biodegradable-ink · 10 months
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best of birthdays to @buck-yyyy bird boy be unto ye!!!
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biodegradable-ink · 3 years
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biodegradable-ink · 3 years
15 fluff prompts
Feel free to reblog and use!
#1 - waiting for the other at the airport
#2 - watching the other wake up
#3 - writing a love letter but keeping it to themselves
#4 - taking a walk in the park together
#5 - attending dance lessons together
#6 - calling the other at 3 am
#7 - meeting at an ice cream shop
#8 - constantly checking their messages for words from the other
#9 - bonding over their pets
#10 - recognising the other’s voice in a crowded room
#11 - planning a surprise party for the other
#12 - bumping into each other unexpectedly
#13 - choosing fitting flowers for the other
#14 - spending time with the other and their friends/family
#15 - trying to decipher the other’s scent/perfume
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biodegradable-ink · 3 years
alright here's a cursed (?) writing prompt
cw//bones, swearing
@on-fire-fandom and I were discussing this today about how, if you had a limb, let's say an arm, amputated/cut off and you kept the bones, that could lead to some really cursed writing prompts/concepts. Some of my favorites are:
- finding bones in your family members' attic being Very Confused until finding out that some descendant of yours had an arm amputated
- Being forced into ghost hunting after a friend of yours passes and starts haunting the shit out of whoever comes into contact with their bones, so, of course, you are obligated to track down said bones that were somehow lost/sold/stolen??
- and imagine if the bones were like, finger bones, that had been separated and you just have to search and search and search for them
- having to explain why 'no, Mr. friendsdad I'm not grave robbing I'm simply trying to stop your child from sticking round to correct me on everything for all of eternity,'
- ohmygoodness trying to find the bones of someone who's haunting you with the help of their ghost until you finally find them and 'oh no wait this means I'll never see you again, but now you're my closest friend!!'
feel free to add more, if you write anything off of these please tag me I'd love to read it !!
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