#yushi x reader
slytherinshua · 27 days
in which. you are totally normal about your boyfriend's latest tiktok (definitely). genre. fluff. fake texts. warnings. possibly a lil deranged behavior from reader 🙏 if you don't react like this towards their tiktoks then congratulations you are normal i would love to be you 😔 pairing. bf!nct wish x fem!reader. request. no. a/n. my nct wish writing debut and it's... whatever this is 😭 no jk i loved making these but i PROMISE that proper fics are also coming soon (or more texts if that's what you guys want??)
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↳ nct wish taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @lexeees,, @nyukyujs,,
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blue-jisungs · 3 days
[ 📚 ] highschool sweethearts
# author's note ... idk guys i saw the pic and sobbed… this is very random so bear with me ! i love wishies sm :( this is for my vv hardworking zanzan @slytherinshua ilysm baby
# warnings ... swearing teehee also if something is weird logic-wise keep in mind that european schooling system is a lil diff than asian/american so thats that! i tried to keep it as neautral as possible tho!
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┆彡 SION [ 시온 ]
i just wanna say that i love him bye
um right yes
hes soooo FUCKING CUTE
i feel like he’d keep track of every exam you have n all the hw you need to do
definitely helps you out w studying for them but also does the homework for you even if you tell him not to :(
he just wants to help his girl out okay :(
if you finish classes later than him he WILL wait and walk you home, no matter the time or distance
he likes languages so definitely helps you out with studying for language class
OR if you’re a natural learner then he loves practicing pronunciation n conversations with you
demands kisses in return though ~~
during breaks he’ll often read so if he’s in the classroom, you’ll just come and hold his hand n do your thing
or! if the break is longer and he’s outside, you’ll find him reading under a tree… so you just lay in his legs, back pressed to his chest… and you doze off to gain some energy for the next class
also!! will not take no as an answer if he’s offering his food bc you forgot your lunch or are still hungry <\3
┆彡 RIKU [ 前田 陸 ]
i feel like he wouldn’t be the nerdy type of student BUT he’s not failing lmaosnosjw
he’s very patient so he won’t hesitate to spend all night to help you understand some subjects
deffo runs up to you in the hallways, not caring if he steps on someone 😭
riku is very energetic so he’ll be your personal coffee cup in the morning, when you’re trying your best to stay awake during boring class
he’s a lil prankster tho so expect stolen pens or goofy doodles on your notes >:)
tho makes up for it by buying you baked goods in his fav bakery :”)
for sure loves bragging about you so he will hold your hand in the hallway or in the cafeteria 🥹
and if someone throws a comment abt how "gross" the pda is… he’s smothering your face in kisses hehe
(he just couldn’t care less 😌)
┆彡 YUSHI [ 得能勇志 ]
whenever your boyfriend is missing, you bet your ass he’ll be at the soccer field playing w his friends
so you often bring him snacks or water (or goodies if it’s cold!)
yushi tends to be shy so he’ll quickly peck your cheek as a thank you and run off to go back, face dusted w pink :”)
and it just makes him so happy whenever you stay to watch him play
he’s in the school soccer team too! so you support him during all of his games <3
sometimes during breaks he’ll just… be here… while you study or chat with your friends… so he lets you do whatever you want w him, whether it’s playing with his fingers or making small braids or ponytails on his hair 🥹
definitely leaves cute sticky notes in your locker:(
i feel like he wouldn’t be too big on pda BUT he’d give you his jersey so people know you’re his >_<
and also carries your backpack/bag for you at every given opportunity:(
like you’re leaving your class and his hands take the bag off your shoulders the wery second you step out <\3
┆彡 JAEHEE [ 재희 ]
he likes music and history so you guessed it, he is your history nerd boyfie<3
will do everything in his willpower to explain everything clearly to you but let’s be real,, the excitement in his eyes n voice makes it hard not to listen (so you naturally learn)
(and if you pay attention till the end he gives you kisses)
jaehee is a very good student, respected amongst his peers and teachers
but he wouldn’t mind bending the rules for you
for example sneaking out during breaks to buy you snacks from the nearest convenient store…
…or running a bit late to class because he walked you to your class…
…OR having to explain why he doesn’t have his books (because he knew you forgot yours at home so he lent you his)
and so on
he’s just an angel:(
but! he’s very tall so he’ll deffo tease you by putting some stuff atop of the lockers >:(
will only give it back on the condition of kisses~~
┆彡 RYO [ 廣瀬遼 ]
doodles on your notes but its adorable so you don’t mind <3
you two deffo hang out a lot w sakuya too hehe
(sometimes you get in trouble bc of that but shhh)
he says he can’t focus when he’s studying on his own so always bribes you to study w him
and welp… you get too distracted by him… and always end up watching a movie and cudddling
so you decided to always study at a library, no distractions, no talking!
and bc it works, the library became your spot 🥹
often holds your hand under the table and draws shapes on your skin:(
will giggle quietly and look around to make sure no one’s looking… and then peck your lips as a motivation ^—^
loves cute stuff and will deffo buy you matching pens or pencil cases (often sakuya is included too but are we surprised…?)
┆彡 SAKUYA [ 藤永咲哉 ]
will bring you fresh bread or homemade bread on your important exam days:(
sakuya loves giving gifts so he’ll always have a small gift for you, no matter the occasion (even if it’s just a snack from the vending machine)
gets so so so excited whenever he sees you, will literally stop talking to whoever he was talking to and run up to kiss your cheek the second his eyes spot you in the crowd
waits for you to finish your class!! he just can’t bare being away from you >:(
his curiosity gets him in trouble sometimes…
… for example when he excuses himself to go to the toilet… but ends up peeking into your class to see how you’re doing…
shares his earphone with you during breaks🥹
sometimes you sneak to the library with him just to have a moment alone
(you get kicked up because you giggle too loudly at the jokes he makes)
not to be dramatic but he has to hold your hand all the time or will die
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,,
@eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
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00127am · 3 months
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TAPE ONE. tokuno yushi & gn! reader RUN TIME. 1K words
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2OO4. 勇志
"you look pretty,"
the chatter of passing people from beneath your open window nearly consumes each syllable of his compliment, tone much too soft to be deciphered through the hustle and bustle of the city. a noise partnered with the all too familiar serenade of cicadas and the steady stop and go of traffic. the life all around you so loud that yushi, in all his gentle and tender words, is almost forgotten. washed away with the sudden strike of high tide, only to be resurrected by the lull in the surf and your significantly fine tuned hearing.
"yeah?" a question poised in the undertaking of an action as you pull your shirt from over your head, collar getting stuck on the angle of your chin. a problem solved as quickly as it had arisen with one harsh tug until the article of clothing is tossed absentmindedly onto the bed behind you.
he swallows softly, eyelashes fawning against his cheeks as his head tilts upon his shoulder. catlike eyes follow the curves of your naked spine, tracing over every muscle, every beauty mark, every imperfection and division. his answer is one made without thought, an immediate response that even he finds to be said much too instantaneously. "yeah,"
"thank you," you unbutton your jeans, shaking them off the bone of your hips with a few light steps and a yank at your beltloops. balancing on one foot as you slide them down your legs, kicking them off with a rightward snap of your ankle.
"have i ever told you that?"
you crouch down to one of your wardrobe drawers, sliding it open in a single, fluid motion. tongue caught in between your teeth as you sift through the clothing, fingertips slipping over the folded fabric once, twice, then three times over until you've successfully found the bottoms you've been searching for. "that i'm pretty?"
he nods, leaning against the doorframe as he watches you stand to your full height. a motion undertaken with little thought, one that he realizes you did not catch with the continued silence on your part. so instead, he offers you a hum of affirmation. one which stands out from the noise of your backdrop, a sound much too sweet too blend into anything else.
you pause, thinking for a moment before tugging on your pants. brows furrowed and nose scrunched as you button them, slender fingers dropping to the zipper. despite the thorough mundanity of the action, your red-haired counterpart gazes upon you as if you were dancing a pirouette la seconde. though, he supposes that he would watch paint dry if you were the one who had put it there. "i'm not sure,"
"well i do," he says, lips parted and tongue caught gently between them, expression tensed as if it were a matter of life or death, "think you're pretty, i mean,"
you laugh, eyes flicking upwards to meet his gaze. eyelashes upon eyebrows, the upwards curve of your lips obscured by the angle of your chin. your inflection is genuine, earnest. "so are you,"
despite the warmth which spreads throughout his chest at the register of your reply, your words are anything but. they're cool. refreshing and short-lived, like a breeze in the unrelenting gaze of the summer sun. one he wished would lay upon his skin for even a second longer, yearning for the chill which lays upon his spine and the sigh of relief which escapes his tongue.
swallowed in the heatwave of june, you're the only one who could make yushi freeze. and perhaps that's why his next words slip off his tongue with such ease, such an unconsciousness that he barely registers that he was the one who said them.
"i was in love with you last year,"
if you were at all startled by the sudden admission, you didn't show it. instead busying yourself with adorning your top chosen just a few moments prior. you're focused on straightening your shirt, attention unfocused on the boy in front of you. and for once, yushi's glad to not hold every ounce of your consideration. for if he did, if he was met by your gaze (the one which makes his heart drop to his knees) then he's positive he might explode.
your tone is nonchalant, an underlying hint of amusement evident in the ending intonation of your vowels. "really? did my failing grade in economics charm you?"
he shrugs, attempting to keep his tone every bit as casual as yours (it doesn't work, in fact, he sounds too much like a schoolboy with a crush for his replies to be considered anything but lovesick). "a bit,"
"glad it did something," you laugh, finally picking up your head to meet his gaze. a movement which encourages the sudden flight of a million and one butterflies, battering and banging against the walls of his stomach and sending his cheeks burning a shade of red most akin to his hair. "but now?"
yushi clears his throat, a last ditch effort for any sliver of composure (one which reaps no rewards). "what about now?"
arching your brow, you shoot him a incredulous look. as if what you were referring too was all but obvious (it was, but he's trying so desperately hard to wear an aloof facade despite the feeling of it unraveling with each and every glance in your direction). "you said last year. was in love. past tense,"
your words are spoken with a hint of haughtiness, a puffed up pride which sits upon your head like a golden crown. as if you had just gotten him to admit something you already knew and won the cat-and-mouse game which the two of you have been rattling between for the last year and a half. something that for all intents and purposes, you had. a trend which he was all but reluctant to continue. an unwillingness that lasts for just a fraction of a second. he huffs, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms in a show of faux annoyance. "i'm not giving you the satisfaction of using present tense,"
"but you would use it?"
