#and then i remembered him being in smash so i was like COOL. ill look at those
samarecharm · 19 days
geniunely not trying to put words in ur mouth im geniunely asking: what do you actually like about persona 5? from all ur rants im just wondering why you didnt drop the game bc it seems (again, im not trying to put words in ur mouth) that it simply not for you? i geniunely have not felt any of the issues you bring up outside of the writing ones and i cannot tell if i'm just easily pleased and not good at discerning what a good game is or we simply have dif things we enjoy in a video game. i hate getting tone across text but im asking out of geniune curiosity im not trying to attack your opinion (;-;)
Nah, i dont feel like ur attacking me, and I hope u dont feel the same when u see my complaints! Lmao. In my defense, I am replaying the game for the first time after completing my first file back in 2020, so alot of the faults i kinda shrugged off in my first playthrough are now glaringly in my face now that I no longer have the confusion and interest in learning the main story to keep me occupied. The game is clunky all the way through, and at some times, even frustratingly so.
But despite that, i do like this game. Alot! Its probably one of my top games ever if im being honest!
This ended up way longer than I intended, so im putting it under a readmore to keep the post short on dashboards
If i had to describe what I liked about the game in the simplest way imaginable…I think I would say, I like how the game makes me feel :) I like the music. I like the vibe. I like the immersion from city to city, and I like the premise! I like the characters and I like the connections you make with these characters! As im replaying this game, i am most excited to see Akira and his comments about the world :) i like hearing everyones voices, I like their little interactions in Mementos, and I like seeing them fight!
P5 is the first game I played in the series; its the game that introduced me to SMT in the first place! And it (smt) is a series that my longtime best friend LOVES and never thought hed be able to share with me! It is a game i keep very near to my heart; it has influenced me in ways i did not think would happen in the short couple of years since i first finished it. It genuinely keeps me awake some nights thinking about the world this game has created, and I think that is a testament to the impact its had, be it good or bad.
The joke about wishing theyd make a persona game that was Good is that despite all of its numerous flaws, the games manage to snatch your attention and pull you in anyway. Imagine if they made a game that had all of those things that i mentioned I loved, but done Right and executed Properly?? Where I got to have a story that made sense and didnt need to be spoonfed to me (in like an HOUR of dialogue and scenes; an HOUR!), and characters that talked and bonded beyond the tiny snippets of interaction theyre allowed to have in mementos? Combat that let me use PERSONAS i liked instead of BUILDS that stop me from getting instakilled throughout the entirety of the endgame, and a Persona building mechanic that didnt feel like I was shooting in the dark looking for possible fusions that end up not even being useful in the endgame.
Ive mentioned it before, but I complain so much bc I have seen what a good p5 game looks like, and its Strikers almost to a T. Combat is still your typical warriors-esque style combat, but it is at least different from the turn based strategy of the main game. Characters talk to each other freely, they hang out and comfort each other in a way that feels more connected that the base game. Strikers implements the ability to see ALL possible fusions with ALL registered personas, not just the ones in your Stock, so you can fuse easily without having yo consult a guide. The story feels like it makes SENSE with antagonists that feel morally grey and sympathetic. Genuinely, alot of the complaints for p5 I had were almost immediately rectified in this game.
But please also know that the praises I sing for this game is only bc of the groundwork laid by p5 and the world it created. Thats what I like about this game, that it had such a captivating premise and cast of characters, that a DIFFERENT company was able to hit the ground running with them. P5 had alot happening in that game, but i think what it had most was potential. The effort put into this game is astronomical, and the possible connections you can outright MISS if u arent paying attention was worth the money and time to implement; even if it meant that it could be considered a waste of resources to higher ups.
Books and games and part time jobs???!! Silly little cutscenes that add nothing to the game PLOTwise, but define and flesh out the personality of your protagonist. There was alot of love put into this game, and its evident by the fact that we have NOT seen a new persona game released; they bank on existing titles bc they are unwilling to make a game like this from scratch again. They dont want to ‘waste’ resources on good voice acting and a complex, overarching story; they dont want to waste money on scenes a player may never see, on routes a player may never get to experience. Making a game that gives u even the slightest bit of freedom means more money in programming and detailing that freedom. This has been an issue for a WHILE, and its a miracle that the gaming landscape had space for a colossal title like p5!
I complain bc I want better, and I do not think that is inherently at odds with my love of this game. In b4 im told to get good; ive played on hard and tested out merciless (its NOT fun, im making godbuilds again and its boring 😞). Its not the most accessible turnbased rpg; theres no colorblind modes, and the affinity system is convoluted and overwhelming. Combo moves are hard to keep track of and it can be incredibly frustrating to see your turns being skipped or seeing characters take extreme technical damage without understanding WHY it happened. The fact that they KNEW the game was desperate for qol improvements by the time royal came out, and instead of updating the base game to have those improvements too, they just pushed the royal edition out for people to play instead. It sucks! Customers and fans deserve better than being forced to shell out money for a game they already played !
As the gaming climate gets more and more hostile and unbearable, I think it is good to look at your games critically, and understand why products come out subpar. Persona 5 is a fun game that has a nice cast and an interesting premise, but it is ultimately tied down by its refusal to build on existing building blocks regarding its combat, and it insists on having insulting and downright out of character dialogue and scenes to appease the audience its designed to be targeted to. It is easy to forget sometimes that queer ppl are infact NOT the prime target of these games, its cishet gamer bros from aged 16 to 40 who will laugh at homophobic comments, who drool over a 16 yr old girl with a 16 yr old mindset and a grown womans body, who need to be placated with constant sexual comments to deal with a convoluted story that will inevitably make zero sense until its laid out for you before the literal end of the game.
Its bad. Its good. Its so shallow and its unbelievable that they thought having the plot twist make ZERO sense until they showed CUTSCENES of YOUR character discussing Goro and his connections to the metaverse for endgame SHOCK VALUE was more important than just having your team be smart and piece it together over time. Its shit. Its literally amazing. It let you FUCK your teacher ??????????????what the FUCK. They also let me shoot a god in the face w the best looking ult persona in the world so i can ignore that shit. And ultimately that is how i got through the game. Lol.
#chattin#answered#i have mentioned it before but i did NOT romance anyone#u know why? bc i literally didnt know it existed#i maxed out ann and the game was like ‘hey. this next decision is important’#and i was like. huh. u know what. i have not looked up a guide until now. thats scary. i dont want to lose a confidant…#and learned that.#so uh. i really DID go through the game bot realizing i could date anyone. even the adults.#anyway. this was alot. and i tried to keep out alot of my other complaints#bc i have so many. but they are like. either nitpicky things or things that are issues in lots of games too#like the models suck in this game but i can look past that. graphics are always bottom on the list of complaints#and i do like the little animations!! i like akiras little tics#and i like seeing personas do their casting animations; shiki ouji and nekomata are my faves#i distinctly remember that being a thing i wished to see more of.#bc i liked thinking of what joker would look like fighting for Real#and then i remembered him being in smash so i was like COOL. ill look at those#and then i got STRIKERS and it was exactly what I wanted#i think#the game is like.#its bad. but in ways that i wouldnt call another game bad#like back 4 blood is BAD bad. its awful. the gameplay is bad. the story was shit. and the servers shut down within a year or two of launch#risk of rain 2 is bad in the way that it continuously obscures and withholds information to the player. its tedious and frustrating#but unlike b4b i LIKE ror2 and will continue to enjoy it.#bc the gameplay loop FEELS satisfying#and ultimately thats how i feel about p5#for all of its faults; its fun. it has a gameplay loop that is consistent and fun when u get the hang of it#im playing on hard again since merciless is just me making the right instakill builds while i pick up my team over and over again#and theres still a challenge in having the endgame weapons and armor#its satisfying! and i think its satisfying bc I was given the luck of having this be my introduction into the series#maybe i would have a better opinion on the game if i came from p4. or maybe not! who knows !
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jaxieus · 10 months
ive written this three times but tumblr keeps messing up and undoing all the writing i did :'(
but i wont let it discourage me! ive got a lot to say about the art i made even though its messy sketches on mspain(t) XD
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i had been feeling burnt out and decided to draw comfort characters ( some that ive not drawn in a long time or have acknowledged but never drew before) and the carebears is a franchise thats been with me for so long i made a whole painting for class about it!
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i made a list and with utter shock i realized that i basically bacame my owm worts enemy! the list grew so much (and is still growing :')) and i only drew a few characters so far
i know ill render these soon but the others will take a while
(but im really concerned about how im gonna tag this without being obnoxious 🥲)
i have like alot to say about these characters i drew because they mean so much to me and i never really could delve into them at school.
theres more i want to say and its under the cut! :D
so this is gonna get a lil personal but hopefully not too much to the point its boring ,:)
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the first character i want to talk about is Ursula. i remember when i was younger being increadibly infatuated with her. i would draw her whenever i could. on chalkboards, the wall, i made paper cut-out of her and digitally drew her on ms paint! she was the first character that a had a desire to be close to in a way. a character albeit evil felt comforting and till this day make me tear up from how beautiful her design is! Ursula was the first female character i felt a strong aesthetic attraction to. (im just kinda a sucker for powerful women)
so i made sure to stay true to her design by keeping her body type and tentacles. basically just switching her hands and head to the carebears design (im still deciding whether or not to keep her hair)
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second has to be Rosalina. she really made me accept and realize that i did have an attraction to the same sex ':) i loved playing as her in smash bros, listening/watching her story in galaxy. i never really 'got' the whole thing but reflecting and growing as a person did make me realize that not just fictional men look great but women too!
her design is based on the carebear cousins because the main thing was the mane! you dont really see a bear with a long loc covering its eye so having her different from the others i think gives good variety
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third King Candy. oka y i recently feel back inlove with him! mostly because of @/ blackthewolf17's drawings of him!! and that made me rewatch the movie and wow! i remember liking his character a while back but i never really appreciated his as a villain! watching the movie and seeing the art made me remember the discussions i had with my fam about liking him and them not really understanding. (its kinda a running theme with a lot of the characters i like)
i wanted the characters the pop out and look recognizable. i kept the crown and collar. his belly badge is a paper covering his original badge! this one shows the crown and a few bits of candy. (leaning into the fact that he doesnt belong)
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next is NME SalesGuy for Four. (such a clever name) this dude is literally a character that i was shocked by his stature! i mean what did i expect? falling for a dude that exudes tall energy but is literally a short king! this dude was there during some cool family times while watching right back at ya!
while looking for references, i found i cb comic and i loved how their legs looked. it wasnt bent like the originals on the cards and i thought they looked really goofy! so i went with that with the design becasue he just doesnt really fit with everyone elses stlye
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fifth Rick Sanchez. man, this old man. has been with me through a lot. i saw a poster if the show before it premiered and two years after, i watched it and ive obsessed over him so much i made people watch Rick and Morty so i could talk with them about it. R&M really got me back onto tumblr because it was my entire personality since the show was at its peak and after. (old men tsk tsk) i made OCs Self inserts and played the mobile game. i literally memorized episodes to recite as i went to sleep. and analyzed frames of my fave episode to get better at animation!
i gave Rick clothes because i wanted him to have some flair. iconic elements of him is his tousled hair, coat and alcohol. (hes drinking 'happy juice')
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Sixth is Coach Brunt. a girlboss of a villain! she took care of and orphan and made her feel like she was her own! shes determined, strong, fierce, fit, has a great voice, money, and kind. what more could a girl ask for?? this was another character that i had seen while watching CS with the fam. (still havent completed it tho)
i did break the rule and give her a tuft of hair also ':/ but i like her BB i gave her.
its a paw punching a heart (maybe too violent)
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Seventh is Johan liebert. i really loved this dude. the series just made me think more about human nature and nurture. i met some cool people becasue of this dude. Johan in a way made me cope with the problems that happened in my life. he really was the character that i also found out i was ace+aro. i just loved drawing him. filling pages of my sketchbook and centering english papers based around him and the lessons i learned from seeing the bad in his character and how people might turnout to be similar and how it can be a problem. (idk if it made sense, but i learned to appreciate humanity more and not be so headstrong and become blinded by my views. but also learning that its good for people to know whats coming for the people that wronged you)
Johans BB is painted on white, so you wouldnt be able to see what he is all about :)
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theres is so much already but eighth is Senpai. this Fker is my worst enemy, just like all the characters i drew soo much of this guy that i thought i was gonna go crazy, there was a pang in my chest when the drawings looked like trash. he was the character that made me want to get better at art and engage more with people. i made a fnf OC to be this dudes father. (it was some of the most wholesome thing i ever drew)
Senpai has a more basic design. he also has his identifying elements like the backpack and mic
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ninth is Saul. my bbg. it started with the character but sadlt turned into a full obsession over Bob Odenkirk and finding all of his shows and movies that he directed of acted in. thankfully im not deep into it anymore. but when i regularly used instagram, you could see the decent into madness for him. i made animations and really detailed fanart. if Sen got me to draw my fave better, Bob made me attempt to perfect it.
his design sadly is my weakest. i wanted to add some fake hair on him. but im sure you can see that i got lazy. a few weeks ago i made versions of the BRBA&BCS cast as Geronimo Stilton characters and (sad excusee) but i didnt want to put more into the design because i became drained from looking at the growing list D;<
his BB is based on themis :)
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tenth is Big Jack Horner. i love this man. i ironically said "he was the hottest character in the movie" on my third watch and man i actually believed it on the way out of the theatre. i wanted to see if anyone liked him like i did and to my surprise people did! this dude has such a great bod, voice, attitude and like many of the characters i like i ask, "is there any proof of death? i dont think so".
i havent drawn him in months and i dont like that i havents so he was the first bear i drew. his BB is a pie but i think ill add his insignia or have him draw on it like Oopsie bear to fit his situation.
like maybe something silly like a frowning face on his BB
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im going to put eleven and twelve together because both play a similar role. my two men of science. ive only recently started to like Medic and Scudworth. these two bring such a great jot to me just like all to kooky men i like as well.
sadly, they both look the same, the only thing differentiating them is the glasses. i love their voices and design.
i ahve yet to give Scudsy his own BB tho.
last thing i want to say is why i chose carebears as the main style.
the franchise has been with me since i can even remember or at least before i could comprehend what it was. i remember seeining either oopsie or good luck bear plush at a carnival and i really wanted it but it was closing and i mean it was probably bigger than me so i couldnt get it and it became an obsession of mine! i loved green and a already had a few at home whats one more? so i tried to drop hints at my mom. well as good as a 5-7 yr old could do with drawings.
theres a lot more to say but i might go one for so long it wont fit here!
this was very long and if you read it thank you very much! im glad i got to comfortably speak my mind (well write it) in my own way that did have structure but felt more personal and less embarrassing that my english teacher asking me to write something about myself and my life. or my Art teacher saying i have the freedom to create something but then talk about it with in a time span because im not the only one that has something good to say about their art.
im not sure if all of it was understandable and might've been really unnecessary but im glad either way.
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des8pudels8kern · 4 months
omg so tell me more about this dark!Jack AU 👀👀
Okay, firstly, it's been 13 years; I hardly remember anything but Jack being very.... troubled.
Secondly, I know it's been 13 years because I found an old file titled dark!Jack fic. So. Beware of violent fantasies and enjoy?
Any moment now that insufferably little man would turn to him again, Jack was sure of it. The sharp elbow would burrow into his side, and the ugly creature would hiss at him.
He clenched his teeth to not open his mouth at his neighbour pre-emptively and aim at him the full range of a voice that could make a command be heard on deck over the bellowing of a storm; he wanted to yell and scream with the wrath of the wronged.
Granted, some odd civilian who, by happenstance, found himself seated next to a to him unfamiliar lieutenant would have had no hand in the secretary's brother snatching that French privateer up from right under his nose, but that had been supposed to be his command, his advancement, the reward for his many years of service, and yet it had been taken from him, he had been deliberately passed over, again. It had been Harte's doing, surely, that backhanded, jealous coward had it in for him and blocked his path with poor-spirited abuses of his position whenever he could.
And now, at this concerto that was to be one of his few reprieves while stuck on land and without prospect of a command, there sat this man, smaller yet than Harte and likely just as dull and maliciously rigid, and had handed him a blow!
