#within session
enrosadiraanisaaa · 10 months
Within Session .Part Three.
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Hey there cuties, do not think I forgot about y'all! This fanfic consist of Yandere!Leon Kennedy. I intend for this fic to progressively become disturbing and fucked up with each chapter. While the first few chapters will be tamed, expect the following in this series:
~Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced Breeding, Degradation, NonCon, Gang Banging, Forced Pregnancy, Somnophilia, Blackmail, Manipulation, Abuse, Pet Names, Obsessive Behavior (Duh), Torture, Constraints, Mentions of Blood & Gore, Mental Degradation, Toxic Relationship, Sexual Abuse, Masturbation, Drugged & Drunk Sex, Loss of Virginity, Forced Penetration…
Also you will be retconned (Too bad 😏): Female Reader, 24 Years old and from Texas 💝
This story was purely written with RE 4 (Remake) Leon in mind. So no puppy dog Leon from RE2 or DILF Leon from later games & movies. The story takes place several months after the events of RE4. Yay, you’re in 2004!
I plan to make this series long and fleshed out, but I promise what you want will hit you like a train~🚂
This chapter does not contain any 🔞 material. This story will contain +18 content (NSFW) in the near future 🔞 If you’re a minor, please go read a real book or something, don’t cry to me when your mom finds your shit.  This story will eventually hit that point so don’t set yourself up.
As an on sight therapist for STRATCOM in Nebraska, you’re tasked with providing quality therapy for US military personnel and government agents. After working at the headquarters for 6 months, Hunnigan recommends you to a notable government agent, Leon Kennedy, who is in need of therapy. After a number of sessions with you, Leon notices a substantial stability in his sanity yet is threatened when you are offered a position back home, closer to your family and friends. Your choice doesn’t sit well with one particular client, who can’t fathom you out of your role as his therapist. Leon has found a means of keeping his precious therapist and realizes you are the key to his permanent solace. You were obviously destined to be his in some form. Why dream of him letting you go?
A\N: I was heavily inspired by Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue 💙, ExploreVenus’s Something Permanent and Guardian Angel by NexysWorld. This chapter was oddly hard to write, especially writing out a session on a serious topic. Once I was writing, I kept writing so you might find this chapter to be long! Expect the next chapter to be out in two weeks!
Hope y'all enjoy the third part! More to come 💝~ Anisssa أنيسة
Here is Part One and Part Two of Within Session
Cleared Mirror
When Leon finally mentioned to Hunnigan his need for help, he did not expect immediate validation to improve his mental health. After the Raccoon City incident in 1998, the horrifying experiences that had cost him a normal life had embedded as an inevitable trauma. The grueling military training that followed after he was captured by the US government and forced to become a government agent to protect Sherry. The underlying hazing that he endured in boot camp tested his abilities and mental state beyond his capabilities, yet it was a period of time that distracted him. Then the recent mission to Spain to save the president’s daughter and his fight against Las Plagas of Los Illuminados seemed to weigh in after losing Luis and confronting Ada Wong after a number of years.  His guilt was engulfing him at this point, so he looked forward to his first session with the referred therapist by Hunnigan.
        However, when he did arrive at the office for the scheduled session at 5PM, he did not expect a young woman to be assigned his therapist. He noticed she was preoccupied with paperwork on her desk before he knocked on the doorway door to notify her that he had arrived. Once her awareness of him occurred, she stood up from her chair to greet him. Leon instantly notices her red attire with black heels, reminding him of a certain woman.
     Without realizing it, Leon accidentally scrunches his face from the reminder. Even when you offer a seat on one of the chairs in front of your desk, a glare on his face remains for a moment. However, when Leon takes another glance at your face, he eases the features of his face, nearly dazed at the sight of your eyes and lips as you both sit across each other. For a moment he studies your facial features while you speak until a question from you returns him to reality. Leon blinks his eyes in realization and nods to the question, simply muttering,”Yes.”
          His heart nearly flutters when you provide a reassuring smile while nodding your head,”That’s okay, let’s get started, Leon,” He hears you tell him. 
