#when alan is relatable lol
rikhead · 2 years
The New Statesman-
May the Best Man Win 🇬🇧
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twig-tea · 5 months
Top 5 Couple Fights
Oooooooh this is fun! Thank you for a relatively easy category because so often the fights in these shows are unearned and it is very frustrating. I'm still limiting myself to 2023!
Wen and Alan, Moonlight Chicken
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This fight felt real, it felt lived in, and it felt heartbreaking even though we only saw some of it. These two men love each other, but love isn't enough to keep them together, and that realization is as heartbreaking as the fight itself.
My Personal Weatherman
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I am obsessed with the fights in My Personal Weatherman because the characters often don't know they're in one, or are in two different fights at the same time. This is all tied to how much I love how well the miscommunication is done in this show. These fights are legible based on what we know about these characters and what they've seen, even when they're completely unnecessary, and I adore that. Of course the best one is the ending fight and not just because Segasaki ties up Yo's wrists in his shirt.
Jack O'Frost
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[Not enough gifs of this actual fight and I need to finish this list so this is what you get]. The fight at the very start of this show escalated so quickly, at first I wasn't sure about it even while I appreciated the performances and the intimate way it was shot. But when we get the backstory and we finally understand how much has been withheld and said vs. not said between them, and where their anxieties were rooted and the source of these big feelings, this fight makes so much more sense. This is a show that really benefits from being watched more than once.
La Pluie
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[for some reason tumblr is giving me this link to Shan's blog rather than @liyazaki so tagging you, friend!]
Patts was pushed and pushed and pushed, and he lashed out in his insecurity, and when he asked for reassurance (this lineeee) Saengtai refused to give it to him and instead lashed out out of his own insecurity. This was a painful fight that was fully earned; all of the characters and their choices were legible even as they were infuriating. And it led to a critical awakening of Saengtai who was so caught up in his own sad boy narrative he hadn't realized how much he was hurting everyone around him.
My Beautiful Man S2
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Kiyoi and Hira's communication issues continuing past S1 is very believable. I said elsewhere that Hira's work on his self-worth is more like a spiral than a straight line and that's very relatable and realistic. Kiyoi being hurt by Hira not valuing Kiyoi's feelings was such an important lesson for Hira to get more than once. Again, so earned, and resulted in the characters self-reflecting and moving a little closer to whatever a healthy relationship means for these two lol
Laws of Attraction
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How much do I Love Tinn seeing right through Charn and Charn being big mad at him for Perceiving him so well? All of their fights are so good because they're about boundaries and mutual respect at their core, and they actually listen to one another and are based on how well they know one another (rather than what so often happens, when the characters seem to forget who the person they're in love with actually is). This barely counts as fight but I love it and it's my list so it stays.
Bonus entry that's only for me (shh stop counting the above):
Mr. Cinderella S2
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Nobody but me and like 2 other people watched this show, but I'm actually obsessed with the couple fight in Mr. Cinderella s2 so thank you for the chance to rant about it on main some more. I need to start by saying: this plot is ridiculous and the ending sucks. But within this show, Dung and Khoa have an established relationship that has been tested in S1 and is being tested harder in S2, and to a point, they actually stand together and weather the storm, and it was rewarding to watch. And then slowly everything happening ("everything" here being an ABSURD amount of melodrama) starts to wear on Khoa, who sees himself as the one solely responsible for everything, and he unlearns some of what he learned in s1, he stops relying on Dung as his support, stops telling Dung what's going on because he doesn't want to burden him, and stops trusting Dung's word about what is happening. And so, when the jealousy plot hits, it's actually believable that Dung would be mad at Khoa, not for cheating, but for not respecting Dung as a partner in their relationship. It's well done, I wish so much that it were in a better show so that I could actually recommend anyone watching (I don't). I've seen this trope (assumed cheating) done so badly and so unearned in so many shows, this was so refreshing.
Extra bonus: Best couple fight scene of all time?
Gameboys S2
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[I give up on gifs of this scene; have them upset for other reasons instead!]
What I love about the way they fight in this show is that, beyond it being earned etc. etc., the dialogue is so raw. They repeat themselves, they just yell over one another, they get rude, they try saying something to de-escalate and it gets worse instead. This is not a carefully crafted speech, or a single perfectly delivered devastating line; this is raw emotion. I recognize this fight, I've been in this fight, this is what I sound like when I fight lol And we see them really fight at least twice, and the way they fight in ep8 has changed as a result of the earlier fight is also SO good.
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storgicdealer · 16 days
thinking. i wonder if it's possible for victim to only know about chosen's relation to alan, without being aware of the suffering that he went through in ava 2-3 when he was created. like man. vic has to be VERY fucked up in the head to re-traumatize a person with the same shit that they are also traumatized from lol
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helyiios · 28 days
On danse pas
Or that one time Benji went on a solo mission.
Benji says “lol” and Ethan loses his entire fucking mind.
He’s staring at his friend through a screen, watches as he’s being reviewed by Alan Hunley, who looked extremely displeased, by the way, and he can’t help but want to make the room explode.
Or something.
“Did you just say “lol,” agent Dunn ?” the Secretary asks, closing his eyes slowly, “or did I mishear that ?”
“I don’t know what else to say ?”
“Oh, I don’t know. You could explain to me what the fuck happened during your mission, for example. Just for example.”
“Nothing went wrong with this mission.”
Ethan grimaces. With a kill count of fifty three, three civilians, a building in flames, collapsed on itself, and a few people straight up murdered, he wouldn’t say that nothing went wrong. He loves Benji, he really does, he thinks he’s a fantastic guy, truly, but they had to stop sending him on solo missions. Honestly.
“You caused an explosion in Central London,” Hunley states, spreading papers on the table, “do you know how many people got hurt ?”
“Some ?”
“Seventy six. With fifty three dead.”
