#what’s that? are you afraid of people (even young people) gaining a better understanding of themselves and accepting and celebrating who—
wanderingmausoleum · 11 months
most annoying thing i’ve been seeing online lately is ppl in the adhd/autistic communities posting benign relatable posts and being inundated with comments from neurotypicals being like ummm everyone does that and you’re literally promoting harmful self diagnosis :// stop acting like everything is a symptom and it takes all my power not to tell them to shut the fuck up because not everything is about you, is the audhd community not allowed to make funny relatable posts without you insufferable cuntbags assuming the worst and reading shit into it that was never meant to be there
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crookedfandomquill · 1 year
I have some words about/to the asexual community (be not afraid, I come in peace):
For the better part of my college years, I thought I was asexual. It turns out that I wasn’t; in a a whiplash-style turn of events, I’m actually bisexual, but that’s beside the point. What I want to say is this: during the three years I identified as asexual, being a part of the aro/ace community was amazing. If y’all hadn’t been there for me, I would have felt confused and broken. I never would have had the time or space to breathe, to think, to experience. In a way, the community was a sort of refuge for me on my journey of self-discovery.
Now, I want to make clear that there are many, many people who truly are aro/ace. They don’t eventually discover that they’re something else, or that it was “just a phase”. It’s who they are. And for me, a young queer adult who was ultimately just stopping by, they were the most helpful and compassionate resource I could have hoped for. They accepted me with no questions asked. When I eventually learned that the aro/ace labels didn’t really fit me anymore, I was still left with a deep impression of their kindness. Even better, the experiences and knowledge I gained from being in the community gave me a leg up when it turned out that my best friend actually was aro/ace! 
I love you guys. I love your conversations and your creativity and your fandom and your open arms. I love the rich perspectives you bring to intimacy and relationships and togetherness. I will never understand the hate y’all get, or the urge that other members of the LGBTQ+ community have to exclude you. You helped me when I needed it most, and for that you will always have my loyalty and affection. 
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the-tech-turn · 1 month
My goodbyes to the members of Bad Batch
(I was inspired by someone else who also did this, but I can't find them. If anyone know who the op is, please tell me so I can credit them)
(Not spell checked, btw)
Tech -my beloved-.you have helped me gain confidence when it comes to my intelligence. Last year I was very insecure about my intelligence since I was the “advanced student”. Because of that title I was afraid to ask questions, afraid of not meeting that title. My self esteem relied on my grades and even though I would have an A I was disappointed it wasn't 100 percent. But because of you I learned that I don't have to prove myself to anyone and although I may struggle with it from time to time it's a lot better than last year. You also have been a big source of comfort for me. I would love to listen to you ramble endlessly. Your voice is a voice that I have learned to love and adore. In fact I cried when I realized I would hear your voice this season. I also see you as a person who would listen to me ramble and have a genuine conversation with. Something that I rarely have. You are a strong, intelligent, determined, and loving person. That is why you have a special place in my heart. Thank you Tech for all the things you have helped me with.
I was pretty young when I watched The Clone wars. At that time I wasn't invested with starwars the way I am now. So I never really paid attention to what I was watching. I remember part of it like watching the attack on Kamino. In all honesty I don't remember watching you at all. But subconsciously I may remember since you are one of my favorite clones. Heck even characters. I really like how competent and funny you. To me it shows that even after all that you have been through you can still be an amazing person. I think that's an important message to send. I also like how you want to keep fighting for your brothers. It shows how much you care for them, even the ones you haven't met. I love how you are willing to take dangerous risks for people to love. It shows so much about you. And finally I love how you were able to find healthy coping mechanisms and make the most of your situation. You aren't the same person as before the trauma but you aren't left worse off. Echo you are the perfect example of “you aren't what happens to you it's what you do with what happens' ' and I want to be like you.
Wrecker, you and I are a lot alike. We are both affectionate, loud when we're excited, and caring. I adore how you openly show Lula! You aren't ashamed of her and I think that's incredible. To be proud of who you are and being able to feel unashamed by others trying to put you down is an amazing life skill to have. I think it is amazing how you were always willing to take Crosshair back. I can tell how much you love him. It broke my heart to hear you scream after Tech as he fell. You love all of your brothers and to see one of them die and being unable to help them is something I never want to face. But you are somehow able to still keep your positivity. You seem like the person your brothers go to for reassurance due to your loving and affectionate nature. I hope that whatever happens tomorrow in the finale won't take that away from you.
You are an amazing father/brother to Omega and your brothers. You want what is best for them and try to help them. You are a caring person. It is just how you are. This allows you to empathize with people more easily. It is also your caring nature that drew me to you. You are how I joined Fandom in the first place, and because of that, I made friends with people who want to have a genuine conversation with me(@techwrecker @thefrogdalorian )
You've also allowed me to find people who share my interests. For that I thank you. I admire your determination. You know what you want and no one is going to stop you from getting it. I understand how pressuring it can be when people look up to you and seek you for advice but you manage to pull it off and that is why you are the leader of the batch.
Your journey has been a hard one. You had to see your brothers leave you multiple times. You had to watch Mayday, a reg who you quickly grew to care for and love, die because of the ignorance of the Empire. The same Empire you sacrificed your whole life for. You gave up your relationship with your family, your happiness and individuality. All for the Empire to take 2 of your brothers, and take away what made you different , acceptable to take away the reason you were born and to replace it with trauma.
What you had to live through was cruel and all I can do is hope that you'll be alive to make the pain worth it.
But just because you went through all of this doesn't mean you don't have amazing qualities that I love and admire. Like me you value loyalty. It is why you left the Empire and why you are trying to recuse Omega. You are also very protective of what you care about and it is easy to see how much you care for your brothers and for Omega. I think I like you as much as I do because you remind me of my best friend. She is as stubborn,and snarky, as you but she is also as caring, loyal, thoughtful, and strong as you. It is clear for me to see why Omega never gave up on you. And I want you to know that you deserve the galaxy.
I have loved watching you learn and grow through all of these years. You've grown so far from the girl who didn't know what dirt was. You have faced challenges that would change many people. And in all honesty you have changed; you've changed for the better. You are still the loyal,caring and empathetic person you were before. You are a bit of everyone in the batch
You're as loyal as Crosshair, as caring as Hunter, as strong as Echo and as strategic as Tech. You have so much potential in this galaxy, and I just know wherever the force guides you, you'll never lose your spark.
(I will post my final goodbye to the series tomorrow)
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opultea · 11 months
Genshin Character Interactions I'd Love to See
(AKA some headcanons)
Kazuha & Razor:
Seems like a random combo but hear me out:
They both have a connection to nature and especially smells
Imagine Razor meeting Kazuha for the first time
"Smell like... cool breeze,"
"Thank you, my friend, you carry the scent of rock warmed in afternoon sunlight"
Instant besties
Razor's eyes light up, and whenever he's with Kazuha he likes to point out smells even more then usual because he feels like they're bonding
Although Kazuha uses a lot of words and phrases that Razor doesn’t understand, the poet is very patient, and is always willing to teach his fellow nature affiliate something new
Razor feels like he's gained a new teacher, and observes the way Kazuha seems so connected to nature but is still very much human, which helps the wolf-boy explore that balance in himself
Kazuha admires the simplicity and honesty with which Razor carries himself, never needing more than what the world provides him
Also Kazuha always understands what Razor's trying to say or do no matter how few words he uses
Kaveh & Bennett
Bad luck babies
They find out their mutual bad luck when Kaveh off-handedly complains about his debt, and Bennett immediately goes to comfort him, saying how he’s sure it’ll get better eventually, and hey! Everyone has avalanches chase them sometimes, and the occasional lightning strike to the skull!
Kaveh sighs: “Thanks, but I don’t think any metaphor will equate to my problems,”
“What do you mean metaphors?”
“You were using metaphors, right? Right, Bennett?”
He was not
But I imagine that once they get talking about their luck and especially their attitudes towards it, they really find a lot of interest in each other
Kaveh would hugely admire how Bennett always bounces back, always smiling and never afraid to keep going and keep feeling despite all the terrible occurrences he goes through each day
Bennett finds such solidarity in knowing an adult who’s plagued with bad luck, who is still incredibly successful. Bennett admires how Kaveh is renowned and famed throughout Sumeru for his work, and is a kind soul in his daily life, even with the troubles he has. Even though Bennett doesn’t think he needs to be famous, it’s nice to have real proof that even if he’s unlucky, he could still lead a great life
Klee & Xiao
Xiao would obviously be a bit standoffish at first
Klee views him as another one of those weird adults that doesn’t smile or talk, but she still trusts him innately
I like to think Klee is genuinely a good judge of character, and even if she finds someone weird, she feels that it doesn’t mean they can’t be a great person
Klee once asks Xiao to hold Dodoco for her while she tries to catch a frog in some mud, since Albedo’s always telling her to be careful with things she cares a lot about
Xiao is slightly stunted by the request and the bright smile that comes with it, but nods dutifully and carefully takes the little plush in his hands
Klee runs off to play, and when she gets back she’s more than pleased to see that Xiao is holding Dodoco to his chest, cupping him carefully and keeping him upright
Some adults just don’t respect Dodoco like Xiao does (Klee has had the terrible experience of people tucking Dodoco under their arm like a book! Not a good holder; one star review)
Upon returning to reclaim her friend, Klee gives Xiao as big a hug as her tiny arms can muster, and though Xiao’s eyes widen and his shoulder stiffen, he lets the small girl embrace him
Klee appreciates the respect Xiao shows her, even though she's small and young
Xiao is careful of how his karmic debt might affect this innocent child but lets himself relax at how Klee unabashedly loves the world. It inspires him to try loving more openly
Venti & Kaveh
So what if I’ve already put Kaveh on this list this is my post I do what I want
Sadge alcoholics with ✨dramatic tendencies ✨
You know they have the best stories tho
When these two come together, every room they enter is a party or every room they enter is a crying support room filled with regrets
Either way the room is filled with wine
Their energy is contagious and they can lead crowds of people to begin partying on a random Tuesday afternoon
But when they're in their feels, they look at each other with the understanding and empathy that they each wish they could gain from others in their lives
When Venti's soft voice carries out a melancholy ballad, Kaveh is the first to start crying
When Kaveh begins drunk rambling about his life, Venti's the one to pat his back, smiling softly despite the deep and old emotion his eyes hold
They hold a mutual and quiet understanding of the simultaneous pain and wonderment that living can bring that I think would be really interesting to see play out
Jean & Kokomi
I feel like if they met initially it would be all business
Discussions on foreign trade, sharing experiences from issues that have arisen in the past
All very professional
That is until either of them slips just a tiny bit about how freaking tired they are, and the other perks up and starts trying to subtly find out more
“Hm, it is a great honour to serve the people of Watatsumi Island, although I wish I had the energy to do more in a day,”
*cue Jean realising she may have just found an overworked buddy*
“Yes, I feel the same about the Knights of Favonius, there is always more to accomplish, though Lisa is always telling me to take more time to myself, although I don’t know how I could.”
“Exactly!” *cough* “I mean, yes, I understand how worrisome that must be.”
They silently sip their tea simultaneously, carefully fixing their posture
And then suddenly begin ranting and confiding in each other about how much they always have on their plate
🎶You’re just like me, I’m just like you~
Overall very cute relationship, they start off distanced by duty, and then become besties once they realise their common ground
Imagine them each making sure the other isn’t working too hard!
And they always listen to each other even if they don’t listen to others who tell them to take breaks because they know the other understands completely just how much they have to do
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Little to Fear (Satan x MC)
Just another Obey Me! scenario that randomly rattled out of my skull this afternoon. Heavily implied polyamory in this one, mostly focused on Satan with guest start Solomon!
As always, the ask box is open and let me know if you enjoyed it, I'm always open to doing a part 2 if people ask for it.
Warning: Fearless!MC...sort of.
Over time in the devildom, MC has gained what some might call an unhealthy lack of fear. Some would even call it an utter lack of self-preservation upon witnessing the very much defenceless human going out of their way to provoke all hell to break loose.
They're utterly desensitised to most things, but there is a short list of thing in the devildom even MC won't fuck with.
One of them, is Satan.
None could be mistaken that the human loves Satan, adores him to the ends of time. They'll spend hours reading together, socialising around the Devildom, just about anything one could think of, they'd do together.
But when it comes to his wrath, MC stays well clear, and not for the reasons most may think.
"Really? Satan frightens you?" Solomon is immediately intrigued when he manages to pry the information out of his fellow exchange student. "But Lucifer in full rampage, not a problem?"
"That's not what I mean, I'm not afraid of Satan!" MC whined. They've been interrogated for the last hour, such was life when Solomon hyper-fixates on their mystical pact-making ability. "It's just...if he lost control around me, even by accident, he'd feel bad, and I don't want him to feel bad. It's not a matter of his control, it's his nature."
Solomon mulled the words over for a moment, quietly sipping his tea. "Leviathan's nature can be just as easily violent, so can Beel's for that matter, neither of their sins worry you?"
MC shrugged. "No. There's something...cold about Satan's wrath, like it doesn't match the demon I love. Before you tell me it doesn't make sense and make fun of me, do bear in mind that I will absolutely throw this jam tart at your face."
Solomon held up his hands placatingly, unable to do anything but smile when the young human held up the desert threateningly. "No no! Luke would be heartbroken!"
"He'd understand."
For fear of getting jam on his fresh laundry, Solomon restrained his glibness, poorly. He lives to poke a hornet's nest, and MC is a fascinating sparring partner.
"Maybe so, but if you'll just put down the pastry, I have a theory."
MC reluctantly took a bite of their would-be projectile.
"You've got pacts with all of them, each represents a sin, right?" MC nodded along while Solomon nestles back in his arm chair. "I think that instinctive apprehension of Satan's raw wrath might have more to do with your own relationship with wrath, not fear."
"Excuse me?"
"You're utterly selfless and you've never been a jealous person, so Mammon and Leviathan's sins bounce right off, you balance them out. You provide restraint to gluttony and sloth just by being yourself, it's why Beel isn't as hungry when you're around and Belphie stays awake better with you. You struggle to feel comfortable in your own skin sometimes but love yourself for your personality, so Asmodeus balances you out there, and as for Lucifer, you're just as proud and protective as he is, so he's met his match with you."
MC listened attentively, internalising each word the sorcerer spouted. They couldn't say he was wrong, but then they thought of the seventh, and came up short.
Wrath, anger, anytime in their life they'd been truly angry, things had gotten out of control, they'd felt detached from themselves and acting without thought.
On other side of that coin, when people aimed that wrath at them, they'd gone cold, numb and terrified all at once. They weren't built to know what to do with genuine rage from another, leaving them helpless.
"...holy shit you're right."
Solomon continued, even though he didn't need too.
"You're not afraid of Satan, your afraid of your own wrath."
"That's-that's almost comforting, actually." MC replied softly, reaching for the warm cup of tea and cupping it between their palms. "I felt so bad, being even slightly scared of him when he doesn't ask to lose control."
Solomon rolled his eyes, they're back to being incredibly weird. "You felt bad, for being scared of one of the Avatars of Hell?"
"Well yeah! It's Satan for crying out loud, he takes me to a cat café every week just to pet cats! Hell, he reads to me until I fall asleep if I'm being a damned insomniac!" Realising their mistake too late, they slap their hand over their mouth. "Don't you dare tell him I said that!"
Solomon laughed, and MC wasn't having it. Simeon had to come in and pull them apart before the worst happened: a tickle fight.
Last time, the two humans managed to tickle each other into almost passing out, much to the horror of the angels and demons who had no idea human bodies were so weird.
MC left soon after calling a reluctant truce with the tricky sorcerer and left Purgatory Hall, only to be diverted on their way back to HoL by a text from Satan.
Come to the library, I'd like your help getting started on this new project.
On my way!
Walking down Devildom streets alone had once been a big no-no, but these days, MC had the run of the place without much of a care. No demon was dumb enough to lay hands on the human wearing those pact marks proudly on their skin. Not to mention the marks Asmo liked to leave on their neck sometimes.
MC suspects Belphie's been responsible for a few before, but manages to pin them on Asmo or Beel.
They arrive at the library and smile at the demon at the door before bee-lining for Satan's favourite section.
They find him combing over a shelf, a delightfully far away look on his face as his fingers lovingly brush the spine of an ornate volume, rich brown leather inlaid with silver lettering.
The candles light his golden hair in a warm hue and his eyes glimmer like emeralds. Such a beautiful, intricate mind behind those eyes, what MC wouldn't give for him to look so content at every hour of every day.
Satan gasped quietly when he felt an arm sneak around his waist, ready to bark at Asmo to get the hell off him, only to melt the momment he sees MC's pretty smile.
"You could have just called my name, you know?" Satan scolded playfully, lips twitching up in a smile before he could stop himself.
MC squeezed briefly before pulling away, well aware that he's no fan of PDA, but unable to resist his warmth seeping through the soft cotton sweater. "Where's the fun in that?"
It felt better, knowing the unsettled feeling they got each time Satan got angry isn't because of some irrational fear, but from their own relationship with themselves.
Satan tilted his head curiously as MC drifted off before his eyes, lost in thoughts he's desperate to share in. "Penny for your thoughts?"
MC brought themselves back to the devildom, and grinned cheekily. "You seek to buy my precious thoughts so cheaply?! I'm wounded sir."
Satan knows that trick, MC's proficient at dodging a question, almost too good, what better time to practise dealing with that clever tongue than now, with no one else in earshot, especially no one that would dare say a cross word to the avatar of wrath.
Before MC could move the subject along, Satan hauled them in until they were pressed to his chest, planting their lips together before MC's surprised noise could escape.
The human clung to his shoulders helplessly, relaxing completely into him as he stole the breath from their lungs.
He kissed them 'till their lungs demanded air, and when he pulled away, he didn't go far, resting his forehead against theirs as he pressed kisses to the corner of their lips and the tip of their nose.
"Can you tell me now, sweetheart?"
MC's heart skipped a beat, then slammed into overdrive, pounding against their ribcage as they looked up into emerald eyes of liquid adoration. Satan may not be as physically affectionate as his brothers, but by all that is unholy, when he weighs in, he goes all in.
But this is playing dirty, and MC is not to be outdone.
"I was thinking about how pretty you are, my love."
That breathless sweetness in their voice and the gentle brush of their fingertips against his cheek is all it takes for all coherent thought to leave him, demolishing this demon of reason into a man of pure desire.
MC sees the change happen in real time, and fights off a grin as they know they've won the battle he started. With four words, they strike the final blow.
"We should go home."
Satan doesn't say a word, grabs their hand and practically drags them out of the library, and back to the house of Lamentation, well aware that he'd just taken a loss, and unable to find a single reason to care.
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spudangle · 5 months
So I've been thinking about what Astarion's life looked like before he was turned into a vampire.
