evumei-mei · 8 years
Nirvana in Fire had eaten my brain. I love it to pieces, but it's so sad ;-;
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evumei-mei · 8 years
I bet that the green goo stuff that the Paladins, Allura and Coran eat is the Altean version of MREs. It's been 10000 years, none of the food would have lasted that long, so they're probably eating something like nutrient paste. Allura and Coran most likely received some wilderness training, especially on edible plants they could eat if they're lost... on Altea. On Arus, they wouldn't have the faintest clue what's safe to eat or not. Hunk was actually really lucky he didn't feed them something incredibly poisonous.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Day 3
Damen always had romantic notions of finding a bride. He grew up on stories of  invincible Achilles and brave Patroclus, lovely Helen and lovestruck Paris. The story of how his father, Theomedes, won the hand of the beautiful Alce, his mother. The story would begin, as always, with a small Damen, demanding a bedtime story.
“Mother, tell me a story please.” He would always demand.
“All right, my little prince. What shall it be this time?” Alce would ask, smiling, already knowing the answer.
“Tell me the story of how father met you.” Damen demanded, the words practiced.
“It begins with a lonely girl, who was utterly beautiful, but had never had a friend, and had vowed, somewhat foolishly, to never marry.
The girl was beautiful however, so suitors flocked to her, never mind that they would be turned down! Many suitors were unhappy about being rejected, so the girl set up a contest. Whoever could outrun her in a race through the mountains would be permitted to wed her. The girl knew that she could not lose however, for she was fleet of foot, and the mountains had been her constant companions since she was a child. She knew the fastest paths through the high, dangerous paths, and how to avoid the lions that roamed the hills. For years, the suitors would come, and they would fail. The girl was not happy, but she was content.
One day a young prince heard rumour of the girl, and her great beauty. He also heard of her great resistance to being married. The prince however, couldn’t resist a challenge. He rode out to where the girl was, and, seeing her best his fellow suitors in a race, knew he stood no chance. He had fallen in love however, and knew that he must gain her hand in marriage. The women he had been with before he had seen the girl disappeared from his mind like mist, vanishing under the sunlight that was her beauty.
The prince however, had a plan. He had met this girl’s father before, for her father was a Kyros and had chance to visit the palace where the prince lived. One thing that her father always mentioned was that the girl loved beautiful things, and gold above all. The prince then went on to a goldsmith, and had him fashion three golden apples, then swore him to utmost secrecy.
The next day, the prince challenged the girl to a race. They started at noon, with the sun high in the sky above them. They raced into the foothills, and when the girl was ahead of the prince, the prince threw one of the golden apples as far as he could off to the side, where fell and started rolling down the hill. The girl, entranced, paused and raced off after the apple, and the prince pulled ahead in the race.
Further on, the girl started getting farther and farther ahead. The prince pulled out his next apple, and threw it off to the side, where it fell off a small cliff. The girl jumped after it, and took precious minutes to pull herself back up once she had the golden apple. The prince had run ahead again, but the girl knew she would eventually outrun him again.
Once the girl had pulled ahead in the race once more, the prince pulled out his last apple, and threw it the hardest he could off to the side. The finish line was almost in sight! He was almost there, and the girl was behind him. And then, the lion attacked!”
Damen gasped out loud, eyes wide. “Will he be okay?” he asked, as he always did.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Alce replied, as she always did.
“The prince pulled out his sword, fearful, but ready to slay the lion. The girl, behind him, running as hard as she could did not see it, desperate as she was to beat the prince and remain unmarried.
“Alce! Stand back!” the prince cried, fearful for the girl’s life. She did not listen, so intent she was on winning. The prince, seeing no other option, sprung forward and stabbed at the lion, only gaining a glancing blow. In return, the lion used it’s great claws to tear at his other arm, gravely wounding him. The prince brought his sword around and struck the lion down, desperate to save the girl that he had fallen in love with.
The girl, seeing his bravery, stopped in her tracks and dropped the apples that she had held so preciously. This was the man that she would be tamed for. Grabbing his unharmed arm, she helped him hobble across the finish line, one step ahead of her.
