jchappytraveler · 9 years
For more information visit: http://bit.ly/PaidProfessionalTourist
Note: You will need to enter your name and email address to gain access to the website. Your information is for my tracking purposes only and will not be shared or spammed. 
Once you have completed these steps and are interested in knowing more, please contact me at 512-992-4861 by call or text. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you.
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
And we're off...
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
Love of leisure.
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
Now that's a thing of beauty!
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
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I’m not going to use this platform much for promoting what I do. However, periodically, I will not be able to help it. LOL
Come on, look at that! This company just PreLauched less than a month ago. We go to full lunch on the 15th. 
So, I really want to share this with you all. This company is going to be huge. You can actually lock in a position for FREE before the actual launch and the masses learn about it. 
I like being paid to be a professional tourist! Would you?
1) Watch this first: http://bit.ly/1F0NRiz
2) Lock in your position FREE: http://www.discoverptp.com/justicecamm
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
I can see myself relaxing here with a nice drink. 
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
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Honeymoon in Hawaii
You see that beautiful young lady by my side with that wonderful smile? She is one of my largest why’s. She has supported me through so many ups and downs and been there by my side. I love and adore her. She works so incredibly hard, is the sweetest person and deserves a happy life. Everything I do is to make her life as wonderful as she has made mine. 
If you have read my past posts, you know this whole blog is about making changes. And that is why I do what I do. Yes, I love to travel but, more than that, I love to work in an industry that allows me the time and means to travel. I also love the opportunity to meet great and ambitious people with the same mind set. 
This is my purpose from this day forward. Join me?
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
Very cool! Must see. 
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15 Coolest Islands in the World!!!
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
If you are at all interested in what I'm doing and so excited about, listen in on our first Training Call!
Here's the dial-in info: SATURDAY TRAINING CALL (May 9th, 2015): 9:00 AM PACIFIC TIME (10 MST / 11 CST / NOON EST) PHONE: (712) 775-7035 PIN: 890727#
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
Up Late Again
It’s 12:32 AM and I am up late again! It’s not because I am an insomniac, although I am. It’s not because I am weighed down by the troubles of the world. 
It’s because I have so many things on my mind that there is not enough time in the day to do them all. Have I taken on too much? Maybe. Is it necessary? I believe so. 
You see I have a goal and a dream. My goal is to get my family to a point of financial, let’s say stability. I’m not a greedy person. I would just like to have a comfortable life and do the things we like to do without having to think too much. Isn't that what we all want?
Life is all about choices yes? Did you know that you can change your life? No, it’s not easy. It is very hard work to change a life time of bad habits. But it is doable. They say habits are changed after 21 days of repetition. I believe it takes a bit more than that for them to truly stick. 
Nevertheless, I am taking those steps. You have to start with the man in the mirror and so I go. 
The beaches of the world are calling me to dip my toes in the water and sink me feet in the sand. Will you join me?
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
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Dreamy Santorini
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
Where to start
Well, where do I start? I created this blog for a few reasons. Reasons that I will eventually cover throughout time. I’m sure you well figure them out but I will spell them out soon. Since this is my first entry it may be a bit long. I apologize. But I thought it best to get a good start.
Just a little about me… I am an artistic soul. I live for music… listening, composing playing and performing. I have been a professional musician most of my adult life.
I was fortunate enough to get to a point where I was actually making a decent living in the music industry. Then life, as usual, got in the way. Things happened and things changed. Then before I knew it, I was in a place I didn’t recognize and I had to try and adapt.
I can’t say, at all, that I totally regret where I have ended up to this point. I have a wonderful wife who loves and supports me, a nice home, two beautiful kids, a gorgeous grand daughter and a wonderful circle of friends. However, I am nowhere near where I thought I would be in life by this point.
I have been laid off three times in the last three years and totally put off by the whole corporate way of life. It has not been my best supporter in life I would have to admit.
Though I was raised in a corporate family, my father an executive with IBM and my mother in administration for a prominent university, I was always encouraged to play music. That is until I reached the age when I had better find a job. Then playing music was not encouraged for the most part. And so the struggle began. The tug of war between the real world (supposedly) and the world I wished to live in.
You see I always subscribed to the work smart not hard philosophy. Where as most of the people I knew at the time subscribed to the give your life to a single job for forty years so you can be forced to retire with maybe enough to get you through until you die. As much as I tried I could never completely buy into that way of thinking. It just would not connect with my brain wave patterns. My head and heart have fought that way of thinking as long as I can remember.
So, now here I am, finally in a world that I can almost recognize. I have always felt that I and my loved ones should be able to enjoy life on our terms. Meaning, if I want to work on the patio, at the park or on the beach (providing I want to work that day at all) I should be able to.
Though I spend most of my time under the umbrella shade (though I love the sun I can’t sit in it directly for to long), I love being at the beach. I love the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand, the smiles on the faces and the peace and enjoyment of frivolity. It is where I would be every day if I could.
So, I find it fitting that I have finally found a business that allows me that opportunity to live my life exactly that way for my immediate future and retirement!
Therefore, I have created this blog to tell you about my life, my adventures (past, present and future), beaches I have been to, I love, wish to see and would love to work my business from. I will be posting pictures, videos and postings like this to fill you in on happenings.
So come along for the ride if you like! The more the merrier! You are all invited.
Here’s to beach life! Cheers mate!
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jchappytraveler · 9 years
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Pro Travel Plus Review—Vacation, travel and local deals           http://bit.ly/1zMRgTf
  l㗁=WL �
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