#what? a non-levihan post??
suukee · 1 month
ready, set, cope 彡 aot characters
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» summary ⋆ actor au scenarios/headcanons.
» content ⋆ overall fluff. various attack on titan characters, focused on erwin smith. might be ooc, this is pretty silly.
» word count ⋆ 515
» my note ⋆ i’m going to post some of the things sitting in my drive to clear some space for assignments. 😢
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Thinking about Erwin’s appearances on set despite no longer being in the show for years now. That doesn’t stop him from coming from back time to time. He tries to attend every award ceremony to support his friends and the rest of the crew. The same treatment is often reciprocated when it comes to his award ceremonies.
One time, Zeke posted on his Instagram story regarding the filming season and how it was about to start again. Make-up set, props ready in the background. Other actors were seen sitting around in their uniforms. Erwin was there to give a surprise visit, giving him a side hug with a clapperboard in his right hand.
A month or two after an episode is aired (to avoid spoilers), Connie uploads blooper videos to his YouTube channel. One of the few moments that get really popular is Levi breaking character every few seconds because he can't stop laughing at the ticklish feeling of the bandages over his eyes and lips.
Eren and Jean stream video games on Twitch (scheduled on weekends) and are really great friends outside of the show. They often drag Armin into it, who isn’t great at games, but he tries. What matters to them is having fun regardless of what they do! They get into character once in a while, saying lines or coming up with something silly, and the chat goes insane.
Erwin ends up creating a channel to post vlogs every week or two. He gets active on social media, but he isn’t constantly up to date with trends. He’s a supportive guy though, and he learns the power of emojis the hard way.
Levi doesn’t have social media except for a Twitter account that he never uses (mainly to claim his name so no one else could take it, and there’s no profile picture). His bio is something simple that the kids come up with.
Moblit falls under this category of non-social media users but appears in posts of others.
Levi had no idea people were shipping his character with someone else, but he doesn’t get why. There’s hardly romance in this story aside from Mikasa and Eren, it’s mostly about war.
In a Q&A, he briefly admits that Eruri is cute but thinks Levihan has more chemistry.
During an interview, Connie once accidentally said a minor spoiler and Reiner tried to cover it up by flexing his muscles as a form of distraction. Mikasa laughed the entire time as the two freaked out, and Bertholdt had to tell them, “Be quiet before you guys say something worse!
However, 95% of the time, it’s Eren who spoils almost everything about the show… if it isn’t for Annie covering his mouth and Floch suddenly making weird “ah-ah!” screams to stop him from saying anything else.
Levi had brought duck tape to cover the poor boy’s mouth—if needed, he claimed.
Petra and Oluo were in awe when they heard about AurEtra. She gives her support to Eruri and Aruani, while Oluo thinks love is the last thing to worry about in this tragic journey.
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this-is-krikkit · 5 months
Hey Sunshine 💕
You can't imagine how sorry I am that you lost all these gems you wrote 😭 Fate as deprived us of so many amazing Levihan fics & kisses 🥺 I really hope there's a way to get them back 🤞🍀
Seeing the last prompt list you reblogged (soft fic) I couldn't resist requesting 26 Pyjamas for Levihan or Erurihan because of the headcanons we talked about the other day based on this beautiful fanart 😉
I hope writing something new will cheer you up a bit!
Sending love & hugs 💕🫂
hey Val ♥️ as you know, i did get my wips back!! your good luck wishes seem to have worked haha
thank you for sending me one of these soft prompts. inspiration took a while to come for this one, but then i stumbled upon this post:
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and i knew i had your fic. hope you enjoy! ♥️
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The Momentum Principle (read on ao3)
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Words: 2566 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman & Nanaba & Erwin Smith & Mike Zacharias & Hange Zoë Characters: Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Mike Zacharias, Nanaba (Shingeki no Kyojin) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Best Friends, Unrequited Crush, Canon Non-Binary Character, They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, SNK Veterans - Freeform, and they were ROOMMATES, (oh my god they were roommates), no beta we die like that vine ref SIKE IT'LL NEVER DIE, pretentious titling because that's how i roll
Summary: Studies show that staying awake for over twenty-four hours has similar effects on the human brain as having a bloodstream concentration of alcohol way over legal limits. Biology major Hange Zoë is aware of that fact. Sadly, they’re also aware that there are finals to pass, and not enough hours in a day to study for them.
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Hange frowned at the page before their eyes and clicked the table lamp off and back on, ignoring the annoyed stares the repeated and ineffective gesture got them from the students around –served them all right anyway, they mused, when they’d all been regularly stealing Hange glances they didn’t even bother to try and make discreet all morning. But something other than being ogled at like a circus freak was making it hard to decipher the words in front of them, though they couldn’t put their finger on what exactly. The world around them had been seeming especially bleak lately and even more so today, which wasn’t unusual during the intense studying marathons they famously put themself through with finals drawing near, but they couldn’t recall a time where it had actually impacted their already damaged eyesight; and the persistent, pulsing ache tracing along their temples sure wasn’t helping.
The most rational part of their brain offered stress and weariness as culprits, and Hange had to admit they couldn’t easily dismiss either of those. The cramming schedule they’d been imposing on themself may have gotten a little out of hand in the last couple of weeks, so much so Hange couldn’t even remember the last time they’d set foot in the living room to share homemade dinners or play board games with their four roommates like they usually would during cold winter evenings. They hadn’t even partook in early morning idle chitchat or occasional evening drinks on their way home from the campus library, not when they’d been consistently arriving right on opening time –they’d been pulling all nighters more often than not, anyway, and felt too restless to stay home and wait for the others to get ready– and had become the last student to leave it at night.
Hange closed their eyes for a minute as they let their head fall forward, rolling their neck and shoulders and relishing in the satisfying crack their muscles and tendons sighed out at the stretch. If only their brain could gain knowledge through osmosis via that simple contact between their forehead and over-highlighted textbook; if information were to be solutes, then, considering how little they’d efficiently memorized lately, it would flow right inside their lowly concentrated head without a doubt. They smiled at that absurd reflection, giddy with the realization that hey, they’d apparently managed to remember some things from those hellish Introduction to Fluid Mechanics lectures.
That unexpected sense of comfort was short lived, however, when they were hit with a wave of the increasingly familiar nausea their self inflicted sleep deprivation never failed to bring. Hange opened their eyes to fight the dizziness and took deep breathes in and out, silently counting up the right inhale to exhale ratio –simultaneously urging their body to hold up for a little while longer.
Two weeks, they pleaded. Just two more weeks and I can take a break.
Seven long sleepless days and nights of tensed cramming, followed by a week of nerve-wracking and hopefully mostly accurate square ticking in reply to more often than not purposefully confusingly phrased questions, and then they’d be free to hang out with their friends and be a, well, not exactly normal, but close to normal young adult again.
But the thought saddened more than it motivated them, and they had to consciously stop themself from looking around to see if they could spot any of the three blondes they’d come to think of as family. Erwin, Nanaba and Mike all had similar exams to take soon and the spacious library had filled in by whatever time it was now, so they would no doubt be within these four walls. Sundays usually involved morning revising, followed by strictlynon-academic plans everyone would have previously agreed onfor their common weekly afternoon off.
Hange winced at the pang of loneliness they felt when they realized they actually had no idea what their closest friends would be up to later. It only got worse when they remembered that Levi, who they’d been trying not to focus any thoughts on as those were proving more and more distracting these past few months, hadn’t tried to coax them into coming along this weekend like he’d done since they’d started studying more intensely. Hange had noticed Erwin’s surprised glances and Mike and Nanaba’s barely disguised teasing laughs when he’d started doing it, and they couldn’t really blame any of them –after all, that initiative from Levi had been a drastic switch from their previously established social roles.
Lost in memories of Levi’s techniques to get them to go out, which had mostly consisted of an association of almost threats and intense glaring until they would caved –which they hadn’t, amazingly– it took them a minute to notice the hand upon their right shoulder.
“Get up,” a familiar voice whispered up close, startling them.
Shit. Think of the devil.
Levi had also been pestering them about taking an actual break, on top of the Sunday festivities they’d been avoiding, but up until now their shared roommates had acted as enough of a buffer that Hange had been able to pretend they hadn’t noticed his nagging messages in the groupchat or pointed stares near the laundry machine.
“I’m fine right here,” they said cheerfully, pretending to focus on their textbook again and turning the page they’d been staring for a while without managing to actually read a word of it.
They weren’t sure they could get up, really, not without betraying their exhausted state to their closest friend and having to admit just how shitty they’d been at taking care of themself lately.
They swallowed back a shocked yelp as hands seized them up and pulled them to their feet anyway, and they caught themself on the table at the last moment to prevent the inevitable fall that would await them if they really were to put all their weight on their knees right now.
“What are you doing?” they asked through gritted teeth, unable to glare back at him as the head rush made dark spots dance in front of their eyes. “Let me go, I need to study.”
Levi wordlessly –and annoyingly easily– tore them away from their spot, half carrying them until they were both standing in front of one of the nearby arch windows. Hange muffled their protesting squeals out of some remnant of respect for the nosy judgmental students around, even though they knew Levi’s powerful glaring would probably prevent any of them from protesting at the noise of their struggling in the otherwise religiously quiet space.
And then they looked up and caught sight of their reflection.
And shamefully realized they could have given their curious peers the benefit of the doubt and hypothesized there might have been a valid reason behind all the curious looks they’d been getting all morning.
Hange was wearing their long sleeved purple octopus pajama top, the buttons ridiculously mismatched, with unmatched green cat-patterned pajamas bottoms –that they realized with a quiet gasp were probably Levi’s and not theirs, now that they were noticing the pants ended well above their ankles. There wasn’t one but two hair ties failing to hold their greasy matted hair up and away from their face, and their goggle-shaped sunglasses were hanging crooked on their nose with the rubber band twisted on both their temples –which finally explained part of their lingering headache, and why it was so challenging to read.
“What you need is to go home, Four Eyes.”
Tears sprung to their eyes before they could stop them, and for a minute they only stared at their shiny mirror image in quiet puzzlement. These weren’t tears of shame even if, as used as they were to being unconventional and to other people’s reaction to their self expression, this accidental pajama-in-public incident was definitely an all time new low for them. Exhaustion could have played a role, and the dark circles under their eyes as well as their paler than ever complexion easily spelled it out for them.
But mostly, Hange felt guilty. Levi had tried to mask it, but his voice had wavered over his own nickname for them, like he felt pained at seeing them in this state, and he couldn’t quite meet their eyes when that was his main tool to get anyone to comply to his requests.
“I don’t think I can,” they replied honestly.
His now openly worried gaze finally met theirs in the glass in front of them and he frowned, opening his mouth to object.
But Hange shook their head slowly in defeat.
They weren’t arguing with him, they were simply stating a truth.
They knew they must have taken the bus to get here, but they honestly couldn’t remember any part of the journey –hell, they couldn’t even remember putting shoes on, although they were glad they’d thought of that at least. They didn’t think they had a key to the apartment on them, as they usually resided in the deep pocket of the wool coat they’d forgotten to put on even before going out in this freezing winter weather. And practical issues asides, they didn’t actually trust themself to actually make it home in one piece right now, not even in the middle of a bright busy morning in the city and to their place that really wasn’t that far off campus.
Levi narrowed his eyes at them before nodding once, sharp.
“Wait outside. I’ll meet you in five.”
But Hange stood there, equally confused and chagrined at his statement. Was he going to go home with them? No, that wouldn’t do.
Levi had his own finals to study for, Hange couldn’t impose on him like that because they’d been stupid enough to push themself past their limit. They would simply have to endure a couple more hours of trying not to pass out at their seat until noon came around and all of their roommates went home anyway, to tag along without disrupting anyone’s schedule in the process.
Levi’s hands squeezed at their shoulders firmly, and his stare hardened in the window as if he could hear them reaching that conclusion.
Then he let go but didn’t move too far, seemingly unsure if Hange could actually stand by themself.
