loveulikealovesong · 30 days
vintage PNGs for your notion script
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
It Girl vaunt
My beauty is ethereal and otherworldly, a work of art that words can't describe. It's hard for people to even believe someone like me exists.
I am so thankful because, I am a breath-taking and stunningly beautiful individual! I have a unique way of styling, a natural radiance and an effortless, confident personality. I always attract so many people, even without realizing it! My beauty is so captivating and mesmerising, and people are always drawn to me. The world is simply a better place with me in it!
It feels like Selena Gomez wrote her song "Ring" about me, in that song she talks about how she has soooo many guys wrapped around her finger, like a ring. Everyone falls for her and that easily applies to me too. Selena and I both have so many people falling for us, that there's definitely a parallel between the two of us. I have even been compared to Selena Gomez on multiple occasions, for how alike we are. Our beauty and charm are something that no one can match, I truly am an "It Girl".
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
✧ With me, the world feels so peaceful, as if it were 2011 again.
It's wonderful, isn't it?  The Universe is at peace because I have entered it, and it now resonates with the frequency of my positivity and peacefulness. Everything feels so calm with me around, as if we’re all transported into a different world where we’re not caught in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The vibe around me is soothing, that everything feels like it’s 2011 again.
I remember how in 2011 there was such a strong presence of uniqueness and originality. People didn't care and embraced their creativity and individuality. There were so many different things that people would rock, from emos, to scene kids and so many more colorful and vibrant styles. I am bringing that era right back and no one’s afraid of the cringe. My influence has brought back the uniqueness of those days, I have ended "cringe". I am a breath of fresh air and I'm ending the fear of being judged and bullied for being yourself, bringing everyone back to the early 2010s, back when it was cool to be different. We are in the era of authenticity, and I am the embodiment of that.
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
✩ What's social anxiety? Never heard of her.
It's so effortless for me to talk to people now, I have mastered the art of communication. I am so good at communicating, I make it look so natural and easy. I am excellent at socializing. People are attracted to my magnetic personality because I'm able to connect with them all the time. I'm a social butterfly, a natural at interacting with others!
I always get invited to parties and events which are filled with influential people in the music industry. Since I am superior at socializing, these events help me boost my career. Isn't it wonderful?  My ability to socialize has opened up so many doors for me. My communication skills are so polished that I'm able to navigate these events with ease and create beneficial relationships.
The more connections I make, the more opportunities I get. It’s great that people in the music industry recognize my potential and they want to connect with me and network with me. They know how promising my talent is, they can't let me go! This means that my profession will only grow and improve so much more. I am going to the right places and connecting with the right people. This is very beneficial for my career and future in the showbusiness.
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
This document is by Solar which was a subliminal maker but sadly her page got terminated:( She really helped me change the mindset and become the master manifestor I am so ALL CREDITS GOES TO HER! ( I did not make this at all Solar did! ) { I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS, AND APPLY ALL THE INFORMATION STATED. LIKE FR. }
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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This post is dedicated to Solar's guide , this post includes quotes from all her guides that I have read . Solar subs is amazing , please support her , her channel got terminated . Do read her guides they are really helpful 🤍🎀
🎀To get rid of limiting beliefs, just do what you thought you couldn't "
🤍 You are limitless . You are an infinite being. Do not ever settle for less because you think getting it impossible , that's putting limits. Your reality is a direct reflection of your inner consciousness. If you're always limiting yourself internally, your outer reality is always going to be limited. Aim for your wildest desires, you have them already. Nothing external can stop you"
🎀Limiting beliefs cannot affect you if you stop paying attention to them . Nothing can stop you from manifesting except yourself . Your mind is more powerful than any subliminal"
🤍 Your mind is so damn powerful. It controls and creates everything . If you can imagine a change you want in life , your subconscious mind can literally create a CARBON COPY of that change into your reality "
🎀Reality is extremely malleable and changeable. It is never set in stone what your reality is , it can change to anything, at any time, at any speed . Life changing results can happen in your reality at super unexpected times
🤍The law of assumption cannot fail you . The same way the law of gravity always makes an object fall If you drop it , if you make a change in your inner world , your outer world must change according to that. As long as you keep persisting in an assumption , there is no way that the assumption won't occur in the 3d ( outer reality ) . Your outer world is a direct reflection of your subconscious mind . The thoughts you have consistently directly impact your subconscious mind.
