#who says frick anymore
im-no-jedi · 7 months
might say screw it and just make a public summary of all the future plans for MLWTBB just so I don't have to keep them secret anymore lolololol
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
You know what hits me hard? When 5 to 6 year old children, all the way in Southeast Asia, knows about what's happening in Palestine right now. That children their age is getting bombed, that they're starving to death, that they're getting shot at, and sniped in the head. Because, just this past 2 or so months, I heard some of the little ones in the Kindergarten classes I'm TAing in as an Intern talk about it. Hell, one of the little boys downright said he didn't like Israel, because Israel is bad, because they do scary things. Another was questioning whether Palestine was bad too, because, "why else would they shooting at them?". A little girl in one of my classes doesn't want to finish her food at all, because she wants to save at least half her meat and rice for kids in Palestine, because she heard that, they don't have food. And that's just the ones I remember. Namely the inciting cases before their classmates slowly follow suit. The littles are fricking SCARED. We had to sit these kids down, and tell them that the topic is too mature for them at the moment, that they shouldn't even be concerned because they're KINDERGARTNERS, they're not even old enough to properly understand. The one teacher I was TAing for had to make a class announcement saying that. What gets me is, these are 5 to 6 year olds, the youngest I've worked with in this specific age group is 4. 5 years old on average, and they've already been exposed to the worst horrors genocide has to offer through the news and snippets of conversation among adults and hell, considering how many of them say they like to play games on Mama's phone, or their IPad, even from fricking social media. And the fact that, these literal babies, from all the way in Cambodia, has more empathy in their entire body and soul, than full grown fricking adults have in the nail of their pinky finger, gets me. FFS we as adults could LEARN from them I feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what to feel about it anymore. On the one hand, this is the next generation I'm working with. And if the next generation's default response to a tragedy such as Palestine, is what I've seen come up on occasion so far? Perhaps there's some bloody hope for this world after all. At least in this country. Especially since a majority of them already come from families who survived a genocide. These are the 3rd - 4th generation descendants of those who survived the Khmer Rouge. They've got grandparents at home, who no doubt are more than intimately familiar with what Palestine is going through right now. And it shows.
But on the other, it makes my heart sink because these are CHILDREN, these are LITTLE KIDS, they should be playing with their toys and watching cartoons and talking to their friends about everything from Spiderman to Speakerman to Kuromi and her friends, and be worried about whether or not they can go to playground that day, guranteed they're well behaved, or if Mama remembered to pack in their costume for swimming lessons that week. NOT JUST MY KIDS. But the little ones in Palestine too. They deserve better. They all deserve, so much better. Hell, it's come to the point that whenever I look at my kiddos right now, whether they'd be working in class, playing, doing something as mundane as eating lunch or getting ready for their nap. I think of the children their age in Palestine that didn't even get the chance to survive. I think of the ones whose memories from this age, is nothing but absolute horror and pain, rather than what has slowly become my normal, who never got to experience what my littles do on a daily basis right now.
Children shouldn't even be concerned about "War", about a Genocide. The last thing that should be on a 5 year old's mind, is pain, and suffering, and the worst horrors imaginable ever to be inflicted on a human being. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S INFLICTED, ON OTHER CHILDREN THEIR AGE. And for that alone, the world has failed them. Especially the kids in Palestine who didn't ask for any of this. They just wanted to carry on with life as kids do, the same way as my littles do on a daily basis no doubt, learning, playing, chatting with friends over their favourite cartoons and characters, worrying about whether they'd get to go to the playground or not that day.
I apologize for talking about this on this blog. I know my blog tends to be lighter in feel, a lot more unhinged and light hearted typically. I mean, I'm just a fricking nerd who likes to draw and write, and lurk about her favourite fandoms to consume and support what is shared among other nerds who also like to draw and write. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About contemplating it, especially since I'll be back on a roll tomorrow, working with my kiddos again after not seeing them for 5 days straight because of Holidays. And, I just had to talk about it. This is something I felt I couldn't keep to myself this time, I don't think my soul'd be able to carry it. I had to talk about it.
FREE PALESTINE. Our children deserve better.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hiii, first of all I love your works soooo much you're such a good writer.
I'm craving some ansgt (with happy ending) so I was thinking of a 2 part scenario with ateez : 1. You've have a big fight 2. You're making up . Or just one of the two if you're too busy . Or anything ansgty if fine . Sorry I talk too much . Have a good day /night <3<3<3<3
ateez in an argument with their s/o (part 1)
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genre: ANGST, hurt, drama 😩
word count: 2.6k
warnings: cursing, general toxicity, obviously loads of angst
a/n: sorry this took me so fricking long to do, i wanted it to be perfect for you 🙏 let me know what you thought and send a request in the askbox for part 2 of this so you can be notified when i post it. anyone else who wants to be tagged in part to let me know~ hope you all enjoy <3
edit: here is part 2
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"why are you so angry about all this?"
"you gave me a reason to be angry, y/n. a very good reason."
this is what it was like on the way home. constant bickering and arguing and shouting at each other. now that you had ripped the door open to your apartment and marched into your shared bedroom, you knew the arguments were only going to continue.
"and what reason was that?" you looked him dead in the eye now. your faces were edging closer and closer to his, a defiant glare sparkling in your eyes. hongjoong glared back. his eyes were just as powerful as ever. calculative. observant. deadly.
"you knew what you were doing," his tone was lower than usual, venomous to the ears. "you knew i hated him in the first place. but you just had to have your fun."
"i was just talking to him!" your voice had an extra kick of volume now, trying to dominate and squash his intimidating presence. this was a task that proved very challenging.
"it's not my fault your jealous of every other person i speak to," you defended
"but he's not every other person though!" you could see the vein in his neck show from the intensity of his emotions. "it was him. that's the point of all this. you just wanted to get back at me for the little argument we had earlier. so you did what you thought would hurt me the most. well, there you have it. well done, you hurt me."
"wow know what, if you think i would ever intentionally hurt you, that hurts me more than anything. and maybe if we're arguing all the time, maybe we shouldn't be together at all," the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
what hurt the most was that he didn't stop you.
seonghwa could barely look you in the eyes right now.
"look, i don't want to argue," his tone was soft, but there was a twinge of urgency that came with it. he didn't know what to do anymore. he was exhausted. he was worried. he was everything but happy.
"i don't want to argue either, hwa" you gazed over at him, looking dejected and uncomfortable. you weren't sure why you kept calling him by his little pet name because you were far from being playful at this moment. you crossed your arms over your chest as you spoke up, "but it's either we talk about this or we don't talk at all."
"why do you have to make everything so difficult?" seonghwa snapped, now looking at you with eyes of cruelty. your heart dropped.
"why does everything have to be such a big deal? why can't you just let things go?" seonghwa's voice seemed to be getting louder and louder with each question. or maybe that's just how it felt.
"you're in this relationship too, hwa" you did decide to hold onto that pet name after all; it felt like the only endearing thing you had left to say. your voice grew quiet. you didn't want to argue. you just wanted to fix this. but it felt like you were the only one.
"do you not want to fight for us? why can't you just accept that we haven't been okay for a long time," your breath heaved quickly, but your slumped posture looked like you'd been defeated. "and the only way to sort this out is by talking about it."
seonghwa scanned your face and shook his head, looking away once more. his prior outburst had settled down and now he just wanted to be alone.
"i'm done talking now," seonghwa muttered, closing his eyes. he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, but the hopelessness took over. "i'm done fighting for this."
you'd have never thought your boyfriend to give up so easily on something. but your relationship? you? that was something that you'd always figured he'd stick by for.
yunho had unlocked the door to your shared apartment at 2:37 in the morning. on coming home before this, he made sure to tiptoe around the apartment, hop in the shower as quietly as possible, get ready for bed as silent as anything, before making his way to the bedroom.
"oh," he muttered in mild surprise, not expecting to see you awake. you had a book in your hands that you were scarcely reading, and the lamp to your side shining bright against the darkness. "you're awake?"
"i am actually," you say in a short, sarcastic tone. your jaw tightened as you carefully placed your bookmark between the pages and set the book aside, turning off the lamp in the same movement.
yunho stood there for a moment. the room felt still and cold. he looked at you, curled up with your back to him now. he could feel the sadness fizzle in the air. he knew he messed up but he was so tired. so, so tired.
crawling into his side of the bed, he gently tugged the covers over him, not saying a word. he didn't want to speak, but he felt he owed you at least something.
"i'm sorry" he murmured, eyes flashing closed as he breathed a shaky breath out.
"how many times have you said that this week?" you replied, weakly. you were tired too. tired of his excuses, his empty promises, his apologies. they felt like nothing anymore. he had let you down too many times.
he replied with nothing. he had nothing else to say. he thought it would be wise not to say anything at all. just sleep will do. sleep for a clearer mind. even being as tired as he was, he couldn't for the life of him drift off. and neither could you.
it was a long night for both of you. and while you were inches away from each other, you could have never felt farther away.
you had been trying to get your boyfriend to talk to you for about 15 minutes now. it was a chore. it was exhausting. but you knew something was wrong and you weren't going to let him suffer alone.
"you really like pushing people to the limits, don't you?" yeosang snapped in response to your persistence. he glared at you with watery eyes, his lips pressed in a firm, straight line.
"i'm concerned for you," you retorted back, "what, am i not allowed to care about my boyfriend anymore?"
yeosang looked away from you. he was usually quiet but this was different. it was a painful type of quiet. you knew your boyfriend all too well to know he wasn't alright. and you didn't want him to be alone and wallow in his feelings.
you took in a deeper sigh and tried a softer approach. "you can tell me anything, yeo" you slid an arm around him, but his head leaned away from you.
"you care too much, it's suffocating" yeosang closed his eyes and shook his head, "i just want to be left alone, what don't you understand about that?" his tone was harsh. you had never seen him like this, which confirmed that he wasn't himself at all.
but his brutality got to you, and before you knew it, you started tearing up. you knew you should be supportive and just accept his wishes to leave him be, but it was hard to go on when you knew he was upset. you felt so torn.
"i'm sorry," your voice cracked underneath the pressure of emotion as you began to leave the room. there was nothing more you could say to him.
yeosang finally lifted his head, his eyes following your figure as you walked away from him. there was a distinct lonely feeling that filled his heart, making it ache. the absence of you weighed heavier on him than anticipated, and he missed you. god, he missed you.
maybe he didn't want to be alone after all...
you had come over to spend time with your boyfriend... initially...
it wasn't your fault. you just got a bit side-tracked. yunho and wooyoung were there and it had been a while since you had spoken to them. it was such a pleasure seeing them again since you got on so well.
but san's mood was depleted. his energy zapped. he phased out of reality as you continued to chatter away to his friends, staring at the wall with a glaze over his eyes. he hadn't said a word all night.
it was only until the others left that you actually gave him attention. and that was when you realised you hadn't spoken to him all night.
"you okay, sweetie?" you placed a hand on his bicep, getting him to look into your eyes defiantly.
"don't call me that" he grumbled and pushed your hand away, his arms crossing over his chest.
"what's the matter with you?"
"i invited you round so you could spend the night with me. but you were so much more interested in wooyoung and yunho." san glared at the floor. he realised how pathetic he sounded. how desperate his tone was. but he didn't care at this point.
