msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 9 - Crossfire
It's been a day and a half since the group of thirty jonin left Konoha for their critical mission. They were almost at the border of Kusagakure, where Iwagakure's invasion was rumored to come through. Just before they were at the border, Minato decided to stop so his group can rest up. Each group of three gathered for last-minute planning and meal preparation.
Minato set up a small fire and put some water to boil for the dehydrated food packs. Sayuri stood by Minato while he did this and Kakashi was somewhere by himself.
"Has he always been so distant?" Sayuri asked Minato giving Kakashi a glance.
"Yeah, ever since his father died. Well, he was a bubbly child but only around his father from what I remember," Minato responded.
"Hm, so there's no point in trying to be his friend."
"I think a friend is what he needs right now."
"I'm trying to be his friend but he's being rude and pushing me away," Sayuri said while checking one of the water pots and then pouring boiling water into the dehydrated food packs.
"I'll take this one to Kakashi-" Sayuri said interrupted.
"No I'll take to him," Minato said taking the food from her hands. Sayuri pouted and began to work on two for Minato and herself.
The tall blonde carefully walked to the boy, sitting against a tree, and handed him the hot mixture.
"Hey, how are you holding up?"
"Thanks and fine"
"From what I learned from Kushina, fine doesn't always mean good" Kakashi didn't react to the joke attempt from Minato. Minato sighed and said, "What I'm trying to say is that don't be so distant, let some people in. It'll make you feel better"
Kakashi stood up and walked behind another tree so he could eat. As he walked away, Minato told him that they will be leaving soon. Sayuri watched Minato as he took his place again by the fire. She noticed how he was gone for a while.
"Did you try to lecture him?"
"Yeah, it didn't go well. I don't think I'll ever be ready for a child of my own" Sayuri gave him a small laugh while handing him some food.
"You'll do fine," she said smiling.
After the group was done eating and rested up, they crossed the border. They were on high alert since they were on foreign territory. The group then found themselves at a cliff edge and Minato ordered them to stop. He looked at the clearing below the cliff and noticed the strange stillness of the grass and surrounding trees.
"Sayuri, check if there's anybody near us," Minato ordered the girl.
She knew that he meant a long distance surveillance, so she took a seat on the ground, placing two fingers to the ground, and began to gather her chakra. After a while, Sayuri gasped.
"They're here..."
"How many are there?"
Minato knew this wouldn't be an easy fight for his group because he knew that Iwagakure had more shinobi to spare than Konoha. This is what the Hokage speculated as to the reason why they declined the peace offer Lord Third gave.
"100...no...400...700...1000. Yeah, 1000 shinobis." She said trying to conceal her shock.
This is a lot more than he expected. He knew that Sayuri was quite accurate when it comes to sensing because it was one of the main things her mother taught her so there was no doubt that number was right. Murmurs then broke out within the group when they heard that shockingly high number.
"Quiet everyone!" Minato said with a loud voice trying to control the group. "How much time do we have?"
"About half an hour," Sayuri responded.
"Minato, there's only thirty of us. There's no way we could take out one-thousand of them, " someone from the group spoke out.
"If we don't stop this army, it'll attack the village," Minato argued.
"I'm sorry but I have a wife and child at home. I can't just leave them...I'm going back." There was a long pause before Minato gave his answer to the man who turned his back to them.
"I respect that, tell the village that I sent you to tell them about the army. Anyone else that wants to go can leave," Two other men left with the first man. The three of them bowed and thanked Minato for his mercy before they left.
"The teams missing a member create new teams of three," Minato ordered. There are now Twenty-seven of them. Nine groups of three. Twenty-Seven Versus One-Thousand.
Minato sat by the cliff edge trying to think up a plan quickly. Each member of the group passed through Minato's mind to better formulate a plan. After much thinking, he thought of a plan but he knew Kushina, Sayuri, and Kakashi wouldn't like it. Minato stood up, took out a scroll from his vest, and put his hand against it, which summoned a large sack of kunais.
"Alright, I need everyone to take as many kunais and spread them out in the clearing below the cliff." As everybody began to take kunais, they noticed that each kunai had the symbol for Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique. "If we spread these kunai around the battlefield I'll be able to surprise attack the enemy and divert the army if it gets too bad. Now, I expect you all back here in five minutes to discuss the rest of the plan." From there everybody scattered to complete their orders and began to come back sometime later. Once the last shinobi came back, Minato stood in front of the group and they anxiously listened.
"This won't be an easy fight and I don't want to lose anybody today, both on our side and their side. This war won't end if we keep killing each other, so I want you all to try to knock out the enemy, but if they become too hostile, do want you seem necessary. We will wait for them in the clearing below since they'll need to cross it to get to the border. We will attack from there, but if this battle isn't going as planned, everyone fallback. Understood?" The group gave a nod and began to climb down the cliff. Minato was the last one to go, he was staring in the now-empty-clearing while hoping this battle will go his way. He didn't tell them his full plan, so he hopes they don't mind when he puts it in effect. He took out a kunai and stabbed it in the ground on which he was standing on.
Minato joined his group when he saw the first glimpse of the army from a distance.
"Sayuri, analyze their chakra level to estimate their ranks." She immediately dropped to the ground and did what she was asked to do. It didn't take long since they were close.
"They are mostly genin and chunin, few jonin."
"Good. On my call, we move out" Minato told them to separate into groups and create a line across the clearing to block the army when they come face to face.
Sayuri suddenly felt a shot of pain in her eyes. 'No, please not now,' she thought as she held her face with her hands. Small flashbacks of the blood, bodies, and blood-red moon of her dreams played in her mind. Minato took notice of her discomfort.
"Hey Sayuri, are you alright?" Minato asked, holding on to her shoulder. Kakashi just looked confused as to what happened.
"I'm okay..."She responded as the army took notice of their enemy. Minato took a step forward.
"Is this all Konoha can muster up? How pathetic!" said a man, leading the army.
"Says the one who is using mostly genin," Minato responded. This angered the commander.
"Attack!" said the commander to his army. A loud uproar of one-thousand shinobi came towards the small group of Twenty-seven Jonin. Minato gave the signal to fight.
The two groups clashed and since Konoha's jonin are more experienced than Iwagakure's genin and chunin, they were taking out more people quicker. Minato knew that his group will be getting tired due to the sheer amount of people or someone will die so he needed to set his plan into action soon.
This being her largest fight, Sayuri used the techniques her mother showed her. As the first shinobi came towards her, she used her clan's dojutsu, her eyes turn from their usual red wine color to a luminescent cyan color as if they were ignited by a flame. From her hands, a powder came from it that constructed her clan's special blue and red katanas. She hoped by activating her dojutsu, the pain in her eyes would cease but it didn't. With her dojutsu activated, it's like if she stepped into a different world because her world now had a blue hue to it and everything that had chakra glowed like her eyes and marks. Her world also slowed down which allowed her to be much more accurate. The pain was starting to become too much for her but she couldn't just stop fighting because if she let her guard down, she'll be slaughtered.
Sayuri had stayed close by Kakashi during the crossfire. The boy was too focused on knocking out the enemy like how Minato ordered, but he noticed Sayuri was becoming sluggish. A loud shriek that was filled with pain come from the direction of the young girl. Kakashi quickly took out the two shinobi in front of him, that were no younger than himself, and began to run to Sayuri. He thought that she got hurt and a wash of guilt ran through him because he let another one of his comrades get hurt, but when he saw her, she was holding on to her onto her face. Kakashi took hold of Sayuri and realized nothing about her was hurt except the purple bruising around her eyes. Her hands were also very cold. A man was coming towards them, clearly an older jonin, with an intent to kill and Kakashi had no way of knocking him out, so he did what seemed necessary: Kakashi slit his throat. The blood of his most recent kill was all over them.
Kushina, hearing the shriek, come over for backup.
"What happened?" Kushina asked.
"I don't know," Kakashi responded. Sayuri was now crying against Kakashi's chest. Kushina gave him a confused look. That's when three Minato's touched each of them and the three of them were now back on the cliff overlooking the clearing with the other twenty-four members.
"Stay here!" said Minato's clone, then it disappeared.
The group realized that they were teleported there by Minato's Flying Thunder God Technine. This was Minato's plan.
Kakashi looked at Sayuri and realized her eyes were a completely different color and streaks of blood were now coming out of them. Kushina took notice of this and took her from Kakashi's hold.
Kakashi stood up and walked over to the cliff edge where she saw Minato single-handedly take down the army.
This battle soon became Minato Versus One-Thousand Shinobi.
Kakashi and the rest of the group stood by watching Minato's true power. The group was disappointed that they didn't get to fight much but also very thankful. Kushina was quite mad at her boyfriend but it was so much like him that she should've expected it. Kushina tended to Sayuri until she began to feel better and the two joined the rest at the cliff edge to watch.
Over time the numbers dwindled as Minato knocked each one unconscious by teleporting and keeping each enemy on high alert. Once he was done with the last few, he made his way over to the commander, which he intentionally kept conscious.
"Take your army back to Iwagakure and tell the Tsuchikage that the Hokage will be making a peace offer and he should think twice about not accepting it. I'll be watching to make sure all of you turn around and go back home. You had one casualty, the rest are alive, so wake them up" Minato said, threatening the leader.
Minato teleported back and he was met by Kushina hugs and applauds from his group.
"This was your plan all along, wasn't it," said Kushina.
"Yeah, Sayuri's scream was my cue to set my plan in motion," Minato told her, Kushina just hugged him, happy he was still alive.
Kushina explained to Minato what happened to Sayuri, while they prepared food and watched as the Iwagakure soldiers wake up and turn around to go back home.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 8 - Duty
She was back at the place where Rin died. That stone pathway with untamed tree roots with pools of blood all around her. The clouds were moving at a faster pace than usual and the moon was a blood red color that gave the environment a sinister glow. Being there brought uneasiness for her, especially because she didn't know why she was there.
Suddenly, there was a pain in her eyes that blurred her vision. It began to be so unbearable that tears fell and she dropped to her knees, holding her face. She felt a breeze of something passing by her and she quickly raised her head and looked for it. This silhouette was moving all around her but she couldn't focus on it. The shadow suddenly took her throat and lifted her up off the ground.
Sayuri still couldn't clearly see who it was, but she could see a blur of red eyes and black and silver surrounding the pair of eyes. The air was obstructed in her throat and she began to gasp for air. The figure slightly came into focus and realized it was a female with red eyes, silver hair, and skin that was heavily shadowed. This female slightly turned her head and she began to turn into dust that was blown away by the wind. Sayuri fell to her knees again and the world around also turned to dust. As the ground beneath her disappeared, she fell into a void.
