#sion x reader
slytherinshua · 27 days
in which. you are totally normal about your boyfriend's latest tiktok (definitely). genre. fluff. fake texts. warnings. possibly a lil deranged behavior from reader 🙏 if you don't react like this towards their tiktoks then congratulations you are normal i would love to be you 😔 pairing. bf!nct wish x fem!reader. request. no. a/n. my nct wish writing debut and it's... whatever this is 😭 no jk i loved making these but i PROMISE that proper fics are also coming soon (or more texts if that's what you guys want??)
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↳ nct wish taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @lexeees,, @nyukyujs,,
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blue-jisungs · 4 days
[ 📚 ] highschool sweethearts
# author's note ... idk guys i saw the pic and sobbed… this is very random so bear with me ! i love wishies sm :( this is for my vv hardworking zanzan @slytherinshua ilysm baby
# warnings ... swearing teehee also if something is weird logic-wise keep in mind that european schooling system is a lil diff than asian/american so thats that! i tried to keep it as neautral as possible tho!
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┆彡 SION [ 시온 ]
i just wanna say that i love him bye
um right yes
hes soooo FUCKING CUTE
i feel like he’d keep track of every exam you have n all the hw you need to do
definitely helps you out w studying for them but also does the homework for you even if you tell him not to :(
he just wants to help his girl out okay :(
if you finish classes later than him he WILL wait and walk you home, no matter the time or distance
he likes languages so definitely helps you out with studying for language class
OR if you’re a natural learner then he loves practicing pronunciation n conversations with you
demands kisses in return though ~~
during breaks he’ll often read so if he’s in the classroom, you’ll just come and hold his hand n do your thing
or! if the break is longer and he’s outside, you’ll find him reading under a tree… so you just lay in his legs, back pressed to his chest… and you doze off to gain some energy for the next class
also!! will not take no as an answer if he’s offering his food bc you forgot your lunch or are still hungry <\3
┆彡 RIKU [ 前田 陸 ]
i feel like he wouldn’t be the nerdy type of student BUT he’s not failing lmaosnosjw
he’s very patient so he won’t hesitate to spend all night to help you understand some subjects
deffo runs up to you in the hallways, not caring if he steps on someone 😭
riku is very energetic so he’ll be your personal coffee cup in the morning, when you’re trying your best to stay awake during boring class
he’s a lil prankster tho so expect stolen pens or goofy doodles on your notes >:)
tho makes up for it by buying you baked goods in his fav bakery :”)
for sure loves bragging about you so he will hold your hand in the hallway or in the cafeteria 🥹
and if someone throws a comment abt how "gross" the pda is… he’s smothering your face in kisses hehe
(he just couldn’t care less 😌)
┆彡 YUSHI [ 得能勇志 ]
whenever your boyfriend is missing, you bet your ass he’ll be at the soccer field playing w his friends
so you often bring him snacks or water (or goodies if it’s cold!)
yushi tends to be shy so he’ll quickly peck your cheek as a thank you and run off to go back, face dusted w pink :”)
and it just makes him so happy whenever you stay to watch him play
he’s in the school soccer team too! so you support him during all of his games <3
sometimes during breaks he’ll just… be here… while you study or chat with your friends… so he lets you do whatever you want w him, whether it’s playing with his fingers or making small braids or ponytails on his hair 🥹
definitely leaves cute sticky notes in your locker:(
i feel like he wouldn’t be too big on pda BUT he’d give you his jersey so people know you’re his >_<
and also carries your backpack/bag for you at every given opportunity:(
like you’re leaving your class and his hands take the bag off your shoulders the wery second you step out <\3
┆彡 JAEHEE [ 재희 ]
he likes music and history so you guessed it, he is your history nerd boyfie<3
will do everything in his willpower to explain everything clearly to you but let’s be real,, the excitement in his eyes n voice makes it hard not to listen (so you naturally learn)
(and if you pay attention till the end he gives you kisses)
jaehee is a very good student, respected amongst his peers and teachers
but he wouldn’t mind bending the rules for you
for example sneaking out during breaks to buy you snacks from the nearest convenient store…
…or running a bit late to class because he walked you to your class…
…OR having to explain why he doesn’t have his books (because he knew you forgot yours at home so he lent you his)
and so on
he’s just an angel:(
but! he’s very tall so he’ll deffo tease you by putting some stuff atop of the lockers >:(
will only give it back on the condition of kisses~~
┆彡 RYO [ 廣瀬遼 ]
doodles on your notes but its adorable so you don’t mind <3
you two deffo hang out a lot w sakuya too hehe
(sometimes you get in trouble bc of that but shhh)
he says he can’t focus when he’s studying on his own so always bribes you to study w him
and welp… you get too distracted by him… and always end up watching a movie and cudddling
so you decided to always study at a library, no distractions, no talking!
and bc it works, the library became your spot 🥹
often holds your hand under the table and draws shapes on your skin:(
will giggle quietly and look around to make sure no one’s looking… and then peck your lips as a motivation ^—^
loves cute stuff and will deffo buy you matching pens or pencil cases (often sakuya is included too but are we surprised…?)
┆彡 SAKUYA [ 藤永咲哉 ]
will bring you fresh bread or homemade bread on your important exam days:(
sakuya loves giving gifts so he’ll always have a small gift for you, no matter the occasion (even if it’s just a snack from the vending machine)
gets so so so excited whenever he sees you, will literally stop talking to whoever he was talking to and run up to kiss your cheek the second his eyes spot you in the crowd
waits for you to finish your class!! he just can’t bare being away from you >:(
his curiosity gets him in trouble sometimes…
… for example when he excuses himself to go to the toilet… but ends up peeking into your class to see how you’re doing…
shares his earphone with you during breaks🥹
sometimes you sneak to the library with him just to have a moment alone
(you get kicked up because you giggle too loudly at the jokes he makes)
not to be dramatic but he has to hold your hand all the time or will die
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,,
@eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
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vanrouchu · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a scenario or headcanons with Sion from Yumekuro with a shy reader trying to confess to him? Thanks ❤️
tsundere x shy is such a funny combi it's like pitting two high strung cats together
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It wasn't everyday that Sion received a love confession. When a certain pink letter adorned with pink hearts made its way to his desk, his fellow guildmates didn't hesitate to butt into his business and tease him for getting a love letter. Sion, at first, thought it was a silly prank set up by someone up to mischief but once he opened the letter he couldn't help but realize that an actual person took their time writing this to him with all of their sincerity and feelings.
