#you and your partner still Know and Perceive you're a guy? you know?
Sorry. I meant cis ted.  I would never baby girls transman that would be offensive.
???? yeah i mean. i kind of figured you probably meant cis ted, i was saying I got distracted on the topic of feminization kink. also i mean. yeah it CAN be offensive but i was talking about how me, as a trans man, enjoys feminization kink on a trans male/transmasc character (in this case trent, sorry) bc i project a lot😩 and it's fun specifically because of the inherent contradictory na--i mean i did explain this? didn't i? i. sorry??
#please tell me im not about to get a bunch of anon hate for . [checks notes] having a kink#anyway i only like it done a certain way like. im not into misgendering or whatever its more just like. ohhh idk how to explain it rn#Again. Headache#but like. its ABOUT the contradictory nature of it its ABOUT how it#ironically--perhaps paradoxically--is validating of my/his gender#and like i mean. aftercare. praise kink anyone? good boy? love that shit. validation.#like. it's just. a guy can enjoy being feminized. and a trans guy is a guy#with as much wide variety as cis guys#and sometimes hes into that! and not necessarily in the specific Misgendering way but just. in the regular way. like a cis guy might be. yk#sources: I Am Into It And I'm Transmasc#anyway tldr IM babygirling trans trent bc id like to masculine enough to be babygirld.#plus ngl it just plays into my Complicated Gender Feelings#one of my ideal genders (i collect them like a dragon#im fluid i think but i lean very masc but in different shades?) is like#i want to look like a boy in girl's clothing if that makes sense. masculine enough that i could wear a dress and people would think#'guy in a dress' not 'lady' but still like. you know. wearing the dress.#and this plays into that--being masculine enough that you can be feminized and still be recognizably a guy? or know that you are still like#you and your partner still Know and Perceive you're a guy? you know?#the security of that in your own gender + safety/trust in your partner + it's FUN it's just fun#idk how else to explain it man but it's literally me projecting my personal feelings#also idk what emoji that is it wont load for me rip#ANYWAY sorry to derail thats why i did it in the tags. im just like#honestly not as interested in ted getting railed which--again not that it's not valid but it's also like 90 percent of the fan content for#the ship and like. again that's not invalid or Not Canon or something im just more interested in WRITING about trent getting railed#bc i have blorbo disease and my own preferences yknow?#askbox#anonymous#if i get like. Cancelled over this. im going to. like. walk into the sea
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cambion-companion · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters with Virgin Reader
18+ only obviously. Dirty headcanons under the cut. (these are all the "good" endings btw
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Halsin would honestly be a little in awed shock when you tell him. He'd treat you tenderly, go slowly and save the more rough lovemaking once you're accustomed to his...girth.
There is a lot of emotional connection that goes into the intimate act and knowing its his partner's first time would mean a great deal to him, he takes the perceived responsibility seriously.
Yall would have to go slow though, to accomodate the guy's size. Has strength as his dump stat yet is built like a brick house.
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He's all for the game of seduction, especially if he is still unsure of where he stands with you and your party.
When discovering you're a virgin he acts the part, flirting and using honeyed words to manipulate your heart.
However as the two of you grow closer his feelings also change and he feels anxious about knowing he has your utter consent before taking things further.
He knows what it feels like to be used and wants to avoid causing you the same hurt and feelings of doubt, because against all odds he has begun to care for you.
So much foreplay...SO much foreplay. And you can be in whatever position you want, it's all about your comfort when the time comes to be intimate.
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yeah she'd tease you at first, all in good fun, but still she has to get those sharp words in somewhere.
Soon enough the teasing gives way to concerned questions, not probing too deep into your feelings, but enough to give her hints as to how comfortable you feel with her.
We all know Shadowheart is a slow burn romance, so expect a long buildup while your relationship blossoms.
Lots of sweet kisses and witty flirtations, respecting each other's space until the time feels right to take it to the next level.
perhaps it's after one of your many swimming lessons where you Shadowheart takes the reins and becomes the teacher of a different kind of lesson.
She'd be asking questions throughout, listening to your responses and making sure everything is perfect and you're not feeling rushed.
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Oh she would be so sweet. You know how Karlach is usually quite boisterous and tends toward the goofy side.
She'd sober up right quick when you discuss something so personal with her and she'd be quite pleased you decided to share this with her.
She promises to take it easy on you, at least at first wink wink, and she has the idea to allow you full control to explore her body as much as you wish.
Feel her heart, or at least where her heart used to be, it blazes hotter under your touch.
She might pop the occasional sweet joke, but her eyes and her care is on you the whole time.
She will ask if now is okay, and make sure to gain your express verbal permission before touching your body herself.
She is gentle at first, as promised, but it becomes hard for her to contain her enthusiasm as your coupling progresses. Remind her if you deem it necessary.
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Gale, he'd be surprised but I think pleased.
He would want you to feel comfortable with him, and thus would info dump about his Tressym and the many books he's read about magic and the weave.
It's all about words of affirmation and quality time with Gale, he wants to show you and tell you how much you truly mean to him and reaffirm it is you, not Mystra, with whom is explosive heart now lies.
When the night comes, because he does prefer the romance of a star filled sky, he would ask you if you wish to become one with him.
Maybe astral sex is too soon for the first night, but you can certainly accept when he no doubt extends that offer.
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I think it's pretty much canon that she beats the shit out of you when yall have intimate time...that wouldn't change on account of your virginity.
You'd tell her you're a virgin and she might not even know what that means, I wouldn't be surprised. Either that or she truly does not understand why you think it's important to mention.
She would encourage you to take initiative and assume a more dominant role, prodding you (probably with a stick) if you got too shy.
Later on, in her storyline when she becomes more of an individual unto herself, she will understand the softer aspects of lovemaking.
Then she will be more willing to empathize with the feelings that must come with a first-time coupling, and act a little slower accordingly.
Still prepare yourself for the occasional impatient "tchuk".
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are you kidding, he'd be the ultimate gentleman.
He'd definitely get you a picnic and take you somewhere that smells better than the party camp and that stew Gale attempted to make for supper.
I feel like he'd be more forward than Gale or Karlach, wanting to feel some semblance of peace that your body and your affection could offer.
He'd for sure be drawn to your inexperience, feeling a sense of protectiveness overcome him. (yes yes I understand this post is full of innuendo)
Might wax poetic about his many adventures but pull him in for another kiss and he'll quickly forget his train of thought.
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yes, I made him wait in line, little shit
This cambion knows how to fuck, sit down and block me if you vehemently disagree.
He finds out you're a virgin, and interested in him? Game over.
He plays the long game in all his dealings, and won't be bothered if you choose to play hard to get....in fact he prefers it. Cat and mouse etc.
He's not gentle, nope, but when you're finally in his claws you hardly want him to be.
Doesn't have the bonus of Incubus spittle acting as an aphrodisiac but has had many bedmates and centuries to study how best to use another's body to pleasure his own.
Oh and bring you pleasure of course.
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Go play DOS2
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
I love how you write, your interpretations of characters are my favorite. If you're okay with it, may I ask for romantic headcanons of Horropedia (Reverse 1999) x Reader? I would love to know what he is like when he's developing a crush, how he confronts his feelings when he realized them, what he's like when in a romantic relationship, etc. Thank you very much!
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;R1999 HORROPEDIA - Relationship Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons about Horropedia in a romantic relationship.
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awe! i'm glad you like my stuff! and thank you for the lovely words and request, cause i've been itching to write for horropedia <3
i got a liiiiittle carried away with this one, hope that's alright!
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Horropedia as a character is fascinating because at a surface level he's a mess and a walking stereotype - a "nerdy nerd" with a very specific hyperfixation on the horror genre, the tall guy with glasses who explains the plot and does his own thing regardless of how others view him, the first one to die in a movie solely because he's perceived as cringe etc, etc.
And yet, his medium is "logic" - he, better than anyone, understands the nonsensical laws that make up the concept of horror, he sees the patterns and the reason why some things are done this way instead of that way. Through logic, pattern recognition and analysis, Horropedia can pretty much understand anything and work his way around any problem, no matter how unorthodox his solutions may be.
In a sense, I'd compare Horropedia to Pavia. Both are characters who are subject to the stereotypes and images others assign to them - but whereas Pavia both fights and plays into all of these roles, Horropedia just brushes it off and continues doing his own thing, being genuine and unapologetically himself.
