klance-convert · 2 days
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remember when we died? // you look so much better.
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klance-convert · 5 days
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Silly warmup doodle but GODS I LOVE THESE TEENS
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klance-convert · 5 days
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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klance-convert · 7 days
The preschool is buying heirloom sunflower seed in bulk. We’re going to make a ‘Sunflower House’.
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How to grow a sunflower house
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klance-convert · 8 days
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lucy, you're coming back to us too, right? to me?
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klance-convert · 11 days
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I wanda see you dead (sketch dump)
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klance-convert · 12 days
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in honor of the finale of fantasy high junior year, my favorite no longer dead girl haunting the narative
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klance-convert · 13 days
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No grave can hold my body down, I'll crawl home to her.
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klance-convert · 13 days
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Is this justice? Is this a new dawn?
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klance-convert · 14 days
See now the most compelling thing about Skuttlespring (Gorgug/Mary Ann) is that Zac Oyama the human guy reacts to the “Okay. Do you have a girlfriend?” scene like he’s an actual 17-year-old boy who just got asked out by the girl he’s been fighting tooth and nail to hate for an entire school year in front of his five best friends. That man is FLUSTERED and EMBARRASSED he is selling Gorgug’s sudden onset hate-crush in the midst of a completely unrelated situationship like his life depends on it and all the other Intrepid Heroes are equally in-character it’s so perfect. That is a 30-something year old man who has a whole entire wife but he’s out here stuttering and blushing like a teenager and THAT is why I will absolutely ship these two characters that have interacted two and a half times in canon and were either completely apathetic about or cartoonishly enraged by the other’s general existence for the entire season
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klance-convert · 16 days
For the people who are spouting the stupid OMG THE CAST ARE PISSED AT EACH OTHER OVER CHARACTER CHOICES takes.
They're having the time of their lives.
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klance-convert · 16 days
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klance-convert · 16 days
im ab to be annoying ab dimension20 fhjy but im genuinely loving the character arcs for the bad kids this season?
kristen going from self-annihilatingly stupid to trying to build a genuine bridge with the man who not only wielded the religion that traumatised her (bobby dawn), but also was trying to ruin her life, just bc she thought a grieving father ought to be comforted in some way? her genuine distress at being unable to revivify buddy even though the two had only had negative interactions, or her biting her tongue in front of her parents so she could better look after her little siblings? grappling with the fact that she still, on some level, expected practising religion to be easy and convenient for her as a holdover from an entire childhood spent being a Chosen One, and finally putting her nose to the grindstone and committing to working her ass off for a deity that couldn't even benefit her for a hot minute? making an effort to be cordial with tracker's new gf and letting go of that codependency? the kristen applebees from ep20 would NOT do all the same stupid shit as ep1 and i love that.
fabian being humbled by the narrative again and again has been an absolute treat for his character. the whole ivy/mazey situation was great: freshman/sophomore year fabian would've gone for ivy no sweat, i mean her character seemed pretty similar to pre-redemption aelwyn and he had a huge crush on her then. but this time, when he realised he'd hurt a genuinely great person, and intentionally swallowed his pride to make it up to mazey, even though it required him being 'uncool' with the whole twister thing. his general arc of learning that earnestness and humility doesn't make him less of a man felt like a natural extension of fabian defining his own version of masculinity- sure, a 'maximum legend', but also someone deeply involved in the arts, and someone who is less afraid of saying sorry and being vulnerable in front of someone he likes
fig. fig fig fig. what a woman. its been absolutely fascinating watching build her sense of identity over these three seasons. at her core, fig is a character that loves so deeply. in freshman, she was terrified of the depth of her own devotion, so she tried to distance herself emotionally from everyone. in sophomore, she built herself around that love for other people. in junior year, fig's arc has been learning she can do both: that she's defined by her love for others, but not solely by it. ik emily wanted to retire the character before this season but i think fig's paladin arc was the best capstone to her journey possible.
gorgug's arc has been about establishing clear boundaries for himself and i love it. im aware there's been some Discourse ab the mango soda scene but to me that was pretty easily chalked up to teenage insecurity. a big part of gorgug's arc was trying to believe in himself when everyone around him told him he was too dumb to follow his passion- imagine struggling in an area that you have no natural aptitude for, and someone comes along and also trounces you in the one area you thought you were the best in. i'd be petty and reactive too (gorgug follows up calling her a freak with the fact that she beat the shit out of him, so its clearly him just still smarting from a bruised ego and not actual malice). in general, i've really like gorgug learning to put his foot down and say enough is enough without completely losing his gentleness.
adaine hasnt had an obvious arc, but considering she addressed most of her baggage in the first two seasons, i'm not surprised. i would've liked to see the other bad kids address her 'teenage adult' behaviour, but her self-awareness about it and relying on fabian to pull in clutch for the oracool stuff still felt like she'd learned to rely on her friends at least + her reaching out to aelwyn and the two of them healing from their parents together has been rewarding it its own right.
riz is perfect and has learned nothing. his neuroticism is part of his natural swag
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klance-convert · 18 days
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klance-convert · 21 days
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klance-convert · 22 days
"the ratgrinders, traumatised and manipulated teens, could have been redeemed if that subplot was explored and developed more" and "the bad kids, also traumatised, and in a life/death situation, are not responsible for healing these fellow kids" are opinions that can and should co-exist
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klance-convert · 22 days
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me and my best friend saw you from across the beer pong table and we absolutely hate your vibe
(human oisin's tattoos designed by sam!!)
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