🎀You manifest by changing your thoughts and mindset to create an assumption . Whatever you keep assuming manifests because your subconscious will find it to be true and create it in your reality.
🤍Whatever you pay the most attention to , and whatever thoughts you dwell upon more , your subconscious will soak up more. Your dominant thoughts ( whatever you think about the most ) manifest faster , they impress your subconscious mind.
🎀Anytime you have a thought , or tell a story , analyze it . Ask yourself , " Am I affirming something that I want ?" If the answer is NO , then stop , change whatever you are thinking / saying around , make it into something you do want. Eventually if you do this enough , you will get to a point where you stop thinking about things you don't want. It just takes practicing watching your thoughts.
🤍A useful thought is a thought ( affirmation ) that confirms or implies that you already have what you want. An unuseful thought is an affirmation that contradicts the fact that you have what you want. Thoughts are also affirmations. You think / say / tell something , you are affirming it as TRUE to your subconscious. Do you repeat something consistently and repeatedly? Your subconscious mind creates that.
🎀Your Dominant thoughts manifest. What you dwell upon and pay attention to most becomes reality. Once you accept something is true mentally , your 3d reality has no choice but to accept it as well. Reality conforms to YOU, not the other way around.
🤍Living in the end simply means living life as if you already have all of your desires fulfilled , there is no lack , or desperation because what you want is currently in your possession .
🎀The key to living in the end : you are not" trying to manifest " or " waiting to manifest " " wishing to manifest " or " hoping to manifest " . No , you already manifested your desires , you are at the end of your journey already . There is no future where you are going to have results. There is no desire to try to manifest , you already have it . You are already at the point of having full results. Not in the future, but right at this present moment , you already have everything you want . And you are mentally operating as the person who has their every desire fulfilled.
🤍You are NOT expecting results when you live in the end , you already have results !
🎀The purpose of repeating any affirmations , doing any technique, listening to a subliminal , doing a mental diet will always be to remind yourself of your desires , not because you are TRYING to manifest. TRYING always implies a lack . There is no lack in your reality. Everything you want is there. You see what's in your reality based on what mindset you have . If you search hard enough for something ,you always end up finding it , your mind is set to.
🤍Just keep doing it and don't stop , even if you don't see results or don't believe in your affirmations , keep affirming . Because once you affirm something so much , you will feel it be real, you will believe it and it will be visible in your outer reality.
🎀Realize that all reality changes happen by your subconscious beliefs, these beliefs have reaffirmed over and over in your life , you searched for evidence of these unwanted beliefs and found them! Reality is all in your hands, you can mold it to whatever the hell you want , including anything you think or imagine. You have infinite power to create a wanted reality. All you have to do is replace those beliefs that you have been fed over your lifetime.
🤍If you can think of something , you can create it , and your subconscious will reflect that creation from your imagination onto the 3d.
🎀It's like planting a seed in your subconscious. The seed being a thought, imaginal scene or affirmations you do. To make it grow into a healthy tree , you need to consistently take of the seed , give it water and sunlight. This will be your mental diet , the mental conversations , your habitual thought patterns after you planted the seed in your subconscious . You know that as long as you keep watering your plant and providing it with sunlight , you can be certain that the tree is growing . You also know that if you give your plant to toxic chemicals ( a limiting mental diet ) it could prevent the plant from flourishing. The seed will always be there , and how you take care of it will determine how it grows . You can also prevent those " unwanted thoughts " from growing , just by affirming that they won't.
🤍Don't go chasing for results , it implies that they are not there already , and you might just end up feeling doubtful and obsessed. Let the 3d come to you , once you have renewed your mind to assume that your 3d has your wishes fulfilled , they are required to come , it's the law.
🎀 Just focus on the inner you , not on the outer you
🤍If you see something unwanted in your reality . First I want you to view it as something powerless and helpless because you have all the power in the universe to recreate the thing to match your desire. Second , KEEP PERSISTING IN YOUR ASSUMPTION!! Don't give up your persistence, EVER, don't ever let a 3d circumstance affect your mental diet , keep thinking as if you have full results no matter what. Don't let your 3d make you a victim . Always keep in mind you are the one in power.
