#zen when he doesn't elaborate
ozimaniac · 11 months
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Their dynamic!! 🔅💚✨
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occultdaddy · 1 month
hermitshipping/trafficshipping, kink/erotic art - nothing explicit.
Thinking about a Japanese (Heian period) themed scene where Lizzie, dressed (jūnihitoe) and poised like a proper Heian period court lady, sitting behind a screen or blinds (sudare). She can see Joel and Etho through it, but them having to be at a distance from her can't or at most sees her silhouette. Somehow she manages to keep looking composed even if she’s not, a court lady has learned to keep appearances after all.
Etho is the one tying up Joel for her entertainment. Not to say he doesn't enjoy it for himself as well, but he keeps quiet about it unless subtly prompted by Lizzie. He’s very serious about doing effective and beautiful rope work. He’s very zen, but firm with how he moves Joel around. Part of the attraction for Lizzie isn’t just to see Joel tied up and silently handing over all control to the two of them, but also to watch Etho all focused and those hands at work. Joel usually starts out in his kosode (undergarment at that period) and sometimes hakama, though it can be more or less depending on what Lizzie wants. Etho himself likes it when he’s wearing the kosode but it’s pushed off his shoulders and apart to show his bare chest. The fabric along with well placed ropes and knots framing his pecs quite nicely.
This was just gonna be an elaborate scene but when I got to Joel I was thinking of details that made it either a really detailed roleplay/larp between them or a period piece.
Joel is of a noble family himself, but due to mostly dealing with military related stuff he’s a bit more tan than a court lady or Etho who mostly go outside at night for whatever questionable jobs he does (wink wink). While it’s not by much, it does adds a little to the already established power dynamic during these scenes. In public Joel is very much large and in charge. Maybe even slightly more wild than what’s normally accepted in the current society, but he‘s still very liked and respected by a fair amount of people. But in these sessions he gets so pliant and quiet you’d hardly ever believe it.
If it’s a period piece instead of an elaborate scene Lizzie and Joel are still married. She just figured out that he might have had lil extra heart flutters at some of their interactions between the screen before he was allowed to look at her. In private with just the two of them she def teases about inviting other nobles to come watch, especially if he worries about rumors regarding Etho being over so often.
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 month
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Ultimate Vacation Home: Ari
Ari Doesn't always take you to the same place when he wants to get away. He's a world traveler who really appreciates the different cultures of the places he visits.
Often, he'll choose very immersive, primitive places for you to stay. One time he rented a treehouse in Tanzania for you to stay in, where you could watch the wildlife from your balcony.
One time, he took you to stay in a real teepee in Joshua Tree national park. Another time you stayed in a literal yurt in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia! He's even rented out a lighthouse off the coast of Greece!
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But Ari's favorite place to go for vacation is undoubtedly Japan.
He adores the culture and the peacefulness of the scenery. You're aware that Ari has a dangerous job as Mossad agent, and that he loves your Japanese getaways for the serenity they offer him. He feels at peace there.
The first time, Ari booked the two of you into a simple yet luxurious ryokan in the north of Japan, in a river village outside of Sapporo.
Your room had traditional architecture, paper screens, tatami, and a gorgeous overlook over the village in winter.
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You got to explore both the local Onsen with Ari, as well as the little one that was private to your room (that one saw a lot more *ehem* action. So much so that you joked Ari's 'little swimmers' might not be able to recover after all the time in the hot spring water.)
Ari has taught you so much about the culture and the language and the food. One night, drunk on plum wine, he had a sushi feast delivered to your room and he had you sit in his lap while he hand fed you each piece, telling you what you were tasting as he kissed your body. Kemp is the one of your five who associates food and sex together, but Ari's sushi night really gives Kemp a run for his money.
And there's just something so romantic about crawling into your floor-level bed in your simplistic room with him each night and having him cover you and make love to you. In its own way, it's just as primal as the treehouse or the yurt had felt.
Japan was gorgeous in the snow, but the second time Ari took you back was in the spring, and the house you rented together in the south of Japan was equally as amazing. It had a central courtyard of zen trees and moss where Ari would perform Tai Chi--shirtless.
This property had a private onsen too, only in the spring it took on a colorful beauty with the surrounding blossoms on the trees. One side of the house was light, and the other was shade, with a serene moss and water garden. The house had a wooden walkway all around the outside perimeter, and you could walk right along all the courtyards. Your favorite was the shaded koi pool that came right up to the house on one side.
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It was on this second visit that Ari took you to a tea house and you got to meet real modern Geisha! You loved their kimono so much, that next Ari whisked you off to a shop, bought you an entire elaborate kimono (worth thousands) and had the shop assistants dress you all up in it.
It was fun but you felt a little silly heading back through town in it. But when you got to the house that night, Ari took you into the bedroom and spent his time undressing you slowly, piece by piece, worshipping every part of your body as he went.
That happened about eighteen months ago, when Ari was going through his divorce and was struggling to share you with the other four and was having a really hard time keeping his boundaries with you. On that night he'd disrobed you so erotically, he'd whispered that he wished this was your wedding night, and that you'd be his bride. He'd cried after making love (though he doesn't think you saw).
On the last night of your vacation that time, he asked you to be his and only his. You felt like the entire vacation was ruined, when you had to tell him no. He asked you to think about it from time to time. Unable to crush him anymore than you already had, you promised you would.
Ever since, he's never asked again. Not because he doesn't want to, you know, but because he doesn't want to have his heart broken.
This year he says he's going to take you back to north for the cherry blossom festivals, and while you're looking forward to experiencing that beauty, you're also kind of terrified that he might actually propose this time.
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Five Daddies masterlist
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Shuggy headcanons as per request Madame: Love me some „Shanks being in love with Buggy’s long hair“, but I raise you „Buggy absolutely adores Shanks hair and can’t keep his hands out of it“. Granted, Shanks doesn’t really take care of his hair. Shanks is a bit of a greaseball at times. Suits Buggy well actually. When they were teens that gave him a perfect reason to just be „Eugh! When was the last time you washed this?“ While grabbing a fist full „OW! My hairs fine! I washed it last week!“ „LAST WEEK? GOD YOURE GROSS!“ and nag him about it till he cleaned up. He could always pretend the detached hands that raked trough Shanks hair after this where just there to make sure his idiot best friend did a good enough job. Actually he needs to check up on this every so often because clearly Shanks can’t be trusted to look after his own head and Buggy would be DAMNED if this ginger brought lice into their bunk HOLD STILL. The rituals…Elaborate but stupid as hell.
Shanks doesn’t mind as much as he pretends, as long as Buggy isn’t pulling his head this way and that by its roots, and enjoys the little bit of extra attention when Buggys fingers scratch over his scalp. On quieter days when they are hanging out together Buggy will actually relax enough to play with his hair without the guise of checking for dandruff for once and just absentmindedly chop a hand of to run his fingers trough while he is reading or even just bitching about something unrelated. Shanks just turns to mush every time this happens. Complete zen mode achieved.
In a world where they get together as adults again those moments become a bit more regular, usually when they are in bed together and they are both still in the process of waking up. „Feels nice…You got a real thing for my hair huh?“ Buggy shoots him an unimpressed look and Shanks can’t help but roll his eyes fondly as he answers: „I’m just checking something. I think it’s thinning out. If you keep going at this rate you’re gonna go bald.“.
As I said, the rituals : intricate but stupid as FUCK
So cute and sweet and also a bit angsty because just add the PINING to it,,, They make me go wild. Like, it's noticeable how I've been talking more about Shuggy lately and things like this make me go fucking insane. They were so in love. Gonna jump off a bridge. Anyway!
This is so real. Because Buggy would always complain about Shanks not washing his hair properly (even if one day he does have an immaculate, perfect hair) only to have the excuse to touch it or just be closer to Shanks without actually looking like a needy, pining idiot (does he even realize he's in love with Shanks? He will never admit it). And, y'know, I think Shanks genuinely ends up trying to take care of his hair (more or less. He just doesn't care much and forgets about doing it. Like yeah! Gonna be clean from now on! And then a week passes and he hasn't showered because he's been too busy with adventure to worry about it, or something) because he kind of likes the praise that comes with it afterward. Buggy saying something nice to him doesn't happen often, and he cherishes it forever. But it doesn't happen a lot bc he always ends up forgetting to wash his hair.
