icantstopjaehyun · 3 years
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About the song: Jazz mixed with modern pop make a all time classic recipe for giving into a dirty little secret.
Or, Yuta can picture your finger typing and deleting messages as your boyfriend lies besides you in your shared bed.
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About the song: A heartbreaking ballad with jazz undertones that cries for broken plates and lost communication.
Or, you and Jaebum both know it has to end, you could feel the toxicity burning in your veins. But you could also taste the blind passion in each other’s mouths.
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About the song: A happy pop piece, just like the realisation that your best friend is the one for you.
Or, Jackson can’t sleep; worries about the future clouding his mind. The only thing he’s sure of is that you’re there in every version of it.
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About the song:  A pop ballad that speaks of a relationshop finally coming to an end.
Or, Lucas appreciated your efforts ro save your relationship, but he also accepted the fact that there was nothing there to save.
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About the song: counting down the days to see your boyfriend again while singing a pop song.
Or, Seonghwa returns a weak early from his world tour, surprising you at home.
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icantstopjaehyun · 3 years
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Hello! This is the masterlist of All About Luv Project.
It is a collection of 10 one-shots inspired by All About Luv album by Monsta X.
For me, each track on the album has a story to tell and so I'm trying to bring those stories to life through my first collection of writings (and my first official attempt to write something other than a few drabbles).
Unfortunately, I'm in my senior year of high school which means a lot of school work and only little free time. Also, english is not my first language and I absolutely take constructive critism on my works and writing.
Key words: ballad=angst, pop=fluff, jazz=suggestive
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About the track: A ballad about first loves and dilemma, with a hint of pop sound in the final notes.
Or, Johnny knew you would find his way back to him. Although he did question where your love lies for a moment.
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About the song: A all too familiar catchy pop song with a bridge that resembles a jazzy tune that sings about uncontrolable feelings.
Or, Changkyun can't keep his hands to himself, but you can't complain; even if a party is going on in the backround, all you can see is him.
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About the song: A ballad dedicated to lost love and longing, with hints of pop and memories of better times.
Or, Jaehyun was always thinking about himself, until all he could think about was him without you.
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About the song: A soft ballad about longing for someone’s warmth, ending with a pop splash.
Or, Mark felt like home, and you haven’t felt like that for so long
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About the song: A melody with pop and jazz hues, about late nights and old habbits.
Or, Jungkook could never deny you, even if he should propably stop calling you in the middle of the night for his fix.
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icantstopjaehyun · 3 years
In your philosohy class last semester, you learned that Aristotelis believed that people did not change. The basic characteristics a child showed until the age of ten would follow them, and only slight alternation of them was expected.
It’s funny, how against the idea you were while you were taking that class. You argued that people could indeed change, with time and effort. Then again, maybe it was just hopefull thinking. Wishing that your time and effort changed a someone.
Lucas was not a perfect man, far from it. He just could not grasp the meaning of limits. He partied too hard, he drank too much, he faught too often. It was a life of running in circles, partying, drinking, fighting, fucking, partying drinking... Lucas liked it this way though. Less worry, more fun, always on call for any kind of meeting that involved alcohol or women. Preferably both.
That’s why he can’t even remember meeting you. You just appeared in his life, and he was left without a choice but falling for you. His angel did not in any ways belong to the places he roamed every night. So he started attending less parties each week, finally breaking his record. It was worth it though, for you. The minute you stepped in the room he didn’t feel like going near anyone else, much less a crowded place where most females wanted a night with him. In reality, you filled him, in a way that he felt that being empty of you would be the end of him.
A relationship with the bad boy of your camous was not on top of your bucket list. And it was hard, giving into him without a voice in your head constantly screaming get out! It took too long for you to trust him, but you saw he was trying. Spending his evening with you instead of going out, talking back to his friends when they said you were good toy, but now you were getting old. His efforts won you over at last, and for a good portion of time it was all worth it.
You couldn’t pin point exactly the day of the fall out. As sudden was your appearance in each other’s lives, just as head spinning was the speed of your relationship falling apart. 
But this, this would undoublty be the end of Lucas and you. Because you ran out of his dorm room after yet another nasty arguement, but he ran in between the first legs that greeted him like an old friend. And that was your breaking point.
“I don’t know what to tell you except I’m sorry”
“And I don’t know what to tell you except that it’s not enough”
Needless to say, it was not to anyone’s surprise Lucas was spotted to every party after that running of with a beautiful woman by his side, even if it was not you.
