#zatanna headcanons
dido-main · 11 months
zatanna zatara headcanons
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just some headcanons i have that i wanted to share
i sometimes imagine her with a body like this but i also like the way she is drawn
she is not goth but preferably dresses in black and her style is rather elegant
she loves wonder girls, it is her favorite group ever. even met with yenny once
she questions herself often for dating john constantine with a disgust
she secretly admires talia al ghul even though they don't get along famously
her fandom membership is expensive but worth every penny
she does not hide her identity but you know in cinderella, fairy god mother says her that people can't recognize her, the same thing happens due to a spell casted by herself
she went to middle east to study magic
i know she is italian homo magi but i sometimes think her as kurdish cuz i want and need representation so bad don't judge
most of her time is wasted due to supernatural things in small towns like in uzumaki or stranger things
she only uses instagram, hates twitter
her favorite artists at the moment are rina sawayama and chloe&halle bailey
ps: these are just headcanons, so don't get mad and about the identity thing i have never come across this being discussed in the comics i have read but i haven't read everything so if i am mistaken, feel free to correct
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
List of Alfred (the cat) exes
Streaky, Kara's cat
One of Selina's cats
Meatpie, Zatanna's cat
A very short tiger
A back-alley stray
Grumpy Cat
Nyan Cat
One of the Aristocats
Teekl, Klarion's familiar
Currently in an on-off relationship with Dex-Starr
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undertheredhood · 9 months
i feel like out of all of the bat-siblings, jason is the one who puts on a persona similar to how bruce acts in public, but not because he wants to keep people from suspecting that he’s the red hood but because of how much it really unsettles the people that really know him, especially his siblings.
i just know that the second they hear him giggle or obnoxiously flirt, the entire batfamily is dragging him to the nearest magical specialist to get him exorcised.
and that’s the exact type of chaos that jason lives for.
(also, damian also likes fucking with his siblings so when he sees jason put on his bimbo persona he immediately puts on a golden retriever type of persona as opposed to his normal black cat self, which freaks out his siblings even more).
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chaoticallyfluffy · 5 days
To celebrate pride month I’m gonna get myself cancelled by saying my sexuality headcanons for DC characters! Most of which I know pretty much nothing about! Please don’t kill me :D
This is a long post and NONE of this is canon. I have very little knowledge on any of these guys these headcanons are based purely on vibes and it’s all for fun so take it with a jar full of salt.
He would be bi. I have no doubt about it. His Brucie persona would be very open about it, flirting with potential sponsors at galas no matter the gender to convince them to donate more to his charity as well as flirting with the reporters just to spread the rumors that he's a playboy. As Batman he’d be much more quiet about it. He never talks about himself so no one knows anything about him. No one ever realizes he is bi until he reveals his identity and as one of the most prominent openly bisexual celebrities in the world, they realize right away.
He was born a man and understands and supports transgender people but he never thought too hard about it for himself and is very confident in his gender being male. He is comfortable with being feminine at times without it reflecting his gender and sometimes dresses in drag for photoshoots and paparazzi.
Diana/Wonder Woman :
She lived in a society of exclusively women where lesbian was the default. You either liked women, or you liked no one at all. She was the latter for many years until she met Steve and then she felt something strange for the first time. It took her a long time to realize it was love and that she was only attracted to men which is why she never felt anything for the women in her previous home.
When she hears about transgender people she’s a little bit offended by people ‘deciding’ not to be a woman at first but that’s because she misunderstood the concept. After a bit of explaining she not only accepts it, but becomes a huge ally and will defend their rights fiercely. She has never considered she would be anything but female and is incredibly confident in her own gender.
He’d be just a tiny bit bi but he doesn’t know since he never put much thought into it and much prefers women anyway. He gets a bit uncomfortable when people talk about lgbtq+ things since he doesn’t understand it but he supports it anyway and will fly over pride parades with various flags given to him by Bruce.
He knows transgender people exist but doesn’t understand that being trans is an possibility for him specifically. It just never crossed his mind. When asked his pronouns he says “I’m a man :)” and he’s so kind about it and clearly trying so most people just smile and nod and don’t bother explaining that that isn’t an answer.
Barry Allen/Flash:
He definitely experimented in college and wasn’t exactly opposed, but romantically he is only into women and after marrying Iris he had no reason to keep trying new things. He loves his wife and that’s all that matters. When Wally comes out to him as gay he’s very supportive but doesn’t understand much and promptly researches every single lgbtq+ label in existence.