The prince had won the race, and more importantly, won the girl’s heart. In another month the two, Theomedes and Alce, would be wed at the palace in Ios, and would live madly, happily in love. And, best of all, they would have a wonderful, happy little boy named Damianos.” Finishing her tale, Alce smiled at Damen, who was slowly blinking, sleep nearly overcoming him. There was one last question for him to ask however.
“That’s where you found those golden apples you have on your dressing table, mama. Right?” Damen asked, nearly cutting his words off with a massive yawn.
“Yes my darling. One day, maybe you’ll find a wild girl too, and will need some apples to tame her as well. The best people worth having sometimes need some effort. And a little bit of trickery.” Alce said, tucking the blankets up higher and kissing her son on the forehead. “Sweet dreams my little prince, sweet dreams.”
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evumei-mei · 8 years
imagine, jack zimmermann, knitting.
knitting is really good for anxiety and stress
his mom brought him a few skeins of yarn and some needles after he was taken off of suicide watch. He got a lot of other things, other possible hobbies, but knitting is the one he gravitated toward.
the sound of the needles, the feel of the yarn sliding across his fingers is comforting
he always gets the softest yarn possible, warm and brightly coloured
every year, he knits his parents matching sweaters
shitty finds out, and thinks it’s super cool “Breaking down gender norms!”
when he’s high though, watching Jack knit is the best thing ever™ it’s hypnotizing
after that, shitty gets knitted gifts sometimes. He really digs everything he gets, and his honest pleasure at receiving each hand knit thing makes Jack soso happy
when Bitty shows up, he doesn’t find out that Jack knits for ages
when he does, he always takes the opportunity to sit nearby and study, or even just listen. It reminds him of his grandmama
it reminds him of home, and how the haus is very quickly becoming home (how quickly he wants jack to be his home)
some days they’ll just hang out in the kitchen, bitty, baking; jack, knitting
after Graduation, Jack starts sending Bitty small things he’s knitted, and Bitty thinks that wrapping the scarf he got around himself is like getting a secondhand Jack hug
eventually Jack sends Bitty a sweater
they beat the sweater curse by getting married a few months later
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evumei-mei · 8 years
So you know how nico’s from Italy? He’s catholic - he might not practice, or even believe, but when he lived there, everyone went to church, and back then, everyone did mass in latin.
So, when he encounters the romans, he knows how to speak latin (at least some), even though he didn’t get it from his godly parent, because he got latin from his human parent, and his religion.
i bet sometimes he likes to just stay at Camp Jupiter & listen to everyone speaking, because it reminds him of how his mother would sing the most beautiful hymns in latin on the way back home from church.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Laurent’s smile is a lovely, fragile thing, ever more precious for it’s rarity. Every one that Damen can coax out of him feels like an impossible feat, yet easy as breathing.
This is love, he muses, and knows it to be true.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Autistic Pidge tho. There’s a lot of autistic!keith out there but Pidge? Way more likely.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
The raven boys have consumed my brain, and quite possibly, my soul. It's a bit like going mad.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
At the beginning of the series, Damen isn't so much a child, but neither is he truly grown up. He doesn't know what he doesn't know, and doesn't care to find out. He's young and untouchable, and consequences are for other people. Becoming a slave does little to temper his hubris and pride in the beginning, but His situation and Laurent step in to give him a much needed reality check. If Theomedes had died and Kastor hadn't usurped the throne, Damen would likely not have lasted very long as a ruler anyway. It is unlikely he would be able to check the wilder and more cunning factions of the court, and would either cause infighting among the nobles or start another war to turn the seething resentment outwards. In the case of a war, Damen would be at the front lines, leading the charge; his pride and honour would demand no less. In this scenario however, it is unlikely that he would have taken a wife, too busy with the realities of ruling, and if he fathered a bastard and was killed, the people would be unlikely to rally behind an infant bastard of a warmongering king. Better the bastard you know, and not one that's a baby. If Kastor had poisoned Theomedes, but simply waited, he would have gotten everything he wanted, and barely have to lift a finger. A push here, a whispered word into an ear there, and the people would depose Damen for him. Fortunately Damen does get that reality check, and better yet, gets the love and loyalty of Laurent. Letting Laurent fixes some of his flaws, but meeting Damen fixes some of Laurents flaws as well. Those that aren't, are kept in check. The two of them keep each other balanced.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
As much as I would like Matt/Shiro pre canon it's probably not going to happen. :c 