🎀Do not worry about when it will show they will show up in future. Change your focus. Focus more on your mental diet and persisting and less on how long it takes. Get rid of this " listen to your subliminals now then get results in future " mindset. I advise you to always think you have your results now and instantly.
🤍You are literally the universe , infinitely powerful, the creator. What you say goes , you are in control of your 3d. Someone with a mind as powerful as yours wouldn't need 3d evidence to validate their assumptions . Even if you see evidence that disproves your desire, you do not accept it as the end , and you do not get upset over the illusion that there's a lack of results. You continue persisting and telling the story that no , you do have your desired results.
🎀This is your reminder right here to not just think of your desire once a day and go on with your life. Repeat your affirmations, saturate your mind and imagination with them , dwell upon them as much as them for as much as you want until they become dominant thoughts , until they play on automobile mode then you will feel your desire much more real, you will easily and vividly visualize it , you will feel it in your reality . If you have trouble believing your affirmations , don't worry about it because you don't need to believe in them , you just need to repeat and persist in them.
🤍When you consciously manifesting , you persist that you already have your wish fullfiked even when you may not see any evidence of it at all . And this will project that assumption into the outer reality.
🎀Bigger changes don't take an incredible about of mindfulness , hours of mediation , extensive gratitude for the universe. NO! Your subconscious will effortlessly bring anything you desire into the outer reality , small or big , it is only you going " No, my true desire is too life changing , my subconscious can't do it "
🤍Your subconscious is never stuck it will only recreate the story you keep retelling over and over. When you are complaining about how subs never work for you , you are just retelling and manifesting that story and that's wht you didnt get results.
🎀The reason why you haven't been manifesting your desires in the past is because you had a mental diet where you kept affirming that you have no control over your reality.
🤍Your current reality doesn't mean you cannot manifest it to change. You can manifest a completely new reality for yourself Regardless of where you are physically , as long as you are mentally operate as your wanted reality. Your unwanted situation is only a circumstance, an illusion that makes manifesting seem harder. An unwanted situation will only continue to be that way if you dwell upon it , keep giving it hate and attention.
🎀Do not stress about how you will get from your unwanted situation to your desired situation, always live as though you are in your desired situation and if you were really living in the end , you wouldn't worry about how or how long it took. Focus on the end , ALWAYS THE END.
🤍All you need to is change your habitual thoughts and let them dominate your mind. Constantly fill your mind with affirmations like " I have absolutely eveyrthing I want " " I have infinite power to get what I want " " Reality goes as I say " " Reality is extremely malleable in my hand " . Ofc you don't need to think those exact affirmations you can come up with anything that makes you feel good.
🎀The lack of results you might see in the 3d is only an illusion . When you persist in a desired assumption there are already things in the 3d being changed but it's not fully visible to you. You might be changing a physical feature so when yoy affirm , your cells and atoms are changing , but you cannot view those changes occurring during that moment . When the beliefs that you have your desired physical appearance completely dominates and replaces old subconscious beliefs , you will definitely see complete, visible changes. If you stop persisting , then that will never happen so never quit and never settle for less than what you want.
🤍Your subconscious is always responding , if you keep giving it the same limiting thoughts , it's going to make you conform and comfortable with limiting thoughts.
🎀You could even affirm Your desires while crying and get results. So say you've been doing your Mental diet perfectly but something unrelated to your manifestation comes up and gives you negative emotions . You are allowed to be upset , it will not slow down or affect your manifestation in any way , unless you convince yourself it will. Your Mental illness doesn't define you. It doesn't define the quality of your subconscious mind. Everyone's subconscious is immensely powerful . You are so much more than what your mental illness makes you believe.
🤍YOU ARE A MASTER MANIFESTOR ALREADY. As long as you decree that something is done , it is done. This is what's called living in the end.
🎀Living in the end does NOT require you to be perfect . You don't need to be in a perfectly positive state 24/7. Again , YOU DON'T NEED TO BE PERFECT TO LIVE IN THE END ! YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE 100% BELIEF THAT YOUR MANIFESTATION IS HERE. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU IF YOU GET DOUBTS.