Sayuri woke up with a shriek, sweating, and her heart beating hard in her chest. She was clenching her blankets to the point where it hurt her palms. She has had nightmares, but none that leave her like this. Slight pain was still present in her eyes, so she got up to check it out in the bathroom. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and she realized that there were light bruises around her eyes. She touched the skin around her eyes, but it didn't give her any additional pain which was strange as they looked painful. She used her medical ninjutsu to heal the damaged skin so no one will worry about her because it's not the best time for that considering the events that will be happening in Kohona.
Sayuri did her usual morning routine and came in for morning check in with the Hokage.
"Good Morning, Sayuri," Lord Third greeted her.
"Good Morning to you too, Lord Third. Is there anything you need today?" she responded.
"I just need you to do your regular duties, that's it for today. Also, in a few days, I'll be sending a few teams to the battlefield. I'm hoping this will be the final blow so we can end this war. I want you to go, but instead of sending you alone, I'll be making teams of three, so you'll be in a team consisting of Minato, Kakashi, and yourself. Kushina will also have her own team. At some point today make sure you tell them and explain the strategy for this attack." he said handing her a scroll with the details. She put the scroll in her backpack and she dismissed herself from his office.
She began to work on her duties at Konoha's borders. The Megami Agreement created by Sayuri's grandmother and the First Hokage stated the jobs that the generational Megami have to follow. The main one was the protection and lookout of the borders. There are 3 sets of chakra borders and one of them is controlled by the ANBU and the other two were made by Sayuri's grandmother. Truthfully, Sayuri has no idea how they work or operate them, but that's why she has Kasha to do that for her. The outermost border's purpose is to locate trespassers by tracking their chakra. Sayuri still hasn't learned to connect to this border yet, but Kasha can sense whenever unfamiliar chakra crosses that border. The second border is run by the ANBU and a code is used and is frequently changed. This is also chakra-based and has about the same diameter as the gates that surround the village, it's also the only publicly known border. The innermost border is the least functional out of the three. Ever since Masami's death, this gate hasn't been operating as it should; it's like a 'last resort' option and what it does is paralyzes anybody who seems to have malevolent intentions for a few minutes. For the past few years, there have been reports of villagers that have been paralyzed 'randomly' and, at times, treated at the hospital.
Since they are in a time of war it is critical for Kasha to tell Sayuri when there is a trespasser, which will immediately be reported to the Hokage. Lately, there has been an increase in these occurrences, so Sayuri thought that she should check the seals that make up the outermost border. After checking a couple around the circumference, she found that one of the seals was fading and Kasha helped her fix it by using chakra to strengthen it and disguise it.
Sayuri was getting up when she heard footsteps behind her. Three chunin around her age come up to her, they seemed to be in a position to fight, but then were at ease once they saw that she was a leaf shinobi.
"Sorry, we thought you were an enemy," said one of the boys. Sayuri recognized the three in front of her as Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy. Asuma is the only one she knew well, but the other two she only knew from helping the Hokage make genin teams, it's one of the jobs she has to do.
"Its okay, I wouldn't blame you, Asuma," she smiled at him.
"Wait, you know her?" Kurenai said surprised.
"Yeah, she works closely for my dad. I see her around all the time. Sayuri, this is Kurenai and Guy."
"Nice to meet you," Sayuri said with a wave. "Were you all coming back from a mission?"
"Yeah, we were just going to report back when we saw you," Asuma said.
"Well, you should all do that. This should be ending soon so let's hope for that." The three left and said their goodbyes. Sayuri was glad that she met more people that she could potentially be friends with.
Now she has to go tell Kakashi and Minato about the mission they will be having in a few days. She was back inside the village walls, walking the twisting streets, and into the forest where Kakashi lived. The boy wasn't outside training like he was last time. At his front door, she knocked a few times, until Kakashi was greeted by the girl, who he feels won't leave him alone.
"What do you want?" he said annoyed.
"We have a new mission with Minato in a few days, so we need to talk it over" she explained to him how they needed to go to Minato's house to strategize. He eventually agreed to come along but wasn't too happy about having a mission with her, although she's the only person with who he's willing to interact.
The pair made it to their location, so Sayuri knocked on the door and was greeted by an over-enjoyed Kushina with her death hugs.
"Hey, Auntie Kushina," she managed to say breathlessly. She saw Kakashi, who was at a distance, she was reminded of his team, so she gave a comforting hug, although the boy was as stiff as a board.
"Hey ya, what are you all doing here?"
"We come to speak to speak to you and Minato about a new mission," Kushina brought them inside her home, and sat them on their couch, while the enthusiastic woman called her boyfriend. The blonde giant soon came out from his room to greet their guests.
"Hello guys, what's about this new mission," Minato questioned the young girl.
"The Hokage sent me to inform you about this potentially final mission in the war," that got Minato's interest, so Sayuri gave him the scroll that withheld the information. The scrolls details about reports on how Iwagakure was planning an invasion, but the amount of shinobi is unknown. There will be ten teams consisting of the best available shinobi. The leading team is, of course, Minato's team, and Kushina will have her own team with two other Jonin. The strategy for attack is to surprise attack and give a relentless assault. The last thing it mentions is the last resort plans and locations.
"Okay, now since we've never been a team, we need to get our roles down," Minato said to the two teens after the four of them read the scroll. "I will be the one on the front line, Sayuri you'll be our sensor and medic, and Kakashi you'll be our lookout and backup," they both agreed with his assignment.
Kakashi left the moment they were done planning. Now, Sayuri has to write nine more copies of the scroll to give to the other team leaders. Once she was done, she put on her mask and left Minato and Kushina's house. This is a normal job she has to do, so she knows where most elite Shinobi live. The nine Jonin she visited understood the value of the scroll and knew that they themselves had to pass on the information to their teammates and strategize.
The warm hues of the twilight sky reflected off the trees where the thirty Jonin were gathered before this crucial mission. Sayuri can tell some of them were quite nervous, but they tried to hide it. This group was the best the Hokage could muster, this war had taken a toll on Konoha's forces. Minato got in front of the group and announce that they will now be leaving. At that moment, the group began to hop on the trees. This will be Sayuri's first mission with other people and that's got her slightly nervous. She looked over at Kakashi, who looked unaffected by what will be happening, and Minato, who was in front of her leading the group. She knew that she needed to try her best to protect them, so she mentally prepared herself. For the sake of Kohona.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 7 - Closest Thing to Family
The sun was still out by the time Sayuri left Kakashi's house, so she decided to go to the marketplace and get some tea. As she sat there swirling her sugar spoon around her teacup as its hot mist hit her face, she was thinking about her time at Kakashi's house and how much she enjoyed it. She never really had someone else, besides her mother, to spar with. She's already thinking of going back and trying to convince him to train with her. She could talk with Minato to try to convince him since he's still his teacher.
The image of Kakashi on top of her come across her again, and she felt her face heat up. Her thoughts lingered and she wondered what his face looked like. Is he attractive or ugly? Is that why he wears that mask? She thought about herself in that situation as she pulled down his mask and she imagined him really attractive and then he lends down...
"Hey, Sayuri" she heard Minato's voice and she let out a yelp at the sudden voice. "Woah, are you okay? You were just staring at your tea with a red face."
"I'm fine. You just startled me, Uncle Minato."
"Oh, sorry. What are you doing out here, anyway?" Minato said with a hand behind his neck as he took a seat in front of her.
"The Hokage let me off my restrictions, so I've been exploring the village."
"That's great! Congrats, kid," he said as he ruffled her hair. Sayuri said thank you with a bright smile. "Hey, kid, Kushina should've been home this morning, and she's making dinner, wanna come over?"
"I sure do!" she said excitedly. They both got up and walked over to Minato and Kushina's house.
When Minato opened the door, he was met with his adoring girlfriend. She launched herself at him and gave him a passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, while he grabbed her waist. Sayuri just stood there awkwardly until they were done. Kushina then realized her presence and then got a death hug from her.
"Sayuri! How are you doing?" Kushina said still hugging her tightly.
"I'm doing great, Auntie Kushina," Sayuri said with a giggle.
"Sayuri is having dinner with us," Minato said to his girlfriend.
"Yay! It's almost ready," Kushina said with a bright smile. Sayuri took off her shoes and sat down at the dinner table. The home was so warm and felt so safe. In the past, Sayuri loved visiting them because Kushina is such a great cook and she treated her like her own daughter. They were the closest thing to family she had.
Minato sat next to Sayuri and by the time he was settled, Kushina brought the dishes out. It was salmon rice balls with miso soup on the side. It was simple but that's what she liked about it. Kushina hurriedly took off her apron and sat next to Minato.
"So how was your day, Sayuri?" Kushina said as she got herself a serving.
"Um, I just went shopping and I had a sparring match with Kakashi." That got Minato's attention since he didn't expect him to do such a thing after what happened, especially with someone he just met.
"Oh, interesting. Who won the match?" Thinking about it, Sayuri didn't know who won the match since they both just suddenly stopped the fight. She began to think about it too much and she felt her face burn.
"It was a tie," she said in a low voice. Kushina looked at her with a huge smile, and Sayuri stared back confused.
"Aw, Sayuri, do you have a crush on him?" Sayuri was stiff when she heard that and the color left from her face. She went on a defense denying her accusation, but Kushina still was adamant about it.
"Kushina..." Minato said with a slight warning in his voice after their arguing went on for a while.
"Alright, sorry Sayuri," Kushina said as she realized she made her uncomfortable.
They ate for a while before they continued their conversation.
"Have you been keeping up with your training, Sayuri?" Minato resumed the conversation.
"No, not really" she responded with a lowered head.
"There's loads of jutsus you should be learning right now."
"I know that. It's just that they don't seem interesting. Most of them are easy to learn anyways. I need something that grabs my attention."
"What would that be?"
"Well, to be honest, I want to learn your flying thunder god technique," Sayuri said shyly.
"You know that would take a couple of years since it's an extremely hard jutsu."
"Yeah, I know, but I'll try my best!" Sayuri said excitedly.
"Okay, sure kid. I will show you some other time."
"Oh! Maybe the Hokage will let you join Team Minato alongside Kakashi and Rin." Kushina said with a hopeful tone. She didn't know about Rin's death yet. The dark look that came over Minato and Sayuri got her concerned.
"Um, I should go... thank you so much for dinner." Sayuri got up and made her way over to the door.
