hairybirthdayclown · 9 months
idk how i've never noticed this but this is the 1H of my mars persona chart bc i wanna make some observations based on myself...
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partial flex i guess but having a scorpio ASC at 20° means major sex apeal yet i legit look like this:
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...stay tuned
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hairybirthdayclown · 9 months
my Venus Rx experience
*(i just started school so i have been super busy but i thought i could just share how the sky has affected my life atm)
finding old clothes - i think this period is the perfect time to go thrifting bc the shirts that i found in my grandmothers closet are sooo cute.
met an old fling - i knew this was going to happen at some point because we go to the same school but i didn't think it would happen to my FRIENDS as well. they keep seeing their exes or people they use to vibe with.
commitment issues - okay so, i have a crush & they have a crush on me but i don't want to get into a relationship AT ALL. everything is happening so fast i feel like i could implode. i'm usually all for a good time but my natal Venus-Saturn is going insane.
overspending - legit spent over 100 each day last week & now i'm permanently on a budget.
getting played - i would never allow myself to get played so this is about my friend. she has been having quite a sh*tty love life lately.
being aggressive towards friends & couples fighting - i knew this was going to happen so i've been very wary on how i use my words but my friends have been so annoying lately i feel like smacking the shit out of them & I KNOW they feel the same about me. "don't smile too much it's irritating" "then go away!!" conversation between my 2 friends... my other friend has been fighting with her boyfriend everyday almost as if they schedule it.
i think that's it. one thing i can add is seeing old friends as well & developing multiple crushes.
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hairybirthdayclown · 9 months
hi! i have a venus sextile uranus aspect and i agree with all the reasonings given by the venus square uranus folks about dating.
despite being a harmonious aspect, i do believe that the primary problem is that i have no emotional consistency much like the first friend said. i change my feelings really randomly for no reason and i care a lot about individual autonomy. no matter how much freedom a partner gives you, a relationship just does not feel like i have the space to do what i want - there will always be expectations and associations. for this reason, i too love being by myself.
at this point, i can’t even tell the difference between my harmonious venus uranus aspect from your friends’ aspect. it maybe due to my venus being in aquarius - making me just all the more detached from love stuff.
thank u for submitting this❤
i've noticed other aquarius Venus natives not enter relationships because they "don't want the hassle" of catering to someones beck & call. since it is a fixed sign, some are capable of keeping consistent with their romantic gestures just not so much in depth like scorpio/taurus Venus & not with much passion like leo Venus.
onto the Venus sextile Uranus note, harmonious aspects don't always mean harmonious outcomes. there's no black & white in astrology. so i'm guessing whatever Uranus aspects can be quite unpredictable & abrupt but the severity depends on the aspect. oppositions are cautious, squares have tension with more energy, sextiles are acquainted with less energy, trines make 2 objects get along well with more energy. that's the way i understand it.
apologies if this doesn't make sense.
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
Do you know well about astrochartography? I have questions 😭
not really. i just interpret the lines with the themes of the planets/points which i don't know some of. @astrosky33 has a post abt the themes here. & they have a whole masterlist of info on it too. hope this helps.
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
vi. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i think cancer placements are quite intimidating & no one mentions this. any placement can be intimidating if they're in the wrong crowd but specifically for cancer, people who are not in tune with their feelings can find them quite intimidating. especially their overly emotional tendancies that can rub some people the wrong way. that's why they're quite hated because society was wired to deem such behaviour as weak.
• a mix of cancer & virgo in a natal chart can make someone very open to dealing with unpleasant feelings if it's something that has do be done in order to progress. i think they're also the type to have a "i'll do_____ when i become_____" mentality especially with 6H placements in the chart because they tend to be prone to perfectionism.
• just an observation, but from what i've gathered from my cringey/annoying classmates i had in highschool, most of them had air/fire Sun signs.
to clarify, when i say cringey i mean yelling tiktok audios which would disrupt class or saying unnecessary 'jokes' in which the teachers awkwardly & PAINFULLY had to fake laugh at. everyday was torture but they were a bit friendly. annoying would be randomly starting a fight with a teacher for a stupid reason.
