freedtothink-blog · 12 years
FBI says references to the Bible and Constitution could indicate terrorism
FBI has now used references to the Christian Bible and the United States Constitution as indicators of terrorism. It even goes so far as to say, "being in possession of these items (Bible and Constitution) may serve as an indicator to terrorism."
(*Referenced indicators are circled and the entire report can be read.....here)
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The above statements are found at the FBI's government-sponsored website. The FBI periodically updates this site with information regarding to their campaigns against domestic terrorism. They tend to focus on giving a background of specific anti-government extremist groups and list a collection of indicators for each group. In the past they have went so far as classifying those who pay cash for coffee as a terrorist.
The report in which the above mentioned indicators are listed within focuses on the sovereign citizen extremist movement. Sovereign citizens tend to take the position that they are answerable only to common law and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state or municipal levels. In the past, hard-core sovereign citizens have engaged in domestic terrorism by threatening and sometimes, even killing government leaders.
Due to the sovereign citizen's belief that their rights are given to them by God, most of the members are involved in a Christian faith. Also, they strongly endorse the Constitution because of its' protection of our God-given rights. So it is fair to say that most sovereign citizens read, reference, and endorse both the Bible and Constitution. For these reasons the government has placed the above-mentioned literature as indication of these terrorists.
However, this is a GROSS stereotype and assumption that referencing or possessing one of these materials could make you a terrorist. The same could be said for those who practice Islam and possess and reference the Quran. Why is the FBI not publishing reports saying that possessing or referencing the Quran could serve as indicators of terrorism? I do not believe that the majority of those who practice Islam are foreign terrorists, nor do I believe that the majority of those who practice Christianity are domestic terrorists.
Considering that I regularly reference and possess both the Bible and Constitution, I am probably sitting on a government watch list filled with thousands of other innocent citizens that are sitting next to a handful of radical murderers. I even pay with cash for my coffee! I better lock my doors tonight......
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
US Soldiers Disarmed for Obama Administration Visit
March 15, 2012 -- On Wednesday during a visit by Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, US soldiers were abruptly ordered to disarm before Panetta entered the tent. Normally, all allied-Afghan soldiers are disarmed before any high profile speaker enters a base, but never is this order extended to our own soldiers! There are several things very wrong with this and it throws up a swarm of red flags to me.
Just this past week Sect. of Defense Panetta explained to Congress that it was not necessary to go through Congress to gain approval to wage a foreign war. When asked where he would get his authority, he explained it was only necessary that the Administration get permission from international communities & NATO. Other than the blatant disrespect to Congressional authority and the Constitution, anybody else see anything wrong with that picture? He is essentially saying that America can wage war with Iran as long as China, Russia, Australia, Europe,etc.. says it's OK. Then with their permission the Administration will inform Congress of the international decision.
So my question is, if Panetta and the Obama Administration does not trust our own US soldiers and Congressmen, who do they trust and where is their allegiance tied to?
I can understand US soldiers having disdain for Panetta because Panetta basically publicly asserted his ability to send them to a foreign country to fight in a war as long as it is approved by communist dictatorships and global bureaucrats. This was definitely not in their oath they took when they signed up. If Panetta is so paranoid that his actions and comments might rub a soldier the wrong way I suggest he change his course of action and rhetoric. If the pattern continues I see it changing political and military structure in a very bad way. The structure this is creating goes like this---
The administration and government bureaucrats spout about international authority and authoritarian garbage that inevitably will tick Americans off.
Then all citizens who 'might' take offense to their rhetoric and plans, will be disarmed so they do not pose a threat.
Let me ask you this, if the Administration will disarm its own security forces...what makes you think they won't do the same to an 'average joe' like you and me?
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Blinded by Rejection
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                          Volunteering in the Ron Paul campaign I have become aware of some great dangers we face as a society. I fear that we are becoming more and more dismissive. We were given fair warning of this fault many years ago by the greatest teacher of all - Jesus Christ.
