flyawaybytheway · 10 years
May all your bacon burn
For the sake of vocabulary-building
What are some good words that are either:
Swears (eg: fuck)
Not-quite-swears that are clearly substitutes for actual cussing (eg: exclaiming fudge or sugar, saying something stinks instead of saying it sucks, etc) 
Clean insult words/phrases (“go step on legos”, asinine)
These are important words, and I know y’all know some I don’t.
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
The other day I decided to start writing 500 words every morning. I haven't been writing a whole lot lately and it seems like a good goal to start at. I really want to get this story written. Yesterday and the day before I had no problem cranking out the words. I wonder why today is giving me a hard time.
I know what's suppose to happen. I know where I need to get to. It just is slow going. I should really put the phone down and get back to work. Only another 239 words to go.
Everyone else trying to write and having a hard time with it today. Just keep pushing forward. We can do it. :)
Even if it is hard. Lol
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.
Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (via observando)
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
Imagine this: Instead of waiting in her tower, Rapunzel slices off her long, golden hair with a carving knife, and then uses it to climb down to freedom. Just as she’s about to take the poison apple, Snow White sees the familiar wicked glow in the old lady’s eyes, and slashes the evil queen’s throat with a pair of sewing scissors. Cinderella refuses everything but the glass slippers from her fairy godmother, crushes her stepmother’s windpipe under her heel, and the Prince falls madly in love with the mysterious girl who dons rags and blood-stained slippers. Imagine this: Persephone goes adventuring with weapons hidden under her dress. Persephone climbs into the gaping chasm. Or, Persephone uses her hands to carve a hole down to hell. In none of these versions is Persephone’s body violated unless she asks Hades to hold her down with his horse-whips. Not once does she hold out on eating the pomegranate, instead biting into it eagerly and relishing the juice running down her chin, staining it red. In some of the stories, Hades never appears and Persephone rules the underworld with a crown of her own making. In all of them, it is widely known that the name Persephone means Bringer of Destruction. Imagine this: Red Riding Hood marches from her grandmother’s house with a bloody wolf pelt. Medusa rights the wrongs that have been done to her. Eurydice breaks every muscle in her arms climbing out of the land of the dead. Imagine this: Girls are allowed to think dark thoughts, and be dark things. Imagine this: Instead of the dragon, it’s the princess with claws and fiery breath who smashes her way from the confines of her castle and swallows men whole.
'Reinventing Rescuing,' theappleppielifestyle. (via justawordshaker)
Yes. Yes. Angela Carter would be proud. Yes.
(via wilwheaton)
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
I am a ball of sunshine today- not in the sense that I'm joyous today, but in the sense I'm gonna burn people up if they get too close.
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
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Isn’t this fantastic!
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
Pepper(the bunny from the story I mentioned last night) is a great vegan. She doesn't eat anything with a face.
Including vegetables that are sentient and have faces through the power of magic!
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
3am and writing instead of sleeping. I'm not even working on my serious stories.
This is about a bunny and a magic carrot fighting evil. Yep. That's all I got.
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flyawaybytheway · 10 years
Choosing neither love interest is always an option. She could choose just to go on some kick ass adventure instead of making love the center of her world. People have lives outside of their potential relationships.
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As requested by anonymous :) [x]
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flyawaybytheway · 11 years
Well then, let me show you, because that’s what I do for a living.
Right now, it’s this time of the year, and the little ones have just freshly hatched:
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You’ll notice they’re still blind and naked when they hatch. So I make them little coats to keep them warm...
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