“Don’t think that’s the biggest I can go,” Benji offers with a genuine smile, and Ethan slams his own head against the wall. “No but I mean, sir, no offence, but I didn’t let that building explode because I had planned it. They had extremely dangerous weapons stored there, and I can’t exactly steal a PHASR in my little purse and come back to the IMF.”
“So your plan of action was to destroy them. By fucking up the entire locals of ARCH.tech.”
“Yeah ? I mean, I stole the blueprints first, didn’t you read the report ?”
“Benjamin Dunn,” Hunley warns, voice low and dangerous, “you’re going to have to use another tone with me.”
“You’re acting like I did something crazy ! Personally, I only killed, like, ten people. Max ! The rest was the explosion.”
“Do you know how angry MI6 is about this ?”
“Well maybe if they hadn’t thrown me out back when I tried to get in they wouldn’t have had to worry about this,” Benji mumbles petulantly, crossing his arms. “Look, I’m sorry for the deaths. I didn’t mean it !”
“You’re not sorry, you don’t care !”
“It’s not like I can care about everyone in this world,” he protests with a grimace. “I’m not Mother Theresa.”
Hunley holds back a scream of frustration, choosing to rub his hands on his face instead.
One thing about Benji Dunn, is that he was efficient. When with Team Hunt, he proved to be resourceful and a master at tech related support. When alone…
Well, his first solo mission had been a breeze. He’d done his part, had come back, gotten slapped on the back, and all was great. Peachy, even. So he’d gotten cleared to get sent on more solo missions. Which always ended…correctly.
Until this one.
Where he’d gone completely looney, and pushed the big red button, and gotten a review as a thanks. And he had had the gall to be displeased about it.
“You were on the news, Benji !”
“Lol,” Benji says out loud again, like an actual fucking lunatic, “yeah, I saw. The BBC. I actually watched it from a bar. Made me blush.”
“Why aren’t you taking this seriously ?!”
“You’re making this a bigger mess than it is !”
“YOU BLEW UP A FUCKING BUILDING IN CENTRAL LONDON !” Hunley screeches, and Benji recoils a little, puckering his lips annoyedly.
“Bad foundations, what can I say.”
“I’m going to get you pulled away from field activities.”
“You can’t,” Benji notes, wiggling his index at him with a laugh, “you need me too much.”
“You’re over estimating your worth.”
“That’s mean.”
“Look,” the Secretary sighs, clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth, “can you at least admit you went a bit overboard with the whole thing ?”
The agent shrugs.
“Sure, if that makes you happy. At the end of the day, I picked up on Bailey’s fuckup at ARCH and I got the info needed. And destroyed their weapons.”
“Ah, yes, but agent Bailey did not kill fifty three people.”
“There’s no free lunch,” Benji just says, visibly very little interested in the whole thing. “Also, I made a very clear a nice report on the whole incident. You can’t even call me lazy.”
“Yes, your report was good.” A pause. “What ? That’s not the point ! Does your team know ?”
A frown.
“Why would they ? They’re not concerned by it.”
“Thought it would shock them.”
“I don’t really care,” Benji whines, “I did my bloody job and I’m getting lectured over it !”
“Well,” Hunley finally says, giving up completely, “do try not to do something like that again. Please.”
“Do you want us to, like, pinky promise ?” he offers, holding out his hand with a crooked pinky finger.
“Get out of my office, Dunn.”
The agent bursts out laughing but gets up all the same, dusting his shirt carefully.
“Oh, and Benji ?”
“Yeah ?”
“Why did you fail the MI6 entrance exam ?”
A pause.
“Psych tests,” he grimaces.
Hunley tips his head back, face in his hands.
“Yeah. Figures.”
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blueikeproductions · 2 months
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And it begins, the EarthSpark toys are on clearance.
So far it’s just these size classes, but it’s not looking long for this toy line. None of it really moves super well. The store I was in moves the Tacticons a little better, but probably only because they’re so cheap.
Among the Deluxe line, Nightshade continues to shelfwarm, with the ROTB and Legacy toy lines still doing better by comparison.
If this changes for TFOne’s toy line later this year remains to be seen, as we still have no clear idea on what the movie is like or what the TFs look like. A candid shot of an Orion Pax popcorn bucket is the best we got, and most people are playfully making fun of how chunky it is like Energon Optimus Prime.
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(Art by staticoctopus on Twitter, it’s cute and fits very well with the topic, lol).
Meanwhile, Skybound’s still knocking it out of the park, and is garnering far more discussion and speculation that EarthSpark can ever hope to have.
It’s doing what Bob Budiansky had been making a point of from the start: you need Earth and humans to properly tell the stories of alien robots that turn into vehicles, just having them only on their own doesn’t work unless it’s Beast Wars or Beast Machines. Because you get WFC, Prime Wars, and Cyberverse when you strip Transformers of its humanity figuratively and literally.
It’s why EarthSpark is so weird, because it is trying so hard to make statements it has no qualifications to make, and pretty much treats most of its non Megatron, non-Mandroid and non Jawbreaker male characters like morons. Robbie practically dies and the show treats it somewhat as a joke, instead having Alex & Dot love up Mo while Robbie lays there probably thinking of the worst retirement homes he can shove his parents in to. The human X Transformer relations are still frankly terrible unless you’re a Malto. If modern writers despise the Chosen One story, they’re sure going all in on the Maltos as being chosen for a vague destiny, aren’t they?
Meanwhile, Skybound does this:
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Telling a much better and heartfelt story about humans and Autobots coming together with future trials yet to come. There’s a reason people criticize the inept and some that shady EarthSpark Optimus (his only saving grace currently is being voiced by Alan Tudyk), but most universally praise Skybound Optimus as the return to form Transformers desperately, desperately needed.
On top of that, spoilers for context, Sparkplug sacrificed himself to save Optimus, by merging with the Matrix, revitalizing it. Now Optimus is guided by the human wisdom of a repentant Sparkplug, who previously was consumed by the horrors of the war he served in, the death of his wife & eldest son and his alcoholism used to drown it out.