We know little to nothing about Astarion’s past, besides the fact that he was a magistrate, and that he was approximately 39 years old when he was turned into a spawn by Cazador. From a storytelling perspective we don’t really need to know more than that, for one, it makes sense that he can’t remember his past, as 39 years of normalcy is nothing in comparison to 200 years of abuse, and besides, him having been a magistrate already tells us a lot just based on association.
Anyways, I actually just wanted to get into some of my headcanons for what I imagine his pre-spawn life and upbringing might have looked like.
I like to think that Astarion had the most boring upper middle class/upper class life that you can imagine. 
He was brought up in a fairly wealthy family, at least wealthy enough to have a couple of servants employed, like 1-3.  
And obviously his family was super snobbish, maybe not rude (though probably that too), but they were definitely grossly ignorant of the people that they deemed below them.
He became a magistrate because his father was a magistrate (or maybe his father had a higher position, but I don’t know the right terms when it comes to law), and so the same was expected of Astarion.
Not that I think that Astarion hated being a magistrate, but he probably enjoyed it more so because of the status and power that it afforded him, rather than a genuine interest in law. 
His father was probably a real stick in the mud. The sort of guy who wouldn’t be all that present or interested in his son’s life unless it had to do with his education or reputation, so any parenting from his side would have been rather strict.
And while there might not have been a lot of love in their relationship I can still see a young Astarion really admiring his father, though also being a little intimidated by, if not afraid of, him.
Astarion, as a child, would definitely have threatened to have his father sue if he didn’t get his way. 
“WeLl mY FAthEr WiLl sue yOuR fAtHeR…” 
Astarion’s mother would have been the complete opposite of his father. Still a complete snob, but not at all a stick in the mud. 
By no means a working lady, neither outside of or in the house (that’s what you have servants for), but rather a socialite, she herself coming from somewhat noble stock prior to being married. 
A bit of a wine mom for lack of a better term, and she would been heeeavily into gossip, constantly being up to date on what was happening inside and outside of her social circle.
She had probably been sharing gossip with Astarion since he could talk.   
She loved Astarion dearly, spoiling him rotten. 
Though, she too could probably have been a bit more emotionally attentive to him. 
I imagine that Astarion resembles or at least resembled his mother a lot, both in appearance and personality.
Astarion’s life was mundane as HELL before he became a vampire spawn.
I understand logistically why elves - especially in human societies - have to work after the age of 18, but what, he was only 39, was he supposed to spend the next 700-800 years of his life just working in law?? No adventuring out and seeing the world?? Nothing??? That must have been so boring for an elf, right???
Like seriously what did he have to look forward to???
So you have pre-spawn Astarion doing the same thing day in and day out, working in the shadow of his father. 
Spending the evenings and weekends accompanying his mother to social events, which quickly became boring after a couple of years, because it was always the same people and the same boring gossip. 
He wasn’t really his own person then either, always having to be presentable, having to maintain the image of his family. 
The only thrills he could gain were those found when exerting power over others at court, or when spreading nasty rumors among his peers to see them erupt into chaos.
And sure it was easy and it was nice but it wasn’t very exciting. 
But at least it was better than what was going to be his life for the next 200 years.
I just think that these things are so interesting to consider, when thinking about Astarion’s character. He was a part of a real family before Cazador snatched him away. He was someone’s son. 
I have more thoughts, but I don’t really know if they fit in here.
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verflcht · 5 days
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@kettensaege wondered : nasturtium, describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland . ⸻ born in the care of white witches, zeev had nothing to worry about nor to be afraid of. despite the skepticism he was loved and he absolutely loved his home. the place wasn't truly important, but the people were. the land itself, Scotland to be precise, wasn't much of importance for him, too. Most witches of the coven came from different parts of the United Kingdom and beyond, he considers himself more of a Brit than a Scot. He misses his home, more than he'd care to admit, but above all he misses his sisters.
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@vcnenum researched : belladonna, how does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness , or seek to fill the void with noise ? ⸻ even though zeev can talk non-stop & listen to others all day long, he's comfortable enough in silence, too. since he's forced to live all by himself for quite some time he's got used to the silence. he's following his own thoughts for company. however, he'd always choose noise above quietness. sometimes, depending on what happened before turning silent, he might feel uneasy. it's when he knows there are things that need to be said.
@vcnenum researched : daisy, did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  ⸻ most definitely. zeev had been such a loving, open-hearted and social boy / young man. he still is, but it is tainted. / the day he pushed himself to commit forbidden magic to save his family.
@vcnenum & @nepnthc researched : lavender, how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,  how might one go about mending it ? ⸻ he may not seem like it, but he's not trusting anyone since his own family exiled him. the people he would have sacrificed himself for, throwing him away like he never mattered. he believes, if his own blood can betray him, so can essentially anyone. he like to keep people close though, act like a friend (or a lover), but in the end he's just taking advantage to meet his needs. gaining his trust is near impossible (but of course it'd be lame if it were truly). mending it tho? that's irreparable for sure.
@vcnenum & @vikasgarden researched : violet, how does your muse respond to betrayal ? ⸻ zeev is a silent river running deep, he's not one to let you know. but he'll get his revenge, sooner or later. one way or another. he's a sun eager to burn.
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@nepnthc whispers : sunflower, what brings your muse the most joy in life? 🌻 ⸻ sunrises, rustling of pages, wind chimes, smell of burning alder wood, well made food, simple chamomile tea with honey, attention, being cared about, his sisters.
@nepnthc whispers : salvia, is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them?  how do they express that possessiveness, or lack thereof? ⸻ as of right now, he's not possessive at all. he knows people won't stick, they'll leave and they'll go on, just as he will. he wouldn't degrade himself to someone who needs another person. he's big enough for himself. he'Il not fight for anyone, his doors are always open. why should he allow himself to be vulnerable to betrayal? I can imagine him being obsessive, though.
@nepnthc whispers : poppy, what comforts your muse? ⸻ honey infused chamomile tea, the smell of lemongrass & honeysuckle, heavy sunlight, physical closeness
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@heartofglass-mindofstone chuckles : lotus, has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ? have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start , or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ? ⸻ not yet, but he's on a path that'll more or less lead to exactly that. he'll develop a new feeling of himself, the meaning of his life and what he wants to achieve. occupied with the repressed emotions of betrayal and hurt, he's quite silently suffering and that's usually bound to burst one day or another. question is what'll happen then? can't wait to figure that out fully.
@heartofglass-mindofstone chuckles : edelweiss, what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ? ⸻ bravery isn't really an attribute he'd assign himself, but he isn't a coward, too. he had always protected his family, even though most of the time his sisters and fellow witches were more than capable of doing it themselves.
@heartofglass-mindofstone chuckles : lily, how does your muse view their mother ? ⸻ mother issues incoming. abort abort. she'd been the most important person in his life - and has taken everything that's dear to him away from him. I guess you can imagine.
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@vikasgarden sows : bay tree, does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ? ⸻ not at all, to both. he's still not quite sure what he truly seeks, probably acclaim the most and he wants to be right. he wants to hear that he'd been right in doing what he'd done. even though he loves pretty things, he's not seeking wealth or money. still, he surely needs to be idolized.
@vikasgarden sows : chamomile, what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  ⸻ he definitely turns stronger, but he also assumes you're at fault. depending on how relevant the pain is to the greater scheme of things, he'll either teach you what balance means to a witch - or he'll just not waste his time on you.
@vikasgarden sows : forget - me - not, has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ? ⸻ [ spoiler alert ] Playing around with dark magic is bound to come with consequences.
@vikasgarden sows : gladiolus, describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget . ⸻ something he'd told Enid recently: I remember Wren taking hours upon hours picking daisies just to knot them somehow into my hair. I found them days after!
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Hi, so I just read your post on your experiences as an aro person and it was really impactful for me. I’m still a teenager so I’m figuring things out but I’ve never really had a crush or liked anyone romantically and I feel like I’m aro but I don’t really know whether I can define myself in that way yet because what if I’m still too young to know? Then there’s my sexual orientation which I’m clueless about but that’s fine because I know I probably am too young to know that yet. To add to that, my friends are all queer and a lot of the fandoms I’m in are quite queer and I’m afraid that if I did end up being aro and heterosexual I wouldn’t be accepted as being queer or that I can’t call myself queer. I’m also realm afraid of being lonely when I’m older because I’m not really close to that much family and I’ve struggled to keep good friends for a long time so I just worry about the future a lot sometimes and that I’m going to be sad and alone. I’m really sorry this is so long I just needed to rant to someone and I was really glad to be able to find someone who’s aro who I can talk to about this stuff.
So, here's my advice. Mainly, tl;dr, nobody knows you better than you do.
It's absolutely fine to ID to aromantic even if you feel too young (trust me, I've had a couple moments in school where I justified myself as "being too young to be into girls yet" that seem really obviously aro in hindsight), but if you do end up developing a different way, in finding attraction to people specifically or broadly, then you can just redefine yourself. There's not gonna be any aro cop who comes around checking your aro license and making sure you still adhere to understandings of yourself from last year. More than anything it's only human to gain understanding of something through continued experience, and that goes for your own self as well as anything else in the world.
For friends, well that's a complex issue that ultimately comes down to what you (and your friends) want, I can only really talk about my own experiences. But most of my friends are queer, we didn't meet in queer spaces or become attached because we were queer, we just met from mutual interests and they found out things about themselves and I found out things about myself, but there's no expectation of a mandatory level of queerness among us cause that's a really unreasonable thing to ask of someone. There's even completely hetero cis straight people still hanging about, and they're cool too. And I totally get feeling like you don't form attachments that strongly, I certainly don't have a best most closest friend ever that I'd die for, just, like, people I enjoy spending my free time with. That's enough.
I know it doesn't mean much just saying it, there's not much I can do to properly boost your mental from the other side of a computer screen, but like. Try not to worry about shit, ya know? Take life as it comes. Some things might not work out, but spending all your time fearing about everything going bad is just piling on extra stress you don't need.
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goldendynastys · 5 months
castles crumbing (pt. 1) | ksm
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summary: molly usher had the world in the palm of her hands, endless money and a family reputation that would save her no matter what. the young woman had everything. until one day, her father made a deal with the devil, a deal that put her in the forefront. now she had nothing, except being forced into an eventual marriage to kim seungmin, the most dangerous member of the mafia who was not afraid to get his hands bloody and would do anything to protect molly.
pairing: kim seungmin x fem!oc rating/genre: 18+, MDNI | mafia au, arranged relationship, enemies to lovers, yandere, angst, fluff, eventual smut word count: 21.3k warning/tags: manipulation, yandere, obsession, alcohol usage, violence, organized crime, molly is a rich bitch, toxic family dynamics, betrayal, weapons, seungmin is possessive of molly, comedic interactions, suggestive content, inspired by the fall of the house of usher, i think that’s it but if i miss anything please let me know (i’m new at this), hope you all enjoy reading! <3
disclaimer: all members of Stray Kids are faces and name claims for this story. this is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment, or representation of real-life people. any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real life scenarios.
this story will be written in 3rd POV in which the oc has a name and faceclaim. i understand that the majority of people prefer x reader (and i completely respect that), but i just wanted to give a warning so people know what to expect before reading this story or if they want to avoid it entirely. please do not attack me, as i do prefer writing with names and faceclaims sometimes and i just want to write what i want to write. any hate comments will be blocked.
sadie sink as molly usher
chapter one: a wolf in sheep’s clothing (next →)
When Molly Usher was only seven years old, she knew what her family meant to the world and what the world meant to them. She was sitting in her first grade classroom and listened as different kids talked about their families and what they believed their parents did for work. Granted, the majority of the families were in the same line of business, but they each had different jobs and did different things, so it was always an interesting topic of discussion.
No one had asked Molly what her parents did, even though she was a part of the conversation. When she tried to share, a student shut her down by saying, “we know what your parents do for work, Molly. Your family is bigger than all of our’s and some of our parents work for your parents, so you don’t need to share.”
It was at that moment that everything started to make sense to Molly Usher. Why her parents were always pestering her about looking presentable, why they scolded her every time she said something rude or improper, why they told her to be better than everyone else in school and in sports. They wanted her to best, to uphold the Usher reputation and be the perfect daughter she could be. After all, their family had built their empire from the ground up and gained fame from all of the work that they did. They could not risk losing that within a matter of a few seconds, especially something that took years to build.
And from there on out, Molly began to live by the message her parents had been feeding to her ever since she learned how to speak. She never complained about the ugly dresses she had to wear, finding ways to make it more fashionable and suitable for her taste. She always spoke eloquently to her peers and teachers, and even began to try harder in her class. Despite only being seven years old, Molly made sure she got perfect scores on the homework and made sure she knew all of the answers to her teacher’s questions.
And this behavior became embedded within her mind as the years went on. Molly began to juggle harder classwork and extracurricular activities ranging from captain of the volleyball team to president of the debate club and the humanitarian organization her high school had. Nevertheless, she still ranked the highest student in her graduating class and got into some of the best schools in the country. All thanks to that one student in her first grade class who reminded her who the Usher family was (and her parents, of course). Those two things changed the trajectory of her life for the better.
With all the hard work and ambition Molly had, she was seen as the best and strongest Usher child, something she wanted ever since she understood the competition amongst the Usher siblings when she was nine. John Usher, her father, never outwardly said he had a favorite child, but Molly could tell he was lying by the discreet look he had in his eyes. Everyone was oblivious to it except for Molly and her mother, Katherine.
He wanted to have a favorite child, a child he knew would carry on the Usher dynasty and uphold the family name with no cracks within it. With an empire with that much power, who wouldn’t? He needed reassurance that everything he worked for wouldn’t fall once handed over to the next person. So, John watched his children in silence, scoping out who was the most hardworking out of all of them and how willing they were to be the best and uphold the Usher name. Some children were completely oblivious, while others caught on and played into the game. Molly was one of them, but she knew how to play it right so that she would become her father’s favorite and be the next successor of the Usher dynasty.
And so, Molly did whatever it took to be on top. So what if she didn't necessarily have a “normal” childhood? She’d much rather be working towards something important that would play a significant role in her future than do something unproductive and stupid with her peers. Granted, Molly did enjoy going out to clubs wearing the most expensive clothes she could find, but it was only once in a blue moon. The majority of the time, she just put her head down and got to work. As she got older, the work paid off greatly.
Molly graduated at the top of her class in university and obtained her business degree with flying colors. Now, at the age of twenty-two going on twenty-three, she was about to start her own business, one that interested her greatly and was going to help people around the world. Quite frankly, it was better than anything else her siblings had been working on. Their passion projects were . . . cute, to say the least. But it didn’t bring pride to the Usher name, it was only for their benefit and they were doing it to make themselves look good, not the family. Sure, their father would fund the business and help them out, but he wouldn’t be proud of the work that they were doing.
And that was precisely why Molly went in a different direction; she created a business that not only piqued her interest, but one that would bring change to the world and had the Usher name behind it. It was a genius idea, an idea her less intelligent siblings could not come up with on their own (Molly did love them, but it was the truth. It wasn’t her fault the intelligence gene was passed down to her). It would bring about more pride and good omens to the Usher name, and the young woman so proud of what she had accomplished. She did it all by herself (with the assistance of her father’s money, of course), designing the whole business and contacting the right people to work with. Her dream was about to come into fruition.
Molly stood in an office located in the Usher headquarters. It was a massive building with many floors and offices for her father and other employees to work in. She was able to take over one of the floors and use it for business planning, to which she was very grateful for. She needed those rooms to host meetings, get her products together the right way, and just having a space to get work done. There was a lot that went into starting a business, as Molly learned through countless hours of planning and crying, so she was going to take whatever she could (besides her father’s money) to get it up and running.
But she got everything done, like she always did. It was only a matter of putting the final pieces together and scheduling a press conference so important investors and news reporters could be in attendance to cover the entire event. Molly sat at the office desk, reading through emails and sorting through the remaining paperwork she hadn’t gotten to yet. She was almost done for the evening, just tying up some final things before her driver came and escorted her home. There was one final task Molly had to do before she left, which was already about to get done now that one of her assistants, Aubrey, had come walking through the door.
“We’re all set for the launch event next week, there are just some final forms you have to fill out that I can scan and send back so you can get your brand officially trademarked. This is so exciting, Molly!” Aubrey exclaimed as she placed the papers on the desk.
Molly only smiled as she skimmed through the documents and began to fill them out. They were just agreements she and the trademark representatives went over a few weeks ago, it was only a matter of the youngest Usher actually filling them out so they could be approved and processed. She handed them back to Aubrey once she was done. “Yay!” the woman spoke excitedly. “You’re almost there! We just have to get the conference room fixed up for next week and finalize the clothes. It’s going to be amazing, you should be proud of yourself, Molly!”
“Thank you! I’m really looking forward to this. I thought it would be a no-go given the complications of finding the right investors and getting the clothes looking pretty and organized, but we pushed through,” Molly smiled, thinking back to how this project had a rough start but was able to get back on stable ground after figuring out some details.
“You pushed through. This was all you — we just helped you make sure your head didn’t fall off!” Audrey laughed. “But seriously, your dedication to this project is admirable. In a few weeks, you are going to be helping women all around the world get what they need — clothes, food and water, books for school. This work and ensuring half of the profits the company makes goes towards women in need is truly remarkable. You are going to change the world, Molly Usher.”
She couldn’t help but blush at the comment. It was true that the business she was building was going to leave an impact — it was something Molly had wanted to do for quite some time now. Despite coming from wealth and of a high class, she wanted to give back to the world in any way she could. Several years later, she was able to launch something that could help people, especially women, in need and assist them in whatever they needed help with.
Of course, there were other companies that did this line of work and commitment, but Molly wanted to go about it differently. She had heard horror stories of how companies made a promise to donate to charity or help those who were suffering, but completely lied about it and took all of the money they made and invested in the business. Molly didn’t want to do that, she wanted to ensure that half of the profits that were made from selling the clothes were given back to the community, which is why she did countless hours of research to make sure the investors and other people she were to work with were reputable. Negotiating a fair contract was another challenging part, hence why starting this business took her longer than expected.
Even after the long hours and days where it felt like the business wasn’t going to make it, Molly still managed to get everything organized and pushed through the rough patches. Now, she was only a week away from the initial launch and she was more than thrilled. Not only because she would finally get the hard part over with, but because it would bring great reputation to the Usher name. Bettering their reputation would make her father proud and she could finally be seen as his favorite child. Once she had that, the world was her oyster and Molly could finally gain a sense of peace.
“Thank you, Aubrey. You’re too kind to me, you and the rest of the team did amazing work, too. Give yourself some credit for my sanity,” Molly laughed. “Seriously, you helped me so much. I haven’t been the easiest person to work with on this project, so your commitment to me and the company just means a lot to me.”