• a person who i've been involved with that had the best energy & aura from all the people i've come across had Sun, Mercury & Mars opposite Uranus and Moon square Uranus. people who have a generational planet as one of their dominant planets have a very striking presence.
• i don't know if this has any sort of significance but my friends 3H cusp is in 10° & she doesn't like using slang unironically or altering her speech with whatever is trending on the internet at the moment like how most people incorporate it in theirs. she hates the word 'rizz' & etc.
• you can never go wrong with astrocartography. the place in which i'm going for higher education at is exactly where my Jupiter line is which will grant me growth, travel & major opportunities.
speaking of astrocartography, a friend of mine lives on her Pluto line & she constantly mentions how she wants to get out of the country & move away. not because it's anything severe but she says she has always felt the urge to leave.
• the last time Mars was transiting my 3H, my cousin got recruited for the military (Mars represents war), my other external family members were always being talked about by my parents more than usual in an disrespectful manner & one of my uncles was being quite demanding/assertive.
• as clichè as it sounds, a guy i know regularly travels to visit his mom & he has the Moon in 9H. my brother who has the same placement travels too from where he lives just to come home. the Moon represents your family, maternal figure & the 9H represents long distance travel.
• it can be difficult for people who have Mars square Neptune to manifest because you might be conflicted with how easy it is. they would rather achieve their goals the practical way especially if Mars is in aries, scorpio & capricorn. getting things out of the blue without doing the work might demotivate them.
thanks for reading :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
i have Venus trine Saturn in my chart & i love how mature i am when approaching any sort of relationship. i can detect a lot of red flags in someone & decide not to go through with it even if i like them. it takes me a while to have feelings for someone but when i do i take them seriously. & idk if any other Venus trine Saturn individual feels this but i couldn't care less about staying young & fearing getting old. i don't understand the whole stigma against it. i love becoming older & cannot wait until i'm in my 60s.
Tell me your favorite things about your natal chart! :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
v. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• chart ruler in gemini or at gemini degrees (3,15,27) are usually good at copying body movements - they could be really good dancers & catch on to choreography really quick. they're also good at copying reference photos if they're into art.
• i think people don't talk about how capricorn placements are escapists. something that truly pains them can be shrugged off not realizing that it can cause more problems. sort of the way pisces escapes reality with external influences, capricorns can escape their problems by ignoring them completely or creating more & fixing them as a distraction to gain back control.
• one stereotype that i've seen that is true about my life is that i have Uranus in the 9H & i'm going for university to study Computer Science which is quite satisfying to see icl. we'll see if the dropping out one is true down the line. 😃
• Mars & Saturn in the 2H...every piece of clothing of yours does not need to be from a labeled brand. you can buy normal clothes no one will notice i promise. then again, with Saturn 2H, people tend to critique & pick apart your taste like i'm doing now...sorry lol. carry on. though for Mars 2H, the sports wear needs to go.
• i think Chiron aspecting Venus are usually the ones with good intentions when approaching love matters no matter the sign of their Venus. they've been hurt before so i don't think they would try to intentionally hurt someone.
• i really admire libra placements because of their ability to tolerate all sorts of bs in order to gain the benefit. they're very goal driven & usually don't focus on the now, even if they're going through hell but are more focused on the end product. they're far from selfish though & are willing to compromise any situation.
• as a scorpio Mars, i prefer swimming & dancing/cardio as workout. i think i'll make a post about Mars persona chart observations in the near future.
• Saturn aspecting Neptune is always people projecting their fears onto you. Jupiter aspecting Neptune is people projecting their beliefs onto you.
• i've noticed people with Jupiter influence to the Moon were born in different locations from where they currently live. this is especially true if their Moon sign is cardinal. if fixed or mutable, results may vary.
thanks for reading :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
placements with issues in romantic relationships part i.