"yeah," like the initial confession, the answer comes easy. slipping down from upon the tip of his tongue as smooth as honey. pooling in the roar of your heartbeat and resting upon the crimson blush of his cheeks. yushi's words are spoken with such an ease, such a natural lilt as if they are the only things in the world which he was ever meant to attest. "i would,"
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return to the vhs collection
🧾 © 00127AM 2024
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kawataslvr · 3 months
u my new favorite author istg
(no one be ded plz) can i request a Mikey x male reader where reader used to date sanzu but caught him cheating with some dr**ged out chick and was going to Emma and just happened to stumble upon Mikey when knocking on the front door and before even noticing who it was, reader ran forward and hugged Mikey and starting silently crying while Mikey was just like “(°_°) who tf is this and why are they so hot” completely ignoring the shorter male hugging him before reader realized they werent hugging Emma and was about to run away before Draken shows up to pick Mikey up to go to a Toman meeting and reader just panics before Mikeys like “Ken-chin….can we keep him”(maybe a smut scene or something-)
idk im obsessed with Mikey rn hdisichfbebnfkd u dont have to use that idea, ill take anything Mikey x male reader or Mikey + Draken x male reader sorry sorry im so demanding ahhh ill leave now, love ur works btw djisjdb
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Summary : Angst -> Fluff -> Short Smut ,, if you want a solid description just read the ask ! ,, Suggestive Language near the beginning , SLIGHT Drug mentions bcz its sanzu ,, angst w/ comfort ,, smut near the end ,, ft. draken & emma
A/N : MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS MIKEY I SAW THIS REQ N LIT UP OMG , dwdw ur not demanding at all <3! i actually rlly like the amount of detail so it gives me an idea !! also tysm im so honored to be ur current fav ❤️❤️ I hope the request is to your liking dear!! sorry the end is so short, i was running out of time :,)
typicxlcato req ,, part 2
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Your mind was scrambled, confused and tired. All he needed was to cry into a friends arms, you had caught Sanzu making out with some druggie whore, as soon as you walked into the scene you immediately ran out and went to go see Emma.
Not that she didn’t expect you to come to her crying about Sanzu, not like it was the first time it happened, she’d already warn you about him how his “whole vibe was off” and you “shouldn’t get involved with a guy like that.”
Knocking at the Sano residence door, you didn’t really care who had opened it your body instinct kicked in and hugged the person in front of you.
“Eh—!?” Mikey said in a confused tone, the blond completely ignoring how the smaller male was clinging to him and how he was silently crying in his arms.
The blonde looked down at the boy who was clinging onto him, as usual.. a thought really didn’t go through Mikey’s head only that the guy who was hugging him was actually kind of hot.
Unintentionally he was now staring directly into his eyes and you pulled away in shock, before you could run away or he could say something, you both heard a deep voice from the entrance, of course panicking your body froze completely in confusion while tears still rolled down your cheeks and you stood there awkwardly.
“Oi! Mikey, the meetings about to start soon!” Draken walked in the door, to see a boy crying and Mikey right beside him.
Was this a friend of Mikey’s? He knew he’d seen him around Emma whenever he came over, but his thoughts were interrupted once he heard Mikey speak up from the awkward silence that lingered in the room.
“Ken-chinnn.. can we keep himm?” Draken side eyed the blonde and looked at him with an angry expression “Mikey you dumbass! Its not like hes some pet!”
Naturally, with all the yelling Emma came out of her room. Also because she heard Drakens voice.
“Huh..? Y/N!” Emma quickly walked up to you and hugged you once she saw you crying, Draken and Mikey figured out the two were obviously friends pretty quickly.
Mikey would be lying if he didn’t find this friend of Emma’s cute, cute enough to cancel the Toman meeting too apparently.
you had calmed down after talking to Emma getting the whole “I told you, were too good for that guy anyways.” pep talk from her and the two just hanging out normally.
While Mikey decided to stick around at the Sano residence and catch glances of you.
Emma had left to go get a few batch of snacks for you and her from the convenience store nearby, knowing you probably weren’t in the mood to go outside.. she left you alone on the couch to wait for her while you just sat on your phone.
Mikey had wanted to approach you ever since the small little incident that happened when you first arrived, he couldn’t get over how hot you looked.
“Y/N,, right?” he asked and sat down next to you, watching as your head perked up in a little surprised manner and you set down your phone.
he found it all adorable.
“Ah.. yes, you must be Mikey then?” Mikey had to control himself, he couldn’t help how his eyes were drawn to your beautiful lips.
He’d never met someone as pretty as you he swore.
“You’re so pretty Y/N.” the words slipped out of the blondes lips, not like it wasn’t something he intended to say anyways.
Watching your face turn red at the complement.
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Mikey and you yourself didn’t know how you ended up in this position, both of you in his room hoping Emma would take her sweet time with getting those snacks as the two of you heatedly made out on his bed.
Mikey’s hands roaming around your body while yours were wrapped around his neck, oh you definitely weren’t sad anymore.
You’d forgotten the entire reason you were sad in the first place now , this was too god to spoil with the thought of that bastard.
Mikey pulled away and moved down to place hickeys on your neck, letting you catch your breath as he pulled you onto his lap.
His hands still roaming and touching at your body, sliding underneath your shirt.
“y..y/n.. can I?” you nodded your head catching your breath from the earlier make out session.
Mikey slid his hands underneath your shirt, groping under neath making you let out soft mewls and moans of his name.
Before Emma came back the two were too tired out and ruined, laying naked with a blanket on top of each other while they cuddled up to each other.
Mikey and you could deal with this when you woke up, all Mikey knew is that you were worth canceling the toman meeting over.. and you knew Mikey was way better than Sanzu.
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sunshyni · 2 months
gênero. fluff
tokuno yushi × fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
n/a. posso ser sincera? não gostei de nada que eu escrevi aqui, mas eu queria muito responder esse pedido desde que a mah (@nayuswifee) me enviou (inclusive mah tá um pouco diferente do que você me pediu, mas espero que você goste mesmo eu não tendo curtido kkkkkk se tiver minimamente bom eu já tô feliz 🙏). eu sinto que o yushi é um tanto quanto atentado, do tipo atentado no sigilo, sabe??? então eu tentei transmitir isso na escrita kkkkkk e no mais é isso!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ⭐
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2 . my love is young and it's strong
Você ainda se recordava de observar Yushi num uniforme da banda marcial em algum evento organizado pela escola de vocês, a imagem dele tocando um trompete com maestria enquanto você contava os minutos para aquela aula acabar, observando-o pelo vidro da porta, continuava viva na sua memória. Não poderia se esquecer de todas as vezes que Yushi esperava com expectativa o professor deixar a sala para te puxar para dentro do cômodo instantes depois.
Ele costumava ter a fama de bom moço, representante da sala e sempre o primeiro aluno quando se tratava de notas, mas ele gostava de te bagunçar um bocado sempre que tinha a chance.
Além de um ótimo musicista, Yushi gostava de cantar, foi por isso que ele resolveu se declarar num karaokê que o pessoal da escola tinha o hábito de frequentar, num dia específico em que vocês dois inventaram de matar aula e Yushi fez questão de mudar as letras das canções de forma proposital para dizer que estava perdidamente apaixonado.
As coisas continuaram dessa mesma forma por alguns meses, com Yushi te levando para a sala dos professores escondido só para te mostrar o grande arsenal de chocolates de um professor chocólatra e para te beijar também, certo, o chocolate era apenas um pretexto para deixar seus lábios inchados e vermelhinhos. Tudo estava absolutamente perfeito, até as provas finais chegarem e Yushi te dizer de que tinha passado para a universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra; sem mesmo ter comentado sobre ter se inscrito para lá.
Você decidiu de que seria melhor terminar para que ambos não tivessem que ficar “presos um ao outro”, mas isso era só uma desculpa sua, já que queria um motivo concreto para parar de pensar nele, virar a página, qualquer coisa, e se Yushi não fosse mais o seu namorado, talvez isso ajudaria, você não iria sofrer todos os dias querendo vê-lo, tudo certo. E mesmo Yushi achando todo o seu diálogo uma bobagem, ele aceitou sua decisão, apareceu na sua casa de manhãzinha, antes de embarcar no seu vôo, e te beijou docemente, desaparecendo no carro dos pais logo a seguir.
Agora, haviam se passado dois anos desde então, era o seu aniversário de 20 anos e por coincidência, o encontro anual dos seus colegas do ensino médio foi marcado no mesmo dia, por isso todos ao redor da mesa do restaurante despojado que você havia encontrado, estavam com chapeuzinhos de aniversário de cores vibrantes na cabeça.
— O Yushi acabou de pousar, acho que ele só vai deixar as bagagens na casa dos pais e daqui uns 40 minutos ele chega — Riku disse sem pensar nas consequências e você engasgou com uma batata frita. Todos fizeram questão de olhar para Riku com uma expressão que dizia claramente “Você é tapado?” — Eu só chamei ele, como fiz no ano passado. Como que eu ia saber que ele ia aceitar o convite e não dar furo que nem na outra vez? Quer dizer, ele tá morando na Inglaterra agora.
— Você podia ter tido a decência de me avisar, Riku — Você admitiu ao passo que Sion se juntava a mesa com uma nova porção de batatas em mãos.
— E aí você não viria. Qual é a graça? — A graça é que você estaria se prevenindo de uma situação embaraçosa, se você já se esquivava de Yushi nas redes sociais e em conversas que o envolviam, direta ou indiretamente, imagine como seria pessoalmente, será que seu corpo entraria em estado de alerta e seu cérebro involuntariamente movesse seus músculos para debaixo da mesa? Ninguém sabia ao certo como responder.