He doesn’t fully understand transgender stuff but he’s trying really hard. Right now he’s too busy memorizing the names and flags of every sexuality. Check back in a few weeks when he realizes theres more to it than that and actually pays attention to things like transgender rights and homophobia. He will be a changed man and a fierce ally, trying hard to shed light on these issues and change the laws to be more inclusive.
Martian manhunter:
Gender and sexuality are human concepts. Biological sex is irrelevant to a shapeshifter so why would he let it limit him? He doesn’t understand why it matters so much to humans but he tries to understand. He knows a lot more about the lgbtq+ community than most people and fights for their rights but still doesn’t care much about his own labels.
He accepts whatever pronouns other use for him. He literally could not care less.
(I just wrote so much stuff and it all got deleted. Pain.)
Hal Jordan/ Green Lantern:
After travelling through space for so long you start to realize that human gender norms are kinda stupid. When you meet enough sexless space blobs who’s pronouns are based on developmental stages or races with thirty seven sexes and only one set of pronouns for all of them, you start to question if “male” is really the only optjon for you. He doesn’t know his gender quite yet but he’s pretty confident he’s not exactly a man. He doesn’t talk about it much except with people he’s very close to. He has noticed that he has a heavy preference towards 'women' no matter the species, as long as they're sentient.
Billy Batson/ Captain Marvel/ Shazam:
I think he’d be biromantic asexual trans man because hes my favourite boy and I say so. Again, do not kill me. He’s canonically dated and had crushes on girls but I feel like the whole ‘sometimes looks like an adult’ thing would really complicate things and he would try to push away any romantic feelings to not let it distract him from his work or cause any problems. It would probably take him a good few years to realize that he also likes guys and even longer to realize he never really felt anything further than romantic about anyone.
He knew he was trans since he knew what gender was. He has never identified as a girl and as soon as he could talk he told his parents he was a boy they were like “alrighty then!” And treated him accordingly. Hair cuts, pronouns, clothing and such. He didn’t even realize it was seen as ‘abnormal’ until his parents died. his uncle refused to call him by the correct pronouns and all his foster homes after that were similarly transphobic. He never faltered though and when he started living on the streets, he threw away all the dresses and bows his previous fosters got him and never looked back.
Batkids lightning round:
Richard Grayson/Nightwing:
Very openly gay while in costume. Still open out of costume but is just the teeniest bit quieter about it (aka when he’s out of costume he can’t yell at villains about being homophobic for hitting a gay man every time he takes a punch)
He’s a man (either trans or cis, i havent decided yet lol) but he isn’t afraid to wear a dress and makeup every once in a while and is very comfortable with his femininity and masculinity.
Jason Todd:
Who cares? He sure doesn’t. He’s dated women and doesn’t think it’s necessary to explore any further.
He’s never explored his gender and is a bit toxicly masculine but he can, will, and has killed people for being transphobic or making a transgender person feel even slightly uncomfortable. Huge ally though he doesn’t talk much about lgbtq+ rights, it’s just so obvious to him that he doesn’t think it needs to be talked about. A fan group online keeps a tally of how many homophobes and transphobes he's sent to the hospital and the number is unbelievably high.
Tim drake:
Unlabelled. He doesn’t have time to think about any of that but he knows he’s probably not straight, especially considering he has dated men, women, and nonbinary folk. It doesn’t really matter much to him.
Same thing for gender, who has the time? He identifies as male because looking too deep when he feels just fine as a guy would be a waste of time to him. If he had a transgender friend suggest it though, he would look a bit deeper and find that he’s either cis or gender apathetic. At that point he'd get bored and stop again lol.
Damian Wayne:
He has other things to worry about. Like eliminating all crime, for example. And polishing his swords. He'll deal with the whole 'romance' thing when he is the appropriate marriage age and will select if he wants to date a girl or a boy then. (He has not yet realized that isn't how it works. He'll realize hes aroace eventually but for now teaching Alfred the cat how to steal from Tim is much more important)
Other misc hero’s:
Zatanna: bi with a preference for women.
John Constantine: (edited this one because it was misunderstood) Bi but that’s none of your business. Won’t go out of his way to hide it but isn’t gonna tell you about it either unless it’s actually relevant.
Kon-el/Conner Kent/ Superboy: Gay. Maybe one day he’ll try dating a woman or something just to see if he’s interested but for now he knows he likes men so he’s sticking to that. They use He/they pronouns.
Wally west/ kid flash: Gay. Thought he was bi for a bit but realized he was just trying to hold on to a tiny bit of normalcy and accepted he would never be ‘normal’. He’s very happy with his boyfriend now! Experimented with different pronouns for a few months but ended up being a cis man. The experience really helped him understand the community better and hes glad he tried it out even in it didnt result in a big self discovery or anything.