      By leaning over the chair, you reach over with one hand to retrieve paperwork clipped to a clipboard from the top of your desk. Leon patiently sits in silence across from you, curious of the next course of actions. With a swift flip of the papers attached to the clipboard, you reaffirm all the necessary documents before leaning over in the chair to hand the clipboard to Leon. Once Leon had the clipboard in his possession, he curiously skimmed through the pages while you spoke,” Alright Leon, we’re going to take the first 15 minutes to get through all this annoying intake paperwork. Essentially review HIPAA concerns, consent forms, and ethical guidelines. Afterwards, I will ask more questions regarding your background, then begin discussing your reasons for therapy and goals so we can formulate a treatment plan along our sessions. How does that sound?” You question him, provided with a gentle smile.
       Leon follows with a head nod, content with the flow of the session.”Sounds good,” he immediately responds, eager to hear your voice more. Despite Leon never receiving treatment before, he was honestly impressed with your diligence.
     With the reassurance from Leon, you proceed on explaining the following paperwork.”Also, please feel welcomed to ask me any questions, I want to ensure you’re not leaving here confused and that my skills are what you’re looking for in a therapist,” You sincerely express, shifting in the chair to cross your legs.  
      There were several questions that instantly came to Leon’s thoughts: ‘How old are you?’ and ‘Are you single?’ 
“The first page contains a HIPAA authorization form, basically entailing how your medical information is disclosed and your rights regarding your medical information…''You explain, leaning over the side of the chair again to snatch a pen from your desk. With the pen in hand, you lean over the chair to hand it to Leon,”So just write today’s date, your full name, date of birth, social security, check the boxes, and provide your signature. Please let me know if you have questions,” You breathe out, observing him as Leon fills out the worksheet in silence, hearing the scribbling of the pen on paper.  
         After a moment, Leon glances back up to you, signaling he was finished with signing this section of paperwork. In this moment, you provide a smile in reassurance,”Sweet, now we can continue to the next section, which is simply covering ethical guidelines between therapist and client. If you flip over to the next page, it will clarify all the different points. When you’re done reading, just sign at the bottom,” You advise him, sinking back into the chair as Leon flips and reviews the next page of ethical guidelines.
      At this moment, several points mentioning friendship and gift exchange between client and therapist caught Leon’s attention. Therapists are legally required to maintain a professional relationship with their clients, thus can not accept gifts over a certain amount. Leon briefly glances at you, then instantly returns his sight to the paperwork on his lap. He would have to abide by these guidelines to receive treatment. With the pen in his hand, Leon inscribes his signature on the line at the bottom of the page along with writing the current date. 
    With all the paperwork finally reviewed and signed, this prompted you to clasp your hands together, instantly capturing Leon’s concentration from the paperwork on his lap up to you at the sudden noise,”Okay, we’re done with paperwork! You can set that on my desk, now we can finally get into why you’re here. I will ask a couple of questions, then you can tell me more about yourself, Leon,” You explain, your voice full of enthusiasm as you directly observe his blue orbs across the room. In response to your declaration, Leon nods his head. 
     By adjusting your throat, you then exhale before asking the first question: “Has your family or you have any history of substance abuse that is not limited to alcohol, illegal drugs, and abuse of medication?” 
From across the room, you notice Leon shakes his head,”I am not sure about my family, but not me…”
      To acknowledge him, you provide a subtle head nod to his response,”That’s okay if you don’t know. Another question: During your childhood, did you live any significant period of time with anyone other than your natural parents?” You question him, intently observing his expressions. Despite his file entailing he was an orphan, you needed more context.
      There was a momentary pause from Leon at this question, his gaze elsewhere but you as he ponders this question. He then returns his gaze to you, nodding,” Yes. I was in the foster care system until I became 18 years of age. There was an incident in my family that I don’t have much recollection on…” He tries to clarify. 
     ‘There was an incident?’ This thought comes to you, debating if this subject should be pressed on and explored. You veer your head to the clock on the wall, it was already 5:32PM. Session will be ending soon at 5:50PM and there is at least one important question left for Leon.