They rolled their eyes fondly, and –precociously– turned around, sporting what they hoped looked like a gentle smile and not a maniac grin –Levi’s expression remained stubbornly set, so they couldn’t tell either way– before moving carefully towards the door. They tried their hardest not to stumble on the way, and coughed to mask their giggling when they failed and almost tripped on their own feet.
Levi met them at the back exit of the building with their backpack and his own stuff shortly, and Hange didn’t bother trying to hide that they’d nearly fallen asleep on the stairs in the few minutes they’d been apart.
He frowned as they yawned without putting their hands to their mouth, but uncharacteristically didn’t comment on it as he grabbed their elbow to direct them towards an unknown car a few feet away.
They dug their heels in the sidewalk when they realized he’d ordered a paying ride for them.
“Wait, Levi, there’s no need for that. The bus–
“Won’t be here for another twenty minutes,” he interrupted. “You’re not passing out in the streets again, not under my watch.”
They recognized his clipped tone as the one that didn’t suffer any kind of discussion, even as he mentioned that party a month ago. Hange sighed inwardly, but followed his steps –they were way too tired to fight him anymore.
“What, like you’d get worried?” they still teased –they were exhausted, not dead. No way in hell would they miss an occasion to needle their favorite neat freak.
Levi snorted, and had Hange been less asleep on their feet, they’d have felt proud that they’d managed to get that sound out of him.
“I’d worry about my back, for one. I don’t want to know what carrying your unconscious ass home twice would do to it.”
“Hey, not fair!” They whined in protest, missing their target completely when they tried to playfully slap his arm. “I was at least ten pounds heavier then! And besides, Mike did most of the carrying, didn’t he?”
Hange couldn’t remember much from that night, but the rumor –in the form of Erwin and Nanaba’s recollection of the evening as they’d told it to them the following day, anyway– had Levi so worried about them passing out drunk he’d been too restlessly anxious to carry them himself, and had instead covered them in all of their friends’ coats, shoving their unconscious body in Mike’s strong arms, and then proceeding to walk beside him to closely monitor their breathing and that they wouldn’t choke on their own tongue or surprise vomit.
Hange only recalled waking up propped against multiple pillows with a pounding head and a grumpy –well, grumpier than usual– and sleep-deprived Levi who had shoved a glass of water in their shaky hand and scolded them about their alcohol consumption for the next half hour or so. It had then taken them drinking and keeping down a whole liter of diverse hydrating fluids before he’d finally left them alone to go and nurse his own hangover, and it was only after he’d left that Hange had noticed the newfound tidiness of their room and how the purple fatboy that would normally lay forgotten in a corner of the room –and under a pile of questioningly clean clothes and textbooks– had been pushed right next to their bed with a possibly Levi-shaped indentation in it.
Levi didn’t answer their rhetorical question, instead stopping in his tracks and giving them a clinical once over.
“What?” they prompted, barely resisting the urge to cross their arms to hide themself from his examination.
“Nothing,” he replied quickly, averting his eyes and opening the car door for them.
He muttered something under his breath still, and Hange’s ears caught a few words that sounded suspiciously like end up disappearing if you keep this up.
He greeted the driver and confirmed his identity as Hange plopped down with a relieved groan, and didn’t miss the concerned look Levi shot them as he sat next to them. His hand slid down from where it was still gripping their elbow to rest gently on their forearm as the car started, and they could swear he gave it a small, awkward but infinitely soft couple of comforting pats.
Hange boldly took advantage of this atypically lengthy physical contact, and moved so they could slide their hands together almost nonchalantly –almost, because they nearly faltered when Levi’s neck snapped to stare at their fingers in awe.
Hange smiled as naturally as they could to try and ease the shock from his features.
“I’ll pay you back for the ride,” they promised, squeezing his hand once.
They let him go after that. It wouldn’t do for their most introverted friend who was making sure they were getting safely home to get a brain aneurysm from their unexpected and possibly unwanted touches, after all.
“Tch. You better,” he grunted, moving his hand back to his lap immediately.
They couldn’t help but smile again when they took note that his tone wasn’t nearly as biting as they knew it could be.
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youre-ackermine · 3 months
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Sunburst: a sudden brief appearance of the full sun from behind clouds
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Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe / Petra Ral / Erwin Smith / Miche Zacharias / Nanaba / Zeke Jaeger / Nifa (mention) / Moblit Berner (mention) / Yelena (mention)
Pairing: Levihan (friendship) / Rivetra / Zekehan / Erumike (implied)
Wordcount: 2265 approx.
Modern AU / SFW / Levihan slow burn / High school friends / Established relationships / Non-binary AFAB Hange Zoe / Swearwords / POV Levi Ackerman
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His mood probably couldn’t get gloomier now that he had finished all the tasks -most likely meant to distract him from his dejection now he thought about it- that Miche had assigned to him since morning.
He was sitting on the steps leading to the porch, a glass of iced-tea from the bowl he had freshly prepared in hand. On the surface his face showed all the usual signs of annoyance and boredom that seemed to be his signature expression but, if you could get a closer look, melancholy tinged his features quite unexpectedly as he scrolled on his phone.
Levi frowned, squinting his eyes in the sun and gluing them to the screen. His heart sank when he saw Petra’s latest post on Instagram, a picture of Nifa and herself, all smiles as they drank some fruity cocktail from a ridiculously huge coconut through colorful straws. A nasty surge of jealousy stung him when he noticed the lustful glances a bunch of guys sitting with them around a restaurant table cast her way.
“The fuck that means,” he mumbled under his breath. 
They were supposed to drink stupid cocktails from stupid coconuts together and they were supposed to bask in the sun on this stupid white sand beach together and they were supposed to soak in this stupid warm lagoon water together. But she had gone on vacation with Nifa instead, arguing she needed time. And space. To find herself, to recharge. To think about them.
Yeah, they were on a break. Yeah, she had decided this one-sidedly. Yeah, she had urged him to pack some of his stuff and stay at his best friend’s for a while. Yeah, he didn’t understand the fuck why she wanted this but he had obliged. Yeah, he would oblige again and again. And fucking yeah, he would do anything she asked if it meant he could win her back.
But dammit! Seeing her having a good time away from him, seeing her smiling as he was still stuck in anger and sadness after four weeks apart, imagining other men ogling her perfect curves, flirting with her, or even laying their dirty hands on her was tearing his heart apart.
A firm yet friendly pat on his shoulder snapped Levi off his stupor. He glanced sideways at Erwin as he sat down next to him.
“No point in hurting yourself over something you can’t control, Levi,” his best friend said, a hint of concern in his soft tone. A faint but incredibly fond smile appeared on Erwin’s face. “Get rid of your phone for now and go freshen up. You wouldn’t want Miche to scold you in front of the guests, would you?”
“As if I gave two shits about what that blond titan thinks!” Levi replied, rolling his eyes. He got up and pocketed his phone nonetheless, heading to his bedroom to change clothes.
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He was pouring a refreshing drink for Nanaba, casually catching up with her, when a boisterous exclamation caught their attention. Everybody raised their heads and glasses, cheering the guest of honor as they waved frantically from the driveway where they were stepping out of their car.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe you all came! I’m so happy!” Hange shrieked, eyes sparkling with excitement and a huge smile on their face.
They laughed heartily as their step-brother picked them up in his arms and spun them around as if they weighed nothing.
“Happy birthday, Nerdling,” Miche whispered in their ear, his mustache tickling their skin when he pecked their cheek.
He loosened his embrace and let Hange go. Their gaze wandered around the garden to greet their guests, their radiant smile growing wider and reaching their eyes as they finally fell on their best friend.
“Happy birthday Hans!” she said, her arms wrapping around them. They held each other tight for a while until Hange peeked past Nanaba’s shoulder and recognised the short man standing next to the iced-tea bowl, his pouring gesture frozen in the air.
Hange’s eyes widened. “Holy Walls! Grumpy Pants, is that you?!”
“Tch… No shit, Four-Eyes,” he deadpanned, still gripping Nanaba’s glass by the rim.
“Still so handsome behind the scowl, right Shorty?” They chuckled and winked at him before turning to another guest.
For some reason his stomach churned.
A rhetorical question. Obviously.
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The festive afternoon was drawing to a close. The birthday cake was nothing more than a few forgotten crumbs on a plate by now, the opened gifts had been thrown haphazardly on Hange’s car backseat, and the last guests had said their goodbyes a while ago.
Trash bags in hand, Miche, Erwin and Nanaba busied themselves around the garden and the terrace to throw paper plates and plastic cups away.
Levi had found the party more pleasant than expected. And definitely more pleasant than he would ever admit. 
After flitting from one friend to the next, Hange had finally pulled out a chair to sit across from him in his favourite corner of the garden, near a bush of fragrant roses that always reminded him of his mother’s perfume.
They hadn’t met since the graduation ceremony a few years ago. They had caught up on what they had both been doing since then, inadvertently -and frankly, as an afterthought, much to his relief- dodging the matters of the heart.
He knew from Miche that they had been studying abroad in a prestigious university in Hizuru and had recently come back to work in a renowned research company in Trost, dragging their all-time lab partner Moblit -the fuck was this name by the way?- along with them. They had asked him a lot of questions about his work as an architect and his accomplishments in his hobbies. MMA techniques seemed to fascinate them by the way.
Levi's mind had been at ease listening to Hange’s enthusiastic babbling for hours, taking in their lively face and their bright, beautiful brown eyes behind their stained glasses. He had forgotten his worries for a while, lulled into a blissful daze by their voice, his heart almost soothed by their cheerful presence.
As the sun slowly set behind a hill, the gate creaked open to reveal a tall blond man with a well-trimmed beard and a pair of golden round glasses. Levi looked up at the newcomer who gestured to him to remain silent while he smoothly joined them, careful not to crunch the gravel under his feet.
Sensing something was off when their eyes fell on Levi’s face, Hange stopped their rant about whatever toxic plant they were blabbering about.
“Shorty? Something’s wrong? You’re as white as Moblit’s asscheeks all of a sudden!” they asked in a worried tone.
Moblit's assch-, what? Taken aback, Levi didn’t have time enough to retort.
Hange squealed when the man slid his hands over their waist from behind, but tilted their head back to look at him and flashed a beaming smile. He kissed their lips, lingering a bit too much to Levi’s liking, forcing him to avert his gaze in a burst of decency.
“By the Walls Zeke, I missed you so much!” Hange asked between kisses. “I’ve been waiting for you all day! Where have you been?”
Levi felt more and more like a creep, staring at the couple.
“Yelena missed her train to her parents' town so I gave her a drive there. Thought you wouldn’t mind, Honey!”
“Oh, Yelena… Of course I don’t mind!” Their voice faltered uncharacteristically.
Levi’s chest tightened as he noticed the way Hange’s face fell with their half-assed reply. How could someone be oblivious or careless enough to let down someone as kind as Hange on their own birthday? How could someone be cruel enough and bear to swipe Hange’s bright smile off their face?
That monkey could, of course.
Hange’s smile quickly came back to enlighten their face though. They got up, fidgeting with the paper napkin they still held in their hands. They tittered and gestured between both men.
“Oh, I'm sorry! Let me introduce you, guys!” they blurted out. “Zeke Darling, this is Levi Ackerman, Erwin’s best friend. Shorty, this is my fiancé Zeke Jaeger.”
Levi got up, gritting his teeth as he extended his hand and shook Zeke’s in a tight grip.
“What are the odds! You’re both renowned architects now I think about it!” Hange exclaimed cheerfully.
“Oh but your friend and I have already met before Honey!” The blond man smirked. “I won the Trost Finance Center building project over him!”
Zeke let go of Levi’s hand.
“Nice to see you again Ackerman,” he added with a feigned joviality.
He snaked his arm around Hange’s waist to pull them closer.
“Let’s go Honey! It’s getting late and I’d like to make it up to you tonight,” he said in a disgusting husky voice, shamelessly kissing his fiancée’s skin under their ear until they blushed and gasped like a shy teenager. Levi clenched his fists.
