#withholding information
furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Another thing abusive parents teach you is that you’re wrong for asking questions. Either you ‘should have known it already’ or you’re ‘annoying and asking stupid things’, and no matter how nicely you ask, you never get any answers. And asking questions is almost necessary for the day-to-day life, it’s virtually impossible to figure everything out on your own, not when the system is so complex and complicated.
I still feel like the most annoying and demanding person on the planet if I don’t know something, and I ask a question. I still feel the shame of admitting that I don’t know, and what I need help understanding or finding out. There are people happy to answer questions and to help out and it’s difficult to find them because you don’t dare to ask! You’re scared of looking stupid, of being shamed, dismissed, triggered, being told off or humiliated. You don’t know what the reception will be like, if they’ll be annoyed, busy, deem your question unimportant, or get angry that you expect them to be helpful. Because it’s exactly what the abusive parents did, every single time, and they made it seem like everyone in the whole wide world, would react just the same. They wouldn’t.
Only because people on whose non-existing mercy we were raised, didn’t feel like we deserved to ask for information, doesn’t mean we actually don’t have that right. Asking questions is normal. Asking for information is vital. Asking how someone did something that we also want to do, is natural and could help us move forward. Asking how things work, or why are things the way they are, can lead us into incredible insight in how humanity solved a problem, or how the solution changed based on the practical experience. Having this kind of knowledge and understanding is power, and we won’t get it unless we ask. Not all information is shared equally, in fact, some of it is never shared at all, unless it is asked for.
There are people willing to  share things with you, who would get excited to tell you stories, give you information, explain things to you, guide you thru things they’ve been thru, only they don’t realize this would be beneficial and wanted information. It’s okay to ask for what you want to know, even if you ask multiple people until someone gives you an answer. You’re not pestering. You’re not stupid. You’re not annoying. You’re not shameful. You’re demonstrating the desire for knowledge that you had the right to show all along. The permission to ask questions cannot be taken away from you. Someone wants to be asked, wants to be useful and beneficial to your life. You can never lose your right to it.
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paso-liati · 2 years
Why do protagonists so often end up being so insufferable that I want them to suffer and so end up cheering on the villain?
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anghraine · 1 year
I've always been sympathetic to Luke, but the prequels' Skywalker backstory definitely makes me more so.
I've heard people dismiss him for playing with an old toy while complaining about being made to stay on a desert hellworld dominated by slave-owning gangsters, since Leia's a hardened revolutionary at the same time.
I think Luke's dislike of Tatooine is actually entirely legitimate based on the OT alone, given what he likely knows, but then it turns out that the slave-owning gangsters owned Luke's father and grandmother.
Luke doesn't know anything about Padmé and he doesn't have Leia's visions of her, so he has no sense of a legacy from lush Naboo or the apparently prosperous Naberries. His world is Tatooine and the legacy he's intensely conscious of is Anakin's, and Owen and Beru's. And I mean, Owen is Luke's uncle because Owen's father bought Luke's grandmother and freed her to marry her. She was later captured from the farm and tortured to death; Luke would see her memorial on a regular basis as he helps extract moisture on the farm.
He has every right to complain about being stuck on Tatooine—and always did IMO, but after the prequels? Whew.
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sneakyboymerlin · 11 months
I have said it before, but Kilgharrah has a parallel-opposite arc to Morgana. His character is redeemed in the same streak of episodes where Morgana goes from an ally to a major villain. While Kilgharrah was often self-serving and manipulative in the first 2 seasons, this changes by the end of season 2 because Merlin chooses to show him mercy after incapacitating him. It’s the first real kindness that Kilgharrah has experienced in well over 20 years. Whereas, when Merlin shows Morgana mercy by making the deal with Morgause to save her after she’s been incapacitated, Morgana returns more vengeful than ever. Back to Kilgharrah, though…
Not only does he indebt himself to Merlin, he comes to see Merlin in an entirely new way. Before, when he would call Merlin kin, it was in the most literal sense—both are creatures of magic, cut from the same cloth, and should be allies. But now, they’ve formed a bond from that kinship (and in a literal soul connection sense, too, no less). Kilgharrah’s plea strikes Merlin with so much force because they’re both now the last of their kind, and Merlin cannot help but consider and understand what Kilgharrah has been through, despite the destruction he’s caused, because it’s happened to Merlin, too. When they see each other next, this is what they have to say:
Merlin: I didn't think you'd answer my call.
Kilgharrah: Merlin, I could not resist a dragonlord, even if I wanted to.
Merlin: I’m grateful, thank you.