You weren't exactly the best person when it comes to confessing. The only reason why you resorted to giving Sion a love letter instead of telling him upfront was because you were unbelievably shy — you didn't know if you could confess to him without freezing up. So you decided to write him a love letter with a little twist. It was written in a way that encouraged him to find the person behind the "anonymous" pen name written in the letter. Like a game of some sorts.
You would leave him more letters after the last one, all with hints pointing toward your true identity if he even cared to look. You were hoping that there was a part of him that wanted to look for you, to figure out the person behind the letters. That would show that, at least, he cares. Though what you didn't expect was his guildmates joining the little search.
It wasn't long before they managed to track you down even with your best efforts and you were forced to confront Sion about the letters. You felt as if your heart was about to burst as your legs threatened to give in out of nervousness as you anxiously waited for his words. What was he going to say? Did he find it annoying? Did it bother him? Oh, but what if—
"Ahem, uh, about those letters" Sion started, looking away with a bashful expression as he crossed his arms together. "They were... nice to read. Unfortunately, I don't think I can accept your affection with the way I am right now but... W-Would you allow me to get to know you properly? Without the letters, of course! I'll be seeing you face-to-face and get to know you better."
It was safe to say that after that incident, the both of you got to know each other better and even managed to become lovers at the end.
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vgilantee · 5 months
i'm procrastinating but @glossysoap made me think about the 141 and shibari SO the favourite way each of them have you tied
Ghost: honestly, the hardest of the four men to figure out. but i think he loves having your arms behind your back, loves the way your legs twitch and hold him in place or push him away. likes letting you keep a bit of fight before making you cockdumb
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Soap: has your arms suspended behind you, forcing you to sit up straight so you can't fight him while he gives you head. maybe also frog-ties your legs. other than being inside you, his favourite thing is to have his mouth on you, his pretty love
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Gaz: loves how pretty your chest is covered in rope, and how whiney you get when you can't touch him because your arms are stuck behind your back. plus, ropes across your chest make it easier for him to tug you around hehe
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Price: ties you up, face down ass up, legs apart. perfect to spank. i tried giving more coherent thoughts but the thought of being face down, ass up on Price's desk while he spanks me red shut my brain off
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minimultiestfandoms · 1 month
boyfriend text with nct wish!
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requested: yes
don’t fully know much about nct wish and who they are separately as individuals because they just debuted not to long ago but i’ll get more accurate and better as they comeback! hope you enjoy anon!
— sunnie
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taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @jinkoh, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99
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00127am · 4 months
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signed with love and forever yours, sion
postage. oh sion & gn! reader, no warnings! cost to ship. 588 words
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it's the one year anniversary of the forty-second time i saw you. the time at the wharf. when the wind was blowing your hair back out of your face and you clutched your friends jacket tighter around your shoulders. a jacket i wish was mine. a jacket that i later found to wish was my embrace. it was cold that day, raining and with a wind that was quick to kick up the smell of salt from the ocean. you said it was your favorite weather. your favorite smell. sea salt and rain. my favorite everything is you.
if i told sakuya or ryo about the forty-second time i saw you, i'm sure they would do nothing but tease. laugh at the fact that i know each and every moment spent with you, those before our relationship (like the forty-second), those in the interim (the sixtieth), and those after (like the ninety-third). they would say it's cheesy and that there is no way that i can remember every encounter. but i do, when it comes to you. because if i didn't, if i couldn't, then i'm not sure that there would be much else worth remembering.
i've always been forgetful. you know this. constantly grabbing my keys and turning off the lights from each room i enter (each room that i forget why i'm in in the first place). and i hate it. you know this as well. because i find it cruel that we can forget things so easily. i hate forgetting beautiful things. i hate forgetting you. and that's why every second spent with you, thinking about you, is committed to perfect recollection. so i'll never have to forget the most beautiful part of my life and you won't hold the responsibility of reminding me (though you do remind me with every thing you do).
i'm looking forward to seeing you. our two hundred and ninetieth time meeting. and i pity everyone else who fails to cement every moment spent with you. because i revisit them all.
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about sion's love letters.
sion's letters are carefully planned with clear, elegant cursive and tidy breaks in paragraphs. he writes them slowly, thoughtfully, in one sitting from start to finish. there's the rare spelling mistake or misuse of a word which he scribbles out, the only flaw on the page. every prose reads sweet, lovingly, and you can hear it in his voice. from his lovesick lilt to the low roll of his vowels from the back of his throat.
he writes in a diary, circling around and underneath fawning, preserved flowers and sparse junk that he presses in between the pages. items and scraps from his daily life that only he would be able to make so beautiful, sticking to the creases of the pages and hanging off ever word. when he sends them to you, he sends you the entire book so that you can read his latest entry (and the five or seven which came before it, additionally new, because he can't seem to stop writing for you).
sion's always looking forward to when you send it back to him. he loves your scribbled drawings and notes within the margins. the way you highlight certain phrases of his and fill at least three pages with all of your endearing love in return. he looks forward to flipping through the things you added, whether that be a bookmark, an order tab, or a candy wrapper. his diary is filled with pieces of love from both you and him, his most prized possession.
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your mailbox
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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nkn0va · 2 months
I need some Eltnum appreciation over here so I'd like to request some general relationship hcs.
Eltnum does indeed not get enough appreciation for being best girl. I have played zero Melty Blood as of now so I'm focusing specifically on her characterization shown in Unib.
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-A relationship with someone like Eltnum is...an experience to say the least.
-She's fully aware of the true nature of this world, which she makes clear every second in-game. She'll say some really odd things out of nowhere which never fails to confuse you.
-She will constantly talk about people being "inexperienced rookies" or something, even to Waldstein or Linne who have been living for centuries. Also something about fighting games and something called Melty Blood? She just refuses to elaborate every time you ask about it.
-Not like you can exactly argue with her, though, she dumpsters on just about everyone she fights. She doesn't seem to use EXS powers, however when you try questioning her on it, she gives a vague ass answer which does not help at all.
-She's quite protective. She still thinks of you as another rookie like everyone else regardless of how long you've been an In-Birth, but you're her rookie.
-The main way she'll show that she cares about you is through protecting you. She won't stop you from going into the Hollow Night because you need the experience according to her, but she will be attached at your hip at all times, ready to chase off anyone a bit too strong for you to handle.