And thats it! If you have a different headcanon please tell me in the comments/reblogs/tags/whatever!! I’m super interested to hear them.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 years
Boys VS Girls (Part 2)
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"Todays mission objective: Interrogation."
Said Batman and you all shared glances
Ever since Batman had gotten wind of your little contests, he began incorporating it into mock missions
Once you were diffusing bombs
Another time you were simulating fire rescue procedures
And it seemed today, you would be interrogating each other
"Boys. You need to find out about: The Secret."
You all froze
The secret
It was the best kept secret that the girls had kept
You refused to tell anyone about it
Swearing that you'd each take it to your graves
Even when your boyfriend, Nightwing, had pleaded you kept a firm no
Which was quite an accomplishment honestly
Considering you had to turn down his sweet begging eyes
They had to admit that you all looked quite adorable with blood drained faces and discomfort
"B that's so cruel! Even for you!"
The reason all of you were so scared was because last week, it had been the girls who were interrogating the boys
Needless to say you did NOT go easy on them
Long story short, they were separated to cut the weak ones out
Wally was starved
Kaldur was put into a warm room
Conner was placed into highly stimulating room
And once again, Nightwing was avoided like the plague
He had already received his own training from B
So all you had to do was check up on him and make sure he hadn't escaped
While also giving him food and some cuddles
You could only hope he would return the gesture
But you could tell by the evil smirk on his face that you were dreaming too big
This would take all your strength
All your determination
And all the mental strength you had
And so you found yourself in a dark room with your hands bound to the chair
And in entered Wally and Nightwing
"Uncomfortable, are you?"
"Quite uncomfortable considering Artemis told me you have a thing for ropes."
Wally might as well have burst into flames then and there
Nightwing narrowed his eyes at him before turning to you
"Last chance to tell us babe. Before we actually have to do something you'll regret."
You scoffed
"I'm not scared of you two and I know that you're not gonna do anything that might actually hurt me. So why don't you just stop right here before you do something you'll regret."
You smirked and glanced at your boyfriend
"We both know I can hold a grudge."
That had his cocky smile slipping off his face
"Yeah, I'm out."
You glanced at Wally
"Wanna try again?"
There was absolutely no chance they were getting you to spill
But just because Dick didn't want to get on your bad side
Didn't mean he was not afraid of poking the bear
The others got grilled for hours
So four hours later you were gathered back into the training room with Batman
They had very much targeted your weak link M'Gann
Once you saw her come in with that apologetic look on her face, you knew you had lost
They smirked at you, turning to Batman
"The secret is that Artemis didn't actually like Wally romantically until 2 months into their relationship."
A slow grin spread on all your faces when you turned to M'Gann who had a victorious smile on her face
You squealed in happiness, hugging her
"That's a secret but it's not the secret." Said M'Gann, cool as a cucumber
They groaned, accepting defeat
"I blame nightwing."
Your boyfriend glared at you and you returned it with a wink
"You're the worst."
It was then that Dinah decided to come into the room
Terrible timing
And it seemed she had heard only the end of this conversation
And immediately jumped to conclusions
"Don't be mad Nightwing. It's not like she stripped with him."
Utter silence
You could hear each and everyone's breathing
The girls looked absolutely mortified
The boys looked shocked af
Nightwing looked like you might as well have punched him
And even Batman looked confused
You hid your face in your hands to avoid the frown on his face
"Explain. Now."
It was then Dinah realized that she had made a mistake
"The guys lost, didn't they?"
You opened your mouth but all the words died in her throat when you saw the glare he was sending you
"Don't be mad at her Nightwing. She did it for me."-Zatanna
"And it was my idea."-Artemis
"Guys, it's okay."
You took a deep breath, shrinking at his gaze
"You remember Zatanna's shitty ex-boyfriend?"
"The one who cheated on her and took every available opportunity to hit on you? Vaguely."
Oh boy, he was really pissed
"Well, after he cheated on her, she wanted to get back at him. So I dmed him on insta and asked if he wanted to 'netflix and chill'."
You were really not improving your case
And with each word he just frowned deeper
You just hoped he wouldn't be too upset with you
You avoided the guys gazes as well
Although you could feel it burning your face
If Conner had laser vision like Clark, you're unsure what would even happen to you
"Long story short. I drove him up with me to makeout point and then left him there in nothing but his underwear until his mother came to pick him up. I didn't do anything though! And I sanitized and exorcised the car as soon as this was done."
Dick looked offended
"You let someone else take their clothes off in front of you?!"