Let’s focus on that: “…even if I wanted to.” Kilgharrah did not want to resist Merlin’s call for help because he’s come to care about Merlin in his own way. This development is easily traced back to Merlin’s show of mercy. It cannot be stressed enough: this was the first kindness Kilgharrah had been shown in over 20 years, after rotting away in a dungeon when he was betrayed in every way possible, suffering from the grief of his entire species going extinct on Uther’s orders. And with this one show of mercy, Merlin changed the heart of a creature that everyone had already dismissed as a monster (the same way Merlin sees himself), one who sought his revenge by razing an entire city to the ground. From the start, Merlin treats him as a person: “Why are you doing this? You’re killing innocent people!” No one who saw him as a mere beast acting on its true nature would ask a moral quandary of him. And in the end, this path leads to Kilgharrah being spared, and Camelot repeatedly being saved as a result.
Kilgharrah’s sincerity in his care for Merlin is consistent in later seasons, and is seen in more than just his rescues. In 4x02, he plainly urges Merlin not to sacrifice himself, despite the fact that Arthur’s life (and thus, Kilgharrah’s ultimate freedom) hangs in the balance.
Merlin: Arthur intends to sacrifice himself to heal the Veil. It is my destiny to protect him; you taught me that.
Kilgharrah: Merlin, you must not do this.
He shortly follows this with something we’ve known since Merlin mended the rift between them in 2x13:
Kilgharrah: From the moment I met you, I saw something that was invisible. Now, it is there for all to see […] It will be an empty world without you, young warlock.
Having failed to convince Merlin to let someone else be the sacrifice, Kilgharrah commends him. Not only that, Kilgharrah mourns him.
This is all to say that Kilgharrah’s actions in seasons 1 & 2 should not be the sole focal point for our judgment of him, when he undergoes such an extreme change of character. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that Kilgharrah’s faith in the prophecies is anything but genuine. Alongside his newfound care for Merlin, his ultimate goal is his own freedom, and he believes that Arthur is the key to that.
Kilgharrah: We need Arthur to live […] Your destiny is to protect the young Pendragon until he claims his crown, and when he does, magic can be returned to the realm. Only then will I be free.
This logic is in line with what occurred in 5x13. Kilgharrah wouldn’t have said or done any of what he does in 1x13 if he did not believe that Arthur’s ascension to king would lead to his own freedom (even if it didn’t take immediate effect). Arthur’s place on the throne made room for an end to the wars, namely the one on magic. Kilgharrah did not make these prophecies up, nor is he the only one to believe in them. Alator and Finna possessed knowledge of the same prophecies, and both believed in Emrys’ vision/mission.
Kilgharrah had great knowledge himself, and tried to share that with Merlin to pave the best path, but he was not all-knowing, and he tells Merlin as much himself. Kilgharrah is merely a messenger, believer, and interpreter. So, he still believes the prophecy has come to pass, even if Arthur did end up dying anyways. The five kingdoms could now be united and magic restored to the land once the war was ended upon Morgana’s death. The prophecy was fulfilled within Arthur’s lifetime, despite the success of Arthur’s Bane. It did not go as Merlin expected, nor how Kilgharrah expected, but it still… went. This is what he means when he says, “No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.”
The idea that Kilgharrah simply played Merlin, when he was depending on Arthur as much as any creature of magic, and when he genuinely cared for Merlin as kin, is bad faith conjecture. How they got to the end point still mattered to him (i.e. Merlin must protect Arthur so that he has a chance to fulfill the prophecy), because that potential only existed through Arthur, and they all continued to suffer until that time came. Regardless of the age at which Arthur died, though, he was destined to fulfill these prophecies and return at Albion’s time of need. This, Kilgharrah knew. So is it any wonder that he maintained faith in it even after Arthur died? Especially after Arthur died, proving the prophecies true once again?
Kilgharrah: Merlin. There is nothing you can do.
Merlin: I've failed?
Kilgharrah: No, young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building, has come to pass.
Merlin: I can't lose him! He's my friend!
Kilgharrah: Though no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold. Merlin... Arthur is not just a King— he is the Once and Future King. Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.
No, Kilgharrah did not predict the exact ending, but he did his best to help Merlin bring about the best possible outcome, and he said what he could to comfort Merlin when he was grieving Arthur. Kilgharrah was genuine, and his motives were in alignment with Merlin’s by the start of season 3.
