milzumono · 23 days
thanks so much for reading it!! more people need to do this!
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Do you like putting this man in Situations? Do you need more Situations to put him in? Do you want him to be less of an exclusive chauffeur service and more of a bicycle?
Enter WILL GRAHAM BICYCLE BINGO, the fandom event you have not been waiting for but that has been waiting for you, stalking you, in the night, silently except for maybe a little bit of clanking from the chain, which could probably use some oil.
How to play (all steps optional):
Create a bingo card at https://bloodripelives.pythonanywhere.com/
Screenshot your bingo card for posterity
Post about your bingo card on social media
Sign up to the challenge on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/WillGrahamBicycleBingo/profile and create a prompt, linking back to the social media post with your bingo card in the description
Fill your prompt by writing Will Graham with as many of the pairings on your card as you can stand
Brag on social media about your bingo or blackout
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milzumono · 9 months
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posts that make me want to rip my heart out part 5
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milzumono · 9 months
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retired! jack crawford at disneyland realising the gay couple on the teacup ride look AWFULLY familiar
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milzumono · 9 months
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Hannibal 1.10 Buffet Froid
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milzumono · 9 months
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James Baldwin photographed by Carl Van Vechten on September 13, 1955.
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milzumono · 9 months
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1x11 || 2x13
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milzumono · 9 months
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milzumono · 10 months
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no one wants to do it before me so i guess i have to
i decided to pair the bottom characters together in a serious yet very unserious scenario, and have a draft done. it's the stupidest, most chaotic thing i've ever written
here's the link to the bicycle bingo post that shows you how to create your own board: https://www.tumblr.com/milzumono/726148837045092352?source=share
if you want to watch me make a fool of myself, it'll be posted on https://archiveofourown.org/users/devilknives (i'll also make a comment on the work sharing some notes about the process because it was just as chaotic as the work itself)
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milzumono · 10 months
I've read most of your AO3 work and it's fascinating to read how you frame a variety of scenes, their significance to Will and his unexpected internal dialogue. They always throw me off in the best way!
For the ask meme, I gotta know what you have to say about II - What's a canon event that you have a strong interpretation of that might be different from the popular ones? 👀
II - What's a canon event that you have a strong interpretation of that might be different from the popular ones?
Sometimes you see something, and you want to turn it in your hand a few times. You've never seen something like this before. You hardly know what to do with it, but you have ideas. It's costly - you maybe don't buy it immediately, but you keep thinking about it, and make the decision somewhere along the way you'd like to go back for it anyway. You'll sort it out. You always do. Hannibal isn't instantly in love with Will Graham when he meets him in Jack Crawford's office. He's in love with the idea of him - malleable empathy, and the kind of man that makes when exposed to violence constantly. He's cognizant that it will be trouble for him. He thinks it will be worthwhile anyway, if he can just put Will in the right frame of mind. I know there's a lot of conversation by the people involved in the show and their post-mortem style considerations of what the motivations were in that first scene, but I honestly think Hannibal doesn't behave like a man who values Will's life for the majority of the first season. If he's in love, it's an aesthetic kind. I'm not even convinced he saw the potential for a friend until after the trip to Minnesota. Maybe not far off from what people thought when the show was coming out, but certainly not in line with how it's approached ten years later after a lot of fan speculation.
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milzumono · 10 months
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girl you are so strange and offputting
15K notes · View notes
milzumono · 10 months
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Do you like putting this man in Situations? Do you need more Situations to put him in? Do you want him to be less of an exclusive chauffeur service and more of a bicycle?
Enter WILL GRAHAM BICYCLE BINGO, the fandom event you have not been waiting for but that has been waiting for you, stalking you, in the night, silently except for maybe a little bit of clanking from the chain, which could probably use some oil.
How to play (all steps optional):
Create a bingo card at https://bloodripelives.pythonanywhere.com/
Screenshot your bingo card for posterity
Post about your bingo card on social media
Sign up to the challenge on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/WillGrahamBicycleBingo/profile and create a prompt, linking back to the social media post with your bingo card in the description
Fill your prompt by writing Will Graham with as many of the pairings on your card as you can stand
Brag on social media about your bingo or blackout
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milzumono · 10 months
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milzumono · 10 months
Will is so touched starved that he leans into Hannibal even if it hurts, even if Hannibal is the one causing the pain. Even after a knife gouged through his belly and a bullet shot through his shoulder, he cling to Hannibal as long as Hannibal lets him, for as long as Hannibal holds him, too. Because even if it hurts, even if his nerves are screaming and begging, pain is still touch. Pain still livens the flesh and awakens the senses, it still invigorates the part of Will that has been aching, begging for touch for so long. Even if the pain is unbearable, it is something, because touch reminds us we’re alive. and even without words, Will knows Hannibal’s love comes with violence, and his violence comes with love, the two inseparably blurred. and to be held by loving hands means being bitten by violent ones, too. And it is still all worth it, even if only for a moment, just for the chance to be held at all.
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milzumono · 10 months
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milzumono · 10 months
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paltry is the passion that never makes us shudder. true love partakes of terror
Paradiso, Dante Alighieri // Die For Me, Luke Jennings // Hannibal 2x12, "Tome-wan" // No Tomorrow, Luke Jennings // Hannibal 2x10, "Naka-choko" // Die For Me // Hannibal 1x02, "Amuse-bouche" // Die For Me // Hannibal 3x05, "Contorno"
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milzumono · 10 months
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milzumono · 10 months
i do think there exists a balance in trying to make sense of abigail in the narrative, it’s hard to neatly define her, reduce her to a set of influences, good or evil. she was the bait for the minnesota shrike, she didn’t enjoy what she was allowing her father to do but she was driven to do so out of self-preservation. so it would make sense that we see her as a victim.
but i hesitate to say that’s all she is; abigail’s conversation with will about how killing her dad made will feel powerful, or hannibal digging up garret jacob hobbs so abigail could slit his throat and indulge in her power fantasy, or even her gutting nick boyle when he hardly is threatening, all point to the fact that the “traumatized victim in need of shelter” is a mask played up for the adults in her new life, it made people lenient with her, excuse the holes in her story and defend her outright (alana), cover up her crimes and lie to the law (will).
in a way abigail’s motivations are very similar to will’s: they crave normalcy, while knowing there is absolutely no way they could possibly have it. will because of his empathy disorder and abigail because she was part of the hunt, she knows where the meat served on the dinner table came from. abigail panicked when she killed nick boyle, but never really expressed guilt over it after the fact (she is fearful of the consequences, but her sense of self-preservation and safety is more important than justice or general morality). they are resentful towards what unmasked them, what exposes the not-quite-human underneath. the more they try to conceal and hide their impulses, the more their mask slips.
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