"Wait, what's wrong?" Kushina asked concerned.
"I'll tell you in a bit. Sayuri, wait!" Minato stopped Sayuri after she put on her shoes.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Go talk to Kushina. Goodnight." Sayuri walked out the door, and he let her go. Minato came back to Kushina and explain what happened to Rin. Sayuri stayed outside until she heard Kushina's cries, and that's when she decided to leave. Kushina was definitely heartbroken since she loved Rin. For the rest of the night, Minato and Kushina comforted each other over Rin's death, but they can't stay like that for long since they were shinobis and they must stay strong.
Sayuri wanted to wander around to get her mind off these subjects, but she remembered the Hokage wanted to talk to her. Once she was at the Hokage's mansion, she checked his office, but he wasn't there. In fact, the hallways were dark, which probably meant Lord Third was in his personal quarters. She was in front of the door of his living room and knocked on it lightly. She waited for a response before she came in. The Hokage was sitting comfortably in a cushioned chair, reading a book by the fireplace. The room was relatively large, obviously meant to hold more people. Pictures of previous Hokages and Lord Third hung from the wall over the fireplace, which raged powerfully and its heat coated the whole room.
"Hello Sayuri," he welcomed her to sit on the sofa next to his chair.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Sayuri asked.
"Yes, as you know the Third Shinobi War is coming to a close soon." Sayuri gave him a nod. "I've given a lot of thought to what I'll do once it does end, and I concluded that I'll retire. I think it's time for a new Hokage."
Sayuri's eyes widened in shock because she didn't think he would just give his position like this. "Are you sure?-"
"Yes, I strongly believe that Konoha needs someone more youthful to lead the new generation," Hiruzen said before the girl could continue.
"Who do you have in mind?" The sadness in her eyes was evident. This was the man that was like a father figure to her and now she won't be serving him anymore.
"That's why I called you here. I need to have your opinion since you'll have to work for them."
That was true, for as long as she lives, she needs to serve the Hokage, according to the Megami Agreement. This Agreement was made by the First Hokage and Sayuri's grandmother, and its purpose was that her descendants must protect the Hokage and the village. The burden was placed on the Megami because of their abilities and Kasha. The First Hokage knew about Kasha and that's why he made that agreement, he knew he could put his trust in her to protect every generation.
"The only person I had in mind was Minato, but the elders have to agree on one person. I know some of them have someone else in mind."
"I would love Uncle Minato as Hokage, but who's the competition."
"Orochimaru" The moment she heard the name, she felt a stir inside her and she wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Kasha doesn't like it, doesn't she?" Sayuri nodded her head at the Hokage.
"I don't want to work for him," Sayuri said concerned.
"I know that, Sayuri. I will try my best to get Minato into the position. I will need you there when the elders and I will discuss this. This is all I wanted to discuss with you, so can head to sleep now." Sayuri said her goodbyes and headed back to her room.
Sayuri fed her ninneko and got dressed to go to bed. She had trouble going to sleep thinking about her day and the fact that there's going to be a new Hokage, but that is tomorrow's problem.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 6 - First Challenge
Lick. Lick. Lick.
"Come on, Sayuri, get up and feed us," Sayuri heard Naomi say while her rough tongue licked her face.
"Okay, I'm going, chill will ya," Sayuri said with a sleepy voice. She eventually got up and went to the drawer that held her ninneko's food. Upon opening it, she found that there was barely enough food for this morning's feed.
"Umm, food's low guys so share. Especially you, Dai." Sayuri said, pointing at her largest cat. Dai gave her a small whine.
Sayuri put on her usual out outfit and her backpack. She left her room and made her way to the kitchen so she can write down 'cat food' to the list of supplies that servers usually get, but right before she was going to write it down, she had the idea of getting it herself, since she's able to do that now. She looked into her backpack to see how much money she had, but she realized that she didn't have enough. So she had to go to the Hokage to ask for her allowance.
She knocked on his door and come in without a response, as usual.
"Hello, Lord Third," Sayuri with a closed-eyed smile.
"Oh, good morning Sayuri. How was your evening yesterday?"
"Um, it was okay until I came across Fugaku Uchiha." The Hokage looked up at her and waited for her to continue. "He only told me that I was always welcomed back to the clan, but obviously I'm not naive enough to do that." She said with a nervous laugh and Lord third just hummed back. "Well anyway, I just came by to pick up my allowance."
"Right," he opened one of the drawers and took out an envelope, and handed it over to Sayuri.
"Thank you so much, Lord Third," Sayuri said with a smile. She said her goodbyes and made her way to the door, but before she did the Hokage stopped her.
"Wait, Sayuri, whenever you have some free time, I would like to talk to you about something."
"Yes, sir" with that final statement, she walked into the hallway and then left the building. Sayuri opened the envelope to check the amount of money, and when she counted it, she realized that it was a lot more than she usually gets. That must've meant that he wanted her to have some fun and that made her smile.
She ran to the market so she can buy some more cat food for ninneko and she put it in her backpack. Next, she went to a candy shop and bought anything that looks appetizing to her. For the rest of the morning, Sayuri explored the marketplace and got to meet new faces.
After she was done with that she had the urge to train, because she hasn't done that in a while, since she was so busy with missions. So as she was hopping through trees in the forest she came across a clearing that was perfect for her to train at. Unfortunately, she didn't bring any of her training supplies with her, so she summoned her ninneko.
"Hey guys, do you mind getting my training stuff for me please?"
"Really, again?" said Naomi. Sayuri just gave her a desperate closed-eyed smile. "Fine"
Naomi said with a sigh, and with that, her ninneko were gone in a cloud of smoke.
"I'll wait here, I guess," she said while taking a seat on a large stone. She observed the trees around her and how the sunlight scatters from the canopy. She felt quite relaxed until a shiver ran down her spine, which meant that there were chakra signatures near her. She only felt one, though, and she has felt it before. Before she knew it, she ran after it. Her heart fluttered as it grew stronger. She couldn't explain it.
In no time, she made it to another clearing that had a small wooden house and a silver-haired boy that was kicking a wooden stump. The boy watched the girl come out of nowhere.
"What are you doing here, Sayuri?" Kakashi said irritated
"I was... training...felt chakra..." Sayuri said breathlessly.
The two were staring at each other for a few seconds until loud dog barks came from the wooden house. This startled the poor girl, as she yelped, and it knocked her out of her trance. Kakashi calmed his dogs down and then asked Sayuri to leave.
"You were training, right? Can you please train with me? I need a training buddy."
Kakashi gave her an annoyed look and gave her a straight no.
"Oh, come on Kakashi, you seem lonely out here."
"You don't have anyone else to train with anymore" Sayuri clasped her mouth after saying that and Kakashi gave her an angry glare. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that! I mean I don't have anybody either."
Kakashi remembered back when they first met in the forest, she said that she was the only one left in her clan, like him. She must've gone through pain and loss to be in her position, yet she is so cheerful as she goes on in life. Kakashi never would've thought that someone could be that way, maybe she's someone he needs in his life at the moment. The problem is that he doesn't want to admit it, because, with her personality, he'll never hear the end of it.
Kakashi let out a sigh. "Fine, just to see if you're worthy."
Sayuri's face lit up and then had a small frown. "Worthy? Oh, you're on." They got in position to dual but suddenly there were hisses and growls. Sayuri's ninneko came back from their errand and they saw Kakashi's ninken, then they both freaked out. The two teens calmed down their summonings.
"Cat lover, huh?" Kakashi said with a smirk.
"Dog lover," Sayuri said mockingly, and the boy let out a small laugh. Kakashi was now enjoying her company, and she was the first person that has been at his house for a while.
"Alright, let's dance already" she challenged him, after the distraction. They once again got into position and did the unison sign. Sayuri made the first move and she was quick, which wasn't what the boy expected. She was attacking fast, but he blocked each move because of his newly acquired Sharingan. Kakashi finally landed a hit on her straight in the stomach, which knocked her back a bit. She smirked and then continued her attack. By now Kakashi had a good sense of how good she was and concluded that she would be the perfect rival for him since they have a similar skill level.
Kakashi kicked her on her leg when right when she wasn't defending it and knocked her down to the ground, but before she hit the ground she brought her other leg to her body so she can have an advantage over the boy. Kakashi was met with a knee to the stomach, so he backed off. This gave her a chance to get up.
Kakashi took out a kunai and once again got into position to attack. Naomi then threw a Kunai at Sayuri and she caught it and got in position too. They both fought trying to outdo one another for a while that their summoning animals got bored of watching. Due to the duration of the fight, Sayuri lost cover of her legs and Kakashi took advantage, and once again knocked her down. Sayuri pulled him down as she fell and when they were on the ground, they had their kunais at each other's throats. They stayed in this position for a few long seconds, staring at each other. Kakashi was on top of her and he was in between her legs. Once he realized this, he quickly got off, followed by Sayuri getting up as well.
They both were breathing hard and sweating a lot. Sayuri felt herself blushing a little, because of what just happened.
"Um, may I have some water?" Sayuri asks in hopes to lower the awkward tension between them. Kakashi nodded.
Kakashi went inside his home and Sayuri followed. He went to his kitchen and got two glass cups, then poured some iced water into each from a jug. Kakashi left one on the glasses on the counter for Sayuri to get for herself, and then she drank the refreshing water. While she was drinking, she realized how clean and organized his house was, and it was obvious that he was living alone. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to bring anything up. She put the glass down once she was done.
"Thank you so much for the water," Sayuri said, but the boy didn't say anything. "Well, I should get going before it gets dark." Once again he didn't say anything. His back was to her, so it was obvious he didn't want to talk. Sayuri said goodbye and left his house. She went over to her ninneko, who were still in the same spot from where they were watching them spar, and she told them they were leaving and did so.
Kakashi kept thinking about what just happened and it was affecting him in a strange way. He actually enjoyed sparring with her but he doesn't want to tell her to come back. He can only hope that she comes back again and again. The feelings he's feeling at the moment, he hasn't felt in a while, and he hopes that doesn't change.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Golden Dawn - Kaori Yagi (All Might's Daughter)
Chapter 1 - Kaori Yagi
She was sitting over the railed boardwalk, legs swinging between the rails, watching the setting sunset. Below that sunset, there was the boy her Dad was training for the UA entrance exam. The curly green-haired boy he saw fit to pass on One for All. She was so happy it wasn’t her. She doesn’t feel like she can take on that big weight. She just wanted an easy life as a hero. She didn’t want to deal with All for One. He's already caused enough damage to her family.