*(analysis based on my friends & acquaintances)
VENUS SQUARE URANUS - do you get emotionally smothered just by thinking of being in a relationship? it's not that these natives don't want to have deep connections, they want to feel some sort of personal growth within it, regardless of any sort of labels. avoidant attachment style is what i'm getting with this placement with commitment issues. a lot of the people i've sat down with rarely date/don't want to/lack commitment in their relationships.
why don't you date? (i asked these people to refrain from mentioning any external factors that hinder them from relationships & look inwards...they still said them lol. also, i spruced up what they said just for y'all to understand better because these were said to me in a different language with A LOT more profanity)
"there are many reasons. but i think one that correlates to what you're researching is that my feelings are unpredictable. like i mentioned to you, if you remember - sometimes i wake up & feel nothing towards the people i love. i'm scared that will happen too in a romantic relationship"
- friend 1 (at 8° orb)
"i cannot stand when someone i'm with makes decisions for me & starts referring to us as 'we'. no h*e, i'm me, you're you & we're together but not together. do you understand? i'm not a 'together' person, have fun with me for as long as we can tolerate eachother for & f*ck off" (yeesh)
- acquaintance 1 (at 6° orb)
"i really don't understand this generation. a lot of conflict would be resolved if everyone was honest with what they want. i don't date because i prefer being alone. i actually love it. i don't even know if i want to get married. i used to be the 'date to marry' type (when she was literally 14 lmaoooo) but now i just want to have fun with my friends. i'm not actively pursuing anyone & i'm happy. period"
- friend 2 (at 1° orb)
"b*tch i don't even bother telling my crushes that i like them. i know i'm not even gonna attempt to date them if they like me back HAHA. wayyyy too immature for all that"
- friend 3 (at 8° orb)
"everyone is so focused on romance it's actually disturbing at this point. the people who can't breathe without being in a romantic relationship make me sick. i don't date because i don't like being told what to do. 'oH yOu shoULd'nT tAKE yoUr fri3nD oUt tO dinn3er' or 'yOu shOudLd'Nt huG hiM' , there's just so many unnecessary rules. it's alarming how people care that much about stupid sh*t like that. & turning on my location for you? die"
- acquaintance 2 (at 5° orb)
not all of these natives are single or prefer to be. these people that i analysed have entered relationships at some point but i've seen them end up hiding from/avoiding their partners in the long run. one of my friends literally had to help a friend of ours to break up with their partner because they couldn't bear to even talk to them & felt "suffocated". i think that's why these natives are comfortable with long distance relationships because there's some sort of barrier that prevents them from becoming too close to their partner. these people also love excitement so the thrill & anticipation of meeting up with their person gets them estatic. but as friend 1 said, their feelings are up & down in connections. @elysiansparadise explains this furthermore here.
do you need help? (keep in mind i'm an 18 y.o with little-to-no relationship experience)
relationships aren't always perfect but if you're fully aware of your inconsistency, avoidant attachment style & flaky behaviour, you should at least try to do something about it & have compassion towards those you're involved with. what i've noticed about the people that i analysed, 3/5 deflected from themselves & put the blame on their surroundings as justification. i'm not so sure about other people with this aspect but please look at other possibilities of why you approach relationships in this manner. you could be attracted to another gender, asexual, value platonic love more than romantic love or you have some sort of trauma that's holding you back from pursuing a relationship that needs to be healed.
i suggest identifying if you're emotionally available for any sort of connection & noticing emotional unavailability in others. venus□uranus natives are also prone to being attracted to losers who are emotionally stunted & can't even cater for their own feelings - in which they prefer because they like barriers that keep them from being too close to someone (either physical or emotional distance is their drug). the perfect tiktok video came up on my fyp about emotional availability. being emotionally available & being with someone who's the same is necessary for sustaining a healthy emotional relationship.
do not be rash with the way you feel at the moment. all feelings are temporary & feelings of insignificance should be discussed with your partner open & honest. but if you feel as though your partner is making YOU feel insignificant while denying it, leave. this aspect is not just felt internally so your relationship could have moments of apathy & feels fake as opposed to spontaneity from both parties. also, being mindful about how others make you feel before pursuing them. instead of finding clues on whether they like you, ask yourself if you like them.
take things a bit slow & cherish the moments you have in your connections. remind yourself to be grateful that someone gave you a place to uniquely express your love & theirs to you. & if you feel bored sometimes, incorporate some excitement into your relationship. don't just think about yourself, include your partner in all sorts of fun.
do other harsh Venus-Uranus aspects feel the same or have similar expriences? (another analysis based on someone in my life)
i asked...
so, do your relationships with your friends even romantic relationships abruptly change? or u feel some sort of inconsistency with the way people show their love to you? like, your partner could be head over heals in love then all of a sudden they act like they hate you?
