#you can see me grinning so widely :D —> me rn
uzurakis · 23 days
jjk men w gf who’s overly sensitive and they said something that hurt her feelings? ^___^
featuring: megumi fushiguro. gojo satoru. itadori yuuji. geto suguru.
n. nonnie, allow me to spice your req a bit by make them getting into arguments which hurts your feelings in the process. sorry it took a longer time to write this cause i really don’t want to mess their characterization on this one t—t you also didn’t say i need to end it with comfort so…
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the atmosphere was heavy with tension, as if every breath you took stirred up a storm of unresolved emotions. the soft glow of the desk lamp cast long shadows across the room, accentuating the lines of frustration etched into gojo satoru’s face. his piercing gaze fixed into yours, a silent challenge hanging between both like a veil of uncertainty.
as you stood before him, the weight of his dismissive words bore down on you like a crushing weight. it was as if every syllable was a dagger aimed straight at your heart, each one leaving a deep, painful wound that threatened.
you cried out, "i can help, satoru," your voice quivering with a mix of hurt and desperation. "please, just let me help you."
however, his reply felt akin to a blow to the face. "i don’t need your help, alright?" he yelled, his voice snapping like a whip. "i've got this covered myself.”
the words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating, filling the space between you guys with a palpable sense of defeat.
you begged, your voice almost audible, "but satoru, we're supposed to be in this together. i thought you trusted me. isn't that what relationships are built out of?”. nevertheless, his expression remained impassive, a mask of indifference that hid the pain lurking beneath the surface. “trust has nothing to do with it," he replied, voice colder than you had ever heard it before. "i do better alone."
with those comments, the abyss between you and gojo deepened, threatening to swallow both whole. then as you turned to leave his room, the weight of his rejection settled like a stone in your gut, leaving only a hollow ache and the bitter taste of regret.
the silence of the room was deafening, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioning and the steady rhythm of his own heartbeat. every fiber of his being screamed for him to go after you, to swallow his pride and beg for your forgiveness, but something held him back, he didn’t want to pull you into his mess any further.
with a heavy sigh, gojo sank into his chair, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he let out a long, ragged breath. the weight of his actions settled on him like a leaden blanket, suffocating him with its suffocating embrace.
tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he blinked them back, refusing to let himself break down in the face of his own weakness. he had always prided himself on his strength, on his ability to handle any situation with ease and confidence, but now, in the aftermath of this argument, he felt more vulnerable than ever before.
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"are you okay, megumi?" you asked softly as you reached out to touch his shoulder.
his usually calm demeanor was replaced by a tense energy that crackled in the air, setting your nerves on edge as he flinched away from your touch, his expression hardening as he turned to face you.
he snapped, "i'm fine," in a tone that was unlike anything you had ever heard. "stop asking me that."
the words were like a slap to the face, leaving you feeling with hurt and confusion. all you had wanted was to help him, to ease the burden he carried on his shoulders, but instead, you found myself faced with a wall of anger and resentment.
you tried to protest whilst trembling with suppressed emotions. "you know you can always talk to me, right? you don't have to go through this alone." yet he shook his head, his eyes dark with pain as he pushed you away. "i said i'm fine!” insisted, tone slightly went higher. "just leave me alone."
the tears threatened to spill over, but you just held it down and bit your lips. with a heavy heart, you turned and left his room.
as the door closed behind you, megumi let out a frustrated growl, the sound muffled by the empty room. he cursed himself silently, his hands clenching into fists at his sides as the weight of his harsh words settled heavily on his shoulders.
"damn it," he muttered under his breath, very much thick with regret. "fuck you, fushiguro.”
the memory of your hurt expression haunted him, a reminder of the pain he had caused with his thoughtless words. he had never meant to hurt you, never intended to push you away, but in his fear and uncertainty, he had lashed out without thinking, building walls around himself to keep you out.
now, as he stood alone in the quiet solitude of his room, he realized the magnitude of his mistake. he had pushed away the one person who had always been there for him, the one person who had never given up on him, and now he was left to face the consequences of his actions.
with a heavy sigh, the man sank onto his bed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to make sense of the mess he had created. he knew that he needed to apologize, to make things right, but the thought of facing you again filled him with a sense of dread.
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under the soft glow of streetlights, yuuji and you found yourselves standing at the edge of a heated argument that threatened to consume the bond between you. the cool night air was heavy with tension, each word you and he exchanged hanging in the air like a cloud of unresolved emotions.
"i just wish you would trust me, yuuji." you said, sounding frustrated as you looked for any indication that he might understand.
however, he shook his head, his expression stubborn and closed off. "i do trust you, but this is different. i need to handle this on my own, babe.”
his remarks pierce deeply. it seemed that he was shutting you down even though all you wanted to do was to help him. you looked at yuuji and said, "i can't just watch you struggle."
"just, give me some time alone, okay?”
the hurt in his voice mirrored your own. as you watched him walk away, the sting of his words lingered like a bitter taste in your mouth. just as you turned to leave, you heard him call out your name, his voice filled with panic and regret. "wait! baby, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it like that."
you turned back to face him, the ache in your chest easing slightly at the sight of his vulnerability. in that moment, you understood that beneath his tough exterior, he was just as scared and uncertain as you were.
"it's okay, yuuji," you calmed him down, reaching out to take his hand in yours. "we'll figure this out together."
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you couldn't stand idly by as suguru pushed himself into further depression from time and time again, and tonight, you had finally reached your breaking point.
"suguru, you need to take better care of yourself," you begged, tinged with frustration and concern. "you can't keep treating yourself like this."
“is there really nothing i can do to help you?”
only he scoffed at your worries, waving off your concerns with a dismissive gesture, expression stubborn and unyielding. "i'm fine, babe.” with a deep sigh, geto suguru pointed out, "and what would you know about my problems, huh?" he reacted with resentment.
those words cut deep, leaving you mourning with hurt and disbelief.
"suguru..” you claimed, “do you really think i would just stand there as you destroy yourself? when you mean so much to me?”
his eyes softened at your words, a flicker of regret passing over his features before he shook his head, expression hardening as he turned away from you. "i don't need your help," he spat.
“i can take care of myself."
the finality of his words hung in the air like a heavy weight, crushing the last vestiges of hope that lingered in.
"fuck, i'm sorry," he murmured right before you decided to walk away. "i didn't mean to worry you."
“i, i just don’t know what to do with myself. shit, i’m so sorry.”
you turned back to face him, tears welling in your eyes as he crossed the room to pull you into a tight embrace. his familiar arms curled around you, providing comfort and warmth despite the tension. you could feel his heartbeat against yours, a rhythm that expressed both guilt and tenderness. at last, words were unnecessary as you allowed the quiet to envelope both, saying more than any apology could.
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@uzurakis — requests are open! <3
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
saw ur request is finally open dlsksksks i hope modern au is your jam 🤞🏻
I would love to get your thought on buggy, shanks, and minawk reacting to reader accidentally sending them a nude pic 🤧
Oh I love you RN ❤️
Okay so did I go overboard? Absolutely Do I care? HELL NO!
You Accidently Send them a Nude Pic!
Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk
You are gonna need some Ice cubes 🧊 after this one ;D
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"For fucks sake" You grumbled as you looked through google- You needed a specific pose for this commission, it was an expensive NSFW one and yet you could not find the right pose and for some reason couldn't figure it from memory-
"Fuck it time to go old school-" You grumbled, Peeling off your clothes and walking to the bedroom were your mirror was, Setting up you snapped a few pictures in the pose needed.
Looking at the few shots you couldn't help but pat yourself on the back. You looked good and got the pose perfectly- Dressing back you went back to your computer.
You kept your phone gallery opened to look at the photo, embarrassed you had to go to such lengths to do so- But money was money.
As you continued your sketch you saw a message ding and smiled- It was non other then Buggy, your close friend and truthfully your partner in crime.
Buggy Boo 🤡: U busy?
Me: Yeah I'm trying to find some references, but what's up?
Buggy Boo 🤡: NVM wanted to hang out
You smiled at this.
Me: You can still but at a price 😌
Buggy Boo 🤡: Price? 💰
Giggling you open up your text gallery. You scroll through the photos to find the McDonald's meme youd saved earlier and quickly sent it-
Me: Gotta Bring Me The Mickey D's 😩 💦
However you saw two images loading to be sent with the text. Raising a brow as you waited for it to load- However when it sent and showed you the second image you threw your device across the room.. there just below the McDonald's Meme was your nude reference photo.. You tried to panic unsend but saw he read it instantly.
Expecting a call or a WTF text of some sort but .
Silence- You didn't see him text back or anything. Fear eating you up inside as you thought the worse.. He's going to fucking hate you now- you two had just been really really good friends for years and maybe had a few drunken nights together however nothing like this!
In your panic you didn't realize how much time had passed before a knock snapped you from your thoughts.
You heard frantic knocks in your front door, surprised by the urgency of them and walked over- Opening the door your face flushed with what you saw. There was Buggy, with a shirt barely and clearly backwards, his hair down in thick waves looking wet and barely holding up his pants like he had gotten into clothes on the way to you however the 4 massive bag of McDonald's in his hand clued you in he had stopped at the restaurant right before.
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"Buggy?-" You say shyly and face cherry red at seeing him in such a disheveled state- that and his boxers didn't exactly hiding him very well.
"I came over as fast as I could- I also got everything on the menu-" He said breathlessly holding up the bag and you glance to see his car parked sideways in your driveway, words seemed to leave you as you could practically see the desire in his gaze as he grinned widely.
He stepped forward and gently pushed you back into the house closing your door behind him as he quickly closed the space between you two, handing you the bag whicj you could barely hold onto.
"Gotta say, that was a welcomed surprised from you. I loved it~" He purred out, You squeaking in surprise at his words as his hands found their way to your hips.
"I have some modeling I'd like to see you do~ For art purposes of course" He said with a wink.
"Y-You actually liked those?" You manage out- Buggy laughed at this.
"Of course! It was sexy, flashy, surprising all at once. Not gonna lie if it wasn't for me needing to get the McDonald's I'd have came straight here and fucked you into the floor" He growled out in desire. You decided to not tell him you were joking about the McDonald's thing.
"In that case-" You sent the bag to the side and smiled as you felt him practically waiting for you to give the OK.
"Food can wait~"
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So bored- You thought as you laid on the couch of your boyfriends apartment. Shanks, The famed biker gang leader in your state. It was famous for his skills, the brutality of his gang and the unfortunate missing arm from a accident to save a child.
However for you he was just the love of your life- and also the one who had left 3 hours ago to do some sort of meet up with his gang which always ment leaving you behind-
Deciding to text him you open your phone to snapchat seeing he was still at the bar and sent a message.
Me: Red I'm Bored 😴
Red Head: I know Babe but I'll be home soon.
Me: It's been 3 hours 🙃
Red Head: Almost done here. I'll Bring you flowers if you're good.
You rolled your eyes- Flowers if your Good hm? You stewed for a moment before jumping up and marching to the bathroom. Maybe it was boredom or sexual frustration but you figured some teasing was in order- Deciding to take off your bottoms you poses in the mirror and snapped a quick picture. Smiling as you loaded it to send
Me: Good like this? {Image}
Prepared to hit send you stopped yourself and sgiggled... This was so stupid. Why would you do this? Rational thought clearing your heated mind and you tossed the phone on the couch to stop yourself.
"Just watch TV Jesus-" You said to yourself and plopped down. Turing in the TV but heard your phone rapidly ding, raising a brow you picked it back up and your face fell- It had sent dear God it had sent. It seemed when you tossed it the screen pressed sent by accdient.
Red Head: I'll be damned-
Red Head: Holy Shit did you just take this now?
Red Head: Baby?
Red Head: I'll be over in 10 minutes..
You saw Shanks text and you felt your face grow hot. This was not how you wanted it to happen but you weren't mad either-
In 8 minutes you heard a knock on the door and you quickly rushed over to open it. Assuming his hand was full-
He smiled at you, Holding the flowers in hand which had somehow survived his speedy ride to you.
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"As promised flowers" He said with a grin and you stepped back so he could enter fully and took the flowers that were handed to you.
"Thank you" You say shyly but can't meet his gaze.
"You just love giving me a heart attack hm Love?" He purred out grabbing your chin gently to look up at him.
"I had to put away my phone so quickly cause I was at the bar with the gang" He said with a chuckle as you held the flowers close to your chest.
He leaned forward releasing your chin and began to kiss your check- His body pressing into you and you felt dizzy and warm.
"I-It was an accident" You Squeak out as Shanks layered kisses down your neck- His hand pulling you by your waist as he pulled you closer, your hand setting the flowers to whatever was closest to you as you felt warmth flutter through your body.
"Really?~ Didn't seem like one to me. As yoj said you were bored~" He said softly, you hadn't realized it but he had worked you two backwards till you felt the couch hit the back of your legs and you fell with a surprised yelp. Shanks smiling at this as he pulled away his leather jacket.
"Well let's make sure I don't leave you bored again~" He winked and lowered himself right after you.
Seems you were about to have the ride of your life~
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You kicked off your heels with a sigh as you finally made it back to your home. Flopping on the couch with a groan- be a lawyer they said, You'll make a lot of money they said- BULLSHIT!
You were overworked, under paid and under laid- it was brutal honestly but you did like your work to some degree and you got to meet interesting people.
You hear a ding from your phone and sigh, already prepared for some client to email- But instead you were met with a text Ling saying your photos were ready.
Photos?... OH The Nude Boudoir Photos of yourself! Jumping up you quickly press the downloadable link and open it up quickly.
It had been a gift for yourself, when your confidence had been down and wanted something to make you feel beautiful and sexy. Opening up the downloaded folder you smiled, it was a bit weird to admire pictures of yourself but the photographer had done such a great job!
However you were cut off when another email rolled in- Sighing heavily as you saw it was non other then you poss and CEO of the firm Mihawk Dracule. The man was a sticklier about everything and he was just lucky he was hot or else you would have slammed a folder in his face by now-
Mihawk D: (Y/N) I need the file for Eros vs Tuller Case. Seems file did not send correctly.
You sigh, that wasn't hard and you'd already downloaded it on your phone. Attaching the document from you phone quickly you sent it-
So lucky!-
There it had been the last thing you...downloaded- wait... it hadn't been the last thing you downloaded.