Você se tornou monossilábica depois disso, uma amiga ao seu lado não parava de contar sobre a vaga de emprego que conseguira numa multinacional, mas tudo que você conseguia pensar era em Yushi, será que seu visual continuava o mesmo? Ele estava mais maduro? Seu inglês adquiriu algum sotaque britânico? E a pior curiosidade de todas: será que ele estava de rolo com alguma britânica misteriosa e sensual?
Você balançou a cabeça para todas essas indagações e direcionou o olhar para a entrada do restaurante como se já soubesse que ele estava por alí, parecia até que a temperatura do lugar havia mudado, a mesa de vocês estava bem longe da cozinha, mas você conseguia sentir as bochechas esquentarem como se estivesse com o rosto próximo dos fornos. Sinceramente, ele parecia mais alto, o cabelo mais cumprido, mas o estilo descolado ainda continuava presente considerando a escolha do moletom da universidade de Oxford como a peça principal do seu visual. Yushi se acomodou bem na cadeira livre do seu lado, a cadeira em que a garota da multinacional estava sentada, mas que se tornou desocupada assim que ela se levantou para dar um pulinho no banheiro.
— E como andam as coisas, senhor advogado britânico? — Yushi sorriu para o amigo Riku que empurrou uma cestinha de nachos para Yushi, que aceitou o alimento sem pestanejar. Você permaneceu imóvel ao lado dele, vendo-o mergulhar metade da tortilha na guacamole e torcendo para que ele não percebesse que você estava observando-o feito uma maluca, embora essa fosse a verdade.
— Suportáveis. Estudar direito é legal, mas eu 'tava é com saudade de vocês — Ele confessou e virou o rosto bonito na sua direção, tocando na sua bochecha e acariciando a pele sem vergonha alguma, como se vocês nunca tivessem terminado e continuassem íntimos daquela forma — Senti sua falta também.
Mesmo que você parecesse ridícula aos olhos dele, com aquele chapeuzinho que mal cabia na sua cabeça e a expressão abobalhada, seu coração disparou com a confissão como se vocês tivessem regressado alguns anos, quando seu interior facilmente se abalava com uma fala sussurrada e um beijo roubado antes do início da aula.
Você vem que tentou dispensar o convite de ir até o karaokê mais próximos relembrar os velhos tempos quando Sion sugeriu, insatisfeito com apenas aquele momento que tiveram conversando e gargalhando no restaurante com direito a muitos acompanhamentos e os drinks mais malucos do cardápio. No entanto, quando deu por si, lá estava você, sentada no meio do sofá extenso da sala de karaokê enquanto o tempo que pagaram por passava na tela juntamente com a letra de uma canção que Yushi tinha escolhido para cantar.
Alguns colegas cochilavam de cansaço no estofado, outros foram procurar por glicose no balcão do karaokê para terminar bem a noite, então quando Yushi chegou nos últimos acordes da música em questão, a única pessoa que pode testemunhar os cem pontos foi você no fundo da sala. Reconhecer que foi exatamente com aquela música em questão que ele se declarou para você anos antes fez seus olhos se encherem de lágrimas e você desejar que as coisas não tivessem terminado daquele jeito.
— Feliz aniversário — Yushi desejou, erguendo um isqueiro que tinha tirado do bolso do moletom canguru, por algum motivo, ele costumava dizer que era devido a sua experiência de escoteiro, Yushi sempre tinha consigo as coisas mais inusitadas como o presente isqueiro fofo de um dos personagens de Hello Kitty. Você sorriu, gostando de mirar seus olhos sob a luz da pequena fonte de calor e no momento que você fez o movimento de assoprar a vela improvisada, Yushi fechou o objeto, selando os lábios nos seus de repente. O que fez com que você desse um pulinho do sofá pega completamente desprevenida.
— Você tá tão fofa com essas bochechas rosadinhas, não consegui resistir — Yushi sorriu, puxando as suas pernas para o colo dele com a maior naturalidade do mundo e fazendo as suas maçãs do rosto se aquecerem um bocado mais, se isso era possível.
— Eu não consigo mais. Não consigo mais te ver online em alguma rede social e não poder te dizer que tô com saudade e que não vejo a hora de te encher de beijos — Ele disse enquanto acariciava suas pernas cobertas por uma meia-calça, ele tocou seu queixo suavemente, fixando seus olhares — Você me entende, né? Também se sente assim?
Você assentiu com o olhar, contemplando quando um sorriso esplêndido se fez presente nos lábios dele.
— Acha que consegue lidar com um relacionamento à distância?
Yushi não demorou nem um milésimo para te responder de prontidão:
— Eu só não consigo ser só o seu amigo.
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minimultiestfandoms · 1 month
boyfriend text with nct wish!
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requested: yes
don’t fully know much about nct wish and who they are separately as individuals because they just debuted not to long ago but i’ll get more accurate and better as they comeback! hope you enjoy anon!
— sunnie
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taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @jinkoh, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99
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allforyujinz · 5 months
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝙒𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・
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eusion · 2 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪nct wish hyung line as ur college bf ⌒☆
word count ⌒☆ 858
pairing ⌒☆ nct wish hyung line x reader
note ⌒☆ ive done it... save me
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sion ⌒☆
walks with u to ur every class even if his own class is across campus
attends every club formal event with u bcus he cant let ppl see u without him!!! esp if ur dressed all pretty
despite wanting to be around u all of the time he will give u more than enough time to urself or w ur own friends
hes jumping into dance circles at parties but will periodically check in on u to see if ur doing ok
"did u eat yet" "ok did u wna go get food"
never gets jealous or competitive when he sees other guys flirting with u. hes v confident n trusts u 1000%!!
hes just better and he knows it
gets shy often so pda doesnt come easily
so when he holds ur hand while walking through campus u feel really giddy
doesnt let u eat in the dining hall bcus he thinks the food sucks so he tries n brings u lunch everyday
always there to lend support or advice whenever u need it
otherwise hes quietly cheering u on w the biggest smile on his face
he takes care of u a lot but u always make sure to return the favor!
he needs a lot of reassurance too so u always take time out of ur day to tell him how much u appreciate him
cup his cheeks n give him a kiss!!!!! he will smile so big...
hes v studious n never puts off his work
his good work ethic rubbed off on u but even during study sessions u both cant help but get even a Little distracted
laughs at all of ur jokes n ur not sure if its bcus ur funny or bcus he wants to make u feel better
riku ⌒☆
will do anything to take the same core classes as u so he can have a partner
if someone tries to take u as a partner first he will whine n cry until the other person gives in
designated study buddy even though u two get distracted 100% of the time
when ur rlly stressed from exams count on riku to be there to give u comfort n lots of hugs
whenever u get up for something as small as presenting or as big as mcing for ur club event, riku will always be there cheering the loudest for u
"THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" then covers his face in embarrassment
randomly calls u over zoom just for fun...
works at ur campus bakery n passes u free bread n pastries even after getting in trouble w his boss
also jumping in the dance circle n will take 5 min breaks in between to chug his water n fan himself
dragging u to every campus event..........
when u two have sleepovers ur sharing his twin bed
he will hog the blanket n steal ur plushies + the entire pillow
drunk riku is either spitting out nonsense or theres a constant string of i love u's
u two are learning tiktok dances in ur free time n saving them for ur drafts just to look back on later
always at ur apt/dorm? unannounced?
but ur roommates n housemates are used to it
plays volleyball for fun w his friends n u come to his lil games to cheer him on
yushi ⌒☆
takes pottery as an elective n every piece he makes he dedicates it to u
begs that u visit him at work with the widest eyes
gives u free drinks all the time even after getting caught n almost fired
lets u take as many silly pics of him bcus he knows ur gonna post it on main....
and gets super Happy when u post him
u two are regulars at his favorite stir fry restaurant! the owners love seeing u two together n will always add on the unofficial college couple discount
lives on campus so u two have lots of sleepovers together..
dormmates recognize ur shoes n always expect u to be there
always tagging along when u need to run errands! whether itd b for groceries or returning a shirt he will b there!!
ur always studying when hes around :((( < yushi
ur laptop on the coffee table n ur back against the couch as u sit on the floor..
sometimes he will come over n just lay his head on ur lap while scrolling thru his phone
matching accessories.. lil things like scarves, gloves, etc
has a cute selfie of u two as his lockscreen and an off guard of u walking along the pier as his homescreen
part of ur schools dance crew along w sion
u love watching his performances! u never get tired of watching him and bragging to everyone about how talented ur bf is
"and u didnt bring me flowers?"
matching merch for ur college... just showed up once day with two varsity jackets for u n him
is actually on the unis soccer team n is one of their best! #allrounder
u go to his games in his jerseys all the time just to see how big his smile gets on the field
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crowentity233 · 1 year
The Dragon's Keep (part 5)
Fire Lord Zuko x (Fem!) Reader
Adult Zuko (if it wasn't clear before he is in his early 20s and has been firelord for a few years now.)
Part 1 Part 6. Masterlist
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You are a firebender named Ayushi, who has been accepted to guard over the royal family. You end up guarding Zuko through his travels to visit the sun warriors. The mission, protecting the newest dragons, begins.
⚠️ warning- I would say 18 plus. Partial nudity, nothing too graphic. Also, a death is mentioned heavily.
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You put on your pajamas, and Zuko walked into the room. Kiyi ran into the room and sat on Zuko's bed. "Can you tell me a bedtime story, Yushi?" She asked happily.
You sat down on your bed. "Yes, of course."
Zuko sat on the bed that kiyi was laying in. You began the story, and not long after, she was already asleep. The excitement of the day had lulled her to sleep quickly. Zuko picked up his sister and brought her to her room, laying her down in her bed.
You stood up, making sure your bag was packed. Zuko followed the plan. He knocked on his Uncles door.
"Nephew. It is late, what can do for you?"
"Uncle, I need a favor, but it has to stay between us." Zuko stepped into the room as Iroh opened the door for him. "I am taking Ayushi to see the sun warriors. Can you please cover for me here."
"Our lives are not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. You both go, share that moment together, Lord Zuko. I can handle things here for a while. I'll tell your mother I know nothing about you sneaking out with the girl. I will take care of the nation for you, nephew. Your mother just went to her room. Watch for the warriors. They are posted all the way out to the coast line."
"Thank you, Uncle." He pulled him into a hug. They both knew how much they meant to one another without explanation. Iroh was like a father to him, someone he could always count on.