Hange stuttered as they bid him goodbye, promising to meet again soon over a cup of coffee, and waved to their hosts and best friend before heading to their car. They giggled when Zeke slid his hand down the small of their back and over their ass, whispering something in their ear as they walked down the driveway.
Levi’s eyes followed the rear lights until the car turned left at the end of the street, leaving a hollow feeling in his guts.
A friendly arm wrapped around his shoulder and Nanaba dragged him towards the house.
“C’mon Munchkin, let’s grab a beer and order a pizza!”
She pecked him on the cheek.
“So fucking gross Nana, I can’t stand wet kisses,” he grumbled.
“Of course you can’t sweetie.”
But he couldn’t help but smile when she pulled him closer to kiss him again and burst out laughing when he swiftly wiped his cheek.
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Levi relished in the cool sensation of the breeze over his skin and the comforting warmth of his tea. The chirping of crickets nearby was lulling him into a peaceful slumber. He felt his stiff shoulders, his clenched jaw, his tense nape finally relax.
“So, Hange…” Erwin started once Nanaba had left and Miche had gone to bed.
“The fuck are you talking ‘bout Four-Eyes?” he replied, all the tension washing back over him.
Erwin raised his hands in a gesture of appeasement. “You seemed to get along well today, is all.”
Here we go, you blond bastard.
Erwin’s speech was only getting started and pain already throbbed in his head. Levi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Yeah, ‘twas nice to catch up after all those years. They’re not so bad to talk to.” He paused.  “Distracted me from this shitty life of mine for a bit.”
“I could tell.” Erwin took a sip of coffee and placed the cup back on the saucer. “You didn’t seem to enjoy Zeke’s company though.”
“That monkey? Hell no! You know how dirty he played with the Finance Tower project and fucked me over! How could I ever want to see this shithead again, you dumbass?”
Erwin knew better than to reply yet.
“How this brainiac is engaged to such a jerk is beyond me! Like, it’s their birthday and he shows up when the party's over, with all his lovey-dovey shit to cover up how he spent the afternoon with someone else instead… Disrespectful at the very least ‘f you ask me!”
Erwin smirked at his friend’s rant.
“What’s with the smirk, moron?”
“Nothing really.” Erwin’s gaze softened. “I don’t remember hearing you say so many words in one go. Ever. I wonder what got into you.” He chuckled.
Levi clicked his tongue. “Nothing special. We were having a nice little talk with Four-Eyes and I started to forget the crap piling up in my life at the moment and that fucking monkey ruined it all.”
Silence settled for a few minutes between both men.
“Seemed to do you good talking with someone else. You’re gonna hang with them again? I mean Hange.” Erwin asked after a while.
“Er yeah I guess… They mentioned a cup of coffee or shit some day soon.”
“Good! We’re your friends and we’re all worried about you, Levi. But, as you won't talk to us then talk with Hange. Anything that makes you feel better.”
Levi facepalmed to soothe the increasing pounding in his head and sighed.
“Could you mind your own fucking business for once, Blondie?” he hissed, rubbing his temples in a circle. “You’re giving me a headache.”
Erwin stood up, put a hand on Levi’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“Well, I’ll leave you alone then.”
He scooped his coffee cup off the table and took a few steps towards the door before turning around.
“Try to sleep tonight. You need to get some rest.”
Levi remained silent.
Erwin’s steps echoed in the evening darkness and he stopped briefly when gripping the handle.
“Good night Levi. See you tomorrow.”
As the door softly clicked shut, Levi let out a sharp breath he was holding for some time.
Yeah. Another day full of crap. The sparkle Hange had briefly brought in his otherwise dull life today was at least something he supposed.
“Shit! Life sucks, huh Four-Eyes?” he muttered to himself. His day couldn’t get any shittier than it already was, right?
Something vibrated in his back pocket. He fished his phone and answered without even thinking.
“Levi?” Petra’s voice. His body stiffened.
“Uhm yeah…” He ran his fingers through his hair to try and shut down his nervousness.
“We need to talk.”
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Requested by anon // Prompt #30 "Where have you been?" from this drabble challenge
Proofreading @dont-f-with-moogles Thank you so much for your help Terra Darling 🩶
Header & dividers @youre-ackermine
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A/N: Crossposted on AO3 as chapter 2 of my series It's not like I've got something grand to say to you // This takes place one year before Dumbstruck // English is not my usual language
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fanmoose12 · 11 months
Won't Hange develop like a PSTD from fire
Promote: post war levihan × this
Hange is scared of fire.
Levi knows it. Understands it. He'd too be afraid of it had he been what Hange had been through. And he tries to help them with it - in what little ways he can.
He makes sure he's always the one who lights the fireplace in their cabin. Makes food for the two of them, because Hange can oftentimes be clumsy, and he doesn't want for them to accidentally burn the skin that was already burnt so terribly. He sits Hange down every evening and rubs soothing balms onto every inch of them that has been injured.
But sometimes - way too often to Levi's liking - all this help, all his well-meant attempts are still not enough.
Sometimes, Hange screams in their sleep, tosses and turns as though they try to extinguish the non-existent fire. Sometimes they wake up, cling onto him, and whisper, "It hurts, Levi, it hurts so much," with tears streaming down their face. Sometimes they drag him out on a walk or sit down to read a book, and all of a sudden, their face pales and hands begin to tremble, and they bite their lip to keep from crying out, as unwanted memories worm their way into their recently acquired peaceful life.
Hange never talks to him about it, never explains what is it that they see in their dreams or during those short moments when they seem to lose connection to reality. When asked - by curious Gabi or clueless Falco - Hange becomes snappy, and sometimes - downright mean. They refuse to ever breach that subject, not that Levi actually urges them to do that. It certainly doesn't seem healthy, or in any way beneficial to Hange's recovery; people need to talk about that kind of stuff, they shouldn't bottle all of their emotions and turn to simple avoidance. Levi knows that.
But he can't exactly judge them fot that. It'd come as nothing short of condescending and, worst of all, hypocritical. After all, he prefers his traumas to be buried too.
But since he can't talk it out with Hange, he doesn't really know what else to do, how to help them overcome it. He's not even sure that they actually can. How can one simply forget and move on from a trauma so horrific?
But it doesn't stop Levi from trying. He asks Onyankopon about this once, but his 'time heals all wounds' isn't all that helpful. If Levi's life has taught him anything, it’s that time at best mends the wounds, but doesn't close them completely.
Something more is usually required.
He searches for it, but without much success. He goes to the library, shifts through a dozen books, but doesn't find anything more useful than Onyankopon's bit of wisdom.
So, he resolves to help however he is able to. He tries to distract Hange - with books he brings from the library and a little garden that he organised with the sole purpose of cheering them up. He holds them in his arms after they suffer through another nightmare. Tries to find some soothing words, often borrowing them from the books he read, and finds that, miraculously, they work, although not in the way that the smart people who wrote them probably intended. Hange usually scoffs at his attempts, and on the nights when he gets especially lucky - they crack a smile or even chuckle at him. He always feels a bit stupid afterwards, but Hange relaxes in his embrace, and sometimes the end definitely justify the means.
Besides, he knows that, honestly, he's not faring that much better. Maybe not in the same way, but he's just as broken as Hange is. He's not the man he was before. Most days, he can't even get out of the bed on his own, and most evenings greet him with a terrible ache in his legs that sometimes becomes too excruciating to bear.
He knows that he often gets too angry and for no good reason too. And there are days when he feels helpless, useless, nothing more than a nuisance to Hange, and he doesn't want to do a thing, just lay in bed, staring at the wall and reliving all the good times that he didn't at all appreciate before, until Hange finds him and forces him to eat and take a bath. He's no stranger to nightmares too, although where Hange's make them relive the worst moments of their life, Levi is condemned to the ones of his best. The ghosts of comrades and friends invade his dreams and make that ache inside that much acuter, that much harder to bear.
He got his happy ending, he survived, but they did not. And he knows that this guilt he will carry with him forever.
But not all of it is bad. There is not a thing Levi regrettes.
What are nightmares if you wake up in the arms of the person you love most? What are petty arguments and rare screaming matches, when a simple 'sorry' and a kiss can evaporate all anger? What is pain, if you have someone, who will soothe your wounds with gentle hands and reverent kisses? What are the terrible hardships and heartbreaks of the past, if the future appears to be brighter and more hopeful than you could ever imagine?
Why does all of it matter, if you wake up to the sight of your most favorite person in the world, if your days are filled with their laughter and their hand fits right into yours?
How you can hate a life that's already given you so much more than you deserved?
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classysassy9791 · 11 months
Outside of IY what are your other big OTPs
AH! I have so many anon, but I'll keep it strictly to animes!
Fairy Tail: Graylu
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Boku no Hero Academia: Kacchako
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Bleach: Ichihime
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Fruits Basket: Kyoru
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Yona of the Dawn: Hakyona
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Psycho-Pass: Koaka
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Attack on Titan: Levihan
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Edwin
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Oran High School Host Club: Tamaharu
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Kamisama Kiss: Tomoe x Nanami
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Snow White with the Red Hair: Zenyuki
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Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichiryou
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And then for funsies I'll just post my most recent obsession that's non-anime:
The 100: Belarke
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Thanks so much for the ask anon!!
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micia-posts-stuff · 8 months
Hey! It's been ages since we've talked! Just came back to the fandom couple months ago, after years on hiatus. Anyway, I got this ask and I remembered you <3 "Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) ✨♥️" Hope we can keep in touch though even despite this
Hey, welcome back! Sure we can keep in touch, my asks and dms are always open ^^ I don't make analysis posts about snk anymore because it's over and I don't really keep up on the latest news, but I still reblog Levihan fanarts amongst other things. Anyway let's get to it
1. I like that I can understand other people well. When I want to help someone feel better being able to understand what's bothering them is nice
2. I love my memory, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm able to remember a lot of things long term (not short term, I really suck at that ahah), sometimes I just spend some time remembering stuff to freshen them up in my mind
2. I like that I'm a pretty optimistic person, not to say that I'm happy all the time, but I can often find even small but good things to be glad about
4. I'm proud of my academic achievements. I'm towards the end of University and I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish, good job to me
5. I like what I draw. It's not perfect, there are a lot of things that I still don't know how to do and I want to continue improving and experimenting with my art, but I've reached a point where I don't hate what I draw and I'm able to look at it and be proud of it
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missnobodymadness · 8 months
Welcome to my place, any similarities with an asylum are pure coincidence.
I'm Miss Nobody, a 31 years old person who loves creating, sharing and read about original characters, with a strong preference for fan characters. English is not my first language and I am far from having a perfect grammar, I feel like this is important information considering that I write a lot about my characters. I consider myself a non-binary person and I feel comfortable with any pronouns.
⚠️ This blog may contain mature content occasionally and while never visually explicit I still feel like this deserves a warning, especially if you don't like cussing, I cuss a lot! Proceed with caution, you have been warned.⚠️
✔ Things I like ✔
❥ Art ❥ Anime ❥ TV shows ❥ Music ❥ Wajas ❥ Sharks and orcas
✪ Fandoms ✪
They are too many to list but I'm listing the main ones here, no order of preference.
➤ Attack On Titan* ➤ Naruto* ➤ Spy x Family ➤ Chainsaw Man ➤ Jujutsu Kaisen ➤ Pokémon ➤ Berserk (Manga only) ➤ The Walking Dead ➤ Game Of Thrones ➤ MCU ➤ The Lion King* * = Main obsessions.
♥ My ships ♥
I enjoy shipping a lot and think it is an important part of my blog as I reblog these a lot, before following, please, check this list, I don't have time for drama and I won't start any over ships I don't like either, I'm here to have fun.
