you seem so innocent but the saliva slicked lips and the fact that you were laying between his legs told another story.
His fingers itched to grope for his phone, wanting to snap a photo of you so badly but he could count on all ten of his fingers why it’d be a bad idea, so he pushed both hands through your hair; brushing it away from your face in the process and you preened at the soft touch of him, nuzzling into his hand against your cheek.
You let him guide you up to hover over him, caging him in with your hands on either side of his head when he pulled you closer for a kiss. Max could feel his hips twitch when he licked into your mouth, tasting himself on your tongue and it was so deprived that it made him crave more.
“Wanna fuck you.” He whispered against your mouth, hands finding the waistband of your shorts but you were quick to make a noise of protest. Max blinked in surprise and confusion when you grabbed his hands and pulled them away from your waist.
“No, not right now.” You said, pressing an open mouthed kiss to his lips that was so hasty that he barely managed to react to it. “I wanna taste you.”
Max’s eyebrows shot up in his forehead, the skin above crinkling in surprise at the words that came from your mouth. The way you said it was quiet, shy but so determined that he couldn’t deny you of it. And who was he to say no, really? He’d be an absolute idiot to turn you down.
“‘m not gonna last long.” Max warned.
Your lips stretched into a slow smile that did his head in and he hurried to kiss them before you began your descent down between his legs yet again.
His cock hadn’t flagged one bit and you took pleasure in the way his mouth fell open into a sinful moan when you took him in, lips once again stretching deliciously.
You knew it was only a matter of time before your jaw started aching, so you picked up a pace that had Max moaning into the quiet apartment; one hand coming up to cover his face while the other settled gently over the back of your head. Not pushing or even guiding you, but to have something to hold on to so he could ground himself.
It wasn’t easy to hold back though, stomach going taut when you pulled out all the tricks you knew would tip him right over the edge.
“Fuck, sweetheart. I’m gonna—“ He trailed off, raising his legs up just a little to plant the soles of his feet against the mattress. You moaned, the sound vibrating his cock and his mouth fell open as he stuttered out your name. “Gonna come.”
He said it like it was a warning, expecting you to pull off and you probably should’ve with the way your jaw was locking up, aching beyond belief but you were so determined to see it through the end. Max gave another warning through gritted teeth that sounded a lot like your name before his hand in your hair tightened, borderline painful, and he shot off with a guttural moan that trailed off into a breathless whimper, spurt after spurt painting the back of your throat.
You swallowed, eyes locked on his face to take in the way it scrunched up so beautifully, tipping him over the edge and working him through his drawn out high. His hips sunk into the mattress where they’d raised up subconsciously, hand in your hair going slack as he started to come down from his high. It was only when he made a pained little whimper that you pulled off, licking him clean and avoiding his sensitive head in the process.
Max’s heart was going a mile a minute and he mustered the last of his strength to grapple at your arms, pulling weakly until you got the memo and once again crawled up his body. You sat on his thighs and leaned forward, a smile playing on your lips that looked a little too smug. Max’s answering laugh sounded breathless even in his own ears, thinking that he wanted to fuck that smile off your face. It should've been so illegal to look as good as you did, wiping at your mouth so prettily like you hadn't just sent Max straight to hell and back.
Your eyes sparkled like you knew where his mind was wandering and the man beneath you couldn't help but lean up to kiss you. The scrunch of your nose and the sound you made halted him though, and he shot you a questioning glance.
“Do you really want to do that?” You asked, whispering like the thought of it scandalised you.
Max raised his brows as if to say really? because when had he ever cared before?
“Don’t be silly.” He poked a finger into your side and grinned when it made you jump, shooting him a glare. “Now come here and give me a kiss.”
You couldn’t deny that it made your insides twist in want when he slotted his mouth against yours, making tiny sounds when he tasted himself and you both smiled, teeth gently knocking together. He brushed his nose against yours when you pulled back to catch your breaths, touching your jaw with a soft brush of his fingers.
“I could get used to being woken up like this.” He said, grinning when you rolled your eyes playfully.
Because the both of you knew that you were far from a morning person. You kissed him, a quick peck that ended far too soon for Max’s taste and he was quick to slide his fingers through your hair and haul you back to his lips, kissing you so heatedly that you felt it in your toes.
He revelled in the sounds you made against his lips, tightening his grip in your hair until your mouth dropped open into a breathless moan. Your eyelids fluttered, hips dragging against his thighs and it took a second for Max to realise that you were trying to rub off on him. Something about that realisation sent his mind reeling, the need flaring up so suddenly that it felt like a punch to his gut.
You let out a startled squeal when he rearranged the both of you, flipping you over a little clumsily in his haste but you went easily until your back was resting against the mattress and he was straddling you.
He thought back to his need to ruin you just a few minutes prior and decided that he’d recuperated enough to pay you back for your generosity, hands finding your shorts and dipping inside.
Your eyelids got heavy but you were still staring at his face, mouth dropping into a delicious O when he located your swollen clit over the cotton material of your panties.
“Perfect.” He rasped, and you weren't quite sure what he was referring to but you couldn't bring yourself to care when he was looking at you like that. Like you held his entire world in the palm of your hands.
So, you circled your arms around his head and brought him in for a kiss, letting the rain outside be the soundtrack of your morning as Max brought you to new highs.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
And Your Name Is? (Deuce, Azul, and Floyd)
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After successfully resolving whatever was causing NRC to be trapped in an endless time loop of overblotting and disaster, one last reset should give him a chance to experience a normal school year with you. But instead you find yourself trapped in the here and there, appearing as a vague shadow around the school that vanishes as soon as he catches up to you. The kind thing to do would be to allow you to be forgotten in the chance it lets you return to your world.
But this is Twisted Wonderland where the kind thing is seldom done, and he wants you back as much as you want to find him again.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, we are back in business bby, these three are by request, next up are Lilia, Jamil, and Grim! Angst with the intent of comfort, if you like this please consider checking out my masterlist for the previous three parts.
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"Don't go where I can't follow."
Deuce has said that many times before.  He wonders if you thought he didn't mean it or had taken it as a joke, and truly he cannot decide which is worse. He had foolishly thought when he first woke up and saw the school year begin anew that he could relax knowing he wouldn't need to chase you across an ocean into the depths of S.T.Y.X. He should have known it wouldn't be that easy, his memories of you might have been scattered across time and space but he knew with certainty this set back did not surprise him.
"Are you alright?" Trey's concern does not go unappreciated, but Deuce can't really bring himself to respond out loud. "You seem a bit distracted." There are countless wishing stars hung above him in the trees, he wishes he remembered if any of the wishes he heard had been the same. He knows his no longer is.
"Let him be." Idia surprisingly in the flesh, but still draped like a wet cat over the drums. "We can afford to take a break anyway." His seniors move away as Deuce remains staring up at the wishing stars. Yuu is sort of the same color as them now, and just as ephemeral.
"Do you remember this?" The starsender robes don't feel as special anymore, he wants to be proud that he was really meant for this task seeing how time itself has seen fit to make him repeat it. "I only remembered to ask you what your wish was after... I think you passed it off as me being dumb but I don't think that's what happened now. Somehow I knew if I asked you to make a wish what you would say." A gentle breeze sways the little lights above his head as Deuce tries to spot the star Trey had helped him make. "I meant what I said, I want you to see just how cool I'll look in my officer's uniform. I want to make my mom and grandma proud, and I want you to come home and be proud of me with them." Sometimes he swears he can feel your head leaning on his shoulder, your arms embracing him from behind, your voice carried by the breeze drowning out shouts for him to come back to reality and pay attention to his surroundings. There's a legend in Twisted Wonderland about a man that dives into the Underworld to rescue his beloved, you had told him your world has the same story but it has a different ending. Deuce doesn't want to think about that as his hands curl around where yours should be, just over his rapidly beating heart. "I wish," he already has but he swears the star twinkles with magic in response all the same "for Yuu to come home." He squeezes your hand and jumps when he finds purchase, your weight forcing him to stumble forward and crash as he rapidly tries to turn and see your face.
Idia and Trey make noises of surprise, he thinks that they're talking but he can't seem to hear them above the sound of your heavy breaths. "I'm back Deucey." You whisper softly into the evening air.
"Welcome back Yuu." He hopes you never make him let you go again.
There is a mournful song flowing through this strange cold place you have found yourself. It's familiar, but you swear you have never heard it before, perhaps it is the voice you find yourself stumbling towards and not the music itself.
"There you are." It's pleased with itself this voice. "Come to spend some time with me again?" You don't know, you can't even really tell where you are. It looks like an office, but it is bereft of papers or any light. You feel more than see the desk at the center, the smooth grain of the wood chills your fingertips as you run along looking for something. A sigh rattles the room as you are dragged away, back to the mirror chamber by frighteningly cold darkness and you grope wildly around for the person you thought had been there with you. "Goodnight Yuu. I will see you tomorrow."
"Why can't you see me today?" You swear you speak but you hear no noise. And in the solid space you've left behind Azul leans back against his chair and studies the ceiling above him. He should be pleased. He had a theory and the tattered scraps of paper in his hand would seem to have proved it. Azul should be angry that your state demands such a sacrifice of him, he should be weighing the potential cost of this decision. Of saving you.
But instead he laughs.
"Yuu. Yuu, Yuu, Yuu. I wonder if I ever stood a chance." He knows the answer of course, but he wonders if it is as ingrained in your soul as it is his. ~~~~ "Do you believe in other worlds Yuu?" The voice is asking you a silly question, and you chase after it determined to tease. "And I don't mean like yours, I mean completely other realities where things even mages would find unbelievable exist." You manage to push yourself through the waters and begin to wander the purple and grey hued halls, desperately searching for someone you swear is here, his name on the tip of your tongue. "I admit it's not something I ever thought too much about, but after we got together the first time I would lie awake thinking about it. You and I meeting was never a guarantee, so why did it feel so much like fate? I think I asked you once."
"Don't underestimate me." You can hear yourself now, and the walls around you are coming into more solid focus. There is only one door between you and the person you have been searching for now. "I will find you in every lifetime." Delighted laughter moves towards you now, as the door opens to reveal the outline of a man, shimmering just like you.
"Yes that's exactly what you said." His hand is cold, you reach to catch it worried it will fall through you and almost sob as you both find the familiar sensation of the other's touch. "And I think I said, 'Well that's not threatening at all!' Because in my mind there was no other way for us to meet than as adversaries, but that didn't need to be true did it?" Azul's coat and scarf is slung over the back of his chair, your breath catches in your throat at the unusual sight of Azul in just his tuxedo. He preens under your attention, guiding you carefully towards the couch, hands trembling in equal relief, excitement, and still small fear that this was all a painful dream. The shredded remnants of carefully counted contracts can remain scattered across the desk behind you, yet he finds himself surprisingly unconcerned. He curls himself around you, sighing in content at the return of the warmth of your solid form. "I found you this time." You return his embrace with a half sob, the memory of the here and there cementing itself within your fears alongside the sheer relief of Azul's presence. "If other worlds do exist, if time gets re-set again, even if you are forced to return to where you came from, please don't underestimate me either. We found each other once, and we will in every timeline we exist." He kisses your hand and dares reality to prove him wrong.
"Man every day's a party when I'm with you. I can't get enough!" He had really meant it, but he could see the doubts still flickering behind that smile.
"Glad you had fun Floyd."
Had. You were glad he "had" fun not "was having." It was an odd thing to get caught up on, Floyd didn't fully understand why it soured his mood so much himself. There was always this carefully crafted barrier between the two of you, carefully built up by you that he never noticed until it was too late. Until little shrimpy was just Yuu and the nickname became a facade to deny the depth of his emotions.
It was silly to think that he was the only one lying to himself.
"Y'know you can't stay all ghostie like that forever." He tries to poke you, disappointed in how you shimmery form neither disappears nor wavers. "It's not good for your health." Floyd has never had the smoothest of emotions, they tumble around his chest like waves, but he knows them to be consistent. He hates standing in place and doing the same thing over and over, he loves it when people make stupid mistakes and he gets to watch them blow up (sometimes literally) in their face, and he hates how predictable he has been. The jumbled memory of countless looping timelines and never once did he do anything more than maybe chase you around a little and come up with excuses to monopolize your attention. Floyd wants to squeeze himself, that's what this entire situation already feels like anyway. "Say do you know what humans used to say about merfolk?" His mood twitches back to something like happiness as he rolls his head up from lying on the library table up onto his hands. "They thought that when we died we turned into sea foam cause we didn't have souls. Isn't that silly! Say Yuu, which one of us looks like foam now huh?" Floyd hasn't cried since he was a fry, but these past few days he feels like he has done little but cry and sleep. In his dreams he gets to re-write his impossible memories to be a little lighter, he gets to drop the nickname and call out to you and have you cry out to him in return. In his dreams everyday is still a party and not a waking nightmare. Your hand, or maybe he is delusional and has begun to dream yet again, reaches towards him, fighting its foamy nature to try and touch his head.
"I like you." He had said it into your neck while you died that time, still lying to save himself some face in case that was the last thing you wanted to hear. "C'mon dance with me Yuu!" He had tried hyping himself up in his head, all words dying in his throat when he finally spun you away from Crabby and Mackerel calling you shrimpy once again.
"I love you." Why is he only brave enough to say it now when he swears it won't actually matter? "I think I've loved you since the first time ya tricked Azul and then immediately every time I saw you after. So come back yeah? I thought I had all the time in the world but I don't, and I ain't ever gonna be board of having you around..." The foam flickers, and for a brief delusional moment Floyd thinks he sees your proper face. "You know that, right?"
