#well I mean you can but you should save that for your discord server of your private friends
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This was one hell of a way to learn there’s another word for ‘chibi’.
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
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Pride Backlighting Tutorial
A few people have shown interest in replicating the pride backlighting I did, so hey, here’s a quick tutorial below the cut.
Enjoy, and happy Pride Month. 🏳️‍🌈
First thing you’ll want to do is find a suitably dark background to bounce the light off of. I use the White Screen housing item dyed Soot Black, available from the Housing Merchant or Apartment Merchant in any of the housing zones for 3000 gil.
I line up 2-3 of them for coverage, but one will do if you're trying to be frugal.
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If you don’t have an apartment or an FC room to use, try asking friends, FC mates, or even folks you share a Discord server with. You might even find someone who already has a studio space set up and is willing to let you use it!
Lighting in your studio space should be 0 (though you might have success at 1 as well), so make sure to adjust that or ask the studio owner if they can make that change before you start posing.
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Position your character(s) just a little ways back from the edge of the screen. You want some space between them and the screen so that the lighting can float there without casting a weird circle on the wall.
Hop into /gpose and bump up the “Manual brightness adjustment” to about 120 or whatever level allows you to see your character well enough to pose them. Pose to your heart's content.
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Here’s the fun part. In the Light tab of the Gpose menu, switch all of your Light sources to Type 1, which has the shortest falloff radius (meaning it doesn't reach as far as Type 2 or 3). I also set all of my lights to one strong color to differentiate them while I worked on lighting—red, green, and blue, all maxed out at 255 (for now).
Swing your camera (still on all default settings) around to your character’s back and up above their head a little ways. This is where Light 1 (red) will go.
Now pan your camera down at about mid-back height and set Light 2 (green) there.
Pan your camera down one last time until you have a nice shot of your character’s butt and set Light 3 (blue).
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Spin your camera back around and enjoy this nice little macaw-colored gradient.
Set your camera angle.
The way FFIXV’s lighting works is partially dependent on how much light is in a shot. It will adjust a lot like your eyes do when you’re entering a dark room from a bright room, or vice versa. Your zoom level and camera angle are going to directly affect the lighting, so set this before you start messing with light strength and color. Sometimes this means weaker lighting will actually light your character better.
I ended up bringing my lights down to around ~160 and boosted the "Manual brightness adjustment" up quite a bit to get lighting I was happier with.
For a straightforward vertical shot, I like to have my Field of View (FOV) at 200 and of course my rotation is set to 90. Zoom in or out as needed. Remember to save your camera angle if you plan to pan around and fix things!
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Make it ~queer~.
Take your flag of choice and pick out 2-3 “main” hues. Generally these will be the strongest hues in the flag, if not the only ones. Some flags, like the Pride/Progress/Intersex-Inclusive flag itself, are difficult to replicate for the sheer number of colors that are in it. You can loosely represent a rainbow with some adjustment to the RGB colors, if you’re determined to have a whole rainbow in there.
Shader Note: I recommend picking a shader preset that doesn’t mess too much with color so that colors are represented correctly. You may need to adjust light strength and “Manual brightness adjustment” to be compatible with your preset of choice. Bloom will also heavily affect the way your colors are showing up, so you may need to tone down the bloom FX or toggle it off entirely. This all depends on your preset, however.
If you’re not into RGB math, here are some cheat sheets! Not every flag is represented here of course, but I tried to cover as many colors as I could so that you could grab a color from another flag as needed! Please note that colors will need some adjustment for your own screenshot, presets, and preferences.
And that’s it, y’all! 🏳️‍🌈
(Open this image up in a new tab for more detail.)
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These were taken using a heavily customized shader for that nice glowy effect.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Retirement and How to Retire
How to start saving for retirement
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over.
Season 4, Episode 5: “401(k)s Aren’t Offered in My Industry. How Do I Save for Retirement if My Employer Won’t Help?”
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment 
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
The Financial Order of Operations: 10 Great Money Choices for Every Stage of Life
Advanced retirement moves
How to Painlessly Run the Gauntlet of a 401k Rollover
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?”
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 4, Episode 8: “I’m Queer, and Want To Find an Affordable Place To Retire. How Do I Balance Safety With Cost of Living?” 
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money? 
Ask the Bitches: “Do Women Need Different Financial Advice Than Men?”
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?” 
Speaking of advanced money moves, make sure you’re not funneling money to The Man through unnecessary account fees. Roll over your old retirement accounts FO’ FREE with our partner Capitalize:
Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize
Investing for the long term
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Investing Deathmatch: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA
Investing Deathmatch: Stocks vs. Bonds 
Wait… Did I Just Lose All My Money Investing in the Stock Market? 
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
The FIRE Movement, Explained 
Your Girl Is Officially Retiring at 35 Years Old
The Real Story of How I Paid off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
My First 6 Months of Early Retirement Sucked Shit: What They Don’t Tell You about FIRE
Bitchtastic Book Review: Tanja Hester on Early Retirement, Privilege, and Her Book, Work Optional
Earning Her First $100K: An Interview with Tori Dunlap 
We’ll periodically update this list with new links as we continue writing about retirement. And by “periodically,” we mean “when we remember to do it.” Maybe remind us, ok? It takes a village.
Contribute to our staff’s retirement!
Holy Justin Baldoni that’s a lot of lengthy, well-researched, thoughtful articles on the subject of retirement. It sure took a lot of time and effort to finely craft all them words over the last five years!
In case I’m not laying it on thick enough: running Bitches Get Riches is a labor of love, but it’s still labor. If our work helped you with your retirement goals, consider contributing to our Patreon to say thanks! You’ll get access to Patreon exclusives, giveaways, and monthly content polls! Join our Patreon or comment below to let us know if you would be interested in a BGR Discord server where you can chat with other Patrons and perhaps even the Bitches themselves! Our other Patrons are neat and we think you should hang out together.