❥ Levi x Hange (Attack on Titan)* ❥ Levi x Hange x Erwin (Attack On Titan) ❥ Ymir x Historia (Attack On Titan) ❥ Loid x Yor (Spy x Family)* ❥ Hashirama x Madara (Naruto) ❥ Nami x Vivi (One Piece) ❥ Re-L x Vincent (Ergo Proxy) ❥ Jiraiya x Tsunade (Naruto) ❥ Kazuki x Rei (Buddy Daddies) ❥ Haruka x Michiru (Sailor Moon) ❥ Cara x Kahlan (Legend Of The Seeker) ❥ Jon Snow x Sam (Game Of Thrones) ❥ Daenerys x Tyrion (Game Of Thrones) ❥ Sam x Eileen (Supernatural) ❥ Linda x Mazikeen (Lucifer) ❥ Jesus x Aaron (The Walking Dead) ❥ Tara x Denise (The Walking Dead) ❥ Abraham x Eugene (The Walking Dead) ❥ Alicent x Rhaenyra (House Of The Dragon) ❥ Stede x Black Beard (Our Flag Means Death)
* = Currently obsessed with
Warning: This blog contains OC x Canon ships and loves these, if you don't like these, don't follow.
✎ My characters ✎
I have lots of original characters, from original stories to fandoms, all of my humanoids are fan characters, while all of my ferals are from my original story called "Cursed Scars".
I've listed most of my characters on this page and each one of them has a hashtag on my blog where you can see and find out more about each individual character of mine, I tried my best to make it easy to navigate!
Important notes:
• No DNI as I find these very useless, at most they will make you an easy target for suspicious people.
• I do not answer private messages, these make me extremely uncomfortable as I suffer from social anxiety.
• I don't draw often as drawing makes my mental health decline a lot, I don't consider myself an artist, I draw very occasionally only.
• Some of my fan fics and original stories have very sensitive topics, it does NOT mean that I am okay or support any of these in real life, I'm not a murderer for writing about a murderer.
• I don't support or tolerate any kind of bullying or harassment over fictional ships, I couldn't care less if you ship the opposite of what I ship, you are free to and no one should be treated like shit for that, I have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior and I'd probably kick your face if I could. I ship Levihan but I ain't getting mad at Eruri, it's that simple, thank you.
Working on a page for my characters, I shall edit this post to add the link to it once I am done.
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
I feel for you. People are so hypersensitive to language and wording especially on tumblr. I’m queer myself and while I understand the projection, people also have a bad habit of throwing accusations when you disagree with those projections. We can have whatever interpretation we want but at the end of the day others don’t have to agree. The bigger issue here would be people calling you homophobic when disagreeing with their ship/interpretation not your reaction to getting attacked. I genuinely don’t understand on how some people survive in the real world. It is almost like some people want to censor others.
Yeah, exactly. Like I've said repeatedly, it's fine to see Levi as whatever sexual orientation you want, but to make it the central and most defining aspect of his character is stupid, because it's not. It's not even a minor aspect of his character, since it's never brought up or discussed in the actual story. It's literally a non-factor for him. It's not central to him on any level. And I said people are projecting because it's often the case that you'll see people making their sexual orientation, or some other, arbitrary aspect of who they are, the most defining quality of their person, and then wanting to do the same to fictional characters, even when whatever arbitrary aspect has no bearing on said character's personality or motives. That's what people do with Levi. With eruri shippers, or Levihan shippers, or what have you, they twist Levi's actions and words so that they can frame them in a romantic context in order to support their ship, which necessarily ends up in misunderstanding and mischaracterizing Levi's words and actions, and thus, his entire character. They take things Levi has said or done, which have NOTHING to do with him being in love with or attracted to anyone, and twist them around so that they can claim it has EVERYTHING to do with him being in love with or attracted to another person, and that leads to totally missing the mark on Levi's character and who he is. These people think, because I point this out, that I'm hating on and targeting gays. It's unbelievably stupid.
And almost like they want to censor others, huh? lol, I think they DEFINITELY want to censor others. They want the whole world to shape itself to their feelings, and they have a literal meltdown when it doesn't, as if their personal feelings are the most important thing in the world. Well, that's what I was talking about when I made that post about people wanting to be offended. It makes them feel special, to think of and present themselves as victims. They do it to the point of making shit up and putting words in people's mouths, just so they can cry about it and act like they've been victimized. It's attention seeking, that's all it is.
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obiwhat · 1 year
Have you ever made a list that clarifies what you will write about and what you will not? (Does that make sense? Sorry haha)
sure thing! i haven’t made a list before, i guess it never occurred to me loll but ur right, i should! sooooo~ here we go :))
specialities (things i write about most often):
obviously eruri <33
enemies to lovers eruri
modern aot AUs
angst/emotional angst (i’m not opposed to how ruthless angst can get - as my fic birds of paradise clearly proved loll)
eeeeh factors (things i’m not opposed to writing):
smut, preferably light smut
dark ackerbond AU (i’ve never written this but i’m intrigued 👀)
levihan - i like this ship mostly post erwin’s death but i’m not opposed to dabbling
zevi (okay don’t come for me on this one, i find it kinda funny)
erwin centric sickfics, angst, etc (i’m not the biggest fan of this but i’m not opposed to writing it)
hurt/no comfort
content outside of aot (specific hyperfixations of mine such as: andor, the marauders, etc.)
objections (things i will not write about):
levi x eren
levi x mikasa
any age inappropriate ships
non consensual relationships
marleyan eruri (i’m just not a fan of that whole bizz)
ships outside of the ones previously mentioned
specific kinks - like foot fetishes, etc. (ask first, then request a fic)
thanks for the ask!! hope to hear some prompts from you and any who might also like to req :)) my inbox is open, though i may be slow to answer! <3
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teenyneko · 6 years
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He’s a little loony, but he does share and play nicely. I promise.
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glassesandswords · 3 years
My Levihan Fics Masterlist
I wanted to do a masterlist for my fics once I finished ten works, so here we are!😃
Some of the stories are collabs with artists, some have arts, and some are inspired by arts, so I will be linking them all with the fics too.  
1. Our True Paradise  (Afterlife AU, fluff and angst)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Levi and Hange reunite in the afterlife and they finally confront a lifetime's worth of unsaid (but very present) feelings between them.
(Jill’s art here and Giulia’s art here)
2. Ease Our Burden (fluff and humor, veterans-centric, drunken shenanigans)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Late at night, the Survey Corps veterans head to a bar after wrapping up their year-end paperwork. What happens after a few glasses of alcohol is just plain chaos.
(Giulia’s art here)
3. A Toast to the Wings of Freedom! (Actors’ AU, fluff and humor)  [one-shot]
Summary: The shooting of the events in Chapter 132 has just wrapped up, and everyone in the cast decides to collectively pour some love for Hange on her birthday. A sassy photoshoot and some surprising reveals ensures.
(Moon’s art here)
4. Of Wings and Wheelchairs (Post-war Levi, canon-compliant, light angst)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Levi and Onyankopon sit in a coffee shop, waiting for Gabi and Falco to return from their small detour during their vacation together. Levi reminisces about the old Survey Corps veterans and their times together as Onyankopon listens. Soon, the conversation makes its way to a person the two knew very well- Hange.
5. Through hell, we reached heaven (Canon-divergent, post-war Levihan, fluff and humor, light angst)  [3 chapters]
Summary: It has been three years since the Battle of Heaven and Earth. Levi and Hange, who now live together in New Liberio, decide to take a small trip through the city along with Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco. It's the little moments that make them realize how lucky they are to be alive together.
(Ren’s art here) (Giulia’s art here and here)
6. Horizon of Hope- Levi and Hange’s day in Marley (Vacation fluff, basically Levihan in chapter 123)  [3 chapters]
Summary: From the very first glimpse of Marley in the horizon, both the veterans had reverted to a stage of child-like wonder, until they were confronted with the reality of the world they lived in. But would that be enough to squash the hope lit within them?
(Aka, a rather optimistic Levi and Hange having fun in Marley the day before all the shit went down)
(Giulia’s art here)
7. The River in the Rain (Angst, hurt/comfort, canon-compliant- Hange taking care of Levi from chapter 115 to 126)  [3 chapters]
Summary: A deep-set shock had gripped her, had rattled her to her core as she recognized the face she knew like the back of her hand below all the blood, gashes and shrapnel. But his body was warm underneath her touch. And as she lay her hand discreetly on his chest, the heart below her palm thumped. Still steady. Still beating. 
And it was in that moment when Hange swore: No matter what- even if it cost her own life- she was going to make sure that Levi would stay alive.
8. A Trip Down The Memory Lane (Erurihan fluff, non-ship, wholesome)
Summary: During the winter holidays, Erwin and Levi are dragged along by Hange to pay a visit to the Industrial City in Wall Rose. As they explore the city together, Levi accidentally unearths the mysteries surrounding Hange’s elusive childhood.
And it turns out Erwin has known many of them all along.
9.  Stuck in the Haze (Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, the chapter 139 scene from Hange’s pov)  [one-shot]
Summary: Hange has to bid Levi a final goodbye, but she meets his mother in the afterlife. And it seems like Kuchel Ackerman has something to say.
10. Calm after Storm (Canon-compliant, Hange’s pov of chapter 127 post stew scene) [one-shot]
Summary:  After Yelena's words stirred up a fight between Jean and Reiner, it is up to Hange to be the mom of the Alliance and take care of everyone yet again.
(Giulia’s art here)
11. Will you stay among the stars with me? (canon-divergent, levihanween2021, fluff, supernatural) [2 chapters]
Summary: Beaten up, neglected and exhausted, Levi's idea of his future only extends till his next meal. But when he comes across a curious little girl sitting under the bright rays of the sun, he comes to realize just how big and beautiful the world is. Even so, for some reason... it just doesn't feel right.
(Angie’s art here and here)
12. Under Attack! (School AU, half-a-crackfic, humor) [2 chapters]
Summary: It was a normal, peaceful day in school until Eren had tried to impress him, and now Levi found himself hiding in a cramped dark closet with a girl he barely knew to escape the wrath of a thousand bees ready to unleash their vengeance on them. Dammit Eren.
12. It is lonely at the top (canon-compliant, angst, emotional hurt/comfort/no comfort) [1/2 chapters - ongoing]
Summary:  Hange dealing with Eren's betrayal, Sasha's death, and Levi's absence.
Bonus: A Truce (a short fluffy drabble written based on Gabey’s doodle) (Giulia’s art here)
If you are interested in knowing what my favourite Levihan fanfics are and want to check out my personal recommendations, click here! 
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this-is-krikkit · 2 months
Hey Sunshine ☀️
Of course it took me 84 years -again 🤣- to realize you posted an ask game lol
So here I am, nosy as fuck usual, with 6 emojis: 💜 - 🖤 - 📝 - 🔐 -🍐- 🌺
Mwah 😘
not related: I recently re-watched some Kaamelott episodes with my shipping glasses on & I wondered if there are any Pendranièvre fics out there & if so, which ones would you recommend?
hi Val, thanks for the (many, jeez hahaha) asks! :D
send me some get to know me asks!
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💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
tired. writer. queer. worried. pets.
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🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
does writing count as my blog-hobby since it's what i use it for? hum. if not, then i pick that. writing is my fave hobby, always has been.
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📝 last thing you wrote
technically, i've replied to this twice already, but let me gush about the 3rd of the 4 wips i was working on (since i've posted one since then hehe):
i'm working on a kid levihan fic that i've probably already mentioned to you before? a few themes included are: grief, friendship, anxiety, the passage of time, healing... and it was supposed to be short but i'm afraid it Will Not Be lmao
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🔐 something no one would guess about you
i'm a plant killer. plants do not survive under my care, although i try my best. it's truly a tragedy.
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🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
HANGE ZOË. they need a hug, a lot of support, a psychologist, a hot cocoa, a non-risky but action-filled job, a fuckton of love… and i want to give them every single thing on that list!! also, i wanna travel with them because i think they would be the best (most positive and enthusiastic, at least) travel buddy. and i'm a little bit in love with them, too. icymi (it being my entire blog)
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🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important?
a sweater my sister gave me five years ago. it's important bc she made it herself, because it's soft as fuck, and because it's my fave color and it makes my eyes pop in mrs krikkit's very unbiased opinion!