You looked down, pouting at your lap
"I was there to take pictures." - M'Gann
"And I blocked the other path so if anyone wanted to leave they'd have to drive past him crying in his underwear." -Artemis
"And I was there with another guy to show him what he missed." - Zatanna
If they were being honest
They were kind of scared of all of you
Wally and Conner shared a glance
Is this their fate if they ever managed to piss them off enough?
You put on your best puppy dog eyes and the kind of pout that you knew had his knees weak
"Don't be mad? It was just a prank."
He looked unimpressed
"We're talking about this when we get home."
Uh-oh you know what that meant
You sighed, shooting a glare at Dinah from the corner of your eye
She smiled apologetically and averted her gaze
"I'm so telling Oliver about that time you got pulled over."
"Tell him and I'm telling about the incident at the last mission." - Dinah
"Why are you bringing me into this!? If anything it should be about the abs thing since it was Artemis' idea!" - M'Gann
You all froze
And then turned back to the boys
"There are more secrets?"
You all shut your mouths
They shared a glance before smirking
"In the mood for another interrogation?"
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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vodrae · 9 months
*In The WatchTower. The first one able to get a reaction from Batman wins.*
Superman : I will do bad things ! *Red eyes*
Batman :
Wonder Woman : *Lifts him off the ground*
Batman : *Keyboard's following him*
Hal : Hands up ! *materializes a minigun*
Batman :
Green Arrow : I am...GETTING DIVORCED *Actor's studio*
Black Canary : Remember before I met Ollie and we kissed ? *That never happened*
Ollie : YOU TOO ?
Batman :
Zatanna : How's the kids ?
Batman :
Zatanna : We're screwed.
Barry : Did you know lemon juice is tasting acid but is actually alkaline ?
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thebisexualdogdad · 9 months
John Constantine x male!reader x Zatanna Zatara headcanons
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*Matt Ryan as Constantine and Jade Tailor as Zatanna*
● 3 magicians/occultists sure make for a hell of an interesting relationship
● traveling around the world keeping the paranormal and supernatural at bay
● and always enjoying a good drink at the end of the day
● or before noon if it's just that kind of day
● which it often is because exorcisms can take a lot out of you
● going to Zatanna's magic shows and proudly cheering her on from the front row
● and always volunteering yourselves when she asks for audience participation
● John still gets a kick whenever she cuts him half
● when you or John annoy Zatanna she just casually drops a spell to turn you guys into rabbits
● "what did we do this time??"
● "you guys ate my leftovers again that I clearly labeled were mine!"
● Zatanna also has to stop you and John from doing stupid shit like when you drunkenly dare each other to try on doctor fates helmet
● "come on Z we weren't really gonna do it… again"
● Zatanna is extremely protective of her boys
● you've seen a lot of scary demons in your day but none are more terrifying than Zatanna when you or John are in danger
● John taking you and Zatanna to punk shows
● Zatanna pushing John into a mosh pit as a joke but he actually had a blast
● "bloody hell loves did you see that! That was awesome!!"
● stealing John's trench coat to mess with him
● "I would be mad because no one touches my coat but damn do you look good in it"
● and then one time you did a spell to swap John's and Zatannas outfit
● John was loving it "I mean it's a little tight on the boys but my ass sure looks good" he says as he's proudly checking himself out
● you've been banned from pretty much every movie theater because of John talking during the movie
● "he's the killer it's so obvious" he says as he throws popcorn at the screen
● "how can I be disturbing the other guests when this movie is bloody garbage!" He yells as you three are being escorted out by the usher
● it's not uncommon for one of you to find your partners surrounded by old books
● "what are we dealing with this time?"
● "not sure yet but in the last month there's been four mysterious deaths in Louisiana that we need to go check out"
● "I'll call Abby to see if she and alec can meet up with us, maybe they've heard something"
● "not that bloke again, he smells like a damn swamp"
● "John..."
● taking turns on who gets to be in the middle when you sleep
● but John always has to be the little spoon
● he refuses to be anything but the little spoon especially after sex
● and damn is the sex good
● using spells to make sex last all night long
● along with magically enhanced sex toys
● like self binding scarves
● magical wax that alternates between being hot and cold for the ultimate temp play
● or John being able to feel you inside him while you're fucking Zatanna
● Zatanna chanting spells that makes your bed float into the air
● you and John are sure to keep Zatanna thoroughly satisfied
● and Zatanna knows her way around a strap whenever she's in the mood to top you two
● John loves it when he gets a good pounding from both you and Zatanna
● and he will happily take one of you in his mouth while the other rails his ass
● lots of adrenaline filled sex after jobs go wrong and one of you nearly dies
● and pulling over to the side of the road to have sex in your car mid road trip to your next job after two of you have been fooling around in the backseat or one of you teasing the driver from the passenger seat
● so much sex around your magical safehouse in Atlanta
● which occasionally results in the unleashing of evil spirits when you accidentally knock over an mystical artifact
● "Oh that could have been really bad"
● "yeah we really dodged a bullet there but can you get back to going down on me now"
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tzigone · 28 days
So, I started thinking about Zachary's parents and ended up thinking about the extended Zatara family and magic
For my headcanon reboot. I lean rather Pre-COI for Zatanna and Zatara in terms of personality. I have some issues with Sindrella and the homo magi setup, as I've mentioned before. And there are some changes to fit in the overall universe.
