bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa tarde! Yesterday a friend of ours brought us oh so many lemons... and they came in all shapes: One looked like a pumpkin, one looked like a pear, one looked like an avocado... There were bigger ones, smaller ones. But what was the best about them was invisible: Their smell. They all had the same great, refreshing smell of lemon that immediately reminds you of a fresh breeze, good vibes, happy summer days... 🍋 Also we as humans come in all shapes, we have the shape that nature choose to give us, each and every one of us has their very own individual appearance and that variety makes it so interesting and beautiful. However, we still run after ideals that someone – not nature – created and thus made us forget to value our natural beauty. But someone can be "perfect" due to these man-made standards and still not have a radiating appearance. And then there are people that are far from this "ideal" but they radiate a energy that is mesmerizing and immediately fascinates us. 🍋 If we go back to lemons it would be the most perfectly shaped, normed lemon, that "idea" of a lemon how we see it in commercials or how they get cultivated for supermarkets – and yet if it´s lacking this wonderful lemon smell (which most of the lemons in supermarkets do...) it kind of instantly loses that appeal. 🍋 Imagine closing your eyes: Which lemon would you pick? 🍋 It´s about more qualities than fitting a certain norm that got created and by doing that was disregarding that what´s really beautiful can´t often be perceived with our eyes only... Individuality, energy, the "scent" of something or someone is the much more real thing we should celebrate. And we encourage you to start doing this today! 🍋💛 #celebratingindividuality #realbeautycomesinallshapesandsizes #diversity #natureknowsbest #natureisbeautiful (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlVe2PHE7T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1grwawh3usaj5
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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How do you do this, nature? The colors, the shapes, up to the smallest detail? „I take my time and do it with love, my child“ we hear her say... Be like nature: Do things with love and don‘t forget that pinch of playfulness! ♥️ #nature #natureza #natureisanartist #madewithlove #maracuja #passionfruit #whatsyourpassion (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bti620gHRtL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l30c6nqyn5xn
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom dia! Are you aware of the way you are talking to yourself? Often our internal dialogue is a rather rough one. Where we are nice and caring with others, where we forgive and accept other people we love we often are very hard with ourselves. 🌸 Mastering our self-talk, stopping the constant inner critic and treating ourselves like a person we love is the base, however, to truly and unconditionally love others, too. 🌸 So ask yourself honestly: How understanding, loving, accepting, tolerant, forgiving and compassionate are you with yourself? 🌸 Sometimes it happens that we adopt a way of talking to ourselves or treating ourselves that we are used to from others. Maybe as kids we have been critized for being not as expected (too thin, too chubby, too loud, too silent, too curious, too boyish, too funny, too serious... whatever, you know best), we have been punished, verbally or even physically (which for older generations at least has been a much more „normal“ way of „education“) for a certain behaviour. Even if mostly we were just altright as we were and deserved to be loved as we were. 🌸 Of course that left a mark, a scar. And if we don´t go back to these places of hurt, even if it´s unpleasant, to revisit these feelings and discover our hidden patterns we can hardly see that a lot of our negative self-talk also stems from these experiences, that we have internalized the expectations or criticism of our closest environment. 🌸 So if you find yourself being harsh with yourself mostly it´s an internalized voice that is not your own one. And whenever you catch yourself telling yourself bad things, blaming yourself etc. counter this rather self-destructive behaviour with compassion and love. Shelter yourself, embrace yourself, give back the value to yourself that you really deserve. You are beautiful and enough, more than enough, just as you are. And you deserve to be loved - also by yourself! 🌸 We can only love others in a healthy way if we start to truly love ourselves and change our negative self-talk to a loving, healing one 🌸 #selftalk #innercritic #selflove #internaldialogue #choosinglove (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btf5EzUHJ75/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hmajq01ozd8s
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa tarde! What‘s your favourite element and why? How do you connect to water, fire, earth or air? How much of it do you find in yourself? I love water but lately I also feel very drawn to earth, to touch trees, to plant things... So I guess it‘s a time where this element wants my attention for the wisdom and energy it carries... What about you? What element is asking for your attention right now? What can it teach you? 🌊🌱🔥💨 #elements #energy (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWPknBHriW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15zt0z4b0xt4l