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alors meuf, pour les pendranièvre fics, j'en ai pas vu des masses, mais ça fait un bail que j'ai pas cherché (genre depuis la sortie du film je pense ?). par contre, je te conseille ce blog si tu veux, y a du fanart et du meta sur eux, c'est très sympatoche
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
Drabble Challenge / Squad Denial
Original post here
Congratulations Giulia @giuliadrawsstuff & thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to write a few drabbles of Levihan cuddling!
Here's my humble contribution, I hope you'll enjoy it!
Also a huge shout-out to Terra @dont-f-with-moogles & Sailor @sixpennydame for beta reading & their kind support!!
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x NB!Hange Zoe
Wordcount: 1062 approx.
Modern AU / non-binary Hange / nsfw / swearwords
The warm summer breeze caressed their face as the swallows chirped loudly outside. The early morning sun darted through the waving curtain, randomly staining the messy sheets with light spots.
As they opened their eyes, face still snuggled up into the pillow, Hange wrapped their naked body tighter in the soft white bed cloth and felt so cozy that they were likely to stay in bed. But the noisy birds wouldn't let them sleep in.
Lifting their head, their still blurred gaze swept the room. Hange took a deep breath as they tried to figure out where that delicious lavender scent was coming from and where the hell they were.
The scent was oddly familiar though, filling their nose as they stretched their slender limbs and inhaled deeply again.
All was quiet around them.
Reaching for the bedside table and fumbling for their glasses, they put them on to finally display what was around them. Their mouth agape, stunned by the connection their brain cells suddenly made between what they smelled and what they saw, the faintest shade of pink showed up on their cheeks when the realization dawned: it was Levi's bedroom.
Memories of last night? None. How they ended up in Levi's bed was a complete mystery. 
However, what they had done together in this very bed was crystal clear. The mere thought of it had had them cackling in the dumbest way when they heard muffled sounds coming from the kitchen. 
Reluctantly getting out of bed, Hange grabbed their clothes spread out all over the floor. Heading for the door, they shimmied into their tank top and tripped as they clumsily put their shorts on.
One hand on the doorknob, Hange took a deep breath to try and regain composure.
A whiff of fried bacon and black tea welcomed them as soon as they opened the door. Their heart pounded uselessly fast and loud, echoing in their ears and pulsing in their throat. Their mouth was dry as chalk whilst their hands, ironically, were slippery with sweat.
Hange climbed down a flight of stairs to reach the kitchen, but paused to admire the breathtaking sight that suddenly stopped them on their way. They leaned against the doorframe, lifting their shaking fingers to slide their glasses up their nose.
Hange held back a gasp as they saw Levi's bare back displayed in all its glory a few steps from them. He wore nothing but green boxer shorts that highlighted his muscular figure. Unaware of their gaze , he was focused on cooking scrambled eggs, sipping his tea every once in a while.
Hange's eyes lingered on the beautiful tattoo that covered most of his upper back, muscles rolling under his pale skin with every move. Their eyes widened, they gulped and licked their dry lips involuntarily as they stared at Levi in awe.
A huge grin blooming on their face, Hange finally closed the distance between them and wrapped their arms around Levi's torso. They pressed their body tighter against his and kissed him in the crook of his neck. Levi closed his eyelids and tilted his head at the sensation, exposing more of his skin. They began to trace wet kisses up and down his neck, drawing muffled moans from him. 
Hange's hands gently stroked his chest in the meanwhile, making him shiver with every brush over his nipples.
Levi got rid of his cup of tea on the counter and turned around to face Hange, taking them in his arms, his face nuzzled in their messy hair, his warm breath on their neck. He held them tight, but they managed to slide one hand down to grab his ass while the other slipped under his boxers over his hardening dick as he started to trace their earlobe with his tongue and he…
"Smells delicious in there! I'm starving!"
Miche, Levi's roommate,  sprang out of nowhere, bumping past Hange as he walked through the doorway towards the kitchen.
Wait, what?
Hange shook their head to get rid of the fog that remained there, still dizzy after the warm embrace they shared wi... Wait! It wasn't real, was it? In the blink of an eye, something weighed heavily on their heart. The whole thing was just a dream after all?
Dumbstruck, they glanced at Levi, then did a double take.
He was still standing before the stove, a cup of tea in one hand, a spatula in the other. However the warm softness of his skin lingered on their lips so vividly that Hange blinked in utter disbelief.
Then Erwin entered the kitchen too, a smirk on his handsome face as he swiftly glanced at Hange's flustered features.
"What a night, Hange! What a night!" he said as he crossed the kitchen to join Miche at the table with a cup of coffee.
"How come you slept on the couch, Levi? I bet something went wrong at some point" Erwin added as he sat to sip his coffee.
Levi snorted, dishing up bacon and scrambled eggs on four plates before replying, his tired eyes frowned with apparent annoyance.
"Just ask Four-Eyes over there! This fucking weirdo was -once again- rambling about their science shit and next thing I know I was standing outside of my own fucking bedroom with only my boxers on!"
Erwin and Miche didn't even try to hold back their mocking laughter and inquiring glances.
Those sons of… Well, getting mad at them was pointless, Hange guessed. More importantly there was this whole Shorty/Four-Eyes situation.
Levi had to be really furious to spit out the longest sentence they ever heard coming from him. What did they do last night? Why did they drive him out of his room? Hange was still standing in the doorframe, their eyes meeting Levi's across the table where he sat now, eating his breakfast.
Of course his usual resting bitch face gave them no clue whatsoever about the situation and they felt helpless as they roamed their brain out in search of memories.
"I'll go take my shower first," Levi said as he got up from his chair and put his plate in the kitchen sink. "Don't want to go to the bathroom after you, pigs!"
Leaving the kitchen, he leaned towards a still paralyzed Hange as he walked past them, whispering in their ear "you have no idea what you missed last night, Four-Eyes".
The description of Levi as Hange sees him in this drabble is inspired by this fanart 😏 Enjoy!
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Please follow Vanessa on Twitter @CornerOfDesires or @vanssartt (🔞MDNI )
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
You haven't read the manga?..... If you only read the cherry picked levihan moments then let me tell you (not sending this with ill intend btw) that for every small Levihan moment there's a big eruri one. Like that convo where he shuts hange out after it was said about her crush on shadis? Levi actually talks afterwards about how he wants Hange to take over the rots mission and for Erwin to stay tucked in safe.
When Hange was hurt during the uprising the moment he sees Erwin he's just nonchalant about? And yes she said she was okay and he was mad about her being hurt in the first place, but the looks he gives erwin not only this moment but throughout? Not really platonic tbh...
Or the falling debris scene where he seems distracted? Yes he's thinking about hange's safety but the worried look is at Erwin's direction on the wall.
And also in chuugaku, there's a chapter about Erwin and Levi's relationship, exposition provided by Hange herself, where it's pretty much implied that Levi has the hots for him (complete with a bottom levi joke). Like he's the only member of the "home-making" club headed by Erwin where he basically cleans and cooks for him while erwin reads his paper like they're a couple and they've put marks like: don't search eruri on tumblr/ao3 haha.
Point is while levihan is a ship that's MAYBE canon, there's a lot more concrete evidence for eruri. The only thing that throws it off is there's no discussion about Erwin's feelings nowhere that could be interpreted as romantic. And combine that with his crush for dok's wife back in the day maybe he wasn't into Levi the same way/ maybe bi, we'll never know.
But Levi legit was in love with him.
What strengthens levihan on the other hand is that hange is transparent about her feelings for Levi. And if you take the last chapters into consideration then levi could have reciprocated them. It wasnt framed as clear as his feelings for Erwin though imo.
I'm not against either ship and think they're both precious, but levihan is a lot harder to read into and it makes me sad their romantic relationship wasn't more developed if romance was what Isayama hinted yo towards the end. Maybe yams left levihan up to interpretation deliberately? Maybe we read too much into it and it's not really there? Maybe eruri was queerbaiting? Maybe both are canon and Levi's just swings both ways? Idk the answers to any of that and unless the author comes clean we'll never be sure about levihan a hundred percent. Less doubts about eruri though...
Anyways, no hard feelings and I really LOVE your fanfics! Hope you have a very nice day and continue writing!
I have been looking for the right time to go through this ask because this ask just kinda made me think but not like about anything against the eruri ship. Like go ahead, ship eruri and feel free to meta eruri in my anon inbox but like the arguments here are a bit wishy washy.
Like that convo where he shuts hange out after it was said about her crush on shadis? Levi actually talks afterwards about how he wants Hange to take over the rots mission and for Erwin to stay tucked in safe.
Well, of course he would ask Erwin to stay tucked safe. Erwin is literally missing one arm and Hange was the most competent person to lead in the field at that point in time. How is this related to romance? I mean, if you wanna play the romance game, remember that Levi was legit injured, he could barely stand and he still forced himself to stand up to talk to Hange.
When Hange was hurt during the uprising the moment he sees Erwin he's just nonchalant about? And yes she said she was okay and he was mad about her being hurt in the first place, but the looks he gives erwin not only this moment but throughout? Not really platonic tbh...
Levi literaly gave the most poker 'pokerface' in this scene and I do not understand how it could be seen as not platonic. If we're talking about non platonic looks then maybe we should look for a scene where Levi's biting his lip seductively because let's face it, all the looks Levi gave Erwin, Hange and Petra could all be interpreted as platonic, we're all just a bunch of shippers trying to find the romance and the canonicity for our favorite ship lmao.
Or the falling debris scene where he seems distracted? Yes he's thinking about hange's safety but the worried look is at Erwin's direction on the wall.
Yeah, because people like to stare at someone else while worrying about a particular someone's safety. I dunno but what if Levi was worried about both of them? Why do we have to blatantly disregard the fact that he explicitly mentioned 'Hange' in that scene and shoehorn Erwin's position in that scene.
And also in chuugaku, there's a chapter about Erwin and Levi's relationship, exposition provided by Hange herself, where it's pretty much implied that Levi has the hots for him (complete with a bottom levi joke). Like he's the only member of the "home-making" club headed by Erwin where he basically cleans and cooks for him while erwin reads his paper like they're a couple and they've put marks like: don't search eruri on tumblr/ao3 haha.
Levi is literally an implied minor in chuugakkou and Erwin is a teacher. Nothing else needs to be said.
Point is while levihan is a ship that's MAYBE canon, there's a lot more concrete evidence for eruri. The only thing that throws it off is there's no discussion about Erwin's feelings nowhere that could be interpreted as romantic. And combine that with his crush for dok's wife back in the day maybe he wasn't into Levi the same way/ maybe bi, we'll never know.
But Levi legit was in love with him.
The flawed evidence above will only make for a flawed conclusion.
What strengthens levihan on the other hand is that hange is transparent about her feelings for Levi. And if you take the last chapters into consideration then levi could have reciprocated them. It wasnt framed as clear as his feelings for Erwin though imo.
As someone who has watched the show and read the manga and discussed this with people, none of my casual watcher friends even noticed Eruri crumbs. A lot of them didn't notice Levihan crumbs either so hey, we both lose here I guess.
I'm not against either ship and think they're both precious, but levihan is a lot harder to read into and it makes me sad their romantic relationship wasn't more developed if romance was what Isayama hinted yo towards the end. Maybe yams left levihan up to interpretation deliberately? Maybe we read too much into it and it's not really there? Maybe eruri was queerbaiting? Maybe both are canon and Levi's just swings both ways?
My personal take on this and the takes of a lot of casual watchers I have talked to is, Levihan has more crumbs than Eruri but maybe it only got development given the circumstances post season 3 since Levi and Hange were working closely together. If Erwin didn't die, maybe there could have been more Eruri moments. I haven't seen enough though and I cannot so hastily conclude that Levi was in love with Erwin.
Levi could have in love with both of them. Or just one of them.
And yeah, maybe Levihans are reading too much into it. But so what if we read too much into it?
I like them. I will continued reading too much into relationships which I believe could have been healthy and could have had a great dynamic if they pushed through as something romantic.
The point of getting into a relationship is for two people to come out of it better people and I will continue to ship a couple which I think is sending a good message to others regardless of whether or not it was framed clearly enough for people to see the 'romance.'
