buffyarven ยท 2 years
I just love tarot
Tarot Inspired Journal Prompts
Fool: what is something new you are doing or want to do?
Magician: what is a magical way to enhance my day? Or, how can I be more like the magician?
High Priestess: what are my thoughts on divination? What about intuition?
Empress: what part of myself do I want to grow/nurture?
Emperor: what part of my life needs me to take authority? How can I?
High Priest: what are my personal traditions? How is my spirituality unique to me?
Lovers: what relationships mean the most to me?
Chariot: what part of my life needs me to be more combative/ warrior-like?
Strength: what part of my life should I face with courage?
Hermit: what do I need to do alone more often? What do I need to do with others more often?
Wheel of Fortune: what do I think about luck, fate, and/or fortune?
Justice: when do I need to focus on legality vs fairness? Or, What may cause me to seek justice/retribution?
Hanged Man: what have/will I sacrifice for -x-? What am I never willing to sacrifice? What will I easily give up?
Death: what is something personal I want to end or change? What is something that will end or change no matter how I feel? How can I accept it?
Temperence: what part of my life needs more patience? What part needs more balance? How can I achieve both?
Devil: what is a primal desire I have? Should I grant it to myself? Why or why not? How can I get what I want?
Tower: what can I learn from the current or recent chaos/disaster in my life?
Star: what do I hope for? How can I get it?
Moon: what part of my life is best kept private? Why?
Sun: what makes me happy?
Jusgement: what part of me needs reflection? What is a fair assessment of that part?
World: what parts of my life have been fulfilled? What parts are still lacking?
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buffyarven ยท 2 years
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Relaxo in Game of Thrones๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸคŸ
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buffyarven ยท 2 years
Do you ever wake up and be like, nahhhh not today bruh.
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buffyarven ยท 2 years
some of my favorite beginner witchcraft books!
as a 'baby witch', it's hard to figure out what's truly meant for beginners, and what's meant for more advanced practitioners. so, i've compiled a list of my favorite beginner witch books!
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
A fantastic (yet dense) book on overall witch history, historical figures in witchcraft, and the different "branches" of witchcraft that has developed over the years.
Elemental Witchcraft by Michelle Heron
While this book is meant to be Heron's own teachings about the "pentacle path" (and I'm not a huge fan of Heron's writings/musings), there is amazing information in this book about the foundations of witchcraft like hermetic philosophy and witch history. If you pick up this book, just make sure to take everything with a grain of salt.
Queer Magic edited by Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin
If you follow me, you're probably a queer witch - and this book is essential. It's a collection of essays and musings, all by witches from different backgrounds, orientation, and practices. It's a fantastic read that I highly recommend to anyone that wants to be more inclusive with their practice - especially those who plan on building their own witchy communities.
Grovedaughter Witchery by Bree NicGarran (AKA @breelandwalker, right here on Tumblr!)
I couldn't make this list without including this incredible spell book. I know beginner witches are eager to get their hands dirty, and this book is perfect for that - tons of simple spells, rituals, and crafts for any witch. (And, tons of sass from Mama Bree herself!) I highly recommend picking up this book if you're interested in getting started in spell work, and if you're new to learning about correspondences.
The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington
Now... I'm not a huge fan of Scott Cunningham. He has a lot published, and most of his books are just regurgitations of other books he's written - but I really enjoyed this one. If you're a household witch, or you're interested in household magic, this is a great book to have on hand. It contains tons of rituals for the home (folklore included!), magical recipes, and tons more.
if you're interested in additional witchy books/readings, check out my reading materials tag!
(also, my ask box is completely open for discussion! if you've read these books, let me know if you liked them or not! or, if you have any recommendations for other witchy books, i'd love those, too!)
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