Aubrey shrugged her shoulders. “It’s business, honey. We’re all going to get angry from time to time, it’s a natural part of life,” she reassured the girl. “Your passion and admiration for me and the other employees was what made us stay. And we will continue to work with you for as long as you let us. Now, let me get these documents forwarded so you can go home and rest. You need a break.”
And she was right. Molly had been so focused on the business and building it for the past few not months, working long days and even coming in on the weekend to get work done. Now that the final tweaks were quieting down, she could finally take a weekend to herself and do whatever she wanted. The free time she now had left her dumbfounded: what was she going to do? She could sleep, for one, or read some books she had been meaning to read when she had the chance. She could hang out with her father and see what he was up to. 
Molly seemed to get an answer to her question, however, once her phone started to ring. She glanced down at the screen and noticed her friend, Serena, was calling. She briefly looked at Aubrey, who gave her two thumbs up and began to walk out of the room with the documents. Molly smiled as she brought the phone to her ear. “Hey Serena, how are you?”
“Um, I don’t know. I guess I’m happy ‘cause my best friend has officially started her own business!” Serena screamed, squealing over the phone. Molly couldn’t help but start laughing at her friend who was super excited for her. “You did it! All the heavy lifting is done! You’re officially a CEO, how fucking sick is that?!”
Molly only laughed. “There’s still so much work I’m going to have to do, but yes, the business is official and is going to be announced within a few weeks. I fucking did it, Serena.”
“Yes you fucking did! You did it, congratulations. I am so so proud of you, you worked your ass off and you deserve this so much. Molly Usher, CEO. That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Serena congratulated the woman. “We have to celebrate. What are you doing tonight?”
Molly began to gather her purse and make her way out of the office. “Um, I’m not sure. I was going to stay in and catch up on some sleep, or watch a movie with my cat, I haven’t decided yet.”
“Hmm, I’m thinking no. Molls, we have to celebrate this! You haven’t gone out in ages and what better way to celebrate than going to the club and partying?!” Serena suggested. “Come on, the girls and I miss you so much. We want to have a night that’s all about you, to honor the hard work you’ve been doing. Please? I’ll pick you up and drive you home, even if we end up crashing at my place. You don’t even have to lift a finger. Just for tonight, and I’ll let you catch up on sleep and watch a movie with Morella the rest of the weekend. That sound good?”
Molly playfully rolled her eyes as she unlocked her car. She gave it some serious thought before eventually agreeing to her friend’s plan. “Deal. But my one ask is that you come to my house before so we can all get ready together. We haven’t done one of those in a while, either.”
Serena squealed once more and clapped her hands together. “Yay! That would be so much fun. Okay, I’ll let Ester and Camille know to come to my house first and then we’ll drive to your’s. I cannot wait, this is going to be so much fun! I have to get my shit together, I love you, talk to you soon. Bye!”
“Love you too!” Molly called out, and then the call disconnected. She laughed at her best friend. She had always been thankful she had someone like Serena in her life, someone who pushed her to do things even when she didn’t really want to for the sake of going out of her comfort zone. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she would rather go out with her friends than stay in for the night.  
She was glad she said yes to Serena, and Molly had a good feeling about tonight. She had no idea why, but she was optimistic that it would be a night none of them would forget. The Usher woman turned on her car and began to drive home, excited to share the good news with her father and friends, and to celebrate everything she had been working for.
Music started to blare from the speaker Esther brought from her house. It was imported from a luxury brand in Paris, a Christmas gift from her mother when she went there on a holiday trip by herself. It was a great speaker, as the entire group used to listen to music whenever they got ready to go out or were just spending the night together.
Camille came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but flared pants, trying to figure out what bra and top to wear. “I feel like my areolas look weird. One looks smaller and the other looks too big. Am I crazy, or . . .”
Esther rolled her eyes while she finished applying her makeup. “Yes. The girl you’re going to sleep with does not give a fuck about what your aeorelas look like. You’re fine, just decide on a top and stick with it, we have to leave soon.”
Camille turned towards Molly and Serena, who were smoothing out their dresses. “What do you think?”
Molly turned around and smiled at her friend. “I think you are beautiful the way you are, your areolas are fine. Our bodies are meant to look different, so really, there’s no standard of how they should look. You’ll be fine, Camille,” she reassured, to which the other woman gave her a sympathetic smile. “And I say the pink one. It’s sparkly and it goes well with your orange pants. Which are so adorable, by the way.”
“Thank you! I got them from this store in California. Only three hundred dollars, what a steal!” Camille smiled and then ran into the bathroom to quickly get dressed.
Molly only laughed and looked at herself in the mirror. She decided to wear a short silver dress that was covered in sequins and had an open back. She was supposed to wear it to a New Year’s Eve party but ended up going with another one because of how “short” it was (Molly was a little too uptight back then when it came to her clothes). She didn’t care much about it now, as long as she looked and felt good, she didn’t care what it looked like. Molly finished putting in her earrings and touching up her red lipstick.
“Can I just say that you look hot as fuck?” Serena commented, causing Molly to blush and for Esther and Camille to cheer in agreement. She wrapped her arms around the redhead’s shoulders. “That dress looks amazing on you. I told you you should’ve worn it to that New Year’s party!”
“Thank you. You know how stingy I was back then, I hated how short it was. But tonight is a fun night and I want to look sexy while doing so,” Molly laughed. “You look amazing too. The Chanel dress with the sneakers is such a cute and trendy look, I’m obsessed.”
“Yeah, but it’s nothing compared to how you look. I just threw this on at the last minute, you look gorgeous and sexy. Everyone is going to be looking at you, and one of them might be lucky enough to go home with you tonight!” Serena exclaimed, to which everyone cheered in unison while Molly laughed it off. “I’m serious, you’re going to catch some serious dick tonight. Or pussy, whatever makes you feel comfortable and good. As long as they’re not ugly, then we do not give a fuck.”
“Or a criminal! Haven’t you heard? So many members of the mafia are taking women and forcing them to be their wives, it’s scary. You have to make sure the guy you’re gonna fuck isn’t going to try and kidnap you. That’s all I’m saying,” Esther commented. 
Molly couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Ester’s concern for her and the group’s safety was understandable, as there have been stories on the news of women going missing presumably because of mafia members and their “hunt” to find the perfect woman for them. It was scary for sure, and Molly made sure to carry an extra can of pepper spray whenever she left somewhere late, but they did not have to worry. After all, she was the daughter of John Usher, one of the most powerful businessmen in the world who had many resources that would be able to find either one of them if they were to ever be kidnapped. 
“I appreciate the concern, Esther. I do, but we are going to be fine. Camille’s bringing her pepper spray, Serena’s dad forced her to have the police on speed dial, and I have my pepper spray too. Plus, my dad’s one of the most powerful people in the world. If something were to happen, he would be able to find all of us in a matter of no time. It’s okay to be scared because what’s happening is fucked up, but I think we will be okay. We’ll just be careful with who we talk to,” Molly reassured her friend, wrapping her arms around her shoulders to give her a hug. “You look beautiful — the blue eyeshadow compliments your hair and outfit very well.”
Esther smiled and placed her hand over Molly’s. “Thanks, Molls. I want to make sure we’re safe. You just never know who’s out there.”
Before she had the chance to respond, Camille stepped out from the bathroom and gave a twirl for everyone to show off her outfit, “Okay, I think I’m ready to head out. You were right about the color — it really does stand out!” Camille announced.
“I am too. I ordered our Uber a bit ago and it should be here in . . . shit, three minutes. Are we all ready?” Serena asked as she linked one of her arm’s with Molly and the other with Esther.
The women looked at each other and all shrugged their shoulders. They looked ready, and they looked hot as fuck. It was rare that they all got to hang out with each other, as Molly threw herself into starting her business while the others were busy building their careers. To have a special night where they could dress up and go out into the city was truly exciting for all of them. They definitely needed a night like this, especially after all the hard work they had been doing.
They unlinked their arms once they remembered they needed their coats to keep them warm, in which they threw them on and began to walk out of Molly’s room. As the redhead was about to walk out of the door, she saw her father sitting in one of the living rooms, presumably reading emails on his phone. A small smile arose on her face as she quietly knocked on the wall to get his attention. He looked up from his phone and smiled as well. “Ah, my little entrepreneur is at home before ten o’clock. How have you been?”
“I’ve been good, Dad. Finally got all the documents signed and forwarded to the right people — Audrey said the launch can happen within the next week or so!” Molly clapped her hands together.
John Usher’s smile faltered slightly once she said those words. He remained happy for the sake of the conversation. “That’s amazing, you should be extremely proud of yourself. You are going to bring great press and news to the Usher name,” he complimented. “But, there’s one small thing . . .” Confusion started to arise on Molly’s face, her heart falling to her stomach. “W-What? What do you mean by one small thing . . . what the hell happened, Dad?”
“It’s nothing major, uh . . . one of our investor’s pulled out. Said he got a better opportunity for another company, better rates,” John admitted.
Molly’s stomach dropped completely. Anger began to take over as she looked at her father, her hands forming into fists. “Which one was it? Why the fuck did he pull out?”
“It was Simon Hollingsworth—”
“That bastard! That fucking bastard, I knew he was a snake and was going to pull out when shit hit the fan. What a coward,” Molly spat. She began to slowly hyperventilate, becoming more and more angry as the truth began to settle in. “What does this mean? Do I not get to launch the business next week? I swear I—”
“You can still have a launch next week, it might be a little harder because of the dropout. But there’s some investors I can talk to who I’ve grown close with and—” John started but was cut off by Molly shaking her head. “Molly, I can help you out. Getting investors this late in the game won’t work, but I can convince them to invest because they know me. Don’t you want that?”
“I don’t want your help. You said I had to do this on our own, you told all of us that. I don’t want to be the only one who got help from you, I don’t want to get shit from them at Christmas saying how they never got Daddy’s help and taking jabs at me. Especially Enzo, he’s always loved to tease me because I’m the youngest,” Molly explained.
Her father shook his head, showing that he understood what she meant. Molly could feel tears start to prick her eyes and she held them back immediately; she didn’t want to ruin her makeup or show her dad that she was going to cry. She could feel his hands rest on her arms to try and reassure her. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I shouldn’t have said anything, I ruined your night and I’m sorry. Go have fun with your friends and we can talk about this tomorrow, okay?”
Molly nodded her head slowly. As much as she wanted to try and forget about this, there was no way she would be able to. Perhaps getting drunk at the club would help take her mind off it, that seemed like a good solution. “Okay, I’ll do that.”
“Good, because you deserve to have this night for yourself,” John reassured his daughter, planting a small kiss on her forehead. “Go have fun, Molly Dolly. But don’t do anything too dangerous — just make sure you can get home safely!”
She gave him a smile and laughed. “I’ll try. See you later, Dad.”
Molly ran outside to her friends, who were starting to get into the Uber. Serena waited outside with a concerned expression on her face. “Hey, is everything okay? We figured we’d wait outside so you two can talk and so the Uber doesn’t drive away. You guys okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just . . . nevermind. I’m not going to think about it until tomorrow. Right now, all I’m thinking about is having a fun night with my girls and getting drunk as fuck. So let's go before the bar gets crowded and people try to make us pay for their drinks,” Molly reassured her friend, who giggled at her words. The two made their way into the Uber, and the four were off.
While Molly tried to have a good time, she couldn’t help but think about the evil investor who decided to drop out. She was screwed, as Mr. Hollingsworth invested the most money into the launch and business as a whole. Molly had no idea what the hell she was going to do, but she decided to shake it off as much as she could. Tonight was supposed to be a fun night with her friends, to celebrate all that she had achieved. She could forget about it for one night and then get back to work tomorrow. One night off would not kill you, as Audrey constantly reminded her.
Molly shook her head and smiled at the girls, who were listening to whatever song was playing on the radio. She laughed and started to sing with them, hoping this energy would remain consistent throughout the entire night: just pure happiness and bliss.
Music blared loudly throughout the club as Molly and Esther danced together. The club was filled with multi-colored lights flashing through the place and people dancing the night away. Everyone was either too drunk or too high to care about what they were doing, and even the sober ones were just happy to be in a fun environment.
Camille and Serena had returned from the bar, carrying four shot glasses that were filled with what appeared to be tequila. The girls squealed as they each took a glass, clinking them together and throwing it in their mouths. The alcohol burned in Molly’s mouth, but it went away after she took a sip of her gin and tonic, and she was swaying to the music with a smile on her face.
The DJ decided to change the song to a more modern, more upbeat song that everyone seemed to know and love, because the crowd began to cheer and move onto the dance floor. Serena took another sip of her drink and grabbed Molly’s hand, while Esther grabbed Camille’s. “Come on ladies, I love this song and we have to all dance together!” 
They entered the sea of people and began to dance to the song. Others decided to join them and the dancing became more fun for everyone. Some people decided to do extreme dance moves, which was entertaining to watch, but the majority of it was just everyone dancing calmly to the music. It was a great song choice; everyone (including Molly) seemed to know the lyrics and were shouting them loudly. The energy that radiated within the club was powerful, powerful and fun.
The women continued to dance to the other songs that came on, which were also upbeat and popular, and did not have a care in the world. Molly was enjoying herself, just letting her body sway to the music. It wasn’t until Serena tapped her shoulder that Molly stopped dancing completely and came back to reality. “That guy has been staring at you for the past, like, ten minutes. Hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since we started dancing.”
“I think he wants to fuck you!” Camille shouted as well.
Molly playfully rolled her eyes and looked out into the distance. It wasn’t hard to spot the man that was looking at her — he had dark hair and wore a nice leather jacket, a drink in his hands that he brought up to his lips as she continued to stare at Molly, not breaking eye contact. He was cute for sure, the way his hair sat nicely on his head and how he stood with confidence. Molly was definitely intrigued, to say the least. She gave him a small wave and he responded with a curt nod, causing the four women to start giggling.
“You have to go talk to him, Molls! He’s totally into you, and he’s hot too!” Esther exclaimed. “If all goes south, we’ll back you up for sure!”
“Yeah, if he’s a prick I’ll punch him in the face and steal his credit card,” Camille added.
Molly laughed once more and shook her head. “If he wants to talk, he can come to me. I’m not chasing after him, I don’t have time for that bullshit!”
She glanced at him once more, in which he stared right back at her. Molly motioned for him to join the group with her hand, hoping he would get the hint and come join them. Within a matter of seconds, he pushed himself off of the wall and started to walk towards them, placing his glass down at the bar.
“Holy shit, it worked! How do I look?” Molly asked.
“Like a million bucks, babe. You got this, we’ll be right over there if you need us. If it goes wrong, just text us or rub your nose. Yeah, yeah rub it so we know if it’s going badly. We’ll come rescue you,” Serena answered.
Esther and Camille agreed with her words, and Molly nodded her head. “Okay, wipe my nose if it’s bad, got it. Shit, he’s almost over here.”
The three began to walk in the opposite direction, reassuring the Usher woman that everything would go smoothly; Esther and Camille even decided to imitate sex positions to tease Molly, which she flipped them off, causing all four of them to laugh. 
Molly turned around to see the man now only being a few feet away. A smile arose on her face once he was right in front of her, while a small smile arose on his. “Hi,” he broke the ice by speaking first. “You and your friends seem to be having fun.”
“Hi,” Molly responded, dragging out the word (either from her nerves or the alcohol; she couldn’t tell). “We are, the music is great and the alcohol is just . . . spectacular.”
The man laughed. “I bet, it’s a great night to be out. I was actually about to leave, but then I saw you dancing and decided that I wanted to talk to you. I mean, how could I leave without at least trying to talk to the prettiest girl in the room?”
Molly laughed and playfully rolled her eyes once more. “Aw, thanks. Do you use that line on all the women you talk to?”
He shook his head. “I don’t, believe it or not. Normally I just try and talk to them about their drinks or music. Simple, easy way to start a conversation. But with you, I just thought of that on the spot.”
“Sure,” Molly laughed. 
“I’m serious! I never say that unless I’m looking for a drink to be thrown in my face. I mean it, my first attempt at flirting with a girl when I was like . . . what, eighteen? I called her pretty and she threw her Fireball in my face. My eyes burned for days after that,” he explained.
“Oh, so you admit that you’re flirting with me? I mean, you said you learned from that mistake and don’t usually do it when you flirt now . . .” Molly asked with a smile on her face, the alcohol starting to kick in a little more. 
He shrugged his shoulders, causing her to giggle. “All right, you caught me. I am flirting with you. If you want to throw a drink in my face, do it now so I can get it over with. And please, for the love of God, do not use Fireball.”
Molly laughed once more and shook her head. “No, no, no! I like that you’re flirting with me, you’re honestly super cute! Like, super cute. I’m glad you’re flirting with me . . . you didn’t tell me your name. No wait, let me guess . . . Michael.”
“Close! Well . . . not close at all, actually, but I applaud your effort. It’s Seungmin,” he introduced himself.
Molly nodded and took the man’s hand into her own to shake (normally she wouldn’t do this sort of thing, but the alcohol was getting to her, once again). “Seungmin, it’s nice to meet you. You have a really cool name. Can I ask what it means?”
“Thank you, I get that a lot. It means quick and clever in Korean,” he explained. “And your name is . . .”
“Molly. People often make jokes about how my name means drugs, because of the drug Molly. I wanted to beat you to the punch because I’ve heard it so many times,” she explained, finishing up her drink and setting it down on the nearest table.
Seungmin shook his head. “I was gonna say your name means star of the sea, or beloved, or even brave warrior. Your name has many meanings, it’s pretty. A pretty name for a pretty woman, don’t you think?”
Molly could feel her cheeks start to become warm and flush with a light pink color, as no one has said anything like that to her in a while. “Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I already knew I was hot as fuck, but hearing the real meaning behind my name is really cool too.” 
“Yeah, that too,” Seungmin laughed.
The two stood in silence for a brief moment, the music getting louder and making it harder for them to hear one another. Seungmin was attractive, to say the least, with his dark hair and confident posture. He was taller than Molly, that was for certain, but not too tall to a point where she could barely see his face or hear his words. No, he was the perfect height, in her opinion. His brown eyes were so innocent, but held much strength at the same time. 
Molly couldn’t help but stare at him, admiring who he was as a person and studying his features, until someone bumped into her unexpectedly. Another man had been having too much fun dancing and accidentally danced right into Molly, who fell forward and onto Seungmin. Luckily, he caught her without hesitation and wrapped his arms on her waist, pulling her close to him while he sent a harsh glare at the man. “Watch where you’re going, asshole!” He shouted.
“Fuck off!” he spat at Seungmin, shaking his head while he returned to the dance floor.
Molly gave him the middle finger and rolled her eyes. The man did not see, but she really didn’t care. He was acting like a dick and someone had to let him know that his behavior was not okay, nor was it cool. Seungmin couldn’t help but laugh, which caused her to giggle as well. She couldn’t help but rest her hands on his chest as she turned to face him. “Is it really a good club night if some random asshole bumps into you?”