Join the Bitches on Patreon
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huntinglove · 1 year
How to get away from antiship spaces (mostly)
Warnings: Long post, antis mention, mentions of pedophilia, rape, self harm and gore (none show, not descriptive)
Have you recently learned that you align yourself with the proship label? Would you like to get away from antis as safely as you can? Here's what I've learned, as an ex anti:
1. It may be hard, but try to get rid of/abandon your accounts where you used to interact with antis.
This is one of the hardest steps because having a lot of followers can be discouraging, but it's the safest approach in this situation, because if antis see you following or interacting with proshippers they WILL question you about it and depending on how you tackle their asks they'll throw you to the wolves and publicly "warn" people about you so people can mass report your account/harass you
This applies to anything; Tumblr blogs, Twitter profiles, Discord servers, if you've interacted with antis block them and delete your account if you decide to adopt the proship label
Antis constantly claim that they don't harass people but as soon as someone drops the anti label they dogpile them and call them "traitors" as well as their usual buzzwords to catch people's attention, it's better to pull the plug directly than just rebrand your account
1.5. If you REALLY want to keep your account because you've used it for a long time or because it works as a portfolio, please create a different account to post about proship content
If you make a new account remember to block your anti mutuals/followers from your main account before you start posting, art styles can be very unique and easy to spot similarities in, as well as typing patterns and reoccurring emojis/symbols
If there's the option to, keep your profile private until you've built a steady environment for yourself, if you prefer to keep your profile private permanently that's also a good option!
Remember, your safety matters more than numbers on a screen!
2. This one should go without saying but, please don't share much of your trauma/mental health issues/triggers with people online in general, but especially not with antis
I used to talk about my struggles and vent publicly a lot, antis would stalk my accounts and send me all types of fucked up content.
I've had people send me rape videos and threats, people telling me I deserved the abuse I went through, people would send me gore and self harm images, as well as suicide tutorials.
They can and will use all of it to their advantage, they're restless and will dig up even decade old posts if they feel it'll be useful for them. It can and will take a toll on your mental health, so please save yourself the trouble and only open up with people you genuinely trust and feel safe talking to!
You're not alone, but please don't let dangerous people take advantage of you when you're at a bad spot
3. Keep an eye on your followers, especially if your profiles are public. There are always some things to look out for to make sure your followers aren't antis pretending to be proshippers
According to my personal experience, here's some red flags to look out for:
A.Antis think that the word proship means problematic ship, so they'll refer to pairings as "a proship"
Most proshippers dislike this terminology because it comes from an incorrect definition and usually avoid it
B. TikTok antis specifically come up and use a lot of emoji combos, creating meanings for them and usually adding one or two combos that are actually known to proshippers, along with some never seen before
A lot of the time they use it to identify themselves, a sign that means "I'm not actually a proshipper, just baiting"
I've also seen antis use the clover emoji in combos, inspired by the "clovergender/cloversexual" scam that 4channers came up with, to make it seem like the LGBTQ+ community was welcoming to offending pedophiles. Antis do this because they assimilate the proship label with problematic ships, mostly age gaps/underage content
C. Their account is brand new but they already follow a lot of proshippers. This is usually because they'll follow proshippers who've been posted on a blocklist, usually in the exact order that they've been listed too
If they're on Tumblr, they'll usually keep the people they follow public, so that other antis can find and harass those proshippers
D. Keep an eye on their follow list. Like stated above, they'll usually keep it public and 9 times out of 10 there will be an out of place antiship account, it's most likely their main profile/account/blog
E. They'll use their usual buzzwords on their own posts
For example, if they're trying to mimic a proselfship account they'll post pictures of underage characters and caption it things like "omg i'm such a pedo" and tag their post with proship related tags
Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, so it's always important to take context into consideration, as well as how many of these red flags may apply.
And lastly, please remember that the block button is your friend.
If someone's interacting with you and something about them seems/feels off, block and move on
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dawnanddorisqna · 3 months
Hey, thanks for putting up an ask blog! Don't know if tumblr is the best place to put it for social media engagement, but then again Neil Gaiman seems to be enjoying himself so who am I to judge?
I have a whole bunch of questions, and I'm not sure if it'd be annoying to flood your inbox with them, so feel free to pick and choose any of these to reply.
Questions for Dawn: who would you consider to be the animated 'it' girl right now?
What do you think about the recent trend of 'fleshwashing' that Disney has been pushing when it comes to remakes? Is this part of a bias against toons when it comes to casting?
In your opinion, who do you think is the best 'old-school' toon who still actively performs? Questions for Doris: Has toontown managed to avoid the plague of gentrification that hit a lot of other older neighborhoods in LA?
Is there a union for animated actors? If there is, how effective is it in your opinion? Have things gotten better or worse for animated actors over the years?
Did you ever get to know your animator? If not, would you have wanted to know them?
We should probably get a reddit at some point. Everyone on tumblr has been amazing though. We do have an instagram, @dawn_doodle and @dorisdoodle_toon.
There's also a fanmade discord! One we need to check on more after we're done...preparing some new things.
Who do I think is the current it girl of animation? It changes so fast, but my vote right now is POMNI! Who doesn't feel like Pomni like daily? Also, indie!
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Check back in a month when my answer may change again!
What do we think of all these live action remakes? I still don't mind them too much, but Avatar on netflix might be unnecessary. I'm starting to wear thin. Doris gave a rambling answer on this before and I don't think her opinion has changed.
Best old School toon still in business? I think we actually have an agreement on this one and that's this 2D Girl boss!
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Was Toon town able to avoid any gentrification? Here's Doris with a history lesson:
As some people know, ToonTown was left to the toons, and that was great. We could vote for changes in the town and run it ourselves, but that didn't mean we were separate from California and certain laws. So it was devastating when it was decided that the land we lived on wasn't fully ours and the decision to build a freeway system was still being considered. This was in the 50s and I had already moved out of ToonTown, but I heard about the protests and letters written to Earl Warren.
None of it helped, and in 1956, Eisenhower signed the highway act and a freeway was constructed. So the town wasn't as saved as the movie "Who Frames Roger Rabbit" lets you believe.
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Since the toons owned ToonTown, they couldn't just completely destroy it. We were just told to move. So the town is split up into districts. There's one near Disneyland, another a few streets from Universal. Always near studios. They like keeping an eye on their assets. So at least we got to keep the town in some way.
Is there a union for toons? There have been attempts. But in the end were considered intellectual property of the studios. fully owned and by contract from the moment the first line is sketched. A lot of older toons have a little more freedom from those contracts. By older, I'm talking Bugs Bunny and the Peanuts kids. That's starting to get harder though as studios are stating to hold a tighter grip on animation. It's less a creative thought process and more business. Doris says it's colder in a behind closed doors way. I say that cold is starting to leak into the outside. So yeah, no union, especially for newly drawn stars, and well...things aren't exactly getting better.
Did we get to know our creators?
Doris did!
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We all do I guess while being drawn. but it's not as personal now. I was kinda made through a committee. So there are artists who really care and I would've wanted to get to know them, but there are also execs, studio owners, managers, all hovering around to check on their investment. And once approved, you are under studio control. It's nice if the artists can stick around at the studio, but most times they're laid off once the creation is done and they need to go work at another place. This goes into that whole colder thing. From what Doris has shown me, it was a little more fun before. Animators and toons would just hang out I guess.