No more. No, this, finally, Jack had not to take and smile through gritted teeth about. He wanted to smash the pale, arrogant face in, wanted to take his chair and beat the man right off his seat and onto the ground, laying into him until the blood ran down his skin, dark red and hot, he wanted to drive that cold smugness out of his cruel pale eyes until they reflected the shock of having the world turn on him, until they shone bright with tears and pain and the unfairness boiling within Jack himself. He wanted to show to everyone that you did not walk all over Jack Aubrey, that he would not sit idly and shyly when dealt such an affront, would not swallow down these insults but strike back blow by blow, and that he packed a punch more deserving of respect than any weak, pinched pencilpusher.
He clenched his fists until even his short sailors' nails, not pampered and long as those of a man not used to manual labour, dug painfully into his palms, blood slowly oozing from the halfmoon cuts. He focussed on that pain to control his rage and maintain his composure. It would not do to lose it during the concert and offend Molly Harte, and with her all of Mahon and half of Gibraltar watching; no, this was not a place for satisfaction but for exchanging civilities.
The performance was nearing its end though, polite clapping filling the air instead of melancholic music, and, once he had paid his compliments, satisfaction could be obtained for this last slight at least, out of sight, and bolstering him for the next blows to come he'd have to keep silent to and stomach without being able to respond in kind.
'My name is Aubrey, sir: I am staying at the Crown.'
He once again did not get the satisfaction he so wanted.
With a blank utterance of his own name, the man in the black coat brushed him off and brushed past him, disappearing. Not a hint of repentance even in his eyes (not that Jack would have wanted to content with an apology not even spoken out loud), but instead he arrogantly, haughtily seemed to look down at Jack despite their difference in height, cool where Jack himself was barely holding onto his composure.
The nerve of the man, the, the, shyness! To pretend not to have noticed, not to have meant offence! The dog had run like a dirty mongrel afraid of a beating. Hah, and wasn't that just what had happened, the man indeed ill-looking and dirty like a street tyke, and running from the impending set-to with his tail between his legs.
With the realisation that the man's retreat had been in itself an acknowledgement that he did not see himself on par with Jack slightly cooling his bruised feelings, Jack turned his step towards the Crown, where he had his lodgings, and in Mercedes the most delicious serving girl, who would surely take his mind of matters.
He had all but forgotten about the man in the black coat when he saw him again in front of Joselito's. How long ago last night seemed, now that he had been made!
And oh, how miserable he had behaved, surely the poor fellow had intended no harm; a civilian, possibly of foreign descent, didn't know the ways of the Navy, had only wanted to enjoy some music, a mere nudge, no offence meant, probably did not want to raise his voice during the piece to not disturb the quartetto, clearly a man of taste and manners, and here Jack had almost decked him in front of Molly's whole party! Had he yesterday been upset at his wit having abandoned him he now thought it a lucky coincidence, for as he stood in the street with the epaulette heavy on his shoulder and fixed his eyes on the other man he seemed, in contrast to Jack's proud and jubilant state, even slighter than before, and strangely at a loss when Jack himself was all but bursting with joyful energy and wanted nothing more than to share it with the world.
'Mr – Mr Maturin!'
Soon they sat at Joselito's, sharing a pot of hot chocolate - furiously whipped, hah, what a peculiar turn of words for something as innocent as hot chocolate - with cream. His companion turned out to be a regular at the place, and quite an odd fellow, speaking the local Spanish as easy as kiss my hand and a pleasant companion to talk music with, but with no knowledge of something as elementary as the weather. Indeed, Maturin seemed to be a strangely unworldly creature, making an offhand comment about finding himself in a less than favourable financial situation but not particularly concerned with it, and looking at the man Jack would not put it past him to forget to eat.
So Jack found his opinion of Maturin wholly changed, the man strange but entertaining and a decent conversationalist, if somewhat uninvolved. Too soon the hour struck and Jack had was reminded that he had business to attend to – making calls; mostly a waste of time, but not to be avoided or put off any further. Feeling generous and by now a bit fond of Maturin, Jack asked him to join him for dinner, in the midst of accepting which Maturin all but ran off in pursuit of a bird of all things. He's an odd bird himself, thought Jack as he left his new friend.
The afternoon found Jack in high spirits again, having once again been used most horridly by Harte, who had malevolently delayed Jack's commission and let Allen sail in Pallas, taking most of his men with him and leaving the Sophie sadly short in hands, but recovered somewhat after meeting Molly, having Williams, his prize-agent, promise to procure an able seaman in exchange for Jack taking his wife's cousin, an earnest youngster, on as his clerk, and then learning from Baldick, Allen's first lieutenant who was laid up in hospital here in Mahon, that Sophie had not indeed been stripped bare but retained most of her crew, lacking first and foremost a surgeon.
The Sophie herself made his heart swell.
She was shipshape. No plum, not that French privateer that would have been his, both her and her crew giving of an air of not age but old-fashionedness, but she was well-kept, all trim lines and smooth curves, with a capable crew and master.
And she was his.
Soon he would be back at sea, where he had lived since the age of twelve, in charge of the sloop and every single soul on her, his commission, his cabin, his crew, his ship, sea and wind and war - prize, duty, everything he had worked for . Away from land, from admiralty and politics, bureaucracy, favouritism and society. Back at sea, where he would be in command and in control.
The loneliness of command would be a small price to pay.
Dinner, Jack felt as he filled their glasses with wine again, was a most splendid thing.
He had at first been cross that they had not been served the dishes he'd ordered, when he had so carefully ordered in Spanish, but he did not need to know their names to enjoy the meal, and smiled fondly at Maturin as he urged him to have some more of the mutton. 
Despite his odd looks his new friend proved to be entertaining company indeed, even more so after the taste of solitude Jack had felt earlier.  As he had suspected, Maturin was somewhat of a learned man, told Jack that there were two Spanish languages, knew them both, could compare Italian and Portuguese, knew in fact the Latin and Spanish (both of them) names of every dish, and knew all that without any air of affectedness, endearingly unassuming. Jack found himself more and more interested in Maturin, and, thankfully satisfying his curiosity, Maturin volunteered that he had grown up in the area, had indeed all but been a local during his youth – probably thinking his knowledge of the Spanish as natural as Jack his of life at sea -, attended university in Ireland in all places, had an interest in every plant and bird and bug that lived, and returned to Minorca for the sake of studying them.
And he was a doctor. Not even a mere surgeon even, but a physician (he seemed particular about that distinction, and Jack knew to respect a rank well-earned). And Sophie lacking a surgeon.
'I think I should have had you run aboard and kept under hatches till we were at sea. My poor Sophie has no surgeon and there is no likelihood of finding her one. Come, sir, cannot I prevail upon you to go to sea?'
To have both a surgeon and a companion on board, as close to an equal as one could get on a man-of-war, someone to not only follow his cues but offer conversation, music, to distract Jack from the burden of command, to spend long nights with sharing meals and each other's company. On Sophie with Jack would be the very place for Maturin to be, would it not? At the very least he would see more of his birds, and there was always the possibility of prize-money.
And much to Jack's delight the man's greatest reserve was the question of his qualification! He did his utmost to reassure the doctor that he would be more than competent enough, and not much ceremony was needed at all. When Maturin confessed that circumstances had left him in need of immediate employment and Jack's offer very much tempted him, Jack, not wanting to take advantage of someone he came to consider a friend, but unable to refrain from grasping at this opportunity, persuaded him to come aboard the next day.
He had decided to take Stephen Maturin to Cagliari with him. It would be just the thing for both of them.
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godstaff · 7 months
Still one of my favorite panels
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Truth be told, Batso is a pathetic character. I don't know how his colleagues can fear him and allow him to lead them, most of them knowing his history of trauma and mental instability.
It really helps the bat has the whole DC Comics company is blatantly rooting for him, against all the other heroes, many far more deserving of praise than him.
This remainds me of another Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, who dared to confront Batso's self appointed authority, and challenge him to an open fight. Guy went so far as to remove his only advantage, his power ring to make the fight a fair one, forgetting there's no fair fight with a man trained in a gazillion martial arts, being a simple bar brawler. Even so, he acted as a gentleman.
That gesture notwithstanding, writers and stupid fans celebrated the bat's victory with only one punch, as it was a great accomplishment for a man like him, against an ill advised, though well intentioned, hothead. The point is Batso is always right, even if he's not. Writers do this because they have orders from above.
My question is: why do readers allow it? They even applauded it as one more of the signs of coolness of their hero.
No offense, batso-fanboys, but I have zero respect for you. You made this possible with your money and unyielding support without discerning where are the limits. It seems to me you have zero respect for yourselves, as well.
The rest of the of Justice League are enablers, because the order from the directorate of DC is: everyone must be the "yes men" to the bat.
Yes, Superman being, by Sovereign Decree, the worst enabler of them all. It figures, because he's used to be under the ruling of another unworthy human, Lois Lane.
Just two more things:
1) You may remember in the first New 52 animation, called "War" Batso makes constant disrespectful remarks about GL Jordan, a respected member of an inter galactic cop squadron called the GL Corps, being even capable to steal his ring from his hand. "You weren't concentrating" isn't an explanation. Since childhood, I've been told that ring has to chose you because you are worthy of the responsibility. Can only be removed after you die, whether you are looking or not. Or is it so easy to being taken off you finger when you are sleeping because "you weren't concentrating..."?
2) If Batso is so great...why didn't the ring chose him? Something is not so special about the bat.
In the implausible scenario he could've taken the trinket from Jordan's finger, the ring should've return instantly to its rightful bearer. It doesn't matter: it was possible because there's nothing impossible for Batso, to make him look cool, no matter the rules previously stablished by DC Comics for all the other heroes. They don't apply to Batso. He's soooo cool!
I also remember when Aquaman was about to smash Batso's face in, in the comic Throne of Athlantis. A pity: DC's heads didn't let it happen.
This is a lost battle because the owner company is in favor of their most valuable asset (Batso) and the fans are a bunch of knuckleheads (no offense...) without discern and a lot of self inserting issues of their own.
It's like trying to talk logic to your girlfriend or your wife: it just doesn't take. (Sorry, ladies. Again, no offense...).
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dykedragons · 1 year
yesterday was such a good day!!
im on break now and this is the first time ive had my college friends over for the first time :) im gonna talk about it here to help me remember everything!!
we met up to get crepes and i managed to hop on the same bus as one of my best friends to get there. we hung out and ate and chatted and then we walked over to this Dungeons and Dragons store that was a few blocks away. the temperature was comfortable so the snow was slushy and melting, a couple of us got a little splashed by cars passing by but it wasnt annoying enough to not be funny. i got a beautiful pair of dice for our DND games, they look like tigers eye and have golden letters. the store was really cool and bigger than i remember it being and im glad that i had the idea to go there.
we all went back to my house, played smash ultimate and mario kart, put on a movie, played jackbox, the whole shabang. we ordered a pizza and i made homemade cookies and everyone really liked them! i showed one of my friends Monster Hunter, and just as i hoped he actually found it really interesting and liked watching me play (a rarity from people lol). and omg i had my Session 0 with him too and he was awesome, its his first time as DM but he knocked it out of the park, i was so invested and he made it so atmospheric! im excited to draw my character now! i also got a little baked with one of my friends that were there and we were balling the cookie dough together and laughing about stupid shit, it was really funny.
everyone loved my dog and she got so much attention and was so good, i think she was happy to be around everyone too. my one of my other best friends gave me a little hand-weaved bracelet, and the texture is nice and it fits perfectly- not too loose and not too tight. the house was all nice and tidy and cleaning it wasnt bad at all. everyone got back home safe with no issues in spite of all the snow. everyone had a really good time!
i wasnt anxious at all and i never felt left out. we all socialized as one big group and our dynamic is so comfortable. we all like each other individually as well as as a unit. this is the first time ever where i feel like ive found people that i really belong with. they always make me feel calm and included. when theres misunderstandings, theyre no big deal and we talk about it openly. theyre all pretty physically affectionate which is something i value. i can be fully and truly myself and they love me for who i am!! ive only known them for 3 months but i really feel like we all met for good reason, and the friends that ive spoken to about that share the same sentiment.
im so grateful to have met such good people that i connect with :) especially after a whole 19 years of being judged and left behind. i think im really healing from that, and im realizing that i deserve better than the bare minimum, and that its possible for me to be genuinely cared about. im not as jealous as i once was, im not as sad, or as anxious. i dont even dwell on the anxiety of "one day theyll all leave me and ill be alone." im not worried about it! in a way, im grateful for what ive been through, because ive learned so much, i know where my boundaries are, i know was red flags and fake friends look like. i had a wide-open space in my heart with plenty of room to let these people in. i think its going to be okay :)
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writemekpop · 3 years
Sexual Healing | Lee Jeno
Pairing: Lee Jeno x Reader
Summary: Your mafia boyfriend Jeno is upset after a failed mission, and he takes his sexual frustrations out on you.
Genre: Mafia AU, angst angst so much angst
Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Sexual Content, Mentions of PTSD
Gif: @jenoltd
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Jeno turns to you in bed, eyes burning. “I should have saved her!” he cries. 
You stroke his hair, still half-asleep. “You're okay, baby,” you whisper. “It’s just a dream.”
Jeno’s naked chest rises and falls quickly. His forehead glistens with sweat. 
Ever since the… incident, your boyfriend Jeno hasn't been the same. 
It was a simple operation: sneak in at night, burn the CEO’s office down. Easy, for a trained mafia assassin like Jeno. 
By the time he realised the CEO’s 3-year-old daughter was inside that office, it was too late to save her life.
You press your lips against the base of Jeno’s throat. His eyes fall closed, as if he’s trying to shut out the memories. His pulse is skyrocketing - you can feel it hammering against your lips. 
“It’s just a nightmare,” you mumble into his skin. 
You feel Jeno tense. He springs out of bed, tense as a board. “It’s not just a fucking nightmare,” he spits. “It’s my fault she died. This… this is punishment!”
You sigh, nursing your bruised ego. You’ve been having this argument every night for a month. “You tried your best, babe... it's not your fault."
Jeno stares at you with dark, wild eyes. “What do you know? You're just a fucking hairdresser!" 
You wince. 
Jeno is shaking, trying to keep his anger in. You can see the faded burn mark on his hip that slips into his boxers – the reminder of his failure. 
You know Jeno doesn’t mean to lash out. It’s just his… illness. But his blows still hurt. 
Your voice is hoarse. “Come back to bed.” 
Jeno tugs his hair so hard you imagine it coming out in tufts. “No.” he says. “If I sleep… I’ll remember. She was just a toddler. She didn’t deserve to die.”
The same age as Zoya, you thought. But you didn’t say that out loud. 
Jeno hasn’t been able to look at his own daughter since that night. 
He’s been ignoring Zoya, and you too - staying out late, drinking. Your daughter is a reminder of that innocent little girl he left to die.
Jeno storms out onto the balcony of your bedroom. 
You jump out of bed and follow him outside. 
Goosebumps run up your exposed skin – from cold or from fear, you can’t tell. Don’t jump, please don’t jump. Your mouth is too dry for words.
Jeno is looking out at the night sky, fists clenched tight on the railing. 
 "It was fun at first… the money, the respect, the thrill of it all… But now… I can't fucking sleep!"
“Jeno, what you’re experiencing… isn’t right. I think you may have PTSD.”  
Jeno snaps his head to look at you, hurt written all over his face. “I’m not crazy,” he spits. 
“I know,” you squeeze his arm. “But I think you need to get some help.”
Jeno yanks you towards him. His dark eyes rake down your body. “No, you - you can help me forget!"
Jeno spins you round so that your back is pressed against the railing. 
He grabs your face and kisses you roughly. His hips dig into yours, just a little too hard for comfort. 
With his mouth pressed against yours, he tugs at the straps of your night dress.
The railing digs into your back, the cool metal stinging your exposed skin. 
You feel Jeno pushing every dark feeling through his lips and into yours. You turn your head to the side to escape his harsh kiss. Jeno latches onto your neck, sucking and biting your skin. 
You catch sight of the starless black sky, and your head starts to spin. 
His fingers grip your arms tight, locking you in place. His nails dig into your skin – harder and harder, till it begins to sting. 
“Jeno, stop it. You’re hurting me!”
You shove his chest off you, as hard as you can. 
The force of the push snaps Jeno out of the trance he was locked in. 
He looks at you - with your lips chapped, your neck bruised, and your night dress pulled down to your waist. 
His face contorts in anguish. “I’m… I’m sorry.”