"i hadn't seen them in a while, san. if you wanted it to just be me in you then you could've dismissed them," you held your ground, shaking your head at his childishness. "besides, you could've joined in the conversation instead of moping about by yourself, my god."
you rolled your eyes and moved away from him in a huff. san sighed and didn't move from his position. he couldn't tell if he was being unreasonable or totally justified. all he could tell was that he was hurt and angry, so the tears stung his eyes.
"i don't get a lot of time with you, y/n," he sniffed, "but by the looks of it you were having more fun talking to them than we've had in a long time."
his jaw clenched as he felt your presence stand there, taking in his thoughts, before leaving the room altogether.
"it was just a performance, y/n. it's not a big deal."
it was a big deal. at least, to you it was. you've been supporting mingi for as long as you can remember. from the moment he debuted, you were always behind him, encouraging him from the sidelines. and his career flourished. it amazed you just how quickly it did. and with his talents came more opportunities and privileges at award shows.
you didn't realise one of those 'privileges' would be to sexy dance with another idol.
"not a big deal?" you stared at him, wide-eyed and amazed by his words. at first you wondered if you were just overreacting. but his careless brush-offs turned the alarm bells off in your head. "mingi, you have got to be kidding me. she was practically grinding all over you. i had to watch that happen, among all the other thousands of people watching."
"and so what if they watched?" mingi's voice rose in volume, causing you to flinch at the sudden severity of his voice. despite having a deep voice all the time, mingi never used such a harsh tone towards you. it made your heart drop. "it's my job. they watch me do performances all the time. just because this performance happened to be with another idol doesn't mean anything."
his words hurt you more than you could say. but your hurt was spat out in anger, something you couldn't control beyond this point.
"everyone is saying how good you look together," your voice lowered in defeat, "how you should be together. even other idols are saying that."
"is that what this is about?" mingi breathed out a laugh of disbelief before his eyes turned serious, "you're just insecure."
you would have never thought he, of all people, would say that. you lowered your head and stared at your feet.
he only realised how much he hurt you when a tear trickled down your cheek. but by that point, it was too late.
"y/n, i'm not in the mood."
this was a phrase you were hearing all too frequently from your boyfriend. it was enough to drive you crazy. but you had kept silent, up until now. now was the last straw.
it was like he hated you. every time you touched him he would withdraw. even light touches like holding hands or linking arms; he wanted none of it. this was so unlike him. he was the one that usually initiated the physical affection. cuddles were his speciality and he couldn't go seven minutes without holding you. and you love that. but now, everything was one-sided.
"you're not in the mood a lot these days," you commented. your intent was to sound harsh, it really was. but all he could hear was the hurt and pain in your voice, and that tugged at his heart a little. "have i done something, woo?"
"don't be like that," wooyoung sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"no but seriously. are you not attracted to me anymore? has something happened between us? what am i missing?" you pleaded for him to answer you.
"shut up, you sound ridiculous" he snapped, a firm glare shooting into your eyes. there was too much swirling around in his mind for him to take everything in. to take in how he sounded and what he said to you. you could see the unbothered, thoughtlessness in his gaze and saw that he had just given up.
"not even gonna dignify me with an answer, huh?" you sniffed back your tears as you got up from your seat, grabbing the coat you had only recently left on the chair, and making your way for the door. you needed to get away.
if he wasn't going to dignify you with an answer, you weren't going to dignify him with your presence.
you let an exasperated laugh out, but things were far from funny. in fact, you genuinely couldn't believe what you were hearing right now.
"let me get this fucking straight," the increase in volume of your voice told jongho to run, but he was no coward. he stood his ground and stared at you expectantly. "you think that your job is more important than mine? is that what i'm hearing?"
"i never ever said that," jongho immediately shot back, not missing a beat, "but my job is more physically, psychologically and emotionally demanding. that's just a fact."
"why is this a fucking competition?"
"it's not" jongho practically growled his words back. he couldn't believe that you were both caught in an argument that was so trivial. "i just get exhausted when your moaning about the struggles of your job when there's so much going on with mine."
you shook your head, arms crossing over your chest as you gritted your teeth. "am i not allowed to express myself to you? to tell you my worries? that's what boyfriends are supposed to be there for. if you're not willing to do that then-"
"then what? then i shouldn't be your boyfriend?" jongho spoke before he could think, a tendency he never had. he was losing his head to the heat of the argument; he let his emotions get the better of him.
raising your eyebrows in surprise, you stepped back from the one you loved most. you couldn't read his expression, but you sincerely hoped he regretted those words.
"if that's how you feel, then maybe you shouldn't be" your voice was soft now, weak and without sustenance. shoulders lowering, you gazed at the floor, feeling your cheeks heat up tremendously.
a hopelessness fell upon you both. the atmosphere felt so thick it was suffocating. it felt as if the light that was once between you had been extinguished.
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kitthepurplepotato · 10 months
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Week 6 Part 3 - Drunk shenanigans! 🏕️
One day early, yay!
Summary: Midoriya confesses his love but no one’s taking him seriously. Ochako questions Y/N about their relationship. Midoriya and Y/N decides to sneak out and share the spare tent. The friend group freaks out over their missing brother. Shouto proposes to someone he’s not even dating. Apparently the key to his heart is a cup of hot coffee.
Be aware! This chapter is really fricking long and probably bad for your heart and teeth. You’ve been warned.
Warnings (actual ones): Drunk Midoriya, swear words
First Part 🥦 Master List
“Hey, Sweet Pea.” Midoriya nudges your side, his massive, droopy puppy eyes staring at you from up close.
“I love you. So much.” He giggles with a massive blush on his face, snuggling back into the crook of your neck in embarrassment. It takes you a few moments before you are able to come up with a coherent answer to that; he only says that because he’s drunk but your heart doesn’t care; it jumps up and down in your rib cage without a proper pattern, leaving you dizzy and overwhelmed.
“I love you too, Izu-Izu.” You smile awkwardly while the gang tries not to laugh out loud at his drunk shenanigans. Apparently that wasn’t the right answer though as Midoriya’s face contorts into a frown.
“You don’t understand. Did you hear me? I love you, Y/N!” He repeats, really loudly, making the whole gang aware of his confession.
“And I said I love you too!” You answer again, but by the constipated look on his face, it’s still not the right answer.
“No, you don’t understand! Why don’t you understand?” Midoriya’s eyes fill with tears and Katsuki tenses; the rest of the gang just laughs while Mina whispers “cute”. “I. LOVE. YOU.” He tries again, for the third time. “I want to snuggle. I want to kiss you then I want to marry you. Do you want to have babies Y/N? Not now, but in the future? We would have really cute babies. I hope they’ll look like you. But if you don’t want to have babies that’s fine.”
You… can not breathe. This is… this is not real, right? Okay, you know it’s not real, he’s drunk out of his mind, but still. You want to run and cry in the bathroom but there is no bathroom to hide in. Fuck. You really-really want to cry.
“Izu, please, stop.” You beg, but he doesn’t listen; the gang thinks the whole situation is hilarious and honestly, it is, but at the same time, it breaks your heart completely.
“I think we should adopt a dog first. See how that goes. Can we have a rescue dog, Sweet Pea? Ahh, All Meowt would hate that wouldn’t he… Y/N, will you marry me?” Midoriya is all over the place and you really don’t know what to do with this situation anymore; you laugh and cry at the same time, just utterly confused by what the actual fuck is going on.
“Wooooooow!” Mina screams, folded in half as she laughs. Jirou looks at you with pity in her eyes but she can’t keep a straight face for too long; she bursts out laughing, looking at Katsuki with a knowing look who smirks back at her, also knowingly. Your friends are assholes.
“Izu, why don’t you go to sleep?” You ask nicely, but Midoriya takes it as a rejection and starts crying. Okay. What the fuck.
“Oh, bless his little soul.” Kirishima puts his his hands on his chest, face teary as he looks at his “heartbroken” friend.
“You don’t love me.” He slurs, sniffing.
This is a joke. You’ll never let Midoriya drink again. Never. This is it. You are done.
“Can you tell me these things when you are sober? And then I will answer properly. Please, Izu. Let me help you to your tent.”
“So if I say this to you when I’m sober you’ll say yes?” His crying abruptly stops and he looks at you with hopeful eyes. You really need to put this man to bed and find a place to cry.
“Did I ever say no to you, Izu?” You smile at him and it’s really hard to not kiss him right now; his whole face lit up from your answer, eyes full of affection and love, he looks so fucking happy you can’t help but be happy with him, his mood seeping into you as he smiles widely.
“Okay.” He says with a derpy little giggle. “Do you wanna wash up in the river with me? Can I wash your back?”
… and the moment is ruined.
The whole gang roars at this point, crying and laughing at the same time, Kirishima and Katsuki facepalms but there is a massive grin underneath their palms as they shake their head , not believing the whole shenanigan.
“You have the order all wrong, Izu.” You giggle, not letting the depressive thoughts ruin your day anymore; yes, it’s fucking awkward, yes, you want to hide from the embarrassment, yes, you want to cry your eyes out over how much you want him to say these words when he’s sober, but right now, you just decide to enjoy this silly side of him. It will be fine. He probably won’t remember anything anyway… right?
“Oh, okay. Can you wash MY back then?” Midoriya answers and you facepalm; the guy really is a goner.
“No back washing today, Izu. We can wash our teeth together at the river though. Then you go to sleep in your tent and I go to mine. Okay?” You try and Midoriya pouts but Kirishima comes to the rescue.
“Yes, Zuku, why don’t we all wash our teeth together and go to sleep? Like a big family!” Kirishima grins and makes his way to Midoriya, taking him away from you; you miss the warmth but at least you can take a deep breath now. Ochako looks at you with concern but smiles awkwardly when you look back her; she also moves towards her tent to grab a toothbrush (probably) and you decide to do the same together with Jirou, who strokes your back soothingly but doesn’t comment on the situation. When you come out with your necessities, Ochako is waiting for you by your tent; Jirou steps away and moves towards the river, leaving you two alone in the dark space.
“Ahh, sorry, I know we haven’t talked and this is really awkward but I felt like I should talk to you. You must be overwhelmed and I’m probably making it worse, sorry.” Uraraka scratches the back of her head awkwardly.
Pro hero Deku fans have a hot and cold relationship with pro hero Uravity; first of all, she is gorgeous, so obviously people envy her for her cute looks, second of all… well… he is Midoriya Izuku’s high school sweetheart and people still ship them to his day, plus there were a lot of rumors around the two a few months ago when they decided to go on a “date” in a public park. They both denied the relationship and if you can trust Deku’s words in his latest interview, they were never actually together, but still… it does make you a little bit uncomfortable. Not like you have any reasons to be, you are not Deku’s girlfriend and he can literally do whatever he wants but… you are a little bit jealous of the girl in front of you who managed to make Deku crush on her for months in their first year of high school.
“It’s fine, thank you… how can I help you?” You try to sound calm but your heart rate is probably over 120 right now. She looks at you with nothing but understanding, letting you have a few moments to take a deep breath.
“I just wanted to tell you not to take Midoriya seriously right now. I mean, he probably meant all of that, he’s definitely the kinda guy who thinks about marriage and kids right away, he is really loyal and chooses his partner for life, but…”
You really don’t understand this conversation and you can’t help but jump into the lady’s words.
“Wait, he definitely did not mean any of those things, I know. I am his roommate, not his girlfriend.” You deadpan and you both stare at each other for several awkward seconds before Ochako breaks the silence.
“Look, I know you guys are not out to the public, but I’m Zuku’s friend and I know you guys are together. You don’t need to hide it from me.” She looks a bit offended for god knows why, making you even more confused.