For reference, John Zatara is born in 1956, Zatanna in 1980 and Zachary in 1991.
But, despite leaning a pre-COIE way, I did want to include Zachary. So I thought they shouldn't be the only magic members of the family. So Luigi looked youngish when he gave John his magic tricks. So he's a young grandpa. So all four of Zatara's grandparents are alive when he realizes he has magical abilities. He has not only his little brother and parents, but aunts and uncles and cousins and great aunts and uncles and second cousins.
Well, he goes home when he gets a chance and has his other family members try magic. His brother and father have it and his mom doesn't, so they know it comes from dad's side. So they get other relatives to try. A great uncle, an aunt, and two first cousins (both younger - he's the oldest grandkid on that side) have magic.
But the others don't do exciting things with it like him. Dad, brother, grandpa and great uncle just live life on easy mode. Meals are magicked up. Car's gas tank is full for free. Clothes and appliances - look at a catalog and speak it. Home repairs and remodeling - easy-peasy. Zachary finds the family with such abilities living so mundanely just a waste - so incredibly boring. The aunt and her husband form a company and start flipping houses. Her husband does the research and paperwork and she speaks the dilapidated (or at least extremely outdated) into fashionable modernity - with shag carpeting, harvest gold appliances, and very nice wood wood paneling. Their kids were given good size profit interests of the company when they started, too. But that's still small-time compared to Zat's dreams.
I have some personalities and details on characters, including non-magic ones, but I doubt anyone cares much about that.
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t4tmagicians · 1 year
I'm very happy that there's any romani representation in DC, but I wish there was specification on vistas.
(NOTE: Romani does not mean Romanian. I'll be making some generalizations and I am not an expert on either of these characters nor on Romani diaspora! I'm just a roma comic fan)
Let's start with Zatanna. We know her father, Giovanni Zatara is Italian and Roma, as is his father, so first we need to look at Romani diaspora in Italy and surrounding areas.
The vistas that are found most commonly in Italy are the Sinti, the Ursari, the Kalderash, and the Xoraxane, so we've narrowed our options.
I'm eliminating Sinti as an option first of all, as the Sinti vista is typically from more German speaking areas, and for the sake of keeping to the more Latinized countries, we'll count that out. We'll also do the same for the Ursari, as they're typically settled in Romania.
Kalderash and Xoraxane are both seemingly the most likely, and this is where Zatanna's mother - Sindella Zatara - comes in. Whilst it is never stated if Sindella is Roma or Gorja, she lives in and around Turkey, where the Xoraxane vista is mostly spread. For this nod to her mother, I'll consider Zatanna a Xoraxane roma.
Now, time for Dick Grayson! My main source is the DC Fandom Wiki, which I know has its flaws, but it's what's most accessible to me. There's no explicit reference to John Grayson being Roma, but there is to Mary Grayson being Roma.
Mary had also met Raptor as a child in Paris, and they became friends - this implies she either knew French well enough to speak it, or he spoke English, but for the sake of headcanon, we'll say she spoke French.
And there is a French diaspora of Romani people! And of course, her making a friend in Paris isn't super viable as a basis for her vista, as Haly's Circus is a travelling one. But there is potential for her to be Manush Roma, but the options are very varied and wide. Unfortunately, like most American Roma, Dick's exact vista is pretty much untraceable.
These are all just headcanons, but I thought it'd be fun to do some research into this! Let me know if you have any information I don't!
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fruityhooliga · 1 year
The JL has walked in on YJ doing some chaotic shit. But they’re just like “yup those are our kids alright.”
Examples of the chaotic shit.
-Human Triangle,the second they walked in everyone disassembled and tried to act normal
-Roast Session,they were roasting the JL so damn hard,it was honestly impressive.
-An intense game of drunk UNO.
-Whole ass kitchen was on fire. No one was phased. Not Kaldur,not M’gann. No one.
- Walked in and the whole team was staring at them,like the mfs were staring at that specific spot for a hot minute waiting for them to show up.