-She'll give you a good scolding if you get into a fight too tough for you, but only because she's worried. She'll help you up, dust you off, and peck you somewhere on your face. It's the small things that let you know she really cares, because the thought of her doing this for anyone else is laughable at best.
-She defaults to doing things for you to make you feel loved, as best as she can anyway. She'll train you so that you can handle yourself for the event she's not around in a Night, develop a new weapon for you specifically to suit your tastes and battle style, help out around the house, and overall pamper you.
-Physical affection was never her forte. If you wanna do any of that, you will need to initiate it first. She's not against it, though, and she's a pretty fast learner. She runs kind of on the colder side, but being in her arms brings a warm sense of security.
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polakina · 1 year
cracks in porcelain
'scars do heal' chapter 6
pairing: captain price x reader
rating: mature
outline: the team was whole again, you were back at base and Hassan was yours. with the missile still in the wind, you would do anything to get the information out of Hassan. anything.
warnings: canon violence, blood, torture, murder, the daddy issues will definitely kick in soon, fluff
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
masterlist II 'scars do heal' masterlist
The bed felt too comfortable to leave. You laid there much longer than you should have, staring at the familiar ceiling of your room that you had strangely missed. The comforting walls shielding you in from facing the boys outside.
It had been three days since you were allowed to move to your room instead. The team hadn’t seen much of you, and they hadn’t pried for you to join them during meals or in the evening around the fire. They kept their distance, Price advising them to give you some time to adjust and heal. You had appreciated it, not really wanting to be around everyone right now. You knew that they would act differently around you, be quieter and watch what they said, be careful as to not touch you or go near you with any sudden movements.
It felt silly, really. But you understood why they were doing it. They were worried. Even having you back. Alive. They worried for you. They needed you back, and soon. The team had to be whole again to deal with Hassan and the missile.
Stepping into the briefing room, you were happy that your leg was starting to hurt a little less now. The stretches that Gaz had recommended to you after his leg injury had really helped you out, you almost felt yourself again.
The boys all looked to you as you entered, a warm smile appearing on their faces. “Well, well. If it isn’t our phoenix rising from the ashes,” Soap clapped his hands together while walking over to you. You didn’t expect him to hug you, but his arms enveloped you and you embraced it. 
“Well, I gotta get in on this,” Gaz grinned, running around the table and making it a three way hug. Ghost just rolled his eyes, but walked over anyway. He didn’t hug you, but he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. Alejandro and Rodolfo appeared moments later, joining the embrace. You laughed quietly as they hugged you, glad to have you back. Finally separating, you saw Price smiling at you all, his moustache turning up slightly. 
“Alright, boys,” Price said, turning everyone’s attention to him. “We got Hassan in lockup and no way of finding this damn missile. If we can get some information out of him, maybe we can get a lead on the missile. Or some way of stopping it before its released.” You all walked to the table, standing around it and listening to the captain. “But it is nice to have you back at the table, Rook.”
“Phoenix,” everyone droned, rolling their eyes playfully. 
“You call her what you like,” Price smiled, “She’s Rook to me.” You couldn’t help but smile. “So, let’s figure out what we’re doing, and get it done right this time.”
The shipping container’s dark navy tint shone bright on the side of the sun. Heat and light radiated off it, and you couldn’t imagine how hot it would be once you were inside it. The team walked over to the container, all standing at the closed door, fingers wiggling with anticipation to get this over with.
“You gonna be alright in there rook?” Price asked you quietly, coming up beside you. His arm brushed against yours and you leaned into his comforting touch slightly. 
“I’ll be fine,” you responded, your tone firm. “I want to see that son of a bitch again anyway. Might give him a matching scar to mine.”
Price knew you weren’t being serious. Mostly. You had every right to kill that bastard, but you needed that information first. After that, he was ready to look the other way and let you lock that shipping door behind you. “Alright, love.” He trusted you. Entirely.
Price pulled the door open, letting the light seep through to the dimly lit container. “Let’s get this over with.” There was a single flickering lightbulb to illuminate the dingy shipping container. A single metal chair was positioned in the center of the holding container, facing away from the door, and Hassan was sitting in it, cuffed to the seat. Seemed pretty ironic that he had you in this same predicament not one week prior. 
The boys walked to where Hassan could see them, standing in a sort of semi circle around him, Price in the center with Alejandro and Ghost flanking him. You hung back for a second, taking a deep breath and clearing your head of the past three months in the prison cell that te very man before you had locked and tortured you in. 
“The missile, Hassan,” Price started, crossing his arms as he looked down at the man. “Where is it? What do you know about it?”
Hassan just laughed to himself. Soap kicked the chair leg closest to him hard. “Find something funny, arsehole?”
He nodded, looking up at Soap with a grin on his face. He didn’t even seem to care about the situation he was in right now. “Yeah, I do, soldier. Seems like we’re both in the same boat here. Looking for a missile without a way to track it down.”
Soap leaned down to level eye contact with him. “That’s Sergeant to you. Now tell us what you know before we take turns caving your face in.” Hassan maintained eye contact, his eyes like steel as they stared directly at Soap.
“You can beat me all you want. I cannot tell you what I do not know. Now if you’ve finished wasting your time, I’d like you to leave me in peace. Your stench is like acid to my nostrils,” Hassan jeered, flicking his eyes to the men in front of him. He was taunting them, and he was loving it. Not only did he not care about being captured, but he was looking forward to sending the men into a spiral. He wanted to anger them, to turn them on one another. Then he could drive them apart from the inside.
“You fucking-”
“Soap,” Price warned, as he saw his Sergeant close his and into a tightly clenched fist. He knew Soap had a short temper. If he allowed him to keep speaking to Hassan, he was sure to lose it at some point. Price believed Hassan when he said he didn’t know the location of the missile, and if he didn’t have any useful information, then they wouldn’t need him anymore. They already had a plan in place for when they did locate the missile, and the technology they would use to safely detonate it when acquired. Hassan was just a loose end now. A loose end they could cut off without remorse.
“Where’s the girl?” Everyone looked to Hassan, yourself included from where you were leaning against the inside of the container door, staring at the back of his head. “You boys bore me. I want to speak to someone with a little…fire.”