Jesus was in Nazareth and offered to perform great miracles, heal the sick, and show the amazing things that God had entrusted in him. Yet, the Nazarenes that were present questioned Jesus, ignored him, and were taken offense to his character.. 'He was only a lowly carpenter's son...he wore plain dress...he was just a kid'. Due to their lack of faith, they missed the greatest man to ever walk the earth. They MISSED JESUS. He was right there and they missed it due to their arrogance and focus they placed on his age, pedigree, and dress!
It seems that this is one lesson we continue to ignore. It is a plague and parasite that invades all conceivable platforms. It is rampant in our churches, in politics, in schools, in sports, and in humanity itself. We have shut ourselves in and ignored the other side. Rejection is what created the hurt and abuse of the Civil Rights era and tension that still exists across racial lines today. Rejection is what is keeping our attendance low in churches across the nation. Rejection is what is keeping Washington thugs in office and any chance at REAL change impossible. If you reject someone, without even listening, no change ever takes place. Even if you know without a doubt you are correct and they are wrong, if you just dismiss them you relinquish any opportunity to reach out to them with what is right!
While campaigning for Ron Paul I have been dismissed because my age and being involved in politics, I've been dismissed because of Ron Paul's age and him being involved in politics, and I have even been dismissed because of Ron Paul's eye brows (true story). Ron Paul's foreign policy is so fiercely rejected by people that I usually can't get to the parts about Ron Paul deriving his policy from the Christian Just War Theory, the Prince of Peace-Jesus Christ, and the Constitution. Before I can get to the part I am usually cut-off and told that his policy is, quote "dangerous" and "irresponsible".
We are so proud and so fearful that we might be proven wrong that we take no serious attempt at even listening to the other side. You do not have to accept the other side to be approachable. You may be right..but what if you are wrong? What if the government, the leaders, and the majority of people in America were wrong during the Civil Rights movement? What if the majority of churches are wrong for thinking that your dress has something to do with being able to accept Jesus? What if the majority of people were wrong about Ronald Reagan being un-electable?
Well we obviously know they WERE WRONG. That does not change the fact that the majority of people believed those things at that time. It happened then and it will continue to happen until we open our hearts and minds, even if we KNOW the other side is wrong. The American people are sick and tired of the way things are being run in Washington, by our President and the Congress. Congress has the lowest approval rating in history, the National Debt is sky rocketing, and inflation is rapidly getting worse. Wouldn't it make sense to say that we have been wrong and maybe that it's time to elect someone who IS different? Church attendance is down, discrimination is high, and violent outbursts from rejected members of society are rampant. Would it not make sense to overlook physical characteristics, materialistic associations, and our differences so that we could actually see what is on the inside of others and then and ONLY then make our decisions?
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Born with Liberty (and so were you!)
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                         This past week I participated in a Ron Paul sign wave. Yes, I said Ron Paul. It may have sounded more 'normal' had I said I was waving a "Beber Fever" sign or maybe a sports team poster, but no... it was a Ron Paul campaign sign.
It all happened spontaneously Wednesday evening as I drove home. About 4:30 pm I drove past my local county courthouse and noticed several people waving blue signs and handing pamphlets through car windows at the upcoming stop light. Obviously, I was intrigued by what these people were supporting. To my amazement it was Ron Paul. Being the supporter of Ron Paul that I am, I honked my horn and waved furiously at these people who were standing in 40 degree weather doing their best to support and spread the cause that Ron Paul initiated. This cause is for the protection of the liberties that God gave to us at the moment we were formed into life. Now that these liberties are under fire, people are finally joining together to take a stand and as a result we are standing with the one candidate who has supported liberty for 30 years. WE are TIRED of allowing government to decide at what age we are given the right to live, WE are TIRED of the government deciding which religions should be protected and safeguarded with 'political correctness' , WE are TIRED of government taking from our paycheck before we even see it, and most of all...WE are TIRED of the indifference of our population. Indifference has allowed the death of 50 million unborn babies since 1973. THAT is why we wave signs. We do not wave signs to serve Ron Paul, to serve ourselves, or 'win' something. We are waving signs to raise awareness that little by little our liberties are being taken away. It is a very important that we understand, as a nation, that our liberties we learned about in school were not granted by the Constitution, they were granted to us by God. Therefore, we are born with rights. They are not to be given away or taken away by anyone or any government. The Constitution was only designed to protect liberties, not distribute them.
