melissme · 3 years
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Ecology & Design
In fact, in a world where consumer culture is popular and products are updated every day, “perceived obsolescence” is an inevitable end. Excessive consumption madness is nothing more than a harm that capitalism has brought us. If I need to sample it over a phone, even if the phone we have is not outdated, broken or worn out, the thought of “new one coming out” makes us feel that the product we have is outdated.
I like to personalize a lot of the products I buy. Even though it's lifeless, I make a connection by personalizing it. If I have to say a specific product that breaks my perception of obsolescence, it's definitely my notebooks because I spend a lot of time with them and we go through a lot of things together. So even if I run out of books, I can't throw them away. This applies to everything I use, and I can't accept any product I buy very fondly as obsolete. In short, I don't want to replace the items I have an emotional connection with; however, if it loses its functionality, I will have to change them.
When it comes to functionality, every product that loses its feature is doomed to change. A pen that doesn't write doesn't work anymore, and I have to buy a new one, which makes it “obsolete.” I think it's about technological tools. The craze for consumption and the desire to have the latest affect our perceptions in a bad way. As a result, I think the effect of perceived obsolescence in technological tools is very high. How do we change?
I think we should learn to personalize our technological tools. I'm talking about a lot more than just changing the wallpaper. For example, paste a sticker on the computer that we use, or change the inside, that is, the directory. In short, personalizing every product we use creates emotional bonds between us, and I think that's what's really important.
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melissme · 3 years
After reading Fabello’s article I thought  about being a brave person. Be brave if you are the one who different and don't be shy about your differences. You should show yourself to the world and proud yourself. No one can judge you because of your choice. It is you ,and you should proud yourself.
Adapt your feminist design!
When we see feminism as an ideology rather than a commercial purpose, we can also project our ideas into our designs. For example, when designing an outfit, we can come up with the idea of a gender difference. We can design the outfit according to a person, not for a woman or a man. We have to break biases and accept people for being human.
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melissme · 3 years
Power Wall 
Producers: Robin Rhode & Nari Ward
Place: Hong Kong
Date: April 3 – June 18, 2020
source: https://www.lehmannmaupin.com/exhibitions/robin-rhode-nari-ward/installation-views
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melissme · 3 years
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Alice Musical
The most important feature of the musical is the good use of the stage and music. After all, the goal is to tell a story with dances and music. Also, everything from artists ' clothes to their makeup needs to be considered well.
The Alice musical is a major production and really well-studied show. Not to mention dances and decor. The flow, songs and dances are in place. It literally engulfs a person with both sad and fun moments. Every sense of Alice is felt to you through lighting and dancing. The Alice musical has an incredible cast and includes many dancers. The communication of the dancers with the audience is also exciting. Of course, it's forbidden to record the show. Any of them are apparently stimulated by laser light. A giant show on stage. They used the entire stage, and that's what makes the show so grand. I wish I could see more of these hugely colorful shows.
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaPu-SZs8AE 
photos’ source: https://www.alicemuzikali.com/ 
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melissme · 3 years
AWAKE by Sofia Aronov
An interactive application that uses light. Sensitive texture perceives image, proximity and touch. Hand-drawn animations become alive when you contact with it and get you into the work.
This technology creates a communication with people. The viewer must connect with it by touching it to understand what is in this work of art. This work lets you discover. Also, in order to understand, users must spend time with it.
source: https://www.sofiaaronov.com/awake
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melissme · 3 years
I choose the keyword of “collaboration” because we need collaboration in every part of our life. People have difficulties if they are alone, and indeed we always need each other's support. By coming together, people can do more and better than they do alone. For example, someone who dances alone in the street does not attract much attention and we pass by. But when a group of dancers get together and create a choreography, better results emerge. This is also the case in the business world. An employee who cannot produce a new idea alone can achieve great ideas with teamwork. Even if a single person has difficulty making his voice heard in humanity, many people can make their voices heard when they come together. That's why I think collaboration is very important in our lives. This image also describes collaboration very well. Many good ideas can come up by collaborating. You can create new ideas, objective analysis and more. We can overcome the difficulties that we cannot handle alone.