Dread filled your chest as you slowly opened up your phone once again and clicked the downloaded tap- Seeing two downloaded files, slowly opening the file you sent Mihawk only to see your naked body...
You stared at your phone and screamed- Bloody. Murder
'NO NO NO NO-!!' You panicked as you literally through your phone across the livingroom.
"I'm so so fired I just sent my boss my naked photos!" You sobbed as you fell to the floor, your face as red as a tomato and you damn near cried. You hear another ding and crawl to your cracked device and took a look.
Mihawk D: Come to my office tommorow morning early. We have things to discuss.
You were dead- So very very dead... You cried that night and shot out your resume to several firms and waited for the next morning.
On cue you arrived to the firm brighf and early, having to psych yourself up before going in. You walked in to the building and up to the executive office- you half expected to see a box and a pink slip waiting for you- your head low as you stepped into your bosses office.
"Sir?.." You say softly, looking up you saw Mihawk sitting there looking through some papers- Your eyes focusing on what he was so interested in and you damn near had a heart attack. Seeing professional prints of your boudoir images on his desk and he was looking through them calmly, He glanced up at you finally seeing your wide eyes and flushed face he pointed you over to him calmly.
Slowly stepping forward you stood next to him behind the desk- Seeing the expensive professional prints of your intimate photos sprawled out.
"A-Am I fired?.." You finally asked, Your voice no better then a shaky whisper.
"No. I quite like these infact- I've had many people in my company who have tried to flirt, I was even curious when youd act.. But ive never seen one as bold as this" He said clearly amused, the humiliation burned in your chest- especially since he knew you had a crush on him.. but now you were curious why he didn't want to fire you.
He flicked back to one of the photos, one were you had worn something akin to a playbunny outfit made of lace. He tapped the imagine a bit playfully.
"I must say, This is by far my favorite out of the lot... I'd like to make a proposal to you" He said, craning his head to meet your eyes as a smirk played on his lips.
You felt your brain turn to mush.. first that he liked them and second that Mihawk Dracule was smiling- Had you died?!
"A date if you will, But I'd like to explore your skills in your modeling afterwards. Back at my home. If you're more comfortable with a written contract that is fine with me, but verbal is just as good" He stated calmly, Heat flushing your form at his words and you skittishly nodded.
"What would be the terms of this contract?" You ask shyly, Now more interested then you thought it would be. Mihawk reaching into his caot and pulled out a satin case, opening it to reveal a beautiful necklace, it was very classy looking and could truthfully be worn with anything- but you realized it was a infinity choker with a key lock in the back.
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Warmth hitting your body once again asnyou realized what this represented.. A collar.
"Dates, a more personal relationship and some.. let's say recreations of these works?" He said calmly still holding his favorite one.
You thought for a moment, before running your fingers over the necklace and nodding softly.
"I agree to those terms" You say a bit playfully, Earning a smile from Mihawk. He stood up calmly and picked up the necklace, moving behind you as he carefully clasped it and locked it into place.
"Wonderful" He practically purred out and admired you for a moment. Head flooding your body once more at his golden gaze.
"I will pick you up tonight then, 8 sound good?" He asked, you agreeing and he patted your behind playfully.
"Good. Now Run along now Bunny, I still need the file for the Eros vs Tuller Case" He said amused, You nodding quickly.
"Yes Mr. Dracule" You say softly and as you stepped out a blush on your cheeks and a smile on your lips.
That went better then expected~
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kairiscorner · 10 months
heyooo, it's 🫐 again! i'm in the middle of class rn and i had an idea for student!reader as miles' classmate and them giggling over notes and doodles in class. this then gets the both of em caught by the teacher and what happens next is up to you, ate >:))
HI !! OMG, wait ang cute MMRHRRFNJFNMMM having art class today's got me thinking of some shit, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
doodles on the margins. – miles 1610 x gn!reader
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being miles' seatmate is a massive blessing, yet... also a massive curse. the curse being that neither of you could keep your pens, pencils–even brushes, be it paint or calligraphy–away from the others' clear notebook pages or clean scratch papers. you both would always come home with littered designs and doodles, expressing your feelings to each other out on the margins of your notebooks and the corners of your book pages.
in art class, you both took the liberty of expressing your feelings and viewpoints out to the world, like how your teacher defined what art was; it starts with an idea, and then becomes a beautiful flurry of colors, words, movements and all. you were both giggling as you drew on his notebook's margins, with your knuckles brushing over the side of his hand as his fingers would make contact with the back of your hand as you both ran the tips of your pencils over the once clear and spotless pages.
"what is that?" miles asked you in a hushed voice, accompanied by the ringing sound of his chuckle. you pointed out that your cute little blob of a creature was a fat frog, that looked utterly adorable. miles shook his head as he doodled a spider crawling down the margins next to the frog. "i know frogs don't look that goofy." "that's because you've never met my frog before, miles." you said with a giggle as miles asked you in a whisper shout, " you have a frog?!"
"yes, mr. morales? would you and your friend like to, um, make our art class a biology class?" your art teacher spoke up, asking you both with a confused smile about what you two were discussing. the two of two of you froze up and widened your eyes as the whole class turned their heads and darted their gaze your way. "u-um... just expressing our freedom of opinion... through our creative minds!" he said with an awkward smile as the art teacher nodded and smiled wider. your teacher walked over to you two and asked to see miles' notebook, but with the two of you reluctantly showing them the doodle covered margins of the notebook.
the teacher looked through it, and unexpectedly, their smile widened as they saw all the little creatures and people you two drew. they handed it back with a mutter of 'how creative' under their breath. the teacher then clasped their hands together and announced a surprise assignment: to fill the margins of their art notebooks with as many doodles as the students can fit. "i'll be looking forward to your output, you two." they said with a soft voice as you two bashfully smiled and thanked your art teacher and hurried off.
you both breathed a sigh of relief and slight confusion. "so... guess we have our work cut out for us now?" you asked miles as he nudged your arm with his elbow with a crooked smile. "ganke dmed me, he's telling me he won't make dinner for us tonight because we inspired the teacher about homework." miles said with a sigh as you faked a disappointed groan. "well then, text him back that i'll treat you out to a nice dinner and date to the art museum nearby? let's pretend curfew doesn't exist." you said with a wide grin as miles chuckled back. "oh, well... okay then, who am i to say no?" he asked you as you gently took his hand in yours and he held your hand back and walked down the halls with you–smudged ink stains and pencil marks on the side of both of your hands as you two walked down the halls.
tags !! @ii01vq @toneystank-3000 @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @onginlove @meowmoraless @solecitoszn @maxoloqy @lovefrominaya @conitagray
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hyuckie-angel · 10 months
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treasure reaction; college boyfriend
in which they love their partner and their studies (sometimes)
a/n; a lil suggestive in jihoon, yoshi, asahi and doyoung’s parts
최현석 • choi hyunsuk
the making music at 1am boyfriend
the raw talent your partner hyunsuk possesses is no joke
the way music seems to come from his fingertips
magically into the software
renders you speechless sometimes
‘come look at what i made :D’
he’ll never say it but all of his lyric inspiration is you
he’s never failed a project and he knows its because he’s got you there to write about :’)
but anyway
despite adoring his creativity, sometimes he really just has no clue 
like there’s a road in his brain but its one way and the lines are fading
if you get what i mean
it’s really late
the world is silent
you are drifting off into dreams
when out of nowhere you hear a really loud Dm chord blasting through the stereo
‘yeah? :0′
he’s cute when he’s confused so you forgive him
when he has an early class you sometimes have to get out of bed and force him away from his desk
‘but im almost don-’
‘hyunsuk it is 4am go the fuck to sleep’
sometimes he whips out the guitar at 1am, strumming a few chords and humming along
this you could never say no to
‘i wrote this one for you the other day’
lying there listening to him quietly serenade you fills you with this warm comfortableness 
so you jump out of bed to grab his face 
planting a soft kiss onto his lips
you can feel his grin even with your eyes shut
its safe to say that sleeping doesn’t play a huge part in the relationship, and you could not care any less :)
박지훈 • park jihoon
the ‘if i finish my project will you finish me? ;)’ boyfriend
lord help your soul
jihoon may look like the sweetest, most innocent guy on campus
but oh boy is that incorrect
before you were even dating he was winking at you across the classroom
or running ahead of you to open doors
and despite his wide and elated smile when you finally accepted his advances
he is a fiend
he’s like your own personal devil on your shoulder
‘surely we skip this class’ wink wink wink
you quickly figured out that the best motivation for this man is
the intimate kind
the ‘if you finish this project in the next hour ill let you do whatever you want tonight’ kind
he has absolutely no complaints
it was a dream come true when he realised you would reciprocate
both of you would much rather spend a night having fun
than reading coursework and hating life
of course he has his sweet moments
buys you flowers
brings you chocolate when you’re sad
agrees that making a pillow fort is very important rn
cue the next 3 hours of bickering and pillow related injuries
but his tendency to get distracted
makes itself known quite often
of course you use this to your advantage
walking into the room in a tiny little skirt and an almost see through top
you get more attention than you’ve ever dreamed of
and the sex 
you don’t wanna blow up his ego
but it’s just always really, really good
your professor has started to become suspicious
sometimes both of you do fantastic work
but sometimes both your projects look rushed  (¬_¬)
‘we just spent too much time studying for our other class professor i swear’
this boy will be the death of you 
金本芳典 • kanemoto yoshinori
the always late to class boyfriend
you love this boy to the grave
but you cannot count on all your fingers and toes the amount of times he has forgotten about his classes
never once has he done it on purpose
the man just gets so distracted by anything and everything
especially you
he is no thoughts head empty only yn
‘holy fucking fuck i have class rn’
you have his schedule written down in your phone
so when you tell him you’re going to the shops and he says he’s coming
you can tell him 
‘no yoshi you have literature in 5 minutes’
cue yoshi olympic sprinting out of the house
the amount of times he comes back from class with a paper that has been graded 
‘98%... late’
its basically his brand atp
you’re no better sometimes though
if you’re making out and in the back of your mind you know he probably has class soon
but you’d much rather be here
with his hands in you hair and your heavy breaths breaking the silence
you just say nothing
yoshi doesn't care if he’s late because you guys were having sex
in fact unsurprisingly
he quite enjoys it
 as do you lmao
‘yoshi you have class’
‘stfu do you wanna have sex or not jesus’
he’s also developed a sixth sense when around his professors
if he passes by one of them on campus
he immediately leaves your side
jumping behind a bush
as you get confronted by his literature professor asking why tf he missed half an hour of class again
‘just tell them i died’ 
he’s never going to change, but as the wisest men say
김준규 • kim junkyu
the studies until 5am then sleeps through the class boyfriend
if theres one thing about junkyu
its that sleep >>>>> anything else
(aside from you >> ofc)
he also has this unbelievable fear of failing
so to compensate he spends hours and hours studying
into the night
you wake up sometimes and there’s 4 redbull cans scattered across the desk
and a very unconscious junkyu drooling onto his workbook
you take a photo of him
you gently shake him and wake him enough to get himself to bed
you can always tell how hard he’s working to try and pass his classes with the best marks possible
and you admire him for it
but goddamn does he need to stop staying up so late
you remember the infamous night that he stayed up super late cramming
absolutely determined to pass his exam with the highest marks possible
and then proceeded to sleep through all his alarms
you received a very tearful phone call that morning
‘can you wake me up at 6:30?’
‘junkyu its 5am that is 1 and a half hours of sleep’
he lives and breaths energy drinks
cue his hands shaking to the point where both of you are like
‘maybe we should go to a doctor’  (≖_≖ )
your favourite thing to do together is nap
because he is always sleep deprived
he turns into a cuddly gremlin when you lie down together
you want to get up and use the bathroom
too bad
wait until he wants to let go
its okay though because he’s so cute
sometimes when you’re napping he unconsciously kisses your forehead and cuddles closer to you
and you have to say nothing so you don’t wake him but also die inside from love and affection
although he is clumsy
and somewhat disorganised
he’s your clumsy and disorganised, and you love him more than anything <333333
윤재혁 • yoon jaehyuk
the ‘whats the answer???’ boyfriend
you met jaehyuk in a class the two of you shared
you could tell he was an absent minded guy
he was often staring towards the front of the lecture hall
looking directly through the teacher
and taking in precisely zero information
but because you were sat next to him
and you liked to think you were a decent person
you would give him a tap on the shoulder every time you thought he was missing something important
this seemed quite mundane to you
just a girl helping out a fellow classmate  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but the butterflies that birthed in his stomach every time you leant over to help him out
made him feel crazy
so he asked you out
after getting over the initial surprise of this gorgeous man wanting to be your boyfriend
you began to notice all these little habits about him
his confused squint when he’s trying to figure something out
the way he clenches his jaw in understanding
his fiddly hands when he’s losing his attention span
and your personal favourite;
the way he leans over to ask you questions about the class
‘hey what did you get for number 1 coz i got 35 but its not even a maths question?’
he’s also so unintentionally funny
‘babe i lost 17 pens can i borrow one?’