🤍All you need to do is that affirm NOTHING can ruin your manifestation plus you have it already because you are a master manifestor. If you believe you are the operant power of your reality , would you ever let something take away your desire from you ? NO. THE KEY IS TO NOT GIVE YOUR DOUBTS ANY POWER . DO NOT LET ANYTHING STOP YOU.
🎀Keep being stubborn and unstoppable and entitled to getting what you want even when your old beliefs pop up from time to time . You may not fully believe that your desire is here already , but you can still boldly affirm that it is. Changing your beliefs isn't even as difficult as you think it is , you just need to stop giving the opposite of it power.
🤍Being so stubborn and firm in the fact that you have what you want and that anything opposite of that is powerless will actually change your life. You can have so much more if you just still believing things can ruin your manifestation. Claim it as yours , no matter if you have doubts , fears , or deal with overthinking.
🎀Don't give your 3d the power to tell you what reality is and second , just simply accept that results are there. Persist that results are there, you don't need to see or touch them because you don't need evidence . Because you are the creative power of your reality , you have the authority to tell the physical reality what to be.
🤍To be a conscious creator , what occurs in their inner reality is the only actual fact and everything else that they see infront of their eyes is simply false. They have the authority to decide what's true ans false. As they affirm or imagine, they know for sure that their wish is actually occurring , not a mere daydream.
🎀To be a victim is declaring that only what your senses dictate is the actual truth in your reality. It's looking at what's outside of your mind and mindlessly accepting it giving your power to the 3d.
🤍Since imagination creates reality, your imaginal scenes are more than what you see in the outside world. That's why it's not " fake it till you make it "
🎀Remember that the most powerful force to recreate reality is imagination, for all things that exist were once imagined. Imaginal scenes and affirmations have tones of reality to them already. Once you realize this , you will stop feeling like your affirmations are fake, or you are delusional while living in the end.
🤍When we say " Imagination is more real than the 3d " we mean it literally , not metaphorically. The 3d is the shadow of your inner reality. As you change your inner beliefs, the shadow will change, if you believe you are blessed , all things in your 3d that were not blessed will vanish. What's in your imagination directly changes the 3d , for all things that exist were once imagined.
🎀SLAM THE DOOR AT " HOW WILL I GET IT ? " because it implies you don't have it already. JUST ASSUME THAT YOU HAVE IT. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.
🤍You and your " desire " aren't separate. No separation means : you assume it's yours = IT'S YOURS! There is no distance, nothing keeping you and your desire other than illusions your mind accepts.
🎀You need to have faith . It is very important. You need to have trust that what you want has no choice but to be yours. It is very easy to get what you want , don't assume it to be hard or impossible.
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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( 🫧 ) - IT'S FANTASTIC : THEME (2 Ver.) !
Non-Contained 1 PNG 4 Links 3 Icons 1 Side Photo 2 Text Bubble Custom Title Name Custom Sub-title (slider)
Contained 1 PNG 4 Links 3 Icons Custom Title Name Custom Sub-title (slider)
Photo sizes is stated in the code once installed.
This theme is inspired by none other than Barbie.
Read RULES here, and other basic rules apply as well when usin' the theme. Please, be respectful and DO NOT steal/copy/repost any parts of my resources or remove the credit or use it as a base code. DO NOT share the codes with others once you purchase it, it's for you and you only. If you use my resources, REBLOG the post. Consider supportin' me in ko-fi too if you feel like it. If there's any inquiries, feel free to leave them in my inbox. Thank you & have a nice day!
PLEASE, REBLOG THE POST first in order to receive the link.
This is a FREE THEME. If interested, DM me for the link.
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The Barbie font may not work in some browser, I've put an alternative one so it still ties the look. This will be updated too when/if I found a solution.
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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♡ I am as beautiful as Selena Gomez. • I am a natural beauty. ➵ I am a rare beauty. ✩ I am successful, talented and attractive, like Selena Gomez. ◛ I have so many followers on Instagram, just like Selena Gomez! ° I am a kind, understanding person.
♡ I love myself like a love song. • My face is adorable. ➵ I look younger than my age. ✩ People often tell me I remind them of Selena Gomez, I look so much like her! ◛ I speak my mind, even if my voice shakes. ° People think I am so cute. ➵ I am the girl of everyone's dreams.