astronauts, especially ones on missions that long would be extremely strictly monitored psychologically. It's three people in a tin can together alone for months. They need to get along, and romantic entanglements complicate things 
even if they had a relationship, there would be absolutely no way to hide it from their superiors. Even if they had gotten together in basic, or even high school, the mission commanders would have scoured every inch of their histories for something that would jeopardize the mission 
Matts DAD is with them on the mission, and is probably no further than 10 meters away at all times (spaceships are tiny) kissing? AWKWARD. Anything more? Not going to happen 
on the other hand, this leaves us open for friends-to-lovers during their stint as Galran prisoners, with an extra side of life and death desperation 
"I don't want to die with regrets" Matt or Shiro at some point probably, before soundly kissing the other •imagine them stealing scant few seconds together when the guards aren't looking 
patching each other up after fights in the arena, peppering kisses over every hurt •every day, before they're taken out of their cell "do you trust me?" "with everything" Shiro knew something would be coming. He just hoped Matt would forgive him for it eventually 
attacking Matt, even when it was pretend was probably the hardest thing Shiro has ever had to do. Going off to die himself, and sending Matt to an uncertain future would always be better than watching Matt die in the arena before him though
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Tress likes to spend time where he can with Rath, out in the gardens, in the city, but his favourite place has to be the library. The many many books fill up the shelves, tomes of science and history, mathematics and literature, every subject possible. When he was younger (and even now) when his parents or siblings are searching for him, they'll check the library first, his rooms and office second. On rainy days you can almost always find him there, bundled under a quilt with Rath. With hot tea at hand, they while away the hours, finding interesting books and reading to each other. Tress's favourite is a book of tales from far off lands that his mother read to him when he was a child. His favourite tale is of "The Princess and the Pea". Rath always accuses him of being sentimental. (he's right) @patthephilatos
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Even though we first see Pidge desperately searching for Matt and her dad, I wonder if she actually believed that she could find them alive. Space is one of the most inhospitable environments, and though the mission would have safeties in case of inexplicable failures, sometimes things just happen. It's more likely Pidge was searching for the faint possibility that someone was out there, drifting in space, calling out for help. Or even that she could find and hear the very last words of her father and brother. Pidge must have held out some hope that they were alive; the possibility that they were dead would have been much more prevalent. Finding Shiro in the desert must have felt like finding a lifeline after swimming against the current for months.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Imagine tiny Katie Holt at her first day of karate classes, clinging to her brothers hand, and it'll be ok, I'm right next door, so don't worry. When Matt gets back from his dance classes, he can't find Katie anywhere, not out in front, not in the lobby, not even in the dojo when he peeks his head in. Finally, he hears her giggles spilling out of a door off to the side, and he might just faint from the relief of finding her. When he sees her, she's up on a counter, getting a bandage pressed onto a scrape on her tiny hand. "Hey there. You're Katie's brother right? She'll be right as rain in a moment, just had a little fall." Turning back to Katie and fastening a bandage over her tiny scrape, he smiled. "All done. Be careful ok?" Staring in shock at the other boys prettypretty eyes Matt stammered out a shy hello. "My names Shiro. It's nice to meet you."
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evumei-mei · 8 years
The way Lance and Keith remember seeing each other at the Garrison for the first time is very different.
Lance: sees this guy with a short red jacket and mile long legs pull up to the Garrison on a speeder that looks like a dream and flies like one too, all smooth movement and aloof coolness. Instantly jealous and crushing
Keith: why did that guy just trip and fall on his face?
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evumei-mei · 8 years
I want Pidge to find another bot like Rover and reprogram it, but this time, the reprogramming self replicates like a virus. Imagine Pidge, surrounded by an army of little drones that will do anything for them.
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Low key shipping Wymack/Abby/Bee rn
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evumei-mei · 8 years
Hunk has always been underestimated. How he speaks, his skin colour, his size. Often people meet him and fit him into the box of "big, dumb and nice." Doing so really sells him short. He's not just nice, but Hunk is truly kind, looking out for everyone and always having a ready ear to listen. He's the furthest thing from dumb; he's an engineer, and figured out the Fraunhofer line almost immediately, and that it was pointing to the solution to Keith's mysterious energy. He may be big, that bit's true, but that just makes his hugs better. Hunk is the best.
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