once you snorted in amusement so loudly the teacher said bless you
which made jaehyuk loose his shit laughing
and now whenever you laugh at his expense he says bless you
so you slap him (gently)
he pokes his tongue out 
you pretend to get offended
he laughs and kisses you softly
you forgive him immediately
his attention span in class has definitely improved with you helping him
even the professor has noticed
he maaaay or may not be pretending to zone out sometimes
just so you’ll tap him on the shoulder and look at him with your pretty eyes and ask him if he needs anything :’)
浜田朝光 • hamada asahi
the quiet sober; crazy drunk boyfriend
when you first met your boyfriend asahi
his quiet and calm temperament had caught your attention
you’d seen him in the library, head down, brown hair falling in his eyes
and you’d realised that you needed this man
he was beautiful
so you went and talked to him
his responses were
but little did you know his heart had swelled and his palms had become clammy at the sight of you
you and your face that he thought was maybe the most gorgeous he’d ever seen
so two months later you were dating
he’d told you he didn’t drink much
he didn’t care for it
but when you were invited to his best friend jaehyuks birthday party, he told you he’d probably indulge a little
“a little” he said
by the time you got into the uber to go to the party, his cheeks were flushed 
by the time you got there, he was smiling wonkily at you like an idiot
about half an hour later and you’d totally lost him
you weren’t worried, it was a safe environment
but you were curious
so out you went to look for him
and there he was on the roof
his hangover the next morning was his punishment for doing stupid shit you’d told him
now every time you drink
you wait for an incident ™
sometimes he just gets super horny
‘can we leave plzzz babe ;))’
and sometimes he manages things you don’t understand
‘okey we needa go coz that guys wantz to fite me idk why’
but all times, he is hungover for three days and one of his professors thinks he has an alcohol problem 
‘i’m never drinking again’ :(
김도영 • kim doyoung
the hits on you like you’re not dating boyfriend
just like jihoon
doyoung has this innocent exterior, devilish interior 
kinda vibe
he also has absolutely no shame ever
and so has this habit of constantly putting you in awkward situations 
where people think he’s harassing you
but in reality he’s just being a dickhead
‘hey bby girl you wanna come back to my place tonight?’ ;)
before you had told your best friend that you and doyoung were dating
he had come over, slung an arm around your shoulders and gone
‘hey sexy’
you had turned bright red
and your friend had looked so confused you thought she might have an aneurism
doyoung lives in a share house just off campus with three roommates; jaehyuk, jeongwoo and junkyu
the first few times you’d come over, doyoung turned off the weirdness
opting for just following you around
like a lost puppy
but when he realised his roommates didn’t pay you guys any attention
suddenly he’s backing you into walls
grabbing you from behind in the kitchen
staring at your chest almost all the time
and just being a general menace to society 
you have a really lovely and not embarrassing at all memory 
of a beautiful spring day
you and two friends were walking out of class
giggling at everything under the sun
when a voice echoes through the air
a voice belonging to your beloved boyfriend who’s standing 20 feet away from you with a shit eating grin on his face
‘yo yn... is that a mirror in your pocket coz i can see myself in your pants!!!!’ ;)) 
your physics professor was standing right behind him 
you’ve never seen someone go from confident to embarrassed that quickly
but even though he is your personal humiliation creator
you still let him hit
what can you say, he’s dumb but he’s hot lmaooo
渡辺春虎 • watanabe haruto
the ‘i fcking hate this class’ boyfriend
you were the year above haruto
you in your third year of studies, him in his second
you had dreamt your whole life of becoming a marine biologist
dedicating countess hours to study and achieving perfect scores
it wasn’t a secret that you loved all of your classes
one evening you were asked by your professor to attend a lecture and maybe help out anyone in need
and that’s when you first saw him
you thought he was cute immediately, his platinum blonde hair framing his face nicely and his glasses sliding down his nose a little
but you weren’t one for pursuing attraction
so you spent the lecture walking around and giving tips to people that asked
until haruto raised his hand as you walked by
secretly happy, you sat down next to him and asked what he needed
it was basically love at first sight for both of you
you spent the rest of the lecture sitting with him
he found you so endearing 
and you thought he was hilarious
all was going so well
until he opened his mouth and went 
‘yeah i fucking hate this class lol’
you awkwardly smiled
‘this is my favourite class’
his grin dropped dramatically
‘ah- ah i’m sorry idk why i said that’
you weren’t offended in the slightest
but his flustered reaction made you giggle
you began dating only weeks later :)
haruto’s favourite thing was to annoy the shit out of you talking about how much he dislikes the classes you love
you could be sitting in the food court
having a loving conversation
and out of nowhere he goes
‘i’m so glad im not in that class rn’
you deadpan stare at him 
if he sees you studying for the class
‘damn i was gonna stay over but not anymore i guess fuck’
so dramatic i stg
despite wanting to punch him in the jaw sometimes
he makes you laugh more than you had in years
and so you can move past the difference in interests for him
박정우 • park jeongwoo
the second-hand embarrassment boyfriend
confidently raises his hand and says the total wrong answer
kinda guy
trips over and sprains his ankle in the food court
kinda guy
not that you’d have it any other way
but damn sometimes you have to restrain from cringing visibly
he’s like a walking sit-com
and you are the audience
your personal favourite pass-time is forcing him to listen to his own actions retold from your perspective
as you wheeze with laughter and he sits there like  (-_-) 
he secretly loves it though
if his misfortune is enough to make you happy
he thinks you might be slightly weird
but your happiness is all that matters to him
so he can deal with it
‘im glad me falling on my ass was this amusing to you thanks heaps babe’
one day you were sitting in a class you shared 
it was business and it was boring but it was both of your favourite class because you were in <3 love <3
and jeongwoo had a question
the professor was walking around the classroom so he was waiting
and as they walked over, jeongwoo opened his mouth
and you watched practically in slow motion as he said
‘hey mum i have a question’
your eyes widened
his eyes widened
the professors eyes widened 
doyoungs eyes widened
you held back on laughing until he’d gotten the answer he needed
and then you and doyoung let loose 
‘hey mum’
‘mummy i mean mummy i mean-’
‘excuse me professor birthgiver’
if he ever gets insecure about anything
you look him dead in the eyes and tell him that he may be an idiot, but he’s your idiot, and thats all that matters :)
소정환 • so junghwan
the spends all his money on you boyfriend
from the beginning
junghwan had been spoiling you silly 
buying you lunches
hearing you say you liked something and immediately purchasing it
you hadn’t thought anything of it at first
assuming it was just a friendly gesture
but the smirks from all your friends told you a different story
after the two of you began dating, his bank account began suffering
you had told him countless times
he didn’t need to be doing all this
but to him, it was his way of showing you he cared
‘you like this? i buy for u bby girl’
‘junghwan no-’
he also wasn’t afraid of showing people how much he spoiled you
read: ‘one time he walked into your class whilst the teacher was talking and everybody looked at him confused and he walked to you and gave you a block of chocolate and then walked straight back out but blew you a kiss just to make sure you were sufficiently embarrassed’
you adore him for it though
no matter how much he tries to humiliate you
you also aren’t allowed to try and pay him back
if he catches you tryna pay for something
or transferring money
its on sight
‘i am a grown man and i am insulted by this behaviour’
sometimes you run to the food court to buy both of you lunch before he gets there
so that he can’t lecture you on spending money
sometimes you think he’s a bit dumb though
you once broke a pencil you’d been using in your art class
and in response junghwan had bought you 83 more
‘why are there 7 parcels at my door rn’
‘damn that shits crazy i have no idea’
despite this
you know his only intention is to be there for you and help you out
so you always thank him with a huge hug 
and only one or two insults about him being a walking wallet
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thefourchimes · 2 months
Hiiiiii, I love the four chimes au.
Please tell me the ciquest!AU has a happy ending, because your series absolutely wrecked me! lol
If there's anything you can say about Robin's controlled infection too, I'd love to know more. I was worried that she would end up losing her humanity to save Nancy and Max. I just want them all happy >.>
hello!! every time i see this ask and just your love for the au, i always have such a wide grin on my face, thank you so much!! :DD
and i promise, it does have a happy ending...
...eventually :)
hehe, but yeah, it's a wild journey. the au is actually technically already more or less complete with the story line, both the og and the ciquest version, i just...haven't written it completely HASFUIAHSF
but, that's an eventually too, because my love for this au will always be strong, no matter the hyperfixation i have rn
about robin's controlled infection! well, in mine and @/lumaxrambling's minds, controlled infection au and conquest au are intertwined (because ronance ofc yesyes), hence why its named ciquest au. why am i explaining this little bit?
it's because the reason why robin can control her infection is because of nancy :D
in the ciquest au, pestilence (max) suggests to One/Vecna to get nancy to their side, because she feels that it would really help them out (but also because nancy was also put into a trance by vec, so it goes full circle, doesn't it?)
One/Vecna agrees, but tasks pestilence to hit nancy with her poison infection arrows first to test her
and so the chimes go do that...except robin intervenes and takes it for her
however, instead of becoming infected and losing herself, robin's desire to protect nancy boosted her during her fight against the infection, leading her to take it as her own
in the og au, there is no suggestion to One/Vec, but there is still a moment where someone gets hit by an arrow. i will say now that ogfc!robin...does not have the same luxury as ci!robin
but anyway, yes, back to ciquest au, robin is able to control her infection, which then technically gives her an advantage as she has "taken" some of pestilence's powers to use against the chimes and Vec
ofc, this au is called ciquest for a reason, so seeing how robin is possibly becoming more of a threat, Vec sends the chimes to forcefully take nancy to level the playing field
hence her becoming conquest :>
(oh robin definitely won't blame herself for this, not at all :') much angst hehe)
as for robin almost losing her humanity...well, she gets close for quite a few times
but yeah :)
tysm for the ask!! <333
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alternias-madness · 2 months
Tasteful Serving
Truly, Vicnet couldn't think straight.
A quiet sigh as he stood on the balcony of his hive, a cigarette in between his fingers as he can faintly hear the restaurant chatter below him. Thankfully his balcony was facing away from the front, so no one could see the owner smoking like this.
His eyes gazed over to his phone, thinking of that one message, what does it mean? Of course Roddie would be working right now... Right? He hasn't gone down yet to check but-
Oh who is he kidding. He scowled, placing his cigarette in the ash tray as he pushes himself away from the balcony, readjusting his clothes before walking down the stairs to his restaurant.
He ignored the greetings of his employees as he walked around aimlessly, observing the place quietly. Though it didn't take a while for his scowl to get even worse, his feet swiftly moving towards towards the other waiter, grabbing him by the wrist.
ox[]::::> Emilio, where is Roddie? His shift started hours ago. <::::[]xo
The indigo scoffs, rolling his eyes, replying casually,
Wors↟ case scenar↡o, he's dead ↡n a d↡↟ch somewhere.
Before trying to pull his arm away, before he felt the grip on his arm tighten, and as his gaze turns towards his boss, a strike of fear went through him as he stares at angry red eyes, before he frowned, scared, responding back properly,
↟o answer your ques↟↡on, ↡ haven'↟ seen h↡m, don'↟ ↟h↡nk he even clocked ↡n. Probably e↡↟her la↟e, sk↡pp↡ng work, or, yknow,
His eyes gazes away, not sure if its a good idea to finish his sentence, sighing in relief when Vicnet removed his hold on them, hand reaching to rub where Vic gripped,
↡f yer ↟ha↟ despera↟e to f↡gure ou↟ some↟h↡ng, ask M↡ssfy, she probably knows sh↡↟ ↟ha↟ ↡ don'↟. Hell, why no↟ fuck↡n message h↡m yourself?
Vic stared at the other, before sighing, lightly pushing the indigo,
ox[]::::> Get back to work. Thanks. <::::[]xo
Emilio rolled his eyes, quickly turning to grab the tray of food before quickly running out, lightly cursing Roddie due to other leaving him to do all the work. Meanwhile, Vic pulled open his palmhusk, sending a message to Roddie while he walks around looking around for that stupid blueblood of a cleaning lady, knowing her, she's probably-
He slams open the door to the back area of the restaurant, eyes scanning the area before his eyes land on a familiar tuff of neat hair, putting his palmhusk back in his pocket before walking up to the blueblood, grabbing her by the scruff.
ox[]::::> Missfy. <::::[]xo
A big singular eye blinks up cutely at the purpleblood, before giving a wide wide grin
B⨀ss! B⨀ss! H⨀w nice t⨀ see y⨀u! Did y⨀u need s⨀mething? Need s⨀mething cleaned? Need s⨀mething disp⨀sed-?
ox[]::::> Not now, Missfy, I just wanted to ask something about Roddie. <::::[]xo
⨀⨀⨀H The cute br⨀nze boy y⨀u hired, right? Yeah I haven't seen him all night which is a shame really-
Vicnet listened to her ramble for a moment longer, before sighing, moving to place her down
ox[]::::> Thank you, Misst- <::::[]xo
⨀h! Th⨀ugh last shift I think I saw him talking with a funny indig⨀ guy!
He stops, pulling her back off of the ground, with a raised eyebrow as he nods, letting her continue,
Yeah! He had h⨀rns like this- And had a bunch ⨀f piercings, ⨀h ⨀h! And had hair ab⨀ut this length!
As she rambled, her made her hands form how the horns look, and then moves her hands to around her shoulder area with a wide grin on her face, making Vic scowl,
He was cute but he tracked dirt everywhere s⨀ I d⨀n't like him all that well-
ox[]::::> Thank you, Missfy, I think I know enough. <::::[]xo
Vic growled, dropping the blueblood onto her feet, watching her fact turn into some sort of excitement before he turned around to leave,
⨀⨀⨀h! Is s⨀me⨀ne in tr⨀uble?! Can I c⨀me-?
He shuts the door behind him, keeping his emotions in check, of course it has to be that fucking asshole, Jai, who fucking else would it be, fucking with his goddamn employees... And the fact they'd stoop so low to kidnap one.
His heel digs into the floor as he stops to a halt, hands twitching, before his frown deepens, turning again to Emilio, who was waiting for a dish.
ox[]::::> Emilio. I'll be out for a bit, you keep watch. I have some business to take care of. <::::[]xo
Wh-? Aaand he's already gone, grea↟. Alr↡gh↟, ↡ can deal w↡↟h keep↡ng wa↟ch...
Roddie Lamare - @windy-trickster
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penny-afton · 9 months
Till death do us part. Part one!
WARNING! Death, Murder, Lebians, Angsty asf, Fem! Y/N Fem! Y/N x Tara, Part one (Fluffy rn but ansty later), A SHIT TON OF DIALOGUE
You're at a college house party with your friend. You go to get another drink and see Tara standing with her friends Chad, Mindy, Anika, and Ethan. You grab your drink and are about to walk away until Tara looks at you
"Hey, it's Y/N right?"
"Uhm yes." Y/N stutters out
“What’s up?” she smiles at you.
Y/N has a small smile on her face but she's blushing.
Tara takes a sip of her drink, she continues to stare at you
“No reason…” she says with a smile
"Hm- okay"
Tara sips on her drink a little and then turns towards her friends
“Hey, how about a game of truth or dare?”
“Ooo that’s fun!” Mindy says
"Uh- sure?" Y/N says softly.
“Alright, let’s start with you Ethan” she says to Ethan “Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” Ethan smiles at Tara
“Alright dare, let’s see…go kiss that girl over there” She nods “C'mon! Let’s see it!”
"W-what! No-!"
"Stop being a pussy Ethan!"
"F-fine-" Ethan says as he walks over to the girl. He kisses the girl's cheek softly.
Mindy and Tara cheer before Mindy looks at Chad.