When it comes to romance, it's easy to assume Horropedia has no interest in it - they're two different genres that don't go together most of the time. It's also easy to assume that he would be a troublesome partner, due to the laser focus attention he gives to his interests. And the latter is partially true: his lackluster love life is entirely because romance hasn't entered his radar, at least not enough to pull his attention away from his one true love.
But I think this is where the aspect of "logic" comes into play. All Horropedia needs is that spark, to find something to truly become invested in when it comes to romance - once he finds it, he'll dedicate the same amount of attention to detail and care as the horror movies he loves so much.
On the subject of Horropedia developing a crush.
Similar to Click, Horropedia would need some time to start noticing the signs of a crush - the difference is that Horropedia is a little quicker when it comes to realizing he's fallen for someone. His forte is horror movies, but he still knows a thing or two when it comes to other genres.
When he cannot rationalize his behaviour around you in a way that makes sense to his current fixation or situation, that's when he knows. And given how straightforward (to the point of bordering on obliviously rude) Horropedia can be, I'd say he'd also be the type to address this crush right away. Now that there's this brand new thing in his life, he'd like to understand it better - to dissect and study the way romance is potrayed, explore how it feels and just analyze it to hell and back. Basically, he wants to know the rules, to figure out how to best proceed.
Of course, he wouldn't dream of confronting you directly, only an amateur would do such a thing. Instead, he asks his friends and pretty much anyone within his general vicinity. He wants to understand romance from every angle, to hear about it from all sorts of people until he feels like he knows enough to start forming his own opinions.
His questions are all theoretical situations that begin rather innocent, innocuous. What does the hero of a romcom do to get the romantic interest? Does it follow a three act structure? And should the third act climax start with a confession or the breakup?
Overtime, they become a little more specific. To the point where his closest friends might suspect something is up, until Horropedia finds himself asking about your interests so that he can figure out the perfect gift for you. Just in case. He finds himself watching romcoms and making extensive research and charts and essays into the genres.
The funniest thing to me is that Horropedia would be extremely casual about this whole ordeal, this crush makes him extremely intrigued in the concept of romance (an oddity for someone so themed around horror), he finds himself staring at you from across the room (this is the third time he's walked into a door because of it) and so on and so forth. But he's so chill about it.
When confronted about his crush - should Blonney or anyone else decide to tease him a little by prodding - Horropedia has no problem blurting out that he has, indeed, fallen for someone. But he'll take your name to the grave, not out of shame or embarrassment but because "he doesn't want to spoil the plot, as obvious as it might be".
On the subject of Horropedia confronting his feelings and some more insight into his mentality.
I'd say there is this small possibility of Horropedia feeling disheartened if he begins to neglect his real passion for the sake of his feelings - it's that sort of guilt and shock one gets when they realize they've forgotten their wallet the moment they're meant to pay for dinner, or when they realize they've forgotten to turn off the oven.
Horror is a huge part of his life and who he is as a person - literally look at the name he's chosen for himself - and given how heavily coded he is to be neurodivergent, I can understand this aspect of him. The feeling like one must choose between two things they enjoy, and all the other things that might come with hyperfixation, both positive and negative.
This is the biggest obstacle for Horropedia when it comes to finally taking the first steps into forming a relationship with you or confessing - the irrational thought that by doing so, he's prioritizing you and romance over horror, something that he holds very dear. One of his stories gives some insight about Horropedia's relationship with horror and how it's something he shared with (and possibly was started by) his grandfather.
I feel like he'll grow a little distant, as a way to set some boundaries for himself or draw a line between his identity and his feelings for you, separate the two so that he doesn't have to feel guilty for giving one more attention than the other. Maybe he simply stops bringing up films around you, because "you're probably not that interested anyway". Masking, he's masking.
But overall, I can see Horropedia being capable enough to get out of this mindset by himself - or with a little help from someone else. Either way, he simply loops back to realizing the obvious: you two were friends, before he realized his feelings for you. You were fine with the whole Horropedia Experience. You liked him for who he was. And he liked you just as you were.
Horropedia is the one who confesses first, the one who asks you out. 100%. And it's so unnecessarily dramatic.
I DO think that Horropedia would make sure to be the one who confesses, just so he can put everything that he's learned about romance into play. And he delivers the most award worthy performance. It would be all about redirection, an unexpected reveal - his skills and animations are also all about fake outs and misleading the audience, after all.
In my head, there's this whole scene about Horropedia asking everyone to help him out confess to you, and everyone is so excited for it - but then he just asks them to fuel this slow rift that formed between you and him, to act vague, distant and mysterious should you ask Blonney or Tooth Fairy about him. Again, unorthodox and weird, but he's cooking. This is all done with the intention of forcing a confrontation between the two of you, just so he can pour his heart out right there - it's all or nothing.
Again, I want to insist that Horropedia, despite being a logical man, still makes as many aspects of his life revolve around the things that he loves and is interested in - he likes films, he likes you. And while romance is not his preferred genre, he still wants to explore all there is about it all thanks to you.
That alone should tell you how much you mean to him. Even if his methods aren't the "proper" way, you know he's putting his whole heart into this. It's all over the top, there's fake rain, etc etc. Of course, your reaction to this is up to you!
If you're mad at him for such convoluted plan, he'll sit there and allow you to scold him to your heart's content - he's used to it as one of the many troublemakers that the Foundation failed to raise as model students. If you laugh at him because of how ridiculous this guy can be sometimes, he'll laugh along, trying to get you to tell him what he could've been done better to get a third act reconciliation. And if you start crying, jump into his arms and play along then he'll be over the moon, trying every single impactful one-liner from every romcom he's watched in the past few weeks.
On the subject of Horropedia and how he acts when he's in a relationship.
Dating Horropedia is pretty easy, because you're dating your best friend. However, it is very easy to misunderstand Horropedia's way of showing affection - those who are more on the insecure side or less receptive to his subtleties may feel like there's been absolutely no shift in the dynamic, that he's treating you the same way he'd treat Tooth Fairy or Vertin.
This is far from the truth! Once Horropedia finally settles into the relationship, he grows very comfortable and allows himself to just exist around you - which isn't saying much since he doesn't mask as much around friends, but it's all about the subtle things!
I like to think Horropedia is very particular about space, as in he makes a point not to invade people's spaces if possible and he'd rather remain in his little bubble. But when it comes to you, he's very casual with physical touch. He's not as cuddly and touchy as characters like, let's say, Matilda, Jessica or Pavia, but being able to rest his head on your shoulder means a lot to him, or just have you lean on him when sitting together. This is pushed to the limit when you two pull all-nighters, binging all of your favorite movies.
He's on cloud nine when you pay attention to his ramblings and makes sure to listen when you ramble to him as well. More than often, he'll do his own little research into the topics you like, just so you have someone to properly discuss things with! Horropedia more than anyone knows what it's like to be brushed aside for being too much or too weird, to have no one listen. Despite his confidence, he has had days of feeling like he keeps on talking to a wall, so he doesn't want you to ever feel like that.
It's all about sharing interests and recommending things that you may like, keeping up with the latest events and so on and so forth, having looong discussions at night about whatever topic you two are extremely invested in.
If these discussions get a little heated and end up as arguments, expect Horropedia to insist on arguing because he's just stubborn like that - it'll take him time to realize that he might've hurt your feelings, or that he might've be hurting too, but he'll come around eventually to talk it out.
Overall, dating Horropedia would be fun because he's full of surprises and excitement, but he's also considerate in his own way.
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Might be pushing it here, but could we get some bi content for ol' Coop?
-Sincerely, a dude trying to thirst but the well is dry
Your shit is still so good tho, keep it up
Oh, certainly not! If Cooper Howard is 100% straight, then so am I...and that is not the case. I'm focusing on Prewar!Coop here, because, frankly, I think most ghouls' sexuality (especially those who have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years) would be "whatever, genitals are genitals". That said, if there was demand for elaboration on bi Ghoul, I'd be open to doing a follow-up.
I think he'd lean more "masc for masc", but overall I don't think Coop is the sort of guy who really cares enough about what someone looks like to let it stop him from getting with them if he finds them desirable for whatever reason. If you two click, if the feeling is right, he's the type to trust his instincts. Because of that, I think he, pleasantly, wouldn't play a lot of games, regardless of his new interest's gender. If he wants to fuck you, he's gonna fuck you.
When it comes to being public about it, you'd definitely get some pushback, but not much more than if you were a new partner who was a woman. Same song and dance (mostly previously elaborated on Divorced Guy Problems™️ and the general desire to avoid the tabloids dissecting every single aspect of his life to death), but with an extra 10% sliver of him worrying he'll be perceived as less masculine for it. Has nothing to do with you or how you present, however that may be; it's all about him and his very much already-present struggles with his own masculinity. Mister "I think about being a real cowboy again" definitely has some insecurities that living the fancy L.A. lifestyle has made him into a soft pretty boy, and that other people perceive him that way.