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ANGEL THE SERIES | 3.03 - That Old Gang of Mine
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samarecharm · 19 days
geniunely not trying to put words in ur mouth im geniunely asking: what do you actually like about persona 5? from all ur rants im just wondering why you didnt drop the game bc it seems (again, im not trying to put words in ur mouth) that it simply not for you? i geniunely have not felt any of the issues you bring up outside of the writing ones and i cannot tell if i'm just easily pleased and not good at discerning what a good game is or we simply have dif things we enjoy in a video game. i hate getting tone across text but im asking out of geniune curiosity im not trying to attack your opinion (;-;)
Nah, i dont feel like ur attacking me, and I hope u dont feel the same when u see my complaints! Lmao. In my defense, I am replaying the game for the first time after completing my first file back in 2020, so alot of the faults i kinda shrugged off in my first playthrough are now glaringly in my face now that I no longer have the confusion and interest in learning the main story to keep me occupied. The game is clunky all the way through, and at some times, even frustratingly so.
But despite that, i do like this game. Alot! Its probably one of my top games ever if im being honest!
This ended up way longer than I intended, so im putting it under a readmore to keep the post short on dashboards
If i had to describe what I liked about the game in the simplest way imaginable…I think I would say, I like how the game makes me feel :) I like the music. I like the vibe. I like the immersion from city to city, and I like the premise! I like the characters and I like the connections you make with these characters! As im replaying this game, i am most excited to see Akira and his comments about the world :) i like hearing everyones voices, I like their little interactions in Mementos, and I like seeing them fight!
P5 is the first game I played in the series; its the game that introduced me to SMT in the first place! And it (smt) is a series that my longtime best friend LOVES and never thought hed be able to share with me! It is a game i keep very near to my heart; it has influenced me in ways i did not think would happen in the short couple of years since i first finished it. It genuinely keeps me awake some nights thinking about the world this game has created, and I think that is a testament to the impact its had, be it good or bad.
The joke about wishing theyd make a persona game that was Good is that despite all of its numerous flaws, the games manage to snatch your attention and pull you in anyway. Imagine if they made a game that had all of those things that i mentioned I loved, but done Right and executed Properly?? Where I got to have a story that made sense and didnt need to be spoonfed to me (in like an HOUR of dialogue and scenes; an HOUR!), and characters that talked and bonded beyond the tiny snippets of interaction theyre allowed to have in mementos? Combat that let me use PERSONAS i liked instead of BUILDS that stop me from getting instakilled throughout the entirety of the endgame, and a Persona building mechanic that didnt feel like I was shooting in the dark looking for possible fusions that end up not even being useful in the endgame.
Ive mentioned it before, but I complain so much bc I have seen what a good p5 game looks like, and its Strikers almost to a T. Combat is still your typical warriors-esque style combat, but it is at least different from the turn based strategy of the main game. Characters talk to each other freely, they hang out and comfort each other in a way that feels more connected that the base game. Strikers implements the ability to see ALL possible fusions with ALL registered personas, not just the ones in your Stock, so you can fuse easily without having yo consult a guide. The story feels like it makes SENSE with antagonists that feel morally grey and sympathetic. Genuinely, alot of the complaints for p5 I had were almost immediately rectified in this game.
But please also know that the praises I sing for this game is only bc of the groundwork laid by p5 and the world it created. Thats what I like about this game, that it had such a captivating premise and cast of characters, that a DIFFERENT company was able to hit the ground running with them. P5 had alot happening in that game, but i think what it had most was potential. The effort put into this game is astronomical, and the possible connections you can outright MISS if u arent paying attention was worth the money and time to implement; even if it meant that it could be considered a waste of resources to higher ups.
Books and games and part time jobs???!! Silly little cutscenes that add nothing to the game PLOTwise, but define and flesh out the personality of your protagonist. There was alot of love put into this game, and its evident by the fact that we have NOT seen a new persona game released; they bank on existing titles bc they are unwilling to make a game like this from scratch again. They dont want to ‘waste’ resources on good voice acting and a complex, overarching story; they dont want to waste money on scenes a player may never see, on routes a player may never get to experience. Making a game that gives u even the slightest bit of freedom means more money in programming and detailing that freedom. This has been an issue for a WHILE, and its a miracle that the gaming landscape had space for a colossal title like p5!
I complain bc I want better, and I do not think that is inherently at odds with my love of this game. In b4 im told to get good; ive played on hard and tested out merciless (its NOT fun, im making godbuilds again and its boring 😞). Its not the most accessible turnbased rpg; theres no colorblind modes, and the affinity system is convoluted and overwhelming. Combo moves are hard to keep track of and it can be incredibly frustrating to see your turns being skipped or seeing characters take extreme technical damage without understanding WHY it happened. The fact that they KNEW the game was desperate for qol improvements by the time royal came out, and instead of updating the base game to have those improvements too, they just pushed the royal edition out for people to play instead. It sucks! Customers and fans deserve better than being forced to shell out money for a game they already played !