Ghost stepped forward, fists clenched. “You’re not getting anywhere near her. Not after what you did, you sick piece of shit,” he spat through gritted teeth. Hassan just shook his head, looking to the floor. “I said I didn’t know where the missile was. I never said I didn’t know who took it.” You watched as Ghost fleetingly look to you before back to Hassan. “And you won’t know what I know…” Hassan leaned forward as much as his cuffs would let him. “Until I talk to her. And her alone.” Everyone went silent and you saw them all look past Hassan to where you were standing.
Price gave you a look. The sort of look that said “you up for it?”. You were. You’d been mentally preparing the whole time Soap was speaking. You knew Hassan well enough by now to know he’d want to see you. See the damage he’d done to you. So you nodded, and Price cleared his throat, making the team look his way. He gestured towards the exit with his head, and with looks of confusion spread across their faces they all headed to the door. You stepped aside, pushing the door open with your foot, and Alejando and Rodolfo passed with a swift nod of their heads. Soap and Gaz patted your shoulder before leaving but Ghost stopped before exiting. 
“Gonna be alright in there, Nix? You don’t have to do this,” he said solemnly, his pretty eyes looking as though they were staring directly into your soul. 
“I got this. Besides, after this, I’ll never have to see him again,” you kept your eyes on Hassan the whole time.
Ghost took a second before he connected all the dots in his head. He just nodded and left to join the others. Price followed lastly. “If he gets too much, leave and we’ll figure something else out, rook.. But if he tells you who took the missile, then we’re golden and we’ll finally have a lead on how to finish this.”
“I’ll get it out of him, Price,” you looked up at him, and he could see the determination in your eyes. 
“Okay, rook.” Price went to leave, but stopped, something suddenly springing to mind. “Be careful, okay? Anything goes sideways, let me know, I’ll come in. And…after he tells you, he’s disposable.” That was the best thing you’d heard all day. Your focus was drawn to the cold handle of a handgun being pressed into your hand, and you felt him slip a knife into your belt, the handle pressing against the small of your back. You hadn’t been able to get your own weapons back since being discharged, a psych evaluation was requested before you were able to have your weapons on hand. Price placed his hand over yours comfortingly, his fingers drifting over yours. “Don’t let him get into your head, love.” With that, he left. It was just you and Hassan now.
“I know you’re there, little girl.” Little girl. It’s what he’d called you to diminish your status since you were first taken. You called him out on it the first day, spitting on his shoe as you did. That was what earned you that scar on your face. Thinking back to what you said to Price before coming in, the idea of giving him the same scar was increasingly tempting. It was a long ugly scar, stretching from your jaw up the left side of your cheek and over your eye. It stopped just beneath your hairline. Hassan had personally left that scar there as a reminder to keep your mouth shut, saying every time you stepped out of line he’d leave another one. There was a reason your body was littered with thirty-four scars in total.
“Who took the missile, Hassan? You got what you wanted, it’s just me and you.” Your voice was surprisingly steady, a calm tone hanging in the air.
“I’ll tell you if you come over here. Let me see that face of yours,” his tone disgusted you. Anything he said disgusted you. He talked as though he still had control of the room, authority over people. You had to remind yourself he had none. You had to remind yourself he was in your territory now.
Walking up behind him, you held the blade in your hand, holding it against his throat. With your free hand, you pulled his head back and tilted it up to you. “No, I give the orders around here. Now tell me who took the fucking missile before I spray this container with all of your blood. Don’t fuck around with me Hassan, unless you want to feel more pain than you could ever imagine.”
He just smiled, looking up at you, not even caring about the droplet of blood spilling from the small cut you had bore into his skin from how tightly you were pressing the knife against his skin. “Look at you, thinking you can order me about. It’s adorable really.” 
You moved the blade from his throat and slashed across his cheek, causing him to hiss and flinch, trying to pull away from you, but you kept him in place. You were practically shaking with anger at this point.
“What did I say? Don’t. Fuck. Around.”
Hassan stayed quiet for the first time, looking back up at you. If anything, he felt impressed. Impressed that you would dare to hurt him after he knew that you were aware of the power he had. The power he had over you. Even if you weren’t showing it, he knew that he’d left some sort of psychological pain in there somewhere. He was going to exploit it. He wanted you to crack. He had much enjoyed the three months of watching you slowly fall down a hole, the hope leaving your eyes every time he’d opened the door. He enjoyed leaving you to feel nothing but pain, any emotion draining from your body, leaving you as a hollow shell.
“There was a woman,” he started, surprising you that he was actually divulging the information instead of just dodging it as you had expected him to. “She broke into the facility I was holding the missile in and stole it.”
“I need a name,” you ordered. You knew he had it, he was just playing with you. He had no men left, no army to stand by him. The 141 had taken down his main base and drilled down every single soldier within those walls. Hassan had nothing.
“That scar suits you,” he blocked the question, and you just rolled your eyes out of frustration. 
“Do you want another scar on your own face?” You held the knife against the inner corner of his eye. “I’m pretty sure you don’t need eyes to tell me what I need to know.”
“Easy, little girl-”
“Officer. Call me little girl again and I will take both of your eyes out of your head, Hassan.”
Hassan just smiled, your new found confidence both amusing and surprising him. He’d always liked that little spark of fire in you. “Valeria. My men said that her team called her Valeria. That’s all I know, officer. If I could tell you more, I would.” You could see on his face that he didn’t know anything more. But you already had a name, you didn’t need anything else from him. Like Price had said, he was disposable now.
“Finally, something useful comes out of your mouth,” you sighed in relief. Hassan relaxed in the chair, assuming you were just about to leave him alone in the shipping container. “Now I don’t have any particular use for you,” you leaned down so your face was inches from his. “I can finally do what I’ve been waiting to do for three months.” His eyes widened as he realised what you meant, and his scream vibrated the hot metal walls of his cell as you slowly dragged the knife deeply across his throat, tearing his artery as you did so. You said you’d make it painful for him if he fucked around, you weren’t kidding about that.
His blood spattered across his clothes, spraying the floor as he suffered. From the position you were in, hovering above him, his blood hit the top of your shirt and painted your neck and your chin bright red. But you didn’t leave after that. You continued to watch, looking into his eyes as you watched the life leave them. You wanted to be the last thing he saw before death.
Outside, the boys all jumped as Hassan’s screaming was muffled by the container doors. Price knew what you’d done, and the boys put pieces together pretty quickly. You didn’t come out for a few more minutes, and they were waiting to jump at the opportunity to go in and check on you.