♡ I'm my dream girl. • People always tell me I am so gorgeous... Tell me something I don't know! ➵ Boys and girls can't get enough of me. ✩ I recognize I'm unique and rare. ◛ A day without me is like a year without rain! ° I kill my haters with kindness.
♡ Everyone has a fetish for me. • My life feels like the song "Lose You To Love Me", because I'm not afraid to tell my story and stand up for myself. ♡ My theme song is "Ring" by Selena Gomez... I'm breaking hearts like a heart attack. ➵ Who says I'm not perfect? ✩ My life is like the song "Whiplash" by Selena Gomez: it's exciting and iconic. ◛ I'm a girl with good intentions. ° Maybe I was insecure before, but, look at me now!
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
Are you ready to be your dream girl? :¨·.·¨: `·..·‘
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❊ Sweet Romance: Boyfriend affirmations
❊ Selena Gomez affirmations
❊ Top affirmations
❊ Clear skin Vaunt
❊ Tall & thin vaunt
❊ Social anxiety? what's that?
✧ With me, the world feels so peaceful, as if it were 2011 again.
❊ It Girl vaunt
The Universe is fully embracing my desired reality and manifesting it into my life right at this very moment. Everything I have ever wanted is now becoming a part of MY reality. The world will conform to my desires and make them true because I'm just that powerful.
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
Sexy aura affirmations
Sexy aura affirmations 2
Bad bitch
Natural beauty
Beauty affirmations
Beauty affirmations 2
Beauty affirmations 3
You can't get this thickness out of your mind
My skinny body is way too hot
Shoulders tiny, booty dreamy and the waist is teeny
Way too tall
So kissable
Already in love with me
Dream life
Self concept
Self concept 2
Self concept and void state
Void state
I'm on a pedestal
I'm a master manifestor
I'm a god
My subconscious is my bitch
I know
Self discipline affirmations
Model affirmations
Model affirmations 2
Social media famous
I'm so confident
I'm free from depression
I only get 100% though
I got 4.0 gpa
Perfect parents
Living with my ideal family rn
Spending my wealthy family's money rn
Living in my desired country rn
He spends his cash on me
I'm so fucking sociable and outgoing
The best singer in the whole world
I'm the best songwriter ever
Your acting is so good
Dancing machine
Fashion icon
Fashion designer
Queen bee
They're already my friends though
People actually talk to me first
Artist affirmations
Past mistakes revision
Death revision
Clear vision
Before I sleep
Gained weight
Lost weight
Blair waldorf is just like me
Alexa demie is just like me
Jennie Kim is just like me
Tomie is just like me
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787 notes · View notes
loveulikealovesong · 3 months
--- 𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑅𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 —
❀ Boyfriend Affirmations ❀
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❀Thank you universe for your divine protection.
❀My boyfriend and I experience a sweet romance.
❀When I'm with him, the passion and desire is so great that it's difficult to keep it under control.
❀My boyfriend is so excited to be here with me.
❀He knows how lucky he is to have me.
❀What I want is already mine.
❀I never chase, I always attract.
❀I attract handsome, financially wealthy, and caring men.
❀The universe is blessing me with love beyond what I dream of.
❀The men I want always come to me.
❀The universe allows for me to experience the love I dream of.
❀My boyfriend and I are so meant for each other that we could even get married.
❀I am grateful to have an exciting love life.
❀It's easy for me to be charismatic and seductive.
❀My significant other respects and values me.
❀I am grateful my lover truly loves me.
❀I am the girl of my dreams and I love my life.
❀My boyfriend gets jealous when other boys look at me!
❀I'm like a drug to my boyfriend.
❀I attract anyone I want.
❀I am proud of how far I have come.