Now Optimus is seeing what appears to be Sparkplug’s memories due to his influence of the Matrix.
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It’s led many to assume this is Optimus stepping into the role of father to Spike, mirroring Star Saber & Jan. I think that’s terrific idea, Optimus better understanding humans from the get go but now having Sparkplug as his Jaga to potentially guide him further.
It also seems to be a reverse Hi-Q from the Marvel comics.
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And that resulted in Hi-Q evolving into a new Optimus (mostly because of the Action Master toy at the time, but still.)
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This is what EarthSpark wants to be but refuses to do, it’s what IDW thought it was trying to be, but absolutely failed, and now we’re at TFONE.
Hasbro is now trying to properly advertise it with an animated logo on places like Instagram. The movie is set to come out this September if all goes well with the toys trickling out around that time (though toy distribution being what it is, probably January 2025 at this rate).
Like EarthSpark, One is stated to have “political” commentary and characters like Nightshade according to leaks and rumors. This I guarantee will kill this movie faster than EarthSpark if the story and characters aren’t up to snuff. Thankfully, audience test screenings have been very positive so far, but another problem we’ve all anticipated. Comments about the official logo now have people incredibly confused and hesitant to go near ONE because they don’t know if it’s Bayformers, Bee/ROTB, or something new, and being told it’s a new thing doesn’t seem to be helping…
Skybound remains the best thing Transformers has had in a long time. One has the potential, but I think its main “non politically driven” deterrent is it being another movie with vague ties to Bayformers and being a cartoon movie. (Some are actually angry it’s an animated movie and not a live action thing, it’s confusing…) There’s apparently plans to to make TMNT: The Last Ronin into an R movie under Paramount, as it too is the only good thing TMNT has going for it (besides Mutant Mayhem, but we’ll see how that goes for its TV show), so it’s entirely possible Hasbro may chose to do the same with the Energon Universe, as it’s the only thing period Transformers has going for it right now…
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 11 months
oh man ok i need to gush about moonlight chicken for a second lol
i adored how this show didnt shy away from the messiness of real life and relationships! like u hav a single gay working class man desperately trying to make ends meet and struggling with the guilt of his past lover having died tragically whilst bringing up his nephew who wants to be taken seriously and finally fly the nest to live his own life whilst at the same time navigating his crush on a lonely deaf boy who just wants to be understood and respected. and then you have a man stuck in relationship limbo where he's unable to let go of his past love but also yearning to move on and free them both from the pain they cause each other... and that's not even to mention the side characters who deal with the loss of parents, unfaithful partners, unplanned pregnancies, trying to be a better mother to your son, etc...
no one was a villain, instead you had a group of people who needed to grow and learn in a very natural way, and that's just so refreshing to see! honestly one of my fav parts of the story is that rather than inventing some arbitrary dramatic reason for wen and alan to break up, it just happened because their love had fizzled out, a thing that happens all the time in real relationships! and even though their love had died, it was still obvious that they cared deeply for one another which made both of them trying to move on so much more painful...
so much of this show was about the cycles of emotional abuse that can develop when you're stuck in the past... jim is unable to see a happy future for himself because he blames himself for beam's death, and he let's that anger and resentment inform how he treats li ming. wen is ignoring the messiness of his relationship with alan in favour of pursuing jim, but knows deep down that neither will be able to truly move on unless he deals with the situation. even heart's parents are stuck unable to relate to or be willing to understand their deaf son as they continue to isolate him from the outside world, thinking that it will protect him but all it does is make him even more lonely!
idk i just loved how the show focused so much on living in the moment. that the past is fixed and the future is uncertain, but there will always be now where you can always find some glimmer of joy and optimism.
and then there's ofc the queer element of the show where we get to see how internalised and external homophobia exist as perimeters to queer people being able to truly be themselves. one of the most heart wrenching scenes is at beam's funeral where his parents come up to jim and effectively tell him that because he and beam weren't married, he has no legal rights to any of the things they had worked so hard for together! and this is something you hear time and time again, both historically and now, where queer couples in countries that dont recognise gay marriage or even civil partnerships are denied so much (particularly when one of them dies) because their relationship is deemed illegitimate by law.
jim as a character has internalised this so much that when he finds out his nephew is gay, he lashes out (in one of the funniest scenes ever, mind you lol... literally the whole 'why are you gay, isn't being poor enough of a challenge!?' thing is gonna stick in my mind forever i love it sm lol) because he knows first hand how hard it is to be a queer man in a society that still doesnt fully accept you! (and it rly showed the disparity between him, a working class man, and wen, someone from a middle class/wealthy background when it comes to queerness that i don't think gets discussed as much... cos the fact of the matter is that for a long time queerness /was/ effectively reserved for wealthy people, as working class people wouldnt have had as much of a choice in how they could live their lives, so jim's reticence when it comes to accepting li ming's (and his own) queerness is directly tied to how being poor doesnt always allow you the luxury of simply 'being yourself'...)
and i think it was especially interesting that this show didnt present homophobia in individualistic terms. we don't get a character calling them slurs or saying that they're wrong for being gay, instead we get systemic and societal prejudices showing up in insidious ways, which feels so much more realistic! (like even jam, who is presented as having outdated and homophobic opinions, isnt presented as some evil villain. she's just a product of a homophobic society that teaches people being gay is a sad way of living, and she has to unlearn that as both her brother and son prove her wrong!)
i honestly could (and probably will) go on but yeh... this show man... this show
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pinkomcranger · 4 months
Previous anon, thank you so much for your voice about Saga and her space in the fandom. Your reply was amazing. I honestly can't even add to it, you said so much and hit it right on the head in every regard. I think you made a valid point too, there are fans who don't create but want to see her represented in the fandom space too. I didn't think of it like that. I'll focus on that and for the future share Saga and Andercase content not just because of that but love em so much too. I say this as someone who loves all the chararcters and multiple ships outside of her but I treasure her and the ship so much so makes little sense not to show that. My stuff isn't quality but still can share lol I should back up my words and show it with content. Also, thank you for inviting me to talk in your inbox about anything with Saga/Andercase. I'll be sure to when ideas strike and hope it can encourage others too! Would love to see the fan base show her love like every other chararcter gets. Not completely unrelated but would love if people cared about Mr. Door too. There was a ship fic with him and Alan but it's lost now and like Saga he's often on the back burner despite how interesting he is too (insanely interesting tbh). Besides, I'm sure the actors and would be just as appreciative as thr others have been to already loved chararcters.