"I love you too." It's watery, he feels the answer somewhere in his soul rather than hears it as you crash under your own weight back into reality and onto the hard wood of the NRC library. His laughter cackles up and out across the whole school as he leaps across and over to catch you up and soothe your bruises with soft kisses, not at all the activity Jade expects to find him engaged in when he follows rather than flees at the noise.
"Mine." He kisses your pulse point and you wonder, not for the first time but with much more joy than sorrow, why it was his hand you were searching for. "My Yuu." Floyd purrs, a dangerous tittering laugh of genuine relief convincing you of his genuineness more than anything else.
If he was going to get bored of you, he would have done it timelines ago.
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estellxli · 5 months
(small drabble before i sleep ;w; also it's been a while since I've posted lolol)
My Woman
Your shivering hands reached out for the door knob of your home. Smoke leaving your mouth as you walked in. Relief comforted your body as the warmth embraced you.
"Welcome home, darling." Your husband says, donning an apron. That's when your nose finally picked up a familiar scent, your lips tug in a smile. A smile he treasures.
"Here, let me." he says, as he takes of your coat, the fabric absorbing the melted snowflakes. He hangs it on the coat rack.
"Thank you" you say as your right feet goes behind the other, about to attempt to take your boots off. Just then, Zhongli kneels down to your surprise and grabs your left boot, waiting for you to raise it.
A giggle leaves your lips. This damned man, doesn't he know this gestures of his makes you fall for him more? It's bad for your heart.
Feet free from its cage. His hands guiding you slowly, making sure you won't trip.
He looks up with that devilish smile of his. You quite like the view up there, he reminded you of a cute schipperke.
Zhongli grabs your hand, his lips soft and smooth on your skin.
"Perfect. I made us dinner"
As he stood, you were reminded once more of how he's much taller than you. You can't help but wonder if you looked like a dog to him too, or a cat.... or a bunny.
Your trance ended as you were swiftly off the floor, your husband carrying you bridal style. A giggle leaves once more. Really, what is up with him today.
He brings the both of you in the dining room, sitting you down and moving your chair in for you.
Clearly, your nose didn't betrayed you as bowl of slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup is presented on your table. Zhongli watched you eat his dish in delight. He couldn't help but laugh at your pantomime attempt of expressing how good his dish was. You knew how much it was cooked with the utmost care and technique, using only the finest ingredients just for you. He loved doing things for you. And oh, how incredibly grateful you are for that.
"Finished, my dear?" you nod as you gulp the last sip of your water.
He needn't ask if you liked the soup. He knew you did. He knew, since he'll only give you the best and only the best.
"Come now," Zhongli stood from his chair and walked beside you. " — let's have you cleaned for bed."
The both of you sauntered in the bathroom, bathtub filled with water and bubbles foaming out. It smelled like lavender. Zhongli helping you take off your clothes ones more. Heat slowly rising on your cheeks. You've seen each other many times, but you can't seem to help it. Thankfully, the bubbles will hide it soon.
You dip your toe first in the bathtub, and surely enough, it was in the right temperature. Water spilled on the ceramic floor as the bathtub contained to people.
Zhongli sat in front of you, with his feet beside you, legs slightly bent as the bathtub was small for his size.
He placed the bathtub tray containing sweets, and pulled out a bottle of wine, and like the Zhongli you know, he rambles with insightful knowledge.
You exchange conversations while enjoying the desserts he prepared. Which then slowly becomes a water fight as you finish. The room filled with laughter and the floor becoming more wet as the water continues to splash. Closing your eyes and turning your head on the side in case a water splashes on your eyes. Words of conceding escapes your lips accompanied by laughter. The water on the tub slowly calms down.
Zhongli grabs your feet and placed it on his chest. Massaging it with the utmost care. You've been walking around Liyue all day to the point it was tingling.
He kisses the sole of your foot tenderly. "That tickles." a giggle, and a slight jerk on your foot.
He looks at you intensely, the flicker in his eyes didn't leave your notice. Your own foot was blocking the view of his lips, but you knew he was smiling behind it.
He kissed it once more.
"My woman."
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cannonsoupforthesoul · 7 months
Sing For Me Lovely
By Cannonsoupforthesoul
This is my first time ever posting my own work, it’s 100% brainrot smut. These characters are mine and have no relation whatsoever to any other character or person living or dead 🩷🖤 I do not own the graphic art you see below, if you are the owner and would like it taken down please send me a dm🩷🖤
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Content Warnings: TW-NonCon, TW- Kidnapping,TW- Dubcon, TW- Bondage, Oral (f receiving), Fingering, D/S vibes, Yandere vibes, Obsession, Cuss Words Are Used, Masochist Vibes, Blood/Minor Gore(?)
Word Count - 1678
Copyright @Cannonsoupforthesoul aka me, Aava 2023. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.
Her toes twitched and flexed, legs flung over his shoulders with his broad hands shackled around her thighs. She couldn’t bear to look down and see his dark eyes peering up at her, never once stopping his pointed assault on her pussy.
He’d taken her somewhere, but there were no clues in the dimly lit room. The dark oppressive curtains were drawn shut and the bay window was too far away from the bed. Of course, that was ignoring the fact that she was handcuffed to the headboard. But thinking about that was too stressful, too frightening.
Books lined the exposed brick wall in towering bookshelves amidst gothic art and mirrors on the wall opposite her, a velvet jade loveseat sat in front of the window. There was even a dark wood coffee table, a tv, and a giant black and white photo was hung above the bed.
A studio apartment, or a large bedroom?
Did it even matter?
Iris felt her eyes roll back when her captor laid a particularly rough swipe of his tongue on her pearl, the beads of his tongue piercing pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerves before he sucked the throbbing organ into his mouth. It felt like his was trying to devour her, the sounds of his appreciative groans sang in her ears to the soundtrack of her handcuff chains clanging with her struggling. Tears dripped a path to her hairline as she bit her lip, breaths heavy but desperate to hold in her own sounds of pleasure.
He paused his ministrations, finally relaxing his bruising grip on her meaty thighs and rose from his crouch with a delirious smirk and heart eyes.
“Don’t cry, pretty baby. I’m just gonna make you feel good. The best you’ve ever felt. Think of it as a welcome home, yeah?” He leaned over her, balancing his weight on one hand, shirtless and incredibly broad. His size was simply terrifying; in all her life she’d never seen a man whose presence alone was so daunting. He didn’t need to be so fucking huge as well, there was simply no chance of escaping such a monster. Not in her current predicament.
He swiped his thumb through the tracks of her tears and paused before rubbing the salty taste against her full lips as his eyes lost focus again.
“You’re so goddamn pretty,” he murmured dazedly. “Like a fairy.” His thumb paused its stroke across her bottom lip and he groaned deeply before thrusting it into her mouth, pressing it against her tongue as he panted.
She’d been on the verge of pissing herself in fear since the moment he’d appeared like a shadow in that alley, and there was no telling what he would do with her once he got tired of playing with her body, but that was the moment she snapped. Iris bit down savagely, and didn’t stop even when blood began to gush from the wound she’d created. Mouth bloody, she glared at him fiercely while waiting for him to retaliate.
He did not.
His eyes fluttered shut and he moaned, pressing his hips flush against hers with a roll; that creepy adoring smirk ever present. “Maybe more like a wild cat than a fairy, but what do I know?” He gripped her jaw firmly, just enough to extricate his thumb before she bit it off entirely. “Maybe you’re a goddess in human flesh? Let me worship you.”
Iris trembled while he slithered down her body, leaving hot wet kisses against the tops of her breasts, then more and more on her soft belly as he went until he’d settled between her thighs again.
“I understand why you’re fighting me; you’re afraid. It makes sense, but I would never hurt you. I’d rather slit my own throat. You’re safe with me, I swear on my mother’s grave.”
“Then let me go,” she finally broke her stubborn silence. “Please, please just let me go!”
He grinned wide, revealing longer than average incisors and a scar at the left corner of his mouth that stretched a bit with the movement . His black hair was tied back in a bun at the nape of his of his neck, errant strands clung to his face where her slick had been plastered to his dimpled cheeks during his meal. He was of Asian descent, a veritable giant and built like an athlete. She wouldn’t admit it either, but he was one of the most attractive men she’d ever seen. Covered in tattoos and piercings and somehow, by some cruel twist of fate, exactly her type.
He held her gaze captive as he lifted her legs and placed her thighs on his shoulders, forcing her to rest her shoulders on the bed while he supported the rest of her weight with his hands holding her hips up to his watering mouth while he sat up with his legs folded.
“W-wait!” She stammered desperately through a flood of more tears. “You didn’t even tell-tell me your name you bastard.”
He just chuckled distractedly, cheeks flushed red with excitement. “It’s Shota honey. Remember to sing it real loud for me, yeah?”
With that he went back to work, savoring every inch of her sex. The sounds he made were animalistic, licking at her hole until he could fuck it with his tongue, until her wetness poured freely. She squirmed but there was nowhere to go. Her breath came in quick pants, already over sensitive from from the hour he’d already spent eating her pussy. Breathless whimpers broke free despite her efforts to stay silence once more.
Shota had doubled his efforts, as if his meal might be snatched away from him any minute and made Iris shriek when he began supporting her hips with one arm while his other hand slid toward her beckoning heat. He released his suction on her clit with a pop to the enrapturing chorus of her first clear resounding moans and French kissed her cunt lips with a gleeful smile.
“That’s it lovely, just let me see you feeling good. Can you do that for me? You look so beautiful like this, fucking hell. What about this, how’s that?” He murmured against the flesh of her thigh, and sucked the flesh into his mouth hard while he slid his forefinger into the furnace between her thighs with a groan of his own.
Iris shook against the bed, her feet kicking at the sudden sensation and fluttered again when his thumb rolled over her clit. It was too good, so much better than all the times she’d ever touched herself. Her fingers were never long enough, and silicone was really just plastic, she’d never quite figured out how to use them to their full potential and didn’t bother trying when her hands did the job just fine. He was the real thing, and there was no ignoring that.
“You can take another,” the pussy drunk giant grunted as he replaced his thumb with his tongue and thrust two fingers in oh so slowly. He shuddered as his fingers traversed her silky heat, scissoring his fingers while still ministering to her clit and labia with his desperate seeking mouth.
Iris twitched and whimpered at the onslaught of intense pleasure. She couldn’t think anymore, there was no escaping this moment and she had no choice but to resign her self to be pleasured until she was a mindless quivering puddle.
Time seemed to stop for a moment when Shota’s knuckles hit a small spongey bean in his path within her creamy walls. A wicked cackle immediately bellowed out of him, and with a sinister grin he returned with three fingers. Thrusting fast and deep, angling towards her g-spot.
“Sh-shot-ta! Shota, Shota!” She chanted his name, not even noticing when he lowered her body back onto the bed since he never stopped fucking his fingers into her. The squelch of her slick as it dripped down his hand to his forearm was like the melody in the background of her beautiful voice as she moaned.
“Sing for me honey, you sound so fucking good. Let me hear you.”
Her eyes had closed in their own at some point, but they flew open when a hot mouth latched onto her left nipple. He’d pushed her right thigh up to meet her chest, one big hand holding it up while he rested his weight on his other elbow to give him access to her bare chest.
Kidnapping her had taken months of planning and waiting, but the moment he had her in this room he hadn’t been able to wait before cutting through her clothes and feasting on her gorgeous breasts. She’d woken up after he’d spent the better part of two hours suckling and biting at her chest by that time he’d moved on to her lower half, but her nipples were still sore and hyper sensitive.
Shota ground his hips against the bed, sucking harder, groaning at the taste of her skin and the feeling of her hole fluttering erratically around his thrusting fingers.
The burning coil in Iris’s belly had wound tight as he worked her closer and closer to her orgasm, it felt like anything at all would set her off. Every thrust of his fingers fanned the flames of her approaching climax, and just when she began to grow impatient Shota pressed down hard on her clit and bit down on her nipple, hard.
Iris squirted with a scream, eyes rolling blindly while she babbled incoherently, “Shhh- sshhho- shhhhh…” Her feet kicked wildly when he dropped back between her thighs once more to taste the fountain of her juices, it didn’t stop as he lapped at her tender sex, or when he suddenly nipped her clit. She kept cumming as he continued the onslaught of pleasure, fingering her while he drank her nectar even when she stopped cumming and until she did twice more.
Iris didn’t move again for a long time after that. She would wake up clean and dressed and disoriented in a button down that dwarfed her smaller frame, Shota’s giant body curled around her like ivy while he watched her with heart eyes and his familiar dazed smile.
Likes, comments and reblogs appreciated. I’d love to know what you guys think 🖤 Should I keep posting my work?
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brokenpieces-72 · 2 months
Repairing Bridges
TW: gang stuff, past trauma, mentions of death, tell me if there is anything else.
Graves shifts in his chair in the dark of his apartment. He figured this day would come. The tv illuminated the small living space in harsh light. You were safe, he told himself. You told him as much. When he saw you turned off your location he considered texting you. Now he was glad he hadn’t.
Makarov was back. That monster was back and now Graves worked for him. He thought back to when you told him about getting jumped by a few officers. They were his, he could tell. You didn’t tell him, didn’t rat them out. He’d asked them to keep an eye on you while you were having a week to yourself. In that time, he had kept checking up on you. It wasn’t just for you to report to him but to see you were safe. He kept it professional not wanting to get too attached, and vice versa. Losing his partner was bad enough, but he wasn’t about to lose his partner’s kid too.
With you gone and somewhere not even he knew, there was less to worry about. Now he needed to figure out his own next steps. Time would tell for now. Maybe he would take some long vacation, but Makarov was thorough. Could he trust his own officers, after they hurt you?