'Living together' with someone may not be as clear as sex or a kiss for a lot of people but I think it runs MUCH MUCH MUCH deeper. Sex and kisses are a dime a dozen. Commitment and Cooperation are diamonds.
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sayuyu995 · 3 years
I think we should separate the two salute in 132 and 139. This is totally two different things.
The salute in 139 is a whole SC thing, (we still have Hange in the centre and she was the only one who has a different facial expression) Anyway it is hard to tell Hange was stand out from the other (we know it is kinda focus on her). Also “are you guys watching” thing, I think it is more refer to Hange in 132 “do you think our comrades are watching us?” And Levi in 136 “the hearts you guys dedicated”
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It’s give me a strong SC vibe (with low-key Levihan). Levi saluted to them and they saluted back means the duty of SC is done, and Levi gave the meaning to all his comrade.
I would be mad if we only get this. But no, the Levihan is in the FINAL panel of levi.
The shinzouwosasageyo in 132 was definitely an ONLY Levihan thing, because if it was a normal salute, Isayama would just concluded in the SC scene. (Maybe will let Levi mentioned Hange in that scene). So other than a normal salute, it’s more like Levi confessed his feeling to Hange with the salute, and only Hange can understand it.
Therefore we can exclude the normal meaning of the salute: sacrifice yourself to the mankind . Which Levi definitely means more than that and this is not the main purpose.
Remember the Levihan bird, they complete each other, and they really are. The 132 sasageyo was more like, take my heart with you and I will keep your heart with me. Hange will live inside Levi. (*Over interpretation: Don’t be scared Hange, I will be with you, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it I will live for you, as long as I’m alive, you will live inside me, with yours and our dreams)
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I saw some Levihans said Levi didn’t wear an eyepatch because he think Hange will be seeing from his right eye (prefect explanation👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻) This more like the answer of 132 sasageyo to me, Levi and Hange literally became Levihan.
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OK then talk about Hange’s dream and Levi’s dream, actually they shared the same dream, “the dream world” in 136
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Hey it’s only the mf ZOË talking shit in 136. We don’t know the others, but we knew Levi remembered EVERY SINGLE WORD Hange Zoe said and would took her daily shitty talk seriously (He just love her...) , from that moment Hange’s dream also became Levi’s dream. And what did Levi do in the post war? Travel! Maybe not exactly is, but he is exploring a new world that could be their dream world, they shared the same dream, and mf Hange Zoe will do the same, to travel around with him if she was alive....
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And finally the plane was the answer to 132 “keep watching me Hange”
The reason I don’t think the 139 SC scene is refer to this because 132 means more to Levihan, Levi wanted Hange to look at him even though their duty was done (which is the SC scene, and literally everybody were really watching from the path lol)
The plane scene is somehow confirmed that Levi wanted more from Hange, he wanted her to stay with him, just Hange and just Levi, but not the member of SC or commander and captain, their true feeling was acknowledged by a non SC member, Onyankopon. (It seem a little bit far-fetched, but I feel it means after Levi left SC, he will not remember Hange as a part of his SC duty or SC promise, I can see when Levi and Onyankopon talk about Hange, Levi was always talk about the stupid and funny thing Hange did other than her SC career and achievement, he cared and respect it but Levi just loved to remember the bright side and funny stupid side of Hange.
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Sadly Hange can’t control the plane like Eren lol, but thanks for the parallel we know that plane was 100% symboling Hange, Hange was keep watching Levi. The look on Levi when he look at the plane and Onyankopon Levihan shipper stare confirmed Levi was also keep thinking about Hange.
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The moment I think Levi started to realise his feeling towards Hange was probably here:
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someonestolemyshoes · 3 years
Yo, saw your post about levihan prompts:
How about Hange discovering Levi’s secret hobby (of your choice)
Feel free to do whatever you feel like
And I love your work! 💕 have a good day
Hello! So sorry for the delay in this one, but thank you so much for your patience 🙏 I got stuck for such a long time in the middle of this ksksks but it is finally done! I also played around a little bit with the whole...discovering a secret aspect, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway! And I hope you're ready for some sweet sweet childhood friends levihan~
Levi likes photography.
This, in itself, is no great secret. Hange can barely remember a time he wasn't following after her with a camera strapped around his neck, or packed into his bag—always within reach, should something striking catch his eye. A little neon plastic toy, at first; each click of the shutter cycled through preloaded images, expert shots of famous landscapes, places they could only dream of seeing. And then, a polaroid—still a toy, in essence, still plastic, still gaudy, but this one took real pictures in real time, and spit them out into their eager, shaking fingers within seconds.
Hange remembers them ruthlessly wafting the little laminate squares and watching with bated breath as black mottled into foggy grey, as the blurred silhouette of the park bench faded slowly into being. It was a fascinating thing, at the time. Magic at their fingertips. The picture turned out fuzzy and overexposed in places, where the sun had glared in over the corner of the park bench, but Levi had settled the little square on his little palms and looked at it like he held the whole world in his hands.
There were innumerable disposable cameras, too. Light little things with reels of film, never enough for Levi's insatiable desire to snap pictures of every single thing he saw. They spent half their childhood in the chemist, sitting in the hard plastic chairs, wriggling anxiously as they waited for the film to develop. Kuchel always handed them the envelope, fat with prints, with a small smile curling the corner of her mouth and a fond twinkle in her eye, and Levi always took it politely, while Hange gave a boisterous thanks, and the pair of them delved greedily into their spoils.
He was older, in his early teens, when he was gifted his first real camera. It was heavy, compared to all the others, a case made of metal with buttons and gadgets and a fancy screen on the back, to preview each picture he took. Levi was wholly enamoured with it. He spent hours adjusting it, figuring out what each button and knob did, how they affected each picture; took countless shots of the same rock in the park until he'd tested every combination of settings he could think of.
He had cycled through more cameras since then. Grown a small collection, each one a little different, a little more suited to particular shots. Hange understood the concept in theory, but the particulars were lost on her, and Levi never took the time to explain. Not that she minded—Levi's pictures were beautiful, breathtaking in the way he could capture even the most mundane details and make them something wondrous. Perhaps for the first and only time in her life, Hange had no desire for the magician to reveal his tricks.
He has an eye for things that Hange simply cannot see. She is observant—to a fault, at times, intensely analytical and endlessly curious. Everything is a question, an opportunity to research, to learn, but she doesn't see the way Levi does.
Wild daffodil. Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Hange sees a perennial flowering plant, native to Western Europe, classified by its pale yellow petals and elongated central trumpet. She sees phylogeny with a rich taxonomic history; subspecies originating all over the globe, some larger, some smaller, some more vibrant and some more muted. She sees anatomy, science.
Levi sees the way the evening sun rusts the buttery petals until they blush; sees the way dew drops hang like pearls from the tips of the leaves in the early morning, when the light is still smoky and thin. He sees a moment to be captured.
It should be impossible for a picture to hold so much detail. Hange can look at Levi's daffodil and feel the way the spring wind blows gently on her skin, the sun warm but the breeze a little biting, a remnant of the fading winter. She can smell the pollen heavy in the air, feel the tickle of short grass on her ankles, hear the trill of songbirds in the branches of distant trees.
His proclivity for photography grows with them. Hange's interests spear out in a thousand different directions, from physics and chemistry to botany, to engineering, to literature and mathematics, to history, languages and landscapes—life is a limitless source of information and Hange chases it every which way, insatiable.
And wherever she goes, Levi dutifully follows, with his camera in hand.
Until now.
Now, they are eighteen. The summer is lazily drawing to a close, and tomorrow, at 8:45am, Hange will be boarding a plane that will take her to the other side of the world to attend the university of her dreams.
And Levi will be staying here.
Despite Levi's perpetual scowling and indiscriminate grunting, their last evening together had overall been a pleasant one. Levi and Kuchel had worked hard on their meal, and it had been nice in a warm, filling kind of way, to spend her last night at home with the two of them.
Now, she and Levi are holed up in his bedroom, while Kuchel had insisted on doing the clean up herself. Hange's mind has been churning non-stop for weeks now, ramping up with each passing day, and tonight, her thoughts are unstoppable, and they spill from her with giddy, jittery excitement.
"The university is huge, but my course is pretty small—only like, 30 places. It'll be easy to get to know everybody."
"And did I tell you? There's a museum right on campus? They've got a huge collection, and I heard students can access it after the first semester."
"And there's a flower garden, too—they've got species from all over the world, Levi. They'll have plants I've never even heard of."
"You said."
"Oh! And—my accommodation isn't all that far from the coast. The water looks beautiful in all the pictures I've seen—look, see?"
"I know. You showed me already."
Hange looks up from her phone, where the screen is lit with a bright, sunny beach, tan sand and a stark blue ocean. Levi flicks his gaze over it and offers a noncommittal shrug of his shoulder. Hange frowns at him.
"You could at least pretend to be excited, you know."
Levi gives her a deadpan stare.
"It looks...warm."
Hange sits back with a thump, and kicks weakly at Levi's shin. She pouts over at him. "Better than nothing, I guess."
They sit at opposite ends of the window bench in Levi's bedroom, legs tangled haphazardly together in the space between them. The window was thrown open in some vain hope of tempting in a breeze, but the air is thick, and the soft wind that does blow is still stiflingly warm. It sways Levi's fringe against his brow, but does little to stave off the oppressive heat.
The sky outside is dark, but it is alive with stars. They cast bright sparks on an inky black canvas, and there is no moon in sight. Already, Levi has snapped pictures of it, twisted dials and pushed buttons and switched lenses until he was satisfied.
It is a beautiful sight. Infinite.
Hange lets one leg dangle out the open window. Levi gives her a sour look and wordlessly closes one hand around her other ankle. She has a long history of behaving carelessly—Levi has borne witness to one too many slips and stumbles to trust her entirely. It would be just like Hange, to miss her flight in favour of a trip to the emergency room.
His thumb strokes back and forth absently. There is a callus there, rough and catching, that scratches against her sensitive skin.
Her predominant feeling is one of excitement. Studying abroad had been a dream of hers for almost as long as Levi had owned a camera—to travel beyond the bounds of their small rural town, to see more, learn more, fuel the relentless hunger in her. But there is an undercurrent of something else, some squirming discomfort that refuses to settle. It intensifies with every sweep of Levi's thumb against her skin until it sits heavy in her gut.
She looks over at him. His gaze is trained out the window, a small frown furrowing the skin between his brows, but his eyes are glassy, with none of their usual sharp, unwavering focus. Whatever he is looking at, he is not really seeing it.
It would be a lie to say that his silence had not troubled her. He had been quiet throughout dinner, opting instead to listen to Hange and Kuchel's companionable chatter as he pushed his food around his plate, and he had barely said a word since they had cleared the table and retreated to his room. He had hardly even looked her way.
Irritation bubbles within her. Levi is always more subdued than she is, content to sit quietly while Hange babbles endlessly, about anything and everything. But he usually has something to say. His silence, today of all days, makes her angry. They have one night left like this—one more night to talk, face to face, before they will be separated for who knows how long, and Levi is offering her nothing.
"Levi," she says, before she can think. Something in her tone must startle him, for he blinks rapidly, as though pulled out of a daydream, and rolls his eyes to look in her direction. His gaze settles somewhere near her shoulder. She bristles. "Can you at least—"
"Levi?" Kuchel's voice is distant, floating up from the bottom of the stairs. Levi looks at the door instead. "Can you come give me a hand for a minute?"
Hange clamps her jaw shut. Levi casts her another sidelong glance, and ticks his tongue against the back of his teeth. He squeezes her ankle once, then pushes himself to his feet. "Don't fall, idiot. I won't be long."
Hange feels distinctly like a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum. It's immature, and perhaps it's unfair of her, but she had assumed that Levi's invitation for dinner might, at the very least, come with a little conversation.