Overall, though, once you're public, I think he'd be great. He's very self-assured (even if he has to fake it until he makes it sometimes), so I think his attitude if asked about it would be very "Yes, I also like dick. What of it? Aren't there more important things we could be talking about?"
I think his usual type of guy would be of the "old war buddy who gets a little tipsy and jerks me off sometimes and now oops! we're fucking" variety, but he's certainly not above seeing a cute busboy at a party and asking them off to the closest for a few minutes, or striking up a casual friendship with a guy he sees frequently at the gym. You know, the type of casual friendship that ends in going out for a few drinks and then picking a nice place to park and fuck around in that little two-seater of his.
I'd say he leans top, but hey, whatever feels good feels good. He's a switch, so I think on a very subby day you could get an especially enthralling bottom performance out of him. I think he'd also light up like a Christmas tree if you teased him about afterwards...but careful, if you tease too much, he fucks back.
Also, does anyone else get the feeling this man would absolutely thrive in a M/M/F threesome?? I find that to be a very intriguing idea.
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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Finished reading Can't stop thinking about series and honestly i think this is the closest realistic reaction I'd have from this relationship. No one wants to be treated like a living doll that welcoming your partners poor treatments unless you're into it (which is still ridiculous) but let's not talk about that for now.
So what if they finally have proper apologize and groveling and kneeling before you? Does that still matter? Or is this their new strategy to bait you back to their ungrateful ass and back to square one again? You're convinced now that they only doing this just for your warm body and someone who can play domestic life with them (trust issue a-yeay)
Your last string of patience has snapped when they still insist and you blurt out something that might hit them hard, "So, what makes you think that our relationship —well if we ever had one before will work this time? Who can guarantee that we won't repeat this cycle anymore? You're coming at me begging for my attention and forgiveness yet when i gave you one, all of you start to treat me like — i don't know how you perceive me back then. Probably I was invisible to you guys, hello? Or was I your clean rag or maybe a living fleshlight, Johnny? Or maybe i was one of your failed teammate, John? Or you think of me as a walking burden, Simon? Or maybe you also think I was a digger for you, Kyle? Really, after all we had back then together?"
And you close the door...
So spoiler not spoiler (because it is in the tags) but they do get back together. That's not to say is that there is an "I'm sorry" and everyone moves on. Fuck that noise. There is apologizing, groveling as well as changing the unacceptable behavior before sex or intimacy continues. They want you? They need to earn you.
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trueebeauty · 7 days
I'd love if you could do dating headcanons for Kayden and Kartien <33
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes ; ofcc! here's kayden's <33 and kartein's should be here!
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𝖦𝖤𝖭𝖤𝖱𝖠𝖫 - casual ; daily
» Expect a fiery passion that extends beyond just fighting. He'd be fiercely protective, but also prone to jealous outbursts, especially if he perceives someone as a threat.
» His compliments might come out as backhanded boasts ("You did okay...for a weakling"). 
» Expect playful banter, stolen moments of tenderness, and (not) surprising possessiveness.
» He may act like a jerk to most people, but for you, he'd put on his best manners (gruff as they may be).
» You'd need to be strong (both physically and emotionally) to keep up with him. He'd respect your independence, but also secretly admire your ability to handle his wild side.
» He's cautious about his identity, so be prepared to keep your relationship under wraps. 
» If people find out about your relationship, he’ll love to show you off and brag about you being his partner. He'll put an arm around you possessively in public.
» He's extremely loyal and devoted to you. He'd do anything to keep you safe and happy.
» If anyone threatens you, he won't hesitate to unleash his full power on whoever it was.
» His cocky attitude will still shine through at times, but you know deep down you're his weakness.
» He would definitely move mountains for you, (even beyond that).
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𝖲𝖥𝖶 - his soft side
» He has a surprisingly soft spot for you taking care of him - cooking for him, tending to his wounds after a fight, etc. He secretly loves being fussed over by you.
» He might surprise you by being surprisingly handy around the house. Need a shelf built? He can do it one-handed. Leaky faucet? Fixed with a flex of his grip.
» He'd walk you home every night, not because he doubts your strength, but because he wants everyone to know you're under his protection.
» Big, bad Kayden might turn into a blushing mess if you compliment him genuinely. He'd stammer and boast, but deep down, he'd adore your words.
» Despite his tough-guy act, he'd secretly love to cuddle with you on the couch.
» Cooking together could turn into a playful competition. He'd boast about his "legendary" cooking skills, only to be surprised (and secretly impressed) by your skills (if you can cook).
» He's not big on PDA but will show his affection in subtle ways, like always walking on the street side of the sidewalk to protect you or giving you his jacket when you're cold.
» He's fiercely protective of you and will go out of his way to ensure your safety and happiness, even if it means swallowing his pride.
» He enjoys quiet moments with you, like sitting together in comfortable silence, each pursuing your own hobbies. Your presence alone soothes him.
» He has a mischievous streak and loves to play harmless pranks on you, like hiding your things and watching you search for them, only to reveal he had them all along.
» He pushes you to be your best self and celebrates all your victories, no matter how small.
» He's loyal almost to a fault. Once he's committed to you, he's in it for the long haul. He'll stand by your side through thick and thin.
» Though he struggles to say "I love you" out loud, he shows his love through thoughtful gestures and always putting your needs before his own.
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𝖭𝖲𝖥𝖶 - mdni
» In bed, he likes to take charge but also takes great pleasure in your pleasure. He may seem rough at first but always makes sure you're comfortable.
» Kayden is intensely passionate and attentive. He takes his time worshipping every inch of your body, delighting in every gasp and moan he brings from you.
» He loves to tease you, bringing you to the brink over and over again before finally allowing you release. He takes great pride in his ability to unravel you completely.
» He's dominant and enjoys taking control, but he's always attuned to your desires and limits. Your pleasure is his top priority.
» He has incredible stamina and can go for hours. Expect marathon lovemaking sessions that leave you both exhausted and satisfied.
» He loves it when you take initiative too. Seeing you confident and in control in the bedroom drives him wild with desire.
» He's a bit of a voyeur (pervert) and loves to watch you pleasure yourself. The sight of you lost in ecstasy is incredibly arousing to him.
» He enjoys incorporating his strength and power into your intimate moments, like holding you up against the wall or pinning your hands above your head.
» He has a bit of a possessive streak and loves marking you as his own, leaving love bites and hickeys in places only he gets to see.
» After sessions, he’ll enjoy relaxing in the afterglow with you, holding you close and caressing your skin as you both come down from the high.
» Despite his usual bravado, he's most vulnerable and open with you during these intimate moments. 
» For Kayden, intimacy wouldn't just be physical. It would be a space where he can let down his guard and be vulnerable, finding comfort in you.
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asteroidzzzn · 11 months
dance, baby! | part 2
pairing: dancer!reader x soccer!ellie
warnings: cursing, reader is still delulu and very anxious
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi here is part 2 yayyyyy! im rlly excited i think this is cute :')
summary: ellie williams showed up to the nutcracker to watch you, which caused you to get distracted and fall. unfortunately for you, she's decided to make a habit of getting you flustered on stage.
"would it be weird to invite her though?"
"dude, you know she's gonna go anyways. she's like, obsessed with you."
"ugh, i don't know..."
you sat on your bed with jade, who was annoyed with your overthinking, convinced that ellie liked you back, while you were debating whether or not to invite ellie to your upcoming dance show.
you had told jade about the small crush you formed shortly after you realized what you felt. it didn't take long for you to fall for her. she was so funny and kind, and your heartbeat never failed to quicken when she would ramble about something she was interested in with a massive grin.
since she went to see the nutcracker back in december, the two of you spent nearly every day together, especially during winter break. in february, you told her you were accepted to choreograph your very own piece for the upcoming spring showcase, which prompted her to hug you tightly, telling you how you would do amazing.
that was one of the many things you loved about her. she knew just what to say all time to ease your nerves before you ever told her you were nervous. she could see right through you.
one thing you wished she didn't see, though, were the fleeting glances and rosy cheeks from each time her hand grazed yours for a moment too long.
you fell back on your bed, face in your hands.