Soap had only taken one step towards the door before it opened on its own. You appeared and everyone’s eyes except Price’s widened as they saw the blood on your upper body, a knife in your hand, Hassan’s blood still dripping from it. “You good, Nix?” Soap asked, as you wiped the knife on your pants.
“Never better, Soap,” you nodded at him before handing the knife back to Price’s outstretched hand. You looked to Alejandro. “There’s a bit of a mess in there, my bad. But your holding cell is free now.” You handed the gun back to Price as well. Price said nothing the entire time, just looking at you with a small ounce of pride in his eyes. “I got a name,” you said, looking to your captain. “Valeria. That’s all he knew.” You missed the way Alejandro sprung to attention at that name. “But if you don’t mind me, I’m going to shower.”
You walked away. The boys watched as you left before Alejandro spoke about his knowledge of Valeria. You should have felt relieved he was gone, you should have felt something. But you just felt empty. Everyone looked at you as you passed, some even nudging fellow soldiers and pointing at the blood on your body, but you didn’t stop or care. 
Making it to your room, you rid yourself of the bloodied clothes and started the shower, feeling the warming comfort of steam hit your naked form as the shower water grew hotter. Scrubbing your face and body of earlier events, you thought back to what you did. Watching Hassan slowly die, and feeling nothing from it. You were glad he was gone. He couldn’t hurt anyone else. He couldn’t hurt you. You sighed. Even dead, he still plagued your thoughts. Shaking him from your thoughts, you finished your shower and wrapped a towel around your body. 
After dressing yourself, you dried your hair with a fresh towel, looking at yourself in the mirror. You regretted wearing a tank top now. Your scars were visible to see. Your arms and chest and neck painted with deep red scarring. The ones on your legs and back were still hidden, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from your arms.
A knock on your door pulled your attention away from the mirror, and you walked to the door, opening it to see Price once again. “Hey, Price,” you smiled, letting him in and going back to the mirror to fix your hair.
“Feeling better?” He asked, sitting on the edge of your bed and watching you. 
“I think so. He’s gone and we have a lead. Everything’s looking a little better for us now,” you nodded at him through the mirror.
“Yeah, I saw the state you left him in,” Price sighed. “That’s some heavy shit.”
“You don’t think he deserved it?” Your tone sounded defensive, and Price jumped to ease the defence. He stood from your bed, walking over to stand behind you, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom.
“No, rook, I think he deserved all of it. If I could, I would have done worse. Knowing what he did to you, for three months. I wouldn’t have left that room until he was begging me to end it for him.” Price looked at you through the mirror and watched you nod back at him. “But he’s gone. We can move on, you can heal and you’ve got everyone here to be there for you.”
His words comforted you, but you didn’t know how long it was going to take you to heal. “I know, but Hassan is always gonna be there.” Price looked confused and you gestured to your arms for the scars visible to see. “I’m gonna have these for the rest of my life. He put those there. Now he just gets to die without even a memory of me.”
Price looked to his feet with a solemn sigh before moving over to you. He could see himself in the mirror, his eyes visible above your head. Price put his hands on your shoulder tentatively, but you didn’t move to stop him. You just watched him through the mirror, his face coming into view on the left side of your head. “These scars only prove that you survived him. You killed him. A piece of shit with no ability to hurt people anymore is gone, and you get to keep on going. I can’t tell you what to do, rook, but you should be proud of those scars.” His hands ran down your arms softly, and your breath shuddered at his touch. His warm hands felt so right on you. You turned to face him, giving him a small smile. His eyes creased as he smiled back, his hands stopping at your wrists.
“Thanks, John,” you said, looking down to your feet. It was the first time you’d used his first name, and Price didn’t know why his heart jumped at the way you said it. You felt his hand leave your wrist, and the cold feeling it left you with, you didn’t have a reason for. But then you saw his hand move to your chin, tilting your head up to face him. Your heart pumped up to high gear, pounding in your chest. 
“You should be proud. I know I am, proud of you, I mean. You’ve been through hell and you still came out of it better than the other guys,” he said softly.
“Like I’ve said before,” you practically whispered, leaning forward. “I had a good teacher.”
Price smiled, huffing a laugh quietly and making his shoulders shake slightly. “You’re damn right, you did.” Taking a quick, silent breath, you closed the gap between the two of you. Your lips met his softly and all the thoughts zipping through your head telling you this was a bad idea suddenly melted away. Price leaned into the kiss, his other hand on your wrist moving to grip your waist gently. You felt yourself being pressed against the bathroom counter, and you brought your hands up to run up his chest and landing on his cheeks, pulling him closer.
He knew this was wrong. A captain and a rookie. But he didn’t give a shit. Not when it felt so right being this close to you. Touching you. Feeling you ease into the kiss and feeling your hands on his body. He’d wanted all of this and more. Now that he had it, it felt even better than he’d imagined it would be.
You pulled away to breathe, and Price rested his forehead against yours, his hands now both on your waist, his body pressed against yours. Neither of you could say anything about what just happened before a second knock sounded at your door. Why the fuck was everyone always knocking at your door? Why couldn’t they bother someone else for a change? Price patted your waist with one hand and stepped aside so you could answer the door. Thankfully he wasn’t visible from the door, so you wouldn’t have to awkwardly explain why the Captain was in your bathroom.
“Hey, Nix,” Ghost said as you opened the door and smiled up at him.
“Hi, Ghost, everything okay?” You asked, opening the door properly to speak to him.
“Yeah, it’s fine. We just need you in the briefing room when you’re ready. Alejandro knows the woman who took the missile. Rodolfo’s tracking her now,” Ghost answered as his eyes drifted around your room before back to you.
“Okay, yeah let me just put some shoes on, I’ll be there in a second.”
Ghost nodded, stepping back to walk back down the corridor. You moved to shut the door but stopped yourself as he turned back to you. “Got any idea where Price is? He wasn’t in his room. Can’t find him anywhere.”
You shook your head. You probably could have come up with an explanation but your head was firing blanks at you right now. “No, haven’t seen him. If I catch him on the way, I’ll let him know.” Ghost just squinted his eyes briefly before nodding.
You closed the door and took a deep breath. You looked over as Price chuckled lowly from the bathroom. “Good save,” he laughed.
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes playfully as he walked out of the bathroom. You put your shoes on quickly and Price held the door open for you, but as you were about to leave, he grabbed your wrist and spun you back around. He kissed one more time before you both made your way to the briefing tent.