He switched over the channel not wanting to see the man’s face. The tv continued playing, as he got up, to get a drink for himself. Day off tomorrow. He had a little more than 48 hours. Graves texted Alex. Wouldn’t be surprised if Alex already knew but Farah would need to know as well. Then he thought about Price. Price would already know by now, word would spread to other gangs like the Los Vaqueros easily enough.
As he took more sips of his drink the memories came back. Ones he told himself he wouldn’t let bother him. Makarov’s words of warning, your father’s body, Price’s glare, Soap holding him against the wall… and your scared, sad face full of tears after he had to tell you your dad wouldn’t be coming home again. He blamed himself, wishing he had stepped in, stopped your father, done something either in that moment or before.
Graves texts you.
You didn’t see the text until the next morning. You got up, asked Simon who was already up if you could have a shower.
“I’m not your parent.” He replies. “There’s a towel in your closet though.”
After the shower you come back out, and find Simon crouched in front of black cat eating at some leftover tuna. It’s interesting to see Ghost in a much more calm state. You hadn’t seen him in action but you’d heard he could be lethal, sending more than a few cops to the hospital. Now here he was in dark jeans, a black hoodie and the same scarf over half his face from last night, petting a scrawny feline, who wasn’t intimidated at all.
“Are they yours?” You ask trying to keep your voice down. When you left the bathroom, you could make out snoring in another room. Didn’t want to wake anyone.
“Seen her a few times. People don’t like black cats, so they try to get rid of them.” He says, scratching the cat between the ears. The cat raised its head, welcoming the scratches. When Simon stopped the cat circled him rubbing up against his legs. “Cats don’t get to choose what they look like… owners don’t deserve to be cruel.” He adds in. Simon stood up and turned to you, seeing clean clothes. Black pants, baggie hoodie, a white tshirt. Your wet hair was covered by your beanie, and you already had your red scarf on.
Both of you stand there in awkward silence. Simon’s feline friend was still rubbing against his leg and purring.
“Hungry?” He asks finally.
“Kind of.” You say. Ghost shakes his head. He could understand you being weary still, he wasn’t exactly a bunny rabbit.
“Diner across the street does take out. Ask them what the price is for breakfast. Get yourself something too. You got money?” He asks. You nod, getting your shoes on with another word, taking your card and phone in your back pockets.
Once you get outside into the cold winter morning, your phone buzzes. You check it and find a text from Graves. One sent last night and the other just now.
G: Keep your location off.
G: We need to talk.
You stare at the text message while you walk through the alley, to get to the diner. Your steps are slow as you try to decide what to text back with.
Y/N: getting breakfast right now.
G: Take it back to your place.
G: or where you’re staying.
Y/N: why what’s going on?
G: is anyone with you?
Y/N: not right now.
G: staying with you?
Y/N: Why?
G: Tell me.
Y/N : Tell me why!
You weren’t about to let him get away without giving you answers. You finally reach the diner, and repeat what Ghost told you to, while ordering something for yourself. While you wait at the counter, you look around the quiet mostly empty diner. You notice a larger man in a booth staring at you. At first you turn to look in the same direction he is, then back at him. Definitely staring at you. Keeping your hands in your pockets you look back at him. Two can play at this game. He scoffs after a bit of you both staring.
“Can I help you?” You ask with some attitude. He scoffs again finally looking away. You take a moment to pull out your phone and snap a photo of the guy. Thankfully your food comes and you’re able to leave. Something about his stare made you uncomfortable, like he was sizing you up. You take a longer route back to the hideout. Couldn’t hurt to be safe.
By the time you arrive Soap is up with a coffee in hand, and at the bar counter of the kitchen. You close the door behind you and set the food on the counter, before sitting next to Soap at the bar. You take out your own container with your breakfast inside, and start eating while Soap gets his. You notice three containers remain. Ghost retrieved his and Gaz emerges from the hall way. Soap is wearing the same clothes as last night, while Gaz just changed his shirt.
“Last one for the cat?” You ask, through mouthful of food.
“Still feeding it?” Soap chimes in, while Ghost rolls his eyes.
“He’ll be here soon.” Gaz says.
“It’s a girl.” You say, thinking you’re still discussing the cat. Only when the door to the unit open do you realize what Gaz meant. Price walks in wearing a long coat. You notice he seems rushed as he takes his jacket off, and makes his way to the kitchen. He gives a quick and curt morning, before getting his breakfast. He too seems to be wearing similar clothes from yesterday. Off white shirt and faded pants.
Ghost is staring, his container hardly touched. He’s watching Price as he looks up and back at him. Price’s eyes look to you, and you look away to take out your phone. You look back to see a silent conversation happening between the two bosses.
Price keeps moving his eyes to the floor while Ghost’s body language goes tense. Ghost clenches a fist, body now facing more to Price and away from you. Ghost shakes his head before pouring a cup of coffee for Price.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask. Gaz hops up on to the other side of the counter you and Soap are seated at. Price sips the dark coffee sighing, and looking at you.
“Before I answer, I need to know how much you understand about your father.” He says. Before the case you would have said you understood everything. Now though… you weren’t as sure as before.
“I know he did things for good reasons. Trusted you guys.” Not much else you could say.
“Do you trust us?” Price asks, folding his arms and leaning against the counter behind him, staring at you. There was still so much they hadn’t told you. It would take time for you to get the answers that made sense. For now, you didn’t have much of a choice.
“Yes.” You say. There’s a hint of uncertainty in your voice but Price wasn’t about to be picky.
“…Makarov is back in town, and he’s got his old position.” Price says. Everyone freezes in place going dead silent. You’re confused. You didn’t know who Makarov was. The name felt familiar though. Maybe something you heard in passing.
“Unfucking believable.” Soap says.
“News report was last night.” Price confirms.
“Who’s Makarov?” You ask a little nervous now.
“Mafia, has his dirty lil’ fingers everywhere.” Johnny says.
“And he’s the former police commissioner.” Ghost adds. You fidget in your seat. More questions but those could be addressed later.
“What about Milena and Nolan?” Gaz asks. Great more names you were in the dark about. Well, Milena’s you’ve heard before, she’s a businesswoman and socialite. There has been some small rumours about her and her late partners, but no one seemed to pay it any mind.
“More than likely.” Price said. “Alex, Farah and the Los Vaqueros have been made aware and to lay low for now. Don’t need Nolan getting set on anyone until we know what’s going on.”
“What does he look like?” You ask. When you get a loose description you unlock your phone and show Johnny the man you saw at the diner.
“Steamin Jesus…” he says, while Kyle leans back getting a look at the photo. You hold it up to Simon and John. John straightens and comes over to take your phone and get a better look.
“How long ago was this?” He asks.
“Maybe an hour or two by now. Took a longer way to get back just in case. He kept staring at me.” You explain.
“You see him again, you tell us but don’t go near him if you can.” Price orders. You nod and he looks at his everyone in the room. “Right here’s the deal. Makarov is back and he’s gonna have something planned, underground shit and we need to keep our eyes open so nothing goes unnoticed. We need to expose anything and everything he does or is connected to, I don’t care how hare-brained.”
“Yes sir.” Was said by everyone including you. You swore you saw the corner of Price’s mouth turn up for a moment to a smile. Loyalty. If there’s one thing Price had it was that.
Then your phone buzzes in Price’s hand. He notices the name but makes no comment as he hands it back to you. You check the name, and excuse yourself, getting you boots on and stepping outside.
You answer it just before it goes to voicemail.
“Y/N? We need to talk.” You hear Graves on the other end. He sounds tired, and nervous.
“Yeah what is it?” You answer, trying to keep your hesitation out of your voice.
“I mean in person. Are you able to meet with me, or have you skipped town?”
“No no… I’m just uh… sorry was just eating breakfast. What’s wrong?”
There’s a long pause in the other end. For a moment you wonder if the signal is lost. Then you hear a sigh.
“Y/N… there’s a lot I’ve got to tell you. In person. When can you meet?” He asks.
“Couple hours maybe?” You say uneasy.
“I’ll send you my location. Come alone.” He instructs before hanging up. You pop your head back into the apartment. Everyone looks at you from the kitchen.
“Can someone give me a ride?”
Rudolfo helped Alejandro back into their hide out, both of them exhausted and bloodied. They expected some resistance during their shipment raid but not that high.
Rudolfo gets Alejandro into a chair before making his way carefully and slowly to the first aid kit.
“You broken Hermano?” Alejandro asks. Rudolfo almost chuckles. Man was nearly on a his death bed, and asking him if he was okay.
“More intact than you.” Rudolfo says, focusing on the injuries. Alejandro, still running on adrenaline gives a large grin, chuckling painfully. His mind was racing and clouded at the same time. The shipment was a big one but holy hell, the amount of security, and their weapons… he’d seen swat teams less armed.
Rudolfo helps him get his jacket off, to a bloodied white tank top underneath. Rudolfo assesses the damage before getting up and going to the bridge, giving Alejandro a strong bottle of liquor. Full the pain now. He winced himself feeling a couple of casings in his arm. Alejandro had taken the brunt of it though.
“You think that little cop told them?” Alejandro wonders aloud.
“Not likely. They haven’t talked to us. Unless Soap has told them something.” Rudolfo says, starting to tend to the bullet wounds.
“Or we have yet to be told something.” Alejandro speculates.
Kyle gives you a ride to the address you’re given, parking some distance away. He’s insistent on coming with you but you’re firm. No one comes with you.
You meet Graves by a river, with small boulders along the edge. Near the shore of the river you see Graves pacing. Thinking back there was never a time you could recall of Graves sitting still. He’s wearing casual clothes, along with a coat and leather gloves. Looks nervous too. Slowly you make your way down to him. As you get closer, he looks up hearing you approach. You don’t look up at him until you reach the shore focused more on your footing.
Then he hugs you. It’s a protective one, a relieved one like you just came out of the hospital. You squirm out of it, feeling annoyed. He was giving you shit not that long ago, and now he was acting all protective? Yeah no, he didn’t get to do that without talking.
“You okay? You’re safe?” He asks. You nod.
“What do you want?” You ask him, wanting to get this over with. Graves shifts a little looking around.
“How much time you got?” He asks.
“If this is some bull shit to get me beat up again-“
“That wasn’t supposed to happen!” He says.
“Wasn’t suppose-the hell does that mean?!” You demand.
“Y/N, a lot has happened and a shit ton is about to happen, so can you please just-”
“No, you need to tell me what the hell is going on and what has been going on! I was nearly beaten to death by a bunch of blues, and out of nowhere you want to meet in private. Tell me what the fuck is going on!” You tell him. You’re done. You want answers and Graves clearly had some. He looks down at his feet. Wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or proud of your backbone.
“I asked some of my buddies down at the precinct to check in on you, that was it, and only it.” He says, firmly. You cross your arms. “When you told me about them attacking you, I was pissed off.”
“You knew about dad and the 141?” It was hardly a question. Graves solemnly nods.
“Why the fuck was I put on this case then?!” You ask. “I was going to find out.”
“…because I hoped you would be the key to bringing your dad back.” Graves admits.
“Your father opened up cases we couldn’t get access to because of warrants and policies and laws. If it weren’t for your father there are cases we would never have looked into. We needed that again. The 141 don’t trust me, but they would trust you. When you told me you wanted off the case, I realized I screwed up, you weren’t ready. I was worried about you still, but didn’t want to risk tipping off the gangs that we knew each other.” He explains.
“…you were using my dad’s name basically.” You said not wanting to show any empathy. “So what changed? Why are you telling me this now?”
“…your father’s killer is the new chief commissioner.” He puts bluntly.
It’s like a big rock was thrown at your chest. You knew Makarov was back…you didn’t know he killed your father. Graves kept that from you. Makarov was mafia, maybe he was paid. Did the 141 know? This was almost too much and you felt yourself running out of air, the world spinning around you. Suddenly Graves is holding you up by your shoulders leading you to a rock to sit on.
Graves helps you through your sudden attack, helping you breath and keeping you from passing out. Naming your surroundings by your senses while you fight the memories. You weren’t there when he died. Graves came to you one night while you were home alone. You greeted him at the door with hug around his waist. Usually he would gently peel you off of him, but on this night he got on his knees and hugged you when you came over to him. When you asked him where your father was, he nearly broke down himself. You remembered him hugging you and picking you up to take up to bed, and asking the same question.
“You doing better…” he asks finally. You take deep breath and nod your head.
“I promised your father I would look out for you… encouraging you to be a cop meant you would stay under Makarov’s radar and no one would go after you. Makarov left I thought that would be the end, but it wasn’t, he’s back now, and I have to keep you safe, do you understand.”
“I’m not running away… I’m not going to be a cop either. You can’t keep me out of it anymore. I’m a fucking adult, I’m not a child.”
“I made a promis-“
“I’m in this now! I’m not running from it!” You yell at him. Graves sighs, frustrated.
“…where are you staying?” He asks.
“None of your business.” You say crossing your arms. Graves is starting to get fed up with your attitude. He almost chuckles, giving you a smile.
“You’re right it’s not.” He confesses. “Do me a favour then. Adult to adult.”
“Sure.” You shrug.
“Stay safe. Now I don’t need to know what you’re doing, in fact the less I know the better. Keep me semi-posted. Made a promise to keep you safe to your dad before he passed. I can’t stop you from being your own person. Should have known that day one of meeting you, but be careful. Makarov has his hands in a lot of places, and I’ll be on a leash. If I try leaving who knows what will happen. Can at least try to keep the others in check.”
“Got it.” You say. There’s silence with only the rushing water to fill it. He sits down next to you on the rock, thinking of how to change the subject.
“Saw the mural you made on Soap’s Turf.” He says, over the rushing water. “Shit you are talented with a spray can. Should never have told you to change, could’ve made a good life for yourself.”