"Okay brother your turn! Truth or dare?" Mindy asks with a grin on her face.
Chad thinks for a minute and then says
“Alright Chad, why are you so scared to do a dare?” Tara teased as she took a sip of her drink
Chad’s friends laugh and Chad smiles as he answers
“Alright fine I’ll do a dare.”
“Hmm… go jump in the pool. With your clothes on.” Tara says with a grin on her face. Ethan laughs
“What? No I can’t-“
“Do it!”
Chad’s friends continue to pressure him and Chad smiles and then goes to jump in the pool with his clothes on. Everyone starts laughing
"Okay okay, who's next?" Y/N asks. She seems to be enjoying herself.
“I’ll go next!” Mindy says excitedly
“Okay! Truth or dare?” Tara asks Mindy
“Dare,” Mindy says
"Kiss anika!" Y/N says excitedly.
Mindy smiles wide and then she walks over to Anika and kisses her
“Okay, your turn next Y/N,” Tara says to you
“Truth or dare?”
"U-uhm d-dare?"
“Alright, I dare you to call your ex…” Tara says with excitement in her voice
"Uhm okay-"
Y/N takes out her phone and calls her ex
Y/N waits and keeps calling the ex and finally her ex answers
“Yo what up?” her ex says on the phone
"Hey Mia-"
“Okay, now put it on speaker,” Tara says
Y/N puts it on speaker
“Uhh, what's up?” Mia says on the phone
"Uhm- w-what are you doing-"
“I’m just chillin', why?” Mia says
"I-i was at a party" Y/N stutters out. She seems semi-afraid.
“Really? With whom?” Mia asks
"Uhm- T-tara-"
“OH?! So you’re with Tara, huh.” Mia says
"So what-"
“Okay, you know what? I’m coming over there.” Mia says on the phone
"No-! stop!" Y/N says. She sounds panicked now.
Everyone starts listening, Y/N is nervous about Mia coming over
“Why?” Mia says
"Because-! We aren't even together anymore! Stop being jealous of Tara!" Y/N starts to sound angry.
“Whatever, I’ll be over there in 20 minutes,” Mia says on the phone
hangs up
"I-I think Tara should go- you know before she gets here-"
Tara smiles at Y/N
“Umm I’m not going anywhere,” she tells her
"She's coming to fight- I don't want you to get hurt" Y/N sounds urgent but Tara continues to assure her.
“I can handle it, trust me,” Tara says as she smiles at Y/N and she sips on her drink
A few minutes later Mia bangs on the door
Mia walks into the room, She looks at Y/N and her friends and then she looks at Tara. She is visibly angry and upset
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mia asks and everyone is silent
“We’re having a party,” Tara answers
“You’re with her,” Mia says loudly and she points at Y/N.
Tara: "We aren't dating- but we can if you want" She's just trying to make Mia angry
Mia glares at Tara and then she glares at Y/N and she walks over to her
“Why are you with her huh? Is it because she’s more hot than me?” Mia asks in anger
"We broke up let it go-" Y/N says.
“Let it go? No, I’m not letting it go.” Mia says as she inches closer to Y/N
“Oh just leave us alone, you’re so annoying.” Chad says to her
“Shut up Chad,” Mia says as she pushes him a little
"Hey! Don't touch my brother bitch!" Mindy says as she tries to hit Mia but is held back by Anika.
“I wasn’t touching him, I just bumped him a little.” Mia says
“Shut up Mia.” Tara says with an annoyed look on her face
“You shut up, you’re only saying that because you got a crush on her,” Mia says while she points at Y/N
“A crush on her? What? No I don’t.” Tara says
“Yeah you do, you told me.” Mia says
“When did I ever tell you that?” Tara questions her
Y/N looks at Tara and thinks why is Tara denying it? does she not have feelings for her? It's eating her up inside so she speaks up.
"T-Tara- d-do you?"
Tara sighs and then looks at Y/N and she smiles
"Well... Yes." she says and Mia looks at her with shock
"Y-you do?!" Y/N says with excitement
"Yes, Happy?" Tara says to everyone
"Uhm- you two should just kiss each other already." Ethan says and everyone laughs and looks at Ethan and he shrugs
"Tara and Y/N? Kiss?" Chad says while laughing
"Shut up Chad," Tara says
Mia: "I swear to god Tara. Kiss her and I will beat your ass." Smoke is practically coming from her ears.
Everyone laughs as Mia says that and they look at Tara and Y/N
"Fine, I guess I'll kiss Y/N... Just to get everyone to calm down and also to prove I'm not a liar." Tara says and everyone cheers
Tara leans over and kisses Y/N and everyone cheers loudly
"Wow!" Mindy says happily. Mia is furious.
That sends Mia over the edge. She runs over to Tara and punches her dead in the face
Everyone is shocked and startled by Mia attacking Tara and everyone starts yelling and screaming
"Woah! Mia what the hell?" Chad says
"What the heck Mia?!" Anika says
Everyone is standing and staring at Mia shocked by what she just did
Tara's nose starts bleeding
"Tara?! Oh my God!" Mindy says as she helps Tara
"Mia! I'm going to call the police! Why did you do that?!" Chad says angrily
"Mind your business, Chad," Mia says as she starts to walk out of the room
Tara runs up and starts to beat the hell out of Mia. She starts punching her over and over.
Mia screams out of pain and she falls on the floor, Mindy tries to stop Tara but Tara pushes her out the way
Everyone’s eyes are wide, they are shocked to see what just happened
Mia cries out in pain as she looks at Tara
Y/N is crying and yelling. Chad is holding her back
Mindy finally manages to pull Tara off of Mia. Tara is breathing heavily and she’s angry
Tara looks at Y/N
Everyone is staring in shock at what just happened
“She hit me first!” Tara says, trying to defend herself
"I kn-"
Y/N is cut off by Mia slapping her
Y/N is shocked.
“MIA!” Tara yells at her. Everyone is shocked and scared “Don’t touch my girlfriend,” Tara says while she gets between Y/N and Mia
Tara punches Mia in the face again.
Mia screams out in pain and everyone in the room is silent and looks at the fight with awe and fear
Tara punches Mia once more and Chad comes up and grabs Tara and he pulls her away from Mia
“What is wrong with you?” Chad says to Tara and everyone is yelling and shouting
“SHUT UP Chad!” Tara says and she pushes him away
“LET ME GO Chad! I'm not done yet.” Tara says as she tries to punch Mia again but Chad holds on to her and everyone is still silent
“Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!” Mindy yells to Y/N
She's not talking
Chad pulls Tara away and then he whispers to her
“Tara, stop, enough is enough,” Chad says with a worried and scared expression on his face
Tara is breathing heavy as she looks at Mia
“Just let me hit her one more time Chad, please,” Tara says
“No. You’re not hitting her anymore Tara.” Chad says and he holds onto Tara tightly
Mia: "I hate you! You will pay for this Tara Carpenter!"
Mia walks out
Tara is angry and she tries to go after Mia but Chad holds on to her as everyone stares at Tara in shock
Y/N is sitting on the couch and her face is red and she is crying, Mindy is sitting next to Y/N and tries to comfort her
Tara is breathing fast and she’s trying to get Chad to let go of her
"Fine, I give up." Tara says
"Good," Chad says and finally lets Tara go
"Tara! Are you okay? Can you breathe?" Mindy asks
"Yeah, I'm fine," Tara answers and she turns to Y/N
"Y/N, I'm so sorry for what I did. I don't know what got into me," she says and she goes to hug Y/N to comfort her
"S-she hit me...."
"Yeah well, I hit her back... multiple times. You saw how I just attacked her. I'm sorry, Y/N." Tara says and then she sighs
Mindy looks at everyone and she sighs
"Everyone... This party is over." She says and everyone sighs and leaves, leaving just Tara and Y/N in the room alone
It's silent and it's just the two of them
"I'm so sorry," Tara says and she hugs Y/N, and Y/N hugs back and is crying
"Tara- you have to leave..." Y/N says with fear in her voice.
Tara is shocked to hear Y/N say that to her
"Why do I have to leave? I care about you, I love you and what just happened was an accident. I won't hurt you again, I swear." Tara says
"I know...but Mia is gonna hurt you- s-she- you just have to go-"
"I'm not leaving, Y/N." Tara says and she looks at Y/N, she grabs Y/N's hands
"You know how I feel about you, Y/N. I won't ever leave you, not now, not ever." Tara says.
"I promise," Tara answers
Tara smiles at Y/N and she touches Y/N's cheek and Y/N smiles back, they look into each other's eyes and they both lean in
"I love you," Tara says quietly and she kisses Y/N
The two of them kiss and they are both holding each other tightly. The door creaks open and Mindy sneaks behind them with her phone. She smiles at the two of them, she takes a picture
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi! So I saw that your requests are open and is it okay if I request part two of the headcanons of Haikyuu characters being sent nudes by their girlfriend? Iwaizumi, Kageyama, Tendou and/or Ushijima this time? Thank you in advance if you happen to respond!
bzzz! - various haikyuu x reader
yes! thank you for requesting part 2 i had so much fun writing part one LMAOOO (and wow, can we just.. i mean... like 135 notes for a crack post? am i being spoiled rn😳) ! there’s some nsfw themes (for obvious reasons) and all characters are aged up :) enjoy!
read part 1 here if you haven’t already !
- will definitely make some ungodly sound LMFAODJFH
- probably minding his business, cooking food w his mother at the table
- he’ll sound like a strangled cat, has never swiped off of a photo so fast in his life
- excuses himself to another room
- angry keyboard warrior typing, he’s all like
- “what is wrong with you”
- you just send another photo LOL
- he might be acting like this but this guy…
- he is literally thinking about all the things he wants to do to you
- iwaizumi just lets out the most cockiest laugh, exhaling sharply
- does that thing where you pinch the bridge of your nose out of agitation
- “yeah? think you’re gonna act like that if i come over rn?”
- the absolute SPEED his resolve changes
- one minute he’s lecturing you the next threatening to fuck your brains out like okay thank you, we all know you’re just holding it in at this point
- revising with hinata at the library
- they’re both working on a maths equation w their phones face down on the table so that they’re not tempted to message
- kageyama’s phone just vibrates
- they both ignore it cause they’ve restarted the revision session at least twenty times now
- “kageyama, your phone keeps buzzing”
- “i know you idiot, i can hear it”
- “aren’t you going to do anything?”
- “no, we’ve restarted too many times, let’s just keep going”
- bzzzz!
- “kageyama…”
- “uh-huh”
- bzzzzzz!
- “umm..”
- bzzzzzzzzzz!
- “okayokay, oh my god i got it”
- picks up his phone, eyebrows creasing when he sees your name pop up on snapchat
- but…. he told you he was revising
- literally chokes on the air he was breathing
- his eyes blow wide w shock (probably the arousal tbh) and he’s just staring at his phone with his lips slightly parted
- instantly turns his phone off and slams it face down onto the table, completely ignoring his erection LOL
- hinata just stares at him like …….
- “kage-“
- “shut up, idiot! we’re still revising!”
- his phone goes off again
- and again
- he picks it up again, mentally preparing himself for the worst
- yeah and the photo is more lewd this time, it took him over the edge
- he can hear hinata squeak as he tries to look at his phone and instantly slams hinata’s face into the table, getting up with his bag already over his shoulder
- doesn’t even say why he’s leaving, just leaves staring at his phone w the dirtiest smirk on his face
- 1000% the type to hum when he’s happy oh my god literally a million times over whenever he’s joyful he’s definitely out n about humming songs to himself
- ushijima’s just tryna ask him a question when his phone goes off
- “one sec,”
- he picks the phone up, lifting it to his ear,
- “hey, angel- what’s up?”
- for such a smooth and sweet talking mf, he knows exactly how to press your buttons
- acting all sweet and showering you with pet names but he knows exactly what you want
- “oh, you sent me a photo? can it wait, baby girl? sorry, i’m out with ushijima”
- you can hear the mocking tone laced into his words
- “whaaat? it’s urgent? really, you want me to look at it that badly?”
- ushijima looks confused as hell
- hes like dude just open it its a photo
- just stands off to the side waiting LMFAO he doesnt wanna take chances this guy already knows
- come on… ushijima’s seen the giant crimson coloured scratches littering tendou’s back whenever he changes shirts before/after practice,
- ushijima might be stoic as hell and be unable to read expressions but my guy knows that those marks are not cat scratches
- “hang on, ushijima, can you gimme a sec?”
- “yeah.”
- tendou hums a small tune, biggest grin stretching from ear to ear
- walks a few steps forward to make sure ushijima is out of earshot
- “you really couldn’t wait, huh? want me to come over and put you in your place, baby girl?”
- oh my god this guy
- absolutely DOES NOT know how to react
- prob just finished a workout, half naked w another towel around his neck
- takes a sip of his water bottle whilst scrolling through his phone
- checks the message from his girlfriend first (obviously, he loves you)
- squeezes the water bottle with a little bit more aggression than necessary
- d-does he say something? send one back? not respond?
- hell does he just show up on your doorstep?????
- has the most fucked up thoughts about how he’s gonna handle you but he doesn’t know how to respond to a photo LOL
- imagine this guy leaves you on opened but
- hes tryna think of how to respond
- listen he literally cannot think straight with this hard-on he’s like wtf am i supposed to do now
- starts pacing up and down the bathroom LODNBGHDBF
- ends up messaging u after like 5 minutes
- u see the “ushiwaka is typing…..” and ur like fuckin finally
- “i’m on my way”
- nice one, ushijima
- you smooth bastard
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lilxberry · 4 years
Dare - Maddy Perez
Maddy, during a party, was dared to pull quite the mean trick on you, who everyone seems to know had liked Maddy. What comes to follow certainly isn’t that of happy endings.
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Warnings: Language. Hella angst. Mentions of alcohol. Underage drinking. Maddy a mega bitch in this
Words: 1,112
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Reader
(A/N: Part 2 maybe? I’m debating it. I think I’m gonna leave it and see the response to this first before I make a decision.)
Part 2: Truth 
The music was blaring through the house as you entered. You agreed to meet the girls at the party since they wouldn’t take no to coming for an answer.
So here you were, scouring the house for your friends in, of course, the McKay residence.
As you ventured further into the house, you felt a burning gaze follow you around as you searched for your group. You shook of the uneasy feeling of being watched and soon found Rue and Jules by the kitchen island decorated with a wide variety of alcoholic drinks.