“Whatever this is, we can figure out later,” he muttered quietly against your lips after pulling back from the kiss. “Let’s get this mission done, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, stepping out and letting him close your door behind him. You both walked to the briefing tent in comfortable silence. You were kind of glad there was conversation, your head was filled with what just took place in your room.
The boys looked your way as you and Price both entered the room. “Found him pretty quick, didn’t you?” Ghost asked, his tone underlying something you still couldn’t place. Why did he always have to be so sneaky about things?
“Yeah, we ran into each other in the hall,” Price covered, walking to the briefing table and you followed. “What did you find?”
“Valeria,” Alejandro interjected from where he was hovering over Rodolfo at the monitor. He turned to face the table where you were all standing around. “I know her. We trained together. She’s sneaky. Been on my radar for a while but she recently went quiet, most likely since taking the missile.”
Price nodded, looking over to the screen behind him as Rodolfo showed her face on screen for all of you to see. She was pretty, with short and dark hair framing her face. She had a scowl in her photo, the one issued by her training Sergeant to the base. “So she’s good?” Price asked, looking over to Alejandro who nodded in response.
“One of the best they ever trained. She went rogue a couple of years ago, off the grid completely until I found her a few months ago. I always had a suspicion she was up to something, so I kept tabs on her.”
“Well good thing you did,” Price pointed out. “Any idea of her last known location?”
Alejandro looked to Parra and he made a few clicks on the computer until an overhead shot of a mansion was on screen. It wasn’t a very big area, but you could make out a dozen or so men surrounding the compound. Guards there for protection. “We can get in,” Alejandro pointed at a fenced gate on the south section of the mansion’s perimeter. “Go through here, make our way up to the mansion,” his finger dragged to the house and the backdoor on the left hand side. “Quick and easy, in and out. We get Valeria, and if the missile’s there too, we get them both.”
Everyone was nodding, happy with the plan in place. “Sounds good to me,” Price said, his eyes tracing over the routes and blindspots with any cover that they could use to their advantage. “Let’s do this. Wheels up in thirty.” The team dispersed to ready themselves until it was only you, Price, Vargas and Parra left. Alejandro and Rodolfo looked over the monitor screen, conversing their best approach while Price made his way to you, who stood staring at the screen of the mansion and its perimeter. “Ready for your first mission back, Rook?”
“Always, Captain,” you gave Price a small smile, of which he returned immediately. “The sooner we get the missile and finish this, the sooner we can go home.” Home. you couldn’t wait to be back in your own house, your own bed. You’d missed more than you realised since being here.
“Alright then,” Price nodded, looking to the floor. “Gear up then. One last job. Then we’re done with this whole shit.” You couldn’t agree more. Once the missile was taken care of, you could finally move on from this. Or at least try to. You gave Price one last smile before walking out, feeling his eyes on you as you exited the tent. You still had that to figure out. As much as you wanted to, you had to prioritise.
Nothing else could go wrong.
You couldn’t afford for it to.
@cumbermovels @lacunaanonymoused
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sexy-monster-fucker · 1 month
Infatuation [Part 2]
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Roman Sionis x Reader
Read Part 1 here
a/n:  this one is for you anon who asked about it more then once, I love you <3 I will write one more part and finish this story 
You had no returned back to the club in over a week.  After the events of the other night, you saw it best to continue the game.  
You laid on the couch in nothing but your pajamas.  You wore some loose shorts and a tank top.  You were watching something on the tv not really paying attention to it.  You were thinking about Roman.  He was all that was ever on your mind.  You thought about how close he was to you that night.  You thought about how he wanted you almost as much as you wanted him.  If you had not wanted to see how he’d act if you played with him that night you would have most likely been tangled up with him in bed.  You checked your phone religiously to see if he would call or text.  He never did.  You wondered if you had ruined any chance with him you had.  
You thought about going to the club tonight.  Maybe you should put on your sexiest outfit and go see him.  It was late he would definitely be there.  You wanted him more than anything...
There was a knock at your door.  You wondered who would be coming to see you at this hour.  You muted the tv and walked over to the door.  You opened it to see Roman standing in the doorway.  He looked you up and down with a giant smile on his face.  You felt your face flood with embarrassment.  You looked like a bum.  Every time you had saw him you were dressed to the best of your ability to show out for him.  “R-Roman,” you stumbled over his name.  “Hello there, gorgeous,” he licked his lips.  You leaned against the door, “How did you find where I live?”  “I can find anything about anyone if I want to bad enough,” he smiled.  You smiled slightly.  “Do you... um... want to come inside?”  You moved out of the way of the entrance.  “I thought you’d never ask,” he walked past you.  You closed the door behind yourself, leaning against it.  He examined your apartment.  It was small, but it was perfect for you.  You hoped he would not judge it too harshly.  “Nice place,” he spoke turning around to face you.  You blushed, “Thanks.”  
“So,” he sat down on your couch, spreading his arms along the back of it, “You mind telling me why you have no visited my club this week?”  You did not want to tell him the truth, but you thought it would be fun to.  You walked over to the couch, sitting down several inches away him.  “I guess I was just waiting for your call that never came,” you smirked to him.  He looked at you, “I thought this would be a little more fun.”  You giggled to yourself.  He reached his hand over to you, placing a firm grip on your exposed thigh.  You looked at him, he had lust painted all over his face.  “I think you owe me a kiss from the other night, baby girl,” he smirked.  He patted the empty space between the two of you, “Come on over here.”  You scooted yourself over to him.  He placed a hand on the side of your head.  He ran his fingers through your hair, “God, you’re beautiful.”  You smiled at him.  He leaned in, pressing his lips firmly to yours.  He stayed there for a moment before pulling you closer to him.  His tongue went deep into your mouth.  The kiss became sloppy.  You smiled through the kiss.  Roman rested his forehead against yours, “Oh the things I am going to do to you.”...
Your body jerked awake.  You looked around your room, a hand rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.  You grabbed your phone to check the time.  It wasn’t too late to head to the Black Mask Club.  You got yourself dressed, heading out the door.  
Although it was late, the club was still booming extremely busy and full of people.  You shuffled around looking for your target.  You saw him, surrounded by lewdly dressed women.  His arms draped over their shoulders.  Jealousy pooled deep inside you.  You wanted to smack him, throw all those women off him.  But.  He was not yours to claim.  Two can play at this game.