He storms back inside the bedroom. He slams the balcony door so hard that the sound bounces off the glassy apartments of your housing complex.   
You pull the straps of your dress back onto your shoulders and follow him inside. 
Suddenly, a child's crying rings though the apartment.
“Great,” you snap. “You’ve woken Zoya up.”
You turn to Jeno, itching for a fight about who’s turn it is to tend to her, but when you see him, you’re shocked. 
He’s crouching on the ground, trembling. His head is hung low, and both of his hands are smashed against his ears. 
“Make her stop!” he whimpers. “The crying… it’s too much!”
Your mouth drops open at the sight of your boyfriend so broken. Of course -  Zoya's crying reminds him of the girl who died. 
You suck in a breath and run into your daughter’s bedroom. You don’t want to leave Jeno, but you have no choice. After all, Zoya is the most important. That’s what being a parent is.
It takes you an hour, but Zoya eventually settles back to sleep.  
You close her bedroom door gently. You’re scared to go back to the room you share with Jeno. Scared to see what you’ll find there. What if he hurts himself? What if he... hurts you? 
When you push open the bedroom door, you realise the situation is much, much worse than that. 
Jeno sitting on the bed, fully clothed, black DMs laced up tight. A packed suitcase next to him on the floor.
You gasp. 
You’ve stuck together through everything: your miscarriage, Jeno’s parents’ divorce, back when you were so in debt you had to crash together in the hairdressing salon… 
“What are you doing?” Your voice sounds alien. 
Jeno gulps. At least he has the decency to look guilty.
“I can’t be here, Y/n.” he whispers, eyes locked on the ground. “This apartment… Zoya… my job. It’s all too much.”  
You glare at him. “You can’t leave. Only a coward would leave!”
“You and Zoya deserve better than me. I’m not strong. I’m… I’m broken.”
You crouch in front of Jeno and lace your fingers with his. “I don’t need you to be strong… I need you to be here.”
Jeno closes his eyes. The tears fall silently down his cheeks. “If my father saw me like this… he’d be so disappointed. I can almost see him now: "Jeno, I expected better." I was never good enough, was I?”
You rack your brains for the words that will get him to stay. 
“R-remember that nice doctor from the support group… Doctor Singh? The one who had the nice office with the Japanese maple?”
Jeno nods once. 
“She- she specialises in… what you’re going through. And she’s not the type to ask any questions. We can make an appointment with her tomorrow. Jeno, she can help you get better. You have try – for me, for Zoya, for yourself.” 
Jeno pulls you up gently from the ground. You sit on the bed beside him. 
He rests his head on your shoulder. “You deserve better than me, Y/n. You deserve it all."
You squeeze his hand. “It’s going to be o-” 
You hesitate, the words getting caught in your throat.  
Jeno’s mouth curves up a little. “Go ahead,” he says. “Lie to me, Y/n. I’ll believe anything you say tonight.”
You pause. Your voice is low. “As long as we have each other, it’s going to be okay.”
Actually, you're not lying. You know it. And Jeno knows it too. 
Jeno leans down and wriggles out of his boots without undoing the laces. He crawls under the bed covers. You follow him in and place your head on his chest. 
Thank god, he’s staying. 
You close your eyes. And finally... breathe out. 
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E7 Reaction (spoilers!)
crying at how the therapist had to pull on his shirt when he stood up. starfleet uniforms amiright 😭
Jean-Luc "acted out The Three Musketeers with Elnor" "quotes Shakespeare on the daily" Picard is bad at telling stories? Sure Jan
all due respect, Picard's childhood backstory is just something I'm not... Interested in? Give me La Sirena buddy
HELLO??????? I GASPED when Seven put a hand on Raffi's back???? Like I had to go back and rewatch that????
Seven and Raffi <3 <3 <3
"we're the main event" 🥺
Guys... I love them. So much. :')
Also looks like they had their outfit change from night to day, imma assume they had some sleep as well. Now that it's canon, fic writers can take the wheel lmao
Star Trek *Picard*: talks about Picard
me: boooo give me the space lesbians
Okay they canonically raided the lost and found, fic writers take note
In what world would Teresa know more about using a neural oscillator (something she's never seen before) than rios??? y'all on your last brain cell 💀
Seven talking about remembering Borg encryption code... yes very sexy love that for you queen
"You never don't touch your coffee" SEVEN LOVES COFFEE?????????? 🥺🥺🥺
Love language check: we've had touch and acts of service so far,,,
-blinks- is this how we're portraying ✨mentol illness✨ in women ummm
like please stop romanticising this shit and using allegories and dungeons and mOnsTeRs or whatever
Rios drawing La Sirena with chalk WHY IS HE SO CUTE 🥺🥺🥺
Cool everyone has daddy issues for Picard
Didn't Rios call his former captain dad as well???
Place your bets y'all, will Raffi and Seven kiss first, or will Rios and Teresa?
Or god forbid Picard and Tallinn
A Borg Queen Loose in Los Angeles" is my memoir title okay
(also me: has never stepped foot in LA)
"Jurati with a side of Borg Queen or vice versa" A+ one-liners there omfg
ngl that's a really cool transition to Agnes? i don't hate it ooooh
Also it's so so cool that PatStew got his wife to sing in this???? She has a really good voice omg
Heard it was her original song as well and it BANGS
Okay but why do they use black eyes for everything???? First Control in Disco, then Borg Queen..,...,
Okay if they could do that for Tallinn why can't they just give Elnor a hairstyle that covers his ears. Or a headband. Why just fridge him 😭
Guinnan hellooooooo! <3 So great that she's back!!! and her sass is a+
Seven smashing a bottle is something that is so personal to me,,,,
My brain literally bluescreened when she did that. Like Seven said... endorphins
"What are you doing" "Understanding" Seven being so big brain is just... I've missed this side of her and I love love love that they're showing this instead of just angry!tired!jaded!Ranger Seven
"We're witnessing the birth of a new queen"
me: has seen it from miles away
i've said this once i will say it again, W H Y is the police/federal agents/whatever still in star trek picard???
also???? the episode's over already?????? man they cut off at the weirdest times ngl
In conclusion, Saffi really delivered for me this episode, which we love. Loved Sunny Ozzell's cameo. Not hating Rios/Teresa subplot, but man, Picard's storyline fell flat for me.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Kind of want this adventure to be over.
Bruce Banner x Daughter!reader
Summary: You have finally found your father...just not the way you expected. You sort out your feelings and have some realizations about people in your life.
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You felt sick. 
You couldn’t believe it. There he was. Your father, the man who has been missing for four years. 
He was here, being forced to slaughter people as a gladiator on a whole different planet. 
So many questions were running through your mind. How did he get here? Why hasn’t he escaped? How long has he been the Hulk?
You watch as Thor attempts to talk to him, but... it was almost like Hulk...like the attention. You watch in horror as Hulk charged at Thor. Throwing him into the wall. Both you and Loki looked at each other in concern, then glance at the Grandmaster who watched in glee.
You felt dizzy as you watched you father pummel his teammate. It was like he didn’t recognize him. He fought viscously. You cringed when you saw him slam Thor on the floor.
“YES!” Loki shouts, startling you and the Grandmaster, “THATS HOW IT FEELS!” 
You both stare at him, alarmed at the sudden outburst.
“I’m just a big fan of the sport...” He chuckles awkwardly.
He sits back down and looks at you. Concerned as you looked grey, like you were going to be sick. 
He strokes your back comfortly, “ Y/n, if you need to step out...”
“I can’t...I have to stay...” You whisper, watching Thor get beat by the Hulk. You prayed that he would get up. Then it happened.
A bolt of lighting shot the Hulk off of Thor. Then he rises, lighting engulfing his hands. The two charge at each other, and Thor starts to gain the upper hand. You breath a sigh of relief. The audience eats it up. Chanting “Thunder”, but the Grandmaster does not seem happy. Just as Thor was about to finish the fight, he was stunned by something, leaving him motionless on the ground. 
You freeze, watching as your father leaped into the air and came down, smashing Thor into the ground and knocking him out. Finishing the match. You turn to see the Grandmaster lean back in pleasure. 
“So, how do you like it?” He asks casually.
You can barely speak. Too shook up to even form a thought. Seeing your unease Loki spoke for you.
“It was very intense. A very entertaining fight indeed.” He says with a smile.
“What’s wrong with the kid?” the Grandmaster asks taking in your pale face. “ She does not look good.” 
“Yes! Well, um, it seems as though she has eaten something that made her sick. Perhaps it was the jar jar fruit”
“Oh no,” The Grandmaster states, “This is terrible.”
“Yes well--”
“I had a whole bowl!”
“Yes...I’d better take her to her room. Rest shall do her some good.”
Then Loki rises and helps you to your feet. He leads you through the crowds of people. 
You can barely walk. You don’t know why you’re reacting like this. You knew your father was here. 
Maybe it was because of how gruesome this fight could have been. Or maybe because you knew that for four years, your dad has been trapped as the Hulk, murdering aliens as a gladiator for some old lunatic. And it seemed like he liked it. 
Your legs grow weak and you nearly topple to the ground. 
“Woah, easy.” Loki says, “ Darling, take it slow.” 
“I- I think I’m going to throw up” And then you lean over, throwing up into a plant. 
“Ew.” Loki says, watching you defile that poor plant. 
You wipe your mouth and try to stand, you sway a but, almost falling to the ground. Loki then sighs and scoops you up. 
Your face burns, “ I’m sorry...”
“Shut up. I shouldn’t have made you go anyways.”
You stay silent. Resting your head on his chest as he walks you to your room. 
“You know...my dad never did this...” You whisper. Loki looks down at you in confusion.
“Did what?”
“ Carry me to my room. Especially if I was sick.”
“Oh..” Loki says, not really knowing how to respond.
“My mom was the one who did all that. But then...she got sick and...” You trail off. It was rare when you thought about your mom. It hurt to remember all the good times the three of you had, so like your father, you pushed it all down. 
“My mother did that too..” Loki muttered. He walked into your room and set you on the bed. 
“Get changed and lay down. I shall be back in a moment.” Then he walks out, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
You change clothes and ay down. Trying to wrap your head around what just happened. 
Your father was here. You found him.
But he was the Hulk and basically a gladiator. 
He’s been here for four years. Killing people for sport. 
“God, I may have seen some weird shit living with the Avengers but this really takes the cake”, You think to yourself, shifting under the covers. You sigh, laying on your back and staring up at the ceiling. After a few moments you heard the door open. It was Loki holding a tray of food.
“Here, this should make you feel better.” He says placing the tray in your lap. It consisted of a plate of some kind of soup, some cracker like snack, and a glass of water. 
“I know it looks heavy, but it made me feel better when I was a child and ill. Although, the one made by the cooks back home may have tasted better.” Loki rambles, “I do think I did pretty well, considering the circumstances.” 
Seeing this side of Loki was shocking. Sure, you both had your moments and you knew he cared about you, but you thought it was more like a forced partnership. But, he could have left you here alone and he didn’t. He went out of way to make you something so you’d feel better. You can feel your eyes water. 
And for the first time since you’ve been on Sakaar, you cried. You cried because you haven’t seen your father for four years. You cried because you were on a completely different planet, millions of light years away from your home. You cried because Loki was being so kind.  
You cried cause you were scared.  You felt like you were in over your head, like you can’t do anything but wait. You have no idea what you’re going to do from here on out and it terrifies you. 
Then you feel a cold hand on your shoulder. You look up to see sad green eyes. Then you’re pulled into a hug. 
“I know.” Loki says softly, “It is overwhelming, and you’re still a child.”
You take a deep breath, taking in the scent of leather and something sweet. You then closed your eyes sinking into the embrace.
In another part of the castle, Thor had just woken up. Scaring the crap out of the women who were tending to his wounds.
He painfully stands up, looking around the room he was in. It wasn’t like the first cell he was in. No, this one was actually clean. It didn’t smell like body fluids or...death. It was red and white, with weapons and armor laying around. He can see a large bed and a hot tub in the room. 
Thor looks out the window, taking in the scenery and trying to figure out a way to escape. He’s startled out of his thoughts by a splash. He turns to see the Hulk in the tub, sitting in the shadows.
“...Are we cool?” He asks, holding his hands up in surrender. 
He doesn’t get a response, just a low growl. But he isn’t attacked so Thor takes it as a a sign. He goes to the window again and mutters to himself, “Huh, a Hulk in a hot tub.” 
Then he turns to Hulk, “ How long have you been like that?
“Like what?” Hulk grunts
“Like this. Big, green, and...stupid”
Hulk sits up slightly, half of his face in the shadows, “Hulk always Hulk.”
Thor doesn’t respond, opting to look out the window again, then he realizes,
“How’d you get here?”
“Winning” Hulk says proudly.
Thor rolls his eyes, “ Do you mean cheating? Did they have one of these shocky things on their necks? I meant, how did you arrive here.”
Hulk imitates a whooshing and crashing noise, “Quinjet.”
Thor gets excited, “ Yes! Okay and where is the quinjet now?” 
Hulk doesn’t respond, instead he gets out of the tub. The only problem is that he didn’t have a towel...or anything to cover himself. Giving Thor a good look at his goods.
“That’s naked...very naked” Thor says cringing. “ That’s in my brain now.”
“Quinjet.” Hulk says, pointing to where the plane is. Uncaring about the state of undress he was in.
Thor gets excited again, “Yes! I can get us home, off of this awful planet. You’ll love Asgard! It’s like earth but gold”
“Hulk stays.” Hulk grunts, taking a bit out of some fruit.
“What? No no no, I need your help to prevent Ragnarok.” Thor says desperately.
“Ragnarok?” Hulk questions uncaringly. 
“Yes, its the destruction of my home planet, the end of times.”
“Thor go. Hulk stay.” Hulk says stubbornly. 
Thor is desperate. He needs to get home before Hela completely destroys everything he holds dear.
‘Look, I’ll tell you what, you help be get to Asgard, and I’ll help you get back to earth.’
“ Earth hate Hulk.”
“What?” Thor exclaims, “ Everyone loves Hulk! You’re part of the team, you’re our friend!”
“Banner’s friend.” Hulk grunts, not believing a word Thor is saying.
“WHat? I don’t even prefer Banner” Thor says awkwardly, “ He’s all ‘ NUmbErs aND SCienCe’ and stuff.”
“Banners friend!” Hulk exclaims. 
By now Thor is frustrated, “Fine. You stay here on this awful planet. Besides this room his hideous. The red and white, like just pick a color.”
“Smash you.” Hulk grunts
“You didn’t smash me, I won that fight.”
“Smash you!” Hulk throws the fruit at Thor.
Thor dodges it calling Hulk a baby. He heads toward the entrance that is left open.
“Thor go!” Hulk shouts.
“I am going!” Thor shouts back, but before he can step out of the room he’s shocked. The obedience puck stunning him
 As he falls to the ground, he can hear Hulk laugh. 
“Thor no go. Thor home.”
He sighs, looking out the window. He briefly hears Hulk say something about training. Then he sees her. The woman who got him into this mess in the first place. 
She pays no mind to him, instead greeting Hulk like they were long time friends. 
They go train, leaving Thor alone with his thoughts. 
You wake up in the dark room. It seems that Loki has left as you were alone. Your eyes sore from crying, you look around for your bag. You find it, pulling out your phone, earbuds, and journal. 
You write your feelings as you listen to music. 
You don’t know what to do. Part of you wants to go find your father and Thor, but another part trusts Loki and wants to stay. It doesn’t help that he has been the most fatherly figure you’ve had in a  while. 
Sure you had the Avengers. You could even argue that Tony has filled that role of father figure since your dad went missing. But, you and Loki formed a tight bond in a few days that took months for you and Tony to form. You both got along well, bonding over distant fathers, dead mothers, and theater. Not to mention you both had a sarcastic attitude. If anything, he’s taken over a big brother role, but nevertheless; betraying his trust was one thing that you couldn’t do.
You sigh, knowing what you were going to do. 
You were going to find your father.
So you get out of bed and change into your suit. You put your phone in your stuff in your bag and grab your weapons. 
You walk down the hallways, not knowing where to begin to find your father. Then an idea hits you. If you can find out where Thor is, you’d most likely find out where your dad is. So with that in mind you decided to ask a guard. 