     With another head nod, your lips form a smile to Leon,”We can explore that at another time if you like… My last question is: What has brought you to therapy and what goals do you want to accomplish?” To some, this inquiry might seem ridiculous, but this direct question was for clients to explore their reasoning to receive therapy.
     An exasperated sigh escapes his mouth, tilting his head to the sides as it seemed he did not want to confess his sentiment. “Uh… I feel alone” He finally admits, his face expressionless.
     “At what point in your life do you feel alone?” You inquired, keeping your tone serious to Leon’s response.
      Over the span of his life, there were an absurd number of instances when he was abandoned by people. The initial example was during his childhood, when his family was massacred for unexplained reasons. He spent a considerate amount of years in the foster care system, unloved by blood. The girlfriend who broke off their relationship the night before he experienced the incident in Raccoon City. Hell, even when Claire Redfield deserted Sherry and him to search for her older brother after they barely survived that harrowing night together. Leon had to fend for Sherry when Claire had left them to the mercy of the US government. Then the infamous Ada Wong, who used him twice before vanishing without a trace. People were brief in his life, either from death or they left him.
     Despite these prominent circumstances, how would he express some of these details without explaining an incident that was covered up and immensely classified. His hands and tongue were tied, he would have to brush over this portion of his life. 
       With several blink of his eyes, Leon considers other reasons for his lonesomeness. There was an uneasy feeling that swept over him due to the unsettling silence in the room. You were attentive for his answer.
      “The nature of my job… I am too busy to involve myself in meaningful relationships,” Leon conjures, returning his gaze to those eyes that seemed too distant from him. 
     As Leon provides a response to your final question, you notice hesitation in his demeanor as if he is recollecting something traumatic. However, as a professional you can not dismiss his answer, but simply acknowledge him. 
    Since Leon was an agent of STRATCOM, no doubt that life threatening missions contributed to this sentiment. Similar among other agents and military personnel, coping with isolation and loneliness was common. 
      “Are there any particular aspects of your job that contribute to your feeling of loneliness?” You ask him in a sincere tone. With a quick glance at the clock on the wall, there were only a few minutes of session. Damm…
Leon noticed your glance to the clock on the wall, yet continued to speak,” People are temporary in my line of work…” He admits, noticing the hands of the clock were at 5:46pm.”Session is done already, huh?” Leon comments, returning his attention to you for confirmation. 
       A faint smile forms on your lips, nod slightly.”Unfortunately…but we can continue this subject next session..” You respond, standing from the chair to retrieve another clipboard from your desk, consisting of another signature page. “Before you leave, if I could get your signature. I did check your health insurance and it’s all good to go. They require a client signature to authorize that you received treatment today,” You inform him, offering the clipboard to him with both hands. 
     Leon stands from his seat, taking the clipboard with one hand while his other hand grasps the pen attached to the clipboard. After signing his signature at the bottom of the sheet, he returns the clipboard back into your possession with a faint smile on his lips.
     You reciprocate the same faint smile on your face,”Alright Leon, it was a pleasure to meet you today. I really recommend writing any thoughts or topics you want to speak about in a small notebook for our sessions, that way you don’t forget… but other than that. You are free to go. I look forward to seeing you on Friday at 5PM. If you need to reach me for any reason, definitely reach me by email or my work number.” You mention, leaning on your desk. 
       With a nod from Leon, offering a cheeky grin,”Yes ma'am. I will see you on Friday then, stay warm...” He comments, noticeably glancing at your body up and down, implying your poor choice in your red attire. At those words, Leon turns around to exit your office, leaving you alone in silence. 
     This was definitely an interesting client, there was no doubt in Leon’s charisma and intellect. 
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germworms · 6 months
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"How did the guy with no friends win?"
I need at least a 2 week break after that finale. Can't believe the villian actually won in a series, that's insane. Welcome to Scar for joining the winners team!