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They would even have fun with their voice actors.
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Today, studios want big celebrities to give us our voices. So they usually come in to lay down the track and then leave with the paycheck. Not all though, I heard Jack Black like to see the characters he's given a voice too. It just doesn't happen often.
Sorry it took a while to get to your question! We're trying to get a few things going right now so our timing is way off.
Also, a list of questions is always good, keep em coming!
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pokenimagines · 1 year
SFW Raihan | Fic | maybe continuation of reverse hisui'd reader you wrote a while back? Maybe Raihan teaching reader about technology while at the same time trying to figure out what to do about this whole situation with Sonia and some other gym leader? I just love the idea of reverse hisui so much fhcvjfxvj
Fun fact: Queenie and I both had a moment of staring off into space and being like Gandalf when he says "I have no memory of this place." In short...we forgot that I wrote a reverse Hisui fic until I dug through the archives and found it. Quickly read it and here we go. Also, the original link to the fic can be found here.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Raihan: Hisuian Technology
“No, this is a normal phone…I don’t know what that is, but it isn’t normal.” Raihan said, as he looked at your Arc phone. You had no idea what he was getting at since they looked similar, but apparently your phone wasn’t like his, “You don’t even have a phone number in here.”
“And? I was the only one who owned this. Who was I gonna call even if I did have a number?” You asked with a huff. Your bickering had been going on for a solid twenty minutes, as of now. Leon sighed from his spot on the couch, as he walked over to Raihan. He clamped a hand down on the taller man’s shoulder.
“I don’t think you’re gonna get it through their head.” Leon said and Raihan groaned.
“Why are you so stubborn?” Raihan finally said, you shrugged.
“My stubbornness saved the world, so excuse yourself.” You snapped. Raihan looked at you for a moment, before shaking his head.
“See what I mean?” Raihan said to Leon, “They use modern terms and have a kinda phone, but they’re not from this time period. How is this possible?”
“Rai…I’m literally right here!” You said with a huff, “Listen dude…I don’t know what’s going on either. It’s been a week and we haven’t figured anything out. All I remember is fighting god and then waking up here.”
“Fighting god…” Leon said with a small whistle, “You sure about that?”
“I don’t believe them.” Raihan said as his smirk grew, “No way you could fight a god and win.” He teased.
“Oh? Should I prove it? I’ll take you and Leon on, right here, right now. Square up, scrub.” You said, jumping up in excitement.
Before Leon could voice his excitement, Raihan was stopping it, “Later. We have Sonia coming over soon to help us figure things out.”
“Ah, a new character.” You murmured as you looked around the room, “Can we watch the box while we wait? I’m bored.” You complained and Raihan took a moment as he tried thinking about what you said.
“The…the TV?” Raihan said with another groan.
“Ya, that thing. I wanna watch the drawn characters with the big eyes again.” You said and Leon laughed as he looked at Raihan.
“Good luck teaching them about live tv.” Leon said and Raihan laughed.
“They were still amazed by the running water. They almost flooded the bathroom just watching it.” Raihan said before looking over at you.
“Fine, we can put on some anime until Sonia gets here.” He said, with a head shake. You cheered at that, plopping yourself on the couch. This modern world thing wasn’t so bad after all.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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Rant about Hatticc/Waste-of-energy (with their toxic partner and their friends)
TW: Bullying/Su1¢1d3/Mention of NSFW Art
For who don't know who's hatticc (but I called them waste)
Waste is one of first online friend that I can talk too a lot, we both in the same fandom (baldi basic), we and them, we met in deviantart and I made them a gift and then we art rade each other and we have fun
And I did met a friend of waste (well their user name is hella weird but let's called him red since he likes the color red) so red ask me to get discord which I did download the app and I never felt so happy that I can chat with friends, we chat, we share art each and we VC (voice call) like its was the best time of my life but until things went down hill...
So on the beginning of 2019, they become a bit jerky like they talk very dry talk to me and talk about my grammar, that i wasn't text all good like it doesn't matter how i talk, but it's mostly come from their partner (nub) they both know each other since kid (which basically they live in the same country)
So their partner also talk trash about my grammar and my art , and the more days of being with them, the both of them starting to become more selfish and toxic
They bullied me for being emo and tell self harm and suicide jokes around me and the worst part that waste make a drawing of me offing myself like WTF!? JUST BECAUSE IM EMO ITS DOESN'T MEAN THAT I HARM MYSELF EVERYDAY!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH!!!
And they made fun of my drawings and i try to tell them to stop and it isn't funny but they like no and still continue it, and pretend that they don't understand me and tell me how bad my grammar is and get this, they both live in Italy like FUXKING ITALY!!! THEY BOTH BORN IN ITALY, SPEAK ITALIAN AND YET TO MAKE FUN OF MY ENGLISH GRAMMAR LIKE THEY FLEX THEIR ENGLISH SO MUCH LIKE WHAT!? PEOPLE DONT HAVE THE PERFECT GRAMMAR ALRIGHT!?
And about the NSFW art, so we were minors at the time and they draw NSFW and so do I, yep they draw NSFW
And they make alt accounts so they don't add me!! They keep saying that "oh we don't have more room sorry [dead name]" BITCH YOU MAKE ALT ACCOUNT JUST REMOVE THE ALT ACCOUNTS OF THE SERVER, DONT PRETEND THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ROOM
I was actually so pissed off about how they treated me like they are so selfish, so show offie, only care about themselves and I did make drawings for them but they keep saying "oh sorry I was so busy with something" LIKE HOW!!?? HOW YOUR BUSY WITH TALKING YOUR TOXIC BITCH !?
And I finally did it that I finally left their stupid server and deleted discord which was the worse experience ever
And in 2020, when Deviantart announced that the old Deviantart layout was gonna retired and replace with the most lamest layout that makes waste to move to tumblr and they didn't know about that I don't have Tumblr account haha
And they no longer in the baldi basic community, they are in the hat the time or whatever that game is
So I remember saw a post about that they meet a user and so here the post (since their account is deactivated, bummer...)
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Like w o w, you finally taste your own medicine huh?
And I did remember seeing a drawing of different friends that they have like it's show that waste and nub bullying their old friends and get new ones but they are bullying the new ones
Like wow how nice you are and you like everybody which a fuxking lie that they made
But I think in either late 2023 or 2024 they deactivated their deviantart account
Which I should save their art and like...i actually like their art style is nice and all but they are a bully and same with their partner
I only like their art not them
So yea...maybe I will try to get my old discord account back cuz there is a server that they use to have but they all left lol
I can't believe that people who support them and they don't know what they did and I don't know if waste changed like if I got their discord name
And I will see if they change or not
If they say their sorry then I will give them 2nd chance but their are getting one chance
So yea...I just wanna talk about this since my other discord friends are busy with stuff...