She watched as Midoriya cleaned up trash from the beach as her Dad yelled at him to work faster. She agreed with her father that he would be a great successor. The kid has the guts. But she worries that he wouldn’t get into UA because of his lack of training with it. The exam is in a few days and her Dad hasn’t even transferred One for All yet. Not that he necessarily needs to get into UA, but it would be a huge hold back if he didn’t.
Kaori has already taken the entrance exam for those who were recommended. There is an advantage for being the daughter of All Might with a decent quirk. She didn’t do awfully bad but she is concerned about getting in since she saw some strong quirks. The last thing she wants to do is disappoint her dad.
“Let’s get going, honey,” she felt a rough hand go through her soft golden hair that took her out of her thoughts. “Let’s make it home before dinner.”
She looked back at her father and then got up. She followed him to their car and made their way home near UA High School.
They had a nice house in a fairly secluded neighborhood. Being the Number one hero, All Might had a fair bit of money. Lots of it actually.
Kaori has always worried for her father’s safety. Espeality his fight with All for One 5 years ago, she has gotten much more paranoid about him and over-exerting himself. The one good thing that came out of it is that she gets to spend more time with her father.
“Dad, you should get some rest, I’ll make dinner,” Kaori said as her father walked through the door and put away the keys.
“Kaori, I’m not an old man you know,” he replied to his daughter's constant concern.
“I know, you just had a long day training Midoriya.”
“Let me at least help,” he pleaded.
“Fine.” she sighed and then smiled at him.
“You know you should be hearing back soon after this next exam. I’m sure you’ll get in.”
“I’d be lucky if I did.” she picked down at the dinner she made.
“Don’t be like that, you have your mother’s quirk. It’s an amazing quirk.”
“Right,” she replied, not feeling confident.
She got up to put her dish in the sink.
“What’s wrong?” her father asked.
“Nothing. Just lost my appetite,” she said as she put on gloves to wash the dishes.
These were the times where he wishes that he still had her mother to help with their teenage daughter. He also got up to put away his dishes after he was done eating.
“Please let me help with the dishes”
“It's okay, I got it,” she protested.
“You’re going to have to drop this protective thing soon, or else I'll be strapped to my bed. Come on, I’m the Number One hero.” He reached into the murky water and yelped.
“Dad!” Kaori reached for his hand. He had cut himself with a knife that was sitting in the murky dishwater.
“Papa, you know I can’t heal you. Don’t be so reckless!” Ever since he got that wound from All for One, she hasn’t been able to use her Body Mulialpation, her quirk. It's where she can control every function of the body, meaning she can control the immune system to heal faster. But when she tries to do this to her dad, it just refuses her and hurts her.
She takes out the first aid kit and puts antibacterial cream and a bandaid to stop the bleeding.
“There, that should do it. Now please take better care of herself, Papa.”
“Thank you, honey.” he petted her hair, identical to his. “Now it's time to get ready for bed” She nodded. “Oh I wanted to tell you if you wanted to come with me to watch the regular entrance exam to keep an eye on Midoriya,” she thought for a second and then nodded with a smile.
Kaori sat with her dad with the other teachers watching the exam. She felt so out of place, but of course, her father made her feel better.
She was worried for Midoriya since her Dad just transferred One for All that very same morning. She just hopes he’s doing okay. She’s never actually met him but she knows him from what her father tells her.
She made herself comfortable on her seat as the examinees flashed on the various screens across the room. This year's test is getting as many points as possible destroying robots. She counted herself lucky since she only had to do a race for the recommended exam. She would’ve done an awful job destroying the robots, but probably would've gotten points assisting or healing other examinees.
As the exam went on, she made notes of people who have been doing well, but still kept a close eye on Midoriya. He, of course, wasn’t doing so well, or more like not doing anything but running around like a headless chicken. He made her nervous just looking at him, so she decided to take a fresh air break. She stood up quickly after telling her father what she was doing. She paced by everyone in the room and avoided eye contact.
They all knew about her dad’s weakened state and about her being his daughter. She didn’t particularly like them knowing about her, though. She had lived most of her life in secrecy, so she didn’t like the idea of other people knowing her identity. She was even homeschooled her whole life, even when she was living with her mother in America. Her dad could of course afford that sort of thing. She was planning to keep her identity a secret when she started hero school. Her identity wasn’t known to All for One and she wants to keep it that way.
She was already a little familiar with UA’s campus, so she knew the perfect place to take her break. The campus garden. Nature just has a way of healing her like nothing else, or at least a way she couldn’t. She sat under the massive magnolia tree at the center, letting her hands lightly graze the marigolds and dahlias on her way there. The garden always reminds her of her mother. When she was young, Kaori and her mother would always spend time in their own garden tending to their flowers. The marigold and dahlias were her favorite. It brought her a smile of how she would always mix up the two. They weren’t even similar.
She picked one of the marigolds and right as she did she felt the pain it caused the plant through her fingertips. Her quirk is weird and she always had a difficult time explaining it. Body manipulation is an awful name for it. It's more like living organism manipulation, but people get the wrong idea when they hear ‘life manipulation’. They think she is the grim reaper or something, so body manipulation it is. She understands how to manipulate the human body the most anyways. She has to study lots of biology to even begin to manipulate plants or animals.
Her mother was so good at her quirk. She was a top doctor, but not a medical hero, like how Kaori wanted to be. Kaori already spends most of her time volunteering at the hospital. Her quirk comes in handy. She could’ve easily gone to medical school and had a lowkey life as a doctor, but Kaori’s childhood dream was to mix her parents' careers. The problem is that she knew there weren’t many medical heroes, so she knew it’ll be difficult. That’s why getting to UA is so important to her.
Kaori was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear her name being called.
“Hey, Kaori! Are you coming?” her dad called to her from the garden entrance.
“Huh?” she said, finally realizing it was him.
“The exam is over. Let’s go home.” How long had she been out there, she thought.
“Oh…How did Midoriya do?”
“Uh, Well…” He explained what happened with the zero points robot.
“What? Is he okay? Do I need to help?” she said frantically.
“No, no! Recovery Girl helped him. He’s fine now. I talked to him too. He’s okay.”
“Oh good” she sighed and placed a hand on her heart.
“I knew that was going happen-”
“You knew?!” she cut him off and looked at him disbelievingly.
“Haha, well yeah…” he said guiltily. “I was going to ask you to help me with his training to avoid this from happening,” he said nervously
“Oh…Yes, of course, I’ll help”
“Great, I’ll just have to introduce you two”
“You could invite him for dinner!” she said excitedly.
“Good idea! We could invite him over once we know about the UA admissions.” That nearly made her heart drop hearing about admissions. She just smiled and agreed.
Weeks had gone by without hearing anything back from UA. She was studying anatomy, like usual, when her father walked in.
“Look what I have,” he said teasingly. She gasped and grabbed the acceptance letter out of his hand. As she tore it open, her father left to give her some privacy. Once the tiny disc was on her desk, she waited for a response.
“Hello!” The principal made his appearance through a hologram. “This year we got many applications from all across the world! We saw many amazing quirks! We carefully selected the best we saw, but unfortunately, you weren’t one of them.” Her heart dropped. “But fear not! You were selected for our waitlist! The best of all, you, Kaori, are on top of the list! We will write back to you if you get accepted.…” She toned out the rest of the message. She was heartbroken she didn’t get in but was glad she was waitlisted so there's still a chance. Who would drop the acceptance of the best school in the world, though? Now, she’s worried about Midoriya. If she didn’t get in, no way in hell he did.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 5 - Recollection
She just ran. Her mind ran with her. Sayuri's mind was a mess as she ran through the streets of the village due to her encounter with the Uchiha clan Leader. It didn't take long until she ran through the doors of the mansion, climbed up multiple stairs, and ran through hallways. The door of her room was in view and she hurriedly opened it and slammed it behind her. Her room was silent, all she could hear is her hard breathing and pounding heart. Her ninneko were not in the room and she saw the open window, which they usually go in and out of. Her back ran down the door until she hit the floor. Sayuri's arms wrapped around her legs and she placed her forehead on her knees. She thought back to what the Hokage told her. She was thankful that he let her free but it was all too sudden. Maybe her mother was right, she should just lock herself up so nothing would happen to her. No, what is she thinking? She can protect herself from anything. She knows she's strong but she doesn't know what makes her strong. She knows her mother left her with the gift but she doesn't know what's developing in her. She began to think back on memories of when she lived in the Uchiha compound with her mother to make sense of what she should do.
"Come on, Masami! Please don't leave we are picking a new leader soon and you would be a perfect fit." urged her friend, Hikari, not to leave the compound.
"Please, Hikari. I have responsibilities. Can you please pack your things, Sayuri. We're leaving," Masami entered the room her child was playing in. Sayuri listened to her mother, stood up, and began to collect her belongings. Her mother had the same black shimmering hair and the same pale skin as Sayuri. The main difference is the eye color that must have obviously come from Sayuri's father. Masami had charcoal eyes like almost every other Uchiha, while her daughter had her wine colored eyes.
"You know his son will be picked if you don't step in and do something!"
"That's none of my concern"
"It only makes sense if you're the next leader since your father..." Masami grabbed her friend arm's and tightened her grip on it.
"Don't mention him! He disgusts me. Besides no one, except you, know he's my father. People know me because of my mother and how she protected the clan against him. No one knew they were married." Masami explained as she helped her daughter with packing.
"So you're only doing this because of Sayuri?" Hikari questioned her friend.
"Well, yes, sort of. I need to protect her, but I also need to protect the Hokage. It's my job."
"Oh, is this why you're moving in with the Hokage. Don't you think the maintenance of the clan is much more important than the Hokage at the moment? How do you plan to protect Sayuri and protect her from what?" Hikari said irritated.
"Yes! I believe she'll be safer there and the clan doesn't bother me at the moment! It can live on without me. I can just give her Kasha when the time comes, and I'm protecting her from... this clan! Now call me Masami Megami!" She pushed her friend out the door and slammed it.
"You're going to regret this one day!" she heard loud footsteps down the hallway and some moments later, she heard some soft footsteps. "I want you to know you can always trust me, Masami," Masami swallowed her feelings and once again heard her friend leaves. After that, she helped Sayuri finish packing.
Once they were both done, the mother and daughter walked out of their house. Masami took one last look at the house she grew up in. It was the largest house in the compound and now she's leaving it behind like everything else in her past. While walking to the gates of the compound, Mikoto comes up to her eager about something.