You're very welcome! I still have many thoughts regarding Saga and her place in fandom, I might create a part 2 at some point. When I finally entered this fandom, I fully thought there would be so much dedicated to Saga, because here we had such a beautifully written and portrayed character, that it felt like a no-brainer. To see that wasn't true, to see her glossed over for characters like Casey and Zane bothered me on every level.
It's one of the reasons I came out of my near-decade hiatus, if I didn't see what I wanted, and I could create at least a little, then I was going to do that. I was extremely hesitant, mostly because I was late to the game (hah, Saga would like that pun), I didn't dip my toes in until last December. I wanted the fandom to see that Saga was still appreciated, she was still seen, it wasn't just Casey/Alan/Zane.
To see you're willing to throw your hat back in the ring pleases me beyond words, but I'll try to find them regardless. First and foremost, please don't think whatever you create is less than when that couldn't be further from the truth. I know a lot of us content creators tend to hold ourselves up to others, if we don't get as many likes/reblogs/kudos/comments as other's ships or favored characters, that MUST mean we're not good enough, right? It's hard to believe, and something I still struggle with, but it's not true.
There's various reasons why it seems our content might seem to be skipped over. Maybe the idea doesn't hit right for some people, maybe they can't connect, maybe they don't relate, or maybe it's just not their fav character/ship. That's certainly their right as fans.
Secondly, at the end of the day, sometimes you just have to create what you want to see. It can be annoying, to wonder why you have to create something that should be so obvious to everyone else. But that's the thing about fandom, sometimes you just have to show you're here to stay.
I guarantee you there will be others who love your content, even if you don't think it's that great. I had to be reminded of that myself, by two great friends and basically pioneers of writing for Saga and Andercase (@wondrouswendy and @hearts-are-connected ). I know they're some of the great ones, and they'll always cheer me on, and I know they'll extend the same courtesy to you.
Man, Warlin Door is a whole different topic for me! He's EXTREMELY interesting, well-written, and portrayed. To see him ignored even more than Saga sucks, another character I thought would get love. I would love for the actors to see that they're seen and heard as much as Ilkka and Sam are. They deserve nothing less.
I very much look forward to seeing your content! You have a very eager fan here.
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spectorcsm · 1 year
Alright peeps I'm joining in this chaos and you should all fear me This post has no plan or path this is just a ramble analysis of things I notice in the new episode so :D
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Ok so like first off guys- maybe like- don't fire your glitch weapons in the middle of a crowded city?? This seems like a bad idea?? You guys are worse than the Avengers when it comes to collateral damage smh
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Ok but Chosen stopping mid-chase to save that civilian by destroying the debris really goes to show how he's improved as a character, this guy went from destroying Alan's PC, to rampaging various sites with Dark, and now to this. Glad to see him as a proper hero now :D
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I'm happy to see the ice powers coming back cuz after that one time he froze the Firefox I thought they just forgot about it lol
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Chosen is Zeus now Also he just like creates a glacier 2 seconds later cool
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Also quick shoutout to Alan's Desktop organization He has come a long way
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I find it funny how much everyone focused on this clip in the trailer especially, like "Oh no does Orange get mad at Alan again?? Is this related to Vic???" and the reality of it is "lol wanna fight me guys?" "Sure sounds fun :D" Alan you have bamboozled us again
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I find this moment rather interesting So after Alan pulls up the thingy and sends them all flying then crashing down, Red appears to be acting like they hurt their head and Yellow notices and crawls over to see if they're ok (Awwwijascsdhljw) but as soon as they do Red just punches em?? However then Yellow puts their hands up in a way almost to be like "whoa whoa it's just me" and then Red accepts the comfort. Idk I just find it interesting, like Red is still in fight-mode after the sparring match and doesn't quite register that it's Yellow touching them at first XD
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Chosen: "COME ON DO IT, DO THE EYE THING" Orange: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IDK HOW TO DO THAT" Chosen: "YES YOU DO JUST DO IT, LIKE THIS:" Orange: "AAAAAAAAA" *Tries to do laser-eyes with every ounce of focus they have*
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Red: "uhhh are they ok-" Green: "Maybe you should stop them?" Blue: "yeahhh maybe-" Yellow: "Hmm, yes. Interesting"
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Chosen: "UGH FORGET IT YOU'RE COMING WITH ME" Sticknapping 101
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Aight but like where did this guy (Btw I'll call him Striker cuz that name was going around and it's cool) get this stuff? Has their group attacked a Desktop before and managed to steal enough UI to make this guy OP? Cuz he uses a lot of really crazy stuff during this fight and I can't help but wonder what poor animator woke up just to find the entire UI on their software missing lol
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I love how Chosen really just pulls the "Throw the kid in the pool to teach them how to swim" on Orange and his powers here lol Then to Chosen's surprise it does not work "Aw shoot the kid is drowning now I gotta save them smh"
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YEAHHHH ART POWERS Ok but actually though I find it interesting how differently the Pencil tool works outside a Desktop, like usually Orange like speed-draws the whole entire thing but out here it's like Ah yes, line scribble = E e l I mean it actually kinda makes sense, in the 3D world it'd be really difficult to draw anything really so the Pen just changes function a bit based on the environment
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Poor Green does not enjoy climbing it seems :(
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This guy can forever one-up everything "Ok but have you beat up a shark with your bare hands and won?