-Conner and M’gann hanging a Danny Devito tapestry on the living room wall.
- Cowboy Conner.
-JL plushies. Dick was making the Batman plush dance on a pole with the rest of the JL plushies hyping him up
-Mermaid Kaldur.
- Artemis and Kaldur simping over each others parents. Where Have You Been by Rihanna blasting in the background.
- Sleepover in Kal’s room. Two walls are painted lime green,a human sized hole in the door,AC blasted to the max,and there all puppy piling on top of each other…this one’s actually kinda cute. Anyways.
- Twister. All of them are on one mat.
-Wally taped to the roof.
- Kaldur eating seafood. Very menacingly. While staring at his horrified team
- Tug-O War expect Dick was the one in the middle of the rope instead of a flag.
- Whole room was flooded. Clearly it wasn’t Kaldur who did it.
-All of them dressed like villains. Kaldur as Black Manta(foreshadowing.) Conner as Lexy Luthor,Artemis as Sportsmaster,Dick as Joker,or Harley Quinn,your choice,Wally as captain cold,and I do not have a villain for M’gann. That’s up to you.
(I’m gonna be adding onto this whenever I get more ideas)
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aboutzatanna · 2 months
I like to think that sometimes Zatanna intentionally gives away the trick in some of her acts; a visible wire, an obvious mirror, a trap door opening too early, etc.
It keeps her audience on their toes as they try to figure out which of her tricks are real magic and which ones are just stage tricks.
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Yandere Platonic Young Justice celebrating Christmas with the reader (headcanons)
Yandere Young Justice Celebrating Christmas w/ Their Darling!Reader (platonic)
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Christmas (along with other holidays) would become all the more important to the team as a whole once their darling has entered their lives. Especially if it’s their first Christmas with their darling or their darling is very much into the Christmas spirit. Either way everyone would want to make it as special as possible, something all of them can happily remember and fondly look back on. They’re going all out cause of course their darling deserves the best of the best after all.
The team would all be extremely overwhelmed when it came to gifts for their their darling. They each want to get the perfect one and also maybe one up each other a little or a lot *cough* Wally, Dick, and Artemis *cough* Each of the members would have their own means of trying to figure out what to get you. Whether it’s just plain asking you or spying on you even more than usual to get an idea of something.
M’gann would be one of the more confident ones in the present she got for you, she can get in your mind after all so therefore she would have the most knowledge of what you would want. And if she feels particularly generous she might share what you were most looking forward to or really wanting with the others. Dick and Wally are a few others who would be confident in their gifts for you only to second guess themselves last minute and go out of their way to get you more. A majority of them would end up getting you more than one gift, even if they had all already agreed on only gifting one present to you and each other. Like, sure everyone else went through with getting one gift for everyone but of course their precious darling had to be an exception.
Kaldur and Connor (especially if this is his first Christmas in general) would probably end up being the only ones to stick with the one gift rule. Speaking of rules, there would be ground rules for spending Christmas with their darling, as there are usually set rules amongst the team when concerning their darling at all but to say they actually go through with following them is debatable.
A one gift rule would have been one of the first ones brought up amongst the group, especially if it was their first Christmas with their darling. They wouldn’t want to overwhelm you with too much (especially when it came to you getting gifts for them) but then again they also want to spoil you with what all you deserve and make the most of the holly jolly day so of course some exceptions would be made. Whether that’s actually been communicated to the others or not is dependable on who we’re specifically talking about.
Another big rule made amongst the team would be ‘Absolutely and utterly no mistletoes for any reason!’ Whether they’re celebrating small with just you and each other or there’s a much bigger celebration going on with others (in particular with strangers or at least people the team aren’t familiar or acquainted with), any and all mistletoes in sight would be immediately dealt with. Wally would be speeding around the entire place pulling down and getting rid of whatever mistletoes he crosses paths with. God forbid anyone were to end up under a mistletoe with their darling, especially if said person purposely lured their darling under said mistletoe. All hell would break loose and hands are being thrown.
When it does come to decorating and preparing to spend Christmas with their darling the team has every intention of going all out. Although they would be torn between decorating everything before their darling can, just having it all be ready for them and overall surprising them or they also really look forward to decorating together with their darling and getting to spend even more time with them and have some good ol’ wholesome fun together.
It probably ends up with the team going all out putting lights and displays up, along with some knick-knacks here and there but they save decorating the Christmas tree for when you get there so you all can do that together like a happy family. To be honest it’s a pretty chaotic mess that they couldn’t be more appreciative of you not being there to bare witness to it. It would be their luck though that you end up walking right in on the mess they end up making in the process. No matter how organized and planned they were going into it that’s not exactly the result you’re greeted to. Like, sure it was all going good in the beginning but of course it had to get competitive. But eventually they’ll get it together, most definitely with your support and encouragement helping them along the way.