"i mean, i think my dance is good. it's just... she's gonna watch it knowing that i made it.
jade blinked. "what's so bad about that?"
you let out an exasperated sigh. "it's like asking someone to read your essay. actually, asking a whole class. it's so nerve racking. everyone in the room will have an opinion on something i choreographed."
"oh, how dare people perceive you."
you chuckled. "yeah, how dare they. you know what? i'll just do it."
you typed out a message to ellie inviting her to the spring showcase in a moment of short-lived boldness.
jade had to click send for you.
on the day of the show, you sat in the dressing room applying makeup for the first piece you danced in. you wore a beautiful pink flowing dress which looked like rose petals, and you put gold glitter on your eyelids.
the dance was about how love can come unexpectedly. your favorite part was when each dancer ran across the stage, searching for their parter. once the partners were all together, the music crescendoed, and you performed a beautiful partnering section. your instructor made it for her wife and named the piece love is love.
the dance you choreographed was also heavily focused on partnering. you were given five dancers to work with, so one was left without a partner. they reached into nothing, while the people with partners disregarded each other, taking what they had for granted.
it ended with the lone dancer falling to her knees, with a spotlight shining on her, and the partners walking away in the darkness.
jade was the only person you trusted to watch the dance before it went to the stage. she loved it, but, no matter how much praise she gave you, nausea still washed over you as you made your way backstage to talk to your dancers one final time before your piece became known to the world.
you gathered the five and huddled together in the wings.
"ok guys, you're gonna do great. i've loved working with you, and thank you for making my vision come to life," you giggled softly as the girls hugged you, whispering promises to perform their best for you.
you sat and watched the dance, occasionally peeking at the audience to see their reactions. it was difficult to read most people in the room, but you could obviously tell ellie loved it, from the way she was attentively watching. she knew it was yours, because there was large text projected on the screen behind the stage stating your name and the title of your dance before the lights faded in.
you found yourself smiling wider than you would like to admit at the fact she was sitting in the front row, again.
once the dance concluded, the audience gave a large applause. everything went perfectly. you couldn't stop showering your dancers with praise for their performance.
shortly after, it was time for love is love. you met up with your partner you entered stage with backstage. you took multiple deep breaths with your eyes closed, clearing your mind.
your partner squeezed your hand. she could sense your anxiety from the way your hand trembled in hers. you were worried you would fall from the lift the two of you always struggled with.
you weren't sure you'd survive the embarrassment of falling in front of ellie (and a massive crowd, but they didn't matter as much) again.
"we got this," your partner whispered, and you flashed her a quick apprehensive smile. you entered stage during the blackout and sat down as the audience cheered in anticipation.
against your better judgement, once your head rose, your eyes found ellie's. next time you would have to tell her to sit in the back of the house. wear glasses, perhaps. she was too pretty for her own good.
you quickly turned away, and your partner guided you up. she gripped your arm and waist, pulling you onto her shoulder. you held your breath. wobbled slightly.
but you stayed.
you swiftly rolled off of her back and landed, taking her hand and running off for the next partner to enter. there was slight applause for the stunt, and quite a loud wooo! stood out from the front row.
you reentered the stage to complete the exhausting group section, eventually falling to the floor in a clump with the others, breathing heavily, holding each other close.
your gaze shifted to the audience a final time before exiting. ellie and the two people on either side of her had slipped away. you chose to push that to the back of your mind for now. you walked out during the blackout, panting as you made your way to the dressing room to grab water.
jade's yellow dress flowed as she ran up behind you, gripping your shoulders and almost tipping you over. you let out a slight squeal as she laughed, wrapping her arms around your neck.
"that was the best run we've ever done, oh my god! and your lift with marcie was so good!"
you giggled, "i know right! now get off of me, you're so sticky and sweaty, and i really need to get some water."
jade gripped your arm so you couldn't escape her hold. "actually, let's go outside to get some fresh air real quick."
"can i at least get my water first?"
"uh, no this is really important," she ushered you to the back door to enter the parking lot.
your eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "we could've gone out the side door, why are we all the way back..." your words fell short at the sight in front of you.
you recognized dina and jesse as ellie's friends, who stood giggling behind a very red ellie williams, holding out pink flowers to you. matching your costume, again. it was sickeningly sweet.
you approached her as she began speaking with a very noticeable quiver in her words.
"uh, ignore them," she gestured to dina and jesse, "i couldn't bribe them out of not being here."
you chuckled nervously, glancing back at jade. she threw up a thumbs-up with a giddy smile.
ellie cleared her throat before speaking again. "i was wondering if you... wanted to... go out with me? sometime? y'know, like a date...? we, uh, thought it would be kinda fitting to ask after a dance called love is love, cause, yeah. by the way, you were beautiful, it was so-"
you cut her adorable rambling short by wrapping your arms around her, whispering, "yesyesyes," into her neck.
she hugged you in return, nearly lifting you off the ground with how tight she was pulling you in. when you separated, the both of you wore beaming expressions.
jade suddenly punched your shoulder. "i literally told you she liked you back!"
dina folded her arms behind ellie, lifting a smug eyebrow. "yeah, so did i."
you and ellie flushed at the revelation you had been hopelessly pining over each other. despite that, words couldn't describe how ecstatic you felt that ellie reciprocated your feelings. you were over the moon.
she handed you the bouquet. "i should go, i don't wanna miss more of the show."
"yeah, i'll see you later," you pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, leaving her with a small mark from your red lipstick. once you reached the dressing room inside you immediately grabbed jade, pulling her into a hug and jumping up and down.
"oh my god oh my godohmygod!"
jade indulged your giddiness, jumping along with you as you squeeled. little did you know, ellie was doing the same exact thing, just outside the door.
near the beginning of may, ellie had a huge game coming up. and what good of a girlfriend would you be if you didn't try your absolute hardest to embarrass her?
ellie situated herself into her position on the field, where she was a midfielder, whatever that was.
was this how clueless she felt while watching you dance? she joked around about how she could never understand the silly dance terminology, and she insisted you were submitting yourself to torture when you told her you're actually standing on your toes in pointe shoes.
you watched the girls run around the field, cheering when the crowd did, even though you had no idea what had just happened.
after a few minutes, your team got a goal.
"hell yeah! let's go!" you whooped among the crowd, catching the attention of ellie. you waved at her, smiling. she seemed surprised you were there, attempting to mouth something at you, but she was rudely interrupted by a girl from the opposite team shoving her out of the way.
you snorted at the way she stumbled, catching your eyes one more time before running after the girl.
you hadn't told you you'd be showing up since you had a dress rehearsal for the upcoming competition, but you wouldn't miss any of her games for the world.
she caught up to the girl, swerving expertly around her and directing the ball to the opposite side, taking a risk and kicking it as hard as she could, and she scored.
"that's my girl!" you shouted loudly, clapping for her as her teammates ran up to her, high-fiving and celebrating.
despite all the attention she was getting from her team, her eyes were glued to you, her biggest cheerleader.
nothing in the world could compare to the way she looked at you once she found you in the bleachers after the game.
"hi," you giggled into her hair as she rushed up and pulled you into a hug, spinning you around. "you were amazing!"
"you're amazing," she muttered before kissing you. after a few moments she pulled away, still out of breath from the game. "i thought you had a dress rehearsal to be at right now?"
you pushed a piece of her hair that had stuck to her forehead away from her eyes. "well yeah, but you're more important than a dress rehearsal, i already know my dances like the back of my hand. and i told mrs. morgan i was gonna show up late anyways," you glanced over her shoulder to see her team beckoning her to come over.
you pressed your hands on her chest, pushing away slightly. "your team wants you over there, and i should head out now."
"ok," she pecked your lips and began backing away. "have fun at dance, baby! love you!" she called from over her shoulder.
"i love you, too els," you grinned brightly.
you were the luckiest girl in the world.
a/n: yayy im so happy with how this turned out!! (*^▽^*) btw i know nothing about soccer besides the things i've seen my little sister do when she plays so,,,,,, apologizes if i said something dumb ikik. again feedback is rlly appreciated bc im kinda sorta new to writing, anything helps! tysm for reading!! hope u enjoyed this :)
tags: @ximtiredx
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oddballwriter · 1 month
💳💥💳💥💳 THE SYSTEM WITH A METALHEAD I BEG OF YOU!! ( if comfy ofc )
Like short 5'2-5'3 reader who looks SCARY as shit and wears all black+tatted but is super cutesy until someone says the wrong shit and they get absolutely insane?
feel like steven would be like raging heart eyes
( maybe smutty maybe not either wayyy..)