“I have one now.” You tell him. “One with good friends.”
“You need any of your stuff out of the apartment? Dropped off or anything?” He offers.
“Could probably go pick it up now, before I head back.” You say.
“It’s my day off.” He mentions. “If you really want we can get something to eat, give you one day of normalcy before shit hits the fan. Show me the other murals.”
“I have one I still need to make… got interrupted the last time, think I owe them one.” You exclaim.
“Think you could do it tomorrow?” He asks.
“I should start it today… but I could eat first.” You know Graves is going through it to, whether it’s his own fault or not. Graves while not the best father figure, was there for you. He was there for your dad. In the end he was still the one who stood up for you in precinct. You wanted to give him some normality before you both parted ways.
“Let the gang know we may be a bit. Otherwise I think Gaz will be sitting and waiting in that car for some time.” Graves says standing up. You watch him slowly climb the boulders back to the top where the road was. You follow after him after texting Gaz you would be going with Graves for a bit.
Graves is nice enough to drop you off at your apartment and let you grab a couple things, including your art supplies. Then he takes you to a specific location.
There you get to work on the mural you had offered the Los Voqueros. Bridges need to be remade and rebuilt. They may not be the most sturdy, but it was simply a matter of creating more support.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y_l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies
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unicorncornflakes · 9 months
Family Sins - One Shot || Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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Paring: Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: Every Thursday afternoon you and Aemond meet, even if you have to pay for his family's sins.
Tags: Alternate Universe/ Emotional Hurt/Angst/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: I am just sad. This is the best I can write these days.
Author´s note:  Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 4.2 K
You were soaked to the skin. All your clothes were loose. But, you were still pretty. It was all Aemond could think when he saw you walking through the aisles of that roadside gas station. He followed you with his eye while you consulted the prices of a small cocoa bun. Your black sweatshirt was soaked all over while your damp hair was tied up in a ragged bun. Your black-painted nails grazed some of the price signs as you put the small dessert back in its place and grabbed a cheaper one. You smiled at him as he followed you closely and he picked up the same product that you had left in its place. You didn't talk, Aemond wasn't given to too many words and you were tired from the rain. But, storms always made you happy. It was something Aemond could never understand, but he shared with you.
Outside, at that small gas station in the middle of the forest, it was still raining. Only Aemond's gray Mercedes and the old bicycle that your mother had given you two birthdays ago were parked at the door. You always pedaled five kilometers to meet Aemond. Every Thursday afternoon. He came directly from the city and was waiting for you, drinking a coffee that he always considered awful while you arrived. He always thought he could go find you. Pick you up at the door of your house and take you to a better place. But, that would have been giving you greater importance than you really should have for him. Although, you had driven him crazy. That was all he could think every time he saw you arrive at that place on your bicycle. In summer you always arrived with your short shorts, in winter with your military boots.
On that rainy autumn afternoon, you arrived with that huge black sweatshirt that must have been borrowed, courtesy of your older brother, surely. Or that was what Aemond thought as he followed you through that small commissary that the gas station had. The idea that that sweatshirt belonged to a man other than your brother drove him crazy, so he preferred to think that it belonged to your brother. It made things easier for him. You looked at a series of cookies one last time and left them in their place.
Aemond continued to follow you at a safe distance. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye while you laughed. The two of them alone in that place. Thus, things seemed easier than they really were. Everything was simpler when you were alone.
You walked up to the register and opened the small cloth bag hanging from your back. You took out that cat-shaped purse that Aemond had bought you at a market in Flea Bottom. Also soaked, you opened it, careful not to break it while you counted the coins that that strawberry bun that you had left on the counter cost. Right behind you, Aemond also placed the cocoa puff you had chosen earlier and took the elegant black leather wallet out of his pants. Unlike you, he wasn't wet. His hair was immaculate and his clothes looked as always, well ironed and freshly washed. That black turtleneck sweater he was wearing that day, you knew, cost the same as what it took to eat at home for a whole week.
“Give me a pack of Lucky Strike too,” he said diligently as the cashier looked you up and down. Aemond also dropped a package of condoms on the counter and you blushed while he simply prepared to pay with his credit card. Two small buns. A pack of tobacco. A package of condoms…
Rob, the cashier, looked over his shoulder at you as he charged Aemond for that purchase. He was your neighbor and you were sure that he knew what you and Aemond were going to do that rainy afternoon. You left the store with the strawberry muffin even before Aemond finished paying, although it was clear that you preferred the chocolate one.
He looked at you through the huge glass doors of that gas station and wondered if it wasn't better to give you the treatment you deserved. However, he simply took the condoms and tobacco in one hand, that chocolate bun in the other and went outside. The water continued to fall hard and you were leaning against the door frame. It fell so hard from the ledge that it soaked your torn canvas sneakers, even though the rest of your body was trying to regain heat. Aemond gave you the cocoa puff and you reluctantly took it. You knew what awaited you at home that night because of that simple gesture that was intended to be kind on Aemond's part.
“I could have bought it,” you said without much encouragement, taking down your backpack from your back and putting the condoms and both buns in it. You looked at Aemond, who remained stoic and unfazed as always.
“You would have bought the strawberry one because it's the only thing you can afford and because you need to eat something,” he responded, shrugging his shoulders and opening the packet of tobacco. “This way you will eat something you like,” he said out loud, making the difference between him and you evident: he always paid with a credit card, it seemed like his money was created out of nowhere. You always carried coins in your bag and you never bought what you wanted because you simply didn't have the money for it.
“I guess,” you answered, not daring to look at him. Aemond approached you and finally kissed you. All of his slim, slender body against yours. The height difference was considerable. He just grabbed your face in his hands, his lips making contact with yours in a sweet and passionate way. You held his wrists, as if you always needed an anchor to the ground every time he kissed you. That kiss, surrounded by the storm, was observed under the disapproving gaze of that gas station cashier in the middle of nowhere. The rain threatened to soak you, but you didn't care.
As always, in the middle of all your kisses, Aemond opened his only eye, almost wanting to check that you were real, and not a simple fantasy of his imagination. He always slowly closed his eye again as your lips continued to crash against each other.
At the end of that silent kiss, Aemond took your hand, without looking back, and opened the passenger door for you in the rain. You quickly got into the car and Aemond ran to the driver's seat in the rain. You saw how his hair had now become wavy and he gave a half smile when he saw how you smiled silently, tiredly resting your head on the seat. “I could take the bike and put it in the trunk. Take you home after the motel,” he confessed, not daring to look at you. At that moment, he wanted to go further with you, beyond what he wanted to admit.
"No, do not worry. Then just leave me here and go. I’ll go home from here on the bike,” you told him, not daring to look at him either. You grabbed one of the wet, unruly strands covering your face and tucked it behind your ear. “I don't want my parents to know where I've been this afternoon,” you confessed dejectedly. You knew they would find out before nightfall, just when Rob walked through the door of your father's bar, the nerve center of the town where you lived.
“As you wish,” Aemond responded as the engine roared just started. He turned on his car radio. It only played classical music and you wondered as always if Aemond listened to anything else or the high cultural esteem in which you knew he was held prevented him from doing so. “I bought you other sneakers,” he whispered while keeping his eyes on the road. The windshield wipers of his car moving frantically in the face of such an amount of water.
“It wasn't necessary,” you responded, biting your inner cheek. You hated that he did that. You hated that he bought you everything you needed. You knew he did it for a simple reason: to hold your meetings every Thursday afternoon. As if you were a prostitute, Aemond bought everything he thought or felt you needed. It was his way of keeping you by his side. The only language of love that seemed to know how to offer, understand… “My sneakers are fine,” you said, looking at them. Destroyed and torn. That was all they were.
“They were just on sale,” he responded, putting the issue to rest. His voice always seemed to be devoid of all emotion. Sometimes you wondered if Aemond knew how to feel anything other than indifference or anger, but you knew he did. Every Thursday afternoon he demonstrated it to you. Always in the solitude of that motel room that he reserved for a few simple hours. The radio interrupted the broadcast to talk again about another urgent environmental disaster and Aemond turned it off.
Both you and he knew it was what was going to be talked about. You could see him tense up as he drove. And you directed your body towards his, releasing the seat belt. You bit your lip hesitantly as you brought his body closer to his, one of your hands gripping his seat. The other traveled to Aemond's fly.
“Hmm” was all you heard him say as your hand slowly lowered the zipper. The metallic sound of each and every one of the teeth that made it up exploded against your ears, just like the sound of the rain in the now silent interior of that high-end car. You unbuckled his belt and your hand quickly found his cock in his pants, hard and warm, soft and firm. You bit your lip seductively as you took her out of those extremely expensive underwear. “I don't want to have to give explanations at a police checkpoint like last time,” he answered, without taking his eyes off the road. Grabbing your hand with his as the other grabbed the steering wheel. “Don't be mean to me, (Y/N),” he asked you under his breath.
“I just wanted you to relax,” you whispered sensually and he smiled again without looking at you, although you never knew if when Aemond smiled he was truly happy. You returned to your seat and watched as he quickly buttoned his pants again. “If you don't like it…” you purred and he interrupted you.
“Hmm, I didn't say that,” he repeated again, remembering the fine he had had to pay and how your cheeks had blushed the most while that police officer asked you what your relationship was and forced you to take out your ID card to verify that You were actually nineteen years old and no less. Aemond was six years older than you at the time, but he had always looked older than he really was. He remembered telling the police officer that you were a couple and how you had looked at the ground in regret as those words came out of his mouth. The following Thursday you had not shown up, nor the next one. Three weeks later you came back with a very bad-looking bump between your ribs that you promised was the result of a bad fall on the bike. He knew you had lied, but stating it out loud would have meant never seeing you again.
You finally arrived at that roadside motel and Aemond left you in the car while he went to the reception to get the keys to room thirteen, the one he reserved every Thursday. You received a message from your mother asking if you needed her to pick you up after your study hours at the library. You answered no because you were carrying the bike. You lied to her again. You turned off the phone and closed your eyes. You could understand why your parents didn't want you to see Aemond, but it really wasn't his fault…
He woke you from your thoughts as he opened the car door. You walked out next to him and he held your hand again. You ran through the rain until you reached the second floor of the motel. He clumsily opened the door and you both walked in laughing and soaked. Aemond kissed you again, closing the bedroom door behind you. Holding your face again, with no escape. Your bodies swayed together in that room that had witnessed your meetings for the last two years.
You could hear him gasp as he kissed you. You broke away from his grasp and took off your soaked sweatshirt, which fell heavy to the floor. You also took off your wet shorts and were left in your underwear. Cold and shivering, Aemond covered you with his body, though he was almost as wet as you. You took off his eye patch and he laid you on the bed.
He smiled bright and powerful, like you knew he really felt about almost everyone. He was a Targaryen. He took off his turtleneck and you could see the symbol that already named him as such. The tattoo was fresh on his skin. A green and black dragon on his shoulder. Detailed to excess and you knew it named him as someone important within the family and business, criminal and legal structure. You didn't dare ask, even though he knew you knew the meaning. Your sister had explained it to you when Aegon received his. Years ago, you had both been naïve enough to think that type of tattoo was exciting and powerful. Your sister had been a fool. You weren't on a different path.
Aemond's arms supported his entire weight as he lunged at you to kiss you. His pants though on but his belt undone. He had never been a subtle boy. He smiled at you proudly and cockily, he almost seemed to know what you were thinking. He was dying to tell you that just two days ago he had given him the tattoo, that he had stood stoically and without any emotion while it was done, but his heart had been beating strongly, as if this were finally the moment of approval that he had been waiting for all his life.
He kiss you. His lips met with strength and need. They eagerly bumped into yours. A watery sound. A pleasant shiver ran down his spine, like every time he kissed you. You knew there wouldn't be much more foreplay.
He stayed silent over you. His single eye scrutinized you while the prosthesis remained immovable in that empty eye socket. He had never told you what had happened to him. He would never do it. You had heard rumors, but... His eye continued to look at you in silence. You looked beautiful with your hair wet, all spread out against the pillow, your eyes locked on his, a half smile on your lips.
His thumb brushed your bottom lip gently. Comfortable silence reigned in that cheap motel room. The gray walls. The simple sheets. That sad blind half lowered. The complete scene of your meetings every Thursday afternoon. “I love you,” Aemond confessed in a whisper. Your eyes appeared to offer a small surprise upon hearing him. He felt your entire body stiffen under him. It was the riskiest confession he could make to you. However, he was happy. At that moment, he was happy after a long time. “I love you” he repeated again with more force, as if he wanted to reaffirm his words.
His lips found yours again and you relaxed at the attention. You were in big trouble if Aemond confessed something like that, but it was really what you wanted him to do. Confess that way, with you, and only you. He lightly bit your lower lip with a smile, trying to relax you. Your hands ran up his arms as you kissed. The hand traveling on his right shoulder tried to avoid the dragon tattoo. Aemond was beginning to follow in his older brother's footsteps... You thought, you always thought that he was not that kind of man... but, he craved power like everyone else, right?
Aemond's always skillful fingers undid your panties, removing them heavy from not only the humidity of the rain that had soaked everything. You were too. Your core throbbing and waiting for a simple contact with him. An arrogant smile appeared on his lips when he saw the small soaked grotto, as if his mere presence already activated all the keys you needed. You smiled shyly at him and he kissed you again.
Your bodies merged in an embrace that promised to be eternal. You felt Aemond's cock hard, eager for what he always got when he was with you. The bright red tip protruded through the elastic of his boxers and you licked your lips in a reflex and subconscious act that Aemond was always grateful for. Seeing your wet lips and bright eyes, he could only think that you were perfect, terribly perfect.