I'm a sucker for Shuggy being each other's first kisses, and if it happens while Buggy is playing with Shanks hair,, I might die. They're just too much.
Also, when they're older Shanks still doesn't take care of his hair and Buggy literally drags him to the shower with him. Shanks won't stop making sexual jokes about showering together and Buggy literally and genuinely just wants to clean Shanks as if he were a damn stray dog he just found (kind of the same thing tbh). Then Buggy makes him go back to bed with him and cuddle because he just needs a moment of romantic bliss before fighting his husband again.
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rosietrace · 7 months
∅ Vic and Zen on Flynn
Nyx on Eiji
Davis on Andrew
Hi Fumi!! I'll only be doing the Vic and Zen part of your ask ^^|| I hope you don't mind!! (Even though I already asked you about it earlier on Discord)
Victoria Shard • Zenith Devi — Thoughts on Flynn Deradelle
Character Featured: Victoria Shard, Zenith Devi
Mentioned: Flynn Deradelle
Warning(s): Emotional manipulation, illegally obtained information, Zen /j, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“He’s…. Interesting.”
“Interesting! Aw, Tori, he's more than that!”
“Hardly. He has his talents, yes, but it puts me off in regards to his gambling..”
“Well, people can have their hobbies~ Aren't you gonna see him next week?”
“.... I have nothing to say on that.”
— Victoria Shard and Zenith Devi
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria doesn't know what to think of him. Zen thinks Flynn is ‘swell’!
➜ Victoria and Flynn are both hard to read, especially the former, what with her constantly blank cold-hearted stare. Any interaction they have is bound to become a game of who can read the other better.
➜ Zen…. Doesn't think Flynn is all that special. In some ways, yes, Flynn has his charms! But Zen doesn't think much of him.
➜ Flirting is something Flynn indulges in when it comes to Victoria. And at every moment, she rejects his advances. It makes for great entertainment on Zen's end, though!
➜ The only reason Zen seems to think he's more than tolerable is because Flynn's a theater kid, and theater kids make for great entertainment /j
➜ Victoria can at least tolerate Flynn's sense of fashion. She can respect a man/woman who can dress decently enough.
↳ Coordinating outfits becomes a thing for them once they get closer. Zen teases her about it.
➜ Zen tends to sit back and watch as Flynn steals the show. Can't really blame him, you need to get some form of amusement somewhere.
➜ Victoria has a distaste for Flynn's like of gambling. Maybe it has to do with the fact her aunt is a gambler, but it does bring a sour taste in her mouth.
➜ Flynn likes calling Victoria ‘Alexandrite’. As long as it gets him to mind his business, Vic doesn't try to stop him from using that nickname.
↳ Zen thinks that nickname is adorably fitting for his best friend!
➜ Zen wants to know how Flynn would react if Victoria stomped on him with her high heels /j /j
➜ One thing about Flynn that Victoria and Zen can agree on is that he's… Interesting. And they wish to know more.
↳ Never a good thing. When Victoria's ambition is high on something, it'll take an act of God to stop her from satisfying that ambition.
「 Interactions 」
❐ …. Honestly, no idea how these three even met 💀
➜ Zen had to fight the urge to snort when he heard Flynn was called ‘the ten-faced devil’. He isn't one to question it, though!
➜ Victoria definitely started overanalyzing everything about Flynn, when they first interacted. She sees everyone around her as a potential threat/ally/tool, and Flynn was no different from everyone else.
➜ It basically became a game of…. An incredibly high-quality game of chess between Victoria and Flynn, every time they crossed paths. Always trying to read each other, trying to see what was behind the other's mask.
➜ She isn't going to admit it, but Vic thinks Flynn's dependency on good luck charms is a bit endearing. No one knows this, but she's probably sent him a charm she made for him.
➜ As mentioned before, Flynn's flirting with Victoria tends to be a common occurrence. Unfortunately for Flynn, any chances of her reciprocating his advances are less than 0.
➜ Zen wants to know more about Flynn's unique magic! But he isn't gonna bother asking Flynn to elaborate on it, of course not! That would just be boring!
➜ Victoria's probably seen him fly around NRC to carefully watch her and the other students. She's also probably called him creepy for it.
➜ Zen never tries to get on Flynn's good side. In fact, he wants to see how far he can go until he's on his bad side!!
↳ Zen, honey, I love you…. But no 💀
➜ Victoria is rarely impressed with Flynn. The few times she is are moments Flynn secretly treasures.
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davidbyrnemspaint · 2 years
Headcanons for The Gman under the cut since it's not story enough for my AO3 but way too weird for my main blog
Half Life
•Uses he/him pronouns.
•Completely blind in human terms. He navigates through infrared detection using pit organs in his mouth. His non-human form doesnt have eyes and the pit organs are external. This explains why he is never quite looking at you in HL:A and why his eyes never seem right in the other entries. He just doesn't have the need to focus them. This might also explain why he sounds out of breath so often, as inhaling through his mouth would give him a better sense on where someone/something is than his nostrils. He would have a pretty clear idea where Gordon or Alyx were at all times due to the fact that Gordon's a walking microwave and Alyx is probably irradiated. In terms of living by himself in human society he would probably need extra assistance via a cane/braille/etc
•His eyes aren't useless, though. He uses them to get into humans' minds for hypnosis, illusions and various manipulative purposes.
•Probably also has a sense of electroreception considering the fact his species are all cold-blooded, they'd have to be able to see each other without body temperature. Maybe they can communicate where they are verbally/telepathically
•His true form cannot be perceived by most Earth species. Because of this he can shapeshift alongside his mind manipulatory stuff
•His way of speaking could also be chalked down to the infrared/heat pits mentioned above. However its more likely that he just isn't used to vocalizing like that
•Doesn't understand the concept of human sexualities he actually couldn't care less (he's pan)
•Had trouble acclimating to the pressure and air composition on Earth, and still gets sick from long or repeated visits.
•He can manipulate light to some degree
•Doesn't have to eat as often as the average human, but needs more protein intake than such a diet would allow. His species are purely carnivorous
•Zero sleep schedule. He just sleeps when he gets tired. Probably sleeps a stupid amount like a cat
•Actually really baby crazy, be the baby human or whatever alien Gman is. He hasn't had any of his own so he often helps his kind watch over new litters whenever they arrive
•I'm not getting into anything nsfw that's AO3's job
•He has the outward appearance of a human but still has the innards of whatever alien he is
•He made Gordon listen to Talking Heads for 20 years in stasis no I will not elaborate
•Uses they/them pronouns.
•The reason Tommy says he's an orphan is because Gman never officially adopted him. Gman found Tommy as a child, abandoned. They had just begun infiltrating the human race so they had no clue what adoption papers were. They thought you could just claim children as your own if they didn't have parents. That's how it would work logically. Somehow this didn't hinder Tommy from going to school or college. Tommy calls Gman his dad but doesn't actually recognize them as a parental figure because it was never officialized and Tommy is very serious about policies (My more serious HC on why Tommy says he's an orphan is because he didn't want to freak Gordon out by telling him his dad is some omnipotent eldritch alien, or Tommy legitimately didn't know about them)
•They are more integrated into human society and understands sexuality. They identify as bi with a male leaning.
•Didn't have an official last name before Tommy showed up so they let Tommy choose it. They answer to any name that'd vaguely fit a middle-aged man (Garry, Greg, Jim, etc) because they don't have one in an Earth language
•I've drawn this one but I'll mention it again. Gman (and by extension Tommy, if they're blood related) subsists off of glucose alone, like a hummingbird. That's why Tommy says he sees faster after he drinks soda
•Benrey is partially the same species of alien that Gman is but his geneology is mixed with other sentient aliens (from Zen specifically)
•Gman was highly involved with Bubby's creation, often coming in to see how things were coming along (and was tasked with disposing of the failed prototypes)
•Gman got along well with Coomer and Bubby before ResCas
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Ok, I think I'm ready to give it a try! I saw that matchups were open, so I'd like to request a romantic matchup! I absolutely adore your writing and the way you analyse every detail - you're a huge inspiration to me in terms of writing.
