gladiolusdraws · 2 days
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I will appease Miguel O'Hara fans (basically me) once on this blog
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gladiolusdraws · 3 days
Deep In The Woods
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In the heart of ancient realms, where time echoes through the whispers of leaves and the silent majesty of towering giants, lies the sanctuary of old growth forests. Here, nature's cathedral stands in reverence to centuries past, each tree a sentinel of wisdom and resilience. Moss-clad trunks, weathered and wise, bear the scars of ages, telling tales of survival against the whims of fate.
In the embrace of these woodlands, one can feel the pulse of life, harmonizing with the symphony of bird songs and the rustle of underbrush. Sunlight dances through the canopy, dappling the forest floor in a mosaic of light and shadow. Every step is a journey through time, as if walking in the footsteps of ancient spirits who have watched over these lands since time immemorial.
Here, amidst the verdant tapestry of ferns and wildflowers, lies a sanctuary for creatures great and small. From the elusive deer to the elusive lynx, each finds refuge within this labyrinth of green. The air is thick with the scent of earth and pine, a fragrance that stirs the soul and ignites the imagination.
But beyond its intrinsic beauty, the old growth forest is a beacon of hope—a reminder of nature's resilience in the face of adversity. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of life, a bastion against the encroachment of modernity. In its silent embrace, one finds solace and inspiration, a timeless sanctuary in an ever-changing world.
In a world where oceans once roared with waves, now stood forests—vast and undulating, their verdant canopy stretching as far as the eye could see. Where once ships sailed and whales breached, now birds flitted among the branches and creatures of the deep swam through the sea of green.
It began with a whisper, a subtle shift in the fabric of reality that few took notice of until it was too late. The oceans, once teeming with life, began to recede, their waters retreating like a tide pulled by some unseen force. At first, it was dismissed as a natural phenomenon, a quirk of the ever-changing world. But as the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, it became clear that something extraordinary was happening.
As the last vestiges of water evaporated into the ether, the land beneath was revealed—a sprawling expanse of forest, untouched by human hands. Trees rose like skyscrapers, their branches reaching for the heavens in an eternal embrace. Where once there was saltwater, now there flowed rivers and streams, weaving their way through the verdant landscape like veins of life.
For some, the transformation was a thing of wonder, a testament to the resilience of nature in the face of adversity. But for others, it was a harbinger of doom, a sign that the world they knew was slipping away. And yet, amidst the uncertainty, life found a way to endure.
In the depths of the newly formed forests, strange and wondrous creatures emerged—adaptations of a world forever changed. Birds with scales and fish with wings roamed the skies, while creatures of the deep found refuge in the shadowy depths below. And amid the chaos, a new balance began to take shape, as life once again found its rhythm in the embrace of the forest.
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gladiolusdraws · 7 days
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They were never found. Their spirits weren't put to rest.
And now, we suffer the consequences.
I saw you in a dream. What happened to you? Where did you go? What's your name?
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gladiolusdraws · 8 days
Google is actively blocking Captcha on Firefox
Firefox users have noticed that captchas - both the picture kind and the click the box kind - are not resolving on Firefox. Tests on Chromium based browsers show that it works perfectly fine on them. It is also known that Chrome will be disabling all ad-blockers in June when it moves to Manifest v3, which will greatly limit what extensions can do.
If you use Firefox, there is an extension called User-Agent Switcher and it allows you to change your browser's UA to Chrome. This will allow you to bypass reCaptcha/Captcha blocks set up by Google and make them function properly.
It could be a code snafu on Google's part - but given how predatory they have been acting lately, I'm going to guess not. Don't get locked out of your websites or feel forced to use Chrome again just to browse.
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gladiolusdraws · 10 days
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I was recently watching a video that gave an in depth analysis of Monster Hunter monsters and the ecosystems they reside in. It tickled the conservationist inside of me and I ended up drawing this.
It's a symphony conducted by nature itself, where every leaf, every breeze, every creature, dances in perfect rhythm.
Here, amidst the rustling leaves and the gentle babble of the brook, one finds a profound sense of belonging. It's as if the very essence of existence pulses through the earth beneath one's feet, reminding us that we are not separate from nature, but intricately woven into its tapestry.
Being in harmony with nature is opening yourself up to healing. Understanding the intricacies of the ecosystem that allows it to thrive can maybe help one understand oneself. It can help us understand that we, as human beings, are not separated from nature, but a part of it. We are not above nature, we are in line with it.
In this sanctuary of serenity, the wisdom of indigenous peoples whispers through the trees. Their ancient knowledge, passed down through generations, holds the key to understanding our connection to the earth. For they have long understood that to live in harmony with nature is not merely a choice, but a way of life.
As the sun sets in a blaze of golden hues, there comes a realization. We must heed the wisdom of those who have walked these lands for centuries. We must embrace their traditional practices, for they hold the secrets to a sustainable future.
Let us learn from their reverence for the land, their deep understanding of ecosystems, and their profound respect for all living beings. For in doing so, we not only benefit the earth but enrich our own lives immeasurably.
So, as the night falls and the stars twinkle overhead, let us pledge to honor and support indigenous communities in preserving their traditions. For in their hands lies the knowledge that can guide us towards a future where humanity and nature thrive in perfect harmony.
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gladiolusdraws · 11 days
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I love the pink in the park.
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gladiolusdraws · 12 days
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Sitting in the park on a crisp spring afternoon is akin to being cradled in nature's embrace, where the gentle whispers of the breeze weave through the branches of blossoming trees orchestrating a symphony of tranquility.