“Excuse me.” You say to a red guard, “ Do you know where the …”Lord of Thunder” is staying? The Grandmaster allowed me to go and meet him. I am a big fan” 
The guard hesitated, not knowing who you were. But since you dropped the Grandmasters name, he pointed you to the hallway Thor was supposedly in. 
“Thank you!” You beamed, making sure to skip away as if you were a fan. You skip till you were out of sight and sigh, slowing down to a walk. You strolled down the hallways, throwing fake smiles at the guards you passed. 
Finally, you reached a room at the end of the hallway. You notice a woman pass you and walk staright into the room. You hide behind a wall and listen to the conversation. 
“Hey big guy!” She says, you notice that she has an accent similar to Thor’s.
“Angry girl!” another voice says...Your fathers voice. You can hear footsteps coming your way. You quickly pull out your phone and sit down, hoping they’ll walk right past you. You don’t need Hulk seeing you right now. If anything, he’d change back to Bruce and that’ll cause a whole bunch of problems. 
Thankfully, they pay no mind to you. You watch as they joke around and nudge each other. It’s strange, seeing the Hulk to at ease with another person. 
It kind of hurts, in the same way it hurt to see your dad with Natasha. It was like you couldn’t get close to either side of him. Or he chose not to get close to you. 
Pushing away your feelings, you get back to the mission, finding Thor. 
You head  to the room at the end of the hallway. Surprisingly, there were no guards or even a door blocking your way. You can see Thor, standing by the window. His back was turned to you but he was completely still. 
You walk through the door way, and look around the room. It was messy and kinda ugly. The red and white really didn’t clash well.
Then you were startled by Thor loudly gasping. You run up to where he was.
“Thor? Thor are you alright?”
He focuses on you, eyes widening at your presence. 
“Y/n?” He says slowly, “ Y/n?! What are you doing here?”
“The Dr. Wizard said my dad was here. So I came looking for him...” You say slowly. “ Are you okay?”
“I’ve been better.” Thor laughs, “ Have...have you been here this whole time?”
“Yeah, I got here the same day Loki did, so about two weeks ago. Since then I--”
“Wait, have you been with Loki this whole time?” Thor asks.
“Yeah, he’s the reason I’m still alive to be honest.” You say, “ He helped me get in favor of the Grandmaster and he’s been looking out for me ever since.”
“Loki?” Thor says in disbelief, “ My brother, Loki? He has been taking care of you?”
“Yeah, I didn’t believe it either...but he’s been so kind to me, Thor. Kinder than anyone has been in a while.” You say softly. 
Thor smiled, he was glad that there was still a part of the Loki he knew growing up. That you were alright. 
“You look awesome.” He says taking in your outfit, “Where did you get those clothes?!” 
You laugh, “ It seems like the Grandmaster likes to give make overs.” You look at Thor, “ Dude they cut your hair?!” 
“Yeah some creepy old man cut it off.” He says, suddenly he pulls you in for a hug. “ I am beyond glad to see you here.” 
You blush and hug him back, “I’m glad you are okay.’
Then you frown, “ My...my dad...he’s here.”
Thor freezes, “ Oh Y/n I completely forgot..”
“It’s okay... he looks fine” You say bitterly, remembering how chummy he was with that girl.
“ He can’t know I am here.” You say quickly, “ If he does, he’ll change back and raise suspicion.”
“I need help to get out of here.” Thor says, “ Asgard is in danger.”
“Why don’t you just walk out the door?” You ask
“Because, this neck thingy shocks me whenever I try to leave.” Thor says showing you his neck.
“Ohh so that’s why you lost the fight,” You say realizing what happened.
“I dis not lose” Thor said, “Your father cheated.”
You snicker, “What ever you say Lord of Thunder.” 
Thor sighs at the name, knowing that you weren’t going to stop calling him that. 
“Y/n, I need you to help me get out.” Thor says desperately. You furrow your brow, thinking of a way to get him out of here. 
“Okay...I have an idea.” 
You spend the next thirty minutes comin up with an idea. Revising and editing ideas that’ll get him out of here unscathed. 
That’s when you realized that you shouldn’t be here when Hulk gets back. 
“I have to go.” You say quickly, gathering all your stuff. 
“Wait, wait, how are you going to escape...” Thor says worriedly. “ Your father doesn’t even know your here.”
You sigh sadly, “ I doubt he cares. He seems pretty content here.” 
“Y/n, that’s Hulk, not Banner. Your father loves you.” 
You chuckle, “ You know, in last few weeks. Loki showed he cared about me more than my father has in all the years I’ve been alive.”
“Oh...that’s bad.” Thor says, because if you knew Loki cared about you and not your father...that was saying a lot.    
“Good luck Thor, I better go before some guards show up.” You say, patting his arm and dashing off. And again, Thor was alone. 
Running through the hallways, you bump into someone. You fall to the ground in a huff.
“Watch where you’re walking!” 
“Sorry dude, jeez don’t get your undies in a twist.” You say, getting up from the ground. You look up to see the girl who was with the Hulk. 
“Do..do I know you? You look familiar.” She says, closely looking at your face. 
“Umm, I tell stories to the Grandmaster.” You say quickly, “I better go.” 
Then you run off again, leaving a confused Valkyrie behind. 
You finally make it to your room. Panting as you close the door.
“Where have you been.” 
You jump, not expecting anyone to be in your room. 
“Relax, its just me.” Loki says, rolling his eyes, “ Now, where were you? I came back into your room, expecting to find you in bed, resting.”
“Sorry, I... I went to see Thor.” You say honestly. 
“Y/n.” Loki starts, but you interrupt him.
“I know! I know I shouldn’t have gone, but I felt really bad and wanted to make sure he was okay.” 
Loki sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked at your face, seeing your guilty eyes and frown. He’s demeanor softened, “ You are too kind for your own good.”
You chuckled, “Well, one of us has to have redeemable qualities.”
“Hey!” Loki shouts offended. You laugh at his face.
“I can get used to this” You think to yourself. You yawn, suddenly tired from all your activities.
“Get some rest.” Loki says, “You’ll need it’” 
Then he leaves the room after ruffling your hair.
As you get ready for bed and finally lay down, you realize you can’t sleep.
 You have a crushing feeling that something big was going to happen the next day.
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purplerose244 · 2 years
Me telling my boyfriend stuff about the Arcane LoL series Part 2
Here's the first one
Since I had fun writing the other, people seemed to have fun reading it and I had a pretty long phone call with my BF yesterdat about the following three episodes of Arcane that keeps being amazing... WHY THE HECK NOT 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Here goes! 😊
Me: Do you remember where we were at?
Boyfriend: Yeah I'm good, no need for recap
Me: Well now there is a time skip of a few years and the new episode takes place at an Expo like situation in Piltover called Day of Progress
Boyfriend: ...
Boyfriend: That's a stupid name
(Cue him stating that it is a stupid name every time I mention it 😂)
Me: First time Jinx!
Boyfriend: Baby!
Me: No no, she's like a teen now I think?
Boyfriend: Grown up baby!
Me: She kinda freaks the freak out when she sees this girl with pink hair, so one thing led to another and... she kills her
Boyfriend: What
Boyfriend: But
Boyfriend: Murder is illegal
Boyfriend: YE
Boyfriend: I KNOW
(yeah we act dumb like that 😅)
Me: Are there, like, tiny fluffy creatures into the League of Legends universe? I saw one walking around, very adorable
Boyfriend: ?
Boyfriend: You know Heimerdinger already
Me: No no, smaller and white-
Boyfriend: AAHH
Boyfriend: THE TONGUE
Me: Viktor almost hit one with a laser
Boyfriend: HOW DARE HE
Me: Jayce and Viktor want to present their new invention at the speech given to the people of Piltover but professor Heimerdinger is against it since it doesn't seem safe
Boyfriend: Doesn't he remember what happened last time he asked Jayce not to do something?
Me: You don't have all the facts
Boyfriend: Which are?
Me: He actually listens this time
Boyfriend: *surprised pikachu noises*
Boyfriend: I know nothing about these new episodes except that there is one very nice gay shit scene happening apparently?
Me: Eheheh
Me: One?
Boyfriend: WELL OKAY
Me: Basically to show that she's worthy of being in Silco's team Jinx decides to make a building explode
Boyfriend: Yeah that sounds like something Jinx would do
Me: Also she's having the occasional PTSD hitting hard and probable schizophrenic moments along the way
Boyfriend: Yeah that sounds like something Jinx would have
Me: Caitlyn goes to the prison to speak with the witness of the latest crime, only to discover he got his jaw smashed during an assault
Me: From another prisoner
Me: Who seems to hate the people of that gang
Boyfriend(laughs): Well gee, I think I might have a theory on this one
Me: Vi is so cool
Boyfriend: Vi is so cool
Me: Blah blah look at my robot arm
Me: Blah blah you've never learned patience
Me: Ah, she also calls Caitlyn cupcake!
Boyfriend: Lol actually in the game Caitlyn has a move where she puts a cupcake onto a bear trap on the ground
Boyfriend: I doubt it's a reference
Boyfriend: I'm taking it as a reference
Boyfriend: ... you found out about Viktor bein-
Boyfriend: What did you expec-
Me(crying): HOW COULD YOU
Boyfriend: Everyone knows in the fand-
Me: Heimerdinger is forced to retire
Boyfriend: Nooooooo
Me: Huh
Me: I expected a bigger reaction
Boyfriend: I like him and I'm sad for him... but when I used to play he was kind of a pain to be against with so yeah, we kinda have bad history him and me
Boyfriend: Poor professor Fluffy though
Me: Poor professor Fluffy indeed
Me: So Viktor decides to get help and goes back to that one dude he knew from his childhood, one that studied mutations
Boyfriend: ... mutations?
Me: Ye?
Boyfriend: The guy's bald?
Me: Ye?
Boyfriend: One white eye?
Me: Ye?
Boyfriend(inhales): Oh boy, here he comes.
Me: ... ye?
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I have a prompt idea! The Brothers reacting to an MC that can regenerate after they die. Someone stabbed them? The wound will close in a bit. Did they fall from a high place and their body shattered? It’s all good, they’re body’ll just snap everything back into place as they’re conscious. We’re they poisoned? They’ll treat it like a stomach bug and be fine the next day. Funny part is MC could tell them the worst ways they died during their childhood in a lighthearted way which makes things more disturbing, especially since demon threats against them won’t work.
Ok first time I read this prompt I had a good laugh bc all I could think about was an MC that made that little squeaking noise those rubber chickens make when they inflate every time they regenerated lmaoooo. Could you imagine the pavlovian response all the brothers get if they hear a squeak? Like Lucifer would be trying to sleep and Cerberus finds one of his old chew toys and the fear it brings is legendary.
TW: Death, Blood, Injuries
When you first tell him he has no idea if it was a crude joke or not. You are so blasé about something that should traumatize you. He hates how you snort at his every threat. What good is blackmail if you don’t go for it?
He does not believe you at first. Just another little human talking big trying to impress him. He would keep a keen eye on you too, making sure they have no reason to get even so much of a scrape on their knee. Believe you or not he doesn’t need this program to fail. Then Belphie happened. Seeing your lifeless body made so many things happen in his mind he felt physically ill. He hadn’t felt like crying so hard since Lilith…
And then you sit up and crack your spine, like you were waking up from a nap instead of getting up after being thrown from the second story.
He-is relieved, and terrified. Were humans supposed to do that? He doesn't remember reading this particular ability in his father’s schematics. He believes you now nonetheless.
But he still doesn’t let you just go getting hurt whenever you feel like it.
“Absolutely not.” He shakes his head firmly. He is unfazed by your cute little pout and huffing.
“Lotan is friendly!” You try again pushing the form back at him defiantly. Lucifer picks it up again against his better judgment and scoffs. Friendly, if Lotan is friendly then Cerberus was a saint. “Come on what’s the worst that can happen? I’m out of school for a day or two if things get dicey.” You plead leaning up and over his desk. Ugh. He rubs at his temple in annoyance.
“The fact that you think skipping a few days of school because you became fish food as a minor hindrance terrifies me.” He drolls but picks up his feathered quill irregardless. You squeal in delight and hug him fiercely, managing to pull a smile out of him. They grab the liability agreement and run out the door already shouting for Levi to hurry up before Lucifer changes his mind. He chuckles leaning back in his chair. Fine, if they are happy… let it be on their head if it severs. Wait- could they regenerate from that? “Shit.”
He believes you. Not because he takes their word for it but the first night on duty as your caretaker you fall out of his balcony window.
One minute they are having a heated argument about his unwanted duties, him hovering over you while you lean up against the railing refusing to break eye contact. Next thing he knows the old stone gives and you both tumble.
He has wings and catches himself. You- not so much. He can still hear the sickening crunch of bone meeting stone when he lays awake at night. The first thing he worries about is how much trouble he would be in with Lucifer that he failed again. He's a blubbering mess over your body swearing he would do better if they would just get up. Whatever you want it’s theirs if you just open their eyes.
And of course, you do. He won’t admit to the scream that erupts from his mouth when you ask him to swear on that deal or they are going to Lucifer as soon as they can feel their legs. He agrees readily, glad his hide is saved for now.
When you two become closer he figures why not make some money off of this little quirk. Enter the troublesome duo of grifters.
You whimper, hamming it up for the terrified looking demon glazing between your broken leg and Mammon wiggling his ring heavy fingers at them. “Look what ya did to my human.” He tuts. “What, ya don’t look both ways when riding.” He kicks at the upended bike by his feet. The demon sputters swearing that they did and neither of them had been in the way.
“Mammon~” His human sniffles flashing him a teary eyed pout. To the other lesser demon it looked like a plea, but Mammon knew it was a warning that your leg would start mending soon.
“Who do you think is gonna pay for this?” He goes in for the kill waving his free arm down at his human’s prone form. “You want Lucifer or Diavolo ta hear about this? Ya know this human is special to us.” The demon blanches and shakes its head. Terrified it threw its wallet at the avatar of greed and bolted leaving their bike and bag behind. Waiting for the demon to be completely out of earshot Mammon turns with a dazzling smile. “Damn,” He whistles, helping his human back to their feet. Already the bone and skin had mended leaving only an ugly red stain on the fabric of their uniform. “I think you just moved up the ranks of my most favorite things. Gonna rival Goldie soon if this picks up...” He opens the wallet and pockets the handful of cash in it, tossing the worn fabric to the street floor.
“Hey.” Mammon looks down at you. You were now scowling eying his pant pocket. “Don’t forget your side of the bargain.” He chuckles raising his hands in defeat.
“Alright- Alright. One stupidly expensive ice cream coming up.” He can't hide his blush when you hug his arm close to your chest, excitedly leading him back to the main street.  
Oh like in that one anime???
But really, he is the first to take your word for it. Finds it kinda neat. Not that he is going to test it. Who would he have to play with if you were just yanking his chain?
He listens to absolutely spine chilling tales of your little “mishaps” as a child. But you brush off his concern. Don’t worry about it! Makes for great stories. To tell right?
Of course, when he sees it first hand he forgets for a moment that you would eventually feel better. He left his tank open one night to clean out some debris gunking up the water pump. Damn things get stalled so frequently now. He turns his back for a moment to get a tool and the next he smells human blood in the water!
He scoops you out of the water before whatever fiendish creatures he holds in his aquarium can take a bite and gets you to solid ground. He is panicking hardcore, he doesn’t feel a pulse. He sees that they smashed their head, blood pooling sluggishly down your temple. You must have slipped on the wet tank edge and hit their head.
Just when he is about to name another Henry in your honor you pop up spitting out whatever water that had gotten into their lungs. They flash him a knowing smirk at his red-rimmed eyes and joke that they have a killer headache.
Nurse Levi to the rescue!
Levi checks in on you again, leaning over the edge of his tank. “D-don’t you move a muscle!” He shouts down to you. Squinting he sees a hand emerging from the mound of pillows and blankets inside his tub-bed. you shoot him a quick thumbs up before turning your attention back to his giant flat screen. “You sure you don’t need Barbatos or some pain meds?” He frets. He was close to just giving up on the pump and coming to take care of his miraculously healed guest.
“Levi I’m fine! Not even sleepy.” Your muffled reply wafts up to him. You push down some of the blankets to give him a relaxed smile. “See not even a scar.” You show him the side of their head that had been cut. Sure enough, nothing was there but a smoothed patch of skin. It lessens some of his panic, but barely. He knew internal damage was still a thing to humans.