So, I'm a russian bisexual cis girl. I don't think appearance matters much, but I'll write down the basics just for fun! I'm quite short(5'2) in comparison with most of my peers, considering, that I'm 23. I'll be lying if I said that it doesn't bother me, since all my life people were making fun of my height and weight. I was always very short, thin and pale due to bad upbringing. I'm learning to love my body, but it still bothers me from time to time. I have very long deep brown hair (down to my waist) and green eyes. I'm actually quite proud of my hair! It was always my dream to have long hair, but my mom would cut it short each time. She still makes comments about my hair, and that it's 'gross', even though I take very good care of it. I've also been wearing glasses for my whole life, since I was born prematurely and my eyesight is just HORRENDOUS. But it doesn't bother me at all, since I've been living like this my whole life.
Okay... I think that's enough for appearance! As you probably guessed, my familiy's really not the best one out there. And that's putting it lightly. I don't talk about it much now, since I don't live with them anymore and I got over my trauma, but... My childhood was VERY rough. Sadly, it really affected what kind of person I am now, so I'll go over the basics. My mom was extremely abusive: verbally and physically. My dad was always busy at work and she threatened me not to tell him anything, so... I never told about it to anyone. I never cried, since she would get angry at me for 'looking scared'. I used to be proud of that, but now I know how much it was ruining me. Long story short... My dad found out, they divorced and he and took me away. I suppose, that's a happy ending, but I was already 12 at that moment and the damage already has been done. I have some trust issues, although I've gotten WAY better, and I'm still working on myself. Still, it's hard for me to open up, since I'm always expecting the worst and I don't want to be hurt again. There's also some triggers that I have to avoid in my everyday life, but I've learned to deal with them in my own way. Still, they're there, and sometimes they can get the better of me.
My tragic backstory aside, I'd love to share some more positive details about myself! Currently, I'm studying psychology and working part-time at a bakery. I guess my experience with trauma taught me a lot, and so I decided that I want to help people the way, that I wished someone would help me then. Sure, I've managed to heal and move one by myself, but it didn't have to be that way. I want to help people and make them feel heard and understood. I love my work as well! I find something comforting in this kind of routine, but maybe it's just because I enjoy cooking so much. Yeah, cooking is one of my passions! As I mentioned before, I barely ate when I was a child, so now I'm trying to eat as many different things as I can! God, I especially love korean and japanese cuisines! And I'd love to cook for my partner every day. Or, maybe, we could cook together! Although, in terms of intimacy, it's hard for me to be open with someone. Not because I don't want to be close to my partner, but simply cause I have no idea what I'm doing. I was never even hugged as a child. This kind of affection is... foreign to me, even though I do crave it. I totally don't mind physical affection, but my partner would probably have to take the lead at first!
In terms of hobbies... I love writing. Although that's a very personal one, than I keep mostly to myself. Oh, I'm also a huge science nerd! I was one since childhood, haha. Instead of toys, I was always reading some kind of book. My favourites are probably biology and paleontology. I'd absolutely love to share with my partner many random facts about animals or other stuff! People always told me that it's boring and lame, so... It means the whole world to me if someone actually appreciates my interests. Oh, I'd love to watch some nature documentaries and add my own knowledge here and there! I'm also a huge animal lover. When I was a kid, finding a connection with animals was always way easier, then with other kids. Gosh, I used to spend the whole day with a bunch of chickens, haha. Everybody always told me that they're stupid, but I found that they are actually quite smart and caring animals! And it's not just chickens: I've had a tendency of 'taming' street animals, such as cats. Everybody hated them, and called them 'rabid', but... they were just scared. Sure, it always took some time to earn their trust, but I don't mind that at all. In fact, every single animal that I have today has been previously abused or abandoned. I guess... I have a personal connection to them in some way. Nobody wants an aggressive animal and nobody wants to give them a chance. It's not like they WANT to be this angry all the time. I also really want to own a parrot in the future! A cockatoo, to be exact. They are a very difficult bird to own and that's why I'm waiting for the moment, when I will be able to give it the care it needs. It has been my dream for a long time! Now, in terms of kids... I don't know if I'll ever have one, so that's important to consider. And even if I will, I totally don't want to go through pregnancy itself. I'll probably adopt. But... then again, I'm not sure if I ever will. I love kids, sure, but actually raising one... it's such hard work, and I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready for that responsibility. I'm fine with my animals, haha. But, I appreciate someone, who could take me out of my comfort zone from time to time. I have a tendency to chicken out due to my self-doubt, so a small dose of occasional tough love would be welcome. Oh, I'm also currently learning korean! I plan to study there after I finish my degree here, so that's something to think about, haha.
Music is also one of my passions! I'm ALWAYS wearing headphones, so that could probably be annoying, I guess lmao. I listen to pretty much everything: from musicals to pop. Although, I definitely prefer to have some meaning in songs I enjoy. In fact, I tend to overanalyze the stuff I enjoy to ridiculous extend: from music to characters in shows I watch. People often find that stupid, sadly.
My ideal date would be... something, that has a special meaning to us. It doesn't have to be something elaborate or loud. For example, going to the specific place in the park, where we first held hands or something. It sounds ridiculous and cheesy, but... I love to show people I care about just how much they mean to me. And that means finding deeper meaning in everything we do.
Okay, I think that's wayyy to long, but I'm done lmao
I'm very interested in reading your take on things!
I match you with...
You've got a passion for what you love. It means a lot to you to lose yourself in the music and imagine all sorts of things. it just makes you feel good inside. Even if others don't understand that you're in a world of your own... it's everything to you. It makes you feel nice and being able to share that with others means that you trust them. And, despite what you've gone through, you've got a positive outlook on life ahead of you, you just want someone that understands your limits and your desires.
The reason why Zen stands out here is that you need someone who understands you. Your love of music is so much like his love of arts and the theatre. When you talk about what makes you happy, he just starts to smile and laugh. He's always wanted to hear someone who is as passionate as he is. He could listen to you for hours. He wants to watch the stars with you and talk about everything and anything at all.
He also empathizes with a parent hating at your looks. He wants you to know that you're lovely and beautiful, even if your parent told you otherwise. It's not true. You've always been lovely. He wants to make you feel special and seen. Think about all those selfies he wants to take with the two of you!
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
Im thinking about the siblings,, I think Badd use to do Zenko's hair for her when she was little and her hair was longer,, but she wanted to do it herself so she got it cut so it's more manageable,,, and Badd's torn because Of Course she looks adorable with short hair,, but that means she doesn't need him to do it anymore,, while that saves time when they're getting ready in the morning,,, he misses helping her do her hair,, but she still gets him to do it sometimes, for special events and stuff
Yes Badd 100% used to do her hair all the time, the boy puts his hair in a pompadour every day, he knows his way around hair styling.
He used to give her these elaborate hairdo’s and braids, but now she does her own hair, and the most he does on a normal day is run a brush through it/run his fingers through her hair and yes he’s a little emo about it but he’s also proud of her
But it becomes a trade off because Badd’s hair is now longer than Zenko’s, so anytime he’s not on hero duty, she does his hair. She’ll braid it and weave flowers and ribbons into it, or put it in a little bun...
There have been multiple occasions where Badd has had to go in for an emergency meeting after Zen did his hair, so he busts down the door with his hair in a beautiful French braid with mini snapdragons weaved throughout like “THIS BETTER BE FUCKING GOOD”
Every time this happens, Amai curses that Badd is such a pain because he’d make such a good editorial model.
Zenko’s in pain because she finds out Badd yelled at her favorite idol, again
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iammamenow · 4 years
🔮Dream Snippet💤
This Evening: 'Karl Satan', featuring Misha Collins
My friend and I are avid metalheads. So much so, in fact, that we concluded that if we'd have known each other before our officially meeting in college, we would've led drastically different lives for the better. Our music tastes made us the quintessential outcasts throughout our childhood, in our differently placed yet all too similar environments of the unforgiving grammar school setting. And if we'd have been together, instead of rebelling alone? Hell. We would've been fucking merciless; scaring off all those who tried to subdue us with 'Slipknot'.