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absolutebitchgetter · 6 months
The problems of CS. Combined in one.
Since the CS ninjas are onto me, i shant give up. You will forever hear the tunes of the rumours of ABG'S unbanning.
Heres all the CS posts i can find:
All of this might share the same topic, and thats a feature of how Comic Studio doesnt - or probably will never - fix its problems. Insane. I know. However, why am i not giving up if we cant fix it?
To save people's sanity.
Im trying to get unbanned so i can prove i am trying to become a better person, and save people's mental health by pointing out thr flaws in:
Its honestly pretty scary how kids are exposed to Jayst- i mean the toxicity of comic studio, and also how the experienced CS users are saying its worse than fucking Twitter.
Where can i begin with the fucking moderation? Where were they when i was getting banned? One is treated like an angel after the fucking outrageous calls he does. How long was i banned? 8 months? Yes. 8 Fucking Months. Above Half a year. One has literally made DOXXING JOKES TO ME and made me fear for my life. One in the cs discord takes someone elses side when i ask for a spoiler for Binding of Isaac (a pretty scary game). One is just fucking horrible at moderation. And one is probably biased after i did a few too many pings in a server. A server i owned btw, no one stopped me. You know who you are. :)
To name a few very shit studios,
-Probably fucking most of them
Probably 10% of the studios get used.
And a lot of them are just fucking shit.
We have a fucking NICK JR studio for like 2 YEAR OLDS.
When is there a fucking Despicable Me comic studio?
To name types of people:
Suspected pedophiles
probably pedophiles
anti semetic
Jokes aside tho there are lot of people i named that are actually one of the things above. There are also lots of fucking toxic people.
To my next point
popular beats all apparently
If your popular, dont fear of being banned! You fucking wont be!
I can name, a shit ton of people that should be banned but wouldnt because they have a shit ton of followers and that would get a lot of people to quit the site.
-Puffyy (Should i say more?)
-Jaystar (☠️)
-Onion_Rabbit (Threw about users like hell, faked harassment, legit got people to witchhunt me (December 2022), was toxic to me before i got banned (unfairly) (July 2023)
-Deathzy (A fucking mpreg and sex comic untagged, did the same as Onion_Rabbit July 2023, has known cases of being cocky as fuck when they get their way)
-SarahKomik (Has threw about users under the bus pretending to victimise themselves over the slightest of out of context things. The current situation with Oka is one.)
-Zappy (The same as above.)
Theres a lot more! Holy fuck
This community has a complete fucking hivemind too.
When popular users say "this person has done something bad (slightly or horrible) target them guys" and when they say "dont harass this person pls" they're praying that the mods dont fucking mob them. Oh wait.
Its like a lot of people have pointed out popular beats all!
Also, this is how people say "fuck the rules" (e.g, Oka and me)
If you have any problems, comment it, You probably shouldnt have but if your a snowflake, combat me.
Oh yeah i also forgot Tammy got knocked about like the school thot at summer time with the football team. They need apologising yall. This is the reason why people quit, my point above. Tammy quitting is one of the worst things to happen to CS.
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msviolacea · 6 months
Having more thoughts this morning tangential to the big YT drama of the week.
So, I'm in one fairly large Discord that I read more often than I do other large, busy servers, partly because it's a topic I'm perpetually interested in, partly because it's pretty strictly modded. There's one channel where a member keeps sharing fanart without credit - a specific rule violation in the server - and the mods keep politely telling them to stop. Finally, yesterday, they said with clear frustration "What, you mean I'm just not supposed to share any of this art, then?" Yes. Yes, that's exactly what it means.
Anyway, it got me thinking about one of the things that quietly irritates me on Tumblr - not just sharing art without sources, that's an immediate "fuck you no," but the accounts that repost art with a brief typed up credit underneath, or "credit in the watermark" comment, etc. Like yes, congratulations, you did the thing, you're slightly better than some, but also ... it's kind of the Tumblr art-sharing equivalent of leaving an unlabeled source link in the YT description? The problem is not that you're taking credit for making the art, the problem is that you are the one getting the attention (likes/reblogs) for someone else's art, without adding anything significant to the post.
Here's the thing: an artist (*generic term for anyone who creates something) should be the one controlling the distribution of their own work. Yes, posting something publicly on the internet means you're giving up some of the control, but I firmly believe that just because you have the possibility of being an asshole doesn't mean you have the gods-given right to be an asshole.
"But," you may say, "I'm not being an asshole, I just genuinely like this art and want more people to appreciate it!"
Okay. Then why aren't you just sharing the link to wherever the artist chose to post it? Why are you reuploading it to your own account? Did the artist specifically say that reuploading was welcomed?
"Nobody on Tumblr clicks links! I just want people to see this art on their dashboard!"
Why? Genuinely, why? Why does it need to be you that uploads it?
"I just want to curate a collection of art involving my favorite characters!"
Then save it to your computer/phone and enjoy it there. Or make a private Tumblr or Pinterest account. You can curate for your own enjoyment without sharing.
The ultimate point is that, underneath it all, you want the credit for finding it. You want to get the dopamine hit of having people like and reblog your post. And ... well, that's not something you deserve. You didn't create it. You didn't commission it, or inspire it, or contribute to its creation in any way. You're not doing this to bring attention to the artist, otherwise you'd be actually sharing the place where the artist uploaded the work so that they can get the dopamine hit.
Most of us have done it at some point or another. I know I have. It's easy to do, it's an easy bit of attention, you get excited and just want to be the first person to share a thing. And it's not the worst crime on the internet. It's just ... kind of shitty. And if we want to contribute to an internet that is kinder, better, less friendly to those who are actually maliciously trying to steal the work of others, then we should avoid the temptation of doing these smaller things purely for the attention. Model the behavior you want to see in your internet world.
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hpsaffics · 1 year
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✨ WLW Wed: Rare Pairs ✨
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Rare Pairs Previously: Fleurmione (see list)
💫 LONG (>10k) 💫
Time is whit A' hauld between by @aibidil, @canttouchthis87, @artymakeart [Minerva McGonagall/Rowena Ravenclaw, E, 74.7k] WITH ART!
Minerva learns she must travel to the year 1008 to save Hogwarts's magic. And incidentally, the soulmark on her arm indicates she met her soulmate 991 years ago.