A game you were sure one of you had no idea you were playing.  You found a well dressed man sitting at a booth.  You sat on the edge of the booth with him, crossing your legs leaning into him.  “Well, hello there,” the man shifted his body towards you.  You placed a flat palm against his chest, “Hi, handsome.”  His hand went to your exposed thigh, inching up your skin.  You twirled his hair around your finger, staring into his eyes.  The palm you placed on him began traveling down his body, stopping on his cold belt buckle.  His other hand went to the back of your head, pulling you in for a kiss.  You made-out sloppily with him.  He wasn’t who you wanted, but he would do.  
Suddenly, you were pulled off of him.  Your ass hitting the floor.  “Fuck!”  You exclaimed.  You looked over your shoulder seeing Roman standing behind you with disheveled hair.  He wasn’t looking at you at all, only the man who you had been all over.  “Get the fuck out of here,” venom painted Roman’s tongue.  The club grew silent.  Everyone stared as the man ran out the doors.  All patrons were too afraid to make a peep.  
“Get your ass up,” he grabbed you by the arm, gritting through his teeth.  His demeanor changed instantly addressing the club, “Everyone get back to having a good time!”  He chuckled as the sounds of the club resumed.  He pulled you behind him.  He pinned you against a wall in a dark hallway a bit away from the main party scene.  
Your face was completely flushed with heat.  Piercing ocean eyes stared into yours.  You were breathing heavy.  
His gloved hand caressed under your chin.  “My little stalker.  Ghosting me for a week then showing back up and making out with some rando?  Real good stuff,” he bared a toothy smile at you.  It quickly fell into a frown, his hand pulling your hair back.  You sputtered feeling pain from him.  His nose ghosted up your neck, “You even stink like him now.  What am I going to do with you?”
You swallowed a heavy lump in your throat.  You breathed out heavy, your pallet completely dry.  His teeth grazed your skin.  Your heart pounded in your chest.  It was almost impossible to deny the arousal and excitement brewing inside you.  
“Out of all the ways women have tried to get my attention, you are the first to throw herself onto another man,” Roman whispered in your ear.  You could feel your legs shaking.  You sucked your lips, trying to calm down.  One of his hands ventured down your body, stopping right below your panty line.  “This is why you came here, right?  Wanted me to fuck you?”  He teased you, hot breath against your skin.  Your eyes fluttered, your head finally relaxing in his grip.  
“Too bad,” Roman whispered.  Throwing you onto the floor, adjusting his gloves.  “I don’t reward cheaters.  I also don’t like losing at games.  Try and play a little better next time, pretty girl,” he smirked down at you.  “Why don’t we try again another night?  Maybe I’ll take you to my penthouse and fuck you until that pussy is aching... more than I’m sure it is right now,” he leaned down to be nose to nose with you.  
Roman spun around on his heal, hooping a victory excitement.  You stared as he walked away.  
The games had just began.  
[END//Part 2]
~Thank You for Reading! <3 part 3 coming soon~
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lacontroller1991 · 8 months
Whumptober Day 5: Roman Sionis x F!Reader
Main Master List || Whumptober Master List
Day 5: Hostage/Kidnapping/Held at Gunpoint
Summary: With reader now being known as Roman Sionis’s girlfriend, she becomes an easy target.
WARNINGS: 18+ Graphic depiction of physical assault, graphic mention of blood/bruises/swelling, gang violence, mention of drugs, reader didn't know that Sions runs a mob, graphic depiction of murder, gun usage, slight PTSD
The room is cold and dark. You don’t know where you are but you definitely know that you’re not back at home. Home. A place where you were ripped away from without anyone knowing. A harsh hand slaps across your face, causing your head to whip to the side. “I’m going to ask you this one more time, where is Sionis keeping his supply.” You let out a whimper as the man you don’t know grips onto your face, squishing your already aching face in between his short, fat fingers. 
“I told you, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Another slap lands across your face as you spit out some blood. 
“So you’re meaning to tell me that Sionis’s little pet doesn’t know where he’s storing the drugs?” The man snarls as your eyes widen. Drugs? What on earth is he talking about? Sure, Roman is a bit… eccentric, but he wouldn’t be dealing drugs. Would he?
“What drugs?” You cry out, the rope binding your arms to the chair rubbing your skin raw as the man backs up, looking you over.
“Do you seriously not know that your lover is a crime boss?” He laughs as the others around you also laugh, confusion among other feelings predominating your emotions.
“He owns a club. That’s all he does.” You try to defend but something tells you that even you don’t believe it.
“Oh you sweet, sweet child. You really don’t have a clue. Roman Sionis owns a club, it’s true. But he is also one of the crime lords supplying Gotham with its drug problem.”
“No, you’re wrong.” Tears well in your eyes as your brain starts putting the pieces together. The random stains in some of his clothes. The faint smell of gunpowder. The random screams you hear. His off-putting behavior. It all makes sense now. Sensing your revelation, the man motions to two of the guys behind you. 
“Take her away.”
“Roman.” Zsasz walks in, a packet in his hands as Roman looks up from his desk, hair messy and still in his pajamas.
“What is it? Did you find her?” He walks around the desk towards his right hand man. The first few hours of your disappearance Roman has just thought that you finally decided to leave him and he threw a rage fit. He really only calmed down when Zsasz pointed out the fact that all of your stuff is still in the apartment and nothing was missing, only you. Which led to the conclusion that you have been taken. In which Roman quickly mobilized his men to try and hunt you down.
Handing Roman the file, Zsasz quickly steps away, knowing that Roman would likely throw another fit once he sees the contents. Opening the file, he pulls out the photos and he sees red. One photo is you in a chair, tied to the posts. Another photo is more of a close up where he sees the rope cutting into your skin. The last photo is another close up, but this time of your face. Bruises and swelling around your eyes, beaten cheeks, bruised, swollen, bloody lips and it makes his blood boil.
“What do you want to do boss?” Roman looks up and Zsasz’s eyes widen. Sure he’s seen Roman angry, but the calmness on Roman’s face even has Zsasz intimated. 
“Gather everyone.”
The sound of gunfire stirs you out of your unconsciousness and causes you to jump, only to be met with resistance. Men shouting orders and profanities barely contrast to the amount of gun fire being shed. You begin to cry, terrified of what’s going on. You try to get out of the binds but it’s only rubbing against your already broken skin. After a few minutes the gunfire stops, shoes clicking against the floor and you can hear a gun cock. 