Finishing up quickly with the pump he slithers back down to your side sheepishly. He had apologized what felt like a thousand times, but he was ready to drop a couple thousand more if need be. His looming causes you to look up from the anime you were watching. The flashing blue and yellow lights illuminate their calm gaze. None of the panic he felt seemed to transfer to you. “Want to join me?” You pat at the covers. “Waters warm.” You chuckle at their own joke pulling the blue covers down and away to give him room to join them.
“I-if you’re sure.” He stammers wiping at his face to hide his flush. You nod, patting the empty side again. He joins you snuggling close, he runs a hand where a gruesome scar had been not even an hour again. You nuzzle in close. His slightly cool fingers felt great on your skin before turning back to the screen completely nonplussed.
What a weird human...
Much like Lucifer doesn’t believe you. He has never heard or read about humans being able to do that. Will not believe them and gets annoyed by the “fake” stories you kept insisting were real.
The fact that a single human has such a vividly morbid imagination fascinates him, but he won’t divulge in your little fantasy. There is only so much foolishness he can deal with.
He forgets about it after a while and you stop bringing it up. If he doesn’t believe you so be it, he’ll find out one day surely, you aren’t exactly the most careful with your body. When he does find out it about does him in.
He had warned them of climbing on his bookshelves. He doesn’t have them tethered down or stable. He doesn’t need them to be. His shelves would never even dare to topple on him. But this weak little human takes his room as a personal jungle gym, climbing up him and his things for a book. They could just ask but Devil’s forbid they did something halfway intelligent.
You hear him fretting through the fog coating your senses. His fingers shakily poking at your crushed abdomen and legs all bent akimbo clearing broken. “Don’t be dead-please don’t do this.” He hisses about ready to use magic to put you back together again. You pull your strength and grab his hand before he can interfere with your natural healing ability.
He starts, green eyes looking down relieved and amazed at you. “Don’t.” You croak, already feeling your lungs and rib cage healing. “I’m good.”  
“You’re good!” He shouts voice cracking in exasperation. “I’ve seen the aftermath of Beel’s feeding rampages that have looked better!” You snort pushing his hands away to rest up on your elbows. Eh- he wasn’t exactly wrong.
“I look like a chewed-up burger huh?” You joke laughing at his stunted and slightly disgusted look. “I’ll be ok, just help me up? My legs are always tingly after healing.” Wordlessly he follows your instructions amazed at how well you are handling all of this. Were you actually human? You stand on wobbly legs bending and popping your joints. You give yourself a quick check over “Tada!” You give him two very bloody thumbs ups once you see that you are back to normal. “It’s all good!”
He shakes his head bewildered. “I-if you say so.” Satan wrinkles his nose looking at the mess of your clothes and his room. “Go wash up. I’ll get you a new set of clothes and work on this mess.” You nod already heading to his slightly cleaning bathroom. His warm hand wraps around your wrist catching you mid stride. “Don’t tell anyone about this ok?” He pleads. If anyone knew that he had been so foolish, he would never live it down.
You nod miming zipping your lips. “Betcha believe me know huh?”
He rolls his eyes turning to the task at hand. “Don’t push your luck, or next time I’ll leave you under a shelf.”    
Believes you. You have never lied before so why do it now over something so trivial. Humans die all the time and if you say you can't then ok. He asks tons of questions about how you found out about this.
He doesn't like the stories you tell but doesn't find it off-putting how easily you talk about it. He's been around the block with mortals and they cope in all sorts of ways.
He cuddles you and coos over every story you tell then shoots off hundreds of compliments about your complexion. It's amazing how well your skin holds up to all the foolish actions of your past.
Even though he trusts you and your stories he still is super careful with you. You are not going to get hurt on his watch, absolutely not! Will patch you up if you need it all while gripping about your foolishness.
But accidents happen, and even the most watchful demon trips up sometimes.
Asmo tuts over you rubbing at the potion burning away at your flesh. "I told you the maroon bottle love." You hiss as the antiseptic hits muscle.
"Maroon and burgundy look the same, bite me!" He clicks his tongue and bites off the argument brewing within him. How can you not see how different the two colors are. You grouch some more while he works on getting the rest of his potion off your cheek. You had just wanted to use one of his acne toner, the one that smelled like cucumber and rose. He was preoccupied with his eyeliner but told you to just grab it from his shelf. He had a lot of bottles and a lot of them were definitely not for human use. 
You unfortunately just happened to pick one of them. The one you nabbed was a toner built for his stronger skin. It ate away at your cheeks and flesh of your palm on contact. It's burning and tingling making you yelp in surprise. Luckily for you, Asmo acted fast coming up from behind and knocking the toner-soaked cotton pad from your reddening fingers. He curses at you the whole way to his bathroom. Done with your right cheek and hand he nods in approval, seeing your flesh already knitting back together. "At least you have lovely bone structure. Ahhh~ I'm jealous!" He pokes a nail at the exposed bone of your cheekbone. The mending muscles and nerves almost growing over his nail before he could pull away. You quirk a brow.
"Want them? I'm pretty sure I could regrow my jawline before anybody would notice. " You shrug taking the washcloth from him to dap at your left cheek. Asmo laughs, it was a ridiculously tempting offer after all.
"Could you?" He taps at his own chin in thought. You glance back at him and sits on the toilet. In theory, you probably could. Hadn't happened...yet.  
"Ye- just give me a heads up first? And maybe some good booze to knock me out." You say only half-joking. Asmo nods eagerly, twirling a lock of soft tawny hair. He might take you up on the offer.  
He doesn't want to know and he never wants to find out. He just likes you too much to see you get hurt :(. It gets to the point where you cannot bring any past stories of incidents (no matter how funny you think they are). If a story comes out be prepared to be carried everywhere by this gentle giant. If you won't cease your foolishness then he will.
Though he probably should have heard a few of the stories. Mostly the ones about poisons and inedible things you use to eat. A lot of his world revolves around food and he loves to share it with you.
He never heard you complain about the foods he had you try with him. It wasn't until Simeon and Luke tagged along did he learn the awful truth that he had been poisoning you almost every time you two went out.  
Takes him forever to get out of his head about it. You are clearly fine and never brought it up because you just loved spending time bonding with him.
You find him in the ally behind the restaurant. His massive form curled in on itself from where he sat. "Why didn't you tell me?" He rumbles hearing you approach to stand next to him. "I could have killed you." You sit squat next to him resting your arms on your knees.
"I mean...if we are keeping count it would be dead about eight times over by this point." You meant it to be funny but he groans in anguish pulling at his hair. You grab his fists and pry them from his scalp. "Hey! Hey!" You pat his knuckles, eyes filled with concern. "I'm still here right, still kicking and eating all these awesome foods, don't worry. Please?"  You can tell your words do not calm him but he doesn't pull from your grasp either. "If you are curious, all the foods that would have done me dirty just gave me some bad cramps and gas for the evening. Nothing a tum and hot tea couldn't fix." You fill the air with useless chatter, all while stroking his knuckles.
You really wish that Luke hadn't said anything. Simeon had read the room, his neat brown brows raising in astonishment as you sank into the meal Beel bought for you. But he otherwise stayed silent tucking into his own meal without a fuss. You couldn't completely blame Luke though. He was young and just looking out for you. Though, he-well- both of you could have handled it better. With him screaming and you screaming, it was a recipe for disaster.
Beel rises a few minutes later rubbing at his burning eyes. "Are you sure you are ok?" He checks in with you once more. You nod perking up as you see him grunt in acceptance. "Just let me know next time you can't eat something."
"But it tastes good!" You pout. He frowns not budging from his spot until he sees you sigh in defeat and agree. No more purposely poisoning yourself just for munchies. "Fine-but you are just saying that to get extra portions."  
He finds out when he kills your dumbass for believing him. It totally harshed his vibe.
Here he was getting an amazing monologue, reveling in his eldest's brothers' anguish and look of anger from the prince. He was ready to give his final performance and hopefully wipe the floor with that red-headed bastard plans to "commingle"
He tossed your "lifeless" body from him, taking a sick amount of pleasure in the way your body flopped down the stairs. He notices how the other brothers seem completely unfazed by your corpse at their feet.
Huh? Perhaps they didn't understand the actions he did. Or maybe they truly have given into the demons they had become. He stops his tirade only when he watches Asmo bend down and poke at your cheek. He didn't look sad, just merely annoyed. Like you were taking too long to get up.
But that is impossible. You would never get up again... 
Mammon rolls his eyes at his youngest brother's actions. Honestly, he loved the little edge lord, but this was ridiculous. He had a racket to go check on. His hand drifts down slowly to his pocket. If he just angled it right he could probably check his phone without looking rude. He makes eye contact with Satan and jerks his head exasperatedly at Lucifer and Belphegor going at it. The blonde shakes his head and shrugs. Slowly he inches closer so Mammon can go on his phone without getting caught. Covering for Mammon Satan looks around the room feigning interest.
Beelzebub and Leviathan seemed mildly more attentive to what was going on than him. The latter of the two eating it up like an arch in an anime, while the former was trying desperately to placate his twin. Asmodeus on the other hand was having none of this. He plops down next to your body turning your head to face him. He checks you over quietly ignoring the storm exploding out of his elder brother and the rest of the gang. "Honestly darling," He strokes the bridge of your nose, feeling the bone and cartilage shifting back into place beneath his finger. "is this a good time to ask if I can have your jawline?" He sees the corner of your lips twitch.  He leans in and whispers in your ear. "How long are you going to play dead?"
"Am I boring you, brother?" Asmo glances up from his position over your head. Belphegor looks down at his face apoplectic with rage at being ignored. "And I see you on your phone Mammon!"
"Shove it! I got shit to do!"
Asmo gets to his feet dusting off his pants and ruffles. He shrugs up at Belphie who was doing a great interpretation of Lucifer when angry. He was so much like Lucifer it was scary sometimes. "Sorry honey! Just check on my bestie."
Belphie snorts making his way down to the first floor. "Just checking I killed-"
You pop up grunting loudly as your spine reconnects. "Help your bestie up?" You raise a hand for Asmo who happily takes it. You turn your back to a dumbfounded Belphie and Lucifer, both not understanding what just happened.
"About time." Mammon sighs pocketing his phone. "I got some idiots we can swindle out of some grimm."
"Oi!" Satan butts in cutting Mammon off. "You had your turn! I have some spells they said they would help me test out."
You grin, not fighting it as the two tug at you like a toy between toddlers.
"Enough!" The two jump away from you at Lucifer's roar. You squeak in surprise when a firm leather-gloved hand spins you around so you could stand face to face with a fully shifted Lucifer. "You!" He runs his hands over you in disbelief. "How..." Your first conversation with him comes back to mind.
I can't die so try to threaten me with something else next time K?
"Would someone tell me WHAT is going on and why they are still breathing!" Belphie pushes through to you and Lucifer.
Beel grabs him up before he could get his claws into you again, stroking his dark hair like you would an angry cat. "It's a long story..."
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Part 4 of the tension fic. Az x Reader - with Cass involvement. part three here
You waited a week to open the letter.  In between meetings about the threat at the border and training with the Valkyries - and Cass and Az - your busy schedule was a welcome distraction. Until you sat at the dining table with a drink and that letter loomed. No distractions present, you sighed. You downed your drink and opened it. The letter was a summons. A call back to your homeland. Your stomach turned. You stood and ran for the bathroom, chucking the letter in the fire along the way. = Azriel's eyes watered at the cold nip of sea air from where he flew. There was a reason they never took to the northern coast to fly. He wrapped his jacket tighter around himself, doing his best to manage in the turbulent winds. The cloudy skies were easy to blend in with, his shadows melting him into the same shape. Far below were ships. Different sails and woods, but all carrying at least one banner. The House of Beasts. Or the Community of Beasts, whatever they had called themselves last. Azriel had heard little of them since his time on the continent, when they were just a small band of outcasts.  Ostracized from their own communities, they formed a legion of their own in the northeastern region of Rask. They presented no problem at the time he heard of them. He cursed to himself at the size of their forces. Fires dotted the entire shoreline, as did several tents. He shuddered to think of why there seemed to be so few tents for so many ships present. He turned back around, heading to Velaris once his aerial scouting was complete. His only saving grace was he had a bit more information on what their threat was.  Rhysand laughed when Azriel informed him their threat was the House of Beasts. He wouldn't have believed it if he didn't look inside Azriel's mind himself. = Your stomach clenched at the new round of nausea building.  You hadn't gotten up since ripping the paper. The invitation. You had left for a reason. Defected because you no longer shared their beliefs. Your worry did not help your stomach. You leaned over the side of the couch and wretched into the bucket again. A soft knock came at the door. You groaned and managed to mutter something along the lines of a 'leave me alone' before Cassian was unlocking it using the extra key under the mat. His eyes were wide with concern when he opened the door. Then his face turned sour. "I know, alright?" You panted, pulling the blanket over yourself tighter.  "I dont think you do. It is putrid in here." Cassian coughed for emphasis. Then he went to the kitchen, filling a glass of water while opening the blinds and windows. You groaned in protest. "Did Az run you too hard yesterday?" He asked. Not challenging, but genuine concern as he handed you the glass.  "No, I'm just sick." You said, words clipped. "He said he'd be at my window if I didnt answer the door." You smiled slightly, as much as you could manage.  "He got busy." Cass covered his mouth and nose with his shirt. It must have been really bad if he wasn't joking. You sighed and sipped the room temperature water. "Should I get Madja?" He asked softly, igniting adrenaline in you.  "No, absolutely not." You said quickly, heart hammering. You set the water down on the side table with shaking hands. "I just-" He began, you interrupted - "Unless I am dying or unconscious are you to bring a healer to me. Just let me endure it." You refused, heart hammering and making your head spin.  "Alright, alright... just- here." He grabbed the blanket that slid off you when you jolted upright to argue with him. "Lay back down. You need rest." He tucked the edges in around you and touched your forehead. A mothering hen. You wished to tell him your joke but you felt like sleeping with his cool hand against you. "I'll be back in a while, without a healer... Dont die." He said with a small smile. It was the last thing you remembered.  ******** Your dreams were muddled and confusing. Beasts dancing in firelight, then to figures flying high above a tall mountain. Then the Illyrian brothers, covered in blood and worried. You awoke with a gasp. To a silver tinted room and a cold breeze coming in from the cracked window.  A note lay next to your water. Correction, both your water glasses. One was a muddled color with a straw in it. "Drink all of this, then the next one. Will be back in the morning. -A" You groaned at the first sip. The pounding in your head had decreased, but your stomach was a mixture of knots and bubbles. Azriel had seen you like this. You refused to think further on it. The medicinal drink was easier to put down. It tasted of mint, soothing your stomach. Which left more room to focus on the pins and needles in your head.  Smashing a pillow over your head, you fell asleep again. The note left by Azriel fluttered softly in a gust of wind. --- "I'm not going to the continent with my trainee sick." Azriel said firmly against Rhys. The high lord leaned against the battle map on the table, exasperated.  He could understand why, it would be backup for Azriel and it would be good training. But time was of the essence in this case. If the forces of the House of Beasts were powerful enough to amass an army of the size Azriel had seen, they must have more tricks up their sleeves. "Az, I'll go with you. It's not a big deal." Cassian put a hand on his brother's shoulder Azriel shrugged him off sharply, narrowing his eyes. "The last time I went on a scouting mission with you, we were in a battle after the first day. One we did not win." He hissed. Cassian opened his mouth to protest, but Rhys cut them both off before the fight could get worse. He had heard this argument time and time again.  "Fine, how long until our Valkyrie is ready?" Rhys ran a hand though his hair, tension building with his power. He wondered if he could take on the entire army alone, if it would be enough against the unknown force. They weren't known for their spies, or their battle skills. They were simply... misfits. And for a good reason.  "Not a Valkyrie yet..." Azriel muttered, "We gave them something to help last night. I checked in this afternoon and they were still asleep." Cassian cut in, giving Az a glare. His temper had grown since you had fallen ill. Azriel was on edge.  "How. Long." Rhys ground out, dark power shuddering in the air. Growing impatient. "Two days, I'll have Madja take a look if they're not better by tomorrow." Azriel said quickly. Both his brothers raised their eyebrows at him. He knew the Madja was a long shot, and you'd rather die before being seen by a healer, but if it had to be done then he would hold you down himself.  After a moment of silence, Rhys cracked a grin and nodded. "If you say so." Cassian laughed, shaking his head. Azriel felt his hope sink.  ------ You willed your body to recover, so you wouldnt have to deal with a damned healer. You drank water religiously, and when you felt good enough, you took a shower. The medicine had definitely helped, but your head still ached. Your stomach couldn't handle more than a few crackers.  Still, you feared a healer looking a bit too close and ate and drank as much as you could. You pulled on a soft shirt after your shower and sighed at the knock that came at the door.  "No." You slammed the door shut in Azriel's and Madja's face.  There was a soft muffled laugh and "I told you." Cassian. They were relentless. Cassian would be your best backup right now though, you knew Azriel was the one with the healer idea. The only one with enough hope to even attempt it.  Azriel knocked again and you didnt even bother to open the door. "I'm doing better, you can go now!" You called, head echoing in pain at the exertion. There were soft whispers outside, and finally you heard small footsteps departing down the stairs. Your lock rattled with the spare key again. It seemed your hiding spot wasn't as secret as you hoped.  Azriel stated in the doorway, his shadows blocking the light. His face was grave, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in something you couldn't place. "You need to come with me to the Continent."  Your stomach dropped.