“There she is!” Jules exclaimed loudly, clearly already effected by the alcohol she’s consumed. “We thought you got murdered on the way over or some shit, bitch.”
“Hello to you, too.” You chuckle, shaking your head in amusement at the girls already tipsy state. “Hey Rue.” You greeted the other girl, focusing your attention on to the girl.
“Hey. You drinking tonight?”
“I might have a few, kinda don’t wanna get blackout drunk, y’know?”
Rue snorts and nods her head in acknowledgement. Although, it appears as something over you shoulder has drawn her attention away from you for a few seconds.
She turns her gaze back towards you with a knowing, all too cocky smirk plastered across her face. “It appears someone’s a fan of your costume.”
You brow knits together in confusion as you twist your head, straining your neck to peer over your shoulder to find the person Rue spoke of. As your gaze fell upon the crowd of rowdy, drunken teens, you noticed a certain brunette quickly look away once your eyes met.
Yet again, you decided to shrug it off, think nothing more of the strange occurrence. As you recompose yourself, you eyes linger on the counter littered with drinks and decide to help yourself.
Soon, Kat and Lexi decided to join back with Rue and Jules, greeting you as they realised you finally had arrived. You and the rest of the group decided to take a few shots before moving out back.
As you advance to outside, you risked one last glance towards the girl you connected eyes with minutes earlier and sure enough, Maddy Perez was staring directly at you, glued to Nate’s side.
The night advance and the drinks continued to slip down the back of your throat. You were on cloud 9, feeling the best you’ve ever felt. Your earlier declaration of “a few drinks” forgot after your fourth red solo cup filled with some mixed concoction.
As you sat outside in the brisk, fresh air on a sun lounger beside the pool, you took in the appearance of an equally drunk Maddy, stumbling her way towards you as her drink sloshed in her hand and giggles escaped her upturned, parted, full lips.
Once she reached the sun lounger you were currently occupied, she quickly placed herself upon your lap. “Whoops!” 
“Hey Maddy.” You drunkenly slurred, goofily grinning up at her, eyes hooded, feeling heavy from your alcohol intake.
“You,” She pointed towards your chest, long, polished nail pressed into the dip of your skin where your neck met your chest. “I want you.” She spoke in a low, sultry tone.
You surveyed your surroundings, spotting Nate too far away with the others from the schools football team. “What about Nate?”
“What about him?” Maddy giggled in response. “We can worry about him another time.” She leant in close to your ear, pulling your earlobe in between her teeth, her hot breath fanning against the side of your neck.
“This isn’t a good idea, Mads.” The low tone in your voice produced a growl from the back of your throat. Your hands came to settle on her waist, fingers digging into her flesh, your half filled cup long forgotten.
She brought her face towards yours again, lips lightly dragging across your skin as she moved to face you again. Your noses touch as her painted lips ghosted over your own. “That makes it more fun.”
With a sudden surge forward, she smashed her lips to yours, not caring about the people surrounding her, including Nate.
You swiped your tongue across Maddy’s bottom lip, asking for permission which she granted hastily. You soon took control of the kiss, tongue dominating hers as they danced around each other, saliva swirling together.
Your right hand wanders further down towards her ass and your left tightens its grip on her waist as hers latch themselves around your neck, lightly pulling at the easy accessible hair towards your neck.
A small amount of time passes before the two of you part, slightly panting, desperate to intake air. Your eyes wander to your surrounding once the loud cheering and whistles register with you. Most party goers seemed to watched the miniature make out happening near by.
Your gaze falls back on to Maddy, studying her face, trying to decipher what she’s currently feeling.
Maddy smirks before quickly standing and smoothing out her outfit before strutting back over towards the group she had originally came from. “Dare complete, fuckers!” She exclaimed loudly and another round of cheering and applause came from the group.
You looked towards with a confused yet hurt expression etched on to your face. Maddy falters for a moment as she notices your expression. You quickly switched your expression from hurt to stoic as quick as a whippet and proceeded to stand yourself, heading towards the house.
Maddy’s eyes flicker between you and the group, having a miniscule debate with herself about whether she should go after you or not. She shook her head, mind made up. You’ll surely forget what happened and realise it was all for a dare.
She turned on her heel as she strode over to Nate with a smirk that re applied itself on to her face, matching the football players’.
Meanwhile, you barged your way through the crowd, making your way towards the front door, hoping for a quick exit without further embarrassment. 
‘Of course it was a fucking dare. How could I be so fucking stupid to think otherwise?’
You felt the familiar tears sting your eyes as you finally reached the entrance of the house. You quickly rush pass the threshold and out of the party, beginning your trek back home.
Once you deemed that you’ve put enough distance between you and that stupid party, you allowed the tears to fall, cascading down your cheeks, silently sobbing with the occasional sniffle as you head back to your own house post-haste. If there’s anything you’ve learnt from tonight, it’s people are snakes and fuck the lot of them.
Fuck parties. Fuck people. Fuck Maddy Perez.
My first official Euphoria story AND it just so happened to be focused from an LGBTQ+ standpoint
I love Maddy and we know she isn’t this shit of a person, I just felt like angst would work great with this fic rn
Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading just as much as I had writing this
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated 
If you’d like to see a Part 2 to this, let me know :D
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It doesn't happen often, but sometimes Mumbo will find himself frozen in place, struck down with fear and doubt.
He'll find his mind echoing with the "but what if" and "you're not good enough to stop them leaving" and he'll begin to lose his vision as his eyes become clouded with tears.
He'll take out his communicator and, with shaking hands, send a message into chat;
<MumboJumbo>: Hey I need some reassurance, could someone stop by?
And the hermits will always stop by. Sometimes just one, sometimes many, but he'll always get at least one hermit at his side in a matter of minutes.
"It's okay" they'll tell him. "We'd never abandon you" they'll say.
"Wherever we go, you'll always be welcome. Until the end of time."
oh my gosh this is so good ;-; hold on lemme see what i can write
warnings for self-doubt, fear of abandonment, implied anxiety attack
Mumbo knows what caused it this time. A combination of late nights, feedback on the HCBBS and being in Scar's base. Everywhere he looks is an incredible creation, more amazing than he could ever hope to achieve. He's felt the thoughts building over the past few days, shoving them down as deeply as he can. Which is always a mistake.
Ironically, it all spills over when he's looking at those same tiny mushrooms that excited him so much before. It's just so clever! It's so smart! And it's something Mumbo would never think to do. He's not smart like this, doesn't have Scar's creativity. He has no idea why the hermits keep him around when they could have more people like Scar. Probably because they know he has nowhere else to go, because they're good people and-
No, no. He tries to remember Xisuma's advice. He needs to breathe. Don't spiral. Long breath in, hold, long breath out. In, hold, out. His vision is blurry, eyes stinging with tears.
He keeps that mantra in his head as he pulls out his communicator. Hands trembling, he manages to navigate to the global chat. He doesn't bother reading the previous messages.
<MumboJumbo> csb somebody come over? need somrone rn
<Xisuma> mumbo? where are you?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Mumbo?
<ZombieCleo> where are you mumbo?
<MumboJumbo> msgic village
<ZombieCleo> omw
<Xisuma> let me know if you need back up
<ZombieCleo> will do.
By the time Mumbo hears rockets overhead, he's curled into the base of a tree. The bark presses hard against his back, his face hidden in his knees. He focuses on his breathing. All of those thoughts are blocked out of his head. He knows they're stupid, he knows. The hermits must be so tired of this by now-
"Mumbo." A voice calls, derailing that notion. "Where are you?" He raises his head, rubbing his eyes with a sniffle.
"I'm over here." Mumbo's voice shakes as much as the rest of him. There's a crunching of grass, and he flinches when he hears a twig snap. Soon enough, a wave of red hair falls in front of him, Cleo crouching to his level. She has a gentle smile that is in such contrast to her usual sarcasm.
"Hey, Mumbo. You want to go inside?" He nods. He can't quite find the words to say, so he accepts Cleo's hand as she pulls him to his feet. His suit is crumpled, pulling in all the wrong places and it only feels more stifling. Cleo walks with purpose, searching each building until she finds one that's mostly liveable, with a fair amount of grumbling about Scar and chestmonsters.
It is nicer inside the house. She sits him down on an old sofa, ruffling through already messy locks. The suit jacket is discarded and laid carefully over an armchair. Mumbo tucks his feet onto the edge of the sofa, wrapping his arms around long legs. A blanket is soon wrapped around his shoulders. Mumbo snuggles into it, disappearing until he's a head and two black socks in a pile of blue fabric.
"There you go, do you want some tea?" Mumbo nods. Tea sounds nice right now. He gets a good hair ruffle before Cleo vanishes in search of the kitchen. He can still hear her moving around, cursing under her breath as she tries to navigate Scar's overflowing storage. Mumbo laughs softly, more air than noise. He closes his eyes, resting his chin on his knees.
Cleo's good to him. She came here so quickly, like she often does. If not Cleo, then it would've been another hermit. They always drop everything to come help him. He just- is he really worth that effort? He doesn't do anything in return for them. Maybe it was a mistake calling someone over, he should've just dealt with this on his own, they're going to get frustrated he keeps doing this-
"Mumbo," Cleo calls. Mumbo blinks as he finds himself back in reality. "I can hear your thoughts from here. Do you want honey in your tea?" Mumbo squeezes his fingers into the soft material of the blanket, listening to a distant kettle boil. He breathes in a scent similar to a library. Something old, with a hint of magic.
"Yeah, honey would be nice."
"Got it!" He occupies his mind by looking around the room, naming each of the things he can see. There's a bookshelf against one of the walls. The top two shelves are decorated by various trinkets. Little statues and toys, sentimental items that Mumbo doesn't know the meaning of. The bottom shelves are filled with books from various designers. Scar showed him some recently, pouring over the art with a bright grin. Mumbo hung onto every word he said. A solitary redstone book sits amongst them, and Mumbo huffs an amused breath.
When Cleo returns, he's looked at the curtains, one of them pulled tied open, the forgotten mugs on the coffee table, the various doodles scattered in sheets of paper, the plants that are somehow alive and Cleo, who isn't. She smiles, passing Mumbo the mug. He curls his hands around it, pleased the heat isn't unbearable.
"So which ones do I need to fight this time?" She asks. Mumbo chuckles. The blanket has slipped further back so his hands can stick out.
"You don't need to fight anything," he replies. Cleo crosses her arms, dropping into the space next to him.
"Really?" He looks into the steaming tea. Cold isn't a problem in the jungle, not during the day. But the heat is a good grounding point. Though he could get lost in the way the steam catches the light, shimmering white patterns painted in the air.
"It's the usual," he finally concedes. "With some added 'I'm only bothering you and you're all going to get tired of needing to help me.' You know." Cleo hums. She does know. Mumbo sometimes wishes his doubts would get more adventurous, and then remembers what a terrible idea that would be.
"Do you have the book?" She asks. Mumbo shakes his head.
"I think I left it in my- no, Scar's base." He would usually keep his book of affirmations in his enderchest, but he was a bit flustered with the whole move. He thinks he left it under his pillow.
"I'll ask Scar to bring it over later."
"You don't-" She gives him a look. "Okay. Thank you," he amends. Taking a sip of the tea, he sighs. Cleo knows just how he likes it. The honeyed taste is a much-needed treat.
"So, you know what I'm going to say?"
Mumbo smiles, telling her, "Say it anyway."
"Mumbo, you could be the biggest spoon in the world, and we'd still keep you around, right?" Mumbo laughs, falling into the script with ease.
"You're our family. We don't care if you don't achieve these incredible feats, though you do, by the way. We're lucky to have you here, and it makes me smile everytime I see what you're up to. Big or small." He hides his wet smile behind a sip of tea. There's no hiding the tears gathering in his eyes. "Mumbo, you're an amazing person, alright? The best annoying baby brother I could ask for. Wherever we go, you can come with us. As long as you want to."
"And if that's forever?"
"Then it's forever. And I'll consider myself lucky everyday you decide to stick around." Mumbo sinks back into the sofa, finally letting go of the tension he was subconsciously holding. "Right. Now let me read all the chat messages."
Mumbo laughs, reaching up to wipe his eyes, "Seriously?"
"We care about you, you dork." Cleo sits forward, holding her communicator up. She takes a deep breath, continuing in her best gameshow voice, Mumbo laughing the moment she speaks, "And first up, we have Xisuma! Asking me to tell you that he cares about you and he's always here if you ever need to talk." Mumbo settles back, a wide grin on his face, content to listen.
Cleo carefully takes the mug from Mumbo's hands, the redstoner offering no resistance as he yawns. His eyes are half open, blinks growing longer every time. She brushes hair from his face, gently lying him down until he's resting in her lap.
"There you go," she soothes. Mumbo quietly rearranges, hugging Cleo's legs. "You've done so well. You can rest now." Mumbo's sleepy hum brings a smile to her face.
She watches as Mumbo's breath evens out, his body growing heavier on her. She carefully tucks the corner of the blanket in before pulling out her communicator, snapping a quick photo.
<ZombieCleo shared a photo>
<ZombieCleo> mission successful
<Xisuma> :-D
<Stressmonster101> awwwwwwww <3
<iskall85> some much needed sleep i'd say
<GoodTimeWithScar> I'll be over with the book when I find it
<ZombieCleo> don't worry, i think he'll be out for a while lol
She smiles at her communicator and the lanky redstoner in her lap. There are very few sights that warm her undead heart more than this. She leans back, and settles in for however long Mumbo needs her.
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ashiemochi · 2 years
missing leon and so ah :( what are they doing rn?
i miss writing about them too :( Little check-up doesn't hurt <3
(rewriting this again bc my laptop shut down instantly bc my mom tossed a cookie at me and it ended up hitting my laptop-)
With Leon training vigorously for his mission to the Eastern Slav Republic in three days, he failed to notice a pair of cinnamon doe eyes gazing at him from the door.
When the DSO informed him of his new assignment all the way in Europe, his coach called him in to begin working out early to prepare. But was the coach there to hype him up? No. The guy was on leave be with his new baby born boy.
Lucky bastard.
Exhaling roughly when Leon released the weights back onto its place, the girl by the door could've sworn she saw his muscles ripple. Then Leon spoke sweetly. Flirtatiously.
"Enjoying the show, buttercup?"