“I'm going to get the condoms,” you whispered, a feeling of regret running through your head, as if those words had ruined everything. The atmosphere that had existed until that moment seemed to have almost disappeared and you felt his grip loosen.
“Sure” It was all he said as he stood up and took off his pants and boxers. He didn't dare look at you because he thought that afternoon was finally the moment you would leave him... bareback. He had confessed. He had done it... and you had been taking contraceptives for a year, he had no more sexual encounters than the ones he had with you... he looked at you out of the corner of his eye, crouched down rummaging through your bag, looking for the packcage that he had bought himself. You had never talked about it, but… “I'm not my brother, you know?” He whispered, looking back ahead, not daring to look at you. “If something happened, I would…”
You interrupted him by returning to bed with a condom and leaving it between the sheets while you lay on your side and he turned to look at you. “You know we can't take risk,” you told him as he went back to the bed and grabbed the wrapper. You didn't point anything out but it always made you nervous that he would tear it with his teeth. He put it on silently and positioned himself between your legs. He looked into your eyes and, for the first time, you saw an authoritative gleam behind them, almost as if that damn tattoo had changed him.
“I'm not my brother,” he repeated again under his breath. He entered you forcefully, without breaking eye contact. Your legs surrounded your hips and you moaned at that impact with such violence that it caused his testicles to collide against the slit of your pussy. You closed your eyes and didn't say anything. The sins of his family would always be present among you.
“I'm just saying that family is destroying the town.” Old Tom was sitting at the bar while your father cleaned it. It was late, but he kept moving that old rag against the bar. His eyes filled with worry as he waited for you. He knew where you had been. He knew what you had done. He had always thought of you as a smarter girl than your sister, but it was clear that you were not.
“Once again they have polluted the river with waste from the plant,” said Clark. His mug of beer met his lips. Your father knew where you had been, Rob had told him before he went home. His face had turned gloomy just then. “Those damned Targaryens…”
Just then, all the voices fell silent in the town bar. You had just walked through the door, soaked to the skin. You had pedaled there from the gas station in the rain, even though Aemond had insisted on giving you a ride home. You couldn't let your father see you with him, although when his accusatory eyes fell on you, you knew he knew. Everyone tried to return to their previous conversation as your steps led you to the bar. There a boy with white hair painted in silence. You sat next to him and saw your sister's son painting a green dragon. You were surprised to see him there. Normally the child was always well hidden at home.
“They are just destroying lives. That's the only thing they know how to do…” Tom attacked again. Clark agreed and your father approached in silence, trying to pretend he didn't know, but he knew, of course he knew.
“Your mom had to go pick up your brother… Why don't you join Greg for dinner?” your father whispered as the four year old was still engrossed in his drawing. You scooped up the little boy, who clutched the paper in his hand as you walked up the back stairs.
Your house was on the second floor of your father's business. The metal steps creaked under your weight, but your father's eyes exerted a greater weight on you. He would never tell you anything. He hadn't told your sister before he died either, but the Targaryens had destroyed his life, the life of the people in that place... your life.
Greg stared blankly as you dressed him in his pajamas after dinner. Sitting on your bed, his purple eyes seemed empty and innocuous. It had always been like this. Consciousness never seemed to have reached that unwanted child. You ruffled his hair, almost expecting a smile, but he just fixed his eyes on you. Empty and deep. As if he knew everything and nothing at the same time. You sat down next to him and took off the new sneakers Aemond had forced you to accept.
“Today I saw a dragon,” you commented, also staring at the wall. The boy turned his head slightly. His huge eyes fixed on you. The stories you always told him seemed to be the only ones that woke him up from his lethargic state. “A green dragon, like the one you were painting,” you smiled at him and his eyes seemed to get even bigger.
Greg's real name was Aeron, courtesy of your sister and his father, Aegon Targaryen. Your sister had been stupid enough to get pregnant by that rebellious boy and die in childbirth, leaving her son alone. Your parents had wanted Aegon to keep the child, but it had been impossible. A child who was not like the others, a dragon locked in a home where they were hated. Greg. It was a much better name according to your father. Your grandfather had been called that.
The Targaryens had destroyed the town with the pollution emitted by their businesses, both legal and illegal, and your entire family. And you… you had fallen in love with one of them.
Greg ended up falling asleep with you while you waited for your mother and brother. Your father always closed the bar late, but it wasn't normal for them to take so long to come back. Something must have happened...
At midnight, the lock on the front door clicked and you went out into the hallway to see if your brother and mother were finally arriving. However, that was a big mistake.
“Be thankful they're not going to press charges,” your mother's words echoed throughout the house, no doubt she was scolding your brother. He uttered something incomprehensible in the state he was in. At the time, you didn't know it, but your older brother was in trouble with Aegon again... bloody knuckles. His lost look. The split lip. While you had made love with Aemond, Gregory had punched Aegon to death.
You stood petrified, contemplating him in silence. Just then he located you. “You're a whore who sells herself for a simple cocoa roll,” he whispered. He had never told you anything like that. He, unlike your father, had always known how to hide his anger towards you. But, that night was the one that changed everything.
“Gregory, stop it,” your mother scolded him, knowing before you what he had in mind, after all she had given birth to him… Gregory pounced on you. “Gregory!!!” your mother shouted it. His bloody nails dug into your brother's skin as he hit you while you fell to the ground.
Your father had only hit you that one time... only that one time... was all you could think as you received one blow after another. He grabbed your hair, stretched your neck, and choked you until you were unconscious... The Targaryens had destroyed everything you cared about... and the only thing you could think about was that Aemond would be angry when he saw your body full of bruises... The enormous Greg's eyes watched everything in silence. That child had only seen violence in his life.
The Targaryens always destroyed everything, and Aemond and the tattoo he now had on his shoulder were proof of that.
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umbrify · 11 months
hello i saw u tagged jimmy solidarity on that "free my man he did none of that. he did a bunch of other shit though" post and i am incredibly compelled by the implications here. please may i have an essay on the subject
Okay so we’re gonna be specifically talking about Empires SMP Season 2 Jimmy (henceforth, Jimmy,) and the way he conducts himself, how those actions reflect on him, versus how he sees himself (and how the fandom sees him in turn). Welcome to my Ted Talk.
The most important thing to understand about Jimmy is that he lies. He lies about everything, and convinces himself that his lie is true to the point where he really thinks it is. Take, for example, a moment in Sausage’s episode 41 [full exchange from 9:10 - 19:37] where Jimmy kills Sausage, and then when Sausage, followed by fWhip, return to Tumble Town to discuss the murder, Jimmy blatantly lies about the altercation to fWhip, claiming “[Sausage] came over, and he assaulted me, fWhip!” Jimmy insists that it was Sausage who physically started it, despite that being completely untrue. Jimmy then goes on to deny having killed Sausage Sausage at all, sounding affronted at the idea and demanding to see the player head that drops on death. fWhip asks how many levels Sausage has, which is none, and Jimmy claims that Sausage must have used all his experience. Jimmy denies and lies, and when fWhip goes looking for Sausage’s things, finding them in Jimmy’s storage, Jimmy acts shocked, saying “I think I’m being set up! […] I’m gonna leave this conversation, you do what you gotta do, but I don’t think I’m the bad guy here.” As if Jimmy didn’t explicitly kill Sausage moments ago!! As if it isn’t his fault!!!
And the problem here, the core problem, is that so many people just… believe him. They take Jimmy’s words at face value and assume that he’s always a reliable narrator in his own stories, despite the fact that it couldn’t be further from the case. The issue is less that people assign New and Different problems to Jimmy, more that they strip him of any wrongdoing at all, making him out to be some sad little pathetic wet cat who didn’t deserve it. And— don’t get me wrong, he is extremely sad, but he also did it to himself.
I think one of the more interesting ways to illustrate this, is to talk about the way Jimmy perceives himself. From the start of the season, he always insists on being called “The Sheriff.” He’s not Jimmy, he’s The Sheriff, and throughout the season, he can be seen constantly insisting upon and chasing after that title. He wants respect— or, his version of respect. What he really wants is a yes man. This difference can very clearly be seen in the way he treats the two deputies he had throughout the season.
When fWhip was the deputy, it’s because he wanted to be. He sought Jimmy out because he wanted to be Jimmy’s right hand man, and Jimmy let him. fWhip consistently referred to Jimmy as The Sheriff, upholding Jimmy’s version of the laws as best he could. And, there really is something to be said about the fact that fWhip, as a goblin, inherently didn’t understand the concept of arbitrary laws, or that sort of morality at all, and was only one, upholding it because he cared about Jimmy, but two, treating the laws as Jimmy treated them— i.e, making a shrine for that which Jimmy made a church for, but that’s a whole separate essay that I want to write at some point. Either way, he was good to Jimmy, though their time together was short. He made Jimmy a home away from home in Gobland [fWhip episode 8 timestamp 20:28] and helped Jimmy win the court trial by serving as his lawyer in the case against Joel [Trial best seen in Jimmy’s episode 10 starts at 3:03]. After fWhip was fired, he went around Tumble Town noting down a bunch of “laws” that Jimmy was breaking. I wrote a whole post about this set of interactions already [here] but the short version is this: In fWhip’s episode 12 [5:54], he goes around and marks down all the laws that he’s saying Jimmy is breaking around Tumble Town. […] Of the seven instances that fWhip writes down, SIX of them almost directly relate to Jimmy not taking good care of himself or his empire. To me, it almost reads more like he cares about Jimmy, and is worried about him.
All this to say, that fWhip didn’t Respect The Sheriff as much as he Cared About Jimmy. And that’s an important distinction— he cared about Jimmy, the person. He had this whole veneer of respecting the laws— laws that he didn’t really understand— because he cared about Jimmy. And Jimmy fired him for a prank— one that wasn’t specifically targeted or malicious— because he saw that as Disrespecting The Sheriff. He didn’t want someone who Cared About Jimmy, he wanted someone who Respected The Sheriff. And fWhip wasn’t that.
Enter Scar.
During the Hermitcraft crossover, Scar started gunning for the position as deputy because he wanted the shiny deputy badge. That was it, that was the reason, and Scar acted accordingly. Everything was about acting like he Respected The Sheriff, even when he was blatantly breaking one of the core laws, wearing another player’s hat— both the sheriff hat [Jimmy episode 19 4:07] as well as trading away a sheriff hat, and being seen wearing one of Scott’s Chromia hats [Jimmy episode 22 14:27]. In this episode, Scar backhandedly compliments Jimmy, “oh, you’re just a… cute big guy, aren’t you?” to which Jimmy seems uncertain, asking “I’m real big, right?” to which Scar says he is. Jimmy then asks him about the Chromia hat Scar wears, and Scar tells him that he traded one of the sheriff hats to Scott. Jimmy gets upset at Scar, but before he can get properly mad, Scar distracts him by showing off a new section of Tumble Town that he made. Scar wears the mask of respect for just long enough to get the badge. When Jimmy gives him the badge, he says he has something else that he wants to give Scar as well. “I have found something real special for you, real special.” Scar says “I already got something special, this badge.” Jimmy says “you mean our friendship?” Which Scar dubiously agrees to. This is the last time Jimmy sees Scar before the hermits leave— Scar got what he wanted, and that was all. And yet, Jimmy hired him, because Scar put on the show. Scar was his yes man, Scar Respected The Sheriff, even if he didn’t Care About Jimmy.
He does it to himself, Jimmy does. He pushes away anyone that tries to care about him as a person, and surrounds himself with people that will be his yes men, his little sidekicks, anyone that holds the sheriff title in high regard. It’s why he takes so well to the Old Sheriff, who treats the sheriff title with the same reverence that he does, respecting the title of sheriff without actually respecting Jimmy much at all.
The thing about Jimmy is that he causes his own problems, and they’re all his fault. Yes he is crushingly lonely, and filled with self hatred, but he actively surrounds himself with it. It’s not that people are just inherently mean to him, he is almost asking them to be, by pushing away anyone that seems to care about him as a person.
I think, as my final note here, I wanna bring up a moment from Jimmy’s finale, episode 38. He and the Old sheriff, as they’re making their way to the Nether portal, discuss how fWhip only ever referred to himself as goblin fWhip, never as king. Jimmy says “I don’t think he ever held himself to the regard of being a king, and that— d’you know what? That sucks. He was my deputy for a while, he didn’t really think much of himself, I’m not gonna lie” [9:19]. I just find it interesting, that Jimmy says that it sucks how fWhip never called himself king— a title ostensibly higher than sheriff— and that fWhip was only a deputy. As if he thinks that fWhip could’ve been king, perhaps was worthy of the title, and just never took it— that he sees the taking of a title such as that to be so important, when for fWhip, it never was. I dunno, I just think there’s something to that. I think it says something about Jimmy and about the importance he places on titles that don’t really matter.
Jimmy ran away, in the end. He and the Old Sheriff ran far away from everything they ever knew. fWhip stayed, choosing to live out his days happily in the empire he helped to found. fWhip never took the title of king. Jimmy thinks he should’ve.
Isn’t that something?
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wzy3ka · 10 months
| "You're not going anywhere, do you understand?" P.SH (박성훈)
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Yandere!sunghoon x fem reader -1.1k-
Warnings: yandere, violence and bloodshed and like one kiss I think thats all
(Keep in mind that this is only a ff and the behaviors of the characters should not be taken personally)
To stay or to break free, it was a risk for y/n to make either of the choices.
The sapphire night finally bade its goodbye as the cold dawning slowly unveiled itself. Y/n was awakened by a deadened thud coming from the backyard, and she knew she had to head there, with eyes still puffy, lacking a good night's sleep.
It wasn't a usual feeling to feel her heart pulsating upon seeing something she shouldn't, but it sure is the same extreme feeling she had to endure each time something doesn't feel right, at least to her boyfriend, Sunghoon.