“No, I don’t think so. But it does not give them the right to act like a dick. As long as they apologize, then it’ll make for a fun club story,” Seungmin explained.
“True. Or if he spilled a drink on me, then an actual fight would have broken out. Did you know that this dress cost me almost 2500 dollars?! Well, I should say it cost my dad 2500, but still. Ruining an expensive dress is one of the worst things you can do at a club, especially if it’s one of mine,” Molly ranted. 
“2500 is honestly not that much for a dress. Pricey, for sure, but where I go shopping, I’ve seen scarves cost way more than that. Scarves, Molly. Literal scarves,” Seungmin explained.
“Oh, really? Well, what stores do you shop at? I must not be going to the good ones if all I’m seeing are prices between a grand and three grand,” Molly asked, impulsively wrapping her arms around Seungmin’s neck.
“I can’t remember the names, they’re very obscure, but I guess I’ll have to take you to them myself and show you around. After all, we want only the best dresses and accessories for Miss Molly, don’t we?” He joked, his grip on her waist getting a bit tighter in a more protective manner. 
Molly couldn’t help but giggle at the way he spoke, nodding her head. “Indeed we do, Mr. Seungmin.”
He smiled while tucking a strand of hair out of her face. She was able to get a better look at his eyes, realizing how pretty they actually were. How pretty Seungmin was. He was very pretty to Molly, and she would’ve told him that if she had not consumed that much alcohol. She didn’t want him to think that she was lying, that it was only said because she was tipsy. So she stared at him deeply, eventually bringing a hand up to his cheek to caress it.
Their silence was interrupted by Serena, Esther, and Camille, who came sprinting towards the two with their bags and jackets. “We really hate to interrupt, but we have to go. Camille has an important family event tomorrow and her mom wants her home in half an hour.”
“And my dad’s pissed because I forgot to submit something for a work project I’m working on,” Esther added. “I know it’s super early, but we have to go if we don’t want to get in serious trouble.”
Their comments took Molly back by surprise, but she slowly nodded her head. As much as she didn’t want to leave Seungmin just yet, she didn’t want to let her friends leave without her, especially since they came as a group and it was their night out. “O-Okay, yeah sure, let’s head out. Did you grab my purse and jacket from the lockers? I can order us an Uber—”
“Yes I grabbed your things and I already ordered the Uber. Here,” Serena gently handed Molly her purse and jacket. “It should be here within a few minutes, so we should just wait by the entrance.”
Molly nodded her head. “Okay, I’ll be right behind you,” she reassured her friends. She sadly turned to Seungmin with an embarrassed look on her face. “Look, I didn’t expect for us to leave so early, I’m so sorry. I have to go, but I really enjoyed talking to you. Is there any way I can get your number? I want to talk to you more, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, absolutely. Hey uh, I know we just met and all, but I can drive you home if you want? Our night doesn’t have to end because your friends are leaving, you know. We can go back to my place and I can take you home whenever you want. It’s up to you, but if you don’t want to go, you have another option,” Seungmin suggested.
Molly hesitated. She knew it would be better if she left with her friends to ensure they got home safely (and herself too, of course), but she also didn’t want to leave Seungmin just yet. She wanted to keep talking, to leave with him just like her friends wanted her to do while they were getting ready. Who knows when they would be able to talk again? She had no idea what the hell he did for a living, and with Molly’s company launching soon, she was going to be very busy within the next few weeks. She wanted to make the most of tonight, to have fun and do spontaneous things.
The Usher woman nodded her head. “Okay, as much as I really want to go with you, how do I know you aren’t planning to kill me? I mean, it’s one of the basic horror movie plots where the girl goes off with this guy and then boom: he stabs her multiple times or shoots her right in the head. So how do I know you aren’t planning to kill me?”
Seungmin chuckled. “You make a good point, but I promise you that I am not going to murder you. You can check my pockets and my car for any murder weapons if that makes you feel comfortable. I’ll have my GPS on so you know I’m taking you back to my place the way I normally go. But again, if you really don’t want to, we don’t have to. You can always give me your number and we can meet another time.”
Molly hesitated once more. She stared at Seungmin for a brief moment before making her final decision. She was probably going to regret this in the morning, but all she wanted to do was keep talking to Seungmin and hearing more of what he wanted to say. She wasn’t ready to give that up yet, and besides, her friends wanted her to meet someone tonight, so shouldn’t they be happy that she was going home with a really cute guy? 
She sighed and nodded her head. “All right, I’ll go with you. But, if you try to kill me, my father will make sure you get the worst prison sentence and make sure that everyone knows how much of an evil person you are. Just letting you know now.”
“Understood, Miss Molly,” he nodded his head in a joking manner. Seungmin placed Molly’s jacket over her shoulders and handed her the small Prada purse she brought, taking her hand into his. “Come on, let's tell your friends what you’re doing so they know what’s happening.”
Seungmin guided Molly through the club, holding her hand both gently and tightly. It didn’t take them long to reach the exit, in which all three of Molly’s friends were entering the Uber. Serena stopped moving once she saw her standing with Seungmin, a bit confused. “Are you coming with us?”
“I’m going to hang out with my new friend some more, okay? I’ll text you my location so you know where I am in case anything happens!” Molly shouted. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Of course! Have a fun night and treat my girl right, Molly’s new friend!” Serena shouted. 
“Yeah, use protection and don’t be too loud!” Esther laughed, causing Camille and Serena to laugh as well while Molly buried her face in Seungmin’s arm in embarrassment. 
“I’m going to kill you all!” Molly shouted.
Camille and Esther’s only response was to mimic sexual positions and facial expressions, while Serena sent a heart made with her hands. Their Uber left within a few minutes, in which Seungmin began to walk Molly towards his car.
“I’m really sorry about them. They just like to tease me sometimes,” Molly apologized.
Seungmin shook his head in a reassuring manner. “My friends would be the same way if they saw me here with you, so I get it. They would probably do a lot worse. But they don’t have to worry: I know what I’m doing when it comes to treating you right, if you know what I mean,” he winked.
Molly could feel her cheeks start to get warm again, and she couldn’t help but playfully roll her eyes with a smile on her face. Seungmin caught on and laughed as he unlocked his car, which appeared to be a black sports car that looked very expensive. Molly gawked at the design. “Holy shit, this car looks so cool. What kind is it?”
“Mercedes-Maybach Exelero. I wanted a Bugatti or Ferrari, but the designs looked awful, so I chose this one. It’s kinda cool, right?” Seungmin asked, opening the passenger door for Molly and helping her get inside.
“It’s so fucking cool, like holy shit! And I thought the car I was driving was chique, but it’s nothing compared to this,” Molly exclaimed. “I love it, it’s seriously the sickest car I’ve been in. Or seen, really. You have good taste, Mr. Seungmin.”
“Why thank you, Miss Molly,” he bowed, to which the woman laughed. “I’ll show you the gadgets that come along with it once I turn it on, yeah?”
Molly nodded her head enthusiastically as Seungmin closed the door and made his way to the driver’s side. Within seconds, he turned on the car and began to drive out of the parking garage, intertwining his free hand with Molly’s as he did.
The drive to Seungmin’s apartment was quick, but eventful at the same time. Somehow, he managed to make a short trip more fun than one would normally expect from a quick car ride. Since his car was so new, he showed Molly all of the cool features it had and even played some of her favorite music to keep her happy and entertained. Normally, she’d be bored out of her mind when men talked about their cars, but the way Seungmin did it, it was so interesting and it made Molly want to learn more. 
Seungmin’s hand was intertwined with her’s the entire car ride home, gently stroking her thumb every now and then. It was comforting, Molly was glad he didn’t let go. She didn’t know why he was being so nice to her, especially since they just met only a few hours ago. Maybe it was because he wanted to have sex or he was just a nice person, but she was glad that he was making this whole experience fun for the both of them.
Music played quietly as the two made their way through the city, a playlist dedicated to a mixture of songs. Pop, R&B, Soft Rock — it was all fitting for the night they were having. Seungmin occasionally spoke up, asking Molly what her favorite type of music was and if she liked any of the songs on his playlist. She explained that she liked everything, from old music to more popular, modern songs like the one on his playlist. Other than that, it was mainly quiet between the two.
It didn’t bother Molly how silent it was. Normally, she hated it when she just met someone and there was awkward silence that couldn’t be escaped. But with Seungmin, it was just different for some reason. She didn’t mind it at all, it was quite peaceful. His presence kept her calm and just made her feel like their interactions weren’t like the awkward ones she experienced before, which was very refreshing.
After what felt like a long but short period of time in the car, Seungmin pulled into the parking garage of a luxury apartment building. He only stopped to show the guard his I.D. to prove that he lived in the building, and then he effortlessly backed into a spot closest to the entrance, with his hand still intertwined with Molly’s.
“See if I were the one driving, I’d park the farthest away from everyone so I wouldn’t hit anyone when pulling in. And it would’ve taken me twenty times to get in the lines evenly,” Molly blurted out, slowly realizing that she sounded kind of stupid and nervous when she announced that.
Seungmin laughed at her comment and opened his door. “Good thing I was driving, then,” he said. Right when Molly was about to open the door, he spoke up. “Stay right there.”
He quickly jogged over to the passenger side and opened the door for her, which made her laugh and playfully roll her eyes. “What a gentleman,” she told him as she reached out and grabbed his hand.
“My mother always said that a man should always come to the door if he’s taking a lady on a date and to always open the car door for her. I try to live by what she tells me,” Seungmin explained.
Molly nodded her head and the two made their way through the garage. She couldn’t help but notice all the expensive cars that sat next to each other; Teslas, Bugattis, Bentleys, Ferraris and Jaguars all lined up next to each other. She had never seen these many expensive vehicles in one place. Sure, she saw them at business events she attended with her father or for networking purposes, but that was different. That was at a public event with many people coming in from different places, this was from people all living in the same apartment building. 
She brushed off that thought and focused her attention to the beautiful lobby that they just entered. Both the floor and walls were made of stone, many paintings hanging from the wall and furniture that looked as if it was imported from many different countries. The bellman greeted Seungmin and Molly, who both said hello to him as they walked by. He guided the woman into the elevator and pressed the top button. It took her a moment to realize that they were going to the top floor, which meant that Seungmin lived in a penthouse apartment. Holy shit.
Molly looked up at the man, who looked a little concerned with her current facial expression. “You okay?” He asked, gently rubbing his thumb over her hand.
“Uh, yeah. I just . . . I didn’t realize you lived in the penthouse. Like, the top floor of this entire apartment building. It’s great, I just . . . it caught me off guard completely,” Molly sheepishly explained. 
“Oh, yeah, I do. A lot of people look at me funny whenever I press the button, assuming it’s my father’s. But whenever I tell them that I live alone, they get shocked like you do. The only difference is that when they do it, it’s annoying. But with you, it’s cute,” Seungmin explained, causing Molly to lightly hit his shoulder and for him to laugh.
“It’s not cute, I was just surprised. And very impressed, by the way. You’ll have to tell me what kind of work you’re in that allows you to have this sort of lifestyle,” she explained.
The elevator had brought them up to the top floor and the doors had started to open slowly. Molly followed Seungmin as he guided through the long hallway, admiring the walls and the paintings that hung on them. Some were old, given the nature of the colors and what the paintings were, but they were mostly modern. Decorated with abstract details that proved they were painted within the past few years. Molly stared at them in awe while Seungmin watched her slightly while he opened the door to his apartment.
Apartment was beginning to sound like an understatement now that they had arrived. It was more of a penthouse, a mini mansion, as Molly saw it. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and under it was a nice table filled with Red Tulips placed in the center of it. A huge staircase stood a few feet behind it, with a home office to the right of it. On the other stood a small area where coats and jackets could be placed. Many pairs of shoes and some expensive, chique-looking jackets hung from the wall. Molly snapped back into reality once she saw Seungmin taking his shoes off, prompting her to do the same.
She followed the man into the living room, and that was when Molly let her jaw drop. “Wow,” she whispered while staring at the large windows in front of her. The entire city lit up on the other side of the windows, a remarkable view to have. A balcony was stretched out on the other side as well, filled with nice chairs, tables, and plants. It was truly beautiful, the way everything came together.
The light from outside reflected nicely into the living room, which was adorned with a nice couch and coffee table. A flat screen TV hung nicely on the wall amongst the other photos Seungmin had placed there, mainly of himself, his family, and friends. Behind the couch stood the kitchen, which had a refrigerator and typical kitchen attire. Even then, it still looked flawless and something out of a rich catalog. And that was only a small fraction of the penthouse; there were still more Molly had yet to see, and she was even more intrigued now that she had gotten a basic introduction.
“Your apartment — penthouse, it’s just . . . wow. It’s marvelous. I mean, the way you set up the balcony and how the city lights reflect perfectly into the living room and kitchen . . . it’s stunning,” Molly complimented as she continued to look out the windows and explore the area a bit more.
“Thank you. I hired contractors to make the windows bigger — wanted to see more of the city. My whole place really is the same as this: simple decor, but that’s what makes it stand out,” Seungmin explained. “I can show you the rest of my apartment if you’d like. Fair warning, my bedroom’s a bit messy. Haven’t gotten a chance to do my laundry yet.”
“Absolutely. I’ve never seen a penthouse like yours before. Most of the ones I’ve been to were very old fashioned and lacked modernism — probably because the people living in them were much older. So yes, I would love to see what else you have done to this place,” Molly answered enthusiastically, clapping her hands together with a smile. 
Right when Molly was about to walk down the hallway, Seungmin’s voice made her stop and turn around. “Do you want something to drink? I have beer, red and white wine, vodka, some sodas, and water.”
Molly returned to the kitchen to see the man rummaging through his cabinets to find glasses for them. He quickly opened the fridge to show you his arrangement of beverages, and she couldn’t help but giggle at how neat and organized they were. “Hm… I think I’ll have your white wine. I think this occasion calls for some wine, don’t you think?”
Seungmin only shrugged his shoulders. “I’d say so. I only have wine when I have guests coming over, and since you are a guest, I’d agree.”
Before he could grab some wine glasses, Molly took the bottle and held it close to her chest. “Why use glasses when we can just drink out of the bottle? We aren’t expecting anyone else, are we? Why waste two perfectly clean glasses when we can just share? It’s better for your electricity bill if you don’t run the dishwasher, you know.”
Seungmin laughed as he took the bottle from her grasp and grabbed a wine opener. He handed it back to Molly once it was open, to which she gladly took and placed her lips to the bottle with a smile. He couldn’t help but smile as well once she handed him the bottle. “I think it tastes better out of the bottle, don’t you think?” Molly asked.
“Oh, most definitely,” Seungmin answered, taking a sip as well. “Good decision on your part, Miss Molly.”
“Thank you, Mr. Seungmin,” she thanked the man. It was then that Molly realized she wanted to see more of the penthouse and decided to walk out of the kitchen into the hallway. “Come along, you can show me all the wonders and secrets that live within your home.”
She could hear him grab the wine bottle and trail behind. Molly turned a corner and was met with a glass door, a long pool on the other side and a hot tub on one end. Molly stared at it in awe, quickly opening the door and walking along the side. The water was as clear as ever, the lights from above reflecting nicely over it. She placed the tips of her fingers in, only to be met with the cool temperature of the water, causing her to pull it away quickly. “This is so cool, you can see the entire city here as well. Like, holy shit.”
“Thank you. I added it in ‘cause I had this extra space and wanted a pool that wasn’t outside, that way I can go swimming anytime I want,” Seungmin explained. There was a brief period of silence between them until he decided to speak up again. “Do you like to swim?”
“Of course, it’s super fun. When I was younger, my family and I always went to this fancy beach resort and my father had to physically take me out of the pool sometimes because I refused to get out. We don’t go as much, but my friends and I are planning to go to Cabo San Lucas in the summer when we can all get the time off of work,” Molly explained. “We went to the Bahamas one year and they were all obsessed with tanning and did not want to swim in the ocean or the hotel pool. Which I get, but it was so annoying ‘cause I wanted to swim with them so badly.”
“Who would want to pass up swimming in the warm ocean water? I wouldn't,” Seungmin asked.
“That’s what I said!” The woman exclaimed. “I love tanning as much as the next person, but we’re in the Bahamas for fuck’s sake, we can swim for at least an hour or two and then go back to tanning.”
“Exactly!” He agreed. “Can I ask what you do for work? It must be hard for you all to get the same week off, but I’m curious as to what your job is? You seem like you work hard and are passionate about what you do.”
Molly took a minute to respond, gently taking the wine bottle out of Seungmin’s grasp and bringing it to her lips. She took a long sip and placed it on the ground between them. “I am currently in the process of launching my new company. I’ve been working on it for months, many meetings and documents to sign, but I’m finally in the end stages of getting it out there.”
Seungmin nodded his head, impressed by her work. “That is very inspiring. Better than any work that I’ve done, really.”
Molly gave him a look, one that indicated that whatever work he did was not better than what she was doing. He literally lived in a penthouse that overlooked the city, how would his work not be inspiring or better than her’s? He only laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, okay. I do have a good job, I do, but you just seem more driven and passionate than I am, therefore it makes your work better than mine. What is your company going to do?”
“It’s a clothing store. Not as high end as Chanel or Louis Vuitton, but not necessarily cheap, either. I think the prices are fair, and it’s a regular clothing store that sells sweaters, jeans, sportswear, and business attire. A clothing store for women of all ages, really,” Molly explained. “Half of the proceeds will go to women in need. Both here and in other countries around the world, whatever they need most. Food, clothes, books, education supplies, shelter, menstrual projects — you name it, we’ll provide it. The other half will go to employees to ensure they all get paid fairly and equally.”
Seungmin whistled, to which Molly playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. “I guess I was right: you are very driven and very passionate,” he commented. “But that is truly impressive and inspiring, Molly. You are going to change the world, we need more people like you, who care for others.”
“Thank you. It’s all because of my dad, really. Without his help, I wouldn’t have been able to start this as quickly as I did. I’m super grateful for him and I hope I can make him proud,” Molly added. 
“He definitely will be. I mean, he did help you and invest in this idea, no? If he’s not proud, then he can go to hell. I know he’s your dad and all, but it’s the truth,” he stated.
“Yeah, he did, but that doesn’t always mean he’ll be proud. There were some businesses my siblings started or things they were working on that weren’t successful, and he just got disappointed. I honestly think he started liking them less,” Molly admitted, taking another sip of wine to make herself stop talking. She was definitely scaring Seungmin with all of her words and stories. He was probably thinking of ways to get her to leave as quickly as possible.
But the man only nodded his head and took a sip of wine as well. He seemed to be intrigued by what she had to say. “That sucks. It’s not their fault the projects didn’t go well, they can’t predict shit like that. How many siblings do you have?”
“Five, with me being the youngest. So there are six of us in total, and my dad makes seven. We all have different moms, except for my oldest brother and sister,” Molly answered. “Some of their projects and businesses were successful, while the others weren’t. My dad makes a deal with us, basically giving us the money to start our projects and we have to make sure they go well, to keep up with our family name and status.”