"I will be back in a few days' time. A week at most." Zuko said before disappearing.
You grabbed your things as zuko entered the room. "Is this really happening?" You asked quietly. He nodded. "How are we getting there?"
"I have a ship meeting us eight docks away. They will be there around the time we get there." He spoke softly.
Zuko pulled his top knot off and ruffled his hair. He grabbed a commoner outfit. You had already changed into your outfit while he talked with his uncle.
"I have to change, but going out there is dangerous with the warriors' lerking." His tinted cheeks were covered by his hair. He pulled off his silk top and threw on his tunic. You looked away, blushing heavily as he finished dressing.
He grabbed his bag and looked over at you. "Come on. Let's go." He whispered. You jumped up following him. You both slipped out the window. You both snuck around the guards hiding in the shadows. You walked carefully around, never being spotted.
You both made it to the docks, but you are still not quite home free. You snuck ahead, looking around to make sure no one was watching that area. You were waving over when you had your name called. Hua was standing at the road. She walked towards you.
"What are you doing out here? And why do you look so giddy?" Hua smirked, raising her eyebrow. A smile on your lips hiding your guilt.
"I'm just out getting some air. I just have some things on my mind." You trailed trying to fight the guilt from appearing on your face.
"Yeah... sure. A lot on your mind. You put some thought into Lord Zuko, or is he still untouchable 'being a royal.' "
"We kissed. That's why I'm out here thinking it over. I really just wanted some space it's a lot to think about. I just want to be by myself for a little bit."
"I told you. I'll see you around Princess. Do your thinking, and then we are sitting down and talking about this. I need all the details." Hua walked away, and you just slowly walked up the trail, keeping a watch and then waving for Zuko to follow you once it was clear.
"We never kissed?" He almost sounded offended.
"I'm sorry, I'm not great under pressure. We almost got caught." You both hid in the shadows.
"What did she tell you? She said, 'I told you."
"Can we talk about this later? We're kinda trying to escape incredibly talented warri-"
Your back pressed against his chest as a warrior passed. He had cut you off, covering your mouth and grabbing your waist, pulling you close to him.
The warrior passed by. He released you, and as much as you wanted to stay wrapped in his arms, you moved to the next few shadows. You both took off running once you were out of the woods warriors were far behind.
You both slowed down, walking alongside each other.
"I think we're safe." You both caught your breath, your laughs mixing with his.
You both walked at a slower pace, and the waves crashed along the shore in the distance.
"So about the 'I told you'..." zuko trailed
"Well... she..uh.." You tried your best to come up with a way to say it, but every way you'd say, it sounded just as bad as it was.
"She told me that you liked me." You spit it out. "Don't worry, I told her you didn't and that I couldn't like the fire lord. You're royalty, and I'm no realistic suitress... I kinda just screwed that up, though telling her I kissed you. I'll tell her you denied me when we get back. Let's just get to the dragons. We can deal with the mess when we get back."
"Yeah. We can deal with it then." Zuko walked along the path. He was quietly listening to the waves.
You felt nerves building. You wanted to tell him the truth, but you held back in fear that he would deny you and make this whole trip awkward. You walked beside him, not quite able to break the silence.
You both walked for a while before you finally spoke. "Where are we going?" You look around at the change of scenery. The moon provided enough light. You both were walking down a street lined with houses.
"We are going to the meeting point. It's three docks down from here."
"Then where?" You  asked, not really sure what else to talk about to break the silence.
"The eastern air temple. Aang has been rebuilding it. I told the general I was going to visit an old friend. From there, we go on foot to where the dragons are."
"Are you excited to see them again?" You continued
"Yes. I am more excited to watch you see them. We will have to do the dancing dragon when we get there. They will have to accept you." Zuko spoke honestly.
"And what if they dont?" You questioned.
"I wouldn't worry about it. They accepted me." He was failing at being reassuring.
"Zuko, you're the firelord. Of course, they accepted you..." You trailed in fear.
"Not at the time. I was a banished prince who was committing treason to the  firenation. I had lost my ability to firebend. I could barely send fire into the air." He replied.
"You're one of the greatest benders in the nation. I can't imagine that." You spoke.
"I wasn't always. I had to learn a lot, more than just bending. I had to make decisions about my life." He answered while continuing down the path.
"I think you made some good decisions." You tried to comfort.
"I think so, too." He smiled softly, meeting your gaze.
"What was it like being banished? Where did you go?" You questioned.
"It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. I traveled all over the world trying to capture the Avatar just to end up working with him to take my father's place on the throne."
"It must have been nice to see other places." You tried to bring the positive out.
"Everyone hated me and tried to kill me." Zuko spoke bluntly. You turned your gaze to him. "Ba sing se was nice though. I worked in a tea shop with my uncle. No one in the walls knew about the war."
"At least you had some peace." You continued walking and watched the path in front of you.
"What about you? What were you doing during the war?"
"My family was joining together with others to try to help each other. I was learning firebending and stealing food and medicine when I could. My mother got sick, and it caused her body to shut down because she couldn't eat. My father starved after that. He gave me every bit of food we had to me because I was losing weight quickly from getting sick. I healed right before he passed, but it was too late."
"I wish my Father was a better man."  Zuko whispered.
"You have undone so much of his doings already. You're the better man our nation needs. I'm sorry you're having to clean up his mess..." You trailed
"I hope I am, I'm trying my best to clean it up." He paused. "What do you think your parents would say if they saw you now?"
You giggled softly. "I think about it a lot. That's what I was laughing about before you taught me the dancing dragon. I think they would be proud of me. I think they would be shocked at how far I've come. Especially being a royal guest in the Ember Islands. If I were to tell them dragons were alive, then I think they wouldn't believe me and just thought I went crazy."
"I'm excited for you to see them." Zuko reached his hand out, entangling his fingers to yours.
"I'm excited too."
Zuko walked to the ship that waited at the dock. He walked up the deck with your hand in his. "General. Good to see you again."
The General bowed to Lord Zuko. "You as well. Where to, Lord Zuko?"
"The eastern Air Temple." Zuko answered.
"Yes, Lord Zuko." The general led his crew to set sail for the Eastern Air temple.
"General, This is Ayushi. She gets the royal treatment as a... guest." He seemed to hesitate not wanting to call you a guest.
"Yes, Lord Zuko, could I get anything for you and Lady Ayushi." The general asked politely.
Zuko looked at you with a questioning look.
You shook your head no.
"No, not right now, General. Thank you." Zuko led you to the door, your hands still entangled, filing under the deck down the stairs. The halls reminded Zuko of his time of avatar hunting. He walked to a door that was closed. He opened the door and led you inside, closing the door. He lit the torches around the room. It was a bedroom. "I thought you'd like to rest. It will take us to midday tomorrow to get there."
You sat your bags down and bent down to pull out your sleepwear. Zuko took the hint and turned around. You pulled off the commoner clothes and replaced them.
"What about you? You need to rest too."
"I'll be fine." He spoke simply.
"Are you going to leave? I don't want to be in here alone. This is a very different place. Being surrounded by water and sea bound soldiers isn't very comforting to sleep." Vulnerablity seething through your words.
"I will keep you safe." He placed his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the bed. "Promise you'll stay..." You trailed. You were always surrounded by kyoshi warriors when you were sleeping either outside or inside the room. This all male ship wasn't exactly your choice of comforting places to be.
"I promise." You took his word and trusted them.
"I don't mind if we share the bed. I know you must be tired too."
"Would it make you more comfortable?" He questioned.
"Yes." You answered softly, knowing no man would walk in and mess with a girl who was laying beside the Firelord. Zuko grabbed the clothes from his bag and changed into the silk pants. He laid in the bed beside you. His chest was bare. You looked away from the scar in the middle of his chest. You had seen it before and assumed it was the same as the scar over his eye, not wanting attention drawn to it.
"My sister shot me with lightning. I redirected it." He knew you had seen the scar.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to... it's just right in the middle, and you have a really nice...body." Your cheeks burned. You finished the sentence hesitantly knowing it was too late to stop.
Zuko smirked, wanting so badly to press further he decided to press some. "You think so?" He faced you laying on his side. His hand resting on his cheek, propping himself up. The sheets covered his waist, leaving just enough to the imagination.
"Zuko... don't make me say it again." You replied breathlessly. Your head fought your eyes from roaming, but they were failing terribly. His body was built. The scars only intrigued your mind more.
"I think you do too." He complimented. before laying down on his back. The distance in the two was inches but seemed more like miles. You were craving to close the distance. He wouldn't dare to move, not after you said you were uncomfortable on the all male ship. He knew what you were scared of and certainly wasn't going to chance, making you scared of him. You wouldn't make the first move. Even with every word and sign pointing to Hua being right, you still didn't want to attempt to cross the lines. In fear, she was wrong, and he just liked teasing you with no feelings attached.
You laid on your side facing Zuko, battling your judgments before falling asleep peacefully.
Your eyes fluttered open. Your legs entangled with Zuko. His chest rose and fell. Your arm was draped over his side. His arms held you, protecting you and staying with you just as he'd promised. You closed your eyes, just consuming the moment.
Some time went by, and you felt his breathing speed up slightly.
Zuko lifted his eyes, seeing you holding on to him. Your eyes were closed, just hoping this would last just a little longer. Zuko's arms tighten around you, and then he relaxed, trailing his finger up and down your spine, sending chills. You hummed softly. He pulled his hand away.
A loud knock sounded at the door. "Yes?" He questioned through the door. "Lord Zuko, we will be at the eastern air temple soon." The general answered, not opening the door.
You stretched and then opened your eyes.  "Good morning, Zuko," you spoke sleepily.
"Good morning, Ayushi. The general said we would be there soon."
Your voice was airy and soft. "I don't want to get up yet." The silk hugged your curves. Your hair was tossed around. The torches were flickering around accentuating the skin peeking through the silk where you had tossed and turned, causing ties to loosen through the night.
"We can stay in bed until we get there." Zuko was fighting for control seeing you so vulnerable was tempting. The battle was being lost, and his thoughts were searching in a lustful direction.