- 🌑
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Steven Grant
Steven was scared of you at first, that's for sure. The all black and scary look definitely worked on him
It wouldn't be until you approached him that he realized you weren't going to bite him
He finds the difference between the two of you funny, positively.
To me, he seems more like a listener of ABBA and The B-52, those kind of older songs that are more up beat. Something that some suburban dad definitely has on vinyl
I firmly believe that Steven fucking loves the B-52s for some reason, he just has those vibes
Softer type of music, you know? Definitely not metal
But he does enjoy that you're kind and really nice rather than acting the part of how you look
But the one time when you two were out and someone insulted you both and you proceeded to yell at them and cuss them out was a day that he thinks about a lot. You weren't even yelling at them for insulting you, you just tore them a new one because they insulted him
He felt something that day, and he's not saying that he wants you to yell at him, but if you bossed him around a little then he's going to do it with a tent in his pants
He's too embarrassed to admit that but it's defiantly something that's there and you'll catch on someday
Back to the actual topic though, Steven doesn't like metal but he supports you liking it since it makes you happy
Would attend a concert with you but he'd have ear plugs in so that the music doesn't hurt his ears or stress him out
Also, you will have to leave him in the back because he's not going in the mosh pit, he would not survive. I'm sorry but he's not built for that
Marc Spector
Okay, Marc doesn't really listen to metal, he's not an avid metal listener. But I'm sure he's listened to a few songs and knows the more mainstream bands
He thinks you're cool though. Similar to my HCs for them with a goth partner, he finds it fascinating how you don't care how people perceive you and just be yourself. You're happy and he uses that as inspiration to be himself too
Marc would listen to metal music with you if it comes up, maybe you expand his knowledge of the genre
Do I think he'd handle a mosh pit? No, I think it would stress him out too much. Too much is happening and it freaks him out. Loves seeing you having fun though so go mosh for him
Marc also respects the fact that you're still polite and not true to how people think you would be, but 100% if you tell someone off then he's all for it. You tell 'em!
Since I went on a whole side tangent on Steven's music tastes, it's only right I do it for Marc
Marc sort of shares the same taste as Steven where he listens to songs that were around when they were younger. He's a classics kind of guy. He likes it when he hears people from back then on the radio
This man refuses to leave the 80's and 90's music scene. You will have to pry it from him in the field of reeds
Jake Lockley
Jake is such a "I love all genres" guy, he listens to everything and finds something to like in it. Even country, yeah sure modern country sucks but older ones are the ones he talks about when e talks about country music
So yeah, Jake definitely likes metal and can get into it. So feel free to play it around him
He also thinks you're cool and loves your whole look. Buys a shirt to match
100% would love to see you tear someone a new one so long as they deserve it. This man is an enabler, he's in the back cheering you on
Also, if you ask him to go to a concert with you, he will say yes so fast
Jake would survive the mosh pit, he would thrive
It lets him let out some stuff that he's been holding back and energy that he can't really put anywhere else
Honestly Jake would be so clearly into your whole metalhead life. He thinks it's hot. He finds it sexy. There's something about the loud music and look that does something for him and he's not going to hide that
Honestly, yell at him in bed, it'll be good foreplay if you're down
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
Smut alphabet: Homelander
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Pushing the bottom Homelander agenda suck my dick
18+ MINORS DNI - don't look at me
TW: straight cis white guy, idek smut
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He needs physical affection, even if it's a quickie. He'll have you sit in his lap if you two are at his work, so he can uphold his reputation. Otherwise he'd love to cuddle up to you and fall asleep while you hold him. Pet his hair and tell him how much you love him
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite part of his body is everything, he's worked hard to get the godly physique he has. Inspired by Greek gods statues and portraits he's extremely confident with his body. On his partner he loves their lips, and their tits. He has an obsession with softer women, or smaller women so he can stand out against them. But he also has a thing for masculine (muscley/ taller/ etc) women that can step on him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums early when he's a sub, it's canon. If you're gonna Dom him expect some extra steps. He loves cumming inside of you mostly, breeding you. Or cumming over your face or tits. He has a cum kink absolutely, it's a possessive thing.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mommy kink, it's not a secret after a few times with him. When you top him he wants to be babied, cuddled and held. He wants to fall asleep sucking your tits he absolutely loves it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's very experienced with domming, taking out his frustrations on hundreds of adoring fans ready to worship him for an ounce of affection. But when it comes to subbing he's not that experienced. He rarely meets a woman he'd open up to in that way, nevermind telling them about what he likes. His reputation could be ruined, he would be perceived as weak.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowboy, he loves when you ride him. He loves seeing your tits bounce, or the face you make when you cum on his cock. Extraordinary. He also could get the chance to see a lump in your stomach if he fucks you feel enough which he loves. He could also start flying, and you could ride him in the air.
Doggy style, he loves taking you from behind absolutely ravaging whatever home he decides he wants, since he is the homelander and he'll do whatever he wants.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not goofy at all. Very serious, mood changer if you start laughing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Only slightly shaved, but his chest isn't and he has a snail trail going up his stomach.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's only intimate if he's in love with you, if you top him. Otherwise it's purely for his pleasure and if you cum well uh. Good for you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I think he'd be into mutual masturbation, he definitely has a kink for watching you get off. He's kinda a stalker canonically so id imagine he'd watch you sometimes and jerk off. He probably does it more often than he admits.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He's a switch so:
Mommy kink, praise kink, gentleness, intimacy, eating out, hair pulling, discipline (but not punishment) rewards, breeding, tit fetish, impregnation kink, milking kink, through clothes, Overstimulation
Daddy kink, rough sex, taking it out on you, choking, breeding, bruises, impact play, gags, binds, deepthroating, cum kink, master kink, begging, crying anything that takes away all of your control and gives it to him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes his office, over his desk on his couch, with minimal risk of getting caught but the risk is still there
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly anything: most of the time seeing women naked mostly you. If you wanted he could fuck you at anytime. You just gotta beg or tell him to get on his knees.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think there's many things he WOULDNT do. I mean he's horrible.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves eating out, getting his face ridden, a pretty girl using his mouth to cum. It's amazing especially when they pull his hair and call him a good boy.
He also loves face fucking the way you look at him through teary eyes, drool pouring down your mouth how you gag and choke around his cock but won't let go until he gets the orgasm he deserves.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
When he Dom's it's always rough depending on the mood he'd go slower to tease you, or fast to take out his day on you
When he subs he loves slow and sensual, being held and worshiped and cuddled.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's okay with quickies, but only if it's necessary like there's a mission soon but he's gotta get rid of his boner poking through his skin tight suit.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He'll try anything
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
When he' Doms he could go all night but when he subs he can barely last a minute. But that's kind of cute tho.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns toys (you) to use on his partner, vibrators, restraints, bullets, clamps, and gags.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll tease you until your sobbing and begging him to let you cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He likes to talk when he fucks you, loud over dramatic groans and "shut ups" and anything to humiliate you. He loves to see you get flustered. But when he's a sub he'll try to be as quiet as he can only a few whispers or soft groans.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He would love to have an audience when he fucks you but no one can touch you but him.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's not small but not the biggest 6/7 inches when soft but really thick, uncut and well groomed, only stubble, and 8 ish inches when hard, he's got a pretty dick.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's ready to go for his partner whenever they want, but gets really pissed and will kill people who only want that from him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
100% will fall asleep in your arms if there's time.
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I have something that's been bugging me regarding a moderately popular request from fans to add a way to romance Astarion without having sex with him.
There are so many reasons why this is a very sweet but poor take. I'll start with game reasons and then explain the trauma connection
That route would then become the "Morally pure" or "Only Right" option. Now I know you're just thinking personally you would be more comfortable with that kind of story but people absolutely would not leave it alone. I already see how the ascended versus spawn ending conflict looks, now imagine having a completely morally pure Romance run where you never once do anything that has a perceivable negative connotation.
I could carry on, but now I'm going to move into speculation, fueled by my perspective, which is informed by my experiences:
He wouldn't have gone for it. Certainly not in act one where he's doing everything he can to pin someone down, and this is the only skill he thinks he has at this moment, he's acting on instinct his instinct is to seduce.
You can say that you try to build a friendship throughout act one just like you would in the regular route because hey we also have halsin and minthara who you don't even get to romance until later on in the game, sure, I hear you. So in that case, having not romanced you in act 1 he is now on par with however he would be in a friend playthrough.