Longingly Named by @m0srael [Minerva McGonagall/Mrs Norris, E, 11.9k]
Can love really last a lifetime? Perhaps, if you can name it as your own. This is a story about names, transformations, and the things we inherit.
💫 MEDIUM (3k-10k) 💫
Trip the Darkness by @le-amewzing [Hestia Jones/Hestia Carrow, T, 9.9k]
As if it weren't bad enough to be fleeing a life of Dark magic, Hestia Carrow's got the Auror Hestia Jones on her tail, too. This cannot possibly end well.
Looking For A Complication by @the-wig-is-a-metaphor [Narcissa Black Malfoy/Ginny Weasley, M, 8.0k]
"Mother, when I said you should get out more," Draco shouts, "I did not mean you should have an illicit affair with a scandalously younger woman!"
One Foot on the Platform (and the Other on the Train) by @inmyownlittlecorner5 [Eileen Prince/Rita Skeeter, E, 7.8k]
Ah, romance, the ruin of many a poor boy.
A Cliff in July by Miss M (missm) [Millicent Bulstrode/Marietta Edgecombe, M, 5.0k]
A chance meeting at a remote Muggle hotel, the summer when everything changes.
i would kill for some company (temporarily) by @lesbiansiriusblack [Pandora Lovegood/Lily Evans Potter, M, 4.7k]
pandora's never seen something so pretty and not wondered just how long it would take for it to die, and just how good it would taste. or, vampire pandora & human lily, that's it that's the plot
Sunlight in the Garden by Lyras [Alice Longbottom/Pomona Sprout, T, 4.3k]
Pomona hasn't seen Neville since he was a baby, but the moment he steps into her greenhouse, the past begins chasing her down.
Beetle Dreams by @featherxquill [Luna Lovegood/Rita Skeeter, M, 4.1k]
In the summer after her seventh year, Luna is bereft and uncertain about her future.... One afternoon she finds a strange beetle there and takes it home with her, then at night she is visited by a dream woman in beetle-green satin.
Friends Forever by PurpleFluffyCat [Sybil Trelawney/Alecto Carrow, M, 3.1k]
Bad relationships don't necessarily start out that way.
💫 SHORT (<3k) 💫
The Thing with Feathers by kelly_chambliss [Augusta Longbottom/Andromeda Black Tonks, T, 2.4k]
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Augusta Longbottom has a duty to perform.
Pretty Little Thing by batsam [Rolanda Hooch/Septima Vector, T, 1.5k]
This morning, Septima is everywhere.
🌙 Want more Rare Pairs? 🌙
@hprarepairfest | AO3
@hp-rarepairs | AO3
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Hey y'all!! I'm so excited for Artfight 2023, especially to be on team goggie :> (You can find my profile here!)
I know I'm responsible for getting a few more folks into AF this year, and I've seen a lovely few tutorials on many aspects; but one thing I haven't seen is a general 'how to' on saving refs pre-fight.
For those who are new to AF, the site... Typically doesn't work the first week or so. Downtimes are getting increasingly better, but since this site is run on donations and volunteers, it's understandable that it's experiencing some hiccups with SO MANY people joining every year! AF is usually extended into the first week of august to make up for this.
HOWEVER, this does mean that all those lovely characters you've bookmarked to attack? You won't be able to access their refs if the site is down! :((
This is why it's EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED that you save them beforehand, as is often repeated!
This is not a universal method for most folks, but if you're like me just hearing 'just do x!' doesn't always help me picture *how* to do something, so I wanted to share my method :) My example will use discord, but you can very well use a google doc or word doc; anywhere that images can be saved.
Now, Let's begin!
For starters, I have my own discord server that I use for various things. I'm the only member in it, and it's great for organizing things I need.
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Next, I use a text channel where I'm going to store all of the information I need
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Now, while the site is up, i head over to my bookmarked characters:
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Find a character you'd like to save the refs of from your list, and click onto their character profile! :)
Now, for the important question: What should you save, at the very least? (Hi @saturno-sol I'm using Chantilly as an example :> Go attack fae here!!)
Above a character's main image, you should see this:
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The first thing that may not be obvious to save is that string of numbers, which can be copied by pressing the clipboard. Artfight does not use character names, but character IDs for submitting attacks, and these cannot be found anywhere but on-site.
Second, you'll want to save the username of the person who the character belongs to. I usually format these in my notes like:
Chantilly - 2231643 By Saturno-Sol
The other things you will want to save text-wise will be that person's permissions, found under the images and character descriptions here:
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( Please be sure to take note of each person's character and personal permissions! Getting free art is lovely, but so is respecting boundaries <3 )
And the character profile itself, situated above the permissions and below the image gallery
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If a character description is longer, I personally tend to pick out important bits from it and paste them together in more bullet-pointed form. But those who won't break the character limit of a normal discord post, I'll simply copy paste both perms and character description :)
Finally, you'll want your images of course! These can be copy pasted into wherever you're saving them, though I highly recommend a format where you can have the above text information and the images together for sake of clarity. Especially if you're going to have a lot of saved characters, like myself :>
In the end, my posts usually end up looking like:
**Name - ID** By [Username] **Character permissions** [character permissions] **[username's] global permissions** [global perms]
**Character profile** [Character information here]
And lastly, images at the bottom, given how discord formats things :) All in one place, off-site, so I may still browse various characters while the site broken. And as soon as it's ready, I don't have to worry about loading multiple tabs on-site to submit the attack, I've got all the information I need right there!
I hope this helps some new and maybe even some old artfight veterans. I'd recommend saving over the amount of attacks you think you'll do, just in case you're an indecisive queen like I am and want some variety to choose from.
Hope to see you all in the fight when it starts! Excited for my fourth year in the brawl >:)
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twojackals · 10 months
Schrodinger's box
I think I'm probably lucky that I had already come to the conclusion abdication was necessary for Tamara Siuda and that I predicted it was going to happen eventually (because it means I don't have to suffer through the same devastation and confusion others are feeling) -- but I admit, I did not think it would happen "within a week or two" of all this talk I've been doing.
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Still, I can't say I'm not interested and even happy by the development. That's not a dig at Tamara -- this will be good for her too -- it's just that this is the only gateway left to change in the House of Netjer, and the fact that the door is finally opening... well it does leave me with cautious optimism.
Extremely cautious though, because according to the announcement, ""this change means we will need to have community-wide conversations about what we want to do next and how we want to do it", but… will it happen?
HoN / KO is known for its lack of transparency as I've said before. They shy away from discussing anything with the community at large in meaningful ways, save for the Shemsu Ankhs (there are things I would love to discuss on this topic in particular, but I can't). But even though conversations tended to feel directionless and spiral in circles.
