… thanks this has happened to me sometimes *twice in a row*, and for the SAME meal.
… i can't count my level anymore -_-
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oh gosh thanks for translating the poll options! :D
… @prismatic-bell: oh i'm not surprised. sadly. english itself isn't very nice to french to begin with [cue that very confusing discussion i saw once about how "champagne" is pronounced :| ] so… yeah. but sometimes the frustration is Too Much ^^°
Just checking.... We all pronounce Miette like My-TAY in our heads, right?
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bear any day.
the bear mostly wants to be left alone. so would i.
at best, the man would want to make conversation, and that's not going to go well.
at worst, the bear will be scared and anoyed enought that it will threaten me, and that can hopefully be solved by playing dead.
playing dead would NOT solve the problems a man could cause if it wanted to hurt me.
… and this right here is kind of an illustration to how privilege works: to men, this is a fun or funny question, *of course* you'd prefer a member of your own species! … but then women and feminine presenting ppl will *seriously* think about it. because we HAVE to.
There's a whole bunch of TikTok drama at the moment after someone posted a video asking "would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a strange man?"
And the men are *very upset* that nearly every woman replied with "....obviously a bear."
It's honestly wild (I think some of these guys think that bears are movie monsters, craving human flesh).
But it boils down to this- they want you to expect the worst from the bear and the best from the stranger, and they are deeply offended that this isn't the case. 🤷
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… obligatory PSA that this is not an actual pic taken by an aircraft, but an "artist's rendering". aka art, aka speculation.
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*stands there feeling completely lost, but in french*
… what are you guys DOING to my native language.
… also? LEARN* THE IPA. DAMMIT. assuming this is mostly from americans… you can keep the farenheit, the imperial mesuring system for distances and weight, and even the ridiculous mm/dd/yy format, but the way you're rendering word pronunciation *ONLY makes sense to people who ALREADY share your accent*. REALLY.
i NEVER get how these works, because of the weird way english has to make vowels sound different depending on which syllable you prefer. the international phonetic alphabet. use it. we BEG you.
… it's /mjɛt/ btw. now look up what the signs sound like in this table. see? easy.
* where "learn" mostly means "learn that it exists, and then look up 'ipa [word]' and copy what the wiktionary gives you". or use the chart again. it's not hard, srsly.
Just checking.... We all pronounce Miette like My-TAY in our heads, right?
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Joined a cross religion discord server for veiling/headscarves and immediately one of the mods went nuclear on a user for daring to be Israeli and saying happy passover. "you can celebrate passover and we love Jews but hate Zionists" was said. The mod ended up kicking the Israeli for being born in a country.
Left that server immediately but by God come on people
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I need people to stop blaming the death of movies on “quips”. A quip is just a funny line of dialogue. That’s all. Like I just saw a post talking about quips and the death of movies and brought up Pirates of the Caribbean as an example of a better movie and yes it is but also that movie is FULL OF QUIPS. I just rewatched The Princess Bride. It’s all quips. Every single line. And it’s a masterpiece.
Movies suck when people don’t care about the art they’re making. That includes them not caring about their quips. Which is why a lot of comic relief dialogue ALSO sucks now. But the problem isn’t that funny dialogue exists.
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self-reblobbing this, found while looking for something else, bc i noticed an additional Good Thing that Chris is doing here: see how he holds his right arm and hand? they're of no use in helping at that moment, so he holds them against his torso, as unthreatening as his left, as discreet and effaced as himself.
*just* what's needed to help, and nothing more.
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Chris Evans helps Regina King up the stairs to the stage after her Oscars win
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… i'd say this car and the whole company are a joke but it's waayyy worse than a "joke".
fucking hell.
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$122,000. And the thing is so shodily designed that the accelerator can become that easily stuck. It isn't even all one piece.
$122,000. That's more than my entire household income, and we're 3 adults with full-time jobs.
If you gave that $122,000 to Feeding America, that would provide over 1 million meals.
That's $122,000 more than Tesla paid in taxes.
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une miette de vin
(oui je sors poussez pas)
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you bottle Miette??
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guy: *sees a bird, stops to film* bird: *parades to defend territory, attacks when parade is not enough* guy: … oh no what have i done :|
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I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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"No climate justice on occupied land"
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Teeth are bullshit. What do you mean you’re decaying. Get a fucking grip. You’re a bone now act like it. You don’t see my finger bones decaying from jerking it too much now do you
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The flip side of the post-World War II cries of “Never again” was an unspoken “Never before.” The insistence on lifting the Holocaust out of history, the failure to recognize these patterns, and the refusal to see where the Nazis fit inside the arc of colonial genocides have all come at a high cost. The countries that defeated Hitler did not have to confront the uncomfortable fact that Hitler had taken pointers and inspiration on race-making and on human containment from them, leaving their innocence not only undisturbed but also significantly strengthened by what was indeed a righteous victory.
Naomi Klein, Doppelganger
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