“Holy shit, that’s definitely not a lot of weight to be carrying around on your shoulders,” Seungmin responded sarcastically, to which Molly nodded her head in agreement with a small smile. “You must be pretty well off if he’s able to provide that much money to all of you.”
“Yeah. Perks of being a daughter of the CEO of Fortunato Industries, I guess.”
A puzzled look appeared on Seungmin’s face as he processed Molly’s words. It took him a minute to understand what she said and his eyes widened once he realized who she and her family were. “Wait a minute . . . you’re John Usher’s daughter? As in, the John Usher? The CEO of Fortunato Industries and other investments related to it? Oh my God, that’s why you look so familiar—”
“Yes, yes that man is my father and he is the CEO of Fortunato Industries,” Molly laughed, standing up from the ground and making her way back into the penthouse. “I think I have shared enough about me for you to get the full picture of who I am.”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. All I know is that your name is Molly Usher, you’re beautiful as hell, and you’re launching your own business soon. There’s more to you than just that,” Seungmin refuted, standing up as well. “And I would like to know more.”
“Well, you’re going to have to show me around your home more if you want to learn more about me,” Molly smirked as she opened the door and walked out, with Seungmin trailing right behind her.
She made her way through the hallway, admiring the walls and the other rooms that stood there. By the looks of them, one appeared to be an at-home gym filled with treadmills, weights, and other exercise machines. The other room looked like an at-home movie theater, filled with a large screen and a few rows of reclining leather chairs. Molly looked at them in awe and turned to Seungmin, who had a small smirk on his face. 
“Clearly, this is my gym and movie theater. This was all here when I bought the place, with the exception of some gym equipment my friend recommended I get. I workout sometimes and watch my movies here if I want the movie theater experience without wanting to leave my place,” Seungmin explained. “Down this hallway is my living room, where I just have guests sit and talk if the kitchen gets too crowded.”
Molly followed the man down the hallway, revealing a living room on the other side. It was big, the ceiling higher than any of the other rooms she had been in. A grand piano sat in the corner with some picture frames sitting on top. Inside them were photos of Seungmin, from when he was younger and more current ones. He stood with what appeared to be his family, and the others were of him and his friends. Seungmin looked happy, surrounded by love and support from both his friends and family.
She looked up to see some more photos decorated on the walls, mainly of Seungmin and his family. There was a portrait of him that looked like it was done just recently, his posture and emotionless facial expression screamed power and status. He looked handsome, even Molly could feel herself blushing as she stared at it longer.
“Like what you see?” Seungmin smirked.
“Shut up! I just like it. The artist did a really nice job for you . . .” Molly trailed off, noticing that his name was engraved at the bottom of the frame. Kim Seungmin, it read. She was glad to have finally learned his full name, it suited him. “I was just reading your name on the frame, it’s very cool the way it’s etched in.” 
“Sure. You can admit that you were staring at me ‘cause you think I’m cute, I won’t judge,” he responded, to which she playfully hit his shoulder and he continued to laugh some more. It was then that Seungmin made the bold decision to lace his fingers with hers and guide her out of the room. “Come, there’s other rooms I want you to see.”
Molly followed the man through the hallway, briefly looking into the fancy dining room filled with fine china and a long wooden table. Seungmin claimed it was the most boring room out of his entire penthouse, and though Molly disagreed, she just nodded her head.
They approached another staircase, much smaller and more modern than the one near the front door. It didn’t take them long to reach the second floor, in which there was a much longer hallway filled with multiple rooms. Seungmin started with the closest one, which was just a supply closet filled with tissues, toilet paper, towels, and band aids amongst other things. There was a gaming room, filled with a chair and big monitors. Molly couldn’t help but giggle at the site of it. “I like your game setup, do you get to play often?”
“Sometimes,” Seungmin shrugged. “I get busy with work, but sometimes I’ll hop on after a long day or when all my friends want to play with me. I can show you how to play, if you want. Probably not tonight, since no one will be on this late.”
“Sure. I’ve never played them before, but I’ve always thought they were so interesting. I’d love to learn,” she admitted as she admired the room and its bright colors some more. 
“Then I will be happy to teach you. I’m the best out of all my friends, but don’t tell them I said that,” he joked, making her laugh. 
Seungmin led the way towards the other rooms. There was a big bathroom, a nice shower and big bathtub in the corner, and two sinks within it. One of the guest bedrooms was also there that looked as if it was the master bedroom because of how big it was. A queen-sized bed, a small couch, and a nice TV that hung from the wall made up the space of the room. It was simple, but so elegant at the same time. 
The other guest bedrooms had the same set up, except with a different color scheme and bigger windows than the first one. Another closet was next to those bedrooms as well, mainly filled with different medicines like Advil or Tylenol, along with extra bottles of shampoo and conditioner for guests or even Seungmin in case he ran out. It wasn’t until they approached the end of the hallway that Molly became very intrigued. Double doors stood next to each other, and Seungmin reached out to open both of them, revealing his room on the other side.
It was much nicer than the guest bedrooms, Molly would admit. They were nice rooms, of course, but Seungmin’s room was by far the best. His king-sized bed adorned by black and white sheets made it look expensive and chique. A big TV stood at the opposite side, sitting on top of a small dresser. Molly noticed the closet behind it and gasped, making her way towards it. She stared in awe once she opened the door, revealing a walk-in closet filled with a lot of designer clothes and accessories.
“I love walk-in closets! I have one myself, but I just love seeing other people’s closets! This is so cool,” Molly exclaimed. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit once she stared at the other side of it, which was completely cleared out. “How come this side is so empty? I mean, why don't you use the entire closet for your things?”
“Oh, I just got rid of a bunch of clothes and things I didn’t want anymore. I’ll have to go shopping soon, but I have more than enough clothes,” Seungmin explained, clearing his throat. She only nodded her head while she continued to look at all the brands Seungmin had in his closet. Prada, Dior, Chanel, Versace — this man definitely had a great sense of style. Not as good as her’s, that was for sure, but it was nice to know that he cared about his appearance and wanted to look good.
The array of watches and earrings that sat in one of the jewelry cases also caught her eye. Some of them were from the same brand her father and brothers had, but the earrings were surprising. “I didn’t know you had your ears pierced, that’s pretty cool. Do you wear earrings often?”
Seungmin leaned against the doorframe and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Occasionally. I have a lot, but the only ones I really show off are my two conch piercings and a small lip piercing, which I got because I lost a bet. It’s pretty cool, but it hurt like a motherfucker when I first got it done.”
“A lip ring? Interesting, it suits you. You’ll have to show me what it looks like,” Molly commented as she brushed past the man. She made her way to the big windows, arguably her second favorite part about the room (the first being the walk-in closet, of course). She admired the view of the city from this part of the penthouse, as it overlooked the other apartment buildings and could get a better picture of the streets below. Molly loved Seungmin’s place — it was everything she ever wanted in a home. Sure, there were a few things she’d change, but overall it was a beautiful home that Molly wanted to have some day. 
Seungmin stood beside Molly, admiring the view like she was. Except, he was more focused on her and couldn’t help but stare at her in admiration, wanting to understand her thoughts and what she looked like when she was so focused on something. She looked beautiful, there was no doubt about that. The way her wavy hair fell onto her shoulders and how there were small freckles on her face that could only be seen if you looked closely. She had such grace and elegance within her when she spoke, so careful and thoughtful with her words. He wanted to know more about how she viewed the world and what else she was passionate about. Lucky for him, he was going to have all the time in the world to learn about that very soon.
“You have a beautiful home, Kim Seungmin,” Molly broke the silence, causing the man to snap out of his thoughts and turn towards her. “It’s so cool, between the gym and the pool and your awesome bedroom. The whole design of the place is beautiful. I hope to have a place like yours someday.”
“Thank you, Molly Usher. I am sure you will. By the looks of your business and your commitment to it, you definitely will,” Seungmin thanked her. 
“Not so sure about that,” Molly began. She debated on whether or not she should continue what she was saying, as she had just met this man and did not want to overshare nor set herself up for failure, but she decided that she did not care. “One of the investors pulled out at the last minute, so I’m not sure how I am going to get the money within a week and sustain it long term. If nothing works out, then a series of unfortunate events will occur, and yeah, getting a place like this won’t be on the cards for me.”
“Oh, shit. Molly, that’s terrible—”
“It’s okay, I don’t really want to talk about it right now. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry,” Molly quickly apologized.
Seungmin shook his head. “Don’t apologize, I’m sure everything will work out on its own. Not that that message helps or anything, but I think you’re going to be okay.”
“Thank you,” Molly smiled kindly, returning her gaze towards the window and continued to look at the city.
It was quiet for a few moments, until Seungmin stood right behind Molly and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. Butterflies arose in her stomach once he rested his chin on her shoulder and took one of her hands into his. “If you look this way, you can start to see the outside of the city and into the other towns that surround it,” he spoke gently.
She looked closely at the city and, just as he said, saw the lights coming from the smaller homes that stood outside of it. “Oh my God, that is amazing. It’s so beautiful. I can’t even imagine what it’s like at sunrise and sunset. I bet it’s stunning,” she said.
“Hmm,” was the only sound that came out of Seungmin’s mouth. The man was now only focused on Molly and her dress, as he carefully hooked his fingers under one of the straps and let it fall down her arm. Her breath hitched, both in nervousness and desire; it had been a while since she had been this close to someone, so she did not know how to react. It was not until Seungmin started to place gentle kisses on her shoulder and collarbone that Molly began to feel less anxious, letting her eyes close and moving her head to give Seungmin more access to her neck, which he was happy about.
He began to kiss on her neck softly, making Molly throw her head back slightly. Seungmin then started to suck her neck in a slightly harsh way, attempting to leave marks on it, especially on the spot that was very sensitive. Before he did so, he turned Molly around so that she was facing him, and pressed his lips to hers. She eagerly kissed back, placing her hands on his cheeks as they did. 
They continued to make out until Seungmin went back to kissing her neck, only more harshly this time so he could leave hickeys on her neck. Molly closed her eyes and let out soft moans once he started to reach the sensitive area, resting a hand on his shoulder. Her moans became louder, however, once Seungmin decided to squeeze her breast, in which she couldn’t hold back trying to be quiet.
“S-Seungmin,” Molly managed to get out, smiling as he continued to kiss her neck. “You’re going to leave marks on my neck, everyone will see them.”
“So? Let them see, let them know how well I took care of you tonight,” he mumbled, leaving some final kisses on her neck before moving to her lips, in which she kissed back immediately. His hand made its way to her breast again as they continued kissing, in which Molly moaned louder, causing Seungmin to smirk into their kiss. “You sure are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes. Y-You’re making me feel so good, Seungmin,” she stuttered out, making him groan at the way she said his name.
They continued to make out for what felt like hours until Seungmin pulled away, gently pecking her lips once more before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Molly couldn’t help but giggle, her cheeks becoming red as she continued to stare at him. She gently took his hand and held it in her own, placing it right over her heart. Seungmin couldn’t help himself and pressed another kiss on her lips, and Molly did the same to him once he pulled away.
Seungmin took Molly’s hand and led her over to his bed, sitting her down on the end while he took a few steps back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I know you said that you didn’t want to talk about this earlier, but . . . I think I found a way for your business to go on successfully. I thought about it when I showed you the towns outside the city, and I wanted to hear your thoughts.”
Molly couldn’t help but get excited at his idea. She was running out of time and solutions, so she was open to any suggestions or ideas anyone had. Her eyes widened as she nodded her head. “Yeah, absolutely. Please share your thoughts because I am desperate and running out of things I can do. So please, share.”
The man stopped himself before speaking. Rather than standing away, Seungmin brought himself to Molly, sitting beside her and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and placing a hand on her cheek. “Be with me,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What did he mean? A relationship? Friends-with-benefits? She only stared at Seungmin and gently rested her hand on top of the one that held her cheek. “What? What do you mean?”
He took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m not the best with words, so I’ll try to explain what I mean,” Seungmin started. “I have a lot of money. Clearly, from what you’ve seen. That money isn’t going anywhere, and there will be more to come in the future for sure. Take me on as one of your investors, I’ve learned a lot from the business I am in and know a good project when I see it. Let me help you with this, I can make sure your company has enough money and you won’t lose anything. All I ask is that you be with me. A relationship, if you will. I know we just met, but I really like you and I think this could work. We’ll get to know each other and I’ll take you out on fun dates and I’ll make you feel good, in any way you want. I know this is a lot and seems . . . insane, but I promise you won’t regret this. It’ll be great for both of us, you more than me. What do you think?”
A million thoughts flooded Molly’s mind, she had no idea what to think. She needed an investor, badly. And finding another one so late in the process was going to be challenging, nearly impossible. A man with a lot of wealth was offering to help her, a quick solution that she needed. The only thing he wanted was to be with her, to be in a relationship together and fall in love. Seungmin was kind, from what Molly could tell. He was kind, funny, cute — everything she wanted in a partner. Though she didn’t know him well, the time they were spending together was much fun and she believed it would be the same as they continued to see each other. She could picture how everything would play out, and she honestly really liked what she saw.
But there was another part of Molly that wanted to say no. She didn’t want their relationship to be merely transactional, she didn’t want Seungmin to resent her over the years because of the money he invested in her company, especially if it wasn’t successful. Molly also didn’t want to bring work into her relationship; she wanted to keep them separate for the sake of her sanity. If she took Seungmin on as both a boyfriend and an investor, the boundary lines would start to blur and then it could negatively impact their relationship, and she didn’t want that. 
Molly placed her hands on top of Seungmin’s and sweetly smiled at him. “Oh Seungmin, you’re too kind, but I can’t accept your offer. It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, I had such a fun time tonight and you can probably tell from . . . what we just did, yeah. But I just, I don’t want us to hate each other in case my company doesn’t go well and I don’t want to bring work into my personal life, and vice versa,” Molly explained. “But you’re so kind and so generous, I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, and he couldn’t help but smile as he began to rub his thumb over her fingers. “I understand, I just wanted to offer. No worries.”
“I know, and for that you are so kind and thoughtful. It means so much to me,” Molly reassured him. “I do want to see you again, though. I had such a great time tonight and I want to do everything you said you wanted to do with me, even more than that. I can see us working out too, even though we just met. Would that be okay?”
Seungmin nodded his head, his lips curving into a small smile. “I would really like that, Miss Usher.”
“Perfect! We will figure out a date to meet again, Mr. Kim,” Molly exclaimed. She decided to stand up, helping Seungmin up as well by grabbing his hands. They stared at each other for a while as they let the silence fill the space between them. Molly couldn’t help but giggle as the man continued to look at her. “Why are you staring at me?”
He only shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Admiring your beauty, I guess.”
The woman playfully rolled her eyes. “Sure,” she spoke. “I hate to end the party, but I think I should get home. It’s pretty late and it’s the first weekend in a while where I don’t have a million things to do, so I just want to get home and relax. Do you think you could order me an Uber?”
“Let me drive you. I didn’t drink much tonight and I wouldn’t want you to take a car alone this late at night,” Seungmin answered. “I’ll walk us downstairs and then we can find my keys, okay?”
“Okay,” Molly whispered. 
Right when she was about to make her way to the door, Seungmin gently grabbed her arm and turned her around, pressing a long kiss on her lips. She couldn’t help but giggle as he continued to kiss her, leaving one last peck before pulling away. “What was that for?”
“Just ‘cause I wanted to,” Seungmin shrugged. 
She rolled her eyes with the biggest smile on her face and made her way to the door. Molly was about to open the door until she heard Seungmin sigh behind her. Confused, she turned around to see him standing on the other side, running his hands through his hair. “Is everything okay, Seungmin?” Molly asked worriedly.
“Yeah, I just . . . yeah, I can’t do this anymore. I was going to wait until the next time we saw each other, but that could be weeks and I’m getting impatient,” Seungmin explained. He sighed while she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “About my offer . . . you actually don’t have a choice in this situation.”
It was as if something had shifted in the room. The once innocent, caring atmosphere the two shared turned rotten, more dangerous and deadly. Molly shifted uncomfortably, crossing her arms over chest. “What? What . . . What do you mean, exactly? I just gave you my answer, and now you’re saying I don’t have a choice?” 
“Look,” he spoke sternly, his demeanor changing completely. He was more assertive, stronger than before. Seungmin didn’t seem angry, not like he was going to get violent or shout (Molly hoped not). He just seemed to be more . . . dominant. Like he wanted to take control of the situation and was holding himself back before. Now that he didn’t have to, he was just letting his real self shine through, which was unexpected and a bit frightening. “Your father is one of the most powerful men in his line of work and quite frankly, the world. Don’t you think so?”
Molly shook her head. “What does that have to do with anything?” “It has a lot to do with this, actually. See, with the power your dad has comes a great reputation to uphold. I mean, if everyone found out about how awful John Usher really was and the terrible things he did to get to the top, he’d be in jail for life. And the Usher name would bring nothing but shame and disgust,” Seungmin explained. “Your father would’ve done anything to protect his name, to have a clean record. And he has been able to do that, courtesy of the previous mafia leader, Kwon Dae-Hyun.”
Molly furrowed her eyebrows more. She could barely say anything due to how confused she was. “What the fuck—”
“No swearing,” Seungmin cut her off. “A pretty mouth like your’s shouldn’t be saying ugly words like that. We’ll talk about that more later. As I was saying, your father made a deal with Kwon Dae-Hyun many years before you were born. Dae-Hyun would protect John, Fortunato, and his family from any bad press that would come their way. Make sure he won every lawsuit he faced and kept his record clean. The only things Dae-Hyun wanted was that he help him and the mafia with whatever they needed, and that one of his daughters marry the new leader of the mafia when the time comes. To make their alliance stronger.”
She could feel her heart shatter into a million pieces, her stomach now in knots and her eyes glossy with tears. “No, no that’s not true. You’re lying. My father would never do such a thing, he would never do that to my sisters, especially not me. H-He wouldn’t.”
Seungmin shook his head. “Ah, but he did. Yeah, your dad’s a selfish piece of shit and would do anything to protect his prestige image. After everything he did to obtain Fortunato, there was no way he was passing up an opportunity like this.”
“So my dad just sold me off to you in order to protect the Usher name? No, that doesn’t sound like him. He’s always told me to put myself and my work before a man. He wouldn’t force me to marry someone, let alone the mafia leader. Whatever fucked up angle you’re trying to get at, it’s not working,” Molly spat, her hands now in fists and turning red with anger.