"Sunghoon!" She called, immediately running towards the guy who was holding an old shovel, digging a man-size hole into the ground which was wet from the rain last night.
Sunghoon stopped and turned, facing his girlfriend. Beads of sweat were falling across his pale face. Blood and dirt smudged his damp white shirt, and he had the same restrained stare he always wore when he wasn't feeling like a good boy.
Y/N fell on her knees, clawing at the grass as she figured what was inside the hole he dug. She couldn't resist the sight. And even if she tried, there was no chance to do so.
Sunghoon stooped down beside her and said. "I caught a cat, y/n. Poor thing."
Y/n could only freeze and cry out blue as she watched the gaping marks of the shovel on her best friend's chest and limbs. It was a good try to help y/n escape from Sunghoon's hands. But the consequences of trying to bring her back to her home costed his own life. And to y/n, it hurt a hundred times more than watching Sunghoon kill everyone that was not him.
"A cat tried to help someone escape last night." He let out a vicious smile, trying to taunt her.
"But he failed, and got himself killed instead. He looks uglier now. Right, Y/n?"
Words couldn't escape from her mouth as tears kept falling, causing her eyes to be redder and sadder.
Sunghoon moved closer to her and whispered some more. "You're not going anywhere, do you understand?"
She could only nod and make a fool out of herself. After all, her juvenile dream of going home is slowly fading into bits.
Sunghoon cupped her face with his hand stained with fresh blood. "I'm sorry if I did this, Y/n. I didn't mean to frighten you. I-y/n-I never wanted to frighten you. You know I love you more than anything else in this world. And I would do anything to protect you. Do you understand?"
Y/n nodded, noticing his grip slowly tightening.
"There's only the two of us in this world. I can stop anvone that tries to prove that wrong. You're the only one that matters to me. So I should be the only one that matters to you, too."
Sunghoon leaned closer to her face, planting a kiss on her pale, cold lips. It was a short, gentle kiss as he quickly pulled away, with his expression suddenly changing into the one he thought y/n would feel secure about. Sadly, he was no longer the person y/n once knew, that was all too true.
Sunghoon used to love her just right. But now, being loved by him is simply a gun aimed at her head.
"Don't turn against me again, alright?"
So this time, y/n made sure that they were the only people that mattered.
“Happy anniversary, my love!" She welcomed sunghoon with a warm hug as soon as he arrived home.
She could feel his hands stroking her long wavy hair.
"Happy anniversary! God, I've missed you already!" He said, pecking her soft cheek.
Y/n grabbed his hands and muttered excitedly. "Come, I've prepared something for our date!"
They stayed inside the apartment, with a candlelight dinner and music filling in the whole place. It was just like their first date, with nothing but talks and wine and just their mellow connection.
Those were the things y/n was longing for so long, at least hoping that it would rekindle the spark that once faded away; a death of the light that made Sunghoon what he is now.
Later on, as the music went on, y/n asked for a dance with him. It was a silly demand. They haven't danced together for quite a long while, and they were not in the place to dance, specially that the only place that was a little bigger was the living room.
But they swayed along, anyway.
Each step synchronizing with the soft melody. Y/N realized it was still possible to live in the 80's, pretending there were no loud noises and violence, just a quiet moment with him.
"You make me so happy, Y/n." Sunghoon said, holding her waist.
"So do you." She replied, leaning on nis snoulders. “I want to stay like this forever with you."
Sunghoon smiled. "My love, you will always be by my side. We can surely stay like this forever."
"I want to make you happy everytime." Y/n said, stroking his sleek black hair. To be close to him, the thought of him loving her gentle touches, the idea of being afraid of him but still being able to feel loved, there was nothing more terrifying than their romance.
"Well, is there anything else that makes me happy except for you?" He let out a soft chuckle.
"But Sunghoon, I'm going home." She replied.
He suddenly stopped, facing Y/n, "I told you, you're not going anywhere." His glare suddenly went colder.
"This is not a request, Sunghoon. You know I love you, and part of loving you is letting you go."
Before Sunghoon could say a word, the door slammed open, with the siren starting and the police heading fast towards them and dragging Sunghoon and cuffing his hands, holding him down.
"You are under arrest."
Y/N watched as the commotion started. From the inside of the house to the backyard where her best friend was buried, and onto the gate where she saw her boyfriend being led inside the police car.
She could see him gaze at her with blank eyes and a straight face. He seemed too wretched to resist their forceful grips and chains on his wrists. It was the last painful sight she could ever see, and it felt a little lighter to be like a child.
It felt a little lighter to cry.
this is rlly weird but I hope you enjoyed it.
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thedelicatearcher · 2 months
finnick odair hcs for reader who loves animals?
finnick odair x reader who loves animals
the first thing to know about finnick is that he never had a pet in his life, not even a puppy when he was a little boy or a fish (since he spent most of his time fishing, he wouldn't have felt comfortable pulling some out of the water while taking care of one at home). finnick never disliked animals, he just wasn't familiar with them.
so, when you came into his life, you turned it upside down. with a house full of loving animals and a mind filled with animal fun facts, you made your way into his sensitive heart and his previously lonely home.
he loves when you tell him everything you know about sea animals. he discovered that turtles are his favorite; so at night, when both of you can't sleep and are just holding each other, staring lovingly and talking nonstop about nothing and everything, you tell him how sea turtles have outlived dinosaurs, how female turtles never forget their home beach, and how they are immune to the sting of most jellyfish.
finnick never knew that cats could be such little devils. he really struggled at first because your mischievous orange cat loved knocking stuff off the table, welcomed him home with scratches, and ran around the house every night until exhaustion got to him, driving a restless finnick nearly to madness. despite their bickering, you know they love each other unconditionally. every time you return from the market, you find them snuggling and napping together; finnick snoring softly while lying down on the couch on his back, and your little guy comfortably situated on finnick's chest, purring his heart out.
when you adopted a guinea pig, finnick insisted on being the one who named him. many names were vetoed, from mags II to robert. “finn, it sounds like he is a working man with a briefcase,” you told him, laughing at his idea. “his close friends could call him bob!!,” he insisted, invested in the idea. in the end, you agreed on naming him triton. “a big name for a big man,” finn said dramatically as he held the little animal in his big hand
bathing your dog was a chaotic experience. persuading your pet wasn't easy, as she knew what treats-leading-to-the-bathroom meant. many attempts later, you resigned and finnick had to carry her into the tub. finnick was assigned the important duty of holding her while you gently wet her with a bucket and applied the shampoo, getting as wet and soapy as your pet. then, without any warning, she started shaking off, splashing water and soap all over you and the bathroom. all soaked and laughing your asses off, your puppy took the opportunity to escape while you were distracted. now, you have soaking clothes, a messy bathroom, and a soapy dog hiding in the kitchen corner.
now a proclaimed animal lover, finnick loves wearing his starfish shirt, owns several colorful crocodile slippers, goes outside with the sole intention of observing the animals passing by, insists on celebrating every one of your pet’s birthdays, and every now and then surprises you with an animal fact you’ve never heard before.
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hellsbarnes · 2 years
୨ 𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙨 ₊˚ପ⊹ 𝙘.𝙚𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙨 ୧
pairing: chris evans x fem!reader 
summary: in which you meet chris in a phone booth on a rainy day in boston
warnings: fluffy as heck, mentions of thunder and lightning, 
word count: 2k
author’s note: welcome to another fic of mine, i’ve decided to start writing for chris and i’m super excited for you to read this! please remember to reblog too, thank you!
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The thunder rumbled across the sky that had in the span of the last hour turned from a perfect light blue to a dark grey with rain clouds that crowded the canvass. People across the now busy streets of Boston were picking up the pace quickly, with cafes and restaurants pulling their outdoor tables in.
“Come on,” you mumbled under your breath, you had just left your job a little less than ten minutes ago, your plans to head to the cafe for your favourite sandwich was ruined given the fact that they closed earlier on Thursdays, which was something you had forgotten just like you did your umbrella, which proved to be a huge mistake because just as you thought you could make it to the bus stop and perhaps make it home, not drenched to the bone, the first streaks of lightning flashed across the skies proved otherwise, and the first drop rain fell on your face was a clear no.
“Dammit,” you cursed softly under your breath as the drops of rain that pitter pattered on the streets did nothing but grow heavier in the next few seconds, you knew you were done for, a loud clap of thunder boomed loudly across the sky. 
Pedestrians were making mad dashes across the streets with cars horning away, and you groaned in exasperation, this really wasn’t how you wanted to spend the remainder of the only day your boss had allowed you to leave work, you had it all planned out, pizza, a few glasses of red wine, chick flicks and of course yourself to enjoy the night, but seeing as how the heavy rain was beating down on the scorching Boston grounds, those plans were inevitably cancelled.
By the time you had made it to a dingy payphone shelter, it was raining cats and dogs, the blouse that you had just gotten a week ago was now drenched with rain, and your heels were filled with murky water, another flash of lightning saw you leaning against the derelict wall of the booth, you were afraid of putting your entire weight on it for fear that it may just collapse in a second.
Running your hand through your matted hair, you pulled out your phone, hoping that perhaps your best friend would come fetch you before the water in the dilapidated booth started rising.
“You gotta be kidding me, seriously?” You groaned as you glared down at your dead phone, great, just great, of all the damn days you had to forget to plug your phone in, it just had to be today, and for once, you had to agree with your mother when she said something along the lines of just how forgetful you were, well, can be, but at this point, you were gonna go with the fact that you probably had the memory of a goldfish after all.
To think that you were stuck in a phone booth that so ironically didn’t have a phone. It was just your damned luck.
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You sighed but just as you were about to give up all hope about being able to get back home, the door to the booth opened and a fully soaked man came in, he was drenched to the bone, and he looked towards you apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t have anywhere else to go, do you, mind sharing?” He asks, flashing you an almost shy smile.
“Why not?” you reply, returning his smile as you move a little more inwards so as to give the stranger some space to shield him from the pouring thunderstorm that was raging outside, and from the looks of things, it didn’t seem as though it was going to stop anytime soon.
“Thank you, I’ve been rejected by three booths already” He replies jokingly, sighing as he ran a hand through his wet hair.
“That bad?”
“You have no idea,” he replies, chuckling when you laughed, somehow he looked familiar, with a jawline so sharp that it looked as though it could easily cut through glass, his eyes were baby blue with what seemed like a hint of green, and he was tall alright, with broad shoulders, and biceps that looked as though they have been sculpted by gods themselves and the fact that his pristine white shirt was soaked and clinging onto his skin for dear life didn’t really leave anything to the imagination.
Somehow or rather, you could have sworn you had seen him before, somewhere, perhaps he was some model plastered on a magazine that your best friend had stacks and stacks of, shaking the thought away, you shot the stranger a kind smile to which he returned and you were pretty sure that smile of his has swept many women off their feet.
“You just got off work?” he asked curiously.
“Yeah, would you believe if I said I had a whole evening planned out?” You replied watching as he chuckles.
“I do, and would you believe I had a date?”
“Oh no,”
“Yep, I gotta text her now,”
“Let her down gently,” You joke, and he laughs, shrugging. “Gently is not the word I would use,”
“No, it’s supposed to be a second date, I wasn’t really gonna go, but you know-“
“Exactly, and, shit,” he grumbles as he flashes you his phone, well, very dead phone.
“You got a phone?”
“I hate to say this, but we are in the same boat,”
“You gotta be kidding me, you too?” The stranger says and you nod, laughing when he does, there was something about his life that just seemingly made you laugh along.
“Yeah, I forget to charge my phone all the damn time,”
“Oh god, me too”
“I didn’t realise there was gonna be someone as forgetful as I was,”
“I only forget sometimes,”
“Right,” you reply and the blue-eyed brunette chuckles.
“I’m Chris,” He introduced, extending a hand and you furrow your eyebrows, you could almost place it, you knew you saw him somewhere, and the name just seemed to put two and two together, your eyes widened a little.
“Yeah,” He replies and you smile.
“I’m (Y/N)” You reply, taking his hand, and you couldn’t help but feel the warmth of his hand, and how it felt almost electrifying to feel his touch, and it was almost as if Chris could feel it too, because he seemingly held on to your hand for just a tad longer, and your cheeks heated up when he finally lets go, mumbling a quick apology to which you simply said, “it’s okay, I don’t really mind it,” smiling when he returns it, his cheeks turning a light shade of red.
“So, where are you heading after this?” he asks and you sighed, “home, just me and my couch,”
“That’s not too bad,”
“I-“ before you could continue, a loud thunderclap made you wince as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“You alright?” Chris asks softly, a look of concern on his face as he gently rubs soft circles on your back soothingly as you struggled to calm yourself down, you were afraid of thunder, always have been since you were a child, it was something that you hadn’t got over yet as much as you hated to admit it.
“Yeah, I’m not very good friends with thunder,” you said almost jokingly as Chris chuckles.
“It’s okay, you can stand closer, if you want to,” he adds and you take up his offer, standing just a little closer to him, feeling his bodily warmth and it felt comforting, almost as if he could feel what you felt, and in that second, you allowed yourself to lean in closer, your heart racing in your chest as he wraps a strong arm around you protectively, pulling you closer, almost as if he was afraid that you would scare again.
“Thank you,” you said softly, trying your best to ignore the way your stomach did flips, sure you knew Chris through movies and perhaps, even a few interviews you had once watched but you hadn’t expected him to be this, well, this kind, offering you space beside him, almost as if he saw himself as the same as you were, just a passing person trying to be sheltered from the rain.
It was a well known fact that not all celebrities were nice towards others, but Chris, he was just different, he was friendly, charming and likeable, and in the last forty five minutes that you were stuck in the booth with the man, you were convinced that there was nothing to not like about him, especially the fact that he had a kind heart.