So Ah pursed her lips to hold back a smile, which she failed at, before slowly making her way towards his glistening form of good sweat. The dull noise of her boots nearing echoed ever so faintly throughout the wide not so empty training grounds.
"Don't stop on my account."
Leon snorted at her words, leaning from underneath the pole to sit up. He then leaned down to pick up his water bottle from the side, subtly scanning her from the corner of his piercing blues as he began downing the bottle.
"What are you doing here?" Leon asked, genuinely surprised to see his girl since she too had her own training to stick to - at the BSAA.
So Ah hummed, as if impressed with how massive the training room the DSO owned before returning her eyes at him, "I finished early so I thought I'd drop by - oh, and I also got you this."
She fetched a protein bar from her purse and handed it to him with a small smile. Leon grinned at this, swinging his legs to the side to give her a spot to sit as he accepted the bar.
"God, I love you."
She giggled at his little confession, cheeks turning red as she took her seat and Leon dove into his treat. So Ah watched him silently, contentedly, feeling the way his body heat was more intense due to his workout session; not to mention she could hear his fast-paced heartbeat. She could see from the way his eyes blinked that Leon was a bit tired; not only from his workout.
"You're thinking about the mission?" She asked, noticing how the agent stiffened a bit before chuckling breathlessly.
"Can't hide anything from you, now can I?" Leon teased light-heartedly before looking down at the half-eaten bar, "We've got intel that... That bioweapons were being used in the conflict. It's just a constant addition to the equation at this point."
So Ah frowned deeply before setting her hand on his, catching his eyes with a soft smile of hers; the same one that she's been giving since day one in an August's Wednesday.
"You're going to do well, Leon. I know you will. I don't care about the mission; what matters to me is that you come back in one piece." She said gently before tilting her head to the side a tick, "I mean, who else is gonna get me cinnamon rolls from our favourite bakery."
Leon scoffed, setting his bar aside, "Is that all I am to you; your personal errands' boy?"
She giggled when he faced her again, grasping her hand with his and she reached up her other hand to brush one of his damp fringes away from his face and she cringed involuntarily at how wet it was, making Leon raise an eyebrow at her reaction.
"You need a shower."
"You little - c'mere." Leon tugged her by her hand, lips close to touching hers but she yelped, attempting to push him away.
"No, Leon! You stink!"
"You're lying."
Giggles emitted from both of them before Leon managed to pin her down, hands on each side of her head and he smirked when her blush intensified.
"Can I kiss you now?"
So Ah held back a little squeal at the cute innocent question before humming, looking aside as if deeply thinking, "I don't know... I haven't decided if I really wanted one or maybe when we get home because I didn't get lunch ye-"
Leon rolled his eyes at her planning rambling before silencing her with his lips and he instantly received a soft sigh from her, smiling faintly against her lips at the sound. Pulling away with a gentle pop, her eyes stayed closed for a moment longer as if cherishing the lingering sensation of his lips on hers.
"Hmm..." So Ah mumbled dreamily, eyes fluttering open up at him with an equally dreamy smile, "I missed you."
Leon chuckled, leaning down close enough to bump his nose against hers, watching how his breath triggered her goosebumps to rise on her skin, then he grinned cheekily.
"I missed you too, buttercup."
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otomehoes · 3 years
S/O who can fence — Leonardo, Comte, Napoleon, Arthur and Jean
pairings: reader x comte, leonardo x reader, napoleon x reader, arthur x reader and jean x reader
warnings: use of weapons, mentions of nsfw [napoleon’s part], mentions of violence [jean],
A/N: rn I feel ✨blessed✨ with this request ahdhdh, also I had to study a little bit about fence things and movements
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❥ Leonardo Da Vinci
actually he didn’t know that you fences until he saw you one day sneaking out to the practice room where napoleon and jean used to fence
his curiosity is bout to kill him so he follows you to see what you are up to
but when he sees you with napoleon fencing so fiercely but at the same time so elegantly
oh god he can’t stop staring at you
when you notice him you can’t help but feel shy
also proud really really proud
you always liked april because of its fresh days. also because you could go to fence without getting worried about the weather. it was a secret that you wanted to keep for yourself. not because you felt embarrassed or anything, but fencing was something that always made you feel confident, it was only you and your fast movements towards your opponent .
however that day it was different. you didn’t know that your beautiful and curious boyfriend leonardo was following you. it was normal for you to disappear a few hours once a week. he was walking when he saw you running towards the practice room where sometimes napoleon or jean went to practice fencing. with light steps Leonardo followed you like a shadow.
his eyes went wide when he saw you. napoleon was fencing with someone, he couldn’t see who it was, until he saw through the fencing mask a long and silky (h/c) hair. and then he knew who was napoleon opponent. but what took his breathing was how fast and how elegant was your movements, the way you moved and how you thrusted your attacks toward the former french emperor threatening and pushing him towards the edge, made him so proud that he couldn’t keep hiding anymore and revealing himself to the both of you.
you saw a shadow moving behind you, you took a glance to see who it was, surprised you saw how leonardo was standing at the door looking at you with sparking eyes. you regretted your actions when you saw the tip of his foil pointing at you. with a sigh you dropped your fencing weapon, showing your defeat.
you heard a few steps coming from behind, turning you saw leonardo smiling at you “cara mia, you should have told me you knew fencing, next time I’ll be more careful to not make you mad” he said while you punched slightly at his arm trying to cover the hard blush you had. leonardo only knew that his beautiful girlfriend was a really interesting woman who always managed to surprise him even more.
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❥ Comte de Saint-Germain
he knew it
but he respected your privacy
he didn’t told you, but the reason that he made the fencing room more big and with new equipmentit was because of you
sometimes he went to see you, but secretly
when you told him he did as he never knew
pikachu meme face
his respect for you will only grew to a 5000%
“mademoiselle you’re really amazing, it the first time that I find someone who can keep up with me” jean’s eyes were full of admiration while he praised you. with a blush you thanked him, at first it was hard to convince jean to practice some fencing with you, he thought that he would end up hurting you, but you assured him that you would be alright.
what the both of you didn’t know was how a pair of caramel eyes observed all your movements. with a smile comte turned back to his office knowing that in a few minutes you’ll be there with him. his heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t even think properly, your elegants moves, the way you dodged all the attacks that jean sent to you was something breathtaking. his love for you only grew more and more. he knew he did right falling in love with you, not only your heart was strong but your body too, and the fierce way you attacked jean proved how much he admired his beautiful girlfriend.
running towards comte’s room you arrived at the entrance of the door. you didn’t see how much time passed since you started to practice with jean. your fencing skills was a secret that you wanted to keep to yourself, and the only person who knew about that was jean and napoleon, the first one whom you often staying long hours practicing.
carefully you knocked his door to proceed with opening it , you saw comte looking at some papers with a frown, probably more letter from leonardo’s family. sometimes you felt bad for the renaissance man and for comte too, who had to write or burn another pile of letters.
“Abel, you should take a break, come here with me” you said while walking towards the sofa. his eyes meet yours and with a smile he went towards you sitting next to you with an elegance that could steal anyone’s breathe.
“also... sorry for being so late” you said looking at him, his eyes inspected yours, looking for an explanation. “well, I’ve been wanting to tell you this from a long time ago, but I never found the right moment” taking a deep breath you prepared yourself “once or twice a week I go with jean or napoleon to practice some fencing, nothing too dangerous”
“and did you had fun today?” he asked you, you looked at him surprised, you didn’t expect him to be this calm, and then you saw it, it was just a second, but that tiny and momentary spark in his eyes told you everything “you knew it don’t you?” you asked him, a smile appeared on his lips “yes, but you know what chérie? knowing that you can defend yourself so fiercely only makes me fall more and more in love with you”
“s-shut up d-don’t be dumb” you told him while trying to evade his intense gaze, your ears burning like fire. it didn’t matter how but he always made you feel so amazing, and that was one between of the uncountable reasons that you loved him.
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❥ Napoleon Bonaparte
he’s proud of his nunuche
it’s something normal to see the two of you fencing til death
won’t admit it but he sometimes goes easy on you
that’s until you start teasing him
so yeah most of your sparring seasons ends up with the both of you lying on the floor trying to breathe properly
it was common to meet up with napoleon wednesdays and fridays at the sparring room. “if you want to evade more faster the attacks flex your knees a little bit more, it’ll be more easy to move too” while his face had a serious facade, his eyes were soft. napoleon loved this. spending time with the person he loved only made his heart to beat so fast that he sometimes wondered if he would die right there.
following your boyfriend’s advice you flexed a little more your legs, a felling of comfort appearing on your body. he really knows even when it’s not his own body. A mischievous grin appeared on your face, the odds for your idea to success were low, but it was worth trying it.
“let’s make a bet” your voice echoed the room, napoleon looked at you curious before adding “tell me”.
“if I lose this round, I’ll be at your mercy the whole night, any wish will be fulfilled by me” you smiled and winked at him before continuing “but if win, you will be at my mercy, I can request anything, what do you think? deal or not deal”
and now there you were, both of you lying on the ground, trying to catch your breathing and laughing at the same time, you looked at napoleon, he seemed to relaxed, so free, sometimes you cursed at yourself for not having a camera to take a photo. the view was worthy, really worthy. his eyes met yours, a smile appearing on his beautiful lips “let’s say that we’re both the winners” he said while getting up while offering his hand to you to do the same thing.
moments like this were really worthy.
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❥ Arthur Conan Doyle
he discovered in the worst situation ever
it was past midnight when the Arthur decided to pay a visit to you
nah he was just horny
entering at you room without making any sound who could startle you he tried to went towards your bed when the tip which seemed from a sword was pointing in the middle of his face
he was ✨shocked✨
and screamed
actually his soul almost left his body
when you saw it was him you started to apologize like a crazy
he totally forgot why he went to your room
he made a mental note to not storm like that at your bedroom anymore
you were supposed to be sleeping, but for any reason your body didn’t want to. but something told you that probably it was because of dazai’s yōkai story. with a sigh you closed the windows and started to prepare yourself to go to bed. that was until you heard a tiny but almost inaudible footsteps at the corridor. each step seemed to be more and more closer to your door.
the probably that someone could be up at this hour was almost impossible, you thought about arthur, but he told you that he probably would go to bed earlier because he had some business to attend at the town tomorrow.
in times like that you felt grateful for the infernal fencing classes that your parents told you to attend when you were younger. with careful steps, you stood behind the door, with your foile in hand. and then the door opened, with fast reflexes you pointed at the ghost- wait, at the person, you heard a scream which made you scream too, turning the lights on you saw arthur with a surprise face almost terrified.
“OH– ARTHUR IM SO SORRY” you screamed throwing the foile and taking with both of your hands you boyfriends handsome face “oh god oh god, I really thought you were a ghost or something, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!”
taking a big breath arthur looked at you, now more composed and calm “tell me, did you want something” you talked taking his hand with yours, he looked at you, and then at the door “I- I don’t remember”
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❥ Jean D’Arc
he didn’t expect it at all
he didn’t have words
just like Arthur he found out in the worst situation
it was one of your late night walkings when a group of three men approached to the both of you
feeling the danger jean wrapped an arm around you his jaw tensed and his hand on the tip of his sword
he saw that the other man had one too
he told you to hide
after the incident sometimes asks you to fence with him sometimes
it’s just an excuse to spend time with you
“jean I think that they’re following us” you told your boyfriend, his grip on your shoulder tensed up, his beautiful purple eyes were darker, jaw clenched “mademoiselle when I give you the sign you run, okay?”
you looked at jean and then the three man, something caught your eye. the man on the left had a sword, a big one. you knew that that classes that fencing classes would be worthy in the future. you looked at jean who was prepared to defend you from that group of men. but who would protect him, without thinking further and with a fast movement you took the man’s sword elegantly pointing at him death in the eye.
there weren’t three surprised faces but four, jean’s face got totally decomposed, surprise written on his face. he never, not in a million of years would ever imagine you being able to handle a sword with that determination “jean I appreciate your concern about my well-being but if you protect me, who will protect you?”
and with that words the soldier was preparing a whole wedding inside his head. you made him see all the good thing in the world, and he swore for his life that he would protect that perception of the world for you. but for the first time, in many years he let his pride and stubbornness apart, he promised to himself that he would never let you go. not you, not his warrior angel.
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— yōkai or 妖怪 are a class of supernatural monsters and spirits in Japanese folklore. The word 'yōkai' is made up of the kanji for "bewitching; attractive; calamity" and "spectre; apparition; mystery; suspicious."
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aalissy · 3 years
Text Messages
Another day done!! And this chapter got away from me just a lilll bitt hehe. I didn’t intend to include a reveal but there’s one nowww haha. Anywho, I hope you like this chapter. However, please do NOT read it unless you’ve seen Gang of Secrets. It definitely has spoilers for that episode!! Also, if you haven’t seen it please go watch it!! It’s my fave s4 episode rn <3
Marinette groaned, throwing a hand over her eyes as her phone buzzed repeatedly next to her. She had an extremely long day yesterday. Dealing with her duties as Ladybug and trying to keep her friends happy was absolutely exhausting. Shaking her head furiously, she attempted to wake up. 
Rather groggily, she groped around for the phone next to her. With a breath of relief when she finally grabbed it, Marinette opened up her messaging app. Certain that it was just Alya asking how she was after the bomb she had just dropped on her yesterday, she was mid-way through typing a reply to her best friend when she glanced at the contact name. Squeaking in surprise, Marinette dropped her phone on her bed. 
Hesitantly, she picked it back up, checking to see if it really was the same message as before. Surely she must have just been tired and was imagining everything. When she did double-check, though, Adrien’s name continued to blink up at her. With a quiet gulp, she read his message.
Adrien: Hey Marinette! I just wanted to check up on you after the akuma attack yesterday. It seems like you’ve been going through a lot lately and I just wanted to let you know that I’m always here if you need me 😸.
Choking slightly, Marinette skimmed the message again. Adrien had noticed her! Or, at least he noticed how stressed out she had been lately. Her heart gave a fierce tug as a small smile twitched at her lips for the first time in forever. Quickly, she shook her head at herself. No! There was absolutely no time for love or boys or even friends! Yesterday proved that. 
Sniffling quietly, Marinette’s eyes slid over to her new hiding place for the miracle box. Sucking in a deep breath as she once again felt tears brim in her eyes, she quickly finished typing the message she had been going to send to Alya.