Luckily, we didn't miss each other entirely. It was she that managed to get tickets to our local Knotfest, and since then we've practically been inseparable. We have a whole list of other acts we NEED to see. Jinjer, Cherry Bombs, System of A Down... Killswitch Engage is one of the more recent ones added to the list.
And it keeps on building from there.
Blame the die-hard fan in me, but I even go so far as to dream of the concerts we'll see, and the bands that'll be headlining it. Very rarely is it ever as detailed with the opening number.
So you can only imagine my surprise when this little nightly fantasy in particular came in and dropped kick the bomb on me from up close instead of merely from up high.
Because as much as I love metal, Supernatural comes in at a very, very close second.
Onto the dream! That way you'll see what I mean.
My friend and I are already at the venue. We gave up the idea of seats and smuggled our way into the nearest pit where there was already a circle forming, whirling in rhythm to the revving up of the amps testing out the guitars. It had been years since I'd been in one. I jump in, just in time for the wave that comes our way. My friend decides to watch from the sidelines. To my chaotic, she is the zen. Even at a metal concert, where we both inevitably lose our shit, but in our own way.
Soon the tests of chords cease from the guitars, the rhythmic hits from each individual drum and symbol cut. That long drone of bassy silence fills the entire place with that unsaid but solid presence of a queue - someone's about to go on.
The crowd cheers. My friend and I - along with the whole circle pit - turn to look at the stage and do the same. Naturally. No matter who's up there, you cheer. It's a metal concert, for Satan's sake. More than likely, every fucking band is gonna knock your ass out. I haven't been proven wrong if that yet.
And I certainly wasn't in my dream.
The five souls that come walking across the stage are oh so gothically dressed, it warms my heart to it's original sad core. The drama in the abundance of buckles, glinting a brilliant gold in the overhead stage lights; then the overall theatricality of the fact that their whole theme just mirrors that of my favorite horror movie 'Hellraiser' and it's main antagonists, The Cenobites. I was ready. I was waiting, already wanting the onslaught of their sound that I just knew had to be fucking brutal. I mean look at the way they're dressed! We were in for it.
Oh, we were.
I was.
The one stopping in front of the mic had an elaborate coverall mask on, save for the bottom half of his face. And when he took it off to reveal the rest of it, everyone cried out in bloody shock and praise.
I just went quiet.
My friend yelled out for me the "holy SHIT" that was already on my lips and screeching in my head when the now unmasked figure introduced himself as none other than the angel in a trenchcoat. The man that plays him, that is.
Misha Collins
I couldn't tune out the world around me if I tried. I didn't want to. Not even if I was in absolute shock. I do not allow myself to fade off into some haze or other ethereal realm when it comes to events like this. I want to be there, in that moment; one that I made it all this way for. For all concerts generally. For metal concerts specifically.
I just need to be there. All there.
And man, in that moment, was I fucking glad I was.
After making himself known, Misha turns to the band and introduces them as 'Karl Satan'. I know there was a deeper joke in there, i just know it. But I was too busy laughing at the name alone to even dissect it any further. Frankly, so was the audience. Such a hearty chorus brought a smile to Misha's lips.
As he readied the mask to be put back on again, he made one final claim as himself to say that he formed this cover band to try his hand at "this music shtick", just like the rest of his cast mates from the show. Personally, I never had any doubt that he had something like this in his artillery; something akin to a band or music act. But like this? Hell no. Hell. No! Hence making it all the more lovely of a surprise.
With that, the mask went back on, and he sent a nod the drummers way before the lights faded out, leaving us in an anticipating darkness. Almost as quickly as it set in for us did it get fucking shot with the sharp bash of the symbols, joined by the aftershocks of the snares.
It's starting. Holy fuck, it's starting!
The rhythm was classic, dangerously revving up to what you could literally taste to be a sweet drop. Above all, it was familiar. My friend and I were in perfect sync with Misha, when through the mask he screamed through gnashed teeth:
His leadership was seamless; effortless. Without question, you would believe that he had done this before. With the headbangs intertwined in the thrumming veins of both the percussive guitar riff and the drums, he would channel his power back and forth. First he would go, then the audience.
The circle pit was a whole world of it's own. No. It was a black hole, sucking in other fans who caught a glance at it, and soon as they did, wanted to join the fray. I even got my friend to come in and join me in the air, where they hoisted me up once the center of the circle started to disappear with the amount of people swallowing up all the empty space. We were floating orbs in this fanatic atmosphere. Two circulating asteroids in the midst of a hailstorm of meteors, heading straight for the center our universe - the stage.
It was fucking AMAZING.
And so utterly filled with Misha-esque quips of humor and theatricality, making it feel all the more REAL. For example, as the opening number progressed, he would add little bits of harsh criticism of his own voice and caliber of scream. Then after the next song, he would transition with a story on how he auditioned to play a demon for Supernatural in the first place, and has since taken the rejection hard. "Can you tell? I started singing about it! Singing? Screaming? You get the idea. Yeah, you get it. I know you do". He then laughs suddenly, throwing his head back. He brings the mic up to follow that of his mouth, facing skyward. "Wait, wait! How shitty would it be if I would've actually gotten that fucking role if I'd have just done THIS?! Just SCREAM AT THEM?!" Like second nature does his Castiel voice come out. He even took of the mask again so that he could throw on the whole audience that quintessential doe eyed gaze of the angel's, complete with the head tilt. "Would you call me an angel then, Dean?" His own guffaw, bringing Misha back. "There you go. That's how Cas got his voice. He kept screaming into the void *Castiel voice* and came back out with this... As for the others, I can't speak for them. They wanna speak two octaves below their normal voice, who am I to say anything? Trick question. I'm the one who can't say anything because I'm too busy getting a sore throat all the time. Thanks, Cas. Love you, too. That bitch".
Forget what I said. AMAZING doesn't cut it. It was fucking GOLD.
And above all, it was a fucking DREAM.
I woke up eventually, and here I am three or so days later writing about it, still reeling from it.
I have only to conclude that the two things that make me happy are what seems to be a mirror with it's two sides, representing one thing in the reflection: the one thing that made me happy back then, and the one that makes me happy now.
I thought I had to outgrow one. Just like I think currently that I'll soon have to outgrow the other.
But do I? Do I really?
They go so well together.
Perhaps the real question is, what if they both don't wanna leave?
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freedom-of-fanfic · 6 years
Can you elaborate on the RequiresHate case? The first article you cited thoroughly debunked the second one? I'm left wondering what actually happened. Doesn't seem a good example related to what's happening now.
anon, thank you for this. I should have double-checked the links I was copy-pasting, because that first article was not intended to be linked. I meant to save it for reading at a later date, not add it to a post going live.
I have now corrected the link to the one that I meant to add: Being An Itemized List of Disagreements. written in 2017, and by a different person, it’s a decently quick read with a lot of links addressing the writer’s personal history with BS and recounting events that happened after the Mixon Report was published.
I was not active in the spaces Winterfox was systematically destroying; my knowledge of her history is entirely second-hand. I’ve read articles and accounts both for and against her, and ultimately I’ve concluded that
the terror she inflicted can’t be justified
the number of unconnected people who point directly to her as the source of the hell they went through is too high for this to be a smear campaign
particularly because if it was a smear campaign, the people doing the pointing would be a lot less terrified of coming forward.
the short version of WF/RH/BS’s origin story is this:
the SFF community was the focal point of RaceFail, a months-long upheaval that started with calling out SFF works for frequently neglecting and/or erasing people of color in their stories and going on to critique the serious lack of visibility for writers of color in SFF spaces.
A lot of good came of that upheaval, imho, and the ripple effects that spread outward resulted in a lot of increased awareness of racism & queerphobia in online creative spaces. but WinterFox realized how she could capitalize on white guilt and fear of being called out to bully the hell out of her fellow SFF fans/creators. and it worked very, very well.
(she’s still online, by the way, and getting published in SFF anthologies. she has a hell of a personality cult & keeps records of private conversations with her ‘friends’ so she can bury them in their own dirt if they betray her.)
As to what she did with that realization:
as linked above, Zen Cho’s ‘Being a List of Disagreements’, which nicely overviews all of the below.
The Mixon Report, the follow-up, and the rebuttal to the rebuttals
read all the comments on this post, too. it’s. a lot.