Realizing the power that could be attained by a government, our founding fathers designed the government so that it would be checked and balanced. It is our duty to assure that the government is not overstepping boundaries or taking away liberty and freedoms. I think God gave us all a heart, mind, and conscious to use and it would be a crying shame to choose to not use these gifts to protect the very liberties that he gave to us at conception. So, yes, I will continue to raise awareness and support a candidate for our country that I feel will protect our liberties. I realize my sign waving and talking points may infringe upon your comfort zones, but I can live with the consequences of my actions much easier than those of my inaction.
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Voting Fraud in America
I have made up my mind that elections are nothing more than a reason for Fox News to have something to broadcast on TV while the President is chosen. I will go ahead with the disclaimer that I am an avid Ron Paul supporter. I am not writing this article to say that I think Ron Paul was deliberately denied votes, or that the GOP deliberately conspired to deliver a victory to Candidate A, B, C, or D. Although, it would not surprise me. I am writing this to pose a very serious question...If we can send a man through the atmosphere and land them on a moon 238,857 miles away in a matter of 4 days (in the year 1969) WHY can we not count votes for an election in the year 2012? I realize that people make mistakes and in some states, humans do still count votes. Even so, is there not enough importance on our elections for our citizens to be in outrage and demand an organized vote counting procedure with checks, balances, and transparency? I feel confident in saying that if American Idol was accused of vote fraud there would be more public outcry than what we have seen regarding the ridiculous negligence given to our elections. I hope I'm wrong.
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Wall Street Presidents: A Pyramid of Power
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      From our very beginnings as a Republic and a nation under God our way of life has been endangered by several threats. The threats come not from foreign nations only, but mostly from a domestic group of like-minded Elitist who feel that the average American does not deserve an equal opinion on political matters. These Elitist believe that a Republic can not possibly operate itself and should be controlled by a small group of like-minded totalitarians. They want a pyramid of power in place and since 1913 their silent coupe d-tate has been puppeteering our leaders with money and power in ways that should concern us all. The wheels slowly began to turn at the break of the century in the early 1900s as a group of Bankers and Corporate leaders began to feel threatened by the working class. At this time there was no income tax, no private Federal Reserve, and very little governmental regulation on domestic commerce and businesses. The Elite felt threatened by the middle class where an average citizen could work hard, earn his wages, and develop a business with relative ease. In response, JP Morgan and John Rockefeller (Two of the wealthiest American Bankers) planned to leverage Congress in a way that would create a tax on the wages of working Americans. In 1913, under the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, the 16th Amendment was created and taxed the fruits of every citizen's labor. Along with the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve Act privatized American economic policy and created a central bank for the first time in history! The economy was now out of the hands of the government and had no oversight for economic policy. 
"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy."
  -Woodrow Wilson
  "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
   - Mayer Amschel Rothschild
      The wheels were set in motion on this monopoly of governmental powers. The private banking cartel succeeded in overthrowing the Republic without so much as a whimper from the American citizens and it still continues to this day. Wall Street is now the only street according necessary for concern according to our Presidents. Nearly one hundred years later Washington continues to be bought and sold like a sack of potatoes! There is hardly a difference between Obama and Romney when it comes to policy and campaign contributions. What else do you expect from a Republic overthrown by a Banking Cartel?
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Innocence Is Not Protection
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            It disturbs me that the vast majority of people believe that as long as they are 'innocent' and have not done anything wrong, then it doesn't matter what happens around them. Laws can be passed, Presidents elected, murderers let loose, liberties removed, and money wasted....none of it matters to them because they trust their government to not let things get 'too bad' or 'too intrusive'.
Many people like to argue that if you are innocent then you shouldn't care if they pass laws that violate our privacy and dignity. An example--the millions of invasive and disgusting searches done by the TSA. If you are innocent, then what do you have to worry about? And the NDAA 2012 bill recently passed makes it legal for any American accused of terrorism to be detained indefinitely without due process or trial. If you aren't a terrorist then why should you worry?