When it comes to decorating the Christmas tree, the team is all in silent agreement that they won’t mess this part up, especially since you’re there with them this time around. Everyone is trying to be as careful as possible, not only in handling all the ornaments, garland, and lights (+maybe the strings of popcorn depending) but also by not getting competitive and trying to make a game out of one upping each other for your attention or something of the sort like they usually do. And for the most part it goes well even with a few slight moments of showing off, particularly on Zatanna’s part. She was having a little too much fun using her powers on a few of the decorations, especially doing so to make you laugh or look on in awe.
Once everything else is taken care of and all the decorations are in their places it’s time to put the star or angel on the tree and they all want you to be the one to do so. Whether you’re tall enough to reach on your own or not, Connor would lift you up nonetheless to place the tree topper where it goes. After that’s done there’s a few silent moments of everyone proudly marveling at their handiwork and taking it all in.
After that would be going through all the baking and cooking that’ll be taking place. The decorating wouldn’t just stop at the Christmas tree, no there are still lots of cookies and what not to get to. If you thought the decorating and competitiveness before was a mess then you haven’t seen anything yet. There will be competitions to see who can create the best gingerbread house or who can decorate the cookies the best. Or who can make the most cookies/sweets. There will definitely be a challenge to see who could decorate the best cookie version of their darling, it’s probably the most serious any of them take a competition and everyone is involved in it. But no matter what everyone else were to do or make, if their darling were to go out of their way to decorate cookies that looked like all of them or something like that it would be the cutest/bestest thing in the whole world to each of them. There may even be some tearing up at the the whole thing but definitely lots of gushing over it and their darling.
There will most definitely be a sleepover on Christmas Eve just so it’s all the easier for them to be with you on Christmas Day. That way they can spend every waking moment with you from start to finish. Also, there’s no doubt that someone picked out matching outfits for everyone to where, whether they’re pajamas or ugly sweaters everyone is going to wear them and be happy about it (it may be a little forced depending on who came up with the idea but it’s the thought that counts, right). Now, if their darling was the one to have picked out matching outfits for everyone then it would be genuinely, willingly, and graciously accepted. The team will rock their new pajamas or sweaters all day long and we’ll after Christmas is over with.
When Christmas Day finally rolls around and it’s time to exchange/open up presents everyone is anxiously awaiting their darling’s reactions to their respective gifts. With all the worrying, second guessing and overthinking all the team members had been dealing with they completely hadn’t thought about the fact that they would also be receiving gifts from their darling. Given that a few, if not most, of the members had thrown the one gift rule out when it came to their darling it wouldn’t be a surprise if their darling felt bad for not getting more gifts for them after seeing all the ones they got, resulting in the others feeling guilty for making their darling feel bad. They would all vehemently reassure their darling that it was more than fine and that the amount of gifts wasn’t the point of celebrating or Christmas in general. In fact it was about being able to spend it with each other (mainly just their darling) and getting to make more memories together as a whole.
When I say that everyone on the team would absolutely cherish the ever loving hell out of whatever their darling got them, I mean it. No matter how small it is or what it is, as long as it came from their darling and they thought of the respective team member when they were getting it then that’s all that matters. If the gift were to have been homemade then you can bet your sweet lasagna that it will be treated with the utmost care and utterly adored. I will say though that if some gifts happened to be homemade and the rest were not then the ones who received the homemade gifts would be rubbing it in the others faces.
Of course there would be a snowball fight at some point. It would all start out as harmless fun but eventually get a little out of hand. Like every time before there will be a fight or competition started by one or a few of the team members and it’ll end up with Kaldur, M’gann or Zatanna taking their darling out of the cross fire and off to do something much more calm and relaxing like building a snowman or making snow angels while the others sort out their beef.
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coffeebooh · 2 years
*zatanna and wally, in the middle of a science/magic argument*
WALLY: dude, there’s a scientific reason for everything!
ZATANNA: ok, then: tell me what’s the scientific reason behind you not pulling any bitches? 
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jenn0wow · 6 months
My dc fanon/au on people Dick and Barbara have had different kinda romantic/sexual/complicated relationships with 😀👍 (these will all be referenced at some point in my little fics lol)
•A few girls when he was a teen that asked him to galas as a date and he felt bad saying no.
•Wally (very emotional, super close friendship that I PERSONALLY believe turned into a few make out sessions on “accident.”)
