lostboy2937 · 2 years
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
I’m always saying this but it’s so unfair that I need to write my own stories before I can read them
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
Wait.....people PLAN their stories? Like, AHEAD of time??????
Make your writing more spontaneous. You don’t have to outline every single detail. Allow your story to unfold, allow your story to lead you. Sometimes the best scenes show up unplanned.
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
writing tip #3428:
if you choose the right font, no one will even notice that plot hole
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
Times New Roman size 12 is the ONLY acceptable font 😤
are you the type of writer who writes with one specific font? or are you a writer, who uses different fonts for different stories?
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
Literally the only reason I use that phrase.
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
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hope this explains it
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
In 1990, the high school dropout rate for Dolly Parton’s hometown of Sevierville Tennessee was at 34% (Research shows that most kids make up their minds in fifth/sixth grade not to graduate). That year, all fifth and sixth graders from Sevierville were invited by Parton to attend an assembly at Dollywood. They were asked to pick a buddy, and if both students completed high school, Dolly Parton would personally hand them each a $500 check on their graduation day. As a result, the dropout rate for those classes fell to 6%, and has generally retained that average to this day.
Shortly after the success of The Buddy Program, Parton learned in dealing with teachers from the school district that problems in education often begin during first grade when kids are at different developmental levels. That year The Dollywood Foundation paid the salaries for additional teachers assistants in every first grade class for the next 2 years, under the agreement that if the program worked, the school system would effectively adopt and fund the program after the trial period.
During the same period, Parton founded the Imagination Library in 1995: The idea being that children from her rural hometown and low-income families often start school at a disadvantage and as a result, will be unfairly compared to their peers for the rest of their lives, effectively encouraging them not to pursue higher education. The objective of the Imagination library was that every child in Sevier County would receive one book, every month, mailed and addressed to the child, from the day they were born until the day they started kindergarten, 100% free of charge. What began as a hometown initiative now serves children in all 50 states, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, mailing thousands of free books to children around the world monthly.
On March 1, 2018 Parton donated her 100 millionth book at the Library of Congress: a copy of “Coat of Many Colors” dedicated to her father, who never learned to read or write.
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
Can Anyone Relate?
I am currently in Sad Boi mode (many reasons. don't want to get into it). And when I'm in said mode, I think about everything that is currently wrong or went wrong in the past in my life. Tonight, I have found something new.
I never really realized that I've always been the "spare friend". What does that mean? Well, to me anyway, it means that I was never the first priority friend. I was always the friend people would talk to and hang out with when none of their other, actual, friends were around. Just about every friendship I've had has been like this, ever since elementary school. I mean, I know there are always different cliques and whatnot but I never fit in any one of them. I was always just there. And in case someone got bored or their friends weren't around for whatever reason, there I was, ready to be pulled into the illusion of true friendship.
Most of the time, I was ok with it because I was happy to have any interaction with people at all and school and church took up most of my time anyway. The only times I wasn't ok with it was when it really mattered. Whenever I really needed someone to talk to about something serious, I realized I didn't have anyone. And that's what made high school really hard. One time, Junior year I think, it was birthday. Now, before I continue, I'd like to say that I've never been big on my birthday. Probably because my parents never really made a big deal about it, but I could, honestly, care less. So, not many people know when my birthday is...except my closest friends. Anyway, on this birthday, I didn't expect many people to say happy birthday or anything but I also didn't expect what DID happen..... I had seen pretty much all the people who should've known it was my birthday and none of them said anything, which kind of hurt...ok it really hurt. But then I got my first "Happy Birthday!" .....from my French teacher.....at 1 in the afternoon....Now, to be clear, I fucking loved my French teacher (will probably post about him sometime) so that wasn't the issue. The issue was that not even my best friend of 5 years at that point, remembered it was my birthday. It was kind of a sucky day.
Aaaaaanyway....I went off a bit but I just wanna know how many of you out there are the "spare friend" or if I'm just living in my own delusion.