"No, I need to get up to get ready." You sat up in the bed on your knees. The silk shifted, and your skin was revealed further. You fixed your hair tossing it back, and your top opened the tie, completely breaking free on your robe. There was a line of skin showing in the middle of your chest.
You slipped off the bed before he lost all inhibitions. You grabbed your clothes and started to change. You didn't mind if he was watching or not. The crush was solidifying, and his thoughts about you were becoming more clear by the hour. If he did feel a certain way about you, you decided you'd push him to admit it.
Your silk top fell to the floor.
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slytherinshua · 27 days
   nct wish masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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texts with boyfriend sion (req) ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. crack. fake texts.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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texts with boyfriend sakuya
genre: fluff. fake texts.
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tiktok kings ⋆˙⟡
starring: ot6 nct wish. genre: fluff. fake texts.
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lesbianerxi · 1 year
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Time for the tournament!!! We are here to find the worst possible mxtx pairing. The instructions were to have fun and be creative and Boy Did You Do that. Round 1 will start tonight, let's do this! May the worst possible combination of characters win!
Round 1: complete!
Left side
Nie Mingjue x Shen Jiu VS Wang Lingjiao x Sha Hualing Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian x Bai Wuxiang VS Qi Rong x Xue Yang Wen Chao x Ning Yingying VS Jin Guangshan x Old Palace Master Lan Wangji x Hua Cheng VS Madam Yu x Qi Rong
Right side
Shen Jiu x Jin Guangyao VS Ling Wen x Shang Qinghua Jiang Cheng x Liu Qingge VS Qi Rong x Shen Jiu Feng Xin x Sha Hualing VS Wei Wuxian x Luo Binghe Little Palace Mistress x Yushi Huang VS Jun Wu x Reader
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reijixia13 · 4 months
Believe in Me
||°|| KNY Oneshot ||°||
》It's Nice to see you Again
✍︎ It's Nice to see you Again
✍︎ Oneshots
✍︎ 𝑌𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜
⚠︎Angst and Yushiro Ending Spoiler⚠︎
(I just re-read and- This has many unspeakable logics lol)
Yushiro has sworn his loyalty to Tamayo and had loved her for more than Hundred of years, But the time seems to stop when One day Tamayo had bought a kid at the age of A year, thin (H/C) haired.
"Tamayo-Sama, Why do you have a brat with you?" Yushiro asked in an rage voice,
One because if she did get preg he doesn't mind his just angry because she didn't tell him-
Two If it's not her what so special with it?
"Yushiro, It's A Baby not a Brat. And mostly because I was just walking when I noticed this baby in the alley, It has a diffrent Heart beat, Along with its aura" Tamayo said, Tamayo looked down at the Baby who looked at her before it giggled. Tamayo almost has tears pricking in her eyes as she remembers her own child she had killed.
"But Tamayo-Sama-" Yushiro tried to protect their alone time but it seems that he's been shut down by yours truly Tamayo goddess.
"Yushiro, She's just a baby, She needs someone who can take care of her till she can fight her own." Tamayo said, She carefully brushed the little girl's face before she felt something.
Frezzing on his spot as he notice how Tamayo look at the little baby girl with shock widening eyes.
"Tamayo-Sama?" Yushiro called out at the female, The female fliched and looked at Yushiro dead in the eyes.
"Yushiro, This child.. I was wrong.." Tamayo said, she looked at the ground and hugged the little baby closely with protectiveness, Ofcourse Yushiro doesn't give a fudge but was happy that Tamayo was GONNA agree with him. Before he could talk Tamayo said in her crying voice, "Let's Protect this child.. I was wrong..She doesn't have a heart....".
Everything and Anything he could do for Tamayo I mean he is simping for over 200 years-
Anyways, He sworn the look in Tamayo's eyes that said he should agree to protect the child.
Yushiro x Reader
Requested by: (No one since No one wants to request something TnT)
So like, I may or may not have burn one of my fingers....... Uhhhhmm.. I think it's good since it didn't bleed but it's hard to stretch sometimes-
Anyways hope you enjoy this
Oh yeah- This has a bit of Tanjiro x Reader fluff since Imma mke reader close to Tanjiro since his an angel♡
3 Years Later
(Y/N)'s 3yrs old ok?
"(Y/N)! Come here" Tamayo's voice can be heard in the hallway.
A little girl with (H/C) and (H/L) run down the hallway and to the person who called her, She smiled brightly as she see her Adopted Mom and Big Brother figure stood there.
"Yes Okaasan?" She looked up at her Adopted Mother with those semi smile with a little broken teeth in the side, Tamayo chuckled at the cuteness and patted her Adopted Child's head.
"We're gonna go to town, Do you wanna go?" Tamayo ask, The little girl took a glance at her brother figure to see him staring at her adoptive mom. (Y/N) shook her head variously as an answer, Tamayo and Yushiro are worried that the little girl's head can be a ball now.
"No! I wanna go try to draw the one I read last week!" (Y/N) said, She rushed to Yushiro with Determination, "Yushi-Niisan! Protect Okaasan out there ok? Onii-San is strong!" Innocent (Y/N) said as her eyes sparkled, Yushiro appreciated the little girl but was too tired to take in her hyperactiveness.
"Tch! Ofcourse I will, Tamayo-Sama is not alone" Yushiro said as he put his hands on his hips being proud.
Tamayo watched from afar as her Assistant and Adopted Daughter going on very well this pass few years, She wished she never had that sickness so she would have never Him and.. She sigh as she called out to Yushiro and made there way out the house.
(Y/N) was spacing out often, She keep thinking, Ever since she turned 13 she slowly realize that.... She couldn't see Yushiro as a brother anymore, She has this feeling of warmth everytime she noticed how worried Yoshiro was for her, but she think it was forbidden as she was only 13 years old and Yushiro and Tamayo? Yeah she doesn't want to interfere to that. She knows that Yushiro was inlove with her adoptive Mother but to think that she would fall in love in just one sided.
It's crazy to think that (Y/N) herself would fall in love even if she doesn't have a heart, She doesn't even know why she survive.
"(Y/N)!" A voice called out
(Y/N) shook her head and out of her daze to feel two hands on her sholder and a worried expression infront of her, Those hands and expressions was no other than him himself, Her one-sided love one. Yushiro.
"You keep dozing out lately, Are you sure you're ok?"
Those worried voice and expression written to his face, She hate it.. SHE HATE IT ALL. What's the reason to fall inlove when (Y/N) herself doesn't even feel her own heart?!
"Im fine" (Y/N) said in a distant voice, Yushiro was suprise and cut off guard but so those (Y/N), She didn't even know why she was being like this.
"(Y/N) Im here, So tell me what's your problem-" Yushiro said but was cut off guard once again as he saw (Y/N) suddenly standing up and look dead in his eyes.
"IM.FINE. Kurosai Yushiro-San"
Yushiro can feel that part of himself break, She run away like a wind and out of his sight, Yushiro can also feel himself freeze. She called him formally even if they both we're always together along with Tamayo on the house for the pass 13 years so why is she acting like this?
"What is happening… I hope you're doing fine but I didn't expect you to be like this.. tch"
Yushiro's didn't expected you to be like this, It's was just like yesterday when you we're bought here in the house, It was just also like yesterday when your first words was 'Oniichan' to him. He felt like his losing his mind with this simple thing.
12 Years Later
(Y/N)'s 15 yrs old
Tamayo and Yushiro was on their way home when they heard a commotion, The two look at each other before camly look at the scene. Both watch as a boy was yelling at someone, Tamayo's eyes widen before she composed herself and cutted on her arm, Flowers magically appeared and the people who sworn had smelled sweet bloosom smell fell to the groun and to a small deep sleep.
"That scent.. You guys are a demon aren't you?" A boy in (y/n)'s age asked, Tamayo asked and adviced the little boy and told him to meet them in their house to talk about the earlier's commotion.
~~Time skip (There's really nothing to put here so just magically skip where Tanjiro was seating himself along with Nezuko in Tamayo's house)~~
3rd POV
Tanjiro was seated infront of Tamayo, Beside Tamayo, Yushiro was their glaring at him and Nezuko who was happily sliding herself by the back on the floor.
Tanjiro and Tamayo was talking when they heard the door of the room open.
"Okaasan, I hope you don't mind me staying.." A girl with (H/L) and (H/C) said but stopped when she notice who her mother was talking to, "Tanjiro?" She asked confirming, She felt herself being hugged.
"(N/N)-Chan!" Tanjiro yelled out surprise, He watched as Nezuko patting her head with a happy expression. I mean what could he expect for a Kinoe*?
(Kinoe; Kinoe is the second highest to a Hashira or rather next Hashira
Ps. This is one of my biggest guess)
"You know them (Y/N)?" (Y/N) who was just there letting Nezuko pat her head with affection.
"Hai, I have a mission with them last time" (Y/N) said with a soft smile, She looked at Tanjiro, "Ohayo, Tanjiro-Kun, Nezuko-chan" She said before she walk towards where Tanjiro was seated and just plopped herself there and then.
"(N/N)-Chan helped us alot!" Tanjiro said with his infamous smile :D
But wait- Why the heck is Yushiro so red right now?
Yushiro watch the scene happend, Ever since (Y/N) became 13 and ranked up to Kinoe, She distanced herself from Yushiro, It was unfair for Yushiro as he was the one who babysit her godamn ass- I mean he took care of her as her 'Brother Figure' yeah.... He was just a Brother Figure nothing more..
All thoughts stop when he sense something. His Demon sense said there's something gonna happend and that is a Deja Vu.
"Everyone Get Down!!" Yushiro said, He ducked down Tamayos head by his hand in a protective matter and his other to reach for (Y/N) only to see Tanjiro on top of her like how he protectively put his hand on Tamayo but Tanjiro was hugging (Y/N).
Feeling himself wanna just kick that Tanjiro's butt, He was angry, That was his duty to protect Tamayo and (Y/N). Oh fudging stop Yushiro! This is no time to be making a plan to kill that boy later-
"(Y/N)-Chan are you ok!?" Tanjiro asked as he looked at any injuries, He was suddenly pushed by (Y/N) and watched as (Y/N) stumbled back and a Ball passed him with the speed of the wind.