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa tarde! Sometimes things happen. Other than planned. Immediately we think of them as failure, disappointment – for oneself or others. Currently my parents are visiting and yesterday when we arrived at the booked restaurant, I felt slightly embarassed realizing it was the "wrong" one. 🎊 I had a different restaurant in mind where I had been before and thought it would have been this name, but it wasn´t. Well, bummer... So I thought, shit, they don´t have so many options on the menu (as it was a wine bare where they also served food), my friend is a vegetarian and also my parents probably expected something different. 🎊 So I tried to find other options close to have a snack there and go to another restaurant... Then our snacks came and they were excellent and they also had some warm options. The guy explaining the wines was super nice, we could try all the wines and decide for the one we liked best, eventually we got a portwine for free and he even showed us the wine cellar which was very interesting, also because the place used to be an old aqueduct. 🎊 Eventually everyone was happy, for my friend, there was great cheese, jam and bread as well as olives and my dad even said he would come back next time. No drama but a surprisingly nice experience after I first had thought "Oh no, how embarrassing, I made a mistake, I don´t know what to expect, maybe my parents are disappointed, maybe my friend who accompanied us is thinking it was not even worth coming with us... etc.". But well, sometimes these "mistakes" turn out to be great surprises if we accept them and accept that there is no problem at all, when we get rid of the expectation of how something is supposed to be or was supposed to be. 🎊 Just because I had a certain place in mind I immediately thought, this "wrong" place can never be as pleasurable as the other. Which simply was not true. It was different but a very nice experience, too. The way or form a certain experience comes to us may sometimes surprise us and it may look different than we initially thought, however, let´s trust that life is on our side and just wants to show us something we would have not tried otherwise. 🎊 #surprises #surpresa (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYxtl9nICe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18kbvll6pexxo
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa tarde! 🌞 Have a great Saturday wherever you are and keep your eyes open for little surprises... 🎈 I went to buy some fruit and vegetables and on the corner this nice image was waiting for me, reminding me of not forgetting to infuse life with a bit of playfulness! Also this morning I did a meditation meeting my younger self, the unafraid child, so it was perfectly connecting to this feeling of lightness 🎈 What’syour inspiration today? Keep your eyes open for it, there are always messages out there when we areavailable to receive resp. perceive them... 🎈 (em Anjos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtI8GGLntIg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8dsk4uv208cs
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! Imagine this: You are sitting in a chair, on a carpet, in the grass, no phone or computer close to you, no magazine or book, just you and this moment. How do you react? Do you get nervous and think about your to-do-list, about things you could be doing in this moment, about being productive, at least in your head...? 👁 Or can you enjoy these time outs, concentrate on the present moment, enjoy doing nothing, just observing the leaves of a tree in the wind, the clouds in the sky, the little hair on your arms, the sensations in your body? 👁 In our society we are so conditioned to perform, to be productive that sometimes we even seem to actively look for things to do as we feel useless or bad if we can´t prove our industriousness constantly. We feel like we have to validate our existence through being busy and seem to forget that we are human beings and not machines, that we have other qualities, that we should be valued for our hearts – which distinguish us from machines. 👁 For some the thought of "wasting time" seems horrible but it´s a "gift to our spirit" as Alan Lightman writes in his book "In praise of wasting time" (which we haven´t read yet but we came across an article). "It´s a liberation from the cage of the wired world" he says when we manage to take at least 30 minutes a day for ourselves, offline, undistracted. And we think it´s crucial to return to these quiet moments to balance our heart and mind, to return to our inner source of wisdom and to not lose ourselves in the seductive distractions luring all over. 👁 Sometimes we have to disconnect from everything to connect back with ourselves, because really, it´s hard to feel and know who we are and want to be, when we don´t create room for contemplation and see the the richness and value that can only be found in leisure. There we gain the power to act deliberately following our soul and not only re-act to external stimulations. Connecting back to ourselves is the most precious thing, it‘s priceless. You owe it to your soul and to your happiness. (em Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBKeG5nyOu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1msh0fvyfoad2
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom dia! Do you feel the full moon vibes still? We at least have the impression that as much as it contributes to a new kind of energy there is still also some confusing energy swirling around, making the neighbours´ dogs react a little crazy and sirens go more often than normal. And then there is still some trouble bubbling up again where we had thought it had been solved already... 🌚 So well, we have to hang in there a little more and just accept the things we can´t influence or change at the moment because it is outside of our realm. As much as it requires patience it´s a good reminder of an important lesson to learn. Honestly some years ago I would have freaked out in that kind of situations, I would have felt nervous and anxious all the time with my mind glued to the problem. The problem would own me and consume me. 