"Lady Masami, guess what!"
"What?" Mikoto proceeded to raise her hand with an engagement ring.
"Who...who asked you...?"
"It was the leader's son!" Mikoto with eagerness.
"Fugaku?" Masami asked the girl who looked up to her like an older sister, and she gave her a nod.
The man himself comes up from behind her and grabbed her by her hips and pulled her closer to him. His actions caused Mikoto to blush lightly.
"I congratulate you both. This would mean Mikoto is going to be the new Uchiha Queen," Masami said with a small smile. Mikoto looked at her sister figure in shock.
"Does that mean..."
"Yes, Fugaku you're going to be the Uchiha clan's new leader." Masami took something out of her pocket and tossed it to Fugaku. "It's the key to my house. Consider it as my gift to you both. Now, Fugaku, you better take care of her." Masami turned away from them continued out the gate.
"Wait, where are you going?" Mikoto asked concerned.
"I'm leaving the clan, so I won't need that house anymore. Enjoy it,"
Mikoto wanted to run after her, but her fiance stopped her and told her it wasn't a good idea. As the small family was walking away, Sayuri waved goodbye to the woman who would take care of her at times. Sayuri returned her focus to her mother and realized that she was crying and it was obvious she this didn't take well.
After a while, Masami stopped in the middle of a forest and crouched to get to the same height as her daughter.
"Now Sayuri listen to me closely. Please don't ever go back to the Uchiha clan no matter what they say or offer. Understand?" The small girl gave her mother a nod and Masami gave her a kiss on the forehead. The mother stood and gave her daughter a firm grip and continued their journey to the Hokage's Mansion.
The noise of people chattering from the open window brought her out of her memory and she realized her face was also stained with tears. A sudden burst of pain shot through her eyes and it gradually eased. She got up from the ground, her vision slightly blurred, walked over to her bed and laid down on her back.
She began to think of what she's going to do. All she has to do is avoid the Uchiha and she'll be fine. If they make any approach on her she won't hesitate to kill.
Sayuri put her hands to her stomach as she felt the usual stir of Kasha. Kasha was the gift her mother gave her as her mother was dying. Kasha sealed herself in Sayuri as an order of Masami. She looks like a large cat with navy blue fur with electric blue tips, making her look like there are currents running through her body as they were lit up by chakra. She also has the same marks Sayuri has under her eyes and horns right behind her ears. The cat-like electric blue eyes could brighten up any room she's in. Kasha is best described as a beast, but she's much different than the tailed beasts. In many ways, Kasha is weaker.
Sayuri doesn't talk to her often because Kasha said that she's in a weakened state right now and she needs to regenerate herself. Now seems like the best time to talk to her since she would know what her mother wants and Kasha is the only connection she has left of her mother. Kasha has been alive for thousands of years, so she would know what to do in this situation.
"Hey, Kasha... are you there?"
"Yes, kid?"
"Can you help me?"
"With what exactly."
"With what happened today."
"Ah yes, the Hokage disobeyed your Masami's rules. Well, your mother left me with instructions as well."
"I'm not surprised."
"My advice to you is that since your mother is not here anymore and I'm in your vessel, I would like you to get out more and meet new people because I'm quite bored here. And don't worry about the Uchiha, they wouldn't dare to do anything with you as long as I'm here. Plus you need to train more so find someone who would train you and train with."
"Okay, you're right, I was just freaking out. Tomorrow I promise I'll go out and train some more." Sayuri said confidently with a smile because now she's not scared anymore.
For the rest of the evening, she relaxed and ate the rest of her dango. She got to know Kasha better and was much more confident using Kasha's abilities. Sayuri also promised Kasha that she would train with her so they can improve those abilities. Eventually, Sayuri began to feel sleepy and she got ready for bedtime. She fell asleep knowing that tomorrow would be a start to a brand new life.
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msleviathan · 2 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 4 - Freedom
Minato dropped off Sayuri at the hospital, telling the nurses to do an urgent checkup and that it was a request from the Hokage. He also told them that the Hokage will be visiting her once she wakes up. Once they took her in, Minato returned to his mission.
Kakashi was peacefully having dinner at his favorite shop. He didn't like to be in his house alone because it leaves him alone with his thoughts. All he wanted to do is forget and continue with his life, but he was having trouble doing that. The noise of the surrounding villagers blocked out his thoughts for the time being until a certain group came around.
"Hey, Kakashi! Wanna fight?" Guy challenged his rival while being followed by Kurenai and Asuma. Kakashi just shut his eyes in annoyance and didn't acknowledge any of them.
"Hm, seems like Kakashi is in one of his usual moods, Guy," Asuma told Guy. The three proceeded to sit at the same table Kakashi was at. Kakashi sighed from their action and he began to get up. Right before he placed his money on the table, he saw Minato-sensei carrying Sayuri, who was unconscious. He realized that they were heading towards the hospital. Something came over him and he left his money without waiting for his change. Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy wondered why Kakashi suddenly left them alone.
Since Minato was much faster than Kakashi, he made it a few minutes after Minato. By this time, the nurses took Sayuri to a room and began her assessment. Kakashi looked around the hospital building, trying to find if Sayuri is in one of the rooms. He climbed a couple of trees and finally found her on the fourth floor. He looked at what the nurses are doing to her and he realized that she had blood on her face, which means something happened to her. He felt something in his chest at the thought of her being hurt, and he sat there watching.
Lord third passed by his son and his two friends, while on his trip to the hospital. His son was having a great time laughing and talking with his friends. He imagined how Sayuri would look like if she were there with them. He was having trouble imagining that since he's never seen her laugh with anybody lately. That thought pained him and that brought Sayuri's mother back into mind and her rules for her daughter. He was giving these rules a second thought.
The old man was almost at the entrance of the hospital when he noticed the silver-haired boy perched up in a tree, and wondered as to why.
The nurses respectfully greeted him and showed him Sayuri's room. Sayuri was still asleep when he stepped into the room. He decided to wait for her to wake since he needed to talk to her. He looked out the window and he saw the same tree Kakashi was perched upon but didn't see him, which means he was hidden. He wondered as to why he was watching her.
After a few minutes, she began to shift and slowly opened her eyes. The bright sun burned her eyes and she used her covers to shield her eyes.
"Sayuri, what's wrong?" the Hokage asked.
"Lord Third? Uh, my eyes just hurt," Sayuri respond.
"Let me see," Sayuri lowered her covers while squinting. There were slight bruises around her eyes. He was mostly relieved that her eyes were her natural wine-colored eyes.
"Sayuri, please explain what happened on your mission"
"I don't know. I don't remember anything. I just remember arriving and there being no wood there anymore. I inspected one of the damaged spots on the stone path and then I was being shaken awake by Minato. And I was in so much pain."
"Hm, that's quite strange. You understand this is what your mother warned me about, right?"
Sayuri lowered her head. "Yes, I know," the Hokage took a deep breath and continued talking.
"Your mother, Masami, was an amazing kunoichi and was widely feared within all nations. She was skilled in almost every aspect of being a Shinobi. She was known as the Black Mamba for her speed and use of poisons. Her rank was highly respected in the leaf village, and she cared for people in this village. She would help out in any way she can. One day she had a drunken affair with your father during the first shinobi war. She found out that she was pregnant with you, and she was quite scared. She told your father and he didn't take it well, but she told him to come back to her from the war. He never did return because he sacrificed himself to save the village. The reason she was concerned for you is that you are a mix of two bloods that have never been mixed before and she didn't know how it would react. When you were born, she sensed something...developing in you. She absolutely loved you, so she kept you away from people so they wouldn't get this power developing in you. She would always tell me how guilty she's was for doing that to you." He paused for a moment before he continued. "Something I never told Masami was when I was under your father's command and before he sacrificed himself, he told me to watch over Masami and you. Now, your mother left you an amazing gift and your father would've wanted you to be a great Kunoichi. "
Sayuri looked away, tearing up, hearing the story of her parents. She didn't expect him to suddenly talk about it. At this point, she doesn't know if she wants to know the identity of her father if he just left her mother like that.
"I have given much thought to this, and I will allow you to wander around the village and make friends. As long as you don't leave the village and you always protect yourself. I believe this will be for the best regardless of what your mother would think."
Sayuri quickly turned around to him and the tears began to flow down her face. She got up from her bed, ignoring the soreness of her body, and hugged the Hokage thanking him. He gave out a slight chuckle and hugged her.
"When they discharge you from the hospital you are free to explore the village, meet new people, and eat new food." Sayuri had a huge smile on her face as the Hokage got up and dismissed himself. She got back in her bed and laid back, from the corner of her eye she thought she saw someone in the tree. She didn't sense anyone there, and her excitement made her not care.
Kakashi overheard the entire conversation. He didn't quite understand what kind of mission she was sent that had her looking for wood. This conversation had him more curious about the girl who saved him. Now since she's allowed to wander the village, he's going to see her more often, and she's probably going to want to see him since he's the only one she knows. He watched as Sayuri hugged the life out of the Hokage and as the Hokage left her alone. He noticed that she was looking out the window and he quickly hid himself and his chakra. He peeked around the tree and he saw that she wasn't looking out the window anymore. Sayuri was just smiling brightly while daydreaming. Kakashi had that feeling in his chest again while looking at her. After some time, he decided to return back home so he can train.
"Alright, Ms. Megami, you seem well enough to be discharged. I'll fill out the papers and you can leave whenever you like," the nurse said with a smile. The nurse completed her check-up and was now leaving the room.
Sayuri didn't waste any time getting dressed and leaving the hospital. She only stayed in the hospital for four days since she was so weak from that last mission.
Sayuri stood facing away from the entrance of the hospital, not knowing where to go. She knows the village very well but has rarely seen it during the day. The smell of delicious food suddenly hit her and she ran after it. Sayuri made it to the marketplace and she watched as all the vendors make food she has never tried. She saw a dango stand and her eyes brightened up as she remembered her mother giving her some before.
She paid for an order of dango and the man told her it would take a minute. As she turned around to take a seat, she accidentally bumped into a small child with black hair and eyes and knocked him down.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" She reached down and picked him up from under his arms and stood him up. She began to dust him off while acting flustered. She heard the man from over the counter call out her name for her order of dangos.
"Here have one for forgiveness" the child's eyes brighten up as he took the stick of dangos. She couldn't help but think how adorable he looked as he ate the dango.
"Itachi! Sorry, I left you alone" Sayuri heard a familiar female's voice. She froze upon hearing the voice. She stood up and turned around to face the woman and her husband. It was Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. She just stood there frozen and she realized that the child must've been theirs.