What would make me happy is if Tamara joins the Discord server and starts talking directly with all of the people she was meant to be leading this whole time. The forums are nice, but the interaction would be best supported by real, timely interactive communication. And contrary to the announcement, of which parts boil down to a blame-game and do still annoy me ("You just don't understand Kingship" -- not verbatim), I still think the problem with Tamara Siuda and Kemetic Orthodoxy was never the 'King' component, but the 'leadership' one that should have gone with it.
The idea that we simply don't 'understand' Kingship in today's age is actually true to some degree, but I would summarize the problem differently: that the idea of Kingship should have evolved into something new and more relevant, but was refused the space to do so.
But King / Nisut was never the biggest problem, it was just a label indicative of a leadership issue with a spiritual leader who was so far removed from their community, they literally talked about how much they hated their own Discord server and alluded to the fact that we should basically all go back to IRC / AOL or maybe get off the internet entirely. Mind you, it's not like all of these problems don't occur outside of the internet, either.
Barring that time machine, maybe it's time to bite the bullet and simply become an accessible component to make conversation happen?
"This power now lies fully in your hands. I could not pass it along to anyone more worthy" -- I didn't realize we had become worthy at some point. To be clear, Tamara loves this community deeply, but has always been exasperated by its inability to self-regulate -- people repeatedly acting like little children and bullies with no regard for each other or Ma'at no matter how much they scream Her name. And the fact that she's taken so little time to actually talk to us directly, I can't imagine why we're suddenly worthy of choosing our own direction now.
I still think an organization like this needs a leader, a point of direction. The Board of Directors is a bureaucratic nightmare (but a necessary one from a legal entity state), and while some of the Priests are amazing, others are... confusing, I'm going to use the word confusing here for lack of a better term. Can control of the House be turned over to the general community, and what would that look like?
I think it would look like a disaster in some ways, because Tamara was always right: this community can't self-regulate, and that means it needs a directional star to guide them. I don't think the best option was ever for Tamara to leave the House (and to my knowledge, she isn't). It was just to abdicate from the ridiculous idea of King and then take an additional step toward being the community-accessible leader she absolutely could be. But I'm not sure if that last part is now happening or not.
There could be amazing things in store for KO and the House, or it could turn into a nightmare. We're on the borderline, or maybe we're inside good old Schrodinger's box.
By the way: I'm still pro-Kemetic Orthodoxy and pro-House of Netjer. I know most people would see otherwise, but I'm really rooting for this organization that still has a huge piece of my heart to succeed.
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - March 12th
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 Hello and welcome to this week’s recs! Lots of little fics this week--I’ve had a very short attention span and short little snatches of time. Anyway--enjoy and be sure to leave a comment/kudo for your fic authors! 
Oh Hey There by royal_chandler
Because it's just not college if your room hasn’t been the inadvertent destination spot of at least one intoxicated person.
Dare I Say Forever? by royal_chandler
Naive and young, Steve had thought about it. He’d allowed himself to dream of post-war, matching gold bands and a white picket fence penning in a rambunctious pair of children.
However, there’s no such thing as post-war.
Lose My Weary Mind by royal_chandler
It's not right. It's not right. But neither is his life without Steve.
Time Machine by ashes0909, HogwartsToAlexandria, Juulna, peppypear, royal_chandler
“You know, when I mentioned needing a time machine to fix the ills of my life last week, I didn’t mean it literally, Tony,” Steve sighed, albeit fondly.
Or: A night not unlike so many others.
Written for the Put On The Suit Discord Server Relay
In Our Bedroom, After the War by royal_chandler
It’s not to say that Steve had ever anticipated the culling of half the universe or its aftermath. No, that’s well beyond the edges of any damnation he could have imagined. However, when he touches himself in the new world and can’t find completion, he’s stolen by surprise, and then anger, that this too has been taken away.
Transient by royal_chandler 
There’s a 1A classification sitting on Steve’s bureau in his bedroom and he’s been so sick in his life, sick of many things; he’d like to no longer be sick of not having sex.
I and Love and You by royal_chandler
Tony should really no longer be surprised by how right Steve gets it. Even though he’s not really meant to add anything to this discussion he’s overhearing, he’s left speechless. He’s entirely overwhelmed by how much he loves this man. He loves them both so much it hurts, makes his eyes water.
Took All the Trees (And Put ’em in a Tree Museum) by youcancallmearrow 
Steve's homesick for the past and Tony can't cope with the present. Moving on is easier when you aren't doing it alone.
Featuring: Steve's super-secret weakness, the best cheeseburgers in America, and an awful lot of elevator scenes for a one-shot!
Trusting You with Lovin' Me by ralsbecket
“There’s a… neighborhood thing, later,” Tony said, waving a hand with clinking keys. “Trick-or-treating. Why don’t you come with us?” It was neutral ground. An open invitation. I trust you. I want you to meet my daughter hung softly in the air.
Charcoal Dust in My Eyes by betheflame, Nixie_DeAngel
Dr. Tony Stark teaches engineering at Stonybrook University, so he assumed his son would attend there. Instead, Peter chooses nearby Fallwell State and gets assigned Art Professor Steve Rogers as an interdisciplinary advisor.
If that wasn't annoying enough, Rogers' best friend Bucky happens to be the guy who Tony and his best friend Pepper have a bit of a history with and NO ONE holds a grudge like Tony Stark.
But then... Pepper tells him to stand down and so does Peter and what if Bucky isn't the enemy... does that mean he can do something about this crush on Steve?
Shaped for Action by royal_chandler
Tony buys a Camaro for an American classic.
You're In My Blood (Like Holy Wine) by royal_chandler
Being with a hooker was supposed to be easy but Tony gets more than he bargained for.
5 times tony indulges steve's strength kink + 1 time he doesn't mean to by meidui
Steve really appreciates how strong Tony is.
nobody saves me, baby (the way you do) by Capstiddies, meidui
“You’re a firefighter.”
“You’re—half naked.”
Steve fights fires and rescues kittens for a living these days because of course he does; of course that man doesn’t know how to properly retire. So now Steve has his firefighting career and Tony has a new complication in his long, winding relationship with Steve after parting ways without so much as a handshake.
Half True and All Stupid by royal_chandler
What it says on the tin. Tony bought Peter Netflix, and oh god why.
felt with your two hands by ishipallthings
Steve lets out an exasperated huff. “It’s just, I can’t shave.” It’s such a small thing to be upset about, and yet here he is, fighting the urge to tear his bandages just to look clean-shaven again.
One glance at Tony shows that he’s surprised by Steve’s admission, eyes now fixed on the days-old scruff covering the bottom half of Steve’s face.