“What do you mean, ‘you know?’” You step back, a little bit freaked out by the whole situation. What the actual fuck is happening right now?!
“Well, Zuku stopped hanging out with me because he needs to be at home on his day offs to be with ‘HIS sweet pea’.” Ochako rolls her eyes fondly. ”Every time I called him he only talked about you and your drawings and about how cute you look in certain clothes, how well you can cook… he didn’t have to tell me you guys are a thing for me to know what’s up. Zuku is absolutely smitten. Plus, you guys haven’t left each other’s side since we’ve arrived, snuggling like two lovesick teenagers.” By the look of it, Ochako is done with your bullshit even though you are telling the truth and you really don’t know how to make this conversation less awkward. “I see how you look at each other. I came here thinking you are freaking out because Zuku was talking about marriage when you only dated for like a month so I came here to reassure you it’s fine and you don’t need to stress about it…”
“Ochako, she’s not lying to you.” Kyouka comes to your rescue. You really want to cry… well… you are… kinda… crying right now. Awkward. “They are both absolutely fucking stupid and they both deny their feelings towards each other, so honestly, Ochako, if you don’t want to suffer brain damage you should give up.”
That was fucking rude, but at least Ochako doesn’t want to kill you with her eyes anymore.
“I knew Zuku is a bit of an idiot when it comes to love but you too, Y/N? Birds of a feather flock together, I guess.” Ochako taps your shoulders in a friendly manner, mouthing ‘sorry’ as she moves towards the river. She’s just about to disappear between the trees when a wobbly Izuku jumps into her arms.
“I demand to be taken to my Sweet Pea!” He yells with Bakugou in his ass.
“Come on now, that’s Ochako, not a fucking taxi.” Katsuki grabs the drunk greenette and puts him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You sigh and make your way to the river before Midoriya has a mental breakdown over not being able to brush his teeth with you.
You honestly have no idea how you ended up in this situation. It’s kinda hilarious.
Bakugou and Iida makes sure Midoriya doesn’t bother you too much during the short time you guys are in the same space and while Midoriya begs to not be taken away to his tent, Bakugou puts him on his shoulder again and makes his way to the tent with him, ignoring his cries.
You feel bad for him, but he’s way too drunk right now to make his own decisions and his friends are only trying their best to make the next day less awkward for him, so he’ll probably be thankful tomorrow.
You sigh and make your way back to your tent: you can only hope the day after will be less awkward.
It’s the middle of night. 2AM, to be exact. The whole gang is asleep, the only noises around are the chirps of the cicadas and other night loving insects which might annoy some sensitive people, but you absolutely love the background music of the night. You don’t like the random weirdo calling your name though.
“Sweet Pea!” Says the weirdo again and your heart leaps out of your chest as you crawl out of your warm sleeping bag. Jirou is still still asleep next to you; she sleeps with earplugs so you are not surprised.
“Coming!” You whisper and make your way out into the cold night. Midoriya stands by your tent awkwardly, still a bit wobbly but definitely less drunk than he was a few hours ago. “What’s wrong?” You ask but you can barely finish the sentence before Midoriya jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly.
“I’m sorry. I’m so-so sorry.” Izuku mutters, his face hidden in your hair. Your heart forgot how to beat properly, it’s beating out of rhythm, leaving you dizzy and confused.
“Izu, go back to sleep, it’s late.” You mumble back but you can’t stop yourself from hugging him back; it might be summer but it’s really cold outside so Midoriya’s warm body feels like a furnace against you. That’s all, nothing else.
“I can’t sleep, Y/N. I hate myself so much right now.” He says and it breaks your heart; you really hate seeing him sad or angry; Midoriya is the sunshine itself, he should never wear a frown on his face. Midoriya deserves the fucking world and you would do anything for him to keep him happy and content for the rest of his life. Ahh, you are so fucked.
“Izuku, I love you.” You say without thinking. “I love you and it’s not going to change because you went crazy on me for a few hours. Actually, it just made me love you more.” You smile sadly at the green haired hero, even though he can’t see it from this angle. He doesn’t answer, he just pulls you closer, gripping the back of your shirt like a lifeline. “You were kinda cute, to be honest.” You admit. Midoriya giggles at that and his grip loosens; he holds you for a few more seconds before letting you go. You both stare at each other, a mass of unspoken words buzzing in the air and somehow, the chirp of the cicadas makes you feel brave.
“Izu, is the spare tent free today?” For some weird reason, Midoriya gets really red from the question, his arms flying everywhere as he answers.
“Uhm… I think so? Probably? Why?!”
You grin and take the hero’s hand in yours, pulling him with you towards the spare tent, hoping there is a sleeping bag there already; he comes after you without a word, letting himself be taken wherever you want him to be.
You open up the up the zip-door and slide in, pulling him after you; he stumbles and falls down on the top of the sleeping bag then giggles at his own clumsiness. You swear you hear a tiny, high pitched yelp but you decide to ignore it.
“That’s not how you use a sleeping bag, you silly.” You tease as you hide yourself in the other bag; it’s really fricking cold outside right now.
Midoriya laughs at that and tucks himself in completely; the only thing visible is the top of his messy head. He looks absolutely adorable.
“We will get so much shit tomorrow for this.” Midoriya giggles, but he doesn’t sound too bothered; his voice is rather mischievous than anxious.
“I don’t give a fuck. We’re getting married anyway.”
“Y/N!” Izuku whines, unimpressed by your teasing. “Stop bullying me!”
“Oi, let me enjoy the time when I can tease you, Mr. Perfect!” You laugh, poking his sleeping bag with your finger.
“Also, stop hanging out with Kacchan, you start to sound like him.” He mumbles grumpily; the fact that you can’t see his adorable pout makes you a little bit sad, but it’s way too cold and you are not an asshole to point it out.
“Are you jealous?” You tease again; all the answer you get is a murmur and the comfortable silence makes its way into the spare tent as you two relax next to each other. The time passes but the sleeping bag doesn’t get much warmer; the weather was so much nicer when you went to sleep a few hours ago so it was easier to get the bed warm back then.
“It’s so cold.” You mumble, your teeth clattering dramatically. You are not too great with the cold and all your stuff is in the other tent so you can’t even put a hoodie on. This was a stupid idea.
“Come into mine.” Izuku mumbles shyly, opening up the zipper for you to crawl in. “We can use yours as a blanket on top.”
What a great idea! Midoriya is always warm so his bag is probably much warmer already! You just need to brace yourself for a few seconds of cold until you can snuggle up…
… Wait.
You can’t fucking do that. Nope. Sharing a sleeping bag is a super intimate thing; there won’t be enough space inside to keep distance, which means you’ll be flush against his body, skin touching skin, cuddled up through the whole night… oh my god.
Oh my fucking god.
You really want to do that.
Can you really do that?!
Well, it was his idea, not yours, so…
“If you don’t mind…” You mumble as you open up your sleeping bag completely and bring it with yourself to spread it over Midoriya; when you are done, Izuku opens up his sleeping bag and invites you in with open arms. As you thought, the space is barely enough for you two; Izuku has a hard time closing the zipper back but makes it work after a few quiet ‘fuck’s. You two end up spooning, Midoriya’s body flush against you; your body is on fire but you try to calm down and not think about the beautiful muscled chest you can feel on your back.
“Your body is really cold.” Midoriya mumbles and tangles his legs together with yours, getting rid of the only space between you two. He’s huge and comforting, his warmth seeps into you in waves, making you melt against him as he tugs you even closer with his arms around your middle; Midoriya entwines his fingers with yours, the action making you hot and bothered and it has nothing to do with the sudden warmth around you; you sigh shakily, trying your best to calm down and not get your hopes up about this but his actions doesn’t help your case at all; Izuku takes a deep breath while he hides his face in your hair then inhales as he hugs you as tight as he possibly can without hurting you. It’s so possessive yet so kind, so intimate… your mind is a mess, your body is giving you confusing signals; you feel tired and excited at the same time, you want to sleep but you don’t want to close your eyes just in case this is all a dream and you wake up alone the next day; you want this to be real, not just an efficient way to keep warm and you know you are the only one feeling like this and it breaks your heart, but oh goddamnit, you’ve never been so content in your life, so whatever heartbreak tomorrow brings you are ready to face it head on.
“This is nice.” Midoriya mumbles while he leaves a kiss on the top of your head. This is so much for your little heart. So-so much. Instead of answering you decide to hold his hand tighter in a silent agreement, too terrified of saying anything out loud, as it might come out broken or you might tell him something you don’t want to share; like how you never want this night to end and how you want to do the same every day even when it’s hot outside because you fit so perfectly as a little spoon, like you were born to be there, now and forever. “I’ll never be able to let you go.” Midoriya mumbles against your hair, ending his sentence with a sigh.
“Then don’t.” You murmur and close your eyes; it’s so much but it’s so right, everything about this so-so wrong and so past the friend-zone; you can feel everything, and by that you literally mean every single thing on Midoriya’s body, there isn’t a single point that’s not touching on a certain level… Jesus, you need to get a grip. You really need to get a grip right now.
“Okay.” He mumbles back; you can feel him smiling happily and this is all you need to calm down; if he’s happy with this, then so are you.
Midoriya’s breathing evens out in a few minutes but his hold doesn’t waver; you fall asleep with your favorite hero holding you tight, surrounded by his warmth, and right here, right now, you are the happiest person in the whole fucking world.
Shouto wakes up at 5AM the next day. He looks around, squinting at the random blobs of color in his tent; something is missing but he is too sleepy to figure out what it is. One thing he knows though; somehow, there was more color in the tent the last time he had his eyes open.
Shouto blinks once, then twice, his eyes slowly get accustomed to the pink hue of the sunrise; the tent looks bigger than it looked yesterday, he has more space to stretch, it’s cozy and nice but something is wrong… something…
Something big and green is missing.
“Prez.” Shouto mumbles and Iida moves his head towards the sound, he squints and assesses the situation, looking for the danger but there isn’t one; the morning is cold and quiet.
“Mornin’.” he mumbles and moves his arms around for a morning stretch but stops midway; he looks to his left side where his arm is stretched out then looks at the empty sleeping bag next to him. “I genuinely don’t want to make assumptions Shouto-kun, but… are we missing a brother on this lovely morning?”
Shouto blinks a few times and stares at the empty space; so that’s what was missing. A big green blob called Midoriya Izuku.
“Should we freak out? Or is it too early for that?” Shouto mumbles, still in a half asleep state.
“Do we know when he left?” Iida asks, much more alive than he was a few seconds ago; he might not be the class president anymore but he certainly still acts like one and Shouto is really grateful for that.
“I slept though the whole night, so… no.” Shouto yawns.
“Did he leave a message or a note?” Iida climbs out of his warm sleeping bag, immediately putting on a hoodie. “I’m changing my question; does he have his coat with him?”
Shouto looks around, a tiny bit more conscious of his existence on this planet; he finds Midoriya’s coat in one of the corners, so the answer is…
“We should freak out, brother. Zuku-kun is missing and he’s probably really cold.” Iida says, waiting for Shouto to move his FUCKING ASS AT LAST, but the zombie boy only stares at the poor coat like it just offended his mother.
“Coffee. I can not function. Need. Coffee.”
“Shouto-kun, I love you and respect you but you are really useless.” He sighs and moves towards the door to find his brother while Shouto mumbles profanities into the air, hoping for the coffee appear in front him so he can help in the Midoriya-hunt.