“I’m not trying to get at any angle, I’m just telling you the truth,” Seungmin said, trying to act innocent. “See, I’m not the leader of the mafia by any means. When Dae-Hyun wanted to step down, he held a competition for his members to see who would be the next mafia leader. I was close to winning, but my friend Chan beat me out fair and square. Part of our work was to learn about you, since one of us would be taking you as our wife, but Chan wasn’t interested. Mainly because he has a girlfriend he’s madly in love with. He declined that part of the deal after he won, and I decided to take matters into my own hands. For my and your dad’s sake, since he wouldn’t want to risk losing everything he built.”
“What the fuck—”
“Again, stop swearing, or else I’ll have to punish you for misbehaving,” Seungmin cut her off. “I went to your dad with some information I had on him and Fortunato, the horrible things both he and the company have done and what they are still doing. I made him a deal: I keep all of this a secret so long as I get to marry you. He agreed once he figured out I was a part of Dae-Hyun’s mafia, probably because he trusted me. So yeah, that’s how we ended up here. It’s wonderful, don’t you think?”
Molly was at a loss of words. She didn’t know what to do. Part of her wanted to rip Seungmin’s throat out for bringing her to his home and lying straight to her face, for making such a horrible deal with her father. The other part of her wanted to throttle him for lying about her dad. There was no way John Usher would do that to his children, let alone his youngest daughter. Sure, the man had weird ways of showing his love and had favorites, but he would never do something as awful as that. Why would Seungmin say such a thing? Probably to scare the shit out of Molly and make her his property, of course. 
She only stared at the man, who had a small smirk on his face and with his arms crossed over his chest. She wanted to punch him in the face right then and there, make him bleed and lose his front teeth. Molly refrained and only sent him glares, shaking her head. “I don’t believe you, you’re lying. I’m not going to marry you, hell I don’t even like you anymore. You knew everything about me and still pretended like you didn’t know me? Bringing me to your home? And now you’re lying about my family? I honestly don’t know which is worse,” Molly
spat. “Might as well go ask him myself, right? Oh and don’t worry, I’ll make sure your life will be a living hell after what you did to me.”
“You would do anything to make your father proud, wouldn’t you?”
His words made Molly stop in her tracks. She turned around and glared at Seungmin once more. “Don’t do that, don’t use my family against me to make me want to stay with you.”
“I’m not. I’m just saying, you’re the type of person to do anything to make your family proud. Great grades and extracurriculars all throughout high school and college. You’re the youngest of six, and you’re working your ass off to start your own company because you know it’ll make your dad proud. That you’ll stand out amongst your five siblings,” Seungmin explained. “Your father must know about your little investor problem, yes?”
“Yeah. What does this have to do with anything?” Molly questioned.
“Well, I think your father would be quite proud of you in this scenario,” Seungmin answered, causing Molly to furrow her eyebrows and almost walk away from the conversation entirely. “He would be so happy to hear that you found an investor at the last minute, someone with a lot of money to give and power to use. Having me as an investor will bring you more and more opportunities than you can imagine, and no doubt make the company more successful. Your father would be so proud that his youngest heir came about to be such a successful entrepreneur.”
Molly only rolled her eyes, as she did not believe anything that came from Seungmin’s mouth. What he said next, however, made her start to question her decision. “Your siblings would be so envious of you, and they wouldn’t be able to hold your fuck up against you because you fixed it. They’d be angry that the youngest daughter got everything: the glory, the respect, the attention, and being your father’s favorite child. They’d leave you alone for good, wouldn’t they?”
Before Molly could retort, Seungmin continued to speak. “And wouldn’t your father be happy to hear that his youngest daughter was married off to such a great man? A handsome, wealthy young man who can provide you a home and financial security? Someone who has the same status as the Usher’s, if not more? Surely men in your circle have no idea what they’re doing with their lives and waste their parents’ money as if it’s nothing. Who knows where they’ll end up in a few years, and if they can be a good asset to you and your family?”
Molly bit her tongue and stared at Seungmin. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right. His points were correct, she did want to make her family proud and her father always talked about how when the time was right, she should marry a man who had a lot of ambition and power. The way Seungmin explained it to her, by agreeing to this deal, she could make her father more proud of her than he already was. Marrying someone with a lot of money and power and finding a solution to her problem all on her own and with someone who can help make her company more popular. Being his favorite child and finally earning some respect from her older siblings, Molly realized that perhaps Seungmin was right.
But there was another part of her that still thought Seungmin was lying, that there was something he wasn’t telling her. Her father wouldn’t do something like that, he wouldn’t sell her off to a random stranger in exchange for protecting the family name. He had his faults for sure and was not perfect by any means, but he wouldn’t do such a terrible thing, especially to one of his children. Something was wrong about this whole ordeal, Molly believed. There was something she was missing, and she couldn’t figure out what. 
But if Molly were to enter this “agreement” with Seungmin, she would get to the bottom of it before it was too late.
She turned her back to Seungmin, who started walking towards her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. He brought his lips to her ear. “Be with me,” he whispered. Seungmin took one of Molly’s hands and held it in his, intertwining their fingers. “I can make you happy, give you a wonderful life that you deserve. We can be happy together and you can make your family proud. I’ll love you until the end of time. Just be with me, Angel.”
His touch was soft, one that Molly knew she shouldn’t like and crave, but she did anyway. Seungmin was warm, and his embrace made her feel safe. Like he actually meant the words that he whispered in her ear. His words were like honey even though they were filled with poison. Sweet at first, but would slowly drain the life out of the woman she once was. It was a tempting offer: to live in a grand penthouse and have everything she wanted right at her fingertips. To marry and love an attractive man who promised to love and cherish her as well.
If Molly didn’t know what she knew now, she would’ve accepted Seungmin’s offer in a heartbeat. But now, she would do anything to never see him again.
And for that to actually happen, she would have to play along with his little game. Act like she wanted to be with him and run the second she got the chance. Run for the hills and tell her father everything, and make Seungmin’s life a living Hell. That wouldn’t be so hard to achieve; he seemed smart, but Molly Usher was smarter. She would figure out how to get away and forget about this situation for good, even if it took a little bit of acting and time.
“Okay,” Molly whispered, slightly leaning into Seungmin’s touch.
He hummed in response and turned Molly so that she was now looking at him. He kissed her gently and for a few seconds before pulling away. “Good girl, I knew you would make the right decision,” he told her, pecking her lips once more. “It’s getting late and you’ve had a very stressful day. Why don’t we wash up and go to bed, yeah?”
She only nodded her head. Seungmin sat Molly down at the edge of his bed and went into his closet. He returned within seconds with a pair of black pajama bottoms and a gray t-shirt, presumably his. He set them down on her lap. “I don’t have any clothes here for you yet, so you can just wear mine for tonight. Tomorrow we’ll go out for brunch and then do some clothes shopping for you. Maybe go ring shopping as well?”
The thought of shopping for wedding rings made Molly want to vomit, but she just nodded her head and gave him a small smile. Seungmin smiled as well. “Great. You can get changed in the bathroom and brush your teeth, I put out an extra just for you.”
“Thank you,” she thanked him softly as she made her way to the bathroom.
Molly immediately shut the door and locked it to ensure her privacy. She didn’t want Seungmin coming in and stealing a look while she was naked, she couldn’t risk it with how insane he was acting. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, the cool air hitting her body. She threw on the t-shirt and bottoms and then picked up the toothbrush that sat next to the sink. 
It didn’t take Molly too long to brush her teeth, she just wanted to make sure her teeth were clean and her breath didn’t smell like too much alcohol. Once she was finished, she picked up her dress and opened the door, nervously walking towards the bed. She could feel Seungmin’s eyes on her the entire time with a smirk on his face. He seemed to enjoy seeing Molly in his clothes, probably a possessive thing, knowing that she was his and no one else’s. His gaze made her uncomfortable, but she tried her best to ignore it.
“On second thought, maybe we won’t go clothes shopping tomorrow. You look so good in mine,” Seungmin joked. “Kidding, kidding, but you can wear mine as often as you want.”
Molly laughed, a laugh she used whenever she had to pretend something was funny or had no idea what was going on. She didn’t say anything in response and instead climbed under the covers of the bed. His sheets were soft and would eventually provide Molly with warmth the longer she slept in it. His mattress was soft, too, which made it easier for her to get comfortable. 
It didn’t take long for Seungmin to wash up, either, and he was walking back towards the bed within a matter of minutes. She could feel him get under the covers behind her. What caught her off guard, however, was when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. As much as Molly wanted to fight him off, she was too tired and did not want to start an argument with the man. Instead, she just rested her hands on top of his and tried her best to fall asleep.
“Goodnight, baby,” Seungmin whispered, planting a soft kiss on her neck. “We’re going to have such a beautiful life together.”
His words made her stomach churn, but she brushed it off and tried to fall asleep. “Goodnight,” she mumbled.
Silence filled the room after she finished speaking. And although Molly was scared shitless, she knew she would get out of this. She just had to make it through the night and then she could escape
tomorrow morning. In twenty four hours, this day would become a distant memory and Molly could focus on relaxing and launching her business. It was just a little bump in the road, but she had Seungmin right where she wanted him, and she would be back to normal in no time.
Little did Molly know, Kim Seungmin knew exactly what she was planning. He didn’t know the full extent of it, but he could tell she was lying straight through her teeth. He knew her willingness to agree to this so suddenly was odd, and it was then that he realized what she was doing. Luckily for him, Seungmin had a plan in mind, a plan that would confirm his suspicions and ensure that Molly didn’t run away from him. She was a smart woman for sure, it was one of the things he liked most about her, but Seungmin was a clever bastard. A clever bastard that no one could outsmart, not even Molly. 
He knew he was in for a rude awakening when he would wake up in the morning, but for now, Seungmin wanted to enjoy these few minutes of peace with his new girlfriend (fiancé? future wife? He had no idea what to call her) while he could. And so, he drifted off to sleep, holding Molly securely in his arms not only to make sure she didn’t run away, but to provide her comfort and warmth as well.
The moment Molly could feel the sunlight in her eyes, she knew she had to run. She barely slept the night before, her anxiety levels higher than ever because of the situation with Seungmin. She had no idea what he was going to do, he was unpredictable and she had to be alert at all times. Thus, it was hard for her to really fall asleep. Molly dozed off here and there, but always woke up in the middle of the night to make sure she was safe. 
This time, however, she fell asleep until the sun came out, which was good considering how much she kept waking up. Seungmin was still fast asleep, his grip on Molly tight, groaning slightly whenever she tried to move away from him and just held her tighter. Luckily, Molly was able to move his arms off of her body and made it so he was hugging her pillow. That way, he wouldn’t wake up and wonder where she went off to. It took her a bit, since his grip was still pretty strong, but she managed to get out of it. 
With that, Molly immediately found her dress on the floor and changed back into it as she possibly could. She did not want to wear Seungmin’s clothes anymore, it felt strange to wear them knowing what he did to her just a few hours ago. Despite it being so early in the morning, Molly would rather wear her dress than be in his clothes any longer. She felt a bit better once she slipped it back on. 
Molly tiptoed quietly to the door, opening it so it didn’t make a sound. Seungmin stirred in his sleep, but didn’t open his eyes once. She sighed in relief as she opened it more to let herself out, shutting it quietly and making a beeline for the staircase. She made sure to move quickly but quietly, that way she didn’t make a lot of noise and wouldn’t disturb Seungmin. After wandering the hallways for what felt like several minutes, she managed to find the living room and front door. Her purse still sat on the wall with the coats and shoes, and her heels and jacket were there as well. Sighing in relief once more, Molly grabbed her belongings and opened the front door quietly.
Once it was closed, she bolted for the elevator at the end of the hallway. She slipped on her jacket and managed to find her phone, which thankfully hadn’t died overnight. Molly sent a text to her friends that read SOS. Talk to you later. As she approached the elevator, she pressed the button multiple times to make sure it would open. She began to order an Uber in the meantime, frantically pressing the buttons as she did. The Uber was successfully ordered and then the elevator door opened. With her mind slightly eased, Molly stepped in and collected herself.
While she made her way down to the lobby, she put on her high heels and wrapped her coat around her body. That way, Molly could still uphold her status and not look like a psychopath running around the building. The elevator had stopped on a few floors to let people on, but Seungmin was not where to be found. As long as he wasn’t awake, Molly did not care how many stops they had to make.
The elevator had finally gotten to the bottom floor, in which Molly was the first one out. She followed the crowds of people, hoping they were heading towards the exit like she was. Some of them were, while the others just wandered off to different places. As Molly followed the crowd, she noticed a young man walking towards the elevator. He looked the same age as Seungmin: dark hair, lean build. His eyes were the most alluring, something about them made them stand out as his best physical feature. They briefly made eye contact, the man giving her a smirk as she passed by. Molly didn’t have time to react, she just walked faster once she saw the exit and her Uber waiting right at the door.
She didn’t hesitate to climb into the vehicle, verifying the driver the second she shut the door. Within seconds, they were leaving the building and making their way onto the main road. 
Molly wondered what would happen now. Surely her father would be outraged, outraged at the fact that someone put her in danger and was lying about him. The police would be called immediately, and a restraining order would be placed against Seungmin, and she would never have to see him again. Then, his life would slowly get worse and worse. No money, no penthouse, nowhere to run and no one to go to. His life would fall apart, and after everything that happened yesterday, he deserved every awful thing that was coming his way.
Traveling from the city to the suburbs always took longer than expected. Despite being so close, it was always busy between the traffic and construction being done, so it took longer to travel from place to place. Molly didn’t mind; the drive helped soothe her mind and she was able to think more clearly and rationalize her thoughts, instead of frantically thinking. She watched the cars and the houses she drove by to help time go by faster.
Almost a half an hour had passed, and Molly was finally on her street. Knowing that she was closer to home made her feel even more relaxed, because she knew that she was safe and everything would be fixed within the next day or so. Still, the nerves ran through her body as she tried to figure out how she was going to tell her father what happened. What he would do to make it end, how this would play out going forward. Molly just wanted to make sure this was all squared away in an efficient manner, she didn’t want this to linger for months and constantly be worrying about what Seungmin or his gang would do. Her mind began to race as the car pulled up to the gate, in which Molly showed her face to the guard and the gates opened within seconds.
The driver pulled all the way up to the front door, and Molly immediately jumped out. As she made her way to the door, the driver began to speak. “You have a beautiful home.”
She turned to the man, who looked about the age of her father, perhaps a bit younger. Molly gave him a sympathetic smile. It was simple acts of kindness that always made her heart warm. “Thank you,” she whispered. The man only nodded his head and began to drive off, leaving Molly all to her lonesome. She took a deep breath before opening the door; her father never bothered to lock it, especially when they had the gate to protect them from anyone trying to break in. Molly never understood ever since she was a child, but never questioned it because her father was “in charge” and “could do whatever he wanted.” His words now made her roll her eyes, but it was just who he was, and Molly never doubted her father. Not when he had always been correct and successful.
The house felt still, as if no one was there. It was early in the morning, so perhaps her father was still sleeping. He was normally an early riser, waking up before the sun rose in the sky, so it would be strange if he was still asleep. Either way, she had to wake him up to tell him about what happened and how she needed his help. It didn’t matter if he would get upset, he’d understand why once she explained what happened.
Right when Molly was going to go upstairs, she saw Bertha, one of the maids her father hired a while ago, cleaning the kitchen. She approached the woman calmly. “Good morning, Bertha. I was just wondering if you’ve seen my dad at all?”
“Good morning, Molly,” Bertha greeted. “Your father is in his study, with Sylvia. Apparently working on something for the company, I don’t know. They don’t tell me anything.”
Molly couldn’t help but laugh. “They barely tell me anything, either. But thank you so much,” she thanked the woman, who gave her a kind smile in return.
The youngest Usher walked through the numerous hallways that filled the manor, almost like a maze. It didn’t take her long to find the two large doors that divided her father’s study from everything else. Molly considered knocking on it, but after giving it some thought, she just decided to open it. What Molly didn’t expect to see was her father making out with Sylvia, his third wife. Molly gasped and covered her eyes, while Sylvia gasped and immediately stepped away from John, who gasped as well and was a little pissed off.
“Jesus, Molly! Haven’t you heard of knocking?” Her father scolded, groaning in frustration.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you would be doing . . . that. But we have bigger things to worry about,” Molly explained. “We have to call the police.”
Both Sylvia and John looked concerned, their frustration towards the woman now going away once they saw how scared she looked. “Let us have a moment, Sylvia. I’ll tell you what happened after we talk,” John whispered to the older woman.
She only nodded her head and made her way out of the study. Before she left, she placed a hand on Molly’s shoulder and gently rubbed it as her way of showing support. She placed her hand on top of Sylvia’s and quickly pulled away so that she could leave the office. Once the door was shut, her father began to speak. “What the hell is going on? What are you doing here so early? I thought you went home with Serena? Also . . . why is your neck all purple and red?”
“Don’t worry about that,” Molly rolled her eyes. “I met a guy at the club last night and he was really nice. So nice that I decided to go back to his place. We were talking and he was really nice and then . . . then he offered to be a new investor in my business? In e-exchange for me to his . . . girlfriend, I don’t know. I told him no, but then he explained to me that I didn’t have a choice.”
Her father furrowed his eyebrows. “What? What does that even mean—”
“He explained that he made a deal with you. He claimed he had some bad information about you and would leak it to the press if you didn’t give him what he wanted, which was my hand in marriage,” Molly cut him off. “I told him that he was lying. I mean, he has to be. I stayed the night ‘cause I didn’t want to make him more upset, but I bolted the second I woke up. That’s why I’m here: we need to call the police and get this squared away.”
John looked stunned, unable to say a word. He looked as if he was guilty, guilty for what happened. Molly caught on and an uneasy feeling arose in her stomach, but she brushed it off once her father began to talk. “He . . . what? Who does this guy think he is? I’ll call Gary down at the station and get this sorted out. Targeting my youngest daughter and threatening to tell the public lies about me? No, he’s going to pay the price for that bullshit he tried to pull.”
“I know, that’s what I said! I knew this guy had to be lying, there’s no way he knows information about our family,” Molly exclaimed, running a hand through her hair. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at her father. “Are you going to call Gary now?”
“Yes. Can you pass me my phone there? It’s charging on the table,” John asked and quietly thanked her once she handed it to him. He started to call Gary, and after a few rings, both he and Molly sighed in relief. “Gary, hey. How are you? I’m sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I have to report an incident that happened with my daughter last night. Yeah, it’s pretty scary. Says she was with some guy who said I made a deal with him. If I let him marry Molly, then he won’t tell the world about all the bad stuff I’ve done and how awful of a person I am. Crazy, right?”
A sense of relief washed over Molly as she listened to them talk. This would be figured out and she would never have to see Seungmin again, and he would be in his own personal Hell. Hearing that brought a sinister smile onto Molly’s face.
She snapped out of her thoughts once her dad called for her attention. He placed his hand over the speakers of the phone. “What was the guy’s name? The one who told you all of that stuff?”
“Kim Seungmin. And I highly suggest hanging up the phone now unless you want things to get ugly. Or my friend can do it for you, he knows a thing or two about hacking into phones.”