“No. Please. No. No.” A voice begs as the footsteps stop.
“Where is she?” The voice sounds vaguely familiar but it also sounds muffled, like there’s a mask covering the voice.
“She’s in there!” Your eyes widen as you realize that they’re talking about you. Full out crying, you’re trying to loosen the rope as much as possible but it doesn’t budge. 
“Thank you for your cooperation.” A single gunshot rings out and you let out a sob, shutting your eyes and silently praying that whoever just murdered that person is not here to murder you. “Open it.” The door creaks open as feet rush in, one coming directly towards you.
“Please don’t hurt me. I’m innocent. I didn’t do anything.” You beg, tears falling down your face as you turn away.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. I’m here. Roman’s here.” Your eyes slowly open as much as they can as you turn your head towards the voice. 
“Roman? What are you doing here?” He shushes you as you feel your hands become free, the rope that was once holding you back now gone as you surge into Roman’s arms. “Oh Roman, it was so terrible. They said terrible things. They said that you run a gang and that you’re storing drugs?” His silence is deafening and you realize that the person who had you captured was right. “He was right, wasn’t he?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he dismisses your claim but you know. 
“I can’t believe you. Why would you do that?”
“Look baby, we can talk about this later, but we need to get you some medical care. Kay?” You begrudgingly decide to let it go, letting Roman help you out of the chair. He motions for Zsasz and another henchmen to help you but you jerk away from them and into Roman. “You guys go away,” Roman motions for them to leave and as they do, Roman sweeps you up into his arms, knowing that you probably won’t like the fact that the floors are littered with bodies. “Just focus on me, okay. I’m going to get you out of here and we’ll talk.”
“Promise?” You lay your head into his shoulder as he struggles not to gag at the fact that your blood is getting on his Gucci suit. 
“I promise.” 
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
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Darth Sion gives me the same energy as a Disney Munchling. He reminds me of a Persian/Moroccan almond cookie🤣🤣
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slytherinshua · 7 days
genre. fake texts. fluff. crack. warnings. sion's a lil jelly baby. mention of periods and cramping. mild swearing. jokes abt breaking up. pairing. sion x fem!reader. request. requested by @blue-jisungs my baby 🥹 here. a/n. i loveeeee sion sm and actually these were so easy to make for some reason i had sm fun w these (while dying of cramps) lmsdkfjshdfks
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↳ nct wish taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @lexeees,, @nyukyujs,,
@planetkiimchi,, @haecien,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon
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blue-jisungs · 17 hours
going clothes shopping w sion and he keeps on finding the cutest clothes for u but he wants to match and u end up buying almost everything matching :( hes just in love w you every time u come out of the dressing room he thinks ur so gorgeous!!! and ofc he has to shower u w kisses as well bcuz the dress is sooooo pretty on u </3
[ axe’s memo ! ] UGH I LOVE HIM I LOCE HIM I LOVE HIM NOOOO U CANR SO THIS RO ME :;( also im so sorry bc i kinda went off truck but he’s so:((((
[ extras ! ] not suggestive or anything but they’re in a dressing room together !
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you love sion, you really do!!! who wouldn’t? he’s so sweet and caring and the most adorable bf ever <3
but when it comes to shopping me might be worse than most of the girls.
piles of clothes just laying around the fitting room floor as you step out and meet his cheerful gaze. he hypes you up every time - even if it was just a shirt change - but he’s also honest with it, wouldn’t lie if something doesn’t suit you well. but there won’t be much of such times - simon’s taste fits you well. he knows what could look good on you… or what you’d like but you’re too shy to say it:(
you’re probably 818293939 piece of clothing in, your legs starting to feel to tire from all the walking, twirling and standing.
but his huge cute smile and twinkle in his eyes make up for it.
when you step out, you see him holding some clothes too. frowning, you pout.
"i wanted to match" he grins and scans you head to toe, your hoodie and jeans with heart patterns on them. sion places his hands on your hips and kisses the top of your nose "you look beautiful, baby"
before you realise he’s pulling you back to the dressing room and changes too. the small box making you giggle as his elbow hits the wall, whining in pain. the smell of his cologne surrounds you, his body close.
you chuckle as you help his take off his hoodie and he gets stuck, or when you almost trip over the leg of the pants while taking them off and sion laughs, almost hitting your forehead with his. or when he tries to put on a shirt that was yours and it’s way too tight for him.
sion doesn’t judge, just enjoys your presence and takes in all your features when you scan yourself in the mirror. the way your smile shines, the way your eyes sparkle. and you pretend not to see his whipped reflection in the mirror.
sneaking kisses from time to time, especially when you’re focused on something else seems to be his talent. not mentioning about all the stuff he paid for without telling you.
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taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,,
@slytherinshua ,, @haecien ,, @eternalgyu
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allforyujinz · 5 months
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝙒𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
↳ None yet!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・
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seosracha · 1 month
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synopsis: you and wonbin were academic rivals: competing to get the worst grades possible. but with graduation around the corner you have to combine your 4 braincells in order to pass.
genre: academic rivals, enemies to lovers, highschool au, fluff, very unserious, smau
pairing+featuring: wonbin x fem!reader, ft. taesan of boynextdoor, giselle of aespa, sion of nctwish, danielle of newjeans, juyeon of tbz & rii7e.
⸻tags: foul language, sex jokes, wonbin and reader are really fucking dumb, kms/kys jokes, a tiny bit suggestive sometimes, more tba!
status: ongoing!
taglist: open! send an ask to be added
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ONE. academic failure
⸻TWO. 2.5 braincells
THREE. nonexistent beef
⸻FOUR. girl who knows what shes doing
FIVE. ccsp (Cutie Cool Sexy Princess)
⸻SIX. submissive twinkatron
SEVEN. boyfriend lineup
⸻EIGHT. assembling shelfs and frying fries
NINE. senior trip
⸻TEN. yes or no
ELEVEN. four eyed bitch
⸻TWELVE. washing machine (0.4k)
THIRTEEN. #AirportFashion
...more tba!
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minimultiestfandoms · 2 months
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! nct wish masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
NCT WISH As Boyfriends (solo headcanons)
Sion | Riku | Yushi | Jaehee | Ryo | Sakuya
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
boyfriend text with nct wish!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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