Rachel Manija Brown’s account (and comment on the Mixon Report)
Rochita Loenen-Ruiz’s account
Athena Andreadis’s account
and then, after Apex Magazine decided to publish a story by BS:
Rachel Manija Brown shared more thoughts
A Letter to Apex Editors - which had to be pulled from archive.org, because the author’s site has been pulled down. I have my suspicions about why, but it’s just speculation.
and the anon I got after posting yesterday:
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Anonymous said:
Winterfox and I were mutuals on twitter because she followed me and I was hoping she could be useful (she was not) for like. over a year, because everyone in my semiprofessional social group loves her because poor Bee who the big mean racist exposed for harassment!!1, and it was so stressful I wanted to throw up like all the time? No moral here she’s just really extremely the same as ever and seeing someone else clock her as the first anti when I thought I was grudgewank is A+
(’Bee’ is what BS’s ‘friends’ call her - verified by editor Nick Mamatas when he doxxed BS, revealing she was RequiresHate in 2014.)
long story short: RequiresHate / Winterfox / Benjanun Sriduangkaew is bad news, in pretty much exactly the ways you’d expect of a bully and moral abuser. 
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ocw-archive · 3 years
Wes Anderson / Owen Wilson - Index Magazine, 1996
By Marina Isola You and your friend are 21-year-old movie fanatics, dreaming of some day doing a film. You make a short and it ends up at the Sundance Film Festival. Before you know it, Columbia Pictures is throwing millions of dollars your way to make a feature. You're directing James Caan. You're wheeling and dealing with producer James L. Brooks (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Simpsons, Terms of Endearment, Broadcast News) and telling production designer David Wasco (Pulp Fiction, El Norte) how the movie should look. You even get to star your brothers and your friends in it. It may sound like dreaming, but it really happened to a couple of boys from Texas. Bottle Rocket, to be released in theaters this month, is their offhand comedy about friendship, dreams, and an impossible heist. Dignan (Owen Wilson), is the determined aspiring thief, Anthony (Luke Wilson) is his reluctant accomplice. Mr. Henry (James Caan) is their mysterious guru. Road trips and petty crime distract them from everyday banality, as they work their way up to a ridiculously elaborate but hopelessly botched robbery. According to director Wes Anderson, all the characters "inhabit a world about five degrees removed from reality." Here, Anderson, who also co-wrote the screenplay, and actor/co-writer Owen Wilson tell tales of their maiden voyage into Hollywood.
MARIA: How does a first time director get to work with James Caan? WES: We ended up having the same agent and we kept hearing stories about him which resembled the character, who is very eccentric. We wanted someone like him for Mr. Henry's role. MARIA: He is thuggish, but offbeat. WES: Rights, he's got this Zen thing and the Asian guy who played his business manager in the movie is actually Caan's karate master. We hadn't cast that part, but we heard about him, and wanted him. He does all sorts of strange things, like pound his own hands and feet with a sledge hammer to build up the bone from the hairline fractures. So they become weapons, like a rock. MARIA: And Caan is really into martial arts, too? WES: Absolutely. One time he knocked on my hotel door at 11pm, as I was asleep, but he was really up, and had these ideas for a scene we were going to shoot in five days. He wanted to throw the character on the floor and do all this weird karate stuff. So he starts demonstrating. He pulls me in front of the mirror - he is an extremely physical guy - and here I am in the middle of the room, in the dark, in my bathrobe, and he puts me in all these different holds, and he's throwing me around for about half an hour. MARIA: Of course you have to keep your actors happy. WES: Yeah, but at the same time that it's weird, I'm also totally interested in everything he has to say. OWEN: When we first met Caan, we wanted to put him at ease, so next thing you know he has me demonstrating some karate moves, one of which was to try to strangle him. So he keeps saying 'c'mon strangle me harder,' so I'm pressing on his neck, and then he just knocks my hands away. I thought it was the most obvious thing, if someone is strangling you, to knock his hands away. You don't have to know karate! But everybody was like, 'Oh, my God, that's just incredible!" MARIA: Did he also have lots of ideas for the movie? OWEN: Oh, he had lots of ideas, but no prima donna stuff. He would invite us to his trailer and tell us stories about working on The Godfather. MARIA: You were basically inexperienced, and suddenly plunged into the lead role in a big feature - how did you know what you were supposed to do? OWEN: I had performed a little before, although I have never taken acting classes. I am hesitating to say this, but I don't think there's much to acting. Wait, that sounds horrible. No, it's difficult to be a good actor. about working on The Godfather. MARIA: Was Dignan's character a big stretch? OWEN: Dignan is sort of childlike in his enthusiasm and energy. He doesn't censor himself. He has little boy ideas about what it is to be a criminal. MARIA: It's not an adult reality. He was into organizing things the way a kid would. OWEN: Yeah, like in The Adventures of Huck Finn, when Tom Sawyer comes to get Jim out, he can't just open the door. He makes them dig a tunnel under the house and do all this stuff they got from The Count of Monte Christo. So Dignan has the same things, where it's not just doing it, it's the style you do it in. MARIA: It's more like the idea of the ritual. OWEN: Right, it's not the amount of money you're getting out of the robbery, it's the process. MARIA: There are lots of funny parts. OWEN: So you liked some of the jokes? MARIA: Yes, like when Anthony gets ready to rob the warehouse and he goes over these totally ridiculous preparatory, frame-by-frame, flip-book sketches of the character pole vaulting over the security wall. OWEN: Oh, good. I'm glad you liked that..But did I answer your question? MARIA: About acting for the first time. OWEN: Oh, yes, well, it was made easier by the fact that it was a comfortable situation. It was a big crew, but I saw friends and relatives everywhere. MARIA: What about all the minor oddball characters, weren't some just friends from home? WES: Yeah, the Indian safecracker is from Dallas, and he spins plates and juggles, some of which was in the movie, but had to be cut. MARIA: How long did this entire project take? WES: It took almost five years, including the short. MARIA: Did Brooks have
a lot of changes from what you had envisioned? WES: We thought we would just tell him about the movie, and then just go and shoot it (laughs). Of course it was much more complicated. After screening the short at Sundance, we had a reading of the script for Brooks and Polly Platt, who was the producer on location. It was 130 pages printed, but it was this really tiny typeface, and we realized it was a four-hour movie. The reading went on forever! MARIA: Were they beginning to look worried? WES: Not really, or at least they hid it well. Owen and I cut it down at the Sundance labs. Then we went to L.A. in February '93 and had a another reading with actors. MARIA: When did you move there from Dallas? WES: Shortly after that. The studio put us up in a hotel for eight months. MARIA: When a studio is involved to that extent, what kind of agreement do you have - any guarantee? WES: At that point we had a contract that guaranteed money, but not that the movie would be made. MARIA: How do two people write a script together? Were you ever at each others' throats? WES: Actually, it was fairly civilized. But we worked with lots of different producers, and they each had criticisms, so we would end up on the same side - angry at them. MARIA: What was the biggest surprise in the process? WES: The main one was how much time it took. I would go up to Brooks and ask 'are you going to do this or that?' 'Is it going to be yes or no?' They won't really answer you, because they haven't decided and don't want to say anything. MARIA: The movie has a very particular, spare and clean look. How did you find the production designer? WES: We met David Wasco through Quentin Tarantino, who had seen the short and liked it. He was very helpful. I wanted the setting to look black and white, and really control the colors. Wasco set up this great art department in an auto shop in Dallas, where the film was shot. He covered it with all these photos of paintings, mostly Hockneys and Gauguins for the color. Also, the director of photography used a 27mm lens for the entire movie which is unusual. That's how we got the great depth of focus and everything looking very crisp. That, the primary colors, the jagged movements, and the odd props were ideas we had before. MARIA: The props are strange. How do they fit in with the story? WES: They're from circa 1975 to 1978, when we were age eight or ten, which is a bit where the mindset of the characters is. So it's not the trendy 70's stuff, but just what we had around as kids. There's all this commando stuff, like bulky boy scout binoculars, big old digital watches with the bright LED readouts, and those yellow jumpsuits. MARIA: The music also sets a certain offbeat mood which is really great. WES: That's Mark Mothersbaugh, who was the guy with glasses in Devo. He is very strange, but I really like him. Our original plan was to do all existing songs, like this Ennio Morricone stuff from the 60's, which is like Doris Day but Italian. And the music from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special- but we couldn't get the rights to any of it. I had a big feud with the Charlie Brown guy, who would not let me communicate with Charles Schultz. But Mothersbaugh saw the movie scored with that stuff, and used it as a template. OWEN: Another central idea was that, with all these movies about young people being so cynical, we wanted to do something different. The characters are not trying to act cool or jaded. They have a great enthusiasm and vitality, even though it is misplaced in a life of crime. MARIA: Did either of your backgrounds prepare you for any of this? OWEN: Not really. Wes and I met at the University of Texas at Austin. I had gone to a military academy after I got kicked out of private school in Dallas when I was in 10th grade. MARIA: Did your parents make you go there? OWEN: It was actually my own decision (laughs). And it was really terrifying - people screaming at you the whole time. Actually three Pulitzer Prize winners went there, and Sam Donaldson. But in these horrible situations you can make good friends
and find yourself laughing really hard at things because they are so horrible. WES: I had done a little stuff for the local cable access channel, but my first 16mm. was the Bottle Rocket short. I was going to go to Columbia Film School - they had Scorsese, and Milos Forman, and it sounded really good, but then I got caught up with the movie. They still have my $100 Deposit to keep my place - I've tried really hard to get it back, but it's non-refundable. OWEN: Maybe you'll end up back there after all as a director. WES: Yeah, and then maybe I can get my $100 back.