"Yare yare Tanjiro-Kun, You should protect Nezuko-Chan. My rank is higher than yours" (Y/N) said in a sweet childish voice, she unsheltered her sword as she got up, "Now, No time to do this things Im still feeling Deja Vu here, GIVE ME ALL YOUR SHOTS TANJIRO!" She yelled and went after the demon who keeps playing with balls. (Why does that sound so ugly?-)
"Tamayo-Sama we should leave that boy and demon girl use them as bait!" Yushiro said with his proud voice, proudly presenting his plan.
"Yushiro are you insane?! Tanjiro, Nezuko and (Y/N) are fighting that demons!" Tamayo yelled at Yushiro disappointed lace in her voice.
"Well we can also take (Y/N)-" He stopped talking when he saw Nezuko kicking the other demon girl.
"Yushiro-San is Right! You should leave this to s Tamayo-San!" Tanjiro's yell echo, as Tanjiro said this he got distracted and stumbled to the ground.
"See!?" Yushiro said having SFX sparkles around him, He was smack at the back of his head.
"Were all being serious here Yushiro-San!" (Y/N) yelled as her hand was in air, She was the one who smacked his head, "Be serious! Tanjiro needs help!" She said as she ran again to help Tanjiro.
Yushiro give in after he was scolded by Tamayo, After giving his eye to Tanjiro, His head suddenly bounced off his body and like a ball it rolled down the ground.
"Oh my god-" (Y/N) commented, half concern half disappointed.
~Skip cause I don't know how to fighting scenes~
(Y/N)'s POV
I stumble a little after the fight, Okaasan, Yushiro, and Nezuko are inside the broken house, I watched as Tanjiro passed the ball to the demon girl. He sure have the heart of sympathy.
I got up and walked towards Tanjiro, I almost tripped but Catched myself, I bend in one knee.
"Come Tanjiro-Kun, I'll carry you inside" I said as I waited for Tanjiro.
"But I might be too heavy for you" Tanjiro said, I looked back at him before saying things that made him give up.
"Im not weak, Your still in Mizunoto rank, Mines higher which means I can carry you" I said and smiled a little back at him, I felt himself made himself up to my back and Carefully I stood up and walked inside the broken Home I grew up.
"Nee, Didn't you say that Yushiro-San was your crush?" Tanjiro asked with a teasing voice, I blushed at that. Well you see I grew attached to Tanjiro since he's around my age and his nice like duhh, So like we grew attached for a few weeks like we know each other for years!
I continue to walk, Knowing where they are I slowly walk down the stairs to the basement.
"Stop that Tanjiro, And here I thought your kind but so mean!" I said with a defeated voice, Tanjiro just laughed a little while I chuckled.
I continued to walk till we saw Okaasan and Yushiro walked out the room followed behind was a running Nezuko and Hugged Me.
"Nezuko!" Tanjiro happily called out to Nezuko, She patted my head as I put Tanjiro down so he could stand, He stumbled a litle but Nezuko and I catched him. Nezuko hugged him and Tanjiro was patting her head.
"Im relief you guys are ok" Okaasan said as she smiled, I smiled too as I see Nezuko running up to Okaasan and embraced her with a hug, She looked shocked and was about to cry.
Nezuko patted Yushiro's Head making him blush and rage but Nezuko returned to hugging Okaasan, Okaasan looked at Tanjiro.
"She sees Humans as Family and Demons as Enemies" Tanjiro said, I already knew this as he also said this.
"Yeah, Okaasan, Yushiro-San. Nezuko sees you as family!" I said with a happy voice, Nezuko run back to me and hugged me, OmFG we all are having a hugging session here.
"Would you like Nezuko to stay here with us or would you bring her with you?" Okaasan asked, Tanjiro thinks for A moment, I patted his back and nodded my head with a smile.
"No, I promise to protect her and Having her by my side made me want her to protect her more" Tanjiro said, He smiled as he turns around and took the box Nezuko stays in.
"Alright then" Okaasan said She turned to me, "Are you still staying (Y/N)?" She askes me, I shook my head.
"I think I found more paths to take Okaasan! I'll be helping Tanjiro-kun find a cure for Nezuko-chan!" I said with a smile, "Tanjiro and Nezuko are special so I'll be there to protect him!" I said again with a smile, I walk toward Tanjiro and Nezuko.
Tanjiro, Nezuko and I wave goodbye before Tanjiro was called by Yushiro.
"Wai- wait!" Yushiro called out, Tanjiro looked back and so does I because Im curious lol. "I think your sister is pretty after all" Yushiro said with a blush, I smiled alittle at what he had said, Im proud he said that because Tanjiro keeps complaining about him calling Nezuko ugly-
"Right, Should I give you another farewell smack for calling Nezuko ugly Yushiro-San?" My sweet sickly smile appeared, "Nezuko is as pretty as a flower" I said with another smile, I swear Im gonna be like Shinabou-Senpai.
Long story short Yushiro's mind just exploded with lots of 'My' or Angry insult to poor shivering Tanjiro.
"Yushiro, Stop being in the daze and help me move the stuff. Muzan Already know our Location and it's still best to move" Tamayo snapped Yushiro out of his Insulting Tanjiro in mind, Yushiro Look at Tamayo who was helping the Woman earlier and sighed.
Yushiro took out some boxes and gone to Tamayo's testing room to boxed and rapped them, Once Yushiro was done he moved to one certain room. He opened the door to see the room ceiling still sparkling like a galaxy sky, The walls have clouds and few wall drawings on them, The desk that was abandoned their was still neat but dusty, The bed that hasn't been made for 3 years still as messy as ever. He saw one drawing close to a book shelf, He walk up to it and look closely.
Yushiro chuckled at a memory
A little girl with (H/C) was drawing at a certain wall, Her eyes sparkle at whatever she had thought.
"(Y/N)?" A femine voice can be heard as the voice called out to the little girl, the little girl with (H/C) looked to the side to see her mom.
"Okaa-San, Look! Look! I made a drawing of you and Yushi-NiiSan!" The little girl happily squealed, Tamayo smiles a little at the cute drawing before she reaize she's looking at a drawing in the wall.
"That's beautiful (Y/N) but walls aren't papers to draw, How about if you be a good girl and I'll buy you an art paper?" Tamayo said with a smile before scooping the little girl in her arms, "But before that, Let's go eat Dinner with Yushiro" Tamayo said as she smiled once again.
(A/N: I don't know what its called ok?)
Yushiro Watched from the other room before he moved to see the drawing and ofcourse not until the little girl an Tamayo was gone to the kitchen, He look closely that The small drawing of him and Tamayo was close but to the side he sees a little sad girl that look a little exactly like (Y/N)
As the memories gone far he slowly remember the small drawing but when he looked to the side where the drawing of a sad little girl was, It was scratched and nothing else, He sighed and thinking it was just his Imagination playing tricks again. He decided to box the old books an notebooks (Y/N) have on her dusty desk, Slowly and gently putting it in the boxes he doesn't even know why he was packing this when it was just abandoned, sighning again He put back every books and notebooks neatly on the box when something fell of the desk. The smll sound of a clink and thud was heard.
A small note book close to it was a broken neckless.. no it's locket
Yushiro crouches down to pick up the small but thick notebook, He also picked up the locket.
(That's the best I can do lol dont mind- skskkskejjdkwkke)
It was the three of them, He was sorta shocked since WHO THE HECK WOULD TAKE A PICTURE OF THEM WHILE TAMAYO WAS CUTTING HER WHIST-
Hayyts anyways, He look at the book and locket t the same time. Thinking it was wrong
"But It wouldn't hurt since it was already abandoned here" He said out loud, He hesitated to open the small note book but he got over it and open the first page.
(To people who can't see it
"Dear f̶u̶t̶o̶u̶r̶e̶ future,
Hello from the past! Im (Y/N) and I made this to show to Y̶u̶s̶h̶i̶-N̶i̶i̶s̶a̶n̶ Yushiro-San, That I have a tiny winnie c̶r̶a̶s̶h̶ Crush on him.
I would like to one day to c̶o̶n̶n̶f̶e̶s̶ Confess to him! but I was having a secong thought, Yushi has a crush on Okaa-San
I saw how the way he looks at Okaa-San, But when you c̶o̶m̶p̶e̶r̶e̶ Compare how he looks at me like im Litte sibling :(( " )
He was shocked to see and read this, And heck this was the very first page of the small notebook, Now looking back at how her behavior got to a loving sister bacame a cold person to him. Damn that made him sad. Just because him and Tamayo came from M̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶ J̶a̶c̶k̶s̶o̶n̶ Muzan from their Deheemon squad doesn't mean they can't feel sad, This was the first time in 200 years he felt sad.
(Bruhh were on 3341 words why does this takes so freaking long?-)
~Time skip again by Author reading the manga part and to the part of the freaking fight (PS since I haven't fully read it I will be halfly making the end :")) )~
3rd POV
Tamayo was looking at Yushiro and Tanjiro's direction yelling at them to get as far as where they are now, But it was too late as Tamayo's neck was suddenly being held.
Tamayo look at the said Monster.
"Look at you now, You are still pathetic as ever aren't you Tamayo?" Muzan commented, Before Tamayo could retort back her neck was suddenly snapped, Her body gone limb to its knees and down the floor. Her eyes were getting heavier.
"NO! TAMAYO-SAMA!!" Yushiro yelled as tears were running down his cheeks beside him was Tanjiro who look lost at words as he saw one of the best people who help him turn nezuko back, He couldn't help but cry at the sight.
"Yu..shi..ro... Take..Tanjiro..away... and protect.. (Y../N)" Tamayo said before she took her last breath at the hands of the most lord Demon, cruel monster and the most person she despite the most.
Arriving at the time, (Y/N) saw this and couldn't help but screamed.
"OKAA-SAN!!" (Y/N) yelled tears of river down her apple cheeks holding her sword infront of Muzan (Hee-Hee Man) "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY OKAA-SAN!" Before she could go near the Lord of Demons, Her arms were Yanked away and to the door she came through before she got to the scene, The sound of the strings can be heard as the room was another scenario. She tried to fight back. "LET ME GO!" She yelled once more as tears were running through her eyes.
"(Y/N)-Chan.. Gomen.." A soothing voice said, She looks up at Tanjiro. Her eyes were dull, She felt a hand put on her hand, She looks back at Yushiro and at Tanjiro.