The coffee does not come.
Shouto can not even put his agony into words as he crawls out the door on all fours, feeling like a tiny baby making his first, wobbly steps in the big bad world.
“Zuku, bring me coffee!” He wails to no one in particular, lying down on the wet grass while half of his body is still inside his sleeping bag. He tried. He did his best.
“The fuck do you mean he’s gone?!” Katsuki rubs his eyes aggressively. He tries to stand up but there is a second sleeping bag on his chest, occupied by a drooling Kirishima; he frowns at a disgusting amount of saliva and blows the guy back to his side with a small explosion; apparently, Kirishima knows when to harden even in his sleep as he continues sleeping peacefully like he wasn’t just exploded by his own best friend at 5 fucking AM. “Wake up, you sleepy fuck! The nerd is missing!” Katsuki yells and Eijirou looks up at that.
“Where did he go?” He asks with a deep, sleepy voice.
“If we would fucking know he wouldn’t be fucking missing, you dumb fuck.” Katsuki sighs and leaves the redhead alone in the tent to give him some time to wake up. Eijirou slowly crawls out after him like the loyal puppy he is, not completely coherent yet but awake enough to understand the seriousness of the situation.
The next few minutes are nothing but pure chaos; the whole gang wakes up one by one after hearing Katsuki’s aggravated screams, they all ask the same questions and the answer has more and more profanities the more Katsuki needs to repeat himself.
They all start to call out for Midoriya, marching around in the area looking for their bro, but there is no sign of him; at last, Kyouka decides to join the team with a big yawn and an even bigger eye roll.
“Stop freaking out, he’s not the only one missing.” Kyouka mumbles and the whole team looks at her like she’s lost her fucking mind.
“How is that supposed to make us feel better?!” Katsuki yells as loud as he probably can and for some reason, a nearby bush rustles, freaking out everyone awake enough to realize that a bush should not move on its own. Thankfully, the only ones actually awake enough are Iida and Katsuki but Katsuki is too busy being an aggravated asshole to care and Iida’s worries get ignored by the rest of the zombie-squad.
“Y/N is missing too, they are probably together.” Jirou yawns again and makes her way towards the spare tent; the squad yells “oooooh” in unison.
“If I find them and they are not fucking, I’m going to howitzer impact them into oblivion.” Katsuki stomps towards the door and opens the zipper. “Well, close enough.” He grins happily, clearly elated by the sight even though he would never admit it, then he let’s the whole team to take a look inside; Y/N and Izuku are in the same sleeping bag, spooning, Izuku’s face is hidden in Y/N hair and he holds Y/N tightly even in his sleep. Y/N murmurs something about the light and snuggles into the greenette, she moves their entwined fingers to her lips and kisses it before she hugs it close to herself the same way children hug their stuffed animals and goes back to sleep with a smile on her face. Katsuki hears a camera shutter going off and looks at his roommate proudly. Uraraka gawks at the two then looks at Jirou incredulously. Jirou laughs.
Shouto looks into the tent then moans loudly when he realizes there is no coffee there. Momo rolls her eyes and makes her way to the “kitchen “ area to make some. Shouto gets down on one knee and proposes to Momo, but Momo tells him to ask her on a date first. So Shouto does.
Sero whistles and the team of zombies gawk at the scene.
Izuku and Y/N sleeps through the whole shenanigan.
— Deku’s daycare —
Shitty Hair: Deku went missing during the night, but don’t worry, we found him! *picture attached*
— Deku’s Mental Health Support Group —
Kacchan: *forwarded a picture* I can’t wait to hear your explanation about how is this platonic/unrequited. I dare you to fucking try.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Don’t ask me what’s up with Shouto and Momo because I have no idea, but I’m more than happy to hear your thoughts about those two 😂
- Ahh, I love this chapter so much! It’s my second favorite one (the first one is not out yet! 😂)
- I just finished writing week 8, and you guys are not ready for that chapter. It will blow your minds, I’m telling you! I still don’t know who possessed me that I was able to write that stuff. It actually sounds so good, not like my usual rambles 😂 ahh, I can’t wait!
- Also! There is one more chapter from the camping trip and bro, there is something in it you’ll scream so much about. 😂 I can’t wait for your reactions!!
- I’ll shut up now. Btw there might be a slight delay with the stories because I realized I’m always working on the days I’m supposed to post them and I hate it. I think we will have this on Thursdays and Shenanigans on Mondays? I DUNNO I HAVE ADHD I DON’T KNOW HOW TO PLAN?! …
As always, likes, comments, reblogs are highly appreciated! Tell me your thoughts 🥦
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A Ratatouille type AU where Bruce takes his tentative first steps into detectivism.
Gotham's so massively drowned out in crime that he's barely making a scratch surface level.
But you know who does know Gotham? Knows every nook and cranny among the narrows? Knows no fear? Stole Batman's tires when no one had the guts to?
Jason fricking Todd.
" Wait, -- no no, that's not when Penguin makes his deliveries anymore. That's when the pigs buy from him and take everything for free. You're gonna wanna bust him tomorrow, genius,"
"Jason," Bruce weights his trust carefully. " If I let you go... Are we in this together?"
Jason snorts, imaginary spit in his hand, shakes Bruce for it. And then runs. Leaving Bruce in a golden street light. Leaves him staring with his shoulders down.
"Oh, brother."
It's a pretty good deal; Jason gives him tips, he gets a comfy, puffy head, fresh food, and surprisingly?
Lots of hugs. Sunshine kisses on his nose and cheek and forehead.
" And how," Alfred rubs his temples around Bruce so much Jason thinks it's a reflex at this point, " Will you explain to the public why Batman carries around a sidekick with a curfew?"
" An unjust curfew."
" Jason will work at the Batcomputer."
" On my batchair, sipping on some bat-hot chocholate, from my bat mug. I mean, -- it's Gotham. We're not going anywhere."
Except. Lex Luthor, as most middle aged men who grew up with too much freedom and too little consequences, never learned what a rejection is.
"...The justice league?"
" Yeah, hot shot! I mean, you've been giving us some issues in the popularity department, my friend," He doesn't like the smirk on Lex's smile; As if he owns the whole world and wants to own him, too,
" The people are crazy for Superman punching a nazi, -- I don't like violence in my politics, but agree to disagree, -- Flash running for charity, Wonder Woman visiting some dying kid at the hospital. Everyone likes them. But nobody trusts them. They trust you."
" And it'd look very good for you to have a human on your team. After... That happened."
That includes the suspicious assassination of his political rival. Bruce begins to suspect its not suspicious at all.
" Bingo! See? I know a showbiz kid when I see one. Superman can show you the ropes. Guy's a better liar than me. That's saying something."
Jason's voice is protective and hissing like an angry viper in his ear, " I don't like this, Bruce. Don't take the deal."
But Bruce wanted to meet Superman outside of his city. Wanted to weight the risks. Wanted to see how big the man behind the symbol really is, and If humanity's lifespan is ended at one bad day.
So he accepts. And Superman Is nothing like he expected.
Passionate, angry, and uncomfortably handsome. That's who's got Bruce pinned to a wall, staring with barely surpassed annoyance,
" When I think he can't go lower, he surprises me."
" We're in this together, superm-"
" Oh no no no no. Your position as a citizen was secured the second someone shoved that silver spoon in your mouth. I didn't suffer years under that sentient ballsack so a tax dodging bastard like you can just walk in here, --"
" But I'm no--"
" I know who you are, Wayne. You're a troubled brat who gets what he wants. But I'm not daddy, or mommy, or your seriously scary butler. So if you wanna survive out here, you play by OUR rules. Got. It?"
"...Tell him to shove the biggest piece of kryptonite up his a--"
" We get it."
Superman's brow quirks, "We?"
" Me and my...Mental illness."
"...You're a weirdo, Wayne. I hope you know that much, at least."
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alyswritings · 1 year
I just thought of this just now but basically can I request a Jj maybank x sister reader where the reader like breaks something in the chateau, it can be like a cup or a plate. It smashes all on the floor, pope and john B run in to see what happened and y/n gets scared as she doesn’t want them to be mad like her dad did last time she broke something. She starts to cry and runs out and jj comes back thinking they done something to her but they tell him what happened and said they wasn’t mad was telling her it’s okay as accidents happen? xx
The boys are outside and getting ready to go out on the boat while Y/N is inside, packing up their sandwiches that Pope made. Grabbing the glass that she was using for water earlier, but knowing she won't need it anymore, she grabs it off the counter. It's just out of her reach, the girl having to get on her toes to manage to grab it.
However, before she can get a good grip on it, it slips her grip, shattering onto the floor in pieces. The girl lets out a loud gasp, eyes widening at the shattered glass.
John B and Pope, who were right outside the porch, heard the crash and rush inside. Y/N looks up when the door swings open, fear setting in at the two teenagers rushing in.
"Hey. Hey, are you okay? What happened?" John B asks.
"I-I-- I'm-- I'm sorry." She whimpers, tears already streaming down her face.
"Hey, hey, it's all right." Pope says. "Y/N--"
"I'm sorry." She sobs, running out.
"He-- wait, the glass!" John B tries to warn, worried about her cutting herself. Though she doesn't seem to hear him as she races outside.
JJ climbs off the HMS, ready to go tell them they're all set, but he frowns when Y/N runs out crying.
"Y/N?" He calls, though if she hears him, she just ignores him. "Y/N!" He calls, but she only runs over to the chicken coop and crawls in it. "What the fuck?" He mutters, rushing into the chateau.
"What the hell did you two do?" JJ immediately accuses.
"Nothing." Pope states, crouching on the floor and cleaning the glass up.
"We didn't do anything, man. We-- we were outside and we heard a crash. We ran in and there was glass all over the floor and she was just standing here. She started crying when we came in."
JJ takes a moment to process before he realizes what would've caused her to react like that.
"Fuck." He whispers, rubbing his temples.
"What?" John B asks.
"Well... let's say Luke Maybank isn't one to excuse broken dishes so fricking easily." JJ sneers while slamming the screen door open and walking out. Pope and John B share a sad look, understanding the girl's reaction.
"JJ!" John B calls before the blonde gets too far and he turns back. "There was some blood on one of the pieces of glass. I think she cut her foot running out."
JJ nods before walking off, going to the kitchen coop. He crouches down and finds Y/N sitting curled up in a ball and sobbing into her knees.
"Munchkin?" He softly calls. She glances up at him, but only for a split second.
"I'm sorry." She cries.
JJ's heart breaks and he crawls into the chicken coop. He sits across from her, making sure there's a little bit of space.
"Kiddo, the glass was an accident. None of us are made at you." JJ tells her, making sure to keep his voice gentle.
"Yo-- you're not?" She sniffles, looking up at him.
"No. No, we're not and we never will be. It's an accident. You didn't mean to drop it and it's okay that you did. We're not angry." He tells her.
"But... but daddy hit me last time I broke a plate." Y/N hiccups.
"I know." JJ frowns. His heart cracks even more knowing he couldn't protect her from him. "But that's dad... and dad is a mean person. We're not like him, you know that. None of us would ever hurt you. We've never laid a hand on you, right?"
"Right." Y/N mumbles.
"I promise, as long as you're with us -- and especially me -- you're safer than ever." JJ tells her. Y/N sniffles and nods. He carefully reaches out, his hands resting on her ankles. When she doesn't pull away, he lifts her legs up a little, enough to see the bottom of her feet and sees the cut on the bottom of her right foot.