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melissme · 3 years
I chose the keyword of "perspective" because I think perspective systems give meaning to an image, photograph or picture. They have a certain system thanks to perspective. It changes an image’s dimension. Although, it is two-dimensional, we understand that it is three- dimensional. I choose this photo because I think it explains “perspective” clearly.
This photo taken from eye level. The vanishing point in this composition is the people at the end of the road because each element in the image gets smaller and deepen towards people. We can see the trees are shrinking systematically towards the end of the road. Also, the road is getting narrower. This adds depth to the picture.
We can perceive converge lines as lanes where the snowy trail meets the wooden area; in other words, we can say where the trees meet with snows. Horizon line is at the middle of this photo where the trail ends.
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photo by Julie Waterhouse
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melissme · 4 years
The Sense of Grand Bazaar
The intimate texture of the Grand Bazaar draws you in incredibly. A place that has challenges history and hosts millions of people. It knows different religions. It literally tells us the history with the products sold inside.
I feel like in a dusty pages of history when I travel there. Moreover, the diversity of people visiting there also reminds me the Ottoman Empire. The dyes that have lost their color and even have been spilled in places are embodying the 'history' feeling to us. An amazing place. Its labyrinth-like structure makes you lose both inside and in history.
Grand Bazaar is very different from a shopping center with its narrow roads, complex structure and intertwined shops. We see it with the tall ceilings and large windows etc. but the Grand Bazaar consists of small windows lined up on top of the walls. This closeness teleports you to history rather than narrows people. Both of them basically serve the same purpose but there is more. When visiting a shopping center just to meet your needs; on the contrary, you visit the bazaar to explore, feel the historical texture and even get lost. You can't feel the same feeling when you go to a shopping mall because those walls don't hold millions of memories. If you look at the Grand Bazaar, you can feel experiences in everywhere you touch. You ask who knows who has passed these roads?
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photos by me
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melissme · 4 years
5th Istanbul Design Biennial
This work ‘Earthable’ at the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial reminded me once again what urbanization loses. We surrounded our buildings and moved away from nature and soil. This project places nature where it should be;so, right in the middle of our lives.In our concrete-built life, it makes you breathe as we look. It pushes us out of our norm7al life to explore nature. It tells us the importance of the soil on which we build cities by taking it above the cities.
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source: http://empathyrevisited.iksv.org/en/project/70-earthable
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melissme · 4 years
5th Istanbul Design Biennial
Sobya't Thawra, or 'Revolution Stove', under the title of 'New Civic Rituals', did not give me the feeling of a stove when I first looked at it. After learning its story, I realized that it was a design that I liked very much and meaningful. It fits very well with the theme of this year's biennial. This stove, which contributed greatly to the revolution, is in Karaköy.
This stove has been very helpful to the revolutionaries and can be easily built and dismantled. This meaningful invention contributes to the biennial. A design that really drives people to empathize. In addition, why was it placed in Karaköy? Why was the stove built and not anything else? These are what make people think and ask questions.
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source: https://empathyrevisited.iksv.org/tr/project/21-sobyat-thawra-devrimin-sobasi
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melissme · 4 years
Perspectival Analysis of ‘The Ideal City’
This painting made by Fra Carnevale between 1480 and 1484. As you can see from the convergence lines, the vanishing point is in the middle of the picture. The horizon line is formed from the lower parts of the buildings. People in different parts of the painting also add a depth into it. I think the name of this is the ideal city because of its symmetric structure.
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melissme · 4 years
Perspectival Analysis of ‘The King Drinks’
This painting made by Jacob Jordaens in 1640. The focus of the drawing is the king. Events are happening around him. The vanishing point of the drawing is the upper right because people are inclined towards that direction.
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