She takes a deep, steadying breath. They never fight, not really—they bicker endlessly, poke each other's cheeks and pull each other's hair, childish rough housing that they never grew out of. But they don't fight and as grumpy as Hange feels about Levi's near silence, she doesn't want to start now. She runs a hand back through her hair and sweeps her eyes about the room, counting long, even breaths as she does.
Levi's room is immaculately neat and tidy. Everything has its place, on clean, dusted shelves, or stacked in straight, neat piles atop his desk. It is a level of organisation Hange has little energy for; she herself is a hurricane, picking up and dropping off detritus everywhere she goes.
But Levi's borderline obsessive cleanliness makes it easy to spot something that is out of place.
Hange's gaze falls on a drawer in the desk.  The drawer itself is as immaculate as everything else, gleaming wood and a reflectively polished brass handle. What catches her eye is the corner of a glossy piece of paper, caught when the drawer had been closed.
Hange is a curious creature. Rarely can she hold herself back from exploring an unknown, and now is no different. She unfolds herself from the bench and stretches to stand, then crosses the room on light, tip-toed feet.
Levi is, by and large, a rather private person. He does not share much of himself openly, hides behind an impassive mask, guards what is dear to him close to his chest. Hange is an exception to this rule, whether Levi wanted her to be or not.
As such, she has no real issue prying the drawer open, and is unsurprised by the predictable contents within.
Of course it was photographs.
Her lips tug up in a fond smile and her eyes roll, but it is as she is reaching in to flatten out the rumpled picture that had been poking out of the drawer, that she notices what they are photographs of.
Hange picks out a stack and sits cross-legged in the desk chair. She flips through them, eyes growing wider with each new picture she uncovers. Every single one is of her. Some recent, some not so recent—some must be from the very first real camera, for she is still in her braces, all thin, gangly limbs and scruffy hair and taped up glasses.
There are pictures of her in the winter, mitten-clad hands wrapped around a paper cup of hot chocolate, blowing steam into the chill air. She can see in stark clarity, the red tip of her nose and the chill bitten over her cheeks; she can almost feel the cold, taste the cocoa on her tongue.
She finds a picture of her from an autumn years gone by. She remembers it as though it were yesterday—they had spent the whole afternoon raking fallen leaves in the courtyard behind Kuchel's cafe, scooping them into a terribly tempting mound beneath the shedding tree. Hange had been unable to resist. Levi had captured her moments after her dive into the pile, sitting up with her weight propped back on her hands, dry leaves clinging to her messy hair and sticking to the fibres of her cardigan. The sun was low, and it cast her in a golden glow, highlighting the vibrant red and orange of the fall foliage around her, drawing out the auburn undertone in her hair and the amber of her eyes. Her smile is almost blinding.
Another shows her in the spring, laying on her belly in the long grass beside a row of blooming daffodils. There is a book spread open before her and she is, as expected, engrossed in it; Levi has snapped the shutter as she was turning the page, the thin edge of the paper caught between the delicate tips of her fingers.
Hange has never considered herself to be particularly pretty. She is just...Hange, a little bit of wild, a little bit of manic, a lot of clumsy and dirty. Being attractive has never been of much concern.
But there is something in the way Levi has photographed her, time and time again, in the way the light catches her, the candid ease of each new picture, that looks....beautiful, in its own way. Somehow, he has made her mess into a masterpiece.
Levi likes taking pictures of things. Plants, rocks, rivers, landscapes and skylines—he likes capturing the mundanity of everyday life and turning it into something spectacular, but he has never done the same thing with people. As far as Hange was aware, Levi had taken very few pictures of anybody at all.
And yet, she holds this pile in her hands, and there are plenty more pictures littering the drawer before her.
There is a strange feeling brewing on her as she stares at them. She had been so excited about moving away to study, so eager to explore the world beyond their quiet countryside home, that the reality of leaving had never truly sunk in. She feels it now though, acutely; a hollow ache in her chest that grows with each picture she flicks through.
Levi has been her shadow for as long as she can remember. There are few memories that he is not a part of, few moments that she can recall in which Levi was not by her side—he has been a constant for her. Something certain and dependable.
And from tomorrow, he will no longer be there.
Hange had known this. She had known it from the moment she had accepted her offer, and she had known it as they looked through her options for accommodation together, as they explored the local area through pictures and videos and maps online. She had known it as they had prepared her visa, organised her finances. Booked her flights. Every step of the way she had understood, logically, rationally, that studying abroad meant leaving Levi behind.
But the weight of it is only hitting her now. The reality of it is like a slap in the face, a punch in the gut—it leaves her shaken and breathless in the worst way.
From tomorrow, Levi won't be with her at all.
Her grip tightens on the photographs hard enough to wrinkle the glossy paper.
She had done a pretty good job of not getting too emotional about the whole thing. For the most part, Hange had been overwhelmed by her own excitement—there had been no time for sadness between all the loose ends she’d had to tie up in order to make the move a possibility. Now though, all that is left is to head to the airport and board her plane. No more distractions.
Hange doesn’t realise she is crying until the bedroom door opens again, and Levi steps into the room, coming to a sudden halt halfway over the threshold.
Hange can't tell if Levi's look of shock is because of the open drawer and the pictures still clutched in her hands, or the tear tracks on her cheeks. He stops dead in the open doorway, fingers still curled around the handle, and for a moment he stares at her with eyes wider than Hange has ever seen them, but then his brow dips low and his lip curls, and his grip tightens around the door handle. Hange holds the pile of photographs close to her chest.
She is expecting anger. She doesn't suppose she could blame him if he lost his temper with her, then. She has a terrible habit of bulldozing into everything, after all, and perhaps this was the one thing Levi had longed to keep secret from her. Her snooping, on top of his already sullen mood—perhaps this is the final straw.
But instead, he turns his face away, staring resolutely into the corner of the room. Starlight spills through the open window. Even in the thin, muted light, Hange can see a vibrant flush colouring the skin high on Levi's cheeks.
Hange sniffles, and wipes clumsily at her cheeks.
"I didn't have you pegged as a closet pervert, Levi," she says, waving the handful of pictures at him. Her voice comes cracked, and weaker than she'd hoped. Levi's knuckles turn white.
It's a funny thing, seeing Levi embarrassed. His emotional expression is usually limited to small twitches, here and there—a slight furrow of his brow, a wrinkle of his nose, a soft twitch of his lip. Hange can count on one hand the number of times she has seen his feelings show so completely. It's almost painful to witness.
"I don't mind," she says. Levi doesn't look at her. Hange looks down at the pile again. "They're nice."
Levi finally releases his death grip on the handle and pushes the door closed. His eyes are still downcast and his cheek is still cherry red, but he hasn't run away and he hasn't snapped at her (yet). Hange takes these things as good signs.
"I didn't know you took pictures of people," Hange says.
"I don't."
"Are you saying I'm not people, Levi?"
Levi lets out a disgruntled sigh. He crosses the room, and plucks the pile of pictures from Hange's hands. His cheeks are still pink, and his brows are still furrowed, but he has composed himself some.
“No, you’re not,” he says. “You’re a creature. You’ve got snot all over your face.”
Hange laughs wetly, wiping her nose with the back of her hand and rubbing the mess on her pants. Levi gives her a look of pure disgust, parking his hip against the edge of the desk beside her and skimming through a few of the pictures. There’s a curious expression on his face, a softness in his eyes that Hange isn’t used to seeing.
“Stalker,” she says. Levi kicks at the desk chair without looking up. “If you wanted a photoshoot, you could have asked.”
Levi scowls. He straightens the edges of the pictures with care, and sets them carefully on the desk. “If I wanted to take pictures of you posing, I would have asked.”
“Wanted to capture me in all my natural glory, huh?” Hange braces her elbows on the desk and rests her chin in both hands, grinning cheekily up at Levi. It must look ridiculous, with her watery eyes and the red point of her nose, but Levi isn't even looking at her to notice.
Levi says nothing. His gaze lingers on the pictures for a little longer, and the colour in his cheeks deepens. Hange nudges him with her elbow, smiling. The pictures are...sweet, in a way. There's something flattering about it. She slumps back in the chair, her smile wavering where a fresh wave of melancholy tugs at the edges of her lips.
“I’ll miss you, you know.” Hange’s voice cracks humiliatingly as she speaks. Levi looks over at her. Hange curses the wobble of her bottom lip and wipes at her eyes beneath her glasses. She isn’t expecting much; Levi is terrible at expressing feelings at the best of times, and so it’s more than surprising when, after a moment of consideration, he nods at her.
Fresh tears spill down her cheeks. Hange presses her fingers into her eyes, trying to stem the flow, ease the sting there. She doesn’t want to spend their last evening together crying, but now that the tears have begun, Hange can’t seem to stop them. A lump builds in her throat, aching beneath her tongue and she can feel her chin wobbling, lips pulling down at the corners. She sniffles pitifully, draws a shuddering breath.
“Oi…” Levi says, though he doesn’t sound angry, or even uncomfortable like she had expected. His tone is gentle. It rips a sob from her.
Hange feels him move closer. He jostles the front of the chair, and when she opens her eyes to look at him she finds him standing right in front of her, between chair and desk, looking at her with a furrowed brow. It’s different to his usual scowl—his brows are a little upturned in the middle, exposing some kinder emotion; something like worry, or concern.
Hange tilts forward until her forehead presses into his chest. Levi’s hand comes up quickly to the back of her head. His touch is familiar, comforting, and Hange cries a little harder when his fingers tunnel into her messy hair, cradling her against him.
She cries until she feels spent, sniffling and gulping empty air. Her fingers twist into the hem of Levi’s shirt as she composes herself, mumbling, “you’ll keep in touch, right? You won’t forget about me?”
Levi clicks his tongue at her. “Stupid,” he says. “As if you’d let me.”
“I’m serious.” She sits back and looks up at her. Her eyes are burning, raw and wet, and the skin of her cheeks stings from crying, but she looks at him with as much determination as ever and says, “call me. Every day.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not! Just once, every day. Even if it’s only five minutes.”
Levi flicks her between her brows. “You won’t have the time, dumbass.”
“I’ll make time.”
Levi scrutinizes her for a moment, then says, “I’ll text.”
“Well, yeah, obviously.”
Levi curls his lip and pulls at a lock of her fringe, muttering, “brat. Why don’t you call me?”
“I will,” Hange says plainly. Levi’s eyes widen a fraction. “I’ll call as much as I can. But you need to call me too, okay? I wanna hear from you a lot.”
There is a long pause, and then Levi turns his eyes away. The light in the room is pale and muted, but it is just enough to highlight the pale flush gathering anew on his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose. It’s almost cute.
“Fine. I’ll call. Happy?”
Hange grins at him. “Very. And I’ll send you photos of everything, all the time.”
Levi leans down towards her, pinching her nose between his thumb and forefinger and giving her head a little shake. “On your shitty phone camera?”
Hange nods. She bats his hand away and cranes herself up into his space, smiling something wicked. “You’ll hate it. They’ll be all blurry and I’ll have my thumb in the corner of every picture.”
“Lots of selfies, too. So you won’t forget what I look like.” Hange blindly swipes up a picture from the desk, holding it up between them in front of her mouth and nose. Between Levi dipping down into her space and Hange stretching up into his, they are so close that Levi has to cross his eyes to get a look at it. “Not that I think it’ll be a problem.”
He rolls his gaze up to look at her over the top of the photograph. Up close, Hange can see just how bright the blue of his eyes is, how dark his lashes are; she can see the shadows they cast on his cheeks, the deepening flush bruising the skin red. Levi has always been a pale thing, but now, Hange can see the smattering of light freckles across his nose, barely visible in the low light. He looks pretty. Her heart stutters in her chest at the sight.
Hange has never fully understood Levi’s drive to photograph everything. To preserve any given moment, bottle up every minute detail. She sort of understands it, then—it’d be nice, she thinks absently, to save this particular view for forever. The thought makes her face grow warm.
“I won’t forget.” Levi’s voice is quiet, caught somewhere between embarrassment and uncertainty. He sways closer, rocks back, hesitates. And then he leans down and lets his forehead drop against hers. Hange can feel the press of his nose against her own, separated only by the picture between them.