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Hi! Could you do the RFA+the minor trio reacting to an MC who finds out their parents and younger sibling had passed away in a drunk driving incident but MC just doesn't react and they find MC curled up in the corner of their bedroom crying in the dark, thank you!
he was right there when you got the news
he put a hand on your shoulder and asked if you were okay
how the hell could you possibly be okay?
you told him you needed some space and went to your bedroom
it was not long before the boy decided he wasn’t just going to stand there and do nothing
he entered your room and found you curled up in a ball, quietly sobbing and shaking
he didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t exactly the best at consoling others
but he wanted to do something for you, so he did the only thing he could think of
he kneeled down next to you and wrapped his arms around your shivering self
which made you jump slightly but then caused you to cry even more
”I’m here for you, my love. I know this is not much, but I’ll always be here to protect you, to love you and to make you happy.”
you too wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s waist, still partially curled up in a ball
neither of you moved a muscle for the rest of the day, until you both fell asleep in each other’s arms on the cold, hard floor of your bedroom
he didn’t have the heart to say anything when he saw you walk out of the room
but he did follow you immediately, until he reached the room you had just confined yourself in
he wasn’t sure what to say, but he had a promise he wanted to make
so he sat on the bed, facing your body, which looked so small there, all curled up on the floor
”I’m going to stop drinking”
you looked up, your face red as you wiped your cheeks with one of your sleeves
”What did you say?”
”Exactly what you heard. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to me because of it. I don’t want to leave you alone”
he reached out to move a strand of hair behind your ear and cup one of your cheeks with one hand
he gave you a reassuring smile and that gesture meant the world to you
she knew you needed some space, so she let you run off and gathered her thoughts
she prepared a lovely tray, with a mug of coffee and a few cookies
she waited a few hours before finally coming to confront you
when she found you crying on the floor, all she could think was “Has she been like this since she left?”
it broke her heart to see you like that
and from personal experience she knew that talking about your feelings was the best way of coping with something like this
it was a stressful and delicate event that was going to affect you a lot and she found that venting was very helpful in these situations
she told you to take your time, take deep breaths and talk when you felt ready
you talked a lot about your past, your special bond with your family and some of your memories together
which is what she recommended you hold onto
she made a very elaborate speech about looking at the silver lining, which was quite surprising coming from her
and then made sure to feed you and keep you hydrated
he came home from work and called your name, but didn’t receive a response
so he got worried and started looking for you everywhere
his house is huge so it wasn’t that easy, but eventually he found you sitting in a corner, hugging your legs, your head between your knees
he rushed to you and bent down, tapping your shoulder
”MC, are you alright?”
you handed him your phone and let him read the message you’d received, explaining everything about the incident
he panicked, he didn’t know what to say
he just went on talking about how important family was, and that he was going to be that for you
he would always be your rock and you knew that, but losing your family isn’t something you can heal from easily
all he could do was stroke your back reassuringly until your crying diminished
he repeated a million times that he would do anything in his power to honor them with the best funeral, the fanciest flowers and the most expensive clothes
but in the end all you wanted was for them  to be there next to you
and he supported all your choices, making sure everything was the way you wanted it
you were sleepily resting on his lap when you got a text“Who is it?” you mumbled, slightly annoyed
he reached for your phone and read the text and he went pale“I-I’m sorry MC”
“Why? What happened?”
he didn’t have the heart to tell you so he handed you the phone
it was a text from your older brother, telling you your parents and your younger sister had just gotten into a car accident and died instantly
the room got so silent you could hear your boyfriend’s heartbeat
he looked at you expecting a reaction but got none“I should call him”
you got up and rushed to your room, but you weren’t ready to make that phone call
you read the message again and let yourself fall on the hard, wooden floor
half an hour passed and Seven was starting to worry, so he came after you and the scene he was expecting to see was right before his eyes when he entered your room
he made sure you could hear him approach you and sat next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders
that was the sign he was there for you
and you let it all out
he listened until you couldn’t talk anymore
surprisingly, he knew exactly what to say to make you feel better and he talked and talked for what felt like hours until you completely calmed down, wiped away your tears and stood up
you thanked him and kissed him and knew he would be there for you anytime if you had another crisis
V (spoilers for his route!!):
he knew the feeling so well
and you knew he did
so you didn’t want to bother him with your tears and remained impassible
“Are you sure you’re okay, my love?”
you nodded and didn’t open your mouth because you knew that would be your breaking point
then you left, telling him you needed to rest
but wanting to make sure you were okay he followed you
as soon as you stepped into the bedroom you started sobbing and he caught you before you could fall to the ground
he offered to take you to them, because he knew that, although it hurt, you had to see it for yourself to accept it
he explained the way he’d healed after his mother’s death, that it would take time and that it wasn’t something you would be able to completely accept
he wanted you to know that he was going to be there through it all and he would make sure to honor their death
a few months later, he even started a campaign against drinking and driving, supported by a very meaningful photoshoot
there’s literally nothing he wouldn’t do for you and he just made you feel luckier every day
when he saw you rush to your room after you got the news he knew he had to do something
he just didn’t know how
he had never been close with his family but he knew how he would react if he lost his brother
and after thinking about what would happen he ran to your room and found you curled up in a ball, crying and shaking
he was kind of relieved
he walked off and came back a few moments later with a flower he had just picked from the garden
he gave it to you and blushed as you hugged him, your tears soaking his shirt
no words were needed, you knew how important that gesture was and it was enough to make you feel the tiniest but better
and from that day on, the number of flowers in your room increased, leaving no room for anything except his symbols of love
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mercury-imagines · 7 years
I always see "MC fearing of thunderstorms" blah blah blah..but what if MC doesn't fear thunderstorms, what if she actually enjoy it? Like there's a thunderstorm going on at 4AM and her s/o wakes up to MC sitting by the window just watching the thunderstorm silently RFA + v + saeran pls
aw I like this.
*Awakened by a clap of thunder he sits up and sees your silhouette by the window
*He thinks you’re scared
*”Babe come back to bed ill protect you.”
*Surprised when you tell him you want to watch
*But MC why its just thunder
*You shush him and motion for him to come join you
*He brings a blanket and wraps you both in it
*Zen never thought to sit and watch a thunderstorm before
*But with you in his arms, it might not be so bad
*The two of you stay up until the storm is gone
*Zen has a new appreciation for thunderstorms
*He wakes up and sees you leaning into the window
*His voice is shaky as he tells you he will protect you
*”M-MC, what are you doing? Its going to be okay…I’ll-I’ll protect you!”