"Did my son disturb you in any way," said Fugaku in a deep voice. She just shook her head.
"Oh my, did he beg you for sweets?" said Mikoto with a sweet voice.
"No, I gave it to him," Sayuri responded.
"Well, what do you say, Itachi?" His mother took a hold of his hand and gave him a closed-eyed smile.
"Thank you," said Itachi's small voice. Sayuri just gave him a quick smile before returning to her stiff state.
Fugaku was staring at her with narrowed eyes and then had a sly smile on his face.
"Nice to meet you again, Sayuri Megami," Fugaku said while putting a hand on her shoulder.
Mikoto placed her hand over her mouth and gasped in surprise. "Sayuri, I haven't seen you in such a long time. Oh, how you've grown," Mikoto hugged her former friend's daughter in reunion. Sayuri tried to smile remembering all the moments she's spent with Mikoto in the past, but she just couldn't because she was scared at the moment.
When she was younger, Sayuri's mother left the Uchiha clan because she thought they would try to use Sayuri's abilities. So for their safety, they changed their name as well. Sayuri didn't know why her mother decided to leave but she was strictly told not to get involved with them. She knows that her mother had an important role in the clan and many people begged her not to leave. Masami's mother was highly valued in the clan and she was expected to be the leader but she chose Fugaku's father to be the leader and now he is the leader.
"Well, we should get going," Fugaku said while pushing his wife and son along. Sayuri still stood there frozen with fear.
"You're always welcomed back to the clan, Sayuri Uchiha," Fugaku said when he stopped by her side. She stared into his eyes while he did the same thing. She tried her best to hide the fear in her eyes and tried to replace it with some kind of anger to resent him. Fugaku once again continued walking with his family and Sayuri grabbed her bag of dango and ran back home to the Hokage's, taking her mother's words into consideration.
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msleviathan · 3 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 3 - The Mission
Kakashi felt the breeze of the door when Sayuri left quickly and he heard her spriting footsteps down the hallway. He didn't want to be in this situation where he would have to explain himself when he wasn't quite sure what happened. He will tell the Hokage everything he knows. What he's mostly worried about is that he's probably going to receive punishment for killing Rin, even though it wasn't his fault. Deep down he does want that punishment because his guilt is eating at him.
"Kakashi, please explain what happened."
"Well, I was on the battlefield when I noticed Rin was missing. Some people had told me that she was kidnapped by mist shinobis to be a test subject, so I tracked her using my ninken. We eventually found her in a cave under a genjutsu. When we were leaving, she began to act strange and she mentioned having someone or something inside her. Then she asked me to kill her for the safety of the village, but I couldn't do that to her. We were overwhelmed by the number of shinobis and we were quickly surrounded. Rin still persisted that I should kill her, and when I was about to attack one of them she got in front of them and... I killed her with my Chidori." There was a moment of silence right before he continued. "That's when I collapsed and I didn't see anything after that. I remember waking up to a slaughter. Every mist shinobi around me was dead and I didn't know why. There were tree roots and blood all over the place, which weren't there before. I started hyperventilating, and that's when I was knocked out by Sayuri, I'm guessing. Sayuri was taking me back when I woke up... and from there we came back" Kakashi watched the Hokage while he analyzed the information he was given. He would need Sayuri's perspective to make a clearer analysis.
"I see," the Hokage said while he was analyzing. "You mentioned tree roots, right?" Kakashi gave him a simple nod. "Hm."
Kakashi was waiting for the punishment he deserved when the Hokage spoke up again.
"Kakashi, I understand what happened, so I'll let you go rest up before I send you out on another mission."
Kakashi looked up wide-eyed at the Hokage, who was now staring at the paperwork on his desk. He was certain that he was going to get some sort of punishment.
"You may leave now, Kakashi," the Hokage told him. Kakashi turned around and walked out the door, surprised by what just occurred. He slowly walked through the hallways making his way towards the exit. Right when he was going to pass through the door to leave the building, he saw Sayuri ahead of him.
"Hey, Kakashi!" Sayuri waved at him. The boy just ignored her and continued walking away.
'That's strange' she thought but didn't let it bother her. Sayuri made her way towards the Hokage's office. She gave a quick tap on the door and then proceeded to open the door and walk in without a response.
"You called?" Sayuri said closing the door behind her.
"Yes, I've talked to Kakashi already. Now, I need you to clear some things up for me." He told her everything Kakashi relayed to him.
"Okay well that clears some things for me," Sayuri told him.
"And what is that?"
"That confirms my suspicion of Kakashi killing Rin and I think I know exactly why she wanted to die. I just visited the morgue and the lady there told me to check her body for strange chakra and I found tail beast chakra. So I'm guessing Rin knew and wanted Kakashi to kill her because she didn't have control over it. Maybe it was planned for Rin to come back here and destroy the village," Sayuri said beginning to drift off somewhere else in her mind.
"Yes, that would make sense. He also mentioned the tree roots that were there at the scene. I need you to go back there and take a sample of the wood to check if the First Hokage's wood style. It would be dangerous if someone else has gotten their hands on it and that's something we need to know quickly." The Hokage noticed that she was completely lost in thought while biting her lip and crossing her arms. He knew whenever she would do that she's hiding, worried, or thinking about something. Her body language reminds him of her parents. Her father would cross his arms in thought or anger, and her mother would bite her lower lip in worry. "Sayuri?"
"What? Oh yeah, I'll get ready."
"What do you want to tell me, Sayuri?" he told her right when she was going to open the door.
Rin's death brought back great memories of having a friend and she wants to have that again without having the restrictions she once had with Rin. She's been feeling really lonely lately in the Hokage's mansion. Almost like she's imprisoned here.
"I feel like a prisoner," Sayuri with slight frustration in her voice.
"What do you mean?"
"Ever since I was a kid, I was never allowed to do what I wanted. I was never allowed to have friends except for Rin because you and my mother always kept me away from everyone. That just makes me feel trapped in this house. Why did you and my mother keep me away from everyone? Is there something you're hiding about me? Does it have to do with mother's old clan? Does it have to do with the father I've never met?!" Sayuri said, continually rising her enraged voice.
"Sayuri, calm down! It was your mother's choice to keep you away from society. Don't bring your father into this, he died before you were born."
"Who is my father?" Sayuri said with a slight crack in her voice, beginning to feel tears in her eyes. She has asked this question multiple times in the past and always got the same response.
"I can't tell you that. Your mother forbade me from telling you until you're mature enough." The Hokage gave his usual response. This only got her more frustrated.
"Fine, don't tell me! I'll be back soon," Sayuri made her way out the door, mumbling the last part.
The Hokage thought about how much she looks like her father when she's mad. It made him feel nostalgic about the great man.
Sayuri angrily walked down the hallway to her room. When she opened her door fiercely, scaring all her ninneko.
"Oi, what's gotten into you?" Said Naomi, her main ninneko.
"Nothing," Sayuri told her ninneko.
"Obviously, it's not nothing"
"Do you know who's my father?"
"First of all, that's a weird question to ask a cat. Secondly, no I don't."
"Sorry, I was hoping you knew." She was resupplying her pouches, while her ninneko were settling back down. She was thinking about how stupid the question was and began to calm herself down.
"Don't tell me you're going on another mission," said Toshiko, her other ninneko.
"Yeah, I am."
"Didn't you just come back from a mission?" said her largest ninneko, Dai.
"Yes and now I'm going on a quick one, if you guys want to come so you don't have to be stuck here."
"Sure, we'll come along," responded Naomi.
"Ugh, do we have to" Suzume hissed at Naomi, not wanting to go. She's always been a grumpy one but has amazing skills.
"Yes, we've been inactive lately, so we are all going," Naomi told the rest of the seven ninneko and Suzume just sighed and started to get ready.
After getting ready, Sayuri and her eight ninneko left the village and made their way to the spot that Rin died. She explained the mission to her ninneko along the way.
Her ninneko made a ring around Sayuri on their way there. Naomi, a white cat with tan spots and a striped tail, was in the lead. She is a cat with strong leadership skills and the seven others almost always obey her and Sayuri. A large long-haired grey cat named Dai was on the front left. He's the toughest of the group. On the front right, there's a male tuxedo cat named Itsuki, who is brave and fearless. A calico cat named Makoto was on the middle left. He loves working with this group and usually stops arguments. Kazumi, a luxurious female ragdoll cat, who tends to be self-centered, is on the middle right. A male hyper orange tabby cat, named Haruki, is on the back left. The smartest one from the group, Toshiko, was a female siamese cat that was on the back right. The grumpiest of them all, Suzume, is a solid black cat and she was the tail end of the group. Despite their differences, they work well together and their differences are what make them such a great group.
They made it there in about half a day. It was nighttime, but it shouldn't affect anything. There was a problem when they got there, all the blood, bodies, and wood that was there was gone. The blood seemed to be washed away from rain and the bodies could've been taken away, but she couldn't explain the wood being gone.
"Hm, that's strange the wood is gone," Sayuri told her ninneko.
"Welp, let's go back," said Suzume.
"No, all of you spread out around this area and see if you can find strange wood or chakra." With that being said, they all went in different directions. She stayed behind analyzing her surroundings. The damage done on the stone walkway was still there but when she inspected it there was no splinter left behind. She also couldn't feel any strange chakra there.
At that moment she realized the moon turned a bloody red color and all the blood, bodies, and wood returned suddenly right in front of her. She tried to act calm but was internally panicking. She suddenly felt a presence behind her and the blood began to run up her legs and she couldn't move. The presence was so strong that it was overwhelming.
"Who are you?" Sayuri asked the presence.
"Your forefather" Sayuri was surprised and wished to see the man's face, but still couldn't move. She felt a dry hand on her neck then it slightly ran through her hair. "It's a shame you have your father's eyes." That terrified her.
Suddenly she felt the hands on her eyes and her eyes began to burn. Marks began to appear around her eyes, but she couldn't see them she only felt the stinging pain. She started to cry out from the intensity. She began seeing old painful memories of witnessing her mother's death and various other unpleasant memories from her past. But she also saw people that she did not recognize. The one that stood out the most was a silver-colored hair girl crying into her hands, calling out for her father. The more she concentrated on the images being shown to her, the blurrier it would get. An immense sadness swept over her and she felt numb. She couldn't feel the hands anymore and she seemed to be falling into this void.