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Ok but this guy's style is just like tribal or primitive and it's honestly pretty cool I have no clue what to call them though so that's up to the rest of the fandom to decide ':D
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Also someone else on a different site suggested the name "Warnman" for this guy cuz he looks like the typical hazard sign guy who's always showing the dreadful things that will happen if you don't obey the sign and I think the name fits so Warnman is honestly my favorite of these guys just cuz of how wacky they are lol
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Also this guy has to be like Anime Stick or something I do not understand this dude at all but they're sick
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Let it be known that Warnman is canonically 2D
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Dude how much charge do those electro-bullets hold if that thing is STILL zapping Chosen This poor guy Also the way Striker fights throughout this whole scene is so cool
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I find it interesting and I think Alan pointed out in the reaction video (really funny btw you should go watch that too) That Striker is totally just messing with them before that, like sure he probably has to be close to the target to use the Pause attack but I like to think he was enjoying the fight before that and is only just doing it now cuz he's bored lol
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Aight so the Rocket Group is the one hunting Chosen I wanna know though- why Chosen specifically? Are they just after all Hollowheads with the powers or is it just Chosen they want? Maybe they're after all of them but Chosen is the only one with a super known presence? Also who are these guys?? They seem to be just some independent group but do they hold any sort of actual authority over Stick City? Man I have so many questions
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How do you pause fire-? Does it still burn? I assume not cuz I think it woulda burned the guys bringing him by now Man that's wacky but cool Also another question here is like, is that white box a containment unit or some sort of display case? I'm thinking more along the lines of containment but like he's already paused and they left the door open I think??
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Aight now we're getting to the theory-fuel Why are they studying all this UI? Where'd they get this UI? Why do all these sticks look exactly the same??? Like I get that it's just supposed to represent a large group of workers and stuff but they are all exactly the same shade-
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A h a A h a a a . . . VICTIM???? VIC MY GUY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?? LIKE I GET YOU'RE PROBABLY MAD AT ALAN LIKE KILLING YOU AND ALL BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH CHOSEN AND EVERYONE?? I have many questions Also I am wondering if all the UI decor in his office is just art or what, are they trophies maybe? They probably had to get the UI for Striker's setup somewhere, did they raid Desktops before? Are those trophies from animators he's beaten? Man Idk but this is so interesting My final take on the episode: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA LET'S GOOO AvA 6 HYPEEE :D
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roses-red-and-pink · 8 months
I just finished rewatching the order of the phoenix with my aunt and uncle and here are some thoughts
Ron.Weasley.Supremacy. I know the movies really water him down and take away some of his core traits and give them to hermione, but I think this movie is the best for showing his true character. He stands up to everyone for Harry, he attacks grawp for hermione, he’s always looking out for Harry. when Harry says they need to go get Sirius, hermione tells him it might be a trap and Harry’s like “idc! I can’t let him die!” And Ron just immediately says “ok what do we need to do.” Gets them away from the inquisitorial squad, and Insists that Harry doesn’t need to go to the ministry alone. I love him with my whole heart! I think this movie is the best at doing him justice.
On a related note: Ron and hermione as tired parents. Harry is being angsty and angry and sad and Ron and hermione share sooo many little concerned eye glances with each other. Making sure he’s ok, setting him up with his crush, getting him to bed. They really are Mom and dad.
Romione moments in this film are subtle, but there. Hermione telling Ron he’s clever, Ron trying to save her from grawp, their mutual concern over Harry, the way she stands closer to him than Harry.
My shipper heart noticed all the subtle Hinny moments. Harry’s overjoyed and proud face when ginny used the reducto curse, the way her face fell whenever cho was mentioned. How she hung back and looked at Harry when he went to go talk to cho before their kiss. My pining girl, pretending she isn’t pining. Also hi Michael corner! He was there lol.
Big thing for me was HUGE appreciation for Harry as a character. This boy, this 15 year old boy is going through SO much. His anger and fear that it is all his fault and he is a bad person is so relatable to me right now. But when Voldemort possesses him, he can’t stay because Harry has friendship and love, and can even find it in himself to feel sorry for Voldemort. Yes Harry has deep trauma and wounds, but he also has light, and joy! He is so GOOD. He’s not perfect as we see many times. But he is at his core a good good person. And that goodness and that light carry him through these amazingly difficult things. I am just so proud of him :,)
Cho and Harry… it was so awkward hahaha. That kiss was just so stilted, the way they stayed like 10 inches apart while they kissed, I love it. It really speaks to how awkward their relationship was. Also how when hagrid came back he immediately left her to go see him. I can’t help but compare to (book, obviously) ginny and Harry’s relationship where their first kiss was 100%- no half hearted stilted kissing here! Although maybe David Yates just hates Harry having fun kisses because in HBP movie his kiss with ginny is pretty subpar too…
Umbridge was terrible as always. Also I loved Alan Rickman as snape particularly in the occulmency lessons.
Ok one more thing about Harry: he is really good at magic. In the hogs head when they keep bringing up stuff he’s done and he’s like “but I had help! It wasn’t me!” But my boy, you DID cast a patronus at 13, and you DID kill a basilisk, and you DID survive Voldemort. Sure you had help, but you’re also a pretty darn powerful wizard.
In conclusion, I love Harry. He’s amazing. Also Ron is the best friend ever.
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panelshowsource · 3 months
saved a few anons asking personal questions not all related to panel shows, spamming answers below the cut :)
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interesting question! first, i think it's very special that you had the opportunity to study at an international university and i am glad to hear you had so many amazing experiences!
i also feel like i need to preface anything i say with... holidays are obviously different from living, and i hope people can trust that i wouldn't base an entire lifestyle decision off, like, being a fan of taskmaster lmao the state of politics, brexit, housing, prejudice, and more make it difficult to say i'd want to commit to life there — plus i really love new york city, where i do feel at home
that said, i would be open to living in the uk for a period of time, yes. i am certainly very motivated to visit a lot of places, particularly in england, and decided last year to start spending a month or two over there every year (this year i think i will be in york! maybe i can post a little about that if people care). the history and motivations behind that decision are really personal to me, but it feels...right. i am really looking forward to my time there this year and treasure being someone who works remotely and can make that happen
living permanently, it's hard to say, but speaking for my interests in history, architecture, art, cinema — it would be wonderful to explore those things more in person, yes!