"Tanjiro..Yushiro.. Let's fight for Okaa-san.. For everyone who sacrificed themselves!" She yelled, Her voice cold, stern and harsh but nonetheless Yushiro and Tanjiro agree before splitting up.
(Y/N) lay there in the ground as Kakushis started to form around her.
"Fight (Y/N)-Sama! AID ARE COMING THIS WAY PLEASE!" Her kakushi said, Other Kakushi tried to cheer aswell.
Arriving at the time, (Y/N) saw this and couldn't help but screamed.
"OKAA-SAN!!" (Y/N) yelled tears of river down her apple cheeks holding her sword infront of Muzan (Hee-Hee Man) "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY OKAA-SAN!" Before she could go near the Lord of Demons, Her arms were Yanked away and to the door she came through before she got to the scene, The sound of the strings can be heard as the room was another scenario. She tried to fight back. "LET ME GO!" She yelled once more as tears were running through her eyes.
"(Y/N)-Chan.. Gomen.." A soothing voice said, She looks up at Tanjiro. Her eyes were dull, She felt a hand put on her hand, She looks back at Yushiro and at Tanjiro.
"Tanjiro..Yushiro.. Let's fight for Okaa-san.. For everyone who sacrificed themselves!" She yelled, Her voice cold, stern and harsh but nonetheless Yushiro and Tanjiro agree before splitting up.
(Y/N) lay there in the ground as Kakushis started to form around her.
"Fight (Y/N)-Sama! AID ARE COMING THIS WAY PLEASE!" Her kakushi said, Other Kakushi tried to cheer aswell.
"You can't leave us too!"
"(Y/N)-Sama we still want to do the honor to serve you!"
"There there.. Your ok (Y/N)-Sama.."
Comments flew and flew trying to distract her from closing her (E/C) eyes, They stop to look at her.
She was smiling. Tears we're in her eyes as she chuckle even though blood flood over her mouth and so does in her other body parts.
"..Are you all really looking down at me?.. Im yet to become your honoured Hashira that... your.." She paused as blood still flood her, Her eyes getting heavier. The kakushi look at her, "Ara....Im sleepy.. Can you put a blanket on me..when Im..c-cold?" She asks, Her kakushis all nodded as one got her a blanket. She smile.
"Please don't sleep yet my dear.." A Voice, She looks beside the Kakushi. Her eyes softened even more. Ayame-Sama. Beside her was a smiling healthy Kagaya along with their children smiling down at her.
"Umai! (Y/N) that's not how you gonna die right? Your still need to eat alot with my brother!" A loud comforting voice said. Kyoujuro-NiiSan.
"Haha..Gomenne Ayame-sama.. Oyakata-sama, Imoutos.. Kyou-NiiSan" She blankly look at them with her bloody teeth as a smile, Blood drool beside her upside lip. "I feel sleepy.." she said, her eyes blurry as her eye lids slowly closing.
The Kakushis listen to this, They watch as she slowly close her eyes just like the Honored Flame Pillar. Smiled in her last breath.
"(Y/N)-Sama.." A battle screamed of cries of the kakushis can be heard.
There was no way to see her Heartbeat.. because she doesn't have a Heart..... But it doesn't feel like that because she was the heart of the Demon Slaying Corps, Who was treasure amongst every single one.
As (Y/N) took her last breath, Yushiro sits upon infront of Tamayo's dead, cold body. In his arms was Tamayo's head.
"Tamayo-Sama.." His eyes watered like forever as it got blurry.
A light emerge beside the body infront of him, A vision of the Familiar loveable Female Demon doctor.
"Yushiro..Child..Take Care, (Y/N) is still waiting for you.. but please wait for her a little longer.." She said before walking away to the light waiting for her.
It was that day that every Slayer that has survived that war was honored as the Heroes.
But it was also That Day, That Yushiro realized what Tamayo had said, Determined to do her request. But stumbling by (Y/N)'s cold body as he walk through, Heard the cries.
He felt like the world was nothing but cruel, But this.. The only person who he now realize the person he really actually LOVED the MOST laying there in the ground, Smiling but not breathing.
The hard breaking truth hurt him
But he was Willing to wait
(A shi- here we go.. Uhm this is it guys get your tissues)
3rd POV
'I started to paint your figures because I don't want to forget neither of your faces.. One day.
I believe that, We're destined to meet again.'
Yushiro walked through the hallway, Painting of 2 figures in the wall. A Woman with beautiful Violet eyes with such beautiful black raven hair while the 2nd figure was a Teenage girl with a Beautiful sweet smile, sparkling (E/C) eyes and (H/C) shining through the lights.
Yushiro stopped in his tracks..
A woman with the same description of Raven Black hair and Violet lovely eyes stood at one of the paintings, Tears in her eyes. She noticed his presence and quickly wiped her tears.
Yushiro stood there, His hand on his heart.
'If she's here.. does that mean she has a high chance to be here too?..' His mind questions filling it before he snapped as he heard a high pinched voice of a child.
"Mom, Mom! Look!" The kid called out to the lady as the Lady scooped the child in her arms, "Doesn't the painting resembles you? OH and (Y/N)-Oneechan!" He said pointing at each paintings.
"Ara? Oh how gorgeous of this people" The lady said with a smile as the Kid continue to awed at the painting before a deep voice called out for them. Making their way to the Build up man before walking away.
Yushiro thought he could meet (Y/N) as the child called her, Older Sister.
His thoughts we're once again snapped as his cat, The only thing left from the two started to follow the 3 people... He smiled sadly before carrying the cat in his arms, and starts to walk away.
"Ack, Yui! Stop running around!" A girl's voice can be heard making Yushiro halt his walk, The cat in his arms look pass his sholder before wiggling out of his grip. "Yui! If you keep running around like that, Okaa-san, Otou-san and even my Oto-oto will be mad at us for missing out!" She scold, Her eyes widen a little at a familiar cat. She ducked down to look at it closely.
As this was happening, Yushiro slowly turn around. This time he can hear and feel his heartbeat ready to burst along with the long tears he wanna let go. He slowly walk to her before halting infront of her 2 meter away.
The Girl, Now looking closely has long (H/C) Hair, cute beaming (E/C) eyes. Her eyes slowly looked up at the foot sight, trailing it up before her eyes locked with Light purple eyes with clouds of tears forming. The girl kindly smiled at him before taking the familiar cat in her arms, As Yui put itself on her sholder hanging there as she stood up straight.
"It's Nice to see you Again, Yushiro" She said with a smile.
Yushiro's eyes finally gave out as he was now crying and embrace the girl infront of him.
The cat in her arms and sholder now jumped off at the side gaving the (H/C) haired girl hugged back at the male standing infront of her, Putting her face in his chest as little, Her own eyes was forming with tears.
"It has.. My Lady" He said.
'I thought that you would forget about me and everyone like Tamayo-sama but.. Im so happy to embrace you right now I don't know what to say...'
The End
Note from wattpad
Ahh :")) Finally done, it's 12:33am and I still don't plan to sleep lol
(Ps one of my longest chapter since it's needed)
Me for 7 weeks writting this along with 2 more chapters: sheesh now I feel the pain of Oneshots.
Other authors I interact: You, Me both.
Anyways hope you enjoy♡
Me after totally..realizing that it took so long just to make this oneshot to be understand:
Words: 4911
Published here on tumblr: Jan 29, 2024
3 notes · View notes
ruiniel · 2 years
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Castlevania series (2017-2021): Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Greta of Danesti, Carmilla of Styria, Lisa Tepes
Castlevania: Nocturne (2023): Richter Belmont, Tera Renard, Maria Renard, Annette, Drolta Tzuentes, Alucard, Abbot Emmanuel
The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-earth: Glorfindel, Sauron, Maeglin, Haleth, Aegnor, Andreth, Caranthir, Maedhros, Curufin, Celegorm, Maglor, Amrod, Amras, Finrod, Fingon, Morwen, Aerin, Aredhel, Ecthelion, Nerdanel, Eöl, Túrin, Gwindor, Finduilas, Niënor, Thuringwethil, Lúthien, Tar-Míriel, Amarië, Melkor, Beleg, Nellas, Orc characters, Olórin, Eönwë, Elwing, Eärendil, Mandos, Mîm, Celebrimbor, might add others
The Lord of The Rings: Arwen, Éowyn, Gimli, Witch-king of Angmar, Khamûl, Boromir, Legolas, Aragorn
Mononoke (2007) & Ayakashi Japanese Classic Horror (2006): Kusuriuri (the 'Medicine Seller'), Kayo, Ochō
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rengoku Kyōjurō, Tsugikuni Yoriichi, Tsugikuni Michikatsu (Kokushibō), Akaza, Tamayo, Kibutsuji Muzan
Heaven Official's Blessing: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, He Xuan(Ming Yi), Pei Ming, Shi Qingxuan, Lord Rain Master(Yushi Huang), Jun Wu(White Clothed Calamity), Lang Qianqiu
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I will change the blog description to say REQUESTS OPEN when asks for writing are open, which means I'll be open to requests that follow these rules
Please note I will only write for characters mentioned in the above section
I welcome Gen requests
For character/character pairings, I also write polyamory, welcoming your OT3/OT4 requests
I will not take requests involving major character death or pregnancy
I write both SFW and NSFW
For NSFW requests, I welcome kink related requests. If I don't write for a particular kink, I'll tell you
I will refuse requests I personally find uncomfortable or feel I cannot accommodate
For xReader requests, please specify if F/M/Gender Neutral reader in your request. If none is specified or the request is unclear in this respect, the default will be Gender Neutral reader. Note: I consider xReader requests as canon x original character (this is my house). If you like, you're free to mention specific traits for the 'Reader' in your ask.
I ask for patience, sometimes requests may take longer due to other responsibilities or unforeseen life events. You know how it is.
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drabble to pentadrabble (100-500 words)
oneshot (usually 500-1.5k words; longer if I get more ideas)
headcanons (HCs)
I don't take multichapter story requests, but it may happen that a oneshot can turn into a multichapter
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For any combination of characters on this list: character & character, character & reader.
For any combination of adult characters on this list: character/character, character/reader, character + character, character + reader, character & character, character & reader.