(In which Tony helps Steve with shaving, and the close proximity leads to so much more than either of them anticipated.)
daynight, daylight by ishipallthings
When it happens, it feels completely unexpected and yet inevitable at the same time.
(A cool summer night, an accidental kiss, and a realization years in the making.)
Seeking Companionship by AvengersNewB 
The story of someone putting a personal ad in the newspaper, hoping to find a kind companion, who finds much more; everything he always wanted but never knew he could have - told all in letters.
I’m a man in my 30s, looking to be heard, to be understood, before being judged. If you’re a man with a big heart, and some time to listen, I’m looking for you and I promise to listen and understand in return - only non-drinkers. Write to PO 721.
Stained Glass by tourdefierce
Tony Stark was called a lot of things, but tender wasn't one of them. Too bad his super-hero boyfriend disagreed.
The Worst You Can Do Is Harm by theladyingrey42
So what if Tony Stark has a folder of pictures JARVIS recognizes alternately as Project Rebirth (when Tony's sober), Project Hero Worship (when he's tipsy), and Project Spank Bank (when he's drunk)? No big deal. Unless Loki destroys Avengers Mansion and Hawkeye ends up finding the damn pictures and showing them to Steve. And if there's maybe a teeny-tiny misunderstanding about why precisely Tony has them.
In which Loki is a dick, Thor is the bestest drinking buddy ever, and Tony has a hard time saying what he means.
We Are Briefly Gorgeous by KandiSheek
Tony finds himself in a gay bar right after signing his divorce papers, drowning his sorrows. Turns out the handsome stranger that chats him up is just the distraction he needs.
The Plainest Words Are The Finest by theladyingrey42
In which Tony Stark never ever, ever says what he means.
Except when he does.
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disorganizedkitten · 2 months
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck Chapter 7
Miraculous Ladybug | 2020 | 1,331 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
July 3rd-Boredom
So the whole discord chat idea? Magic was the less fun part. Felix should have let Allegra add him ages ago.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Go-Go-Gadget-Chatroom
Snow Cone King: I’m just saying, Ics, that if we have to petition Walmart, we should at least do it with a lot of people.
Flutetastic: ...Almost everyone on this server and probably half of tumblr and a corner of twitter and a few people from school and my entire family
Considering my family includes you and all the cousins on your half too, that’s a lot of people.
Snow Cone King: Amb. Ics, ics you know what this means?
Speedster: Y’all, I think we should just use the online petition thingy. Get millions of email subscribers from all over the world.
Snow Cone King: My dad probably would totally sign a petition to get Inspector Gadget merch back in stores and then actually make it happen
Flutetastic: It’s sm fun to see you have one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies.
Flutetastic: Als, why do you save your logic for the middle of our discussions?
Speedster: Gotta take the time to come up with my genius.
Snow Cone King: Show off.
Penny Could Kick Me: I find it very amusing to watch you guys casually say things like ‘one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies’.
Snow Cone King: :Squinty eyes: i can’t tell if that’s an insult
Penny Could Kick Me: Is me laughing out loud at you insulting?
Flutetastic: Say no
Snow Cone King: I haven’t decided.
Snow Cone King: I think so?
Penny Could Kick Me: I love you guys.
Snow Cone King: That’s def. A compliment. Thank you.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #By-The-Power-Of-Greyskull
The Orange Death: Y’all I just found an article saying Damian Wayne and Adam are friends and someone needs to explain to me how that happened and if that means I missed a He-Man reboot
If so, Imma cri
Snow Cone King: Wait who has the rights to He-Man?
The Orange Death: Honestly I figured it was netflix ‘cause they just did that she-ra reboot but like
Apparently not?
Snow Cone King: I’m looking this up amb
Useless Ace: I thought the last reboot was in 2010?
Snow Cone King: I am apparently a very uninformed fan
There was a life action movie in 1987
The Orange Death: What
Snow Cone King: My to watch list is much bigger
I thought there were only the two versions? I don’t even know which versions they were now?
Useless Ace: Welcome to the world of fandom my friend. Experts are few, far-inbetween, and deserve mad respect bc I could care less to follow every bit of canon ever
Snow Cone King: Mood
Snow Cone King: As of dec 18, 2019, Netflix wants to do a CGI reboot
Useless Ace: Oh thank goodness. My biggest beef with the She-ra reboot was the lost potential for Adam/Adora shenanigans.
Snow Cone King: Have you watched it?
 Useless Ace: See above
Snow Cone King: :facepalm:
Actually I can’t judge, it’s still collecting dust on my to-watch list
Snow Cone King: Reading more and Mark Hamill? Will be Skeletor?? That sounds like it'll go really well
The Orange Death: Y’all I have no idea but now I’m excited
About time He-Man came back
Snow Cone King: Fr tho, I can’t find anything about ties to dc or where he’d have met Damian
Flutetastic: Whack
The Orange Death: You’re telling me
Snow Cone King: You’re telling me.
Snow Cone King: I’m giving up. Some fandom guru who actually knows stuff can figure this out
The Orange Death: Valid
Snow Cone King: I lied and looked further and apparently not only are there multiple comicverse crossovers (Injustice vs the masters of the universe)(DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe)(he Man and the Masters of the Multiverse(I’m guessing is a crossover too)), but there’s a THUNDERCATS one too!
 My childhood will be complete as soon as I read that
Useless Ace: Dude that’s amazing
That’s going top of my to-read list
Snow Cone King: Mood
Gerald: Mood
The Orange Death: King, you really are a king, thank you so much!!!
Useless Ace: I rlly hope they give Adam a better costume like they did w/ Adora in the new reboot
The Orange Death: It’s a bit overdue
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Magic-Troubles
Snow Cone King: amb there’s a illusion lady in my lit class and normally Idc but she’s being so annoying and she keeps illustrating the whack tales she’s telling and the teach could care less but she’s directly in my line of sight and I wanna learn
Is there a nice way to ask her to stop?
Goldie Queen Of France: Tell her she’s making it hard to see. Rlly, just bc we’re magic doesn’t mean we have the right to be a jerk
Snow Cone King: I’m a jerk by nature
Just wanted to make sure
Flutetastic: King, you’re not magic
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Killjoy: I’m just saying! Thanos’ plan was dumb!
Jackie of Jackaland: You didn’t even watch the movie
Killjoy: I don’t have to watch a movie to know that it’s dumb to kill people for resource management when another option is literally just to make more resources
Jackie of Jackaland: Valid point op but pls start watching movies and reading comics before you rant about them based off of someone else’s tumblr rant
Killjoy: That’s less fun
Jackie of Jackaland: You mean less headache inducing
Goldie Queen of France: @Killjoy @Jackie of Jackaland polite, remember? If you’re gonna throw hands, do it in the dms.