Maybe Aristotelis was right after all.
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icantstopjaehyun · 3 years
I don't know if it helps anyone, but even if it helps only one person, it's crucial for all of us to reblog.
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US Helplines:
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icantstopjaehyun · 4 years
It's missing Jonghyun hours🌸
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icantstopjaehyun · 4 years
Bad Guy
Pt.1 (?)
(Gif not mine)
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Betty and Veronica walked down the school hallway at lunch break, looking for the third girl in their friend group. They exchanged looks, not looking forward to the conversation the had to have with you. It's not easy to tell your best friend that the guy she'd been head over heels for is actually with her for some lame points from his lame friends.
The spotted you, putting your books away so you could go to lunch. With quick steps they caught up with you just after you closed your locker, hiding the pictures you had with them and Reggie, your boyfriend.
"Hey y/n, is it okay if we have lunch outside? We have to talk to you about something" Betty started with a sympathetic smile painted on her face. Ronnie looked at you the same way, but only nodded to the blonde's proposal.
"Sure, I guess" you looked at them with sceptical eyes, "is everything okay though? You are kinda scarring me".
The three of you made your way outside, and sat under a shade of a big tree. "Baby, we have some bad news about Mantle" Veronica spoke for the first time, "and I'm afraid that there is no easy way to say this".
You looked at her with a confused expression but before you could question what this was all about, Betty cut in, finally saying something that you had to know, about your relationship.
"We talked with Ethel, the girl that got bullied by Chuck. We discovered that he and his friends, incuding Reggie, have a 'playbook' where they write the names of girls in the school and then try to get to them, only to earn points by their friends and make fun of the girls", she exhaled, "we broke into school last night and found the book".
Veronica continued after taking my hand in hers and looking into my eyes. "I'm so sorry baby, your name is in the book, next to Reggie's".
All emotion drained from your face, putting on a strong mask even though it was your most trusted friends you have infront of you.
Your hand stilled and your body tensed. After some minutes you slowly got up and after uttering an 'I would like to be alone please' you never even bothered to look back, only walking towards your car that drove you to your home.
The trip from school to your bed was something you never registered in your mind. You only knew the girls tried to stop you but eventually gave up, aknowledging your need to be alone and let the fact that the guy you liked so much only dated you for some points settle in.
Sleep overtook you, after hours of crying, and you welcomed it like an old friend after an emotianally exhausting day.
Knocks on your bedroom window woke you up from your sleep. They were persistent and were getting louder by the second. Checking the time from your alarm clock you did a double take, the bright green letters reading 8:46 in the afternoon.
Now you knew who would be the only person knocking on your window at this time, but since you weren't sure how to face him after what you learned earlier in the day, you kept your windows locked and opted to text him a simple 'please stop'.
'Baby, talk to me' and 'what's wrong' were his replies that came immediately after you send the text.
The pebbles stopped but your phone buzzed without break for at least 5 minutes. Then only once and then never again in the evening.
You knew ignoring him would only make things worse. Things like this should be talked out between two people. But right now, the only thing you could do is think about your girls, and how you needed them at the moment. So you called them both, and asked them to bring ice cream with.
B and V were at your doorstep in a quarter and from that moment a marathon of stress eating, crying and watching sappy movies started and ended with your friends sleeping over, your parents not even questioning it anymore.
You walked into school the next morning, the sun shining as if mocking you and your misery. Ronnie had decided that waking up early in the morning, having a good breakfast and actually putting some effort in your outfit was a good start for such a difficult day.
It worked for a while, but now that you run into your boyfriend (?) at the school halway, there wasn't much a nice skirt and a pretty top could do to help you.
Reggie looked like he didn't sleep at all last night, and honestly, you didn't know how that made you feel. You cared about the boy, even when he broke your heart.
His face brightened up when he spotted you in the crowd though, and he made his way to you in big strides.
"Hi princess, I missed you yesterday" he said with a questioning look in his orbs.
Ignoring his greeting you got straight to the point, "we need to talk, Reggie, but I don't want to do this here" you looked around.
A frown took over his face, an even more worried look evident in the way he spoke. "Do you want to skip first period with me then?" He asked and reached a hand out, waiting for you to link your fingers together. But you didn't and it only made him more upset.
"Yes, let's go to Pop's" you noded and turned towards the exit, ignoring his palm that reached for yours.