He is also in a completely different mental space by the end of it, and since he never had to pretend to be in love with you, he never had to keep up a facade of a developing romance because he wasn't banging you, which he considered a transactional thing that was part of the whole "getting protection" thing
Let me expand a little. Even if you were flirty back, Astarions plans were always "seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feeling so you'd never turn on me" and he believes that the sex is part of how you get something out of it too, since he sees NO VALUE in himself as a person, and states in game that he has little to offer but complications.
He would close the book on you romantically the minute you didn't let him sleep with you, just like he does in a regular playthrough. If you wrote it as him going along with a slow burn seduction, same romance talk but no sex, maybe even teasing him along, you may have gotten through Act 1, I will give you that that could be written, and would make great fanfiction. But we are talking about putting this in the canon, in the game, keep that in mind.
Say you get to act 2, the point where he says he needs a break from sex. If this gets you excited, thinking "this is where it pays off" .... No! Because he would never have that conversation, due to not having had sex.
How could you re-write it? Maybe he wasn't in a relationship with you this whole time even though you were pursuing him but you said no sex which would have frustrated him (you see where I'm going with this)
Maybe this is the point where you say like I would like to help you fight Cazador and do everything as your partner because I love you, or... However. You'd have to have the romance confession, because he couldn't confess to you because the only reason in his mind he confesses to you is out of guilt from having used you for you guessed it
So now let's say you fully support him when you're saying romantic things to him and for some reason you write in that he's tolerating this and it's fine,
He's a complete wreck all the way up until the end of the Cazador quest. This is not the time where he would be getting cuddly and snuggly and Kissy or even spending more time with the main character because in the Canon he is so upset that he's pretty much snapping at everybody, if you romanced him he's taking a break and he will not commit to what you guys are and he's still putting on a bit of a front with the same kind of language and tones of voice he used when he was manipulating you and act one showing that he's kind of going through the motions right now.
So you would have to rewrite the entire romance that from this morally pure point of view he would be in such a better place emotionally with you or the romance wouldn't be able to start until after cazadors quest.
Then you get into endgame where you either ascended him or you left him as a spawn, and the friendship route does what it does but how would you write the graveyard scene how would you do any of this because he would have had no reason to confess any of his trauma to you ever because you were so supportive how would you have gotten that information out of him?
If you didn't know any of that stuff then why is he bringing you to the graveyard how deep did your relationship really get? How did you get a relationship that's deep with him when he wouldn't have divulged that information?
You even see in the love test he is a very private person and the only reason he was ever honest with you was to apologize for how he manipulated you with sex.
I actually could keep going on about this but I'm using voice to text and it's midnight and I should probably just go to bed so anyway I'm not here to super duper put you guys down or anything I think it's very very sweet I think it is beautiful and I think you should write fanfic about it.
I do not think it belongs in the game
Now you go enjoy the things you enjoy, I will read all of your fanfiction, I will love all of your art. I enjoy the hell out of you beautiful creatures who just want the best for this sad vampire man. And wait, can you make it work in his Origin?? Idk maybe try that idea out I haven't thought that one through.
Sometimes really good writing puts us in positions where we feel a little uncomfortable. And that just makes it good writing. I love you all thanks for coming to My Opinions Based on the information I Currently Have 😂
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johannestevans · 4 months
Hey, i just read ur first Finding Ur Personal Style post (the shape & silhouette one) and wanted to say i really liked it and how you structured it to rly invite oneself to question not just what looks “good” but what one enjoys and feels confident in. as a person who’s always been on the bigger side, it’s really lovely to see, esp bc im currently trying to more firmly develop my own sense of style.
so yeah, im excited to read the other parts and wanted to give a quick shout of appreciation to u for formulating these posts!
Finding Your Style, Part I: Shape & Silhouette (x)
I'm so glad, thank you so much for reaching out and letting me know!
I'm very aware that as a very slim white guy with an hourglass figure who passes as a man without issue, it's often easier for me to buy clothes that fit with what I want and the figure that I enjoy cutting, but also people are a lot more open with praise for me because I'm a slim, conventionally attractive white guy that can be gender nonconforming and still "pass" as male.
Part of the reason I look so good is I have a particular style that I want and I go for it, and I know how to make a cohesive outfit, but it took me time and study to build those skills, and they were aided by people fully supporting the ways in which I experimented.
Most people have a lot of bigotry they need to get over when it comes to people's clothes and outfits - not just around people's size, whether being fatter or broader, bigger, etc, or other visible aspects such as people's disability, skin colour, race, gender and perceived gender, and so forth.
That comes across in how style guides are written, often with a line of desiring that certain people should hide their bodies or dress themselves down more, and it comes across in how open people are with praise for people's outfits and bodies themselves as well. It's hard to experiment with this stuff without feeling like people are supporting you in that, without feeling like you're not just "allowed" to but like it's good and fun to do so, and it's hard to know where to start with that, you know?
I shop a lot in vintage shops with my boyfriends and with friends who are much bigger than I am or who have very different desires for their figures or style than I would or I do, and I know from working with some of them that like...
Without having someone ask them the questions, it's hard to start, which is why this series of guides is going to be about how to settle on these potential questions and dig into the details that you don't necessarily know how to look for until someone teaches you they're there.
With cooking and with food, you're taught from a very young age that there are different tastes - salty, sweet, umami, sour, and bitter - and you're not taught that one of these is good or better or only acceptable compared to the others, and you're taught about the ways these tastes interact with and complement one another.
You don't necessarily get taught to develop that same sense of tastes with style, much of the time. You might get taught some styles "look good" or that some are cringe, and sometimes this will be based along the lines of class indicators and commercialism - these are expensive clothes, or look expensive; these look cheap. These look slutty, these look tasteful. These look "slimming", or these bulk you up.
None of these descriptors describe the clothes. They almost entirely describe people's ("society"'s) potential reaction or relationship with the clothes or styles you might favour, because they're about like... what people will like, or if they'll think of you as professional or trustworthy as a consumer or employee or sexual partner, etc. None of that's about like, your actual personality, but about conformity.
Even terms like "cozy" or "utilitarian" have become appropriated for commercial reasons, to the extent that they indicate a certain buying class, you know?
And the thing about all of those styles is that they're often applied to people's bodies as much as they are the actual clothes - the same clothes on one body might be praised, and then heavily policed or even abused on another. The personality you have and your manner of expression is less relevant than the desire you should conform.
So yeah, this is important for me!
I feel very strongly about my personal style as someone who's very much a dandy and enjoys my combination of period styles, and I want people to be able to play with the same tool set and seek out things that make them feel as joyful about how they dress and style themselves as I feel about mine, regardless of their own bodies or what people have said to them or expressed to them in the past!
And to feel like... the important thing for your style is you rather than a nebulous set of approvals people or groups might or might not have of you.
I'm glad it's helpful, Anon, and I hope the next few guides are useful as primers too. <3
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mister-eames · 9 months
1/? If you wrote a thesis on Arthur and Eames I would literally carry it around in my pocket & read it daily, so I’m begging you!! Please don’t spare your 5k essay on why you think Arthur thinks he doesn’t have a chance with Eames!! I Wanna know your thoughts on this!! Because I think it’s a combination of elements. Firstly I think initially Arthur truly believes Eames doesn’t like him. They’re too different. Arthur is everything Eames isn’t & vice versa. & even tho the saying goes “opposites
2/? attract”.. sometimes you just clash & that’s that.. I think at first he also mistakes Eames playfulness, his snark, quips & attempts at riling Arthur up as genuine condescension & disdain. I also read once in a fic where Arthur made a comment about how nobody likes the pointman cos at the end of the day it’s his job to pick apart everybody else’s work & point out the weaknesses. So the idea that a guy like Eames, who as a forger has one of the most creative/artistic roles in dreamshare. --- 3/3 would be interested in a guy whose role often involves probably telling people to tone it down... yeah. Not gonna happen. & then I think there’s that fear of mixing business with pleasure. The idea of ruining such a great working partnership by bringing something as messy as FEELINGS into it? I think that’s something that would make Arthur not even entertain the idea of ever having anything more with Eames because how could he ever risk losing Eames as a work partner?
Aha, are you ready? Obvs these are all just my headcanons, and that the beauty of inception is that the characters can be who we want them to be, all interpretations are valid, etc etc...
So, with Arthur and why I think he thinks doesn't have a chance with Eames. You're right that it's a combination of elements:
I think, at his core, Arthur like, all of us, carries some kind of emotional bruising when it comes to loving and being loved. And like, all of us, Arthur does not think he's perfect. He has self-perceived flaws. Every single one of us, as human beings, has insecurities - even Arthur. I think he uses all of the surface, logical, 'rational' arguments like not wanting to mix business and pleasure to justify not actually addressing these hurts and insecurities.