"You're bleeding, kiddo." JJ notes.
"I stepped on the glass. I felt it, but I kept running." Y/N mumbles.
"It's okay. We'll get you all bandaged up -- easy peazy." JJ tells her.
Y/N holds her arms out and JJ pulls her over to him, tightly hugging her, rubbing her back. He kisses her on the head, smoothing some of her hair down.
"Can we still go on the boat?" Y/N asks.
"Obviously. Little disinfectant and a Band-Aid ain't gonna stop us from having a amazing time on the Pogue. And we're also picking Kie up." He adds making the younger girl grin. "Yeah, yeah, she's your favorite. We know."
"Mm-mm." She shakes her head. "Second favorite."
"Second? Oh, really? Who's on top?" JJ asks.
"You." Y/N states, tightening her hold on him. JJ grins, picking her up, and crawling out of the chicken coop.
"Always making smart choices, kiddo." JJ comments, ruffling her hair, making her giggle.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @itsmaneskinbitch @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @ironmaiden1313
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Base Yandere Riz Headcanons (Beastars)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! First off yes I am a furry, second off no I do not have a fursona. Not all furries have fursonas, I am the furry that appreciates, simps for, and would frick/yiff anthropomorphic characters! Let's be honest if they are sentient and of legal consenting age then I am going to smash in fiction (I have fictophilia which is a kink for fictional characters) 
Now that, that is out of the way let's get to the disclaimers! 
Disclaimer number 2: Riz is not yandere in canon this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! just do not be illegal or gross about it. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you, all my muffins!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Riz From Beastars- 
.Riz is a bear that is over 2 meters aka 6 feet and 7 inches for My American viewers 
.Since he is over 2 meters he has to take government order strength suppressing pills. The same one that all bears had to. 
.He had a love for you, the stunning beast you were. 
.He is very obsessed with you and wants to have a life with you. 
.He is protective of you and does what he can to keep you safe. 
.He ends up at some point thinking he does not need his pills anymore. 
.This ends up having him eat his herbivore friend. 
.This messed with his taste of food. 
.At this point he becomes delusional that not only did his friend consent to being eaten but also that he enjoyed it. 
.This affects his yandere side where he is delusion about your feelings. 
.That you love him and want him to take you. 
.So it does not matter how much you say no to him. 
.He knows how you Air quotes around "really" feel. 
.You just are not safe enough to admit your feelings to him. 
.He is a very protective and possessive yandere. 
.Doing what he can to keep you safe. 
.He may even be tempted to eat parts of you, he cannot help himself. 
.He also will want to breed you (Me imagining him when he was beefed up "OH HELLLL NO" XD) that is if you have the parts to be bred
.he does not like to share you with anyone so, be ready for him to isolate you from friends and possibly family. 
.He will deal with rivals by trying to be aggressively polite and if that does not work?
.He will then threaten them, and if that does not work? Well, then he will kill them and eat them, and probably have you eat parts of them as well. 
.Knowingly or not! 
.He also is a very good cook and loves to cook for you, he can be a real papa bear who wants to provide for you and take care of you! 
.He would confess over a meal, and if you turned him down?
.Well you are just not ready to confess your feelings yet. 
.If you do he is over the moon that you accept your feelings and now, nothing can keep you two apart! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!] 
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msfantasy-anime · 1 year
Paybacks a Bitch
ExBoyfriend!Katsuki Bakugo x ExGirlfriend!Reader
Summary: Katsuki and Y/n have been dating throughout middle-school, Katsuki gives a brutal break-up on graduation day. The two meet again as adults
Warnings: Angst, break-up drama, regrets
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“So what if I didn’t get into UA?! That doesn’t mean we have to break-up!” Lip trembling, Katsuki pulls away from your grasp as teary blobs cascade down your red splotchy cheeks.
“You don’t get it. If that quirk-less loser Deku got in, then you should’ve too. You must be incredibly pathetic not to get in. I can’t have a girlfriend holding me back from my goals.” A sob escapes your lips as his ferocious words slam deep daggers into your heart.
“How can you say that?! We’ve been together for years and now-“
“And now I have finally opened my eyes to see you for who you truely were. A pathetic looser who’s holding me back. You’ve been an anchor in my life for long enough.” Overwhelmed with the Katsuki’s brutal words your tears turn off, you look blankly into his face. The face of the boy you had once gone, now scowling at you as if you were a nuisance. As if you were just some stranger causing irritation and ruining his day.
This wasn’t your Katsuki, this was a beastly teenage boy who had no love left for you. After all the time and effort spent in maintaining a relationship with this egotistical fool. But now that you think of it… why did you love Katsuki? Long ago were the days when he was kind, long were the days that he ensured your happiness came first. When was the last time he took you on a date? When did he last make you smile? When was the last time you smiled?
Sudden relief washes over you at the realisation that you were no longer bound to his mood-swings. His overbearing jealously that ruined your plans. His controlling nature dominating what you wore and who you talked to.
You can start a new, High School was just around the corner.
There was no need to waste your time any further.
There was no need to waste another breath explaining yourself.
You looked upon Katsuki’s emotionaless face, there was no need to waste another wasted moment with him.
“Y/n!” A voice calls, looking over your shoulder you see Midoriya holding a beer in one hand and waving ecstatically with the other.
“No fricking way! Your in charge of the tongs- I’ll be back.” You pass your friend the tongs to continue flipping the thin meat whilst you rush over to greet your old classmate.
“Izu! It’s good to see you!” You pull him into a bear hug which he gingerly returns.
“This is amazing! Look Kacchan- it’s Y/n!” You look to the person sitting across from Midoriya to see non-other than Katsuki Bakugo staring at you with his mouth open. You give a small wave from where you stood, knowing that he was never one for mushy greetings.
“Wow- I’d never thought that I’d see Suki drinking beer and eating barbecue with Izu.” Your signature grin spreading across your face. Midoriya pulls a chair out for you to sit.
“Since when did you call the nerd Izu?” Lips curl at the pathetic nickname given to his rival. His stomach turns seeing you look off the the side the way you did when you wanted to avoid a question. Irritation bubbles in his stomach as Midoriya changes the subject quickly.
“So what’s happening with you?!” His excitement was always infectious, it was a quality you had always admired.
“I had a lay-over in Japan, so I thought I’d catch up with some old friends, but I’m heading back to Australia for a bit. I have a new office opening in Sydney.” Midoriya hums excitedly grabbing your hand he gives it a light squeeze. Katsuki glares at your clenching palm.
“This is the 2nd agency you’ve opened right?! I’ve been following your accomplishments in the hero announcements!” Giggling, you shyly wave off Midoriyas’ kind words.
Katsuki hated this.
He hated how familiar you were both acting.
He hated how he didn’t know anything about you anymore and he hated that this damn nerd knew more about you.
He hated that you seem to be casting your full attention on the green grape across from him.
He hated how he was once your whole life and now is no longer privy to your life.
Katsuki had sworn that you were an anchor to his life. He discarded you thinking that you would hold him back, or drag him down.
Instead your travelling the world, building hero agencies and raking in millions in the process.
You achieved everything you’d hoped.
He achieved his goals- but at what cost?
You were Middle-Schoolers, you wouldn’t have lasted together anyway right?
“It was good to catch up with you both- but I can see my friends are needing help keeping up with the barbecue.” Katsuki gripped your wrist as you stood and blurted out a question that shocked your very ears.
“Do you ever miss me?” You shrug awkwardly, you churned words through your head to string together a kind sentence, but this is Katsuki, he appreciates bluntness.
“Romantically? I don’t. We were kids when we were together, I haven’t seen you since we were 15 years old. I honestly barely remember those times.” Your departure left Katsuki feeling cold.
You barely remember being with him? He remembered you vividly. He struggles to be with anyone else because of his stupidity, his ego ruined a good relationship.
That is a regret he’ll just have to live with.
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elryuse · 1 year
Yandere mommy yoona x sub malereader
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"Y/n wake up or you'll be late for school".
"Hang on a sec mom... 5 more minutes".
"It's fricking late... Now you get your ass down here... Or mommy will fucking spank your ass".
"Okay okay jeez... Why so angry".
"Hurry up and eat your breakfast".
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"So how's the food".
"Good like always".
"Hahah mommy's glad that you enjoyed it so much... And mommy didn't mean to yell at you. But you know mommy's doing her best for you".
"Y-yeah you're right I'm sorry mom".
"Ahahha it's okay... Now hurry up let's go".
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"Can't you see that I don't love you anymore Yoona... I like Taeyeon better than you... Gosh I hate this family so much".
"How could you say that. I've tried my best for this family. I've tried to love you even though you treated me like trash. I just couldn't understand how could you be so careless and don't give a fuck about me and our kid".
"Look Yoona. I'm done. I'm sick and tired. I never loved you, you know that. It's our parents that made this deal. Not me".
"So you're just gonna leave me and Y/n all behind"?
"Yes. I never truly accept him as my own anyway. He doesn't even look at me at a-".
"Leave. Leave and don't you ever come back you piece of shit".
"Ahahha with pleasure".
"Don't ever come back".
"Y-y/n.. oh no".
"What happened".
"Nothing happened dear don't worry".
"I know you're lying Mom. It's Dad isn't it... ".
".... Y-yeah".
"It's okay mom... We don't need him. We'll survive this shit together.. I'm here for you okay... ".
"T-thank you so much Y/n...mommy is so lucky to have you".
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"Mom I'm heading out".
"It won't be long Mom don't worry".
"But why can't you stay instead... Mommy can tell the manager to buy us somethinhg".
"Oh I'm not going to buy groceries mom. I'm seeing someone".
"H-huh... Who are you going to see"??
"I-its my old friend... Minju".
"Y/n I don't want you to meet her".
"H-huh but why... I really missed her".
"Absolutely not. You're gonna stay here.. And be a good boy".
"Momm stop I'm not a little kid anymore. Besides. I'm 23 I want to find a girlfriend okay".
"You don't need girlfriend Y/n.. when you have me".
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"Mommy wants you... So please. Stay. Don't make mommy hurt you".
"Huh.. Mom we can't do this. You're my fucking mother".
"Still... I only loved you... And I'll make sure you do the same thing for me".
"No please stop... Aghhh".
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"Cmon dear is that all you got... You can't fuck this pussy harder"?
"Mom please stop let me cum.. It hurts".
"Ahahaha... You'll need to do better than that... You know you want to breed me right... Breed this fucking pussy... Make sure you put a baby inside this womb.. ".
"Agh... Please... Aghj.. I'm Cummingg.. ".
"Let it all out.. Let it all out... Mommy wants it... Aghh yes.... Cmon..."
"I'm cumming".
"YESSSS.... ".
In the end Yoona or your mother became your wife. She was very happy when she knows she got you in her grasp. Especially when you feared her in bed, she was like a wild animal torturing you in every single way possible. To make you stay, and take responsibility. Now you can only beg her to help you cum and release you're stress.
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Welcome to another Ginkgo rants show. I am your host, and today I'm talking about:
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What the f*ck is thiiiiiis!!!?
Spoilers, duh
Many people have talked about this specific scene- and given that I only came to murder drones when Amazing Digital Circus released, I'm quite late, whoops. But I still wanna take a shot at what the hell that thing is.
Of course, Cabin Fever episode is followed by Home, which answers the question as to who it is... sorta.