What this means:
/ = romantic/sexual relationship
& = friendship, platonic relationship
+ = queer platonic, other relationships
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I do not take drawing requests.
28 notes · View notes
omgomg modern!daemon's nonnie's really lucky. i'm excited to see the thing you were writing. 'LOVE LETTER TIME' ANY TIME DESERVES TO BE LOVE LETTER TIME 'im sending brain cells your way' thanks hottie-cutie-meanie. actually, i'm pretty good at math too. the problem was that tasks were not hard but a lot. 'i cant believe you still have to study in the cold' well 'you're too old to be afraid of this weather' said one very kind deputy head. yes i've been living in such conditions for my whole life but?? girl?? have you ever heard smth about being ill??? thanks for the hug! i hope i'll see this girl alive TT and i do sleep during the day a little (imagine angry emoji) 'i shower you with compliments more like my cat' can i be your cat TT if i can't have one, maybe i can be one TT you know, pretend untilit's real. no but just imagine being allergic to yourself... 'i have two! yushi and his son jinjin' OMG aaaaaaaa such cuties TT omg i'm gonna cry again. i beg you to show your cats plspls i can call you master (as a cat) or big sister or hannah smith (as a matt smith's spouse) but plss TT my only goal in the whole life is to see the cats every person i know owns. (is jinjin after jinjin from astro or am i being crazy?..) and i have a really-super-indeed important academic competition(?) on the 19.12 so if you're going to post something i'll probably read it later but!! i will!! wait for me pls good morning!! take care! love you <з meow
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love letter time 😌
omgomg modern!daemon's nonnie's really lucky. i'm excited to see the thing you were writing.
lol i was writing for another fandom HAHAHH idk if you'd care for it it was my hob x endless!reader fic for the show the sandman lololol you don't have to check it out if it doesn't entice you lololl
lol well, realistically speaking i cant be sending you love letters any time lol HAHHAHAH
'im sending brain cells your way' thanks hottie-cutie-meanie. actually, i'm pretty good at math too. the problem was that tasks were not hard but a lot. 'i cant believe you still have to study in the cold' well
'you're too old to be afraid of this weather' said one very kind deputy head. yes i've been living in such conditions for my whole life but?? girl?? have you ever heard smth about being ill??? thanks for the hug! i hope i'll see this girl alive TT
DOES THAT DEPUTY MEAN OLD PEOPLE DONT HAVE FEELINGS this is why we cant have nice things T_T they want us to repress our emotions //: rat //: and yeah haven't you ever hear of being ill? yuck ALSO DAMN I HOPE YOU SEE THAT GIRL ALIVE TOO MY GOSH T_T HUGS HUGS HUGS
and i do sleep during the day a little (imagine angry emoji)
'i shower you with compliments more like my cat' can i be your cat TT if i can't have one, maybe i can be one TT you know, pretend untilit's real. no but just imagine being allergic to yourself...
T_T lol sure you can be my cat AHAHHAHHAh im pretty sure if you were a cat you wouldn't be allergic to yourself T_T did you know theres actually a cat that people who are allergic to them can have because apparently they dont have that gene that makes people allergic. i show it on animal planet once but i dont remember what its called lol i researched it an apparently there was a bunch but i think the one i watched was about the russian blue cat HAHHAH fitting for you i think
'i have two! yushi and his son jinjin' OMG aaaaaaaa such cuties TT omg i'm gonna cry again. i beg you to show your cats
ok i went through my pictures to see show you some
this is yushi he used to have a brother named mochi but he got hit my a van and i will never stop mourning him. the right most pic is yushi (left) and mochi (right)
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(i went into the depth to look for a photo of mochi and then i realized i didnt have any anymore, and then when i found some i started crying because i was mochi's favorite and he didnt deserve what happened to him i miss him so much im so sad i cant stop crying hold on) i found the last video and photo i had of him but he had a gaping wound in it so im not going to add it T_T
this is jinjin yushi's baby
the story of how we got him is pretty long, but i'll tell you to distract from my sobs. so we have a stray girl cat in our neighborhood and im pretty sure yushi got her pregnant lol thats so funny to say but its true.
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this was jinjin when we got him (he fell from the roof and had a broken leg but we didnt have money to bring him to the vet so i just gave him a makeshift cast and prayed he'd get better (he did)) he was so skinny and touch deprived T_T im crying again but he's better now
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this is him after a while and his leg was better and he's with ysuhi in the first pic. we though yushi would try to kill him at first but they're so sweet to each other T_T i cant stop crying
honestly i swear im not making this up but jinjin is so much like mochi that i think God sent him to ease my sorrows T_T its genuinely so crazy how alike they are T_T i miss mochi so much im so sorry mochi. when he got hit i was so scared to watch him die and i regret not being with him in his last moments so badly im sorry i had to tell you this i wont go on about anymore
this is jinjin now
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he's such a prince
this is my neighbors dog brownie she is a good girl
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plspls i can call you master (as a cat) or big sister or hannah smith (as a matt smith's spouse) but plss TT my only goal in the whole life is to see the cats every person i know owns.
you can call me whatever you want. i choked on the water i was drinkin when i saw hannah smith but im too sad to type that with excitement
(is jinjin after jinjin from astro or am i being crazy?..)
actually no but its so wild that you also know astro slay bestie. we actually thought jinjin was a girl so i named him after characters from genshin impact his full name was barbara jean ponyo (ponyo as in the anime) but then he was a boy so i was like lol jean is fine or gene in masc form then it became jinjin. my sister cringes everytime we talk about astro jinjin now lol HAHA
and i have a really-super-indeed important academic competition(?) on the 19.12 so if you're going to post something i'll probably read it later but!! i will!! wait for me pls good morning!! take care! love you <з meow
WOW MY BIG BRAIN CHILD IS AN ACADEMIC COMPETITOR SLAAYYY <3 i hope it went well i love you so much
ps if you apologize about making me cry cos i went through mochi's photos i will cry some more
xxx im luv u
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minimultiestfandoms · 2 months
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! nct wish masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
NCT WISH As Boyfriends (solo headcanons)
Sion | Riku | Yushi | Jaehee | Ryo | Sakuya
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
boyfriend text with nct wish!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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writer-tron3000 · 5 years
All Might x Child!Reader - ”Fuck You” Part 1
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>Warning: Swearing<
”No mom! Don't talk! Y-You lied to me, you lied to me my entire life, only to tell me my fucking father is ALL MIGHT!” I screamed at her, ears red in anger. ”If he really is my father, then why would he leave us, you?! We are living in poverty, I have to provide, I have to have multiple jobs, just for us to make it for a week! He's probably living in riches, good health, not having to work for a single thing!” I started to tear up, ”Why?! Why would he leave us here?”
My mom was surprised and stammered out ”I-I don’t know...”
I looked away, I couldn't believe I yelled at her. ”I think it's best if I go cool off on a walk.” Finishing my statement, I traveled up the stairs to my room noting the leaking ceiling I would have to fix later. I sighed as I grabbed my bag and went to the front door.
I carefully put on my shoes before going out the door. An angry breath left my chest as I closed the door.
I often went on ”walks” to cool off, but what my mom didn't know is that I was apart of a small group of villains. Not the league of villains, but a stronger, smarter, uncatchable group. We never tried to murder anyone, but sometimes we had to.
I walked over into an alleyway, looking around to see if anyone was near to see me. The only thing around was the stormy sky, about to rain.
I smiled, I loved the rain.
I entered to see my comrade Ai, who was on a couch cuddling with her sister Cinder. They were super cute.
Stalking up to Yuushi, the dragon quirked female and leader of our small group, I smirked. I leaned on the wall next to her, ”So... Are there any jobs needed to be completed right now?”
She looked up at me with a quirked brow, ”Are you sure? It's raining out, ” she asked.
”Yeah, I’m sure, ” I replied a little aggressively, really annoyed.
Yuushi tilted her head, ”Are you okay? I'm always here to talk if you need anyone...” I ran a hand through my hair.
”... I’m sorry for being aggressive Yuu, I'm just kinda mad right now and just need to do... something.” She let out a quiet chuckle, putting her arm across the top of her special chair.
”I think I got the perfect job for you~,” she said slowly, poking my nose at the end. Yushi brought out her folder and grabbed a sheet of paper before handing it to me. I looked at the information on the page, it was a simple job, steal some money from businessmen of a large company that secretly sold quirk enhancing drugs that made insta-villians. Disgusting, yet the perfect job.
It was going perfectly. I had completed the job, some resistance from the victim but once I got him knocked out it was so much easier!
When I was exiting the building I spotted a black-clad hero on the rooftops in the rain. Well shit. I saw that he spotted me as well. Holy shit, I'm not ready to go to jail yet. I rushed into the small crowd, who most had umbrellas above their heads, blocking any views of me.
When a certain alleyway appeared I drifted off from the crowd, looking around to see I lost them.
I had thought I was off scott free until I ran into a black figure, I shrunk back seeing Eraserhead in front of me. Freaking out, I used my quirk before he had the chance to use his.
My quirk; smoke bomb.
Running the other way, trying to go back onto the slightly busy streets but once again I was blocked- by a blue, red and white chest.
I was doomed, dead, banished to an eternity in hell.
About to escape, I tried using my quirk again but it didn't work and a certain scarf wrapped around my ankle. It dragged me back until I fell over and hit my head onto the wet and dirty ground. Whoops.
I woke up, hands cuffed behind my back, face against a cold, freezing metal table. Goddammit. Groaning, I lifted my head from the table seeing I was in a police interrogation room.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, uncomfortable from waking up there. The wait felt like hours, hours and hours. Wait, was there even a clock in the room?
When the door opened a red-haired police officer entered the room, but behind him, I saw the familiar black hair and a homeless-looking guy right next to him.
My eyes drifted up to the man in front of me, his blue uniform clashing in fashion with his blue policemen hat. He sat across from me, placing a glass of water on the table, which was dumb because I couldn't use my hands.
He mostly questioned me, but I didn't say anything.
Outside the room unknown to me, the depowered All Might was muttering to himself, ”(L/N), that name sounds familiar...” Until he had an epiphany, ”(M/N) (L/N)... I should probably call her...”
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