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Hey I'm being mentally ill on main again but like I just really want some kind of reunion scene between Claire and Jimmy but Claire never knew Jimmy was trans and Claire was just starting to socially transition to being a girl when Cas took Jimmy the first time so they have like. These things that change each other's perception of the other but it only makes them closer.
oh your mind your mind, how i love you
Claire visits her dad in heaven
“Dad?” The word slips out of Claire’s mouth before she can think about it, the emotion of the moment overriding her common sense. It has to be Cas. She knows what Jack said, promised, but… it can’t be. Not really.
Jimmy turns around. “Claire-bear!”
He smiles wide and opens his arms, and Claire remembers this day. The waning afternoon sun, the barbeque seasoning covering his hands up to his wrists, the pork chops laying forgotten on the counter beside him in favor of greeting her. She takes halting steps to him, not trusting it completely. His grin is unwavering; he swipes a finger across her forehead and paints it orange with spice. 
She had giggled, she remembers. That day, she had giggled and wrapped her arms around his middle and told him about her time at Sadie’s house. This time, she stands still and looks. 
Jimmy’s smile drops, just for a moment. “Hi, Dad.” She can see him realizing like he’s coming out of a dream, realizing that the girl standing in front of her is not his 8 year old. “Yeah, I’m… I’m not in your head.”
He looks around the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed. Claire looks around too, at the family home that seems like it’s from a lifetime ago, at the decorative plates that she sold on Ebay after her mom left, the favorite one she’d smashed to bits on a bad night. The pictures of the life that got ripped away from her. “Your mom’s making mac n cheese… with the pork chops,” he says quietly. “Sound good?”
Claire bites her lip. Jimmy keeps staring out the kitchen window. “Dad, look at me.” She reaches out and grabs his hand hard, crushing his knuckles under her grip. He looks at her.
“Claire, you’re-” He frowns, eyes flitting over her. She looks down self-consciously. Her ripped jeans and beaten up tank wouldn’t exactly have flown in her childhood home, let alone the tattoos climbing their way up her arm. Protective sigils and Kaia’s doodles, stick-and-pokes from Alex. And she does look a little… different from when he last saw her. Boobs, for one thing. A decade and HRT will do that for you.
“Yeah, I know. I grew up.” It comes out a little harsher than she’d intended. Jimmy flinches back out of her grasp, tearing up.
“You must hate me.”
She crosses her arms and swallows. “Yeah, I do.” She sighs. “You left me. When I was just a kid. When I had just told you-” that I was a girl. She clears her throat. “You walked out and demons waltzed right into our life. And mom- mom was just a shell. Her perfect husband? Gone. My perfect dad?” she wiped the seasoning off her forehead with a fist. “Gone. And I had to raise myself. I had to figure out how to survive… alone.” Jimmy hangs his head, tears slipping down his face. Claire steps closer and waits until he looks back up at her. “But you know what? I learned a lot. About me, about you…” She shakes her head. Cas had shown her the miniscule scars on his chest, barely visible after years of healing. Only visible because Cas let them be. “So yeah, I hate you. And I love you. And... I get it. I would’ve gone too far, too, to do the right thing.” She had a few times. “I would’ve sacrificed myself to save the people I love.” She had tried to, for months after Kaia… 
Jimmy looks down at his feet. 
“I forgive you. I forgive you for all of it. Everything.” 
Her dad blinks. He looks at her. “Claire,” he pulls her close and hugs her and this time, she lets him. She lets herself sink into her dad’s arms and feel safe, because this time it isn’t a dream. This time his eyes won’t blink black and he won’t cough up blood and she won’t feel the burn of Castiel’s grace inside her. This time it’s actually her dad, even if she’s only visiting his slice of heaven, and he actually sees her. “My beautiful daughter. Claire, I’m so sorry.”
Claire pulls away sniffing. “Let’s skip over the mushy stuff while I’m here, ‘kay?” Jimmy nods gratefully. “Wanna play Uno?”
Jack had slipped her a pack of cards before she’d gone in, and she pulls them out now. Surprisingly, they’d been a good idea. Jimmy grins. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
“Cool. Then you can tell me why you never told your trans daughter that you were the one who gave birth to me.”
Jimmy’s laugh comes out tinged with tears, but they’re the giddy kind, the kind that can’t believe this is happening. They sit at the table and Claire deals. “Your mom didn’t want-”
Claire waves him off. “Yeah, yeah, fine. Amelia.” she snorts and looks up, and Jimmy’s wearing the same bittersweet expression. “You start.”
Jimmy takes a moment to look at his cards, but Claire knows he’s thinking of what to say. “You look good.” he finally decides. He lays a card down. “I never got to tell you after- when I came back…” Claire presses her lips together and stares at her own hand. “The long hair suits you.”
Claire runs a hand through her hair, swearing to herself she isn’t blushing. “Yeah, my girlfriend thinks so too.” she ventures, laying down a +4 card like a challenge. “Green.”
Jimmy’s expression is an indescribable mix of happy and proud. Claire has only seen it on his face a few times, ironically mostly with Cas’s subdued version. He takes four cards like it’s nothing. “Well, she has good taste.”
Claire’s mouth twists into a grin. “Yeah. I’m lucky to have her. Lucky to have everybody I’ve got.”
“I’m… I’m so glad, Claire.”
His voice has turned strained. She squints at him. “That includes you, dumba-” He raises an eyebrow and she stops. “Dad.” 
Jimmy reaches across and grabs her hand. “Claire-”
“I’ve kinda got an in with God now, so, you’re probably gonna be playing Uno a lot more,” she says casually, taking her hand away so she can keep playing. She doesn’t look up at him.
“I like Uno.”
“Good.” She lays down another +4. “Yellow.”
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britt-writes · 3 years
hi lovely i have a request for you because youre work is absolutely amazing aHH ! could you maybe so some headcanons/oneshot on lucas making his gf cry cause he's getting all pissed with his computer n is getting angry and then accidentally takes it out on his gf?? there's no pressure at all, I really do love your work and I'm so happy you write for Lucas <33
Thank you so so much, I really appreciate it, and I'm happy to do this request for you! I went for a little drabble with this one. Hopefully, I didn't make you wait too long for it. 💕 (I added a cut since it was getting a bit long and, and I don't want to invade people's dashes.)
Prompt: Lucas making his girlfriend cry
Drabble title: Poor Choice of Words
Word Count: 2008
With the semester coming to a close, you found yourself balls deep in what felt like never-ending exams to study for and detailed research papers to type. Needless to say that the hefty accumulation of college work had been piling up on you, leaving you stressed and fatigued, ultimately leaving you with no motivation or desire to get work done; just this huge blank whenever you stared at your books.
Barely able to hold yourself together with this massive headache from the free-for-all death match your thoughts were having up there, you were in desperate need of some quiet and rest. You were sure that you’d eventually break down if you didn’t.
Lucas was nice enough to let you get that quiet you needed, letting you take over his bed to nap and rest your head and eyes while he tapped away on his computer. He kept it down, which you appreciated. He’d always been the strong, silent type of guy. The only noises you could hear were the clicking of his keyboard and his foot tapping at the ground—a little tic of his, being rather fidgety.
You hadn’t quite fallen asleep, being quite restless, but you did occasionally lull in and out of consciousness. Maybe it was the damn heat wave that hit Dulvey that kept you up, or maybe it was your headache, but nonetheless, it felt nice to lie down and do nothing, worrying about nothing.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed since you had decided to lie down in your lover’s bed, but as the seconds ticked by, you could hear Lucas’ foot tapping becoming faster, seemingly aggressive. His fingers had also joined in, just tapping at the desk.
You didn’t think much of it at first, brushing it off as Lucas simply being his regular, fidgety self; he’d probably stop in a minute or so. But then you heard a low growl from him, followed by a series of curses muttered underneath his breath.
“C'mon, ya slow piece o’ shit,” you heard him say.
Shifting around, you faced him, opening your eyes. Lucas was having some issues with his computer, and one quick glance showed that his programs and even cursor were running at abysmally sluggish speeds. You weren’t sure how you hadn’t heard it at first, but his computer’s fans were loud as hell, probably working their asses off. When was the last time Lucas cleaned them? The poor old box computer sounded like it was suffering.
“Motherfucker!” Lucas suddenly yelled out, nearly jolting you out of your skin.
You flinched as he began smacking the computer, making you sit up on the bed as you stared at Lucas while his patience ran thinner with every passing second. You remained still and quiet, worried about his state of anger, but also unsure if you should intervene in an attempt to get him to simmer down. Truth be told, you hated watching people get angry, even if the anger wasn’t directed at you; it put you in a state of anxiety, wanting nothing more to keep the situation from escalating further.
“Aw, what the hell?! What now?!” He yelled as his screen seemed to freeze.
“Um, hey, babe?” You intervened, sounding very meek.
He didn’t reply, continuing to aggressively fumble with his computer, still spewing insults and curses at the device. Maybe that should have been your cue to leave Lucas be, but you didn’t take it, wanting to help him.
“Babe?” You said again, a little louder this time in case he hadn’t heard you the first time over the sound of his own voice.
“What?” Lucas said rather sharply.
“Do you want me to help or something? How about you turn it off and try cleaning the fans to start off? Then, maybe-”
Lucas whirled around to face you, the annoyed look on his face immediately shutting you up.
“What the fuck would yer dumbass know? Shit’s already fucked, so I don’t need it worsenin’. I don’t need yer fuckin’ help, so mind yer goddamn business,” he said before going back to his computer, not paying you any further mind.
You had never been on the receiving end of Lucas’ outbursts until now. Maybe you were being too sensitive, but you couldn’t help the tears threatening to fall. Sure, you and Lucas have insulted each other plenty of times in the past, but it was all obvious playful banter and teasing between the two of you with no ill intentions. This time around, he held this dead serious expression and tone, making you feel like he actually thought that of you.
Lucas was short-tempered, prone to outbursts at the slightest inconvenience, and you knew that he ran his mouth faster than his brain during those moments. He often did or said things that he didn’t truly mean, letting his anger get the best of him. He probably hadn’t even realized what he said, but that still didn’t mean that you didn’t feel as if your heart shattered in millions of pieces at his poor choice of words.
Wordlessly, you lied back down, facing the wall as you curled up underneath the blankets. A few tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried your best to keep quiet, not wanting to make a scene. You just hoped that Lucas would soon enough calm down on his own accord.
He’d say that a little over half an hour had passed since his computer started acting up, but Lucas had since abandoned the device to fool around on his phone, feet propped atop his desk. At least he was distancing himself from the source of his anger.
Maybe about a year ago, Lucas would still be fuming and smashing things around his room, but ever since you came into his life, he’s been getting better at taking breaks, not fixating on whatever was irritating him in order to cool down a bit. You were there to comfort him, listen to his venting and clear his head.
Overall, a model lover with the patience of a saint to deal with him— Lucas himself would be the first to say it.
So, why the fuck did he yell at you the way he did earlier? He absolutely hated any asshole who dared make you upset; Lucas always promised to make quick work of anybody who hurt you, and all you had to do was say the word.
But now, Lucas was the one to feel like the biggest shithead ever.
Earlier feelings of fury were slowly being replaced by regret, which was an odd feeling. It was a first for him; he’s never really given a shit enough to feel regret or shame for his actions, even when he knew that he was in the wrong. But it felt different when it involved you. Maybe he still felt anger, anger at himself for treating you like shit when all you wanted to do was help him because you cared.
You were already stressed enough in the first place with all the work you had to do, and Lucas wasn’t helping by taking out his anger on you. It was an accident; he really regretted it.
Looking back at you, Lucas saw that you were still curled on his bed. You hadn’t said anything in the last half hour, so he wondered if you had fallen asleep, though you may just be ignoring him after the things he said. He didn’t like that thought, but he knew he deserved it.
He could feel panic settling in his chest— what if he fucked up for good? What if you drew the line there? What if this was the moment you realized you could do better than him? What if you walked out on him?
Those ‘what if’ questions made him nauseated. Lucas was shit at showing it, but you were his entire world. This relationship was his only motivation to even bother trying in life. Without you, he was sure that he’d either end up thrown into the streets or in jail— just some loser with no chance in hell to make it.
He had to calm the fuck down, he thought. He knew damn well that having an internal breakdown over something that was his fault in the first place wasn’t going to get him anywhere.
He stood up from his chair, cautiously approaching his bed, almost unsure of what he should do. It was like he was second-guessing himself— maybe he should let you sleep it off.
But Lucas ultimately decided to join you in bed, slowly scooting against you and draping his arm over your waist. He already felt like shit, but the feeling only worsened when he felt you flinch, and after an uncomfortable minute of silence, Lucas finally found it in himself to say something.
“Are ya mad at me?” He asked.
And he wanted nothing more than to ram his head against drywall, not impressed with the way he chose to open up.
“Are you mad at me?” You countered in a shaky tone that split his heart in two.
“Wasn’t mad at ya… jus’ the computer,” he said.
“Do you really think I’m dumb?” You asked, voice nearly inaudible.
“C'mon baby, y'know I don’t,” he said.
The silence on your end was goddamn unnerving, absolutely stressing him out. As the seconds ticked by, Lucas could feel his breathing become ragged and heavy, the atmosphere making him increasingly more anxious.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, realizing that he should have said that in the first place.
Lucas didn’t remember the last time he apologized to someone. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he ever did in his lifetime.
“I just wanted to help,” you said, voice quivering. “But you just yelled at me instead.”
And then the sobs came; Lucas could feel your body shake against him. Oh, God. He made you cry. Lucas didn’t think it was possible for him to feel any shittier at the moment, but here he was.
“No-no-no-no— don’t cry,” Lucas shushed, holding you tighter and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, baby,” he apologized again. “I know ya just wanted to help, 'cause yer just the sweetest thing out there.”
“You looked so serious… like you really meant it,” you managed to say through choked up cries. “I feel like I’m the stupidest bother to you.”
“Didn’t mean a goddamn word of it. I know it ain’t no excuse, but I wasn’t thinkin’ right. Aw, shit— I’m the stupid piece o’ crap here. Yer hella smart, darlin’; there ain’t one part o’ ya that’s dumb,” he said. “Y'know I love ya, right?”
You were taking your sweet time to respond, making Lucas all the more anxious. He thought that he had royally fucked up beyond repair.
“Do you… d'ya still love me?” He asked, finding himself ridiculously pathetic for asking such a thing; the shakiness in his tone didn’t help either.
“Of course I do,” you said.
Lucas found some relief in the swift response at his question— no stuttering, no vague answers, no skipped beat. Your crying had also started to die down.
“So, you ain’t gonna, ya know, leave or somethin’?” He asked.
“No. I wouldn’t break up with you over something like this. It’s not worth our entire relationship,” you said. “I’m just a little sad over it. It’s… not really fun getting yelled at by someone you love, you know?”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah.”
Of course nobody liked getting into fights with their loved ones. He sure as hell knew that he’d blow a fuse if you yelled and insulted him the way he had.
“I have anger issues…” he mumbled.
“I know,” you said. “But you’re not as bad as you used to be.”