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sketchyspirit · 1 year
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for a very passionate request, based on that one time Anakin actually got drugg3d: https://www.tumblr.com/comebackali/714430560953581568/anakincito-comebackali-comebackali
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knight-gwaine · 7 months
Okay, it’s been too long so I have no clue who my followers or mutual are anymore.
SO, lil ice breaker for whoever sees this. Ima list all the podcasts I love and have listened to/am listening to and if you’re into any of ‘em, tell me about your favorite character and why you love them in the replies or recommend other podcasts based off my list!
Welcome to Night Vale (the gateway drug)
Alice Isn’t Dead
Within the Wires
The Bright Sessions (a FAVE. WHERE IS THE FANDOM)
King Falls AM (bring them back please)
Midnight Burger (also hello where is the fandom. Doctor Who fans will love)
The Amelia Project (do yourself a favor and start listening if you haven’t)
Desert Skies
The Left Right Game
Leaving Corvat
The Orbiting Human Circus
Hello from the Magic Tavern (genuinely surprised by the lack of presence on Tumblr)
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spotsupstuff · 9 months
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takin a break from asks a lil with misc. silly oc stuff + some ideas for iterator cleaner fauna. cuz there just ain't enough of variety in those structures yet n i've been thinkin about cleaning methods of the insides for ages now
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 18 days
Otto in my sketchbook
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The worst day of fishing beats the best day of court ordered anger management sessions
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fandomscraziness22 · 3 months
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my Podcast Mania! ornament is back and better than ever! With 70 podcasts, this thing is full of goodness! Find it here!
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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yukipri · 6 months
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He Fly
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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mud-castle · 1 month
Guess who might have undiagnosed ADHD?
Can I get a whoop whoop?
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enrosadiraanisaaa · 8 months
Within Session .Part Five.
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Happy October my cuties! I'm glad to finally post another part of Within Session! This fanfic consist of Yandere!Leon Kennedy. I intend for this fic to progressively become disturbing and fucked up with each chapter. While the first few chapters will be tamed, expect the following in this series:
~Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced Breeding, Degradation, NonCon, Gang Banging, Forced Pregnancy, Somnophilia, Blackmail, Manipulation, Abuse, Pet Names, Obsessive Behavior (Duh), Torture, Constraints, Mentions of Blood & Gore, Mental Degradation, Toxic Relationship, Sexual Abuse, Masturbation, Drugged & Drunk Sex, Loss of Virginity, Forced Penetration…
Also you will be retconned (Too bad 😏): Female Reader, 24 Years old and from Texas 💝 (yeehaw)
This story was purely written with RE 4 (Remake) Leon in mind. So no puppy dog Leon from RE2 or DILF Leon from later games & movies. The story takes place several months after the events of RE4. Yay, you’re in 2004!
I plan to make this series long and fleshed out, but I promise what you want will hit you like a train~🚂
This chapter finally fucking contains 🔞 material. This story does contain +18 content (NSFW) 🔞 If you’re a minor, please go read a real book or something, don’t cry to me when your mom finds your shit. 
As an on sight therapist for STRATCOM in Nebraska, you’re tasked with providing quality therapy for US military personnel and government agents. After working at the headquarters for 6 months, Hunnigan recommends you to a notable government agent, Leon Kennedy, who is in need of therapy. After a number of sessions with you, Leon notices a substantial stability in his sanity yet is threatened when you are offered a position back home, closer to your family and friends. Your choice doesn’t sit well with one particular client, who can’t fathom you out of your role as his therapist. Leon has found a means of keeping his precious therapist and realizes you are the key to his permanent solace. You were obviously destined to be his in some form. Why dream of him letting you go?
A\N: I was heavily inspired by Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue 💙, ExploreVenus’s Something Permanent and Guardian Angel by NexysWorld. We're finally getting into the nitty gritty of the story. Reminder that if you're not comfortable with male obsession and stalking, this is not for you. But if you're fucked up like me, please enjoy this! This is a really long chapter, hope y'all like it. 😉 Please comment on what how you feel about this chapter, I'm a whore for feedback. Hate it? Comment. Love it? Comment, por favor.