“Feeling better?” the brunette asks and you nod, trying to get yourself to tear your eyes away from his, when you were up close, only then did you notice just how gorgeous those irises were, the green in his eyes seemed to stand out a lot more when you were closer.
“Yeah, I thi-“ another loud clap of thunder reverberated across and you cringe, your body tensing up as you tried to steady your breaths.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Chris says softly, holding you closer to his chest, his arm circling your shoulder.
“Deep breaths, its’s going to pass,” he adds, leaning in closer as he tells you to breathe, his voice low and smooth almost had a definite calming effect in helping you find your footing as you struggled to get a grip, you hated thunder with a passion and this was why, your heavy breathing slowed, and it didn’t take very long for you to calm down, your fears seemingly fading away when he held you.
“Thank you, I’m sorry I-“
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Chris says with a boyish smile which you gladly returned, trying to ignore the way your cheeks heated up when he drew in closer, his warm breath tickling your skin.
“You didn’t have to help me with it though,”
“But I want to,” he replies as he ever so gently pulled you a tad closer reassuringly.
It didn’t take another hour for the rain to finally stop, the pitter patter halting altogether a little while after, and you could hear the footsteps of other’s outside the booth, the splash of rain puddles and the usual sound of Boston traffic.
“I gotta go,” you said softly, a warm smile spreading across your face when Chris nods, returning your smile as he lets go of you, and you immediately missed the feeling of his touch, not that you wanted to say it out loud.
“It was nice meeting you (Y/N),” he replies.
“You too Chris,” you say as you opened the door of the booth, a chilly breeze caressing your face, making you shiver lightly as you stepped out, a part of you urging you to look back but you couldn’t because as much as you would wish to stick around, you couldn’t plus it wouldn’t take long for him to leave you in the past either.
Chris sighed, looking at your retreating frame that did nothing but grow smaller and smaller as you made your way down the street, when he held you, he felt some sort of a spark, something about you that just pulled him in to you, he didn’t have any idea just what it was, but he knew that he didn’t want to lose that feeling, so he took the chance, deciding to go after you.
“(Y/N)!” you were stopped by the oh, so familiar voice of Chris, who had caught up with you.
“Is everything alright?” you ask, and you watch as he nods.
“I-I, was wondering if you could be willing to cancel your planned evening for dinner?” He asks, almost shyly, biting his lip as he awaited your answer.
“What about your date?” you asked.
“It was an hour ago, plus I would much rather be around you,”. He replies, the hope in his eyes diminishing when you didn’t reply him.
“You don’t have-“
“That sounds great,” you reply, and you could feel your heart skip a beat when he smiled, his eyes lighting up like a child on Christmas Day when he got your answer.
“Wanna go now?”
“But I’m drenched and-“
“It’s perfectly fine”. Chris replies with a grin and you smile as you took his extended hand.
Maybe your Thursday could be saved after all.
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note: that’s the end of this fic! i hope you enjoyed it and please don’t forget to reblog, thank you so much! 
permanent taglist: @belovedcherry​ (tags are open for my permanent taglist, please fill in the taglist form!)
chris evans taglist: - (tags are open for the chris evans taglist, please fill in the taglist form!)
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kitsuvil · 3 days
— design our future 【picturesque/ayato smau】
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【 masterlist 】 written portion after the three photos!
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I knocked on the door in front of me, having lost count of how often I'd done the same action before now. It felt strange this time. It was the first time since Ayato confessed to me, confessed romantic feelings that I couldn't even wrap my head around. I was afraid it would be awkward—more than I already expected it to be—but really, the most awkward part now was going to be Ayato opening the door to see the state I was in.
It wasn't my fault that checking the weather didn't even come to mind in the slightest when I left the dorms. By the time I was already halfway to Ayato's house, the rain was pouring down, and the sky was almost entirely dark gray. So naturally, running towards the front door had me left drenched, soaked, and not with a single dry spot on my clothes. I shivered a little at the way my damp clothes clung to my skin like cats to someone handing them food.
The door finally cracked open, and I was instantly faced with the blue-haired man I so lovingly doted on. In my brain, of course. I wouldn't dare let him hear my true thoughts when it came to how attractive I thought he was.
"[Name], why are you drenched? Come inside, you're going to get sick," worry crossed his face immediately as he ushered me inside. "I was ready to say hi and hug you and welcome you inside, but I will absolutely not stand for this. Did your umbrella fly away in the wind?"
I paused for a moment as I took off my jacket and set it down. "Fly away in the- What? What are you talking about?" It sounded so silly I had to laugh. "I just didn't realize it was going to rain."
Ayato stared at me in silence, worry turning into a blend of that and confusion. "You surprise me every so often like this and I never know what to think. Why didn't you ask me to come outside with an umbrella?"
"I just didn't think it was going to be that bad, I thought I'd made it to the door in time," I mumbled.
"But you didn't. Let me grab a change of clothes for you and bring the laptop down here. Make some tea for yourself in the meantime, or else I'm not letting you go home later," he firmly demanded.
And just like that, he was gone, having disappeared up the stairs. I moved towards the cupboard of mugs, reaching for the cup that had many wildflowers scattered on the outside. Without really paying attention to it, I had chosen a mug that had become my regular cup at the house.
While the warm tea sat on the table, steeping, I heard Ayato coming back down the stairs.
"Here's some of my clothes so you can change into something that's not wet. I would've grabbed some of Ayaka or Thoma's, but I don’t exactly want to snoop around their rooms while they're not home... Oh, and the laptop, but we'll get to that later. I'll take your clothes and throw them in the laundry once you're done," Ayato walked me to the bathroom while handing me a pile of clothes. His clothes.
On the top of the stack was a tan knitted sweater and on the bottom a pair of black sweatpants. I wasn't sure how I felt about wearing his clothes. I'd borrowed jackets before, but it was nothing like this, and it made my heart beat a little faster. Even if it was something that realistically didn't mean that much. I let out a deep sigh as I changed, admitting the fact that even if it gave me butterflies, I couldn't stay in wet clothes either.
Ayato was already beside me the second I left the bathroom. "There's some pastries on the table, I ordered them from the Café about an hour ago. Enjoy them with your tea while I'm gone," he smiled with warmth, filling his entire face with emotions I didn't often see from him. "Thank you, it means a lot. Here's the clothes," I sheepishly smiled in return as I handed him the moist clothes I had just changed out of.
Instead of only sitting and snacking while I waited, I decided to scroll through the file that was sitting open on Ayato's laptop after noticing it was my photobook. He wouldn't mind me taking an early peek, right? But still, I was shocked looking at the amount of work he'd done. Of course, I was there to sort out the photos with him and to make design choices, but seeing it all laid out was mesmerizing.
"I see you got ahead of yourself. I can't believe I lost my chance to explain it all to you," Ayato frowned as he returned. "How did you manage all of this? We're about to hit the next step, aren't we?" I furrowed my eyebrows in shocked amazement.
"That's the smart [Name] I know. We're nearly ready for the first printout draft. I called you over here for the final pieces of the photobook making puzzle."
"Which would be?"
"Acknowledgments and the like. Everything that I left empty for your wonderful expertise."
"You want me to write an acknowledgments page?" Ayato's eyes were staring straight back at me as I spoke, but for some reason, he often looked slightly behind me. As if he was avoiding my direct gaze. My hands fell down to the sleeves of my sweater, his sweater, playing with a loose string down at my wrist.
"And a page about you. How else would you spread your name and charm?" The corners of his mouth turned up into a smile, exactly like before. "Of course, I'm expecting you to mention me somewhere."
"You act like that's just a joke, but you know it was already a given. Let me get to typing, then." I paused for a second. "But there's a rule. You only get to see what I wrote after we print out the first draft."
"I want to ask why, but I know it's likely I won't get an answer, at least not until we're printing and putting it together. I'll keep my questions to myself." Ayato laughed in response to my rule. I wasn't sure myself where the idea came from, but it felt right, so I was going to do it. He showed me the pages where I needed to fill in certain things or write descriptions, which ended up working us until the afternoon. The sun was shining through the windows, no longer giving off the pitter patter sound from the rain a few hours ago. My cup of tea was long empty, as was the plate of pastries and the cup Ayato got for himself shortly after we started to work on the photobook.
But it was not only that. The acknowledgments page was filled in, too.
"That's it. That's the last part we needed, isn't it?" The satisfaction and excitement quickly took root in my heart. "Seeing as I just checked it off, yes. Let me set it up to print, and we can put it together afterward. Unfortunately, right now, it'll be more like a spiral booklet than anything."
I let Ayato take over the laptop for a while as he clicked away at the screen, linking it to his printer in the living room and formatting it. It wasn't too long before he pressed the big print button, and I nearly felt my heart shoot up into the sky. That was it. It was final, the first draft, but final nonetheless, and soon enough, I could release it to the world. "Thank you so much, Yato!" I hopped up from the chair I was stagnant in for hours before now. Both of us were up, ready to head to the printer. But before we could make it two steps forward, and before I even realized what I was doing, my arms were wrapped tightly around Ayato's torso.
I was squeezing him with a secure hug, and that's apparently what my body found to be the best way to say thank you. "You're welcome, even though you have all the skill here... However, what is..." He trailed off as I looked away from him. My hands wouldn't move. The rest of my body felt frozen, too.
Suddenly, the awkward situation turned into melting as Ayato returned the hug, his arms around me like a soft blanket. "I'm sorry." I spoke up. I didn't know exactly why I was apologizing, but in the moment, it felt right.
"Don't be... This is comforting." Ayato’s voice was nearly a whisper, but with our proximity, I heard it clear as day. "But it must be so awkward, with the way our relationship is and... Well, things aren't as casual as they were before..." I felt my words drifting away from me the more I spoke. Just a minute ago, we were chatting like normal and finishing the photobook, but now it felt like I had been in Ayato’s embrace for hours, and I wasn't fully sure how we got here.
"This doesn't change anything. I'm still patiently waiting for your response, but thank you for letting me relish in this moment. Even if it was an accident."
There was a pang in my heart that I couldn't fully explain. All I knew was that I didn't really want this to be an accident, nor did I want it to end.
The photobook was nearly forgotten as every single page had already been sitting, losing its heat by the second. On the top of the stack was a page that read "acknowledgments." Underneath it, a paragraph.
'I want to give my greatest thanks to Kamisato Ayato. He is the only reason I'm taking this step forward, and the only reason this photobook is manifesting into reality. Without Ayato, I would probably still be sitting in classroom after classroom, questioning whether the path I'm taking is even the right one for me. Now, I can truly believe it when I say it is. This is what I'm meant to do, and Ayato is the reason why.'
— no way act 2 is over... NO WAYY... i was so giggling and kicking my feet writing this chapter and i was constantly reminded just how much i love ayato WJSHJEJE i feel like i should have more to say, but surprisingly i don't. final act, here we go!!
— taglist; @griseoo @fangygf @calamitygutz @driftwoodmanor @meigalaxy @kyon-cherri @xiaossocksniffer @quacking-simp @kaitfae @imgayandshesanime @lxry-chxn @ni-ki-ismyluv @cante-lope @kookiibun @kamisatoyato @astolary @dontmindtheevie @sn1perz @0range-juiceee @h3xi2g0n3 @eutopiastar @samyayaya
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Michael Myers is the human equivalent of a cat and you can't change my mind. Here is a collection of tiny fluffy blurbs proving my point. I hope you enjoy!
Michael Myers x GN!Reader, no content warnings besides the man himself
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He’s ignored you all day.  You’ve tried to engage him in a movie, a walk around the block, even tried to entice him into the bedroom.  He dismissed you every time with a blank stare.  You finally gave up and started working on a project you’ve been putting off. 
Not twenty minutes later, he appears in the doorway and stands there watching.  You acknowledge him briefly, focused on your task.  You don’t hear him move but you sense him behind you, smile up at him when he bumps against your back. 
He brushes his fingers through the hair at the back of your neck.  “Oof, you gave me goosebumps,” you tell him.  You keep working. 
He puts his hands on your shoulders.  You kiss his wrist.  “How are you?” you ask.  You get no response.  You never do. 
After a minute he sighs, bends over you to rest his chin on your head, puts his big hand right in the middle of what you’re working on. 
You stop, fight a smile.  “Oh, now you want attention?”  He grunts noncommittally.  “Well I’m doing this now.” 
His pushes his face into the side of your neck and you feel a warm, wet pinch.  “Michael!  Did you just bite me?” 
He steps back, pulls your chair with him.  “Ohh my god.  That is so rude.”  You look up at him.  He is unmoved by your criticism.  “Can I help you?” 
He comes around in front of you, drops to his knees between your legs, leans his head against your chest.  You put your arms around him and tease his curls. 
“I have been trying to hang out with you all day, you know.”  He grunts again.  “Why am I tied into your schedule?”  He squeezes you.  “Fine, let’s hang out.” 
You look up from your book at the sound of the back door.  A moment later he steps into view, knife in hand, mask sprayed with blood. 
“Welcome home, handsome,” you say. 
He sets the knife on the table and moves closer.  You lay the book aside and get up to inspect him for injuries.  “Are you hurt?” 
He shakes his head once and digs his hand into his pocket. 
“Oh boy.  Did you bring me something?” 
He fishes out a tiny porcelain mouse abducted from someone’s mantle and places it in your open palm.  It is adorable and not covered in blood. 
“Wow, I love this,” you say honestly.  “Thank you!” 
He is reaching into his other pocket.  “Oh, two things?”  You hold out your other hand.  There is a clicking sound like nails on a tabletop.  Teeth.  They are teeth.  He has brought you six human teeth. 
