delilah-rose · 3 years
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I still can’t get over how beautiful our wedding was. Everything was perfect, the church was beautiful and we were able to have ceremony inside. The venue came together with all our vendors working together and they all brought our vision to life, it was an absolute dream. I want to say one of the things that will stick with me forever is how everyone had an absolute blast! So much love, laughter and happiness. One of my special memories is also our vows, we decided to have that be private between us and our photographer. It was absolutely amazing, just us two on top of a cliff pronouncing our dreams, love and promises to each other. Our vows had some things in common which made me chuckle and want to cry. I absolutely love Alex, my husband!
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This past year during COVID has been rough, being apart from your family and loved ones. The constant fear of getting COVID, the fear of going to work or going out for basic essentials. The fear of you getting COVID and spreading it to your loved ones. I was a part of people who got laid off during COVID so that was also tough. So despite all that, to be able to celebrate our love for each other with our family and loved ones really meant the world to us.
Our church sponsors are my neighbors/adoptive grandparents. They’re mid eighties so we were concerned for their health and safety and kinda expected them to not go to our reception. They did agree to go to the church which honestly is the most important and we were grateful they could at least come to the ceremony. (During the pandemic, we kept our distance and wore masks and socially distanced if we talked to them, etc) To our surprise, they decided to join us last minute at the church and honestly that was amazing and I wanted to cry of happiness. They mean so much to us, they’re our role models and we look up to them. They’re amazing human beings, so kind, funny and their marriage is one for the books. Im just so grateful for them.
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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May 8, 2021. I could not stop smiling that day and my heart was so dang full. I absolutely love you Alex.
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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delilah-rose · 3 years
Tomorrow.....is the BIG DAY! I just finished writing my vows and they’re amazing. I’m so excited for tomorrow!! I get to marry my best friend in front of God with my family there oh my God that is the dream! I am a bit nervous but more like butterflies in my stomach!
Eeeeeeek! I can’t wait!!!!
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delilah-rose · 3 years
Tomorrow, Alex and I get married through church ceremony and get to celebrate with our close family and friends. I was nervous about things going right and getting done on time and excited about marrying Alex in front of God. Alex was chill as a cucumber but now he’s getting nervous and tossing and turning at night 😂
I can’t wait till our church ceremony and the reception ❤️
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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Handmade Mugs
Bottega Krua on Etsy
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delilah-rose · 3 years
I got offered a job on 04/07/21 and I barely did processing and fingerprinting yesterday. I would normally hate the delay but I’m happy cause I’ve been able to fully continue planning the wedding. Hoping I don’t have to start until after the honeymoon. Fingers crossed!
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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delilah-rose · 3 years
My acne has been flaring up soooooo bad for past two or three weeks. My forehead was (still kinda is but has improved) super bumpy with little pimples. Now I have a bright red pimple on my fucking chin like COME ON R U KIDDING MEEEEE. Ten days away from the wedding and my skin is just not cooperating. This has me stressed the fuck out that I might not look good for the wedding.
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Stay tuned to see if my acne clears up before the wedding 😂
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delilah-rose · 3 years
Looking back at this post from Oct 2020 and honestly I’m so glad that I’m kinda at that point of “Wow, things are better. You thought they wouldn’t be but look at you now!”
I realize I didn’t really talk about what happened previously before. Why I was stressed and down and feeling hopeless. *Le Sigh. I was laid off from my previous job after working there for five years. I understand now that people get laid off and especially right now due to the pandemic. I get that now. But honestly looking back at it, that could of been the reason my employer used but I doubt it was that. I think there was something shady going on and they just didn’t want me there anymore. They said how I was using their instant messaging for personal use and it wasn’t acceptable. (Now looking back at it....was I doing that? Yes. Daily? No. Occasionally? Yes. Were others doing it? Hell yes and way more than me. Were those people fired? No. Also....that’s not a good enough reason to lay me off. I coulda gotten a warning. I knew there was low work which I’m assuming is why I was also laid off but main reason I got was the instant messaging.) I was very distraught, shocked, upset and angry. I had management stand at my desk while EVERYONE else was staring at me as I packed up my desk. That was embarrassing. I couldn’t understand “Why me?” I am not lying when I say this...I killed myself for this job. I brought work home. I stayed later than everyone else. I was very hard on myself. I spread myself thin for management. I helped everyone. I had headaches daily which sometimes turned into migraines. I would get anxious and was very stressed. And I got laid off. So as you can imagine, it was tough coming back from that.
I know, I know. “A job doesn’t define you. You are worth more than that. They lost a good employee. It’s their loss. They’re wrong. You’re better off. It’s a blessing in disguise.” I heard all those quotes or variations of it. It didn’t make the situation easier. I finally was able to deal with my emotions from that experience and was able to better myself professionally. Next month, I’m starting a new job and it seems less toxic than my other one and I’m hopeful.
I guess point of this post is, things do get better and you gotta give yourself more credit than you do. You are so strong. Do not let others actions define your worth. Don’t give up.
You know how sometimes something unexpected happens. Something you never thought would happen. And then you’re at that point where you know “things will get better” and “better things will come”....well I sure can’t wait for that.
I’ve been trying to feel better and I have moments where I act like myself but then there’s time I’m a little down ya know? I just can’t wait till I look back at this experience and I’m like “Wow remember when you thought it wouldn’t get better? Well you were wrong. All that stress and sadness for nothing!”
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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delilah-rose · 3 years
I know I haven’t posted in such a long time, I am trying to post a bit more as this was always a safe haven for me. It was somewhere that I posted my most random and deep thoughts. Have you guys ever looked back at your posts and you’re like why did I post that? Some of my old posts are about how bored I am and some of them are about me complaining about my job. The variety of my posts are there from reblogging to personal posts. I especially love the posts about Alex and little memories that happened then. 🥰
Honestly that’s probably why I haven’t deleted my tumblr. Also of course all the old photos! I can’t forget that this site was also how I met one of my closest friends! Sammy and I both met on this site and talked cause we liked each other’s posts, then became pen pals with actual letters and years later met in person. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and now she’s gonna be my bridesmaid in my wedding! That’s incredible! I like looking back on posts, photos and memories so I want to do that more often especially now.
I’ve had this blog for over ten years (!!!!) and it’s seen me evolve from a 20 year old who loved emo music and just started dating her best friend to a 30 year old who still loves emo music and is going to marry her best friend in less than two weeks!
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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Yesterday I had my bachelorette and it was the best. It was the most intimate (5 of us total) and most special. Honestly I’ll hold this night dear cause it was filled with a lot of laughs, love, support and fucking good vibes. Three of my bridesmaids are my sisters in law (and friends) so I’d occasionally seen them. Mg friend Delia I hadn’t seen her since the pandemic began. It was just so nice to be able to see them all together. (My voice is legit almost gone due to all the talking and laughing. Don’t even get me started on how much my cheeks hurt due to excessive laughing!) We had a few drinks, ate some bomb ass food and played some card games. I think my favorite was them each painting a canvas for me. Delia painted a Rupi Kaur poem (my favorite poet!) for me and I legit died. I love my bridesmaids! Unfortunately two couldn’t make it but they were able to video chat with me and I absolutely loved that special touch. ❤️
Imma marry the love of my life in less than two weeks and I can’t wait. 🥰
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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We recently took some photos and I’m in love!!!! Almost one more month till our wedding, I can’t wait to marry you ❤️❤️
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delilah-rose · 3 years
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