Hope y'all enjoy the fifth part! More to come 💝~ Anisssa أنيسة
Here is Part One , Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four of Within Session
Tagged ❤️: @fouyumixuri
Nothing In Place Of Catalysts
Friday could not have arrived fast enough for Leon. With each passing day since Monday afternoon, he anticipated the next session with the therapist that Hunnigan recommended to him. 
Despite only attending one session with the therapist, he realized there was a particular yearning to confide within her once more. Although he was vulnerable in those moments, she welcomed the uncomfortable silence to let him thrall in rumination. With all the shit occurrences in his life, there was never a sense of control yet she indulged in his words. 
          Leon strode through the familiar halls of the USSTRATCOM headquarters building to his office space, consciously walking past the door to your office. Since his position as a federal agent required him to report early for assignments or debriefings, the majority of the other staff were not present in the building yet. Soon, that door would be wide open to welcome his return, and he would sneak another opportunity to peek at your figure or finally glimpse the color of your-.
        Leon paused briefly in his steps. His distracted gaze at the floor became clear at the realization of what his daydreaming entailed.
   An exhaustive sigh escaped Leon’s mouth as he neared his office, shaking his head at his own ill intent. These thoughts were dangerous, something Leon acknowledged within himself. Either he has not been getting an efficient amount of sleep, or he is in desperate need of a fuck. But then again, for Leon it has been some time since he was in that pleasurable endeavor weeks prior that consequent him to awaken to an empty bedside. Maybe his fantasization was the product of constant nightmares contorting his mind or a lingering symptom of the Las Plagas virus despite being eradicated from his body.
        Nonetheless, Leon knew his therapist was there to perform her job and he was present to receive help from her. Nothing more. 
    Soon Leon stepped in the wide office room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee instantly peaking his attention as he walked towards his desk among the desks of other agents. Already, there was a stack of papers on his desk, waiting to be reviewed and submitted. A tired groan emits from his lips, not wanting to inch anymore near his desk, yet Hunnigan would chew his ass out if he did not complete them, something he aspired to avoid. 
    On cue, heels echoed behind him until he was faced with the honeyed eyes behind a red pair of glasses peering back to his blue ones. It was early in the morning, yet her appearance and stature were precise as ever. There was never a crease or stain on her usual blazer and slacks. “Good morning, Leon,” Hunnigan announced. The prominent FOS agent that has always provided unrivaled intel when she aids him on missions, forms a faint smile on her face as she strolls past Leon, reports in one hand while the other hand carries a mug full of coffee.       
    Leon’s brows briefly hiked in acknowledgment to her presence, allowing the other agent to settle at her desk. “Morning, Hunnigan,” he replies, leaning on his desk. Now, there was a question he had been meaning to ask Hunnigan, but he was unsure how to deliver it
     With an adjustment in his throat, Leon crosses his arms, “Question, Hunnigan… Uh, how do you know the therapist you referred me to?” He finally breathes out, pausing to glance at her at her desk.
      Leon notices Hunnigan’s eyebrows raise, evidently puzzled at his sudden question. Hopefully he did not raise any suspicions regarding his therapist. 
   Instead, the lips on Hunnigan curve into a smile; Leon seemingly struck an evocation of her history with his therapist. She took a sip of her coffee before setting the mug carefully on her desk, a subtle thud from the surface, “We were dorm roommates back in university a couple years back. I have kept in contact with her since… Why? Did you have problems with her in session?” She questions, a hint of concern in her voice. 
        “Not at all, she has honestly been sweet and professional in our first session. I was curious to know your relations with her,” Leon reassures Hunnigan, his own smile forming. For Leon, this was the direction he needed to learn about the life of his therapist prior to her current career, and Hunnigan was easily bestowing that piece of information to him. Although, he desired additional details of her life than what Hunnigan just endowed.
      A hum emits from Hunnigan’s lips while she opens a drawer of her desk, piquing Leon’s appeal as she suddenly brings out a mini photo album. Then a wave from Hunnigan’s hand beckons him over to her desk, prompting her to flip several pages of the photo album until she taps a particular picture several times with her pointer finger. If Leon could jump through pictures, this is one he would.