🌚 Now I´m still not entirely relaxed and see where I still have to work on letting go more BUT it is so much better already! In these situations I really know why I do my daily meditation! And I am thankful for that practice and what it is teaching me. I´m able to calm down much quicker, I´m able to look at my feelings with a different attitude and I´m able to acknowledge and accept them and the situation. I know what I can do and where it´s just out of my personal power or influence and where I have to trust. 🌝 And that I should not forget to put my feet firmly on the ground and breath properly. One can´t repeat that often enough as it´s one of the most grounding, essential tools to connect with yourself again when you feel agitated. So, if you, too, feel, that you need a little more peace inside as around you things feel a bit more chaotic than you would wish them to be but you can´t really influence them, then "do the breath" and maybe give it a try to start with some meditation (if you aren´t already doing it)... 🌝 #meditation #grounding #centering #calmingdown #meditationpractice #breatheforpeace (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8BSwrnQiM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1glu1upld47y0
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! Do you know these moments when everything just seems to be in flow, every blade of grass in its right place, every flower shining in its most brilliant color, the air having the right temperature, the wind touching your cheek with perfect gentleness and you just feel one with the world, with your surrounding, there seems to be no separation between you and nature, you are just part of something bigger very naturally? 💫 We do and we hope you do know these moments, too! Because moments of flow are the moments were we are closest to a state of transcendence, where the magic and beauty of life is running through our veins without our brain interfering with worries. In these moments everything inside of us is open and aligned, none of our energy centers (or chakras) seem blocked. 💫 The curious thing is that in that state we return to a much more primal energy that is way more connected with our body and our instincts than with our intellect. And we often experience that those people who seem to be the most "intelligent" have trouble enjoying life and finding happiness. Being too much in our brains is kind of cutting us off from our lower energy centers and creates an imbalance that also impedes the natural flow of energy. And thus it makes it hard for us to experience these moments described earlier. 💫 So it´s crucial to create an equilibrium of energies and foster the dialogue with our intuition. If you are a person who is a lot in his/her head (this is the place I´m coming from...), try to take some minutes every once in a while where you close your eyes and put one or both hands on your heart to focus on creating an emotional connection to it. 💫 You don´t have to do anything else, just stay present with yourself and listen to what your heart (not your thoughts!) is telling you. The more we do little practices like this the easier it gets to find back to moments of natural flow, too. So start integrating this ritual in your life today - we are sure you won’t regret it! 💫 #flow #intuition #connectingtoyourheart #listeningtoyourheart #transcendence #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulexercise #connectingwithnature #everydayrituals (em Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5TZTBHn3z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pw96qefvap30
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa noite! We hope you enjoyed your Sunday and used it to relax! Happy full moon/blood moon/eclipse 🌚 Let the magic of the moon enter your life tonight! #fullmoon #bloodmoon #mooneclipse #luacheia #lua #magic (em Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3g230HNqH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mbv98mgjsikw
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Boa tarde! "Life is a journey, not a destination" – this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is a reminder for us that life means also change, transformation. Life is in flow, nothing ever stays the same even if we often would wish for it as we naturally also look for stability and comfort. We can not expect this stability and comfort, however, from the outside, from life itself, we can only learn to cultivate it inside of us and therefore offer this safe, tranquil spot to ourselves form within. 🐢 So fall in love with this journey, see obstacles as challenges to learn and grow. We can never control all of life´s aspect and if we try to do so we can get exhausted easily. So we have to trust in the natural flow of life and find stability inside. This is work, it demands practice, it will on some days feel easy and on other days feel hard or almost impossible. But we are all in this together. 🐢 We all have our struggles, we are all just humans, who at the core of our being just want to be loved and accepted for who we are, with all we are. And so we are often afraid of showing ourselves vulnerable, raw, naked because we think others have a certain image of us or expect certain things of us, they just love us with the condition of being like this or being like that. 🐢 The truth is: We are worthy just as we are. We are worthy with our strengths and our weaknesses, we are worthy of being loved, accepted and embraced. 🐢 Our journey in the best case leads us not only to happiness and freedom but also back to ourselves and the wisdom that we have deep inside. The wisdom that we are love and that this is all we need to be. 🐢 So try to not be upset if the road feels a bit bumpy at times but try to understand what wisdom it is that life wants you to see behind the obstacles. Embrace the journey and find a place to rest inside of yourself, where you can pause and breathe if you need a little break. Only we can give that to ourselves and so it is important to recognize this need and be compassionate with ourselves. Because we are worth it! 🐢💗 #lifeisajourney #embracethejourney #unconditionallove #compassion #compaixão #youareworthy (em Montachique, Lisboa, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0YoQ1nt5K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=trgctv6t3jtt