Killjoy: Right, sorry
Jackie of Jackaland: Sry
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Magic-troubles
Snow Cone King: Wait are trails colored different by sect or by person?
Coracle-Miracle: Supposed to be by person, but mine turned a purple/black after whatever happened with the heart
Snow Cone King: Ouch
Coracle-Miracle: It hurts less to use magic the more I use it, although Idk what that means. We’re just powering through
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #MURDOCH
Snow Cone King: If I ever leave Paris, I want to go to Canada
Mapleblood: Dude that is my entire life motto
‘Cept I’m Brazilian
Point stands
Speedster: Valid x100
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Flutetastic: Salut, t’all, should I watch Gravity Falls?
Pigtails ftw: I say yeah
It gets weird later on, so I never finished, but I liked what I saw in the beginning
Flutetastic: Awesome. I wanna see if it beats Paris rn
Pigtails ftw: What even is Paris rn?
Flutetastic: Mood
Pigtails ftw: No but like, legit. What’s going on over there?
Flutetastic: #That-Real-Life
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #That-Real-Life
Flutetastic: @Pigtails ftw so yaknow about the magic hearts thing?
Pigtails ftw: didn’t know they were real
Flutetastic: Common response
@Snow Cone King @Coracle Miracle @Rough-Glamor @Goldie Queen Of France come help me out
So the heart/miraculous of Modification got corrupted by somebody, so far no one knows if they’re a strong sorcerer or a lucky human, but it happened and is messing with all change mages.
Snow Cone King: And he uses the extra power to possess civilians and turn them into rampaging monsters who are supposed to hold the city hostage for the hearts of Destruction and Restoration
Coracle-Miracle: which are, btw, also the hearts of purity and chaos
Snow Cone King: How does that work?
Coracle-Miracle: Those two hearts are the strongest and have multiple tie-in clauses, like luck, but that translates to really dangerous and often selfish sorcerers so instead they split into sections within theirs. It’s really interesting actually! Jaclynn O’Conner wrote a really cool book on it, I suggest you read that.
Pigtails ftw: That sounds demonic
Flutetastic: It nearly is
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catboybrain · 1 year
gen1 FAQ
i see these questions in gen1 so much i thought i might as well make a post
no, early bird form is not out yet! you can't choose a team YET but there is a way to choose one before the fight and you will get a ping for it. you'll also be able to choose roles in the discord and get colored names!
there's nothing saying you have to theme attacks to the theme, it's just a way for people to be sorted into two groups so the "fight" part of artfight can happen. friendly fire (attacking on your team) yields less points though, so if you're competitive, watch out for that.
a hitlist is a google form that people make so people can submit characters for them to possibly attack. you don't need to make one, but if you struggle finding characters or you're trying to make a mass attack with specific types of characters, hitlists are useful! you can post them in target-hunting ONLY you will get dinged for posting them in gen1.
no, you can't advertise servers in gen1 if a mod is around you will get dinged.. even for asking, not just giving!
will be updated as gen1 gets sillier and sillier
im new, what should i do to set up?
oc references! they don't need to be turnarounds or anything fancy, just a fullbody reference with flat colors so people can color pick. honestly, even shaded references are ok.
page description! lots of people see who's active/invested by their last seen status and also their profile description, so make sure to tell the world about yourself a bit :o)
character permissions. global means it applies to your whole account, and then character permissions show up on each character. these are good for very important design notes or things you don't want your characters drawn as. i personally put wishlists in my character permissions as well!
character descriptions. i put these kind of high up because even if you just have a sentence about a character, it's more likely you'll get accurate attacks and people will be able to connect with them more!
#target-hunting... those cool little card templates you see in #artfight-2023? those are meant for target hunting! posting in there will get more eyes on your stuff and make it more likely for people to attack you, if that's your thing! you can also fill out hitlists which will get your name out to people as well.
page deco. some people draw their friends and add their links (pagedolls), some put past team stamps theyve been on, it's all up to you! normally i do this as my very last thing because it's pretty much just flair.
do as many or as little of the above as you like, then venture out in the tumultuous waters of artfight dot com and snag some character references! remember to save them locally along with the id so you can draw even if the site goes down (it probably will...)
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directory-of-emotes · 2 years
DOE+ (Directory of Emotes+)
The current way discord emote "shopping" works, just doesn't. It's inefficient, confusing, and usually results in artists not getting recognized or getting proper credit. That simply won't cut it anymore. And so, DOE+ is here to change it.
About us:
DOE+ is dedicated to the ethical use of art. This mostly encompasses use on the Discord platform but also includes advocacy through social media. We believe that artists need the credit they deserve, marginalized artists deserve a voice, commissioners deserve an easier experience, and the public deserves convenience.
DOE+'s goal is to expand our social network to allow a platform to hear artist voices and keep up to date on art news. We hope to become a nonprofit group that can pay our partner artists consistently for their work, as well as provide proper compensation for our staffs' time.
Where can I find it?
Our services will be found Discord as a set of servers. These are still under construction at the moment and will launch on October 1st 2022.
How can I be staff?
Staff applications will open on September 30th 2022 and will be posted on our Tumblr. Each mini-server will need at least one main Moderator, and those that become more popular will need at least two. Staff application updates will be posted on the DOE+ main server as well as Tumblr.
What does being an emote partner mean?
This means you're one of our VIP artists in the server. All your new emotes will get promotion from both the Tumblr and artist announcement channel. You'll have a highlighted name in chat, future monthly compensation, and say over what new features we add. We may ask for you to participate in "Meet the Artist" events but these are entirely optional.
Being an emote partner is great for artists that want a consistent server for their emotes or those who don't yet have their own server.
Does it cost money?
Of course not! If an artist is putting their work out for free then no one should be profiting off of it. You may need to purchase Nitro in order to get the full experience of our server.
Donating money is entirely optional. This is only for people who are financially able to do so and will directly go to compensation for the artists and staff as well as a savings budget to make more things available to the server. (I'm thinking future gaming stuff 😏)
If these savings are not used, they will go to the artists and staff.
Donators and Nitro Boosters get extra perks for helping out!
What's the best way to help this cause?
The best ways to help are to;
-Join the Discord Server
-Boost your favorite emote mini-server
-Follow and Support our artists
-Follow and Support this blog
-See if donating is right for you
-Tell your friends!
We appreciate your support in whatever way is best for you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
-DOE+ Team
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