The familiar voice made Molly’s stomach drop and chills run up her arms. Her father looked appalled, scared at what had just happened. His phone was still next to his ear, but he jolted once he saw that the phone call had ended abruptly. He nervously gulped as he continued to stare at the door. Molly didn’t even want to turn around and see who was standing there, but she wasn’t a coward, and so she turned her head with an angered expression on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.
As expected, Kim Seungmin stood at the doorway, his figure leaning against the frame. A smirk sat on his face, his hands shoved into his pockets. What took Molly by surprise was the gun sitting comfortably on his waist. Her chest tightened in fear, worried he would use it against them. She backed away from the door, all the way to where her father’s desk sat. Seungmin took this as an invitation to walk in, sauntering over to the oldest and youngest Usher. 
“How the fuck did you find me?” Molly spat, placing her hand over a stapler in case Seungmin got any closer.
He shrugged his shoulders. “I may or may not have had my friend put a tracking device in your phone. And he got into the computer system here so I could get in without having to stop for the guard. He’s really great at hacking, I don’t even know how he does it. I also had my other friend come by my place to let me know if you had left or not. I’ll give you some credit, sneaking out while I was asleep and being quiet, it was a smart idea. You’re a smart girl, it’s one of the things I like most about you. You just forgot that I’m me, and I’ll always find you, no matter where you go,” Seungmin explained. “It’s a shame, I was really looking forward to sleeping in and cuddling with you before we went shopping, but you just had to misbehave, didn’t you?”
Molly almost lunged at him with the stapler, but he backed up before she could hit him. He snickered and held his hands up in surrender. “Woah, careful there, Angel. You’re already in trouble for acting like a brat, but you’ll be in much more if you try to hurt me. I’ll admit, this attitude of yours is cute, but it’s not going to serve you well in the long run, so stop acting out unless you want to get punished.”
“What the fuck do you want with me?!” Molly spat, her face becoming red with anger. “I told my dad everything, so you’re going to jail. Worse, even. The cops already know and they’ll be on their way soon, and you’re so fucked. And now you have nowhere to run.”
A confused look fell on Seungmin’s face, but then something clicked in his head, and another smirk arose on his face. “Oh shit, you didn’t tell her, did you, John?” He snickered once more, causing Molly to become confused and turn towards her dad for an answer. His face was still, that guilty look back on his face from when Molly first told him what happened. Seungmin caught onto this and smirked once more. “Shit, you didn’t tell her. Well, she didn’t believe me when I told her, so she might actually listen if it’s coming from you. Go on, John. Tell her about the deal we made.”
Silence filled the room, Molly looking at her father with a pleading look. He didn’t look away from Seungmin, his hands curling into fists as he sent him a nasty glare. “I said . . . I said you could have her when she turned 25, not now. You know the agreement, why are you breaking it now?”
Molly’s eyes widened with fear and anger, tears glossing in her eyes. She couldn’t believe what her father just said — all this time, she thought Seungmin was lying, that he would never do something like this to her. But it was all a lie, a lie she could not believe was real. No, it was impossible. Why would her father do such a thing? What could be so important that he would compromise his own daughter in order to keep himself safe? Matter of fact, why was it even on the table? Why wasn’t John’s first instinct to pay off Seungmin or get the police involved? Why didn’t he protect Molly first, why was she the scapegoat? It made no sense. Her father wasn’t an evil man . . . he just couldn’t be.
“Yeah, about that, actually . . . I changed my mind,” Seungmin explained. “I was going to wait, but then I saw Molly walking out of your building one day, and she just looked so beautiful. So beautiful that I couldn’t have other men looking at her, letting them think they had a chance with what was rightfully mine. So I went to the club and brought her home. I wanted her now and didn’t want to wait. And if there’s one thing you should know about me, John, I always get what I want.”
“You sick bastard—” John started. He too was about to throw a punch or something hard at Seungmin, but stopped himself once he raised his gun and backed up, causing John to surrender immediately.
“Am I really that sick for taking what’s mine? Or is it you, with all the shit you pulled in the past to get where you are today. Don’t forget, John, I know everything about you, and have no problem exposing you to the public for the piece of shit you really are,” Seungmin asked, his gun still pointed at John. He brought it down, however, once he saw Molly’s concerned face pleading with him to stop. “I own you now, so you do as I say. Let me have Molly and I won’t say anything about you. Or refuse, and I’ll leak the information and make Molly mine anyways. Either way, she’s coming home with me, so the choice is yours. I don’t give a fuck about what happens to you.”
Molly turned to her father, tears falling down her face. She wanted him to do something — he could change everything now and she wouldn’t bat an eye. Pay Seungmin off with money or whatever he wanted, anything that wasn’t her life. John Usher was a powerful man who could do anything, he could make the right decision now and save his daughter, his own blood from letting this happen. How bad was the information, anyways? Couldn’t their family sue for false information and win, therefore saving their image? There had to be another way out, one where no one would get hurt.
She stared at her father and waited for him to speak. He only stared at Seungmin, who had a smirk on his face, which made Molly want to punch and kick him repeatedly. She gave her father another look, a pleading one asking him to do something. He only looked at her with an emotionless expression. “That won’t be necessary,” John spoke quietly. “There must’ve been a misunderstanding on my part. I am sure you and Molly will be very happy together, all I ask is that you just treat her right.”
It was as if her heart had shattered into a million pieces. She couldn’t believe what happened, what her father agreed to. More tears began to fall down Molly’s face, her sadness turning into anger the more she looked at him. She was too stunned to say anything; she didn’t know whether or not she should scream or cry, to beg her father to fix this mess. But she remained still, because it was all too much. And in all honesty, Molly never wanted to speak to her father again. 
“Right decision, John,” Seungmin told him. He wrapped his arms around Molly’s waist and pulled her back into his chest. “Come on, Angel,” he whispered in her ear, gently kissing her cheek. “Let's go home.”
Molly glared at her father one final time before leaving the study. Right when Seungmin was going to slip his hand into hers and guide her out of the room, she pushed him off harshly and walked out on her own. She heard Sylvia call out her name multiple times, but she just blocked it out and continued to walk away.
She had no idea what to do. Her mind was racing, both in anger and in fear. Everything Molly Usher once knew was gone, her whole life a lie. All of her hardwork and dedication she put into her projects meant nothing, because it was all going to be taken away from her now that she was forced to marry Seungmin. Who knows what he would be like, how he would treat her and what he would force her to do. Would he let her go outside? Would she be able to see her friends again? Would she be able to still work, or would she have to be a housewife until the day she died? The thoughts raced in Molly’s head and she had no idea what to do, how to feel.
The world around her seemed different than before. It was off, like it had been tainted with darkness, a new truth had fallen out and the world had shifted on his axis. The people she thought she knew were nothing but lying cowards, nefarious people hiding by an innocent exterior. How could Molly trust anyone after what happened? How could she look at everyone the way she used to? 
Today proved that the world was not as great as people made it out to be. The innocence she once had was now gone and no way of returning. And now, Molly Usher would have to embrace this change. She would have to get used to life with Seungmin, pretend like everything was perfect on the outside and never let anyone know what went on behind closed doors. She would have to accept that her father was a selfish, horrible man, and not the perfect person she made him out to be. She would have to accept her fate, because there was no way she could change it.
Actually . . . screw that. Molly Usher did not settle. She would not settle for a life she did not want, certainly with a man who treated her as a possession. No, she was going to make Seungmin and her father’s life a living Hell for what they did to her. And she didn’t care about how they would react, she was going to do it anyway. Anything to get back at them and to get her life back.
She was an Usher, after all, and Usher’s don’t wait for something to be given to them. They take it, no matter how hard it is or what they have to do in order to get it.
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lucilleguinevere · 2 years
Sweet Mess
⌗ Some thinks he’s stupid, some think he’s smart. Some thinks he’s docile, and some think he’s an animal. But everyone can agree on one thing, he’s a beautiful man. Inside, and out.
𓆩⊹ Lookism x Male Reader fanfiction ⊹𓆪
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Chapter 1
.the past.
Trigger Warnings: violence, murder, blood, gore, fighting, child assault, etc (you get the gist of it).
Word Count: 1,929 Words.
Note: A story that has been loitering around in my draft library! Lookism is a fandom I can always re-immerse myself in anytime, because it's both exciting and.. There are too many handsome men (๑•̀д•́๑) Like how??? Why??? Dude, marry me??? So anyway, I have a ton of Lookism fanfictions and I found this little guy again. I had re-edited it one time, and after a brief proofread by yours truly and some change of words, it was ready to go! I really liked the backstory of the Reader character, and I really wanted to keep it, so here it is! I figure I could combine it with my other idea together, and the result will come out clear soon. I'll stop my long ass story and let you all enjoy the first chapter! (It originally had a prologue but I thought it was a bit too dramatic so I didn't post it ( ̄∇ ̄))
⊹ “Bold with quotes: Chinese.”
⊹ ‘Italic with single quotes: inner thoughts.’
The wind was chilly, more chilly than usual. The people around walked in thick clothing, while a small boy walked in only thin clothes and shorts. He walked barefoot, homeless and in a daze. He’s used to living alone and surviving in the streets, but this was his first winter without his mother who would always nag him to use thicker clothes, even if they rarely contact each other. He wrapped his arms around his trembling body, huffing a breath before he widened his eyes, a puff of cloud in front of him as he exhaled shaky breaths. Soon enough, white snow came showering on the small town as people admired the snow. Winter had arrived. While the young children played in the snow with glee, the boy could only tremble as he thought of the worse; he had little to no clothes, even if he were to wrap in rugged rags like a taco, the cold would still be able to seep through.
Disappointment flashed in the boy’s gloomy eyes as he watched the snow fall. He sat down on a wooden box as he stared into the sky, he had been hoping it wouldn’t snow, but the gods decided to go against his wish. Why are they so cruel to a victim like him?
“Hey!!” A female voice rang out, alerting the boy as he looked to the streets, where a pretty girl and a handsome boy were standing beside each other, the girl waving her hand his way. “Hey you!! Yes, you!! Come over here!!” The girl called, gaining attention from a few people nearby who looked at her as if she had a screw loose— maybe she does. The boy held a sigh as he got on his feet and walked his way towards the girl, what could she possibly want from him?
As he approached the two, he managed to examine their features better, the girl had dirty blonde hair and black doe eyes, her lips curved into a sweet, mischievous smile. Looking at the boy beside her, he had a handsome face, black hair and black eyes, a cold expression as his black eyes held affection for the girl beside him. “I like you! You’re pretty! Are you a girl??” She started, bombarding the boy with questions. Pretty? Him? In worn out clothes with a probably dirty face, pretty? His mother used to call him an ugly bastard with a smile, as if it was funny, but he didn’t understand. His face scrunched up in confusion, “..I’m a boy.” The boy finally answered, making the girl freeze as the boy beside him raised an eyebrow.
“Y-You are?!! Whatever, anyway, wanna work for me? My family’s rich and you can—” The girl started her ramble about how her family is a powerful family in China, but the boy couldn’t care less. After he waited and ignored everything she said, with a poker face, he said. “Thank you for the offer, but I’m afraid I don’t meet the requirements to work for your family. Please excuse me.” His immediate response stunned the girl as he walked away, leaving the two alone as he wandered off.
He walked up to one of the food stalls and the smell of food hit his senses, his stomach grumbled in hunger as he passed the stall, a wicked plan forming a shape in his mind as he looked around. With his dirty hands, he sneaked up near one of the stalls and whisked away one of the dangos, hiding it in his clothing as he passed by as if nothing had happened. He kept a calm face as he passed by, walking further and further away out of sight. No one would realize what happened to one, missing dango. As he chomped on it, eating it as fast as he could, he hid away, his mind drifting off to the girl in expensive clothing.
‘She must be the daughter of a noble, so arrogant and spoiled. Does she not know she could get into trouble, shouting out how her family is powerful and rich?’ The boy thought to himself as he finished his dango, a small group of thugs passed by, a dirty and evil grin plastered on their faces as they passed by, not bothering to whisper about their plans and findings. “I heard a small girl shout out about how influential her family is. She’s a pretty one too, did you look at her clothes? That’s some high quality silk over there, I’m sure she isn’t lying. Bet she’d sell for quite a fortune, especially that boy beside her.” The thug spoke to his friend, who lit up his cigarette. His face disinterested as he leaned against the wall. “Guess we can take ‘em, keep yer eyes on ‘em. Strike when they least suspect it.” The other spoke, telling the thug what to do as he nodded. They discussed a bit more before dispersing, unsuspecting of a boy who eavesdropped— no, overheard their conversation. The boy thought of warning the two, but shrugged it off of his mind, it wasn’t his business.
Besides, it was her own fault. No smart or sane person would shout out about their family's position without any bodyguards. Unless that boy beside him is a bodyguard? Who knows, it's none of his business. The boy stood up and sneaked away, looking for people who looked like pushovers to beg for their money. He eventually found some, getting a few yen, and bought himself better clothing. Of course, on discount. When people pity you or underestimate you, you're guaranteed an upper hand. You can save money, and have a bigger winning chance in fighting. After winning a sum of money from betting, he walked through the snow which was building up on the streets, his once barefoot now covered in a pair of cheap shoes. At least he feels more warm now. As he walked around in the uncomfortable clothing, he heard shouting and cries, as well as the clashes of melee weapons. He calmly approached the source of the noises, peeking his head out to see what was happening. It was the two kids he met just moments ago, the girl laying on the snow, tears falling down her eyes as the boy held his ground, his face covered in blood, and so was his spear. The only thugs left were the two who planned it all in the beginning. The boy watched as the thug managed to defeat the boy, getting him on his knees as the girl crawled over to him, cradling him as she glared furiously at the two thugs. "Please!! I'll go with you, so please spare him!" She begged the two thugs, who simply snickered.
"Did you think we're stupid? We may not receive the same education as you, but we're not that stupid. You are coming with us, and this boy is going to go down in the lake." The thug said, his grin greedy and lustful as he eyed the little girl who cried even harder, the boy gripped the little girl's hand as he stood up again, wobbling. Before he could grab his spear, the other thug sighed before kicking him in the stomach harshly, sending him backwards and lying on his back. His breathing became ragged, his chest rising and falling at a fast pace, he tried to catch his breath, but it's obvious he was too injured to even focus on protecting the girl. The thug grabbed the girl by her hair and picked her up, her feet dangling above the ground, his hand gripped around her neck, squeezing it. The boy watched it all happen, but his heart, his morality was screaming to do something because he can. He could do something. The boy sighed as he looked around for a weapon. His eyes landed upon a thin, metal pipe. It's end sharpened.
"You.. Le-t go of h-er this instance!" The boy laying on the ground on his stomach coughed and gasped for breath as he glared daggers at the thug holding the girl, his voice cracked as he growled and snarled at the thugs. He was choking her, his grin twisted devilishly as he did it for entertainment, watching the girl suffocate. The other thug approached the boy, smoking his cigarette, bent down to take a hold of him, but then a sudden blow of pain bloomed in his eye, and the feeling of warm liquid flowed down his cheek. His other eye widened in horror as he realized what happened, "Ah.. AAAHHHHHH!!!!" A metal pipe had pierced his eye, and the boy with dirt smudged on his face pulled the pipe out before raising it up and slamming it down on the thug's head, making him collapse. Whether he was dead or not, the boy did not care. The ravenette looked up in surprise to see the rude boy from earlier to look at the thug he just attacked, his glum eyes flashed with disgust as he approached the other thug who looked at him in interest. "Oh? You killed him? Well, no matter. I won't have to share the loot with anyone else then. So, I bid you my thanks." He grinned, showing off one of his golden teeth, his eyes flashed with a twisted look as he approached the boy, dropping the girl who was gasping for air on the pavement and left her behind.
"I say we fight—" Before he could finish, the boy striked, but this time, he didn't aim for the thug's eyes nor his head. But his balls. He tried stabbing it, but the thug was prepared, "Holy shit! You didn't hesitate—!!" Ignoring his surprised remark, the boy stabbed his leg, making him hold a shout of pain as he dropped to one leg. "You—" Without waiting for the thug to finish, the boy immediately pierced the thug's throat, making him cough out blood from his mouth as the metal pipe went through his thick neck. The boy pulled the metal out, blood matter spewing out everywhere, and even on his new clothes. The boy then threw the pipe away, noticing that the girl went to the black haired boy, looking up at him with fear and slight awe. The boy had the same look in his eyes, added with respect. "...What's your name?" The girl asked, her voice laced with curiosity. The boy kneeled down on one leg, and fished out an antibiotic his mother got him once. "M/n." He answered, looking into the girl's and the boy's eyes. His eyes held curiosity as he blinked, his cheeks splattered with blood.
But even so, he still looked chaotically pretty. "What's yours?" He asked in return as he examined the boy's hand, which were calloused and scratched. "My name is Vivi and he’s my bodyguard, Shaorung." The girl answered, with a small smile adorning her face. Her cheeks dusted with slight pink when M/n reached to touch her snow white skin, the feeling of cold surprising the girl as he put antibiotic on the scratch on her cheek. "So you said something about working under you?" M/n asked, recalling the first time the girl, known as Vivi called for him. His words made the girl's eyes widened, her heart thumping louder in her ears as she stared at the boy in front of her.
It was winter, and in that season, something sweet had bloomed among the red colored snow. It was also the beginning of his story. Of their story and how they meet each other. It was random and absolutely coincidental,
It was fate.
Next Chapter: Chapter Two
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restbeyondtheriver · 10 months
I haven't been swimming for over ten years. I don't like to show my body or my skin to others. I look too different. I don't want others to judge my body, to laugh about me or to get lust about my body. But other people from church don't understand it. They say I shouldn't act like that while they post bikini pics on instagram all the time. I don't understand how they think that posting their body online honors God. I wish someone would understand me.
Little heart I’m sorry I kept this thought in my ask box for for a year. Truthfully I didn’t know how I wanted to respond. After my most recent beach trip I think I know now.
I think I have also grown up hyper aware of how other people look at me, I wasn’t raised that way but I do think I just was harder on myself at an earlier age, took rules very legalistically/literally, & it carried over. I also was young in a time in my culture where skinny was a pinnacle factor in how you were thought of in a different way than it is now. But Gods view of us never changes even if cultures does. Even if yours does.
I was with a group of friends at the beach this weekend who don’t care about what I look like & so I didn’t care so much. I was the only one wearing shorts & everyone else wore dresses & it didn’t matter at all. I’ve gained a little weight & it didn’t matter at all. My hair is growing out & is at an awkward length, & it didn’t matter at all.