"yes haha. but when you say change what do you mean? like what sort of change? & it kind of fluctuates here & there"
change like sudden break up from your side or theirs. maybe even the way you feel about them.
"omg yeah"
-acquaintance 3 (opposition at 10° orb)
well, i ran out of people & time. i really don't know if harmonious aspects (trine, sextile) have relationship issues but if you have any other aspect between these 2 planets that i haven't mentioned feel free to comment about it. also, other factors can hinder the effect of this aspect so check other aspects.
next post on this topic: lilith prominance in woman. i only have 2 friends with lilith prominance so if you have this, tell me your experiences with men & women in your life & how navigate your difficulties dating. feel free to hit me up on somewhere...i don't know how this app works.
thank you for reading :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
Mini astrology opinion
I think that Lilith is a really important thing in astrology, especially the black moon lilith (h12,h13,h21). Because it is a part of us that we are told to repress but we can't. Also priapus (h22) if you are a male.
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
What effect would it bring if one has an ascendant conjunct lilith conjunct aphrodite?
Ascendant conjunct Lilith conjunct Aphrodite
here's my take :
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The native will be giving off intimidating aura , they wish or they don't, because Lilith bows down to the darkest parts of ourselves.
They maybe bullied in the past or might be a bully.
Might have a natural angry face that looks great , embrace this anger , if you completely accept your darkest parts no one can shame you for that .
Might be mean sometimes, hurting others unknowingly, realising later.
People might be romantically attracted to you because of your dark feminine persona or badass nature .
You have to heal from what hurt you , underdeveloped placements can be toxic.
People might envy you because of the power you give off , lot of competition among peers as well.
Could be termed as a person with malicious intentions.
Physiognomy : cold eyes, slightly upturned lips , medium curves , long slender legs .
The other gender might be jealous of how better and amazing you are than them they might even try to gaslight you , you must be careful.
When you're angry or sad or depressed it might affect your physical appearance , your expressions will be all over the face .
Dark feminine aesthetics will suit a lot, chains , tattoos , piercings, black & red clothing etc would make you feel more confident about yourself.
People might be obsessed and scared of you at the same time.
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hairybirthdayclown · 11 months
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☆astrology notes ☆asteroid notes
note #1 note #2 note #1
note #3 note #4
☆solar return notes ☆random posts
note #1 post #1
• i am not a pro. do not trust me whatsoever. all observations are based on my friends, familys, acquaintances' & my experiences/birth details.
• please do not copy my work & if you are in disagreement with any of it, be kind & don't send hate.
• don't know everything & i am still learning.
about me:
- been interested in astrology for 4+ & self-teaching.
- bilingual
- 18 years old
- favourite song as of July '23:
thanks for all the support <3
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hairybirthdayclown · 11 months
i. solar return notes
*(not a pro. just my experience.)
• i've noticed when Venus in your SR chart is in the same sign as your natal Venus, you're likely to develop a crush on someone or have people develop a crush on you.
• where your chart ruler is located in your SR chart is where you're likely going to spend most of your time in regard of the themes associated with the house. for example, chart ruler in 4H, you could be spending more time with your maternal figure, family, at home, feeling nostalgic etc.
• i've noticed when Uranus is aspecting Venus, you're likely going to enter a relationship if you're single because Uranus represents unexpected change. if you're already in a relationship, you're probably going to go through a breakup or your relationship dynamic is going to change.