Simply because innocence DOES NOT protect you from evil, tyranny, or abuse of power from anyone or anything. Jesus Christ, the perfect example for human life, was persecuted and hung on a cross to die without ever committing a sin. Mohandis Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, and John F. Kennedy Jr. only wanted peace and human equality...their treatment? Murder by assasination.
Below, are videos detailing two separate incidents involving two innocent elderly women who were STRIP SEARCHED in suspicion of terrorism. They did nothing wrong, but were subjected to this ridiculous treatment because our laws ALLOW it to happen. Please use your vote to support a candidate for President who will protect our liberties.
What if this was your 85 year old mother or grandmother being strip-searched by the TSA?
In this incident, the 95 yr old elderly lady was forced to remove her adult diaper!
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Conservatism:You've Been Lied To
    I am going to tell you a secret. If you consider yourself a Conservative and agree with the majority of Republican party's political rhetoric, then you are most likely NOT a conservative. The majority of Conservatives vote to raise debt ceilings, increase the budget, declare never-ending foreign wars, and expand the size & reach of our government. ALL of which are NOT conservative views. Yes, you may have seen it on Fox News, but keep in mind the Christmas card below is what Fox News thinks of you...
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(This is the actual card that Fox News sent to their competitors this year)
In case you don't get it, the joke is on you. You are the sheep that is being commanded by the major news networks which are competing for your ever increasing dedication to listen and believe everything they report.
In case you are the majority that has bought in to the popular Republican view...below is the basis of Conservatism.
Conservatism is founded upon three basic principles.
The protection of life.
The protection of our Constitutional Rights.
The protection of finances.
Conservatism IS NOT
Engaging in preventative warfare
Endorsing bills that infringe upon our personal liberties.
Raising debt ceilings and funding foreign military presence in areas not declared as a war zone.
Conservatism is protecting our lives here, instead of sacrificing lives in the search for weapons of mass destruction that were never found. (Click on any of the bold words in this section to see articles & video proof)
Conservatism is protecting our liberties, not passing a bill (Patriot Act) that allows for the Government to spy on your every move & strip search 7 year old children & 85 year old women. (Video links)
Conservatism is cutting wasteful spending, not voting for bail outs and raising the debt ceiling so we can go farther in debt.
Unfortunately, the majority of conservatives have forgotten these principles. We are living in a time where 'conservatives' are booing the Golden Rule as way to protect American lives and cheering for spending billions on preventative warfare. Senators, legislators, and even Presidents are becoming completely interchangeable. For crying out loud, we have a Republican presidential candidate that shares a socialized healthcare plan with the current Democratic President! What I fear more than anything, is the interchangeability of the voting public. I support a unified nation, but I do not support a unified nation that is oblivious to corrupt politicians and crony capitalism.
Please do yourself and our future a favor.
Research the candidates and make up your own mind. Don't allow mainstream media to do it for you.
Listen for proper values and not for a silver tongue.
Look for good morals, not good hair.
Most importantly...pray for a Godly leader. God sent the best example for humanity to seek after, Jesus Christ. It's my opinion that God would bless any leader who would seek to replicate the example that Jesus left us, despite what Fox News or the popular rhetoric of foreign policy says. 
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Just In Case You Thought Our Government Was Perfect
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                              I have a bad feeling and an uneasiness concerning the average American's perception of our government. It seems that most have just accepted that the government is not perfect and does the best it can. Correct--it is not perfect and never will be, but it has went way farther down the flag pole in years past. Way farther than raising debt ceilings and invading your privacy at airports. Way farther than taxing its citizens and ignoring unemployment rates. I'm talking about a plan that was devised to sabotage US property and endanger our own US citizens. So as you read this article keep in my mind your level of trust towards our current government. Hopefully, you do stay aware and ready to hold the Establishment accountable, but just in case you don't...this is for you.