As I have gotten older, my insecurities are pretty much the same, but they sit over in the corner, they aren’t the center of my attention. I am also with women who are all built differently than me & each other, but I think we are all beautiful! Their modestly standards may even be different than mine too, but that’s okay. There is room for all of us & we all need each other & to work together & to learn from each other. You are included! Don’t be afraid of yourself, God made you for something so much better than that. He made you for being with & being helped by others. 💛
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iviarellereads · 4 months
The Eye of the World, Chapter 28 - Footprints in Air
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Staff icon) In which we play catch-up to the timeline.
Nynaeve sees the White Bridge in the distance, and grumbles that Moiraine and Lan don't even seem to notice, and resolves not to let them see her "gaping like a country bumpkin." Moiraine won't answer any of Nynaeve's questions, just encourages Nynaeve to stay at Tar Valon for training, to conquer her temper and learn to control the Power at will. Nynaeve thinks to herself that she's only going along with this to be sure Egwene doesn't get hurt.
If only there was some way to get rid of the woman. Lan would be better by himself—a Warder should be able to handle what was needed, she told herself hastily, feeling a sudden flush; no other reason—but one meant the other. And yet, Lan made her even more furious than Moiraine. She could not understand how he managed to get under her skin so easily.(1) He rarely said anything—sometimes not a dozen words in a day—and he never took part in any of the . . . discussions with Moiraine. He was often apart from the two women, scouting the land, but even when he was there he kept a little to one side, watching them as if watching a duel. Nynaeve wished he would stop. If it was a duel, she had not managed to score once, and Moiraine did not even seem to realize she was in a fight. Nynaeve could have done without his cool blue eyes, without even a silent audience.
Over the days' journey, Nynaeve feels unsettled somehow, and notes that Moiraine and Lan both seem to feel it too. Eventually Moiraine tells her it's the Dark One's gaze, not on them specifically, but on the world. He's gaining power. Nynaeve wishes she hadn't said anything at all.
Until that point, Lan had scouted and chosen their paths, but now Moiraine takes the lead, as surely as if she could see footprints in the air, or smell a memory. Soon they arrive at Whitebridge, where it seems there's been some fire and destruction, at least half a dozen buildings appear to have burned down. The people all seem to lie about what happened, either only knowing rumour or intentionally ignoring the truth in front of them.
They hear tales of trouble coming in on a boat, and leaving on it again shortly after. Moiraine leads them to an inn, and says they were there a day ago, maybe two, and very afraid, but she doesn't know where they left. Lan says there was a Myrddraal there, too. Moiraine says she'll have to help the one she knows has his coin still, and Nynaeve asks what about Egwene?
The Aes Sedai studied the tabletop for a moment before raising her eyes to Nynaeve’s, and when she did, Nynaeve started back from a flash of anger that almost seemed to make Moiraine’s eyes glow. Then her back stiffened, her own anger rising, but before she could say a word, the Aes Sedai spoke coldly. “I hope to find Egwene alive and well, too. I do not easily give up young women with that much ability once I have found them.(2) But it will be as the Wheel weaves.” Nynaeve felt a cold ball in the pit of her stomach. Am I one of those young women you won’t give up? We’ll see about that, Aes Sedai. The Light burn you, we’ll see about that! The meal was finished in silence, and it was a silent three who rode through the gates and down the Caemlyn Road. Moiraine’s eyes searched the horizon to the northeast. Behind them, the smoke-stained town of Whitebridge cowered.
(1) Because you're falling in love, you poor young woman. Nynaeve's never had the chance before, and though love seemed common enough in Emond's Field from what we saw, she's lacking in self-awareness of her feelings. Anger is easiest to understand because it's always gotten results back home, so it's what she defaults to. (Side note, it's funny that Lan doesn't really take Mo's side in these arguments, huh? But he DOES try to suggest Nyn go back to the Two Rivers, where she'll be safe. Make you wonder what he's feeling.) (2) Did you catch the second layer here? Back in chapter 13, Moiraine said there were two with high potential. We can now guess that Nynaeve, of course, was the one besides Egg, which means Mo's not like to give up on Nyn anytime soon, either, just as Nyn fears.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Oooooooookay. EAW episode 13 definitely has me spun. Quick thoughts, and more fleshed out after tomorrow’s episode. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS:
1) I saw on my dash a post about the fear that the writing is getting a touch trope-y, and I’ll admit, I am a little afraid of that, too. But that might be me being in denial that something bad is happening to Attorney Jung. He brings SO MUCH lift and equity to the show -- please don’t tear him down, writers.
[I did see some commentary about him maybe having a terminal illness (PLEASE NO), but I noticed he did a shot of soju* after his honeymoon reflection, so maybe not? Who knows. Please let this just be an ulcer, please. Hand over the Prevacid.]
2) I’m not seeing a redemption arc for Min-woo. Anything could constitute that parental reflection he made to Su-yeon. He clearly wanted Young-woo to overhear the news about Tae Su-mi -- he’s still on his bullshit. His idea of adulthood may very well be that you are an asshole** and you do whatever it takes to make it big/rich. 
I’m lightly betting that he wishes he could be a better person, but doesn’t know how, but that’s not a strong bet. He seems thin-skinned enough to contemplate going for Su-yeon, but is not attracted to her resistance. 
3) Speaking of trope-y, I’m a little afraid they’re setting Su-yeon up to fall for the wrong guys. She’s clearly looking around, and I don’t want the writers playing her insecurities like that. Don’t play my girl like that. Keep ya head up, Su-yeon. 
4) Here’s where I think the writing remains strong and genius. I really like what they do with the naming conventions with people who clearly don’t respect Young-woo -- like the gigolo bastard in ep. 10, and now with Jun-ho’s sister. The sister even goes so far as to call out Jun-ho for calling Young-woo “attorney,” and the sister uses “Young-woo” as her naming convention.
First off -- I don’t think Young-woo and Jun-ho break up. Like the resignation at the start of the series, I think this is a moment of contemplation for them both. I place my bet.
Secondly -- the volume of his voice faded down as the shot turned away from him, but I noticed the strong tone in Jun-ho’s voice as the camera panned to Young-woo. Guy was pissed.
What I like about Jun-ho as a character is that he’s not understanding why anyone would NOT respect Young-woo. For him, it’s a fundamental understanding. She’s a badass. She’s cute AF. 
HOWEVER. However. I think by now -- and maybe we’ll see it tomorrow, maybe -- I think I need to see Jun-ho reflect on the reality of how many people in society DO see Young-woo. I think he needs to reflect on that to himself and to her. If he insists that they’re dating, then date, because in dating, you talk, and this is something they’ll need to talk about. Seems like she’ll bring it up tomorrow, but he’s gotta show some balanced understanding, to her and to HIMSELF, that he’s aware of what happens in society. Because -- SHE’S AWARE. It’s going to affect her decision-making. He can’t be in denial to his sister or himself of what the disability biases are that Young-woo faces. Let’s see if we get that into words.
(I wonder if I’m pushing a Western culturally incompetent preference there, though. I wonder if I’m asking too much from the show.)
Okay, more tomorrow. 
NOTES! Feel free to skip:
*They’re drinking Jeju soju! It’s sooooooo goooood, y’all. If you can find it, get it! I love those blue bottles. Also, this video from a few years back totally makes me want to visit Jeju and gain 10 pounds.
**Family member of mine once told me, when they first joined a law firm at the start of their career, that the lecture for first-year associates was that in order to become a successful lawyer, you had to be an “equal-opportunity asshole.” Don’t be an asshole to some -- be an asshole to all. Said family member quit that firm. The Tumblr fam may be right, we may very well see an exit of our faves from Hanbada.
*** Geu-rami! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
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afirewiel · 6 months
I just finished watching The Artful Dodger and boy do I need a second season of this show.
Let me start off by saying that I've only read Oliver Twist once and that was years ago for school. I have only vague memories of the book, but one of the things I think the show does wonderfully is to fill in the gaps and rely mainly on people's cultural knowledge of the characters and events of the book. It was easy to follow and understand and I was never confused.
Another thing that was done wonderfully was reminding us, the audience, that Jack (aka Dodger) was only a child during the events of Oliver Twist. As such, he was heavily influenced by the adults in his life, mainly Fagin. Were Jack a modern man, the justice system would have more compassion on him do to his upbringing and his young age when he committed those crimes (at least in the U.S., not sure about the UK or Australia).
Now, let's talk the characters.
First, Jack Dawkins, the titular character. Thomas Brodie-Sangster did a masterful job with the character. I've only seen TBS in a few things, but I've always been impressed with his acting and this show is no exception. I certainly believed that here was a young man who had lived a hard life and was genuinely trying to turn things around for himself, but who also couldn't escape his past and still felt the thrill of the heist. TBS balanced those aspects of his character beautifully and I just want more.
And David Thewlis as Fagin! Perfect casting choice. David is another actor I've always enjoyed and just like TBS he did not disappoint. He kept you guessing as to where his truly loyalties lie and for a more I really was afraid that he was going to turn Jack into Gaines.
Speaking of...oh man. Gaines truly felt like a Dickins villain. An overly enthusiastic officer of the law who goes too far. It's a shame he's dead (or is he?) cause I'd have loved to have seen his reaction to Fagin and Jack getting off (which we know they will).
Oliver Twist! I was hoping he'd show up, but I had no idea that he'd turn out of be one of the bad guys. I was hoping he and Jack would patch things up and be friends. Oh, well. Guess that isn't happening now. One question though, were his feelings for Fanny genuine or was he just using her to smuggle the gold back to England? I can't tell.
Fanny...she was a little over the top at times. She certainly filled the role of annoying younger sister, but was still sweet. The only thing I didn't really like about her when she kissed Sneed when she thought he was asleep. Not a fan of that.
Sneed...very arrogant at times, but genuinely realizes Jack is the better doctor (probably why he's constantly belittling him), and even admits it at the end.
The governor....hm...he does seem like a caring father, but does seem rather oblivious. But he earned my respect by trying to stand up to his wife and say that he should be the one to return to England and take responsibility for the gold. Props to him for that.
The governor's wife...look I get being shocked at finding your daughter in bed with man (especially back then), but to totally disregard both said daughter and man's insistence that said daughter is dying and brush it off as manipulation...that's just not good. Especially when you know your daughter has been interested in medicine and reading all sorts of medical journals before she even met the man, who you yourself said was brilliant.
As for Belle...well...I appreciate what they were trying to do with the character, but I think they should have chosen someone else for the role. Maia Mitchell just gives off very strong 21st century vibes. Everyone else looks like they fit in the 19th century, but not her. She felt more like someone from our time who time traveled back to the 1850s and was just trying to blend in. Plus, her acting at times felt a little wooden to me and I just wasn't as impressed as I was with some of the others. Neither of these things would be a problem if Belle were just a side character, but she's Jack's love interest. Normally I'm not a fan of recasts, but in this case I wouldn't mind if they found someone better.
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ria-writes-stories · 7 months
Title: My dream
Ship: Thadzi
Genre: Romance, cotton
Description: Love sick goober
(No one's pov)
What are the classic old American teenage movies about? Right, popular jock and popular cheerleader together, but what about the stories that don't unfold like the public expects to? Forbidden love stories as always so much better aren't they? Yes it's nice to freely express your love but having all the eyes on you isn't so nice, now is it? Yes forbidden love was riskier and more thrilling, more dangerous, but that was the beauty wasn't it?
Because it was your little corner of heaven that no one could access. Of course if you were popular you couldn't catch a break. Everyone would want to know everything about you, to use you, to manipulate you, that is what Thad has learned by observing his friends and others in the popular spectrum like he was. He couldn't understand why he was praised for just being genetically blessed to throw a ball but the outcast that took hours and hours and years of their life to perfect a unique skill such as drawing was tossed to the side and ignored. Nothing of this social construct made sense to Thad. Why was the world so unfair and rude? Only if it was just unfair instead of straight up a hellish to those that didn't obey to their rules, and yet, those are the ones who are most rewarded.
Thad loved only one person in his life and it felt so silly. How could you stay in love with the same person for so long? How could you be in love with someone that seemingly didn't want to do anything with you? Uzi was an outcast, and a snappy one at that. She was like an aggressive stray cat but Thad saw beyond that. He saw her as brave and intelligent and God what he wouldn't give to be able to hold her close.
She was simply so amazing. When he was younger he thought he was jealous of her, because back than he didn't yet experience all the feelings that were out there, than he realized he was jealous because he didn't want to have her, instead of being jealous that he wasn't like her. He was jealous he didn't get to hold her.
He was so madly over heels and what for even? God where to start from. Her courage to be different. Her impeccable intelligence being able to do things that not even a 'grown up' could do. She was simply so admirable. She was strong, independent and an absolute beacon of power. How could someone not admire her? Was it just because he was in love? No, because it took him so long to realize what love is and what it feels like. He had no clue he loved her up until later on, but he always did. He saw the worst of her, or well, what used to be the worst of her, a long time ago, very long, when they were young and naive children.
She was crying and yet even in that moment of vulnerability she bravely got up regardless of the insults that she had been thrown. It was scary, it was so scary, because Thad never felt his heart beat harder until that moment. The day when he found her crying behind a building after the other children made fun of her. The day when she promised to 'show them all!' how she is so much better than all of them, but not by being cruel to them like they had been to her, but by becoming the best, simple like that.
That was the first time his cheeks heated up so badly that he thought he had a fever and rushed home afraid to not need a trip to the mechanic because he despised seeing all of the scary tools he had laying around in his office.
Ever since than Thad simply couldn't help it, she was so perfect, but he couldn't get close. He tried but she was snappy, plus...his popularity was gaining on and he didn't want eyes on her. He didn't want someone to seek her pain in a way to get to him just because of this stupid society norms and the malice between people from ego and pride. So he had to stay at bay.
It was horrible to be think of all of the times she must have suffered all on her own and he couldn't do anything about it... Then they grew old enough for love letters on valentine's day. His box was always filled to the brim, while she...?
She always had one letter. One letter always with a different colored heart on it. Never a green one. Never once. Sure he wasn't the only drone with green eyes, but he didn't want to take chances. So, he always changed the colors each year. Blue, orange, yellow. Anything but green, and each time he'd peek around the corner, watching her at the end of the day, taking the letter out of her locker, when the hallways were empty and hollow, and all of it was worth it to see her expression filled with shock before seeing her read the letter in silence or in her mind.
The first time it happened she tore the letter apart and it felt like a bullet straight to his heart, but than he remembered that maybe she thought it was all a cruel prank. She was an outcast after all...if someone loved her truly why didn't they approach her? Was he just...too weak? Did he use his title as a jock as a form to avoid confronting her and his feelings?
The second time she scoffed and rolled her eyes before throwing the letter into the bin immediately.
The third time she didn't even open it. That one hurt the most.
However each time he couldn't help but feel a gentle caress in all of that stinging pain, because she always blushed. He couldn't help but savour her surprised expression.
When the fourth time came around tho... She simply looked defeated as she smashed her forehead against the locker as her hands went limp to her side as she sighed heavily. This...scared him. Why...? Why wasn't she happy? Then again, how could she be happy with such a pathetic love confession? How could he expect that someone as wonderful as her could be fueled by such meaningless words on a paper that could be simply a cruel joke.
As Thad pondered about this looking at the floor with a frown he heard a quiet murmur that made his head snap up immediately as his eyes widen in shock.* "Never green..." *Uzi mumbled with defeat as she began to walk towards the direction of his hideout. Oh boy that is not-
Thad immediately pressed his back against the wall hoping that she will pass by without noticing him as he closed his eyes tightly as he held his breath as he could feel his heart beat in as if he had run a marathon.
When he opened his eyes again he saw that he was all alone and he sighed with relief. However her words haunted him. 'Never green'. Could it be that all of this time she was waiting for a letter from him...? I mean, she always got them but... Just...what if?
*He saved those letters. Each and every single one. He patched up the torn one, he took out the one that got thrown into the bin. Each and every single latter he took back and placed them all in a new envelope as he took his heart into his teeth and made a green heart on it before putting it in her locker.*
The next time Uzi opened her locker she had a pleasant surprise this time around. She looked left and right with an embarrassed blush on her face, and seeing that no one is looking at her at all, she hugged the envelope to her chest happily. No one saw it. No one besides Thad that is.
Thad continued with his life. Looking at Uzi from afar, admiring her like the beacon that she is, trying to make her happy indirectly from time to time as those few direct times only proved to be more and more failed if that's possible, but he would remember the smile that she had when finally the envelope had his signature green on it, and he couldn't erase that from his brain. He loved her beyond anything, and he knew that she had some sort of thing for him, one way or another. He just hoped that sometime, some day, he could finally hold her like he craves so badly.
The end
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red-eft · 9 months
ohoo new ocs.... questions 1-19 odds only for Fisher
woo fisher..
quick info abt this guy- he's in his late teens/early 20's, the son of a fishcutter/fishmonger and following in her footsteps. he's always been a little odd and has strange dreams that he overwhelmingly believes will come true at some point (even if they never have).
fisher isn't his real name- just sort of a placeholder as tradition in this setting is for people to choose their own names once they find or earn one they feel is right.
1. what's their most trivial fear?
he's afraid of spiders bigger than a coin. little ones are fine with him but the others are a bit much for him.
3. are they clumsy?
nope! he used to be clumsy when he was little, but his mom sort of trained him out of it? she taught him to become mindful of his body at all times and helped him gain better reflexes by encouraging him to participate in sports and stuff. it was always fun for him tho which is nice
reason why she trained him to be less clumsy is because clumsiness can cause a lot of problems in their line of work- cutting up fish with sharp knives, standing around on a boat at sea, walking along tall docks, etc.. accidents are the last thing you'd want to happen!
5. in a modern au, what would they order at a coffee shop?
something chilly with a lot of caffeine.. cold brew maybe?
7. do they know how to cook?
yep! it's not his favorite activity but he's pretty good at it, especially when it comes to cooking fish. he can prepare and cook pretty just about any fish found in the waters around the coastal city he lives in. he can even prep venomous species :-)
9. cereal before milk or milk before cereal?
milk before cereal. he wants that cereal to be Crunchy
11. who would they beat to death with a butter sock if they could?
sunvaar! a very nasty and ancient sea serpent that wants to destroy the city fisher and his family live in. would explain more about him but that'd be spoilers :>
13. the one chore they refuse to do.
there's no chore he 100% refuses but he hatesss disposing of the leftover fishbones/scraps/gross bits from butchering fish. he basically turns it into chum and has to lug it to the docks, where he sells it as chum/bait.
15. would they be a good parent?
maybe? he's protective of little creatures and does well with understanding their needs (he saved lazarus' life when she was very young despite knowing nothing about false newts, for example).
that said, fisher feels like he's much worse at understanding people & their needs. he thinks he'd be a bad parent (he would be a good one).
17. would they lie about their height?
wbsbskf sometimes.. he's not vain but he'll round up his height if he feels like it
19. explain your oc as if explaining them to a parent that asked you what they are/what they mean.
this is fisher, he's a uh. fishcutter/fishmonger with haunting prophetic dreams and a giant wet beast as his best friend.
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