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It's one of these guys. I can see why people could think that the shadowy figure is Cyn. She has the same bow and hairstyle Tessa has. But I will have to side with that was Tessa. Cyn's hair is slightly longer, reaching further down than Tessa's.
Then next question would be: wtf is she doing there? When Uzi first shines her light at the shadowy figure, you can just barely see how the image glitches/rolls just ever so slightly. And the next frame is soon followed by the classic absolute solver hand.
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Why do I believe it's a solver hand for sure? Later on Tessa herself said:
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"Too tall, handsome, and air is toxic." I am still very skeptical about this black dot/head/⚫️ Tessa being the real Tessa. But her comment stands. Air is toxic on Copper-9 now. Which does make one question as to how the trees are still around then, but I can't get that sciency without hurting my own brain.
So the hand we see, has to be Absolute Solver seeing as it was the only thing capable of creating biological matter in this toxic environment. Further backed up by the fact that the image that was supposedly projected was Tessa, must be also Absolute Solver's doing.
Another question then arises, why did Absolute Solver show Tessa to Uzi? And where did this Absolute Solver come from?
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Goodie! Look at that, Doll is here along with them! Although it does make some sense now, it raises even more questions. We did see Doll is very good at using Absolute Solver to the fullest- seen with her fight against the trio in The Promening. But that doesn't quite answer how she was able to project a whole Tessa? It has been seen that Absolute Solver has a hive mind/cloud based system with the comment it made:
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"More like you are our cute puppets. It hurts our feelings when you don't remember us."
Absolute Solver knows that Uzi is a potential host. And it knows that Nori was her mother and also an Absolute Solver host- and easily probably knows Doll is also a potential host. So it does make sense that it can create an image of Tessa, but does not quite explain as to why Doll would be able to do this too. Doll might actually have the ability to create holograms of people she's seen, that could be a great possibility and a tactic she might use in eps 7 and 8.
Perhaps, she might be slowly getting posessed by Absolute Solver? Yes, possible. But then why is she still trying to get to the labs? Doll believes that down in the labs she might find something to help her with the Absolute Solver and perhaps help Uzi too. But wait, how the frick is THIS:
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HELPING?! Give me a sec. Let's say, yes Doll was the one that created the mirage of Tessa (because we honestly have no other leads, or ones that I can think/see of right now). That might have been her attempt at luring Uzi in to work together.
Doll has strong vengeance against disassembly drones, so she wants nothing to do with them. But she appears to not mind helping Uzi... but Uzi hangs out with disassembly drones all the time. So best way to lure her in would have been using Tessa- a figure she's never seen, and an absolute solver hand- which she has seen. But she fails to lure Uzi in because V distracts her.
Then why did Doll partner up with Tessa? Tessa had J at her side, a disassembly drone. How about we narrow it down even further. Doll only teamed up with Tessa and J because a certain someone wasn't there. And once she appeared, Doll booked it. Yup, it was V. When Doll saw that all three knew each other, she wanted nothing to do with the gang anymore. Even further, the moment Doll released all the sentinels, she was still trying to get V back for murdering her family. And ouch, uh, Doll why. That moment had me sobbing, excuse you.
So in Doll's eyes, she's helping Uzi. In our eyes, she's antagonizing the group and not letting them get to the labs.
Wow, I veered off course real quick. But my point stands. As much as I'd like to think that the image of Tessa was created by Doll, it's a 50/50 shot. But you know who we still haven't seen? That miiiiight have made the image of Tessa?
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Oooop, hello, howdy, hey. I know a stretch, but I've got nothing else honestly. Doll might be pulling a Nori moment, where she was briefly posessed by Absolute Solver enough to cause a hologram of Tessa, or just tapped into the Absolute Solver's hive mind to see what it knows thus far.
As per usual, feel free to gut my theory... or rant? Idk what this turned into.
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bowlofr1ce · 11 days
So I’ve been playing with the idea in my head that after the game events Siffrin doesn’t lose their “time powers” but rather they just got nerfed instead and it’s marinating in my head like a cement mixer
ACT 5 and ACT 6 spoilers below cut!!
Like I don’t recall anywhere in the game that they can’t go back in time anymore, just that they’re exhausted as time craft takes a lot of energy and now they lack that energy.
Siffrin was able to loop around in time because they Wished. The Universe granted them these powers. But that doesn’t really mean that it was taken away once the Wish was fulfilled right? I like to imagine that instead they were just. Nerfed! Debuffed. Not-As-Cool.
Like they won’t automatically go back in time when they die anymore. Because they’re dead! But if they were in a situation where they’d know they will die, or if they’re put under enough stress, their fight or flight response will kick in and that response is to loop back before they die!
They can’t go back DAYS in time but they can go back MINUTES in time. Any more than that will put a physical toll on their body. Even then, it takes a lot of energy to do it period! They’ll feel exhausted no matter how far they go back.
By the way forgot to mention they CAN’T go back consciously. If they knew how, they’d probably be in a much worse situation now.
Okay so there’s Siffrin yes but then there’s the subject of Odile. In act 5 she stopped Siffrin from looping back in time. Yeah yeah, maybe she just attacked to interrupt him but that’s boring /j
I personally like to think she went a little bit into learning SOME time craft after Loop told them that Siffrin is looping. Similar to how Mirabelle learned how to make a shield that reflects attacks after saying how hard it is throughout the entire game.
So Odile can’t go back or manipulate time itself at all, she is nowhere near powerful enough to do so. But she does know that it happened!!
Well technically, so does everyone in a 5 meter radius. If for any reason Siffrin would attempt to go back in time but can’t (ie they just did earlier that day or they don’t have enough strength to do so) whoever’s nearby would feel a small tug when it happens. Backed up during the ACT 5 sequence where Bonnie (was it Bonnie? frick…) commented on the feeling when Siffrin attempted to use time craft. But only when the attempt is successful! No one else but Odile is affected. She is just the only one who knows that it happened no matter where she is.
So now we have a really neat dynamic here!! Siffrin would somehow go back and Odile would know exactly when. I like this a lot and I am currently writing a thing about this. My brain is very happy right now. I love putting little guys into little situations
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headphonesbones · 3 months
Shattered dream sans x a reader who works for nightmare- [idk if this is what you mean by like you know writing reqs-]
Cas and Null decided to write this together! Hope you enjoy <3
Alright, this is probably gonna get real complicated REAL FAST
Man is crazy (obvi)
But he’s thankfully (or maybe not thankfully) crazy for you
Uhhh… good luck with that…
So man, this can go a few ways… None of which are probably good lol
Let’s say you’re close to Nightmare before stuff hits the fan. Well, as close as you can get to him…
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but we love him (kinda)
Nightmare, if he actually gives a damn about you, probably would be… let’s just say “reluctant” to have you around his newly corrupted brother.
He trusted him even less now tbh
I mean, at least he’s not suspiciously nice anymore??? /j
So, man’s crazy x2 so both of them are kinda trying to manipulate you in order to “see their side”
Basically, they’re fighting over you. One as a romantic interest and the other as platonic… probably.
But basically, neither are exactly “right”
You were doing a pretty good job at trying to stay away from Shattered!Dream until, one day, he managed to corner you when you were really sleepy
“Oh, poor thing. Aren’t you tired of mercilessly working for that…. Imbecile brother of mine? Come here, rest your head.” Shattered cooed at you from the other end of the room, watching you stumble your way into your house after a particularly rough mission. How did he even get in here? You were too tired to care. You shuffled over to him and slumped down at his feet, resting your head in his lap. He places his hand on your head, tenderly stroking your hair and murmuring sweet nothings. 
So naturally, you were like “whaT THE FU-”
Nah, you totally didn’t suspect anything. I mean, how different could Shattered!Dream be from his old self? (very different, as you’d come to find out)
You hadn’t slept in literal days, you’d just come back from one of Nightmare’s missions, things got messy in that mission, “your husband is dead, we found him with no head” type shenanigans. 
(… the frick did I just say???? ADHD brain is wack as frick, don’t do vegetables, kids)
Your brain was confused and static-y (is that a neurodivergent thing???) and you were just done by that point
You were kinda not too trusting of him, buuuuut… his lap was comfortable, what else can I say, Your Honor?
(I was just in a silly goofy kinda mood, so I fell asleep on my mortal enemy’s lap)
His voice was relaxing, his lap cozy, the mood just right, and you were exhausted beyond belief
So what did you do?
You fell asleep
I have no idea if any of this is coherent
When you woke up (like 16 hours later, thanks to exhaustion) you found that you were in your bed.
You, not knowing wtf just happened, are confused, of course.
Was that all a Dream? Well, Dream was involved but NO, IT WAS NOT A DREAM
You have gay panic for a bit until you see the note on your bedside table
He called you mi cielito in the letter.
Mi cielito?? Depending on if you know Spanish, you may be a little confused. Means “my little sky”... what can I say, he’s a sucker for Moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, etc. motifs
Alright, so…
Thankfully, unlike Nightmare, he’s probably not gonna leave dead birds outside of your doorstep
You know, for someone that doesn’t really like cats (we all know what I’m talking about), Nightmare sure does act like one… Neko! Nightmare coming up? (I know the word “neko” just dealt +40 psychic damage to one of you out there)
Alright, I didn’t really answer your request but I am PLANNING on making this a smol series. So like… a few parts? I just really want to get this out! :]
Cas was sorta working off of first caffeine in week, combined with not sleeping in over 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed! Please, feel free to send as many requests as you want!
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mrstrinity1132 · 8 months
A Lin Kuei brothers headcannon.
This has some spoilers from MK1 so beware.
He messed up.
That was dead wrong of him to do.
Bi Han hoe'd his brothers and now they are all separated. Him on one side and Kuai Liang and Tomas on the opposite. It would've been nice if they both joined him and agreed with his vision for the future.
But it is what it is. Guess I'll be painting this picture alone. With of without them. If they get in the way, well...they can go down too. Family or not.
... He misses them.
In the outside, Bi Han has a lot of ambition, but deep within him, he misses his brothers.
Sure, he hoed Kuai Liang. He has the right to be mad at him. He almost died because of his actions. But Bi Han misses him.
He even misses that orphan too. Tomas.
...Fricking orphan.
Yes, Bi Han was always cold to him, but he misses telling him to shut up for no reason.
Every single day, poor Tomas would be told to shut up for just existing. Bi Han would turn around and catch a glimpse of him and tell him; "SHUT UP, ORPHAN-!" Tomas wouldn't even be talking in the first place... Sometimes he would reply; "Whatttt I do? I didn't even say anything... :(" "You're living too loud."
Then, Kuai Liang would step in; "What TF is your problem? Be nice to Tomas!"
Bi Han also gives Tomas a not-so-friendly reminder that he'll never be Lin Kuei. The bewildered look on Tomas' face was priceless, but he wouldn't fight back.
He didn't want that orphan near him.... But he missed him too.
Maybe I should just call them. Hear their voice one more time? Yeah they're mad at me, but let me see what they would say.
Bi Han picked up the telephone and gave them a call.
---- The phone ringed. Tomas sees the number. It's Bi Han! Why is he calling at this time?!? He picks up the phone anyway.
Tomas: Hello?
Bi Han: ...
He doesn't know what to say. It's nice to hear him though. Surprised that he actually answered the call.
Tomas: Hello?
Bi Han: ...
Tomas: Bi Han; are you even there?
Kuai Liang comes in.
Kuai Liang: Who's that on the phone?
Tomas: It's Bi Han...