❀ I have been granted an amazing romantic life filled with love, respect, support and affection.
click here to go to the affirmations video for this post
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
just give up : a motivational post 🥰
there reaches a point where your so tired of not getting what you want in the 3d and you feel like you want to give up. my advice is just give up.
give up trying to get shit in the 3d. “jani does this mean im not gonna get it in the 3d :(“ if you ask this question that means you dont understand the law.
by law, whatever you assume to be true in imagination will harden into a fact. if you have it in imagination, it will reflect in the 3d period. thats inevitable. thats the law. when i say “give up on getting it in the 3d,” i mean stop trying to manifest, stop trying to see change. when you try and try, you fall behind on what your actually supposed to do. your only job is knowing its done in imagination.
leave the 3d alone. when you focus on seeing change in the 3d and it clearly isnt there, you start assuming shit like “i cant manifest” and then the 3d will reflect that. it isnt in the 3d! its fine to admit it! the 3d is none of your concern! if you start actually looking towards imagination to experience what you want and focus on satisfying yourself, you will realize that the answer was self the whole time.
trying to change the 3d wont do shit. changing self will change the 3d because the 3d only looks at self for the next steps.
i promise you that fulfilling yourself and returning to that fulfilled state whenever you feel lack will make you feel so confident in the fact that its already done! and ofc it will reflect because you are changing self to someone who has what they desire
imagination is the source so your goal should be knowing its done in imagination before even thinking about it in the 3d since imagination literally molds the 3d - simply decide its done. do techniques for fun because its already done
satisfy yourself. satisfy yourself. satisfy yourself. fulfilling yourself will always be my favorite piece of advice.
therefore, give up on forcing it in the 3d. change self first. your focus should only be on imagination. you dont see it in the 3d? -> realize it was already done in imagination and enjoy it there. feeling lack or experiencing negative thoughts? -> realize its already done and satisfy yourself within. if not, have fun getting anxious and frustrated bc you still dont have it in the 3d🥰
heres an example of when i manifested something i wanted only when i left the 3d alone and actually fulfilled myself in imagination: 🎀 (if you cant see the full thread, try logging in or just get the twitter/x app)
stand on fucking business, get off these apps and change self. its already yours.
kisses, jani ☆
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
actually it's incredibly easy for me to have what I want
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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💟I have a beautiful tall and slim figure
💫My body is better than any kpop idol out there
💟My body is an exact replica of the Korean beauty standards
💫Every one is trying to manifest or get a body like me
💟My body proportion are so godly and insane
💫I can effortlessly surpass the Korean beauty standards
💟My body can make any outfit look good
💫I have a hairless body
💟I have a fast and healthy metabolism
💫I'm taller than 165cm
💟I have defined and prominent collarbones
💫I have wide / narronarrow shouldsrs
💟I have perfect 90° shoulders
💫My arms are so insanely slim
💟I Have a short torso and long legs
💫my legs are like 122cm long
💟Gaining weight is so hard for me
💫I have a 19 m thigh gap
💟my legs are so long
💫I have wonderful 11 abs
💟I naturally have 11 abs
💫 I have the perfect golden ratio
💟My body ratio is famous
💫I have a sharp jawline and perfect side profile
💟From head to toe , I'm perfect
💫I am 90% legs :/
💟I am so slim ..why ??? How am I so slim ??
💫i have my dream body
💟I have long , slim & hairless legs
💫I have slimmest arms in the universe
💟My stomach is so flat , it's flatter than a paper
💫My waist is so small
💟My waist is invisible
💫I can't do anything if my waist is naturally this small , pls stop being jealous
💟There are rumors that my waist never existed 😭
💫I have long slim fingers
💟My body proportions are god tier
💫My body is like a model
💟I am so slim and tall , people often compare my body to kpop idol ‘s and models
💫I am immune to eating disorders
💟I have a healthy and positive body image
💫I love my body and I know it deserves love and care coz it works hard for me
💟I have a clear glass body skin
💫My body is like a goddess
💟My body is so gorgeous
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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🌷I don't need Glow up , Glow up needs me
💌Omg my bullies are crying rn , who knew the girl they used to bully would turn into the most beautiful and successful person ever ?