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i really think in the 6+ years of this blog this is the first i've ever been asked about music! which makes sense ofc it just took me by surprise!
hmmm i think this playlist most accurately expresses what i'm listening to a lot of the time + a lot a lot a lot of classical music, some dad rock, and a few balladeers like judy garland and rufus wainwright
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i don't claim to be the world's biggest comedy buff or keep up the best with all of the comedy coming out of the uk and american industries — even though i do enjoy it so much! — but growing up i was very interested in comedy writing. in high school, i worked at a dvd store where people could trade in their old dvds for store credit to buy new ones, so we had a HUGE selection of not only new releases but older, sometimes nicher stuff that you typically wouldn't see at a suburban american blockbuster-like shop. i can't stress how formative this was! i would always go through the store and "beautify" the shelves (pulling all the spines up neatly, keeping everything alphabetised, etc) just to constantly look through what we had in stock, grab the old black bar criterion films before some movie buff snatched them up, touch all the special editions (physical releases were more than just steelbooks back then, like stuff like this). each of the employees had a little shelf in the back room where you could store dvds you wanted to buy when you eventually had the money, keeping them off the floor so no customer would see and buy them. i was always reserving 30+ dvds at a time and spent my whole paychecks at work hahaha
anyways, that's how i found a lot of the random british films i ended up loving — by people trading them in or me just running across them at the store: a cock and bull story, death at a funeral, this is england, gosford park, monty python, (particularly holy grail and life of brian), confetti (didn't love this one but it had a lot of actors i really liked in it so i remember watching it quite a few times) and more — but especially withnail and i and in the loop. i was fucking obsessed with in the loop, which i watched on a loop (zing!) and was ultimately how i worked my way backwards to the thick of it as well as shows like the office uk, alan partridge, green wing, fry and laurie, peep show, and more. (the thick of it and peep show were particularly everything to me!) i still have all of the dvds from the dvd store i worked at! lol
in terms of american comedy, i was obsessed with the state and then their groups' projects like wet hot american summer and reno 911 (michael showalter is a great example of a writer/director i don't think is one of the greats but follows his heart & vision, and i really respect that; my fave of his, which is genuinely so good, is hello my name is doris! underrated lil treasure). i also really loved it's always sunny, flight of the conchords, party down, arrested development, jackass and wild boys, and house md, and some of the wild characters on bravo lmao. we had this channel called logo that was my lifeline to queer content before i really had full-time access to the internet outside of a shared family computer, so i was always watching reruns of jeffrey & cole casserole, the big gay sketch show, plus the l word and queer as folk, and they also did syndication of reno 911 (but i already had all the box sets of that 😭). i was never heavy into the judd apatow/bro comedy that was so big in the 2000s, and even the 80s–90s american comedy heavily influenced by the talent at snl wasn't particularly engaging to me; of that, my favourites were probably throw momma from the train and a couple of romcoms
+ every panel show i could get my hands on! and i think because i was really engaged with sketch comedy i was also reading a lot of playwrights, especially alan bennett, harold pinter, and edward albee, who i had (and have!) huge collections of
and, yes, so many of these are at the foundation of my very favourite formats and styles of comedy: mockumentaries , black comedy or dark comedy, existential comedy, stories rooted in reality or plausibility / domestic dramedy. i used to be very engaged by sketch comedy and wanted to crack the science behind writing funny sketches, but i do think i've moved away from that format and filled that void with the improv nature of panel shows (it works for me the way i think the format of podcasts work for so many other people... i wonder if anyone will relate to that comparison)
comedy evolves so much by the decade and i appreciate a lot of the ways in which it has grown, so i don't think of it as a then vs now, which is better, whatever. and like you i can't help but revisit my nostalgic faves often!
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i do think eventually he will! but rn he's lapping up that tv money hahaha my very fave is firing cheeseballs at a dog, but they're all genuinely great!
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copperbadge · 1 year
So I was looking for an older post related to the writing of Fete and publishing on AO3, and came across this quote from you: "I'm kind of in awe of romance novelists who can put out new content every few months"
And look at you now, four novels published in seven months! Even if we go back to when you started adapting Fete into a novel, I believe it's under a year?
Thanks again for all the work you put into this 'verse. Can't wait to start the new one on my lunch break today.
LOL yes I suppose I have somewhat self-fulfilled that prophecy, haven't I. If you count from the time I started writing Fete as a screenplay it's something like a year and three months, but if we start from when I adapted that screenplay into a book -- which was a reasonable amount of work -- then yes, four novels written last year, three published, and this one being posted. I think I actually wrote Infinite Jes in about three weeks, that one went extremely fast, and I think LATT was only five weeks.
Plus while working on this story, I wrote roughly 50K of Royals/Ramblers, and some other stuff. (There's a really self-indulgent short story about Noah and the Dychev that may never see daylight, and one just called "Shivadh Alan Turing" that's about a midcentury programmer attempting to build an AI, but is really an excuse to write Michaelis as a kid being taken to see the computer by his father.)
Admittedly, it's easier when the world is built -- writing sequels is pretty much like writing fanfic, really. On the other hand this series is helping with my worldbuilding skills a great deal as I branch out, because while it's like writing fanfic, you still have to add new stuff -- like Reverb in book two, Galia in book three, various aspects of Eurovision in this one.