After a while, she heard her name being called but she couldn't make out whose voice it was. Slowly, her consciousness returned to her. She could now realize that Minato was calling her and was confused as to why he was nowhere near where she was. Her throat hurt, her vision was blurred, and her head had a throbbing pain. Blood began to run down her face from her eyes and nose.
"You're finally awake," Minato told her relieved.
"What are you talking about?"
"Sayuri, you were unconscious for an hour. Some of your ninneko went back to the village and told the Hokage something happened to you and he sent an urgent message to come get you." Minato told her.
"Yeah, you were screaming in pain while holding your eyes and you were telling someone to go away. You seemed to be in a genjutsu, but we couldn't release you from it," Naomi said worriedly.
"I don't remember what happened," Sayuri said holding her head in pain. She tried to stand up, but couldn't keep herself up, and Minato caught her.
"It's okay, let's just go back to the village." Minato saw that Sayuri was losing her consciousness again from the pain. After she was limp in his arms, he teleported them both to the Hokages building. Once there, he walked to the Hokage's office. The Hokage asked what happened and Minato told him everything he knew.
"Take her to the hospital so they can do a check-up on her. After that, return to your mission." Minato gave a nod and left for the hospital. The Hokage was worried that someone targeted her because of who she is, and was now thinking back about the warnings her mother gave him. After a while of thinking, he stood up and began his walk to the hospital.
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msleviathan · 3 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 2 - The Return
Sayuri and Kakashi didn't make it that far when Sayuri felt some chakra signatures dangerously close to them. She felt like they would have to stop and fight. She looked over at the boy and it was obvious that he didn't feel anything. She felt these signatures surround them and they had no chance to escape. They must've found them by the fire that they had lit for a while.
"Hey Kakashi, stop for a second," They both landed on a branch. He was confused about why they stopped so suddenly.
"What's up?" Kakashi asked.
"We are being surrounded." At that moment the boy felt them too. He sensed about six of them. The chakra felt somewhat familiar to Sayuri.
"You can fight, right?" She asked him.
"Of course," he sounded offended.
"This is going to be a 2 vs. 6 fight, so better fight well, Hatake."
"Yeah, don't worry about it."
At this point, they were faced with enemies. They were six tanned men who wore a length of animal fur around their shoulders and mainly had clothing that camouflaged them with the surrounding forest. They had an olive green symbol of a circle with a square touching the circumference of the circle on their backs, which was the symbol of their nomadic clan. Once Sayuri got a good look at them, she recognized who they were. They were rogue shinobi. A type of rogue shinobi that likes to loot dead bodies or kill young genin, especially during this time of war. She has encountered them before and from her last encounter, they don't seem too bright.
"Oh boy, looks like we've got ourselves some fresh genin." the one with markings on his face said with a chuckle, which seemed to be the leader.
"Yeah, so what we're genin." Kakashi looked at Sayuri confused but played along. She must've known that he's Jonin, and he doubted that she was a genin if the Hokage sent her.
"Hm, looks like the pretty one is brave. Well look here kid, don't try to fight us or you won't make it out alive."
Sayuri placed herself so that her back and Kakashi's would be back to back. Kakashi took this as a signal that she was ready to fight.
"Aw, look at them they want to try to fight," said another with a thin face. Sayuri launched at the one that spoke up and swiftly cut his throat with her katanas that Kakashi didn't see her get out. Sayuri had a blood-red katana and another neon blue one that seemed to glow by her chakra. The other five were put on edge because of her actions. Kakashi took this opportunity to activate his Chidori and strike one that put his focus on Sayuri, which effectively killed him. The others soon came to realize that "the fresh genin" were not messing around and began to take them seriously.
Sayuri noticed that Kakashi wasn't moving and was just staring at the bright blood on his hand and forearm from his most recent kill. She called out to him but all he could hear was muffled noises, thinking back of what he did earlier. She realized that she would have to take out the other four rogue shinobi by herself. Which wasn't anything she couldn't handle.
Luckily, none of them were close to Kakashi, so she could try to keep them away from him. She will have to keep the attention of all of them on herself. She positioned her katanas and launched herself at one of them but he blocked and pushed her off him. Sayuri landed on a nearby branch trying to think of a strategy to take them all out. She will have to use her speed to her advantage and take them out one by one. So she focused a fire-style Jutsu on the man closest to her. Not having time to do a counterattack, the man burned to a crisp. Since the fire took a few seconds to disperse completely, it gave enough time for one of the men to grab a hold of her arms while another quickly grabbed her legs. Sayuri struggled against their strong hold. The leader of the small group came up to her and she stopped her struggling. He reached into her pouch and pulled out a kunai, inspecting it.
"You damn shinobi always causing wars, " he said to Sayuri.
"Why do you care? Don't you benefit from it?" she responded.
"Doesn't mean we don't fall victims from the violence," with this said, he took the kunai and stabbed her deep in her leg, making her cry out in pain. He turned around and made his way to Kakashi, but she needed to escape before he makes it to Kakashi.
She only had one way of escape and that involved using one of the Megami's clan special abilities. The ability to summon and manipulate the user's weapon from their hand. Her red katana came from her left hand and punctured the skull of the man holding her legs. Once her legs were free, she head kicked the man holding her arms. This made him lose his balance and fall backward from the uneven weight. On the ground, she managed to wrap her legs around the man's neck, suffocating him. She cut his throat before she further injured herself.
She looked up and saw that the man with the marks was now close to Kakashi.
"Kakashi!" she yelled. This brought him out of his trance and he jumped back before the leader was able to strike him. The boy took out a kunai and ran with a rush of adrenalin towards the marked man. It had happened so quickly. Kakashi swiftly cut the throat of the man in front of him. Sayuri was shocked because he was just having some kind of breakdown earlier. She got up and limped towards Kakashi.
"Kakashi... are you okay?" She asked carefully.
"Says the one with the injured leg."
"Kakashi, you know that's not what I meant."
"I'm fine," she let it slip because she didn't want to start anything.
"Okay, I'll heal myself and we'll get going again."
She slowly took out the kunai by pulling it out little by little and then healing the flesh beneath it. She couldn't just pull it out completely or else she would lose too much blood. This was a long process, but she was eventually done in about half an hour. Once she was done, her leg was very sore but she would still be able to make it back to the village.
Kakashi noticed that she was done and watched her as she tested out her leg. After that, Sayuri pulled out a mask and put it on. Kakashi was shocked to see that happen because her mask looked like the ones the ANBU wear, but they are never supposed to take those off during a mission.
"You're in the ANBU?" he asked.
"Not really, it's just the guys at the gate know my mask, so we won't be bombarded with questions when we enter. I also hate wearing this thing, but I'm supposed to wear it when I'm on duty at the village. When I'm on missions outside the village, I never wear it."
"Why does it look like an ANBU mask?"
"It's to protect my identity. And If I think about it, I kinda do have my own division in the ANBU"
"What?" Kakashi was confused about what she was talking about.
"Whatever, let's go," she hopped onto a tree and Kakashi followed close behind.
Once they reached the gates of the village, the gates men let them in. As the gates opened, Sayuri told Kakashi that he needed to talk to the Hokage immediately. He just looked at her and nodded. Once inside, they made their way to the Hokage office.
Right when they were about to enter the office, a group of jonin come out just returning from a mission, and in that group was Minato. Kakashi had a horrified look on his face. That's when Sayuri remembered that Minato was Kakashi's teacher.
"Kakashi... and Sayuri? What are-" Minato was interrupted by Sayuri.
"Hey, Minato! Kakashi and I need to report our mission to the Hokage. Talk to you later!" Sayuri said quickly while pushing Kakashi into the office, and Minato just gave her a confused glare.
"Sayuri, Kakashi, you're back," the Hokage's voice boomed throughout the quiet dense room. Neither of them spoke up. Kakashi was just staring at the floor
"Uh, yeah..." Sayuri finally responded nervously after moments of awkward silence. She saw the Hokage mouth an 'I know' when Kakashi wasn't looking and she just gave a nod.
"Sayuri, please leave us alone. I will call you in later," with that she quickly made her way out the door and sprinted down the hall to catch up with Minato
"Minato!" she called out to him once she saw him.
"Hey Sayuri, why were you and Kakashi acting strange? Why were you two together? Are you guys dating?!" Minato responded, whisper-yelling the last part.
"Ew. No. Gross. Stop. Don't make jokes right now! Do you really not know? Did the Hokage not tell you?"
"No, tell me what? Wait, where's Rin?" Sayuri grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. She wondered why the Hokage didn't tell him. It's possible that he was just given another mission and didn't want him to perform poorly. "Where are we going?"
"To go see Rin," she quickly walked down the streets with Minato following her closely behind.
"What happened to her? Was she hurt?" Sayuri didn't answer any of his questions until she made it to the morgue. Minato saw where they were staying in front of. "No, don't tell me... not her too"
They both walked inside. The lady at the front desk stared at Sayuri for a few seconds and it creeped her out.
"Oh you must be Ms. Megami, Lord Third told us you were coming to help us with something"
"I was?"
"Yes, we needed help identifying a strange chakra signature in the body of Rin Nohara." A heartbreaking look fell over Minato when he heard her name.
"Why didn't you just get the Uzumaki, she's good at that stuff too."
"Kushina is on a mission," Minato spoke up.
"Okay, let's go look at her." They walked into the room where she lay on the cold metal table with a sheet covering her body. Sayuri's throat closed up when she saw her and stopped herself from tearing up. When they all entered the room they were all hit by the strange chakra. Sayuri found it strange how she missed it when she saw her earlier, but she must've been overwhelmed by the scene to worry about the chakra. She walked up to Rin's body and touched her cold face and she felt the chakra. She couldn't help but think how familiar it felt. She also felt a faint chakra signature that also felt familiar.
"That chakra feels familiar. It almost feels like Kushina's but different."
"What do you mean?" asked the lady.
"It feels like the chakra of a tailed beast"
"Oh my, I'll report this to Lord Third right away."
"No, I'll tell him myself. Can you please leave us alone for a moment?"
"Of course," she closed the door leaving Sayuri and Minato alone with Rin's body.
"What happened?" Minato spoke up.
She didn't completely know what happened, but she had a guess of what possibly occurred. She was thinking back to the scene when she first saw Rin's body. Kakashi and Rin were surrounded by mist shinobis that were at a distance from them. So unless they had a long-distance attack that could create a huge hole in her chest, it probably wasn't the mist shinobis. Also, how did they die? Did Kakashi do it? She highly doubted it. Her best guess was that Kakashi killed her because it made the most sense from what information she has. Why would he kill her? It's strange how she has diluted tailed beast chakra in her dead body. It's possible that she was made a jinchuriki and that's why Kakashi killed her. That's too cold-hearted, though. There's also this extremely faint chakra signature that is tremendously strong and it gave her chills down her spine when she felt it.