Lucas could only promise to get better going forward, and with your encouragement, he was sure that he’d be able to do it. But he’d have to try hard, and he knew it.
“Y'ave been hella stressed lately. Want me to help you study later, or somethin’?” He offered.
“If you have time, that’d motivate me.”
“Yeah, I got time. Don’t got much to do in the first place.”
You turned around to face him, wiping the remainder of your tears and offering a small smile before pressing your lips against his in a soft, sweet kiss. You then nuzzled Lucas’ chest as he cradled you protectively against him.
Apology accepted.
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harrenhalyuri · 3 years
for us, the wounds kissed long before the lips
23rd of Sun's Dawn, 1E 461, Alessian Empire.
During the coronation of Emperor Gorieus, the Hortator and the head of House Dagoth steal a moment for themselves.
tags: drinking & talking; angst; one-sided relationship; attempt at worldbuilding
ao3 version here
They stumbled forward laughing and shushing one another as the heavy oak doors closed behind them - the warmth and merry of the coronation feast left behind as the two stepped out into the garden.
Nerevar recalled walking the streets of Nirnbuldihr - the cyan glow of the giant mushrooms reflecting on the windows of several shops. One in particular caught his eye, and he crossed the cobblestone sidewalk to inspect it more closely. Blown glass sculptures, colorful and intricate in the way the dwemer favored.
His favorite had been a piece hidden in the back of the window, as if outshined by more complex, elaborate pieces upfront. It had been a white glass diorama, depicting a cottage surrounded by trees swaying in the breeze - the sort of simplicity the dwemer had no interest in.
The garden reminded him of that diorama - covered in a blanket of snow, completely undisturbed by the world around it.
Voryn pulled him under the arches that covered the path to the guest wing, but the Hortator held him back.
“No, let us stay for a bit.” He answered, arm still draped around the back of his friend’s neck as he stepped on the soft snow. Voryn sighed, yet allowed Nerevar to lead him.
“Frolicking amidst the cold? Do you plan on inviting the Nords to join us?” The head of House Dagoth said snidely as he crossed his arms to warm himself.
Nerevar laughed and shoved him away.
“The snow never belonged to those s’wits, you’re simply thin-blooded from living under the shadow of a volcano.”
“Perhaps, and rightly so.”
The snow softly crunched under their boots as they wandered near a tree - now completely stripped of leaves, its gnarled branches seemed to reach towards the sky.
“It always snows in Akamora.” Nerevar inhaled deeply, enjoying how his lungs burned as he took in the crisp, cool air. “In the mountains, at least. The paths are sharp and winding, and it freezes over during winter. No caravans may come or go, not until Sun’s Dawn.”  
The Hortator grabbed a handful of snow, the ice leeching the warmth of his skin through the kagouti leather gloves. Absent-mindedly he shaped it until a white sphere rested on his palm. Secunda and Masser bore down on them - the moon glow glinting on the high windows of Skingrad’s castle.
Nerevar recalled the moon glow glinting on the tip of ice spikes, sharp enough to be spears, at the highest peak of Akamora.
Azura had come to him then, for the first time, to bestow Moon-and-Star upon the captain - his fingers had been so stiff from the cold that he could barely feel them anymore, the goddess’s touch as foreign as the ring she had slipped on his finger.
When he came down from the mountain, the first ashlanders had hailed him Hortator, and it had felt just as foreign as the ring on his finger.  
“It must be rather grim.” Voryn commented, the cyrodilic brandy swirling inside the bottle as he brought it to his lips. The distaste in his face was plain to see - it couldn’t hold a candle to the Dagoth brandy.  
Nerevar smiled, his short-lived melancholia forgotten.
“How can you say that? Short-tempered caravan masters, cheap mazte and all the comforts of a straw bed...” The captain delighted at Voryn’s growing distaste as he spoke. The head of House Dagoth was a creature of comfort and status, something that had made the duo different as the sun and the moon.    
"Lovely, I'm sure." Voryn replied with a sour expression. Nerevar laughed.
"For a researcher, you spent far too much time cocooned up in Kogoruhn." The Hortator recalled several jars containing fungi species and creatures preserved in a strong alcoholic solution, one more outlandish than the other. In his curiosity, the captain had pestered Voryn with questions until he nearly dropped one of the jars. The head of House Dagoth had snapped at him to stop before he accidentally unleashed a deadly plague and got them both killed.
That had been many years ago, before the war, when Nerevar was still seeking support from the great houses. The somber, willowy lord that had greeted him in Kogoruhn had been the first to join him - his support had been won easily, but his friendship had not.  
"And due to that, couriers are eternally indebted to House Dagoth. Why would I waste my precious time wandering through mud in a thrice-damned swamp?” The councilor huffed, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
Nerevar laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.
“And what if your Hortator commanded you to?”
The previous distaste vanished in a second as the sharp, haughty aristocratic features softened; the ruby-colored gaze meeting his, warm as the liquor sloshing inside the bottle.
“I’d wander until time itself ceased to be if Muthsera willed so.” Despite the devotion, the lord councilor had steel in his voice; unwavering as the very core of Nirn.
Nerevar let the snow sphere fall to the ground, the reverence in those words overwhelming as he broke his gaze away, before joining the councilor on the stone bench. The orange glow of a candle reflected on the windows above; a small flickering flame moving as a servant crossed the corridor. The former captain followed it until the speckle of light vanished behind stone walls.
“I miss it.” He blurted out, seized by a deep longing as the world seemed to be reduced into that snow-covered, unperturbed garden; as if its two occupants were the only souls in Nirn.
“By the Three, how I miss it! To Oblivion with those titles and thrones and crowns; I miss the road, I miss the ache after a long day’s march and falling on the straw at night too tired to think.” Nerevar leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and covering his face with his hands. Azura had blessed him with the strength to carry the title of Hortator, yet he craved the simplicity of being nothing more than a captain, with no past nor future beyond the next town.
The Hortator missed walking through the crowded streets of the bazaars; the cramped food stalls with ill-tempered merchants that served meals with enough spices to burn his tongue; the shady cornerclubs where you had to watch both your tongue and your coin purse.  
Now he signed papers, spoke with lords, and followed the proper etiquette befitting his rank; he watched the streets through the high windows of his palace, as if his brethren were tiny ants. The former captain pulled his hands away and felt a tear roll down the bridge of his nose; the liquor was truly getting to his head. He placed a hand on his councilor’s knee; the several layers of red wool soft under his glove.
“Let’s leave - just the two of us and the road ahead, like it was before the war. We’ll name ourselves whatever we wish, we’ll sleep under the stars and chew on marshmerrow pieces as we travel.”
“Where shall we go, sweet Nerevar?” The young lord played along; his voice soft as a whisper, as if afraid to disturb the stillness around them.
“Wherever you desire - do you still wonder about Hammerfell? I’ll take you to see the dunes that stretch as far as the sun, you’ll study their beetles and giant scorpions for as long as you wish, then we can drink qishr and break bread with the nomads.” Nerevar found himself smiling as he recalled the heat of the desert and the loose, colorful fabrics the natives wore.
He turned around and reached for the bottle, fingers brushing against his confidant’s. Only then, Nerevar realized his councilor had forgotten his gloves inside the hall; the golden skin contrasting against the snow, the long, elegant fingers trembling with the cold.
“Oh, Voryn.” The former captain frowned, quickly pulling his own gloves off and taking hold of the other’s wrist; the scarlet nails vanishing into the supple leather as he adjusted the glove.
“Remember when you fell sick, five days after we departed Kogoruhn? We had to-” The sentence fell on deaf ears, vanishing under the branches heavy with snow as lips met his, swallowing his words with hunger. A hand connected with his chest, closing into a fist as Voryn pulled him closer; as if it weren’t enough.
Distant and haughty Voryn, who ate sparingly and never smudged the red paint he wore on his lips, bit the Hortator’s lower lip before pulling back; eyes half-lidded as he brushed the tip of his nose against Nerevar’s in a silent plea.
The ink-colored hair contrasted against the pale golden skin; the black fur collar brushing against the captain’s chin; a pale pink blooming on his cheeks, either from cold, the brandy, or something else-
Heart hammering against his ribcage, blood drumming on his ears; it was the slightest tilt of his face that thrice-damned him as Voryn’s lips smashed against his; a devotion he was unworthy of every time their tongues met; muffled prayers in form of sighs and whimpers.  
Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy. A voice whispered in his mind, taunting him; in his mind’s eye he saw peach-colored lips curled in derision, teeth bared like a wolf’s. Almalexia’s snarl.
Somewhere, a door groaned open and the sounds of the feast reached the garden, shattering their sanctuary; the weight of being Hortator came crashing down on his shoulders. Nerevar pulled back as if he had been burned, his palm on the young lord’s shoulder firmly holding the other back. He looked down, unable to face the confusion, the longing. Too much, it was too much. His hair was disheveled, pale strands falling against his face and he felt grateful for the cover.
“Nerevar-” The head of House Dagoth began, voice hoarse and breathless.
“Forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to forgive, I’ve wanted-”
“It was a mistake.”
“Oh.” Voryn inhaled sharply as if his lungs had suddenly been emptied.
“I’ve...I drank more than I should have. We both have.” His words feel hollow, and he can no longer tell if the bitter taste on his tongue belonged to the brandy, or the shame. The silence stretched; neither dared to move.
“I see.” His voice is flat, devoid of emotion; the usual aloofness reserved for others. Out of the corner of his eye, Nerevar watched him straighten his posture; the dark hair falling like a curtain, obscuring half of his face.  
Other guests left the feast; their chatter and laughter permeated the garden as they walked down the path to the other wing of the castle. Nerevar felt the red gaze pinned to his back, yet no words left his lips. He watched the snow under his boots; watery and muddy as it mixed with the dirt below.
At last, he heard the rustling of fabric as Voryn rose to his feet; impeccable posture as he towered over the Hortator.
“May this servant be excused, Muthsera?” The words rolled easily off his tongue; the sharp formality of it made Nerevar wince.
The Hortator forced himself to lift his head and face his long-time friend; clad in red wool and black fur, the snowflakes melting on the long, inky hair; the blank expression betraying nothing, except for his lips; the red paint had been smudged, contorting their shape.
From the cradle, the heir of House Dagoth had been taught the games of persuasion and deceit; a master in concealing his thoughts behind a mask.
Nerevar took a hollow, cowardly comfort in it.
Voryn Dagoth bowed before him, as etiquette mandated, before vanishing into the corridor; the sound of his footsteps hammering inside the Hortator’s head until they vanished, leaving him with nothing but a headache and the cold.
After finishing the bottle by himself, the former captain laid in bed, watching the moons slowly crossing the sky through the windows; his dreams haunted by both his closest friend and his wife; one seeming to shift into the other as they pinned him against the sheets; ever-hungry as they sought out his lips.
It was late morning when he rose; mouth dry and head throbbing like it had been split open with an axe. The hearth had been tended to recently, the fire crackling as it consumed the logs. He turned in bed, still wrapped around the sheets.
Voryn will understand, he understands the importance of duty better than anyone. He reasoned with himself.
A single kagouti glove on the floor, as if someone had pushed it under the door.
Across the hallway, a lord painted his lips red; immaculately framing the natural shape of his lips. His unbalanced emotions shattered the mirror into a thousand pieces when his fingers trembled for a second and a smudge appeared.
Duty, he’s devoted to duty, the lord repeated mentally, as he collected the shards.
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | iv
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none
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"HAHA! I GOTCHU NOW LOSER!" Y/N smashed the buttons on her controller, basically on the edge of her bed. A grunt was heard through her headphones, then a loud bang with laughing in the background. Y/N felt her stomach turn at the sound of this, feeling a little left out, but smiled nonetheless.
"HOW'D YOU EVEN DO THAT?!! YOU’RE DOING SOME HACKING MY GUY!" Denki yelled through the laughing in the background, hands pulling at his hair. He seriously couldn't believe it!
"I'm not! I just wanted to show Sero I'm way better at this game than you are. And turns out I am!" Y/N let out a loud laugh, falling backwards onto her pillow. After finding out that 'Tape Dispenser' went to her cousin’s school by hearing his voice in the back of Denki's room, she got to learn more about this Sero dude. She already knew this after their last game a few nights ago, but he was so chill. It was still insane for her to find out that her cousin and online friend went to the same hero school. The coincidences in this world. Y/N thought as she grinned.
"It's okay Kaminari, you still lasted a long time! But you did get brutally beat by Y/N at the end though..." Sero said, trying to raise Denki's low spirits, but only succeeded in making him more miserable. Rustling was heard through Y/N's headphones, making it obvious that there was movement happening.
"You don't understand Sero! THIS IS THE ONLY GAME I COULD FULLY BEAT THIS GIRL IN!" Denki shook Sero by the shoulders, quickly doing the action. Cackling was heard through the speakers while the girl wiped a tear from her eye. Sero laughed along, as he was pushed to the ground by Denki. His arms were crossed as he looked away, upset that Y/N managed to finally beat him in every game they played.
"It's okay Denki, not everyone can be as good as me!" Y/N exclaimed, getting up from her bed to start taping specific parts of her room. Kaminari continued to complain about his defeat to Sero, who only chuckled in response. As she finished taping the bottom of the walls, Y/N sat back on her bed, sighing in content.
"So, how are you? I'm doing terribly after being utterly destroyed by you, by the way." Said Kaminari, opening his water bottle and taking large gulps from it. Y/N felt her face light up as she remembered to tell Kaminari of her future activity.
"Bro, you won't believe this! So, basically, they're actually letting me paint my room! All by myself! How fricking cool is that?!" The girl laughed out loud, jumping on her bed in excitement. Kaminari's eyes widen, in surprise and slight fear, sitting up and taking in the new information.
"Wait, really? But isn't that like extremely dangerous? Cuz of the chemicals and what not??" He tried his best to keep his voice leveled, not noticing Sero look at him weirdly. That guy had no idea what was happening.
"Well, they said that they were gonna do something to the paint so it won't hurt me or anything, I don't know what, but-" Y/N was cut off by an extremely confused Sero. "Wait wait wait, hold on. I don't understand what's happening. How can paint harm you? Besides like...eating it. And what do you mean by 'finally getting to paint your room?’ Silence was the only answer he got. Sero gulped in embarrassment, thinking he asked a really personal question.
"Um, it's nothing du-" A loud 'shhhhhhh' was heard from Y/N, who let out a shaky breath. She never really told anyone, it's not like she could either way, being confined in the hospital room for a long time. She pushed a loose strand of her away from her face, preparing herself to tell Sero.
"Well, the reason is because I basically live in a hospital. I can't go outside, or have 'unpurified' air, as the doctors like to say, meaning my interactions with people and the outside world are extremely limited. That means anything that's not cleared of dust and germs, I guess, can be extremely harmful for me? As pathetic as it sounds, it could actually kill me, haha." It was quiet as Sero took in the information, a large wave of emotions crashing on him. A person shouldn't have to be locked in a room for the rest of their life. Especially someone who is such a sweet person like Y/N.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear that Y/N. If you don't mind me asking, how...how long have you been in the hospital?" The young girl answered with a quick 'Two years', and that's when Sero felt his stomach twist uncomfortably. Kaminari abruptly got up and headed towards his door.
"I'm gonna get something to eat, you want something dude?" Kaminari's voice was low and trembling. It didn't take a genius to see that the blonde haired boy needed some time alone. "No thanks." Kaminari let out a hum, quickly exiting his room and closing the door shut. Sero heard the loud sniffs that slowly faded away, as he hung his head down.
"Hey, you good Sero? That was probably a lot to take in, sorry." Sero shook his head, letting a sad smile adorn his face. "It's fine, really. I actually feel honored that you're comfortable telling me. Feels like we're getting closer, to be honest." He smiled happily, meaning every word he said. And Y/N knew that. "Ha, we are though!" The air was tense, despite the two teenagers being in different rooms.
Y/N went to clear her throat, but was interrupted when a light knock echoed throughout her room. "Someone there?" Sero asked, noticing her silence and hearing the very faint knocking.
"Yeah, um Sero, I'll call you guys later, my doctor wants to talk." Y/N quickly replied, seeing Receen open the door and walk in with his thin suit on. Sero let out an ok and they hang up. Y/N finally took in how the doctor looked, noticeable eye bags under his blue-grey eyes, from lack of sleep. His dark hair slightly tousled, probably from putting on the protective helmet that came with the suit, and a small smile on his welcoming face. And a large container of paint in his left hand. Her eyes immediately lit up.