Angry, Kuai Liang stomps over and forces Tomas' hand to put the telephone down to hang up the call. Either way it went, that call would've been over.
--- Kuai Liang: What did he say to you on the phone?
Tomas: ...He didn't say anything.
Kuai Liang: ...Really?
Tomas: I couldn't make it up if I wanted to.
Kuai Liang: No banter? No insults? ...No "ShUt Up OrPhAn-?"
Tomas: He said nothing. It was silent on the other side.
Huh. That was weird. That's out of character of him.
Kuai Liang: Then...What did he call for?
Tomas: I wish I could tell you. I don't know.
Kuai Liang: ... Well whatever it is, don't answer the phone for him anymore. He hoed us. There is no more talking.
And that was it.
Bi Han has tried a few more times on later days. Kuai Liang refuses to answer the phone. Even watching it ring. Tomas would answer the phone a few times, every call getting shorter than the last. Until eventually, he would stop answering the phone too.
I guess you wouldn't truly miss someone until they are actually gone.
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rose-of-many-colors · 4 months
Incorrect 4*Town quotes
Part????? Idk anymore
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Tae Young: H-how do you ask someone out?
Aaron T: Well, first-
Y/N: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonald's parkinglot
Tae Young: And you said yes??
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Robaire: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Aaron Z: We're chopsticks
Robaire: Well that's cute... Does that mean two snuggle together perfectly?
Y/N: No. It means if you take one away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing
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Jesse: We have a problem
Y/N: No, YOU have a problem, I have an idiot who keeps making them
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*Aaron T and Y/N looking at a locked gate into a park*
Y/N: Aw :(
Aaron T: You know what they say
Y/N: Please don't-
Aaron T: BE GAY, DO CRIME!! *hops the gate*
Y/N: Frick-
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Tae Young: I'm here for the cult stuff
Y/N: H-how did you find me?
Tae Young: I saw your ad on Craigslist
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avionvadion · 4 months
One, really love the drabble regarding El and Lucifer. Especially since you can tell Lucifer is struggling to stay in the moment, but Elanora is doing a pretty good job keeping him grounded in reality. Which works out in his favor because that actively lets him start writing the letter instead of giving up before he even starts.
Two, I admit it. Whilst I know the circumstances probably won't let it happen, I can totally see El joining in on Ellie and Charlie's duet during "You Didn't Know" (maybe she was dragged along so she can guilt trip the higher ups of Heaven lol) because sure, she may not be able to come up with lyrics on the spot, but I can see her being able to join in on that sort of thing. And, well, considering everything revealed at Heaven El would be justified in getting a bit angry at Sera alongside Ellie and Charlie-
Alsjslsjlaksks thank youuuu! 💕💕💕
I struggled so hard trying to write Lucifer a song. El was going to sing a song that followed the line of “trust me” but I couldn’t find one outside of FnaF and Jungle Book (oh the irony there) before scrolling through my old middle school Sound Cloud playlist and was like, wait. Holy frick. Lost Within fits Luci so well???? And thus that happened, lol.
Anyways! Sorry. I ramble.
Luci’s brain is so scrambled, he needs someone to pull him back sometimes. I imagine there ends up being a few moments when he and El are together and he starts to get so distant it actually starts to scare her, and she ends up grabbing his arm- surprising him and snapping him out of his spiraling mind- to make sure he doesn’t just… disappear.
And for sure El would go with them. Charlie will be using her to be like, “All the Sinners at the hotel have been protecting this poor, innocent soul that was wrongly summoned to Hell! She’s been helping me redeem them, one step at a time!”
Heaven is absolutely going to lose their shit because WHAT DO YOU MEAN A HUMAN WAS SUMMONED INTO HELL!??? Emily would be ecstatic while Sera is just… no longer functioning.
They probably try to convince her to stay in Heaven instead since she’s so “pure hearted” or whatever and it’d be safer for her, but El is like, “Haha sorry I promised Lucifer a thing so I gotta stay” and they’re like “LUCIFER!??? WHAT PROMISE!???” “Ah, well, he said he’d protect me if I give him advice about some stuff and I kinda gotta be in Hell for that…” and Adam just fucking loses it. “BITCH YOU’RE STAYING IN HELL FOR THAT FUCKING LOSER???” “That loser’s ex wife used to be YOUR wife, dude” “SHUT THE FUCK UP, STAY IN HELL. HOPE YOU DIE TOMORROW AND TURN INTO A DEMON SO I CAN EXTERMINATE YOU NEXT WEEK”
(Adam immediately gets smacked upside the head by Sera)
I think by that point in time, El has been in Hell for so long she can participate in songs- but she can’t burst out singing with one of her own. Also maybe her relationship with Lucifer comes into a play a bit, since he’s magic (ancient magic, specifically) and… well…
Being repeatedly exposed to magic would certainly start letting one be affected by it, right? Haha… ha… ahem. Maybe she isn’t wholly human anymore after a while. El may not have fallen or died, but giving oneself to the literal King of Hell, former archangel or not, isn’t about to let you stay Human. 👀
Anyways. Yeah. El would be pissed and would probably throw shade at the angel council that, while Hell may be full of horrors, the people there are at least honest- something Angels are supposed to be- and have gone out of their way to make her feel welcome, whereas Heaven is full of hypocrites and assholes like Adam who just make her uncomfortable.
“If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie! If Angels can do whatever and remain in the sky!” Ellie hops up on the table behind Emily and Charlie. “The rules are shades of gray, when you don’t do as you say! When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again!”
Hell is Forever is such a freaking bop though oh my gods. You Didn’t Know a masterful reprise of it.
I’m obsessed with Loser, Baby though. It’s so swingy and jazzy and UGH. It’s so good.
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gardigansandkarma · 7 months
Travis Kelce Opens Up About Taylor Swift and What Comes Next
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Wall Street Journal - Travis Kelce full article under the cut
A few months ago, he was merely football famous. Now Travis Kelce is ready to tell his story. ‘I’ve never dated anyone with that kind of aura about them.’
By J.R. Moehringer
WHEN TRAVIS KELCE was a young man, his college football coach pulled him aside one day and told him the secret of life: Everybody you meet in this world is either a fountain or a drain.
“I need fountains,” the coach growled at Kelce. “I don’t need f—ing drains. Travis, you’re f—ing draaaining me!”
The advice left a deep impression. (“Changed his life,” says one of Kelce’s closest friends.) Yes, Kelce thought—you’re either a giver of the basic wellsprings of life or a thirsty taker. He vowed to be the former. In a world of gutters, be a geyser. 
You think about that story as Kelce drives you around his beloved Kansas City, home of his world-champion Chiefs, for whom he’s the star tight end and arguably the second-most popular player, after his best friend, quarterback Patrick Mahomes. You think about that story on a gorgeous autumn afternoon as Kelce gives you a personal tour of his decadelong history in this city, his singular journey from clueless rook to legend. (“I used to take this scenic route [to the stadium]—there’s just something about seeing the city you’re about to go represent….”)
A different sort of celebrity might be more guarded, might even chirp those big Rolls tires and speed away before someone throws their body across the luminous silver bonnet, but Kelce’s default emotion is this—exuberant extroversion. He likes people. Loves people. Never mind deciding not to be a drain. If people gush at him, he can’t help it, he gushes back. 
Noting all this, you think how fame itself might be a kind of fountain. Some people moan about getting wet, others frolic like kids around a hydrant. You even wonder if this fountain-drain paradigm might be the skeleton key to Kelce, the Rosetta Stone for which half of America seems to be hunting right now. 
Kelce was famous for several years, thanks to his Hall of Fame résumé, his symbiotic relationship with Mahomes, but that was just football famous. This year, after winning the Super Bowl, after hosting Saturday Night Live, after starring in all the commercials, Kelce became inescapable. And that was before—you know. 
People have begun to ask in all earnestness why they can’t turn on their TV anymore without seeing Kelce’s sculpted mug. They wonder, not with snark, but in all sincerity: Who the frick is this guy? And where did he come from? 
You have a TV. You wonder too. So you decide to join the search for answers. One weekend, in the thick of football season, you get on a plane to Kansas City.
BUT FIRST. Back up. Like that knucklehead who threw it into reverse, go back. Before you can take the Travis Michael Kelce Guided Tour, you need to watch him cry. 
Kelce tries to play it off. He launches a sentence, stops. He launches another, again aborts. He paws his eyes with his giant hands and looks to be on the verge of losing it, because if Kelce loves people, what he really loves is his people. 
This whole display takes place on a Monday afternoon at a Kansas City steakhouse, where you and Kelce are having an early dinner. Like, retirement-community early. He’s in recovery mode, healing from dozens of violent collisions sustained during the previous day’s win over division rival Los Angeles, and food is medicine. He can intuit when he’s hit the caloric sweet spot necessary to mend or maintain his 6-foot-5, 260-pound frame (roughly 4,000), and he’s not there yet. So he orders the dry-aged filet rubbed with coffee, Caesar salad (hold the anchovies), a side of “triple-cooked” fries and a glass of water. 
After a long pause, and several Lamaze breaths, Kelce collects himself, apologizes. Can’t help it, he says; those folks who always have his back, who call him by the ancient secret nicknames (Big Yeti, El Travedor, Killatrav, Michael, etc.)—they’re everything. He doesn’t think of them as his entourage; he thinks of them as family, an extension of “Mama Kelce” and “Poppa Kelce” and older brother Jason, the starting center for the Philadelphia Eagles. 
Patrick Bacon, a friend since first grade, says Kelce’s go-to method of winding down after a hard game or long day is to sit with this “core group” around his kitchen island and chop it up. Talk, that’s what nourishes Kelce, not videogames, not bottle service at some club. 
“He loves to talk about the old days,” Bacon says. But it has to be with people from the old days. People who know that Kelce will sometimes dismiss a bad or subpar thing as “buns.” People who know that one of Kelce’s favorite desserts is French toast dripping with whipped cream and syrup. People who know that, growing up, he played every sport in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and also know the difference between Cleveland Heights and Cleveland proper. You want to break into the Kelce core group? You better have a phone number that starts with 216. 
And yet, you wonder how well his friends really know him, how well he lets anyone know him, because to a person they all say Trav lives in the moment, Trav never thinks about tomorrow, Trav never worries about retirement, despite recently turning 34, making him a Gollum in the NFL, whereas Kelce confesses that he thinks about it nonstop, “more than anyone could ever imagine.” In the same spirit, perhaps, he keeps his own counsel about his round-the-clock physical anguish. “That’s the only thing I’ve never really been open about,” he says, “the discomfort. The pain. The lingering injuries—the 10 surgeries I’ve had that I still feel every single surgery to this day.” 
Kansas City’s longtime tight ends coach, Tom Melvin, says Kelce undersells the pain because the alternative is not playing, and the man will not miss games. “He has phenomenal pain tolerance. He’s played through things that other athletes I’ve coached through the years have not been able to push through. Mentally tough—way off the charts.” 
Kelce’s trainer and physical therapist, Alex Skacel, says there’s not a single day, in season, when Kelce stretches out on the training table and doesn’t have some gruesome bruise. What few realize, however, is the insane number of scratches. Guys claw each other out there, Skacel says; it can leave Kelce’s epidermis striated with crimson. To bounce back after such abuse requires more than basic therapy. Kelce and Skacel use a battery of esoteric treatments, from cupping to dry needling to occlusion therapy: essentially tying off a limb with a tourniquet while Kelce works out. Kelce also adheres to a pregame regimen of anti-inflammatories, which he doesn’t like to discuss because they “have a history of affecting people’s insides.” 
