averagefangirl9 · 3 months
Oh my god 😭😭😭😭
in the epilogue it's 19 years later and harry potter is STILL staring at draco malfoy. draco is the only one who gets his hair and clothes described in detail. even if we go 100% canon compliant drarry is still a thing - it's just the sad drarry ending.
two people made for each other and meant to be together, but torn apart by the war. their potential never realized and yet still, 19 years later unable to look away from each other.
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averagefangirl9 · 4 months
This is so true! I never realised it until I re-read Harry Potter as an adult. I mean. So many children I felt so bad for. Nowadays I want to get in to that world and shout at the adults, like wtf is wrong with you all, don't you see what's happening to these poor kids???
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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averagefangirl9 · 5 months
#runningonair #drarry #fanficstocarryinyourheart
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"Look at those colours."
"Don't tell me you've never seen a canola field? They're everywhere."
"They look amazing."
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averagefangirl9 · 5 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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averagefangirl9 · 8 months
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Reworked an old wip for Far From The Tree.
Please bear in mind that the full pic under the cut contains the major spoiler for the fic!
Keep reading
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averagefangirl9 · 8 months
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Ron experiences bi panic at the impressionable age of 15
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averagefangirl9 · 11 months
As readers we only know what Harry notices/pays attention to, and although we have no idea what color Cho’s eyes are or what Zacharias Smith’s voice sounds like, we know a lot about Draco Malfoy. Consider. We know:
His hair is blond. But not just blond. It’s a particular, white-blond color that gleams in the sunlight. 
And very sleek, but loose enough that it falls around his face if he moves around vigorously enough.
He has grey eyes. Not just grey, but specifically light grey.
Harry also frequently describes them as glittering or sparkling. 
He presumably has a sweet tooth as he gets regular sweets packages from home delivered by his eagle owl.
He has very pale skin which takes on a grayish tinge when he’s sickly.
He tends to narrow his eyes when he’s angry.
He doesn’t blush when he’s embarrassed but he does flush - just enough to give his skin a faint pink tinge. 
He tends to move his hands a lot when talking animatedly. 
His speech has a very specific drawling cadence and tone that makes his voice easily recognizable (to Harry at least).
This is all in canon.
Meanwhile, even though Harry and Ron are together practically 24/7 for seven years, we only find out that Ron’s eyes are blue halfway through Deathly Hallows. 
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averagefangirl9 · 11 months
Just thinking about the aloof, cool, and suave Draco trope and I'm like, this is the boy who hand crafted Potter Stinks badges and sat behind his sewing machine late at night and into the wee hours making Dementor costumes just to annoy/capture the attention of Harry James Potter, like be so for real
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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Babe come look at the halloween decorations I set up!😍🥰💫
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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Unfinished comic inspired by Draco mentioning farmers markets in cursed child?? 😭
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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Stiles is canonically a princess. Sorry, but that’s the rules. I don’t make these things up. 
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
Teen wolf movie spoiler
Ok can I just say that it was extremely absurd how everyone just stood there and watched Derek die / sacrifice himself ?!
Like they all look like they r standing and watching fireworks and not their pack member die .
Let me tell you this ,
If STILES STILLINSKI were there he wouldn't have let Derek be the sacrificial lamb once again and would've fought for him to stay alive.
Fuck this ending bruh
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
Full disclosure, I have not seen the Teen Wolf movie and no I do not plan on it. I have caught a few things through the magic of tumblr and I had some thoughts. So if everything I saw is accurate; Derek has a kid Eli (basically a Stiles replacement since Dylan wasn’t in the movie. Also, nobody knows who his mother is?) and Derek dies, and he leaves his kid to Scott and Allison. Am I right so far? I’ve seen a few posts entertaining the idea of Stiles being Eli’s other dad, fix-its that have him resurrecting/saving Derek in some capacity. And so it got me thinking of my own version of how I would fix this dumpster fire and like,
What if Stiles was not Eli’s dad?
No no no, hear me out, okay?
Derek had Eli with some one night stand or whatever, it’s not important. She’s not in the picture but neither is Stiles. Stiles is just the one that got away, he’s the guy Derek has been pining over for the past fifteen years, and nothing more. Stiles finally got away from the supernatural shitshow and Derek is not going to be the one to drag him back into it just because he has feelings for him.
But Stiles is still the closest thing Derek has ever had to family and it makes sense for Derek to entrust his family with Stiles’ family. So what if he left Eli in the care of John? (hIS NAME IS JOHN, FIGHT ME ON THIS.) And John, he kind of adores the kid, right? Of course when Derek dies (because he does) John takes Eli in just as he promised he would.
But John is getting older. Eli is a handful because he is just like Stiles. John has to tell Stiles eventually what happened and he really could use some help trying to wrangle a grieving teenager, so he calls Stiles.
Stiles is FURIOUS when he finds out what happened. He hasn’t been in contact with Scott for years because he realized what a piece of shit Scott was, but the fact that Scott didn’t even call when everything was happening makes him angry. The fact that they let Derek die?? More than angry. Angry enough to kill somebody. But when he meets Eli, all that anger disappears. Eli, who is this weird mix of Derek and Stiles, who is mourning the loss of his only parent, his only family. He knows what it’s like to lose a parent, but even after his mom died, he always had his dad. Eli doesn’t have that so Stiles makes it his responsibility to become that figure for him. Not his dad because nobody could replace Derek, but a guardian.
He moves back to town, he bonds with Eli, and in his spare time he maybe starts to explore the possibilities of necromancy. Death in a place like Beacon Hills has never been permanent– Peter and now Allison are proof of that. He doesn’t tell anybody because he doesn’t actually plan on bringing Derek back, it’s just a thought that keeps him from falling apart entirely. During this time, he realizes not only his feelings for Derek, but Derek’s feelings for him. He wishes he could have just a few minutes with Derek, wishes he could go back in time and redo everything. Maybe he would have stayed in Beacon Hills, or he would have asked Derek to leave with him. And time travel, yeah that’s a possibility, too, but time is a fickle bitch and Stiles isn’t willing to gamble with it. What if he messes something up and erases Eli from existence?
In the end, bringing Derek back is kind of an accident.
Years have passed and Eli is healing, Stiles is healing– they even manage to fix the jeep together because symbolism. Stiles is going through some old journals or something of Deaton’s and he finds something that looks kind of promising (something about true love being the one thing more powerful than death or something equally as cheesy) and he’s reading it out loud and it just happens. No fanfare, no sparks, almost like it’s not magic at all. One second, Stiles is alone, and the next, Derek is there– older than the last time Stiles saw him, just as beautiful. There’s some panic because what the fuck, the last thing Derek remembers is the fire and being so sure he was going to die and thinking if only I could see Stiles one more time and now he’s here, standing in front of Stiles– also older than the last time Derek saw him, and just as beautiful. But after the panic, there’s some kissing and some crying and some long awaited love confessions, and by the time they go home, Stiles still isn’t sure exactly what happened, what he did, what the consequences might be, but he’s got his arm around Derek’s waist and the burn of Derek’s stubble on his lips and Derek is alive so nothing else fucking matters.
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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like father, like son.
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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averagefangirl9 · 1 year
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fuck the movie, have sterek being domestic af instead: FBI Stiles losing his mind over a case while Derek is just chilling.
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