Marinette: yep! totally fine! no worries here 😊
Taking the heel of her palm, she fiercely dragged them over her red-rimmed eyes. She had no time for tears either. Who knew when Hawkmoth would be sending the next akuma?
Assuming that would be the end of the conversation, she dropped her phone back onto her bedsheet, hugging her knees to her chest. Slowly, Marinette’s eyes fluttered closed as she tried to calm down. She felt Tikki and some of the other kwamis come around to hug her cheek. A wide smile stretched across her lips as she cuddled them to her delicately. Opening her eyes, she whispered, “Thank you.”
Her phone buzzed once again and she blinked down in confusion at it. Could this be the message she had expected from Alya? With a small frown creasing her brow, she opened the text.
Adrien: You know, I have a friend who acts the exact same way. I don’t think I believe either of you though.
Adrien: It’s alright not to be okay, Marinette. Especially after a day like yesterday and if you don’t want to talk about it, we can always talk about something else? 
Adrien: You need to know that there are people who care about you 😊
A shaky, happy sob escaped her before she could stop it. Her hand wobbled slightly as Marinette covered her mouth. Rereading his text message, her stomach filled with butterflies. This was exactly why she fell in love with him. His unwavering kindness and support made her feel like she was the greatest person on Earth.
“Thank you, Adrien. I really needed that,” she whispered. With trembling fingers, she typed a reply to him. Biting her lip to contain her smile, Marinette fell back onto her bed. 
Marinette: ty adrien and if its alright with you can we maybe not talk about it? how was your weekend
Adrien: I had a pretty good weekend! I got to see a movie and I went to the pool! 
Trying to brush aside the wave of familiarity that hit her upon reading his text, she shifted slightly on her bed. Nibbling her lip, she debated whether or not she should text him her next question. Waving a hand in the air, she decided that she was just being paranoid. After all, there was no way. 
Marinette: that sounds awesome! what movie did you go see?
Adrien: Oh, I went to go see the new romantic comedy that came out! 
A choked gasp escaped Marinette as she read that text. It had to be a coincidence! Maybe he went with Kagami or by himself. Gnawing on her lip, she hesitated before sending her next text. She needed to know...
Marinette: really? it looked pretty cheesy to me but did you guys like it at least?
She held her breath as she awaited his next message. Her heart thudded loudly in her ears. This could be the start of everything.
Adrien: Well, honestly, I didn’t get to see much of it haha 😅
Adrien: The girl I went with thought it was cheesy too
Immediately, she dropped the phone, scrambling away from it to suck in a deep breath of air. Letting out a startled scream, her eyes darted to Tikki, pleading with kwami. Nervously, she stuttered, “W-what a-am I supposed to do? I-I d-don’t...”
Trailing off, her kwami gave her a soft, sweet smile. “It’s up to you, Marinette. You’re the guardian now. You make the rules. Just like you did with Alya.”
Her head bobbed up and down before a determined glint shined in her eyes. That’s right! She was the guardian now and she had no plans of taking either her or Adrien’s miraculous away. Besides, having two people she could trust her entire life with was worth any potential fear and anxiety. Picking up her phone, Marinette dialed his number, tapping her fingers against her arm impatiently. 
As soon as Adrien picked up, she spoke quickly, rushing through her words, “The girl you were with when you went to go see the movie, did you guys leave to go swimming right afterward?”
“W-what?” Adrien stuttered and she could practically see his green eyes open wide with shock, “Marinette, what are you talking about?”
With a deep, calming breath, she slowed down. “After you guys left the movie theatre, you went swimming didn’t you?” 
“Well, yeah, I guess we did. But, Marinette, how do you know that?” He spoke with confusion clear in his voice.
She giggled lightly, feeling light and safe for the first time in ages. It was him. It’s been him this whole time. Quietly, Marinette murmured, “Because it was me that you went swimming with, silly kitty.”
“No, I didn’t go with you. I went with...” Adrien trailed off. A slow smile twitched at her lips as she imagined him connecting the dots just like she had. Hesitatingly, he asked, “W-what did you just call me?”
Marinette hummed lightly, a small smirk on her lips. “I said silly kitty. Or am I only supposed to call you that when we’re in costume.”
A thud came from the receiver and she frowned in confusion. After sitting for a few more moments in silence, Marinette murmured, “H-hello?”
No response came from her phone and she nibbled on her bottom lip. Did the wifi fail or did he hang up on her? Pulling the phone away from her ear, she saw that they were still connected. With a quiet sigh, she hung up the call. Just as she was about to call back, a loud, insistent knocking came from the trapdoor above her bed. 
Screaming in shock, Marinette stared up at the hatch in concern. Slowly, she opened it, squeaking once again when Chat Noir fell rather ungracefully onto her bed. Frowning, she muttered, “Chat Noir?”
In a second, she was wrapped up in a tight embrace. Her eyes widened before she threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. A bright grin bloomed across her face as she giggled. If she had any doubts before that he wasn’t Adrien, they were absolutely gone now. Suddenly, so much made sense now.
Pulling back slowly, Marinette stared up into his shimmering, green eyes. With a light chuckle, she asked, “Did you really just drop everything to come over?”
“What did you expect me to do?” Chat’s arms waved exasperatedly in the air. “You can’t just drop a bombshell on me like that and then not expect me to want to see you. Did you really have to do it over the phone?”
Marinette threw her head back as she laughed loudly. “Well, you revealed yourself over text! I didn’t want to just drop everything and slam into your bedroom window as Ladybug.”
A bright blush lit up his face before he ducked his head down shyly. Almost silent, he muttered, “You could have done that, you know. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Now it was her turn to flush deeply. A few scattered daydreams of doing just that with a few kisses intermixed filled her thoughts. Shaking her head, she cast those dreams aside and focused on the superhero that was still in her bedroom. Giving him an adoring smile, she playfully pushed his nose back. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have.”
He looked at her so softly and it was so reminiscent of Adrien that Marinette had no idea how she hadn’t figured it out sooner. Carefully, he reached out to take her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “How are you doing with being the Guardian, then? I know how hard your day was yesterday.”
Tears brimmed in her eyes again before she threw herself back into his arms. “Better now that you’re here. It’s been so hard!” she murmured.
He hugged her back tightly, whispering, “I’ll always be here, Marinette.”
“I know, Adrien. I know,” she squeezed him back with a quiet whisper, “Thank you.”
“Always, Marinette. Always.”
She sunk into his embrace, letting her worries melt away for a few minutes. There’d be plenty of time to talk, freak out, and strategize later. Right now, she just needed this.
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waveypedia · 3 years
Leaving the Nest
Companion piece to The Family We Make (can be read in any order)
Granny’s posture is as immaculate as always, but her knuckles grip the pan just a little too tight. To an outsider, she would seem the perfect picture of serenity, but Webby knows the tells that give her away too well.
Of course she does. Granny is Webby’s favorite person in the entire world.
Webby’s family has grown and grown over the last few years, and she wouldn’t trade that for the world. But if it came down to it, Granny is more her family than anyone else. Even the boys. Even Dad.
“Dear, I think we should talk about… the other day,” Granny trails off, awkward and lame. It would be disorienting to see Granny, normally so put-together and articulate, struggling with words. But a couple days ago, Webby saw her chained and captured, crying and beaten, forced to spill her darkest secrets and then knocked out. Manipulated. Nothing Granny does can faze her in quite the same way.
Webby takes a deep breath. “I… I think so too,” she says. “But, honestly, I don’t have anything to say. You’re my Granny.”
Granny’s shoulders slump in relief before she catches herself, her decades of SHUSH training snapping in, and she reorients herself to her ever-present poker face. 
“I’m not, you know,” Granny says quietly, her voice full of shame. Webby stiffens, and glances away before Granny can see the tears pooling in her eyes. “I- I stole you from a SHUSH compound. The photos you have of your parents were a lie. Just another lie among many.”
“I don’t care,” Webby snaps, with more anger in her voice than she intended. But as soon as the words are out of her mouth, she realizes that she truly does feel that anger. Not towards Granny herself, but towards the notion that Granny isn’t her grandmother.
“You’re my grandmother,” Webby declares passionately. “I don’t care if you’re not related to me. I don’t care if I’m a clone of Dad. You stole me from a FOWL compound because you cared about me from the moment we met. You gave up your entire life and a career you’d been working towards for decades for me. You raised me. You locked yourself in the mansion to keep me safe. You’re my grandmother.”
“I’m happy to hear that, dear,” Granny says in the softest of whispers. “More than you could ever know.” Webby thinks she hears Granny’s voice catch, but she can’t be certain. 
“But I lied to you, even after I promised I wouldn’t,” Granny continues, her tone more subdued. She crosses her hands in her lap, making a controlled effort to smooth them out. “You have every right to be angry with me.”
Webby reaches forward and takes her grandmother’s hand in both of hers. “I do,” she agrees. Granny’s head snaps up and she stares at Webby, eyes wide. Webby shrugs nonchalantly, shoulders loose, emulating Louie’s calculated facade of easy calm without realizing it. “But that’s not the kind of person I am, Granny.”
Webby glances away, pursuing her lips. She can’t bear to watch Granny’s face twist in pain. “I… I am frustrated that you lied to me and broke your promise,” she says slowly, haltingly, choosing her words carefully. She’s walking a thin line, basically a tightrope with no net, of expressing her feelings and not upsetting her Granny. “Just don’t do it again, please.”
Granny’s face softens. “Of course, Webby dear. No more secrets.” 
She reaches out to hug Webby, and Webby obliges, but she says stiff. “That’s what you said last time,” Webby mutters into Granny’s shoulder. Her words are almost too soft to be heard, but judging by the way Granny stiffens, she does.
Granny pulls back, her hands still on Webby’s shoulders. She opens her mouth a few times, frantically searching for words, some kind of placating promise that she didn’t already break.
 “You’re right. Of course,” Granny acquiesces at last, hanging her head. Strands of grey hair drip out of her bun by the pull of gravity. Webby swallows thickly, bile pooling in her throat. Granny is reacting perfectly, yet all she does is remind Webby of when they were stuck together in a dark FOWL interrogation room, a wall of pain and deception painfully thick between them.
Webby reaches out a small hand to touch Granny’s shoulder. “Granny, please,” she whispers. She’s not sure if Granny understands the true meaning behind her plea in its entirety, but she pulls herself back together nonetheless. For a few minutes, silence hangs between them. It’s not a comfortable silence, but it’s not stifling, either. It’s just… anticipatory.
“I can’t simply promise that I won’t lie to you anymore,” Granny says at last. Her voice is quiet and subdued, but honest and vulnerable. It’s open in a way Granny rarely is. “But I will do better from now on. I’ll prove my sentiments through actions, not empty promises.”
Webby smiles gratefully. It’s not her usual wide, face-splitting grin, but it’s soft and vulnerable, with layers and meaning behind it. “Thanks. I… I want to know things. About SHUSH. Classified things. The parts of my past you could never tell me, and new information, too.”
Granny’s gaze shoots away. “I-I can’t,” she replies immediately, and Webby’s heart drops. It must show in her face, because Granny’s own twists with guilt. 
“I- Well- I suppose I did just promise to, didn’t I,” Granny says, half to herself, with a small chuckle. There’s little humor behind it, but it’s fond. “I will do my best, Webbigail. But please understand that there is some SHUSH information that is simply beyond my classification to give you.”
“I understand,” Webby says simply. “But the information you can give me… I want to know, Granny.”
Granny’s fists clench and unclench in her lap. Webby knows how uncomfortable and out of her depth she must feel. She protected Webby with her life for years by hiding these secrets, and it takes time to undo such habits. But she’s trying, and that’s all that Webby cares about. 
“Do you remember the day I met the boys?” Webby asks, her voice lighter and more casual than she feels. There’s a pit of fear steadily growing in her stomach, but her voice is blessedly steady. 
Granny’s smile is small but fond. “You snuck out,” she replies, a hint of reproach in her voice, but no malice. It’s a wound long since healed, leaving only a soft scar as a reminder that it existed at all. “You ignored my number one rule and left the mansion for the very first time.”
“Yeah, and it was new and scary,” Webby replies lightly, ignoring the jab. “But you let me go, because you knew it was for the best. Because I was growing up.”
“Because Mr. McDuck could keep you safe,” Granny adds pointedly, but she’s smiling, if a bit pained.
“Yeah, and he did! I’m fine, Granny. Besides, I can keep myself safe.”
“Tell that to the you that landed yourself in FOWL headquarters with all your allies captured and no real clue what was in store for you,” Granny quips. “My worst nightmare, come alive right in front of my eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” Webby mutters, dropping her gaze to her feet. “But hey, if you’d told me the truth, maybe I wouldn’t have been so misinformed.”
Granny dips her head. “You make a good point. I concede that one.”
“Anyway, that’s just what this is like,” Webby continues. “It’s a big change. But it’s a necessary one. I’m ready for this, Granny.  You are too. And in time, this’ll feel completely normal, and we’ll have forgotten what it was like to live like we are.”
Granny is silent for a few moments. Webby glances up, nervous, only to find Granny smiling proudly, and wiping a small tear away under her glasses.
“Webby, dear, you are so wise,” she says, her voice thick. Webby’s heart clenches. “Aren’t I the one supposed to give you the deep, heartfelt talks and inspire you, and not the other way around?”
Webby gives her a small smile. “You’ve done it before, Granny. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Granny sniffles rather uncharacteristically. Without warning, she lunges forward and scoops Webby up in a tight hug. “Oh, my dear,” Granny says, her voice choked with tears. “You are just lovely, you know that? How did I ever get so lucky to have you for a granddaughter?”
“Well, it’s partly because of you,” Webby says, smiling into her grandmother’s back. “You raised me.”
Granny nods into Webby’s shoulder. “And it was lovely.”
When Granny finally pulls back, she tugs Webby back to face her, her hands on Webby’s shoulders. “You’re growing up,” she says thickly. “Oh, Webbigail, I am so proud of you.”
Webby beams at her grandmother. “I’m proud of you, too.”
“Oh,” Granny says thickly, and hugs her again.