    The sight was a sight to behold, nothing yet could transcend what Leon was presently perceiving with his own eyes. A younger version of Hunnigan and you in casual clothes posing together on a couch. Hunnigan had an arm wrapped around your shoulder whereas you laid your head on Hunnigan’s shoulder, holding two peace symbols with your hands and a slight smile on your face. This picture panged his heart yet seemingly excited Leon in more ways than one. 
     “This must have been when you and her were in college, huh?” Leon questions in an amused tone, raising the photo album from Hunnigan’s desk to his face. He intended to inspect every feature of the young face of his therapist.
      “Yeah, we were in our first year together at university in that picture. Once you get to know her more, you’ll learn she is soft-spoken and reserved, yet overall sweet,” Hunnigan mentions, observing Leon from her desk as she indulges in another sip of her coffee. 
      An abrupt ring from Hunnigan’s office phone redirects their attentiveness from the photo to the source of sound. Swiftly, Hunnigan grabs the office phone from the reception console to her ear.
      “Ingrid Hunnigan, sir.” She replies upon answering the phone. At that moment, Leon closes the photo album, returning it to the surface on Hunnigan’s desk while she speaks on the phone. 
       “We need to be there now? Yes, sir. We will be on our way…”
        With that final response, Hunnigan returns the phone on the receptor. “We were summoned for a briefing, they want us there in 5. Ready to leave, agent Kennedy?” She remarks, directing her eyes to Leon beside her desk. 
        Leon begrudgingly nods to her, a huff emitting from his mouth as he steps away from Hunnigan’s desk to exit their office,” Yeah, let’s go…” He mutters, knowing he can not escape this briefing. The director and higher ups of the government owned him, a pawn for them to dictate his every movement.
     Within the next hour, Leon found himself in a room of high ranking government personnels in a secluded room meant for debriefings, discussing the details of his next mission. While Hunnigan was seated beside him at the table, writing notes for intel, Leon let his mind escape from where he was to where he could be. Within these last few days, his eagerness to be in the presence of his therapist was an understatement. To admit he was possessed by a particular fondness for his therapist from one session would entail humiliation. This admiration was his guilty pleasure to keep secret for now. 
      The voices of the government officials regarding the trivial information of the mission were drowned out, as he recalls the finer details of the crimson colored skirt and blazer with those pair of black heels that accentuates your figure in all the right places from last session.   
        Leon’s breath hitches when he notices the pants area around his groin feel tighter. Any movement in his chair, he felt his dick rub against the fabric of his dress pants. He let his imagination idled further than he intended, now he had to endure a hard on during the remainder of the meeting. Dire thoughts consisted of silent prayers that none in the room would notice the growing bulge in his pants, coercing his body to keep his legs under the table. 
     In his favor, the briefing only lasted 10 more minutes, however he needed to wait for the room to clear before he could stand from his chair. To his side, Hunnigan cocked her eyebrows in confusion, “Are you okay, Leon?” She inquires, noticing his flushed face. 
     “Yeah, my stomach just hurts. Probably that damn Mcgriddle I ate earlier this morning, not setting well with me. I’m fine, I’ll meet you back in the office, okay?” Leon chuckles in breathes, his cheeks blooming a blush. Thank god he was witty enough to conjure some bullshit at that moment. It worked, Hunnigan gave him a concerned nod, proceeding to leave the briefing room.
     Now that Leon was the only remaining presence in the room, he immediately stood from his chair before peeking his head out the door to peer down the hall. Not a soul in sight. With that internal green light, Leon treads to a nearby single stall bathroom. After an exasperated sigh, he twirls around to lock the door behind him once inside. When the lock clicks, ensuring his privacy, Leon then lowers his gaze to the bulge in his pants. Leon turns around once more to lean on the door, unzipping the fly of his dress pants with one hand, his erection greedily desiring to be unconfined.
         Once he pulled down his pants and briefs, he was met with the sight of his hardened cock leaking with precum. His hand immediately attends to firmly grasp the shaft of his dick, gradually pumping in a rhythmic motion. The other hand reaches inside his breast pocket, retrieving his new found valuable. 