As I settle onto the weathered wooden bench, I am immediately enveloped by the vibrant palette of greens adorning the landscape, each leaf a testament to the renewal of life that spring heralds. The sun, in its benevolence, casts its warm rays upon the earth, coaxing forth a kaleidoscope of colors from the surrounding flora, while the azure sky stretches out above like an endless canvas, punctuated only by the occasional cotton-white cloud drifting lazily by. The air is alive with the melodious chirping of birds, their songs intermingling with the gentle rustle of leaves to create a symphony of natural harmonies that permeate the very essence of the park.
As I close my eyes and tilt my face toward the sun, I feel the stresses of everyday life melting away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and contentment. The scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers fills the air, carrying with it the promise of new beginnings and boundless possibilities. Around me, the park is alive with activity, as families picnic on the lush green lawns, children chase one another through the playground, and couples stroll hand in hand along the winding pathways. Yet, amidst the bustle of life, there exists a quiet sanctuary within the heart of the park, where time seems to stand still, and the world fades away into a distant murmur.
I open my eyes once more, taking in the sight of the majestic trees that tower above me, their branches swaying gently in the breeze like dancers in a grand ballet. Each tree is a testament to the passage of time, its gnarled trunk bearing the scars of seasons past, while its verdant canopy reaches eagerly toward the heavens, as if in search of some greater truth hidden amongst the stars. I find myself drawn to a particularly magnificent oak tree, its branches outstretched like the arms of an old friend, beckoning me to seek solace beneath its leafy embrace. I rise from the bench and make my way toward the tree, feeling the soft grass beneath my feet and the earthy scent of the forest floor rising up to meet me.
As I settle beneath the oak's sprawling branches, I lean back against its sturdy trunk and close my eyes once more, allowing myself to become lost in the rhythm of nature's song. Time seems to slow to a crawl, and for a moment, I am simply content to exist, basking in the beauty of the world around me. In this moment of quiet reflection, I am reminded of the simple joys that life has to offer – the feel of sunshine on my face, the sound of birdsong in the air, and the sight of trees swaying in the breeze. And as I sit in the park, surrounded by the wonders of nature, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be alive in this moment, to bear witness to the beauty of springtime trees in all their glory.
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gladiolusdraws · 25 days
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As I step into the woods, a sense of wonder envelops me. The towering trees reach for the sky, their ancient branches whispering secrets of centuries past. Each step feels like a journey through time, as I weave through the labyrinth of nature's grandeur.
Old growth forests are more than just breathtaking landscapes; they are vital ecosystems teeming with life. These towering giants provide homes for countless species, from tiny insects to majestic birds of prey. The rich biodiversity nurtured within their midst is a testament to the intricate web of life that thrives in harmony.
But their importance goes beyond mere habitat. Old growth forests act as guardians of the environment, playing a crucial role in regulating climate and maintaining ecological balance. Massive trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, thus mitigating the impacts of climate change.
As I wander deeper into the heart of the forest, I am reminded of the urgency to protect these ancient guardians. Their preservation is not just for our enjoyment but for the well-being of the planet itself. In their silent majesty lies the key to a sustainable future, where nature thrives and humanity coexists in harmony with the natural world.
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gladiolusdraws · 27 days
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This is unrelated to my project, but I just wanted to share with the older crowd that I am writing/drawing a pulp graphic novel, just for funsies. I'm currently researching where to put the pages up, but as of right now, it's just... being drawn and planned out.
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gladiolusdraws · 30 days
Side note thing: More art is coming.
I just have the exciting news that I accepted a volunteer opportunity for the Maine Conservation Corps and I'm going to be heading there FAIRLY SOON.
I honestly am very nervous, but I really can't wait.
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gladiolusdraws · 1 month
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We feast on mushrooms when we are alive
But they say, when we die...
Mushrooms feast on us.
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gladiolusdraws · 1 month
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I’ve had this blog ever since Tumblr decided to give up the NSFW art thing. I haven’t really bothered to post here because I have had not much to talk about. However, my life definitely has been eventful. However, dear reader, I know you aren’t here for the boring stuff. Let me introduce myself real quick to get the vibe of my blog down packed.
My Name is Gladiolus.
I am a 29-year-old wildlife conservation student in training whose passion for preserving nature is as vibrant as the ecosystems I study. My journey extends beyond the bounds of scientific exploration. I am a transmasculine nonbinary person of color, bringing a unique voice to conservation efforts and a dedicated illustrator.
I am driven by a deep reverence for the natural world. Steve Irwin was a major influence in my childhood, reminding me that we must love ALL animals and RESPECT nature to the fullest extent, not just the parts of it that are aesthetically pleasing. My fascination with wildlife began early in life, with the aforementioned Steve Irwin, but it all started with my hyperfixation on lions. Over the years, my passion evolved into a commitment to safeguarding fragile ecosystems and the diverse species that call them home.
As a wildlife conservation student, I immerse myself in the complexities of ecological systems, seeking to understand the interconnected web of life and humanity’s role in its preservation. Yet, his journey is not confined to textbooks and fieldwork.
Navigating the intersection of gender identity and conservation, I bring a unique perspective to the table, challenging traditional narratives and advocating for inclusivity within the environmental movement. My journey is a testament to the power of diversity in shaping conservation efforts and fostering empathy for all living beings.
But my contributions extend beyond academia; I am also a talented illustrator who harnesses the transformative power of art for therapeutic purposes. Inspired by my own experiences and struggles with identity, I use art to create a safe space for self-expression and healing, both for myself and others.
Through my illustrations, I invite viewers on a journey of self-discovery and reflection, weaving together elements of nature, identity, and resilience. My art serves as a medium for connection, sparking conversations and fostering empathy across diverse communities.
As I continue my training in wildlife conservation, I remain steadfast in my commitment to protecting the natural world and promoting inclusivity within the environmental movement. With my unique blend of passion, expertise, and artistic vision, I am not just a student; I am a catalyst for change, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of diversity and the power of conservation.
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