I'm usually working on a couple of other stories simultaneously within this world, but it depends on where my head's at, which ones -- right now of course Royals/Ramblers, but I'm also cheating on Royals/Ramblers with one I don't have a title for yet that's all about football in Askazer-Shivadlakia, and building the "world" of the Royal Shivadh Football Academy is stretching my abilities a bit.
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louthestarspeaker · 9 months
Hey Thunderfam! I'm writing a story about Kayo rn and it's got me interested in how she fits into the Ever Unexplainable TAG Timeline XD I was curious about any headcanons you guys might have floating out there about how old she is in relation to Tracy brothers and your take on a line that's really the source of most of my confusion, in Home On The Range when Alan goes "oh yeah, you were away at school during that time too".
Does this mean the other brothers were out of school while they were at Gran Roca and Kayo wasn't, even though I always figure she were closer to Gordan or the middle brother's age (whoever that might be in your hc lol).
I don't know how much of this I really need to tell my story, but it's interesting and fun to try and work out anyways XD I know there's likely no perfect answers given there's not too much that's concrete in the timeline, especially where Kayo is concerned, but it if you have any idea's you like I'd love to hear them :D
Edit: Oh @myladykayo you have such wonderful insights on Kayo, I hope you don't mind if I tag you directly :)
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saintarmand · 5 months
8, 17, 21 & 22 for the iwtv ask thingy! 🤍
8. Who's your favorite actor?
jacob anderson. come on now. they're all great but he is ethereal. second place assad zaman
17. Have you read or watched anything because it was referenced in the show?
oh just a few things
love's coming of age by edward carpenter
chéri by colette
nausea by jean-paul sartre (louis was reading this in ep6 when lestat and claudia are playing chess while talking about nicki. you can't see the full cover but i went detective mode and figured it out)
madame bovary by gustave flaubert
a moveable feast by ernest hemingway (s2 first look "esurient hearts beating as one, the rumbling beast of the moveable feast")
iolanta (tchaikovsky opera)
don pasquale (donizetti opera)
pelléas et mélisande (debussy opera)
a doll's house (henrik ibsen play)
a streetcar named desire (tennessee williams play) + the movie with marlon brando
i didnt read the full text but i did hunt down and read parts of "de masticatione mortuorum, the chewing dead" that claudia mentions, full title "dissertatio historico-philosophica de masticatione mortuorum" by philip rohr (1679) (view the original manuscript here + english translation here)
i havent finished all of emily dickinson's poems yet but im getting there! (some of these i had read before ofc but im reading them all in order now)
ive also previously watched nosferatu (and rewatched it for iwtv) and the trimph of the will (NOT rewatching 💀 that was for a film history class) and ive read dante's inferno which louis mentions ("if i was to join dante's wood of the self-murdered...") and i highly recommend it!!! absolute fav
there's also stuff that wasn't directly referenced in the show but the fandom has drawn parallels to, that i've read and watched for that reason.
anne carson's an oresteia (to better understand all the agamemnon iphigenia clytemnestra electra comparisons people make)
giovanni's room by james baldwin
rebecca (1940 film)
theres def more movies but i cant remember lol
and theres some nonfiction books i've yet to finish bc im slow at nonfiction
the vampire: a casebook by alan dundes (cited by writers as s2 inspo! about irl vampire folklore)
black new orleans 1860-1880 by john w. blassingame for historical context
the theatre of fear and horror by mel gordon, on the grand guignol aka the inspiration for theatre des vampires (i did finish this one except for the summaries of all the plays, i decided to skip that there's so many. very engaging read and gives a lot of insight into the some of the bts stuff we've seen about the theatre)
louis's favorite movies from the tale of the the body thief!
la belle et la bête (1946)
the company of wolves (1984)
the dead (1987)
i may be forgetting some stuff. there's also so much more on my list that i mean to get to. a prayer for owen meany by john irving, of "memory is a monster" quote fame is locked and loaded for example
if anyone's interested to hear my thoughts on any of these feel free to ask i would love to talk about it!!!
all this and i've still only read the first 6 of the actual vampire chronicles. and im still procrastinating starting merrick
21. What was your favorite monologue of season one?
HMM the obvious one is louis's confession. ive watched the whole sequence from the funeral to the end of the episode a truly unhealthy number of times. also claudia's coffin monologue
22. Who's your favorite character? Why?
LOUIS. probably because i relate to him so much. instant connection. tricked into loving myself. also like hes literally louis how could i not love him do i need to even explain this
when i started reading the books i didnt care for book louis that much lol but i did become an armand stan. possibly bc i also relate to him im selfish like that i guess. also just his whole backstory and the way it informs everything he does is so fascinating to me. ppl say hes incomprehensible and hes literally not. everything he does makes sense when you consider his life experiences
iwtv ask game
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nothoughtsonlytrance · 2 months
hiyaa :) ask game so we can tag phan!! shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up + if you think they can be related to DnP or not. Copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals!!
Ok! Here’s list of the songs I found on my Liked Songs Spotify Playlist!
Your Eyes Tell-BTS
One of my favorites! Really gives off Phan vibes from the lyrics such as “A future without you is a world without colour, filled with monochrome coldness.” 😭😭 when I listen to the song and see the lyrics, it reminds me of how Phil was the first friend that Dan really trusted and how their relationship grew over the years. Brings tears to my eyes!
Teenage Dream-OSKI, Karsten Belt
An 80s version of Katy Perry’s song! Reminds me of how Dan met Phil when he was 18 and how Phil was basically his “teenage dream” lol (not sure how else to describe it 😭😂)
You’re Never Alone Uplifting Mix-Ciaran McAuley, Susie Ledge
One of my favorite trance songs (fun fact, my love for trance music is how I got my username) it reminds me of Dan and Phil’s coming out videos and their message that you are never alone in your journey and there will always be people out there to support you. (Brb gonna go cry now 😭)
Moon Bounce-Andross
Literally fits the vibe of DanandPhilGames! Also on an unrelated note, this song is nostalgic to me because it was used in a lot of Cartoon Network bumpers when I used to watch cartoons on there a lot! 😊 (favorite show was The Amazing World of Gumball 😂)
Sirius-The Alan Parsons Project
When I hear this song, I think of Dan and Phil preparing for one of their tour shows, whether it’s Tatinof, II, or WAD. Really sets the mood of the adrenaline and rush you feel, like when you’re anticipating the start of a sports game or concert.