• the year i blocked everyone with 0 remorse, i had Saturn 3H. only talked to 2 close friends & my family members. i didn't speak less verbally but i developed more communication barriers for everyone through phone. i hated talking through phone (still do)
• the year i had Mercury sextile Jupiter, i was rude to everyone who deserved it & quick with my insults. basically an anti-hero. i also did it for fun mostly (Mercury 5H) to anyone who was being mean/fake.
• speaking of Mercury aspecting Jupiter, expect getting a lot of work & studying if you're a student. possibly overthinking if in harsh aspects too.
*if you want to start learning how to read charts & have already learnt the basics, i suggest looking at SR charts from past years & link what happened to the planets, signs & aspects. IN MY OPINION. this is how i started learning how to read birth charts. AND PLEASE USE WHOLE SIGN.
*TW: ED, weight loss
• the year one of my friends had a Saturn ruled sign over their 6H, they developed an eating disorder & lost a lot of weight. the 6H represents the body/health a long with every day life. they struggled getting through the day too. this overlayed their 8H in their natal chart & they went through a major transformation. "i can safely say that was the worst year of my life"/end of warning
• the rare occasion where i actually enjoyed school was when my chart ruler was in the 9H in my SR chart. i liked studying & looked forward to going to school every day.
thanks for reading & following :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 11 months
as someone who has detriment placements
here's the run down of each while i listen to Mitski.
• capricorn Moon is literally my favourite Moon sign not because i have it but because these natives care so deeply about a lot. they just have never been given the outlet to express themselves, so they find alternative ways to do so with how they show that they care & with other emotions. this is why they can be deemed as complex. what i've noticed is that they have a very childlike spirit because they might've skipped out on their childhood. they're prone to watching cartoons or listening to their favourite songs from when they were younger. their emotional development is delayed because they never thought it needed to be due to their mature nature throughout their lives. reaction time is also delayed tbh; these natives could still be affected by the past but choose not to do anything about it until later on in life or until they realise it.
a song i associate these lot with:
• sagittarius Mercury please stop before i piss myself. y'all are so unserious it's so entertaining sometimes. what i've noticed with these natives is that they're very loud. with myself, i normally TEXT LIKE THIS & talk a lot. these people are quite funny either intentional or not. it's not necessarily anything difficult but sometimes i tend to turn small talk into meaningful discussions when i'm bored, same with the other 5 people in my life with this placement. i hateee small talk but i've noticed we're really good at conversating & filling awkward silence. lying for fun, exaggerating stories blahblahblah.
your song:
• scorpio Venus ...one thing that people don't talk about is how others get obsessed with these natives, especially those who've been romantically involved with them. 2 of my friends have this & their exes from years ago are still fixated on them. i don't date or get romantically involved with anyone but A LOT of people & old friends of mine developed a crush on me & even claimed to be in love with me. a guy that i know has this & his personality is equivalent to a stale turd but an abnormal amount of people wanted to date him. people love attention from these natives i think. but all in all, we just want to be loved by one specific person & them being absolutely enamoured by us. the challenging aspect of it all is keeping a stable relationship.
your song:
• cancer Saturn i've noticed are the most caring people ever. they usually care about other peoples wellbeing but from my experience they hate when others ask how they're doing/feeling. they hate being asked questions about themselves in regards to how they feel. in some cases it takes years for them to outwardly act caring & compassionate towards those they truly care about, even themselves sometimes. i think one of their biggest fears is being vulnerable. they're like a stern parent who acts like they're okay so that other people don't worry too much about them. they don't want to seem like a burden. their family life could've been unemotional & lacked affectionate gestures. one of the biggest lessons these lot have to learn how to express their emotions without fear or judgement. you're not wrong for the way you feel.
y'all need a whole playlist:
*(there's nothing wrong with you. i'm not a pro at all. take what resonates)
thanks for reading :)
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
Juno in Composite chart
Quick post because I was bored of my work.
Dont copy, reword, translate, plagiarise this.
Property of @notanastrologer
Check my pinned post for more cool stuff.
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House of Juno in Composite Chart what you need to maintain commitment in the relationship.