HEY REMEMBER WHEN I SAID I WOULD WRITE THE CONVERSATION WITH WEBBY AND BEAKLEY WELL HERE IT IS :D (rip my poor math homework i’ll be up all night finishing that ugh)
i wrote this in like,, 45 minutes because i had to get the few sentences i was thinking about down before i forgot them and just,, kept going lmao. rip the webby & lena convo story i’ve been chipping away at that is going absolutely nowhere rn. i’ll get to it
webby and beakley’s relationship is SO important to me. beakley literally gave up everything for webby. it’s so obvious how much beakley cares about her, but also,,, they had this entire episode about trusting each other and then beakley promises not to keep any more secrets from webby and she has absolutely zero intention of keeping it. that always gets me. especially since webby is one of the most trusting characters of all time and would never doubt her grandmother of all people after they made up. i’m not salting on beakley or anything, but it’s very interesting to think about going forward since beakley will obviously try to do better, especially once the major factor keeping her quiet is gone, but she really doesn’t have a leg to stand on since she broke her promise. definitely an interesting concept we should talk about more
we talk a lot about how scrooge never apologized to webby after telling her she wasn’t family in last crash of the sunchaser and she immediately forgave him. scrooge def should’ve apologized but it’s interesting to note that webby basically can’t and won’t hold a grudge for the life of her, at least when it comes to the people she cares about (she definitely can with goldie DJDFKLSLDF). it’s sweet. i imagine beakley feels incredibly guilty after the finale but webby’s just ready to move on and to enter a new chapter of their lives where they’re completely honest and open with each other. i don’t imagine she’s not upset at the deception, but she’s not mad.
also man that interrogation scene? that probably traumatized webby. man. what a shitty situation to be in i can’t even imagine.
beakley and webby’s relationship will always mean the world to me, especially with the added context of their backstory. beakley literally saw one (1) baby and was like i’m about to end this man’s (me) whole career LMAO. it’s incredible.
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i had a whole superhero au concept for hp, so guess what au i'm using for neville (my favorite character)? anyway, superhero!neville has to have plant-related powers, and i think he'd have super durability as well (bc he ends up in so many scrapes 😭). i think i'd have powers relating to making illusions and/or making people fall asleep (bc decent story-teller and also constantly tired lol).
we'd meet while we're each trying to get a handle on our powers and being heroes, stumbling right into each other while trying to help someone or stop a villain. he'd be even more nervous than i would, so i'd try to reassure him and offer for us to work together as a team for that one occasion. then i'd ask if he'd want to keep working together bc i'd want to get closer to him even though i'd be super shy. i would totally be into him at first sight because i am a sucker for cute guys, and i feel like he might think i'm pretty, too, but over time it would be less of a crush and more full-blown feelings for both of us. i would definitely ask him out first bc when i'm head-over-heels for someone i have to tell them, either to get over them or see how we'd be as a couple.
oh god i didn't even think about secret identities here... that could be so angsty but i refuse to touch it rn before i start a whole superhero!neville series on wattpad or smth lmao
Oh my god, you really did think this through :D You could actually write a whole-ass series about it. I love it! <3
Not gonna lie, I was surprised you'd chose Neville, I thought you'd go MCU :D
I'd happily use you for your power to make me sleep. That I have always been struggling with and I'd shamelessly use you for it xD
Aww the nervous superhero energy is so sweet! Also, I have never thought you'd be shy. You always came off so confident and cool, shyness isn't something I imagined on you. But I do see the bravery in the way you said you'd confess/ask him out first regardless of the outcome. That's admirable!
Not gonna lie, I'd picture Neville with a completely confused expression, trying to process your feelings and the reality of those feelings matching his. Poor boy would definitely be shocked, maybe slightly frozen for a good second before realising you've been waiting for some sort of reaction from him. Then with a wide grin, all giddy, he'd definitely start planning the perfect date before you can even process he agreed to go out with you and likes you just as much if not more :D
I mean, noone is stopping you from writing that series! Just saying :D
Your love-story v. 2 - Interaction time!
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Believe It, Baby
AHH HELLO I LIVE!! I am so sorry about my lack of publishing content besides some general community posts as of late - I’ve probably said this before but school is a buttface sometimes :// I’ve been really enjoying the new episodes of Haikyuu so I decided to finish a self indulgent fic to try getting back on track! Kinda like how it worked out so here it is!! Yes, it is Hinata again, how did you freaking know???
Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Fem!Reader
Words: 2122
“I don’t believe it for a damn second.”
The ginger under scrutiny groans for what seemed the eighth time that day, shooting his friend an exasperated look as they walk into the practice gym. “I swear, Kageyama! She’s in the college preparatory class with Yachi!”
At this, said blonde turns her attention to the entering duo with a curious tilt of her head.
“What’s this about someone in my class?” she inquires politely.
Kageyama glances at Yachi. “Hinata says that he’s dating one of your classmates, which I say is a bunch of crap.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Bakageyama? I’m her boyfriend!”
Tsukishima scoffs from across the gym.
“Sounds like someone had too vivid of a dream last night,” he jeers, Yamaguchi snickering beside him.
Even Tanaka and Noya doesn’t seem to believe the aspiring ace, the former clapping a hand on Hinata’s shoulder with a philosopher’s air about him.
“It’s alright to be single, little man. You don’t gotta go and make something up to look cool.”
Hinata huffs before shuffling to set up the court for practice, while Sugawara takes his position as mother crow by smacking the troublemaker second years upside the head.
“I for one believe you, Hinata,” the silver haired setter declares, smiling when the first year boy beams with happiness.
“Thank you, Suga-senpai! At least someone here does.”
“Mind telling us what she’s like?” Daichi chimes in.
Hinata’s grin blossoms even wider, and his gaze turns excited. “She’s amazing, and really smart, and super competitive! And she’s...also really pretty…” he trails off in embarrassment.
Suga gushes at his flustered state, ruffling his kouhai’s mop of orange hair. “Look at you, all affectionate. She must be special.”
Yachi follows up with a nod of agreement at Sugawara’s statement, joining Hinata on the court for set up.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s her name?” the manager in training questions.
When the middle blocker tells her proudly, the remaining first year boys all bust out in laughter.
“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it,” Yamaguchi guffaws. “Isn’t she like one of the smartest students in our grade?”
Hinata nods affirmatively, and Tsukishima shakes his head with a dry laugh. “Try picking a more believable person next time, Hinata. There’s barely even a chance that you’ve ever crossed paths with her before, let alone dated the girl.”
Yachi, on the other hand, takes a moment to ponder on Hinata’s words, not even close to giggling like the rest of her fellow first years.
“You know,” she mumbles to herself, “that’s honestly not that far of a stretch, considering how outgoing she is.”
The orange haired boy offers her a weary half-smile for at least thinking he had a shot with who he claimed, but made no further attempt to emphasize that he was in fact dating said girl. It was clear that nearly none of the team would believe him without solid proof.
Coach Ukai grabs the team’s attention, and from then on leads a rotation of digging drills to help improve everyone’s foundational abilities. This format of training continues for most of practice, such routines making it easier for some of the boys (namely Tsukishima) to laugh about Hinata’s “attempt'' at having a girlfriend in line. Said middle blocker remains in a pouty mood due to such circumstances, but decides to keep it quiet for the time being - lest he dig a bigger hole in which his teammates could tease him.
Soon enough, practice for the day is over, and the Karasuno boys organize their things in the club room before filtering outside. As Hinata waits outside for the rest of his team to come downstairs, the whole team planning on making a stop at Ukai’s store, his phone screen lights up with a soft chime.
Hi sunshine! Did your practice just finish?
The first year smiles, knowing that you must have snuck him a text during your student council meeting, and quickly opens his phone to type something back.
Hi angel!! Yeah, we’re gonna get something at Ukai’s rn
Hinata playfully raises an eyebrow at your fast response, the chat bubble popping up right away. Usually you’re pretty invested in your club meetings, so today’s must be a pretty boring topic.
Wanna save me a meat bun pretty please 🥺
If there’s an extra I will <3
:D hehe thank u love
Tanaka’s voice breaks the ginger’s focus from his texts, the second year shouting about food as he ushers the team towards the school exit. Hinata tosses his phone into his practice bag and catches up with the walking group, his mood significantly improved from just minutes ago.
The town is basked in the soft glow of street lights as the team makes their way down the hill to Ukai’s, currently unaware of a presence in a sprint to get to them.
Your fellow Student Council members had shot a bewildered look in your direction as you scrambled to pack up and hustle out the classroom door. You ushered a quick goodbye to them before stuffing your phone in your skirt pocket, determined to surprise your boyfriend after the council meeting ended early.
Maybe you were starting to regret the idea of running in the god-awful flats Karasuno High enforced in their dress code, but you pushed past the irritation in favor of keeping pace. That meat bun wouldn’t stay hot forever, you reasoned, but in reality the opportunity to see your shining boyfriend truly drove your motivation.
After finally getting a glimpse of a large group near the base of the hill, a spark of victory flames in your heaving chest at your persistence. With a heavy sigh, however, you realize that your competitive ball of energy was likely at the head of the bunch, racing that setter with whom he always argues. Your plight was not over yet.
So, attempting to reign in your eagerness to see the ginger haired boy of your affections, you continue the path down the quite steep hill, this time using the art of determined speed walking. The soles of those forsaken flats on your feet would not be forgiving if you started running again, anyways.
When you finally manage to close in on the team, Sugawara is the first to notice you, observing for a moment before nudging Daichi on his right. The Karasuno captain looks confusedly at his vice captain, the latter’s eyes holding a parent-like intuition.
“I think that’s her,” the silver haired third year murmurs, nodding his head in your direction as you make your way closer.
“Who’s her?” Daichi whispers back, and Suga looks like he’s about to karate chop him in the side.
“Hinata’s girlfriend, Dai!” he hisses. “Look at who she’s focused on.”
Daichi follows your gaze to find the little decoy first year at the end of it, causing him to raise an eyebrow in surprise. “So he really wasn’t pulling Kageyama’s leg.”
The two third years of Karasuno watch you with great interest as you inch your way to the front of their group, more of the boys taking note of your presence with the passing moments.
The only few who don’t seem to notice are the gaggle of first years in the front, many of whom are bickering with each other. Yachi is the only one in your grade to see you as she walks beside Kiyoko, and you give her a small wave before putting a finger to your lips. All she can do in response is nod, mouth slightly agape at the fact that you even acknowledged her in the midst of your pursuits.
“-If there’s an extra bun in the bag today I call dibs!”
“And since when have I ever listened to you, pipsqueak?”
“Who’re you calling pipsqueak, you giraffe!?”
You have to conceal your chuckle at the group’s antics. You’d been told a handful about the first years known as Hinata’s teammates, but had yet to formally meet them due to your consistently busy schedule. Today, you felt it was about time for that to change.
Yamaguchi picks up on you, followed quickly by Tsukkishima when his freckle-faced best friend notifies him with a tap on the shoulder. Even Kageyama, who somehow managed to get into yet another argument with Hinata, slows his banter as he gazes at you, completely bewildered.
The last person left in the dark is - of course - none other than your dumbass of a boyfriend.
“Why did you get so quiet all of a sudden?” the aspiring ace inquires. “It’s ‘cause you realized that I would win the argument anyways, huh?”
The boy jumps when he feels you sidle up next to him, brushing your arm against his own.
“Yes, sunshine, that’s surely the reason.”
The first year whips his head to face your playful smirk, before practically launching himself into you and trapping you in a bear hug.
“You surprised me!” he exclaims with a giddish grin, nuzzling into your figure.
“That was kind of my plan,” you laugh. “Student council meeting ended early, so here I am.”
Hinata didn’t seem to want to let go of you any time soon, so you resorted to taking his face in your hands and pecking his cheeks.
“You gonna introduce me or not, silly?”
The middle blocker was blushing like crazy at this point, reddening with the realization that his entire team was a current audience to the little show taking place.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend,” he gestures to you awkwardly, and you couldn’t hide the small smile that curls on your lips. “You’ve probably seen her with the Student Council before.”
You wave enthusiastically to the team, many of whom are still recovering from the newly confirmed discovery (namely, some very skeptical first years).
“So, he wasn’t joking?” Yamaguchi spoke up, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Aw yeah, Hinata!” Tanaka whistled, “Sorry that I ever underestimated you!”
“Good job, Shoyo!” Nishinoya affirms, jumping on his second year best friend in excitement. “She’s a cutie too!”
The first year squeezes your midsection tighter to your surprise, seeing as his face was practically steaming from previous team comments.
“She is cute,” he mumbles, and the unexpected statement elicits a laugh from your lips.
You tap the ginger’s nose playfully, bringing his attention to your content smile. The sight of it causes him to grin right back giddily, momentarily forgetting the larger group beside him once more. “Saved me a meat bun, Sho?”
He was like this whenever at the other’s house or on a date: mushy, cuddly, affectionate, the whole nine yards of fluffiness. Public spaces involving acquaintances, however, was a bit of a different story, as Hinata got very easily flustered in front of teasing friends. Even without meeting the other team members of Karasuno before, it was quite obvious.
“I always manage to when you ask,” he responds proudly, although a faint frown briefly appears on his features for a moment, “but Tsukishima’s being a bit of a jerk about it today.”
The blond in question sends his fellow middle blocker a look of annoyance, before his expression melts into a cheshire grin as he turns to you.
“Just didn’t want him eating too much, that’s all,” he explains. “Overindulgence isn’t a great habit for athletes, you know. But since you’re actually here and not a figment of Hinata’s imagination, that’s absolutely fine with me.”
“Hey! You saying I’m a pig or something?” the first year pipes up with a glare.
Tsukki smirks. “Or something.”
Sugawara steps in to lessen the obvious tensions between your feral ginger and the smug beanpole, giving them both a deathly glare that practically screamed, ‘don’t make me whoop your asses in front of a student council member’.
You giggled at the team’s dynamic, one that clearly resembled a rambunctious family on their nightly outing together. It really was just as you had imagined the first time your boyfriend described it to you - with maybe a bit more emphasis on the rambunctious than you had previously inferred. But it was actually quite enjoyable to be around.
As the group finally started on their way again after your surprise introduction, Hinata came up beside you once more with a curious glint in his eyes.
“What are you smiling all giddishly about?” he inquires, head tilted a fraction.
You can’t help but chuckle a bit at the question. “I just really enjoy being around your team is all.”
The aspiring ace of Karasuno interlocks his fingers with yours as you stroll along together down the street, his teammates in tow as they observe the situation before them with some remaining bewilderment.
“Good, cause I think they might like you too.”
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