As the gaming climate gets more and more hostile and unbearable, I think it is good to look at your games critically, and understand why products come out subpar. Persona 5 is a fun game that has a nice cast and an interesting premise, but it is ultimately tied down by its refusal to build on existing building blocks regarding its combat, and it insists on having insulting and downright out of character dialogue and scenes to appease the audience its designed to be targeted to. It is easy to forget sometimes that queer ppl are infact NOT the prime target of these games, its cishet gamer bros from aged 16 to 40 who will laugh at homophobic comments, who drool over a 16 yr old girl with a 16 yr old mindset and a grown womans body, who need to be placated with constant sexual comments to deal with a convoluted story that will inevitably make zero sense until its laid out for you before the literal end of the game.
Its bad. Its good. Its so shallow and its unbelievable that they thought having the plot twist make ZERO sense until they showed CUTSCENES of YOUR character discussing Goro and his connections to the metaverse for endgame SHOCK VALUE was more important than just having your team be smart and piece it together over time. Its shit. Its literally amazing. It let you FUCK your teacher ??????????????what the FUCK. They also let me shoot a god in the face w the best looking ult persona in the world so i can ignore that shit. And ultimately that is how i got through the game. Lol.
#chattin#answered#i have mentioned it before but i did NOT romance anyone#u know why? bc i literally didnt know it existed#i maxed out ann and the game was like ‘hey. this next decision is important’#and i was like. huh. u know what. i have not looked up a guide until now. thats scary. i dont want to lose a confidant…#and learned that.#so uh. i really DID go through the game bot realizing i could date anyone. even the adults.#anyway. this was alot. and i tried to keep out alot of my other complaints#bc i have so many. but they are like. either nitpicky things or things that are issues in lots of games too#like the models suck in this game but i can look past that. graphics are always bottom on the list of complaints#and i do like the little animations!! i like akiras little tics#and i like seeing personas do their casting animations; shiki ouji and nekomata are my faves#i distinctly remember that being a thing i wished to see more of.#bc i liked thinking of what joker would look like fighting for Real#and then i remembered him being in smash so i was like COOL. ill look at those#and then i got STRIKERS and it was exactly what I wanted#i think#the game is like.#its bad. but in ways that i wouldnt call another game bad#like back 4 blood is BAD bad. its awful. the gameplay is bad. the story was shit. and the servers shut down within a year or two of launch#risk of rain 2 is bad in the way that it continuously obscures and withholds information to the player. its tedious and frustrating#but unlike b4b i LIKE ror2 and will continue to enjoy it.#bc the gameplay loop FEELS satisfying#and ultimately thats how i feel about p5#for all of its faults; its fun. it has a gameplay loop that is consistent and fun when u get the hang of it#im playing on hard again since merciless is just me making the right instakill builds while i pick up my team over and over again#and theres still a challenge in having the endgame weapons and armor#its satisfying! and i think its satisfying bc I was given the luck of having this be my introduction into the series#maybe i would have a better opinion on the game if i came from p4. or maybe not! who knows !
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fishbloc · 30 days
Regarding how long it would be stocked for, how much time do we have?
exactly 1 month from april 20th! then pre-orders will close and ill get the book printed then shipped and so on
i miiiiight do multiple rounds of pre-orders but it'll highly depend on how well the first round does!!
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eyeballsoup7310 · 8 months
Gonna say it now before I forget I’m quite happy Cici is Otto’s sister and not like his ex or something. Like don’t get me wrong I’m sure if my hypothetical partner randomly disappeared into a nightmare world I’d probably be pretty pissed but if the ferryman took a member of my FAMILY? I would hunt that man down to the ends of the earth and into the nonexistent. Sorry Noone but I’m gonna need you to tell me how to get into your little dream land cuz I have someone I need to punch in the face
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thirddoctor · 5 months
I actually don't see the lifespan thing as a huge issue though. Sure, it means their time together will be limited from the Doctor's perspective, but that's also the case with every other relationship they have with humans? As a Time Lord surrounded by shorter lived species, it's just a fact that they will outlive almost everyone they love. idk why it would be more of an issue here than with their friendships or surrogate family relationships?
Also it's a bit weird to me that people act like only, say, Romana or maybe River could be the Doctor's equal because plenty of the other companions are 1. adults 2. perfectly capable of holding their own against the Doctor.