1st house- self confidence, self belief, to be surrounded by partner, equal commitment from both, working on yourselves together, working out together,supportive towards each other especially when it comes to appearance wise, being sexually active, being upfront with each other,
2nd house- sense of belonging and support and familiarity from each other, trust in the relationship, doing normal chores like shopping together can be helpful, emotionally being available to each other, food can be important to, eating together, spending time with families
3rd House- communication, having similar interests, tactful ness, learning together, being friends first, behaving like kids together, doing creative things together, travelling together, working together
4th house- Familiarity, feeling of comfort and trust and emotional vulnerability, emotional intimacy and getting to know each other deeply, spending time with each other's family, building a family together, nurturing each other, keeping each other fed with love and food
5th house- romance, childishness (not in a bad way but behaving as a kids together), creativity in relationship, sexual life too, participating in classes together, spending leisure time together, travelling together, partying
6th house- health, carrying out routinely chores together, consistency, spending time together, working out together, working together, helping others together, getting a pet, doing social work together, helping each other heal
7th house- commitment, romance, social life, doing social work together, travelling, doing things together, marriage could increase more willingness for commitment, maybe gossiping and chatting about others, doing a business together or working together
8th house- vulnerability, intimacy, sexual life, spending time together, spending money together, talking about past, doing or participating in occult or dissing occult, spirituality may help too, building wealth together
9th house- travelling, sharing thoughts and ideas, learning together, trust and support towards each other's beliefs, spiritual work, learning, teaching together, learning about each other's religion, practicing religion, pilgrimage travel
10th house- social outing, having good reputation as a couple, appreciating each other's work, being supportive of each other's career, taking responsibilities together, appropriate amount of attention to career.
11th house- having a social life, spending some time with your own friends separately, learning, communicating, having a friendship together, doing social work together, joining activities or some classes together.
12th house- spending time alone, spending time apart for others, doing creative stuff together, dancing together, taking walks together, sexual intimacy, talking about past
© @notanastrologer ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
Astro notes 20
Check out other astro notes/observations on my pinned masterlist.
Don't Copy, plagiarise, translate and steal my work.
Images courtesy of Pinterest. Credit to original creators.
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🎧 0° Pluto means start of something new and possibly significant
🎧29° Pluto means end of something significant.
🎧Your mother may have Traits of the degree you moon is in. Example- 1°,13°,25° Aries traits, 2°,14°,26° Taurus traits etc.
🎧 7th house cusp degree can potentially tell about your relationship with first spouse. Example- Water degrees at 7th house cusp can show meeting spouse during a emotional period in time, 7th cusp at earth degrees can meet spouse at work.
🎧With venus in Aries degree(1°,13°,25°) you are most likely to be the initiator in relationship or one who aproaches.
🎧Jupiter in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th) is likely to be more open and accepting of different beliefs unless it's debilitated or aspected by sun/Saturn/Mars.
🎧 Your ascendant in ascendant persona chart gives a pretty good idea of your first impression on others.
🎧 Jupiter in 6th can be major procrastinators, 6th is a house or doing strenuous work and can mean a lot of planning and overthinking, having Jupiter here in house of Virgo (Jupiter's debilitation) can mean that Jupiter puts a water on 6th house themes of doing things with zest, so one tends to delay doing tasks.
🎧Mars opposite Jupiter has a hard time following instructions or they like challenging authority (This is same for Mars opposite Saturn)
🎧6th lord in 8th house can indicate unexpected obstacles in daily life that can occur or feel like recurring. Like one struggle after another.
🎧 Juno conjunction midheaven in SR (0°-2° ORB) you may attract long term relationships through work or attract popularity due to your relationship or tough commitment to something but mostly love relationships or you even get engaged or get married in the year.
🎧Neptune in 11th in solar return can mean delusions about certain friendships. You may think you are forming a bond with someone and they may disappear or behaviour in a unfriend like manner or some people you may consider just acquaintance and they can turn out to be great friends.