“There were definitely people she knew that knew who I was, in her corner [who said], ‘Yo! Did you know he was coming?'” Kelce says about how he initially found his way into Taylor Swift’s orbit. “I had someone playing Cupid.” Loewe coat, $4,990, Loewe​.com.
IF KELCE BROODS on life without football, one reason is that he had an excruciating sneak preview. A redshirt sophomore at Cincinnati, he got booted off the team for smoking pot. In a blink, he lost everything—his purpose, his meaning. “It was like my life was over.” 
He also lost his scholarship. He had to get a job. The best one he could find was at a telemarketing firm, doing healthcare surveys. “Eye-opening,” he says, bowing his head.
Cold-calling people in southern Ohio, northern Kentucky, eastern Indiana, asking what they thought of Obamacare, taught him a lot. (“Uh, sir, I ran out of the comment box, I can’t write anymore, we gotta kind of keep this moving.”) Above all it taught him that he didn’t want to ever do that again. 
He probably won’t have to. He’s got options. Sometimes he sees himself in a broadcasting booth. Sometimes his manager talks about action flicks. (Maybe a Marvel movie? Kelce’s already built like Wolverine.) You also get the sense that Kelce toys with notions of doing some form of comedy. He haunts clubs, lives for open-mic nights, and he’s gotten to be friendly with several rising stand-ups.
At the moment, of course, the only thing millions of people want to know about Kelce’s future is whether or not it will include Taylor Swift. And the second thing they’re dying to know is how he and she got together in the first place. 
Did he sit in a dark room and say Jumanji three times? He laughs. “I don’t know if I want to get into all of it,” he says, and then he gets into it, because fountain. 
It all started when he tried to meet Swift at her Arrowhead concert in July and got blocked, presumably by security. He then recounted the experience in a charming way on the podcast he does with Jason. Soon after, he says, he received an unbidden assist from inside Team Swift. 
“There were definitely people she knew that knew who I was, in her corner [who said]: Yo! Did you know he was coming? I had somebody playing Cupid.” He wasn’t aware at the time, however; the revelation only came later, after he looked down at his phone and got the shock of a lifetime. “She told me exactly what was going on and how I got lucky enough to get her to reach out.”
He lets slip that some of his early helpers were part of the Swift family tree. “She’ll probably hate me for saying this, but…when she came to Arrowhead, they gave her the big locker room as a dressing room, and her little cousins were taking pictures…in front of my locker.” 
Understandably, he’s not handing out details about the first date, though he will say that he managed to not be nervous. “When I met her in New York, we had already kind of been talking, so I knew we could have a nice dinner and, like, a conversation, and what goes from there will go from there.” 
If anyone was nervous, he adds, it was his core group. “Everybody around me telling me: Don’t f— this up! And me sitting here saying: Yeah—got it.”
Likewise, his mother. Donna Kelce still berates herself for how she handled a question about Taylor on the Today show. Trying not to sound too enthusiastic, she came off underwhelmed. Kelce, not wanting his mom to feel bad, immediately phoned her and assured her that she did a super job—adding that her green eyeglasses looked great. 
These days, however, with the relationship progressing, Donna feels more at liberty. “I can tell you this,” she says, beaming. “He’s happier than I’ve seen him in a long time…. God bless him, he shot for the stars!”
Kelce seems freer, too. He doesn’t need to be asked about Taylor; he mentions her unreservedly, lavishes praise on her, calls her “hilarious,” “a genius,” notes that they share compatible worldviews, especially when it comes to family and work. “Everybody knows I’m a family guy,” he says. “Her team is her family. Her family does a lot of stuff in terms of the tour, the marketing, being around, so I think she has a lot of those values as well, which is right up my alley.”
One of Kelce’s friends describes a sweet, magical moment, a late-night gathering around Kelce’s firepit. Kelce and Swift looked like two “peas in a pod,” the friend says, and at one point they even burst into a memorable duet of—“Teenage Dirtbag”?
This must be fake 
My lips start to shake 
How does she know who I am? 
Kelce squints into the distance: He’s not sure they were singing…Wheatus. But he allows that his memory might be compromised. 
LONG BEFORE MEETING SWIFT, Kelce was just another Swiftie. In some ways he still is. He explains the concept of her concert—“She does it in eras”—as if you live in a yurt in Outer Mongolia. Then he eagerly informs you that the night he attended, he was counting the minutes until she got to 1989. (Both he and Swift were born in 1989.) “ ‘Blank Space’ was one I wanted to hear live for sure. I could make a bad guy good for the weekend. That’s a helluva line!”
More often than not, he says, it was a Swiftian beat, a melody that captivated him. (“She writes catchy jingles.”) But lately he’s all about those lyrics; he’s scrutinized the breakup stuff. What a miracle, he says, the way Swift can turn life into poetry. “I’ve never been a man of words. Being around her, seeing how smart Taylor is, has been f—ing mind-blowing. I’m learning every day.”
Something he might need to learn from Swift: how to handle the attention. Kelce lives in a quiet neighborhood north of downtown—leafy trees, trim lawns, no gates. There’s now a clutch of desperate-looking dudes with cameras stationed on his sidewalk 24/7. He’s followed everywhere, drones buzzing overhead—it’s stressful, more than he lets on, according to one confidante.
“Obviously I’ve never dated anyone with that kind of aura about them…. I’ve never dealt with it,” Kelce says. “But at the same time, I’m not running away from any of it…. The scrutiny she gets, how much she has a magnifying glass on her, every single day, paparazzi outside her house, outside every restaurant she goes to, after every flight she gets off, and she’s just living, enjoying life. When she acts like that I better not be the one acting all strange.”
Asked if he has anything to teach Swift, he looks shy. He can’t think of anything offhand. 
Sure, he says, sounding unsure. 
Of course, the thing she probably wants to learn about most is him. While talking to Kelce you realize all at once that the most avid participant in the national scavenger hunt for clues about his character is likely Swift herself. To that end, Donna says that anyone wishing to understand her younger son would do well to start with her older. Travis “could never quite catch up” to Jason, she says. “He was always just second, just searching to be the best, and never quite getting there.” (The only way in which the two brothers were full equals was appetite. As boys, Donna says, “they would sit down and eat whole chickens.”) 
Others say the key to Travis is simpler than that. He’s basically still the kid who filled his Dad’s shampoo bottle with hand cream. “He just lives his life with so much joy,” Jason says. “He’s always kind of surrounding himself with people who are funny, who have a zest for life; it’s one of the things that defines him.”
Jason recalls many nights in the Kelce family room, the two brothers and mom eating in front of some comedy. “We had one of those coffee tables that the top would lift up and meet you at your face if you were eating,” he says, guffawing. 
Indeed, Kelce has warned Swift that she’s going to have to reckon with this part of his personality. Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Will Ferrell—they will all be a part of the relationship. “I told Taylor that I have that world, I’ve got to introduce it to her. I let her know: This is my jam right here.” (Kelce does an uncanny imitation of Farley’s dorky baritone, and the ringtone on his phone is Farley primal screaming: For the love of GOD!) 
If the past is any prelude, this will register like an 8.0 earthquake among Swifties. Their queen—screening Tommy Boy? Every new factoid, every new piece of the puzzle, gets eagerly cataloged, investigated, celebrated, especially on “SwiftTok,” a fervent virtual community, according to Brian Donovan, a professor at the University of Kansas who teaches a seminar called The Sociology of Taylor Swift. 
Donovan says several of his class discussions this semester have been given over to No. 87. Swifties make no apology for delving into her relationships, just as Shakespeare scholars like to contemplate the subject of the sonnets. But the deep “vetting” of Kelce, Donovan adds, goes well beyond fans. “I think there’s a public fascination, because it seems like a pure unalloyed moment of joy in the wider context of global wars, deepening political polarization, dysfunction in Congress, an ongoing health crisis. There’s a lot of bad news out there, and this is a common story that everybody knows about and can talk about. I don’t think we’ve had that in American culture for a long time.” 
NOW GET IN THE CAR. Now you’re ready for the Rolls. Or are you? Gawking at the ceiling, you ask, Are those stars? 
Yes, Kelce says. 
You stare in disbelief. Embedded in a leather firmament are scores, no, hundreds—many hundreds—of twinkling lights, a fiber-optic galaxy meant to resemble the larger galaxy in which we’re all floating. For the sake of verisimilitude, the Rolls even produces a shooting star now and then. There was one, just a second ago, Kelce says. “Make a wish. Dreams come true.” 
He guns the engine and steers toward downtown. The Rolls doesn’t drive so much as waft you around Kansas City. The ride is so cush, it almost makes sense, for a moment or two, that the car is worth more than many of the buildings you pass. (A Rolls Ghost, before customizing, goes for nearly half a million dollars.) All of which makes it that much more startling, as you come to the heart of downtown, when Kelce points out his first-ever apartment and shows you the alley door where he’d sneak in and out when he was late on the rent. 
He’s not ducking landlords these days. Still, he’s grossly underpaid. His $14 million salary, though near the top among tight ends, is half what the league’s star receivers make, and Kelce often functions as a receiver. 
Nothing to be done, he says flatly. The Chiefs know, he says, that he would play for free. They know he loves his city, his quarterback. “Unfortunately, in this business, things gotta get ugly, they gotta get unpleasant [if you want more money], and I’m a pleasant son of a buck.”
Thank goodness for endorsements. At this point, says his co-manager Aaron Eanes, “the NFL is just his side hustle.” 
Eanes and his brother, Andre, handle much of Kelce’s business life, from investments to marketing, and it was they who widened his investment portfolio, putting him into a tequila company, an energy drink and a chain of car washes. They also steered him into lucrative endorsements, like Bud Light and the Covid vaccine, for which he caught much grief from Aaron Rodgers. The Jets quarterback, out since game one of the season with a torn Achilles, belittled Kelce as a Pfizer shill during one of his Tuesday appearances on The Pat McAfee Show. 
Kelce took the high road then. He’s staying on it now. “Aaron’s always been cool to me,” he says. “I knew he was trying to have some fun. He’s in a situation where Tuesdays are his game days…. So I get it, man, I’ve been injured too…. Who knows what the guy is going through?”
Mary Esselman, Operation Breakthrough’s CEO, says that whenever Kelce visits, he doesn’t bring media and he doesn’t leave until the last kid has felt seen and appreciated. Not long ago, she adds, Kelce sponsored a football camp. Afterward, Esselman asked the children to name the highlight of the experience. 
One told her: “He remembered my name.” 
Kelce drives you past a jazz club he likes, a coffee place he used to frequent. Just recently, he concedes, he could go to a Starbucks in Manhattan without anyone looking twice. Those days seem over. Minutes later, he’s steering past a small airport, where Swift’s plane is often prominently parked these days. 
Is it there now, gleaming in the moonlight? The Kelce eras tour is coming to a close. Left unsaid, but palpable: She’s at the house, waiting. 
The Rolls pulls off the highway, up the hill to your hotel. You thank him for taking so much time, for answering all your questions. As you step out of the Rolls, you turn, ask him one more. 
You ask him if you’re going crazy, or did he really say that thing when you first got in the car? Did he really point to a shooting star in the ceiling of his Rolls-Royce and say, “Make a wish. Dreams come true”? 
He cracks up. 
He did. He said it. 
He’s not running from it. 
What’s more, it might just be true. 
“How do you think I manifest it all?”
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