*Yoosung no
*When you tell him you just enjoy watching thunderstorms and that they don’t scare you he’s embarrassed 
*He’s still a bit frightened of thunder so he approaches you but stops halfway there
*You have to pull him over and hold this boy
*He relaxes in your arms and you two enjoy a nice night together, eventually going back to bed when the storm calmed down a little
*Yoosung isn’t afraid of thunder anymore
*Immersion therapy
*Jaehee is very confused as to why you are awake at 4 in the morning
*”MC? Why aren’t you in bed? Is something the matter?”
*When you usher her over, she’s a little reluctant 
*After all, the poor woman rarely gets enough sleep as it is
*She can’t say no to your eager smile though and drags herself out of bed
*She’s a little grumpy, but soon relaxes after you wrap your arms around her
*You both sit on the windowsill, her head in your lap
*You stroke her hair as the two of you relax and watch the storm peacefully
*You start talking to her only to realize that she’s asleep
*So you sleep there as well.
*She calls in “sick” the next day ;)
*Immediately thinks something is wrong
*”MC? MC, are you okay? MC whats wrong?”
*Calm down Jumin
*He is so relieved when you say you just find thunderstorms fascinating and beautiful
*Drags you out to where the best view in his penthouse is
*Sits on the windowsill and brings you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist
*Long after you’ve fallen asleep, he is awake
*He just watches you, thinking about how amazing you are
*He is so thrilled that you love thunderstorms
*Because he does too (I head canon him as a guy who loves nature and finds it fascinating)
*It becomes a tradition for you to watch thunderstorms together
*Sneaks behind you and wraps his arms around you
*Peppers you with kisses and teases you about being scared
*He won’t let it go, even when you tell him you just think thunder is pretty
*He does it just to annoy you
*He drags you outside and you two watch the storm from there
*After it gets too cold, he carries you back inside
*Pillow fort facing the window? Pillow fort facing the window.
*This fucker designs the most elaborate pillow fort you’ve ever seen
*Cuddles all night
*Because he’s blind, all of his other senses are heightened, so he doesn’t sleep very well during thunderstorms because of the noise
*So when he wakes up and reaches for you to cuddle and doesn’t feel you, he gets a little worried
*”MC? Where are you?”
*When he hears your voice, he relaxes
*He knows that you’re safe and thats all that matters
*”What are you doing awake and out of bed at this time of night??”
*When you tell him you find thunderstorms beautiful and fascinating, he falls in love with you even more
*As if that was even possible!
*He climbs out of bed and buries his face in your neck
*He spends the night holding you and whispering all the things he loves about you
*”MC what the fuck its 4am get back in bed.”
*When he’s ignored, he gets pissy
*”MC!! Don’t ignore me!”
*When you shush him and explain that you just want to watch the thunderstorm he rolls his eyes
*You’re so weird why would you want to watch a thunderstorm at 4am
*But not having many experiences with nature due to his childhood, his curiosity gets the better of him
*He reluctantly approaches you and watches
*He would never show it or admit it, but he’s a little scared of thunder
*His awe overpowers his fear though
*You have to pull him down with you, onto the floor so you can cuddle
*After a while, your backs start to hurt from being hunched over on the floor
*So you push the bed up against the window
*You two fall asleep in  tangle of limbs and blankets
*Saeran is always reminded of you when he hears thunder now 
A/N-I hope this was okay!! Thank you so much for requesting this. It was honestly so cute and fun to write!
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
MGTOW and Nihilism
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Welcome, followers of MGTOW. Before we begin, just real briefly, for those who are watching this video and are unaware of what MGTOW is, the acronym stands for Men Going Their Own Way, and is the title for a movement by and for men. A few samples of definitions mined from the internet include:
“M.G.T.O.W., Men Going Their Own Way, is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: “No”. Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “man” is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn’t. MGTOW asserts that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be. It is saying that, as a man, I will not surrender my will to the social expectations of women and society, because both have become hostile against masculinity. MGTOW often talk about seeking “independence” from western and/or consumer culture, and a few MGTOW try to live that sort of Zen existence. Most of those who embrace the term have a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of feminists and women in general. Many MGTOW refuse to date “western women” and some try to avoid women altogether.”
Well, before we go any further, it should be noted that, just by being a MGTOW, you are a nihilist, plain and simple. And before you get all up in arms, relax, this is a good thing, and I mean this in a good way. After all, you are watching a video by the Meta Sage, and you could say that the Meta Sage channel is the flagship station of nihilism on the internet today. So, this isn't a disparaging title aimed to degrade you, nor is it indicative of a characterization that you are either depressed, violent, lazy, immoral or apathetic, but, meant just as a label that is reflective of a matter of truth and fact. Nihilism is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the negation of one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. MGTOW itself is a cornucopia of negations of normative meanings and values that are usually associated with the average life. Tossing out the investments into dating, sexual relations, marriage, child bearing, societal expectations, social and cultural traditions, and the disposal of all aspirations to emulate the role of a specific gender archetype, are all value subtraction equations, no matter how you slice it.
So, you have arrived at this point; so are you gonna live up to the name of MGTOW and really be a man that goes his own way, or are you gonna remain bitter and resentful of women and get stuck on moaning about it. If your aim is to be an activist and spend the rest of your life screaming from a rooftop about the inequities of women, it can't really be said that you have gone your own way. By doing this, you are still giving women power and importance by way of investing value judgements into their behavior, which continually provokes taxing anger and indignation, which, thereof, serves as validation by way of negative attention. Remember, negative attention is still attention. And eventually it gets to the point where, thou dost protest too much.
Are you really ready to move on from these values you have subtracted, or is this all just an elaborate ploy to continually sustain a platform on which to complain about women? If you consider yourself MGTOW, then you identify as such because, either you are a product of the so called “incels”; that is, a group of men who call themselves involuntary celibate, (which is just a round about way of saying, you can't get a girlfriend,) or, you are a man that has had girlfriends or a wife, but has been somehow royally screwed over by one. Either way, it's time to use all that time and energy you would normally waste on trying to jump through hoops for a female, or in complaining about a female, towards your spiritual growth. In other words, it's time to actually go your own way. And when I say "spiritual growth", I don't mean religion, or any other vague supernatural notion concerning a soul, or the divine, but rather, am more referring to what was implied earlier from the definitions of MGTOW, to seek to live, and know, a Zen experience of life.
You are not the first ones to renounce women, only the most recent ones. A man's struggle to find a suitable woman as a companion is nothing new. The inequities of women is not something new either. Granted, the modern western world seems to have gone berserk with many of these courtship issues, but this is mainly due to the explosion of a very shallow materialistic western culture coupled with overpopulation and the subsequent massive influx of mediocrity. Yes, women far outnumber men, and so most of the decent men out there are already taken; coupled up with compatible women and are currently in relationships. Of the small pool of men that are left, some are gay, some are in prison, some are homeless, and what remains are either the cads, that is to say, a few cavalier males, that are usually very confident with themselves and therefor unobtainable and unwilling to be pinned down, which makes them a very desirable albeit unrealistic ideal for a woman, the so called hidden fruit, so to speak, or the common average insecure desperate man that women generally don't want, but usually end up settling for; ie the bulk of what's out there. And of this bulk, the ones with the money or career get the girl, and then usually a subsequent knife in the back, aka, cheated on, divorced, child custody battle, paying alimony and child support, and the rest of the bulk get nothing, aka, Involuntary celibacy.
All of this, and yet somehow, we are still overpopulated. Go figure. And don't tell me that we're not overpopulated because of a fallacy of scarcity, or because we can fit the entire population of the world into the state of Texas... that isn't the point. The point is, the more you have of something, the less valuable it becomes. The significance and importance of the contributions of individuals are undermined by an over flooding of individuals, which drives down the value of individuality. Too much of anything isn't healthy, and humans are not excluded from this truth... of which, is also why I would encourage MGTOW's to dig even deeper into philosophy and to check out anti-natalism, which is not too far of a stones throw from your current positional mindset. You see, I'm waiting to see the fourth wave of feminism, wherein women reject procreation... but honestly, I don't think they have the balls for that.