🎧 Pisces mercury may often feel unheard or they may not speak enough about all that they want to, there's a lot of suppressed communication they have. This is largely due the the piscean/12th house energy which hinders with openness and is more subconscious.
🎧 North node in leo has a lot to do with having confidence in yourself and abilities. Check house where you should be more confident.
🎧 5th house at leo degrees of 5th lord at leo degrees (5°,17°,29°) may visit or likes to travel to sunny places or places with fun and festival like energy rather than seeking vacation for isolation in cabin or woods or mountains.
🎧 Look for stelliums in your juno persona chart, this can tell you what might be important to you in a partner or what you look for in a partner.
Stellium in 11th/9th can mean someone who is a rebel or do things differently
Stellium in 3rd/7th/11th can mean someone who has a good social life or someone popular
Stellium in 1st/10th can mean someone who is a leader and confident
Stellium in 4th/6th can mean someone who has feminine instincts or someone who can cook
🎧 With 28° on house cusp you can be over giving to people that signify that house.
With 1st house you can be a lot giving with yourself or even some cases with everyone because it becomes your innate nature.
With 2nd house, you can be over giving to closed ones, or your family is overgiving with their immediate family members.
3rd house/5th/11th- overgiving with peers
🎧 Mercury in air houses (3rd,7th,11th) in water and earth signs are pretty good listeners, feminine signs in houses of others and peers can be empathetic to others so they instinctively have good listening skills.
Vedic astrology
🎧 If your venus is aspected by Saturn in navamsa, your love life may be delayed to start, like you can be the last one to experience relationship relative to your peers or people you know. This can also mean that you will get a stable relationship once in lifetime that will stick with you.
🎧 Check aspects on venus in your Navamsa, this can tell how important relationship affect you.
🎧 Aspect of malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, sun on 2nd or 4th house shows potential foreign settlement. Or if these planets are in 2nd or 4th house these can also indicate foreign settlement.
🎧 Saturn in 8th can mean dealing with a lot of responsibilities throughout life.
🎧 Jupiter in 8th can mean dealing with a lot of lessons and learnings through life.
🎧 2nd house lord in 8th can mean financial difficulties or obstructions for native'd family.
🎧 Theoretically, 2nd house lord in 8th house can indicate a long life.
🎧 Rahu indicates long distance, whichever house your rahu is in will show distant connections. Example - Rahu in 11th can mean having friends in far off places.
🎧 You show commitment to one house before where your Saturn is placed.
🎧 Rahu aspects on venus in navamsa can mean multiple relationships and even a lot of options at times of marriage or having to choose from more than one partner for marriage.
🎧 Rahu in 12th house in navamsa can mean a very intense and active sexual life after marriage.
🎧 Rahu in 12th house in navamsa aspected by Saturn can mein unsatisfied sexual desires in bed.
🎧 Saturn in 5th in navamsa can indicate that romance can take back and you may become more serious and responsible about children.
🎧 Mercury in 7th house in dasamsa (D10) chart means having to talk and network a lot with others for your career. This can also mean travelling a lot to meet international clients.
🎧 Rahu in mercury and Jupiter nakshatra (Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Purvabhadrapada, Revati) can get fame in a different land or while travelling.
🎧 Jupiter in 8th in navamsa shows a large family for spouse (including immediate family of spouse).
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
Astro game - Future spouse personality
Hello beautiful people! I missed you I have some time off and I want to do a game
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What do you get: Future spouse analysis of their personality based on your astrology chart
Follow the rules properly! Take your time and check if you followed all the rules
Must be a follower, if i have seen you interact with you my posts i will know.
Say hello and thank you.
Game closes when status below says it closes.
Feedback and interaction with the answer reading is must. I will give feedback for your part as well.
Reblog this post and one of my latest posts.(links below)
Juno in composite house.
Astro observations 20
Send me all the following things
🌻 Charts- now you can send either Western charts or vedic charts
(vedic)- birth chart & Navamsa(d9) chart and mention your darakaraka planet.