-Flynt :)
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
No but like Im so angry that turning red is tanking review wise bc men don’t relate to it
(ok? afab have had to watch your media for years and we survived? Get over it)
or bc people don’t like the concept of puberty being shown to “children”
(The MC is 13 and in grade 8, I got my first menstrual cycle at age 10 grade 5…but what age do you suggest you teach children about the puberty you’re forcing them to go through since youre working to create policy to block access to the medication that would help delay this to an “appropriate” age lol)
Grow the fuck up people 🙄
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
Turning Red Review/Debate/IDK
I've just recently watched Disney Pixar's new movie Turning Red and I thought it was really good. However, I've come across some people that have not felt the same way, including my older brother. My short answer to the people who did not feel a connection to this movie and, therefore, gave it a bad review is : then it wasn't for you.
Turning Red was for the kids who grew up pleasing their parents. Our world literally revolved around being an angel child, no matter the cost. Grades needed to be perfect, chores needed to be flawless, and every need or request uttered by our parents needed to be fulfilled quicker than ASAP. Many have asked why we do this and the answers differ. Some have no reason at all, others feel that this is the only way of receiving love and care from parents, and others may yet have different reasons. No matter the reason, or lack thereof, we couldn't break this habit no matter how hard we tried. It was just how things were. This movie showed the reality we faced everyday; risking our friendships and even our well being at times just to make sure that our parents were pleased with and proud of us.
Just like Encanto was for the kids who felt that they didn't belong in their family, or that they were never good enough in their family's eyes, Turning Red was for the kids who did everything in their power to please their parents.
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
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“Everyone else and their orientations are able to bond and relate to the love and romance aspects and we’re over here like— We don’t do that.” - Jaiden Animations
Edit– link to vid <3 :
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
meeee too
i just tried cutting a carrot with a carrot -_-
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
I work at a doggy daycare too and can definitely vouch for this
Unmute !
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lostboy2937 · 2 years
So..... I just had a long talk with my parents about going far away for school and living as a boy. I wasn’t paying too much attention and they were jumping around to a lot of different things but there’s a few things that I think were beyond stupid of them to say.
1. Apparently, knowing how to cook and sew doesn’t make my dad a woman and liking cop shows doesn’t make me or my mom men BUUUUUTTTT.....wearing fuzzy mickey mouse pants is a sign that I am truly a girl and like girly things. Like wtf? They were literally contradicting themselves and I so wanted to laugh but restrained myself.
2. Even though I’ve explained it to them a thousand times, my parents still believe that my “girl self” and my “boy self” are two different personalities. Like, they think I’m living a double life and having “such a hard time keeping track of how to act around different people”. Like, bro-hams...I AM STILL MEEEEEEE. Literally just a different name and pronouns. *deadname* liked to wear Stitch pants, watch Disney movies, and be a total goofball BUT SO DOES ALEX!!!!!! It just frustrates me that no matter how many times I say it, they can’t wrap their heads around the idea that a girl and a boy could like the same things and have the same personality.
3. They still seem to think that I will turn out EXACTLY like my transgender older brother. They keep explaining to me how sucky their relationship is with him as if, 1. they haven’t told me a million times and 2. I have the most amazing relationship with him. Bitch, the only time he contacts me is if I contact him first. And even then it’s really awkward cuz we’re 9 years apart, don’t live together, and have little in common. Point is, I’M NOT LIKE HIM!!! Just because we’re both trans, doesn’t automatically make us duplicates of each other. He chose and still chooses to live his life without contacting our parents very often. As much as we don’t get along, I actually like talking to and hanging out with my parents from time to time. They act as if they’re going to lose me like they lost my brother even though everything points to that NOT happening. He enlisted in the navy and left home as soon as he could. I am fucking terrified of growing up, I live in my grandpa’s basement two blocks away and still go to my parents’ house almost every day as an 18 year old high school graduate. Even before he left, he was never at home. He spent most of his time with friends, coming home to eat and sleep. Me, I had no friends in high school. I spent my Friday nights watching Hawaii 5-0 and Blue Bloods with my family, my weekends sleeping in and doing homework, and my summers going to camp, taking the dog for walks, and bingeing different shows with my mum. I just don’t understand how they think that I will turn out exactly like my older brother when our childhoods and teenage years were COMPLETELY different in regards to interaction with our parents.
My ADHD brain isn’t letting me remember anything else (mostly cuz dad’s making nachos and it smells good) but if I remember more, I’ll add later
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