You know my personal headcanon for Arthur, generally speaking canonically, is that he did not come from money. He grew up poor with a parent that wasn't, say, well enough to be there for him the way a child would need. That he was the caretaker in the household most of the time.
And, bear with me here, on Arthur caring about his looks - Arthur is buttoned up to all hell not because of vanity, but because of how he will be perceived--- he wears his suits less like armour and more like a weapon. Arthur, to me, is scrappy, not defensive.
But despite how he presents himself, deep down Arthur still is that fourteen year old version of himself, the one that lashed out everyone Eventually, he learned to control that anger, the one that showed everyone else where he was wounded -- but he never addressed the ways he was hurt, or the parts of him that has always been deeply lonely. As an adult he isn't keen on loving anyone else because it's always been a one-way transaction. He does not know how to interpret loving someone and being loved in return. For him, what does that even look like? Arthur doesn't want to love anyone because he's never received the same output of love he gives out. And maybe he thinks something is wrong with him, for feeling affection the way he does and never truly getting it back in kind - platonic, familial or romantic.
So he wears his weaponry to keep people from getting too close to touch, figuratively speaking. And maybe Eames takes him on face value for a beat too long.
While I don't really consider Arthur and Eames to be opposites, I do think they are flip sides of the same coin. They share a basic foundation, beliefs, ethics - but can also clash where they combine. It's like when you just... get someone on a basic level, like you share a frequency without needing years of getting to know them. Like when you meet someone and you just know you must have known each other in a past life. Arthur thinks that this weird, antagonistic thing he has with Eames is something different, isn't it? Except, it isn't. It's just love, baby.
Arthur feels it, with Eames. That 'something'. Over time it develops into a feeling that is both thrum and quiet. Like his whole body is vibrating but also completely still just by being near him, thinking about him.
But, at least initially, Arthur is just too... wary to place his money on it, that feeling. It's never provided dividends before.
Which isn't to say that Eames is the one to show Arthur he is 'worth loving', or anything like that. I believe that Arthur comes to that realisation all by himself - realistically, they're both still young and young enough to be insecure at the time of the film. Late 20's, 30s? Babies, in the grand scheme of adulthood. They are only just consolidating out who they are, really. But Arthur, at some point, realizes its okay to put his sword down and be loved in a different way from those who'd said they'd loved him before. To have someone take care of him, to run point for him. He gets better at reading love languages.
And I think, to address Arthurs own insecurities -- we all also have that kind of rose-tinted view of the ones we love while thinking we are plain and unremarkable - we look at them and go fuck, you are amazing, you are incredible, you can do anything and you don't even know it, how do you not know how powerful you are?? --- that's part of it too. Maybe he looks at Eames, Cobb and Mal and thinks just that. Maybe he wonders in what world would Eames ever look at him the same way? Maybe he does underestimate his own power and he takes it all too seriously and to heart when he's not perfect. Maybe he can't look past his own fuck ups in life and in work that it truly clouds his perception of himself and his compatibility with others.
That, I think, are the basic fears Arthur has. It's like inception, right, these 'simplest version of ideas' manifest in more convoluted ones. Those fears get translated and articulated into very simple 'reasonable' arguments he hoodwinks himself with so he never has to face his own vulnerability: it would never work out. I don't like the way he does x, y, z. He is so annoying. He doesn't even like me like that. It'd be bad for business. It's not worth the risk. We're here to work.
So I think Arthur leaves his attraction to Eames like a mailbox slowly accumulating with more and more junk mail. He'll clean it out some day, pushed aside in his own mind, left unattended by him for a long time without realizing the pile is growing. On this, some of my fave fics are the ones where Arthur has this sort of... comically misbehaving subconscious because of his ignored affection for Eames. The ones where there are errant projections who fawn over Eames, or the ones where his subconscious is literally incapable of hurting him. I think Arthur is not.. repressed... as an individual, but the feelings he has for Eames are so large and encompassing and that he's tried to fit it into too small of a box, and that box is spilling out at the sides. What he feels cannot be contained or disposed of. He would be that kind of hot mess.
But, Arthur, you darling fool. The feeling is mutual.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
hc of how the moon boys would be with a harley quinn type of s/o. like she is really sweet and kind when she is with them, but is also extremely chaotic and kinda be seen as a morally grey character. she always means well but she just has a very sad and traumatic upbringing.
(Please read the following headcanon listening to Gangsta by Kehlani because -yes)
Jake Lockley:
*You're too naïve for this world if you think he didn't get a hard on the first time he saw you break a guy's skull with the cricket bat of Steven.
*Night missions as the fist of Khonshu had turned funnier since he discovered your dark side. He loves driving through London and near locations to kick asses and take names with you as his perfect partner in crime.
*Jake feels he can be himself without masks for you'll accept him as he is, even in his most unhinged form. It's not that he couldn't reach that trust level with a "more-average" partner, but he knows there's something in him that can be labelled as "monstrous", and to him, the fact that you can embrace chaos is a signal of safe place.
*Dark-romantic is the way we can describe your relationship. You could either dance in the same club were you just did a carnage spree like two teenagers at their prom, or make out right next to the corpse of a criminal head (not literally) while listening to Paul Anka's "Your head on my shoulder".
*You're the perfect match for him, that's how Jake perceives you. He's so comfortable around you he may even do some crazy little things like, dunno, giving you the ring of a mafia boss he threw off a building the last week because "emerald and gold fits you well" or even worse... going for a tattoo of something related to you.
Marc Spector:
*He's lethal and thug because he has to, not by choice nor self indulgence. The fact that you're so sweet and kind gives him both the hope of finally living a normal life and the fear of getting you into troubles...
*Or that's the main worry until he sees how you break some dude's teeth with a single punch before jumping and landing on his right arm with all your strenght. Now he's like "WTF where's my cherry pie (Y/N)?"
*I'm sorry but Marc can't help but make some inner comparisons between you and Layla. The main difference is you act and feel intense. You greet him with a big hug and giving him smooches before telling him the dinner awaits, but when things get hard Marc knows you won't only fight, but enjoy every second of it, which is... slightly disturbing but fascinating.
*Sometimes he's worried you like a little too much the missions. He knows what a real blood-thirsty is like, and the idea of you turning into someone like that is something he cannot tolerate, so usually he's the one who must contain you.
*But by the same reason, Marc knows you're not like that because you like it. And slow but surely he listens to your life story and the kind of stuff you've been through, and he can emphatize with you. Ultimately you are a healing support for each other, and you lick each other's proverbial wounds and feel the world still has place for love and peace.
Steven Grant:
*You've been dating for some weeks now and he's getting used to your attitudes. You pointed acidly at the waiter Steven asked for a chicken free salad? Well, that's kind of you. You yelled at some kids on the street for harrasing a poor dog? Hey, he would do the same. You kicked someone's crotch after some dirty words? That's fair enough.
*Did you break a burglar's nose with your head and then proceeded to hurt his ears with a slap and, while they were on the floor, you finished with a K.O kick? Okay, that's a little... brutal, but he's surprised. Very surprised.
*The first time you meet him in his Mr. Knight suit you're so happy ("Steven, dear, you're a superhero! No, better than that... a super-vigilante!") you join without hesitation. At first he'll do his best to protect you, but dear, you're more than up for some hand throwing.
*Steven cannot choose if he's scared or intrigued by that crazy side of you. Yes, he despises violence, but he also knows you must respond when someone is bothering you. And your response level tends to be... high, very high, and it's worrying but once carnage is over you turn back to be the soft little dove he loves.
*One day, he may directly ask what's the deal with that. Knowing about the things that made you being like this is sad, for Steven is the most emphatetic of the Moon boys. He'll give you the comprehension, patience and words you needed, and you'll know from then he's the one, you wouldn't never drop sweet Steven of the gift shop for anything or anyone in the world.
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pendwelling · 1 year
I started twsb and I can't get over Cedric's shenanigans 😭😭 like I might be reading this wrong but he acts like such a kid when it comes to jesse it's so cute lol when christelle and Jesse made a heart he split the crystal ball in two and when Jesse was anointed marquis he set the carpet aflame after christelle touched Jesse and said, "it's a official!" I hope I'm not reading this wrong but if I'm not they're just so silly and I love it ww but Jesse is still like "chill I'm not gonna steal ur wife" Jesse ur SO DENSE!!