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rhysie · 2 months
a hard pill to swallow ... rhys not telling feyre during her pregnancy is not as ooc as u think it is
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meri-meri-mwah · 10 months
Out of any serious moment in Devil May Cry, the "He's your father!" is my favorite. First of all, the voice acting here is CHEF KISS!! I love how you can feel the tension rising as Nero and Dante both raised their voice at each other. But I also wanted to point out...
WAS DANTE PLANNING ON KILLING VERGIL WITHOUT TELLING NERO THAT VERGIL IS HIS FATHER? Because if so then... that'd be such a dick move from Dante. Actually, the fact that Dante had the AUDACITY to tell Nero that none of this concerns him like...
Anyway, Nero should've beat Dante's ass right on the spot cause a bitch slap isn't enough for this foolery. <3
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
Living in an abusive family means constantly navigating an information warfare situation. These people will not share a shred of information unless it's beneficial to them, and will not communicate even the basic bits of information, to anyone.
Information is withheld and twisted at will. You can never know whether something you've been told has been embellished, changed, made up, or completely fake. You cannot tell whether two people behind your back have decided to give you this modified and manipulative info because they wanted something from you. You cannot tell whether someone is telling you something because it's the truth, or because they can benefit from it.
There is a mountain of information that is just withheld from you because people think it's 'better if you' don't know', or sometimes even just because it's 'bothersome to tell you' or they don't think you deserve the information. It can be as simple as, where a certain family member is, when is some event taking place, who is sick with what, who is working where, who is coming over, what has been gain or won or procured, what's for dinner, who is buying or giving something. It can even be withheld from you just to make you look stupid and embarrass you in front of others for not knowing. It can be withheld so you would be accused of 'not caring enough to ask'.
You end up playing the information war as well, because you have to conceal some of your interests, movement and actions just to protect yourself against further abuse, and to protect your privacy. You know what would be done with your private information in such environment. You sometimes have to keep completely normal things secret because your family is insane about normal things and don't think you should have any. Anything that can be used against you has to be withheld, and they know it, and will fight to pull it out from you, either by the pretense of care, or by withholding resources and threatening you to gain the information.
Living with people who use communication as a method of gaining power is stressful and the opposite of a safe and nurturing environment. If simple information about each of your family member is continuously concealed and hidden and only revealed when it can be used as an advantage, you're constantly in a situation where you know only 5% of what's going on, and the rest is waiting to be used against you. Or hidden so you would be easier to guilt and trap in lack of knowledge. Your family could be hiding resources, money, advantages and privileges they have, and making you feel guilty for being a burden on them. They could be hiding just how much money they make to make you live in poverty. They could be hiding any kind of illegal activity, affairs, crimes and secret life they have and guilt you for wanting the tiniest semblance of your own privacy. And you wouldn't even know who you're talking to because they have it easier if you don't know who you are.
The worst is they will act like you should have known the entire time, and it's you who is stupid for not having the information that is purposely withheld from you. They can make you feel stupid for their own concealment of the truth from you.
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shesnake · 2 years
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“Doctor, if I told you the truth, your hearts would break.”
8.12 // 12.02
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p5x-theories · 3 months
Saw this on twitter https://x.com/_mochacof/status/1748024383401058438?s=61
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Oh yes, I found those portraits and was going to put them together once I'm done going through the files! He has a 3D model as well.
He's very interesting to me, because as the tweet points out, his 3D model files are named with the same naming scheme as thieves (story and Idol both): wuhexi_uniform, which implies the existence of a counterpart wuhexi_thief either in this beta or in the future.
I only slightly hesitate in calling him a future thief because "wuhexi" doesn't sound like a codename, as opposed to just a Chinese name like most character files are named with? Though I suppose "Bui" didn't really sound like a codename either, heh.
All that to say it's extremely suspicious and he's absolutely on my radar right now. So far every known thief has followed that file naming scheme in all betas, and I haven't seen anyone else with their files named like that, so I don't even know why I'm bothering to doubt it, heh.
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I don’t share your skepticism. I feel that considering how secretive some gov’ts can be irl that it’s not completely out of the question that they could have built something like Space Colony ARK or that Gerald had knowledge of beings like Sonic to create Shadow or whatever and no one else knew. Honestly I blame CinemaSins for this way of thinking. I feel like just because the story takes place on Earth in the United States rather than on Sonic’s world and the United Federation or whatever the heck it was doesn’t mean it has to be 100% grounded in reality.
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Agree to disagree then.
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Lloyd: have you ever kissed another man, uncle?
Wu: well of course
*He then failed to elaborate*
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