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! There is a saying that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it, what YOU actually make of it. That means life is not happening to you but for you as you are in charge of what to do with it: In other words (which you for sure know) If life gives you lemons, make lemonade! 🍋 Get creative, ask what you can learn from or in a certain situation, see it as a chance to change some of your patterns and habits and go new ways. Often it’s our beliefs - what we keep thinking since many many years and keep confirming - that are limiting us not others, not “life”. Life is FOR you. 🍋 So at this moment in your life, what are your lemons, where does it not taste as sweet yet as you would it like to be? And how can you make “lemonade” to enjoy? Where can you start to work on these old beliefs that are blocking you, how can you dissolve and transform them...? 🍋 As always changing a mindset needs time and practice. But from personal experience we can tell you it’s possible and liberating once you start to see life and your power to act differently... 🍋 Also be never afraid to ask people to help you if you feel stuck and don’t think you can get the first push from yourself. We had great mentors and inspiring souls, too, that led us the way. Growing as a person ain’t always easy and in the beginning we have to face and go through all the old pains that in our society we often rather hide than share or look at. 🍋 But we can only heal if are brave and go exactly there where it hurts. If you have a cut in your finger, the cure is not to take something against a headache... We need to really examine the source of pain and work with it, believing it is there to teach us an important lesson so we can grow, believing that life is FOR us, even when it’s challenging at times. 🍋 Let’s work on changing our beliefs, lemon by lemon, lesson by lesson ;) 🍋 #mindset #healing #lifeisforyou #trust #confiança #youarestrongerthanyouthink (em Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsxf9yMnTSH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tr3zslpof4u0
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! What are you grateful for today? As we have been surely mentioning before: practicing gratitude is a powerful tool to draw more of these things into your life! Well, your intention should not be the hope for this but rather a real feeling of gratitude as this is the source from which we create a very special energy... It´s very similar to love for me and it grows stronger the more we nourish it. 🙏🏼💗 I´m grateful today for feeling so integrated in my new home in Portugal already, for all the wonderful people I met resp. was introduced to, for my old and new friends here and that all friendships seem to come so naturally. I feel very lucky that a lot of people live close to me and we´re crossing each others ways just so sometimes or that we have nice cinema sessions after having a nice dinner for a good price in a close by association. 🙏🏼💗 I´m grateful for feeling accepted and naturally being part of this group of kind people somehow, for them asking me to join for certain activities and for really making me feel they are my friends somehow, even though I don´t know them for long. This is so special and precious to me – especially as I´ve been very much struggling with a feeling of connection resp. felt kind of disconnected from my environment in the last place I lived (for several reasons, some I knew consciously, some only revealed themselves to me later on). 🙏🏼💗 So I´m grateful for that feeling of connection, of warmth, of acceptance that nourish my soul and are a bit like a good hug. And I gotta they these people also give good hugs ;) 🙏🏼💗 There are so many other things that would come to my mind now that I´m grateful for but today I wanted to especially focus on one feeling/point and explain it a bit in depth. 🙏🏼💗 And now it´s your turn! What are you grateful for today? Visualize it or write it down and see how good that feels to focus on feelings of gratitude 🙏🏼💗 #gratitude #gratidão #practicinggratitude https://www.instagram.com/p/BsvM8rcn4-_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13kro40x7xonp
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! When we talk about certain things we want in our life, we often meet people who seemingly want the same – but eventually it turns out that we were only kind of wanting the same and there are more questions to ask to REALLY define or find out about what it is that matters in our life. 