OMG YES HAHHAHDJKDKDL Cédric is such a silly funky guy hes my favourite character for so many reasons but one of them is because LIKE!!!! HE ACTS ALL COOL AND MIGHTY BUT!!! hes really just a 25-month-old socially inept guy who doesnt understand that you can share friends (partners 😳) with other people (also btw it was canonically confirmed by one of the other characters that Cédric is obsessed with Jesse and i laugh about it daily BECAUSE THE MAN IS NOT SUBTLE ABT THIS FACT AT ALL 😂 EVERYONE KNOWS BUT JESSE LMFAOOOO)
CedJess are also truly a great duo because theyre both silly guys 😔😩
Cédric, frowning because Christelle and Jesse are just being friends: >:/
Jesse, nodding with 100% confidence as if he has a single clue whats going on in Cédric's head (he doesnt): ah oops, I shouldnt be getting between the future imperial couple...
Christelle, who actually has a braincell, perceiving Cédric: Prince Jesse please stay away from that rotten guy right now.
The TWSB cast are all just silly people over all and its very easy to become fond of them throughout the story xD Sookym does an amazing job at writing characters and building their relationships with each other!!
I'm glad you're enjoying TWSB so far!!!! it was also really great hearing your thoughts about it too haha, I'm always happy to hear about other people enjoying stories that I enjoy as well :')
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unhonestlymirror · 1 month
There is a stereotype that sexually harassed and assaulted people start to be afraid of every touch, to lose their mind on public, to stop talking completely, etc. In the most severe cases, it's like that, yes. However, most of such people just change in a non-obvious way: they still smile, laugh, wear the same clothes, communicate with others, go to work, go to studies, kiss their kids good night, etc - it’s just that some part of the character is subtly changed. They can start reacting weird on things they used to react normally, they can be slightly overemotional for no reason or being a bit more closed, or a bit more aggressive - many other stuff can cause such non-specific symptomps, and you're never be able to tell unless they tell you themselves.
In fact, they can live with this terrible experience for decades without telling any single soul. If you were sexually harassed - you begin to fear the very possibility that someone will find out what happened to you. More than anything in the world, you begin to be afraid of seeing fear, disgust, pity, misunderstanding, disbelief, judgement and prosecution, loss of respect in the eyes of your loved ones, overreaction, you are afraid of becoming insignificant in their eyes and it’s like you’re exposing yourself to being hit by a truck. Usually, people avoid being hit by a truck, and the same way, sexually harassed people avoid exposing themselves.
However, such people are also less likely to stay silent when a sexual harassment is about to happen to their close ones. Such people are more likely to confess to their younger siblings/kids/someone more defenceless than their partners or therapists or parents or adults in general. These people are much more likely to tell you why you shouldn't get into cars with strangers, how to react if someone grabs your butt on public transport, often they even take drastic measures and forbid you to see guys/girls they don't like or even which sexually harassed them before. And you'll never know! Until they tell you themselves.
And the only thing you can do as someone who is being confessed to is to... just accept that something so terrible happened to your close one. You can cry, scream and go buy a shotgut later, but the first things first - you should accept this confession, to express gratitude for them opening their soul to you, and make the confessed realise that you are not against them, that you still perceive them the same way, that you are ready to be near and support them. "Let's think about what we can do." It's important to stay calm. If the confessed behaves like their experience is an anecdote, something unimportant, something to laugh at - you can play along a little bit, but be VERY careful: "You are so cool that you punched him in the face!" Do not joke too much, this is not a funny situation, and the one confessing actually realises that deep inside. You can make them feel stronger because that's what they seek. Confessing to someone about being sexually harassed takes a lot of strength, you need to keep that in mind. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to "demand justice": "I'll go and kill that bastard!!!" - usually people confess not for revenge but for safety, and being aggressive, you're not providing them with safety. You must avoid falling into stupor too, no matter how much you can't believe your ears. Obviously, you should suggest going to the gynaecologist, but usually, people confess only when it's too late.
This is why I love "10 things I hate about you" movie. It has one of the healthiest reactions on such a confession. If you make a mistake, your relations with the confessed will be ruined forever, if you behave calm and accepting, they can only grow stronger. This is very challenging for both the confessing and the accepting.
P.S. I myself never was sexually harassed, thanks God. My mom, however, was - and I was about 7 years old when I was confessed to. I didn't know what is sex back then, but I realized that something bad happened to someone I cared about. I'm afraid no one knows about this except for me, not even my father, not even my mom's parents. But do you know what I am afraid the most? That mom didn't tell me everything. She did her best at presenting this as censored as possible. She doesn't have any friends to talk to, she behaves aggressive quite often, she refuses to go to a therapist, she isolated herself from society except for the family, and she's scared of people. Now, I believe I was a coward for running away from her, but I also thought it would encourage her to find friends or to improve her relationship with dad, at least. It seems to me that nothing has changed for the better since the russian full-scale invasion, and I don't know what to do. She believes that everyone wishes harm upon her. It's so unbearable for me to see that I can not help her in any way, I can not even convince her to find someone who can help her, and to know that I wasn't even able to prevent her from being harassed, that I wasn't nearby when that happened, even if I wasn't even born then.
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charmac · 11 months
Hello ^-^
I follow you on twitter as well and you are one of my FAVORITE sunny/macdennis accounts EVER.
I read this post of yours :
And I wanted to ask if you like Established MacDennis while reading/writing fics?? I love it when authors write macdennis' relationship from others pov. Like how Charlie sees them as a couple and think they're badass, how frank can't still believe dennis is with mac, how dee is absolutely annoyed by their excessive pda!
I also love when an original male character is interested in one of them before the other appears and then they're like "holy shit they're so in love" or omg mac/dennis is a lucky guy etc.
Sorry for rambling, it's just that I appreciate your opinions!
Thanks! :)
Honestly "I'm not a huge fan of "established" Macdennis is kind of a weird battleground, because for canon I constantly teeter between being fully-convinced they're fucking, have been fucking, for years, and that they've absolutely never hooked up, lmfao. (If you're wondering, we're currently standing at, yeah they're absolutely fucking).
So my idea of (or what I enjoy in terms of) "established Macdennis" is that they're together and no one knows, and that's kinda where I stand for fandom too, in terms of what I enjoy.
Personally to me the idea of Mac and Dennis openly dating and happy being seen in public as a couple is a little unrealistic. Especially on Dennis' side, he's already pretty anti-PDA/having others perceive himself as soft or being able to be locked down (and boyfriend/partner/lover is a label...). Then, letting Mac be on him, call him his boyfriend, etc. gives Mac a little too much freedom. For Mac, I think I go back and forth on the idea. S12-14 Mac would kill to call Dennis his boyfriend, would brag to everyone he knew that he was drilling him, but Post-15? I think maybe he's mellowed to a point where having Dennis to himself, as a secret, on the DL, would be kinda enticing (at least Dennis could convince him as much). There's something thrilling about having a dirty little secret so to say.
So my idea of them 'in canon' if they were officially together would be that each episode they kinda flip-flop being broken up and back together for stupid fucking reasons. I love the idea of all of The Gang hates and enjoys them together for different reasons, at different times. Like Dennis is just being a complete bitch and Dee turns to Mac and is like "Could you tell your boyfriend to be reasonable?" And Mac's like, "Oh, no, Dee we're not together anymore, see I forgot to pick up Dennis' dry cleaning on Saturday and that's a break-up offense, so..." and Dee just angrily huffs and walks away. And then the end of the episode Charlie walks into the back office right in the middle of Mac sucking Dennis off and he just yelps and slams the door like "DEE YOU TOLD ME THEY WERE BROKEN UP!" And then the next episode, once again, you have no idea they're together until Dennis is caught with his hand rubbing up Mac's thigh and Frank's like "No way, none of that shit in the bar!" and Mac grabs Dennis' hand and forces it off and is like "That's fine, Frank, because I'm not talking to Dennis right now anyway." And Dee's just like ???? Mac's called it off this time!? But no one actually wants to know, so they all move past it. I think Charlie would go back and forth between liking them together and broken up just based on how they play into his schemes and ideas in either scenario. (i.e. Mac wanting to get blasted with Charlie after he and Dennis have broken up for the 10th time or Dennis being completely willing to go with Charlie's plans bc Mac is into them and Dennis is staying on Mac's good side that week).
I think in any case, anyone outside of the Gang/recurring characters looking at the two of them would probably be into them because of their looks, see them nasty makeout and go damn, alright, too hot guys found each other, then watch them immediately turn around and try and kill each other for any random reason, and be glad they dodged that bullet... Lol
Sorry for my rambling... ;)
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