"I think Kakashi killed her," she said in a low voice.
"What?! No way he would do that." he refuted Sayuri. She lifted the sheet to show him the hole in her chest and he just looked away.
"I know it's hard to believe, but it's just the way I found them. It made me believe he did it. Plus, when we were coming back, we were attacked by rogue shinobis and when Kakashi killed one with his lightning thing, he froze up while staring at the blood on his hand. It's as though he was having some kind of breakdown as if he killed her the same way."
"That doesn't sound like him" At this moment, the lady from the front desk came in.
"Sir, there's a group of gentlemen looking for you," she told Minato.
"Right I have a mission to get to." He gets up to leave.
"Hey Minato, don't think too much about it. It's possible he didn't do it." He gave her a nod and left.
She sat in the silent room and let out a sigh while putting her hands up to her face. She sat there thinking back on the memories she had with Rin and she let her tears fall. A familiar cry of a bird filled the room and she knew the Hokage was calling her. She got up, dried her face, and walked back to the Hokage's office.
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msleviathan · 3 years
Skyfall - Kasari Hatake (Kakashi's Daughter)
(Prologue) Scroll 1 - The Girl with the Arrow-Shaped Marks
The smell of blood was strong in the air. A massacre occurred. She had heard rumors about Kakashi Hatake, but no way he could've done that. That slaughter. Her name was Sayuri Megami. She was the Hokage's guardian, it was her clan's duty to protect the Hokage.
She had found him in a pool of blood, hyperventilating. She easily knocked him out, so she wouldn't have to deal with him. All around her were butchered hidden mist shinobi and a girl with short brown hair, and purple marks on her face, who must've been Kakashi's teammate. The view gave her chills as she was thinking about how a boy her age could've done this. Yet again, Sayuri has done the same thing, since they were at war.
After her little thought session, she got back to her mission. Sayuri wrote a note on a small piece of paper and let out a whistle from her lips. A few seconds later a small blackbird came into view and landed on her forearm. She attached the note to the bird's leg and sent it off. This bird's job was to find a collector ninja to come and retrieve the girl's body, as mentioned in the note. Sayuri pulled the body to a safe location and covered it with a sheet. She used the cold blood from the ground to draw a symbol for the collector ninjas to know which body they are supposed to collect. Each village valued their dead and wished to have their fallen warriors in a grave so they can rest in peace.
Sayuri went back to the still unconscious boy and checked if he had any injuries that she could heal, but didn't find any. She lifts him up on her back so she can carry him back to the village. Before she began to hop back to the village, she quickly scanned her surroundings for chakra signatures that could possibly give her trouble. Sayuri did find some signatures, but they were too far away to give her any trouble. From this reassurance, she began to hop from tree to tree towards the Hidden Leaf.
The chill of the cold wind of the night was coating her skin as she hopped around, trying to dodge any chakra signatures. It had been quite a peaceful trip back to her hometown. She passed a wonderful waterfall she wished she could've stopped by. Went through a flower forest, which had an abundance of herbs she could've used. Pass a bright and lovely town that had a hot spring she was aching to use, but she must complete the mission first. Sayuri did see some cold unclaimed bodies in a river, which gave her a painful reminder of the current war claiming the hundreds of lives of shinobi and the innocent. Her thoughts put her in a gloomy mood as she remembered her mother had died in the previous great war, protecting the Third Hokage.
The shift of the forgotten weight on her back brought her out of her thoughts. Kakashi was waking up. "Great, we were almost at the village," Sayuri thought sarcastically. Kakashi began to panic as he didn't know where he was. He pushed himself off her back, thinking she was an enemy. Kakashi tumbled down to the forest floor, landing hard. The boy now had scratches all over his arms and face from the branches he hit. His foot broke his landing which was now hurt badly. Concerned, Sayuri quickly came to his side. Kakashi was terrified as a light started to come towards him. He took out a kunai to fend himself from the light, but he soon realized he was with a girl with a hidden leaf headband.
"Calm down, Kakashi. I'm not going to hurt you." Kakashi couldn't take his eyes off her. Not because of her beauty, but because of the glowing arrow-shaped marks under her eyes. He's never seen something like that and was wondering if it was some type of Jutsu.
"I guess we should make a camp here for the night, and we should head back to the village in the morning." She stood up and he scooted back from her. She just sighed from his action.
"I'm going to get firewood, don't move," she gave him a stern face and left.  As she was looking she made sure to sense his chakra to see if he tried to move. It's not like he could run from the injury he got from that fall.
It was quite dark and she couldn't see much from what little light the stars provided, but luckily the light from the marks on her face provide enough light for her to see.
She felt Kakashi try to stand up. "Kakashi! What did I tell you!" this scared him because he couldn't tell where her voice was coming from due to the echo of the forest. He just stayed put because he couldn't run.
She did manage to find some dry wood which was perfect to burn, now she started to head back to Kakashi. Kakashi was on alert once she was back. Sayuri began to dig a hole to put the firewood in. She collected some stones and put them around the hole. She used a simple fire-style Jutsu to bring her little creation to life. Once the warm glow from the fire came to life, Kakashi was finally able to see her features. The girl across him had pale skin, shimmering black hair, and those damn glowing marks on her face. But what really captured him was her wine-colored eyes that seemed to have some type of history and fury behind them. She caught him staring at him and Sayuri just stared back looking at his features as well. His grey gravity-defying hair, charcoal-black eye, the scar on his Sharingan eye, and peach white skin.
A squeak from the trees broke their trance. There was a squirrel, so Sayuri took this opportunity to take out a kunai and throw it at the poor creature. It landed right on its heart. Sayuri climbed the rough tree bark to get it. Once she was back with Kakashi, she set it down and headed towards the boy. She forcibly took his foot and began healing it. Kakashi just watched the glowing chakra from her hands, which made him forget what he saw earlier.
"Who are you and why am I here?" she looked at him, debating whether to answer his question. The Hokage told her not to tell anyone about herself for her own protection, but she knew Kakashi wouldn't leave her alone if she didn't tell him anything.
"My name is Sayuri Megami. I work directly for the Hokage. I was sent on a mission to retrieve you and take you back to the village." she responded. Silence fell over them. He still had so many questions but didn't know in what order to ask them.
"What happened earlier with the mist shinobi?" Sayuri asked, but he turned away from her, not wanting to respond. She understood and stood up since she was done healing him. She walked back to the dead squirrel. She took out a kunai and began to skin it. "Where's Rin?" Kakashi spoke up. "A collector ninja should have her body by now." A collector ninja, that must mean she really is dead, Kakashi thought. Kakashi then wrapped his arms around his legs and placed his chin on his knees. Sayuri noticed the heartbreaking look that fell over him.
"You know she used to be my friend." He looked over at her from her sudden outburst. "We have all lost people we care about. Those of us who are still alive need to fight for freedom for future generations to enjoy. For now, we just need to keep on fighting." Kakashi appreciated her passion for peace.
"Why haven't I seen you around the village?" Kakashi asked. Surely with those glowing marks on her face, he would've remembered her from somewhere. Especially since she's a kunoichi.
"Like I said I work directly with the Hokage, meaning I always have to be with him to protect him. So I have to live in the Hokage mansion. And since the Hokage's mansion has everything I need, I don't go out much. Plus, the Hokage is always sending me out on missions, so it's not like I have the time." Kakashi simply hummed to her response and shot her with another question.
"Who are the Megami?" She froze from skinning the squirrel. She didn't know how to respond. She knew that she wasn't originally from the Megami clan. She was born into a different clan, like her mother. But her mother left said clan shortly before she died, so their last name was changed to her grandmother's clan name, Megami. The signature mark of the Megami Clan was the arrow-shaped mark underneath the eyes. Another problem is that she's the one left from her clan and she knew that Kakashi was the last one from the Hatake clan. The last thing she wanted was to form some kind of connection with him. She also didn't know much about her clan, since she was forced to change her name not that long ago. She only knew some aspects of the clan and herself from the Hokage. She was so lost in thought, she simply said the first thing that came out.
"I don't know really . . . I'm the only one left." She mentality scolded herself for doing what she told herself not to do. She wanted to change the topic. "Why'd you ask?" she said.
"Well, every village has its own clans and they are well known to everyone in their village. But I've never heard of the Megami, so I was just curious, that's all." Kakashi said.
"Well don't expect to hear about them very often. The Hokage makes sure my existence is a secret, so you better keep your mouth shut, Hatake." Kakashi just muttered a fine and looked away from her, not wanting to talk anymore. She was done skinning the creature and was now on a stick over the fire.
Truthfully, she never had many friends because of who she was. Sayuri only knew of Rin because of her few weeks at the academy. Once she graduated, which was much earlier than Rin, she was only allowed to hang out with Rin if there were ANBU watching her, because of her mother's and the Hokage's orders. After a while, she stopped being with Rin because she felt so uncomfortable with the ANBU watching her like a hawk. She hoped Rin still remembered her, but she doubted it. A depressed feeling came over her thinking about how she lost one of the only friends she ever had. She glanced over at Kakashi for a second, knowing how he must be feeling right at the moment. He lost everyone in his team, Rin and Obito. And by the way, Rin and Kakashi were positioned when Sayuri found them, Kakashi was possibly the one who killed Rin. Being the Hokage's guardian requires her to know a lot of information about the high-ranking shinobi in the village, meaning she knows Kakashi's life and struggles. Maybe being friends with him might be a good thing for both of them.
The smell of roasted squirrel brought her out of her thoughts, so she quickly grabbed it before it burned. Once it cooled down, she took two legs of the squirrel and ripped it half through the center. She handed one half to Kakashi and he took it.
"You know we have food packs," Kakashi said questioning why she killed and roasted a squirrel.
"Do you really want to eat those disgusting dry food packs over roasted meat?" He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought."
After a while of eating in silence, Sayuri asked the boy if he wanted to go to the village after they were done eating or in the morning.
"Well if we wait and leave the fire burning all night, someone might find us, so let's go now," he responded.
"Are you sure? Are you able to run?" Kakashi stood up and walked around, testing out his foot. He confirmed he'd be able to run back to the village.
"Alright let's put out this fire and get going." With that, they got rid of their tracks and began to make their way back to Konoha.
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