He drove and the car that was once filled with music and off-tune singing was silent and the atmoshaire was gloomy. By now, Reggie wrecked his brain for something that had happened the last weeks that could lead to this situation but he came up with nothing.
You opened the door to Pop's, the bell ringing over your body and you slidded into a booth in the almost empty diner.
"Okay baby, I have to know what's going on, you are worriyng me so much right now" he pleaded and looked at you with sad eyes.
"I know about the playbook" you replied at first and when he didn't respond you specified, "I know I'm worth 8 points for your game" you said you said in between sharp breaths, at this point barely keeping it together.
Reggie took a deep breath, obviously trying to respont to the reveal. It seemed like nothing he tried to say made sence so he decided to wing it, to tell you the truth that you deserve.
"Y/n I want you to look into my eyes when I say this okay?"
"I don't think there's really anything to say Reg-"
"Just this once, okay baby?" He insisted and you just signed, letting him continue. "I know how this sounds, I do. But it was a stupid thing between us guys that never made sence but we did it anyway to make ourselves feel good and to climb the social ladder" he scoffed and turned his gaze, as if recalling the time they agreed on making the damned book.
"I had a big crush on you for about some time before I actually approached you and that was the reason I faught to write my name next to yours instead of Chuck".
You had a whiplash at this new information, the sock evident in your expression, "Wait, did Chuck Clayton actually want to use me as he did Ethel and those poor girls?"
"Yes, he and I haven't been on great terms since that argument" he confirmed.
"Please, continue".
He sighed, "I got to put my name next to yours on the book, but it served as a push for me to finally make a move, I swear," he locked eyes with me, "You have to believe me, darling, these past months with you were the best I have ever had with someone" Reggie confessed.
But that was your breaking point. How dare he turn this around on you? How dare he lie more than he already had?
"That's the thing, Mantle, I don't have to believe anything that comes out of those lips" you looked at him dead in the eye for a moment and then grabbed your bag and got up.
"You're not a bad boy, Reggie," you looked at him one last time before walking out the door of the shop.
"You're a bad guy".
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icantstopjaehyun · 4 years
Bet on me (but it's not worth it)
You approached Johnny who was standing with Mark and Yuta beside their lockers. The boys noticed you first, smiled at you and poked your boyfriend to turn arround. You were now close to them but you gaze never left the empty space in front of you. Even when Yuta send you his million dollar smile and Mark greeted you with a wide grin, you kept an blank look in your eyes. Even when Johnny, your so-called boyfriend, scooped down to kiss your cheek you flinched away from him.
It was almost comical to see their faces fall simultaneously. In any other case, you would've laughed your heart out.
Your poor heart, it couldn't take anymore of their game.
"Baby, what's going on, what's wro-"
"Why did you ask me out?" You cut Johnny off, a serious expression in your eyes.
"Where is this coming from princess?" His voice wavered a little, and a worried glint was now distinguished in his gaze. He then, turned to our his friends, "Guys, can you leave us for a moment?"
Before they could pass by you stopped them, "No, this affects all three of you, along with whoever else went along with this stupid bet."
Their eyes widened and now Johnny's eyebrows almost touched his nose. Before you could predict his next move, you were dragged into a janitors closet, locked in a tight space with the man you decided to detest a few hours ago, when you found out.
"Baby, let me explain everything okay-"
"You don't get to explain. You don't get to talk to me after everything we built was based on a lie. Did I ever mean anything for you? Has this past year been an easy way to make money?"
You were furious at this point. You genually liked Johnny, you cherished the year you spent together more than any other in your high school life and this was what you got for always trying for this to work between you. Because you thought the feeling were mutual, even thought your different place in the social ladder.
You should've known. The moment the quarterback, the pride and joy of your school asked you to wear his jersay at his big game. You felt flattered back then. Now you feel like a fool.
"Yes, it started out as a bet, a stupid mistake and it was so immature of us to come up with that. I know now, baby, I already called it off by our third date," he pleaded, "you remeber that day right? We were watching a movie and you hid yourself under my arm at a scarry scene and that's when I knew I wanted, more than anything, to protect you from the world." He morphed his mouth into a sad smile, "I guess I hurt you the most."
"That doesn't make anything right. I thought you took an interest in me. I considered the guys my friends too I-" you took a shallow breath, "I shared some of the most intimate things about me with you".
For what you said next, you looked him dead in the eye.
"I can't trust you after this".