(Western) - natal chart and groom(5129)/breide(19029) persona chart
(groom pc if interested in men, briede pc if interested in women)
🌻 exchange - Now you need to do something for me to make this a fair trade
Tarot readings* (much welcome) about future spouse, marriage, dynamic, how we meet, channeled messages, how they show love basically anything unique and upto you (i would love new unique topics too)
For non tarot readers tell me what kind of partner do you think i ll be compatible with and why (ohh you can use fictional characters as well to describe if you want).
# Write in good amount. I will not give proper answers if you don't give me a fair trade. So good length is appreciated and must.
🌻Emojis-Send me emojis that you think represent you.
Game status: OPEN
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
venus in scorpios should just be polymaths
the more i ruminate on my venus in scorpio and other scorpio/pluto placements, the more im starting to accept the idea that we're not meant to love just one person and one person only for the rest of our lives. in fact, i don't think we should even direct all that intensity full blast at any individual human being if im to be honest.
scorpio placements are so intense as if carrying a deep painful hunger at their very core all the time. it makes people think of sex. but, from my experience, it's only sexy when you're on the outside looking in. but when all that intensity is being directed at you? especially when that scorpionic person has no other passions? no other place to direct their energy at? bro. it's scary, controlling, suffocating. just overall not such a good experience for the object of that scorpio's affections as well as the scorpio who experiences that intensity as a process of dying in an emotional spiritual regenerative sense. it's not fun for either party. and so there's often this question of, how come everybody's after me but this person i really truly like? why is this person i actually like running away from me? however, when you're just existing or being your un-obsessed self, people are so intensely drawn to you because that potential for intensity is still in you and everyone secretly has a death wish.
one of my heroes, jose rizal, who's a scorpio moon, was such a lover, and i remember him advising the younger generation in a poem to redirect romantic love to love for country (he was one of the first thinkers to ever regard the philippines as a country of its own, despite being a colony, and the filipino people as a people of their own). he became known as a polymath. he learned twenty two languages, learned to sing opera, learned to play the piano, was a master swordsman, portraitist, naturalist among other things. kind of reminds me of vlad tepes (dracula) in castlevania who was a polymath and who took care of the knowledge of the world all alone in his mighty castle instead of obliterating the human race. quintessential scorpio.
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i myself am doing quite a lot of things. my strong sag placements might also have something to do with it. but my every day activities and career are going in that same direction of being some sort of a polymath. scorpio is just too much for any one lover, best friend, partner, or even a specialized career to handle. it needs many outlets.
as a scorpio venus (and pluto/northnode in scorpio), i know firsthand that it's the most difficult thing to like someone and have nothing else going on in your life. now they're the subject of your heavy intensity. and it doesn't matter if they're even aware of this or not. it's hard to shake the impulse to burn the house down if that person ever asks for some space because you're too much.
just a theory so far, not sure if it'll work for everyone! but what's personally helped me knowingly or unknowingly, in the past and to this day, is being a closed feedback loop of love. making loving acts that give back on their own, because you did them. not waiting for the other person's reaction or not in any way emotionally relying on the result of your loving act. just sending it out there and going back into your mighty dracula castle and poring over books that you can get lost in, or expressing that intensity by building masterpieces with your own hands, and just continuing to feel that intensity (which you crave!) through many other (hopefully safe) means.
it's just such an enormous heavy intensity that no one individual on the planet will ever be able to take it in its fullest most raw form. and they're not meant to because pluto as an outer planet (its still a planet in astrology) belongs to the collective, that's why it's so powerful. i think that venus in scorpio or anyone with personal planets in scorpio could work very well with channeling this intensity to things that affect the greater whole of humanity. that's the hunger we're tapped into. and if we don't have other outlets to stimulate our deep need for intensity? there's a high chance we'll stir up drama and turn into everything we hate lol.
i tend to think of scorpio venus intensity as like a turbulent whitewater river. someone may think it's gorgeous, unless they're actually in it. then they're just thinking of surviving while you can't stop yourself.
these days, i'm enjoying my space. letting life accrete where it may while i maintain this 'closed feedback loop of love.' staying away from people i know i'll obsess about.
nice, quiet, sane.
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