Hange is used to being close to him. She’s a clingy person by nature, always grabbing him and hugging him, smooshing her cheek against his or shoving her face into his hair, but she is always the one to initiate such contact. Levi is tactile, in his own way—small, non-invasive touches, his fingers on her wrist or his palm at her back, always delicate, understated.
To have Levi enter so wholly into her space like this is new. It’s nice. Hange finds herself feeling very, very thankful for the paper between them, for the urge to lean forward and kiss him comes unbidden, so suddenly she isn’t sure she’d be able to resist the impulse if there hadn’t been a barrier in her way.
“Is it my dazzling good looks?” she says, acutely embarrassed by how breathless she sounds. Levi makes a small, noncommittal noise. His fingers find hers where she’s holding the picture, gripping it and pulling it until it slips out from between them. For the smallest moment, Hange feels the skin of Levi’s nose against hers, and the warm puff of breath on her lips, and then Levi straightens up, flipping the picture for her to see it.
“I’ve looked at your ugly mug every day for long enough. Don’t think I’d forget it so easily.”
It’s a truly unflattering photograph. Hange has her head tipped back, laughing boisterously at some thing or another, with her eyes pinched closed and chocolate sauce smeared over her lips, a drop of cream stuck to the end of her nose. Hange is sure she has looked better, but the thing is—despite her state, the picture still isn’t bad. Hange can hear the lilt of her own laughter and feel the tacky syrup, savour the sweetness of the cream on her tongue. There’s something so...animated about it, about the way the light dances over her skin and in her hair, and the way the background blurs around her, drawing her into sharp focus.
It’s nice, in a strange, unreserved kind of way.
But she’s still a mess. Hange snatches it and slams it down on the desk, glowering up at Levi.
“Why would you take that,” she whines, petulant. “You’re supposed to take pictures of nice things!”
“Because it’s very...you,” He says, neatly slotting the pictures back into the drawer, and moving back to sit on the window. Hange follows, drops herself onto the ledge opposite him with a pout.
“What, disgusting?”
Levi shrugs. “Messy. But...not bad.”
“I’m supposed to take that as a compliment, I guess? That’s almost sweet coming from you, Levi.”
Levi scowls over at her. She dangles one leg back out the open window, dropping the other heavily into Levi’s lap. He adjusts it until he is more comfortable, his hand wrapping again around her ankle, but does not let go once he has settled. He keeps a hold of her, his fingers tracing thoughtless patterns on her skin. The space between them is warm, comfortable. Hange leans her head back and breathes it in—the peace, the quiet, the simple pleasure of spending a tender evening with her favourite person in the whole world.
It’s nice. A small, frightened part of her doesn’t want it to ever end.
Hange has been set up in her student apartment for three weeks when the package arrives.
Moving had been harder than she had anticipated. She’d accounted for common issues—problems with her visa, her plane tickets, and had checked multiple transport options from the airport to her accommodation in case problems arose—but she hadn’t put all that much thought into what would happen once she settled at her apartment.
Unpacking had been boring. Her roommates were nice enough, the studious, bookworm-y type, but unlike Hange they weren’t overly sociable. They kept mostly to themselves in their rooms, perfectly content with brief conversations in the kitchen before retiring again, and with classes still two weeks away, Hange was finding the lack of social interaction difficult. She had explored some, but the city was vast in a cluttered, claustrophobic way. Hange had always enjoyed travelling, and had talked relentlessly of every adventure she could take herself on in a whole new country and all the new places she could explore, so much so that it was almost embarrassing, the way she had found herself so unwilling to stray too far from her accommodation without a companion by her side.
She’d felt a little homesick in the first couple of days, lonely and isolated. She missed the small comforts of the country, things she hadn’t even realised she had taken for granted. Quiet nights. Star studded skies. Long grass and trees and the fresh, earthy smell on the breeze. The city was unbearably loud at times, and even when the wail of sirens or the beep of car horns quieted, there was an unidentifiable hum beneath it all that never ceased even for a moment.
She felt Levi’s absence most acutely. Hange had known she would, but she hadn’t been prepared for how much it would hurt to be apart. She felt silly for it—it was ridiculous, to miss her friend more than she missed her own family, even. But Levi’s presence had been more constant than anything else, back home, and without him, she felt like a small part of herself was missing.
He called, as promised. Once a day, though oftentimes it was very late in the night for him, and he sounded tired. If Hange were less selfish, she might tell him to get some sleep instead—but she missed him. Hearing from him was the best part of her day.
It was about an hour before their designated call time when the post came. Hange answers the bell with a frown, which only deepens when the delivery driver hands her the package.
She takes it into her room, settling cross legged on the bed and inspecting the mystery item. It's a decent size, like a large shoe box, wrapped neatly in brown paper with her address lettered in tidy, familiar handwriting in one corner. Hange’s stomach lurches—she’d have recognised the writing anywhere, but her suspicions are confirmed by the return address. Levi’s.
She rips into the paper quickly, snatching up her keys to tear through the tape on the top of the box. It is stuffed full with packing paper, an envelope with her name on it sitting on the top. Hange picks it up and with trembling fingers, she opens it and unfolds the short note inside.
Sorry things have been kind of shitty. This stuff might help or it might make things worse, but I figure you can just throw it out if it’s no good. Or give it away. Whatever. I don’t even know if all of this shit will make it through customs, so if you get an empty box it’s not my fault.
I don’t get how you eat half this junk, but I hope it makes you feel better, anyway.
Look after yourself. Eat real food.
Hange presses the note to her chest, grinning. Her heart aches, but having Levi go to this much trouble for her...it feels nice. Knowing he is still thinking of her. She’d never have admitted it out loud, but Hange had been concerned that perhaps Levi would forget about her after all, without her there to pester him all the time.
She pulls out some of the packing paper, and smiles widely at the rest of the contents.
Levi had put together what Hange can only call a care package. There are packs of her favourite snacks and sweets, things she’d complained she hadn’t been able to find in stores here; crisps, chocolate, hard candy, little mini boxes of sickeningly sugary cereal. There are tea bags with blends Levi knows she likes, each neatly labelled with instructions on what temperature to brew at and how long for. Levi had also packed some of the soaps Hange likes, the ones he uses but she refuses to buy for herself. The lavender scent drifts up out of the box and Hange’s heart squeezes tight in her chest. There’s a shirt in there, too—Hange recognises it at once, as one of Levi’s old, worn tees, thin grey cotton that feels impossibly soft in her hands. It’s far too big for either of them, and had always been the go-to item Levi would chuck at her when she decided she was staying over for the night and had nothing to wear to bed. Hange pulls it on quickly, savouring the soft feel and the smell of it.
In the bottom of the box, there is another envelope. This one is thicker than the first, and Hange knows what it contains before she even opens it.
Photographs. A small pile of them, depicting places she and Levi had frequented from when they were children right up until this last year—her favourite part of the forest, where the trees thin out and the river pools at the foot of a small waterfall. The great, open fields, sometimes full of long grass, sometimes clipped short and striped with windrows. Kuchel’s cafe, with umbrellas raised to block the sun on the tables outside, or else warm and low-lit and cosy in the cold winter. Hange settles back on her pillows as she flicks through each picture, a soft smile on her face. Looking at the images of home hurts, but it isn’t a terrible pain—she longs for these old times and these familiar places, but each recovered memory makes her happy.
In Levi’s pictures she can vividly recall moments in each and every location. He works some kind of magic with a camera, to trigger so many sensory memories—the scent of freshly cut grass, the feel of hay, dry and sharp, poking into her back through her clothing, and the gentle trickle of the river water, the splash of it as it runs over the falls, the feel of it cool on her skin. The tangy zest of fresh-pressed orange juice in the cafe, peach fuzz on her lips and the soft flesh of ripe fruit bursting between her teeth, sticky nectar coating her fingers.
Hange looks at each picture in turn, until she reaches the bottom of the pile, and there she stops abruptly, eyes widening at the last photograph Levi has packed for her.
It is one of Hange, taken in the window of Levi’s bedroom. She was looking out at the night sky, her elbow braced on her bent  knee, chin in her palm, a small smile lifting the corner of her mouth. The starlight haloed her, shining from her hair and illuminating the jut of her chin, the curve of her nose and the slope of her brow. Behind her, Levi had captured the bright glow of the stars like jewels on a deep velvet canvas. She looked peaceful. Happy. For lack of a better word, beautiful.
Hange grins widely. Her eyes sting and her throat aches, but the picture—the whole box, really—makes her happier than she's felt in weeks. She brews her favourite cup of tea from the blends Levi had sent her and settles into the corner of her bed, lifting her phone to snap a quick selfie. She sends it to Levi, complete with a caption: thank you for my presents 😊 all ready for your call!
Levi responds almost immediately, first with a simple you're welcome. And then, after a minute, you look good. Speak to you soon.
Hange sinks deeper into the cushions, cradling her tea close to her face, masking the pleased flush on her cheeks with the heat from the steam.
Hange keeps him longer than usual, today.
There is a simmering warmth in her stomach as she listens to Levi's voice over the line. It comes tinny through the speakers, low and rough in the late hour, and his dark, grainy image looks tired, lamp light casting him half in shadow. They talk of everything and nothing, same as always—Levi tells her about his day, about the cafe and Kuchel, and Hange pouts as she tells him how little progress she is making in befriending her new housemates. Levi never voices any concern for her aloud, but Hange can sense it in the dip of his brows as she talks. She gives him a genuine smile when she reassures him that classes will start soon, and she's confident she will settle better after that.
Levi seems reluctant to leave, but after a little over an hour of aimless, comfortable chatter, he is yawning and blinking heavily, the lower half of his face nuzzled into his pillow. In the end, Hange makes up some watery excuse about visiting the coast while the sun is still high, if only to let him get some sleep.
"Sure. Have fun."
"I will! Sleep well, Levi."
Levi hums. The view shifts, blurry and indistinct, the mic muffled by the rustle of sheets, and when everything settles he is laying on his side, fringe mussed and falling over his eyes. He covers another long yawn with his fist. "I will."
"You'll call tomorrow?"
Levi rolls his tired eyes, but the corner of his mouth pulls up in a fraction of a smile. "Sure."
Hange grins. Levi watches her for a long moment, eyes scanning over her face. Then he holds up a hand in a tired wave. "Night, Hange."
Hange stares at the screen for too long when the call ends. That terribly selfish part of her would have loved to keep his company for the rest of the day. Maybe, with a little travel sized Levi in the palm of her hand, she'd have been brave enough to explore some more, enthused about all the new things to see with somebody to share them with.
Sighing, Hange drops her phone to the desk and stands from the bed, stretching. There are still things she can do—she has plenty of recommended reading to get through, a small mountain of books at her disposal, and she has mapped the route to her campus often enough that she isn't feeling too overwhelmed by the prospect of the journey.
As she heads for the door, Hange notices something on the floor beside the bed. A neat, rectangular piece of paper; one of the photographs Levi had sent her, laying face down on the ground.
She picks it up again and brings the paper close to her face. Levi had written something on the back of it in small, quick letters, less tidy than his usual practiced script, as though he’d scribbled it as an afterthought, or else that he wasn’t sure he really wanted her to read it.
There is a date, the same night she had found Levi’s secret photo stash, followed by Hange’s name, and the location of the shot. And beneath that Levi had scrawled a few words. Hange squints to read them, and then her eyes grow wide, blinking owlishly down at the note. Her heart swells almost painfully and something solid balloons within her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs. Her lips tremble into a smile as she props the picture carefully on the bedside table.
The day is still young. Hange brews herself another cup of Levi’s tea and settles on the bed with one of her books, content to spend the next few hours reading—though she finds it strangely difficult to focus, with the words Levi had written on the back of the photograph swirling round and round in her head. Hange doubts they will leave her any time soon. They left her feeling more homesick than ever, but there is a soft, giddy kind of comfort in them all the same. It's a feeling that Hange will savour for as long as she possibly can.
It's weird here without you. Come home again soon x
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