In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
Quoted from "US Military Wanted To Provoke War With Cuba"
By David Ruppe ABC NEWS-New York-May 1, 2001
The ONLY reason this DIDN'T happen is because once it arrived at President Kennedy's desk he refused to sign it and fired those who did. So next time you harass someone for questioning the government and Establishment...remember reading this article. Remember that we have a duty to hold the government accountable. Next time you call people Un-American for wanting ALL the facts and ALL the evidence from Sept 11th...remember that they ARE being American.
"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
-President John F. Kennedy
The below graphics are excerpts of the actual (now unclassified) documents that are described in this article.
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Seriously? Fox News is Losing Credibility By the Hour.
Really Fox News? Are you really this blatant? Where's Ron Paul? twitter.com/rfisk/status/1…
— Rick Fisk Ⓥ (@rfisk) January 12, 2012
   The graphic above and the Jon Stewart compilation is more proof of the constant mainstream media smear on Ron Paul. This is utterly ridiculous coverage. The guy has been in the top tier in both primaries. He is nipping at Mitt Romney's heels...and this is the coverage Fox provides. I know mainstream media members can be selective in their reporting, but this is a whole new precedent. I'm sorry, but the excuses of "mistakenly leaving him off the graphic" and "technical difficulties in the press room" and "transmission interruption is starting to sound ridiculous. I'm sorry, but YOU are not going to have us to believe that you suddenly develop amnesia every time Ron Paul could be included. Thank the Good Lord we can still catch up on the news from unbiased reports on the internet...for now (#STOPSOPA)
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on several things, but this is one thing that I WILL NOT stand behind. The rights to an unborn child is something I take seriously and I expect the candidate I vote for to do the same. I am a proud Ron Paul supporter and stand proudly behind his congressional record on this issue. Along with Paul, several others including Gingrich, Santorum, and Perry have remarkable Pro-Life records. Please research Mitt Romney's record and don't let the mainstream media make the choice for you!
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Ron Paul (Where Your Vote Will Actually Count)
My last post was about the crumbling status of our government and the administration that is orchestrating it. WE do still have a chance. This year we have the chance to elect a new leader for our country.
I am proud to say that I will be voting for Ron Paul at ANY and EVERY opportunity this year. Why, you ask?
Simply, because I want my vote to count!
As a middle-working-class citizen, I want my President to listen to my needs (or at the very least be aware of the problems that I and others like me face).
What I don't want is my needs being ignored because it conflicts with a lobby-monster who paid the President a few million along the campaign trail. I DON'T want to compete with Exxon Mobil when gas prices go up and I DON'T want to compete with AIG when interest rates go up.
I DON'T want to, because I wouldn't stand a chance and neither do YOU.
If you don't think it happens then just go back to the Big Bank Bailouts of the 2008 Financial Crisis where billions were given to the failing financial institutions to help them get back on their feet. Apparently, President Obama felt that since they had given him some money (15 million to be exact) a few months prior, he should help the big banks enough so that they could still give out BONUSES. Who doesn't need a trip to Tahiti while enduring bankruptcy?
So what I am trying to say is that-- would it not make since to vote for someone who is actually willing to listen to your needs? (and not some big corp. with an agenda) I won't spend much time trying to convince you of Ron Paul's policies and plans, but I will tell you that Ron Paul has received a TOTAL of $451 from lobby groups like the ones I mentioned above (maybe Walmart sent him a TV for the campaign trail..who knows??) That is a stark difference compared to Mitt Romney with $206,550 of dirty, lobby money. What is even more interesting is where Ron Paul's campaign money is coming from. The answer to that question is--from people like you and me. He has received an astounding amount of money from individual contributors giving small donations, because they know that he has their best interest in mind. Once in office he will have a debt to middle-class Americans that not only voted for him, but financially supported him on his way to office.
Who do you think Mitt Romney will listen to if he is elected? You or the hands that delivered those 200,000 dollar bills?