        A grin forms on Leon’s lips when he unfolds the photo of Hunnigan and you during your college years. His fingers maneuver to fold the photo in half, only displaying your side of the pictures, throwing those cute peace signs at the camera. His eyes bore into the picture, scanning every aspect of your face and body while his other hand tugs the skin of his length. With each stroke, he stared at your lips in the picture, fantasizing those pretty pink lips wrapped around him while you kneel before him on the bathroom floor to worship the very floor he stood on. While the sensation from his warm hand intensified, he let out mewls of whimpers from his mouth. The beat of his heart accelerated, as his forehead produced beads of sweat. 
     His own lustful mind seemingly manifests a phantom of you through pure imagination, wearing the same red blazer and skirt from the previous session. How could you not comprehend red was the color of seduction that would entice desperate men such as him? Leon then spits on his hand to apply as a lube to pump himself at a rapid pace with his palm. In his perverse reverie version of you, he envisioned those lips of yours engulfing his dick, inch by inch until you feel yourself desperately gagging for air. His concentration returned to the picture in his other hand, studying the eyes of the woman he was currently envisioning with him entirely in her mouth and lulled eyes gazing up to his face. 
    “Fuck-,” Leon breathes out with a hitch, his body shuddering along with the accumulating waves of pleasure. In spurts, his throbbing cock releases ropes of cum onto his dress pants and floor of the bathroom. While in the pinnacle of his climax, Leon rides out his bliss with several strokes until his arousal gradually ceases. 
     After the euphoric high seemed to wane, follows the familiar sentiment of guilt. In shameful realization, Leon immediately slumps back against the door while he catches his breath. With several blinks of his eyes,  his head hangs down and gazes down to the bathroom floor. The tile floor appeared disgusting, just like him. No one needed to bring awareness to Leon that he was crossing the thin line that separates love and obsession. That thin line being infatuation, impeding an inevitable desire that will consume his prospect. Even with those aspects into consideration, he was completely enthralled by you.
    Leon used two fingers to stretch the opening of his breast pocket, simply sliding the folded photo in its rightful place, before gently patting the breast pocket with his hand. By recomposing himself, Leon yanked his underwear and pants to his waist after adjusting his dress shirt and vest. To the best of his ability, Leon tried to wipe off the cum stains on his pants with a wet paper towel. ‘This is fucking embarrassing,’ Leon mused within himself. 
    Eventually, Leon departed from the sight of the bathroom to stroll the halls of the building. Down the hall, he noticed the door to your office was wide open, the light from the room partially cascading onto the floor of the hall. While nearly tempted to sneak a peek at you, Leon understood it was better to see you during his time. 
       The morning and afternoon breezed by with the appalling amount of paperwork from Hunnigan as he worked at his desk. For the flow of time, he remained engrossed in his work until it was nearly time to leave. By 4:50PM, Leon spared no hesitation to submit the documents on Hunnigan’s desk, followed by a final wave of goodbye for the weekend as Leon eagerly exited the office. His next destination was quite obvious.
        Similar to the last session, Leon notices his therapist seated at her desk so immersed in paperwork that she was not aware of his presence. Only a knock from his hand on the door jolted her from her work, her gaze finally directed to Leon at the entrance of her office. Those luscious lips that he desperately wants to taste, forms a grin when your eyes recognize who was at the door. 
      “Welcome back, Leon,” You address him gently, standing from your chair to greet him formally. 
       Upon seeing you walk towards him, Leon had to contain his disappointment when he discerned your dress pants in substitute for a skirt. This session, you were professionally dressed in a lilac colored blazer and slacks. While the previous outfit was preferable, Leon knew his last comment nestled into your mind in some way. He really wanted to take a peek at your legs, maybe imagine them wrapped around his waist.
    “So, should we get started?” Your silk-like voice interrupts his train of thought. You were already seated at one of the two arm chairs, waiting for him to be seated on the other.