These are just my own interpretations but if anyone else wants to add something too, they can!
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skelevenn · 8 months
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Repostober 14 - Extra Life 2019
The big ridiculous scene that came out of fundraising for Extra Life, which I do along with my office every year. Mostly its peoples' DnD characters (including a few of mine) and a bunch of little sillier additions. This was the second, and final, of these huge scenes lol. I would make a big background and just leave a lot of space for placing characters, which people could pay to slot into. I would start drawing them on our annual stream, but it was obviously too big to finish in a couple-hour time slot, so the work would extend well into December, which was much less fun. Unfortunately none of my other art-related fundraising ideas have been as successful as this, but I just don't have it in me to do it again.
Big old breakdown of characters under the cut! (though I don't remember a lot of names lol)
Starting in the top left, on top of the cliff: Strahd, the titular character from the Curse of Strahd adventure
Two random little monkeys sneaking up on...
Mycall, a little mushroom boy I designed for the previous game I worked on, Crusaders of the Lost Idols.
Bottom left, older lady riding a horse is my grandma!
Big armored half-orc, trying to be stealthy (and convinced he's doing great) was a donor's DnD PC
some kind of elf PC sitting on a lot eatin snacks, with her raven familiar
A little hamster in a racing helmet, having stolen a snack
Sitting on the ground to the right of the half-orc is halfling Penelope, playing by Hope Lavelle. Shes having a teaparty with the tree!
In the foreground sitting on a rock, re-stringing her bow, an air genasi PC.
The dragonborn sitting on a rock roasting marshmellows on her collapsable pole is Orkira, played by Lauren Urban
Giant angel giraffe in the background... is what it is :shrug:
dainty unicorn in the trees!
tiny bb kitten sleeping in front of the fire
big spikey snapping turtle named "Fluffy," and a little trail of babies!
The centerpiece group by the fire is the office Curse of Strahd team, which I was a part of!
left, sadly playing the lute: Morgana, human Bard.
Sitting on the ground with the big book: Bignapor Gampus, gnome Druid.
middle on the log, getting his arm bandaged: Aeofardian, half-elf Rogue.
rightmost on the log, my character Tethys Shadebrooke, water genasi Cleric.
behind them all brooding under a tree: Veshok Wraithmantle, shadar-kai Elf Warlock.
Sitting on the ground at the end of the log wasn't actually a part of that group, but was a "constantly getting way too beat up" Monk PC, so he's sitting in line to see Tethys for healing lol.
ANGY unicorn. specifically donated for after the first unicorn... for contrast, I guess?
The moon is actually an egg a dragon is busting out of! That was the whole prompt, more or less.
very tiny, waaay in the back and added at the end without a donation: the crew for when I was DMing Curse of Strahd. I posted about them a few days ago and they're basically too tiny to make out here haha.
A rogue-styled version of a likeness of a very regular donator named Alan, "negotiating for a suspicious package"
Holding the mysterious package is one of my PCs: Penumbra, tiefling Wizard.
oh and finally, the little glowy bits all over the place are tiny fireflies... but they're also turtles.
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tabl3 · 5 months
Some things™ about the rewrite
Chase and Taylor made a pact to get their little brothers set up
Leo doodled a bunch of L + L shit on his notes (he's so cringe I love him)
Blue Tornado has wings
Solar Flare is selective mute. when she wants to communicate, it's normally by sign language (which work bc her wife is deaf) Gamma Girl wasn't born deaf, but became so due to explosions from her powers.
Techertz think they're hiding their relationship Perfectly
The team always steals Kaz's clothes bc they're big and comfy
Alan is semi-immortal like Horace. he's Skylar's age in the sense that they're both about 40 earth years old
Kaz often has to go down to Mission Command to bring Chase to bed
Skylar and Bree wind up in the kitchen at 3am a lot, either chatting, trying to cook, or dancing to One Direction (it's iconic for them in my rewrite)
Horace is legitimately afraid of Tasha. He works fine enough with Douglas, approves of Bree for his daughter, thinks Chase is the most impolite person to exist, and greatly fears Adam and Leo in his hospital bc they break everything lol
Bree's (non-related) best friend is Taylor
Chase's is Skylar
Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar are each others' obv (plus Gus and Jordan (Kaz and Oliver are the closest ofc))
Leo's are Kaz and Taylor
Tasha and Douglas are each others'
Adam's are his siblings lol (esp Naomi)
Chase feels for Oliver what he does for Leo, making them have an older/younger brother vibe now that they've reconciled
Skylar keeps forgetting Chase is older than her lmao
I aged the SuperParents™ up bc the Flames needed a bigger gap from Oliver
Snowstorm is the youngest hero, age 28. Blue Tornado is 31, Solar Flare 32, Gamma Girl 34, Megahertz 40, Tecton 43, and Horace biologically 47
Naomi plays with the (non-powered) action figures of her siblings, often showing Douglas and Tasha the epic battles (which they love)
How their dysfunctional ass family dynamic w AJ works: Chase: overbearing helicopter mom, Kaz: irresponsible (let's drive this car as fast as we can while dropping mentos in coke) dad, Bree: wine aunt, Skylar: beer aunt, Oliver: uncle that crashes on the couch and tells him to do his worst impulses for his entertainment
Douglas and Tasha are completely platonic, just co-parents and support for each other
Blue Tornado split with his fiance, also amicably co-parenting his young son. He doesn't talk very much bc he's naturally shy, and mostly just enjoys being in his coworkers' company in silence
(he has a crush on Snowstorm)
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