You don't have to take my word for it. Below is an up-to-date lobbyist contribution total for each candidate. You can also view the graphic at the top of the page addressing the same thing. (*Note--graphic is slightly outdated)
Presidential Candidates: Selected Industry Totals, 2012 Cycle Lobbyists
Mitt Romney (R) $206,550 Rick Perry (R) $166,999 Barack Obama (D) $84,459 Tim Pawlenty (R) $48,750 Jon Huntsman (R) $33,750 Newt Gingrich (R) $28,550 John Thune (R) $12,493 Rick Santorum (R) $11,800 James DeMint (R) $3,000 Herman Cain (R) $2,500 Michele Bachmann (R) $2,500 Thad McCotter (R) $1,500 Mike Pence (R) $1,000 Ron Paul (R) $451
---““The people of this country, not special interest big money, should be the source of all political power.”---
Paul Wellstone
If you would like to join the fight for our liberty help Ron Paul get into office by following the links below.
Donate to Ron Paul's campaign https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/
Sign up as a volunteer http://www.ronpaul2012.com/sign-up-as-volunteer/
Join Newsletter http://www.ronpaul2012.com/sign-up-for-newsletters/
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
This video details the opposition of NDAA 2012. Watch and decide for yourself if this is the kind of laws that you want to live under.
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freedtothink-blog · 12 years
Losing Liberty
    January 7, 2011 --- Many things have changed since 10,20, and especially 30 years ago. Technology has reached unbelievable new heights. Things that were never within reach, are now available within seconds at the tip of your fingers. Great things have been accomplished utilizing these advances in technology. Diseases have been cured, lives have been saved, and friends from thousands of miles apart have been connected. Unfortunately, as with any great power, technology can be abused in the wrong hands.
Disappointingly, this power is being abused by the very officials and representatives we elected to protect us. Slowly our civil liberties are being stripped away from us while we sit comfortably in our homes watching American Idol and playing Wii Bowling. Bills are being passed with thousands of pages in a matter of hours with our representatives never even reading or scanning the actual literature. Which is exactly how ObamaCare was passed. The author of ObamaCare, Max Baucus, admitted to not even reading the bill that he wrote and that will cost us as taxpayers 1 trillion dollars!
Obamacare is bad, but there are several other pieces of legislation that are much worse and that we are already living under them. Months after 9/11, Former President George W. Bush pushed a bill through congress named the "Patriot Act". This bill single-handedly allowed for the nullification of our 4th Amendment Constitutional Rights. Section 215 of the Patriot Act allows the FBI to order any person or entity to turn over "any tangible things," and perform "sneak and peek" searches of private homes without a search warrant or notifying the targeted person or entity. This puts a whole new perspective on those times that you swore your purse had to have grew legs and walked off.
Of course, what do you have to worry about? What have you ever done to become a terrorist threat? If "nothing" is your answer...you should still be worried.
Just ask Brandon Mayfield. He was taken from his home in Portland, Oregon and wrongly accused and detained for a train bombing that had occured in Madrid, Spain 5000 miles away! (Read the story here)
Obama has just compounded this problem by passing the most dangerous piece of legislation of our era. It's known as the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012. Normally, it only funds the homeland security and defense sectors of our government, but the authors of this legislation made changes not concerning funding (for the 1st time in the 49 year history of this bill) Instead it includes...
-Indefinite Detention (of American Citizens) Without Trial (Section 1021)
-Requirement for Military Custody of Those Indefinitely Detained (Section 1022)
In other words... the military police now has the ability to detain US Citizens under any circumstance for an indefinite amount of time completely disregarding your civil rights, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
I am deeply disturbed at the degradation of our government and the power they are flaunting behind closed doors. I write these things to inform and to make people aware.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, I'm not an anarchist, and I don't want to "Occupy Wall Street". Nor am I a Democrat, or Republican. I am simply a concerned American citizen of this great nation that seems to have lost its way. I feel I have a responsibility to hold our nation accountable for its actions,as do you. I refuse to sit back and watch this land of freedom and opportunity disappear from our children and grandchildren.
I am not a pessimist, nor an optimist. I am a possibilitist. I know it is still possible for us to make a difference and send a message to the President and the elected that we will not stand for this tyranny. Enough of our Constitution remains for us to still exercise OUR power to cause a change.
 Please write your congressman using the link below and ask them to repeal sections 1021-1022 of NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012.
"Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety."
Thomas Jefferson
----Don't Release Your Liberty----
               God Bless
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