🙏🏼 An example: If you are looking for a soulmate/sacred partner you will be confronted with asking yourself what qualities this person should uncompromisely come with – and well, here we are talking about core values not haircuts or measures (of course a certain degree of mutual attraction matters but that should do it if you are somehow realistic and mature about what is important in a longlasting relationship). Now you could say "I want my partner to be spiritual": But what does that mean actually? For one person it means to meditate daily, go to a ton of retreats etc., for others it means that someone is living his/her life consciously & is open to evolve as a person. You could say "I want a partner who likes to have a family" but what does that mean? That close and reliable relationships of trust & mutual love and care matter? That the person wants to have kids? If so, how do you imagine your family life in detail? Just because someone wants to have kids, too, doesn´t mean you have the same idea of how you live as a family, how the kids should get educated... So we need to work these things out properly for ourselves as the true meaning of something summed up with a word/sentence can have so many different colors for so many different people. We can talk about the same term but have a totally other idea of it than another person. That is true for all areas of our life: in terms of who/how we want to be and live (work/mission, money/career, environment/home, relationships in general...). As we are still starting this year it´s a good chance to grab a piece of paper, take some time for yourself (whenever you have enough undistracted time) and write down how you want your life to be, look and FEEL (! - it´s actually the most important point that you can really feel it), in as much detail as possible so that there is no way it could get misinterpreted! 💪🏼#manifesting (em Anjos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BssdPOQnp96/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11jhcmgpkj46p
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! Surely you know these days where you just feel restless and there is a constant feeling of fear so that you would like to go back and hide in your little snail shell... 🐌 You know what: It is ok to have these feelings and to feel bad about having them makes it just worse when you are worrying already. BUT we have a better idea for you than crawling back in a dark lonely place: Finding your way back to trust. Recently we talked with a friend what we were doing in moments of fear and we both had the same cure 🐌 Acknowledging the fear but not letting it overwhelm you (which means: breathing! consciously, deliberately concentrating on your breath) and finding back not in your shell but to that soft, warm and bright place of trust within yourself 🐌 Trust that everything is going to be alright. Trust is our real magic armour as from this place we can actually act, with confidence. We can even experience that we are connected and guided and not alone through finding back to that safe spot of trust 🐌 So next time you are struggling with feelings of fear choose the magic, powerful shell of love to protect you instead of disconnecting in a dark lonely place. It‘s a matter of practice but each time we choose our new way of behaving in a certain situation it will become the new normal more and more, it‘s just rewiring our brain and establishing new habits. Trust it. Trust yourself. Trust life. It will be beautiful! 💗 #trust #reconnecting #confiança #overcomingfear #newhabits #rewiringthebrain (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BspuzNMHEqQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q60ppjdb4501
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Bom Dia! Mondays might feel challenging but that‘s why we should remind ourselves to zoom out of our narrow perspective if something isn‘t working out as planned... 💛 Life is much more than this part we might focus on in a certain moment. Breathe, close your eyes and open them up to a wider horizon and the range of colors that life is actually made of... 💛 Acknowledge and observe your feelings but understand that if we zoom out of a negative feeling we see it‘s becoming smaller and smaller compared to the chances and beauty we are offered by life, too. Then let the negative emotions slowly pass, sail away with an imaginary boat... What rests ist the calm water and the warm light of the sun. Can you feel it? 💛 #mondaymotivation (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnZHU1nh6z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hd13cxe1gomv
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bomdiaalegria-blog · 5 years
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Compassion starts with opening up for the other, being present with him/her, listening with intention and attention, staying present with the other 🧡 Compassion starts with compassion for ourselves, following your loved ones, people that are neutral for you and we master it in a new way arriving to (allowing ourselves to) feel compassion for these people even that we struggle with, that hurt us... 🧡 Compassion, loving kindness, is the key to unconditional love, too, as it means accepting, embracing, opening our arms for the other without expecting them to be in a certain way... It may sound strange to you or you might ask why you should cultivate compassion or unconditional love if you got hurt by someone and indeed it’s often difficult - but mastering it or at least practicing it will not only contribute to a more peaceful, loving atmosphere in this world, it will also give yourself a great sense of peace that changes your life and mood for the better... 🧡 The so called “Metta Meditation” teaches us how to cultivate loving kindness: Starting with visualizing yourself you continue with a loved person before imagining a neutral person and finally one you have trouble with - for each person/encounter you speak (at least silently): May you be happy. May you be free. May you be healthy. May you be loved. Eventually repeat/conclude it with “May all beings be happy, may all beings be...” 🧡 You have nothing to lose, friends, if you try being a bit more compassionate - with or without Metta Meditation. So try to be especially attentive and open today and see where you can practice loving kindness in your life more! Bom dia! E bom sabado! #lovingkindness #mettameditation #compassion #practicingcompassion #unconditionallove #innerpeace (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiDH5AnThg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ighgelkxr7pl
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