But anyway, MGTOW man, now that you are not tied up in chasing the meaningless mundane pursuit of conquering a woman; of which, doesn't lead to enlightenment, and will, given enough time, only lead to having babies, which will seriously jeopardize your pursuit of an awakening, because having a child is almost always indicative of passing on the buck; why not use your newly found freedom to investigate the inner connectivity of reality with the mind?
This is what all people should be investigating: the secrets concerning the source of attention, instead of wasting all our time being desire whores and value junkies. Honestly, I enjoy people's disillusionment. I enjoy it, not because I enjoy people's suffering, which is how your average sheeple of righteous indignation would like to portray it as, but because disillusionment is what ultimately leads a sheeple to a place where he or she can finally have an opportunity to possibly discover the truth of awareness. In order to arrive in such a place, often a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be, is required. Whether it be a disillusionment due to let downs associated with school, politics, religion, work, justice, fairness, the opposite sex, or expectations of success in some field of interest, doesn't matter... the seeds for a possible enlightenment could potentially be planted, depending on whether or not this disillusionment leads to nihilism, or to a wounded ego that is gonna play the victim because it still deep down desires what it is disappointed in, and is just bruised from rejection. I root for the former.
Hey, I have an idea. Instead of getting a gun and shooting up a school, a movie theater or a nightclub, drop the value of the investment into that which is facilitating your malcontent disposition, and instead, meditate. Instead of spending all day as a keyboard Rambo, posting diatribes on online message boards, explore the inner connectivity of reality and the mind. Instead of indulging in the poignancy and resentment that comes with the territory of playing the victim, take responsibility for your reality and incorporate a little existential nihilism in your life. Don't swear off women as a means of protest, swear them off and then close that chapter of your life. Truly let go of the value you have placed on the gratification you receive from female companionship, courtship, sexual relations, union and family.
MGTOW is a good thing. It's an excellent beginning, but there is still much more work to be done. There is more conditioning to unlearn, and more attachments to let go of. It doesn't end with women. Welcome to nihilism, where you will deconstruct every attachment, every convention and every expectation. For you MGTOWers that are curious to find out a little more about nihilism, I recommend searching through my video library to find out some more useful information, for this is one of the only places where you will find the subject treated honestly and not demonized or maligned with a negative connotation.
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
I like Seven but he's nowhere near my fav. It isn't his fault but him being the obvious "right" choice and having the story revolve around him, complete with way more content than anyone else, doesn't help. I'm kinda sad there isn't any discourse because he's a cool character and has such human flaws that don't get any discussion. The fandom really, REALLY likes Seven, which is fine! But it does feel like there's no room for disagreement, which is less fine.
I completely agree! Those are some of the more prominent reasons I don’t like him too
1) He’s the ‘right’ choice
- it makes you feel like when you don’t necessarily like him you’re strange? You made the right decisions, took the wrong turn somehow. I don’t like that feeling
2) The story revolves around him
- this one makes me particularly sad, for multiple reasons. For one, Saeran who had it much much worse than Seven is nothing but a means to an end. He is introduced to the game merely to add more drama and sadness to Seven’s fate and I hate that. A lot. 
- the other character who arguably have equally bad past experiences if not worse than Seven in their own way are never fully focused on in favour of having Seven be the most dramatic:
Zen is actually extremely insecure after being belittled and basically kicked out by his parents and the brother he loves and trusted by the age of 15, forced to fend for himself, joining a probably very dangerous biker gang. The one who denied himself a relationship for over half a decade during the time where you usually explore most (18+) to further a career he had to stem all by himself. Important? Ever mentioned or discussed? Not really, because he’s so sexy and obviously confident and hapy as he sends you a billion selfies and jokes about it himself so lets focus on someone else.
Oh Yoosung has horrible depression and codependency issues, basically ruining his life because he cannot get out of the devils circle of game addiction and depression? haha give him a girlfriend and he’s all preppy again. 
Jaehee lost both her parents, had her relatives actually shit talk them after their death like it was their fault, lived in a verbally abusive household for years, felt completely unloved and unwanted, got kicked out as soon as humanly possible, had to live by herself without support during a very hard time (College) and then got a job where she once more had to completely change to the liking of her boss (cut off the hair she actually liked, change her clothes and even wear glasses) where she works herself to death only to get recognition that never comes. You think that’s tragic? Nah, me neither. Let’s move on.
Jumin the lonely millionaire that lacked any human connection due to the way he was raised. The one that locked all his feelings away, because it was the easy way out. The one that probably doesn’t even know his birth mother or hasn’t seen her ever again, because by the time he was old enough to remember his father was already on wife number two. The one of which life is deprived of the most important things like love, joy and excitement and instead filled with stacks of of work because that is familiar. That won’t leave him. That won’t hurt. Let’s brush all that aside, jokingly call him a Trust Fund Jerk and move on, yes?
Not to mention that almost all of them were fucked over by V and Rika, not only Seven, but that is a point that would take another essay to write3) Way more content
- this one really pisses me off because not only do I get the feeling I made the ‘wrong’ choice by not preferring 707 but I don’t even get to compensate with merch?! Like I don’t get a pillow or a keychain or whatever else is in the VIP package? Nada? Nothing? How is that fair? Not to mention that he gets two secret endings, two Valentines DLC’s and the most elaborate route….unfair much?
4) No room for disagreement
- that seems to be a big problem in this fandom, I feel. I’m relatively new so I can’t be completely sure, but the fact that people don’t even really discuss him in general but just shower him in love tells me that something is fishy. I feel like a lot of people are scared to voice their opinion on him as they fear the majority of the fandom will disagree and hate on them. That is quite a sad state, which is why I started this discussion. Thank you so much for your opinion. It’s highly appreciated! 
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rosietrace · 1 year
Shard family thoughts; Victoria on Touma Kadokawa
Victoria's thoughts on Touma Kadokawa, the alluring two-faced resident of Terrovania
Ocs featured: Victoria Shard, Touma Kadokawa (@nem0-nee)
Mentioned: Zenith Devi, Sumeragi Yuuta, Claudia and Wendell Du Nord
Terrovania belongs to; @celiica/@terrovaniadorm
The following banner will be used for the next couple of OC/Shard family thoughts
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Important note; I will likely be using this format of character interactions/thoughts from now on
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▹ 【 ♛ 】 Victoria Shard, the beautiful manipulator of Pomefiore; Thoughts on Touma Kadokawa
“Touma..... He's certainly of use to me. I allow him access to my funds and to spend them freely, so long as he continues to be of service to me.”
“Now, don't get the wrong idea, our beneficial relationship is nothing as you'd imagine. As long as he uses his influence to get what I want, I'll give more than the world can offer.”
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱【 ♛ 】⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
╰──・⌕・- Additional thoughts(Non-dialogue)
→ Victoria…. Was once completely neutral about Touma
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ At first, she didn't completely care much for the young man, almost completely neglecting his existence
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ That was until Zen mentioned Touma in passing during one of their many conversations together
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Curious, Victoria began doing some peculiarly devoted levels of research on Touma in order to get a better understanding of what kind of character he is; To satisfy her curiosities, of course
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ She didn't have a proper conversation with Touma until three weeks into her research on him; Which was going surprisingly smoothly, might I add. Her subordinates such as Claudia and Wendell are very thorough when it comes to research
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The conversation was brief at best, strained at worst; Touma was - in Victoria's eyes - annoyed that she was unaffected by his badmouthing of her
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Then again, he did and still does somewhat respect her for her bulletproof confidence
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ A couple of days after that conversation was when Victoria was reminded of Touma's materialism after spending time with Yuuta; A man who is notorious for being a bit too materialistic for his own good
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ For circumstances I cannot and likely will never elaborate on, Victoria sought out Touma
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ She sought him out, and once he had his sights on her, she offered him something he couldn't possibly reject; The benefit of spending her funds as freely as possible
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Of course, her services to Touma didn't come without effort on his end; In exchange for the ability to spend on her wealth, Touma had to promise to assist her by…. Manipulating dealing with people she doesn't want to deal with herself
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ After all, as manipulative as Victoria may be, even she has her limits; And it just so happens that with Touma's cult-like following, he's able to fill the gaps she left by being equally as manipulative
→ And so, began the progress of what the two of them referred to as a “Mutually beneficial contractual relationship”
→ Though, some say that certain relationships can evolve in the oddest ways.
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