You gather yourself for a second and then look up at him with a careworn smile.  “Thank you so much.  You really, really shouldn’t have.” 
His eyes glitter behind the mask.  You know he knows that you hate it and love it in equal measure.  That’s why he does it.  You should consider yourself lucky tonight; one time he brought you a finger.  A finger. 
The afternoon sun is golden as you get home from work.  You look up at the second-story window right in the front of the house and sure enough, you see his silhouette looming like a Halloween decoration.  It’s his favorite spot.  He spends hours looking out at the world, just observing, thinking. 
He stares at you blankly and you smile and wave.  Even from a distance, you can see his gaze shift from you to something across the street:  two women shooting the breeze while their kids draw with chalk on the sidewalk.  Maybe it’s because you know him so well, but the look on his face is utterly predatory. 
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath.  You’d better get in there and distract him with something, or your neighbors are going to end up on the news. 
“Okay, hear me out.” 
You regard him uneasily, hands on your hips.  He already looks unimpressed. 
“We’re having grilled cheese and tomato soup.  You love that.” 
He does.  He is waiting for the bad news. 
“But we’re out of milk.  So I have to make the soup with water.” 
His ability to communicate such abject disgust with zero change to his expression is incredible. 
“I know.  I’m sorry.  I promise it will still be good.” 
He is the pickiest eater you have ever met.  Not only is his list of acceptable foods limited, but he eats on a strict schedule with almost no wiggle room.  There is only one right way to make the things he likes, and a thousand wrong ways.  He would rather starve than eat something he thinks is gross. 
When you present him with the offending soup he looks at you like you have spit in it in front of him. 
“Look, Michael, I promise it’s fine.”  You sip a spoonful.  It is not fine.  He knows it. 
He eats the grilled cheese with enthusiasm.  He finishes yours too.  He pushes the soup away and does not touch it.  No amount of cajoling will convince him otherwise. 
You are on the couch, Michael’s head in your lap.  You have been stroking his curls, scratching his neck and shoulders, caressing his handsome face for almost an hour.  Every time you try to get up or change position he grips your knee tightly, will not let you move.  Periodically he lets out a contented sigh, adjusts his position, guides your hand to a new spot. 
Your legs are falling asleep.  You continue running your thumb over his jaw as you shift your weight just a little, just enough to free up the circulation. 
He sits up abruptly.  “Sorry, Mikey, come back.” 
He stands up and stalks away without looking at you.  You watch with absolute bewilderment as he sits on the other couch, makes himself comfortable, and then looks at you like nothing happened. 
“You are so fucking weird,” you whisper, almost to yourself. 
You are out for a midnight stroll on the arm of a murderer who, for now, is content to leave everyone alive.  The moon is full and the street is bright beneath it.  Michael’s expression is serene.  You know he enjoys the breeze on his face when he can get it.  Walks like this are so normal, so refreshing, you can almost pretend it’s not three in the morning. 
A branch hangs over the sidewalk.  You move to duck around it, but Michael takes hold of it with his free hand and snaps it in half. 
“Well that was…effective,” you remark.  He looks at you impassively. 
A block later, someone has left a tricycle in their front yard.  He pulls away from you, picks it up with one hand.  You furrow your brow in confusion.  He throws it lazily into the neighbor’s yard. 
“Michael,” you say, “you can’t do that.”  But he can, and he does, and he pulls you along before you can drag it back where it belongs. 
He behaves himself for the next few minutes, and you are nearly lulled back into contentment.  You don’t question it when he stops and picks up a rock; he’s always bringing home odds and ends.  He does not look at you as he lobs the projectile across the street directly into the front window of a house and you hear the glass splinter.  The sound is deafening in the silence. 
“Michael Myers!” you hiss, grabbing his arm.  He is smirking.  For him it is the equivalent of a shit-eating grin.  “I cannot believe you just did that!”  Lights turn on in the house and you haul him quickly down the street.  “I swear to god I can’t take you anywhere.” 
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒖𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎
Ran Haitani x fem! Reader
Synopsis : read this, and Ran Haitani will pop in your room at 2.am.
No but seriously, what'd you do if Ran came in your real life ?
Notes : please all of you wish a happy birthday to my bestie @azalea-strum
Sorry babe, was planning to post this yesterday on midnight buuut been busy ( also don't expect a huge thing, this is just crack )
-" At least there's something nice about this night " you sighed, burying your frozen hands in your pockets. Your numbness was temporarily stolen by the flickering, quick but grand light of the shooting star you've been lucky enough to witness in the night sky.
It was past midnight, usually you wouldn't stay this late at the bar, yet your friend insisted on wishing you a happy birthday at exactly midnight, which wasn't that bad itself since the roads were not that empty.
And well, it was a kind of compensation to you, knowing you would be alone on your birthday. Sad to say you wouldn't be able to see your friends and family until the weekend...
-" finally... " Your feet were sore as your apartment welcomed you in a warm hug. Your shoes quickly found their spot, along with your bag and coat, and to say that you could hear your shower calling for you would be an understatement.
Unbothered by the barely noticeable sounds your cat was making, you headed toward your bathroom, clothes had barely any time to hit the ground before you hopped in the shower.
The almost-boiling aura massaged your soreness, whilst the droplets washed away your daily worries. The weight of whatever had the day brought got carried away by the fog that collected on the walls, floating on a cloud, oblivious to everything outside.
Twenty minutes and lighter shoulders later, a white towel wore your soaked skin, your path painted with the traces of your wet hair on the floor behind you. Your bedroom was as always the loyal warm cocoon and you were craving your bed like a thirsty man craved his water. You didn't even dared to open the lights, knowing by heart the way to your closet looking for a t-shirt for the night.
Was it the fact that you were wearing nothing but a towel that made the room suddenly feel colder than before ?
Well, it was not cold, but rather goosebumps caressing the skin of your back and the back of your neck that had you checking what's behind you twice.
Like a deafened unfamiliar voice whispering words in some language your mind could not comprehend but your heart knew was bad news.
Too deep engulfed in your own paranoia, you didn't noticed the lightening in the sky until the thunder followed, stealing a few heart beats from you as well as a desperate sigh when you realized you scared yourself alone.
Your home never felt this... Disturbing. As if the dark around you sheltered unwelcomed peekers, your hands tightened around your towel, now you hesitated even more to drop it and wear your pajamas.
Just to sleep in peace, you promised yourself, bending slightly to look under your bed. Milliseconds never felt so long, a silent screamer echoing in your head during the whole act until the light outside finally allowed you to unsure there was a huge nothing under your bed.
A sigh left your lips, it was only your imagination. You relaxed.
-" Oh love, the real monsters don't belong under your bed. "
It took your mind some seconds to realize, there was a voice that just talked.
Yet your body needed no break, your blood froze at the first decibel breaking the macabre silence. Those goosebumps previously assaulting your back invaded your shoulders, arms, your eyes widened at the contrast of a warm huff of air against your ear, until that voice echoed again, closer this time, even deeper this time.
-" I'm afraid the only monster here craves your bed. "
Your stuttering heart beats, sweaty hands started drawing the shock's frame, and when the numbing fear stopped paralyzing your body, you hurried to turn around, letting the moonlight enlighten the face of the intruder.
Deep inside you believed you never should've done that.
-" I... What the fuck ?"
If you could, your hand would've reached to pinch yourself long time ago, waking yourself up from any dream because what you were seeing in no way could belong to reality.
-" such a dirty mouth... Wonder what other dirty stuff i can get these lips to do though. "
The smirk on his lips widened noticing the remnants of the awe on your face. You were staying there, arms wrapped around your body, shivering to the spine in front of him.
He was so casually, cruelly bewitching. Classic white shirt with the first buttons slightly open, necktie undone around his throat, a purple hair lock stood between your two faces, Ran Haitani's lavender eyes staring right at your soul with a contemptuous smirk.
Ran Haitani, no one but the real, manga character. You swore two shots of tequila weren't as strong as this. And as long as you tried to remember, you had no idea when that dream started.
Gagging on words, stuttering on heart beats and stumbling on thoughts, nothing could leave the barrier of your lips beside a gasp when your hand reaches for his jaw touching, realizing you could actually feel his skin.
-" This... Can't be real. You can't be... real "
Ran's smile didn't faltered once, flashing his perfect teeth, he grabbed your hand preventing you from taking it away, awakening another set of goosebumps on your skin by the way, and guided your trembling fingers toward his left pectoral.
-" feel this, angel ? "
You're in awe, standing there, feeling the flutter in his chest.
-" feel how special you are, making a Haitani's heart beat like crazy ? And i believe I do no less to you. "
Still deep down into an ocean of denial, you clung into your only lifeline, to play pretend.
And what If all of it was a dream? Wouldn't it still be nice to live it?
No matter what was it, or who set that whole masquerade, but they must be no less than a genius. Everything was pristine, you had to admit. His hair, his eyes, his features, even his voice and fragrance invading your nostrils was exactly what you had always imagined, his attitude, moreover, that insufferable, contemptuous smile...
-" you don't. " You uttered, slightly breathless, holding your towel tighter.
From where did that defiance came? Long story short it all disappeared as soon as he made one single step toward you, wrapping you in his almighty shadow.
And just as you had always imagined, he breaths charisma, imposes respect, he is in all the ways possible, a handsome, freaking scary gentleman.
-" Is it now ?" A scoff could be heard in his tone. " I would've sworn you've read like a hundred fictions about me. "
Yeah, that definitely was a dream.
Yet, your cheeks heated as a summer morning, carefully watching Ran Haitani's hands flirting with your hips, ghosting over your towel.
-" i believe most of your nights were spent fantasizing about me just fucking you, isn't it ?"
-" That's untrue. " You dared to lie, almost bumping your nose against his to which he answered by a cocky smile and a crooked eyebrow.
As more of your rationalism held on to you, your heart missed a beat when Ran's hand pushed your hips suddenly. Having you thus, sprayed on your bed, leaning on your elbows, Ran liked to think you were the prettiest prey.
His shape towered above you, covered you almost fully when he leaned over you, brushing of his lavender gaze your almost exposed body under your unique towel.
And the way his eyes lowered, shifted toward your bare thighs, glided to your eyes so swiftly was the sweetest way to strip you off your soul.
-" yeah ? Gotta tell me you've never rubbed these pretty thighs about something I could've said ?"
In from the fear, seemed like something new was burning throughout the great war he ignited in you. His calloused hand found your soft thigh's skin, staining the delicate clover with the invisible forever crimson engraved on his fingertips, insidiously pushing away the towel to reveal more of your skin to his craving eyes.
-" What you doing ?" The tremors in your voice were one of his first victories, he knew he had you, on fingertips reach, since you weren't doing anything to stop his hand sliding dangerously upper.
-" Watching you. " He simply said, comfortably sinking a knee on your left side of the bed, his chest nearly hugging yours.
Ran Haitani above you, and all your soldiers were suddenly stumbling down, in your battles no real vow of winning was perceived, just as if that one touching you so intimately wasn't a perfect stranger from a whole different universe.
-" Admiring just how pretty my doll looks when she thinks she's luring me."
Yes, his perfume was exactly how you imagined. You closed your eyes as his hand now sat not so innocently on your unclothed mons pubis, thumb running circled on the skin, making your breath hitch.
-" Look how soft you are... My princess's just begging to be touched. M'princess just begging to be fucked. "
Or maybe wasn't he such a perfect stranger, was he now ?
Opening your eyes after that was like waking up from the dream, his lavender gaze suddenly looked like you've forever stared into those alluring hues, his toned arms on each side of your body felt like the cocoon you've always yearned to, and just as if he could read that mind of yours like the easiest map on his desk, Ran's lips came closer to your ear, unbeknownst to you slightly dragging the dowel down from your chest.
-" ain't ya, love ? Craving daddy's cock to be inside you ? Whispering about how good your lil pussy feels, like in those chapters you secretly read ?"
Maybe was it the late hour ? Were you drunk on his intoxicating beauty under the moonlight ? High on his fragrance ? His lips insidiously kissing your jaw now ? One of these had you slightly pressing yourself against him, making him understand just how bad you needed that.
At that time, it didn't matter. Was it a dream ? A fantasie ? Were you just insanely drunk and asleep on some bar's counter ?
All those matters vanished in his lavender haze, all of you swallowed in his entire being, realer than ever. And that was what truly mattered.
-" You gotta tell me... " His whispers washed over your body as crashing ocean waves in your usually dead calm shores, Ran's thumb traced a vertical line toward your clit, stealing the breath away from your lungs. " Need your words, baby. Needa know if you gonna lemme taste the birthday girl "
A groan left now his mouth, his erection against your thigh prominent, truly said never have you ever felt so desired than now, your reflection on Ran's eyes, the fire burning in his guts to devour you, that man knew how to make a woman feel wanted.
-" Shit, this pussy's dripping, bet it's so fucking pretty down there, can I see ?"
The path of that shooting star shone through a blur, a questionable god's offer, a gift or a curse, but one thing was for sure.
All of that could be a dream, you could wake up the next morning with your towel still perfectly placed around your body and cold, perfectly done bed sheets.
Or you could wake up in his strong arms, holding you like there was no tomorrow, his hair slightly tickling your neck with his morning hard on pressed to your back, his deep voice whispering sweet nothings to your ear.
Yes, the path was blurry, but at the end of the day, you couldn't care less.
You leaned in his touch, bringing your lips closer to his, diving deeper in that same lavender haze you've so unconsciously craved.
-" Lemme show my pretty girl how good can daddy love her".
That was so cringe ngl, i had this idea since like last august but i only had the time to write it today, so it's rushed and shitty
Happy birthday baby anyway, I'm super glad and grateful for the day i met you my older sis @azalea-strum
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