"What’s up doc? I see you have something in your hand, can I see it closer?" The small girl asked, getting up and making a grabbing motion with her hands. Receen chuckled, lifting up the paint for Y/N to see. Even if he were to hand her the container, she wouldn't be able to hold. She was just too weak. Said girl let out a high pitch 'OOOO ' in excitement.
"I'm not sure if you wanted more, but we managed to get you your favorite color! This should be enough to paint the room, you can even put a second layer if you want." Receen walked over to where Y/N put all the equipment, opening the container of paint. And with a low grunt from him, the lid was opened. Y/N watched with amazement as the doctor poured the soft looking paint into a tray. She picked up a roller near her, and drowned the roller in paint, the white fluff getting covered in color.
The two began painting, Y/N's hand shaking every now and then. After painting half the room, they sat in silence, resting for a while. Receen seemed to be tense, though Y/N didn't seem to notice since she was too happy to speak. Receen let out a breath, breaking the silence, causing Y/N to look towards him.
"I didn't get to ask you how you were, did I Y/N? How are you?" Said girl let a beaming smile spread on her face, causing Receen to slightly squint his eyes from the intensity of her smile. "Honestly, I haven't felt this happy in a very long time! I actually still can't believe you guys really let me do this! Thank you so much!"
Receen gave her a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not a problem, you could’ve asked sooner and gotten this done a long time ago. You've been here for two years, so please don't be afraid of asking for things!" At the mention of her time spent in the hospital, Y/N lowered her head, causing Receen to wince. Well, might as well tell her. The doctor cleared his throat and began to talk.
"Y/N, as you are aware, I, along with many other doctors and scientists, have been working hard for you to be able to go outside again. To see your family, hug them, be a normal kid again." There was a pause and that alone caught Y/N's attention. She looked up at him. "There is a way for you to finally do that, Y/N."
Shock evident on the girl's face, she abruptly stood up and faced the doctor. There was absolutely no way anyone could have found a cure for someone like her. Someone who had an incurable sickness. Someone who was too sick, to even have medicine. He's lying. Y/N narrowed her eyes at the grown man sitting in front of her.
"With all due respect Doctor, I highly doubt that ​​that's possible. Cuz, y'know? I basically have an incurable disease? I mean, like, even if you did manage to find a way for me to leave this place, how do you even know it's gonna work? I don't think you've tried this medicine since no one in recorded hospital documents in the past have had people like that checked in before-"
"How do you even know that?"
"-so how do you truly know it'll work?" Y/N quickly finished, completely ignoring his statement. Receen sighed, scratching his head. "We live in a world where quirks exist. Would you believe me if I told you centuries ago that the human race would evolve to have super powers? It's kind of like that, but not really." Y/N eyed him suspiciously. He's avoiding the question.
Receen looked straight at the girl standing in front of him. He felt slightly intimidated by her piercing gaze. He quickly looked away and got up, towering over Y/N's small frame. Then he smiled. "Y/N, you are a very sweet girl, no doubt about it. I know how much you want to get out of here, and I want to help you. My team has created this almost perfect pill, especially suited for your sickness. I know you're very cautious, just like your mother, but I can only reassure you, that these are your ticket out of here." He pulled out the bottle from his protective suit, shaking it in front of [Y/N].
Her eyes widened as she restrained herself from reaching out and snatching the bottle. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she pulled herself together. Crossing her arms and slightly tilting her upwards, she looked into the doctor's bright eyes. "There's always a catch when it comes to these kinds of things. What's the price if I take these? My lifespan shortens, I only have five hours to go outside, it drugs me or something?"
"I'm hurt you think I would just give you these without setting out the consequences." There was a slight glint in his eyes before it quickly disappeared. Y/N hummed, urging the doctor to continue.
"There are exactly 15 pills in here. And consuming just one of these bad boys right here, would allow you to go outside! Though, time is very important when taking these. You'd have 10 hours before the pills effects wear off. These would dull your hypersensitive senses, but not to a point where you can't feel, smell or do anything. No no, it'd just be like how you were before. You'd feel slightly dizzy and be a little itchy, but besides that, nothing too extreme. It just dulls all your body senses down." Receen gave Y/N a small smile. She looked a little weary, unsure if what he said was true. She looked at the bottle then back to Doctor Receen, fingers twitching every now and then. Breathing in and letting it out slowly, Y/N stared straight into the doctor's eyes.
If I take these, I can finally go out. I can hug mom and dad, I can be around Denki again. I can meet Sero face to face and feel the grass again! I can be... happy again. But if these don't actually work, I'd immediately die on the spot. I'd be able to go outside though. Aah, so much going outside, I can meet new people! I don't wanna spend the rest of my days slowly rotting away in here anyway.
"So Y/N, are you going to take them or let all our time go to waste?"
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Sero looked at his hands solemnly, thinking about what Y/N had told him. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, then lightly slapped his cheeks to stop the wave of emotions from spilling out.
"Yo, you good dude? It's not everyday I see someone willingly slapping themselves." Kaminari chuckled, walking in and closing the door with his foot as he carried a soda bottle and a bag of chips towards the boy sitting on his bed. Sero grinned, feeling the sadness of everything wash away.
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. But what about you though? After we had that conversation, you were, well, umm... kind of out of it." Kaminari froze, letting a dejected smile appear on his face. Dragging a hand down his face, he let out a sorrowful laugh.
"She's my best friend. My first real, true friend. She's basically my sister at this point. So when she collapsed that day, I felt my whole world crashing down. She is the sweetest, the most kindest, person I have ever met. She never let me degrade myself, alway cheered me up when people called me stupid." Kaminari rubbed his eyes, opening the bag of chips and plopping one of them into his mouth.
"It hasn't been the same ever since she left, her parents barely come over anymore, and they're always so sad whenever I see them. My own parents aren't the same either, they treated her like their own daughter. I can't even begin to imagine how Y/N feels about this all. She was the top in our grade, highest scores in our test. No one could compare to her. M-my heart breaks for her. She lost everything." Sero let that information sink in, thinking about how she was before. He smiled as he saw Kaminari's shoulders begin to shake. He cares so much for her.
He put his hand on his shoulder, watching Kaminari slowly lift his face towards him. "Come here you emotional ball of feelings." Being the friendly guy he is, Sero gave the sobbing boy a hug, cuz hugs fix everything.
"No homo though bro." And with that, they both laughed out loud, continuing their bro day.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers of the Chaos (Chapter 2)
Summary: Tam, Linh, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh's podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing, food, L*ura
Word count: 2005
Notes: Check out the beautiful theme song here!
(Read on AO3)
Sophie rolls her eyes as she opens the link her girlfriend sent her and puts in her earbuds. Biana has been incessantly pestering her to watch Keepers of the Chaos for so long that Sophie half wants to watch it just to shut her up, but she's always tired, or busy, and she doesn't really like watching new things. Still, Biana asked her very nicely to listen to this one podcast, and she looked very pretty when she asked, so Sophie's dumb omni ass couldn't refuse.
"Welcome to the Twins of the Chaos podcast," it begins after loading for an obnoxiously long time. The girl speaking has a pretty voice, Sophie has to admit- sweet and melodic and vaguely amused.
Maybe listening to this podcast won't be so bad if she can listen to that girl's voice the whole time.
But another person speaks, adding "Where some chaotic twins discuss our favorite show, Keepers of the Chaos," and his voice is not as pretty. She continues listening anyway, since Biana may or may not murder her if she stops.
The two voices- whose names are Linh and Tam, apparently- start talking about Keepers of the Chaos some more, giving Sophie a summary she's heard tons of times from Biana and Fitz- though the twins explain it slightly more coherently and with less... whatever the verbal equivalent of keyboard smashing is. Biana usually starts rambling about her favorite characters, like Lynn- not "Lynn the fandom mom," but the other Lynn- and Avery, or sometimes Nora and Darwin. Sophie doesn't understand any of those names and loses track of the conversation as soon as it involves too many unfamiliar names.
But Tam and Linh are making more sense, at least for the most part, until they start mentioning specific couples. The conversation gets again comprehensive soon enough, though, and Sophie does smile at the name "The Dark Duck."
By the end, when Tam says "half of them wearing sleeping masks with teal eyes painted on and the other half watching the chaos with mild amusement," Sophie is curious enough to be mildly intrigued. She listens to their outro music, and before she can regret it, types out a text message to Biana.
Sophie: fine
Sophie: ill watch it
Biana responds instantly with an array of heart emojis. Sophie blushes.
Biana: can i come over and watch with u?
Sophie: ok!
Sophie: moms making mallowmelt
Sophie: but u cant have any
Biana: >:(
Biana: hope u like being single then
Sophie: fine u can have some mallowmelt
Biana: yayyyy!
Biana: ily
Sophie: ilyt
Sophie: now lets watch ur stupid show
Biana: on my way!!!
Sophie smiles, shaking her head. She's a little annoyed, but fine, it sounds interesting enough from the podcast. And what else would she be doing? Studying? Having US history as an alternative would make even the most horrible of shows seem good. She stuffs her textbooks into her backpack and shoves some things out of the way so her room looks a bit neater before rushing downstairs. The mallowmelt smells good enough to make her mouth water.
"Mmm..." she sighs, barely taking time to let it cool off before taking a large bite. "That's so good. Thanks, Mom."
Edaline  smiles. "You're welcome. Just save some for your father and I."
"Fine, fine. I have to share with Biana, anyway." Sophie huffs and takes another bite. "She's coming over, is that alright? We're going to watch a show together."
"Sure, just make sure to get your homework done."
Sophie rolls her eyes. "Fine."
"And keep the door open!" Grady calls. Edaline laughs as Sophie's face flames.
"I'm going back to my room," she grumbles, taking a plate of mallowmelt with her and walking up the stairs. She manages not to trip over her own feet and drop the mallowmelt, thankfully, as she grabs her laptop and opens Netflix. Sighing, she searches for Keepers of the Chaos and clicks on the show that comes up before waiting for Biana to arrive.
The doorbell rings soon, and Sophie carefully sets down her laptop and her plate on her bed before rushing down the stairs. Panting slightly, she opens the door for her girlfriend. Biana's wearing a t-shirt with the Amsterdam flag on it. Sophie has no idea why. Maybe Biana likes the country? Her girlfriend is pretty weird. "Come on in," she says, realizing she's been staring. In her defense, Biana is pretty and Sophie is very omni.
"Ready to go watch Keepers of the Chaos?" Biana asks. She bounces on her toes slightly.
"Alright," says Sophie. "I set it up on my laptop in my room."
"Awesome! You'll love it."
Sophie follows Biana up the stairs and into her room. They sit on the bed together, Sophie leaning against the wall and Biana leaning against Sophie, and Biana presses play. Somber kazoos begin playing in the background as the theme song starts.
We're on the edge of chaos
No one is straight
We're making fanart
Because L*ura we hate
And we're gonna have teal eyes in the end!
We must be weird, and we must be gay
(We must be gay!)
We will find every bit of sanity that we have
And give it all to Lynn
We must be gay!
Biana dances a little along with the song, and Sophie can't help but smile. A curvy, round-faced person with short dark hair and colorful earrings plays a few notes on the piano, and then a KEEPERS OF THE CHAOS logo flashes across the screen. Then, a group of students sit in a classroom.
"Shai! Tater! Lynn! You three finally got together?" says the same person who just played piano, gesturing to a redhaed wearing a Sappho lesbian flag cape. She's holding the fingerless-gloved hand of a lanky person with brightly colored hair, and they're holding hands with a tall girl who has chin length brown hair. The rest of the class applauds the fiancees before returning to their own conversations.
"Yep! Thanks, Ink," says Tater.
Ink smiles at them and turns to a person with light brown skin and golden hoop earrings partially covered by long dark hair. "Hi, Kiri, how was your break?"
"Good! Here's to a good 2021?" Kiri turns to the person next to them. "How about you, Ref?"
Ref has short brown hair and red glasses. "Yeah, my break was dOPE," she says, leaving everyone to wonder how he did that with their voice. "oH, and happy belated Hanukkah to Shai!"
"Thanks, you too. And guess what! I didn't set my hair on fire this year!"
A short guy with strawberry blonde hair looks concerned. "Um. Congratulations?"
"Thanks, Sam!"
Sophie looks away from the screen and at Biana. "There are a lot of characters..." she mutters.
"Yeah, but you get to know them well enough eventually," says Biana. "Now shh, let's keep watching!"
A lot of other characters are introduced in various conversations, and Sophie's brain has a hard time keeping track of them all. She does remember Tara, a curvy, bored-looking girl with long sideswept bangs, and Blue, a bisexual who may or may not be an arsonist. She doesn't know either of their personalities very well yet, but she likes them so far. Lucat, a pale, blue haired asexual, who later joins the Hanukkah conversation, also seems cool.
Once quite a bit of introductions are done- Sophie lost count at around twenty something- are over, an announcement comes over the school's loudspeakers.
"Welcome back, Tumblr High School!" announces a voice. "I hope you all had a good break. Now, the Tumblr staff have an important announcement for you all. High schools in this county, like ours, Pinterest High School, and Instagram High School, will be holding a competition. All members of the winning team will receive a scholarship to AO3 college. If you are interested, meet in room 69 after school. Now, onto other announcements..."
Somber kazoos play again as the principal's droning voice fades into the background. A montage of the previously introduced characters wishing they could go to AO3 college moves across the screen. After a few minutes of them zooming through school and talking about how fucking boring it is, all of them gather in the room (some of them with more jokes than others) to discuss the competition.
A blonde woman welcomes them into the room. They wait a while to make sure no one else will arrive, but once everyone is there, the woman clears her throat. "Hello, everyone! I'm glad you're interested in joining the competition. My name is Shannon Messenger, and I'm in charge of admissions at AO3 College. My coworker L*ura and I designed this competition."
Sophie gasps and looks at Biana. "L*ura? But isn't that the person they hate? They said that in the intro!" Biana smiles at her, and she blushes as she realizes that she's kind of... maybe... invested in the show now. She decides she'll endure the "I told you so"s later and looks back at the show, trying to telepathically tell the characters not to trust this L*ura person... and perhaps not Shannon either. It's too early to tell whether Shannon will be an antagonist or not.
"All of you will be working as a team to write a story together. The main premise is that a twelve year old girl named Sophia is a telepath, but she can't tell anyone her secret. Then, she meets a teal-eyed boy named Finn, and he tells her that she's an elf. She travels back to the elf world with him, where she struggles a bit at the elf school Firefox, makes friends with some other elves, learns that she is an illegal creation of a rebel group called the Dark Duck, and another rebel group- the Rarelynoticed- tries to kidnap and kill Sophia and her friend Deck. There are other details to be included into the story, which will be given out to the participants as a packet. The object of this competition is not to determine your ability at coming up with story ideas, but your ability to work in groups and execute well developed ideas. Does anyone have any questions?"
Someone raises their hand- a short, tanned girl. "Lynn?" prompts the principal.
"Did you say the rebel group was named the Dark Duck?"
"And the Rarelynoticed?" adds another person, with rectangular glasses and a red bracelet.
"Raise your hand before speaking, Auran," scolds the principal. "But yes, those are the names."
"Alright then," Auran mutters.
"Unless anyone else has questions, we'll be sending out sign up forms for everyone interested, and then we will distribute the information packets about your story. You can talk to each other and start planning."
No one else has questions, so once they've all filled out the sign up form, they gather in small groups and flip through the packets, making sarcastic comments or mocking names ("'Rarelynoticed' though-" a stylish hijabi named Raiin sighs as they come across a page of information about the group) as they try to form some semblance of a plan. Once they all agree that they've made a lot of progress, they make plans to meet up again soon and walk back home.
Unbeknownst  to them, a pair of ominous teal eyes watch from above.
Somber kazoos play once again, and the credits roll.
"So, what'd you think?" Biana asks as Sophie closes her laptop.
Rather inaudibly, Sophie mumbles "It was good."
"What was that?"
"It was good! I liked it!"
Biana grins. "I told you so." She leans over and kisses Sophie on the cheek. "Thanks for watching it. I have to go do some homework, awesome seeing you!" As she walks out, Sophie hears her singing under her breath. "We must be gay..."
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