He shed the tears that were gathering at the corner of his eyes at your last statement and he knew that whatever he had to say now meant nothing. He could only hope that one day you would believe his sincere feelings for you and believe in his heart, that lied to you but now regretted it more than anything in the world.
Johnny unlocked the door and let you run down the hallway, where he remembers skipping class with you, playing with you, joking with you, kissing you.
He looked at you one last time and locked to door again, so he could peacefully break down for his lost love.
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icantstopjaehyun · 4 years
Back Door
“I can’t be your secret anymore, Jae” you cried into his shirt while he rocked you back and forth, like a baby.
“I know, I’m sorry” now a few traitorous tears escaped his eyes and he forced himself to look up, away from your head laying on his chest. “I can make this right” he repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time this afternoon.
“you can’t fix this, we were never something worth fixing for you,” you said in a quiet tone, in between harsh breaths, “if I was important to you this would’ve never happened.”
“No, no that’s not true, look at me,” he lifted your chin to stare into your wet eyes, “you are so important to me, such a signifigant person in my messed up life.” The sicnerity in his voice shook your core and made you question your decision to end this toxic relationship with Jaehyun, but the words he spoke next, without any remore and hesitation, broke your heart in two.
“I love you, I’ll be better-” he took your hands in his- “please, don’t walk out that door now”
You took a second to get it together, to think this through. If you left right then and there, that would mean the end of you and Jaehyun. His absence had been the gasoline to the fire of your insecurities. Every time he hadn’t aknowlegded you in a hallway he made you doubt yourself some more, until you just stopped trying to greet him when he was with his friends.
But his prescence later those nights, his unique warmth, his comforting smell, shoothed your heart, only to break it again at dawn.
It was an endless circle. But now, you finally reached the exit of this labyrith and was afraid to take the next, liberating step.
A moment passed, and you made up your mind.
“I love you, but there is nothing fixable in us anymore”
With shaky feet and quivering voice you got our of his arms, out of his embrace, kissed his tear stained cheek one last time and left thought the back door, so no one would see you.
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icantstopjaehyun · 4 years
writing pompts
these are some prompts that come to me anytime except when I actually want to write, feel free to sent in requests and use them after you have notified me.
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angst (bc i’m a hoe for angst)
1. “Don’t go, I’ll do better, I promise”
2. “Maybe when we can talk without hurting each other, we can meet again”
3. “I can be what you want, give me a chance!”
4. “I want more than quickies and secret hook ups” + “I don’t”
5. “Should I be punished like this, just because I trusted you?”
6. “I can explain everything!” + “I don’t see how you can explain this”
7. “I can fix this!” + “I don’t know how you can fix this”
8. “Stay the night for once” + “If I do that, I might fall for you”
9. “Was I not good enough for you?”
10. “I don’t know how to talk to you anymore”
11. “You changed and I changed and we changed”
12. “(s)he moved on and I can still smell her/his scent on my pillows”
13. “I can’t be your secret anymore”
14. “Talk to me when you are not ready to rip my head off”
15. “I never meant for you to find out this way”
16. “Why are you calling me at 3 a.m.?” + “I’m drunk and I missed you”
17. “I made a mistake!”
18. “It wasn’t meant to go this far!”
19. “It was all a bet, you know”
20. “Why do you forgive me everytime, when you know I’m never going to change?”
21. “Tell me to stop” + “I can’t”
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fluff (bc we all need some in our lives)
1. “Come cuddle me, you big goof”
2. “How can I resist your eyes, baby?”
3. “You are the only person I could call at this hour”
4. “Love me for as long as you breath, because I will love you until my last breath”
5. “How can you be this pretty, giving me heart attack”
6. “You can tell me anything” + “I know”
7. “I’m ready to take that risk if you are with me”
8. “I guess we are both fools for each other”
9. “Just kiss already!”
10. “I’ll see you soon, don’t forget about me” + “I could never”
11. “I want to marry you someday”
12. “Let’s go on a date” + “I’d like that”
13. “You’re so soft and warm”
14 “Can I kiss you?” + “Please”
15. “You are it for me” + “What?” + “ Everything”
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note; keep in mind that these are going to be updated every few days, so check them out and tell me if there is something I can add.
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icantstopjaehyun · 5 years
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Birds//Imagine Dragons
#birds #song lyrics #imagine dragons lyrics #imagine dragons #aesteric lyrics
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icantstopjaehyun · 5 years
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Hell Froze Over//Kodaline
#kodaline #aestheric lyrics #hell froze over #song lyric #kodaline lyrics
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