🌷Im the Queen of my reality
💌im the best version of myself
🌷Beauty is enhanced 10000000000× times
💌i have clear glass skin
🌷My skin is the most clearest and bright in the world
💌My skin is free from hyperpigmentation , acne , blemishes, blackheads and pimples
🌷I don't need any skincare routine , my skin is naturally genetically perfect
💌My body is goals
🌷Models envy my perfect body
💌i have my desired body Shape ( inverted triangle, rectangle , hourglass , pear etc )
🌷My body is perfect from all angles
💌I killed my old version and created a hotter , smarter , talented, prettier version
🌷 Im so sexy that they shd put me in prison , people may faint after looking at my ethereal beauty
💌I naturally have pink and rosy lips
🌷I have natural pink / red tint on my lips
💌I have kissable plump lips
🌷My make up skills are amazing
💌 My bareface beauty is one of a kind
🌷i have 120° jawline , it's so sharp that it van actually cut you lmaoooooo
💌My side profile is ethereal
🌷I have luscious healthy hair
💌Any Kind of hairstyle suits me
🌷My hair is thick & long
💌 all shampoo companies want me to endorse their brands coz of my hair
🌷im prettier than those Pinterest girls and insta models , they are nothing infront of me
💌Im the main character of my life
🌷I'm always the centre of attention
💌Im everyone's favorite , I'm so perfect , I can't blame them
🌷I have a perfect cute smile
💌My teeth are shiny and symmetrical
🌷My nose is so perfect that people think that I got rhinoplasty
💌I have perfect Defined toned yet feminine abs and a flat tummy that people think that I got liposuction
🌷im super talented in cooking , baking , make up , dancing , singing , acting , studying, ____________________[ any desired talents of urs ].
💌I'm full of confidence and self love
🌷Omg I literally look like a Greek goddess now 💌im extremely confidence
🌷My aura is bold , full of confidence and positivity
💌Im only here to impress myself
🌷the world is my oyster and I'm the pearll
💌I light up every room that I Walk into
🌷im my own inspiration
💌Justin Bieber got inspired by me and wrote confident song hahahaha
🌷Im the best of the best , I'm __________( your name )
💌Im capable of everything and anything
🌷I have mastered public speaking skills
💌whats social anxiety ?? Never heard of her
🌷My voice is better & sweeter than Ariana Grande ,Rosè , IU and Felix .
💌its exhausting how everyone has a crush on me
🌷You like me ? Get in the freaking line lmao
💌I m the international first love
🌷everyone knows my name , i don't need to introduce myself
💌Dior / Chanel is like shein to me
🌷im everyone's top priority
💌im an overachiever , no matter how hard others try they can never beat me
🌷I'm the personification of beauty w brains and prodigy
💌”narcissistic? Oh my god I love it “ 😍😉
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loveulikealovesong · 3 months
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💖I have princess sickness, I'm happy with myself and wanna be born as myself again .
💞I am really satisfied with who I am and I love myself.
💕It's hard for me to have a crush on anyone , my standards are as high as Mt. Everest , and I won't lower them for anyone , especially for a man.
🥿I honestly don't care what people think about me , even if someone dislikes me , I don't care .
🩰My life revolves around me and only me
💟I am the main character of my life .
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💟 I radiate Jennie Kim & Jang Wonyoung Vibes .
💖 Im the perfect Epitome of " I don't chase , I attract " .
💕I don't need pretty privilege, Pretty privilege needs me
💞I don't please or chase anyone but it's always them who try to please or chase me .
🩰I have the abundance mindset
🥿I have strong , bold , feminine , " ice cool queen " , " it girl " , mysterious aura .
💞I only seek self validation , I never seek validation from others .
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💖I belong to the Youtube Royalty
💕I never compare myself with others because I'm Incomparable
💞I never feel insecure because I know that I'm the prettiest , Smartest, coolest & hottest it girl out there .
🩰Receiving love letters , proposals and messages from Kpop Idols , celebrities & Models is so normal for me .
🥿Breathing is enough for me to make everyone whipped for me
💖I take exquisite care of myself & always put myself first.
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💖I'm extremely popular on social media ( youtube and instagram )
💕I always go viral for my ethereal beauty & charm & iconic confidence .
💞I have the prettiest hair & clearest skin in the whole universe .
🩰I'm a style icon !!
🥿I always stand up for myself no matter what .
💕Everyone always fall head over heels for me
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💖I have a strong magnetic aura because of self love and self confidence .
🥿Everyone admires confidence and love that I hold for myself
🩰I have the radiant classy , elegant , luxurious looks
💕I possess kpop idol like beauty
💞I always set the standard way too high .
💖No one can compare to my charisma or confidence .
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428 notes · View notes