• Koriand’r (dated fr and probs first person he had sex with, but she breaks it off after almost getting married because she starts to feel too tied down and doesn’t know where or who she wants to be.)
•Raven (They tried for a second. Raven reminded him of Barbara a bit, but then realized they weren’t the same and it was unfair to project onto her. She found him boring. Really she liked Kori, but didn’t realize her feeling until after being with Dick.)
•Zatanna (for a second, but they both realized it felt weird.)
•John Constantine (cuz like who hasn’t)
• Barbara Gordon (very co-dependent friendship that they didn’t wanna ruin and then they stopped being friends for a moment and then they become friends again and then once they’ve both matured and became available then they finally officially get into a romantic/sexual relationship)
Barbara Gordon:
•Lucas Fox (dated for a few months but Barbara wasn’t emotional available for him even if he was like super nice and probably the healthiest relationship she’s ever been in.)
•Ted Kord (dated for a month or two, one because she was being nice and two because he had tech she really wanted)
•Ray Palmer (one night fling because she was like why not)
•J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter (J’onn figured out she was Oracle and they exchanged information and computer tech for a bit and then he asked her out on a few dates, but ultimately it didn’t work out cuz he knew she didn’t like her fr.)
•Dinah Lance (best friends, but a little homoerotic. Dinah says if anything stupid happens with them being superhero’s that they’ll move to a private island and live the rest of their lives together. Perhaps they have kissed 🤔 maybe a cuddle.)
•Helena Bertinelli (Helena flirts with her to further annoy her, but I feel like maybe they have had a one night fling but nothing serious and their relationship is pretty much the same afterwards.)
•Victor Stone (he knows when Babs hacks into the titan tower systems because she can “feel it’s her.” They decide to go to Dick and Kori’s wedding together. They date for a little bit until they realize they want different things.)
•Dick Grayson (very co-dependent friendship that they didn’t wanna ruin and then they stopped being friends for a moment and then they become friends again and then once they’ve both matured and became available then they finally officially get into a romantic/sexual relationship)
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babyvampirefangs · 2 years
Young Justice Headcanon
if you haven't watched the show, M'gann (Miss Martian) has a "mind link" thing, where she can mentally connect her team so they can talk without comms on missions. headcanon is that someone starts singing a song through the mind link while on a mission, its a song that the whole team knows so they all start singing it out-loud and the people their fighting are terrified because they're scarily in sync, Wally and M'gann are having a dance number, Dick and Kaldur are weirdly dramatic about singing, and Artemis can sing all the high parts perfectly bonus: afterwards, M'gann asks what High School Musical is, Artemis, Wally, and Dick force the whole team to watch it ("team bonding" they say). M'gann loves it, she sings "We're all in this together" and "Get'cha head in the game" for *weeks* bonus bonus: Dick and Conner act like they hate the movies, but secretly they actually love them and loves that M'gann loves them too
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timaeuslover001 · 30 days
Batman Headcanon (AU)
If Bruce's parent's weren't killed....
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after bruce saw the movie that night, he knew hat he wanted to do for the rest of his life and that was to be in movies himself as an actor and his love for Grey ghost
he met zatanna at his 9th birthday and they became fast friends and always hung out on weekends and over the summer.
Thomas and Martha had another child when ce was 10 years old names Thomas Wayne jr.
He participated in school plays and volunteered as stage hands with Zatanna father
he asked out Zatanna when he was 13 but his father said no since she was too young, they started dating at 16. and the he proposed at 18 years old but both parents decided they wait a few years so they did and got married after college,
Thomas Wayne sr eventually released the operated of Wayne enterprises to Lucius Fox so he can resume his passion as a doctor (another headcanon I have )
Bruce met Veronica Vreeland in college and there they created the inside joke " bunny"
Veronica fell for Bruce in school but never told him
he would sign ll the tie around his house or to himself but when Veronica heard him sing, she was astounded how good he sounded and convinced hi to pursue musicals as well as movies. Bruce was hesitant because ehe knew his strengths mainly were with film and he enjoyed theatre it wasn't his passion but Veronica badgered or in his words " harassed" him into doing it.
Bruce broke out into popularity with a musical he did at 22 years old and had a lead role and his voice as well has performance put his name in everyone mouths and soon he was in the films.
Veronica got casted as a supporting role and broke out in her fame then as well.
they performed at award shows during their careers as well.
they both got paired up together often and because they had amazing chemistry together.
they had amazing careers but bruce was her skctive about the roles he took nd all his money he got paid for he donated to charity which he always volunteered ti do with his family. they always fed the homeless around Christmas time
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