   “Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting,” Leon murmurs, blushing as if he were caught red-handed. These intrusive thoughts were repulsive, a kind and soft-spoken woman such as you did not deserve to be regarded in such a manner
     ‘To hell with it, she doesn’t have to know,’ Leon rationalizes, maintaining an innocent smile as he sits in front of you.
‘She doesn’t suspect a thing’
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elemental-plane · 4 months
i love how we never got like confirmation on what elsie and raj were but everyone saw them and immediately deduced they were a divorced couple and i think that's the funniest thing ever
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dromaeocore · 6 days
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podcastgirlsweek · 1 year
Dare I live out the American dream?
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
Seeing myself create the worst possible timeline for the ILW gang:
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orcelito · 6 months
Wild that anytime I post an update a lot of people read it and are even excited about it and have their own thoughts and reactions to it that I'll never know.
Comments are only the very tip of the iceberg with it. And I am Very grateful to commenters for letting me in on it. But in the same way that I'll be excited with my friends when a fic we love updates, it's likely that Other people enthuse with Their friends when my fic updates. And it's just so strange. An experience I'll never have access to.
Everyone's relationship with my fic is unique. So many different people with so many different circumstances and preferences... and the number of people that have told me that my fic is one of their favorites, some even saying it's their Favorite favorite... every single one of them have their own relationship with my writing.
It's just interesting to me. I think and think and think on my writing. I have my plans for basically the entire fic, the way I want it to end already thought out, all the major plot beats and the relationship progressions, All of that thought out. I love my writing so very much, but I'm on the inside looking out. This is my mechanical horse, and I'm in here laying out the groundwork and pulling levers and constructing limbs, puttering away making the horse move. Forever and always, my relationship with it will be more intimate than anyone's, and yet more clinical. Because I know it better than the back of my own hand, but I'll never have the experience of reading it fresh. Of reading it without knowing everything that's going to happen from now to the end and beyond. I won't have the thrill of the plot twists I have planned, the delight at seeing things progress, the horror at seeing things go wrong...
This is my mechanical horse, and I'm making it move.
I just always wonder what it must be like to see it from the outside. I hope to others that it's a pretty horse.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#didnt mean to write this much about the concept but i really am so...#jealous almost. id love to be able to read my fic as a reader.#because it's tailor made to my tastes Exactly.#and i know it's good writing. i surprise myself even sometimes with how good things end up.#it's never a doubt in my mind that i'll make things good. even the harder things . while bringing trepitation . i know i'll figure them out.#the relationship a fic writer has with their own fic is so... yeah. intimate. but still somehow emotionally removed.#but thats how it goes with any art piece i think#the creator sees all the bits and pieces that went into it. remembers the thoughts as they made it#they know their work better than Anyone Else. but they'll never be able to experience it like an outsider.#is my fic helping someone through a rough breakup? is it something someone rereads when theyre sad?#is it a fic that people stay up way too late reading? the fic that someone discovers and consumes all within a day?#that voracious love. ive experienced it many times with other fics. but i can never experience it with my own.#but in the end. that's okay. i will just continue to do as i wish with it. and maybe people will continue to like it.#it is my goal to make a fic that people will never forget. what that may mean differs depending on the person.#i want it to be the best fic it can be. and i will make it so with every brick i lay down.#puttering about for days and weeks and months. it's Most of what i think about. it's my impact on the world.#and it's sitting for 3 hours after work in the storage room writing until im shivering but Satisfied with a productive writing session#it's writing some of my most emotional scenes while sitting for an hour on the toilet#no one else knows what the toilet written scenes are. but I Do. such is my relationship with my fic.#(the focus in the Quiet Rooms cannot be underestimated. the bathroom is indeed one of the Quiet Rooms lol)#& man. ive rambled so much now. but i just love my fic so very much#i'll never be an ITNL reader. and that's okay. because i'm its writer. & that's a status that No One Else can boast.#even those people who state that it's their Favorite favorite cant rival the intimacy of my own relationship with it.#I Am Its Writer and that means so very much to me.#i... really do love my fic y'all
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